
第九章钻井液一.单词准备mud 泥浆drilling fluid 钻井液cutting 岩屑mud chemical 泥浆药品mud cake 泥饼mud weight(density) 泥浆重量(密度)viscosity 粘度filtrate 滤液water loss 失水gel initial 初切力gel strength 静切力solid control equipment 固控设备shale shaker 振动筛desander 除砂器desilter 除泥器centrifuge 离心机screen cloth 筛布ply 层mesh (筛布)目PH 酸碱值mud pit 泥浆池MBT=methylene blue test 亚甲基蓝测定法KCL氯化钾lime 石灰SAPP=sodium acid pyrophosphate 粒状焦性磷酸钠NaOH氢氧化钠,烧碱mud tank 泥浆罐mud gun 泥浆枪trip tank (起下钻)泥浆计量罐active tank 上水罐,在用罐intermediate tank 过渡罐GPM =gallon per minute 加仑/分钟1 US gallon 美加仑=3.785 liters 升1 barrel 桶=0.159 cubic meters 立方米1 SG(比重)X8.33=1 ppg 磅/加仑二.阅读练习1.固控设备评价和建议Performance of Solid RemovalEquipment In RIG 03&Recommendations 固控设备评价和建议Prepared byAmmar A.MaroufDrilling Fluids EngineerIntroduction 引言The types and quantities of solids present in drilling mud systems determine the fluid density , viscosity , gel strengths , filter cake quality and filtration control , and other chemical and mechanical properties > Solids and theirs volumes also influence mud and well costs , including factors such as , rate of penetration , hydraulics , dilution rates , torque and drag , surge and swab pressures , differential sticking , lost circulation , hole stability , and bit balling , these in turn , influence the service life of bits , pumps and other mechanical equipment .泥浆中固相的含量和种类,直接决定着泥浆的密度、粘度、切力、泥饼质量和失水控制,以与其它化学和机械性能。

石油钻井工程英语口语基础词汇,认识一下~导读:本文石油钻井工程英语口语基础词汇,认识一下 ~ ,仅供参照,假如感觉很不错,欢迎评论和分享。
钻井: drill定向斜井: directional drilling欠均衡钻井: under-balance drilling海上钻井: off-shore drilling陆地钻井: on-shore drilling钻头: drill bit刮刀钻头: drag bit牙轮钻头:rock bit (镶齿钻头insert bit,钢齿钻头steel toothed bit)金刚石钻头: diamond bit取心钻头: coring bit钻头浮阀: float valve钻头水眼: bit nozzle(or jet)钻头水眼刺 :bit nozzle washed out钻头规: bit caliper(bit gauge)钻头泥包: bit is balling钻头钝了,我建议此刻起钻:bit is dull. I suggest to POOH now钻铤: DC(drill collar )光钻铤 slick drill collar,螺旋钻铤 spiral drill collar钻杆: DP(drill pipe )方钻杆: kelly公扣: pin end母扣: box end内平式连结: IF(internal flash)正规式连结: REG(regular)贯眼式连结: FH(full hole) 加重钻杆heavy weight drill pipe短钻杆pop joint井下马达: downhole motor涡轮钻具: turbine震击器: drilling jar减震器: absorber下部钻具组合: BHA (bottom hole assembly)钻具扶正器: stabilizer (string stabilizer, near-bit stabilizer)钻机: drill rig钻井泥浆: drilling mud钻井液: drilling fluid钻井设施: drilling equipment油:oil原油: crude oil天然气: nature gas煤层气: coal-bed gas石油: petroleum中国石油(简称): CNPC ( China NationalPetroleum Corporation)长城钻井(简称):GWDC(Great Wall Drilling Company)采油: oil production产油层 (目的层 ):reservoir( or pay zone)钻进: drilling调整钻井参数以获得理想的机械钻速:play the drilling parameters to get fast ROP起钻: POOH(pull out of hole)下钻: RIH(run in hole)下套管: run casing(or RIH with casing)短起下钻: wiper trip循环泥浆: circulate泥浆: reverse circulate半途循环泥浆: break circulation分段下钻: RIH in stages通井: control trip划眼: reaming倒划眼: back reaming接单根: make connection滑、割大绳: slip and cut drilling line by ton-mile养护设施: maintain the equipment维修设施 : repair (or fix) the equipment养护顶驱: service TDS养护冲管: lubricate wash pipe待工日费: standby rate今日零日费: there is no day rate today(zero day rate today)我能够为您做,但一定收费,请理解I can do for you and I have to charge(back charge) you. Please give me full understanding.不在我的职责范围以内,我要报告领导,一有信息会立刻告诉你It is out of my power and I have to report to my boss. I willlet you know as soon as I get news.大鼠洞: rat hole小鼠洞: mouse hole钻具错扣: the connections are crossed钻具粘扣: thread is galled丝扣坏了: the thread is damaged起钻错扣: alternate the connections新钻具或接头磨扣: break in the new tool joint新钻头磨合: break in the new bitPDC 钻头井底造型: shape the PDC bit跳钻: rough drilling( vibrated drilling, bit is bouncing)蹩钻: rough drilling(drilling torque is abnormally high)缩径: tight hole起钻遇卡: get overpull下钻遇阻: set weight部分漏失: partially lost circulation所有漏失: totally lost circulation盲钻: blind drilling堵水眼: bit jets are blocked掉水眼: bit jets are lost憋压: the pressure is built up卸压: release pressure试压: pressure test功能测试: function test两方单独检查: double check地质: geology地质专业人员: geologist物理: physics地球物理勘探:geo-physical exploration.测井: logging电测井作业: wireline logging operation 泥浆测井: mud logging井(副词“好”含意):well拓展记忆:井眼: bore hole油气井: oil&gas well试井: well test井下: down-hole井下作业: down-hole operation。
mud 术语

mud 术语
1. 石油工业:在石油工程中,"mud"是指用于钻井的泥浆,也
- Mud weight: 泥浆密度,用于控制井筒的压力。
- Drilling mud additives: 钻井泥浆添加剂,用于改善泥浆的性能和功能。
- Mud viscosity: 泥浆黏度,决定泥浆的流动性能。
2. 土木工程:在土木工程中,"mud"指的是泥状的土壤或泥浆。
- Mudslide: 泥石流,指在陡斜的坡地上发生的大量泥土和岩
- Mud pump: 泥浆泵,用于泵送泥浆或污泥。
- Mud wall: 泥墙,用泥土和水建造的墙壁结构。
3. 环境科学:在环境科学领域,"mud"通常指淤泥或污泥。
- Sedimentation: 沉积作用,泥浆中颗粒沉积的过程。
- Mudflat: 泥滩,指潮间带上由泥浆、沉积物和生物组成的

钻井英语常用专业词汇钻井监督foreman队长rig manager(带班)队长toolpusher司钻driller钻工roughneck钻工floorman井架工derrickman泥浆工mudboy油层oil zone地层formation页岩层shale formation地层流体formation fluid岩屑cutting井场wellsite泵房pump area(pump house) 值班房doghouse工具房tool house工具箱tool box井bore hole野猫井wildcat well定向井directional well手工具hand tool公锥taper tap母锥box bell 活动扳手monkey wrench活动扳手adjustable wrench割枪cutting torch打捞工具fishing tool钢卷尺tapeline大钢卷尺steel band tape大钳tong手钳子hand vice手钳子台钳bench vice链钳chain tong内钳lead tong外钳back-up tang液压大钳hydraulic tang套管大钳casing tang榔头hammer螺栓bolts螺丝刀screw driver钢丝绳wire line兜绳mule line安全带safety straps接头sub倒大绳slip and cut the drilling line六方的hexagonal转盘rotary table短路short circuit切断电源stitch off the electricity电路通circuit complete变压器transformer焊条welding rod死绳固定器dead line anchor单点照相测斜仪single-shot inclinometer柴油机engine加热器heater转速revolution高压油泵high pressure fuel pump压风机air compressor电动的electric机动的mechanical泥浆比重计mud scale泥浆仪器mud instrument指重表weight indicator转速表tachometer乙醚ether泥浆drilling fluid钻井液drilling fluid重泥浆slug pipe盐水泥浆salt water mud化学处理剂chemical treating化学药品chemicals泥浆药品mud material粘土clay解卡剂pipe lax material井架derrick钻机(绞车)drawwork电动钻机electric rig钻台rigfloor钻台drillfloor二层台monkey board钻头bit钻柱drill string钻杆drill pipe加重钻杆heavy weight drillpipe方钻杆Kelly大鼠洞rathole震击器jar天车crown block流动滑车traveling block水刹车hydraulic brake刹把brake bar吊卡elevator套管丝扣casing threads护丝thread protectors接头sub配合接头crossover配合接头X-over提升短节lifting sub提升短节lifting nipple提升短节elevator plug卡瓦slip螺旋钻铤spiral collar无磁钻铤柔性短节flex joint滚子扶正器reamer绷绳锚dead men绷绳锚guy anchor绷绳guy line绳卡guy clamp高速离合器high drum clutch 泥浆泵the mud pump活塞piston停泵stop the pump缸套liner拉杆rod拉杆盘根rod packing缸套盘根liner packing高压管线high pressure line 立管standpipe反循环reverse circulation 闸门valve保险凡尔pop-off valve凡尔座valve seat刺washing out取出器puller甩钻具lay dawn drill stem 接大钻具pick up BHA丝扣油dope丝扣thread单根 a joint接卸单根make up/break down a joint 下部钻具结构bottom hole assembly(BHA)再上一扣Make it up one more thread钻头盒bit breaker泥浆罐mud tank搅拌机agitator振动筛布shaker screen停泵circulating固控设备solid control equipment泥浆清洁器mud cleaner闸刀盒switch box离心机centrifuge机厂machine shop动力装置power unit除气器degasser除气器poor-boy除气器gas buster泥浆稠the mud is viscous除砂器desander套管工具casing tool套管大钳casing tang吊卡elevator灌泥浆管线fill up line套管内径规casing rabbit套管头casing head联顶节landing joint套管护丝casing screw protector套管卡瓦casing slip扶正器casing centralizer引鞋casing float shoe回压凡尔casing float collar刮管器casing scraper固井车cement truck防喷器blowout preventor控制台control device井喷blowout防喷系统BOP system汇流阀manifold vlove落鱼fish迟到时间bottom up打捞工具fishing tool卡瓦打捞筒overshot回波探伤仪echo-ranger随钻测斜仪directional orientation tool井下仪器downhole instrument仪器读数instrument readings吊测wire line survey装好定向工具rig up steering tool上提下放钻具Pick up/slack off the string安装设备install equipment开钻start working开钻spud in the well下钻run in hole起钻pull out of hole起钻trip out of hole短途起钻 a short trip正常起钻 a round trip侧钻sidetracking卡钻sticking井塌cave in键槽卡钻key-seating sticking完钻finish drilling停钻stop drilling进尺make meters完井成本the cost of completion中和点neutral point of the string张力tension拉力冲数stroke钻头压力降pressure drop across the bit泵压pump pressure钻压drilling weight钻速the rate of penetration设计深度the planed depth固井设计cementing design泥浆性能试验experiment in mud property立方米cubic meter主要用途the principal purpose高粘hi-vis有粘度的viscous。

1. Mud: 泥浆,指用于钻井的混合物,通常由水、黏土和化学添加剂组成。
2. Mud pump: 泥浆泵,将泥浆从泥浆池中抽送到钻头处的设备。
3. Mud pit: 泥浆池,存放泥浆的大型储存设备。
4. Mud tank: 泥浆罐,通常由钢板制成的贮存泥浆的容器。
5. Mud logging: 泥浆记录,通过监测钻井中使用的泥浆来确定井口的地质状况。
6. Mud engineer: 泥浆工程师,负责管理和控制泥浆的配方和使用。
7. Mud weight: 泥浆密度,描述泥浆中的重量和体积的关系。
8. Mud cake: 泥饼,指在井壁上形成的一层固体泥浆。
9. Mud additive: 泥浆添加剂,用于改进泥浆性质的化学物质。
10. Mud displacement: 泥浆置换,将泥浆从钻杆中排出的过程。
- 1 -。

