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time to watch it. Man: Exactly, what bothers me most is the violence. There are too
many crime shows. Woman: I couldn’t agree with you more. There aren’t enough
e.g. home,cold,boat, soul,shoulder,coat,below,grow。
Conversation 1 Exercises Functional language
Conversation 2 Exercises Functional language
Woman: What do you think of the new television channel? Man: The programs are awful. Woman: I quite agree with you. They are just terrible. It’s a waste of
educational programs. Man: That’s true. Even the news reports are not good enough. They
are just too brief. Woman:That’s just what I think.
Conversation 1 – Agreeing
Conversation 1 – Agreeing
2. Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
F 1. The woman doesn’t think the new television channel is terrible.
2. Listen again and read after the speaker.
Listening to the sound /əu/
/əu/ 由 /ə/ 和 /u/ 两个单音组成,/ə/ 重读,/u/ 轻读,与字母 o的发 音相同。发音时,舌尖抵下齿龈,口略开,稍稍扁唇,由 /ə/ 向/u/ 自 然过渡,再渐渐将双唇收圆。常发 /əu/ 音的有字母“o”,字母组合 “oa”,“ou”,“ow”等。
时也读 /əu/ 如:
The t_oa_d_and the frog A t_oa_d_saw a frog near the r_o_ad_. He was a fat _ol_d frog. He sat and m_o_a_n_e_d and g_r_o_an_e_d. The t_o_a_d said, “Do not m__oa_n and_g_ro_a_n_, Mr. Frog. Hop like me. Hop down the r_o_a_d.” So the frog and the t_o_ad_ hopped down the r_o_a_d to a big _oa_k_tree. “I am h_o_m_e,” said the t_o_ad_. “Come in and I will make tea.” But the frog said, in a deep c_ro_a_k, “I should not r_o_am_ far from h_o_m_e. I will be off to my h_o_m_e near the pond.”
Listening to the sound /əu/
1. Listen to a short story and underline the words with the sound /əu/.
在英语语音中, 字母组合oa 通常
读 /əu/。如:
toad,road, oak, moan, goat 和 coat。字母 o 有
3.Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language.
Conversation 1 – Agreeing
1. Listen to a conversation and check (✔) the words you hear to complete the following sentences.
Word tips
channel n. 频道 awful adj. 糟糕的 violence n. 暴力 crime show 犯罪 片 brief adj. 简短的
1 The programs are (a✔wful / great).
2 Exactly, what bothers me most is the
(vio✔lence / education).
3 That’s true. Even the news reports are not
good enough. They are just too (long / br✔ief).
Listening and speaking Reading Grammar Writing
Culture express
Listening and speaking
Pronunciation and listening skills Conversations Passage
T 2. The man says there are too many crime shows. F 3. According to the woman, there are too many
educational programs.
Conversation 1 – Agreeing