452019年18期总第458期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS浅析蓝鸽网络自主学习平台在大学英语教学中的应用——以广西民族大学为例文/余海伦【摘要】蓝鸽网络自主学习平台有着丰富的教学资源,涵盖了英语学习中的听、说、读、写、译等各方面的内容,不同难度的分布满足了不同层次学生水平的需求,同时它给教师提供了有效监管,丰富了大学英语的教学模式,改变传统的教师角色,有利于促进师生交流,提高学生学习积极性。
美国教育家杰罗姆·布鲁纳指出: “不仅要教育成绩优良的学生,而且也要帮助每个学生获得最好的智力发展。
1.小学动物英语单词狮子——lion 豹——leopard熊猫——panda老虎——tiger 狼——wolf斑马——zebra公牛——bull母牛——cow小牛——calf水牛——buffalo山羊——goat绵羊——sheep羊羔——lamb 熊——bear骆驼——camel 鹿——deer大象——elephant 狐狸——fox长颈鹿——giraffe 马——horse驴子Donkey 猪——pig狗——dog猴子——monkey蝙蝠——bat猫——cat袋鼠——kangaroo刺猬——hedgehog松鼠——squirrel兔子——rabbit老鼠——rat海豚——dolphin 鲸——whale海豹——seal乌龟——tortoise鳄鱼——crocodile河马——hippopotamus 鱼——fish 虾——shrimp螃蟹——crab龙虾——lobster蜗牛——snail 蛙——frog蟋蟀--cricket 蛇——snake蚯蚓——worm公鸡——cock母鸡——hen小鸡——chick鸭子duck小鸭——duckling 鹅——goose蜘蛛spider蚂蚁ant蜜蜂bee蝴蝶butterfly蜻蜓dragonfly老鹰eagle猫头鹰owl乌鸦crow鸽子dove鸟bird驼鸟ostrich鹦鹉parrot燕子swallow麻雀sparrow甲虫beetle天鹅swan鹤crane 孔雀peacock企鹅penguingull 海鸥蚕silkworm苍蝇fly蚊子mosquito蟑螂roach蚱玛grasshopper 火鸡turkeys晰蜴lizard獾badger蟾蜍toad袋鼠kangaroo无尾熊koala鼹鼠mole鼠Mouse大老鼠rat跳蚤flea母牛cow虎Tiger兔Rabbit龙Dragon蛇Snake鲸鱼whale海豚dolphin乌龟turtle鳗鱼eel海星starfish海马sea horse恐龙Dinosaur水母jellyfish鱿鱼squid2.Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二Wednesday 星期三Thursday 星期四Friday 星期五Saturday 星期六Sunday 星期日3.表示人类职业的单词actor: 男演员actress: 女演员announcer: 广播员architect: 建筑师artist: 艺术家associate professor: 副教授astronaut: 宇航员. attendant: 服务员auto mechanic : 汽车技工baker: 烘培师barber: 理发师(男) baseball player: 棒球选手bell boy: 门童bellhop: 旅馆的行李员binman: 清洁工,垃圾工blacksmith: 铁匠teacher教师doctor学生nurse护士diver司机student学生farmer农民baseball player棒球运动员singer歌手writer作家TV reporter电视台记者actor男演员actress女演员artist画家engineer工程师accountant会计policeman警察salesperson销售员cleaner清洁工worker工人4.表示学校建筑设施的单词dining hall 食堂gate 大门building 建筑物可以延伸,如, stusent building 学生大楼classroom building 教室大楼dining hall 食堂office 办公室playground 操场science lab 实验室libirany 图书馆computer rooms计算机房5.表示颜色的英语单词红色red橙色orange黄色yellow绿色green蓝色blue紫色purple粉色pink棕色brown 白色white黑色black灰色grey金gold6.数字1--One 2--two 3--three 4--four 5—five 6—six 7--seven 8--eight 9--nine 11--ten 11--eleven 12--twelve 13-thirteen14-fourteen 15-sixteen 16-sixteen 17-seventeen 18- eighteen 19-nineteen 20-twenty 30- thirty 40-forty 50-fifty 60-sixty 70-seventy 80-eighty 90-ninety 100-one hundred百hundred 千thousand百万millon 十亿billon。
◆ 刘雪平
( 重庆邮 电大学外国语学院 )
【 摘要】首先介绍 了目前“ 网络考试” 的现状 , 通过对 网络考试和传统考试 的对比分析 了现 阶段 网络 考试存在 的六个 方面的 问题 , 之 后结 合 蓝 鸽 校 园 网 英语 学科 平 台 的 网络 考 试 系统 对 现 阶 段 实施 大 学英 语 网络 考 试 的 可行 性 和 适 用性 进 行 了 阐述 , 最 后 基 于 目前 网 络 考 试 系
统 的使 用 , 提 出 了 实施 大 学英 语 网 络 考 试 的 意 义 和 作 用 。 【 关键词l大学英语 网络考试 蓝鸽 网考 系统
研 究现 状 选 择各种 题型的考题组成试卷 ; 第三步 : 进行试 题编辑 , 如果需要对 前一步 随着网络技术的快速发展及广泛应用 , 机 算机网络考 试在各个领 域使 选 择的试题内容 、 答案、 顺序进行修改 , 可 以在 这一步进 行 ; 第 四步 : 生成试 用日渐增多 , 技 术体 系也 日趋成熟。国外有著 名的考试机 构美 国思 而文学 卷 , 这一步将 完成 组 卷 工 作 , 根 据 需 求 生 成 多份 试 题 相 同、 题序 不 同 的
7 . 考试教 师端 。本模块 可 以完成 整套考试 过程 , 包括 考场 设置 、 考试 准备 、 考试进行和考后 管理 四个部分 , 有效保 证了考试 的正常平 稳进行。 蓝 鸽 校 园 网英 语 学 科 平 台 提 供 的 网 络 考 试 系 统 基 于 网 络 考 试 不 同 阶 段对试题库建立 、 组卷方式 和考务 安排 等方面 做 了深入 的分析 和实施 , 确 保 了大学英语通过 网络进行考试 的合 理性和科学 性 ; 网考平 台结合 实际情 况, 建 立网络考试试题库 , 调动 了学 生和教 师的积 极性 , 使之 广泛地参 与其 中; 网考平 台的实施 , 杜 绝了传统教 务考试管理手 段的不足 , 提 高 了现 代化 教 育技术 下的管理手 段 ; 网考平台的运行进一步 了解 了在校 学生计 算机技 术 的熟 练 程 度 和不 足 之 处 , 为下一步开展提高学 生计算机技 术水平 的工作 提供 了依据 。 三、 结 束 语 通 过蓝鸽校园网英语学科平台开展大学 英语 网络考试 , 建成 了具有本 校特色的试题库 , 每 次 考 试 都 是 从 题 库 中抽 题 , 各 考 场 只 需 把 试 卷 下 载 到 本地供 考生答 题 , 这种考试方式大大节省 了人 力和物 力; 网络考试过 程 中, 座 位相邻 考生的试题不一样 , 杜 绝了考 生相 互抄袭 及漏 题现 象 , 大 大加强 了考试的信度 ; 网络考试结束后 , 学生提交试 卷 , 系 统 根 据 题 库 中 的 答 案 自 动 阅卷 , 评卷、 成 绩 生成等 工作都 由计 算机 完成 。 从 而减 少 了人 工操 作环 节, 避 免了人为操 作分数的可 能。同 时 , 后期 需要 完善 的工作 包括 设计 并 制定本校 网络 考试的模式和机制 ; 制定结合本 校教学实 际情况的试 题库和 试 题建设方案 ; 生成适合于本校 具体考 试情 况的一 系列 组卷 方案 ; 规划 制
被动 接 受 的 教 学 模 式 ” 【 1 1 , 使 学 生 由知 识 的 终 结 性 评 估 方 式 , 来 衡 量 学 生对 于 英 语 学 行 定 期 的 细 化 和 量 化 , 最 终 大 学 英 语 的考
灌输 对 象 和 被 动 接 受者 转 变 为 知识 加 工 的 主 体 和 意 义 的 主 动建 构 者 。
以方 便 学 生课 后 的 自主 学 习 和 教 师 的全 方
堂学 习相 关的 作 业 , 定 期 定 量 下发 , 可 按学
查 问卷 , 发 现 仅 有3 6 %的学 生 有 课 后 自主学 探 讨 的 方 式 是 借 助 于 “ 蓝 鸽 语 言 学 习 平 位 监控 。 其次 , 教师应借助蓝鸽平 台 , 将 课 高专 学 校 的学 生调 查 问卷 中发现 , 有5 3 %的 的 模 式 。
2 0 1 3 NO 3 4
Oh l na Ed u cat i o n I n n ova t i or 1 H er a l d
语 言 学研 究
借助 “ 蓝鸽 语 言 学 习平 台 ’ ’探 索 高职 高专 大 学 英语 自主 学 习模 式
徐婷 申平平 刘彩霞 ( 山东外 国语职业学 院 山东 日照 2 7 6 8 2 6 )
3 自主学 习模式 的探究 2 自主学 习的现状及 问题分析
2. 1 自主学 习 的现状
目前 , 对 于 高 职 高 专 大 学 英 语 的 自主 学 习 模 式 的探 究 多 是 将 课堂 教学 与 课 外 自
“ 自主 学 习 ” 教 学 的 口号 已经 提 出 几 十 主 学 习 对 立 为 两 个 部 分 , 或 将 自主 学 习模
摘 要: 针对 高职高专 学生英 语学 习过程 中所 出现 的诸 多问题 , 本文借助于“ 蓝鸽语 言 学习平 台” , 从 自主学 习的现 状和存在 的问题 等方 面, 来探 讨借 助于蓝鸽平 台, 适 应 于 高 职 高 专 学 生 大 学 英 语 自主 学 习 的模 式 。 关键 词 ; 高职高专学生 大学英语 蓝鸽平 台 自主 学习 中图分类 号 : H3 1 9 文献标 识 码 : A 文章 编号 : 1 6 7 3 — 9 7 9 5 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 2 ( a ) 一 0 0 8 2 - 0 1
U nit 31. He is ____ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.A)optimisticB)optionalC)outstandingD)obvious√[1].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.02. The hopes, goals, fears and desires ____ widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor.A) alterB) shiftC) transferD) vary√[2].【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.03. This article ____ more attention to the problem of cultural interference in foreign language teaching and learning.A) calls forB) applies forC) cares forD) allows for√[3].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.04 . ____ difficulties we may come across, we'll help one another to overcome them.A)WhereverB)WhateverC)HoweverD)Whenever√[4].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.05. The leader of the expedition ____ everyone to follow his example.A) promotedB) reinforcedC) sparkedD) inspired√[5].【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.06. Tryon was extremely angry, but cool-headed enough to ____ storming into the boss's office.A) preventB) prohibitC) turnD) avoid√[6].【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.07. My brother's plans are very ____; he wants to master English, French and Spanish before he is sixteen.A] arbitraryB] aggressiveC] ambitiousD] abundant√[7].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.08. Though ____ in a big city, Peter always prefers to paint the primitive scenes of country life.A] grownB] raisedC] tendedD] cultivated√[8].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.09. In no country ____ Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.A] other thanB] more thanC] better thanD] rather than√[9].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.010. Franklin's ability to learn from observations and experience ____ greatly to his success in public life.A] contributedB] owedC] attachedD] related√[10].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.011. This ticket ____ you to a free meal in our new restaurant.A] givesB] grantsC] entitlesD] credits√[11].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.012. American women were ____ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.A] ignoredB] neglectedC] refusedD] denied√[12].【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.013. Although they plants trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still ____.A] blankB] hollowC] vacantD] bare√[13].【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.014. In general, the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth the total ____ living expenses.A] acceptableB] availableC] advisableD] applicable×[14].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:0.015. John Dewey believed that education should be a preparation for life, that a person learns by doing, and that teaching must ____ the curiosity and creativity of children.A] seekB] stimulateC] shapeD] secure√[15].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.016. There's little chance that mankind would ____ a nuclear war.A] retainB] endureC] maintainD] survive√[16].【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.017. The computer works very fast, ____ data at the speed of light.A] having handledB] handledC] handlingD] handles√[17].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.018. Generous public funding of basic science would ____ considerable benefits for the country's health, wealth and security.A] lead toB] result fromC] lie inD] settle down√[18].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.019. The early pioneers had to ____ many hardships to settle on the new land.A] go along withB] go back onC] go throughD] go into√[19].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.020. All the tasks ____ ahead of time, they decided to go on holiday for a week.A] had been fulfilledB] were fulfilledC] having been fulfilledD] been fulfilled√[20].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.021. The company offers a great ____ of services to students.A] varietyB] varyC] variousD] variously√[21].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.022. The report ____ the importance of making changes in the structure of the organization.A] requiredB] insistedC] demandedD] stressed×[22].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:0.023. Could you kindly ____ me a hand with this luggage?A] helpB] assistC] giveD] hold√[23].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.024. My older brothers are 22, 20, and 18 years old ____.A] togetherB] respectivelyC] reliablyD] order√[24].