、井场设备Equipment on well type)site28 泥浆搅拌器mud agitators1 天车crown 29 泥浆缸mud tanks2 井架mast(derrick) 30 泥浆药品储备罐mud sack3 井架摇臂cat-line boom storage4 二层台racking 31 泥浆泥合漏斗mud mixing platform(monkey-board) hopper5 大绳drilling line 32 酉己mud mixing pumps6 游车traveling block 33 泥浆泵mud pumps7 大钩hook 34 空气包pulsation dampeners8 水龙头swivel 35 泥浆泵排水软管(短水龙带)shock9 水龙带rotary hose hoses10 立管standpipe 36 高压管线mud discharge line11 绞车(钻机)drawworks 37 杀ij车水罐brake water tank12 司钻操作台driller's control 38 起钻灌泥浆小罐trip tank13 钻杆盒pipe slacking block 39 架空槽(管)mud return line14 钻台drillfloor 40 泥浆实验室mud lab15 转盘rotary table 41 钻井水罐drilling water tank16 井架底座substruture 42 可控硅房S.C.R. House17 封井器总成blowout preventer 43 电缆排cable traystack 44 电缆梯(架)cable elevator18 钻台偏房dog house 45 柴油机与发电19 节流管汇choke manifold 机engine&generators20 防喷管线点火头gas flare 46 柴油机与压风机engine&air21 泥气分离器mud gas compressorsseparator 47 酉己电房parts storage22 振动筛shale shaker 48 封井器控制台 B.O.P.closing23 除气器degassser unit24 除砂器desander 49 钳工房work shop25 清mud cleaner 50 泵配件房pump parts storage26 离心机centrifuge 51 燃料罐fuel tank27 潜底式泥浆枪mud guns(bottom 52 乘人电梯personnel elevator53 大绳架wire line stand54 大门前跑道catwalks55 钻杆架pipe racks提升系统一、天车crown block1 天车crown block、crown pulley2 天车台crown's net、crown platform3 天车滑轮crown sheaves、crown pulley4 天车滑轮组cluster sheaves5 天车梁crownblock beam6 防碰天车crownblock savercrownblock protector、7 天车安全台crownblock plateform二、游动滑车-大钩traveling block-hook1 游动滑车traveling block、traveling sheave2 大钩hook3 大钩载荷hook load4 大钩额定载荷hook load rating5 大钩提升速度hook speed6 大钩悬重hook weight7 小钩子booklet8 钩上hook up、hook on9 大钩悬挂高度hook height10 卸钩hook off旋转系统三、钻机Drawworks1 钻机drilling rig 、drowworks > drilling machine2 司钻操作台driller's console >driller control cabinet3 杀U把brake lever、brake crank、brake handle、brake bar4 杀U 带brake strap5 刹车凡尔brake valve6 杀U车鼓brake rim、brake drum7 杀U车片brake block8 刹车液brake fluid9 刹车轴brake axle10 刹车功率brake power11 刹车气缸brake cylinder12 刹车踏板brake pedal13 刹车总成brake assembly14 刹带钢圈brake band15 刹带平衡器brake equalizer16 水刹车hydraulic brake17 猫头cat head18 猫头绳cat (head) line19 猫头绳小钩cat hook20 猫头绳滑车cat line sheave21 猫头轴cat shaft22 绞车drawworks23 绞车功率drawworks horspower24 绞车上的进尺传感器drawworks sensor四、转盘与水龙头table and swivel1 转盘rotary table、turntable > rotary2 转速rotary speed、rotational velocity、revotion rate3 转盘台rotating turret 循环系统4 转盘扭矩表rotary torque indicator5 转速比ratio of revolution 一、泥浆泵Mud pump6 转速表revolution counter、 1 泥浆泵mud(slush) pumptachometer 2 泥浆泵液力端mud end of the7 转动方向rotation direction pump8 转矩^0( torque constant 3 (口语)泥浆泵mud hog9 转盘大方瓦master bushing 4 泥浆软管mud hose10 转盘排挡rotary speeds 5 泵房mud house、pump room11 转盘k瓦rotary slips 6 泥浆管线mud line12 转盘大梁rotary support frame 7 泥浆泵软管mud pump hose13 转盘变速器rotary tramsmission 8 泥浆泵配浆装置mud pump14 转盘链条护罩rotary drive mixerguard 9 泥浆泵压力波动mud pump15 转盘转速指示器rotary speed pulseindicator 10 泥浆泵振动压mud pump shock16 转盘底座rotary base pressure17 转盘传动链条rotary chain 11 泥浆泵拖车mud pump trailer18 方补心rotary drive bushing 12 泥浆泵凡尔mud pump valve19 转矩rotary moment 13 泥浆泵安全凡尔mud relief20 转动rotary motion rotacion valve21 水龙头swivel 14 泥浆泵上水管mud suction22 水龙头吊环swivel bail hose23 水龙头外壳swivel body 15 泥浆泵拉杆mud pump rod24 水龙头吊环防喷器swivel 16 泥浆泵动力端mud pump power bumper end25 鹅颈管swivel gooseneck 17 泥浆泵排出端discharge end of26 冲管washpipe pump27 水龙头接头swivel joint (sub) 18 泥浆泵吸入端suction end of28 水龙头中心管swivel stem pump29 冲管旋转接头wash pipe 19 泥浆泵排水软管mud discharge swivel hose20 泥浆泵拉杆盘根pa函ng ring21 泥浆泵拉杆盘根盒packing box22 凡尔座valve seat23 凡尔体valve body24 缸套pump cylinder、pump liner25 活塞piston piston26 密封圈rubber seak sealing ring27 缸盖cylinder cover(head> lid)28 空气包air chamber29 空气包气囊air balloon30 泵体pump body31 泵箱pump box32 泵夕卜壳pump case33 泵的单流凡尔pump check valve34 泵排量pump discharge > pump displacement35 泵效率pump efficiency36 泵基础pump foundation37 泵头pump head38 泵吸入高度pump I计8 pump suction head39 泵负载pump load40 泵排出管线pump main41 泵抽空pump off42 泵过滤器pump strainer43 泵冲程pump stroke44 上水凡尔suction valve45 凡尔座取出器valve seat puller 二、钻井液Drilling fluid1 泥浆mud、drilling fluid2 泥浆挡板mud baffle3 泥浆比重称mud balance4 泥浆储存箱mud bin5 泥浆结构mud body6 泥饼桥mud bridges7 泥饼mud cake8 泥饼校正mud cake correction9 泥饼效应mud cake effect10 泥饼电阻率mud cake resistivity11 每分钟泥浆流量加仑数mud circulation gallons per minute12 泥浆柱mud column13 泥浆处理剂mud conditioner14 泥浆电导率mud conductivity15 泥浆性能控制mud control16 泥浆杯mud cup17 泥浆密度mud density18 除砂器mud desander19 泥浆槽mud ditch、mud flume20 泥浆防漏纤维屑mud fiber21 泥浆滤液mud filtrate22 泥浆流mud flow23 泥浆枪mud gun24 泥浆(口语)mud laden fluid25 泥浆净化槽mud launder26 泥浆管线mud line27 结泥饼mud lining28 泥浆录井图mud log29 泥浆录井mud logging30 泥浆漏失mud loss31 井漏探测器mud-lossinstrument56 泥浆比重指示计 mud weight indicator 57 泥浆粘度 mud viscosity 58水基泥浆water-base mud59 水基混油泥浆 water-base oil emulsion mud 60 油包水乳化液 water-in-oil emulsion61失水量 water loss 62 淡水泥浆 water mud 63 初切力 gel initial 64 静切力 gel of mud 65 PH 值PH-value66 PH 值记录仪 PH-recorder 67PH 值测定计 PH-meter68 含盐量 salt content 69 含盐的 salt bearing 70 含水的water bearing71 含砂量 sand content72 盐水泥浆salt mud 73 盐水 salt water 、salty water 74 盐水基泥浆 salt water base mud 75 含盐泥浆salty mud76盐析 salting-out动力传动系统一、传动箱(变速箱)Transmission gearbox1 传动箱 gear box 、gear case2 换档 gear change3 换低档 gear down4 齿轮传动 gear drive5 齿轮润滑油 gear grease6 齿轮增速器 gear increaser 7齿轮输入轴 gear input shaft8 齿轮传动马达gear motor 9 齿轮油 gear oil10 齿轮输出轴 gear output shaft 11 齿轮泵 gear pump 12 齿条 gear rack 13传动比 gear ratio33 泥浆搅拌器 mud mixer34 泥封 mud off 35 泥浆池 mud pit 36 泥浆站 mud plant 37 泥浆 压力计mud pressureindicator38 泥浆设计 mud program 39 泥浆回收 mud reclamation 40 泥浆记录 mud record 41 泥饼圈 mud ring42 泥浆试样 mud sample 43 泥浆比重计 mud scale 44 泥浆筛 mud screen45 泥浆分离器 mud separator46 泥浆沉淀池 mud setting sump 47 振动筛 mud shaker 48 捞砂筒 mud socket 49 泥浆稳定性 mud stability 50 泥浆流 mud stream 51 泥浆罐 mud tank 52 泥浆增稠剂mud thickeners53泥浆减稠剂 mud thinner54 泥浆比重 mud weight55泥浆比重天平 mud weight mud makingbalance32 造浆岩层 formation14 齿轮减速器gear reduction unit15 齿轮轴gear shaft16 换档gear shifting17 齿轮牙齿gear teeth18 增速gear up19 gearwheel20 力口速器accelerator- 、柴油机Engines1 柴油机diesel engine2 柴油diesel engine fuel > dieseloil oil diesel (diesel oil)3 柴油塞diesel-oil plug4 柴油耗量diesel comsumption5 柴油指数diesel index6 柴油机爆震diesel knock7 柴油添加剂diesel fuel additives>diesel-dope8 柴油发电机组diesel electric set9 弓| 擎engine motor10 柴油机底座engine bed11 柴油机本体engine body12 柴油机泵组engine and pump assembly13 柴油机功率engine capacity14 柴油机气缸engine cylinder15 柴油机驱动engine drive16 柴油机防冻液engine-antifreeze17 柴油机故障engine failure18 发动机燃料engine fuel combustible de motor19 柴油机房engine house> engine shed20 柴油机活塞engine piston21 柴油机引擎engine primer22 柴油机皮带轮engine pulley23 粗柴油engine solar oil24 柴油机减速器engine speedreducer25 柴油机支架engine support26 柴油机并车engine compound27 调速器speed regulator、governor28 调温器thermosistor29 调压阀pressure-regulating valve30 调节滑阀regulating slide valve31 调节螺母adjusting nut32 调节螺栓adjusting bolt33 调节螺丝adjusting screw、regulating screw34 调节液regulating solution35 调节系统adjusting factor36 调平系统leveling system37 调平液缸leveling cylinder38 调速杆governor lever39 调节范围adjusting range40 调温冷却器trim cooler 68 油环oil ring、scraper ring、oil41 风扇blowing fan、fan rim42 风扇皮带fan belt 69 油底壳oil pan43 固定螺丝hold-down screw、70 油马达oil motorretaining screw 71 排气阀air bleeding valve>exhaust 44 固定管板式换热器fixed valvetube-sheet exchanger 72 排气管blast pipe、exhaust pipe45 气门valve 73 排气孔air vent hole46 气室chamber 74 排气冲程exhaust stroke47 气缸垫head gasket 75 排气旋塞blow cock48 气缸盖cylinder head 76 进气管admission pipe49 气缸套cylinder liner 77 水泵water pump50 气缸体cylinder block 78 散热器radiator5152 汽化器carburetor高压泵high-pressure pump井控装备53 高级汽油high-quality gasoline 一、防喷系统BOP system54 高速柴油机high-speed engine 1 井控(防喷) blowout control55 oil 高速机械油high-speed machine 2 防喷设备blowout controlequipment56 空气滤子air filter 3 防喷装置blowout hookup57 柴油滤子diesel oil filter 4 失控喷油井blowout oil well58 机油滤子lubricating oil filter 5 防喷塞blowout plug59 cup 油杯lubricating cup、oil bowl、oil 6 防喷器blowout preventer7 防喷四通spool60 黄油枪lubricating gun 8 三级密封式防喷器blowout61 黄油嘴lubricating nipple preventer of three stage packer type62 力口油孑L lubrication hole 9 防喷器升高短节blowout-preventer63 加油器lubricator riser64 油泵oil pump 10 防喷器组blowout preventer65 油尺dipstick unit(stack)66 油封oil blanket、oil seal 11 防喷措施blowout prevention67 油壶oilcan、oiler、oil pot procedure12 井喷模拟器blowout simulator13 环行闸门(万能) annular ram14 半封闸门pipe ram15 盲板(全封) blind ram16 剪切闸板shear ram17 液压阀hydraulic valve18 节流管汇choke-line manifold19 节流压力choke pressure20 控制台control condole21 远程控制台remote control console22 泥气分离器gas buster(poor boy)23 除气器degasser24 方钻杆下旋塞upper Kelly cock25 方钻杆上旋塞lower Kelly cock常用工具一、井口工具well head tools1 方补心kelly bushings2 垫叉elevator bushings3 滚子方补心roller type kelly bushings4 卡瓦slip5 女瓦safety slips6 吊卡elevator7 吊钳tongs8 液压大钳hydraulic tong9 旋扣器spinner10 旋绳器spinner11 旋链spinning chain12 旋绳spinning rope(line) 13 链钳chain tongs(chain wrench)14 管钳pipe tongs(pipe spanner)15 方瓦钩子bushing(tool)hook16 钻杆钩子drill pipe hoolet二、手工具Hand Tools1 手钳combination pliers2 扳手wrench(spanner)3 螺丝刀screwdriver4 铿刀file lima5 扁铲flat chisel6 车冈锯hacksaw sierra7 榔头club hammer(sledge hammer)8 舌ij 刀scraper9 手斧hatchets10 套管扳手box spanner11 麻花钻twist drill12 手木钻gimlet13 玻璃刀glass cutter14 园顶锤ball-peen hammer15 羊角锤claw hammer16 十字螺丝刀phillips screwdriver17 丁字镐pick18 梅花扳手(套换扳手) ring spanner19 男刀scissors20 试电笔螺丝刀electrical screwdrivers21 开口扳手open-ended spanner22 扭矩扳手torque wrenchtechnique安全Safety26 保险装置safety apparatus 1 安全允许应力safe allowable 27 防护用具safety appliance stress 28 安全制动safety arrestment 2 安全区safe area 29 保险带safety belt3 安全空气环境safe atmosphere4 安全承载safe bearing load 30valve安全放泄阀safety bleeder5 安全浓度safe concentration 31 架工安全操作台safety boar6 安全保管safe custody 32 安全箱safety box7 安全距离safe distance 33 保险刹车safety brake8 安全点火地带safe fire zone 34 安全旁通管safety by-pass9 护罩(安全措施)safeguard 35 保险索safety cable10 保护位safeguard bit 36 安全帽safety cap11 保护措施safeguard clause 37 安全档safety catch12 安全处理规程safeguard 38 安全证书safety certificate procedures 39 安全链safety chain13 安全规则safe-handling procedure 4041 安全检查器safety checker 安全卡子safety clamp14 安全传热safe rules 42 安全间隙safety clearance15 妥善保护safe heat transfer 43 安全离合器safety clutch16 安全限度safekeeping 44 安全规程safety code17 安全限制safe level 45 安全系数safety coefficient18 安全载重safe limit 46 安全色标safety color19 安全操作safe load20 安全技术safe operation 47head安全控制头safety control21 (不出砂的)安全产量safe 48 安全连safety coupling practice 49 安全熔断器safety cut out22 安全可靠性safe reliability 50 安全检测器safety detector23 安全应力safe stress 51 安全雷管safety detonator24 安全报警器safety alarm 52 安全设备safety equipment device 53 安全评价safety evaluation 25 安全分析技术safety analysis 54 安全排气管safety exhaust55 安全系数safety factor56 安全性能safety feature57 安全照明灯safety flare58 保险丝safety fuse59 保险齿轮(档)safety gear60 安全玻璃safety glass61 护目镜safety goggles62 安全接地safety ground63 安全接地装置safety grounding device64 上曲女壬巾safety harness65 安全帽safety hat(helmet)66 安全起重机safety hoist67 安全大钩safety hook68 安全生产safety in production69 安全检查员safety inspector70 安全接头safety joint71 安全梯safety ladder72 安全灯safety lamp73 保险销safety latch74 安全液面safety level75 安全照明safety lighting76 保险绳套safety link77 安全琐销safety locking pin78 安全琐线safety lockwire79 安全储备(余额)safety margin80 安全措施safety measures81 安全网safety net82 安全标志safety notice83 保险螺帽safety nut84 安全作业区safety operation area85 安全销safety pin86 安全预防措施safety precaution87 安全计戈U safety program88 安全记录safety record89 安全守则safety regulation90 断路继电器safety relay91 安全泄电器safety relief valve92 保险绳safety rope93 安全罩safety screen94 安全密封封隔器safety seal packer95 安全传感器safety sensor96 安全止动螺钉safety set screw97 安全剪切接头safety shear sub98 安^^ safety shoes99 安全隔断阀safety shutdown valve100 安全滑车safety slide101 女全〜瓦safety slip102 安全「盘safety stirrup103 女全库什里safety stock104 安全限位档块safety step 105 女全带safety-strap106 保险开关safety switch107 女全技术safety technique 108 安全阀门座safety valve seat 109 安全阀safety valve110 安全电压safety voltage111 安全垫圈safety washer112 安全重量safety weight113 安全工作压力safety working pressure114 额定安全工作压力值safety workingpressure rating 一、套管 Casing 1 套管 casing2 套管附件 casing accessories3 下套管的井 cased borehole4 下套管完井cased holecompletion5 全部下套管的井 cased through well6 下套管case in7 套管异径接头 casing adapter 8套管车苗 casing anchor9 套管环空< casing annulus 10 下套管工具 casing appliances 11 卜套营地层 formation casing-bearing12 套管打捞筒 casing bowl 13 套管桥塞 casing bridge plug 14 套管弯曲casing buckling15 扶正器 casing centralizer16 回压凡尔 casing check valve 17 套管卡子 casing clamps 18套管挤坏casing collapse 19 套管接箍 casing collar20 套管接箍测定器casing collar location21 测套管接箍 casing collar log 22套管连接casing connection23 套管腐蚀监 casing corrosion monitoring24 套管联接器 casing coupling2526 jar套管割刀 casing cutter 套管割刀震击器casing cutter27 套管割刀加力器 casing cuttersinker28 套管损伤 casing damage 29 套管^casing deformation 30 套管深度 casing depth 31 套管打casing dog32 套管整形器 casing drift swage 33 砸套管护帽 casing drive head 34 石血击套O casing drive shoe 35 套管casing elevator36 套管损伤 casing failure 37 套管酉己件 casing fitting 38 回压凡尔 casing float 39 套Ocasing float shoe40 套管丝扣规 casing gauge 41 套管车冈级 casing grade 42 弓I 鞋 casing guide shoe 43 套casing hanger 44套管附件casing hardware45 套管头 casing head46 bowl 套管头内卡瓦座 casing head 47 套管头压力 casing headpressure48 套管头四通 casing head spool49套管头挤水泥casing head squeeze50 套管与井壁环空casing-hole 78 套管母扣护丝casing screw annulus head51 套;1^钩casing hook 79 套管公扣护丝casing screw52 套管缺陷casing imperfection protector53 套管探伤casing inspection 80 套管密封件casing seal54 log 检查套管测井casing inspection 81 套管铳刀casing section m川82 套管下入深度casing setting55 「套管casing installation depth56 套管千斤顶casing jack 83 割套管casing severing57 卜套管作业casing job 84 套管侧钻casing side tracking58 -casing joint 85 套管尺寸casing size59 套管割刀casing knife 86 套^^^瓦casing slip60 联顶节casing landing 87 套管casing spear61 套管漏casing leak 88 casing spider62 裸眼完89 套管裂纹casing split井casingless-completion 90 套管割刀casing splitter63 胀管器 casing mandrel 91 入井第管casing starter64 套管铳鞋casing m川92 套管粘卡casing sticking65 tool 套管磨铳工具casing milling 93 套管柱casing string94 套管柱设计casing string66 套管短节casing nipple design67 套管封隔器casing packer 95 套管异径接头casing sub68 套管修补casing patch 96 套casing suspender69 套管补孑L器casing patch tool 97 胀管器 casing swage70 套管射孑L器casing perforator 98 套管旋转头casing swivel71 套管鞋深度casing point 99 捞套管公锥casing tape72 套管紧扣杆casing pole 100 套管测试器casing tester73 套压casing pressure 101 套管螺纹casing threads74 套管试压casing pressure test 102 套管井壁环空casing-to-hole75 套管程序casing programme annulus76 套管护箍casing protector 103 套管容积casing volume77 舌ij管器casing scraper 104 管壁casing wall105 套管磨损casing wear 24 立柱stand(thrible) columnar 106 套管造斜器casing whipstock 三、复杂情况与事故Trouble and 107 拔套管casing withdrawal accidents108 套管重量casing wt> casing 1 跳钻rough drilling(bouncing of weight drilling tool)二、钻柱drilling string 2 憋钻bit bouncing1 钻头bit(rock bit) 3 溜钻drilling string not well braked2 酉己合接头cross-over sub 4 顿钻percussion drill3 减Ol bumpers(shock 5 打倒车reverse rotation(running) absorber) 6 井斜hole deviation(inclination)4 随钻打捞杯drilling junk basket 7 纠斜correct drift5 无磁钻铤Monel drill collar, 8 填井plug-backNon-maganetic 9 打水泥塞cementing plug6 钻铤drill collar 10 侧钻cidetracking7 扶正器stabilizer estabilizador 11 井漏lost circulation8 螺旋钻艇spiral drill collar9 随钻震击器drilling jar 12 井塌slough(cace-in)13 井涌kick10 柔性短节flex joint 14 井喷blowout11 加重钻杆heavy wall drill 15 卡钻stuck(sticking)pipe(HWDP) 16 粘卡differential sticking(wall12 钻杆drill pipe sticking)13 回压凡尔back pressure valve 17 键槽卡钻key-seating sticking14 方保接头kelly sub(save sub) 18 砂桥卡钻sand bridge sticking15 方钻杆kelly 19 沉砂卡钻sand settling sticking16 方入kelly-in(kelly-down) 20 遇阻touchdownftouching17 方余kelly-up resistance)18 正扣right band thread 21 遇卡touch staking19 反扣left hand thread 22 对扣make-up(stab)20 母接头tool joint box 23 造扣thread making21 公接头tool joint pin 24 倒扣back-off22 单根single 25 拔活塞pulling a piston23 双根double 26 打捞fishing27 解卡剂releasing stuck agent(pipe lax)28 泡解卡剂black magic to soak with black magic29 爆破松扣break outing pack of dynamite30 化学切割器chemical cutter31 钻头泥包bit balling (balling up ofa bit)32 卡点free point33 扭断to twist-off34 挤水泥squeeze cementing35 解卡unfreezing, releasing stuck四、钻井人员Drilling Personnel1 总裁president2 总经理general manager3 钻井监督drilling supervisor4 钻井工程师drilling engineer5 泥浆工程师mud engineer6 定向井工程师directionalengineer7 机械师mechanical engineer8 电器工程师electric engineer9 钻井队长toolpusher10 钻井技术员drilling technician11 工长foreman12 司机长principal engineman13 司钻driller14 司机engine(motor)man15 司助assistant motorman16 发电工generator keeper17 井架工derrickman1819 内外钳工场地工floorman roustabout20 泥浆工mudman(mudboy)21 地质工geo-sampler22 炊事员cook23 服务员attendant24 副总裁vice president25 副经理deputy manager26 副司钻assistant driller27 汽车司机driver28 库房保管员storekeeper29 安全员security official30 成本云计员cost accountant31 材料员material handler, man32 会计员accountant33 话务员operator34 翻译interpreter35 总工程师chief engineer36 主任工程师principal engineer37 总会计师general accountant38 总地质师general geologist39 总设计师chief designer40 董事长chairman41 平台经理Rig manager42 作业监督operation supervisor43 机械监督mechanic supervisor44 电器监督electrical supervisor45 设备监督equipment supervisor46 安全监督safety supervisor47 环境监督environmental inspector48 钻工floor men五、常用钻井词汇Useful Words of Drilling1 钻井drill(make hole) 28 已钻通的drilled in2 可钻性drillability 29 钻入桩脚drilled pile3 可钻碎的drillable 30 车占探drilled reserves4 可钻式尾管悬挂器drillable liner 31 钻进显示drilled show5 可钻式封drillable packer 32 完钻井drilled well6 可钻式永久封隔器drillable 33 司钻drillerpermanent packer 34 钻机台月driller-month7 继续钻井drill ahead 35 司钻控制台driller's console8 钻柱组合drillstring combinations 36 司钻小型控制台driller's control9 钻头drill bit cabinet10 钻头彳」程drill bit run 37 司钻记录driller's log11 钻井钢丝绳drill cable 38 司钻法(压井)driller's method12 钻铤drill collar 39 司钻监视器driller's monitor13 钻铤环空drill collar annulus 40 司钻(平)台driller station14 钻铤水眼drill collar bore 41 钻井班报表driller reporter15 钻铤弯曲度drill collar 42 钻头打捞器drill extractor curvature 43 钻台drill floor16 钻铤应力减轻槽drill collar 44 钻井液drill fluidgroove 45 钻井进尺drill footage17 钻铤提升短节drill collar lifting 46 钻头离开井底空转drill free nipple 47 钻头规drill gauge18 钻铤扶正器drill collar 48 井眼drill holestabilizer 49 井口返出泥浆drill-hole returns19 钻铤刚度drill collar stiffness 50 井星巨drill-hole spacing20 取心井drill core sample hole 51 测井斜drill-hole survey21 钻井队drilling crew 52 打开生产井drill-in22 岩屑drill cuttings(solids) 53 下套管后再开升drilling ahead23 已钻区drilled area 54 钻井分析drilling analytical24 水泥碎屑drilled cement work25 干钻drilled dry 55 钻头drilling bit26 已钻进尺drilled footage 56 钻探井租地drilling block27 钻头切削刀drill edge 57 钻进中放空drilling break58 钻机能力drilling capacity 85 钻井人员drilling implementer59 钻井扶正器drilling centralizer 86 压力平衡钻60 钻井用粘土drilling clay 进drilling-in-balance61 完井作业drilling completion 87 钻井仪表drilling instrument operation 88 钻进井段drilling interval89 钻井楼层drilling invasion62 完井方,案drilling completionprogram zone63 钻井条件drilling condition64 钻井合同drilling contract yu 旭十口展山命drilling jar91 钻井记录表drilling journey65 钻井成本drilling cost 92 钻井大绳drilling line66 钻杆接箍drilling coupling 93 尾管drilling liner67 钻井队drilling crew 94 尾管固井drilling liner68 岩屑drilling cuttings cementing69 钻井周期drilling cycle 95 大绳滚筒drilling line reel70 钻井污染区drilling damage 96 尾管悬挂器drilling linerzone hanger71 钻井数据库drilling data base 97 钻压drilling load72 钻井工作量drilling effort 98 钻进录井drilling log73 钻井工程师drilling engineer 99 双腿井架drilling mast74 钻井工程(学)drilling 100 钻速方程drilling model engineering 101 钻进监控系统drilling mordtor 75 钻井工程录井仪drilling systemengineering data logging unit 102 泥浆drilling mud76 钻井设备drilling equipment 103 钻井作业drilling operation77 钻井开支drilling expenditure 104 钻井经drilling operator78 钻井经验drilling experience 105 优化钻井drilling optimization79 钻井专家drilling expert 106 钻水泥塞drilling out80 循环系统circulating system 107 钻井设备drilling outfit81 净化系统drilling system 108 钻井参数drilling parameter82 进尺drilling footage 109 钻井优化参数drilling parameter83 钻井队长drilling foreman optimization84 水;drilling hose 110 井位布直drilling pattern111 钻井人员 drilling people 112 钻井许可权 drilling permit 113 钻井阶段 drilling phase 114钻井平台drilling platform115 钻井实践(作业) drilling120 钻井研究开发部 drilling R and 121 钻速 Rate of Penetration , drilling rate 122 钻速方程 drilling rate model 123 行程钻速 drilling rate of a trip 124 钻速记录仪 drilling rate recorder 125钻井记录drilling record126 钻井船 drilling ship(vessel) 127 钻井模拟器 drilling simulator 128 井场 drilling site 129 钻井专家 drilling specialist130 钻速 drilling speed 131 防喷器下的四通 drilling spool 132钻柱drilling stem(string)133 钻柱扶正器 drilling string stabilizer 134 钻井总监 drilling superintendent 135 钻井监督 drilling supervisor 136钻井技术drillingtechnique(tech)137 钻井技术员 drilling technicianpractice 116 钻井预报 117 钻井泵压 118 钻井程序 119 钻井进度drilling prediction drilling pressure drilling programdrilling progress138 钻井工艺drilling technology 139 钻井供应船drilling tender 140 钻井时间drilling time141 钻时记录drilling time log 142 钻速记录仪drilling time recorder143 钻至设计井深drilling to completion144 钻具drilling tool钻井英语缩写Abbreviation PPG pounds per gallon (密DP drill pipe 钻杆度)每加仑磅DC drill collar 钻铤PSI pounds per square inch SMDC short (pony) magnetic drill母平方英寸磅collar短无磁钻铤HTHP high temperature high PDM positive displacement motor pressure高温高压螺杆LCM lost circulation material NMDC nonmagnetic drill collar 无磁堵漏剂钻铤(钻具)API American petroleum BOP blowout preventer if#器institute美国石油协会XO cross-over酉己合接头IADC International associationIF internal flush 内平drilling contractor国际钻井承包商REG regular 正规CNPC China national petroleum EU external upset 夕卜力口厚company中国石油天然气总公司IEU internal & external upset 内夕卜P/N part number零件型号加厚N/W net weight 净重WOB weight on bit 钻压P/U pick up吊起SPM strokes per minute 冲程每分L/D lay down 甩开钟N/D nipple down 卸开ECD equivalent circulating density woe wait on cement 侯凝当量泥浆密度WOO wait on order 等指令MT metric ton公制吨DR drilling 钻进DST drill stem test 钻具测试WOW wait on water 等水STDS stands立柱SX sacks 大袋WL water loss 失水CBU circulate bottoms up 循环YP yield point屈月艮值一周TVD total vertical depth 垂深MWD measurement while drilling 随TD total depth 总井深钻测量DIR direction 定向HWDP heavy weight drill pipe 力口重钻DEV deviation 井斜杆ID inside-diameter 夕卜径STB stabilizer钻杆扶正器CSG casing套管TOH JNT joint单根KSW FH full hole 贯眼器IU Internal upset 内力口厚OH open hole 裸眼RPM钟revolutions per minute 转速分BHA组合bottom hole assembly 底部钻具KS key seat 键槽VIS viscosity 粘度PV plastic viscosity 塑性粘度FL filtrate loss 滤失MD measured depth 测量井深KOP kick off point 造斜点AZM azimuth 方位ROP速rate of penetration 机械钻FTG footage 进尺SGL single单本艮AD assistant driller 副司钻S/N serial number 系歹U号G/W gross weight 毛重M/U make up接上N/U nipple up 接上R/U rig up安装RIH run in hole 下钻POOH pull out of hole 起钻RM reaming扩眼(划眼)TOF top of fish 鱼顶MW mud weight泥浆密度trip out of hole 起钻key seat wiper键槽清洁。

