基因组DNA提取试剂盒 说明书
![基因组DNA提取试剂盒 说明书](
基因组DNA 提取试剂盒使用说明书此说明书仅适用于此说明书仅适用于基因组基因组DNA 提取试剂盒提取试剂盒,,使用前请务必仔细阅读说明书有关内容使用前请务必仔细阅读说明书有关内容,,若有任何疑问若有任何疑问,,欢迎致电厦门欢迎致电厦门致致善生物科技有限公司生物科技有限公司((4006618810*************)进行咨询进行咨询,,您也可以登录我们公司的网站您也可以登录我们公司的网站(( )了解相关信息或者通过E-mail ( ****************) 与我们进行沟通与我们进行沟通。
一 产品简介基因组DNA 提取试剂盒采用本公司自行研制的磁珠,用于从抗凝全血、新鲜或冻存组织、培养细胞、石蜡包埋组织、唾液、培养细菌等一系列不同样品中分离、纯化高质量的基因组DNA。
品名规格 货号 基因组DNA 提取试剂盒100T 4hk001裂解液DL 120ml ×2 磁粒 40ml 洗涤液 50ml ×5 洗脱液 45ml 缓冲液HTL 20ml ×1 二硫苏糖醇(DTT ) 10管,0.18g/管 说明书 1份储存条件储存条件::本试剂盒所有试剂(除DTT 外)均可以室温保存,应避免阳光直射。
DTT 需要于冰箱4℃保存。
本试剂盒有效期为12个月, 请于有效期内使用。
三 使用者自配试剂DTT 溶液使用浓度为1mol/L 。
干血斑DNA快速提取试剂盒说明书运输条件:常温运输货号:51041-N:50次反应51042-N:100次反应储存条件:室温(15-25℃)产品特点试剂盒组成组分50次100次结合液50ml 100ml洗涤液25ml 50ml核酸释放剂 2.5ml 5ml产品介绍BIOG干血斑DNA快速提取试剂盒是我公司研发团队在综合比较了国外同类优质产品的基础上反复研制优化而成,专门用于干血斑DNA的提取。
取出纸片,将离心管置于离心机5,000 rpm 离心3分钟。
将离心管置于离心机5,000 rpm 离心3分钟。
4. 彻底弃上清,加入30-50μL核酸释放剂,充分混匀,即得DNA溶液。
UltraClean SoilDNA Isolation Kit Sample详细过程全过程戴上手套1、在2 ml Bead Solution Tubes 里加入0.25—1g 土样(注意:请参照提示和纠错指南确定加入土壤的量)。
发生的反应:土样或废渣样本被装入到Bead Tube中。
Bead Solution 是一种打散土壤颗粒的溶液并开始溶解腐殖酸。
发生的反应:混合样本和Bead Solution。
加热到60℃会使SDS 溶解。
4、加入60 μl S1溶液,漩涡几次或简短地漩涡(3-4s)。
5、加入200μl IRS溶液(抑制剂去除的溶液)。
DNA 要用于PCR时需要进行此步沉淀。
6、确保使用MO BIO Vortex Adapter tube holder 进行漩涡时bead tube 是水平放置的。
(更少量的DNA剪切见可选择的溶解方法)注意:如果使用可放置多于12支试管的24空位的Vortex Adapter,增加5—10min 的漩涡时间。
7、将试管在10000 × g离心30s。
注意:不能超过10000 × g 否则试管会坏。
血液基因组DNA 提取试剂盒 说明书
![血液基因组DNA 提取试剂盒 说明书](
广州东盛生物科技有限公司 电话:020-87791356
传真:020-87791381 网址:
PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 耀
操作步骤-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 取血液样本,每 400 μl 血液加入到一只 1.5 ml 离心管中。加入 2 倍体积的红细胞裂解液 RS。漩涡振荡或上下来回颠倒混匀。 5,000 rpm 离心 3min,弃上清,收集白色或淡红色沉淀。
血液基因组 DNA 提取试剂盒(硅胶膜离心柱法)
红细胞裂解液 RS 消化缓冲液 DS 裂解液 MS 蛋白酶 K 去蛋白液 PS 漂洗液 PE 纯化液 TE DNA 纯化柱 说明书
80 ml 15 ml 20 ml 1 ml 30 ml 15 ml 5 ml 50 个 1份
问:提取的基因组 DNA 生物活性差,为什么?
