一.电气舾装件和电缆敷设Electrical Outfitting电气舾装件cable laying 电缆敷设bracket托架cable channe电缆槽cable frame电缆框trunk干线Gland/stuffing box填料函cable bracket 电缆托架/支架support支撑(件)cable supports 电缆支撑/电缆紧固件EL电力IN仪表cable电缆MCT组合模块填料函module 模块组件penetration fitting贯通件cable frame电缆框salver/serving tray 托盘tray 托盘、托架assemblage, assembly装配assemblage & Welding装焊Bracket plate肘板(三角板)Webs plate腹板(大饼)situation/condition情况working condition工况Welding焊接grinding 打磨painting油漆ITR为完工检查,ITRA为设备未通电前的检查ITR-B为设备通电后的检查inspect/check/examine 检查approve/ accept 认可、接受ENGINE ROOM 机舱cable path tablecable placingcable node tablecable manualequipment layout电缆拉放敷设工艺Cable penetration fitting sealing 电缆贯通件electric power system drawing 电力系统图二.船舶电工日常英文单词(一)缩写MSBD:主配电板ESBD:应急配电板ECC:机舱集控台WHC/BCC:驾控台CHP:充放电板TP:电工试验板D/B:分电箱SC:岸电箱GP驾控板BP:驾驶室仪表盘ACB:空气电流断路器又称发电机主开关MCCB:塑壳电流断路器又称负载开关SAU:信号采集单元AMS:报警监视系统ICCP:阴极保护装置E/R:机舱W/H:驾驶室SLC声光报警灯柱PMS电站管理系统AVR自动电压调节器M.G.P.S防海生物装置C.O.P.B货油泵透平FPSO浮式生产储存卸货装置VLCC 超大型原油轮VLOC超大型矿砂船FRSU 浮式储油再气化装置EL 电力IN仪表SBM 荷兰SBM是世界顶级海工企业SBM海洋浮式生产系统和系泊系统(FPSO ),从业人员超过7000人在世界各地的领导者。
船舶英语词汇目录一、造船部分1、船体部分2、机舱部分3、电气部分4、船装部分二、造机部分三、修造部分一、造船部分1、HULL PART 船体部分1、1 结构Structure船厂dockyard/shipyard 船坞dock/boatyard 船东ship-owner 船舷Ship's side船码头quay/dock 船的栏杆Ship's rail 船舱hold 甲板Deck船籍Ship's registry 住舱甲板accommodation deck 船首bow 梁拱甲板arch deck船梯ladder 载货甲板cargo deck 船尾stern 首楼甲板Forecastle deck 上甲板Upper deck 下甲板Lower deck 主甲板Main deck 货舱甲板Hold deck桥楼甲板Bridge deck水密甲板Watertight deck驾驶甲板Navigation deck 铜-钢复合板Copper sheathing steel plate艇甲板Boat deck 甲板边板Deck stringer plate罗经甲板Compass deck 斜板Sloping plate 板Plate 加强板Reinforcement plate舭板Bilge plate 舵板Rudder plate船底板Bottom plate 舷侧外板Side plate 船外板Shell plate 裙板Skirt plate船首外板Bow plate 首柱板Stem plate肘板Bracket plate 首柱板Stern plate舱壁板Bulkhead plate 平台platform槽形舱壁板Corrugated bulkhead plate 机舱平台Engine-room platform舷墙板Bulwark plate 分段Block围板Coaming plate 首段Bow block连续板Connection plate 中段Midship block尾段Stern block 甲板下纵桁Underdeck girder 左舷port 舭纵桁Wing girder右舷Starboard 支柱Pillar纵桁Girder 肋骨Frame型材桁Bar girder 基础台架Base frame中底桁Bottom center girder 支架Bear frame中内龙骨Bottom center line girder 舭肋骨Bilge frame底桁材Bottom girder 船底肋骨Bottom frame旁桁材Bottom side girder 首肋骨Bow frame甲板纵桁Deck girder 肘板框架肋骨Bracket frame横桁Cross girder 球鼻首肋骨Bulbous bow frame水平桁Horizontal girder 球曲型肋骨Bulbous frame舱口边梁Hatch coaming girder 主肋骨Chief frame机座纵桁Engine girder 首肋骨Fore frame桁架梁Girder frame 舭纵桁舭纵骨Bilge longitudinal舯部肋骨Middle frame 船底纵骨/纵桁bottom longitudinal尖舱肋骨Peak frame 船底腹板纵桁bottom web longitudinal加强筋Stiffened frame 甲板纵桁Deck longitudinal横框架肋骨Transverse frame 内底纵桁/纵骨Inner bottom longitudinal肋距F.S.(frame space) 舷侧纵桁/纵骨Shell side longitudinal纵桁/纵骨/纵向构件longitudinal双层底顶纵骨Top longitudinal of double bottom斜舱壁纵骨Slopping-bulkhead longitudinal舱舷边舱Tank Wing tank结构structure 尾尖舱after peak tank附属结构Accessory structure 尾部水舱after water tank全焊结构All-welded structure 辅助水柜Auxiliary water tank中部结构Amidships structure 辅助压载水舱Auxiliary water ballast tank 泊位结构Berthing structure 污水舱Bilge tank底部龙骨结构Bottom keel structure 底舱Bottom tank船首部结构Bow structure 底边舱Bottom side tank支撑结构Braced structure 货油压载舱Cargo and ballast tank桥楼结构Bridge structure 循环水槽Circulating flow water tank首楼结构Forecastle structure 循环滑油舱压载水舱Circulating lubricating oil tank Ballast water tank构架结构Framed structure 清洁压载舱Clean ballast tank纵桁结构Girder structure 冷凝水柜Condensate catch tank人孔manhole 干舱Dry tank饮用水舱Drinking water tank 密封圈Sealing ring污水舱Bilge tank 铰链Hinge应急淡水柜Emergency fresh water tank 把手Handle首舱Fore tank 平衡块Balance block首尖舱Fore peak tank斜边舱Hopper side tank 1、2 welding 焊接液舱Liquid tank 坡口groove龙骨舱Keel tank 单面坡口Single groove右舷舱Starboard tank 双面坡口Double groove顶边水舱Topside tank Ⅰ形坡口Square groove顶边翼舱Topside wing tank V 型坡口Single v groove小舱口盖Small hatch cover U 型坡口Single u groove水密舱口盖Water-tight small hatch coverX 形坡口Single v groove风雨密舱口盖Weather-tight small hatch coverK 形坡口Single bevel grooveY 形坡口Single v groove with broad rood face填充金属Filler metal坡口面Groove face 热影响区Heat-affected zone(HAZ)坡口角度Groove angle 过热区Overheated zone焊缝倾角Weld slope 焊合线Bond line(fusion line)接头根部Root of joint 焊接区Weld zone根部间隙Root gap 焊缝区Weld metal area钝边Root face 焊缝weld焊接接头Welding joint 连续焊缝Continuous weld对接接头Butt joint 断续焊缝Intermittent weld角接接头Corner joint 纵向焊缝Longitudinal weldT 形接头T-joint 横向焊缝Transverse weld搭接接头Lap joint 对接焊缝隙Butt weld十字接头Cross shaped joint 角焊缝Filled weld母材Base metal(parent metal) 并列断续角焊缝Chain intermittent fillet交错断续角焊缝Staggered intermittent fillet弧焊整流器Arc welding rectifier焊缝正面Face of weld 自动焊Automatic welding焊缝背面Back of weld 埋弧自动焊Submerged arc welding焊缝宽度Weld width 半自动焊Semi- automatic welding焊缝长度Weld length 氩弧焊Argon-arc welding焊缝余高Reinforcement 二氧化碳气体保护焊CO2 gas shielded arc welding 焊脚Leg(of a fillet weld) 氧乙炔焊Oxy-acetylene welding焊脚长度Leg length 气割Gas cutting套管接头Muff joint 碳弧气刨Carbon arc air gouging手工电弧焊Manual arc welding(shielded metal arc welding)水下切割Underwater cutting直流电弧焊Direct current arc welding 等离子弧切割Plasma arc cutting交流电弧焊alternating current arc welding连续焊Continuous welding弧焊变压器Arc welding transformer 断续焊Intermittent welding点焊Sport welding对接焊Butt welding 分段退焊Back step welding角焊Fillet welding 分段多层焊Block welding搭接焊Lap welding 深溶焊Deep penetrating welding返修焊Re-welding 跳焊Skip welding补焊Repair welding 陶质衬垫焊Ceramic backing welding定位焊Tack welding 引弧Striking the arc封底焊Back sealing welding 焊接工艺参数Welding condition打底焊Backing welding 焊接电流Welding current堆焊Surfacing(overlaying) 焊接电压Welding voltage塞焊Plug welding 焊接速度Welding speed槽焊Slot welding 电弧电压Arc voltage盖面焊Consmetic welding 焊丝间距Wire spacing前倾焊Forward welding 空载电压Open circuit voltage后倾焊Backward welding 熔化速度Melting rate送丝速度Wire feed rate 层间温度Inter-pass temperature气体流量Gas flow rate 焊后热处理Post-weld heat treatment焊丝伸出长度Wire extension 锤击Peening极性Polarity 全焊透Full penetration welding正极/阳极Positive electrode 熔池Weld-pool负极/阴极Navigate electrode 熔深Penetration左焊法Leftward welding 弧长Arc length右焊法Rightward welding 喷射过渡Spray transfer电流密度Current density 短路过渡Short circuiting transfer线能量Heat input 熔滴过渡Metal transfer预热Preheat 焊缝成形Appearance of weld后热Post-heat 焊缝成形系数Form factor of weld预热温度Preheat temperature 熔敷系数Deposition coeffcient后热温度Post-heat temperature 熔敷效率Deposition efficiency熔合比Penetration ratio 立焊Vertical position welding等速送丝Constant wire-feed system 仰焊Overhead position welding 变速送丝alternate wire-feed system 立向上焊Vertical up welding 电弧静特性Static characteristic of arc立向下焊Vertical down welding电弧动特性dynamic characteristic of arc单面焊Welding by one side焊接性试验Weldability test 双面焊Welding by both side焊接结构Welded construction 单道焊Single-pass welding焊道Bead 多道焊Multi-pass welding焊层Layer 多层焊Multi-layer welding正接(正极性)Straight polarity 焊接材料Consumables反接(反极性)Reversed polarity 焊条Electrode焊接位置Position of welding 焊条药皮Coating平焊Flat position welding 酸性焊条Acid electrode横焊Horizontal position welding 碱性焊条Basic electrode低氢型焊条Low hydrogen type electrode 焊丝盘Wire reel铁粉性焊条Iron power type electrode 铜冷却板Cu-cooling plate重力焊条Gravity electrode 铜滑块Copper shoe焊剂Flux 切割Cutting熔炼焊剂Fused flux 焊接工作台Welding bench烧结焊剂Sintered flux 焊接变位机Positioner焊丝Wire 送丝机构Wire feeder药芯焊剂Flux-cored wire 