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(1)英文中主要有这样一些不定代词:every, each, both, all, either, neither, one, none, litter, few, many, much, other, another, some, any, no.另外还有由some, any, no和every构成的合成代词,如:somebody, anything, nothing等。

①both, either和neither

这三词都可以用来指两个人或两件事物,但各自的意义都不相同:both表示―两个都‖、either表示―两个中的任何一个‖、neither表示―两者都不……‖。它们在句中都分别可以作主语、宾语、和定语,both还可以作同位语,如:Neither of us could help laughing.

You may take either of the two books.

Both of the books are helpful.两本书都很有益。

Both of the books are not helpful.



Neither of the books are not helpful.



This is all he knew about it.(作表语)

They were all covered with dust.(作副词)

All 用在含not 的句子中表示部分否定,none 可以表示全否定。如:

All of the answers are right. 所有的答案都是对的。

All of the answers are not right. 并非所有的答案都是对的。

Not all of the answers are right. 并非所有的答案都是对的。

None of the answers is/are right. 所有的答案都是不对的。

all 做主语时的谓语一致:all的单数由它所修饰或指代的名词的单数决定。如:

All goes well.

All the changes are welcomed by the people.


all day 整天all night 整夜all this 所有这些

all the year round 整年all day long 一天到晚all the time 一直

③each 和every

each 和every 这两个词在中文里都有―每一个‖的意思,但它们在句子里各自强调的侧重点却不同:every 从每个个体着眼而强调―整体‖;而each 却是把一些东西一个一个地加以考虑,强调―各个‖。every 只能作定语;each 则可以作主语,宾语,定语和同位语。另外,every 可用于【every other (或every+数词)+名词】的结构中,表示―每隔……‖。如:every other day每隔一天every three years每隔三年

every third year每隔三年every other line 每隔一行

every ten miles 每隔十英里

each 后可以接―of ‖介词短语,表示―某些人或物中的每一个‖,every 后不可以接―of‖介词短语,everyone可以直接做主语,后面不跟of,但是every one of的结构十存在的。

不可以说:The teacher gave every of us a gift.

可以说:The teacher gave each of us a gift.

不可以说:The teacher gave everyone of us a gift.

可以说:The teacher gave every one of us a gift.

each 用于做主语时,做单数对待。each 用于同位语时,谓语动词和主语保持一致。如:

Each of us knows the matter.

We each know the matter.

every 与not 连用,表示部分否定;each和not连用表示全部否定。如:

Every man is not honest. 并非每个人都真实。

Each man is not honest. 这儿每个人都不诚实。


代替前面刚提到的人或事物以避免重复,one用来代替可数名词,有复数形式ones,所有格one’s和反身代词oneself .ones可以指代具体的人或者具体的东西,还可以泛指所有的人。如:

This problem is a difficult one. 这个问题是个不好解决的问题。

I don’t like colored envelopes .I like white ones. 我不喜欢花信封,我喜欢白的。

This film is not as good as the one we saw last week. 这片子没有我们上周看的好。

Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.(泛指)谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后。

⑤some 与any

some 与any都相当于―一些‖之意,但意思并不强,因此汉译时经常可省去―一些‖这样的字眼。它们作定语时多,这时候some 多用于肯定句,any多用于否定句,疑问句或条件句。在表示请求,建议,反问或是希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,常用some而不用any。另外,some可与数词连用,表示―大约‖的意思。如:

Could you mind buying me some envelopes on your way to school?


Will you give me some paper? 请给我一点纸。

Some hundred teachers have moved into new houses. 约有百位教师搬进新居。

The bridge was built some two hundred years ago. 这座桥大约建于两百年前。

⑥few, a few; little, a little的用法

few 和a few以及little和a little是两组差异相同词,但前一组用于可数名词,而后一组却用于不可数名词;另外few 与little都有―几乎没有‖的否定意思,few用于可数名词,little用于不可数名词;a few与a little表示―几个或一点‖的肯定意思,a few用于可数名词,a little用于不可数名词。

⑦other, the other, another, others, the others

Other不单独使用,其后一定出现名词,如:other people, other students. 当用于表示两个中的另一个时,用the other. The other既可单独使用,也可后接名词。当表示两个以上的人或物中其余的人或物时,用the others。当表示另外的,其他的人或物时用others。others后面不会出现名词,一般单独使用。表示无范围的―另一‖时用another。如:

I don’t like the red skirt. Will you please show me another one?

He had his papers in one hand, his hat in the other.

Eight of them are mine, the others are John’s.

Don’t speak ill of others behind them.

another +数词+名词=数词+more +名词,表示―再……‖―另外……‖。如:

I want to buy another two books. =I want to buy two more books.


the other =the rest ―其余的‖

the rest of…也可以表示―其余的……‖可接复数名词,也可接不可数名词。如:

the rest of the workers the rest of the money



The whole book is interesting.

All the chapters are interesting.

⑨anyone/any one; no one/none/nothing