钻井常用英语总结目录一、单词……………………….3--10二、钻井常用短语及句子…………...11--18三、钻井泥浆术语……………………19—21四、常用安全术语…………………….22—23五、钻井设备英语……………………24—28六、钻井英语情景对话………………29---36 附:钻井指令第一节钻井英语单词drilling crew 钻井drill floor,rig floor,floor 钻台drawworks 绞车well-site, rig-site 井场rig manager 平台经理DC (drill collar) 钻铤drilling engineer 钻井工程师DP (drill pipe) 钻杆toolpusher 带班队长rotary table 转盘driller 司钻assistant driller 副司钻derrickman, monkeyman 井架工roughneck, floorman 钻工roustabout 场地工liner 缸套motor fireman 司机wellhead 井口circulation & solid system 循环固控系统machinist 机械师,机工,机械大班electrician 电器师,电工,电器大班operation program 作业程序(指令) cathead 猫头caravan 营房,大篷车tong 大钳elevator 吊卡well depth 井深slip 卡瓦makeup 上扣spud in 开钻breakout 卸扣ROP (rate of penetration),drilling speed, penetration rate 钻速trip 起下钻diesel-engine 柴油机loss circulation 井漏,循环漏失working uniform 工作服brake handle, brake bar 刹把water well condition 井况circulating tank, circulation tank 循环罐normal drilling 正常钻井reserve tank 储备罐parameter 参数trip tank 补给罐,尖底罐, 起下钻泥浆罐rotary speed 转盘转速shale shaker 振动筛pump pressure 泵压WOB (weight on bit) 钻压mesh 目,网孔;啮合,编织torque 扭矩screen cloth 筛布displacement 排量safety meeting 班前会pump stroke 泵冲shift exchange 交班mud pump 泥浆泵master 师傅,主人;征服,控制,精通in charge of 负全责,经营,照顾obtain 获得,得到according to 根据,依照normal 正常的,正规的,标准的introduce 介绍,传入,引进,提出progress 前进,行进,进展supervisor 监督location 井场,井位inspection 检查,考察,验收cellar 方井soild (control) system 固控系统waste pit 污水池、废水池Top Drive (Drilling System)顶(部)驱(动)钻井系统Project Department 项目部on duty 值班modify 整改、修改clinic 医务室electic rig 电动钻机disconnect 拆开,分离,断开pipeline 管线order 指令,命令,顺序Company 公司,甲方Operator 业主,甲方Contractor 承包商,乙方pump house 泵房schedule 时间表,进度表size 尺寸,大小,尺码information 通知,信息,资料equipment 设备,装备,器材instruction 指令,指示,说明书SCR house 可控硅房replace 更换,替换,代替brake shoe 刹车块wear out 磨损safety 安全,保险,安全设备fax 传真guy 家伙,人standpipe 立管Campsite 营地crownblock 天车traveling block 游车dog-house 司钻休息室rat hole 大鼠洞mouse hole小鼠洞spudding inspection 开钻验收fill in 填充catwalk 狭窄的过道,高空走道;高台,天车台casing float collar 套管浮箍casing float valve 套管浮阀casing guide shoe 套管引鞋cement水泥,注水泥,结合剂,胶结剂plug 插头safety pin安全销glove手套quick-connector快速接头fire extingwisher灭火器stretcher担架First Aid紧急救护control board控制板weight mdicator指重表rotary torque indicator转盘扭矩表sling吊绳绳套deadline anchor死绳固定器brake system刹车系统drum滚筒safety line保险绳safety belt安全带hydraulic tong液气大钳slip卡瓦elevator吊卡bit breaker钻头盒chain tong链钳.pipe tong管钳wrench板手pliers钳子、老虎钳scissor剪刀cable slot电缆槽vacuum degasser真空除气器butterfly valve蝶阀desilter除泥器desander除砂器degasser除气器mud gun泥浆枪agitator搅拌器leakage漏,泄漏,渗漏barite重晶石hopper漏斗piston活塞union油壬fuel tank燃油罐、高架罐remote control station远控房BOP stacks防喷器组kill line 压井管线choke line节流管线preventer防喷器annular环空ram闸板low pressure低压fire blanket消防毯fire sand防火砂kitchen厨房storeroom储藏室bathroom卫生间spudding date开钻日期spudding time 开钻时间string钻柱BHA(bottom hole assembly)钻具组合drilling jar震击接头drill box钻杆盒drilling program钻井程序、钻井指令drilling fluid钻井液mix up混和、调配、混淆mud material泥浆材料LCM(lost circulation material)堵漏材料、堵漏剂mud engineer泥浆工程师day tour白班night tour夜班drilling progress钻井进度routine inspection例行检查、日常cave塌陷、塌下、井壁坍塌loss漏失kick井涌hole section井段casing setting depth套管坐封深度downhole problem(trouble)井下事故undergauge 缩径tight hole井径缩小的井眼tight spot (井径)缩小点、缩小段footage钻井进尺formation地层、岩层、构造、组织make up a joint接单根(立柱)sticking 粘附、刺、卡钻sticking point卡点free point卡点hook weight悬重unfreeze解卡back-off倒扣fishing 打捞sidetrack侧钻back reaming倒划眼soak oil泡油soak releasing 泡解卡剂slough off坍塌ream down划眼borehole operation井下作业deviational survey 井斜测量make a trip 起下钻bouncing 跳跃的、大的、重的、跳钻bit bouncing 蹩跳bit balling 泥包钻头cutting 切削、切割、切屑、钻屑cutting sample 砂样mud logging 综合录井sandstone 砂岩Pooh(pull out of hole) 起钻RIH(run in hole)下钻junk 落物、金属屑、碎物junk sub 打捞(落物)接头scrape 擦、刮、擦痕、刮掉bit gauge 钻头规centralizer 扶正器hold pressure 蹩压day rate 日费standby rate 等待日费、待命费run casing下套管cementing operation固井作业drift casing套管通径clean thread洗扣geologist地质师、地质学家casing shoe套管鞋thread protector护丝casing tong套管钳wiper trip通井rigid centralizer刚性扶正器guide shoe引鞋float-collar浮箍accident事故、意外事件slurry水泥浆WOC(waiting-on--cement)候凝期nipple up安装(防喷器)primary cement job正注固井wireline log电测test pressure 试压International practice国际惯例choke manifold节流管汇lay down the string倒钻具nut螺母bolt螺栓、螺钉screw bolt螺栓、螺杆pipe ram管子闸板shut-down停工HWDP (heavy weight drill pipe) 加重钻杆calibrate 校正、定标judgment 判断bleed off ling 排砂(排放)管线commence 开始、着手isolate 隔离、隔绝、绝缘welding 焊接、压实、压结mud property 泥浆性能MW(mud weight) 泥浆比重mud density 泥浆密度funnel viscosity 漏斗粘度PV(plastic viscosity) 塑性粘度well control drill 井控演习、防喷演习increase 增大、增加、增大decrease 减少、降低;减少之量pressure gauge 压力表casing pressure 套(管)压(力) choke valve 节流阀coring operation 取心作业hole collapse井壁坍塌pressure surge 压力激动、压力涌动bump pressure 碰压cement head 水泥头reserse circulation 反循环cement 水泥,注水泥;结合剂;粘紧,粘牢cement accelerator 水泥促凝剂cement hardener 水泥速凝剂, 水泥硬化剂cement head (注) 水泥头cementing jobs 注水泥作业cement job 固井作业cement squeeze 挤水泥bonus 奖金,红利completion job 完井作业hand pump 手摇泵,手压泵workshop 车间,工场nipple down 卸下nipple up 装上,接上,装配,安装ID (inside diameter) 内径torque-on-bit 钻头扭矩tubing bonnet 油管头tubing hanger 油管悬挂器, 油管挂tubing joint 油管接箍landing head (悬挂油管用)油管头,(油管)联顶头landing joint 联顶节[下套管或油管联顶时用]TBG (tubing) 油管spacer fluid 封隔液mud logging unit 综合录井仪cooperation 合作,协作sample sack 砂样袋engage 从事;啮合deadline anchor 死绳固定器,死绳锚drilling cost 钻井成本evaluate 评价,估价,求…的值in advance 预先overpressure 过压,超压力swab 抽汲eliminate 排除,消除pipe bouncing 钻具蹩跳drill string failure 断钻具twist-off 脱扣horizontal well 水平井vertical well 垂直井stainless steel 不锈钢anticline 背斜porosity 孔隙度potential 潜在的,可能的; 潜能,潜力densimeter 密度计communication 传达,信息,交流,通讯hook velocity 大钩速度verify 检验,查证,核实confirm 确定,批准,印证incredible 难以置信的round trip 起下钻resume normal drilling 恢复正常钻进goal 目的,目标understanding 理解,认识,谅解kill operation 压井作业wireline [electric] log 电测井GR 自然伽玛scrap iron 铁屑cotton yarn 棉纱paint 油漆cavern 大山洞,大岩洞,溶洞,穴fossil 化石;陈腐的,守旧的gas-bearing 含气的water-bearing 含水的DST(drill-stem test) 中途测试, 钻杆测试water loss 失水flow pressure 流动压力daily output 日产量target zone 目的层finishing drilling 完钻thermometer 温度计reserve circulation 反循环build up 建造,安装;压力增加,压力恢复build up a jointWell Control & Drill Procedures井控措施及防喷演习程序LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS缩写表BHP - Bottom-Hole Pressure 井底压力BOP - Blow out Preventer 防喷器CDPP - Circulating drill pipe pressure 循环钻杆压力CP - Casing pressure 套管压力CSG – Casing 套管DC - Drill collar 钻铤DP - Drill pipe 钻杆ECD - Equivalent circulating density 当量循环密度EMW - Equivalent Mud Weight 当量泥浆比重FCP - Final Circulating Pressure 最终循环压力Gm – Mud weight 泥浆比重HPHT - High pressure high temperature高压高温HWDP - Heavy Weight Drill Pipe加重钻杆ICP - Initial Circulating Pressure初始循环压力LOT - Leak-Off Test地漏测试MAASP - Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure最大容许环空表面压力MD - Measured depth测量深度MEMW - Maximum equivalent mud weight最大当量泥浆比重Ps - Static pressure静压力Q - Flow rate 流量ROP - Rate of penetration机械钻速SICP - Shut-in Casing Pressure关井套压SIDPP - Shut-in Drill Pipe Pressure 关井钻杆压力TVD - Total vertical depth垂直总深kill and choke lines 压井和阻流管线kill fuild 压井液killing well 压井kill job 压井作业kill line压井管线kill rate 压井排量kill string 压井管柱kill-weight-fluid 加重压井液,高比压井液operating skill 操作技巧view point 观点engage in 从事,啮合primary control 首要控制,一次井控secondry control 二等控制,二次井控tertiary control第三位控制,三次井控safety margin 安全系数circulate out循环带出wildcat 探井pressure surge 压力波动,压力骤增Kick Control Sheet 井涌控制表circulating bottoms up循环井底至井口的泥浆行程active mud system在用泥浆系统fill the hole 灌满井眼human failure 人为事故differential pressure压差additive 添加剂obstruction阻塞,阻挡evidence 迹象,证明lower Kelly cock 方钻杆下旋塞upper Kelly cock 方钻杆上旋塞stripping 强行起下钻potential 潜在的,可能的;势,位shut-in procedures 关井程序,关井步骤soft shut-in procedures 软关井程序with a careful eye on留心saver sub 保护接头pipehandler 管子操作装置Driller’s Method 司钻法water-based system 水基体系implement 执行overcome 克服Daily Drilling Report 钻井日报表up-to-date 现代化的,最新(式)的,当今的chilksan line活动弯头管线H2S ( hydrogen sulfide) 硫化氢Muster point (Muster board) 紧急集合点(紧急集合点标识牌)Wind sock 风向标SCBA (self-contained breathing apparatus) 呼吸器Oxygen, acetylene氧气,乙炔Alarm 警报Ambulance 救护车Emergency team 应急小组Fire pump, Fire drill, Fire hose, ax, rope 消防泵,消防演习,消防水龙带,消防斧,消防绳JSA (job safety analysis)工作中安全因素分析HSE (health, safety and environment) 健康,安全,环保Escaping route 逃生路线Inflammables. 易燃物品Work Permit (Permit to Work) 工作许可(证)Safety meeting for running casing, liner, electric log 下套管,尾管,电测安全会PPE (personal protection equipment) 劳保用品Special operation 特殊作业Vehicle inspection 车辆检查Housekeeping 打扫卫生Crane 吊车MSDS(material safety data sheet)泥浆药品安全使用手册first aid box 急救箱Helmet安全帽Safety glasses 护目Fall arrester 防坠器VIS (viscosity) 粘度PV (plastic viscosity) 塑性粘度YP (yield point) 屈服粘度(流动点)Gels (gel strength) 静切力(胶凝强度)low viscosity低粘high viscosity (hi-vis)高粘lightweight low-viscosity mud低比重低粘泥浆water tank水罐caustic soda 烧碱dangerous 危险sand trap 沉沙罐、锥形罐trip tank 计量罐pill tank加药罐waste pit 排沙池fluid loss 失水第二节钻井常用短语及句子(陈永玲编)1.“The upper 300m interval, fill the mud every three joints, later every five joints. Ok?”“上部300米内井段,每下3根套管,灌一次泥浆。