行走机构Traveler保护气体Shielded gas 焊接车间Welding shop焊剂垫Flux backing 引弧板Run-on tab(end tab)重力焊条Gravity electrode 引出板Run-off tab(end tab)焊剂漏斗Flux-hopper 定位板Strong-back流量计Flow meter 焊接衬垫Welding backing干燥箱Dryer 敲渣锤Chipping hammer面罩Helmet 条虫状气孔Wormhole焊工手套Welding glove 密集气孔Porosity焊钳Electrode holder 针尖状气孔Pinhole焊枪Welding gun 白点Fish eye (flake)导电嘴Tip 切口Kerf喷嘴Nozzle 咬边Undercut焊矩Torch 焊瘤overlap焊接缺陷Welding defect 凹坑Pit未焊透Incomplete penetration 烧穿Burn through未熔合Incomplete fusion 未满焊Incomplete filled groove渣Slag 清根Back chipping夹渣Slag (slag inclusion) 清渣Slag removal夹杂物Inclusion 焊接烟尘Weld fume气孔Blow hole 电光性眼炎Eye-flash焊接性Weldability 横裂纹Transverse crack碳当量Carbon equivalent 纵裂纹Longitudinal crack未焊满Incomplete filled groove 焊趾裂纹Toe crack焊接裂纹Weld crack 机械性能试验Mechanical property test热裂纹Hot crack 试板Test piece冷裂纹Cold crack 试样Specimen氢致裂纹Hydrogen –induced crack 侧弯Side bend延迟裂纹Delayed crack 弯曲Bending层状撕裂Lemellar tearing 横向拉伸Transverse tensile弧坑裂纹Crater crack 宏观试样Macro-etching specimen根部裂纹Root crack 微观试样Micro-examination specimen再热裂纹Reheat crack 破断试验Fracture test热影响区裂纹Heat-effected zone crack 抗裂试验Cracking test晶间裂纹Intercystalline crack 脆性断裂Brittle fracture塑性断裂Plastic fracture 焊接方法Welding process焊接残余裂纹Welding residual stress 焊接工艺Welding technology消除应力Stress relieving 焊接操作Welding operation焊接变形Welding deformation 焊接顺序Welding sequence角变形Angular distortion 焊接方向Direction of welding外观检查Visual examination 常用缩语无损探伤Non-destruction testing(N.D.T.)气电立焊EGW超声波探伤Ultrasonic inspection 药芯电弧焊FCAW射线探伤(X 光)Radiographic inspection(X-rayinspection)实心电弧焊GMAW磁粉探险伤Magnetic particle inspection焊剂铜衬垫单面埋弧自动焊FCB渗透探伤Penetrate inspection 手工电弧焊SMAW熔池Weld-pool 埋弧自动焊SAW焊机(焊接电源)Weld source钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊TIG 机舱部分ENGINE ROOM PART熔化极惰性气体保护焊MIG 一、机舱设备Machines and equipment in engine room 活性气体保护焊MAG 1、主机Main engine手工电弧切割SMAC 1)主机油底壳The sump tank of M.E.2)主机飞轮Fly wheel of M.E3)活塞Piston2、发电机Generator engine1)应急发电机Emergency generator engine2)辅机Auxiliary3、锅炉Boiler1)组合锅炉The composite boiler2)锅炉安全阀The safety valve of boiler3)燃烧器Oil burner unit 3)主空气瓶Main air reservoir4)水位表Water level gauge 4)应急空气瓶Emergency air reservoir5)水位控制器Water level controller 5、控制空气瓶Control air reservoir6)过量蒸气调节阀Excess steam pressure control valve6、空气干燥器Air dryer4、舵机7、分油机Oil purifier1)舵机间Steering room 1)燃油分油机Fuel oil purifier2)舵机装置Steering-gear 2)柴油分油机Diesel oil purifier3)手操舵装置Trick wheel plant 3)滑油分油机Lubricate oil purifier4)油缸Oil cylinder 4)排渣Sludge discharge5)反馈装置Feedback device 8、制淡装置Fresh water generator6)舵Rudder9、焚烧炉Incinerator舵叶Rudder blade10、油水分离器Oil water separator舵杆Rudder stock11、生活污水处理器Sewage treat plant上舵承Rudder carrier12、大气冷凝器Atmosphere condenser热水井Cascade and inspection(hotwell)5)主机燃油供给泵Main engine fuel oil supply pump滑油自清滤器The automatic back-flashlubricating oil filter6)主机燃油增压泵Main engine fuel oil booster pump燃油单元Fuel oil unit 7)主机十字头泵Main engine cross head pump1)主机燃油单元Fuel oil unit of M.E 8)付机海水泵Generator engine sea water pump2)付机燃油单元Fuel oil unit of A.E 9)付机缸套水泵Generator engine cylinder cooling water pump3)粘度计Viscosity controller 10)锅炉给水泵Feed water pump of boiler泵Pump 11)锅炉燃油泵Fuel oil pump of boiler1)主机滑油泵Main engine lubricating oil pump12)分油机供给泵Fuel oil supply pump of purifier2)主机缸套水泵Main engine cylinder cooling water pump13)制淡海水泵Sea water pump of fresh water generator3)主机缸套水预热泵Main engine cylinder cooling water preheating pump14)压载泵Ballast pump4)主机海水泵Main engine sea water pump 15)舱底消防泵Bilge and fire pump17)油渣泵Sludge oil pump 2、柴油澄清舱Diesel oil setting tank18)柴油输送泵Diesel oil transport pump 3、燃油日用柜Fuel oil daily tank19)燃油油输送泵Fuel oil transport pump 4、燃油澄清舱Fuel oil setting tank20)汽缸油输送泵Cylinder oil transport pump 5、滑油澄清舱Lubricating oil setting tank 21)淡水输送泵Fresh water transport pump 6、滑油储藏舱Lubricating oil store tank 22)热水循环泵Hot water circulating pump 7、滑油循环舱Lubricating oil circulating tank 23)饮水日用泵Drinking water pump 8、燃油溢油舱Fuel oil overflow tank舱底消防总用泵Bilge, fire and G.S pump 9、燃油油渣舱Fuel oil sludge tank喷淋泵Sprinkling pump 10 燃油深舱Fuel oil deep tank停泊海水泵Harbor sea water pump 11 滑油污油舱Lubricating dirty oil tank12 滑油溢油舱Lubricating oil overflow tank二、各种舱(箱)柜All kinds of tank 13 滑油油渣打舱Lubricating oil sludge tank1、柴油日用柜Diesel oil daily tank 14 主机淡水膨胀水箱M.E fresh water expansion tank15 付机淡水膨胀水箱A.E fresh water expansion tank16、淡水压力柜Fresh water pressure tank 1、滑油系统Lubricating oil piping system17、热水压力柜Hot water pressure tank 2、燃油系统Fuel oil piping system18、饮水压力柜Drinking water pressure tank3、海水系统Sea water piping system19、淡水舱Fresh water tank 4、缸套水系统Cylinder cooling water piping system20、饮水舱Drinking water tank 5、启动空气系统Start air piping system21、锅炉水舱Boiler water tank 6、控制空气系统Control air piping system22、分油机工作水箱Purify operating water tank 7、排气系统Exhaust piping system23、汽缸油日用柜Cylinder oil daily tank 8、日用供水系统Daily water piping system24、尾管滑油重力柜Gravity tank of tube oil 9、蒸汽系统Steam piping system25、排气水封箱Exhaust seal water tank 10 、锅炉给水和凝水系统Feed water and condensate of boiler piping system26、蒸馏水水舱Distilling water tank 11、燃油净油系统Fuel oil purified piping system27、污水井Bilge well 12、燃油输送系统Fuel oil transport piping system三、各种管系系统All kinds of pipes舵销Rudder pintle 13、滑油净油系统Lubricating oil purified piping system舵杆衬套rudder stock liner 14、滑油输送系统Lubricating oil transport piping system舵杆轴套Sleeve for rudder stock 15、舱底压载系统Ballast and bilge water piping system 舵销承衬套Bush for rudder pintle 四、仪表类Instructions舵销轴套Sleeve for rudder pintle 1、压力表Pressure gauge上舵承底座Rudder carrier seat 2、真空表Vacuum gauge舵销承座Pintle bearing 3、温度计Thermometer舵杆承座Rudder stock bearing 4、吨位表DWT gauge挡圈Retaining ring 5、遥测表Distant survey gauge舵柄Tiller 6、液全器Level switch7)舵角The angle of rudder5、空压机Air compressor1)主空压机Emergency air compressor2)应急空压机7、传感器Sensor 12、机控室Engine control room五、其它Others 13、台虎钳Vise (=vice)1、风机Fan 14、表铜截止阀Bronze close valve2、防海生物装置Anti-foul STM plant 15、表铜截止止回阀Bronze check valve3、泡沫柜Air foam tank 16、铸铁截止阀Cast iron stop valve4、中间轴Middle shaft 17、铸铁截止止回阀Cast iron check and stop valve5、尾轴Propeller shaft 18、调节阀Adjustable valve6、螺旋桨Propeller 19、溢流阀、安全阀Relief valve7、中间轴承Line shaft bearing 20、减压阀Reducing valve8、泡沫灭火机Foam fire extinguisher 六、材料Material9、饮水消毒装置Sterilizer plant 1、管子Pipe10、主配电板Main switch board 2、无缝钢管Seamless steel pipe (tube)11、机舱集控台Engine room control console 3、紫铜管Purple copper pipe4、铁法兰Iron flange 18、支架(马脚)Clamp5、铜法兰Copper flange 19、油漆Paint6、盲板法兰Blind-flange 20、备件Spare parts7、螺丝(螺栓)Bolt8、双头螺丝Stud 七、生产工具Produce tool9、螺帽(螺母)Nut 1、图纸Drawing10、不锈钢螺丝Stainless steel bolt 2、活络钣Adjustable spanner11、垫片(床)Gasket 3、令司板(梅花钣)Ring spanner12、橡皮床Gum gasket 4、开口钣Open –ender spanner13、纸箔床Paper copper gasket 5、管子钳Pipe wrench14、紫铜床Purple copper gasket 6、凿子Chisel15、石墨床Black lead gasket 7、锒头Hammer16、青铅床Black lead gasket 8、锉刀File17、佛纳Feeler gauge 9、螺丝刀Screwdriver10、油漆滚筒Paint roller 4、首先请检查安装说明和电气绝缘11、油漆刷子Paint brush Please check the condition of installation and insulationfirst12、钢锯Hacksaw 5、我们准备将油水分离器动转13、套筒扳手Socket spanner Now we will run the oily-water separator14、手电筒Torch 6、请检查动转情况15、钻头driller Please check the running