one more time one more chance-唯美歌词




BE1201 邓静文
BJ121027李文峰 BJ1210 周辉
BG1207 余苑

随着迪斯尼电影冰雪奇缘热映 主题曲let it go也风靡全世界 而相计较我比较喜欢安娜 公主对艾莎唱的那首 DO you want to build a snowman 自从出事以后 姐姐独自关在房 间里 妹妹也是一个人在城堡里玩耍 她不懂为什么要好的姐姐突然不再理睬自己 随着 这首歌一直看着安娜从兴高采烈的去找艾莎到长大后默默的从艾莎房门口走过 让我这 个从小也是自娱自乐的独生女颇有感触 不仅心疼安娜其实也更心疼艾莎 为了不让自 己的魔法伤害他人 小时候是把自己关起来 长大后也是远离城市自己跑到山上。。
BQ1203 欧阳良杰
BE1101 虞燊
• 《来自虞美人之坡》为佐山哲郎原作、高桥千鹤作画,连载于1980年期间发行的日本 少女漫画《Nakayoshi》,由吉卜力工作室宫崎吾郎执导、宫崎骏企划改编的剧院动画 版于2011年7月16日在日本首映。 插曲:《别了夏天》演唱者:手嶌葵编曲:武部聪志这一首《别了夏天》是《虞美人盛 开的山坡》片尾曲,吉卜力动画中与故事完美契合的美妙配乐总是一大亮点,这次的配 乐由音乐制作人武部聪志负责,整部电影的音乐清新灵动,最后的片尾曲更是让人回味 无穷,犹如天籁。

《这个杀手不太冷》的导演是法国著名的吕克· 贝松,影片当中充满着艺术的气息,甚 至杀人的现场也象那艺术品一样的独特和唯美。片中的音乐制作精良,主题曲《Shape Of My Heart》则由老牌歌手Sting演绎,如此优美的旋律烘托出了故事的真谛,起到了 煽人泪下的效果。本首电影曲,据说好象是英国大名鼎鼎的歌星斯汀为《这个杀手不太 冷》量身定做的。其中的歌辞写得微妙出彩,咏叹了杀手莱昂将杀人比成了一出纸牌游 戏,黑桃,梅花,方抉什么都在手心握着,唯独只差那一张红心。其实影片深处的潜在 用意,恐怕也是把杀手莱昂的心间自我比成游戏?比成一张红心来的?于是在杀手的清 道夫游戏中不断寻找,不断游移,不断测试自己的心?影片以悲剧终结,那个黑须,黑 镜,寡语的杀手莱昂,也许永远不能找到那一张游戏中的红心了。但是杀手莱昂终于寻 找到了属于自己的一颗爱心。这一颗心,好像是用那一盆的兰花草充当他流离失所生命 中疵护伞的。影片结尾,玛蒂尔达一边种栽兰花,一边自言自语着,话说得是那么殷切 朦胧,席草依跪,动容抚灵:“这里安全了,莱昂 ……” 曾经抱着坚固的壳踽踽独行, 习惯了用冷漠来拒绝世界,但某一刻他们相遇,无关情爱却超越生死。

One more time One more chance

One more time One more chance
itsudemo sa ga shi te i ru yo /do kka ni kimi no su ga ta wo
明け方の街 桜木町で (在拂晓的接头 在樱花坠落的街上)
a ke ka ta no ma ti /sakura gi tyo u de
kon na to ko ni a ru ha su mo na i no ni
命が缲り返すならば 何度も君のもとへ (如果生命能够重来,无论几次我都要到你身边)
i no ti ga ku ri ka e su na ra ba/ nan do mo ki mi no mo to e
欲しいものなど もう何もない (我已经别无所求)
わがままな性格が なおさら爱しくさせた ( 那小小的任性 ,使你倍显可爱)
wa ga ma ma na se i ka ku ga /n ao sa ra i to shi ku sa se ta
One more chance 记忆に足を取られて (one more chance 陷入回忆中止步不前 )
できないことは もう何もない (已经没有什么是我做不到的了)
de ki na i ko to ha /mo u na ni mo na i
すべてかけて抱きしめてみせるよ (我会放下一切抱紧你)
su be te ka ke te da ki shi me te mi se ru(露) yo ~长叹 分段
ho shi i mo no na do/ mo u na i mo na i
君のほかに大切なものなど (已经没有什么 比你更重要)
ki mi no ha ka ni da i se tsuna o no na do

one more time one more chance歌词中日罗马音

one more time one more chance歌词中日罗马音

one more time one more chance演唱:山崎まさよし「秒速5センチメートル」の主题歌これ以上何を失えば心は许されるのko re i jyou na ni wo u shi na e ba ko ko ro wa yu ru sa re ru no 还要失去什么东西才能让我得到宽恕どれ程の痛みならばもういちど君に会えるdo re ho do no i ta mi na ra ba mo u i qi do ki mi ni a e ru还要承受多少痛苦才能与你再次相会One more time 季节ようつろわないでOne more time ki se tsu yo u tsu ro wa na i deOne more time 四季啊不要更替One more time ふざけあった时间よOne more time fu za ke a a ta ji kan yoOne more time 回到那与你嬉戏的时光くいちがう时はいつも仆が先に折れたねku i qi ga u to ki wa i tsu mo bo ku ga sa ki ni o re ta ne争吵的时候总是我先认输わがままな性格がなおさら爱しくさせたwa ga ma ma na se i ka ku ga na o sa ra i to shi ku sa se ta可你的任性令我更加迷恋One more chance 记忆に足を取られてOne more chance ki o ku ni a shi wo to ra re teOne more chance 被记忆禁锢的我One more chance 次の场所を选べないOne more chance tsu gi no ba syo wo e ra be na iOne more chance 已无法选择下一个归宿いつでも捜しているよどっかに君の姿をi tsu de mo sa ga shi te i ru yo do kka ni ki mi no su ga ta wo 我一直在寻觅寻觅着你的身影向かいのホーム路地里の窓mo ka i no ho o mu ro ji u ra no ma do对面的房间巷中的窗口こんなとこにいるはずもないのにkon na to ko ni i ru ha su mo na i no ni虽然明知你不在那里愿いはもしも叶うなら今すぐ君のもとへne ga i ga mo shi mo ka na u na ra i ma su gu ki mi no mo to he 若愿望能够实现我要立刻到你身边できないことはもう何もないde ki na i ko to wa mo u na ni mo na i已经不再害怕什么すべてかけて抱きしめてみせるよsu be te ka ke te da ki shi me te mi se ru yo即使付出一切也要将你抱紧寂しさ纷らすだけなら谁でもいいはずなのにsa bi shi sa ma gi ra su da ke na ra da re de mo ii ha su na no ni 若只是排解寂寞谁都可以取代星が落ちそうな夜だから自分をいつわれないho shi ga o qi so u na yo ru da ka ra ji bun wo i tsu wa re na i 但在这繁星欲坠之夜我无法再欺骗自己One more time 季节ようつろわないでOne more time ki se tsu yo u tsu ro wa na i deOne more time 四季啊不要更替One more time ふざけあった时间よOne more time fu za ke a a ta ji kan yoOne more time 回到那与你嬉戏的时光いつでも捜しているよどっかに君の姿をi tsu de mo sa ga shi te i ru yo do kka ni ki mi no su ga ta wo我一直在寻觅寻觅着你的身影交差点でも梦の中でもko sa ten de mo yu me no na ka de mo熙攘的街头彷徨的梦中こんなとこにいるはずもないのにkon na to ko nii ru ha zu mo na i no ni虽然明知你不在那里奇迹がもしも起こるなら今すぐ君に见せたいki se ki ga mo shi mo o ko ru na ra i ma su gu ki mi ni mi se ta i 若奇迹能够发生我要立刻与你相见新しい朝これからの仆a ta ra shi a sa ko re ka ra no bo ku在一个崭新早晨抛弃所有过去言えなかった「好き」という言叶もi e na ka tta 「suki」to yu ko to ba mo说出那句酝酿已久的「我爱你」夏の想い出がまわるna tsu no o mo i de ga ma wa ru夏天的回忆萦绕在心头ふいに消えた鼓动fu i ni ki e ta ko do o想起无意间消逝的心动いつでも捜しているよどっかに君の姿をi tsu de mo sa ga shi te i ru yo do kka ni ki mi no su ga ta wo我一直在寻觅寻觅着你的身影明け方の街桜木町(さくらぎちょう)でa ke ka ta no ma qi sa ku ra gi tyo o de黎明的街道落樱的小镇こんなとこに来るはずもないのにkon na to ko ni ku ru wa su mo na i no ni虽然明知你不在那里愿いはもしも叶うなら今すぐ君のもとへne ga i ga mo shi mo ka na u na ra i ma su gu ki mi no mo to he若愿望能够实现我要立刻到你身边できないことはもう何もないde ki na i ko to ha mo u na ni mo na i已经不再害怕什么すべてかけて抱きしめてみせるよsu be te ka ke te da ki shi me te mi se ru yo即使付出一切也要将你抱紧いつでも捜しているよどっかに君の破片をi tsu de mo sa ga shi te i ru yo do kka ni ki mi no ka ke na wo我一直在寻觅寻觅着你的音讯旅先の店新闻の隅ta bi sa ki no mi se shin bu n no su mi启程的旅店报纸的角落こんなとこにあるはずもないのにkon na to ko ni a ru ha su mo na i no ni虽然明知你不在那里奇迹がもしも起こるなら今すぐ君に见せたいki se ki ga mo shi mo o ko ru na ra i ma su gu ki mi ni mi se ta i 若奇迹能够发生我要立刻与你相见新しい朝これからの仆a ta ra shi a sa ko re ka ra no bo ku在一个崭新早晨抛弃所有过去言えなかった「好き」という言叶もi e na ka tta 「suki」to yu ko to ba mo说出那句酝酿已久的「我爱你」いつでも捜してしまうどっかに君の笑颜をi tsu de mo sa ga shi te shi mo u do kka ni ki mi no e ga o wo我一直在寻觅寻觅着你的笑容急行待ちの踏切あたりkyuu ko o ma qi no fu mi ki ri a ta ri疾驰的列车铁道的两旁こんなとこにいるはずもないのにkon na to ko ni a ru ha su mo na i no ni虽然明知你不在那里命が缲り返すならば何度も君のもとへi no qi ga ku ri ka e su na ra ba nan do mo ki mi no mo to e若生命能够轮回无论几次也与你相随欲しいものなどもう何もない君のほかに大切なものなどho shi i mo no na do mo u na ni mo na i ki mi no ho ka ni ta i se tsu na mo no na do已经没有什么能够令我留恋只要有你我别无所求。



