Skills of Translation
电子商务英语答案Answers of Unit OneText AⅠ.Review the questions 略Ⅱ. Put in the missing information based on the text1. frequently2. perspectives3. emerging; exchanging; information4. globalization; productivity; competitive5. employment; commercial6. replace7. people; policy; technical; protocolsⅢ. Translate the following passage into Chinese1. 电子商务是一个刚出现的概念,即通过计算机网络,包括了互联网,来描述买卖过程或产品、服务和信息的交易。
2. EC的应用有许多,例如:家庭银行、在网上商店购物、购买股票、寻找工作、网上拍卖以及利用电子手段在研究和项目开发方面进行合作。
Ⅳ.Translate the following sentences into English1. Some people think that EC is just another overused and discarded buzzword.2. The term electronic commerce is restricting, however, and does not fully encompass the truenature of the many types of information exchanges occurring via telecommunication devices. 3. There are more non-enterprise organizations, such as academic institutions, non-profitorganizations, religious organizations, social organizations and the governments, employing variety of E-Commerce to reduce the costs and improve the operation.4. The definition of E-Business is broader than that of E-Commerce, which electronicallyinvolves the interaction of all information.Text BⅠ.True or FalseF F T F F T F F T FⅡ. Put in the missing information based on the text1. complicated2. communication; information3. wiring4. Wireless5. separate6. digital; analog7. social; teleconferencing; telecommunications8. ubiquity; convenience9. retail; auctions 10. hierarchical; relational; network; objectSkills of Understanding1. Despite the fact that cars from Germany and Japan are flooding the American market. Ford,General Motors and Chrysler are hiring more workers than ever before.2. It is difficult for adult learners to come to classes to study at a fixed time. 3. Traffic congestion results in adverse effects.Skills of Translation1. 每个人的生活都有甜蜜和苦涩。
翻译中的常用技巧The commonly-used skills of translation如何确定词语的意义?一. 确定词语在语境中的意义1. I never had much in seeing you. There was no love lost between us at any time.2. We grumble a little now and then , to be sure. But there’s no love lost between us.1.我向来不大想看到你,我们两人之间大概什么时候都不曾有过好感。
2. 当然啦,我们有时也免不了争论几句,但是我们还是相亲相爱。
3. We hope Mr. White will not forget himself, gone are the days when a representative of a large country in UN. may do whatever he likes. 不要忘乎所以4. We hope that our most respected Secretary General will not forget himself, his poor health is known to everybody. 不要过于操劳,要多多保重二. 弄清原文的逻辑关系The object did not move because I pushed it.不是因为我推了它,该物体才移动。
三. 理解原文的深层结构1. Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market.昨晚我听到他鼾声如雷,声音就象把猪赶到市场一样。
2. 根据词类确定词义选择词义,首先要判明一个词在句中属于哪一种词类,起什么作用,然后再根据词类选择适当的词义。
如up 这个词在下列例句中词类不同,词义也不同。
Determining the Subject of a Sentence汉译英的一个关键步骤是考虑译文的整个句子怎么摆放,如何构建译文句子的总体框架,主要确定那拿什么作为英语主语。
英语是一种注重主语的语言(subject-prominent language),而汉语则是注重主题的语言(topic-prominent language)。
(通顺)This you don’t need to worry about. (×)You don’t need to worry about this. (√)This is not something you need to worry abo ut. ( √)It is unnecessary for you to worry about this. ( √) (汉语没有对应结构)There is no need for you to worry about this. ( √) (汉语没有对应结构)汉语是主题显著的语言,其句法特征是意合,这一特征往往使句子中的指代关系(尤其是主语)在形式上不明显(有时主语不清)。
23考研英语二阅读译文With the approaching of the 2023 postgraduate entrance examination, the English Section II reading comprehension has become a focal point for many candidates. Given its significance in the overall score, mastering the skills of translating and comprehending the passages is crucial. This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the reading translation techniques and offer effective preparation strategies for the upcoming exam.**Understanding the Structure and Content of the Reading Passages**The English Section II reading passages are typically diverse, covering a range of topics such as science, technology, economy, society, and culture. To approachthese passages effectively, candidates need to have a solid understanding of the basic structure of an academic article, which typically consists of an introduction, main body, and conclusion. By identifying the main ideas and supporting details in each section, candidates can better comprehendthe overall content and arguments presented in the passages.