英语 冠词 课件

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• 确定/一个 • 确定/多个 不确定/一个 不确定/多个
• 知识
• Water is liquid. 水是液体
• Music is an art. 音乐是艺术
• The water in the bottle goes bad.
1. Everyone knows that ___light travels faster than ___sound.
• 1 sit at table 坐着吃饭 • sit at the table 坐在桌子边 • 2 in hospital 住院 • in the hospital 在医院里 • 3 go to school/ church 去上学 去礼拜 • go to the school/ church 去学校, 去教堂 • 4 by sea 坐船 • by the sea 在海边
a/an+ 可数名词 : I want a book. 可数名词复数 : I want/like books. 不可数名词 : 知识 knowledge is the meaning of my life.
• 二 翻译法
• a/an: 一
• the: 这个、那个、这些、那些
• 不可数名词泛指时不用冠词,特指时用定冠词
• A/ , / B a, a C the, the D the , /
• 三 定冠词的特指用法
• 1后照应特指:用定冠词表示上文中提到的人或物
I bought a book yesterday. The book cost me 20 yuan • Here is ___basket. ____basket is mine. • A a The B the An C a A D the The
• 三 零冠词: 不加冠词
• 1. 抽象名词Blood is thicker than water. • 2. 下棋,打牌,打球 • 3. by +交通工具 by train
• 一 是否知道是“哪一个”或“哪一些”?
I want the book. I want the books.
• 一 定冠词 the 与序数词和最高级连用 • 序数词: first second third • 一年级: Grade One , the first grade. • the 105th room = Room 105
• 二 定冠词the 与形容词连用,指一类人 • the poor, the rich, the old ,the young
• ____idea
• ____actor
• 二 定冠词 the
• this /that / these/ those 简化版
• the的发音: • 放在辅音音素开头的单词前-------[thur] • 放在元音音素开头的单词前-------[thi] • the plane the universe | the artist the eggs
一 冠词是啥? 二 冠词有啥? 三 冠词咋用? 四 查缺补漏
• 冠: 帽子 冠词+ 形容词+名词 • 帽子 + 发型 + 头 • 一个帅帅的男孩
一 不定冠词: a/an 她领来了一个女孩。
a与an 的选择
a与an 的选择
• 用a 还是用an,关键看该单词发音中第一个音素是元音 音素还是辅音音素
3语境特指:建立在谈话双方共有的认知上 Open the door. Where is the book?
• 四 可数名词单数不单独使用
• (可数名词不裸奔原则)
• pen This is pen.
• 要么前面加上冠词,要么前面加上指示代词或物 主代词,要么用复数
This is a pen. This is the pen. This is his /her/ my/ their pen. This is that pen. These are pens.
• an honest boy a horse
• an hour
a table
• an orange
• ____onion
• ____English name
• ____ old box
• ____800-word-long composition
• ____ 180- metre- long road
• He wrote ___song, which is popular with ____young.
• Athe the B a / C a the D the / 三 季节、月份、星期、节日、假日和三餐前一般不加冠词
• 注意:
• 1 这些节日前要加the • the Mid-Autumn Festival the Spring Festival • the Dragon Boat Festival the Lantern Festival • 2如果季节、月份、星期和三餐有定语修饰,就要加冠词 • Children’s Day falls on June 1 六月一号是儿童节 • Spring comes after winter. 冬去春来 • She left the city in the autumn of 2011 • have breakfast • have a heavy /big breakfast. • I don’t usually have ____breakfast, but I always eat ____ good supper.
• 2 前照应特指:定冠词在前面,由后置修饰语来确定是 何人何物
• This is the book you lent me yesterday. • This is the boy from England. • ____old lady (in brown) is _____university professor. • A An a B An / C The an D The a