condition八、英语会话7、接着我们一个一个地做报警/安全保护装置的功能试验1、早上好good morning Now we will do the function test about alarm and safetydevice2、今天我们准备交验油水分离器8、设备交接基本结束Today we will test the oily-water separator. Now the test is over3、请跟我来9、请部有何修改意见?Please fellow me. Do you have any question ?10、非常感谢17、这里增加一只落水斗Thanks Add a drain plug here11、再见18、请用空气压缩空气吹干Good bye Please dry it by the compressed air12、请把这对法兰撬紧松开19、我将回车间支拿肥皂水Please tighten/release the flange I will com to my workshop to take some soap water13、这路管子是从发电机单元来的20、这个系统非常重要的,一定要认真检查The piping is from to the G/E unit This system is very important ,please check it carefully14、这对法兰/接头在漏21、请交验收整改意见This flange /connection is linking Please check your remarks15、这路系统的试验压力是7 公斤22、天太热了,请休息一会The test pressure of the piping system is 7 bar It’s too hot ,please take a rest16、这里请加强please make a clamp here 23、我负责这项工作I am in charge of this job电气部分ELECTRIC PART一、常用词汇Words and expression 模拟Analog(ue)2182 千赫值班接收机2182KHz watch receiver 锚灯Anchor lightA 异常Abnormal 风速风向仪Anemorumbometer应答Acknowledge 阳极Anode有功功率Active power 天线Antenna执行器Actuator 天线馈线连接器Antenna feeder connector调整Adjust 天线引入绝缘端子Antenna leading –in insulator空气断路器Air circuit breaker 天线共用器Antenna multicoupler报警系统Alarm system 天线调谐器Antenna tuner交流电Alternating current 电焊机Arc welder电流表ammeter 声音的Audible放大器Amplifier 自动海图标绘仪Auto chart plotter自动舵Auto pilot自动的Automatic自动雷达标绘仪Automatic radar plotting aid球鼻首警告灯Bulbous bow warning light自动电话Automatic telephone 汇流排Bus(-)bar电压自动调节器Automatic voltage regulator 汇流排Bus –tie –in自动化系统Automation system 蜂鸣器Buzzer压载控制台Ballast control console C、电缆Cable镇流器Ballast 电缆填料函Cable gland底座Base 敷设电缆Cable laying电池Battery 电缆管Cable pipe (conduit)铃Bell 电缆扎带Cable strap弯曲Bend 电缆托架Cable tray床头灯Berth light 校准器Calibrator失电Black out 电容capacitor刹车Brake 阴板Cathode电刷Brush 警告牌Caution plate顶灯Ceiling light 通讯Communication中央处理器Central processing unit 计算机Computer通道Channel 接头Connector充电器Charger 恒电流Constant current充放电板Charging&discharging board 消耗Consumption海图灯Chart table light 触头Contact检查Check 接触器Contactor芯片Chip 控制箱Control box清洁Clean 控制箱Controller雨雪清除器Clear view screen 芯线Core二氧化碳释放报警CO2 release alarm 角灯Corner light同轴电缆Coaxial cable 计算器Counter线圈Coil 电流Current冷库呼叫Cold store calling D、损坏Damage危险气体报警箱Dangerous gas detecting&alarm box双极单刀开关Double pole single way switch白昼信号灯Daylight signal light 双极双刀开关Double pole two way switch 去耦Decoupling set 天线收发转换开关Duplexer台灯Desk light 值班水手呼叫Duty sailor calling控测器Detector 接地Earth拨号Dial 接地排Earth bar数字选择呼叫收信机Digital select –call receiver测深仪Echo sounder调光器dimmer 电工试验板Electric test panel直流电Direct current 电机员Electrical engineer直接起动Direct –on –line starting 电极Electrode磁盘Disk 应急照明分电箱Emergence lighting distribution box显示Display 应急示位标Emergence position indicating radiobeacon遇险信息控制器Distress message controller 应急停Emergence stop多普勒记程仪Doppler speed log应急配电板Emergency switch board 馈电品Feeder panel机舱报警Engine alarm 滤波器Filter集控台Engine control console 火警复显器Fire alarm repeater机舱监测报警Engine room monitoring&alarm system防火风闸控制单元Fire damper control unit轮机员呼叫Engineer calling panel 火警检测箱Fire detecting box轮机员安全Engineer safety system 火焰探头Flame detector增强群呼叫收讯机Enhance group call receiver 闪光灯Flash light交换机Exchanger 浮充电Float charge防爆灯Explosion proof light 强光灯Flood light延伸报警板Extension alarm panel 流程图Flow chart故障Failure 流量开关Flow switch故障Fault 荧光灯Fluorescent light反馈Feed back 雾笛Fog horn频率Frequency熔丝Fuse 感温探头Heat detector填料Gasket 底座Holder通用报警General alarm 电笛、喇叭Horn发电机Generator 病房呼叫Hospital calling发电机屏Generator panel 照明Illumination(铜)锣、钟Gong 白炽灯Incandescent light全球卫星定位导航GPS navigator 指示器Indicator组合灯板Group alarm light pillar 卫星B 站INMARSAT B station组合起动屏Group starter panel 卫星C 站INMARSAT C station电罗经Gyro compass 输入输出Input /output卤素灯Halogen light 安装Install听筒Handset 仪表Instrument硬件Hardware 绝缘胶带Insulating tape航向Heading 绝缘Insulation接口、界面Interface 限位开关Limit switch连锁Interlock 连接Link中断Interrupt 负载Load逆变器Inverter 劳莱收信机Loran receiver接线盒Junction box 磁罗经Magnetic compass键盘Keyboard 主机电子调速器Main engine electronic governor灯泡Lamp 主机功率、纽力仪Main engine power& torque unit液位开关Level switch 主机遥控系统Main engine remote control system液位传感器Level transmitter 主机转速表Main engine revolution meter灯Light 主机安全系统Main engine safety system灯柱Light column 主机增压器转速表Main engine turbo-charger speed meter 照明分电箱Light distribution box 主配电板Main switchboard避雷针Lighting arrester 手动手册Manual标记Mark 移动Move桅杆Mast light 万用表Multimeter母子钟Master& slave clock 铭牌Name plate匹配箱Matching box 窄频直接打印机Narrow-band direct printer测量Measure 航行灯Navigation light兆欧表Megohmmeter 导航系统Navigation system仪表Meter 航行监控台Navigation watch console话筒Microphone 航行警告收信机NA VTEX receiver镜向灯Mirror light 负极Negative监视器Monitor 网络Network莫斯键Morse key 标称值Nominal value电动机Motor 常闭Normally closed塑壳断路器Moulded case circuitbreaker常开Normally open鼠标Mouse 失控灯Not under-command light欧姆表Ohm gauge 正极Positive欧姆收信机Omega receiver 功率、电源Power车钟记录仪Order printer 电力分电箱Power distribution box示波器Oscilloscope 功率因素Power factor过电流Over current 优先卸载Preferential trip过载Overload 压力开关Pressure switch巴拿马动河操舵灯Panama canal steering light 压力传感器Pressure switch 并联、并车Parallel 一次系统Primary system相Phase 打印机Printer光敏电阻Photo resister 程序Program测速传感器Pick up 螺旋桨警告灯Propeller warning light插头Plug 广播Public addressor左舷灯Port light 脉冲Pulse便携电话Portable telephone 按钮Push button雷达Radar 电阻Resistance雷达应答器Radar transponder 逆功率Reverse power收音机Radio 旋转灯Rotating light无线电测向仪Radio direction finder 舵角指示器Rudder angle indicator随机存取存储器Radio system 运转灯Running lamp额定Random access memory 屏幕、屏蔽Screen无功电流Rated power 螺丝刀Screwdriver插座Receptacle 搜索灯Search light录音机、记录仪Recorder 二次系统Secondary system整流器Rectifier 串联Series继电器Relay 屏蔽Shield复位Reset 船名灯Ship name light岸电箱Shore connection box短路Short circuit展示、给-----看Show 电磁阀Solenoid valve分励脱扣Shunt trip 消音Sound off停车Shut down 声力电话Sound power telephone签字Sign 空间加热器Space heater信号集合箱Signal acquisition unit 扳手Spanner信号灯Signal light 喇叭Speaker单边带收发机Single side band transceiver分配器Distributor电笛Siren 右舷灯Starboard light慢车Slow down 起动Start烟气探测报警箱Smoke detecting &alarm box 起动带Start感烟探头Smoke detector 尾灯Stern light插座Socket 停止Stop软件Software 苏伊士运河尾灯Suez canal stern light电烙铁Soldering iron 支撑物supporter开关Switch 验电笔Test pen打开Switch on 试验程序Test procedure关闭Switch off 热敏电阻Thermistor同步屏Synchronizing panel 热电偶Thermocouple同步表Synchronoscope 温度计Thermometer转速表Tachometer 恒温计Thermostat录音机Tape recorder 触摸屏Touch panel车钟Telegraph 轨迹球Trackball电视Television 收发机Transceiver温度开关Temperature switch 传感器Transmitter温度传感器Temperature transmitter 变压器Transformer接线柱Terminal 脱扣Trip接线排Terminal board 欠电压Under voltage试验Test 不中断电源Uninterrupted power source卸载Unload 二、会话Dialog and conversation超高频VHF telephone 船东o- owner视觉的Visual 验船师s-survey电压V oltage 检验员q-quality inspector电压表Voltmeter 电工e-electrician壁灯Wall light 1、检验电缆敷设瓦特Watt Inspection cable laying波道Waveguide 你能带我去看机舱电缆敷设气象传真收信机Weather fax receiver Q: could you show me cable laying of engine room?驾控台Wheel speed &directionindicator好,走吧。
