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Acute kidney injury(AKI)has emerged as a major public health problem that affects millions of patients worldwide and leads to decreased survival and increased progression of underlying chronic kidney disease(CKD).Recent consensus criteria for definition and classification of AKI have provided more consistent estimates of AKI epidemiology.Patients,in particular those in the ICU,are dying of AKI and not just simply with AKI.Even small changes in serum creatinine concentrations are associated with a substantial increase in the risk of death.

急性肾损伤(AKI)已成为一个重大的公共健康问题,它影响着全世界数百万患者,并导致了患者生存率的下降,加速了潜在慢性肾脏病(CKD)的进程。AKI 最新公认的定义和分类标准为AKI的流行病学提供了更加一致的推论。患者,特别是ICU里的患者,正在死于AKI,但不仅仅是AKI。即使是血清肌酐浓度的微小变化也会导致死亡风险的显著增加。


①survival n.生存率

②underlying adj.潜在的

③consensus n.共识

④classification n.分类

⑤epidemiology n.流行病学

⑥creatinine n.肌酐

⑦concentration n.浓度



Both hypertension(HTN)and Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD)are serious interrelated global public health problems.Nearly30%and15% of US adults have HTN and CKD,respectively.Because HTN may cause or result from CKD,HTN prevalence is higher and control more difficult with worse kidney function.Etiology of CKD,presence and degree of albuminuria,and genetic factors all influence HTN severity and prevalence.In addition,socioeconomic and lifestyle factors influence HTN prevalence and control.There are racial and ethnic disparities in the prevalence,treatment,risks,and outcomes of HTN in patients with CKD. Control of blood pressure(BP)in Hispanic and African Americans with CKD is worse than it is whites.

高血压(HTN)和慢性肾脏病(CKD)是相互关联的且严峻的全球公共健康问题。近30%和15%的美国成年人分别患有高血压和慢性肾脏病。由于HTN可导致CKD,也可由CKD导致,所以HTN患病率较高,且肾功能差的患者血压控制更困难。慢性肾脏病的病因、蛋白尿的有无和程度以及遗传因素均影响HTN 的严重程度和患病率。此外,社会经济和生活方式因素影响HTN的流行和控制。CKD患者HTN的患病率、治疗方法、风险和预后存在种族和民族差异。西语裔和非裔美国人慢性肾病脏患者的血压控制比白人差。


①hypertension n.高血压

②respectively adv.各自的

③prevalence n.流行

④albuminuria n.白蛋白尿

⑤socioeconomic adj.社会经济的

⑥racial adj.种族的,人种的

⑦ethnic adj.民族的,种族的

⑧disparity n.差异




Nephrotic syndrome(NS)consists of peripheral edema,heavy proteinuria,and hypoalbuminemia,often with hyperlipidemia.Patients typically present with edema and fatigue,without evidence of heart failure or severe liver disease.The diagnosis of NS is based on typical clinical features with confirmation of heavy proteinuria and hypoalbuminemia.The patient history and selected diagnostic studies rule out important secondary causes,including diabetes mellitus,systemic lupus erythematosus,and medication adverse effects.Most cases of NS are considered idiopathic or primary;membranous nephropathy and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis are the most common histologic subtypes of primary NS in adults.



①rule out排除

②diabetes mellitus n.糖尿病

③systemic lupus erythematosus n.系统性红斑狼疮

④adverse effects n.副作用

⑤idiopathic adj.特发的

⑥focal segmental glomerulosclerosis n.局灶性节段性肾小球硬化