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.025. Though I like my job very much, it does not ____ well.A] earnB] payC] produceD] grow√[25].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.026. Nancy's father ____ her that he would stop drinking.A] promisedB] saidC] deceivedD] requested√[26].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.027. Taking too many pills will ____ you problems.A] causeB] affectC] influenceD] convey√[27].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.028. Get some sleep, or you will be ____ tomorrow.A] boredB] tiredC] excitedD] overslept√[28].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.029. She has got a lot of , so she is bound to be successful.A) ambitionB) ambitiousC) ambitiousnessD) ambivalent√[29].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.030. The foreign language publications are growing in volume and .A) appreciationB) circumstanceC) rotationD) circulation×[30].【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:0.031. The article suggests that when a person under unusual stress he should be especially careful to have a well-balanced diet.A) isB) wereC) beD) was×[31].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:0.032. The world’s governments have done nothing to combat the threat of the nuclear accidents.A) inherentlyB) vitallyC) virtuallyD) identically√[32].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.033. Singing is one of the oldest and possibly most practiced forms of art.A) uniquelyB) practicallyC) universallyD) predominantly√[33].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.034. Don’t the news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.A) releaseB) relieveC) relateD) retain√[34].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.035. We rarely perceive more than a minute of the sights and sounds that fall upon our sense organs; the great majority pass us by.A) fictionB) functionC) fractionD) friction√[35].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.036. You can take the documents home and read them at your time.A) leisureB) leisurelyC) leisuredD) leisureful√[36].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.037. Visitors to England sometimes find the lack of public activities in the eveningsA) depressedB) depressionC) depressingD) depressingly×[37].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:0.038. The new prime minister isn’t showing much so far.A) backchatB) backdateC) backdropD) backbone√[38].【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.039. My camera can be to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.A) treatedB) adjustedC) adoptedD) remedied√[39].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.040. She got some books from the library and herself in Jewish history and culture.A) appliedB) absorbedC) bentD) immersed×[40].【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:0.041. The hospital has asked various organizations to help raise money for the new operating theatre.A) voluntarilyB) volumeC) voluntaryD) volunteer√[41].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.042. You’d better from the hotel early in order to catch the first bus tomorrow morning.A) check upB) check onC) check outD) check off√【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.043. His business in the years before the war.A) thrivedB) thrillingC) throbD) thriving√【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.044. He is about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.A) optimisticB) optionalC) outstandingD) obvious√[44].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.045. Four years ago the country’s tourist industry wasA) floutedB) flourishingC) flourishedD) floured√[45].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.046. In the Spring Export Commodities Fair the of fine china attired much attention of customers from all over the world.A) successionB) arrayC) stringD) procession√[46].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.047. The college offers a range of subjects that can be studied to degree level.A) bewilderedB) bewilderingC) wilderedD) wildering×[47].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:0.048. The flat equipped with furniture will cost 200 dollars per month.A) brassB) brandishC) brandy-newD) brand-new√[48].【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.049. I would rather spend entire days in the bookshops than stay at home watching TV.A) browB) browseC) browsyD) browsing√[49].【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.050. The regional of the paper contain specific information for that area.A) editorsB) editorialsC) expeditionsD) editions√[50].【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.0。
• 家庭分级英语辅导 • 同步辅导 + 寓教于乐
3、 栏 目
• 兴趣引导 + 专业辅导 = 成功的英语启蒙教育 • 学校英语教学 + 家庭英语辅导 = 完整的语言学习环境
( )
节 目 设 置
• 看电视 = 学英语
中央数字平台2006年度“优秀频道” 2007年度“十佳数字付费电视频道” 中央节目平台2009年度“十佳频道”
2010年度全国播出评优二等优秀栏目 2010-2011年度全国付费电视最具市场价值十佳频道
知识点为核心精选视 频、专业讲解、互动 问答、及时强化
贴近生活、注重口语 交际
国首个专门展示优秀少儿英语才艺的电视栏目,为全国 热爱英语和表演的少儿将提供一个展示英语才能的电视 舞台。
英 语 辅 导 频 道
2005年共同承办(开办)的卫星数字频道,是一个通 过中星6B覆盖全国、以营造英语学习的家庭环境为特 色,以寓学于乐的学习方式真正提高全民英语听说能力 的专业性电视频道,也是目前国内唯一 一 个面向英语 学习者的专业性电视辅导频道。
以下答案已根据网上资料及个人理解做出矫正,正确率90%,欢迎同学们参考,限于本人水平有限,如有错误敬请谅解!:)【中国海洋大学蓝鸽答案大学英语3第五单元】1.I would never have ____ a court of law if I hadn't been so desperate.A) sought for B) accounted for C) turned up D) resorted to[1]. D2. In the senten ce “Hand-printed on the paper in tiny block letterswas this:…”, “block” means ________.A) capital B) vague C) building D) suspicious[2]. A3. He was proud of being chosen to participate in the game and he ____us that he would try as hard as possible.A) insured B) guaranteed C) assured D) assumed[3]. C4. You will not be very ____ about your food in times of great hunger.A) special B) particular C) peculiar D) specific[4]. B5. She was deeply _____by the conviction of her son for his rapingoffences.A) submitted B) committed C) distressed D) subjected[5]. C6. I carry a notebook so that I can ______ down any ideas I may have for the writing assignments.A) assume B) grant C) press D) jot[6]. D7. He is sentenced to death because he has _____ adultery and murder.He deserves it!A) recommended B) commanded C) committed D) commended[7]. C8. While admitting that forecast was ____ uncertain, the scientists warned against treating it as a cry of wolf.A) anyhow B) somewhere C) somewhat D) anyway[8]. B9. They ____ me by asking so many questions. As a result, I even didn'tknow what I had said to them.A) accused B) confused C) defused D) confuted[9]. B10. This type of building is ____to the south of the country.A) suspicious B) idiomatic C) idyllic D) peculiar[10]. B11. I’ve been _____my brains all day but I can’t remember her name.A) banging B) picking C) racking D) racing[11]. C12. Ann’s disappointed that she hasn’t ____ for the next round in thetennis competition.A) retreated B) qualified C) recited D) retracted[12]. B13. You should not dwell too much _____ your past failures.A) in B) at C) of D) on[13]. D14. It’s one thing to understand the principle; it’s ____ to put it into practice.A) other B) another C) second D) the other[14]. D15. The weather report says another hurricane is _______ to come in twodays.A) perhaps B) probable C) ready-made D) likely[15]. D16. I am feeling sick. I ____ so much chocolate.A) needn't have eaten B) shouldn't have eatenC) couldn't have eaten D) mustn't have eaten[16]. B17. He’s given several _____ to the boss that he’ll quit if he doesn’t get a promotion.A) raises B) hints C) implies D) inference[17]. B18. He is quite sure that it’s ______ impossible for him to fulfill thetask within two days.A) absolutely B) exclusively C) fully D) roughly[18]. A19. Advertisements may mislead some consumers _____ things that they don’t need.A) to buy B) of buying C) in buying D) into buying[19]. D20. When we have agreed broadly on what should be said, the secretarywill produce a preliminary ______ for the committee’s approval.A) project B) design C) draft D) drawing[20]. C21. Think ahead what you might say, so you don't get ___________.A) well-respected B) instructional C) tongue-tied D) editorial[21]. C22. In the realist viewpoint, the tendency toward self-help outweighsany ________ to selflessly improve the world.A) inclination B) suspicion C) calculation D) hesitation[22]. A23. The young man ____ himself in eating and drinking, and soon foundthat he was bankrupt.A) renewed B) addicted C) refreshed D) indulged[23]. D24. It turned out that he bought the book ________ at that bookstore on Elm Street.A) utility B) utilization C) freshman D) second-hand[24]. D25. Harold claimed that he was a serious and well-known artist, but infact he was a(n) _____ .A) alien B) client C) counterpart D) fraud[25]. D26.He gave me a great book--- A Guide to English Grammar and ______.A) Dwarf B) Usage C) Draft D) Raft[26]. B27. Neither of my children showed the slightest ____ to follow me into journalism.A) intuition B) inclination C) instinct D) interest[27]. B28. After China’s entry into WTO, many Chinese ____ English in their 40s or older.A) picked up B) picked out C) picked at D) picked on[28]. A29. We'll meet again in the morning and we can start from where we_____ .A) left on B) left off C) left for D) left up[29]. B30. The idea of working abroad really ____to me.A) attracts B) approves C) appeals D) appreciates[30]. C31. I could see at the meeting that the director was determined to ______ the truth.A) get off B) get on C) get out D) get at[31]. C32. American women were _____ the right to vote until 1920 after manyyears of hard struggle.A) ignored B) discriminated C) neglected D)denied[32]. D33. In the foggy season in Qingdao, if clothes are not cleaned and driedproperly, they may _____!A) stink B) terrible C) sting D) taste[33]. A34. Kopi Luwak, also called civet coffee in English, is considered _____coffee by many connoisseurs.A) beauty B) gourmet C) ready-made D) independent[34]. C35. Crime does not necessarily ______ poverty; criminals with wealth arenot uncommon.A) go along B) go about C) go at D) go with[35]. D36. 