英语写作I 期末考试题型 (2011.6)

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英语写作I 期末考试题型介绍

I.(选择题)Choose the most suitable word from the three choices provided for each blank in the following sentences, and write your answer on the answer sheet. (16points) (本题出自课后练习题,与第28、30、48、51等页的题型类似,但增加了一个选项)例:

11. As a result of overproduction, a depression seems _______ in this rich country.

A. eminent

B. imminent

C. permanent


20. What the minister has said ________ that there will he a change in the economic


A. implies

B. infers

C. defers


II. (辨析题:辨认主题句)Identifying the topic sentences (10 points).


1. Choose the best topic sentence from the group below. Write your choice (A, B, C or D) on the answer sheet (3 points).

A. Music is an important part of my life.

B. When I feel low, music cheers me up.

C. I studied music at primary school for six years.

D. I am a member of the pop music club of my college.


2. Read the following paragraph carefully and select the best topic sentence from the four possible answers that follow the paragraph. Write your choice (A, B, C or D) on the answer sheet (3 points).

First, I have the whole week off from the stationery store because it’s going to be closed. My friends are all staying in town, so there will be plenty to do. We’ll go to Central Park during the day and rent movies or go downtown in the evenings. I’ve also saved enough money to visit my cousin in Buffalo for a couple of days, and we always have a good time together. This could be the best Easter week I would have had in a long time, especially because I don’t have to work.

A. I am going to have a very long vacation.

B. Easter is a very important holiday.

C. Easter week is going to be terrific.

D. I like wonderful holidays.


3. Read the following paragraph and write the topic sentence (A, B, C… or F) of the paragraph on your answer sheet (4 points).

To strengthen students’ immunity to burnout, the y need to work in moderation [A]. They can concentrate on school every day, provided that they do not overtax themselves [B]. One method students can use is to avoid concentrating on a single project for an extended period of time [C]. For example, if students have to read two books for a midterm history test, they should do other assignments at intervals so that the two books will not get boring [D]. Another means to moderate a workload is to regulate how many extracurricular projects to take on [E]. (本段为一原文选段)

III. (排序题)Rearrange the following numbered sentences so that they will read logically. Put the numbers in proper sequence in the boxes provided below. (10 points)


1. One evening Polson took his son and daughter to dinner at Bananas, a fashionable restaurant.

2. When he brought them their dinners, the professor couldn’t help telling him that he had a good memory.

3. Yet he found himself watching the waiter closely when he returned to take the orders at a nearby table of eight.

4. He just listened, made small talk, told them that his name was John Conrad, and left.

5. The young man was pleased.

6. Again the waiter listened, chatted, and wrote nothing down.
