森萨塔 SENSATA 压力传感器 86HP




德州仪器半导体技术有限公司Sensata Technologies, Inc. 全球总部德州仪器传感器和控制器事业部转让给贝恩投资有限公司的事宜已于4月28日完成。

我们将以森萨塔科技(Sensata Technologies)的名称开始我们的业务。

Sensata Technologies 的品质核心是来源于我们的员工和全球各地的业务中心为用户和供应商提供的优质产品、技术创新和竭诚服务。


纵观全球,很少有公司能像Sensata Technologies一样具有如此的全球覆盖性,我们在传感器和控制器上90年的努力耕耘,让我们可以同时拥有传感器和控制器这样广泛的产品组合,使我们在专业技术领域的深度达到世界领先地位。

作为一家独立的新公司,“Sensata Technologies”将为我们全球的客户,供应商和全体员工开启新的契机。


商务和技术中心z 客户服务z销售/ 市场z 设计z新产品研发z过程研发最具成本竞争力产地z 生产z生产计划z制作z质量z采购专业中心•全球市场•全球化设计•产品专门化•全球化协作•专门化管理最具成本竞争力生产地商务&技术中心荷兰,AlmeloAttleboro, USA墨西哥,Aguascalientes中国常州Sensata Technologies, Inc.Campinas Aguascalientesn F应丆忢廈拞崙Chinchon 韩崙Kuala Lumpur 马棃惣亚我们是顾客的全球合作伙伴ALMELO 兰Freising,ATTLEBORO美国OYAMA Dallas, TX Tokyo C Novi, MI Seoul 韩崙汽车传感器产品研发中心及业务中心汽车传感器产品生产工厂技术研发中心实验室¾计量实验室符合ISO10012-1要求¾表面分析实验室-SEM-EDAX -Auger microscopy ¾金相实验室¾环境测试实验室-振动-湿度-机械冲击-腐蚀-海拔-热冲击-热循环-寿命循环¾化学实验室-原子能辐射及吸收光谱法-傅立叶变换红外光谱分析符合ISO/IEC 指南第25款“检定及测试实验室必备条件”¾寿命测试实验室-多种产品品质检测仪器-液压、气压压力循环设备-热循环和热冲击测试箱¾传感器原型实验室-玻璃焊接-厚膜工艺-导线的焊接¾电磁兼容性测试实验室-带状线测试200V/m, 500kHz -1GHz -大电流测试-ESD调宯统嬻调宯统·压力传感器·双态压力开关·相对湿度和温度传感器·空气质量传感器变懍敔宯统•PSM组合压力开关·档位传感器·压力传感器·压力/温度式传感器发动婘宯统•MAP 歧管绝对压力传感器•T-MAP传感器•缸内直喷压力传感器•共轨压力传感器•MAF空气流量传感器•DPS压差传感器•排气背压传感器•缸压传感器•机油压力传感器掙盘峊惂宯统·压力传感器及压力开关-动力转向-制动系统·真空助力器压力传感器·踏板压力传感器·弱加速度传感器•OWS座椅承重传感器传感器市场及应用(汽车行业)提供全球最具竞争力的全系列汽车压力传感器压力范围应用测量型式产品技术1 Bar微粒捕捉器(柴油机)压差式微机电结构(MEMS)1 Bar EGR压差式陶瓷电容(APT)1 Bar歧管压力(MAP)绝对压力陶瓷电容(APT)3 Bar增压压力(Boost)绝对压力陶瓷电容(APT)5 Bar排气背压相对压力陶瓷电容(APT)6 Bar氢燃料电池相对压力陶瓷电容(APT)7 Bar电子油泵控制(GDI系统)相对压力陶瓷电容(APT)8 Bar机油压力相对压力陶瓷电容(APT)10 Bar CNG/LPG相对压力硅应变片技术(MSG)12 Bar自动变速箱相对压力陶瓷电容(APT)20 Bar双离合器变速箱.绝对压力陶瓷电容(APT)70 Bar CVT, AMT相对压力陶瓷电容(APT)100 Bar四轮驱动相对压力陶瓷电容(APT)100 –200 Bar汽油直喷(GDI)相对压力硅应变片技术(MSG)200 Bar缸压传感器相对压力硅应变片技术(MSG)400 Bar储氢罐相对压力特殊的硅应变片技术(MSG)1800-2600 Bar共轨压力相对压力硅应变片技术(MSG)N/A OWS座椅承重传感轴向力硅应变片技术(MSG)MEMS 技术APT 技术MSG 技术公认的供货能力及产品可靠性¾1988年起从事汽车传感器业务已有超过16年的历史。

Amphenol NovaSensor NPA压力传感器说明书

Amphenol NovaSensor NPA压力传感器说明书

Healthcare Application Spaces
• Sleep apnea - CPAP • Critical care ventilators • Anesthesia machines • Compression therapy • Air mattresses • Wound management • First responder equipment • Blood pressure
NPA Application Guide:
• /en/component/edocman/312-novasensor-npa-applicationguide/download?Itemid=8007%20%27
NPA Product Brochure:
• Analog Output: • 0.5-3.0Vdc output (3.3Vdc supply) • 0.5-4.5Vdc output (5.0Vdc supply) • 100mV output (5.0Vdc or 1.5mA supply)
• Fast Response Time • <0.5ms sample time for I2C NPA • <2 ms sample time for Analog NPA
6/ Copyright © 2015 Amphenol. All rights reserved.
Lowest profile SOIC Package
(3.3Vdc supply) (5.0Vdc supply) (5.0Vdc or 1.5mA supply)