'Going to the party on Saturday?'' _____!'A)I bet B) You bet C) We bet D) I get[36]. B37. The exhibition ______ paintings by Picasso.A)focuses B) frowns C) characterizes D)features[37]. D38. A healthy life is frequently thought to be ________ the opencountryside and homegrown food.A) tongue-tied B) bound to C) involved in D) associatedwith[38]. D39. There must be a party ____ next door. It's too noisy for me to go over my lessons.A)going with B) getting at C) going into D) going on[39]. D40. He likes to be ______ 'Doctor Khee' although he is neither a medicaldoctor nor a doctor in other fields.A) regarded B) referred to as C) condensed as D) be considerate[40]. B41. _____ that this has been a difficult year for the company.A) It is no possibility B) It is small wonderC) There is no denying D) There is no chance[41]. C42. After making the joke, the teacher said to the students: “pleasedon’t take what I said ________.”A) to a ride B) seriously C) around D) to the extreme[42]. B43. Before the final exam, Frank _____over mathematics.A) traced down B) broke his back C) sit back D) tracked down[43]. B44. I looked at the map to _____ my memory of the route.A) release B) remain C) refresh D) flesh[44]. C45. Rising prison population and overcrowding _____ a real crisis.A) associate with B) add up to C) relate to D) assume with[45]. B46. A ______man believes he’s always right about everything.A)conceited B) conceived C) deceptive D)complicated[46]. A47.The doctors were ____ by his symptoms and had to call in a specialistin neurology.A) stamped B) stirred C) stumped D) dumped[47]. C48. The sun is a(n) ______ powerful source of energy.A) frequently B) unexpectedly C) constantly D) extraordinarily[48]. D49. Marilyn is very upset that her boyfriend forgot her birthday, butshe will ____ it soon.A) acquire B) get over C) peek at D) burst into[49]. B50. After the nasty fights over the custody of baby John, the couplerealized how much they loved their child and decided to start ______ again, not to divorce.A) go over B) get over C) roll over D) all over[50]. D。
1. Michael put the cigarette to his lips and _____ in the smoke.A).puffed B).sucked C).terrified D).spit√[1].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.02. The students often _______themselves with socializing network like Renren or Facebook.A).amuse B).arouse C).accuse D).acronym√[2].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.03. Could you _______ a nail into the wall to hang this picture up?A).buy B).purchase C).hammer D).borrow√[3].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.04. My heart was ________ as I walked out onto the stage.A).pounding B).bleeding C).breaking D).fasting×[4].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:0.05. I have no _______ for people who say they can't find work but are really just too lazy to look.A).amusement B).sympathy C).telepathy D).audience√[5].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.06. A __________ is not just a part of a telephone but also the part ofa radio or television that receives signals from the air.A).sign language B).symbol C).receiver D).receptionist√[6].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.07. She ______ herself when she slipped on an icy step.A).hurt B).hang C).hugged D).laughed√[7].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.08. When Zhou Libo performed in Mr. Zhou Live Show, there were a lot of well-educated people in the _________.A).show B).audience C).performance D).stage√[8].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.09. The wounded soldier ________ profusely and fainted eventually.A).bled B).pounded C).broke D).knelt√[9].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.010.The doctor suggested that the patient have a long, hot bath to _______ her aching muscles.A).sympathize B).hurt C).suck D).soothe√[10].【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.011.All her classmates tried to ________ her but she just kept crying.A).hit B).ridicule C).console D).hurt√[11].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.012.Today, the world is really changing fast, so even a hot major or specialty may _______being a dead end.A).get up B).take up C).end up D).look up√[12].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.013.The second-generation rich people may have _____of money in the pocket, but nothing in their minds or hearts.A).heaps B).estimates C).ease D).motivate√[13].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.014.Some rich people’s “secondary lovers” are more like the birds in the canary ________.A).fantasy B).cages C).expectation D).tool box√[14].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.015.In a ______, a dead person may remain alive in people’s hearts, while someone who is living could be like a walking body.A).extent B).degree C).secrecy D).sense√[15].【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.016.Don't worry, at OUC, eventually you'll pass all the examinations and graduate___________.A).somehow B).somewhere C).in no way D).in a sense√[16].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.017.Paul was ___________ to Sally for all her patience, understanding and kindness.A).thanking B).grateful C).hinting D).helpful×[17].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:0.018.Now that you are adults, you should be able to _______ how much your parents have done for you.A).grateful B).thankful C).appreciate D).apprentice√[18].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.019.We can’t believe it; John's made a _________ recovery from his illness.A).disease B).uncomfortable C).dishonest D).miraculous√[19].【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.020.It has been said, 'time _______ all wounds.' Some people do not agree though.A).heals B).cures C).recovers D).covers√[20].【参考答案】:A21.You don't know what it ________ to your parents to get regular calls or letters from you.A).calls B).phones C).means D).plans√[21].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.022.A telesales person called, so I said something rude and _____ up on them.A).hung B).rang C).called D).wounded√[22].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.023.The terrorists chose September 11, 2001 to attack the US because in North America, people______911 when they need help from the police, fire department or doctors.A).treat B).dial C).cover D).uncover√[23].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.024.I really love the Lay’s barbecue-flavored potato ______, though I know they are considered junk food.A).chips B).sweets C).candy D).cocktail√[24].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.025.I don’t know about you, but I have to say Paul’s story is really _________. I love the personal feelings of living in a small town full of nice and caring people.A).vulgar B).disappointing C).touching D).withholding√[25].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.026.Color and sex are not relevant ______ whether a person is suitable for the job.A). on B). for C). to D). with√[26].【参考答案】:C27.The board of the company has decided to ______ its operations to include all aspects of the clothing business.A). multiply B). stretch C). lengthen D). expand√[27].【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.028.The boxer ______ and almost fell when his opponent hit him.A).staggered B). shattered C). scattered D). stamped√[28].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.029.The statistical figures in that report are not ______.You should not refer to them.A). accurate B). fixed C). delicate D). rigid×[29].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:0.030. If people fe el hopeless, they don’t bother to ______ the skills they need to succeed.A). accumulate B). acquire C). adopt D). assemble√[30].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.031. Mary once ______ with another musician to compose a piece of pop music.A). merged B). collaborated C). coincided D). constituted√[31].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.032.They took ______ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.A).fruitful B). beneficial C). valid D). effective√[32].