答:1 提取的基因组 DNA 盐浓度过高,沿管壁四周加入漂洗液 PE,这样有利于提高清洗效果;
2 DNA 中含有乙醇,严格按第 8 步的离心速度和时间操作;
3 进行 DNA 洗脱时请一定在膜的中央加入纯化液,尽量不要沾染管壁。
广州东盛生物科技有限公司 电话:020-87791356
omega DNA 提取试剂盒 说明书
![omega DNA 提取试剂盒 说明书](
Materials to Be Provided by User ! Tabletop microcentrifuge and nuclease-free 1.5 ml tubes ! Water bath set to 30oC ! Shaking water bath set to 55oC ! Incubator or waterbath set to 65oC ! Absolute ethanol (96%-100%) - Do not use other alcohols
Add 8 ml absolute (96%-100%) ethanol Add 80 ml absolute (96%-100%) ethanol Add 80 ml absolute (96%-100%) ethanol per bottle
Store the diluted DNA Wash Buffer at room temperature.
Page 3 of 8
Before Starting
! Please read the entire booklet to become familiar with the E.Z.N.A.® Bacterial DNA Kit procedure.
! Prepare a lysozyme stock solution at 50 mg/ml and aliquot into adequate portions. Store each aliquot at -20oC and thaw before use. Each sample will require 20 ìl of this solution.
Kit Contents
Product Purification times HiBind® DNA Mini Columns 2 ml Collection Tubes Buffer BTL Buffer BDL Buffer HB DNA Wash Buffer concentrate Glass Powder Lysozyme Elution Buffer Proteinase K RNase A User Manual
用于后续的杂交、克隆、酶切、PCR 分析等。
产品内容溶血液(Reagent A)毫升清理液(Reagent B)毫升裂解液(Reagent C)毫升净化液(Reagent D)毫升强化液(Reagent E)毫升保存液(Reagent F)毫升破膜液(Reagent G)毫升去干扰液(Reagent H)微升酶解液(Reagent I)微升萃取液(Reagent J)毫升浓缩液(Reagent K)毫升助沉液(Reagent L)微升沉淀液(Reagent M)毫升纯化液(Reagent N)毫升缓冲液(Reagent O)毫升产品说明书1份保存方式保存净化液(Reagent D)、去干扰液(Reagent H)、酶解液(Reagent I)、萃取液(Reagent J)和助沉液(Reagent L)在-20℃冰箱里,其余的保存在4℃冰箱里,有效保证6月用户自备1.5毫升离心管:用于核酸操作的容器15毫升锥形离心管:用于线粒体初步制备的容器50毫升锥形离心管:用于血细胞处理的容器涡旋震荡仪:用于混匀4℃微型台式离心机:用于沉淀细胞和核酸4℃超速离心机:用于分离细胞器成分DOUNCE匀浆器:用于裂解细胞58℃恒温水槽:用于孵育反应物实验步骤一、白细胞分离实验开始前,室温预热血溶液(Reagent A),同时4℃预冷清理液(Reagent B)。
Version 1.0核酸提取试剂磁珠法病毒核酸提取试剂盒操作手册货号:MI30301S(50次/盒) MI30301M(100次/盒)MI35301S(32次/盒) MI35301M(96次/盒)莫纳(武汉)生物科技有限公司400-928-3698核酸提取试剂说明书【产品名称】通用名称:核酸提取试剂商品名称:磁珠法病毒核酸提取试剂盒【包装规格及适配仪器】预封装:32次/盒、96次/盒(适配Auto-Ex 32全自动核酸提取仪)非预封装:50次/盒、100次/盒(手工提取和其他自动核酸提取仪)【预期用途】用于核酸的提取、富集、纯化等步骤。
【主要组成成分】序号组分预封装非预封装列位32次/盒96次/盒50次/盒100次/盒1裂解液VPL第2、8列600μL/孔600μL/孔30 mL60 mL2洗涤液VPA第3、9列700μL/孔700μL/孔18 mL36 mL3磁珠MB1第4、10列30μL/孔30μL/孔2*1 mL3*1 mL475%乙醇700μL/孔700μL/孔// 575%乙醇第5、11列700μL/孔700μL/孔6无核酸酶水第6、12列100μL/孔100μL/孔 5 mL10 mL 组件数量96孔预封装板/2*16T6*16T/8连磁棒套2*2T6*2T【储存条件及有效期】室温(15~25℃)保存,非预封装试剂盒中磁珠MB1建议于2~8℃保存。