sluck off weight rotating weight max torque rotating HRS total BHA length check crown o matic total BHA weiht wear bushing bridge crane of the BOP liner washpipe packing sand traps 套管 套管 套管 套管 prepare to run 20" casing fill up casing with seawater run in casing run in 5" inside string run in 7" line felling cement line make up casing cutter csing shoe bridge plug casing hanger retrieve casing casing leak start window on casing casing part cut off…..casing cutter spread test casing head retrieve survey tool drop survey single(dotty )shot survey motor n MDC Float valve sub orienting SUB crossover SUB downhole tools of dds DGR EWR CNP pulser ACAL SLD install well hea seating and sealing unsealed mud cleaner fishing drap side track stuck pipe plug back move derrick completion brine dart sub jetter core point

钻井英语词汇大全一、设备drilling equipment 钻井装置钻机mast 钻机derrick 井架free standing mast无绷绳轻便井架jack kinfe mast折叠式轻便井架drill floor 钻台v-door 井架大门monkey board 二层台substructure 井架底座mouse hole 鼠洞rat hole 鼠洞qin pole 人字架set back 立根盒crown block 天车travelling block 游动滑车hook 大钩swivel 水龙头power swivel 动力水龙头draw works 绞车rotary table 转盘kelly 方钻杆kelly cock 方钻杆考可drum shaft 滚筒轴workline 大绳drilling line 大绳cathead 猫头deadline 死绳deadline anchor 死绳固定器sandline 捞砂绳finger board 指梁slip 卡瓦rotary slip 转盘卡瓦power slip 动力卡瓦tong 大钳power tong 动力大钳kelly drive方钻杆滚子补芯safety clamp 安全卡子elevator 吊卡center latch elevator中开门吊卡elevator link 吊环chain block 倒链air hoist 气动绞车bushing 补芯master bushing 转盘大补芯kelly bushing 方钻杆补芯inside dop 回压凡尔pipe wrench 管子扳手lifting sub 提升短接kelly spinner 方钻杆旋扣器二、钻头bit 钻头cone bit 牙轮钻头tri-cone bit 三牙轮钻头insert bit 镶齿钻头bit nozzle 钻头水眼milled teeth bit 铣齿钻头diamond bit 金刚石钻头cone 牙轮bit breaker 钻头装卸器hole openner 扩眼器bit bearing 钻头轴承bit diameter 钻头直径bit life 钻头寿命bit gauge 钻头规bit tooth 钻头牙齿bit wear 钻头磨损bit type 钻头型号nozzle size 水眼尺寸bit cost 钻头成本bit time 钻头纯钻时间t/b/g牙齿/轴承/外径磨损三、钻具drilling assembly 钻具组合drill strings 钻杆拄drill stem 钻柱bit sub 钻头接头stabilizer 扶正器near bit stabilizer 钻头扶正器reamer 辊轴扶正器drill pipe 钻杆drill coller 钻铤Heavyweightdrill pipe加重钻杆sub 接头mwd 随钻测斜仪sndc 短非磁钻铤revolution 运转crossover sub 配合接头shock sub 减振器jars 震击器bumper sub 缓冲器pup joint 短接joint 单根stand 立柱casing scraper 套管刮管器wall scraper 井壁刮刀taper milling 锥形刮刀四、循环、钻井液A、循环系统mud pump 泥浆泵slush pump 泥浆泵piston 活塞dublex slush pump双缸泥浆泵piston rod 活塞杆cylinder 缸liner 缸套air chamber 空气包rotary hose 泥浆水龙带mud return line 泥浆返出管线stand pipe 立管elbow 弯接头tee 三通cross 十字接头sucting line 上水管线shale shaker 振动筛mud gun 泥浆枪desilter 除泥器desander 除砂器degas ser 除气器centrifugal pump 离心泵mud agitator 泥浆搅拌器goose neck 鹅颈管mud line 泥浆管线hopper 漏斗mud tank 泥浆池suction tank 吸入池reserve pit 储存池chemical tank 化学药剂缸sludge tank 加重泥浆池mud ditch 泥浆槽flow line 泥浆出口管线trip tank 计量罐possum velly tank泥浆补给罐pump stroke counter泥浆泵冲数mud flow meter 泥浆流量计mud weight inducator泥浆比重计fill line 灌泥浆管线mixing pump 混合泵supercharge pump泥浆灌注泵circulation 循环normal circulation 正循环reverse circulation 反循环filling up mud 灌泥浆B、水力学circulation rate 循环速度annular space 环形空间annular velocity 环空流速annular return velocity泥浆返回流速circulating pressure 循环压力hydrostatic pressure 静水压力mud column 泥浆柱pressure of mudcolumn泥浆柱压力pressure loss 压力损失surge pressure 冲击压力swab pressure 抽吸压力pressure gradient 压力梯度pressureequilibrium压力平衡slip velocity 沉积速度critical velocity 临界速度coefficient of friction摩擦系数bottom hole pressure井底压力pressure loss in pipe管内压力损失pressure loss in annulars环空压力损失volume inside pipe管内容量volume of annulus环空容量mud volume 泥浆量return mud 反出泥浆pit level 泥浆液面discharge of pump 泵排量pump pressure 泵压pump efficincy 泵效pump speed 泵速flow rate 流量shear rate 剪切速度powwer law model幂律模型laminar flow 层流turbulent flow 紊流plug flow 塞流reynolds number 雷诺数pump count 累计泵冲数C、钻井液mud 泥浆conventional mud 普通泥浆lime mud 石灰泥浆gypsum mud 石膏泥浆saturated salt-water mud饱和盐水泥浆sea-water mud 海水泥浆oil base mud 油基泥浆heavy viscosity mud 高粘泥浆heavy mud重泥浆/加重泥浆weighted mud重泥浆/加重泥浆light weight mud 轻泥浆lignate mud 铁络盐泥浆gel mud 胶质泥浆additive 添加剂chemicals 化学剂chemical treatment化学处理weight material 加重剂viscosifier 增粘剂dispersing agent 分散剂emulsifier 乳化剂wetting agent 润滑剂stabilizing agent 稳定剂calcium remover 除钙剂filtration educing agent降失水剂ph control additive ph控制剂lost circulation materials堵漏剂lignate 铁络盐cmc 钠羟基纤维素barite 重晶石lime 石灰mw 泥浆密度wl 泥浆失水gel 泥浆切力fv 泥浆漏斗黏度pv 泥浆塑性黏度yp 泥浆屈服点fc 泥浆泥饼cl 泥浆绿根fl 失水量mica 云母sodium bichiomate重珞酸钠potossium chlorate氯化钾asbesfos 石棉cutings 岩屑bottoms up 携带岩屑filter cake 泥饼dehydration 失水water loss 失水fluid loss 失水量formation damage 破坏地层mud conditioning泥浆处理/配泥浆phenolphthalein 酚酞viscosity 黏度plastic viscosity 塑性黏度apparent viscosity 视黏度contamination of mud泥浆污染gel strenyth 切力initial gel strength初切ten minutes gel终切v-g mater直接指示黏度计solid content 固体含量sand content 含砂量gas cut 气侵clay cotamination 粘土侵mud weight 泥浆比重alkalinity 碱性泥浆比重collid 胶体acidity 酸性gel 凝胶polymer 聚合物mud density 泥浆密度mud testing 泥浆测试filter paper 滤纸mud balance 泥浆密度计funnel viscometer 漏斗黏度计mud retort 泥浆蒸馏水test paper 试纸五、接头丝扣tool joint 钻杆接头thread 丝扣box 母扣pin 公扣coupling 联接扣reg, reagular 正规扣fh, full hole 贯眼扣if, internal flush 内平扣upset 加厚internal upset 内加厚external upset 外加厚internal-external upset内外加厚flash welded tool joint闪光焊接接头tighten 上紧loosen 放松make up 上扣break out 卸扣六、作业A、一般作业drilling 钻进working instruction作业指令pull out of the hole 起钻run in the hole 下钻trip 起下钻short trip 短起下钻wiper trip 通井openning 扩眼reaming 划眼deviation survry 井斜测量completion 完井multiple completion多层完井gun perforation 射孔完井lay down 甩setting slip 放卡瓦pulling slip 起卡瓦standby 待机weather 气候wait on weather 等气象wait on 等指令latching elevator 扣吊卡unlatching elevator 开吊卡cut off workline 割大绳slip workline 倒大绳change bit 换钻头hole straightening 井眼校正/纠斜B、取芯core 岩心coring 取芯core bit 取芯钻头core barrel 取芯筒inner barrel 内岩心筒outer barrel 外岩心筒core catcher 岩心爪core handling tools 取芯工具core recovery 取芯收获率C、打捞作业fishing 打捞fishing job 打捞作业fishing tools 打捞工具junk basket 打捞蓝fishing jars 打捞震击器fishing bumper sub 打捞缓冲器back off 倒扣die collar 打捞卡瓦overshot 打捞筒safety joint 安全接头milling tool 铣具/磨鞋七、井下事故drilling troubles 井下事故lost circulation 井漏zone of lost circulation漏失层to stop lost circulation堵漏lost circulation material堵漏剂kick 井涌kick control 控制井涌blow out 井喷pit drill 防喷演习fire drill 消防演习abandoned drill 弃船演习inside bop drill安装回压凡尔演习killing a well 压井sticking 卡钻/被卡free point 自由点free pipe 未卡部分钻柱calculating free point 计算卡点深度defferential pressuresticking压差卡钻key seat 键槽key seating sticking 键槽卡钻bottom fill 沉砂sand bridge 砂桥over pulling 遇卡drag 遇阻ball up 泥包cave in 坍塌twist off 脱扣erode out 刺坏drilling break 进尺突然加快八、仪器参数weight indicator 指重表hook load 大钩负荷hook position 大钩位置。