【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.033. The Japanese scientists have found that scents ______ efficiency and reduce stress among office workers.A). enhance B). amplify C). foster D). magnify√[33].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.034. It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and ______ knowledge.A).extensive B). expansive C). intensive D). expensive √[34].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.035. The English language contains a(n) ______ of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversation.A). altitude B). latitude C). multitude D). attitude √[35].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.036. This is the ______ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.A). true B). original C) real D). genuine√[36].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.037. The ______ goal of the book is to help bridge the gap between research and teaching, particularly between researchers and teachers.A). overall B). intensive C). joint D). concise√[37].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.038. Our teacher will ______ the result of this examination.A). anticipate B). assess C) analyze D). amplify×[38].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:0.039. Have you made out your ______ for a passport?A). appointment B). application C). apposition D). appreciation×[39].【参考答案】:B40. Copper ______ electricity.A). cracks B). equips C). strikes D). conducts√[40].【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.041. Although he was a strong swimmer, he was swept away by the ______ and drowned.A). current B). motion C). pressure D). air√[41].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.042. This train will ______ me to get there in time.A). permit B). tolerate C). enable D). allow√[42].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.043. Imagine ______ at the top of the hill, and what wonderful view you must see.A) . standing B). stand C). to stand D). stood√[43].【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.044. He made ______ to your remarks at the last meeting.A). trouble B). reference C). progress D). money√[44].【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.045. Can you ______ your accusation against the murderer?A). astonish B). substitute C). submit D). substantiate×[45].【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:0.046. He was ______ a heated argument.A). in touch with B). involved in C). in conclusion D). involved to√[46].【学生得分】:2.047. ______, your education will prove to be a good investment.A).Or so B). By now C).In the long run D). With reference√[47].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.048. He ______ his papers to find the lost letter.A). look for B). searched for C).sought for D). sifted through √[48].【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.049. He is a teacher ______ a scholar.A). other than B). much than C). rather than D). quite than √[49].【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.050. With the ______ of the new chairman, the company began to prosper.A). advent B). adventure C). advance D). advertise×[50].【参考答案】:A。
1.Michael Evans is leaving the company to his own businessinterests.【参考答案】:CA. chaseB. questC. pursueD. pose2.The exhibition will how life evolved from water.【参考答案】:CA. explainB. projectC. illustrateD. quote3.These measures will increase the club's ability to revenue.【参考答案】:DA. composeB. stimulateC. createD. generate4.An extra lock on the door is an added against burglars.【参考答案】:AA. insuranceB. assuranceC. relianceD. resistance5.The health club charges an annual membership.【参考答案】:BA. fareB. feeC. payD. payment6.There's been an increase in offences, such as traffic violations and petty theft.【参考答案】:CA. majorB. delicateC. minorD. massive7.I hardly watch any television, from news and current affairs.√【参考答案】:B【参考答案】:AA. scaleB. extentC. degreeD. level9.Rescuers used a special for finding people trapped in collapsed buildings【参考答案】:BA. equipmentB. deviceC. applianceD. machinery10.He is concerned with his work, not his family.【参考答案】:DA. excessivelyB. partlyC. merelyD. primarily11.Electronic publishing is blurring the between dictionaries and encyclopedias.【参考答案】:CA. bordersB. perspectivesC. boundariesD.dimensions12.The government has announced plans to on defense spending by 10% next year.【参考答案】:DA. cut upB. cut offC. cut outD. cut back13. There was a splendid of food on the table.【参考答案】:A. displayB. arrayC. rayD. layer14. It doesn't make to buy that expensive coat when these cheaperones are just as good【参考答案】:AA. senseB. intelligenceC. awarenessD. sensation15. Picher was of giving away government secrets to the enemy.√【参考答案】:AA. suspectedB. doubtedC. assuredD. confirmed1. There are no reliable for the number of deaths in the battle. 【参考答案】:DA. sumsB. estimationsC. calculationsD. statistics2. A fifth year of drought is expected to have effects on theCalifornia economy.【参考答案】:BA. minorB. dramaticC. slightD. impressive3. It was that the restaurant discriminated against blackcustomers.【参考答案】:AA. allegedB. pledgedC. assertedD. stated4. The police have kept the nightclub surveillance becausesuspected illegal drug activity.【参考答案】:BA. inB. underC. onD. at5. The programme started from the that men and women are onequal terms in this society.【参考答案】:CA. pretextB. pretenseC. premiseD. projection6. The hour-long programme will be updated each week and【参考答案】:Bhighlights from recent games.A. focusB. featureC. fixD. concentrate7. Your metabolic rate is the speed at which your body foodinto energy.【参考答案】:CA. transfersB. transplantsC. transformsD. transmits8. When you get involved in sports and athletes, a lot of the racialare broken down.【参考答案】:AA. barriersB. gapsC. disagreementsD. discriminations9. I was led to a small room in soft red light.【参考答案】:DA. dippedB. soakedC. submergedD. bathed10. At first I disagreed, but reflection, I realized she was right. 【参考答案】:CA. inB. atC. onD. through11. They're a world-class team and it was no surprise that they won by sucha wide .【参考答案】:DA. scaleB. extentC. surplusD. margin12. If I criticize him, he gets and starts shouting.【参考答案】:BA. surroundingsB. circumstancesC. casesD. conditions14. They on German imports to stimulate their economy.【参考答案】:CA. calculatedB. operatedC. countedD. trusted15. It takes a brave cook to radically from the traditionalChristmas menu.【参考答案】:BA. partB. departC. switchD. drift1. She was told to wear flat shoes, her back problem.【参考答案】:BA. regardless ofB. on account ofC. in place ofD. instead of2.He is now retired and a pension.【参考答案】:BA. withB. onC. atD. for3. The cause and effect relationship in nature is often subtle and . 【参考答案】:DA. nakedB. markedC. pointedD. complicated4. The twins look so much that it is difficult to distinguishbetween them.【参考答案】:AA. alikeB. likelyC. unlikelyD. liking5. Patients will be from other people for between three days andone month after treatment.【参考答案】:DA. departedB. detainedC. alienatedD. isolated6. Pupils should be helped to a positive approach to theenvironment.【参考答案】:CA. digestB. absorbC. adoptD. adapt7. Green and yellow lights on the surface of the harbor.【参考答案】:CA. gleamedB. radiatedC. blinkedD. sparkled8. Brazilians know oil can be a as well as a blessing.【参考答案】:CA. disasterB. disgraceC. curseD. misfortune9. I accept that the romance may have gone out of the marriage, but surelythis is of many couples.【参考答案】:BA. truthfulB. trueC. loyalD. faithful10. A school dental service exists , but in practice, there are fewdentists to work in it.【参考答案】:BA. in realityB. in theoryC. in essenceD. in case11. It was a good concert - I enjoyed the last song in .【参考答案】:C【参考答案】:BA. immuneB. aptC. subjectD. preferable13. Public worries about accidents are threatening the very ofthe nuclear power industry.【参考答案】:BA. resistanceB. existenceC. persistenceD. consistence14. The kitchen is of catering for several hundred people.【参考答案】:CA. composedB. criticalC. capableD. competent15. His job is not only to of problems but to meet unexpectedchallenges.【参考答案】:CA. discloseB. poseC. disposeD. expose1. Henry stood by me when I most needed it. I’ll always ______ that.【参考答案】:DA. impressB. registerC. pledgeD. appreciate2. The worsening of the country’s economy could mean ______ public support for the ruling party.【参考答案】:DA. crippledB. subtractedC. flutteredD. diminished3. Grand ma always paid attention to the needs, wishes and feelings of those around her. She was the most ____woman I’ve ever known.A. artificialB. merryC. considerateD. brilliant4. The changes our city _____ in the past few years are little short of miraculous.【参考答案】:BA. cataloguedB. underwentC. inheritedD. furnished5. Their heavy commitment do not allow them to ______ themselves ______ current affairs as fully as they might wish.【参考答案】:BA. put … throughB. immerse … inC. switch … onD. settle … in6. He _____ the problem _____ in his mind for a whole week before he did anything.【参考答案】:CA. switched … onB. kick ed … upC. turn … overD. took … on7. Their heavy commitment do not allow them to ______ themselves ______ current affairs as fully as they might wish.