



人教高中英语必修4Unit4readingPPT 课堂课 件(21页 )( -精精品品P)PT课 件
Part2:Different people have different body language.
Who National Flag Nation
Tony Garcia
Julia Smith
they are True or False.
1.Japanese will bow to others as greeting.
2.Englishmen often stand close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet. 3.Most people around the world now greet each other by kissing .
stand, are different kinds of body language.
What is body language?
Body language is one form of communication without using any words. _e_y_e_c_o__n_ta_c_t_ (眼神交流)f_a_c_ia_l_e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_ns _g_e_s_t_u_re__,and__p_o_s_t_u_r_e__, or the ways you
What is body language?
Body language is one form of
communication without using any words. ___________ (眼神交流)______________ ________,and__________, or the ways you


What is body language? Body language is one form of c_o_m__m__u_n_i_c_a_t_io_n_(交流) without using words, including eye contact , facial_e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n_s_, gestures, and _p_o__s_tu__re_s__ (姿势).
Find out the two cultural mistakes in Para2 Read it by yourself.
The first mistake
Tony Garcia (Columbia )
Julia Smith (Britain)
He approached Julia, _to_u__ch__ed__ _h_e_r__ __sh__o_u_ld_e_r_and __k_i_ss_e_d_ her on the __c_h_e_e_k__.
international students.
Detailed reading : Para1
When: ___y_e_s_t_e_r_d_a_y_______________ Who: ___a_n_o_t_h_e_r__s_tu__d_e_n_t_a_n__d_I_,_______ ______________________________________ Where: t_h_e__C_a_p_i_t_a_l_In__te_r_n_a__ti_o_n_a_l_A__ir_p_o__rt__ What to do: __T_o__m__e_e_t___________________ ____th__is__y_e_a_r_’_s_i_n_t_e_r_n_a_t_io_n__a_l _s_t_u_d_e_n_t_s_.____ _______________________________________


What is Body Language?
One form of communication without using any words.
I love you ! Eye contact ( touch)
Well-done victory!
Ok stop
facial expression
Different ways to greet
a loving hug a kiss on the cheek
two palms together nose- kiss
bowing 12
Communication: No problem?
Skim the text and answer the following questions.
international students.
The two mistakes the writer found in the airport:
Akira Nagata ( Japan )
George Cook (Canada)
Julia Smith (Britain)
Tony Garcia (Columbia)
He _b_o_w_e_d_ to George but his nose _t_o_u_c_h_e_d George’s _m__o_v_in_g____ hand .
Para. 3
Is the author of this passage male or female? How do you know ?

高中英语新课标人教版必修四第四单元PPT 课件

高中英语新课标人教版必修四第四单元PPT 课件

Para2: Find out the two cultural mistakes the
author found at the airport:
The first cultural mistake
Tony Garcia from (Columbia
He approached Julia , _to_u_c_h_e_d_ __h_e_r__ _s_h_o_u_ld__er__ and k__is_s_e_d__
• 澳大利人打招呼是握手。
• 马来西亚打招呼是 两人双手交窝,双
手微触额头一下, 双手微触胸前一下。
• Malaysia, the two people hands hand over to hold for a whlie . the hands are tiny to touch a forehead and before the chest for a whlie.
Unit 4 Body language
Ways of communicating
Spoken language speaking ringing
writing Written language
Body language
Come here!
Good luck!
nod at sb.
What do people usually do when meeting?
In China, Britain In Russia, France, In Arab, Japan, Korea In Some western

精选最新 人教版高中英语必修四课件:Unit 4 Workbook(共16张PPT)

精选最新 人教版高中英语必修四课件:Unit 4 Workbook(共16张PPT)
3.Jack had a terrible day. He _lo_s_t_f_a_c_e in front of the class, forgetting his words when he started to answer the teacher’s question.
4.I usually feel very nervous when I stand up in front of others, but today I felt quite _a_t_e_a_se_ when giving a speech to the school.
7.He stayed in the waiting room for over an hour during the operation, worrying about her.
8.The field of flowers, waving in the wind, seemed to go on for miles.
3. It is clear that your _s_p_ok_e_n_ English will greatly improve if you can practise s_p_e_a_k_in_g_ whenever you can.
8.The blind man walked _to_u__ch__in_g_ the walls of the buildings.
Using structures
Answer key for Exercise 1 on page 64:
1. The smiling man held the front door open and bowed deeply.
Answer key for Exercise 3 on page 28:


Unit 4 Body language
Ways of communicating
Spoken language speaking ringing
writing Written language
Body language
nod at sb.
What do people usually do when meeting?
In China, Britain In Russia, France, In Arab, Japan, Korea In Some western
Shake hands Kiss Bow hug
• 一般说来,男士之间,主要 是边握手边打招呼。 关系比较好的女士之间,或 男女间,就主要采取贴面礼 或亲吻礼。根据不同地方的 习惯,有人亲吻两下,左脸 右脸;有人则更多。
• 贴面礼,其实只是脸靠脸, 嘴巴发出亲吻的声音而已。 那亲吻礼就是直接脸上 “啵”“啵”左右脸两下, 直接亲了。
• 朝鲜人打招呼行鞠躬礼,表示尊敬和谢意。
• Koreans greeting is a bow to express respect and gratitude to.
• 泰国人打招呼男士双手在额前,女士双手 在胸前。
• Thai , the male places hands in facial front, female before then placing at the chest to each other.
Part 2: (Para 2 and 3)
Part 3: (Para 4)
Part 4:



He __r_e_a_ch__ed_ his hand __o_u_t____ to the Japanese student.
He __b_o_w_e_d__ so his nose _t_o_u_c_h_e_d_George’s _m__o_v_in_g_ __h_a_n__d__.
➢surprise ➢telephone/call ➢fly ➢Be quiet. ➢Come here!
What is Body Language?
One form of communication without using any words.
I love you ! Eye contact ( touch)
Well-done Ok
stop quiet
facial expression
fear happy
disgust 厌恶
contempt 轻视
What are they trying to tell us?
I don’t know!
She _s_t_ep__p_ed__b_a_c_k___ appearing _s_u_r_p_r_is_e_d_ and put up her hands, as if _i_n_d_e_f_e_n_c_e_.
George Cook The second (Canada) mistake
Akira Nagata (Japanese)
Tony Garcia Julia Smith Akira Nagata George Cook Ahmed Aziz Darlene Coulon


of the country where they are visiting. C. People use body movements to send
messages and different body movements have different meanings. D. The importance of knowing customs.
人教高中英语必修4Unit4ReadingPPT 课堂课 件(19页 )( -精精品品P)PT课 件
人教高中英语必修4Unit4ReadingPPT 课堂课 件(19页 )( -精精品品P)PT课 件
Try: pair work
人教高中英语必修4Unit4ReadingPPT 课堂课 件(19页 )( -精精品品P)PT课 件
人教高中英语必修4Unit4ReadingPPT 课堂课 件(19页 )( -精精品品P)PT课 件
Intensive reading
Part One:
1. Why are the people visiting China?
You are sent to Pudong Airport to mBeeectaubsuestinheeyssarpeeinotperlees. ted in the
人教高中英语必修4Unit4ReadingPPT 课堂课 件(19页 )( -精精品品P)PT课 件
人教高中英语必修4Unit4ReadingPPT 课堂课 件(19页 )( -精精品品P)PT课 件
Class Is Over!
人教高中英语必修4Unit4ReadingPPT 课堂课 件(19页 )( -精精品品P)PT课 件
Madame Coulon


S•tu3d.yinLgeianrtnerinagtiEonagllicsuhstwomelsl can certainly help avoid difficulties in today’s world of cultural crossroads.
Step 3: Post reading
Do you know?
fear happy
disgust 厌恶
contempt 轻视
What are they trying to tell us?
I don’t know!
I’m listening carefully! Pray/ Please!
Nice to meet you!
Male. Ahmed Aziz will usually not touch women, but he shakes hands with the author and stand quite close to the author to talk.
Para. 4
True (T) or False (F).
Para. 2
Find out the two mistakes the writer found in the
Tony Garcia from C__o_lu_m__b_i_a_
He approached Julia, _to_u_c_h_e_d_h_e_r_s_h_o_u_ld_e_r_
1. All cultures don’t greet each other the same

人教版高中英语必修四课件:Unit 4 Workbook(共16张PPT)

人教版高中英语必修四课件:Unit 4 Workbook(共16张PPT)