航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(N)N 纺锤形浮筒N-girder N形梁N-girderN 形梁N-P junction NP结N-P-N junction NPN结N-P-N semiconductor triode NPN型半导体三极管N-P-N transistor NPN型晶体管n-p-n two junction transistor n-p-n双结晶体管N-P-N two junction transistor NPN双结晶体管N-P-N two junction transistor NPN双结晶体管n-p-n双结晶体管N-P-N type NPN型n-p-n-p three junction device n-p-n-p三结器件N-P-N-P three junction device NPNP三结器件N-P-N-P three junction device NPNP三结器件n-p-n-p三结器件N-pole N极N-truss N型构架N-type semiconductor N型半导体N-type semiconductorN 型半导体N-type wafer n型硅片N-type waferN 型晶体N-type N型N.heptane insolubles 正庚烷不溶物nab 丘顶nacelle 导流罩短舱尾轴包套nacelle 导流罩短舱尾轴包套快艇舱室nacreous clouds 贝母云nacrostructure 宏观结构nadir 天底nadir 天底;最低点nadir 天底最低点最低温度Nagasaki Marine Observatory 长崎海洋气象台nail brush 钉刷nail drawer 起钉钳nail drawer 起钉钳拔钉器nail extractor 拔钉器nail extractor 拔钉钳nail hammer 拔钉锤nail hammer 羊角锤nail puller 拔钉器nail puller 起钉钳nail punch 钉冲头nail punch 钉形冲头nail sick 钉孔漏nail sickness 钉松病nail sickness 钉松病)nail 钉子nail 钉子将…钉牢nail 将…钉牢nail-hammer 钉锤nailed joint 钉结合nailhammer 拔钉锤nailpiker 捡钉器nails loose 铁钉松动nails off 铁钉失落nails starting 铁钉松动naked cable 裸导线naked cable 裸电缆naked displacement 裸船排水量naked displacement 裸排水量naked effective horsepower 裸船体有效马力naked eye 肉眼naked fire light 裸光火(指照明蜡烛naked fire 裸火naked flame 明火naked hull ship model resistance test 裸体船模阻力试验naked hull 光船naked hull 裸船体naked light 明火naked lights 明火naked model 裸船模naked wire 裸线naked 裸的naked 裸露的nakedresistance 裸体阻力naking down 颈缩name and number flag 船名和号码旗name board 船名板name board 铭牌name board 名牌name index 人名索引name of master 船长姓名name of parts 部件名name of port 港口名称name of ship 船名name of ship's agent 船舶代理人的姓名name of vessel 船名name plate 名牌板name unknown 船名不详name 名name 名称name 名称给…取名nameboard 名牌船名板Named Bond Insurance 指名保证保险named cargo 指定船名货物named destination 指定的目的地Named Line System 定线通航制named policy 记名保险单named policy 指定船名保险单Named Policy 指定船只保险单named port of destination 目的港名称named port 指定港named vessel 指明船只named 被指名的nameplate lamp 铭牌灯nameplate rating 铭牌上的额定值nameplate rating 名牌上的额定值nameplate 铭牌NAND circuit 非与电路NAND circuit 与非电路NAND gate 非与门NAND gate 与非门NAND logic 与非逻辑NAND operation 非与操作NAND operation 与非操作NAND 非与NAND 与非Nanjing Mariner School 南京海运学校nano second 毫微秒nano 毫微nano 毫微= 10-9nano 纳nano- 表示毫微之意nano- 毫微nano-second 毫微秒nanoampere 毫微安nanoampere 纳安nanofarad 毫微法nanofarad 纳法nanometer 纳米纳米(10-9米@毫微米nanosecond 毫微秒Nansen cast 抛南森采水器Nanyozai Charter Party 日本航运公会原木运输租船合同nap 绒毛naphtha residue 重油naphtha 轻汽油naphtha 石脑油石油粗挥发油naphtha 石脑油石油轻汽油naphtha 石油naphthalene ball 萘丸naphthalene 萘naphthene base crude oil 环烷基原油naphthene base lubrication oil 环烷基润滑油naphthene 环烷naphthene 环烷n.环烷环烃naphthene 环烷环烃naphthenic base 环烷基naphthenic based lubricationg oil 环烷基润滑油naphthenic hydrocarbon 环烷烃naphthenic oil 环烷油naphthenic 环烷的环烃的naphthenice 粘度温变组分naphthol orange 萘酚橙naphthol yellow 萘酚黄naphthol 萘酚napier =neper奈培(衰减单位napier 奈培(衰减单位Napier's analogies 纳皮尔相似式Napier's curve 纳皮尔罗经自差曲线图Napier's Deviation Table 《纳皮尔罗经自差表》Napier's Diagram 纳皮尔罗经自差图Napier's differential screw steering gear 差动操舵装置Napier's differential screw steering gear 内皮尔差动螺旋舵装置Napier's graphic method 纳皮尔图示法Napier'srules 大字法则Napierian base 自然对数的底Napierian logarithm 自然对数napkin 餐巾Naptune's sheep 白浪花narrow band amplifier 窄频带放大器narrow band direct printing 窄带印字报窄带直接印字电报narrow band filter 窄频带滤波器narrow band frequency modulation 窄频带调频narrow band interference 窄频带干扰narrow band ping 窄频带脉冲信号narrow band 窄带narrow beam echo sounder 窄束回声测深仪narrow beam 窄波束narrow channel 狭水道narrow equatorial band 窄赤道电极narrow fairway 狭窄航道narrow gate 窄选通脉冲narrow gate 窄选通脉冲窄闸门narrow gate 窄闸门narrow guide 狭导槽narrow laydays 缩短受载期narrow pennant 长三角旗narrow rule 狭规narrow Seas 大不列颠和爱尔兰间的海峡以及英吉利海峡narrow Seas 大不列颠和爱尔兰间的海峡以及英吉利海峡英吉利海峡和爱尔兰海narrow seas 英吉利海峡和爱尔兰海narrow water 狭水域narrow waters 狭窄水域narrow whip 长三角旗narrow 航道narrow 狭的narrow-band transmission equipment 窄带雷达情报传输设备narrows 狭窄航道Nasa communications operating procedures Nasa 通信操作程序nasal drops 滴鼻液nashi 东北风natatory skill 游泳技术natatory 游泳的Nation Astronomical Observatory 国家天文台nation safety NET service 国家安全网络nation 国家nation's shipping industry 国家航运业National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 国家航空咨询委员会National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere 国家海洋和大气咨询委员会National Aeronautics and Space Administration 国家航天航空局National Aeronautics and Space Administration 国家航天航空局美国航空和航天局National Aeronautics and Space Administration 美国航空和航天局National Aerospace Standards 国家宇航标准National Airlines Inc. 国家航空公司National Association of Broadcasters 全国广播协会National Association of Inland Waterways Carriers 内河运输国家委员会National Association of Manufacturers 全国制造商协会National Association of Marine Engine Builders 全国轮机制造者协会National Association of Marine Engineers of Canada 加拿大全国轮机工程师协坐National Association of Underwater Instructors 全国水下训练协会national boundaries 国界National Broadcasting Company 国家广播公司National Bureau of Oceanography 国家海洋局national bureau of standards 国家标准局national bureau of standards 国家标准局国家标准局national call number of a gentex office 自通电报局的本国呼叫号码National Center of Air Pollution Control 国家大气污染控制中心National Channel 国家航道national character of vessel 船舶国籍National Committee for Standardization of Freight Container 全国集装箱标准化技术委员会National Communication System 国家通信系统National Communications Center 国家通信中心national communications system 全国通信系统National conarse 美国标准粗牙螺纹national currency 国家货币national day 国庆日National Defense Agency 防卫厅national domicile 国籍National Economic Development Council 国家经济发展委员会National Economic Development Office 国家经济开发部National Electrical Manufacturer Association 全国电气制造商协会national enquires 国内查询national ensign 国籍旗national ensign 国籍旗国旗national ensign 国旗National Federation of American Shipping 美国全国航运联合会national Federation of Ships Stores Merchants 全国船舶备品供应商联合会National fine 美国标准细牙螺纹national fishing limit 国家捕鱼界national fishing shelf 大陆架national flag carrier 挂本国旗帜的船舶national flag 国旗National Foreign Trade Council 全国对外贸易委员会National Gas Turbine Establishment 国家燃气轮机研究所National Harbours Board 国家港务局National Height Datum 1985 1985年国家高程基准National Hellenic Standards 希腊国家标准national holiday 国庆日national holiday 国庆日;国定假日national holiday 国庆日国定假日National Information System 国家情报系统National Joint Council on Materials Handling 货物装卸国家联合委员会national law 国内法National Life Saving Society 全国救生协会National Lifeboat Institution 全国救生艇协会national marine service ship 国家商船队船舶national marine service 国家商船队National Maritime Board 国家海事委员会national maritime board 国家海运部门national maritime board 国家海运部门国家海事委员会National Maritime Bureau 国家海事局National Maritime Electronics Association 国家航海电子协会National Maritime Electronics Association 国家航运电子协会National Maritime Institute 国家海事研究所National Maritime Museum 国家海事博物馆National Maritime SAR Manual 国家海上搜救手册National Maritime Union of America 美国国家海事联合会National Maritime Union 全国海员工会National Meteorological Center 国家气象中心National Meteorological Satellite System 国家气象卫星系统National Mobile Radio System 全国流动无线电系统national mourning 国丧志哀National Ocean Industries Association 全国海洋工业协会National Ocean Survey 国家海洋测绘局National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 国家海洋大气层管理局卫星National Oceanographic Data Center 国家海洋资料中心National Oceanography Association 全国海洋学协会National Operational Meteorological Satellite System 