【参考答案】:BA. put … throughB. immerse … inC. switch … onD. settle … in8. Vicki never worried or hesitated about anything, she just ______ it and almost always got whatever she wanted.【参考答案】:BA. went byB. went forC. went overD. went with9. He was ______ at playing piano.【参考答案】:CA.adapt B. adopt C. adept D. added10. This report offered the most ________ description of the problems.【参考答案】:BA. specialB. specificC. particularD. precise11. They had not been _________ to most diseases common to urban populations.A. exposedB. infectedC. sufferedD. addicted12. Jackson was the winner for a second _____________ year.【参考答案】:BA. successfulB. successiveC. succeededD. succeeding13. Maintain and ________ the stability of the global energy supply.【参考答案】:BA. enforceB. enhanceC. enlightenD. enrage14. The present world situation is most ___________ for the people.【参考答案】:CA. capableB. considerateC. favorableD. fluent15. The normal word order is ________ in passive sentences.【参考答案】:CA. insertedB. expandedC. reversedD. neglected1.Once the last few people had left the hall, the caretaker beganup the chairs.【参考答案】:BA. pickingB. stackingC. lettingD. pulling2. The firm has drawn up a for the coming financial year.【参考答案】:CA. policyB. listC. budgetD. prediction3. A lot of companies will from the fall in interest rates.【参考答案】:AA. profitB. benefitC. expandD. bankrupt4. He's not certain whether to in the property market.【参考答案】:DA. plungeB. soarC. dealD. invest5. Some vegetarians like to their diets with iron tablets.【参考答案】:AA. supplementB. integrateC. reinforceD. nourish6. The monthly on my car insurance is very high.【参考答案】:BA. minimumB. premiumC. maximumD. sum7. Of all the fibers now used by man, a very large is man-made.【参考答案】:BA. percentB. percentageC. ratioD. section8. I'm not sure that this hat really with this dress.【参考答案】:CA. comesB. conflictsC. goesD. combines9. The number of computers in schools has in recent years.【参考答案】:BA. bloomedB. mushroomedC. boomedD. loomed10. The audience at the splendor of the costumes.【参考答案】:AA. gaspedB. gazedC. glaredD. glanced11. A British newspaper says British Airways plan to Trans WorldAirways.【参考答案】:DA. take upB. take onC. take offD. take over12. I'm sorry I won't be able to it to the party on Saturday.【参考答案】:CA. succeedB. manageC. makeD. fulfill13. We finally managed to the door open with a screwdriver.【参考答案】:DA. haulB. smashC. bumpD. pry14. Large areas of the city have been closed off by set up by the demonstrators.【参考答案】:BA. barriersB. barricadesC. obstaclesD. jams15. I shook with whenever I was about to fly in an aeroplane.【参考答案】:DA. wonderB. amazementC. astonishmentD. terror1Michael Evans is leaving the company to C his own business interests.A. chaseB. questC. pursueD. pose2.The exhibition will C how life evolved from water.A. explainB. projectC. illustrateD. quote3.These measures will increase the club's ability to D revenue.A. composeB. stimulateC. createD. generate4.An extra lock on the door is an added A against burglars.A. insuranceB. assuranceC. relianceD. resistance5.The health club charges an annual membership B .A. fareB. feeC. payD. payment6.There's been an increase in C offences, such as traffic violationsand petty theft.A. majorB. delicateC. minorD. massive7.I hardly watch any television, B from news and current affairs.9.Rescuers used a special B for finding people trapped incollapsed buildings.A. equipmentB. deviceC. applianceD. machinery10.He is D concerned with his work, not his family.A. excessivelyB. partlyC. merelyD. primarily11.Electronic publishing is blurring the C between dictionariesand encyclopedias.A. bordersB. perspectivesC. boundariesD. dimensions12.The government has announced plans to D on defense spending by 10% next year.A. cut upB. cut offC. cut outD. cut back13. There was a splendid B of food on the table.A. displayB. arrayC. rayD. layer14. It doesn't make A to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.A. senseB. intelligenceC. awarenessD. sensation15. Picher was A of giving away government secrets to the enemy.A. suspectedB. doubtedC. assuredD. confirmed。
Unit21. Today it has more than 50000 head of cattle and an production of at least 10 million pounds of beef.A. manualB. annualC. annoyingD. anonymous【参考答案】:B2. His of the accident is different from the policeman's.A. versionB. translationC. adaptationD. construction【参考答案】:A3. A witness gave a description of the man.A. detectiveB. involvedC. detachedD. detailed【参考答案】:D4. The policewoman that I hadn't got my seat belt on and signaled me to stop.A. recognizedB. taintedC. stainedD. spotted【参考答案】:D5.Thousands of fled across the border.A. refundsB. refugesC. refugeesD. refusals【参考答案】:C6. Tom regularly receives money to live from his parents. He’s still dependent on his parents.A. emotionallyB. financiallyC. commerciallyD. fiscally【参考答案】:B7. E-commerce is presenting a lot of new jobs at level.A. entryB. entranceC. entrenchmentD. entrust【参考答案】:A8. I this picture when I was cleaning out the attic.A. came acrossB. came uponC. came aboutD. came along【参考答案】:A9. My doctor me a hospital specialist in heart disease.A. resorted…toB. attributed…toC. referred… toD. related…to【参考答案】:C10.I have all the figures and found them to be correct.A. checked inB. checked offC. checked outD. checked back【参考答案】:C11. The museum has a fascinating collection of ranging from Iron Age pottery to Inuit clothing.A. illustrationsB. performancesC. expositionsD. exhibits【参考答案】:D12.The policemen are busy forms about the accident.A. filling upB. filling outC. filling withD. filling away【参考答案】:B13. The company has new for dealing with complaints.A. proceduresB. proceedingsC. processesD. transactions【参考答案】:A14. The children's excitement is as Christmas gets nearer.A. escalatingB. intensifyingC. mountingD. aggravating【参考答案】:C15. We want to ensure that help is for all children suffering abuse.A. by handB. at handC. at the handD. with hand【参考答案】:B16. That look of grief would be imprinted her mind forever.A. onB. atC. inD. of【参考答案】:A17. The police were called and they were the spot within three minutes.A. atB. withC. onD. in【参考答案】:C18. He found a job for a “typist” in the section of the newspaper.A. confidentialB. restrictedC. classifiedD. designated【参考答案】:C19. Throughout history, people have been by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.A. appealedB. implementedC. involvedD. intrigued【参考答案】:D20. These factors helped to the town into the list of the ten most attractive in the country.A. increaseB. elevateC. heightenD. escalate【参考答案】:B21. You will debt if you keep on spending money like that.A. end off inB. end onC. end up withD. end up in【参考答案】:D22. The restaurant can always find tables for its .A. clientsB. regularsC. visitorsD. representatives【参考答案】:B23. The résumé stated his qualifications detail.A. inB. onC. atD. with【参考答案】:A24. In her autobiography she occasionally her unhappy schooldays.A. refers toB. turns toC. resorts toD. reminisces to【参考答案】:A25. He great self-control considering her rudeness.A. exercisesB. executedC. exhibitedD. demonstrated【参考答案】:C26. The basic requirement of political work is constantly to ______ the peasant masses ____ a socialist ideology and to criticize capitalist tendencies.A. imbu e…withB. soak…withC. fill…withD. full…with【参考答案】:A27. She scarcely earns enough money to___________.A.meet ends makeB. make meet endsC. make ends meetD. ends make meet【参考答案】:C28. The speaker _____ the need for better education..A. insistedB. pressedC. maintainedD. stressed【参考答案】:D29. When bonds are issued ____ a discount, the borrower must repay more than the amount originally borrowed.A. inB. withC. toD. at【参考答案】:D30. The ship calls at each port on this coast to_____ passengers and mail.A. pick onB. pick upC. pick outD. pick at【参考答案】:B31. Elephants are ______ from other animals by their long noses.A. eminentB. prominentC. distinguishedD. renowned【参考答案】:C32. It would be to your disadvantage to invest___ the project, and you might lose money.33. Wine and judgment are _____ with age.A. maturateB. matureC. maturerD. maturity【参考答案】:B34. Transportation must be prepaid. A 20% charge will be made to ___cost or rehandling and reinspection.A. contain B .involve C. consist D. cover【参考答案】:D35. Their partnership turned ____because they couldn't agree on the capital investment.A. sweetB. sourC. bitterD. spicy【参考答案】:B36. The ________ that everyone should have an equal opportunity was deeply rooted in their minds.A. conceptB. meaningC. contentD. idea√[36].【参考答案】:A37. Our plans were left hanging in the balance. Resolution of these matters is still______.A. in the balanceB. strike a balanceC. on the balanceD. keep balance【参考答案】:A38. She was a harsh mother and imposed severe____ on her children.A. drillB. punishmentC. disciplineD. instruction【参考答案】:C39. I was pleased to hear about your job offer---- all that hard work has obviously __________.A. paid backB. paid offC. paid outD. paid up【参考答案】:B40. You have to balance the advantage of living in a big city ___________ the disadvantages.A. offB. forC. amongD. against【参考答案】:D41. Without proper lessons, you could _________ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.A. keep upB. pick upC. draw upD. catch up【参考答案】:B42. Here is $10; that should _______ all your expenses.A. exploreB. competeC. coverD. expand【参考答案】:C43. We must work hard to____ a good knowledge of English.A. inquireB. acquireC. requireD. quire【参考答案】:B44. His hard work paid ____ when he got the promotion.A. offB. forC. amongD. against【参考答案】:A45. It would be ____your dignity if you'd follow suit and do the same.A. beneathB. pocketC. stand onD. keep【参考答案】:A46. _____ her efforts, the project proved to be a success.A. BecauseB. Thanks toC. In accordance withD. Thanks for【参考答案】:B47. The girl stacked the blocks with _____.A. calculationB. deliberationC. weighingD. advisement【参考答案】:B48. I woke up to find myself ____on a hospital bed.49. He doesn’t __this day know whether his father is alive or dead.A. inB. withC. toD. at【参考答案】:C50. When I was young I dreamed ____ becoming a surgeon.A. inB. atC. toD. of【参考答案】:D。