**Translation Techniques for Reading Comprehension**Translation is a crucial skill in reading comprehension, as it helps candidates bridge the language gap and gain a deeper understanding of the passages. When translating, candidates should focus on maintaining the original meaning and tone of the text while adapting it to the target language. Here are some key translation techniques to consider:1. **Word-for-Word Translation**: For technical termsor specific phrases, a direct word-for-word translation may be necessary to maintain the accuracy of the information. However, candidates should be careful not to overuse this technique, as it can sometimes lead to awkward or grammatically incorrect translations. 2. **Paraphrasing**: Paraphrasing involves restating a phrase or sentence in a different way while maintaining its original meaning. This technique is particularly useful when dealing with complex sentences or abstract concepts that may be difficult to translate directly. 3. **Contextual Understanding**: Understanding the context of a passage is crucial for accurate translation. Candidates should analyze therelationships between words, phrases, and sentences toinfer their intended meanings within the overall context of the article.**Preparation Strategies for the Reading Section**1. **Regular Practice**: Consistent practice is key to improving reading comprehension skills. Candidates should regularly read English articles, especially those related to the topics covered in the exam, to familiarize themselves with the language and content.2. **Vocabulary Building**: A rich vocabulary is essential for effective reading comprehension. Candidates should focus on learning and reviewing key vocabulary related to the exam topics to ensure they are prepared to handle any vocabulary challenges in the reading passages.3. **Time Management**: Managing time effectively is crucial during the exam. Candidates should practice timed reading exercises to familiarize themselves with the pace and volume of reading required for the exam.4. **Review and Reflection**: After completing reading exercises, candidates should reviewtheir answers and identify any areas where they struggled.Reflecting on these challenges and seeking ways to improve can help candidates prepare better for the actual exam.In conclusion, mastering the skills of translating and comprehending the reading passages in the English Section II of the 2023 postgraduate entrance examination requires a combination of understanding the structure and content of the passages, applying translation techniques, and implementing effective preparation strategies. By consistently practicing and refining their skills, candidates can increase their chances of success in this important section of the exam.。
Unit 6---商务信函翻译Business letters and translation
We sincerely hope that future discussions between our companies will lead to further mutually beneficial business. Yours sincerely, Denis Thorpe Manager
Attention (of) or Attn. 请某人亲阅,送交某人
Mich & Mclean, Inc. 340 Caranedie Ave. Nenilworth, N. T. USA Attn: Mr. William Butler
Mich & Mclean, Inc. 340 Carnedie Ave.
The above payment terms have been approved by our Managing Director and will be acted on accordingly.
The order is being prepared and will reach you in the next ten days. 以上建议获本公司总经理批准,今后将如述 执行。 现正拟订有关订单,十日内将送达贵公司。
Closing remarks
希望早日收到回复 a. We hope to receive your favor at an early date. b. A prompt reply would greatly oblige us. c. Please favor us with your reply as early as possible. d. We shall be pleased to be of service to you at all times.
机械工程专业英语English inMechanicalEngineering宋宜梅songym@桂林电子科技大学——机电工程学院2008.02翻译的基本方法–转换词性Skills of Translation–transform part of speech and way 转换词性是根据翻译的需要将英语某一词性的词译为汉语另一词性的方法的词译为汉语另一词性的方法。
在以下情况下可考虑转换词性在以下情况下可考虑转换词性::当英语某一词性的词相当于汉语另一词性时当英语某一词性的词相当于汉语另一词性时;; 当某词按同一词性翻译不能确切表达该词的意义时; 当某词按同一词性翻译而使得汉语句子不通顺时当某词按同一词性翻译而使得汉语句子不通顺时。