国家业务气象卫星系统National Operational Satellite 国家业务卫星National Organization to Insure a Sound-Controlled Environment 全国噪声环保组织national paper 船舶国籍证书national paper 船籍证书National Petroleum Association 全国石油协会国家石油协会National Petroleum Council 全国石油委员会National Petroleum Institute 全国石油学会National Physical Laboratory 国家物理实验室National Ports Authority 国家港务管理局National Ports Council 国家港口委员会National Radio Astronomical Observatory 国家射电天文台national register 国籍证书national salute 国旗礼炮National Sea Rescue Institute 全国海难救助会National Sea Training College 国立海上训练学院national seashore 国家海岸National Service Storms Forecast Center 国家强台风预报中心national ship 本国船national ship 本国船国轮National Ship 国轮National Shipping Authority 国家航运管理局national shipping line 国家航运公司National Space Council 国家航天委员会National Standard Association 国家标准协会National Standard of USSR 原苏联国家标准National Standard Shipping Note 国家标准航运评论national standard thread 国家标准螺纹national standard 国家标准national standard 国家标准;国家旗帜national standard 国家标准国家旗帜national subsidies 国家津贴national supergrid 国家超级电力网National Technical Information Service 国家技术信息业务National Television System Committee 全国电视系统委员会National Tonnage Certificate 国家吨位证书National Traffic System 国家交通系统National Treatment 国民待遇National Union of Seamen 全国海员工会National Weather Analysis Center 美国气象分析中心National Weather Analysis Center 美国气象分析中心全国气象分析中心National Weather Analysis Center 全国气象分析中心National Weather Institute 国家气象学会national weather satellite center 国家气象卫星中心National Weather Service 国家气象局national 国家的national 国家的国有的民族的nationality mark 船舶国籍符号nationality of ship 船舶国籍Nationality of Vessel 船舶国籍nationality 国籍nationality 国籍船籍nationalization 国有化native copper 自然铜native 本地的native 自然的本国的native 自然铜本国的NATO Air Defense Ground Enviroment 北大西洋公约组织地面防空系统NATO Integrated Communication System 北大西洋公约组织联合通信系统NATO Joint Communications-Electronics Committee 北约组织联合通信电子委员会NATO Missile Firing Installation 北大西洋公约组织导弹发射装置natrium brine 盐水natrium 钠natriumbrine 盐水natural abrasive 天然磨料natural aging 自然老化natural air circulation 自然空气循环natural anchorage 天然锚地natural aspirated diesel engine 自然吸气式柴油机natural brine 天然盐水natural calamities 自然灾害natural calamity 自然灾害natural capacitance 固定电容natural capacitance 固有电容Natural Channel 自然航道natural characteristic 自然特性natural circulation boiler 自然循环锅炉natural circulation cooling system 自然循环冷却系统natural circulation steam generator 自然循环蒸汽发生器natural circulation water-cooled reactor 自然循环压水堆natural circulation 自然循环natural convection air cooler 自然对流空气冷却器natural convection air cooler 自然对流冷却natural convection air-cooled condenser 自然对流气冷式冷凝器natural convection cooling 自然对流冷却natural convection heat transfer 自然对流传热natural convection 自然对流natural convector 自然对流放热器natural cooling 自然冷却natural crook timber 天然曲材natural current 中性线电流natural damping 自然阻尼natural day 常用日太阳日natural day 太阳日natural decay 自然消除natural defect 自然缺陷natural defect 自然损耗Natural Depth 自然水深natural draft 自然通风natural draft 自然通风自然通风natural draught 自然通风自然通风natural exhaust 自然排风natural ferrite 天然铁素体Natural Forum 自然行诉natural frame 天然弯曲的肋骨木材natural frequency 固有频率natural frequency 自然频率natural fuels 天然气natural gas burner 天然气燃烧器natural gas liquid 天然气液料natural gas liquids 液化天然气natural gas 天然气natural gas-oxygen fuel cell 天然气氧燃料电池natural gasoline 天然汽油natural grounding 自然接地natural harbor 天然港natural haversine formula 半正矢自然函数公式natural heaving period 垂荡固有周期natural illumination 日光照明natural impedance 特性阻抗natural interference 自然干扰natural knee 天然弯曲的肘材natural logarithm 自然对数natural loss 自然损耗natural loss 自然损失natural magnet 天然磁铁natural mica 天然云母natural model 自然模型natural noise 自然噪声natural oil 天然油natural oscillation 自然振荡natural pattern 实样模型natural period 固有周期natural period 自然周期Natural Person 自然人natural phenomenon 自然现象natural pitching period 纵摇固有周期natural process 自然过程natural quartz 天然石英natural radioactivity 自然放射natural range 天然叠标natural resin 天然树脂natural resin paint 天然树脂漆natural resin 天然树脂natural resonant frequency 固有共振频率natural resource 天然资源natural resources 自然资源Natural Risk 自然风险natural rolling period 横摇固有周期natural rolling 固有横摇natural rolling 自然横摇natural rubber cable 天然橡胶电缆natural rubber insulated core 天然橡胶绝缘线芯natural rubber 天然橡胶natural scale 实物大小natural scale 实物大小;自然比例尺;基准比例尺natural scale 实物大小自然比例尺基准比例尺natural seasoning 自然干燥natural seasoning 自然干燥法natural silk 蚕丝natural stopping test 惯性停船试验natural uranium reactor 天然铀原子反应堆natural uranium 天然铀natural ventilation 自然通风natural ventilator 自然通风natural vibration 自然振动natural wave length 自然波长natural wavelength 固有波长natural wear and tear 自然磨损natural wear 自然磨损natural weight 一定容量单位的谷物重量natural year 民用年natural 天然的natural 自然的naturally air-cooled 空气自冷式naturally aspirated engine 自然吸气式发动机naturally ventilation for ship 船舶自然通风naturally 自然地Nature of Goods 货物的自然特性nature of the bottom 底质nature reserve 自然保区界nature 性质nature 自然naught 无nauropemeter 横倾指示器nauropemeter 倾斜表nauscopy 发现远处来船或陆地的技能nausea 晕船Nautical Alamanac 《航海天文历》Nautical Almanac Office 航海天文历编制局Nautical Almanac 《航海天文历》航海历Nautical Almanac 《航海天文历》航海历航海历nautical almanac 航海历nautical assessor 海事公估人nautical assessor 海事公证人nautical astronomy 航海天文学nautical book 航海手册nautical characteristics 航海性能nautical chart 海图nautical day 航用日nautical device 航海仪表nautical distance 航海距离nautical distance 航海距离(两地间恒向线距离Nautical Fault 航海日志摘要nautical geography 海道地理nautical hydrography 海道测量学Nautical Insitute 航海研究所nautical instrument 航海仪器nautical instruments 航海仪器nautical inventory 航海供应品目录nautical knowledge 航海知识nautical language 航海术语nautical map 海图nautical mile 海里nautical mile 海里term航海术语nautical mile 海里海里nautical navigation 航海学nautical planisphere 航海用平面图nautical property 航海性能nautical publications 航海出版物nautical quality 航海性能nautical scale 海图比例尺nautical signal 船舶信号(日间用旗或号型nautical signal 海上信号Nautical Society of Japan 日本航海学会nautical stars = navigational stars 航用恒星nautical stars 航用恒星nautical stars 航用星nautical survey 海道测量nautical surveyor 海道测量员nautical surveyor 海道测量员水道测量员Nautical Tables 《航海表》Nautical Tables 《航海表》航海表nautical tables 航海表nautical tables 航海计算用表nautical term 航海用语nautical terms 航海术语nautical time 船用时nautical twilight 航海晨昏蒙影时间nautical twilight 航海晨昏蒙影时间(晨光从太阳中心在真地平下-12°到-6°nautical 航海的nautical 航海的海上的船舶的nautical 航海的海上的船舶的海员的nautical 航海的海上的船舶的海员的船员的nauticallanguage 航海术语nauticalstars 导航星nautics 航海nautics 航海术nautophone 电动雾笛nautophone 高声雾笛nautophone=diaphragm horn 电动高音雾号navaglobe beacon station 远程无线电导航系统航标站navaglobe 远程无线电导航系统navaid 助航设备naval aid auxiliary 海军辅助装备naval air arm 海军航空兵Naval Air Development Center 海军航空研究中心Naval Air Development Unit 海军航空发展部门naval alteration 军舰改装Naval Applied Science Laboratory 海军应用科学实验室naval architect 造船工程师naval architect 造船技师naval architecture 造船工程naval architecture 造船学naval arsenal 海军兵工厂Naval Automatic Research and Development Information System 海军自动化研究与发展情报系统naval auxiliary 海军辅助舰艇naval base 海军基地naval blockage 海上封锁naval brass bar 船用黄铜杆naval brass 船用黄铜naval bronze 船用青铜naval college 海军学院naval constructor 海军造船师naval dockyard 海军船厂naval electrical engineering 船舶电机工程naval electronic engineering 船舶电子工程Naval Electronic Laboratory Center 海军电子研究中心naval electronic warfare simulator 海军电子作战模拟器naval