其实音乐并不是 《秒速五厘米》这 部电影的重点,它的重点是唯美的画面和平淡却扣人心弦的 情节,但是音乐在这部影片中起到了锦上添花的作用。它强 调环境音与静音的作用,不滥用音乐,影片中音乐仅有的四 次节制的简短出现,也都是同一首主题曲或其变奏,音乐种 类可谓不多。就是这恰到好处的音乐,使其整体风格统一, 情绪连续而悠远动人,推动了情节的发展,最后主题曲的响 起更是将影片推向了最终的高潮。音乐也就成了影片不可或 缺的一部分。
《One more time One more chance 》是日本歌手山崎 まさよし(山崎将义)的专辑:《「BLUE PERIOD」~ A side集》中收录的一首歌曲,全曲深沉而充满情感, 是90年代风靡日本的歌曲之一,同时也作为2007年新 海诚作品《秒速5厘米》的主题曲广为人知。而作为 《秒速五厘米》搭配的主题曲,是将1997年的旧作进 行了重新混音的版本。
正如导演新海诚所言:“《秒速5厘米》是一部完全写实 的作品。”为了反映真实的生活,全篇的主旋律都如行 云流水般轻柔,流畅。点点滴滴的琴音在耳边喃喃低语, 象征着生活的简单平淡。整体音响的方位感、距离感、 层次感都极其出色,环境音与动画特效的叠合,为影片 起到锦上添花的作用。 纵观整部电影,可以明显看出整体音画关系是平行的。 不管是其中的主题音乐,背景音乐还是插曲,都致力于 创造一副真实而又浪漫的场景,特别当影片出现绚丽的 自然景象,柔和清澈的音乐娓娓道来,给人一种身临其 境般美的享受。

主题曲《One more time One more chance 》
主题曲《One more time One more chance 》共出现了两次。第一次是以钢 琴曲的演奏方式,为影片渲染气氛,透露出男女主角二人在孩童时期那种隐 约的喜欢,那单纯美好的情感。第二次则在片尾以演唱的方式演奏,配合着 蒙太奇手法,诉说着本 片的主题——人与人 心灵的距离是遥远的, 在时间与空间的影响 下,距离会更加遥远。 即便不断追逐,也不 能做出改变。但是曾 经的情感会在心中变 成一点火苗,当回忆 起那段往事时,那火苗便能给现在的自己一丝暖意。



Groove Coverage - SheShe hangs out every day near by the beach Havin’ a harnican fallin’ asleep She looks so sexy when she’s walking the sand Nobody ever put a ring on her handSwim to the oceanshore fish in the seaShe is the story the story is she She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky Shining from high above you shouldn’t ask why She is the one that you never forgetShe is the heaven-sent angel you met Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl She is so pretty all over the worldShe puts the rhythm, the beat in the drumShe comes in the morning and the evening she’s gone Every little hour every second you liveTrust in eternity that’s what she givesShe looks like Marilyn, walks like Suzanne She talks like Monica and MarianneShe wins in everything that she might doAnd she will respect you forever just youShe is the one that you never forgetShe is the heaven-sent angel you met Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl She is so pretty all over the worldShe is so pretty all over the worldShe is so prettyShe is like you and meLike them like weShe is in you and meShe is the one that you never forgetShe is the heaven-sent angel you met Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl She is so pretty all over the worldShe is so pretty all over the world(She is the one) She is the one (That you never forget) That you never forgetShe is the heaven-sent angel you metShe’s the reason (oh she must be the re ason) why God made a girl She is so pretty all over the world (oh...)Na na na na na ...她经常去海滩走走手中拿着啤酒(海涅根)就这样入睡她在沙滩上走路的姿势非常性感还从来没有人成功向她求婚在浪里游泳在海中捕鱼她就是故事,故事就是她她对着天上的月亮和星星唱歌为什么它们在天空中闪耀,你已知道答案她就是那个你忘不了的人啊她是来自天堂的天使哦,她才是真正的原因,上帝为什么造女孩她是世界上最可爱的人她让鼓点变得更有旋律她清晨而出,日落即走在你生命的每分每秒相信她带给你的永恒信念她长得象玛丽莲,走路像苏姗妮她说话像莫尼卡和玛丽安妮她做的每件事都能成功而且她会永远维护你,是的只有你她就是那个你忘不了的人啊她是来自天堂的天使哦,她才是真正原因,上帝为什么要造女孩她是世界上最可爱的人她是世界上最可爱的人啊她真可爱她就像你,就像我就像他们,就像我们她就在你心中,就在我心中她就是那个你忘不了的人啊她是来自天堂的天使哦,她才是真正原因,上帝为什么要造女孩她是世界上最可爱的人(就是她啊)就是她(你永远忘不了啊)你永远忘不了她是来自天堂的天使她才是真正的原因(哦,她一定是真正的原因)上帝为什么要造女孩她是世界上最可爱的人啊Goodbye Alice in WonderlandIt's four in the afternoon下午四点I'm on a flight leaving L.A.我在飞离洛杉矶的班机上Trying to figure out my life and试着去理顺生活My youth scattered along the highway我的青春散落在公路上Hotel rooms and headlights就宿于各地旅馆,无数次登上头条I've made a living with a song我以一首歌成功立足Guitar as my companion吉他为伴Wanting desperately to belong我强烈渴望被接受和认可Fame is filled with spoiled children有名的人大多是被宠坏的孩子we grow fat on fantasy幻想使我们贪求无餍I guess that's why I'm leaving我猜想这就是我离开的原因I crave reality我渴望活在现实里So goodbye Alice in Wonderland因此再见吧,梦游仙境的爱丽丝Goodbye yellow brick road再见吧,黄砖路There is a difference between dreaming and pretending梦想和矫饰不同I did not find paradise我没有找到天堂It was only a reflection of my lonely mind wanting 那不过是我孤独心灵的一种反映,我渴望what’s been missing in my life找到生命中缺失的东西I'm embarrassed to say the rest is a rock and roll cliché尽管尴尬,我不得不说一句摇滚乐界的陈词滥调I hit the bottom when I reached the top当我的事业达到顶峰时,我的心情跌落到了谷底but I never knew it was you who was breaking my heart我从未想过,会是你让我心碎I thought you had to love meI need youI Need YouWestlife(官方译名西城男孩;又译西域男孩)是在1998年成立的爱尔兰男子歌唱团体. Westlife在爱尔兰和英国走红,在非洲、澳大利亚与亚洲也很受欢迎。

One more time, One more chance 》罗马文歌词

One more time, One more chance 》罗马文歌词

交差点でも 梦の中でも
kosatendemo yumenonakademo
konna tokoniiruhazumonainoni
奇迹がもしも起こるなら 今すぐ君に见せたい
kisekiga moshimo okorunara ima sugukimini misetai
dekinaikotoha mou nanimonai <已经没有什么是我做不到的>
subetekakete dakishimetemiseruyo <我会不顾一切将你紧紧拥抱>
sabishisa magirasu dakenara<如果只想排遣寂寞>
daredemo iihasunanoni <那是谁也无所谓>
konna tokoni aruhasumonainoni <虽然明明知道你不可能在那里>
kisekiga moshimo okorunara <若奇迹发生>
ima sugukimini misetai <我希望现在就能见到你>
atarashiasa korekaranoboku <无论崭新的清晨 还是今后的自己>
いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の破片を
itsudemo sagashiteiruyo dokkani kiminohahenwo
旅先の店 新闻の隅
tabisakinomise shinbunnosumi
konna tokoni aruhasumonainoni
いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を

one more time one more chance 中文歌词

one more time one more chance 中文歌词

现在的我还需要失去多少才能让回忆变得更飘渺如果任自己在痛苦中奔跑就能再看见你侧脸微笑one more time 不要让四季如此匆匆溜掉one more time 一起度过的时光悠闲美好无论何时只要我们有争吵一定都是我先认错赔笑而你的任性总是能刚刚好让我回味你可爱的傲娇one more chance 在记忆的里轮回停步咆哮one more chance 下个落脚归宿我却找不到你可知道我一直在寻找,寻找的是你所留下来的煎熬。