The flow of electrons is from the negative plate to the positive.One of the principal rules of thelathe maintenance is timely lubrication of all friction surfaces.Let me have a look at the machine.2)形容词转译成动词由于英汉两种语言对某些要领的表达方式不。
同,英语句子中的形容词有时需要转译成汉语动词 The force is perpendicular to the surface. We are grateful to you for your help.3)副词转译成动词Engineers took the machine apart yesterday.The reaction force to this action force pushes rocket ship along.课堂小练习 I am certain be saw me.2. 转译成汉语名词 1)动词转译成名词为了符合汉语习惯为了符合汉语习惯,,英语句子中某些动词不宜照译为汉语动词译为汉语动词,,而应该转译在汉语名词而应该转译在汉语名词。
翻译理论技巧(the skills of the translating theory)
翻译理论技巧(the Skills of Translation Theory)1. 词义选择(Selection of Meanings)例1.This phase involves laying out material in order to inventory all problems.[在该句中,inventory作动词]在此阶段,须展示所有的资料以便开列所有问题的清单。
例2.Passing by the entirely south elevation,one may view the house from below the waterfall.[elevation此处为建筑设计的“立视图”或“立面”]完全绕过南立面后,人们可以从瀑布下方观看这幢房子(流水别墅)。
Directions:Translate the following sentences into Chinese,paying special attention to the correct selection of meanings of the underlined words or phrases.1.When one first approaches Falling Water,the impression is that of a series of pale yellow-colored horizontal planes hovering above ground at varying heights within a forest.第一次去流水别墅的人留下的印象深刻的是树木中一系列灰黄色的不同高度的水平挑台。
2.Four square garden courts front the mausoleum at one end of Taj Mahal(泰姬陵).四个方庭朝向位于泰姬陵端部的陵墓。
3.In his discussion of form,Le Corbusier is at pains to point out that the geometric laws of any particular form should be the basis for subsequent action.在关于形式的讨论中,柯布西耶设法指出所有特殊形式的几何规律是后来进一步行动的基础。
译者虽然是双语者(bilinguist),然绝大多数译者对 本国文化的熟悉程度往往超过对异国文化的熟悉 程度,在分析和理解原语所代表的文化时,受本 国文化模式和观念影响,也受个人文化素养的限 制,难免对该文化的意义认识不全甚至有偏差, 特别是当原语表达的文化与译语表达的文化发生 冲突或前者之有为后者之无时,填补空缺和解决 冲突的方式往往不尽人意。况且,即使译者尽了 全力拿出他(她)满意的译作,译文读者的文化素 养和语言能力可能超过或低于译者的预测,对译 文的反应也就可能不同于译者的预测,译文效果 也较难以预测。这种双语交际的客观规律也导致 了翻译的局限性。
1.国际商务合同翻译技巧The Translation Techniques in the International Business Contracts2.论语境在翻译中的重要性Study on the Importance of Context in Translation3.商务英语中的模糊性翻译Thesis on the Vague Translation in the Business English4.广告英语特征及其翻译技巧Thesis on the Features and Translation Techniques of Advertising English5.文化与翻译-浅析文化负载词汇的翻译方法Culture & Translation-on the Translation of Culture Bound Expressions6.从文化角度看习语翻译A Cultural Insight into the Translation of Idioms7.浅谈英语书名汉译On English Book Title Translation8.谈商务英语及其翻译中的委婉表达方式Euphemistic Expressions in Business English and Their Translation9.从西湖景点的翻译看旅游英语的翻译策略Looks at the Traveling English Translation Strategy from the West Lake Scenic Spot Translation10.论英汉翻译中汉语方言的正迁移Positive Transfer of Chinese Dialect on English-Chinese Translation11.论英汉影视翻译中不同文化意象的处理On the Disposition of Different Cultural Images in Film Translation12.论网络交际英语的特征及其翻译A Study of Internet Communication English Features and Translation13.浅谈暗喻在英语广告及翻译中的应用The Application of Metaphor in English Advertisement and its Translation14.从关联理论角度论暗含连词在英汉翻译中的处理Chinese-English Translation of Implicit Conjunctions from the Perspective of Relevance Theory15.论英汉翻译中的望文生义Misinterpreting Words Literally in English and Chinese Translation16.论翻译中信息走失与文化补偿的原则及策略On principles and Strategies of Translation Loss and Cultural Compensation17.论英汉翻译中信息转换的补偿措施The Compensation of Information Conversion in English and Chinese Translation 18.论圣经中习语的不同翻译方法Different Translation Methods for Idioms in the Bible19.外贸英语句子的特点对翻译的影响Influence of Features of Trade English Sentence on Translation20.英汉姓名的文化内涵及其翻译方法Thesis on the Cultural Connotation of English and Chinese Names and ItsTranslation Methods21.浅谈英语谚语翻译Thesis on the Translation of English Proverb22.浅析文化语境对翻译的影响Study on Influence of Cultural Context on Translation23.从庞德英译汉诗《长干行》看其意象派风格Ezra Pound's Imagist Style in Translating a Chinese Poem As Seen from The River-Merchant's Wife:A Letter24.中国高校名称的翻译The Translation of the Names of Universities in China25.语境对英汉翻译措辞的影响The Influence of contexts on the Diction of English-Chinese Translation26.从好了歌评两种不同的翻译风格Thesis on the different translation style from the A Dream of Red Mansions27.中西社会风俗差异及其翻译On the Discrepancies of Translation between Western and Chinese Social Custom 28.