engineer 海军轮机员naval engineering 造船工程naval ensign 军舰旗naval full 海上全速naval gas turbine 舰用燃气轮机naval harbor 军港naval hydrodynamics 船舶水动力学naval liaison officer 海军联络官naval mechanical engineering 船舶机械工程naval nuclear power plant 舰船核动力装置Naval Observatory 海军气象天文台Naval Observatory 海军气象天文台海军气象天文台Naval Ocean System Center 海军海洋系统中心naval officer 海军官员naval officer 海军军官naval officer 海军军官;海关税务助理naval officer 海军军官海关税务助理海军官员naval pipe 锚链管naval pipe 锚链管锚链管naval port 军港naval port 军港海军港口Naval Radio Compass Station 海军无线电定向台naval radio direction finder service 舰船无线电测向仪业务Naval Radio 海军无线电Naval Radio 海军无线电海军无线电设备naval radio 海军无线电设备naval radio-direction finder 舰船无线电测向仪naval reserve 海军后备队naval review 阅舰式naval ship 海军舰艇naval shipyard 海军造船厂naval shipyard 海军造船厂造船厂naval shipyard 造船厂naval station 海军兵站naval station 军港naval telescope 单筒望远镜naval telescope 航海望远镜naval terms 海军术语naval transport 海军运输舰naval vessel 军舰naval warfare 海战naval yard 海军船厂naval yard 海军造船厂naval 海军的naval 海军的;军舰的;船的naval 海军的船的naval 海军的船的舰船的naval 海军的海上的舰船的naval 海军的海上的军舰的navarho 远程无线电导航系统nave 轮毂nave 毂navel iron 锚链管navel 中心navel 中心navel 中央Navicert 航海条例navicert 航运许可证navicert 航运许可证航海条例naviders 航海比例规navigability test 航行性能试验navigability test 适航性试验navigability 可航性navigability 适航性navigable channel 通航水道navigable condition 可航条件navigable condition 通航情况navigable depth 通航水深Navigable Inland Waters 内河通航水域navigable limit 可航极限navigable river 通航河道navigable river 通航河流navigable semicircle 可航半圆navigable semicircle 可航半圆(在北半球热带气旋路径的左边navigable speed 可航速率navigable speed 可航行速度navigable water 通航水域navigable waters 可航水域navigable waterways 可航水路navigable zone 航行区域navigable 可航的navigable 可航行的navigable 可通航的navigable 可通航的可驾驶的navigableness 可航性navigate mode 导航方式navigate 操纵navigate 航行于驾驶navigate 驾驶navigating ) light 航行灯navigating allowance 航行津贴navigating allowance 航行津贴船舶航行负责人navigating bridge 航行驾驶台navigating bridge 驾驶桥楼navigating cadet 航海实习生navigating compass 标准罗经navigating equipment 航海设备navigating lights console 航行灯控制板navigating mark 导航标志navigating mark 助航标志navigating mate 驾驶人员navigating mate 驾驶员navigating officer 驾驶船员navigating officer 驾驶员navigating officer 驾驶员;船舶航行负责人navigating officer 驾驶员引航员导航系统导航仪@n.船舶驾驶员navigating panel 领航台navigating sextant 航用六分仪navigating space 驾驶室navigating zone 航区navigating zone 航行区navigating 航行的navigating)light 航行灯navigatingbridge 驾驶桥楼navigatingofficer 驾驶船员navigatingspace 驾驶室navigation pipe 传话管navigation accuracy 导航精度navigation act 航海法navigation aid 助航设备navigation allowance 航行津贴navigation and guidance 导航与制导navigation and handling costs 营运费Navigation and Prevention of Collision Regulations 航行与避碰规则navigation and radar simulator 航海模拟器navigation and radio homing 远程无线电导航系统navigation area 航区navigation area 航行海区navigation astern program 倒车航行程序navigation bounty 航海补贴费navigation bounty 航海奖励金navigation bridge deck 驾驶桥楼甲板navigation bridge visibility 驾驶台能见度navigation bridge wing 船舶驾驶台侧翼navigation bridge 航行驾驶室navigation bridge 航行驾驶台navigation by pilotage 引航航法navigation canal 通航水道navigation certificate 航行证书navigation certificate 航行证书航运执照Navigation Certificate 航运执照navigation coal 锅炉用煤navigation command and control system 导航指挥与控制系统navigation computer control 导航计算机控制navigation computer 导航计算机navigation congress 航运会议navigation console 航海仪表板navigation control console 导航操纵台navigation control simulator 导航控制模拟器navigation control station 导航控制站navigation countermeasures and deception 导航对抗与伪装navigation curve 航行曲线navigation data assimilation center 导航数据同化中心navigation data assimilation center 航海数据处理中心navigation data assimilation computer 导航数据同化计算机navigation data center 航海数据处理中心navigation data display unit 导航数据显示装置navigation data 导航数据navigation deck 驾驶甲板navigation display system 导航显示系统navigation display unit 导航显示器navigation display 导航显示navigation elements 导航参数navigation equipment capability analysis programme 导航设备能力分析程序navigation equipment distribution panel 导航设备分配电屏navigation equipment 航海设备navigation equipment 助航设备navigation error data 导航误差数据navigation error 导航误差navigation experience 航海经验navigation flare 航行灯navigation full 全速航行navigation gear 航海设备navigation head 航运终点navigation head 水陆转运站navigation horn 航行气笛navigation in confined waters 限制水道航行navigation in fog 雾中航行navigation in heavy weather 风暴中航行navigation in ice region 冰区航行navigation in rocky waters 岛礁区航行navigation information service 航行资料服务navigation instrument 导航仪表navigation lamp indicator 航行灯指示板navigation lamp 航行灯navigation lamps 航行灯navigation lamps 航行灯号灯(包括桅灯navigation law 航海法navigation law 航海法规navigation laws 航行法规navigation light board 航行灯控制板navigation light certificate 航海灯号证书navigation light coding transponder 航行灯编码应答器navigation light inverter 航行灯控制板navigation light inverter 航行灯转换开关navigation light 航行灯navigation lightpanel 航行灯控制板navigation lights board 航行灯指示板navigation lights indication panel 航行灯指示板navigation lights indicator 航行灯指示器navigation lights indicator 航行灯指示器航行灯指示板navigation lights sentinel 航行灯控制器navigation lights 航行灯Navigation Lights 号灯navigation lock 通航闸navigation mark 导航标志navigation mark 航道标志navigation mark 航道标志导航标志navigation marker 导航标志navigation notes and cautions 航行注意及警告事项navigation observation system 导航监测系统navigation of sailing & steam vessels prevented 帆船与机动船都应避免航行navigation of sailing vessels impeded 帆船航行有障碍navigation of sailing vessels impeted 帆船航行有妨碍navigation of sailing vessels only prevented 只有帆船应避免航行navigation of sailing vessels prevented only 只有帆船应避免航行navigation officer 驾驶员navigation on hydrofoils 水翼航行navigation outfit 导航设备navigation outfit 航海设备navigation payload 航行净载负荷navigation periscope 导航潜望镜navigation planner 航行设计仪navigation plotter 航迹标绘仪navigation plotting system 导航绘算系统navigation program 航行计划navigation radar 航海雷达navigation radar 航用雷达navigation radar 航用雷达航海雷达navigation radius 续航距离Navigation Regime of Exclusive Economic Zone 专属经济区航行制度navigation region 航区Navigation Right of Vessels 船舶的航行权Navigation Right 航行权navigation right 航运权navigation risk 航行险navigation room 驾驶室navigation rules 航行规则navigation safety communications 航行安全通信navigation safety system 导航安全系统navigation satellite system 导航卫星系统卫星导航系统navigation satellite timing and ranging 导航卫星定时和测距navigation satellite timing and ranging-Global Positioning System 导航卫星定时与测距——全球定位系统navigation satellite 导航卫星navigation school 航海学校navigation service 导航业务navigation set 导航设备navigation sextant 航用六分仪navigation shape 航行号型navigation shape 号型navigation simulator 航海模拟器navigation society 航海学会navigation sonar 导航声纳navigation spaces 驾驶用的舱室navigation specialist 导航专家navigation star 航海用恒星navigation subsidy 航海补贴费navigation subsidy 航海补助金navigation subsidy 航海津贴navigation system design 航行系统设计navigation system reliability 导航系统可靠性navigation system with time and rangine 导航星navigation system 助航系统navigation tables 航海表navigation technology satellite 导航技术卫星navigation trainer 导航教练器navigation training ship 航行实习船navigation unit 导航装置Navigation Warning Broadcasting Responsibility Areas 航行警告广播责任区navigation warning broadcasts by radio telex service 航行电传业务navigation warning for Atlantic 大西洋航海警告navigation warning for Pacific 太平洋航海警告navigation