对面房屋的一角小巷深处的窗鞘你不会在那里,尽管这些我明明知道如果实现愿望需要祈祷飞到你的身边就是我的祷告没有什么大不了,没有什么做不到只要是我能够将你紧紧的拥入怀抱如果只是想将寂寞驱赶走何必在乎是谁陪伴左右但在这星光黯淡的夜空里头我连我自己也无法去猜透one more time 不要让四季如此匆匆溜走one more time 一起度过的时光相知相守你可知道我一直在奔走奔走着去迎接你的等候十字交叉的路口迷茫的幻梦里头你不会在那里而我也无法一直停留如果发生奇迹需要借口看到你的微笑就是我的祈求第一缕阳光泄露我对着清晨嘶吼我会说我爱你就算一直也没说出口仍旧徘徊在夏日的回忆中霎时间已经消失的心动你可知道我一直在寻觅寻觅你早已不在的身影拂晓尚染的街景樱花飘散的古井你不会在那里而我也还是不愿清醒如果这样的愿望可以承兑到你身边就算是飞我也会从来不觉得疲惫从来不需要后退我只要将你紧紧拥抱而不是那个谁你可知道我一直在追逐追逐那回忆拼凑的旅途路过小店的壁橱报纸角落的插图你不会在那里而我也情愿继续糊涂如果这样的奇迹得以实行我要将所有的思念讲给你听从前今后的自己还有崭新的黎明最重要是那句没能说出的「喜欢你」你可知道我一直在寻找寻找你那份动人的微笑熟悉的路口铁道列车在疾行呼啸你不会在那里而我仍相信我能等到如果这样的生命可以重来每一次我都要将你环绕可想见那时的我一定是别无所求。

音乐鉴赏(山崎将义One More Time,One More Chance)

音乐鉴赏(山崎将义One More Time,One More Chance)
• こんなとこにいるはずもないのに • kon na to ko ni i ru ha su mo na i no ni • 尽管明知道你不可能在那里
One more time One more chance
• 願(ねが)いがもしも叶(かな)うなら いますぐ君(きみ)のもとへ • ne ga i ga mo shi mo ka na u na ra i ma su gu ki mi no mo to he • 若愿望能够实现 好想马上去到你身边
• 君(きみ)のほかに大切(たいせつ)なものなど • ki mi no ho ka ni ta i se tsu na mo no na do • 再也没有什么比你更加重要
One more time One more chance
One more time One more chance/山崎将义/秒速5厘米
• 星(ほし)が落(お)ちそうな夜(よる)だから • ho shi ga o qi so u na yo ru da ka ra • 唯有在星辰仿佛要坠落的夜晚
• 自分(じぶん)をいつわれない • ji bun wo i tsu wa re na i • 我无法欺骗我自己
One more time One more chance
• できないことは もう何(なに)もない • de ki na i ko to wa mo u na ni mo na i • 如今我再也不会有丝毫退缩
• すべてかけて抱(だ)きしめてみせるよ • su be te ka ke te da ki shi me te mi se ru yo • 我愿不顾一切紧紧将你拥抱
One more time One more chance
• 我喜欢上这首歌,其实,有很大原因是因为新海诚的《秒 速5厘米》对其堪称经典的阐释。


Can't help but look for a trace of you
At every corner store, in the newspaper
Knowing there is no way that you would be there
If I could just believe in miracles,
Knowing there is no way you would be there
If I could just believe in miracles
I would do anything to show you now
In the morning light,
completely new me
I just need you right here by my side
There's nothing that I won't do,
I'd give up everything
Just to hold you in my arms,
one more time.It doesn't matter where I am because
I'd tell you what I couldn't say before,
“I love you.”
Memories of our summers together ooh
Our beating hearts were heard no more
It doesn't matter where I am because
One more time, One more chance