【检验方法】方法一:自动法1. 试剂板准备1)预封装板:取出深孔板,颠倒数次使磁珠重悬,孔板离心机500 rpm离心1 min,使试剂及磁珠集中在孔板底部,使用前小心撕去铝箔封口膜,避免液体溅出。
游离DNA提取试剂盒(磁珠法)说明书【产品名称】通用名称:核酸提取或纯化试剂商品名称:游离DNA 提取试剂盒(磁珠法)英文名称:Magbind CFDNA Kit 该试剂盒提供了一种简单、快速、高效的游离DNA (Free circulating / Cell-free DNA)提取方法,适用于从血清、血浆、淋巴液、尿液等无细胞体液中提取游离DNA 。
纯化得到的离DNA 质量稳定、可靠,可用于下游常规实验。
【预期用途】 样品裂解后,在高盐存在时,DNA 结合于硅基包被的磁珠表面,漂洗后,高纯度DNA 被洗脱于洗脱缓冲液或去离子水中。
DNA 得率与样品的类型、储存条件、时间以及个体间差异有很大关系。
【检验原理】50次/盒;400次/盒【包装规格】版本号:11/2020【样本要求】1.适用标本类型:新鲜或冷冻的全血(用柠檬酸盐、EDTA 或肝素等抗凝剂处理过的血液样品)、血浆、血清、淋巴细胞、无细胞体液等样本。
【检验方法】实验前准备:向蛋白酶K 中加入指定用量的蛋白酶K 保存液使其溶解,终浓度为20 mg/ml ,-20℃保存。
1.向1.5 ml 离心管中加入20 μl 蛋白酶K 溶液。
2.向上一步的离心管中加入200 μl 血清/血浆样品。
3.向上一步的离心管中加入200 μl 裂解缓冲液,涡旋振荡5秒钟使其充分混匀后将离心管放于56℃、1300 rpm 的Thermomixer 上振荡裂解10分钟。
注意:1)如无Thermomixer ,需将离心管放于56℃水浴锅或金属浴中孵育10分钟,期间每隔2分钟涡旋振荡5秒钟。
若出现沉淀,60℃至完全溶解;(3)加入60μl C1溶液至PowerBead管中,上下颠倒数次混匀;(4)将PowerBead管古锭刀涡旋仪适配器上,最大转速旋涡连续振荡10min;(5)室温下,10000×g离心30s;(6)避开土壤颗粒,转移上清至干净的2ml Collection Tube;(7)往2ml Collection Tube中加入250μl C2溶液,涡旋混匀5S后,4℃下孵育5min;(8)室温下10000×g离心1min;(9)避开沉淀小珠,转移上清液至新的2ml Collection Tube中;(10)加入200μl C3溶液至2ml Collection Tube中,短暂涡旋混匀后,在4℃下孵育5min;(11)室温下10000×g离心1min;(12)避开沉淀小珠,转移上清液至新的2ml往2ml Collection Tube中;(13)将C4溶液摇晃混匀后,取1200μl加入到2mlCollection Tube中,涡旋混匀5S;(14)加载约675μl上清液到Spin Filter中,室温下10000×g离心1min。
倒掉废液,继续加入675μl上清液到Spin Filter中,室温下10000×g离心1min。
倒掉废液,加入剩余的上清液到Spin Filter中,室温下10000×g离心1min;(15)加入500μl C5溶液至Spin Filter中,室温下10000×g离心30s;(16)弃去上清液,室温下,10000×g,空离心Spin Filter 1min;(17)小心转移Spin Filter放入干净的2mlCollection Tube中,避免C5溶液溅洒在Spin Filter上,引起污染;(18)加入100μl C6溶液于中央白色滤膜中心,洗脱Spin Filter膜;(19)室温下,10000×g,离心30s;(20)弃去Spin Filter,于-20℃保存管中DNA。
D 3390-01 50 100 50 m L 10 m L 20 m L 7 mL 250
D 3390-02 200 400 180 m L 40 m L 80 m L 25 m L 1 mL 2 x 60 m L 50 m L 1
A. Dry Specim ens (Page 4) B . Fresh/Frozen Specim ens (Page 6) C. Short protocol (Page 9)
12 m L 1.5 m L 1
48 m L 15 m L 1
* Eq uilib ra tion B u ffe r co n ta in s S odium Hydroxide. W ear gloves and safety glasses when handling.
Before Starting
R apid protocol for dried or fresh sam ples. Yield is sufficient for P CR .
Fungal DNA Miniprep Protocol
