《大英精读3》 作业

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2019 - 2020学年度第1学期大学英语(3)


姓名_________ 层次_______ 专业_______

学号:____________ 分数:_________


I. 单项选择题

Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.(每题1分,共


1.____D____ the warning that smoking kills, the number of smokers does not seem to drop in our country.

A. With

B. For

C. As

D. Despite

2.I thought that was the end of the matter but ___A___ events proved me wrong.

A. subsequent

B. consequent

C. frequent

D. sequential

3.Whoever disobeys the company's safety regulations shall be ___ A___ on the spot.

A. dismissed

B. switched

C. interrupted

D. revealed

4.Joe wrote to say that he had to ___B___ his visit because of his illness.

A. put on

B. put off

C. put in

D. put apart

5.Suggesting something which he or she can do ____D____ the child's sense of achievement.

A. makes up

B. pass on

C. brings up

D. adds to

6.Tourism authorities ____D____ quickly to reports of the attack, claiming that it was accidental and that crime against tourists was quite rare in the scenic areas.

A. added

B. fastened

C. skipped

D. responded

7.We must come to a decision and take action quickly, for time is ____B___

faster than we think.

A. catching on

B. running out

C. stepping up

D. revolving around

8.In order to reach ___A___ physical fitness for the coming match, he cut out all social activities.

A. maximum

B. temporary

C. extensive

D. detached

9.The conference was an attempt to ____ A____ discussion of the problem of widening gaps between the rich and the poor.

A. stimulate

B. conduct

C. intend

D. uncover

10.T o attract foreign investors, you have to ____D____ them that their

investment will have profitable returns.

A. confirm

B. stimulate

C. grab

D. convince

11.F rom her _____C_____ I guess she is from the South.

A. action

B. access

C. accent

D. assess

12.B ut for his help, I __________ B____________.

A. would not have succeeded

B. had not succeeded

C. did not succeed

D. have not succeeded

13.I was greatly shocked by the way Henry ______ B______ the affairs of such a

big business.

A. intended

B. conducted

C. splendid

D. surprised

14.T he official ____ C____ of events is that the police were attacked and were

jsut trying to defend themselves.

A. issue

B. illusion

C. version

D. perspective

15.O ur system has been designed to give the user quick and easy ___ B___ to the

required information.

A. accent

B. access

C. response

D. approach

16.S o far only a dozen people who had direct contact with live chickens have ___

C____ the bird flu.

A. distributed

B. displayed

C. contracted

D. constituted

17.A t the trial, Bob's teacher, __ B__ was called as a character witness, said he

was a quiet boy who had never been in trouble before.

A. what

B. who

C. that

D. which

18.W e can't __B__ the suspects to be guilty simply because they've decided to

remain silent.

A. interpret

B. assume