baby One More Time 专辑歌词

baby One More Time 专辑歌词

1. Baby One More Time(Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)Oh baby babyHow was I supposed to knowThat something was't right hereOh baby babyI shouldn't have let you goAnd now you're out of sight,yeah Show me how you want it to beTell me baby'Cause I need to know nowOh becauseMy loneliness is killing me(And I) I must confessI still believe (still believe)When I'm not with you I lose my mind Give me a signHit me baby one more timeOh baby babyThe reason I breath is youBoy you got me blindedOh pretty babyThere's nothing that I wouldn't doIt's not the way I planned itShow me how you want it to beTell me baby'Cause I need to know nowOh becauseMy loneliness is killing me(And I) I must confessI still believe (still believe)When I'm not with you I lose my mind Please give me a signHit me baby one more time(Oh baby baby,Ooh)(Oh baby baby yay ,ayeah)Oh baby babyHow was I supposed to knowOh pretty babyI shouldn't have let you goI must confessThat my loneliness is killing me now Don't you know I still believeThat you will be hereAnd give me a signHit me baby one more timeMy loneliness is killing me(And I) I must confessI still believe (still believe)When I'm not with you I lose my mind Give me a signHit me baby one more timeI must confess thatMy loneliness is killing me nowDon't you knowI still believeThat you will be hereAnd give me a signHit me baby one more time2. I Will Be ThereY ou don't have to say what's on your mind 'Cause I know where you've beenGive it up and leave it all behindAnd then let me beginCome on over hereLet me show how things should beI will make it alrightLet me make it clearY ou can put your trust in meY es I will be thereWhen you need someoneY ou just turn aroundAnd I, will be thereWhen you're feeling lowBaby let me knowAnd I, will be thereWon't you let me make it up to youNow you know where I amThere ain't nothin that I wouldn't doJust to love once againCome on over hereLet me show how things should beI will make it alrightLet me make it clearY ou can put your trust in meY es I will be thereWhen you need someoneY ou just turn aroundAnd I, will be thereWhen you're feeling lowBaby let me knowAnd I, will be thereI will be thereJust take a standI'll be here for youNow and foreverGive one more chanceTo show you how much I careI'll be thereWhen you need someoneJust turn aroundAnd I will be thereWhen you're in sorrowJust let me know and I will be thereWhen you need someoneY ou just turn aroundAnd I, will be thereWhen you're feeling lowBaby let me knowAnd I, will be thereI will be thereI will be there3. Thinkin' About Y ouI'm not quite sure what's goin' on,but all day through and all night long,I've been thinkin' about you,I've been thinkin' about you,The look in your eyes when you smile that way,the sound of your voice sayin' my name.I've been thinkin' about you,just keep thinkin' about you.This single minded fascination I've got,do you call it love? If you don't then what?All I know is I don't know what you've done,and this train of thought ain't about to jumpthe track that it's on.In the back of my mind, there's a secret place.But the whole world knows by the smile on my face,that I've been thinkin' about you.Can't stop thinkin' about you.This single minded fascination I've got,do you call it love? If you don't then what? All I know is I don't know what you've done, and this train of thought ain't about to jump the track that it's on.I know it's crazy, callin' you this late, When the only thing I wanted to say isI've been thinkin' about you,Y eah, just keep thinkin' about you.Oh, can't stop thinkin about you.I'm always thinkin' about you...And I do love thinking about you.....Y eeeaaah4. Born To Make Y ou Happy(oh my love)I'm sitting here alone up in my roomand thinking about the timesthat we've been through(oh my love)I'm looking at a picture in my handtrying my best to understandI really wanna know what we did wrong with the love that felt so strongIf only you were here tonightI know that we could make it rightI don't know how to live without your love I was born to make you happycuz your the only one within my heartI was born to make you happyalways and forever you and methats the way our life should beI don't know how to live without your love I was born to make you happyI know I've been a foolsince you've been goneI'd rather give it up then carry on(oh my love)cuz livin in a dream of you and meis not the way my life should beI don't wanna cry a tear for youso forgive me if I doIf only you were here tonightI know that we could make it rightI don't know how to live without your loveI was born to make you happycuz your the only one within my heartI was born to make you happyalways and forever you and methats the way our life should beI don't know how to live without your loveI was born to make you happyI'd do anythingI'd give you my worldI'd wait forever to be your girl(Just call out my name)Just call out my name(I will be there)and I will be thereJust to show you how much I care(alright)(I was born to make you happy)I don't know how to live without your loveI was born to make you happycuz your the only one within my heartI was born to make you happyalways and forever you and methats the way our life should beI don't know how to live without your loveI was born to make you happyI was born to make you happyalways and forever you and methats the way our life should beI don't know how to live without your loveI was born to make you happy5. Sometimesyou tell me you're in love with melike you can't take your pretty eyes away from me it's not that I don't want to staybut evertime you come to close I move awayI wanna believe in everything that you say cause it sounds so goodbut if you really want memove it slowthere's things about me you'll just have to knowsometimes I runsometimes I hidesometimes I'm scared of youbut all I really want is to hold you tighttreat you rightbe with you day and nightbaby all I need is timeI don't want to be so shyuh-uhbut everytime that I'm alone I wonder whyI hope that you will wait for meyou see that you're the only one for meI wanna believe in everything that you say cause it sounds so goodbut if you really want memove it slowthere's things about me you'll just have to know sometimes I run (sometimes)sometimes I hidesometimes I'm scared of youbut all I really want is to hold you tighttreat you rightbe with you day and nightAll I really want is to hold you tighttreat you rightbe with you day and nightbaby all I need is timejust hang around and you'll seethere's no one that I rather beif you love metrust in methe way I trust in youoh yeahsometimes I run (sometimes)sometimes I hidesometimes I'm scared of youbut all I really want is to hold you tight (hold ya tight)treat you rightbe with you day and night (day and night) sometimes I run (sometimes)sometimes I hidesometimes I'm scared of youbut all I really want is to hold you tighttreat you rightbe with you day and night (day and night)all I really want is to hold you tightbe with you day and nightsometimes I run (sometimes)Sometimes I hidesometimes I'm scared of youbut I really want is to hold you tight6. E-mail My HeartForever...It's been hoursseems like dayssince you went awayand all I do is check the screento see if you're okayyou don't answer when I phoneguess you wanna be left aloneso I'm sending you my heart my souland this is what I'll sayI'm sorryoh so sorrycan't you give me one more chanceto make it all up to youE-mail my heartand say our love will never die (and I)I know you're out thereand I know that you still care (I know you care) e-mail me back and say our love will stay alive Forever...e-mail my heartI can see you in my mindcoming on the lineand opening this letterthat I've sent a hundred timeshere's a picture of us two (us two)I look so good on you (on you)and can't you please forgive mefor the hurt I put you throughI'm sorryoh so sorrycan't you give me one more chanceto make it all up to youE-mail my heartand say our love will never die (and I)I know you're out thereand I know that you still care (I know you care) e-mail me back and say our love will stay alive Forever...e-mail my heartI'm sorryoh so sorrycan't you give me one more chanceto make it all up to youE-mail my heartand say our love will never die (and I)I know you're out thereand I know that you still care (I know you care) e-mail me back and say our love will stay alive Forever...e-mail my heartForever...e-mail my heart7. Autumn GoodbyeChorus:I never promised you a happy endingY ou never said you wouldn't make me crybut summer love will keep us warm long after our autumn goodbye, autumn goodbye autumn goodbyeThinkin' of you and the love of our livesin the sweet summertimeso sad but true (so true, so true)we must leave it behindin our hearts, in our mindsFrom April through Septemberbittersweet was the love that we sharedon't forgetI rememberChorusI never promised you a happy endingY ou never said you wouldn't make me crybut summer love will keep us warm long after our autumn goodbye, autumn goodbye autumn goodbyeI never promised you a happy endingY ou never said you wouldn't make me crybut summer love will keep us warm long after our autumn goodbye, autumn goodbye autumn goodbyeMemories can fadebut my heart has a place for the smile on your face and maybe somedaywe can be more than friendslove will find us againRed leaves and blue tomorrowsTime will give back the love that we sharedon the time that we borrowedI never promised you a happy endingY ou never said you wouldn't make me crybut summer love will keep us warm long afterour autumn goodbye, autumn goodbyeautumn goodbyeI never promised you a happy endingI never promised you a happy endingY ou never said you wouldn't make me crybut summer love will keep us warm long afterour autumn goodbye, autumn goodbyeautumn goodbyeFrom April through Septemberbittersweet was the love that we sharedon't forgetI remember babyI never promised you a happy endingY ou never said you wouldn't make me crybut summer love will keep us warm long afterour autumn goodbye, autumn goodbyeautumn goodbyeI never promised you a happy endingY ou never said you wouldn't make me crybut summer love will keep us warm long afterour autumn goodbye, autumn goodbyeautumn goodbyeWe'll leave behind the summertimeour hearts, our mindsthey will remindwe won't forgetthe day we metthe day we criedAutumn GoodbyeI never promised you a happy endingY ou never said you wouldn't make me crybut summer love will keep us warm long afterour autumn goodbye, autumn goodbyeautumn goodbye8. The Beat Goes OnDrums keep pounding rhythm to the brainLa-dee-da-dee-deeLa-dee-da-dee-daWait till you have reached the ageBlah blahHistory has turned the pageBlah blahWe still want to hear a brand new thingUh huhWe still need a song to singUh huhAnd the beat goes on (6x)Drums keep pounding rhythm to the brainLa-dee-da-dee-deeLa-dee-da-dee-daLove is a thirsting, lasting on my mindFrom tomorrow until the end of timeAnd the beat goes on (4x)And the beat goesAnd the beat goesAnd the beat goes onDrums keep pounding rhythm to the brainLa-dee-da-dee-deeLa-dee-da-dee-daWe still move to a rhythm just like thisWe still dream of sharing our first kissAnd the beat goes on (4x)Drums keep pounding rhythm to the brainLa-dee-da-dee-deeLa-dee-da-dee-daWell our kids are turning faster everyday (everyday) We still want to dance the night awayAnd the beat goes on...(to fade)9. Deep In My HeartOhoh I want you for the rest of my lifeWalking through time looking for an answerHow can it be this wayWhat have I doneI just can't help but wonderHow everything could changeCause you have turned my world around Since you came along,noAfter this love was foundIt seems like we can't go onDeep in my heartI know there's only youAnd right from the start I always knew I never let goCause I love you soOhoh I want you for the rest of my life Some people searchwhat seems to be a lifetimeTo find a love like thisAnd here we areWith everything we wished forI never felt such blissCause you have turned my world around Since you came alongAfter this love was foundIt seems like we can't go onDeep in my heartI know there's only youAnd right from the start I always knew I never let goCause I love you soOhoh I want you for the rest of my life There comes a chance in everyones life And I beleive it won't happen twice Now since I've felt the glory of loveI want spend forever(And ever with you)Deep in my heartI know there's only youAnd right from the start I always knew I never let goCause I love you soOhohDeep in my heartI know there's only youAnd right from the start I always knew I never let goCause I love you soOhohDeep in my heartDeep in my heartOhoh I want you for the rest of my life10. I Will Still Love Y ouTime may take us apart, but I will still love you. I promiseAnd when the stars, stars are fallingI'll keep callingI promise that you'll be my one my only everythingI'll never be untrueAnd I promise back that for your love I will do anythingI will give you the starsI will buy you the moonAnd even through the longest of our nightsEven through the darkest days ourLove will find awayAnd when the stars are falling, I'll keep callingI will still love youAnd when your dreams are fading, I'll be waitingI will still love youY ou are my summer breeze my winter somber, springtime ohmy autum touch of allY ou are my sky, my rain a way which my love flows cuz you're all The smile of my heart and the breathe of my soulBut ever if we find ourselves apartWe will hold out hopes and dreamsForever in our heartsAnd when the stars are falling, I'll keep callingI will still love youAnd when your dreams are fading, I'll be waitingI will still love youTell me how you feelI finally know how to feel. Tell me if it's realAnd my heart is telling it's realSo real, so realAnd when the stars are falling, I'll keep callingI will still love youAnd when your dreams are fading, I'll be waitingI will still love youTime will take us apart that's trueBut I will always be there for youY our in my heart and you'll be in my dreamsNo matter how many miles betweenI promise you that I won't forgetThe day we kissed of the day we metThe sky may fall and the stars may tooBut I will still, I will still love youAnd when the stars are falling, I'll keep callingI will still love youAnd when your dreams are fading, I'll be waitingI will still love you11. Soda PopOoh-OohAh,here we go now,ohLike a great boy,all my other women are insolesWe're thinkin' 'bout the great expedition as popped we chose So here we come,throwing hereand on,come,come follow me Britney,yeahOpen that soda pop,watch it fizz and popThe clock is tickin' and we can't stopOpen that soda pop,bop-a shu-bop shu-bopThe clock is tickin' and we can't stopWe might start riding to the music tonightA clever way to get by,ohThe pops keep flowin' like its fire and iceSo give it a little blind,soOpen that soda pop,watch it fizz and popThe clock is tickin' and we can't stopOpen that soda pop,bop-a shu-bop shu-bopThe clock is tickin' and we can't stopWe have a plan,have a definite planTo level the vibes again (oh yeah)See,where ya ba-do for a superlative self oh yeahA wicked time to the end,oh yeah,soOpen that soda pop,watch it fizz and popThe clock is tickin' and we can't stopOpen that soda pop,bop-a shu-bop shu-bopThe clock is tickin' and we can't stopOpen that soda pop,watch it fizz and popThe clock is tickin' and we can't stopOpen that soda pop,bop-a shu-bop shu-bopThe clock is tickin' and we can't stopSo much pop we're loosing,sittin' watching the clockSo turn the tables baby,let's go over the topNo one else will doI'm waiting for youSo show me what'cha got,just take a pop shotAnd we will never stop shu-bop,shu-bopY eah,mm-hmmOpen that soda pop,bop-a shu-bop shu-bopThe clock is tickin' and we can't stop (can't stop)Girls we need him like we've never before (before,before,before) And lovin' it till we drop (we drop,ah,we drop yeah)We'll flex tonight until they break down the door (oh yeah)The party won't ever stop....soOpen that soda pop,watch it fizz and popThe clock is tickin' and we can't stopOpen that soda pop,bop-a shu-bop shu-bopThe clock is tickin' and we can't stopOpen that soda pop,watch it fizz and popThe clock is tickin' and we can't stopOpen that soda pop,bop-a shu-bop shu-bopThe clock is tickin' and we can't stopI bet you we can pop like we've never popped it beforeWhy we keep comin' back for more and more for sure (sure)It's cool Britney when we get down on the floor yeahAnd we go,On and On until the break of dawnOpen that soda pop,watch it fizz and popThe clock is tickin' and we can't stopOpen that soda pop,bop-a shu-bop shu-bopThe clock is tickin' and we can't stopOpen that soda pop,watch it fizz and pop (oh yeah)The clock is tickin' and we can't stop12. CrazyArtist: Britney SpearsTitle: Y ou Drive Me CrazyBaby, I'm so into youY ou've got that something, what can I doBaby, you spin me around, ohThe earth is movin, but I can't feel the groundEverytime you look at meMy heart is jumpin, it's easy to seeLoving you means so much moreMore than anything I ever felt beforeY ou drive me crazyI just can't sleepI'm so excited, I'm in too deepCrazy, but it feels alrightBaby thinkin of you keeps me up all nightTell me, you're so into meThat I'm the only one you will seeTell me I'm not in the blue, ohThat I'm not wastinMy feelins on youLoving you means so much moreMore than anything I ever felt beforeY ou drive me crazyI just can't sleepI'm so excited, I'm in too deepCrazy, but it feels alrightBaby thinkin of you keeps me up all night Crazy, I just can't sleepI'm so excited, I'm in too deepCrazy, but it feels alrightEvery day and every nightY ou drive me crazy...I'm so excited, I'm in too deepCrazy, but it feels alright...Baby thinkin of you keeps me up all night Y ou drive me crazy...Crazy, but it feels alright...Baby thinkin of you keeps me up all night。