A. Dry Specimens Materials to be provided by user ! Microcentrifuge capable of at least 10,000 x g ! ! ! ! ! ! Nuclease-free 1.5 mL or 2 mL microfuge tubes Water bath equilibrated to 65EC Equilibrate sterile dH2O water at 65EC Isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol) Absolute (96%-100%) ethanol Paper towels This is the most robust method for isolation of total cellular (mitochondrial, chloroplast, and genomic) DNA. Yields are usually sufficient for several tracks on a
The E.Z.N.A.™ High Performance (HP) Plant DNA Kit is designed for efficient recovery of genomic DNA up to 60 kb in size from fresh and dried plant tissue samples rich in polysaccharides or lower DNA contents. Up to 100 mg of wet tissue (or 30 mg dry tissue) can be processed in less than 1 hour. The system combines the reversible nucleic acid-binding properties of the HiBind® matrix with the speed and versatility of spin column technology to eliminate polysaccharides, phenolic compounds, and enzyme inhibitors from plant tissue lysates. Purified DNA is suitable for PCR, restriction digestion, and hybridization techniques. There are no organic extractions thus reducing plastic waste and hands-on time to allow multiple samples to be processed in parallel.
FastDNA SPIN Kit for Soil(mpbio土壤DNA提取试剂盒产品说明书-北京毕特博生物)
![FastDNA SPIN Kit for Soil(mpbio土壤DNA提取试剂盒产品说明书-北京毕特博生物)](
Shipping and Storage: The FastDNA® SPIN Kit for Soil is shipped and stored at ambient temperature.
Office Hours:
6:30 am - 5:00 pm P.S.T.(Mon-Fri)
Mailing Address:
FastDNA® SPIN Kit for Soil
Catalog # 6560-200 50 preps
General Information
Qbiogene is a pioneer in developing kits for molecular biology research. We introduced the GENECLEAN® Kits in 1986 and have since been manufacturing products to bring convenience into your research. Our goal is to make your life easier by simplifying the complexities of lab work.
Notes __________________________________________
Call (800) 424-6101 for Technical Support 2 11
Notes __________________________________________
Kit Components 6560-200 (50 preps)
2. Homogenization Reagents
The MT Buffer and Sodium Phosphate Buffer have been carefully selected and prepared to enable complete sample homogenization and protein solubilization. The reagents enable extraction of genomic DNA with minimal RNA contamination.
Low copy-number plasmid used
No DNA eluted.