warning signal 航行警告信号navigation warning 航行通告navigation watch 航海值班navigation watch 航海钟navigation watch 航海钟;航海值班navigation watch 航行值班Navigation within Port Area 港内航行navigation 导航航海航空navigation 导航航海航空航行navigation 航海navigation 航海导航navigation 航海术navigation 航行navigational area 航行警告区域navigational aid 导航辅助设备navigational aid 导航设备navigational aid 航标navigational aid 助航设备navigational aids and bridge system 导航设备及驾驶室系统符号Navigational Aids 航标navigational aids 助航设备navigational aids 助航设施navigational areas 航行区域navigational astronomy 航海天文学navigational base 航行基地navigational casualty 航行事故navigational computer 导航计算机navigational computer 导航计算机航海计算尺navigational computer 航海计算尺navigational danger report 航行危险报告navigational danger 碍航物navigational data log 航海日志navigational data 航行资料navigational difficulties 航行上的困难navigational draft 航行吃水navigational duty 航行任务navigational echo sounder 导航回声测深仪navigational equipment 航行设备navigational hazard 航行危险物navigational hazard 航行障碍物navigational instrument 导航仪器navigational instruments 航海仪器navigational intelligence 航行情报navigational light sector 导航灯弧区navigational light 航行灯navigational lighting system 航行照明系统navigational lighting 航行照明navigational lights 航行灯navigational material 导航器件navigational materials 导航器材navigational means 导航仪表和设备navigational micro-film projector 导航用显微胶片投影仪navigational microfilm projector 航海用显微胶卷放大器navigational microfilm projector 航海用显微胶卷放映器navigational notation 航行标志navigational parameter 导航参数navigational planets 航用行星navigational planning 航行计划navigational plot 导航标图navigational radar equipment 导航雷达设备navigational radar 导航雷达navigational radar 航海雷达navigational radio direction finder 导航无线电测向仪navigational range 叠标navigational rangefinder 航用测距仪navigational ranging 航行测距navigational record 航行记录navigational report 航行报告navigational satellite receiver 导航卫星接收装置navigational satellite receivers 导航卫星接收装置navigational satellite 航用人造卫星navigational slide rule 航行计算尺navigational star catalog 航用恒星表navigational stars = nautical stars 航用恒星navigational stars 航用恒星navigational stars 航用星navigational tables 航用表navigational tables 航用表《航海表》Navigational telegraphy system 航行警告电传系统navigational television 导航电视机navigational treaty 通航条约navigational triangle 航用三角形navigational update 航海校正navigational warning area 航行警告海区无线电航行警告海区navigational warning broadcast by radio telex service 航行警告电传navigational warning for Atlantic 《对大西洋航海警告》navigational warning for Atlantic 《对大西洋航海警告》大西洋的航海警告navigational warning for Atlantic 美国对大西洋的航海警告navigational warning for Australia water 澳大利亚水域航海警告navigational warning for Australia waters 澳大利亚航海警告navigational warning for Australia waters 澳大利亚航海警告澳大利亚水域航海警告Navigational Warning for Australia Waters 澳大利亚水域航海警告navigational warning for easter Atlantic and Mediterranean waters 东大西洋和地中海航海警告Navigational Warning for Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Waters 大西洋东部及地中海水域航行警告navigational warning for Indian Ocean 印度洋航海警告印度洋航行警告navigational warning for Pacific 《对太平洋航海警告》navigational warning for Pacific 《对太平洋航海警告》太平洋的航海警告navigational warning for Pacific 对太平洋的航海警告navigational warning for Pacific 美国对太平洋的航海警告Navigational Warning for S Atlantic 南大西洋航行警告Navigational Warning for S Pacific 南太平洋航行警告navigational warning for S.Pacific 南太平洋航海警告navigational warning 航海警告navigational warning 航行警报Navigational Warning 航行警告navigational watch 航行值班navigational 航海的navigational 航海的导航的navigationchart 导航图navigationpipe 传话管navigationsatellite 导航卫星navigationsonar 导航声纳navigationsystem 导航系统navigationtraffic control 导航和交通管制navigator 船舶航行负责人navigator 船舶驾驶员navigator 航海者驾驶员navigator 驾驶员navigator 驾驶员导航仪naviplane 一种两栖气垫运输工具Navstar Global Positioning System 导航星全球定位系统。
crew 船员captain(master) 船长chief officer / chief mate(first mate) 大副second officer / second mate 二副third officer / third mate 三副cadet 见习生boatswain / bosun 水手长seaman 普通水手,海员engineer 轮机员,工程师chief engineer 轮机长( 俗称大车,老轨) second engineer 大管轮(俗称二车,二轨) third engineer 二管轮(俗称三车,三轨) fourth engineer 三管轮( 俗称四车,四轨) surveyor 验船师shipowner 船东representative 代表electrician 电工fitter 铁工、钳工plumber 铜工welder 焊工carpenter 木匠、木工safe inspect 安全员pilot 引水员foreman 领班dockmaster 坞长supervisor 主管superintendent 总管engineering department 工程部hull workshop 船体车间machinery & electric workshop 机电车间dock workshop 坞修车间bulk —carrier 散货船diesel boat 柴油机船freighter 货船oil barge 油驳passenger ship 客船combination ship 混合装运船semi-container ship 半集装箱船multi-purpose ship 多种用途船container ship 集装箱船;货箱船tug 拖轮(拖船)LNG carrier(liquefied natural gas carrier) 液化天然气船VLCC(very large crude carrier) 大型油船ULCC(ultra large crude carrier) 超大型油船dockyard 船厂ship/vessel 船舶voyage repair 航修annual repair 年修、岁修wharf/berth 码头anchorage 锚地floating dock 浮船坞repair list 修理单additional item 加帐hull 船体stem 船首bow 船头stern 船尾port side(beam) 左舷starboard side(beam)右舷cabin 船舱deck 甲板rudder 舵propeller 螺旋桨tailshaft 尾轴anchor chain 锚链pulley 滑轮pump 泵hold 货舱life boat 救生艇life jacket 救生衣radar 雷达main engine 主机auxiliary engine/generator engine 辅机block 滑轮;葫芦boiler 锅炉baggage room 行李房crane 起重机;吊车main deck 主甲板diesel engine 柴油机;内燃机engine room 机舱;引擎间escape trunk/escape route 逃出口;救生道corridor , passage 走廊galley ( 船上)厨房double bottom 双层底lavatory , toilet, water closet(wc) 盥洗室厕所mess(mess room) 餐厅turbine 透平机;涡轮机out of order 不正常in duplicate(two copies) 一式两份in triplicate(three copies) 一式三份in the presence of sb.某人在场的情况下in position 就位in sites 原地***** 船级社*****ABS 美国船级社BV 法国船级社CCS 中国船级社DNV 挪威船级社GL 德国船级社IACS 国际船级社协会HR 希腊船级社KR 韩国船级社LR 英国劳氏船级社NK日本海事协会PRS 波兰船级社RI 意大利船级社RS 俄罗斯船舶登记局IRS 印度船级社IMO 国际海事组织专业单词****air grinders 气动砂轮机air drill 气动钻appers 攻螺纹机air millers 气动刨铣机air wrenches 气动扳手air hoists 气动葫芦boat deck 救生艇甲板break 甲板台阶brake刹车装置brake lining刹车带bunker 燃料舱bedplate 机座capstan绞盘centrifuge 离心分油机crank 曲柄crankshaft 曲轴crank pin 曲柄销crank web 曲柄臂connecting rod 连杆cylinder 气缸cylinderliner 气缸套cylinderjacket 气缸体cylinder bore 气缸直径crosshead 十字头crosshead pin 十字头销davit 挂艇架;吊艇杆derrick 吊杆exhaust valve 排气阀faulty 故障files ,saws 锉、锯forecastle 艏楼甲板fuel tank 燃油舱frame 机架gauge 仪表,量规governor 调速器hawse hole 锚链孔hawse pipe 锚链筒hydraulic hand pumps 手动油压泵hydraulic jacks 油压千斤顶hydraulic press frame 液压顶支架inspection 检查inlet valve 进气阀injection pump 喷油泵jumbo(derrick) 重吊( 杆) lubrication 润滑油lubricator 注油器lower deck 下甲板lower tween deck 下二层柜mainmast 主桅nozzle 喷油嘴piston 活塞piston rod 活塞杆piston ring 活塞环piston sroke 活塞行程poop deck 船尾上面的甲板promenade deck 保护甲板之上甲板shelter deck 遮蔽甲板tackle 滑车;吊具tonaage deck 量吨甲板tween screw 双推进器tarpaulin 盖舱油布telescope pipe 伸缩套管turbine 透平机;涡轮机turbine tube 透平管scupper 甲板落水管、排水管scanner 雷达扫描设备sextant 六分仪shaft tunnel 轴隧shackle 卸扣shifting board 防动板;隔舱板signaling lamp 信号灯single screw 单推进器sling 吊索steering gear 舵机spanner 扳手upper deck 上甲板valve 阀门ventilator 通风筒;风筒winch 绞车winch house 绞车楼windlass 起锚机****Troubles( 表示故障的词语)**** beyond repair 已无法修复over-sized 尺寸过大slow function 反应缓慢out of order 不正常not up to standard 不合标准inaccurate 不准确ineffective 失效out of function 失去作用seized 粘着stuck fast by icing 冰冻结住over heated 过热excessive wear 过度磨损excessively worn out (worn away ) 过度磨掉a little bit inclined 有一点倾斜abnormal 不正常destroyed by overheating 因过热而毁坏chapped 龟裂collapse 