one more time one more chance罗马音翻译

one more time one more chance罗马音翻译

还要失去什么东西才能让我得到宽恕ko re i jyou na ni wo u shi na e ba ko ko ro wa yu ru sa re ru no还要承受多少痛苦才能与你再次相会do re ho do no i ta mi na ra ba mo u i qi do ki mi ni a e ruOne more time 四季啊不要更替One more time ki se tsu yo u tsu ro wa na i deOne more time 回到那与你嬉戏的时光One more time fu za ke a a ta ji kan yo争吵的时候总是我先认输ku i qi ga u to ki wa i tsu mo bo ku ga sa ki ni o re ta ne可你的任性令我更加迷恋wa ga ma ma na se i ka ku ga na o sa ra i to shi ku sa se taOne more chance 被记忆禁锢的我One more chance ki o ku ni a shi wo to ra re teOne more chance 已无法选择下一个归宿One more chance tsu gi no ba syo wo e ra be na i我一直在寻觅寻觅着你的身影i tsu de mo sa ga shi te i ru yo do kka ni ki mi no su ga ta wo对面的房间巷中的窗口mo ka i no ho o mu ro ji u ra no ma do虽然明知你不在那里kon na to ko ni i ru ha su mo na i no ni若愿望能够实现我要立刻到你身边ne ga i ga mo shi mo ka na u na ra i ma su gu ki mi no mo to he已经不再害怕什么de ki na i ko to wa mo u na ni mo na i即使付出一切也要将你抱紧su be te ka ke te da ki shi me te mi se ru yo若只是排解寂寞谁都可以取代sa bi shi sa ma gi ra su da ke na ra da re de mo ii ha su na no ni但在这繁星欲坠之夜我无法再欺骗自己ho shi ga o qi so u na yo ru da ka ra ji bun wo i tsu wa re na iOne more time 四季啊不要更替One more time ki se tsu yo u tsu ro wa na i deOne more time 回到那与你嬉戏的时光One more time fu za ke a a ta ji kan yo我一直在寻觅寻觅着你的身影i tsu de mo sa ga shi te i ru yo do kka ni ki mi no su ga ta wo熙攘的街头彷徨的梦中ko sa ten de mo yu me no na ka de mo虽然明知你不在那里kon na to ko nii ru ha zu mo na i no ni若奇迹能够发生我要立刻与你相见ki se ki ga mo shi mo o ko ru na ra i ma su gu ki mi ni mi se ta i在一个崭新早晨抛弃所有过去a ta ra shi a sa ko re ka ra no bo ku说出那句酝酿已久的「我爱你」i e na ka tta 「suki」to yu ko to ba mo夏天的回忆萦绕在心头na tsu no o mo i de ga ma wa ru想起无意间消逝的心动fu i ni ki e ta ko do o我一直在寻觅寻觅着你的身影i tsu de mo sa ga shi te i ru yo do kka ni ki mi no su ga ta wo黎明的街道落樱的小镇a ke ka ta no ma qi sa ku ra gi tyo o de虽然明知你不在那里kon na to ko ni ku ru wa su mo na i no ni若愿望能够实现我要立刻到你身边ne ga i ga mo shi mo ka na u na ra i ma su gu ki mi no mo to he已经不再害怕什么de ki na i ko to ha mo u na ni mo na i即便付出一切也要将你抱紧su be te ka ke te da ki shi me te mi se ru yo我一直在寻觅寻觅着你的音讯i tsu de mo sa ga shi te i ru yo do kka ni ki mi no ka ke na wo启程的旅店报纸的角落ta bi sa ki no mi se shin bu n no su mi虽然明知你不在那里kon na to ko ni a ru ha su mo na i no ni若奇迹能够发生我要立刻与你相见ki se ki ga mo shi mo o ko ru na ra i ma su gu ki mi ni mi se ta i在一个崭新早晨抛弃所有过去a ta ra shi a sa ko re ka ra no bo ku说出那句酝酿已久的「我爱你」i e na ka tta 「suki」to yu ko to ba mo我一直在寻觅寻觅着你的笑容i tsu de mo sa ga shi te shi mo u do kka ni ki mi no e ga o wo疾驰的列车铁道的两旁kyuu ko o ma qi no fu mi ki ri a ta ri虽然明知你不在那里kon na to ko ni a ru ha su mo na i no ni若生命能够轮回无论几次也与你相随i no qi ga ku ri ka e su na ra ba nan do mo ki mi no mo to e已经没有什么能够令我留恋ho shi i mo no na do mo u na ni mo na i只要有你我别无所求ki mi no ho ka ni ta i se tsu na mo no na do。