PASCAL CS 多功能压力传感器 压力开关说明书

PASCAL CS 多功能压力传感器 压力开关说明书

Pressure transmitter/Pressure switch PASCAL CSfor diaphragm seal operation, hygienic Type series CS2110LABOM Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH Im Gewerbepark 13 27798 Hude Germanyata sheet D4-017-42_2019-04_10.00Application area■ Pharmaceutical industry ■ Food industry ■ BiotechnologyFeatures■ Multifunctional pressure transmitter/pressure switch ■ Hygienic case with no notches or indentations ■ Degree of protection IP 65■ 4 digit LED display, can be mirror-imaged by 180° ■ Indication module rotatable by 300° ■ Measuring ranges- 0…100 mbar up to 0…40 bar rel. - 0…1 bar up to 0…6 bar abs.■ Output signal 4...20 mA, 2-wire technology ■ Accuracy ≤ 0,2 %■ Easy to program locally (as per VDM standard)■ Galvanic isolation between transmitter and switchingoutputs■ Various process connections with flush mounted dia-phragm, selected connections with EHEDG certificateOptions■ Approvals/Certificates- Certificate of measuring equipment for RussianFederation- Material certificate as per EN 10204-3.1 - Calibration certificate as per EN 10204-3.1- Roughness height rating with inspection certificateacc. to EN 10204-3.1■ 2 floating contacts■ Switching contacts with high switching current (1A) ■ Wetted parts electropolished■ Electrical connection rotatable by 300° ■ Degree of protection IP 67 ■ Hygienic design■ EAC declaration (upon request) ApplicationThe pressure transmitter/pressure switch PASCAL CS is suited for measuring the relative and absolute pressures of gases, vapors and liquids. The multifunctional PASCAL CS displays the measurement; outputs a current signal propor-tional to the pressure. It has two optional contacts.Technical dataConstructional design / caseDesign: Hygienic case design, including gasket forseamless designFully encapsulated electronics unitMaterial: Stainless steel mat.-no. 1.4301 (304)Indication module: macrolonDegree of protection per EN 60529: ■ IP 65■Optional IP 67Pressure com-pensation:Aeration via sintered filterElectrical con-nection: ■circular connector M12, 4 pin■circular connector M12, 8 pin(necessary for devices with switchfunction)Incl. sealing ring to ensure case is com-pletely sealedClimatic cate-gory per EN60721 3-4:4K4HProcess connectionDesign: See order detailsHygienic designThe surface roughness of the wetted parts made of stain-less steel are executed according to EHEDG Doc.8 and ASME BPE SF3.In case of choosing the additional feature HY, we guarantee the following surface roughness values:Diaphragm foil: Ra ≤ 0.38 µmLaser welds: Ra ≤ 0.76 µmTurned parts: Ra ≤ 0.76 µmFurther versions of hygienic design upon request. Measuring systemSensor: Piezoresistivemeasuringelement System filling: Synthetic oil FD1, free of silicone,FDA compliantMeasuring ranges / overload limitsMeasuringrange / over-load limit:See order detailsVakuum tight-ness: Long term vacuum measurements atrelative measurement ranges can alter thedevice characteristics.(piezoresistive measuring system, only)Zero settingsZero point: Easy zero setting max. ± 20 %.AccuracyLimit point set-ting:per DIN 16086Accuracy(Lin./Hyst./Repr.):0.2 % v. of mr (mr ≥ 250 mbar)0.5 mbar (mr < 250 mbar)Long-term drift: ≤ 0.1 % / year per EN 61298-1Temperatureinfluence:Range: 0…50 °C:≤ 0.25 % of mr (mr ≥ 400 mbar)≤ 0.4 % of mr (mr < 400 mbar)≤ 0.5 % of mr (mr < 160 mbar)Range: -20…0 and 50…85 °C:≤ 0.4 % of mr (mr ≥ 400 mbar)≤ 0.6 % of mr (mr < 400 mbar)≤ 0.8 % of mr (mr < 160 mbar)mr = measuring rangeProcessconnection:(zero error)3/4" 10mbar/10KDN 25/1“ 4.8 mbar/10KDN 32/1 ½“ 2.3 mbar/10KDN 40 1.6 mbar/10KDN 50/2“ 0.6 mbar/10KIndicationType: 4 digit, red LED with 7 segmentsDigit high: 8.5 mmResolution: -9999 (9999)digitAccuracy: ± 0,2 % ± 1 digitTemperature-influence:± 0,1 %/10KAlignment: Can be rotated through 300°,Can be mirror-imaged by 180° when in-stalled upside downIndication: Visual confirmation for operator when abutton is pressedDecimal point: Automatic setting depending on measur-ing range/unit, max. 3 decimal placesOr manual setting 0...3 decimal placesIndication automatically changing from measurement valueto measurement unit or indication of unit or value per key-stroke.Measuringunit:bar, mbar, PSI, kPa, MPa, %, mAOutputSignal: 4…20 mA , 2-wire technology Sampling rate: 10 measurements / secondCurrent range: 3.8…20.8 mAResolution: 2µACurrent limita-tion:≤ 22 mAAlarm state: < 3.6 mALoad, R: R ≤ (U-14V)/0.02 A [Ω]U = supply voltageSwitching output (option)Type: 2 floating contacts with commonground (low side NPN) or commonpower supply (high side PNP)Switching capaci-ty: 200 mA, short-circuit-proof Optional 1 ASwitching status: breakers or makers, programmable,device off circuit: open contact Switching func-tion:window / hysteresis, programmable Setting range: within range limitsHysteresis: within range limitsSwitching delay: 0,0…999.9 sRepeat accuracy: 0.2 % of full-scale value Temperatureinfluence:± 0.1 % / 10KGalvanic isolation: between transmitter and outputs Switching cycles: > 10 millionsVoltage drop: < 1 V (< 1.5 V, if current is > 100 mA) Output state indi-cator:red LED per switching outputParamerterisation: 3-key parameterisationSupply voltageFunctionalrange:14…30 V DCTemperature rangesAmbient: -20 (85)°CMedium: -20…125° C, short term 140 °C,optional up to 160 °C for 1 h.Higher process temperatures upon re-questStorage: -40 (85)°CTests and certificatesEMC: EMC directives 2014/30/EU■EAC declaration upon request■Certificate of measuring equipment for Russian Federa-tionMounting informationMounting position: At choiceCalibration position: VerticalParameterisationThe following parameters can be assigned via 3 keys:Parameter Valuesunit Bar, mbar, PSI, kPa, MPa, %, mApressure trimming lower range