√【参考答案】:A√【参考答案】:C√【参考答案】:A√【参考答案】:D√【参考答案】:B6. Advanced computer technology has ________ an answer to accurate we ather forecasting.A) set up B) come up with C) filled with D) faced up to×【参考答案】:B7. They are sure they have all the facts they need to ________ the ex istence of a black hole.A) obtain B) maintain C) verify D) display√【参考答案】:C8. The new tourist hotel will have ________ for more than one thousand people.A) convenience B) accommodations C) capability D) capacities√【参考答案】:B9. Medical doctors sometimes can make mistakes that will cost _______ _.A) patients their lives B) patient livesC) patients for their lives D) patients with their lives√【参考答案】:A10. He had been completely exhausted but felt considerably ________ a fter a meal and a rest.A) renewed B) recreated C) reshaped D) refreshed√【参考答案】:D11. At last she left her house and got to the airport, only ________ the plane flying away.A) having seen B) to have seen C) saw D) to see√【参考答案】:D12. This law ________ the number of accidents caused by children runn ing across the road when they get off the bus.A) intending to reduce B) intends reducing C) intended reducing D) is intended to reduce√【参考答案】:D13. Humidity is so intense in some parts of the tropics that European s find they are unable to________ it.A) maintain B) persist C) endure D) sustain√【参考答案】:C14. A series of border incidents would ________ lead the two countries to war.A) inevitably B) consistently C) uniformly D) persistently√【参考答案】:A15. If each manager makes his usual speech, the meeting will be ________ for forty-five minutes.A) expanded B) prolonged C) delayedD) exceeded√【参考答案】:B16. The weatherman broadcasts the ________ in temperature twice a day.A) diversion B) variation C) varietyD) modification√【参考答案】:B17. I seem to have reached a rather gloomy conclusion, but I think that something cheerful may still be derived ________ it.A) of B) off C) from D) with√【参考答案】:C18. Animals can become unusually ________ when they are upset by a su dden environmental change.A) puzzled B) predominant C) vigorousD) aggressive√【参考答案】:D19. The winning team loudly ________ its victory.A) magnified B) proclaimed C) signified D) exclaimed√【参考答案】:D20. Last year, these ships transported a total of 83.34 million tonsof cargo, a 4.4 percent increase ________ the previous year.A) over B) than C) up D) to√【参考答案】:A21. The Second World War,_______ the earlier one of 1914, promoted public concern aboutthe physical and intellectual well-being of the country’s human reso urces.A) so as B) as were C) as didD) same as√ [21].【参考答案】:C22. Louis was asked to ________ the man who stole her purse.A) confirm B) recognize C) claimD) identify√ [22].【参考答案】:D23. The bus that ________ outside the inn would soon take the visitor s downtown.A) held back B) pulled up C) got downD) set forth√【参考答案】:B24. We have had to raise our prices because of the increase in the cost of _______ materials.A) raw B) rough C)original D) primitive√ [24].【参考答案】:AA) great anxiety B) ill humor C) ambition D) hospitality√ [25].【参考答案】:A26. Parents have a legal ____to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age.A) impulse B) influence C) obligation D) sympathy√【参考答案】:C27. I missed the train and ___was late for school.A) finally B) eventually C) subsequently D) consequently√【参考答案】:D28. Crime is increasing worldwide, and there is every reason to believe the ____will continue into the next decade.A) emergency B) trend C) pace D) schedule√【参考答案】:B29. The ___of men to women in the union has changed a lot since 1980.A) portion B) proportion C) rate D) comparison√【参考答案】:B30. The remains of things people made and used long ago give the archaeologists __ to know how once people lived.A) glue B) thread C) clue D) hint√【参考答案】:C31. The branches could hardly ____the weight.A) retain B) sustain C) maintain D) remain√【参考答案】:B32. Many people lost their jobs during the business____.A) desperation B) decrease C) despair D) depression√【参考答案】:D33. Poverty and slums were outs ide the rich boy’s ____.A) globe B) orbit C) reach D) sphere√【参考答案】:D34. Sally is looking for a job in which she will be able to ____ herself.A) achieve B) deceive C) fulfill D) install√【参考答案】:C35. Many researchers are ____ for a greater understanding of the processes which occur inside stars.A) reviving B) striving C) carving D) reserving√【参考答案】:B36. We ____ the family’s decision to remain silent over the issue.A) contend B) convene C) appeal D) applaud√【参考答案】:D37. Such a large investment inevitably ____ some risk.A) curtail B) entail C) fulfill D) retail√【参考答案】:B38. Good teachers know that children need and enjoy firm ____.A) discipline B) doctrine C) equality D) equivalent√【参考答案】:A39. Her whole attitude to life ____ as a result of the awful experience.A) mourned B) merited C) soured D) spoiled√【参考答案】:C40. These remote islands are ____ only by birds and animals.A) flourished B) resided C) occupied D) inhabited√【参考答案】:D41. From what she said I thought the ____ was that they were splitting up.A) application B) dedication C) implication D) justification√【参考答案】:C42. Thirty workers were ____ because they were on strike over the staff cuts.A) packed B) sacked C) hacked D) tracked√【参考答案】:B43. Some people think it is wrong to spend money on ____ space.A) restoring B) imploring C) exploring D) deploring√【参考答案】:C44. He always becomes ____ to everyone when he’s drunk.A) objective B) initiative C) distinctive D) abusive【参考答案】:D45. The President is clearly in a ____ over how to tackle the crisis.A) hardship B) hazard C) dialect D) dilemma√【参考答案】:D46. I’d like to ____ how impo rtant it is for people to learn foreign languages.A) minimize B) fertilize C) emphasize D) characterize√【参考答案】:C47. Our church ____ a project to send relief aid overseas.A) indicated B) initiated C) allocated D) alleviated√【参考答案】:B48. I tend to be rather ____ in such matters and a bit suspicious about these supposed advances.A) assertive B) distinctive C) conservative D) instructive√【参考答案】:C49. Before I answer your question, could you ____ your terms a little more?A) define B) deplore C) decline D) depict【参考答案】:A50. They have attempted to take the ____ in dealing with the problem.A) action B) caption C) initiative D) intuitive√【参考答案】:C。
少儿需要学习的关于动物的英语单词介绍1以D开头的动物类单词:dog 翻译为狗、duck 翻译为鸭子、duckling 翻译为小鸭、deer 翻译为鹿、dove 翻译为鸽子、dolphin 翻译为海豚、dragonfly 翻译为蜻蜓等。
以E开头的动物类单词:eagle翻译为鹰、elephant 翻译为大象等。
以F开头的动物类单词:fish译为鱼、frog译为青蛙、fox译为狐狸、fly译为苍蝇、firefly 译为萤火虫等。
以G开头的动物类单词:goose 译为鹅、giraffe 译为长颈鹿、goat 译为山羊等以K开头的动物类单词:kitty 译为小猫、koala 译为考拉、kangaroo 译为袋鼠等。
以L开头的动物类单词:lion汉语意思是狮子、lamb 汉语意思是羊羔等。
以M开头的.动物类单词:monkey 汉语意思是猴子、mouse 汉语意思是老鼠等。
以O开头的动物类单词:ox 汉语意思是牛等。
以P开头的动物类单词:pig 汉语意思是猪、panda 汉语意思是熊猫、penguin汉语意思是企鹅、peacock 汉语意思是孔雀等。
以R开头的动物类单词:rabbit 汉语意思是兔子、rat 汉语意思是老鼠等。
以S开头的动物类单词:swan汉语意思是天鹅、swallow 汉语意思是燕子、sheep汉语意思是羊、snake 汉语意思是蛇、seal 汉语意思是海豹等。
以T开头的动物类单词:tiger 对应的汉语是虎、turkey 对应的汉语是火鸡、tortoise对应的汉语是乌龟等。
以W开头的动物类单词:wolf 对应的汉语是狼、whale 对应的汉语是鲸等。
以Z开头的动物类单词:zebra 对应的汉语是斑马。