Useful words of drilling常用钻井词汇。
senion mud engineer高级泥浆工程师。
Stop Drilling停钻。
Spud in开钻。
Drill a well打一口井。
Had Drilled About 300Msdeep已经钻了约300米。
Be Drilling正在钻进。
Drilling out of.. 停钻。
Finish drill钻完。
In charge of.. …负责人,is responsible to 某人向谁负责。
responsible for?..负责什么。
get every thing ready for 做…准备。
DRILLER'S Month钻机月。
DRILLER'S console司钻控制台。
DRILLER'S log司钻记录。
DRILLER'S method司钻法。
DRILLER'S station 平台。
DRILLER'S tour report钻井班报表。
DRILLER'S monitor司钻监视器。
DRILL extractor 打捞器。
DRILL floor钻台。
DRILL fluid钻井液。
DRILL footage进尺。
DRILL gauge钻头规。
DRILL hole井眼。
DRILL hole returns井口返浆。
DRILL hole survey测斜。
DRILL in打开生产层。
drill ability可钻性。
drill able liner可钻尾挂器。
drill able packer可钻封隔器。
DRILL free空转。
DRILLING engineer工程师。
DRILLING supervisor监督。
DRILLING superntendent总监。

钻井(Drilling)1、Carryoutdrillingoperationinaccordancewiththedrillingpro gram.按钻井程序进行钻井作业。

第1节石油钻井工程基础词汇1.钻探,钻井:drill拓展记忆:钻井:drilling定向斜井:directional drilling欠平衡钻井:under-balance海上钻井:off-shore陆地钻井:on-land drilling钻头:drill bit刮刀钻头:drag bit牙轮钻头:rock bit金刚石钻头:diamond bit喷射钻头:jet bit钻铤:drill collar衣领:collar钻杆:drill pipe钻井队:drilling crew,drilling team 钻机:drill rig钻井泥浆:drilling mud钻井液:drilling fluid钻井设备:drilling equipment2. 油、石油:oil拓展记忆:原油:crude oil石油:petroleum中国石油(简称):Petro-China采油:oil production采油设备:oil production equipment 采油平台:oil production platform 油泵:oil pump3.地质:geology拓展记忆:地质专业人员:geologist物理:physics地球物理勘探:geo-physical probe,geo-physical exploration测井:logging测井作业:logging operation测井记录:logging record4. 油(副词“好”含意):well拓展记忆:井眼:hole油井:oil well试井,油井测试:well test井下:down-hole井下作业:down-hole operation第2节石油钻井方法基础词汇原油:crude oil天然气:nature gas煤层气:coal-bed gas一体化设计:integral design钻井:drilling钻井原理:the principles of drilling 顿钻钻井:percussion drilling,cable-tool drilling旋转钻井:rotary drilling液体冲击:fluid percussion大位移:big deviation侧钻井:sidetracking drilling technology,lateral drilling水平井:horizontal well探井:wildcat,wildcat drilling深井:deep well浅井:shallow well老井:maturing well欠平衡钻井:under-balance drilling 丛式钻井:cluster drilling technology 煤层气井:coal-bed gas well生产井:production wells报废井:abandon wells停产井:none-production wells绕障井、三维井:three-dimensional wells.常温井:normal temperature well注采井:injection and production well 稠油井:heavy oil well热洗井:hot washing pipe井况:well condition第3节石油钻井技术基础词汇技术规范,技术指标,技术性能:specification拉伸:tension拉伸强度:tensile strength应力:stress 压力:pressure应力点:stress point压力等级:pressure grade压力降:pressure drop压力梯度:pressure gradient回压:back pressure大气压:atmosphere压差:differential pressure静液柱压力:static fluid column pressure特征:characteristic,feature定性讨论:qualitative argument定量使用:quantitative use液体:liquid固体:solid气体:gas,air正的:positive负的:negative虚线:dashed line,broken line实线:full line递减率:decline rate正比于:be proportional to水平的:horizontal垂直的:vertical油层静压:the formation static pressure第4节石油钻井参数基础词汇负荷:load扭矩:torque扭转:twist摩擦:friction钻压:WOB,weight on bit,weight,drilling weight钻速:ROP,rate of penetration,driiling rate,the rate of drilling平均机械钻速:average ROP钻井周期:drilling period转速:rotary speed地层压力预测:formation pressure prediction technology地层快速预测:the formation fast prediction埋藏深度:bury depth产油层,产油带:pay zone, productive formation温度梯度:temperature gradient地层压力:formation pressure坍塌压力:collapse pressure破裂压力:fracture pressure平衡压力:equilibrium pressure钻具(柱)压力:drilling string pressure 钻头振动:vibration of bit钻井成本:drilling costs井眼尺寸:hole size,well size参数计算:parameters calculation几何参数:geometric parameters参数分析:parameter analysis 动态参数:dynamic data静态参数:static data注水参数:parameters of injection参数、变量:variables井距:well space垂直深度:vertical depth水平位移:horizontal deviation总深度:total depth垂直深度:vertical depth水平位移:horizontal displacement 最大井斜角:maximum hole inclination井眼环空:annulus space压力调节器:pressure regulator恢复(增加)压力:the build-up pressure初始开采:primary recovery含水地层:water bearing formation 套管漏失:casing leak摩擦损失:friction losses气举阀:gas-lift valve石蜡族:paraffin series含气液柱:gas-laden column增产措施:stimulation treatment流动能力:flowing capacity生产速率:production rate水驱:water drive气驱:gas drive网状系统:grid system水侵:water influx五点法:five-spot pattern油井产量:well productivity径向流:radial system富气:enriched gas贫气:lean gas气顶:gas cap气驱:gas drive (or gas flooding)水驱:water drive (or water flooding) 地层伤害:formation damage波及系数:sweep efficiency泄油半径:drainage radius基岩处理:matrix treatment单级脱气:single stage separation泄油面积:drainage area表面张力:surface tension束缚水:connate water (or interstitial water)第5节石油钻井作业现场工作人员名称1.钻井队:drilling crew,drilling team 队,组:crew , team2.技术员:technician钻井技术员:drilling technician泥浆技术员:mud technician3.监督:supervisor钻井监督:drilling supervisor副监督:assistant supervisor 地质监督:geology supervisor4. 工程师:engineer泥浆工程师:mud engineer泥浆工:mudman机械工程师:mechanic engineer引擎,发动机:engine工程:engineering钻井工程:drilling engineering采油工程:production engineering 石油工程:petroleum engineering试油工程:oil test engineering拓展记忆:工程项目:project希望工程:The Hope Project三峡工程:The Three-Gorge Project 项目经理:project manager工程管理:project management钻工:roughneck,floorman司钻:driller副司钻:assistant driller钻井队长:drilling foreman钻井领班:tool pusher井架工:derrick man发动机工,机工:motorman钻台工:floor man机械师:technicians,mechanic电焊工:welder电工:electrician医生:doctor材料员:material man,staff man炊事员:cook翻译:interpreter,translator洗衣工:laundry man第6节石油作业现场常用工具1. 石油作业现场普通工具板手:wrench螺丝起子:screwdriver多角螺丝起子:Phlilips screwdriver 活动板手:monkey wrench,adjustable wrench钳子:pliers手斧:hatchet钩子:hook台钳:bench vice榔头:hammer木锤:mallet搬手:spanner锯子:saw电动手锯:jigsaw电锯:power saw钢锯:hacksaw硬尺:rule软尺:tape measure砂纸:sandpaper油漆:paint油漆刷:paintbrush绝缘胶布:electrical tape 电线:wire插头:plug电插座:outlet开关:switch螺栓:bolt螺帽:nut钉子:nail电钻:electric drill钻头:bit工作台:workbench工具箱:toolbox胶水:glue胶棒:glue bar管钳:pipe tongs,pipe spanner,wrench链钳:chain tongs,chain spanner, chain wrench护丝:thread protector,screw protector手轮:hand wheel阀门搬手:valve wrench,valve spanner联接法兰:coupling flange安全带:safety belt:安全帽:safety cap:工作靴:working boots:千斤顶:jack吊车:crane拖拉机:tractor推土机:bulldozer刮刀:scraper2. 石油作业现场专用工具接头:sub配合接头:X-over ,cross-over提升短接:lifting sub, lifting nipple elevator卡瓦:slip母锥:box bell公锥:taper tap短节:joint柔性短节:flex joint井口:wellhead螺旋钻铤:spiral collar方钻杆:kelly钻杆架:pipe rack材料房:warehouse绳卡:guy anchor润滑器:lubricator维护保养:maintenance内钳:lead tong外钳:back-up tong液压大钳:hydraulic tong兜绳:mule line四通阀:four-way valve软管:hose球伐:ball valve,globe valve闸板阀:ram valve,gate valve增压泵:booster pump 换配件:fittings change灌注泵:charge pump第二章石油工程常用设备及专业术语第1节钻井设备部分1.井架:Derrick塔形井架:derrickA形井架:cantilever mast ,mast-A 桅杆:mast底座大梁:sill架,台:rack架工操作台:monkey-board2. 游动系统:Traveling System天车:crown block天车梁:crown block beam游动滑车:traveling block钻井大绳:drilling line,wire line 金属线,电线:wire,line钢丝绳,测井电缆:wire line钢丝绳股:strand截断:cutoff滑车,滑轮,皮带轮:pulley吊耳:eye plate3.大钩与水龙头:Hook and Swivel顶驱:top drive大钩:hook大钩弹簧:hook spring大钩销子:hook pin大钩环:hook ring大钩锁紧装置:hook locking device 大钩悬挂高度:hook height水龙头:swivel鹅颈管:gooseneck冲管:wash pipe水龙头盘根:swivel packing钻井水龙带:drilling hose,rotary hose,kelly hose立管:stand pipe高压管线:high pressure line低压管线:low pressure line放压管线:relief line储气筒:gas holder,air holder4.转盘:Rotary Table转盘方瓦:master bushing方补心:kelly drive bushing方孔:square opening小鼠洞:mouse hole大鼠洞:rat hole(井架大门处)坡板:ramp5.绞车:Drawworks ,Hoist液压绞车:hydraulically-powered winch气动绞车:air operated hoist绞车:hoist,windlass,drawworks 滚筒,线轴,卷轴:reel ,pool,drum 滚筒高速气离合器:drum high air clutch滚筒低速气离合器:drum low air clutch锚头:cathead液压猫头:hydraulic catwork上扣猫头:make up cathead卸扣猫头:make out cathead牙嵌离合器:jaw clutch应急牙嵌离合器:emergency jaw clutch涡磁刹车:eddy current brake猫头轴:cathead shaft猫头绳:cathead line猫头绳爪:cat line grip死绳:dead line死绳固定器:dead line anchor死绳固定器膜片:dead line diaphragm 上扣:spin up,screw on卸扣,卸开:break out,screw off 上紧,固定:tighten松开,松扣:loosen加载:load卸载:unload拧紧:screw拧松:unscrew刹车:brake刹车总成:brake assembly刹车轴:brake axle ,brake shaft 刹车带:brake band刹车片:brake band lining刹车杆:brake bar闸瓦:brake block刹把:brake crank ,brake bar刹车鼓:brake drum离合器:clutch液压油箱:hydraulic reservoir液动试压泵:hydraulic test pump液压大钳:hydraulic tong倒档齿轮:reverse gear第2节钻井泵类及相关设备泥浆泵:mud pump,drilling pump,slush pump活塞:piston活塞杆:piston rod活塞皮碗:piston cup缸套:liner,pump liner凡尔体:valve body凡尔座:valve cup阀弹簧:valve spring阀杆:valve lever阀面:valve face阀帽:valve bonnet泥浆泵安全阀:mud relief valve排出阀:discharge valve吸入阀:suction valve 潜水泵:submersible pump阀门:valve阀盖:valve cap阀座:valve seat回压阀:back pressure valve单向阀:check valve,single-pass valve 安全阀:safety valve手动阀:manual valve液动阀:hydraulic valve冷缸:cold cylinder拉杆:tie rod,tension bar上水头:intake,suction end排出口:discharge spout高压管:high pressure pipe压力表:pressure gauge冲数:strokes排量:displacement,discharge capacity,flow rate80冲(次) :80 (eighty) strokes。