value/upper range valuemin/max-value between upper range and lower range value, resettable display time for measurement 1.0…99.9 sdisplay time for unit 0.0…99.9 sdisplay rotation 0° / 180° (when installed upside down)decimal point automatic, manuel 0...3 decimal placesswitching function hysteresis function window functionbreakers makers breakers makersswitching point between upper range value and reset point reset point between lower range value and switching point ON delay 0.0…999.9 sOFF delay 0.0…999.9 sParameterisation see operating instruction BA_060.Hysteresis functionsHysteresis function Window function Connection diagram4-pin connector 8-pin connector (for switching out-puts) Explanations(+) plus-side of supply(-) minus-side of supplyn.c. not connectedS1/S2 common pin of switching outputs(see below)S1 switching output 1S2 switching output 2Pgm 1/2 programming pinsto in tto wo w (+)(-)(+) o. (-)S1S2( )DimensionsAll dimensions are in mmProcess connection All dimensions are in mmSanitary pipe connection with union nut per DIN 11851DN PN dM b G25 40 27 16 Rd.52x1/6“ 32 40 34 16 Rd.58x1/6“ 40 40 40 16 Rd.65x1/6“ 50 25 51 17 Rd.78x1/6“Aseptic screw joint collar connection with union nut perDIN 11864-1 type ADN PN dM G25 40 24 Rd.52x1/6“32 40 30 Rd.58x1/6“40 40 34 Rd.65x1/6“50 25 48 Rd.78x1/6“Clamp connection per DIN 32676 model A (metric) for pipes perEN 10357 (DIN 11850)DN PN dM b D25 25 22.6 14 50.532 25 27 12 50.540 25 34 12 50.550 16 46 14 64Clamp connection per DIN 32676 model B (OD, ISO) for pipes per DIN EN ISO 1127DN PN dM b D 26.9 25 22.6 14 50.533.7 25 27 12 50.542.4 25 34 12 6448.3 16 40 14 64 Clamp connection per DIN 32676 model C (Tri-Clamp) for pipes per ASME BPEDN PN dM b D3/4" 25 15.5 15 251“ 25 22.6 14 50.51 1/2“ 25 34 12 50.52“ 16 46 14 64Clamp connection per ISO 2852 for pipes per ISO 2037DN PN dM b D25 16 22.6 14 50.538 16 34 12 50.551 16 46 14 64VARIVENT® connection for VARINLINE® access unitConnection PN dM A D Form F 25 40 66 50Form N 25 58 84 68HYGIENIC screw-in thread, gasket without elastomerG PN (bar) dM h1 h2 SW G1 A 50 24 45 28.5 36Screw-in thread with O ring gasketG PN (bar) dM h1 h2 SW G1/2 A 200 15.5 33 20.5 27 G1 A 50 24 33 20.5 41Order detailsPressure transmitter PASCAL CS for diaphragm seal operation, hygienic Type series CS2110Order details PASCAL CS2110CS2110 Pressure transmitter PASCAL CS for diaphragm seal operation, hygienicmeasuring range overload limitA1008measuring ranges 0...100 mbar 1 barA1009 0...160 mbar 1 barA1010 0...250 mbar 3 barA1011 0...400 mbar 3 barA1012 0...600 mbar 3 barA1053 0...1 bar 10 bar A1054 0...1.6 bar 10 bar A1055 0...2.5 bar 10 bar A1056 0...4 bar 20 bar A1057 0...6 bar 20 bar A1058 0...10 bar 100 bar A1059 0...16 bar 100 bar A1060 0...25 bar 100 bar A1061 0...40 bar 100 bar A1025 -100...0 mbar 1 barA1026 -160...0 mbar 1 barA1027 -250...0 mbar 3 barA1028 -400...0 mbar 3 barA1552 -600...0 mbar 3 barA1086 -1...0 bar 10 bar A1087 -1...0.6 bar 10 bar A1088 -1...1.5 bar 10 bar A1089 -1...3 bar 20 bar A1090 -1...5 bar 20 bar A1091 -1...9 bar 100 bar A1092 -1...15 bar 100 bar A1093 -1...24 bar 100 bar B1053 0...1 bar abs 10 bar B1054 0...1.6 bar abs 10 bar B1055 0...2.5 bar abs 10 bar B1056 0...4 bar abs 20 bar B1057 0...6 bar abs 20 bar A9999 variant as in writingH11 output signal 4...20 mA, 2-wire technologyN10switching output withoutN702 floating contacts with common ground (NPN), switching capacity 30 V DC, 200 mAN70.1 with common ground (NPN), switching capacity 30 V DC, 1 AN71 with common power supply (PNP) switching capacity 30 V DC, 200 mA N71.1 with common power supply (PNP) switching capacity 30 V DC, 1 AT30electrical connection circular connector M12 4 pinT31 8 pin 1K1085design standardK2085 with temperature decoupler K102process connection 2 material: ASTM 316L Sanitary pipe connection with unionnut perDIN 11851 3,4DN 25K103 DN 32 K104 DN 40 K105 DN 50K162Aseptic screw joint collar connectionwith union nut perDIN 11864-1 Form A 3DN 25K163 DN 32 K165 DN 40 K166 DN 50K124Clamp connection per ISO 2852 forpipes per ISO 2037 3,4DN 25 (1“)K126 DN 38 (1 1/2“) K127 DN 51 (2“)K144Clamp connection per DIN 32676,model A (metric) for pipes perEN 10357 (DIN 11850) 3,4DN 25K146 DN 32 K147 DN 40 K148 DN 50K213Clamp connection per DIN 32676,model B (OD, ISO) for pipes perEN ISO 1127 3,4DN 26.9K214 DN 33.7 K215 DN 42.4 K216 DN 48.3K134Clamp connection per DIN 32676,model C (Tri-Clamp) for pipes perASME BPE 3,4DN 3/4" 5K136 DN 1“K137 DN 1 1/2“ K138 DN 2“K152VARIVENT® connection 3,4Form F (D=50) for VARINLINE® access unitK153 Form N (D=68) for VARINLINE® access unitK172 HYGIENIC Tubus Ø 43.3 mm with screwing DN 25/PN 40K185 DRD-connection nominal width DN 50 / nominal pressure PN 40K195Screw-in thread G1 A with O-ring gasket 6K80 G1 A hygienic sealing (no elastomer)surface roughness (wetted parts) standardHY Hygienic version as per EHEDG Doc.8 and ASME BPE SF3Additional features (to be indicated if required)F2 parameterization as in writingR88 electrical connection continuously rotatable by 300°T1 case degree of protection IP 67W1020 material certificate per EN 10204-3.1, wetted parts (stainless steel)W2673 certificate of measuring equipment for Russian FederationOrder code (example): CS2110 - A1086 - N70.1 - T30 - K136 - HY - ...1 necessary for devices with switching contact2 further process connections (pressure transmitter) upon request3 EHEDG certified only in connection with hygienic design (order code option HY)4 EHEDG certificate valid only if gaskets are used that are listed in the "EHEDG position paper"5 possible for measuring ranges ≥ 250 mbar. For a function calculation and optimim system design it is necessary to specify the operation temperature6 hygienic design not possible。



