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条款清单[INSERT COMPANY NAME], INC. [ __, 200_]
[______,200___] This Term Sheet summarizes the principal terms of the Series A 本条款
清单概括了_______公司,一家[特拉华]公司(“公Preferred Stock Financing of [___________], Inc., a [Delaware] 司”)A系优先股融资的主要条款。考虑
到涉及此项投资的投资corporation (the
In consideration of the time and 人已投“Company”).
本条expense devoted and to be devoted by the Investors w ith respect to this 款清单之限制出售/保
密条款、律师及费用条款对公司都具有强制investment, the No Shop/Confidentiality a nd Counsel and Expenses provisions of this Term Sheet shall be binding obligations of the 约束力。未经各方一致签署
并交付的最终协议,本条款清单之其Company whether or not the financing is consummated. No other 他条款不具有强制约束力。本条款清单并非投
资人进行投资的承 legally binding obligations will be
created until definitive agreements 诺,其生效以完成
令投资人满意的尽职调查、法律审查和文件签are executed and delivered by all parties. This Term Sheet
is not a 署为条件。本条款清单各方面受[特拉华州]
法律管辖。commitment to invest, and is conditioned o n the completion of due diligence,
legal review and documentation that is satisfactory to
the Investors. This Term Sheet shall be governed in
all respects b y the laws of the [State of Delaware]. Offering Terms 出资条款:
Closing Date: As soon as practicable following the Compan y’s 交割日:当公司接受此条款清单且交割条
件完备 acceptance of this Term Sheet and satisfaction
of 时即尽快交割(“交割”)。(若需要 the Conditions
Closing”). 多次交割,请与此写明。)
to Closing (the “
[provide for multiple closings if applicable] Investor
No. 1: [_______] shares ([__]%), Investors: $[_________] 投资人1: [ ]股([ ]%),$[ ] 投资人:
Investor No. 2: [_______] shares ([__]%), $[_________]
投资人2: [ ]股([ ]%),$[ ] [as well other investors mutually agreed upon by [以及投资人和公司
一致同意的其他投 Investors and the Company] 资人]
Amount Raised: $[________], [including $[________]
from the 融资金额:$[ ],[含由过渡贷款转换的本
金及 conversion of principal [and interest] on bridge 1
利息$[ ] 1notes]. Price Per Share: $[________] per
share (based on the 每股价格:$[ ] 每股(以
下文所列公司资capitalization of the Company set
forth below) 本结构表为依据)(“原始购买价”) (the “Original Purchase P rice”). Pre-Money The Original
Purchase Price is based upon a Valuation: fully-
diluted pre-money valuation of $[_____] 原始购买价以
充分稀释融资前估价融资前估价:and a fully-
diluted post-money valuation of $[_____]和融资后估
价$[_____]为基础$[______] (including an employee
pool 计算(含充分稀释的融资后资本中员工representing [__]% of the fully-diluted post-股预留
[ ]%) money capitalization). The Company’s capit structure before and after Capitalization: 资本结构表:
Modify this provision to account for staged investments or investments
dependent on the achievement of milestones by the Company.
the Closing is set forth as Exhibit A.
2 CHARTER 2公司章程 Dividends: [Alternative