中文电影片名的英文翻译分析The Analysis of English Translation about Chinese Film’s Title29.从编译理论看新闻翻译中的译者主体性On the Function of Translator's Subjectivity in Translation of News from Compiler Theory30.谈汉语流行词的中英文翻译Chinese Popular Neologisms and Their Translation31.《浮生六记》中特定文化词语的翻译On Translation of Culture-Specific Concepts in Six Chapters of a Floating Life 32.汉英方位词的文化对比与翻译—从“东西南北”与“east,west,south,north”谈起Cultural Contrast and Translation of Chinese and English Location Words-with Special Reference to “Dong, Xi, Nan, Bei”and “East, West, South, North”33.中文公共标识的英语翻译On Translating Chinese Public Signs into English34.英汉商标翻译原则Brand Translation Principle in English-Chinese35.英汉口译技巧Oral Interpretation Skills from English into Chinese36.论韦利的论语英译On Waley’s Translation of the Analects37.中英文化差异对翻译的影响Effects of Cultural Differences on Translation38.影视字幕翻译刍议On Translation of Subtitles of English-Language Films39.On Formal Correspondence of C/E Translation in Terms of Hypotaxis &.Parataxis从形合和意合看汉英翻译中的形式对应40.How to Decode and Translate the Ambiguous Structures歧义结构的解码与翻译41.Pragmatics and Advertisement Translation, with Special Emphasis on E/CCultural Differences英汉文化差异与广告的语用翻译42.Context and Business Discourse in English and Chinese43.On the Peculiar ways of Expression in Dicken’s Novels试论狄更斯小说独特的艺术手法44.Female Images in the Sun Also Rises 论《太阳又升起了》小说中女性形象45.Standarization of English: The Necessity and Feasility in an Age of Globaliztion全球化时代英语标准化的必要性和可能性46.On English Translation of Public Signs in Chinese 再谈汉英公示语翻译----以2010年亚运会主办城市广州为例47.Brief Appreciation on “Venice Merchant”48.The Mannered Language of English49.On the Properties of Idiomatic Expressions in English50.The Differences and Samilarities Between Structural Ambiguity in English andChinese51.Time Conception in Different Cultures52.On American Religion53.On Title Translation of English Film and Disc54.The Characteristics and the Rhetorical Roles of English ReduplicativesNeiterativesparisons of Multiplicity in Chinese and English and Its Translation56.A Study of Hmorous Utterances Form the Perspective57.The Current State and Prospects for English Teaching58.The usage of “And”59.A Survey on Culture and Social Life in USA60.Inheretance and Development of National Language and Culture61.Implicitness and Explicitness in Translation62.谈英语谚语的翻译63.谈英语幽默的翻译64.地方名胜古迹汉译英65.翻译中常见错误分析66.中英思维方式的差异对翻译的影响67.会话含义的推导与翻译68.词汇的文化内涵与翻译69.语境在翻译中的作用70.商标词翻译71.广告语言的翻译72.论英汉互译中的语义等值问题73.英汉文化差异对翻译的影响74.英汉谚语的理解和翻译75.浅谈颜色词在英语中的翻译76.中西文化差异与翻译障碍77.英语比喻性词语中文化内涵及翻译78.英语意义否定表现法及其汉译79.浅谈新闻标题的翻译80.从历届韩素音青年翻译奖竞赛看翻译人员所应具备的素质81.论品牌名称翻译的原则和方法82.影视作品字幕翻译的技巧83.归化与异化——《飘》不同译本的比较研究84.旅游景点翻译存在的问题与处理方法85.英语新闻的特点与翻译技巧86.中国特色时事词汇及其英译87.中国饮食文化翻译存在的问题与策略88.英汉委婉语的比较研究与翻译策略89.英汉产品说明书的特点与翻译技巧90.浅谈如何融翻译教学于英语教学91.《傲慢与偏见》不同译本比较研究初探92.文学作品中文化负载词的翻译技巧93.口译技巧、言外知识与语言基本技能三位一体的口译学习法94.论笔记中符号与缩略词对连续传译质量的作用95.论交替传译中笔记对“达”的影响96.论笔译教学与口译教学的结合97.网络英语的特点和翻译方法98.城市标识用语英译错误及翻译策略99.论商务文本的特点和翻译策略100.The Social and Cultural Factors in Translation Practice101.On Translation Methods of Numeral in Chinese and English102.The Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Idioms and their Tranlations103.Cultural Equivalence in Translation104.On the Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure in E/C Translationparative Study of Two Basic Translation Methods—Literal Translation and Free Translation106.Learning a Foreign Language Through Translation107.On Translating the Passive V oice in English for Science and Technology 108. A Comparative Study of Two English Version of The XXX109.Review on the Translation of Movie Titles110.Remarks on the Translation of Chinese Set-phrase111.Application of Contrastive Analysis in Long Sentences。
Unit 6---商务信函翻译Business letters and translation
* 签名要用手签,图章盖署的签名不礼貌 * 签名的字体和写法要保持一致 * 如果是女性,打上(Miss)(Mrs.) or (Ms.), 以便对方回信时候正确称呼 * 代理签名,在所代理的公司和机构前加 “Per Pro”, “Per”, “P.P.”, “For” or “By” Yours very truly, Per Pro Smith & Wilson Co, LTD (Miss) Amy S. Bush Secretary
Indented form
I am sorry to learn from your letter of 5th March of the difficulty in which the bankruptcy of an important customer has placed you.… 收到你方3月5日来信,获知你方重要客户破产的消息 深感遗憾...