中国海洋⼤学⼤学英语3蓝鸽答案unit4 1.We’re all in favor of spending whatever is necessary to_______ air pollution.A) struggle B) combat C) conflict D) dismiss2.After several nuclear disasters, a huge_______ has raged over thesafety of nuclear energy.A) controversy B) suspicion C) verdict D) contradiction3.About 200, 000 teachers reported stress due to _______ workload overthe last two years, research revealed.A) exceptional B) extensive C) intensive D) excessive4.It was _______ to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.A) unreasonable B) absurd C) irrational D) abnormal5.The _______ against smoking on school grounds is strictly enforced.A) jurisdiction B) prescription C) prohibition D) restriction6.The arguments are over now, and we hope no one will ________ them up again.A) boil B) disturb C) stir D) interfere7.Similarly, one of the best ways to lower the stress level in your lifeis to discipline yourself to do the little things that will help ______ stress ________.A) bring…to light B) keep…down C) bring… to bayD) keep… at bay8.Only in the dream world are there moments of desolation or terror thatare worse than anything we have known ________.A) under the sun B) in the sun C) under steam D) on earth9.The effective implementation of environmental laws and ________ is theresponsibility of the local government.A) regulation B) order C) limitation D) guidance10.Developing countries should ________ labour-intensive technologiesto exploit their comparative advantage of abundant labour.A) adapt B) adhere C) abide D) adopt/doc/df77d77131b765ce0508146b.html st week President Obama again called for ending a ________ againstpeople in the military who are openly homosexual.A) segregation B) ban C) disapproval D) dictation12.Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, whereas the behaviorof an animal depends mainly on ________.A) consciousness B) impulse C) instinct D)response13.This movie is not ________ for children to see since it contains toomuch violence and too many love scenes.A) profound B) valid C) upright D) decent14.They were arrang ing the entertainment at the company’s annual dealer________.A) congress B) convention C) constitution D) assembly15.Her problem is representative________ the teenagers.A) to B) of C) on D) in16.The old lady’s ________ to her pet cat is just like the one to herfamily members.A) treatment B) treatments C. treat D. treats17.The ________ reaction to the loss of the football game caused seriousconsequences.A) unreasonable B) reasonable C) rational D) irrational/doc/df77d77131b765ce0508146b.html lions of refugees have migrated to this country because they couldnot ________ the wars in their homeland.A) survive B) revive C) deprive D) arrive19.A business ________ is good at spotting business opportunities andthen striking quickly.A) generation B) generalization C) genius D) genuine20.Many college students are found to ________ themselves too much inthe virtual world of the computer games.A) addict B) plunge C) immerse D) impede21.Don’t believe what he tells you. His story shows little ________ tothe facts.A) relation B) resemblance C) relevance D) relativity22.The diversity of tropical plants in the region represents a seemingly_______source of raw materials, of which only a few have been utilized.A) exploited B) controversial C) inexhaustible D) remarkable23.She’s even more beautiful __________ than in photographs.A) in the flesh B) in a flesh C) on a flesh D) on the flesh24.The 200-year-old object was passed down through his family until itwas __________ sale.A) put on B) put in C) put up with D) put up for25.Tryon was extremely angry, but cool-headed enough to ________ storminginto the boss’s office.A) prevent B) prohibit C) turn D) avoid26.Many rare species are ________ risk due to loss of natural habitats and other human activities.A) of B) to C) on D) at27.It was almost 5 months before the police ________ the murderer.A) tracked on B) tracked down C) tracked ofD) tracked in28.People rushed to the supermarket as soon as they ________the sale.A) got the wind of B) get wind of C) got wind of D) get the wind of29.In the past two years, millions of Americans have suddenly ________ the bicycle as if it were a startling new invention.A) resumed B) repelled C) upheld D) embraced30.By careful questioning they managed to dig ________ the information they were looking for.A) for B) out C) on D) up31.If the quality of your products has not been improved ________real,I don’t think you will be competitive in the market.A) for B) out C) by D) up32.It can help a lot for the patients with heart disease to ________a pacemaker.A) implant B) transplant C) instill D) embed33.Charlie has been banned ________driving for one year.A) from B) for C) out D) up34.However, I do not believe that any of the issues I have discussed in this article ________ insurmountable problems.A) display B) embody C) exhibit D) represent35.The ________ situation of bilateral relations is not what we wish to see.A) tough B) rough C) rigid D) harsh36.He said the economic ________ worldwide would be devastating for the global financial system.A) lapse B) collapse C) wreckage D) crackdown37.I’m not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, soI can’t make a(n) ___ promise to help you.A) descriptive B) defined C) definite D)infinitive38.The 1986 Challenger space-shuttle_______ was caused by unusually low temperatures immediately before the launch.A) expedition B) controversy C) dismay D)disaster39.Although the traffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a _______ speedfor the sake of safety.A) medium B) mediocre C) moderate D) moral40.Sitting incorrectly for long periods of time can _______ your spine.A) reform B) deform C) transform D) conform41.According to the school _______, anyone who takes a pet in is prohibited from going into the classroom.A) law B) regulation C) uniformity D) governance42.With no paper qualifications _______, he failed to get a decent job.A) in his name B) by one’s name C) to his name D)from one’s name43.Lucian Freud has been asked to paint a _______ of the Queen.A) potion B) patent C) postage D) portrait44.Don't jump the gun by making a statement about what caused the explosion before the investigation is completed.A) jump the gun B) jump a gun C) hold the gun D) hold a gun45.His rude words really offend me, which is an _______ that will notbe easily forgotten.A) insult B) impact C) inference D) integrity46.The jobs of wildlife technicians and biologists seemed _______to him, but one day he discovered their difference.A) vertical B) specific C) identical D) parallel47.The main feature of the online chatroom is that you can communicate _______ with anyone.A) simultaneously B) synonymously C) anonymously D) spontaneously48.After 20 hours non-stop partying, scores of the bravest or most _______ men will risk their lives in a three-minute dash from six fighting bulls.A) rational B) cautious C) negligent D) reckless49.Chinese customs regulations _______ taking previous works of art out of China.A) prohibit B) forbid C) avoid D) repel50.For over 20 years, Vice President Biden has led the fight to_______violence against women.A) contend B) strive C) combat D) dispute[50].。
关键词:蓝鸽学习平台自主学习高职英语中图分类号:G718 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9795(2013)09(b)-0062-01在知识传播与更新速度日益加快的现代社会,高职学生应该培养自己的自主学习能力。
自主学习即Autonomous Learning。
1 自主学习内容及考核方法如下(1)实验班级:2012级物联网班。
⼤学英语综合教程2第⼀单元蓝鸽答案1.The behavior of men as individuals is _________ from theirbehavior in a group.√【参考答案】:C【学⽣得分】:2.02. They are trying to ______ the waste discharged by the factory for profit.√【参考答案】:D【学⽣得分】:2.03. We all enjoy our freedom of choice and do not like to see it_______ when it is within the legal and moral boundaries ofsociety.√【参考答案】:B【学⽣得分】:2.04. ___________ our sales forecasts we may begin to make a profit next year.√【参考答案】:A【学⽣得分】:2.05. The university departments have been ________ $600 000 to developgood practice in teaching and learning.√【参考答案】:D【学⽣得分】:2.06. I know a(n) _______ young lady who would be an excellent√【参考答案】:D【学⽣得分】:2.07. They _______ themselves with guns for safety and set off for theforest.√【参考答案】:B【学⽣得分】:2.08. There a canal was being built to ________ commerce between thesetwo cities.√【参考答案】:A【学⽣得分】:2.09. We must urge that delegates be _________ from the variousfactories in a district.√【参考答案】:C【学⽣得分】:2.010. Mr. Thompson gave all the ______ papers of his grandfather to thepublic library according to his grandfather’s will.√【参考答案】:B【学⽣得分】:2.011. The _______ goal of the book is to help bridge the gap between research and teaching, particularly the gap between researchers and teachers.√【参考答案】:Cstrictly______.√【参考答案】:B【学⽣得分】:2.013. She accepted the contract with the ______ that it would berevised after a year.×【参考答案】:A【学⽣得分】:0.014. They worked under_________ conditions and the closest supervision.√【参考答案】:B【学⽣得分】:2.015. If you don’t_________ the children properly, Mr. Chiver,they’ll just run riot.√【参考答案】:D【学⽣得分】:2.016. There had been unrest in the country _______ until the UN peacekeeping force came in and restored order.√【参考答案】:B【学⽣得分】:2.017. He handsomely ________ having made a misjudgment.√【参考答案】:Dcourt.√【参考答案】:D【学⽣得分】:2.019. Techniques for promoting sleep would involve learning to control both mind and body so that sleep can_________.√【参考答案】:C【学⽣得分】:2.020. There are many who believe that the use of force_______ political ends can never be justified.√【参考答案】:B【学⽣得分】:2.021. John is not talkative and the conversation rests usually______ Mary.×【参考答案】:D【学⽣得分】:0.022. We can accept your order _______ payment is made in advance.A. in the belief thatB. in order that√【参考答案】:D【学⽣得分】:2.023. As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we haveto ________ it.【参考答案】:D【学⽣得分】:2.024. Great as Newton was, many of his ideas have been ______ today andare being modified by the work of scientists of our time.×【参考答案】:C【学⽣得分】:0.025. Eating too much fat can______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.√【参考答案】:C【学⽣得分】:2.026. We should _______ our energy and youth to the development of our country.√【参考答案】:A【学⽣得分】:2.027. Oxford University will ________ the exchange of ideas throughtutorials and small group learning.√【参考答案】:B【学⽣得分】:2.028. Her friendliness soon overcame the _______ of her stepchildren.