The caller _g_r_e_e_te_d_ her in careful English and then introduced himself as _r_e_p_r_es_e_n_t_in__g an international _a_s_so_c_i_a_t_io_n_. He had met Julie a few weeks ago at a job fair and was impressed with her _s_p_o_k_e_n_ English. The only difficulty was that his company was in the country of _C_o_lo_m__b_i_a_. Julie was _c_u_r_io_u_s_ to find out more, so after talking with her parents that evening, she booked a _fl_ig_h__t to South America.
Answer key for Exercise 2 on page 64:
1. It seemed that he avoided _g_et_t_in_g_ too close to her.
2. The news that the Chinese team won the gold medal was very _en_c_o_u_r_a_g_in_g_.
Learning about language
Answer key for Exercise 1 on page 28:
1. defence, 2. likely, 3. Italy, 4. canteen, 5. represent, 6. dash, 7. approach, 8. association, 9. cheek, 10. flight



a kiss on the cheek
two palms together
nose- kiication: No problem?
Skim the text and answer the following questions.
1、How many international students are there in the story? Six 2、Who are they and where do they come from?
Read it together.
Ways to greet each other
very close Do not stand _________to strangers others or touch ________ when they meet.
_________others closely and Approach touch them are more likely to__________.
Same body language has the different meanings.
Postures that have different meanings:
Great & good job rude
Germany & Japan Number one Japan
money Zero
Read it by yourself.
He approached Julia, ________ touched her _________and shoulder kissed her _____ _______ cheek on the ________. She ______ stepped ________ back surprised and put appearing _________ in defence up her hands, as if ___ _______. He ________ reached his hand ________ to the Japanese out student.



Unit 4 Body LanguagePart 1 Teaching Design第一部分教学设计P eriod 2 A sam pie lesson plan for Learning aboutLanguage仃he ~ing form as the Attribute & Adverbial)Introductio nIn this p eriod stude nts will be first helped by the teacher to discover and lear n to use some useful words and exp ressi ons, and the n to discover and lear n to use the follow ing useful structures: the ~ing form as the attribute & adverbial. The follow ing ste ps of teach ing may be take n: Warming up by discoveri ng useful words and expressi ons , Reading and thin king , Doing exercises , Going over the ready materials for the ・ing form as the adverbial , Doing exercises for consolidation , Closing dow n by doing a quiz.ObjectivesTo lear n about the -ing form as the attribute & adverbialTo discover and lear n to use some useful words and exp ressi onsTo discover and lear n to use some useful structuresP rocedures1. Warming up by discovering useful words and exp ressionsTurn to p age 28 and do the exercises first. Check your an swers aga inst your classmates2. Reading and thinkingTurn to p age 26 and read the text of COMMUNICATION: NO P ROBLEM? As you read alo ng, pay atte nti on to the uses of the -ing form as the attribute & adverbial.They are visitors comi ng from several coun tries ( attribute). Four people enter looking around (adverbial) in a curious way. This is an exciting (attribute) experienee for you. You stand watching and listening (adverbial).3. Doing exercisesTurn to p age 29. Do the exercises.4. Studying the -ing form as the adverbialthe ・ng form as the adverbialthe -ing form作状语表示主语在进行一动作的同时所进行的另一动作,它对谓语动词起修饰或陪衬的作用。



Part 2 (Para. 2-4 )
B Summary of body language.
Part 3 (Para. 5 )
I went to the Airport to meet the
international students.
Detailed reading : Para1
When: ___y_e_s_t_e_r_d_a_y_______________ Who: ___a_n_o_t_h_e_r__s_tu__d_e_n_t_a_n__d_I_,_______ ______________________________________ Where: t_h_e__C_a_p_i_t_a_l_In__te_r_n_a__ti_o_n_a_l_A__ir_p_o__rt__ What to do: __T_o__m__e_e_t___________________ ____th__is__y_e_a_r_’_s_i_n_t_e_r_n_a_t_io_n__a_l _s_t_u_d_e_n_t_s_.____ _______________________________________
1.How do men from Muslim countries greet others ? To men: stand close, and shake hands
To women: nodding 2. Is the author male or female? How do you know?
gNooonde wohfiltehesosemeacctoiounstrisese’ ibthoedry glaonogduaogrebarde. F
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