|DSU9H & DSU9X MODELSSIL3 PLe INCREMENTAL ENCODERS SPECIFICATIONSFeatures•Usable up to SIL3 and Cat.4 / PLe according to IEC 61508 / EN ISO 13849•Suitable for safe motor feedback according to IEC 61800-5-2•E specially designed for heavy-duty applications (steel, paper, wood,mills, cranes…) Compact and robust design. Excellent resistance to shock and vibration•Stainless steel version available (DSU9X)•90mm encoder, 30mm standard through shaft, PE E K reduction hub available•High protection level: IP66 (DSU9X), IP65 (DSU9H)•High temperature performance –20°C to +85°C •Power supply 5Vdc or 11/30Vdc•Digital TTL/RS422 or HTL Push-pull or sine/cosine 1Vpp output •Available resolution up to 2048 ppr•Connector or cable output – side orientation •Adapted anti-rotation systemIntroductionApplications•Industrial automation•Automated guided vehicles•Mills for lumber, steel and other metals •Printing and packaging equipment •Food processing equipment •Forming and die pressesDSU9XWhen an automation system requires a high degree of risk mitigation of failure modes, often times Functional Safety equipment can be a part of the solution. Sensata | BEI Sensors offers a wide range of Functional Safety encoders to fit most any application or electrical interface requirement. Rated at SIL3 (PLe), these encoders allow safe operation in set-up, production and maintenance modes, significantly reducing operational risks. All encoders have the option of a Digital HTL or TTL operation as an alternative to the Sine/Cosine outputs found on most Functional Safety encoders. This makes them a compatible replacement for existing encoders when migrating to a higher safety level of operation. DSU9H & DSU9X offer 30 mm standard through shaft models with optional reduction sleeves for mounting on smaller diameter shafts. The encoder body is 90mm in diameter, available in aluminum or stainless steel.(A)Continuous max. speed – ½ max. load – according to ISO 281: 1990, L10(B)Device must be supplied by a Class 2, LPS or SELV limited energy source.(C) UL listed:Electrical ConnectionsNote: All connections are UL certified, except G3 and GP RESOLUTIONS1024 2048DSU9H – radial cable and 20mm reduction hubDSU9X- radial M23 connector - IP66 optionCOUPLING INTERFACE Stator coupling kit M9445/045Tether arm kit M9445/046For a safe installation according to the required safety level needed in the application, refer to the user safety User Manual.The safety User Manual provides the technical information (drawings, electrical data, etc...) for a safe integration.A quick installation guide is provided with each encoder for use by the technician who installs the device on the equipment.GENERAL NOTESORDERING OPTIONSContact the factory for special versions, ex: resolution, connection, flange...* Parts mounted on encoder and fasteners included in the encoder box.AGENCY APPROVALS & CERTIFICATIONSBEI Sensors SASSensata TechnologiesEspace Européen de l’Entreprise9, rue de CopenhagueB.P. 70044 SchiltigheimF 67013 Strasbourg CedexTélFaxMailWeb: +33 (0)3 88 20 80 80: +33 (0)3 88 20 87 87:****************************: Americas+1 (800) 350 2727*******************Europe, Middle East & Africa +33 (3) 88 20 8080****************************Asia Pacific*************************.com China +86 (21) 2306 1500Japan +81 (45) 277 7117Korea +82 (31) 601 2004India +91 (80) 67920890Rest of Asia +886 (2) 27602006 ext 2808Page 7CONTACT USSensata Technologies, Inc. (“Sensata”) data sheets are solely intended to assist designers (“Buyers”) who are developing systems that incorporate Sensata products (also referred to herein as “components”). Buyer understands and agrees that Buyer remains responsible for using its independent analysis, evaluation and judgment in designing Buyer’s systems and products. Sensata data sheets have been created using standard laboratory conditions and engineering practices. Sensata has not conducted any testing other than that specifically described in the published documentation for a particular data sheet. Sensata may make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its data sheets or components without notice.Buyers are authorized to use Sensata data sheets with the Sensata component(s) identified in each particular data sheet. HOWEVER, NO OTHER LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE TO ANY OTHER SENSATA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, AND NO LICENSE TO ANY THIRD PARTY TECHNOLOGY OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, IS GRANTED HEREIN. SENSATA DATA SHEETS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS”. SENSATA MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE DATA SHEETS OR USE OF THE DATA SHEETS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS. SENSATA DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF TITLE AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS WITH REGARD TO SENSATA DATA SHEETS OR USE THEREOF.All products are sold subject to Sensata’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at SENSATA ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR APPLICATIONS ASSISTANCE OR THE DESIGN OF BUYERS’ PRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT IT IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LEGAL, REGULATORY AND SAFETY-RELATED REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING ITS PRODUCTS, AND ANY USE OF SENSATA COMPONENTS IN ITS APPLICATIONS, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY APPLICATIONS-RELATED INFORMATION Made in FranceACCESORIES。