Warm-up: Translate the following letter
Dear Mr. Lee, Thank you for your letter of 15 April regarding payment terms. We agree to your proposal, the terms of which are as follows. (1) Payment will be made by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit with draft at sight instead of direct payment at sight. (2) The price quoted to us is with no discount.
2. 增译法 (amplification) ⒉ 汉译英时的增词情况
汉译英也有增词法,称“词的增补”。概括起来,汉译英需要增补 的有下列9种情况。 ⑴汉语无主语视情况补出主语 例:接到你的来信,非常高兴。 I was very glad to have received your letter. 子曰:“学而不思则罔, 思而不学则殆。” Confucius said: “He who learns without thinking is lost. He who thinks without learning remains puzzled.” ⑵增补物主代词 例:我用手蒙住脸。 I cover my face with my hands. ⑶增补作宾语的代词 按习惯,汉语常常可省略宾语,但英语里,凡及物动词都得有宾语。 例:请原谅,打断你一下。 Excuse me for interrupting you.
1. 重复法 (repetition) ⑴动词的重复 例:We shall overcome all the difficulties so long as we study hard and in a good way. 只要我们学习努力,而且学习得法,我们就能克服学习中 的困难。 ⑵名词的重复 例: We have to analyze and solve problems. 我们要分析问题,解决问题。 ⑶代词的重复 例: Wherever there is matter, there is motion. 哪里有物质,哪里就有运动。 ⑷关键词语的重复 ⑸应用汉语四字词语和重迭词 例: Nels had it all written out neatly. 纳尔斯把它写得清清楚楚。
2. 增译法 (amplification) ⒈ 英译汉的增词情况 ⑴英语中的某些抽象名词、不及物动词或代词,若单独译出, 有时意思不够明确,可分别在其后增加“状态”、“工 作”、“过程”、“现象”、“方式”、“情况”、“作 用”、“部分”、“化”等词。 例:Oxidation will make iron and steel rusty. 氧化作用会使钢铁生锈。 Due care must be taken to ensure that the pulse signal itself shall show no irregularities and no interruptions. 应注意保证脉冲信号本身不出现不规则现象和中断现象。
Flexibly use the active and passive voices in English to make the translation more in line with the expression habits of the target language.
Language proficiency requirements
• Proficient in both the source and target languages: Translators need to be proficient in the basic knowledge of phonetics, grammar, vocabulary, and other aspects of the source and target languages, and be able to accurately understand and express the meanings of both languages.
02 Application of Vocabulary and Grammar in Translation
Vocabulary selection and application skills
Accurate word selection
Choose the most appropriate vocabulary based on the context
Pay attention to cultural differences between the source language and the target language to avoid misunderstandings caused by cultural differences.
Outline1. Introduction2. The Linguistic Characteristics of Tourism English2.1 Conciseness and Vividness2.2 Hospitality and Infectiousness2.3 Comprehensiveness and Exposition3. The Theory and Skills of Translation in Tourism English 3.1 Theory of translation3.2 Translation skills3.2.1 Addition and Explanation3.2.2 Deletion3.2.3 Paraphrase3.2.4 Rewriting4. Conclusion旅游英语的特点及其翻译技巧【摘要】:近年来随着社会经济的发展,旅游事业也以前所未有的速度迅猛发展。
越来越多的外国游客涌向中国, 旅游英语的重要性也日益显现出来。
【关键词】:旅游英语;特点;翻译技巧Tourism English's Characteristics and ItsTranslation Skills福建师范大学福清分校外语系 2009级英语双专业118682008065 黄娟指导老师:韦忠生【Abstract】In recent years, with the development of social economy, tourist industry has a golden opportunity to develop . More and more foreign tourists have been flowing into China for a visit, and tourism English has become necessary and booming. This paper firstly aims at exploring the language functions of tourism English, and analyzes its distinctive features and translation skills in terms of linguistics and culture. If the translators can flexibly apply them to guide the tourism translation and deal with the cultural difference properly, they can improve the quality of English version of tourism materials to spread Chinese culture more widely and promote international communication.