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The Bill of Rights
The End
Thank you!
The early groups are known as Hohokam, Adenans,Hopewellians, and Anasazi.
Big house
These early groups disappeared over time and were replaced by other groups
The Stamp Act
The protest against British taxes known as the “Boston Tea Party,” 1773
The American Revolution began at Lexington,between British troops and armed colonists on April 19, 1775
The first Europeans to arrive in North America for whom there is solid evidence were Norse. Daddy ...
Erik the Red
Leif Eriksson
most famous of these explorers Christopher Columbus
Formation of a National Government
The 13 American colonies ratified the Articles of Confederation
these Articles of Confederation provided for a union, but an extremely loose and fragile one. George Washington called it a “rope of sand.”
Support from Washington, the delegates proposed holding a convention to rethink of the Confederation
The historic room in Independence Hall
On September 17, 1787, after four months of deliberation, a majority of delegates signed the new Constitution
The founding of America
Machinery Manufacture Guo Peng
Early America
About 35,000 years ago, the first Americans crossed the land bridge to North America and finally settled
the first shots of the American Revolution
the Declaration of Independence
A peace treaty was finally signed in Paris on April 15, 1783
The Treaty of Paris
Colonial assemblies
Relations between settlers and Native Americans were an uneasy mix of cooperation and conflict
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ Road to Independence
Britain initiated policies designed to control and fund its vast empire in the 1750s
By 1690, the population was 250,000
Mayflower Compact
The colonies except Georgia was directly sponsored not by the British government, but by private groups
Amerigo Vespucci for whom the continent was named
Colonial Period
Virginia, Massachusetts, New York, and the 10 other areas colonized by a growing tide of immigrants from Europe Most settlers who came to these colonies in the 1600s were English
Original of the U.S. Constitution, signed by the delegates in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787
When the first Congress in September 1789,10 amendments were added