DNA W ash Buffer Concentrate not dilute d w ith ab so lute eth an ol. Ov er m ixin g o f ce ll lysate upon addition of So lutio n II. Trace con tam inan ts eluted from column increase A 2 6 0. RNase A not added to S olu tion I. Ethanol traces not co m ple tely removed from column following wash steps.
Low Copy-Number Plasmids
Low copy-number plasmids generally give 0.1-1:g DNA per ml overnight culture. For routine screening of recombinant clones, 10-15 ml culture should provide ample material for agarose gel visualization or restriction digest analysis. However, the method can be modified to essentially double the yield if necessary. Start with 15-25 ml bacterial culture, centrifuge for 10 min at 5,000 x g in a 50 ml centrifuge tube. Proceed to Step 3 (Page 8) and double the volumes of Solutions I, II, and Buffer N3. Continue as above using only one HiBind DNA Mini Column II per 15-25 ml culture. There is no need to increase the volumes of Buffer HB and DNA Wash Buffer used. Note: This method is not recommended for high copy number plasmids because above 15 ml culture, the HiBind® DNA Mini Column II quickly becomes saturated. In this situation we recommend processing of multiple samples from the same culture.
BIOG 游离DNA 提取试剂盒说明书运输条件:常温运输 货 号:51019:50次反应51020:100次反应 储存条件:室温(15-25℃),消化液、DNA Carrier 请于-20℃存放产品特点 试剂盒组成 组分 50次 100次 吸附柱和收集管各50个 各100个 裂解液 18mL 36 mL 洗涤液A 21mL 42 mL 洗涤液B 9 mL 18 mL 洗脱液 3mL 6 mL 消化液 1.2 mL 2.4 mL DNA Carrier 0.24 mL 0.48 mL 说明书1份1份产品介绍BIOG cfDNA Easy Kit 是常州百代生物科技股份有限公司研制的专门用于提取血清、血浆等游离DNA 的试剂盒。
BIOG cfDNA Easy Kit 采用了最新的优质进口离子膜,裂解液和洗脱液经过多次优化,能高效地分离DNA 。
提取得到的DNA 较其它品牌的同类试剂盒产量更大,纯度更高,最大限度地去除了蛋白、色素、脂类等杂质污染,可以直接应用于PCR 、荧光定量PCR 和各种酶切试验等。
操作步骤1. 请自行准备:无水乙醇、1.5mL 离心管。
2. 取出洗涤液,按以下操作:a) 洗涤液A :21mL 加入9mL 无水乙醇;42mL 加入18mL 无水乙醇。
b) 洗涤液B :9mL 加入21mL 无水乙醇;18mL 加入42mL 无水乙醇。
c) 配制好的洗涤液如出现沉淀,可在37℃溶解,摇匀后使用。
3.取1.5mL 离心管,加入200μL 样本,4μL DNA Carrier 混合均匀,加入300μL 裂解液及20μL 消化液,振荡混匀,56℃水浴10 分钟。
4. 加入1000μL 无水乙醇,轻轻颠倒混匀,如有半透明悬浮物,不影响DNA 的提取与后续实验。
5. 将吸附柱放入收集管内,将760μL 上述溶液转入吸附柱内,静置2 分钟,12,000 rpm 4℃离心1 分钟,弃收集管内废液;6. 将吸附柱放回收集管内,将剩余760μL 溶液转移至吸附柱内,重复步骤5。
Pre-heat Elution Buffer to 65E C.
Dilute Wash Buffer Concentrate with ethanol as follows and store at room temperature.
D3390-00 D3390-01
Add 18 mL absolute (96%-100%) ethanol. Add 72 mL absolute (96%-100%) ethanol to each bottle. Add 90 mL absolute (96%-100%) ethanol to each bottle.
E.Z.N.A . Fungal DNA Kit 1 1 /2 0 0 7
E.Z.N.A . Fungal DNA Kit 1 1 /2 0 0 7
Kit Contents
Product N um ber H iBind
D 3390-00 5 10 5 ml 2 mL 2 mL 1.5 m L 40
For processing #50 m g powdered tissue. Yield is sufficient for several tracks on Southern assay. For processing #200 m g fresh (or frozen) tissue. Yield is sim ilar to A .