Sensata Sensors Overview

Sensata Sensors Overview

Sensors Products Overview 森萨塔科技及传感器产品简介Sensata Overview森萨塔科技概况The leading global supplier of sensors and electrical protection components全球领先的传感器和电子保护器件供应商❑Eleven major locations in nine countries12处主要运营场所分布全球9个国家o Four in China中国4处o Korea, Malaysia, Japan 韩国, 马来西亚, 日本o Brazil, Mexico, Dominican 巴西,墨西哥,多米尼加o US, Holland 美国,荷兰❑Sales offices throughout the world 遍布全球的销售网络❑10,000 employees worldwide全球10000名员工10000 l ld id全球1名员工❑16,000+ unique products, 400 product families超过16000只产品,400个产品家族❑Shipping over 1 billion devices a year年出货量超过10亿只❑Most households contain 30 or more SensataTechnologies components (home and car)大多数(美国)家庭(家用电器和汽车)都有超过30只森萨塔科技产品2Sensata Technologies Worldwide 森萨塔机构全球分布情况Almelo NL Oyama, Japan Japan BTCAlmelo, NL Europe BTC 欧洲荷兰Almelo商务技术中心Japan BTC日本Oyama 商务技术中心Attleboro, MA Sensata HQ Baoying, PRC 宝应工厂Aguascalientes, Mex BCPJiangding, Q美国马萨诸塞州Attleboro总部Shanghai, PRC上海商务中心Mex. BCP墨西哥Aguascalientes最佳成本制造地Shanghai, PRC上海嘉定工厂Changzhou, PRC常州工厂、技术中心Haina, DR BCPHaina多米尼加最佳成本制造地Kuala Lumpur, Mal.BCP马来西亚KualaLumpur最佳成本制造地Business & Technology Center (BTC) 商务技术中心Best Cost Production Site (BCP) 最佳成本制造地Sales Office 销售代表处3Sensata History Sensata History 森萨塔发展历程General Plate Founder Rathbun WillardGeneral Plate’s First Truck Metals & Controls Merger and Klixon Trademarket New Plant in Almelo, the NetherlandsThird Expansion of Baoying, China PlantSensata China Employees Celebrate Sensata Sensata’s 90thAnniversary in 2006Sensata’s NYSE IPO on March 11th 20101916Rathbun Willardfounded the General Plate Company inAttleboro, MA, USA to 1930Our first sensing product: the thermostat 第一款传感器产品1937Our first motorprotector was 1950Our first best-costmanufacturing 1955Our expansion into Europe via Almelo, Netherlands 1931General Plate merges with Spencer Thermostat 1959Merger with TexasInstruments 与德仪合1969Expansion to Japan 业务拓展至provide gold plate to the jewelry industry 由Rathbun Willard 在美国马萨诸塞州Attleboro 创立.生产金器热保护器问世introduced 开始制造第一款电机保护器launch in Mexico 在墨西哥开始最优成本制造实践在荷兰Almelo 开始拓展欧洲业务与SpencerThermostat 公司合并与德州仪器合并日本1974Expansion to Malaysia 拓展到马来西亚1988Launched APTPressure Sensor 1996Expansion to Baoying China 设立中国江苏宝应工厂2004Expansion to Changzhou China 中国江苏常州2006SensataTechnologiesbecomes a stand alone company following2010SensataTechnologieslisted at NYSE on March 11th (ST)森萨塔科技在美国纽2008Set up Chinatechnical center in Changzhou 技术研发中心在江苏2011SensataTechnologies closed acquisition of Honeywell’s “Automotive on Board” (Magnetic 开始生产汽车用压力传感器工厂设立acquisition by Bain Capital 由贝恩投资收购后成为独立公司并创建森萨塔科技品牌约证交所上市4常州建立Speed and Position sensors ) business 森萨塔科技完成对霍尼韦尔车载传感器(磁性速度位置传感器)业务的收购S t T h l i ChiSensata Technologies China 森萨塔科技中国Sensata BaoYing 森萨塔宝应Sensata ChangZhou森萨塔常州Sensata Shanghai森萨塔上海Sensata Shanghai森萨塔嘉定❑Expansive sensor portfolio trusted by global leaders提供被全球领先客户信赖并广泛使用的众多系列的传感器产品❑Local manufacturing, labs, engineering and serviceoca a u actu g,abs,e g ee g a d se ce中国制造, 工程设计和试验❑Cost-effective, best-cost manufacturing and on-time delivery 高性价比, 最佳成本制造, 准时交货❑Enabling safer, cleaner and more reliable cars, trucks and off-road vehicles 保证各种车辆和工程机械的安全, 洁净排放和可靠性Broad Pressure Sensor Portfolio 全系列压力传感器PressureApplicationTypeTechnologies1 Bar 微粒捕捉器(柴油机)压差式微机电结构(MEMS )1 Bar EGR压差式陶瓷电容(APT )1 Bar 歧管压力(MAP )绝对压力陶瓷电容(APT )3 Bar 增压压力(Boost )绝对压力陶瓷电容(APT )5 Bar 排气背压相对压力陶瓷电容(APT )6 Bar 氢燃料电池相对压力陶瓷电容(APT )7 B MEMS 技术7 Bar 电子油泵控制(GDI 系统)相对压力陶瓷电容(APT )8 Bar 机油压力相对压力陶瓷电容(APT )10 Bar CNG/LPG 相对压力硅应变片技术(MSG )12 Bar 自动变速箱相对压力陶瓷电容(APT )20 Bar 双离合器变速箱.绝对压力陶瓷电容(APT )70 Bar CVT , AMT 相对压力陶瓷电容(APT )APT 技术100 Bar 四轮驱动相对压力陶瓷电容(APT )100 –200 Bar 汽油直喷(GDI )相对压力硅应变片技术(MSG )200 Bar 缸压传感器相对压力硅应变片技术(MSG )400 Bar 特殊的硅应变片技术(MSG )MSG 技术储氢罐相对压力特殊的应变片技术1800-2850 Bar 共轨压力相对压力硅应变片技术(MSG )N/AOWS 座椅承重传感轴向力硅应变片技术(MSG )6Broad MSP Portfolio全系列磁性技术速度位置传感器Speed Application Type Technologies轮速ABS/ESP 主动式差分霍尔轮速ABS 被动式电磁感应轴承一体式ABS/ESP 主动式差分霍尔轮速及方向ABS/ESP 主动式差分霍尔变速箱速度Transmission 主动式差分霍尔变速箱速度Transmission 被动式电磁感应Position Application Type Technologies凸轮轴位置EMS 主动式MR曲轴位置/发动机转速EMS主动式差分霍尔线性位置Turbo control 主动式线性霍尔7Automotive Sensors 车用传感器的应用Safety 安全Cabin Comfort 车内舒适度控制HIGH-END AUTOMOBILE Engine 发动机Oil Pressure 机油压力Stability Control Pressure 稳定性控制压力Brake by Wire Force 线控刹车力Brake Boost Pressure 真空助力器压力A/C Pressure 空调系统压力Cabin Humidity 车内湿度Air Quality 空气质量Solar Sensor 阳光光照Up to 50 sensorsTurbo Pressure 增压压力Cylinder Pressure 缸内压力(T)MAP Pressure 进气(温度)压力Air Brake Pressure 气刹压力Fuel Cut Off Acceleration 燃油切断开关Active Speed Sensor 主动式速度传感器Occupant Weight 乘员重量St i P iti Twilight Sensor 微光Gas Injection Pressure 汽油喷射(油轨)压力Diesel Injection Pressure 柴油喷射(油轨)压力Rough Road Acceleration 颠簸路面加速度Returnless Fuel Pressure 燃油压力Steering Position 转向角度Intake Humidity 进气湿度Coolant Level 冷却液位Linear Position Sensor 线性位置传感器Cam & Crank Position Sensor 凸轮轴&曲轮轴位置传感器Transmission 变速箱AT Pressure 自动变速箱压力DCT P Exhaust 排气/尾气Particle Filter Pressure 颗粒捕集器压力Exhaust Back Pressure 排气背压EGR P DCT Pressure 双离合变速箱压力CVT Pressure 无级变速器压力AMT Pressure 自动手动变速器压力Gear Select Position 档位选择开关Chassis 底盘Steering Pressure 转向压力Suspension Pressure 悬架压力S spension Accele ation EGR Pressure 废气再循环压力EGR Temperature 废气再循环温度Transmission Speed Sensor 变速器速度传感器Hydraulic retarder pressure sensor 液压缓速器压力传感器Suspension Acceleration悬架加速度8Rapidly Increasing Local Engineering Capability快速成长的国内工程研发能力❑Gradually maturing local sensor design team above 30 people with >50%PhD & MD逐渐成熟的国内传感器研发团队三十多人,其中博士和硕士达50%以上☐Independent APT, Hall Speed/Position Sensor design capability for ChinaNBOs成熟的APT,霍尔速度和位置传感器产品设计能力可独立支持国内业务☐Increasing MEMS & MSG design capabilityg g p y快速增长的MEMS&MSG产品设计能力9Local Laboratories 完善的试验设施Metallurgy & Failure Mode AnalysisChangZhou物理特性失效模式分析Sensor Characterization & Durability AnalysisChangZhou传感器性能, 可靠性测试10Back Up。



7/7 OK
0.5 Ero [% s r r V]
0 400 800 Pressure [kPa abs] 1200
பைடு நூலகம்
-2 P03-F20091015B
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PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
车用尿素溶液 (AdBlue)
• • • 符合DIN 70070 32.5%尿素水溶液 尿素
• • • •
温度降到 – 11ºC以下时溶液会冻结 冻结后体积会膨胀约10% 尿素溶液在80-120ºC时会分解 溶液在干燥过程中会出现尿素结晶
13/13 OK 泡沫材料老化
冻结循环 : -40/50ºC 400x (使用已老化泡沫材料)
Output Error vs. Pressure T = 80°C 2
6447-21 6447-23 6447-24 6447-25 6447-26 6447-27 6447-32 6447-22 6447-29 6447-30 6447-31 6447-34

压力范围: 环境温度: 10 BarG -40 ~ 125ºC
工作介质温度:-8 ~ 85ºC
PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
• 泡沫材料压力温度循环 (老化测试)
车辆使用环境: 5 bar / 10-80ºC 测试条件: AdBlue压力: 18 bar @ 85ºC 温度循环: -8 ~ 85ºC 保持时间30/90min 测试完成后安装到传感器上进行冻结循环测试。



Technologies components (home and car)大多数(美国)家庭
Sensata History 森萨塔发展历程
General Plate Founder Rathbun Willard
What is Sensata Technologies? 我们是谁?
satisfy the world’s growing need
安全 节能
for safety, energy efficiency and a clean environment
and improve safety, efficiency and comfort for millions of people every day.
1931 General Plate merges with Spencer Thermostat
1950 Our first bestcost manufacturing launch in Mexico
1959 Merger with Texas Instruments
1974 Expansion to Malaysia
1999 Introduced micro-fused strain gauge
2005 Launched MEMs-based pressure sensors for
2006 Chaired iNEMI group to identify future sensor technologies
2008 Won EUREKA Lillehammer award for environmental benefits of our