多首经典英语歌曲的中英文歌词Nothing's gonna change my love for youif i had to live my life without you near me 如果我不得不过一种没有你陪伴的生活the days would all be empty 白天会变得很空虚the nights would seem so long 黑夜会变得很漫长you i see forever oh so clearly 我看见你是如此的晰i might have been in love before 我可能曾经爱过but i've never felt this strong 但从没有像这次感觉这般强烈our dreams are young and we both know我们两个都知道我们的梦想很年轻they’ll take us where we want to go 它们会带我们到达我们向往的地方hold me now touch me now 现在抱紧我触摸我i don't want to live without you 我不想过没有你的生活nothing's gonna change my love for you 没有什么能够改变我对你爱you oughta know by now how much i love you 你现在应该知道我有多爱你one thing you can be sure of 你可以确信一点i never ask for more than your love 除了你的爱我别无所求nothing's gonna change my love for you 没有什么能够改变我对你的爱you oughta know by now how much i love you 你现在应该知道我有多爱你the world may change my whole life through 这世界可能会将我的一生改变but nothing's gonna change my love for you但没有什么能够改变我对你的爱1 if the road ahead is not so easy 如果前面的路不是那么容易走our love will lead the way for us like a guiding star 我们的爱会像启明星一样迎领我们前行i'll be there for you if you should need me 当你可能需要我时我就会出现you don't have to change a thing 你不需要做什么改变i love you just the way you are 我爱你就爱你现在这样so come with me and share the view 所以跟我来吧一起分享风景i help you see forever too 我会永远帮助你去感受hold me now touch me now 现在抱紧我触摸我i don't want to live without you 我不想过没有你的生活Yesterday Once More昨日重现When I was young I'd listen to the radioWaiting for my favorite songsWhen they played I'd sing along it made me smileThose were such happy times and not so long agoHow I wonder where they'd goneBut they're back again just like a long lost friendAll the songs I love so wellEvery sha la la la …… every wo wo …… still shineEvery shinga linga ling that they're starting to sing so fineWhen they get to the part where he's breaking her heartIt can really make me cry just like before it's yesterday once more Looking back on how it was in years gone byAnd the good time that I hadMakes today seem rather sad so much has changedIt was songs of love that I would sing to themAnd I'd memorize each wordThose old melodies still sound so good to meAs they melt the years awayEvery sha la la l a …… every wo wo …… still shineEvery shinga linga ling that they're starting to sing so fineAll my best memories Come back clearly to meSome can even make me cry Just like before It"s yesterday once moreNo matter what 无论如何BoyzoneNo matter what they tell us 无论他们如何告诉我们No matter what they do 无论他们对我们做什么No matter what they teach us 无论他们教给我们什么What we believe is true 我们坚信的才是真理No matter what they call us 无论他们如何称呼我们However they attack 无论他们如何诋毁我们No matter where they take us 无论他们把我们带到哪里We'll find our own way back 我们将找到自己回来的路I can't deny what I believe 我不能背叛我的信念I can't be what I'm not 我不能虚伪地活着I know our love forever 我知道我们的爱将永恒I know, no matter what 我知道,无论如何If only tears were laughter (ooh) 一旦眼泪化作微笑If only night was day (ooh) 一旦黑夜变成白昼If only prayers were answered (hear my prayers) 一旦祈祷得到回答(听我的祈祷)Then we would hear God say (say) 我们就能听到上帝的声音No matter what they tell you (ooh) 无论他们如何告诉你们No matter what they do (ooh) 无论他们对你们作什么No matter what they teach you 无论他们教给你们什么What you believe is true 你们坚信的才是真理And I will keep you safe and strong 我将保佑你们平安和强壮And shelter from the storm 也为你们挡风遮雨No matter where it's barren 无论那里如何荒芜A dream is being born 一个梦想正在诞生(Ooh)No matter who they follow 无论他们追随着谁No matter where they lead 无论他们去向哪里No matter how they judge us 无论他们如何判决我们I'll be everyone you need 我将永远和你在一起No matter if the sun don't shine (sun don't shine)无论太阳是否明亮(太阳暗了) Or if the skies are blue (skies are blue) 或者天空是否蔚蓝(天空是蓝色的)No matter what the end is 无论结局如何My life began with you 我的生命从你开始I can't deny what I believe (what I believe, yeah) 我不能背叛我的信念(我的信念)I can't be what I'm not 我不能虚伪地活着(I know, I know) I know this love's forever (我知道,我知道)我知道这爱将永恒That's all that matters now 现在这就是一切No matter what 无论如何No matter what (no, no matter, no) 无论如何(无论)No, no matter 无论That's all that matters to me 对我来说,这就是一切Just one last danceJust one last dance....oh baby...just one last dance 再来最后一舞,亲爱的,再来最后的一舞We meet in the night in the Spanish café我们相遇到那个西班牙咖啡厅I look in your eyes just don't know what to say 我望进你眼睛忘记了言语能力It feels like I'm drowning in salty water 我犹如在盐水里溺弱A few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise 还有几小时黎明将到Tomorrow will come an it's time to realize 明天的来临终告Our love has finished forever 我们的爱永远终止How I wish to come with you (wish to come with you) 我多希望能对你而去How I wish we make it through 多么希望我们能一起面对Just one last dance 再来最后的一舞Before we say goodbye 在说再见之前When we sway and turn round and round and round 当我们转啊转啊转It's like the first time 如同第一次那样Just one more chance 再多一只舞Hold me tight and keep me warm 抱紧我让我感受你的温暖Cause the night is getting cold 因为夜开始冰凉And I don't know where I belong 而我不知道自己归于何处Just one last dance 再来最后一舞The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar 在酒和灯与这西班牙吉它I'll never forget how romantic they are 我永远不会忘记他们是多么浪漫But I know, tomorrow I'll lose the one I love 但我知道,明天我将失去我所爱There's no way to come with you 我无法随你而去It's the only thing to do 现在唯一能做的Just one last dance 再来最后的一舞Before we say goodbye 在说再见之前When we sway and turn round and round and round 当我们转啊转啊转It's like the first time 如同第一次那样Just one more chance 再多一只舞Hold me tight and keep me warm 抱紧我让我感受你的温暖Cause the night is getting cold 因为夜开始冰凉And I don't know where I belong 而我不知道自己归于何处Just one last dance 再来最后一舞Just one last dance 再来最后的一舞Before we say goodbye 在说再见之前When we sway and turn round and round and round 当我们转啊转啊转It's like the first time 如同第一次那样Just one more chance 再多一只舞Hold me tight and keep me warm 抱紧我让我感受你的温暖Cause the night is getting cold 因为夜开始冰凉And I don't know where I belong 而我不知道自己归于何处Just one last dance 再来最后一舞I believe I can flyI used to think that I could not go on过去我常以为我不能继续And life was nothing but an awful song生活一无是处如同一首糟糕的歌曲But now I know the meaning of true love但是现在我知道了真爱的意义I'm leaning on the everlasting arms我从永恒的臂膀中学习到它If I can see it, then I can do it如果我能看见,我就能做到If I just believe it, there's nothing to it如果我只是相信它它们就变得无足轻重I believe I can fly我相信我能够飞翔I believe I can touch the sky我相信我能触摸到天际I think about it every night and day每个日夜我都在思考Spread my wings and fly away能够张开翅膀尽情飞翔I believe I can soar我相信我可以滑翔I see me running through that open door我看见自己从那敞开的大门中跑出I believe I can fly我相信我能够飞翔I believe I can fly我相信我能够飞翔I believe I can fly我相信我能够飞翔See I was on the verge of breaking down看见我站在爆发的边缘Sometimes silence, it can seem so loud有时候沉默,也能看上去很大声There are miracles in life I must achieve生命中有许多奇迹我必须要到达But first I know it starts inside of me 但首先我知道,一切都必须从我的内心启航Say you, say meSay you, say meSay it for always, that's the way it should beSay you, say meSay it together, naturally说“你”,说“我”不断地说,这才是我们应该做的说“你”,说“我”一起说,发自肺腑地说~I had a dream I had an awesome dreamPeople in the park playing games in the darkAnd what they played was a masqueradeAnd from behind of walls of doubt a voice was crying out[Chorus]我有一个梦,一个令人振奋的梦,我梦见,在人们都带着自己的假面游戏人生的时候一个怀疑的声音从不知何处传来:As we go down life's lonesome highwaySeems the hardest thing to do is to find a friend or twoA helping hand - some one who understandsThat when you feel you've lost your wayYou've got some one there to say I'll show you[Chorus]——当我们独自在人生路上行走时,发现有一两个真心的朋友变得仿佛那么遥不可及,还有那些会在你最困惑的时候为你指路的人;So you think you know the answers - oh no'cause the whole world has got you dancingThat's right - I'm telling youIt's time to start believing - oh yesBelieving who you are - you are a shining star[Chorus]现在你觉得你明白了你是谁,但是你没有,因为你也是那假面舞会中的一员,是的,我告诉你,现在正是坚定信念的时候,oh,yes~!相信你自己~!相信你就是那闪亮的星YELLOW 酷玩cold playLook at the stars 仰望天上的星星Look how they shine for you 看着它们为你绽放光芒And everything you doYeah, they were all yellow 而你却如此胆怯小心I came along 跟随着你I wrote a song for you 我为你写下了一首情歌And all the things you do 因为你表现出的胆怯小心And it was called yellow 歌名叫做"黄色"So then I took my turn 我会全心全意Oh what a thing to have done 想突破你的心房赢得你的芳心And it was all yellow 却也担心害怕起来【Your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones 你的肌肤Turn into something beautiful 是如此的美丽脱俗而真实Do'you know? 你该知道You know I love you so 我不可自拔的爱上了你You know I love you so 你该明了我已经深深地爱上了你I swam across 整个心早已游向你I jumped across for you 整个人急着想飞奔到你面前却又却步Oh what a thing to do 不知如何靠近你'Cos you were all yellow 因为你是如此胆怯小心I drew a line 我画出你的肖像I drew a line for you 我画下了你的样子Oh what a thing to do 却不知该如何表示And it was all yellow 因为你是如此胆怯小心And your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones 你的肌肤Turn into something beautiful 是如此美丽脱俗而真实Do'you know? 你该知道For you I bleed myself dry 我愿为你抛开一切For you I bleed myself dry 你该明了,我为你失去生命也不可惜It's true 这是真的Look how they shine for you 星星都因为你绽放光芒Look how they shine for you 星星都因为你绽放光芒Look how they shine for you 看!它们都为你绽放光芒Look how they shine for you 看!它们都为你绽放光芒Look how they shine for you 星星都因为你绽放光芒Look how they shineLook at the stars 仰望天上的星星Look how they shine for you 看着它们为你绽放光芒And all the things that you do 而你却如此胆怯小心MemoryMidnight午夜Not a sound from the pavement街道上静寂无声Has the moon lost her memory月亮失去回忆了吗She is smilling alone只在独自微笑In the lamplight灯光下The withered leaves collect at my feet我脚下堆满枯叶And wind风Begins to moan 开始悲歌Memory回忆All alone in the moonlight月光下形单影只I can smill at the old days我能对往昔微笑I was beatiful then那时我多美I remember我记得The time I knew what happiness was过去的幸福时光Let the memory让回忆Live again再次苏醒Every street lamp每盏街灯Seems the best象是A fatalistic warning宿命的警讯Someone mutters某人喃喃低语And a streetlamp gutter街灯成排And soon it will be morning清晨就快来到Daylight破晓I must wait for the sunrise我必须等待日出I must think of a new life我必须思考新的生活And I mustn’t give in我不能退缩When the dawn comes当黎明到来Tonight will be a memory too夜晚将成为回忆And a new day will begin而新的一天既将开始Brunt out ends of smokey days耗尽灰暗的日子The stale cold smell of morning清晨寒冷的霉味The streetlamp dies街灯熄灭Another night is over又一个夜晚结束了Another day is dawning新的一天既将来到Touch me触摸我It’s so easy to leave me留我一人容易All alone with my memory面对回忆Of my days in the sun那段阳光下的日子If you touch me如果触摸我You’ll understand what happiness你会明白幸福的真谛Look a new day看!新的一天Has begun已经开始larger than life后街男孩When you´re screaming my name, alright 当你尖声叫出我(上苍)的名字,But let me tell you now但是现在让我告诉你there are prices to fame, alright要成名要付出代价All of our time spent in flashes of light而我们的一生转瞬即逝All you people can´t you see, can´t you see所有的人你们难道不能看到吗how your love´s affecting our reality爱能够改变现实Everytime we´re down每次我们失败沮丧you can make it right你自己能让他重新好起来And that makes you larger than life而这让你比生命还伟大looking at the crowd看那熙熙攘攘的人群and I see your body sway, c´mon我看到你的身体摇摆,来吧(come on)! Wishin I could thank you in a different way, c´mon我希望能以另一种方式感谢你,来吧!´Cause all of your time spent keeps us alive因为你所有的时间做的是让我们生存All you people can´t you see, can´t you see(这句之后就是重复了)how your love´s affecting our realityEverytime we´re downyou can make it rightAnd that makes you larger than lifeAll of your time spent keeps us aliveAll you people can´t you see, can´t you seehow your love´s affecting our realityEverytime we´re downyou can make it right<I will always love you>If I should stay.如果我留下来。



