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We owe your name and address to the commercial counselor’s office of the Australian Embassy in Beijing。


We hope you will make your best efforts to promote friendship as well as business。

3、我们现附函寄去最新的价目表和样品三份,以便使你方熟悉我们目前可出口的商品。Please find enclosed the latest list and three sample books so as to acquaint you with our goods exportable at present。


One of our clients is in the market for Chinese black tea。


We are enclosing you the price list and catalogue of our chemicals


Our clients show no interest in your chemicals from the time being


If your prices are reasonable,we are sure we can conclude substantial business with you


If you can reduce your price by 5%,we trust we can conclude business。


At your request,we are enclosing catalogue and brochure。


If you find our quotations workable,please let us know so as to facilitate our making firm offers 11、付款应采用不可撤销的信用证

Payment should be made by an irrevocable letter of credit


We haven’t learned anything about that firm。We shall appreciate it if you will supply the information about it


The office retailer has given your name as a reference


We have received your letter of 29th asking us to inquire into the background of the company 15、至于我们的信用情况,请向中国银行上海分行咨询,相信他们会提供你们所需的资

As to our credit standing, please refer to Bank of China ,shanghai branch. We trust that they will provide you with all information you need.


Our price of pen is USD 50 per dozen CIF Lagos


We used to import bicycles from USA but would now bike to buy from your corporation


We shall appreciate if you will send us your lastest sample and price list


We learn from the internet that you are a leading importer of cars of various brands


We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that we can supply floopy disks you require 21、按照要求,现随函寄去最新的纯棉床单的样品本

As requested, we are airmailing you separately the latest samply book for 100% cotton bed sheets.


We take pleasure in making you a most competitive offer for inkjet printers as follow.


Owing to the stock of such goods being low, we would advise you to accept our offer without delay.


As your offer is yet under our serious consideration,please keep it open till the end of this month 25、由于此项商品需求量很大,请尽快回复

As the goods are in heavy demand, please reply as soon as possible


If we can meet each other half way, they will be possibility of concluding business


We have to point out that the quality of the goods ex s.s “red star ”dose not measure up to the contracted standard


We feel regretful that you feel failed to direct the attention of your users to the quality of the products


If you can make a further reduction of 2%,your price will be competitive enough

30、我们并不否认我们的花生价格较印度略高一些,但两者的品质如此悬殊,根本无法比拟We do not deny that our groundnut price is slightly higher than that of Indian orgin but there is such a wide difference in quality that the comparison between the two is entirely out of the question


You L/C must reach us on or before the 25th this mouth; otherwise we shall not be able to catch the steamer “dongfeng”


We do not deny that the quality of your products is superior to that of Japanese make but the difference in price should in no case be as big as 20%

33、please accept as early as you can if it satisfies you 如贵方满意请尽早接受


We have to point out that your price is so high that no business can be concluded on that basis 35、很抱歉,由于原料不足,我们目前不能供应你方所要求的产品

We regret that we cannot supply you with the goods required owing to shortage of raw materials 36、为了达成交易,我们愿与你方各让一半

In order to close the deal, we prepared to meet you half way


We are not in a position to make you an offer at present; nevertheless, we will keep your enquiry in mind