【Key Words】tourism English; characteristics; translation skills1. IntroductionTourism English, as it is so called, is the English language used for tourism and is a particular variety of English in terms of linguistics. It appears with the development of tourism industry, especially international tourism. When people make a visit to some place, they will be provided with all kinds of services needed during the tour.Recently, China has become one of the most popular tourist destinations and one of the leading countries of world tourism industry. Due to the development of tourism in China, tourism English becomes more and more important nowadays in China. As a result, tourism English appears as a term in many researches and textbooks with the meaning of English language that is used for tourism. Since China has been recognized as an approved destination by many countries officially, more and more foreign tourists have been flowing into China for a visit, and tourism English has become necessary and booming as a result, from airport to hotel and restaurant, from tourism coach to tourist spot. English is used whenever a foreign tourist is received.We suppose that China's tourism would not have advanced smoothly without the development of tourism English. Therefore, the detailed study on tourism English itself will be helpful for the Chinese tourism industry and promote the development of Chinese economy.2. The Linguistics Characteristics of Tourism English2.1. Conciseness and VividnessTourism English always uses lively phrases, vivid and elegant description, giving people great enjoyment and inspiring visitors to visit. The words are concise and vivid. For example:望着隔江的山色,岚翠鲜明,那江中来往的船只,帆樯历历可数;那一轮红日,沉沉的傍着山头下去了。
异化和归化翻译技巧杂谈(二) [On Skills of Translation (Ⅱ)]异化和归化(Foreignizing, Alienation and Domesticating, Adaptation)异化是要保存源语的异国情调,就是要有“洋味”;归化则是要把源语本土化,在我国也称汉化(sinicization),用本语言文化中的习惯表达方式来转换源语。
如:go with the stream随波逐流(归化译法);随溪逐流(异化译法)draw water in sieve竹篮打水(归化译法);以筛取水(异化译法)a drawn rat落汤鸡(归化译法);落汤鼠(异化译法)归化是用源语词语有相同使用频度,又带有某些译文色彩的词语来翻译源语文字。
11.1.1翻译成语与典故时常采用归化方法,以求保持它们特有的简洁性和精炼的表现力一箭之遥at a stone's throw挂羊头卖狗肉cry wine and sell vinegar The sign says mutton,but only dogmeat for sale.过牛马不如的生活to live a dog's life缘木求鱼to seek a hare in a hen's nest山中无老虎,猴子称大王。
Among the blind the one-eyed man is king.骑墙to sit on the fence躺在自己的功劳簿上to rest on one's laurels鹤立鸡群stand out like a peacock in a barnyard11.1.2表形状字母的归化翻译英语中有些名词是用一个表形状的字母开头的,如果汉语中有表示这种形状或近似这种形状的译词的话,常用表意的归化方法来译,如:U-steel槽钢T-square丁字尺Z-shaped之字形I-bar工字钢V-neck鸡心领an inverted V八字形Y-intersection三叉路口U-shaped magnet马蹄形磁铁但是,大多数时候,由于不能在汉语中找到相应的译词,我们只好采用表形法(formal translation),即把原词中表形的字母借过来,然后将该字母后面的词意译,并在两者之间用“形”字连接,从而得一完整的表形状的译文,如:S-hook S形钩H-post H形电杆U-bend u形急弯T-plate丁字板U-tube U形试管A-frame A形架B-V-shaped V形C-C-washer C形垫圈11.1.3 异化与归化从译文读者角度来看,归化成分的文化色彩一般应该较被归化成分的文化色彩为弱。
翻译技巧和翻译方法翻译方法:methods of translation1.直译literal translation2.意译free translation3.异化alienation4.归化domestication1. 直译(literal translation)指在翻译过程中按原文逐字逐句一对一的翻译。
人们关心的是语言层面的技术处理问题,即如何在保持原语形式的同时,不让其意义失真。 country, two systems 一国两制The three religions and the nine schools of thought三教九流2. 意译(free translation;paraphrase)是指根据原文的大意来翻译,不作逐字逐句的翻译(区别于“直译”)。
e.g.Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it.不必过早地担心。
(不必自寻烦恼)Do you see any green in my eye?你以为我是好欺骗的吗?Don’t lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen.精选文库意译:亡羊补牢。
直译和意译的区别1. It’ s a Smoke Free Area.直译:它是个自由吸烟区。
2. Shakespeare put his hometown on the map.直译:莎士比亚把他的家乡放在了地图上。
3. John would not come out of his shell and talk to others at theparty.直译:晚会上,约翰不愿从壳里钻出来与其他人说话。
Part of speech conversion
Common problems in translating scientific English
Summary: In scientific English translation, semantic comprehension errors are one of the most common problems.
Long senses
In contrast to general English, Technology English often uses long and complex senses to describe complex technical processes and concepts in detail
Example: In the field of computer science, the term "algorithm" is often translated as "algorithm", but in some contexts, it may be more accurately translated as "computational process" or "computational method".
New words
With the rapid development of technology, new words are consistently emerging in Technology English to describe new concepts and products, such as "artistic intelligence" and "virtual reality."