Introduction Contents
美国MOBIO 土壤RNA提取试剂盒?(RNA PowerSoil? Total RNA Isolation Kit)Detailed Protocol (Describes what is happening at each step) Wear RNase-Free gloves (1555) at all times and remove RNase from the work area using Lab Cleaner (12095) for RNase Removal. Both of these products are available from MO BIO. Please see “ Other Quality Products Available ” section at the end of this manual.1. Add up to 2 g of soil to the 15 ml Bead Tube (provided). Note: Please refer to Hints and Troubleshooting Guide for information regarding the amount of soil to process.1、加2g 土壤到15ml磁珠管中。
2. Add 2.5 ml of Bead Solution to the Bead Tube and vortex to mix.2、加2.5ml Bead Solution 到磁珠管中并漩涡混合。
3. Add 0.25 ml of Solution SR1 to the Bead Tube and vortex to mix.What' s happening: The Bead Solution is a buffer used to disperse cells and soil particles.Solution SR1 contains SDS and other disruption agents which aid in complete cell lysis. In addition to aiding in cell lysis, SDS is an anionic detergent that breaks down fatty acids and lipids associated with the cell membrane of several organisms. Note: If it gets cold, it will forma white precipitate. Heating to 60o C will dissolve the SDS and will not harm the other disruption agents.3. 加0.25ml SR1 到磁珠管并漩涡混合。
This method allows genomic bacterial isolation from up to 3ml LB cultureMaterials and equipment to be supplied by user:Tabletop microcentrifugeNuclease-free 1.5ml microcentrifuge tubesWater bath capable of 37℃Shaking water bath capable of 55℃Incubator or water bath capable of 65℃100% ethanolIsopropanolTE bufferVortexerBefore startingPrepare DNA wash buffer.HBC buffer and lysozyme as instructed in the “preparing reagents”section on page 4Set an incubaor or water bath to 65℃Set a water bath to 37℃Set a shaking water bath to 55℃Heat elution buffer to 65℃1.culture bacteria in LB media to log-phase.(overnight culture can be used in many cases)2.Centrifuge no more than 3ml culture or 1×109 cells at 4000×g for 10 minutes at room temperature3.Aspiate and discard the media4.Add 100μL TE buffer . vortex to plete resuspend the pellet5.Add 10 μL lysozyme6.Incubate at 37℃for 10 minutesNote: the amount of enzyme required and/or the length of incubation may need to be modified depending on the bacterial strain used.plete digestion of the cell wall is essential for efficient lysis.longer incubation time may yield better result.Optional:follow the short protocol belowfor difficult to lyse bacteria.1.add 25mg glass beads to 1.5ml microcentrifuge tube.2.Add sample to the glass beads3.Vortex at maximum speed for 5 minutes4.Let sample stang to allow the beads to settle5.Transfer supernatant to a new 1.5ml microcentrifuge tube.7.Add 100μL BTL buffer and 20μLProteinase K Solution.vortex to mix thoroughly.8.incubate at 55℃in a shaking water bath.Note:usually no more than 1 hour is required for bacterial lysis.if a shaking water bath is not available,incubate the samples and shake or briefly vortex every20-30minutes.9.Add 5μL RNase A.INVERT TUBE SEVERAL TIMES TO MIX10.Incubate at room temperature for 5 minutes11.Centrifuge at 10000×g for 2 minutes to pellet any undigested material12.Transfer the