√【参考答案】:B【学⽣得分】:2.029. The committee members _______ their meeting after lunch.√30. The ________ development of China’s economy is the envy of the world.√【参考答案】:B【学⽣得分】:2.031. The manager ______ his staff not to miss the splendid opportunity.×【参考答案】:B【学⽣得分】:0.032. Without work, how can I _______ my children?√【参考答案】:D【学⽣得分】:2.033. The more a nation’s companies _______ factories abroad, the smaller that country’s recorded exports will be.√【参考答案】:D【学⽣得分】:2.034. So far, ________ winds and currents have kept the thick patch of oil southeast of the Atlantic coast.√【参考答案】:C【学⽣得分】:2.035. Families of as many as 10 people have had to shelter under a single tent and share cook stoves and bathing _________with neighbors.36. The most successful post-career athletes are those who can takethe identity and life skills they learned in sports and _______ them to another area of life.√【参考答案】:C【学⽣得分】:2.037. Putting in a new window will _______ cutting away part of theroof.√【参考答案】:B【学⽣得分】:2.038. The development of industry must not be ______ at the expense of environmental pollution.√【参考答案】:A【学⽣得分】:2.039. We _______ for a loan before we bought a house.√【参考答案】:B【学⽣得分】:2.040. ________ two memorial services, all major events were canceled.√【参考答案】:A【学⽣得分】:2.041. The coming of the railways in the 1830s ________ our society andeconomic life.42. The foreign minister ________ the country at the conference.√【参考答案】:D【学⽣得分】:2.043. The project was a(n) ________ effort between the two schools.A. similarB. mutualC. jointD. adjoining√【参考答案】:C【学⽣得分】:2.044. At the International School they have pupils of 46 different________.√【参考答案】:D【学⽣得分】:2.045. She’s a lawyer who ________ in accident cases.√【参考答案】:A【学⽣得分】:2.046. The new budget ________ providing extra support for the unemployed.√【参考答案】:C【学⽣得分】:2.0×【参考答案】:B【学⽣得分】:0.048. We welcome any ________ criticism.√【参考答案】:B【学⽣得分】:2.049. The Malvern Hills have been a source of ________ for many artists and musicians over the decades.√【参考答案】:D【学⽣得分】:2.050. Prof. Smith delivered a ________ speech which won deafening applause from the audience at the lecture hall.√【参考答案】:A【学⽣得分】:2.0。
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1.In the past, most foresters have been men, but today, the number of women ______ this field is climbing.A) registering B) chasing C) engaging D) pursuing√【参考答案】:D2. Drunken football fans began directing a stream of _____ language at the policemen.A) cursed B) scolding C) abusive D) vowing√【参考答案】:C3. Too much ______ to the sun is bad for the skin.A) exposure B) exhibition C) extension D) expansion√【参考答案】:A4. All of the participants are trained to _____ their minds _____ details.A) focus…on B) devote… to C) look…up D) turn…on√【参考答案】:A5. Two or three days after the operation Bennett was beginning to feel ______better.A)no B) somewhat C)somewhere D) anyhow√【参考答案】:B6. Mr. Smith had an unusual _____: he was first an office clerk, then a sailor, and ended up as a school teacher.A) profession B) occupation C) position D) career√【参考答案】:D7. Because he was ______ of the new limit, he was stopped and warned for speeding.A) ignorant B) accustomed C) reluctant D) pathetic√【参考答案】:A8. I can’t _____ his being late for school.A) enhance B) imagine C) expand D) limit×【参考答案】:B9. His body temperature has been _____ for three days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.A) uncommon B) disordered C) abnormal D) extraordinary×【参考答案】:C10. I don’t feel inclined to get _____ college affairs again.A) related to B) included in C) damaged by D) involved in×【参考答案】:D11. The work was almost complete when we received orders to ________ no further with it.A)progress B) proceed C)march D) promote×【参考答案】:B12. The little girl woke up screaming because she had had a ________.A) daydream B) nightmare C)fantasy D) illusion×【参考答案】:B13. Learning disabilities may help explain why some students do not _____ as well in school asintelligence tests suggest they should.A) undertake B) hold C) play D) perform×【参考答案】:D14. The civilians who had been injured in the bomb explosion lay screaming in ______.A) appeal B) agony C) annoyance D) aspiration√【参考答案】:B15. Floor-to-ceiling windows can look stunning, giving the _____ of extra height.A) illusion B) illustration C) imagination D) illumination×【参考答案】:A16. Turn off the power before repairs ______.A) carry back B) carry on C) carry through D) carry out×【参考答案】:D17. The stronger the ______, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.A) motivation B) invention C) creation D) sensation√【参考答案】:A18. The police must have a search ________ to search a house, otherwise their searchwill be considered as illegal intrusion.A)certificate B) guarantee C)license D) warrant√【参考答案】:D19. Arriving home, the boy told his parents about all the _____ which occurred in his dormitory.A) incidents B) issues C)matters D) occasions√【参考答案】:A20. Without proper lessons, you could _____ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.A) keep up B) pick up C) draw up D) catch up√【参考答案】:B21. He _____ the newspaper while having his breakfast.A) neglected B) scanned C) issued D) deserved×【参考答案】:B22. Those high school students _____ to computer games will usually lose interest in their studies.A) absorbed B) addicted C) approached D) adapted×【参考答案】:B23. Generally speaking, most people will _____ additional copies of documents forsafekeeping in case the original copy is accidentally damaged or destroyed.A) hold up B) back up C) make up D) take up×【参考答案】:B24. Surprised at the result of the match, people ______ a secret deal had been made.A) doubted B) sustained C) suspected D) execute d×【参考答案】:C25. Hearing the forecast of the storm, the captain ordered his ______to prepare for action.A) gang B) agency C) crowd D) crew×【参考答案】:D26. It would be considered ________if you turn a blind eye to such a good opportunity.A) pasty B) insane C) insecure D) initial×【参考答案】:B27. Since the matter was extremely ______, we dealt with it immediately.A) tough B) tense C) urgent D) innocent×【参考答案】:C28.They brought out guns and for a ______ second nobody moved.A) disconnected B) disunited C) fragmented D) split×【参考答案】:D29. The roads were very busy so traffic ______ along at 10 miles an hour.A) climbed B) dashed C) crawled D) drift ed×【参考答案】:C30.The charged man was judged guilty despite his protest of ______.A) commitment B) improvement C) innocence D) requirement×【参考答案】:C31.Tokyo has been______ as the host city for 2020 Olympics.A) expose d B) enforce d C) accord ed D) designate d√【参考答案】:D32.Now that we have made the decision, we may ____________ the scheme as previously agreed.A) distribute B) assign C) execute D) designate√【参考答案】:C33.He says that in Prague he will______ a plan to seek the goal of a world without nuclearweapons.A) lay out B) lay off C) set in D) set off√【参考答案】:A34.The bank is reported in the local newspaper to have been robbed in ___ daylight yesterday.A) broad B) exclusive C) extensive D) abroad×【参考答案】:A35.A good swimmer should learn to __________ the movements of his arms and legs.A) combine B) connect C) cooperate D) coordinate√【参考答案】:D36.Three days after the trial the prisoner was ____ secretly, and the body was buried under a treeinside the prison.A) murdered B) convicted C) executed D) punished×【参考答案】:C37.I don’t know why everything around me is going into ____.A) attraction B) confusion C) pulse D) sanity×【参考答案】:B38.Though ______ in a big city, Peter always prefers to paint the primitive scenes of country life.A) grown B) raised C) tended D) cultivated√【参考答案】:B39. As a result of the depression, many people lost their jobs and were thrown into______ poverty.A) usual B) normal C) utter D) broad×40. The pages of the dictionary had______ from constant use.A) chipped away B) pulled off C) curled up D) split up√【参考答案】:C41. Michael Jemal was Haier’s first US___________before setting up the unit in 1999.A) squad B) cartel C) lord D) distributor×【参考答案】:D42. The sight of the rats running about in the house made my flesh______.A) throb B) curl C) split D) creep×【参考答案】:D43. It was so dark in the cave that I didn’t dare to ______ any step further.A) strike B) venture C) stretch D) race×44. The London underground railways served as shelters for London citizens duringGerman air ______.A) relief B) pulse C) gang D) raids×【参考答案】:D45. The city government will soon ______ street litter control notices.A) coordinate B) publish C) issue D) throb×【参考答案】:C46. The military ______ says that the enemy attack will probably start tomorrow morning.A) intelligence B) resource C) source D) diligence×【参考答案】:A47. T he employees were afraid to ask for a salary raise______they should lose their jobs.A)les t B) or else C) so that D) in order that√【参考答案】:A48. If I hadn’t turned off the power before you touched the wires, you ______now.A) wouldn’t have smiled B) didn’t smile C) wouldn’t be smiling D) couldn’t have smiled×【参考答案】:C49. What did you put in your suitcase? It’s almost ______mine.A) four times as heavy a s B) four times heavier asC) as four times heavy as D) as heavy as four times×[49].【参考答案】:A50. In the course of a day our students do far more than just ______classes.A) attending B) attended C) to attend D) attend×【参考答案】:D。