Sensata 压力开关1-80型号安装说明说明书

Sensata 压力开关1-80型号安装说明说明书

DOC00117593Installation Instructions for Pressure Switches20PS, 25PS, 29PS, 36PS, and PS80 Product FamiliesThe followings are best practices, or recommendations, for the customers when installing Sensata’s pressure switches1.Device is not to be installed in locations where the switch:a.Submerged under liquidb.Can be physically-impacted by other components in the systemc.Can be exposed to condensation2.For device with threaded fitting:a.Force is applied only on the fitting’s hex, no force or impact should apply on the thread,sensor, or base of the switch.b.The amount of torque needed to prevent fluid leaking around the thread is dependent of theapplication (pressure spikes, maximum pressure, temperature, type of working fluid, etc.).Therefore the installation torque will be determined by the customer.3.For device with tube fitting (require brazing to connect to system):a.Avoid damaging the tube, since bending for deforming the tube may affect the fluid flow ofthe system and burst strength of the switch.e wet-rag or other methods as needed to reduce the heat traveling to the switch’s bodyduring brazing operation.4.Do not use part that was exposed to physical damage without confirming the switch’s integrity.5.The wires are not to be in tension after installing into the application.6.The wires are not to be in contact with other components that can result in fatigue issue due torubbing over time.7.The device is not to be directly exposed to pressure washing.8.When applicable, the label may include the following information:a.Sensata part numberb.Customer name and part numberc.Pressure setting (actuation pressure)d.Date code: XXX%YY (3 digit number for the julian date followed by build location and last2 digit number of the build year)e.Temperature settingf.Electrical ratingg.Device type9.Consult the product drawing for more details on pressure switch performance and limitation。

Manostats PST系列压力传感器数据手册.pdf_1719895500.7147677说明书

Manostats PST系列压力传感器数据手册.pdf_1719895500.7147677说明书

ManostatsTechnical specifications*All the accuracies indicated in this technical datasheet were stated in laboratory conditions, and can be guaranteed for measurements carried out in the same conditions, or carried out with calibration compensation.Features• RCR relay output 3A/240 Vac(NC), power supply 24 Vac/Vdc• ABS V0 IP65 housing• “¼ turn” system mounting withwall-mount plate• Housing with simplified mountingsystem• Solenoid valve for auto-calibration(only on PST-11 model)Visual and audible alarm,red led in frontRange from ±100 Pa to±2000 mbar (according to model)Measured parameterMeasuring range11: -100/+100 Pa12: -1000/+1000 Pa13: -10,000/+10,000 Pa14: -500/+500 mbar15: -2000/+2000 mbarPart numberExample: PST – 13Manostat PST with measuring rangefrom -10,000 to +10,000 PaConnections1. Solenoid valve (only PST-11)2. Switchs3. Switchs4. Pressure connections5. Autozero6. LCC-S software connection7. Alarm Led8. Button for settings9. Relay terminal block10. Power supply terminal block 11. Cable gland1245783691011F T _E N – P S T – 14/01/2021 – N o n -c o n t r a c t u a l d o c u m e n t – W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o m o d i f y t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f o u r p r o d u c t s w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i ce.Maintenance: please avoid any aggressive solvent.Please protect the transmitter and its probes from anycleaning product containing formalin, that may be used for cleaning rooms or ducts.Precautions for use: please always use the device in accor-dance with its intended use and within parameters described in the technical features in order not to compromise the protection ensured by the device.Only the accessories supplied with the device must be used.MountingTo mount the transmitter, mount the ABS plate on the wall (drilling: Ø 6 mm, screws and pins areclockwise direction until you hear a “click” which confirms that the transmitter is correctly installed.Once the transmitter is installed and powered up, please make an autozero to guarantee the correct working of the transmitter in any position.WarrantyInstruments have 1-year guarantee for any manufacturing defect.Inside the front housing Removable front face Fixed back housing。

PSA PSB 系列 小型,高精度压力传感器 控制器 说明书

PSA PSB 系列 小型,高精度压力传感器 控制器 说明书

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Sensata Technologies 压力开关技术说明说明书

Sensata Technologies 压力开关技术说明说明书

Page 120PS, 39PS, 40PS AND 41PSPRESSURE SWITCHES TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSFeatures and BenefitsIntroductionApplications• Automatic Reset• Single-pole, single throw switch normally open or normally closed • Factory calibrated set points g vacuum to 750 psig• Snap acting Klixon ® stainless steel, hermetically sealed sensor • Environmentally sealed or vented switch • High cycle life - Proven reliability • Custom engineered solutionsThe 20PS Family of Switch products (20PS, 39PS, 40PS and 41PS) was developed to meet the demanding needs of HVAC & industrial applications and has since become a staple in the heavy vehicle and off road markets. The reliable and durable construction allows the product to perform under severe environmental conditions and very high vibration levels.Sensata Technologies has been a leading global supplier of pressure sensors & switches for over 50 years.• Compressors & Pumps • Hydraulics & Pneumatics • Engine Controls• Air Conditioning & Refrigeration • Construction Equipment • Agricultural Equipment • Process Control / Laboratory• MilitaryDIMENSIONSDimensions in mm [Inch]Typical Physical Characteristics - 20PS, 39PS, 40PS, 41PSTypical Standard Fittings - (Other port fittings are available. Contact Sensata.)Page 2Page 3CONTACT USRev:06/26/18Sensata Technologies, Inc. (“Sensata”) data sheets are solely intended to assist designers (“Buyers”) who are developing systems that incorporate Sensata products (also referred to herein as “components”). Buyer understands and agrees that Buyer remains responsible for using its independent analysis, evaluation and judgment in designing Buyer’s systems and products. Sensata data sheets have been created using standard laboratory conditions and engineering practices. Sensata has not conducted any testing other than that specifically described in the published documentation for a particular data sheet. Sensata may make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its data sheets or components without notice.Buyers are authorized to use Sensata data sheets with the Sensata component(s) identified in each particular data sheet. HOWEVER, NO OTHER LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE TO ANY OTHER SENSATA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, AND NO LICENSE TO ANY THIRD PARTY TECHNOLOGY OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, IS GRANTED HEREIN. SENSATA DATA SHEETS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS”. SENSATA MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE DATA SHEETS OR USE OF THE DATA SHEETS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS. SENSATA DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF TITLE AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS WITH REGARD TO SENSATA DATA SHEETS OR USE THEREOF.All products are sold subject to Sensata’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at SENSATA ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR APPLICATIONS ASSISTANCE OR THE DESIGN OF BUYERS’ PRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT IT IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LEGAL, REGULATORY AND SAFETY-RELATED REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING ITS PRODUCTS, AND ANY USE OF SENSATA COMPONENTS IN ITS APPLICATIONS, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY APPLICATIONS-RELATED INFORMATION OR SUPPORT THAT MAY BE PROVIDED BY SENSATA.Mailing Address: Sensata Technologies, Inc., 529 Pleasant Street, Attleboro, MA 02703, USA.Americas+1 (800) 350 2727***************************************Europe, Middle East & Africa +359 (2) 809 1826****************************Asia Pacific*************************.com China +86 (21) 2306 1500Japan +81 (45) 277 7117Korea +82 (31) 601 2004India +91 (80) 67920890Rest of Asia +886 (2) 27602006 ext 2808AGENCY APPROVALS AND CERTIFICATIONSRoHS Compliancy AvailableWARNINGSHAZARD OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, EXPLOSION OR ARC FLASH• Disconnect all power before installing or working with this equipment • Verify all connections and replace all covers before turning on powerFailure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injuryCopyright © 2023 Sensata Technologies, Inc.Datasheets provided by Sensata Technologies, Inc., its subsidiaries and/or affiliates (“Sensata”) are solely intended to assist third parties (“Buyers”) who are developing systems that incorporate Sensata products (also referred to herein as “components”). Buyer understands and agrees that Buyer remains responsible for using its independent analysis, valuation, and judgment in designing Buyer’s systems and products. Sensata datasheets have been created using standard laboratory conditions and engineering practices. Sensata has not conducted any testing other than that specifically described in the published documentation for a particular datasheet. Sensata may make corrections, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its datasheets or components without notice.Buyers are authorized to use Sensata datasheets with the Sensata component(s) identified in each particular datasheet. HOWEVER, NO OTHER LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE TO ANY OTHER SENSATA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, AND NO LICENSE TO ANY THIRD PARTY TECHNOLOGY OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, IS GRANTED HEREIN. SENSATA DATASHEETS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS”. SENSATA MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE DATASHEETS OR USE OF THE DATASHEETS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY , INCLUDING ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS. SENSATA DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF TITLE AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY , FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS WITH REGARD TO SENSATA DATASHEETS OR USE THEREOF.All products are sold subject to Sensata’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at .SENSATA ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR APPLICATIONS ASSISTANCE OR THE DESIGN OF BUYERS’ PRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT IT IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LEGAL, REGULATORY , AND SAFETY-RELATED REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING ITS PRODUCTS, AND ANY USE OF SENSATA COMPONENTS IN ITS APPLICATIONS, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY APPLICATIONS-RELATED INFORMATION OR SUPPORT THAT MAY BE PROVIDED BY SENSATA.Mailing Address: Sensata Technologies, Inc., 529 Pleasant Street, Attleboro, MA 02703, USARegional head offices:United States of America Sensata Technologies Attleboro, MAPhone: 508-236-3800E-mail:*******************NetherlandsSensata Technologies Holland B.V.HengeloPhone: +31 74 357 8000E-mail:*******************ChinaSensata Technologies China Co., Ltd.ShanghaiPhone: +8621 2306 1500E-mail: *******************CONTACT US。