唯美英文歌词大全版Just One Last Dance最后一曲Translated by Recco Just one last dance....oh baby...just one last dance最后一曲哦亲爱的最后一曲We meet in the night in the Spanish café那个夜搜索晚我们在西班牙咖啡馆相遇I look in your eyes just don't know what to say望着你的双眸心有千言竟无语It feels like I'm drowning in salty water泪水已令我尽陷沉溺A few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise几个时辰过后阳光便要升起tomorrow will come an it's time to realize明日终将到来our love has finished forever爱情永远分离how I wish to come with you (wish to come with you)多想和你一起(和你一起)how I wish we make it through多想共同继续Just one last dance最后一曲before we say goodbye再说别离when we sway and turn round and round and round 一次次挥手转身it's like the first time初次相遇般难舍难离Just one more chance再多一次机会hold me tight and keep me warm紧紧拥抱充满爱意cause the night is getting cold因夜已渐冷and I don't know where I belong我意乱情迷Just one last dance最后一曲The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar 夜光美酒琴声(吉它)响起I'll never forget how romantic they are浪漫之夜永难忘记but I know, tomorrow I'll lose the one I love 我知道明日将痛失吾爱There's no way to come with you永远不能再相偎相依it's the only thing to do舍此无它Just one last dance最后一曲before we say goodbye再说别离when we sway and turn round and round and round 一次次挥手转身it's like the first time初次相遇般难舍难离Just one more chance再多一次机会hold me tight and keep me warm紧紧拥抱充满爱意cause the night is getting cold因夜已渐冷and I don't know where I belong我意乱情迷Just one last dance, just one more chance, just one last dance最后一曲最后一次最后一曲 Dying In The Sun融逝于太阳下Do you remember你是否忆起The things we used to say?那些我们以前的喃喃细语?I feel so nervous我感到如此忐忑不安When I think of yesterday每每想起以往How could I let things get to me so bad?我怎么能让那些事情使我如此悲伤How did I let things get to me? 我怎么能让那些事情还存于我脑海Like dying in the sun仿如融逝于太阳下Like dying in the sun仿如融逝于太阳下Like dying in the sun仿如融逝于太阳下Like dying仿如融逝一样Will you hold on to me你的臂弯是否会搀扶起我I am feeling frail我感到我是如此的脆弱易碎Will you hold on to me你的臂弯是否会搀扶起我We will never fail我们是绝不屈服的I wanted to be so perfect you see 我想要当你眼中的美丽之最I wanted to be so perfect我想要当美丽之最Like dying in the sun仿如融逝于太阳下Like dying in the sun仿如融逝于太阳下Like dying in the sun仿如融逝于太阳下Like dying仿如融逝一样 My All(中英对照版)i am thinking of u.我想起了你。

one more time one more chance歌词中日罗马音

one more time one more chance歌词中日罗马音

one more time one more chance演唱:山崎まさよし「秒速5センチメートル」の主题歌これ以上何を失えば心は许されるのko re i jyou na ni wo u shi na e ba ko ko ro wa yu ru sa re ru no还要失去什么东西才能让我得到宽恕どれ程の痛みならばもういちど君に会えるdo re ho do no i ta mi na ra ba mo u i qi do ki mi ni a e ru还要承受多少痛苦才能与你再次相会One more time季节ようつろわないでOne more time ki se tsu yo u tsu ro wa na i deOne more time 四季啊不要更替One more time ふざけあった时间よOne more time fu za ke a a ta ji kan yoOne more time 回到那与你嬉戏的时光くいちがう时はいつも仆が先に折れたねku i qi ga u to ki wa i tsu mo bo ku ga sa ki ni o re ta ne争吵的时候总是我先认输わがままな性格がなおさら爱しくさせたwa ga ma ma na se i ka ku ga na o sa ra i to shi ku sa se ta可你的任性令我更加迷恋One more chance记忆に足を取られてOne more chance ki o ku ni a shi wo to ra re teOne more chance 被记忆禁锢的我One more chance次の场所を选べないOne more chance tsu gi no ba syo wo e ra be na iOne more chance 已无法选择下一个归宿いつでも捜しているよどっかに君の姿をi tsu de mo sa ga shi te i ru yo do kka ni ki mi no su ga ta wo我一直在寻觅寻觅着你的身影向かいのホーム路地里の窓mo ka i no ho o mu ro ji u ra no ma do对面的房间巷中的窗口こんなとこにいるはずもないのにkon na to ko ni i ru ha su mo na i no ni虽然明知你不在那里愿いはもしも叶うなら今すぐ君のもとへne ga i ga mo shi mo ka na u na ra i ma su gu ki mi no mo to he 若愿望能够实现我要立刻到你身边できないことはもう何もないde ki na i ko to wa mo u na ni mo na i已经不再害怕什么すべてかけて抱きしめてみせるよsu be te ka ke te da ki shi me te mi se ru yo即使付出一切也要将你抱紧寂しさ纷らすだけなら谁でもいいはずなのにsa bi shi sa ma gi ra su da ke na ra da re de mo ii ha su na no ni 若只是排解寂寞谁都可以取代星が落ちそうな夜だから自分をいつわれないho shi ga o qi so u na yo ru da ka ra ji bun wo i tsu wa re na i 但在这繁星欲坠之夜我无法再欺骗自己One more time季节ようつろわないでOne more time ki se tsu yo u tsu ro wa na i deOne more time 四季啊不要更替One more time ふざけあった时间よOne more time fu za ke a a ta ji kan yoOne more time 回到那与你嬉戏的时光いつでも捜しているよどっかに君の姿をi tsu de mo sa ga shi te i ru yo do kka ni ki mi no su ga ta wo 我一直在寻觅寻觅着你的身影交差点でも梦の中でもko sa ten de mo yu me no na ka de mo熙攘的街头彷徨的梦中こんなとこにいるはずもないのにkon na to ko nii ru ha zu mo na i no ni虽然明知你不在那里奇迹がもしも起こるなら今すぐ君に见せたいki se ki ga mo shi mo o ko ru na ra i ma su gu ki mi ni mi se ta i 若奇迹能够发生我要立刻与你相见新しい朝これからの仆a ta ra shi a sa ko re ka ra no bo ku在一个崭新早晨抛弃所有过去言えなかった「好き」という言叶もi e na ka tta 「suki」to yu ko to ba mo说出那句酝酿已久的「我爱你」夏の想い出がまわるna tsu no o mo i de ga ma wa ru夏天的回忆萦绕在心头ふいに消えた鼓动fu i ni ki e ta ko do o想起无意间消逝的心动いつでも捜しているよどっかに君の姿をi tsu de mo sa ga shi te i ru yo do kka ni ki mi no su ga ta wo我一直在寻觅寻觅着你的身影明け方の街桜木町(さくらぎちょう)でa ke ka ta no ma qi sa ku ra gi tyo o de黎明的街道落樱的小镇こんなとこに来るはずもないのにkon na to ko ni ku ru wa su mo na i no ni虽然明知你不在那里愿いはもしも叶うなら今すぐ君のもとへne ga i ga mo shi mo ka na u na ra i ma su gu ki mi no mo to he 若愿望能够实现我要立刻到你身边できないことはもう何もないde ki na i ko to ha mo u na ni mo na i已经不再害怕什么すべてかけて抱きしめてみせるよsu be te ka ke te da ki shi me te mi se ru yo即使付出一切也要将你抱紧いつでも捜しているよどっかに君の破片をi tsu de mo sa ga shi te i ru yo do kka ni ki mi no ka ke na wo我一直在寻觅寻觅着你的音讯旅先の店新闻の隅ta bi sa ki no mi se shin bu n no su mi启程的旅店报纸的角落こんなとこにあるはずもないのにkon na to ko ni a ru ha su mo na i no ni虽然明知你不在那里奇迹がもしも起こるなら今すぐ君に见せたいki se ki ga mo shi mo o ko ru na ra i ma su gu ki mi ni mi se ta i若奇迹能够发生我要立刻与你相见新しい朝これからの仆a ta ra shi a sa ko re ka ra no bo ku在一个崭新早晨抛弃所有过去言えなかった「好き」という言叶もi e na ka tta 「suki」to yu ko to ba mo说出那句酝酿已久的「我爱你」いつでも捜してしまうどっかに君の笑颜をi tsu de mo sa ga shi te shi mo u do kka ni ki mi no e ga o wo我一直在寻觅寻觅着你的笑容急行待ちの踏切あたりkyuu ko o ma qi no fu mi ki ri a ta ri疾驰的列车铁道的两旁こんなとこにいるはずもないのにkon na to ko ni a ru ha su mo na i no ni虽然明知你不在那里命が缲り返すならば何度も君のもとへi no qi ga ku ri ka e su na ra ba nan do mo ki mi no mo to e若生命能够轮回无论几次也与你相随欲しいものなどもう何もない君のほかに大切なものなどho shi i mo no na do mo u na ni mo na i ki mi no ho ka ni ta i se tsu na mo no na do 已经没有什么能够令我留恋只要有你我别无所求。

one more time歌词

one more time歌词

One more time 回到那与你嬉戏的时光
One more time fu za ke a a ta ji kan yo
我一直在寻觅 寻觅着你的身影
i tsu de mo sa ga shi te i ru yo do kka ni ki mi no su ga ta wo
熙攘的街头 彷徨的梦中
在一个崭新早晨 抛弃所有过去
a ta ra shi a sa ko re ka ra no bo ku
i e na ka tta 「suki」to yu ko to ba mo
我一直在寻觅 寻觅着你的笑容
i tsu de mo sa ga shi te shi mo u do kka ni ki mi no e ga o wo
ko sa ten de mo yu me no na ka de mo
kon na to ko nii ru ha zu mo na i no ni
若奇迹能够发生 我要立刻与你相见
ki se ki ga mo shi mo o ko ru na ra i ma su gu ki mi ni mi se ta i
疾驰的列车 铁道的两旁
kyuu ko o ma qi no fu mi ki ri a ta ri
kon na to ko ni a ru ha su mo na i no ni
若生命能够轮回 无论几次也与你相随
i no qi ga ku ri ka e su na ra ba nan do mo ki mi no mo to e

