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题型有:1. Why did the man not buy the ring for sale?2. What’s wrong with the CD player?3. Why is the man not interested in leather jacket?4. What did the man probably purchase from the woman in the end?


A.He didn’t think it was very special.

B.He didn’t think it was inexpensive.

C.He didn’t think it was necessary.

D.He didn’t think it was in the right size.


解析:选项是否定含义的句子,根据关键词special、inexpensive、necessary、size,可初步猜测题目与对某物的评价或买卖有关。根据对话,女士推荐戒指,说男子可以把戒指送给他的恋人,男子没作考虑,因为他还没有恋人,还没有买戒指的需要,故C正确。戒指通常都是买来送给别人的,听到双方讨论的焦点在“someone special”,就知道关键在“购买的动机”上,而不是在戒指本身。知识模块:听力


A.It can’t play at all.

B.It has been out of date.

C.It has been scratched.

D.Its handle is cracked.




A.It is stained.

B.It is strained.

C.It is stinky.

D.It is stale.


解析:选项都是主系表结构的句子,且表语都是形容词,可猜测题目与某物的性质或特征有关。根据对话,皮衣袖子上有污点,所以男子没有兴趣买,故A 是正确答案。知识模块:听力


A.$28 for 12 records and a vase.

B.$28 for 12 records.

C.$25 for 12 records.



解析:选项是价钱和货物,可猜测题目与出价或成交有关。从选项可以判断提问与records、vase有关。根据对话,最后店主让步到$28卖出12张唱片,还要送顾客一个花瓶,但顾客说stick with the records,表明他要这些唱片,但不要花瓶,所以B正确。知识模块:听力

听力原文:W: Hi. I am Alice Wilson. I have a reservation for tonight.M: Okay. Ms. Wilson. That’s a room for five, and...W: Excuse me? You mean a room for five dollars? I didn’t know this special offer.M: No. According to our records, a room for five guests was booked under your name.W: Hold on. There must be some mistake.M: Okay. Let’s check this again. Ah, Ms. Alice C. Wilson for tonight...W: My name is Alice Wilson.M: Okay. Let me check this again. Oh. Okay. Here we are. Alice Wilson.

A room for one for the 13th... W: Oh, wait! It was for tonight. Not tomorrow night.M: Hum. I don’t think we have any rooms for tonight. There’s a convention going on in town. W: Come on! You must have something. Anything. M: Well. Let me check my computer here. Ah! W: What?M: There has been a cancellation for this evening. A honeymoon suite is now available. W: Great. I’ll take it.M: But I’ll have to charge you two hundred fifty dollars for the night. W: I should get a discount for the inconvenience. M: Well. The best I can give you is a ten percent discount plus a ticket for a free continental breakfast. W: Hey. Isn’t the breakfast free anyway? M: Well, only on weekends. W: I want to talk to the manager. M: Wait, Ms. Wilson I think I can give you an additional 15% discount and I’ll throw in a free room for the next time you visit us. W: That’ll be a long time. 5. What was the problem with the woman’s reservation at the beginning?6. For what day did the woman make a hotel reservation?7. How much is the initial discount on the honeymoon suite the man offers?8. What did the woman think of the man’s last offer?


A.The hotel assigned five-bed room for her.

B.The hotel offered a special package to her.

C.The hotel confused her with another guest.

D.The hotel was overbooked for that evening.


解析:选项的关键词包括hotel、room、package、guest,且前三个选项都提到了her,可猜测题目与女士入住酒店有关。男士说,女士以Alice C.Wilson的名字订了一个5人的房间,女士说自己的名字是Alice Wilson。可见是酒店混淆了客人的名字,造成失误,故答案是C。知识模块:听力


A.The twelfth.