森萨塔 SENSATA 压力传感器 112CP

森萨塔 SENSATA 压力传感器 112CP

Seal Compatibility Guide
Type H N V B E F Media Compatibility Maximum Seal Temperature Range Contact Sensata for more information -20ºC to +135ºC -40ºC to +120ºC -26ºC to +135ºC -20ºC to +100ºC -40ºC to +135ºC -45ºC to +135ºC Seal Material Refrigerants, petroleum oils, lubricants, detergent solutions HNBR (Hydrogenated Nitrile) Refrigerants (freons, ammonia) Neoprene Fertilizers, freons, butanes, oils, trichloroethylene Fluorocarbon (Viton™) Petroleum oils, lubricants, detergent solutions Nitrile (BUNN, NBR) Steam, soaps, polar solvents, brake fluid, acetone, Skydrol™ Ethylene Propylene Chloronated solvents, oils, fuels, air Fluorosilicone
Important Notice: Sensata Technologies (Sensata) reserves the right to make changes to or discontinue any product or service identified in this publication without notice. Sensata advises its customers to obtain the latest version of the relevant information to verify, before placing any orders, that the information being relied upon is current. Sensata assumes no responsibility for infringement of patents or rights of others based on Sensata applications assistance or product specifications since Sensata does not possess full access concerning the use or application of customers’ products. Sensata also assumes no responsibility for customers’ product designs.



汽车产业链系列研究报告(一)——激光雷达二零一八年四月 刘海涛目录一、行业概况二、技术分析三、市场概况四、企业概况什么是智能设备定义:具有感知、分析、推理、决策、控制功能的设备,是先进制造技术、信息技术和智能技术集成和深度融合。

环境感知系统计算处理系统控制执行系统智能设备发展阶段人的参与度有人→辅助→半自动→全自动环境复杂度封闭环境→结构化环境→非结构化环境任务复杂度单一简单任务→单一复杂任务→多任务数据处理知识输入型专家系统→神经网络&机器学习目前阶段道路是结构化程度很高的非结构化环境环境感知系统环境感知系统智能传感器系统中唯一非人工输入视觉传感器位置传感器速度传感器力觉传感器触觉传感器直观视觉:摄像头、高速相机环境模式视觉(深度):3D激光雷达、双目摄像头激光测距、2D激光雷达、毫米波、超声波、GPS 惯性导航、陀螺仪、GPS……压力传感器……光学、电容、电阻、划觉……激光雷达凭借其探测距离远、精确度高的特点成为自动驾驶环境感知系统是最不可或缺的一个,但又因为其环境适应能力差等缺点注定了不能是唯一的一个。



激光雷达分类测距原理简介技术特点TOF(Time Of Flight)利用激光信号在两个异步收发机之间往返的飞行时间来测量节点间的距离,也叫做脉冲法。







1 开启产品包装后,请检查产品外观是否完好,核定产品是否与所订产品相一致。

2 严格按产品接线示意图连接,并在产品允许激励电压下工作,切勿过电压使用。

3 严禁产品长时间过压力使用,产品出现异常时,请停机检查。

4 产品长期使用后,测试介质可能会堵塞引压孔,清洗产品引压孔时,可使用能溶解物之液体多次清洗。


5 产品无客户自行维修部件,出现故障请与我公司联系。

6 未涉及之处,请查阅我公司相关资料或来电咨询。


)电压:(电源“+” 连接变送器电源“+”,变送器“输出1”连接显示器“输入端”,显示器“—”和变送器“—”、电源“—”连接。

)附件二:压力元件和封装型产品数据表温度=20℃, 电源供电=10V的数据值(除非另有说明)电参数电参数最小典型最大单位说明()电源(Vs) - 10 20 V输入阻抗(Vs 到Vg) 2925 3400 4070 Ω(包括串联补偿电阻)输出阻抗(Vh 到Vl) 2800 3200 3800 Ω零位(Vdiff= Vh - V1) -1 0 1 mV/Vs (正比于电源电压Vs)DC绝缘是指应变电桥对基体 100* 500** V (*100% 敏感元件测试>40MΩ**100%批生产试验>200MΩ)热参数:参数最小最大单位说明()工作温度范围-40 150 ℃零位温度误差-0.25 0.25 %f.s. 每100℃满量程温度误差-0.25 0.25 %f.s. 每100℃温度条件下迟滞<±0.05 %f.s.温度零位漂移<±0.1 %f.s. (在+125℃温度下90小时)参数最小最大单位说明()量程、线性度、迟滞和重复性对于单个敏感元件和封装组件.机械稳定性<±0.15 %f.s. (在1Χ106f.s.压力循环试验后)静态压力 x2.0* 额定压力范围(零位漂移<±0.1%f.s)动态压力 x1.25* 额定压力范围(零位漂移<±0.1%f.s)爆破压力> x10 额定压力范围(最大压力试验为2750bar)频率响应(谐振)> 10kHZ*任何使用压力一定要小于耐压规定,以防止大的零位漂移.温度输出(Vc相对于Vg):参数最小最大单位说明()Vc 零位400 450 mV/Vs (正比于电源电压Vs)Vc 灵敏度4575 4650 ppm /℃(来自内部量值)压力敏感元件及封装组件非线性是指在全压力范围内输出与理论直线的最大偏差(不包括迟滞),满量程输出是指每伏的毫伏输出,它与电源电压成比例,误差是以±3σ计算。