英制化公制常用换算:1 in=2.54cm1 m=3.28ft1 美加仑us gal=3.7853升1升=0.22英加仑(1英加仑=4.54升)1桶bbl=0.159m3, =42 美加仑1 磅lb=0.4536kg1psi(磅力/英寸2)=6.8948kpa密度1磅/加仑lb/gal=0.1198kg/升磅/英尺3=0.01602kg/升1Mpa=10bar1吨位2205磅lb油气当量1桶bbl=0.14吨(原油,全球平均),或1吨原油=7.22桶(每桶为42美制加仑)1吨原油=1174升(粗略计算,轻质原油(密度<0.87g/cm3),中质原油(≥0.87~0.92g/cm3),重质原油(≥0.92~1.0g/cm3),超重质原油(≥1.0g/cm3)一吨油相当的桶数=1/p * 6.29桶(油)其中P是原油密度。
1桶/日(bpd)=50吨/年(t/a)热当量:1桶原油=5800立方英尺天然气《钻井数据手册》中一些词:Grade 管材强度,等级Class 等Milled tooth bit 铣齿钻头Insert bits with friction bearings (roller bearing) 镶齿Used bit dull grading 旧钻头磨损等级喷嘴中压力降的计算:P d=dQ2/(2959.41*(0.95)2 A2 (kpa))d=1A=nozzle area (in2) 喷嘴当量直径nozzle equivalent diameterA=d12+d2 2d32+…的开方乘以π/4Slug the pipe 起钻前钻杆中泵入一段重泥浆LOT 泄漏试验,地层破裂压力LOT值为12.7EMW equivalent mud weight, 2300PSI。
Kick off point 造斜点Activate PBL 是否Pulse back loggerJar up w/60T no progress 上击60T 没进展B.G gas 背景气体,某井段气测平均气量Nil: 零用于搬家时货物统计Wireline logging 电缆测井CNLC mud logging unit CNLC录井设备TDS guide 顶驱导轨Changeout motor 拆掉马达Orient T.F 调整工具面(tool face)Dillout cmt 钻水泥塞PD assy 动力钻具组合?无源探测?Pack off 封堵,包住O’shot 打捞筒(里面有spiral grapple)TOF 鱼顶LPR下部闸板UPR上部闸板HCR valve液动平板阀Cut core割芯Drop diverter ball 投球(取芯)Core head 取芯钻头Trip drill 防喷演习,活动封井器Hole tight 缩径B/off core (blank off 封堵?block?)Core jam 堵心Core BBL (core barrel) 取芯筒Load 货, 1 load 就是一个拖挂,如果,有一个车头拖两个挂,就是2 loadsSting-out 抽出插入管Tee三通Perform FIT 下井仪器快速检查BHA bellow DP 钻杆下的底部钻具组合TDS/Kelly-down 方入Single单根Geological marker and lithology地质分层和岩性Depth in/depth out下入深度/起出深度Press drop noz. 压力降Progress进尺Survey tool:single shot测斜仪:单点Chemicals consumed消耗的泥浆药品Mud properties泥浆性能Section A size 套管头一部分Blind ram全封13-5/8”=13.625mmPipe ram 半封闸板防喷器Annular BOP环形Flang刹车鼓MP泥浆泵一般时候:MW:10 对应1.19,GPM:600对应37 l/s,SPP:2142 15MPa Obstruction 阻塞,遇阻Mix&pump混合并泵入Cut&dress stub搞井时安装套管头时修整套管顶部Stands立柱,立根Sinker bar加重杆,修井队用Rope socket绳帽(试油)TIW liner hanger & test B/off bushingShoe track 套管引鞋Anadrill tool安纳聚尔工具公司(斯伦贝谢)Brine盐水Gel凝胶Drill, slide and survey 14-3/4” hole fr 2543 to …钻进、滑钻、测斜RI swab equipment 安抽吸设备Drop bar 点火棒Set guns on depth by tally通过钻具记录计算的位置确定射孔枪的位置Chunk相当大的部分,厚块Filing铁锉屑Make a 6 runs 下了6次Sandline 捞砂绳9/16”Intervals段,层PI 试压Reverse circulate反洗20m3 of waterPull 26 swabs抽吸了26次(下起算一次)Rig release 完井Rig out rig and equipment 甩设备Turn over 调转Recover重新获得,恢复,回收M /U and RIH with scraper to 100 mkb.上扣,下刮削到达100米Lower string 下放钻柱Drill out DBP钻桥塞Hole good井眼通畅No drag无阻力Junk sub 随钻打捞杯no fill 没充填,无砂子Normal drag 阻力,障碍物Wiper trip短起下Install RA source装放射源Safety meetingSpot 30bbl Hi vis on btm 泵入高粘到井底Cond mud 处理泥浆Security clearance解决社区问题Dispute by local peopleRig move held up 搬家受阻Mud lab泥浆化验房Bump plug碰压Choke/kill line节流压井管线WH 井头N/U=安装nipple upCut and dress csg割/修整套管头L/D csg landing jt 甩联顶节Set csg slips w/90T tension坐套管头(90T拉力)WOC 候凝Floats held ok敞压正常Bled back 0.3m3 回流Press test csg to 2500psi, held ok 试压正常f/by =followed bylead slurry前导,tail slurry尾浆pre flush固井前先泵清水冲洗BTC梯形扣螺纹套管,RTC园扣,STC短圆,LTC长圆P-110,47ppf, BTC csgPup jts 短节RR bit w/cleanout assy. 通井(划眼钻头)Run #4 测井第四趟Recorded pts 记录点No o’pull不超拉,不刮卡Dyn lossess动失水Static lossess 静失水CIP 即cement in place 注水泥结束,水泥达到返高Rtrns 返出Displ 替Light WT cmt slurry w/2 ppb低密度L/D PBL tool ?Flow check, -ve 溢流检查Estb 建立Wireline tool电测工具Unset解封POOH with scraper起刮削Reverse circ 反循环well to cleanTag TOC 探到水泥面w/Rotary assy to TOC 下旋转钻具至水泥面drill out plug, F/C,cmt 浮箍TCR bit牙轮Totall loads moved:一共搬的车次Cmt silo灰罐D/P钻杆Gen常规Rig move 搬家rig down rig upTVD垂深Azi(Azt)方位azimuth, inclination 井斜Form’n 地层Avg ROP平均钻速MW:10ppg 密度(1.19)WOB 钻压,RPM转数,SPP立压Circ hole clean w/770GPM 循环干净Jar up/down上震/下震Cont继续Work on D/string活动钻具Pipe wiper 刮管胶皮BOP rubber 防喷胶皮Sealing rubber密封胶皮Swab cup 抽吸杯Poor ROP机械钻速很低In annulus 环空中No change no success40T compression下压40TSoak泡(油)Pipe lax pill 解卡剂Wait on等Brk cir中途循环,间断循环Hold ok , held ok试压正常Perform FIT功能测试P/O to (pull out)起出Check offObsrvd torque观察扭矩Casing shoe套管鞋Intermed csg (intermediate casing)Surface csg表层R/I CNLC 安装CNLC设备Sprocket 链齿轮In transit运输途中Cleanout assy 和drilling assyStinger插入管DCR (drillable cement retainer)水泥限位器Bleed 放出float holdTOC水泥面MP泥浆泵Wiper trip短起Erratic不稳定的OH 裸眼,一般情况下,水平井下几百米筛管和油层套管作为尾管挂在技套上Expl探井Dev开发井Obstruction遇阻OEDP光杆,固井打塞用Lag time迟到时间Ream and wash down 划眼和下冲LS: last survey 测斜STD中间套管完钻Rev TD 修正完钻井深Spud开钻spud in date开钻日期TD date完钻日期Silicate mud硅酸盐泥浆体系,也叫硅胶泥浆Rkb to GL 转盘到地面修井:Packer封隔器Rod BOP油杆防喷器,指完井井口上的Rod pull back length杆拉回长度(防冲距)Tag the stop bar探停止线(防冲距)Stop bushing停止衬套Sucker rod抽油杆No-return tool在螺杆泵最下面防转工具PCM stator 螺杆泵定子Perforation射孔,射孔段Sump(井底)口袋PBTD 人工井底Top of fill砂面顶部Sawtooth collar油管鞋(捞砂、挤水泥等作业接到油管下面的),一般写成STCollarPen point 笔尖(nib,用来冲沙)Batch mixer (100bbl)固井用的批混撬Cement retainer stinger (DCR 插入管)Rubber element胶筒Needle valve针阀(试压转子时用的)White-banded tubing修复的油管New green-banded新绿条纹油管Tubing drain 油管泄油器(一般在定子上,反憋压可憋开,防止起油管时,螺杆泵堵死,油管内全是油)CNLC wireline CNLC钢丝,电缆Kill fluid压井液(一般修井前必须配一罐0.3%KCL+1.2L/m3 idcide-L )Rotor转子,stator定子Pony rod短杆(为了作业方便,一般在定子上接)Polished rod光杆(上面的油杆,穿防喷盒)Debris 屑片,岩屑No rags碎片Spilled oil溢出油Wireline re-entry guide压力梯度测试时,有时吊6根油管,下面接这个喇叭口引鞋,环空可关封井器,在上面安测井设备下入tandem(一前一后挂着压力和温度记录器在slickline上,上面有CNLC lubricator防喷盒)固井:Batch分批Yield服从,量Thickening 稠化,凝固Mix water固井水Fresh water淡水Dispersant分散剂Retarder 缓凝剂Brine盐水Stinger插入管修井:Pressurization增压Tapped装有旋塞的Re-completion 再完井Wcut 含水量Cross flow窜流Enhance 提高,decrease缩减Tubulars指所有在井内的管柱.一般管分为:conductor surface casing intermediate casing production casing production tubing井头设备:casing vent套管排出孔Casing bowl套管头内座Intermediate csg Flg 技套法兰Megger高阻表carrier 修井机载重车sand line 捞砂绳guy line 绷绳pipe rack 管桥KCL 氯化钾tubing 油管casing 套管pup joint 短节lift pup joint 提升短节sucker rod 抽油管pony rod 抽油杆短节polished rod 光杆collar 接箍crossover 变换接头coupling 接箍adapter 变换接头fitting 管件slip 卡瓦rod tong 抽油杆钳tubing tong 油管钳scraper 刮削器rod BOP 抽油杆防喷器bridge plug 桥塞packer 封隔器TCP 油管射孔枪总成pumping wellhead 采油井口PCP 螺杆泵ESP 电潜泵stator 定子rotor 转子tag bar 探棒tubing drain 泄油器tubing hanger 油管挂swab cup 抽吸皮碗sinker bar 加重杆swab mandrel 抽子lubricator 防喷管sand drum 捞砂滚筒sand line 捞砂绳wireline bop 抽吸BOPflow Tee 放喷三通completion 完井well test 试油workover 修井pump installation 下泵wash out sand 冲砂perforation 射孔set packer 坐封隔器set bridge plug 坐桥塞shut in well 关井flow 放喷swab 抽吸casing spear 套管刮削器Casing cutter 套管割刀Taper mill 铣锥Lead seal casing patch 铅封式套管修补器Casing dressing mill 套管磨鞋Drop bar 点火棒Sawtooth collar 捞砂头Tubing bailer 捞砂筒Tag top of fill 探砂面MLE 马达导线Water-cut 含水量plugging 封堵剂DESPC 大庆电潜泵公司Cable spooler 电缆滚筒RBP 可退式桥塞FPF 浮式采油设施CPF 中心开采设施。

石油钻井业常用专业词汇纳米材料 || nano-composite material纳米技术 || nano-tech钠 || sodium钠化 || sodium treatment钠膨润土泥浆 || sodium bentonite mud囊衣 || capsule dressing囊芯 || capsule-core内聚力 || cohesion内摩擦角 || internal frictional angle内泥饼 || internal filter cake内切圆半径 inscribed circle radius内烯烃 || isomerised || olefins内源和外源颗粒 || endogenous and exogenous granula 内在因素 || intermediate factor能量交换 || energy exchange泥包 || bit balling泥饼 || mud-cake泥饼强度冲刷仪 || mud filter cake tester泥浆处理 || mud treatment泥浆跟踪剂 || mud tracer泥浆配方 || mud formula泥浆转化为水泥浆(MTC) || mud to cement泥岩 || mudstone , conglomerate泥页岩 || shale , || argillutite泥质膏岩 || argillaceous粘度 || viscosity粘度极大值 || maximum viscosity粘度计 || viscosimeter粘附 || adhere粘附张力 || adhesive tension粘弹性 || viscoelastic粘土 || clay粘土分级评价法 || method of grading mud-making clay 粘土矿物层间距(d001) || crystal || indices粘土矿物含量 || clay mineral content粘土片 || clay latice粘土膨胀 || clay swelling粘土膨胀倍数 || swelling ratio of clays粘土稳定性 || clay stability粘性流体 || viscous fluid柠檬酸 || citric acid凝固点 || freezing point凝析油 || condensate oil牛顿流体 || Newtonian fluid扭距 || torque浓度 || concentration浓硫酸 || strong sulfuric 浓缩 || concentration。

井场用语英文1. Bit(钻头):钻头是钻井作业中的关键工具,用于破碎岩石,实现钻井目的。
2. Drill Pipe(钻杆):钻杆是连接钻头和地面设备的管道,用于传递旋转动力和泥浆。
3. Mud Pump(泥浆泵):泥浆泵用于将泥浆从泥浆池输送到钻杆内部,以冷却钻头、清洁井底和平衡地层压力。
4. Derrick(井架):井架是支撑钻杆、钻头和其他钻井设备的主要结构。
5. Kelly(方钻杆):方钻杆位于钻杆和钻头之间,用于传递旋转动力。
6. Rotary Table(转盘):转盘安装在井架上,用于连接钻杆和方钻杆,实现旋转钻井。
7. Drill Stem Test(钻杆测试):钻杆测试是在钻井过程中对油气层进行的一种测试,以评估产量和压力。
8. Blowout Preventer(防喷器):防喷器安装在井口,用于控制井口压力,防止井喷事故。
9. Casing(套管):套管是一种钢管,用于保护井壁和封堵非生产层,确保井的安全。
10. Cementing(固井):固井是将套管与井壁之间的空隙填充水泥,以增强井壁稳定性和封堵地层。
11. Formation Evaluation(地层评价):地层评价是通过测量和分析井壁附近的岩石和流体性质,以确定油气藏的产量和品质。
12. Well Logging(测井):测井是利用各种仪器测量井壁和地层参数,为地质分析和油气藏评价提供依据。
13. Perforating(射孔):射孔是在套管和井壁之间射出小孔,使油气层与井筒连通,以便进行生产。
14. Completion(完井):完井是指钻井作业完成后,对井进行的一系列工程措施,使其具备生产条件。
15. Workover(修井):修井是对生产井进行维修、改造和增产措施的过程。
井场用语英文(续)16. Production tubing(生产油管):生产油管是安装在套管内部的一根管道,用于将地层的油气输送到地面。
17. Christmas Tree(采油树):采油树是安装在井口的一种阀门装置,用于控制油气的生产和关闭井口。