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句法策略之顺句操作 (following the original syntactic order)
• For this is the highest rule of translation: that the shape of the original text should be kept as closely as possible, so that understanding does not lose the words any more than the words themselves lose brilliance and craftsmanship.— Leonardo Bruni, 1420
• 他们(支持该动议的人)声称科学家缺乏伦理、道德、责 任感;科学家辜负了公众的时候太多了。由此,他们得出 结论,认为基因技术应该在瑞士得到严令禁止,并示意世 界其他国家依样行事。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ11
• The fact that the average Englishman's home has become his workshop is partly because he is keen on working with his hands and partly because he feels, for one reason or another that he must do for himself many household jobs for which, some years ago, he would have hired professional help. • The fact /that the average Englishman's home has become his workshop / is partly because he is keen on working with his hands / and partly because he feels, for one reason or another that he must do /for himself /many household jobs / for which, some years ago, he would have hired professional help. • 普通英国人的家已经成了自家的工场,一方面是因为他热衷于自
Translation (E-C)Materials for English Major 2008INTRODUCTIONI. Principles or Criteria of Translation1. Translation Criteria of ChinaThe so-called principles and criteria of translation are actually the two sides of the same thing. The former lays emphasis on the translator, who should follow them while translating; while the latter on the reader or critic, who may use the criteria to evaluate translation works. Whenever principles or criteria of translation are under discussion in China, Yan Fu’s “three-character guide” , which was first proposed in 1898, would evoke controversy, namely, the principle of “信、达、雅”(faithfulness expressiveness and elegance ).In the past decades Mr. Yan’s principle of translation has been generally regarded as a plumb-line for measuring the professional level of translation and a goal for translators to strive after. However, in the application of this principle, people have come to find some limitations to the three characters and put forward a variety of new standards instead.Some opinions are expressed on the principle of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance. The first group maintains the original three characters, and in the meantime, adds some new concepts to the character “雅”. According to them, “雅” means far more than the English word “elegance”. Apart from the traditional interpretation, it also means classicism, the adherence to the original style and flavor. The second group, however, argues that the word “雅” is out of place in translation. While adopting the first two characters of Mr. Yan Fu’s principle, it discards the character “雅兴” and tries to find some other new criteria instead. Noticeably, there are revisions such as “信、达、切(faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness ), proposed by Liu Zhongde (刘重德). He points out that faithfulness is in content, expressiveness in language and closeness is to the style of the original work. “信达贴” (faithfulness, expressiveness and fitness), and so on. The third group of people by casting away the three-word guide propose some new principles or criteria of translation of their own. Of the various popular theories two of them are most influential: spiritual conformity (神似) and sub-limed adaptation (化境) The former, proposed by Fu Lei(傅雷), emphasizes the reproduction of the spirit or the flavor of the original, while the latter, advocated by Qian Zhongshu(钱钟书), focuses on the translator’s smooth and idiomatic Chinese version for the sake of the Chinese reader. Lu Xun (鲁迅) has proposed “faithfulness and smoothness”as the criteria of translation and talked about the relationship between them. The value of a translation lies in its faithfulness to the original text. Professor Xu Yuanzhong (许渊冲) has raised his own principle of translation in his book The Art of Translation.Xu has summed up his literary translation theories in the following words: “Art of beautification and creation of the best as in rivalry (美化之艺术,创优似竞赛).”By “beautification”(三美论) Xu means a translated work should be as beautiful as the original in sense, in sound and in form; by “ization” (三化论), Xu includes equalization(equivalence), generalization and particularization; by “ion” (三之论) he implies comprehension (understanding), appreciation (enjoyment), and admiration (delight).2. Translation Criteria of Western ScholarsEugene A. Nida made a distinction between formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence. By “formal equivalence”, Nida refers to a faithful reproduction of form elements in a source text, and by “dynamic equivalence”equivalence of extra-inguistic effects of translation.The British translation theorist Peter Newmark has put forward semantic translation and communicative translation. He puts translation methods in the form of a flattened V diagram (Newmark,2001:45).Despite the variety of opinions, two criteria are almost unanimously accepted, namely, the criterion of faithfulness/accuracy (忠实/准确) and that of smoothness(流畅). We may also take these two criteria as the principles of translation in general. By faithfulness/accuracy, we mean to be faithful not only to the original