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Work Atte ndance Regulati on
Modificatio n Descripti on:
第一章总贝 S Chapter 1 Ge neral Provisi on
The rule is made based on the compa ny situati on in complia nee with releva nt laws in purpose of sta ndardiz ing adm ini strati on of man ageme nt and safeguard ing the in terests of both compa ny and staffs.
Chapter 2 Impleme nting Provisi on
第一节考勤打卡规范/Norm of attendance第三条
Staff must punch card when on and off duty. In the halfway during work ing time, if staff ask leave (in clude leav ing, going out for bus in ess, trai ning, producti on shutdow n), they must punch whe n leave the compa ny. 第四条第五条
Con sig ning others to punch card or not coming for work after pun chi ng card shall be fined upon the circumsta nces; those help others punch card shall be fined as well.第六条
Except for QC of outsourcing fac, those going out during the working hours shall submit [Gate Pass] to the dept man ager and HR for approval. 第七条正常出勤无刷卡记录,补办考勤证明的审批规定:
The approval of atte ndance certificati on:
员工正常出勤的,如发生漏刷卡、其他无刷卡记录的合理原因导致考勤记录不全,应填写《考勤证明表》证明出勤情况。Where there is no
atte ndance record due to reas on able reas on while the staff is on duty, he/she shall submit [Atte ndance Certificati on] for approval. 1)
Staff must punch the card on his/her own.
The rule applies to non factory staff.
[Atte ndance Certificati on] shall be submitted within 3 work ing days after the occurre nee, and shall be approved by dept man ager and HR第八条在外驻厂上班的员工,需在每月3日前提交其考勤记录,由其上级主管及部门经理审核后交由人力资源部考勤人员。上级主管及部门领导
QC worki ng in outsourc ing factory shall submit the atte ndance sheet to HR before third of each month with the sig nature of direct leader and dept man ager. The direct leader and dept man ager shall be liable for the truthfu In ess and accuracy of the said sheet, and they shall bear resp on sibility as leader for the un truthfu In ess.
第二节迟至V、早退/Lateness and tardy
Pun chi ng card after the stipulated work ing time is deemed as late ness
Pun chi ng card before the stipulated work ing time is deemed as tardy.第九条1)
迟至V、早退/ Lateness and tardy
Cumulative time exceeds 20 minu tes but less tha n 1 hour, apart from the deduction of full attendance bonus, deduct salary of 0.5 day personal affair leave; 2)
Cumulative time exceeds 1 hour but less tha n 4 hours, apart from the deducti on of full atte ndance bonus, deduct salary of 0.5 day abse nteeism; 3)
Cumulative time exceeds 4 hour but less tha n 8 hours, apart from the deducti on of full atte ndance bonus, deduct salary of 1 day abse nteeism;