Useful words of drilling常用钻井词汇senion mud engineer Driller toolpusHer roughnecks derrickman frlooman 高级泥浆工程师司钻、队长、钻工、井架工场地工DRILLER'S Month, console log method station tour report monitor钻机月、司钻(控制台、记录司钻法、平台钻井班报表监视器)DRILL extractor floor fluid footage free gauge hole hole returns hole survey in 钻井打捞器钻台液进尺空转钻头规眼井口返浆测斜打开生产层drill ability able liner able packer ahead assembly cable bit run expert collar collar annulus 可钻性可钻尾挂器可钻封隔器继续钻进钻柱组合钢丝行程专家钻挺钻挺环空DRILL collar bore stem test string assemb limitation fatigue mechanics torque crew 钻挺水眼中测钻柱(结构强度疲劳力学扭矩井队)DRILL rig tool mill monitor off test out tool rope sample site solids stem bushing 钻机、钻具洗靴参数仪试钻钻塞工具棕绳砂样井场岩宵弯曲DRILL PIPE annulus bore pin box clamp coupling cutter electric log elevator float frozen gauge inspection钻杆(环空水眼公扣母扣卡瓦接箍割刀钻杆电测吊卡回凡尔卡钻丝扣规钻杆检查)DRILL PIPE protector release spinner stabilizer stand sticking sub tension winding up钻杆(护丝钻具解卡旋扣器扶正器立柱卡钻接头拉力弯曲DRILLING engineer supervisor superntendent technique experience technology specialist technician 工程师监督总监技术经验工艺专家技术员DRILLING analytical bit break capacity centralizer contract cost crew cycle data base effort engineering 分析钻头放空能力扶正器合同成本队周期数据库工作量工程学DRILLING equipment experience hanger load log mud operation optimization operator out outfit parameter 设备经验尾挂器钻压录井泥浆作业优化钻井承包商钻塞设备参数DRILLING foreman hose implementer in balance instrument interval invasion zone jar journey line liner liner reel 钻井队长水龙带人员平衡钻进仪表井段漏层震击器记录表大绳尾管滚筒DRILLING people permit phase prediction pressure program progress rate rate of trip record ship site speed 人员许可权阶段预报压力程序进度钻速行程钻速记录船井场钻速DRILLING spool stem string stabilizer to completion tool substitute up weight turbine unit四通钻柱钻柱扶正器钻至设计井深钻具接头钻碎钻压涡轮钻机组DRILLING time log time work centralizer completion operation condition cleaning system 钻时记录时间工作钻井扶正器完井作业条件净化系统direction al well定向井词汇DIRECTIONAL well angle bit bit side force component clinograph control counter depth migration 定向(定向井方位角钻头变方位侧向分力方位测斜仪方位控制计数器定向深度偏移)DIRECTIONAL diagram drilling drilling contractor drill tool Effect gyro hole line orientation tool presentation 定向(方位图定向钻井定向井承包商定向钻井工具效应陀螺仪井方向线定向钻井工具方位显示) DIRECTIONAl reading scanning sub surveillance survey tendency tool turbodrill MWD survey tool定向(方角读数定向扫描接头定向监测定向测量方向趋势随钻测斜仪定向涡轮随钻测量定向测量工具)direction sensor instrument of tilt of deflection of magnetization of strata parameter finding chart azimuth方向(传感器方向仪倾斜方向井斜方位磁化方向地层走向方向参数测向系统)方向角deflecting tool angle build up angle drop off single shot inclinometer gyroscope whipstock horizontal well造斜工具增斜降斜单点测斜仪陀螺仪变向器)水平井equipments on wellsite井场设备crown mast derrick racking platform traveling block swivel rotary hose standpipe hook drawworks rotary table天车井架井架二层台游车水龙头水龙带立管大钩绞车钻台driller's console pipe slacking block drillfloor rotary table blowout preventer stack choke manifold gas flare司钻控制台钻杆盒钻台钻盘防喷器节流管汇放喷点火shale shaker degasser desander mud cleaner centrifuge pulsation dampeners S.C.R house parts storage work shop 振动筛除气器除砂器清洁器离心机空气包可控硅房配件房钳工房mud gas separator agitator tanks mixing hopper sack storage pumps discharge lines lab guns oil gas separator泥浆泥气分离器搅拌器罐混合漏斗药品储备罐泵高压管线试验室枪油气分离器fishing tools打捞工具overshot reverse circulating drilling junk basker fishing tap box tap milling taper mill shoe rotary shoe trip spear 卡瓦捞筒反循环捞蓝随钻捞杯公锥母锥铣锥铣鞋铣鞋打捞矛drill pipe cutter casing cutter safety sub mill shoe catchall junk catcher fishing mangnet scraper keyseat wiper钻杆外割刀套管内割刀安全接头磨鞋一把抓一把抓强磁打捞器刮管器键槽清除器s ticking point instrument wall hook guide shoe wireline spear washover pipe bent sub keyseat reamer 测卡仪壁钩引鞋电缆捞矛套铣筒弯接头键槽扩大器trouble and accident复杂情况与事故rough drilling bouncing of drilling tool bit bouncing drilling string not well braked percussion drill reverse rotation 跳钻跳钻憋钻溜钻顿钻打倒车correct drift hole deviation inclination plug back cementing plug sidetracking lost circulation slough cave in kick 纠斜井斜井斜填井打水泥塞侧钻漏失井塌井塌井涌stuck sticking differential sticking well sticking key seating sticking sand bridge sticking sand settling sticking 卡钻卡钻粘卡粘卡键槽卡钻砂桥卡钻沉砂卡钻blowout tochdown touching resistance touch sticking make up stab thread making back off pulling a piston井喷遇阻遇阻遇卡对扣对扣造扣倒扣扒活塞fishing releasing stuck agent pipe lax to soak with black magic breakouting pack of dynamite chemical cutter打捞解卡剂解卡剂泡解卡剂爆破松扣化学切割器bit balling balling up of a bit to twist off squeeze cementing unfreezing hydraulically operating bent sub钻头泥包钻头泥包扭断挤水泥解卡液压弯接头BOP system防喷系统Blowout control control equipment hookup oil well plug preventer spool preventer riser preventer unit 井控(防喷)(防喷设备装置失控井防喷塞防喷器防喷四通防喷升高短节防喷器组)blowout preventer proceder annular ram pipe ram blind ram shear ram hydraulic valve choke pressure 防喷措施万能半封全封剪切阀液动阀节流压力c hoke line manifold control console remote control console gas buster degasser Kelly cock upper Kelly cock 节流管汇控制台远程控制台泥气分离器除气器下旋塞上旋塞well head tools井口工具Kelly bushings elevator bushings roller type Kelly bushings slip safety slips elevator tongs hydraulic tong 方补心垫叉磙子方补心卡瓦安全卡瓦吊卡吊钳液压大钳Spinner spinning line chain tongs chain wrench pipe tongs pipe spanner bushing/tool hook drill pipe hooklet旋扣器旋绳链钳链钳管钳管钳方瓦钩子钻杆钩子drilling string钻柱Kelly cross over sub bumpers shock absorber drilling junk basket monel drill collar stabilizer spiral drill collar 方钻杆配合接头减震器减震器随钻捞杯无磁钻挺扶正器螺旋扶正器d rilling jar HWDP drill pipe back pressure valve Kelly sub saver sub Kelly in Kelly down Kelly up stand D P随钻震击器加重钻杆钻杆回压凡尔方保接头方保接头方入方入方余立柱right hand thread left hand thread tool joint box tool joint pin sigle double正扣反扣头公接头单根双根BIT(roct bit)钻头BIT adapter balling bouncing breakage breaker break in procedure burt out change clearance cone constant cost (配合接头泥包憋钻损坏装卸器磨合钻头干磨换钻头与井壁间歇牙轮常数成本) BIT consumption contour course face factor feed footage frame freezing gauge grading guide HHP holder (用量外型轨迹与井底触面因素送钻进尺钻头体卡钻量规磨损等级导向器水马力捞钩)BIT hydraulics inlination force jumping life load matrix nozzle performance pressure drop program prong ring (水力参数偏斜力跳钻寿命钻压本体喷嘴工况压降设计方案牙齿钻头规) BIT protector run shank side force speed sub teeth tilt tooth duiiness track trips type selection (保护器行程丝扣部分侧向力钻进速度短接齿倾斜牙齿磨顿程度钻头轨迹换钻头起下钻选型)CASING套管Casing Accessories appliances bowl bucking centralizer check valve collapse collar connection (附件下套工具捞筒弯曲扶正器回压凡尔挤坏接箍连接)Casing cutter damage deformation depth dog drive hanger hardware head head pressure head spool hole annulus (割刀损伤变形深度捞矛护帽悬挂器附件套管头套头压力套头四通套管环空)Casing inspection inspection log installation job landing leak less completion mill milling nipple packer patch (探伤检查套管测井下套管下套管作业联顶节漏裸眼完井铣鞋铣鞋工具短节封隔器修补)Casing perforator point pressure test programme scraper screw head protector seal section mill setting depth slip (射孔器管鞋深度套管试压程序刮管器母护丝公护丝密封件铣刀下深卡瓦Casing spear spildt sticking string design sub swivel tap threads volume wall wear whipstock withdrawal weight (捞矛裂纹粘卡套柱/柱设计异径接头旋转头公锥螺纹体积管壁磨损造斜器扒套管管重well cementing固井cement acecelerator additive blender bond log brand cap casing head casing shoe channeling column cut 水泥(催凝剂添加剂搅拌器胶结测声幅标号悬空塞水泥头管鞋窜槽浆柱泥浆受水泥浸)cement consistency curing time dehydration displacement evaluation log failure factor filtrate float coollar水泥(稠度侯凝脱水顶替固井评价测井固井失败系数滤液可钻回压凡尔)cement float shoe formation interface hardener heat quipment cemented up casing cementer 水泥( 可钻引鞋与地层交接面速凝剂水泥头设备)注水泥的(注完水泥封固的套管)黏结剂cement injection mantle mark mixer mill needle packer paste/slurry/ milk pit plug retarder setting silo水泥(注浆水泥环标号搅拌器厂强度试针封隔器水泥浆池水泥塞缓凝剂凝固库)cement slurry volum spacer squeeze work stringer thickness top type guide shoe water ratio contamination 水泥(水泥浆用量隔层挤水泥作业插入管水泥环厚度水泥顶界水泥引鞋水灰比水泥浸)cementing contractor formulating jobs method poin agent practice pump reaction strength tank through tool 固井(承包商配方作业方法封固段黏结剂施工泵胶结反应胶结强度水泥罐全井封固工具)drilling fluid钻井液mud baffle balance body cake cake effect conditioner density desander ditch filtrate flow launder logging loss (挡板比重称结构泥饼泥饼效应处理剂密度除砂器槽滤液泥浆流净化槽录井漏失)mud marking formation pressure indicator program reclamation scale separator setting sump shaker stability (造浆层压力计设计回收比重计分离器沉淀池震动筛稳定性stream sample thickeners thinner weight viscosity water/base water-base oil emulsion water-in-oil emulsion泥浆流样品增粘剂降粘剂比重粘度)水基泥浆水基混油泥浆油包水乳化液water mud salt water base mud salt mud gel initial gel of mud PH value salt content water bearing sand content水基泥浆盐水基泥浆含盐泥浆初切力静切力PH值含盐量含水的含砂量。

钻井:drill定向斜井:directional drilling欠平衡钻井:under-balance drilling海上钻井:off-shore drilling陆地钻井:on-shore drilling钻头:drill bit刮刀钻头:drag bit牙轮钻头:rock bit (镶齿钻头insert bit, 钢齿钻头steel toothed bit)金刚石钻头:diamond bit取心钻头:coring bit钻头浮阀:float valve钻头水眼:bit nozzle(or jet)钻头水眼刺:bit nozzle washed out钻头规:bit caliper(bit gauge)钻头泥包:bit is balling钻头钝了,我建议现在起钻:bit is dull. I suggest to POOH now钻铤:DC(drill collar )光钻铤slick drill collar,螺旋钻铤spiral drill collar钻杆:DP(drill pipe )方钻杆:kelly公扣:pin end母扣:box end内平式连接:IF(internal flash)正规式连接:REG(regular)贯眼式连接:FH(full hole)加重钻杆heavy weight drill pipe 短钻杆pop joint井下马达:downhole motor涡轮钻具:turbine震击器:drilling jar减震器:absorber下部钻具组合:BHA(bottom hole assembly)钻具扶正器:stabilizer(string stabilizer, near-bit stabilizer)钻机:drill rig钻井泥浆:drilling mud钻井液:drilling fluid钻井设备:drilling equipment油:oil原油:crude oil天然气:nature gas煤层气:coal-bed gas石油:petroleum中国石油(简称):CNPC(China National Petroleum Corporation )长城钻井(简称):GWDC(Great Wall Drilling Company)采油:oil production产油层(目的层):reservoir( or pay zone)钻进:drilling调整钻井参数以得到理想的机械钻速:play the drilling parameters to get fast ROP起钻:POOH(pull out of hole)下钻:RIH(run in hole)下套管:run casing(or RIH with casing)短起下钻:wiper trip循环泥浆:circulate泥浆:reverse circulate中途循环泥浆:break circulation分段下钻:RIH in stages通井:control trip划眼:reaming倒划眼:back reaming接单根:make connection滑、割大绳:slip and cut drilling line by ton-mile保养设备:maintain the equipment修理设备: repair (or fix) the equipment保养顶驱:service TDS保养冲管:lubricate wash pipe待工日费:standby rate今天零日费:there is no day rate today(zero day rate today) 我可以为您做,但必须收费,请理解I can do for you and I have to charge(back charge) you. Please give me full understanding.不在我的职责范围之内,我要汇报领导,一有消息会马上告诉你It is out of my power and I have to report to my boss. I will let you know as soon as I get news.大鼠洞:rat hole小鼠洞:mouse hole钻具错扣:the connections are crossed钻具粘扣:thread is galled丝扣坏了:the thread is damaged起钻错扣:alternate the connections新钻具或接头磨扣:break in the new tool joint新钻头磨合:break in the new bitPDC钻头井底造型:shape the PDC bit跳钻:rough drilling( vibrated drilling, bit is bouncing) 蹩钻:rough drilling(drilling torque is abnormally high)缩径:tight hole起钻遇卡:get overpull下钻遇阻:set weight部分漏失:partially lost circulation全部漏失:totally lost circulation盲钻:blind drilling堵水眼:bit jets are blocked掉水眼:bit jets are lost憋压:the pressure is built up卸压:release pressure试压:pressure test功能测试:function test双方独自检查:double check地质:geology地质专业人员:geologist物理:physics地球物理勘探:geo-physical exploration.测井:logging电测井作业:wireline logging operation 泥浆测井:mud logging井(副词“好”含意):well拓展记忆:井眼:bore hole油气井:oil&gas well试井:well test井下:down-hole井下作业:down-hole operation。

