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第23卷 第5期2009年10月

现 代 地 质


Vol 23 No 5

Oct 2009



(中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京 100083)






Ema i :l w jf07@petroch i na co m c n 。

摘要:运用高分辨率层序地层学的原理和方法,综合鄂尔多斯盆地野外地质露头、岩心、测井及地震资料,确定了层序界面的识别标志,在上三叠统延长组识别出不整合面和沉积作用转换面两种类型的层序界面。延长组发育7个具有等时意义的层序界面,将其划分为6个长期基准面旋回。根据短 中期基准面旋回的叠加样式,SQ 1层序至SQ3层序基准面上升旋回地层样式总体上以长期基准面上升半旋回为主,构成 上升不对称 型旋回结构;

S Q 3层序基准面下降

旋回至SQ 6层序地层样式则以长期基准面下降半旋回为主,构成 下降不对称 型旋回结构。沉积相类型及其展布受基准面升降变化控制明显,沉积微相类型以(辫状)河流 (辫状河)三角洲前缘水下分支河道为主。有利储层发育于长期基准面旋回上升半旋回的早中期以及下降半旋回的中晚期。


中图分类号:T E121 3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-8527(2009)05-0803-06

Sequence Stratigraphic Fra m ework and Sed im entary Facies of Yanchang

Formation,T ri assic Syste m in Ordos Basi n

WANG Ju-feng ,GUO Y an -ru ,Z HANG Yan-li n g ,LIU H ao -w e,i MA De -bo

(R esearc h In stit u te of P e t rol eum Exploration and Develop m ent ,P etro Ch i na,Be i jing 100083,China )

Abst ract :In ter m s of t h e pri n ciple o f h i g h reso l u ti o n sequence strati g raphy ,sequence boundary m arks are de -ter m i n ed and t w o kinds of sequence boundaries of unconfor m ity and sh ift surface of deposition are iden tified ac -cord i n g to outcr op ,core ,logg i n g and seis m ic data i n Y anc hang For m ation ,U pper T riassic Syste m in O rdos Ba -si n .There are seven sequence boundaries w hich c lassify six long -ter m base leve l cyc les further in the basin .Based on stack i n g m odes o f shor-t ter m to m ed i u m-ter m base -level cycles ,stra t u m m ode of sequence SQ1to the risi n g stage o f sequence SQ 3ism ainly co mposed of rising stage of long -ter m base leve l cycles w hich co m posed

risi n g asy mm etry cycle configurati o n.S tratum m ode of the fa lling stage o f sequence SQ3to sequence SQ6is m a i n l y co mposed o f fa lling stage of l o ng -ter m base level cyclesw hich co m posed fa lling asy mm etr y cycle configu -rati o n .Sedi m entar y facies and its distribution are m a i n l y contro lled by the change of base leve.l Sedi m en tary m icro -facies are m a i n l y co m posed o f (bra i d ed)ri v er and d istri b utary channe l o f delta fron.t Favo rable sandbo -dies are m ainly d istr i b uted i n the lo w er to m iddle stage o f l o ng -ter m base leve l risi n g cycles and the m iddle to upper stage of long -ter m base leve l fa lling cycles .

K ey w ords :sed i m entary fac ies ;sequence stratigraph ic fra m e work ;base leve l cycle ;Y anchang For m ati o n ;Triassic ;O r dos Basi n 鄂尔多斯盆地是我国典型的克拉通盆地。在经历了早古生代浅海台地和晚古生代的近海湖盆