one more time歌词

one more time歌词

One more time, One more chance[秒速5センチメートル OP]作词:山崎将义作曲:山崎将义歌:山崎まさよしこれ以上(いぢぉ)何(なに)を失(うしな)えば心(こころ)は许(ゆる)されるのどれ程(ほど)の痛(いた)みならばもういちど君(きみ)に会(あ)えるOne more time 季节(きせつ)ようつろわないでOne more time ふざけあった时间(ぢかん)よくいちがう时(とき)はいつも仆(ぼく)が先(さき)に折(お)れたねわがままな性格(せいかく)がなおさら爱(いと)しくさせたOne more chance 记忆(きぃく)に足(あし)を取(と)られてOne more cnance 次(つぎ)の场所(ばしぉ)を选(えら)べないいつでも捜(さが)しているよどっかに君(きみ)の姿(すがた)を向(む)かいのホーム路(ろ)地(ぢ)裏(うら)の窓(まど)こんなとこにいるはずもないのに愿(ねが)いがもしも叶(かな)うなら今(いま)すぐ君(きみ)のもとへできないことはもう何(なに)もないすべてかけて抱(だきしめ)きしめてみせるよ寂(さび)しさ纷(まぎ)らすだけなら谁(だれ)でもいいはずなのに星(ほし)が落(お)ちそうな夜(よる)だから自分(ぢぶん)をいつわれないOne more time 季节(きせつ)ようつろわないでOne more time ふざけあった时间(ぢかん)よいつでも捜(さが)しているよどっかに君(きみ)の姿(すがた)を交差点(こうさてん)でも梦(ゆめ)の中(なか)でもこんなとこにいるはずもないのに奇迹(きせき)がもしも起(お)こるなら今すぐ君(きみ)に见(み)せたい新(あたら)しい朝(あさ)これからの仆(ぼく)言(い)えなかった「好(す)き」という言叶(ことば)も夏(なつ)の思(おも)い出(で)がまわるふいに消(き)えた鼓动(こどう)いつでも捜(さが)しているよどっかに君(きみ)の姿(すがた)を明(あ)け方(がた)の街(まち)桜(さくら)木(ぎ)町(ちぉう)でこんなとこに来(く)るはずもないのに愿(ねが)いがもしも叶(かな)うなら今(いま)すぐ君(きみ)のもとへできないことはもう何(なに)もないすべてかけて抱(だきしめ)きしめてみせるよいつでも捜(さが)しているよどっかに君(きみ)の破片(かけら)を旅先(たびさき)の店(みせ)新闻(しんぶん)の隅(すみ)こんなとこにあるはずもないのに奇迹(きせき)がもしも起(お)こるなら今(いま)すぐ君(きみ)に见(み)せたい新(あたら)しい朝(あさ)これからの仆(ぼく)言(い)えなかった「好(す)き」という言叶(ことば)もいつでも捜(さが)してしまうどっかに君(きみ)の笑颜(えがお)を急行(きゅこう)待(ま)ちの踏(ふみ)切(きり)あたりこんなとこにいるはずもないのに命(いのち)が缲(く)り返(かえ)すならば何(なん)度(ど)も君(きみ)のもとへ欲(ほ)しいものなどもう何(なに)もない君(きみ)のほかに大切(たいせつ)なものなど究竟还要再失去什麼我的心才会得到宽恕到底要痛到什麼程度才能够再次见到你One more time 季节啊希望你别转变One more time 与你嬉闹的时光啊发生争执的时候每次都是我先让步这种任性的个性却更加地让人怜爱One more chance 被记忆绊住One more chance 无法选择下一个地方无论何时都在寻找希望能在某处找到你对面的月台小巷的窗户里明明知道你不可能会在这里如果愿望能够实现我希望马上到你身边如今没有我办不到的事我会赌上一切紧紧拥抱你如果只是为了排遣寂寞应该不管是谁都无所谓但是在星辰要落下的夜晚我无法对自己说谎One more time 季节啊希望你别转变One more time 与你嬉闹的时光啊无论何时都在寻找希望能在某处找到你就算在路口在算在梦中明知道你不可能会在这里如果奇迹会发生的话希望马上能让你看到全新的早晨从今以后的我还有过去说不出口的「喜欢你」夏日的回忆在脑中盘旋突然消失的悸动无论何时都在寻找希望能在某处找到你在黎明的街头樱木町明明知道你不可能会来这里如果愿望能够实现我希望马上到你身边如今没有我办不到的事我会赌上一切紧紧拥抱你无论何时都在寻找希望在某处找到你的线索旅途上的小店新闻的角落明明知道你根本不可能会出现如果奇迹会发生的话希望马上能让你看到全新的早晨从今以后的我还有过去说不出口的「喜欢你」无论何时都在寻找希望在某处找到你的笑容在等待快车通过的平交道明知道你不可能会在这里如果生命能够重来无论几次我都要到你身边现在我已经别无所求除了你以外我什麼都不想要。

郑中基《One more time,one more chance》指弹吉他谱

郑中基《One more time,one more chance》指弹吉他谱
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let ring
One more time,One more chance
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• • • • • 发展历史 动画风格 音乐风格 主要音乐人 电影音乐鉴赏(《秒速5厘米》《千与千 寻》) • 制作心得
起始:日本动画电影的历史可以追溯到20世纪二三十年代,但真正形成 一定规 模还是在60年代以后,最具代表性的人物是手冢治虫;1947年,他的作品 《新宝岛》大受欢迎,获很高评价。它构思新颖,内容健康向上,对传统的 漫画技法有较大突破;1962年他创立了自己的“虫制片公司”专门从事动画 影片的拍摄。 发展:20世纪80年代,有“日本动画片旗手”之称的宫崎骏悄然崛起。1979年, 宫崎才得以完成自己的第一部动画片《罗平三世》;1984年,他的作品《风 之谷》被《电影旬报》评为当年日本十佳影片的动画作品;1998年宫崎创作 的古装动画巨片《幽灵公主》被评为十佳影片第二名,宫崎本人被《电影旬 报》的读者评为日本最佳导演,而且该片打破了美国影片《E.T》在日本保 持了13年的发行收入96亿日元的纪录,创下了107亿日元的日本单片发行最 高纪录;在20世纪70年代,就有《宇宙战舰大和号》、《银河铁道999》等 动画片跻身当年票房收入前三名的行列;“视觉系”包括的内容很广,范围 也很大,工业产品的包装、建筑、传媒……在生活中俯拾皆是,只是人们不 曾自觉、系统地关注过它。日本在这方面似乎更为超前一点,从古至今,从 文学作品到生活环境,一直在有意无意地强调“视觉系”,以致渗入生活各 个层面。这种“视觉系”现象使得日本动画片的魅力势不可挡。从儿童到成 人,无不被日本动画片所吸引。
日本动画以对比鲜明的画面、个性化的剧情、偶像性质的人设、唯美 的画面效果和东方哲学精神为核心。日本动画的每一部作品都有明确 且独立的故事背景,并艺术院校动画基础系列教材有专门针对的消费 人群。日本动画将广大青少年和成人视为主流动画消费人群,从主流 的日本动画作品中能够看到动作片、偶像片和成人性爱片等元素。日 本动画多数是由漫画改编而来的,题材多以刻画生命、轮回、死亡、 战争、性以及人性的阴暗面为主要内容。从审美角度上讲,唯美主义 是日本动画的主要特征。而唯美主义风格的代表人物就是日本国宝级 的动画大师——宫崎骏。日本动画在唯美主义的意识支配下,在画面、 音乐和意境等诸多方面追求视觉的极致之美,让观众赏心悦目地沉浸 在带有浓郁日本印记的细腻之美中。从视觉角度上讲,日本动画追求 唯美的画面,他们通过细致的人物设定、干净的背景设计、灵动的色 彩层次等营造出一个超级唯美的视觉画面,让人徜徉在纯净的动画世 界里,体悟到灵空一样的纯美,进而洗涤人的灵魂。人们通过唯美的 画面感悟到现实中不存在的净空,在动画的欣赏中实现审美的升华。 从听觉的角度上讲,日本动画追求唯美的音乐,比较多是抒情的背景 音乐贯穿始终。他们试图通过音乐烘托出画面的意境,并让观众用心 捕捉心灵的音乐,实现灵魂间的沟通。同样,在唯美的意境营造中, 日本主流动画希望通过故事、画面和音乐传达东方的哲学精神和文化 价值观。当然,日本的动画种类繁多,用一种风格武断地归纳,难免 有不当之处。日本在实验动画和真人动画等诸多领域同样非常出色。
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2012-10-31 17:48
one more time one more chance
One more time 季節(きせつ)ようつろわないで〖One more time 不愿看到季节的变迁〗One more time ふざけあった時間(じかん)よ〖One more time 曾与你嬉闹的时光啊〗
One more chance 記憶(きおく)に足(あし)を取(と)られて〖One more chance 回忆绊住我
One more chance 次(つぎ)の場所(ばしょ)を選(えら)べない〖One more chance 无法选择
新(あたら)しい朝(あさ) これからの僕(ぼく)〖无论崭新的黎明还是今后的自己〗
明(あ)け方(がた)の街(まち) 桜木町(さくらぎちょう)で〖拂晓的街头樱树的小镇〗こんなとこに来(く)るはずもないのに〖尽管明知道你不可能在那里〗
旅先(たびさき)の店(みせ) 新聞(しんぶん)の隅(すみ)〖旅途中的小店报纸上的角落〗こんなとこにあるはずもないのに〖尽管明知道你不可能在那里〗
新(あたら)しい朝(あさ) これからの僕(ぼく)〖无论崭新的黎明还是今后的自己〗[言(い)えなかった好(す)きという言葉(ことば)も〖或是那句曾经没能说出口的「喜欢