Sensata Proprietary Information – Strictly Private
P high
硅膜片掺杂电 阻 键合焊盘和导 线 键合引线 感应元件 敏感单元粘结
压力施加至硅隔膜时,在其中心产生拉伸应力,边缘产生挤压应力 力/ 压强 与惠斯通电桥相连的压电电阻嵌植于硅隔膜表面 应变力导致压电电阻阻值变化,电桥发生不平衡,这种不平衡被进一步放大并在 信号调节电路中加以补偿,从而输出相应的电压信号 机械变形/ 应变 硅树脂压电效应 调节电路 与机械变形成比例的 电压输出
Sensata Proprietary Information – Strictly Private
应用 DPS 的好处: 使用 DPS 输出的压差信号,ECU 能够准确控制 DPF "再生"时刻,进行尾气 排放管理.性能良好的尾气处理系统(如下图所示的CRT+EGR系统),能 够减少颗粒排放达70% - 90%,CO 和 HC 达90% 及 NOx 达40-60%.(数据来 自:S.Chatterjee 和 J. Matterhey: Catalytic Emission Control for Heavy Duty Diesel Engines)
Sensata 的差压传感器采用了具 有专利技术的精密,单芯片 MEMS感应技术,并基于成熟 的工程设计经验开发而成. Sensata的DPS具有高精度特点 ,并对柴油机尾气及汽车环境 具有很好的适应性.
涡轮增压器 温度传感器 DOC






其优势:压力温度一体集成,节省了客户端的对配结构及线束;全量程范围内高精度输出,压力±2%Vcc,温度±1.5°C;噪声环境下高可靠性,EMC保护达200V/m;满足汽车环境温度要求 -40~150°C;1000万次循环寿命;接插件,安裝螺纹均可定制;响应时间:压力信号<10ms,温度信号<3s。








1.广州森纳士仪器有限公司:压力/温度一体化变送器 [J],
2.Senex-森纳士DG系列防爆型压力变送器 [J], 无
3.Senex-森纳士DG1205-SY—C-2系列数字压力计 [J], 无
4.Senex-森纳士DG系列测量氢气压力专用变送器 [J], 无
5.森纳士高温型压力传感器,变送器DG系列 [J], 无

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WORLD CLASS PERFORMANCE The 85HP and 86HP series sensors are ideally suited for severe industrial OEM applications requiring long wire runs. Housed in corrosion resistant stainless steel, these sensors include a hermetic front end with a variety of electrical and pressure connection options. Sensata Technologies has been a leading global supplier of pressure sensors & switches for over 50 years.
Current Output, High Accuracy, Hermetic
VsVs (+)
Ordering Information
EXAMPLE Series Pressure Connection Electrical Connection Device Input-Output Pressure Range Pressure Reference EMC Potted Wire Lead Length Total Thermal Effect Standard STANDARD OPTIONS Series Pressure Connection Electrical Connection Device Input-Output Y Pressure Ranges 85HP 85HP 1/4-18 NPT-2A male pipe, 22 mm Standard Packard Metri-Pack Power Input: 4.5-5.5 Vdc, Device Output 0.5-4.5 Vdc 0-0500 psi Sealed Gage Standard-(300 V/m, 1 MHz-400 MHz) 1M Standard Accuracy SPECIAL OPTIONS 85HP Standard Accuracy 86HP High Accuracy 12 M14 x 1.5 male o-ring thread per ISO 6149, 22 mm hex 14 1/8-27 NPT-2A male pipe, 22 mm hex 15 7/16-20 UNF-2B female with Schraeder deflator (Contact factory for availability) 05 3/8-24 UNF-2A male o-ring thread per SAE J514, 22 mm hex 06 1/4-18 NPT-2A male pipe, 22 mm hex 07 7/16-20 UNF-2A male o-ring per SAE J514, 22 mm hex 2 3 Standard Packard Metri-Pack™ Hirschman Mini DIN (GDSN 307) Supply Voltage Vs... 10-32 Vdc 06 2 X 00500 S S 0 A
• High accuracy over wide operating temperature range. • Low total error band • Media compatible stainless steel housing • Repeatability <0.05% • Wide operating temperature range • Small size
85HP/86HP Series
Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor
Dimensions (Typical)
in (mm)
2.7 (68.0) MAX ø0.87 (ø22.0) (Io) ø0.87 (ø22.0) REF Not used Vout ø0.67 (ø17.0) REF ø0.87 (22.0) Across Flats 1/4-18 NPT-2A male pipe thread, 22 mm hex
Technical Specifications
Pressure Ranges 0-15 psig through 0-500 psig 0-500 psis through 0-30,000 psis Performance Accuracy...±0.25% F.S. typ (static error band @ 25ºC) Total Thermal Effect (-20ºC to 100ºC) 85HP Option A: (Standard Accuracy) ±0.02% F.S. / ºC typ 86HP Option B: ±0.008% F.S./ºC typ Option C: ±0.006% F.S./ºC typ Operating Temperature: -40ºC to +100ºC Strorage Temperature: -40ºC to +120ºC Electrical Supply Voltage .........................................10-32 Vdc Output Current ........................................... 4-20 mA Output Load range ............................... (Vs - 10 Vdc) 20 mA Output Response Time .....................................2 ms Overvoltage Protection ................................. 32 Vdc Reverse Voltage Protection .........................-30 Vdc Short Circuit Protected .......................................Yes Physical Proof Pressure ................. Up to 1,500 psi ...... 2X Up to 7,000 psi ...... 1.5X Up to 30,000 psi .... 1.2X Burst Pressure .................. 3X minimum Cycle Life ......................... 100M F.S. cycles 25 - 80ºC Random Vibration ............ 20g rms (up to 1kHz) Drop (any axis) ................. 1m
Printed in U.S.A., Reprinted January 2007
85HP/86HP Series
Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor
Current Output, High Accuracy, Hermetic
Features & Benefits
• Process Control & Automation • Compressors & Pumps • Hydraulics & Pneumatics • Agriculture & Construction Equipment • Transportation & Off Road Vehicles • Engine Controls & Monitors • Air Conditioning & Refrigeration • Alternative Energy Management • L: Sensata Technologies (Sensata) reserves the right to make changes to or discontinue any product or service identified in this publication without notice. Sensata advises its customers to obtain the latest version of the relevant information to verify, before placing any orders, that the information being relied upon is current. Sensata assumes no responsibility for infringement of patents or rights of others based on Sensata applications assistance or product specifications since Sensata does not possess full access concerning the use or application of customers’ products. Sensata also assumes no responsibility for customers’ product designs.
Pressure Reference EMC Wire Leads Total Thermal Effect (-20ºC TO +100ºC)
Packard Metri-Pack is a trademark of Delphi Packard Electric Systems