●Drill bit(钻头):钻井操作中用于切削地层的工具,通常有不同种类,根据需要选择。
●Drilling rig(钻机):这是进行钻井作业的设备,包括机械部分和控制系统。
●BOP (Blowout Preventer)(防喷器):防止井口喷漏的设备,通常安装在井口,可在需
●Mud pump(泥浆泵):用于泵送泥浆的设备,确保泥浆在井眼中循环,保持井眼稳定。
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钻井泥浆英语词汇发布:多吉利来源:减小字体增大字体Unit OneLesson SevenDrilling Fluids, Mud Pumps,AndConditoning equipemntdrilling fluids 钻井液condition the fluid 处理泥浆additives 添加剂foaming agent 泡沫剂water-based mud 水基泥浆detrimental 有害的disadvantage 不利;缺点mud tanks 泥浆罐mud return line 泥浆返回管线active tanks 工作泥浆罐retangular 四方;矩形steel-mesh walkways 钢网走道fibre-grate walkways 绳网走道settle out 沉淀sand traps 沉淀罐mud pump 泥浆泵bear in mind 记住customarily 习惯地serve as a backup 作为备用annular space (annulaus) 环空kick 井涌vibration screen(sieve) 振动筛(筛网) shale shaker 振动筛(筛网) dump 倾倒cuttings trough 钻屑倾倒槽沟waste pit 废物池sophiscated devices 现代化装置drilled solids 钻下来的岩石颗粒sloping sides 斜坡面concentrate 集中;储集desander 除沙器desilter 除泥器mud cleaner 泥浆清洁器centrifuge 离心机entrained gas 夹带气degaser 除气器mud-gas separator 泥浆-气体分离器wellbore 井眼;井筒mud agitator 泥浆搅拌器mud hopper 泥浆漏斗rate of penetration(ROP) 机械钻速fluid losss (滤液)水漏失get stuck 卡钻swell up 膨胀phenomenon 现象block permeability 堵塞渗透slick 光滑wall-building ability 造壁能力overbalanced 过平衡underbalanced 欠平衡back pressure 回压directional drilling 定向钻井horizontal drilling 水平钻井reservoir's depth 油层深度deflect the hole 井眼位移perpendicular 垂直于bent sub 弯接头wobbling motion 晃动;颤抖downhole motor=mud motor 井下马达;泥浆马达spiral-shaped shaft 螺旋状轴turbine blade 涡轮叶片wildcat 初探井mud pit 泥浆池suction tank 吸液罐suction strainer 吸入端滤网reserve tank 备用泥浆罐known volume 已知容积trip tank (起下钻用)泥浆计量罐float gauge 浮标尺trip sheet 起下钻记录表fill-up mud 替补泥浆slug tank 重泥浆罐pill tank 应急泥浆罐slush pump=mud pump 泥浆泵mud(pump)manifold 泥浆管汇vibrator hose(shock hose) 吸震胶管gooseneck 鹅颈管suction line 吸入管线nonreactive phase 惰性相chert 燧石;石灰岩dolomite 白云岩filter membranes 过滤膜specific gravity 比重oil-based mud 油基泥浆treated mud 化学处理泥浆spud mud 开钻泥浆attapulgite 绿玻缕石粘土carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)羧甲基纤维素starches 淀粉gumbo 粘性地层dispersant 分散剂chemical thinners 分散剂lignosulfonates 木质素磺酸盐lignites 褐煤tannates 鞣酸盐phosphate 磷酸盐emulsify 乳化iron oxide 氧化铁hematite 赤铁矿粉barium sulfate 硫酸钡inert 惰性相galena(lead ore) 方铅矿calcium carbinate 碳酸钙sodium chloride 氯化钠calcium chloride 氯化钙impede drilling 阻碍钻井cacium hydroxide(lime) 氢氧化钙gypsum(calcium sulfate) 石膏粉inhibit swelling 抑制膨胀lime muds 石灰泥浆gyp muds 石膏泥浆encapsulating agent 包膜剂cut back on 减少;降低potassium chloride(KCI) 氯化钾polyacrylamide 聚丙烯酰胺KCI/polymer mud KCI/聚合物泥浆oil-emulsion mud 混油乳化泥浆wetting agent 湿润剂hydrophilic additives 亲水添加剂clump 成块gum up screen 胶结滤网surfactant 表面活化剂bond to 粘附在…,胶合amine salt 胺盐organic compound 有机化合物derive from 从…衍生ammonia 氨hydrogen sulfide 硫化氢encounter 遇见weighting materials 加重材料ammonium humate 褐煤铵asphaltenes 沥青烯organic sulfonates 有机磺酸盐strip amines from…从…洗提胺toxic 有毒的observable 明显的groundwater 地下水enact legislation 颁布法律comply with 遵守(法律)arctic 北极hazardous 危险的have an impact on 对…有影响ester oil 酯油biodegradable 生物降解PAL(polyanionic lignin) 聚阴离子木质素VA(vinyl amide) 乙烯酰胺VS(vinyl polyanionic copolymer 乙烯基磺酸盐共聚物modified polyacrylate tepolymer(MPT) 改进的聚丙烯酸酯三元共聚物oxygen scavenger 除氧剂compliance with 遵从pit watcher 主管泥浆的架工electrolytic properties 电解质blender 混合器simulate 模拟pressure-sensitive formation 压力敏感地层divide…by用…除approximately 大约square the diameter of the hole 使井筒直径成为平方multiply…by用…乘total hole volume 井筒总容积volume of tank 泥浆罐容积cycle time 循环一周时间pump output 泵排量proceed 进行round off…to取整数到;四舍五入holding capacity 储浆能力constant 恒量equivalent 相等water-back 加水formula 式子spoil 破坏evaporation 蒸发inhale 吸入;吸进salvaged liquid mud 可以再用的泥浆multilayer 多层wooden pallets 木托板heavy-duty plastic tarp 结实的塑料布stack sack 堆放袋装泥浆elevated foundation 梯形场地manhole 人孔;出入孔P-tank 干泥浆材料P-形储集罐porous membrane 多孔隔膜air slide 空气输送装置transport truck 运输车leftover 剩余物;残留物blower 吹风机air bazooka 吹气火箭筒apron 围裙chemical barrel 加化学添加剂用的捅waist 腰部torso 躯干pinion shaft 小齿轮轴pinion gear 小齿轮power band (V-bealts) 动力皮带bull gear=herringbone gear 大齿轮back-and-forth motion 来回运动connecting rod 连杆crossheads 十字头pony rods=crosshead extention rods 十字头延长杆wear groove 磨损标志槽eccentric cams 偏心轮wiper (ring) 刮油器, 滑动环studs 双头螺丝liner packings 缸套盘根flange 法兰lantern ring 分隔环notch 凹面,开槽weephole=tattletale hole=telltale hole 显示孔;指漏孔;检查孔valve seat 阀座valve pot 阀穴polyurethane inserts 聚胺脂橡胶mate the two 使两者相配stuffing box 盘根盒gland 盘根压盖keep out drilling fluid 阻止泥浆进入volumetric efficiency 容积效率faulty or failing parts 失效部件fluid cutting or washout 水刺(活塞) operate at full rated speed and pressure 以额定的压力满速工作flooded suction 灌注吸入guarantee 保证prime the pump's fluid end 填满泵的液力端submerge 潜埋supercharging pump 灌注泵surge-pause 冲-停的方式even out 平衡;赶上special-order item 特殊订单项目have advantage over…比…有优势momentum 冲力;动量at a premium 珍贵;有限的地方keep the mud pump primed 使泥浆泵填满泥浆sluggish valve action 阀动作迟缓clog 堵塞suction relief valve 吸入减压阀elbow 弯头tee 三通preset value 预定值relief bypass line 减压旁通管线investigate 调查mechanical knocking 机械敲缸sharp, high-pitched ,metallic sound 高;尖金属撞击声invariably 总是;不变地wrench 管钳welding rod 焊条stethoscope 听诊器be prone to 易遭(受)…symptom 症状centrifugal precharging pump 离心灌注泵air pocket 气袋;气塞uniform 均匀prolonged leakage 长期泄漏supercharging pressure 灌注泵压力unplanned downtime 突然停泵修理emergency 紧急情况(事件)false economy 好象划算,其实不划算life expectancy 寿命outweigh 优于;胜于cleanout plate 清洁板service person 修理人员locknut 锁紧螺母pony rod clamps中心拉杆(延长杆)夹子中心拉杆(延长杆)夹子impeller vane 叶轮片hurl 猛投;猛掷vary in direct proportion to 以正比变化throttle the discharging valve 调节排液阀roller bearings 滚柱轴承retain 保持;保留stagger the ring joints 密封圈接缝错开excessive internal thrust 轴向力过大alignment 轴同心;同轴thin the mud 稀释泥浆unwanted solids 废弃的固相颗粒unweighted mud 非加重泥浆tention bolts 拉紧螺栓stretch the screen 绷紧筛网drive belts 驱动皮带swing line 起落管;bypass gate 旁通闸阀divert 转向;导流possum belly 返出泥浆接受罐baffles 挡板flow gate 流量闸门;linear motion 线性运动elliptical motion 椭圆形运动triple-deck shaker 三层筛网振动筛tumble 向内筛动shear stress 剪切应力shear thinning 剪切稀释a rule of thumb 凭经验的方法rugged 结实的;坚固的alleviate 减轻sandwich 叠层corrugated sandwich screen 波纹叠层筛网pyramid screen 金字塔(角锥)形筛网flat screen 平直筛网raised portions 凸出部分culprits 故障点(起因)underflow 底流spirals back up 螺旋向上返回overflow=effluent 溢流;顶流barite scavenger 重晶石回收器salvage barite 回收重晶石mount on the skid 装在橇板上angularity and hardness of a particle 固相颗粒的棱角和硬度nothing could be further from the truth 一点不假the capacity drops 能力下降short circuit the mud from feed to overflow 缩短泥浆在除泥器里的行程make the full trip 走完全程fragile 脆性的throughput capacity (泥浆)处理能力be misleading 引向歧途screening efficiency 筛滤效率ultrafine particles 超细颗粒by trial and error 反复摸索;不断实验blank off 封堵shortcut 捷径justify 证明是合理的;划算的dump truck 自动倾卸卡车;垃圾车closed system 封闭系统disposal site 废物处理场holding tank 收集罐ecologically sensitive area 生态敏感区域sensitive estuary 生态敏感河口decanting centrifuge 螺杆式离心机(沉降式离心分离机) concentric cylinder centrifuge 筛筒式离心机(同心圆筒离心分离机) semidry stream of coarse solids 半干粗固相流semidry sludge 半干泥渣cone-shaped steel bowl 锥形钢质外壳doubl- screw conveyor 双螺旋输送器hollow shaft 空心轴pump stroke indicator 泵冲指示仪pump stroke counter 泵冲计数器driller's console 司钻控制台flow sensor 流量传感器torque indicator 扭矩显示仪initiate shut-in procedures (开始)进行关闭程序differential flowmeter 差压流量计calibrate 校准(仪表) mud density device 泥浆密度显示器aid …in有助于…mud-out sensor 返出泥浆比重传感器mud-in sensor 入井泥浆比重传感器top drive 顶驱blooey line 放喷管线blow up 爆炸gusher 自喷井stick to 坚持exaggeration 夸张relegate to 归属于hydraulic power 液动力reveal 揭示regrind chip 再粉碎钻屑the bit bogs down 钻头陷进去high-velocity stream 高速液流turbulence 漩涡annular velocity 环空返速reduce the cuttings to dust 使钻屑化为灰尘gel strength 胶凝强度;静切力mineral montmorillonite 矿物蒙脱石polymer 聚合物molecules 分子stiffen 刚硬solidify like gelation 像凝胶一样固化religuefy 再次液化surge and swab pressure 冲击和抽吸压力syringe 注射器give a shot 打针vaccine 疫苗break down a formation 压裂地层lost circulation 井漏fractured formation 压裂后的地层railroad freight car 铁路货车车箱friction 摩擦wear out 磨损inflated tire 冲气轮胎unconsolidated or loose formation 不牢固的或松散地层slough(pronounced"sluff") 垮塌porous and permeable formation 多孔和渗透地层penetrate 穿透plaster 灰浆filter cake(wall cake) 滤饼;壁饼hydrostatic pressure 液力静压力whip around 鞭击;振动fluid column 液柱synthetic rubber 合成橡胶reinforce 加强;加固margin 余量partition off 隔开,分隔landfill 挖坑填埋migratory birds 迁移鸟群ditch 泥浆槽沟hydraulics 水力pressure loss 压力损失identify 辨别overshadow 使失去光泽ball up the bit 泥包钻头combat corrosion 抗腐蚀mist drilling 雾化钻井foam drilling 泡沫钻井froth 起泡aerated mud 充气泥浆corrosion-inhibiting chemicals 防腐化学品pilot light 天灯flare the gas 放火烧掉气体set aflare 放火烧掉mount on skids 装在橇板上explosion-proof 防爆put into effect 实行;实施vent the gas 排除气体balloon 气球confine the air 圈闭空气booster 增压机overriding concern 压倒一切的关注alter 改变mud man=mud engineer 泥浆工程师mud bound=mud man 泥浆工程师three-phase mixture 三相混合物liquid phase 液相solid phase 固相continuous phase 连续相reactive phase 活泼相colloidal phase 胶体相low-toxicity oil 低毒性油emulsifier 乳化剂filtrate 滤液adjacent 邻近的confuse 混淆ground-up walnut 粉碎核桃壳pecan shells 山核桃壳polyester flakes 聚酯纤维片lost circulaton materials(LCM) 堵漏材料granular materials 颗粒防漏剂drill blind 盲钻pH control pH值控制acidity 酸性alkalinity 碱性caustic soda 苛性钠(烧碱) sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠protective equipment 保护设备respirator 呼吸器face shields 面罩fluocculants 絮凝剂clump into large pieces 粘合成块defoamers 消泡剂lubricants 润滑剂anti-differential sticking addictives 防差压卡钻添加剂free stuck pipe 解卡gravel 砾石natural gums 天然胶guar gum 瓜尔胶saltwater muds 盐水泥浆magnesium 镁inhibitive salt 抑制盐saturated saltwater mud 饱和盐水泥浆gas bubbles 气泡fluffy or bubbly texture 绒毛或气态特征water-soluble salts 水溶盐stabilizing agents 稳定剂invert-oil muds 油包水泥浆oil-emulsion mud 混油乳化泥浆organophilic clays 有机粘土mud balance 泥浆天平beam balance 臂梁天平sliding weight 游码fulcrum 支点Marsh funnel 马氏泥浆漏斗direct-indicating viscometer 直读粘度计measuring cup 量杯weight(bob) (重锤)内筒rotor (转子)外筒hand crank 手摇曲柄plastic viscosity 塑性粘度yield point 屈服点scribe line 刻线centipoises(cp) 厘泊(粘度单位)filter press 压滤器(失水仪) graduated cylinder 刻度筒sandblast 喷沙除锈screen set 筛网过滤仪solid content 固相含量solid concentration 固相浓度(含量) attracting and repelling forces (固相颗粒之间的)吸力和斥力distillation 蒸馏retort=mud still 用于决定油,水,固相含量的蒸馏器(仪) colorimetric method 比色法electrometric method 电位计法kit with litmus paper in 带有试纸的试纸盒correspond to 与…相符concentration of salt 盐浓度(含量)unreliable 不可靠glass electrode 玻璃电极amplifier 放大器electrometer 电位计comtaminants 污染物conversion=breakover point 泥浆性能转化点viscosity humps 浓度("驼峰")上升modify the mud 改进泥浆openhole 裸眼井eject 喷射beads or pellets 小珠alkali 碱vulnerable 易受…(伤害)skin graft 植皮take no chances with it 不要去试(做) goggles 护目镜vinegar 醋neutralize 中和;稀释affected area 受伤区域boric acid ointment 硼酸油膏castor oil 蓖麻油formaldehyde base 甲醛基starch preservatives 淀粉防腐剂poisonous 有毒swallow 吞下fumes 烟雾bactericide 杀菌剂flash point 闪点fireproof 防火designated area 指定区域take precautions 采取措施slippery 滑溜的be hard on 对...严格;对…有伤害oil-resistant rubber 抗油橡胶sturdy 结实的tolerate 容忍reciprocating 往复(运动) positive displacement 正排量replaceable 可替换的single-acting triplex pumps 单作用三缸泵double-acting duplex pumps 双作用双缸泵intake valve 吸入阀discharge valve 排液阀pump cycle 泵周power end 动力端fluid end 液力端strokes per minute (spm) 泵冲数/分pulsing stroke 脉冲crankshaft 曲轴cativation 空腔;空洞pressure surge 压力冲击head end of cylinder 缸头fluid knock 液击;水击敲缸insufficient suction head 吸入压头不足suction pressure 吸入压力suction hookup 吸入装置crucial 至关重要的uninterrupted flow 不间断液流fluid fricton 液体摩擦hydraulic hammer 水击敲缸water hammer 水击敲缸incoming mud 进入泥浆keep up with 追上;保持一致audible knock 能听见的敲击声premature wear 提前磨损metal fatigue 金属疲劳pulsation dampener 脉冲减振器dampen surge 削减冲击outgoing flow 排出液流bladder type dampener 空气包式减振器sphere 球形体flexible diaphragm 伸缩隔膜nonbladder dampener 非空气包式减振器accomplish 实现;达到elongated 拉长mud chamber 泥浆室diaphragm insert 隔膜衬valve guard 阀护架charging valve 加液(料,压)阀hex nut 六角螺丝spherical discharge dampener 球形排液减振器nitrogen chamber 氮气室offset suction pressure surge 抵消吸入压力冲击pison clearance 活塞与缸套间隙enlarge 加大;增大out of round 失圆etch the metal 蚀刻金属discoloration 褪色cylinder head gasket 缸头垫in a crisscross pattern 以对角线形式slip by (液体)侵入scale 脏垢rod's shipping tube 运输拉杆时,用来保护拉杆的管子liner movement 缸套串动fluid cuts 水刺mechanical wedge 机械楔铁hydraulic puller 液压拉拔器pump deck 阀箱seat driver 阀座安装器sledgehammer 手用锤suction strainer 吸入端滤器hard-packed sand 坚硬的积砂sediment buildup 沉淀积聚kinking 扭结;打结firm fit 紧配合brass bushings or sleeves 铜套spacer ring 间隔环deteriorate 恶化;更坏deform the rod packing 拉杆盘根变形bind and score the rod 粘结和刻伤拉杆overtight packing nuts 盘根螺丝过紧lip packing 密封唇盘根chevron rod packing 人字(V形)形盘根backup ring 支撑环solid (rubber) packings 整体的橡胶盘根split (开口)剖开面split ring (开口盘根圈);剖开盘根圈cross arm 拉筋splash or drip oil onto the the rod 溅油或滴油到拉杆上rotating impeller 旋转叶轮anhydride 无水石膏gypsum 石膏cleanout opening 清洁口act as crude desander 作为初级除沙器malfunction 故障carbonate 碳酸盐water-soluble salt 溶水盐calcium salt 钙盐tool joint compound 接头丝扣油grease sediment 脂状沉淀物kerosene 煤油catchment tray 接液盘inevitable 不可避免的hose down the older shaker 水冲旧筛网double-deck shaker 双层振动筛flow director 导流器adhere to 粘附;坚持clay solids=silt 粘土颗粒;泥沙undesirable silt 需清除的粉沙solids removal equipment 除砂设备distinguish 辨别desander remove sand 除砂器除砂desilter remove fine particles,or silt 除泥器除细粒子或粉沙hydrocyclone=cone 漩流分离器(锥筒) extend the life of pump liner 延长泥浆泵缸套寿命durable plastic or ceramic cone 耐用的塑料或陶瓷漩流器锥筒tangential 切线的angle the inlet 把入口做成一定角度whirl 漩动;旋转tornado 龙卷风vortex 漩涡;涡流vortex finder 漩流导流器feed inlet 供液口whirling stream 漩流apex of the cone 锥筒小端throw outward 向外甩associate with 结合;与…涉及outer cylinder 外筒perforated cylinder 多孔筛筒concentrically 同心地barit-laden mud 带重晶石的泥浆drawback 缺点overwhelm 压倒;占…优势mud-gas separator 泥浆-气体分离器gas buster 泥浆-气体分离器choke manifold 节流管汇hinder 防碍keep formation pressure in check 控制地层压力gas-free mud 无气泥浆gas-cut mud 气侵泥浆downspout 溢流管lost circulation materials 堵漏材料mica 云母nut shell 山核桃壳eductor 真空喷嘴formulate 配制泥浆high-velocity 高速jet-mixing hopper 喷射混合漏斗slurry 水泥浆venturi tube 文丘里管constriction 狭窄;颈缩管pulverized material 粉碎材料cellophane 赛路玢;玻璃纸buterfly valve 蝶阀emulsify oil 将油乳化brine system 盐水系统jet siphon 喷射虹吸管anticipate 预计pit-level indicator 泥浆池液位仪mud volume totalizer 泥浆池总体积仪pneumatic 气动swab 抽吸gains or losses in mud volume 泥浆体积增益与损失trip tank indicator 泥浆计量罐显示仪inflow sensor 入井泥浆流量传感器outflow sensor 返出泥浆流量传感器wellhead 井口strip chart recorder 纸带记录仪mud weight indicator 泥浆比重显示仪。