contents, to the original meaning and views, but also to the original form and style. By smoothness, we mean not only easy and readable rendering, but also idiomatic expression in the target language, free from stiff formula and mechanical copying from dictionaries.IV. Literal Translation and Free Translation直译: “literal translation “ or “word-for-word translation” 意译as “liberal translation” or “free translation”These terms do not really make much sense. For example, a “word-for-word” translation even between two close languages of the same family in most cases will make no sense. As for “free translation”, the translator is never really “free”, but is always restricted by the source text. Literal translation and free translation, however, are relative concepts. In other words, there is no absolute “literal”, nor entirely “free” version in the practice of translation, and overemphasizing either of them would result in ridiculous consequences. Actually the purpose of any and all translation is to convey the meaning of the source text, just as Eugene Nida put it, “Translating is the translating of meaning.”(3) I have read your articles, I expected to meet an older man.硬译:我读过你的文章,我期望见到一位更老的人。
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Skills of TranslationI 汉译英时英语词形的选择汉语是没有形态变化的语言,而英语是有形态变化的语言。
跳舞:dance (名词), dance (动词), to dance (不定式), dancing (动名词或现在分词)到达:arrive (动词), to arrive (不定式), arriving (动名词或现在分词), arrival (名词)例:1 他来了,我很高兴。
I was delighted that he arrived.His arrival delighted me.His arriving delighted me.2 每天有上万人游览这座公园。
About 10,000 people visit the garden every day.The garden has about 10,000 visitors every day.3 他工作很努力。
He works hard.He is a hard worker.4 她很会写文章。
She writes very well.She is a very good writer.Exercises:1.他烟抽的很厉害。
2. 她酷爱音乐.3. 你一定很不会学,要不然就是教你的人不会教。
4. 在车没停稳之前请不要站起来。
5. 你要当合格的导游,就必须熟悉这个国家的历史和文化。
6. 要学好英语,就必须尽可能多地接触这门语言。
7. 没有党的领导,要实现四个现代化是不可能的。
8. 这件事本身便表明,他们是有合作的诚意的。
II 正话反说与反话正说英语和汉语都有肯定和否定之分。
They could accept this suggestion with dignity.他的文风丝毫也不矫揉造作。
His style is void of affectation.他已长大,不再需要这些玩具了。
He has outgrown these toys.She failed to perceive any difference.她看不出有什么不同的地方。
He is anything but a musician.他根本不是当音乐家的料。
His name slipped from my memory.2.英语反说,汉语正说中国直到20世纪80年代才开放旅游业。
China did not open up to tourists until the 1980s.It will not be long before we finish our job.我们很快就可以完成任务了。
He is no coward.We went to no further than the bridge.我们走到桥边就停下来。
The lion is no less cruel than the tiger.狮子与老虎一样残忍。
Exercises:I tried hard not to lose a word of what he said.No smoking.Stay here and wait; I shall not be long.他满脸绝望的回来了。
More exercises:1. No pains, no gains.2. We’ll be there in no time.3. I hate to see animals in cages.4. Any may trouble avoid you wherever you go.5. Wars have never stopped polluting the earth.6. I tried in vain to persuade him to give up that idea.7. Don’t make your conclusion before he comes back.8. Each nation has the right to determine its own form of government, free of outside interference or domination.9. 我劝你别管闲事。
10. 我们学校师资力量不足。
11. 我们完全不知道他的计划。
12. 那座大楼处于无人管理的状态。
13. 天无绝人之路。
TranslationIn theory all yin and yang can be infinitely subdivided into aspects that are themselves yin and yang. Steam, for example, would be considered a yang quality of water, whereas ice would be considered a yin quality. In TCM, the front of the body is considered yin in relation to the back, which is yang, but the upper part of the front - the chest - would be seen as yang in relation to the lower part of the front - the abdomen. TCM views the body in terms of yin and yang aspects. The healthy state is characterized by a dynamic balance between the yin and yang aspects of the body and, i.e., an unhealthy state is characterized by some imbalance between the yin and yang of the body.If a substance has no qi then it is dead. The qi of the liver is the functional activities of the liver, and the qi of the body is the total vital energy of a human being. Qi is disseminated through out the body by the channels. It is also divided into various subgroups such as primary qi, or the qi with which you are born, and nourishing qi, or the qi that you gain from the food you eat. Defensive qi is the qi that protects the body from invasion by disease, circulating just below the skin and fending off invasion by viruses and bacteria (pathogens).The five elements are connected with many different qualities. Each resonates with a season, a climate, a taste, a colour, an emotion, a movement, a sense organ and a body part as well as having many other associations. They are also each linked with two different internal organs, a yang organ and a yin organ. The water element, for example is related to the bladder and the kidney. Both of which are associated with the assimilation of water in our bodies. The earth element is connected with the stomach and spleen. Food grows on the earth so there is an obvious relationship between these organs and this element.III 英汉互译中词类转换的技巧汉语是没有形态变化的语言,英语是有形态变化的。
Human being are the creators of knowledge.禁止违反游戏规则。
Any violation of the game rules is prohibited.非请莫入。
No admittance without authorization.2.汉语形容词和英语名词之间的互相转换许多形容词具有动态的意义。
例:The increasing prosperity of China has brought pride to all the Chinese people in the world.中国日益繁荣昌盛,全世界华人都为之骄傲。