supernatan to a new 1.5ml microcentrifuge not disturb the pellet13.Add 220μL BDL buffer . votex to mix14.Incubate at 65℃for 10 minutesNote:a wispy precipitate may from upon addition of BDL buffer;it does not interfere with DNA recovery15.add 220μL 100% ethanol.vortex for 20 seconds at maximum speed to mix thoroughly. Note:if any precipitate can be seen at this point,break the precipitate by pipetting up ang down 10 times.16.insert a HiBind DNA Mini Column into a 2ml Collection Tube17.Transfer the entire sample to the HiBind DNA Mini Column,including any precipitate that may have formed.18.Centrifuge at 10000×g for 1 minute19.Discard the filtrate and the collection tube20.insert a HiBind DNA Mini Column into a new 2ml Collection Tube21.Add 500μLHBC bufferNote:HBC buffer must be diluted with isopropanol before use .please see page 4 for instructions22.Centrifuge at 10000×g for 1 minute23.Discard the filtrate and reuse the collection tube24.Add 700μL DNA wash buffer.Note:DNA Wash Buffer must be diluted with 100% ethanol before use.please see page 4 for instructions.25.Centrifuge at 10000×g for 1 minute26.Discard the filtrate and reuse the collection tube27.repeat steps 24-26 for a second DNA Wash Buffer wash step28.Centrifuge the empty HiBind DNA Mini Column at maximum speed (>10000×g) for 2 minutes to dry the columnNOTE:this step is criticalfor removal of trace ethanol that may interfere with downstream applications29.insert a HiBind DNA Mini Column into a new nuclease-free 1.5ml microcentrifuge tube30.Add50-100μL Elution Buffer heated 65℃to the HiBind DNA Mini ColumnNOTE: make a sure to add the elution buffer to the center of the HiBind matrix.each 50-100 μLelution typically yield 60-70%of the DNA bound to the HiBind matrix.two elutions generally yield~90%. however,increasing elution volume reduces the concentration of the final product .to obtain DNA at higher concentrations ,elution can be carried out using 50μL Elution buffer (which slightly reduces overall DNA yield)volumes lower than 50μLgreatly reduce yields.31.let sit for 3 to 5 minutes at room temperatureNOTE:yield may be increased by incubating the column at 65℃(rather than at room temperature) .32.Centrifuge at 10000×g for 1 minute to elution the DNA33.Repeat steps 30-32 for a second elution step34.Store eluted DNA at -20℃.该方法可从3ml LB培养物中分离细菌基因组实验者需要的材料和设备:台式微量离心机无核酸酶的1.5ml离心管(水浴锅)水浴温度37℃震荡的55℃的水浴恒温箱或65℃的水浴100%乙醇异丙醇TE缓冲液涡流混合器实验开始之前按照第4页的“制备试剂”一节中的说明准备DNA洗涤缓冲液,HBC缓冲液和溶菌酶设置恒温器或水浴至65℃设置一个水浴到37℃摇动水浴至55℃加热洗脱缓冲液至65℃(Elution Buffer)1.将LB培养基中的细菌培养至对数期(许多情况下过夜培养可用)2.在室温下4000×g离心10分钟(培养基不超过3ml或1×109细胞)3.吸弃上清4.加入100μL TE缓冲液。
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1.加2g土壤到15mL Bead Tube中
2.加入0.25mLSR1和0.8mLSR2之后,加入2.5mL Bead Solution到Bead Tube
7.加1.5mL SR3到水相中,然后涡旋混匀,4℃孵育10min
9.加入5mL SR4溶液到装有上清的收集管中,混匀,室温孵育30min
加1mL SR5到15mL收集管中,并反复吹打使完全重悬。
13.为每一个RNA样品准备一个RNA Capture Column
A.拿去15mL收集管的盖子,将RNA Capture Column放入15mL收集管中。
B.加2mL SR5到RNA Capture Column中,让其完全流尽。
14.从第12步加入RNA样品至RNA Capture Column中,然后让其在重力作用下流尽。
16.转移柱子到新的收集管,加入SR6震荡混合,然后加入1mL SR6到RNA Capture Column
17.转移洗脱的RNA到2.2mL收集管中,并且加入1mL SR4.颠倒至少一次混合,然后-20℃
20.用100μL SR7溶液重悬RNA沉淀,去除其中的基因组。