塌陷out of operation 运转失灵oval 呈椭圆形scored 拉痕scuffed about 6 mm 7mm in area 拉毛面积约6mn K 7 mm deformed 变形deformed over a length of 3 mm 变形超过3 mm loose 松动greasy 油污dirty 肮脏stuck 卡住squeezed 挤压bent 弯曲frosted 结霜damaged 损坏broken into pieces 破裂成片partly detached 部分剥离partly blocked 部分阻塞violent vibration 剧烈振动low efficiency 效率不高twisted 挠曲burnt 烧坏choked 堵塞fractured 断裂earthed 接地knocking 敲缸leaking(leaky) 漏泄melted away 溶化reduced about 12 mm 缩减约12 mm jammed up in the cylinder 在气缸内卡住****Dismantling( 表示拆卸的相关词语)**** to be taken out from ring groove 从环槽中取出to be opened up for inspection 打开检查to be softened (shrunk)with dry ice 用干冰拧松(红套) to be untightened by heating 用加热松开to be lifted out 吊出to be turned out 转出to be dismantled 拆除to be withdrawn 退出、抽出to be loosened 拧松to be unscrewed 拧开to be drawn out 拔出to be pulled out for inspection 拔出检查to be dismounted 卸下to be pulled off 拉去to be taken off 拆下to be turned(rolled) out 转出to be extracted by drilling 钻孔拔出to be removed 移开to be disconnected 脱开to be disengaged 解脱to be disassembled 解体to be overhauled 解体检修to be ranged out 解开排好to beturned over 翻转****Assembling(表示安装的相关词语)**** to be tightened up to the proper tension 上紧至一定的紧度to be covered with asbestos wrapping 包以石棉to be reassembled with new packings 用新的填料重新安装to be refitted with new packings 用新的填料重新装复to be retightened by hydraulic pressure 用液压重新上紧to be reinforced by adding a support 加装支柱以加强to be pressed into 压入all removals to be refitted as original 所有拆下部件按原样安装to be re-expanded 重新扩管to be refastened 重新搞紧to be reassembled 重新组装to be rethreaded 重车螺纹to be restored 重新堆装to be fitted back according to instruction 按说明书装复to be preserved with cement wash 涂水泥浆保护to be connected 接好to be dressed up 装饰to be inserted with good contact 嵌入至良好接触to be installed in position 装至原位to be installed and proved workable 装好并能使用to be mounted 装上to be fixed up 装好to be boxed up in good working order 组装至良好工况to be repacked after fitting back 装复后重新填料to be fastened 搞紧to be easy going 需易于拆装to be closed up in good order 需封闭完好to be closed up in the presence of C/E 需轮机长在场时封闭to be sealed in the presence of C/E and surveyor 需轮机长和验船师在场时封闭****Inspecting(表示检查的相关词语)****to be opened up for inspection 打开检查to be checked completely 彻底检查to be examined 检查to be detected for leakage 查漏to be checked according to the instruction book 按说明书核查to be re-checked 重新核查to be re-inspected 重新检查to be checked for alignment 检查对中to be checked after assemblage 装配后检查****Testing(试验相关用语)****to be tested in running condition 在运转情况下试车to be tested under pressure of 6 atmospheres 在六个大气压下进行试验to be tested by means of blue oil 做蓝油试验to be tested hydraulically(to be hydraulic-tested) 做液压试验to be pressure-tested 做压力试验to do magnetic powder testing 做磁粉探伤run-in test to be applied(carried out) 做磨合试验dye test to be applied 做着色探伤color test to be carried out 做着色试验load trial to be carried out 试航to be dynamically balanced (to be subjected to dynamic balance test ) 做动平衡试验to be statically balanced (to be subjected to static balance ) 做静平衡试验blue oil test to be carried out 进行蓝油试验pressure test to be applied for leakage 进行压力试验查漏operation test to be carriedout(performed) 进行操作试验smoke test to be carried out 进行烟熏试验load test to be carried out 进行负载试验to be verified 证实to be tested for leakage 试验漏泄to be tested to prove tightness 试验紧固度to be tested according to the specifications 按规范进行试车to be retested after necessary repair 修理后重新试车to be surveyed 检验to be subjected to hydraulic test according to the requirements of the instruction book 根据说明书要求做液压试验to be subjected to running test after reassembling 装复后做运转试车to be tested by sighting 照光试验to be tested in order 需试验完好****Measuring( 表示测量的相关词语)**** measurement to be taken with bridge gauge 用桥规测量to be measured with calliper 用卡尺测量to be measured by means of ultrasonic instrument 用超声波仪器测量clearance to be measured by means of lead wire 用压铅丝测量间隙to be gauged by means of micrometer 用千分卡测试to be measured for elongation 测取延伸率to be measured for thickness 测量厚度to be calibrated 校正to be recalibrated 重新测校crank shaft deflections to be measured before and after repair 修理前后测量拐挡差****Adjusting( 表示调整的相关词语)****to be adjusted by means of lead wire 用压铅丝方法调整to be rectified on the lathe 在车床上矫正to be adjusted according to the instruction book 按说明书调整to be re-adjusted within the limit of 0.2 mm 重新调整至0.2mm to be rebalanced 重新找平to be aligned up 对中to be re-aligned 重新对中to be adjusted to 300 N / mm2 to open and 310 N / mm2 to close 调整至300 N/mm2 开启,310 N /mm2 关闭PART 23 Useful prepositional phrase(常用介词短语)about 35 mm in length 长度约35 mmabout 80 mm 90 mm in area 面积约80 mmX90 mmaccording to the instruction book 根据说明书accordi ng to the C/E ' s in st根据轮机长指示after being annealed 退火后after being ground 研磨后after being machined 精加工后after being welded 焊接后after completion 完工以后after repair 修理以后as follows 如下as necessary 按需要as per sample 按样品as required 按要求as spare 作备件before repair 修理以前before test 试验以前between fly wheel and generator 在飞轮和发电机之间by means of metal-lock 用金属扣合的方法by means of lead wire 用压铅丝方法for inspection (为了)检查for examination (为了)仔细检查for repair (为了)修理for perfect cleanness (为了)彻底清洁if found 如果发现if necessary 如果必要in(good)order 妥善in good working order(condition)至良好工况in running condition 至运行工况in normal order 至正常****Cleaning(表示清洗的相关词语)****to be cleaned internally 内部清洗to be cleaned with chemical compounds 化学清洗to be cleaned with soda solution 用苏打溶液清沽to be washed with fresh water 用淡水清洗to be flushed with sea water 用海水冲洗to be blown with compressed air 用压缩空气吹洗slops to be disposed of 处理掉废油污水to be air-blown 用空气吹通to be cleaned away thoroughly 彻底清除to be derusted by chipping 敲铲除锈to be descaled 除垢oil sludge and sediment to be dug and removed 挖掏油渣沉淀to be scraped and repainted 铲刮并重新油漆loose cement to be scraped out 铲除脱落水泥ashes(sludge)to be cleaned off 清除灰(油渣)垃圾****Machining(切削加工相关词语)**** to be faired up on the lathe 上车床校平to be machined to roundness 车成圆度to be skinned(skimmed)up 车光洁to be smoothed 车光洁to be machined(faced up)光车to be machined to size 光车至规定尺寸to be machined to order 光车至所需要求to be polished to mirror surface 抛光至镜面度to be surface-finished 表面光洁处理to be finished to roundness on spot 原地车圆to be lathed and slotted 光车开槽to be drilled and taped 钻孔攻丝to be drilled out 钻出to be milled and chamfered 铣槽倒角to be tapered before fitting back 装复前车成锥形to be honed and polished 镗磨并抛光to be bored to roundness 镗圆****Fitting(钳工用语)**** to be ground to the seat 与阀座磨合to be ground with lapping compound 用研磨剂研磨to be smoothed with a file 锉光滑ridges to be filed off 凸起部分需锉掉to be faired up in way of fracture 平顺断裂部位to be fitted and scraped 拂刮to be ground smoothly 研磨光滑to be ground to bare metal 研磨出白to be reground 重新研磨to be chipped to bare metal 敲铲出白to be freed up 除掉to be brushed 刷to be ground in sites 原地研磨to be hardened up 调质、硬化处理to be sand-blasted to bare metal 喷砂出白to be gouged out 刨削to be ground in 磨合****Caution(告诫用语)**** Caution /Look out 注意No smoking 禁止吸烟Danger 危险Poison 有毒Exit / Way out 出口Entrance 进口No admittance 禁止入内Keep off 切勿靠近Keep out 切勿入内Road closed 止步 (此路不通 ) Push 推Pull 拉Hands off 勿动手 Wet paint 油漆未干 Keep dry 防止潮湿 Keep in the sun 置于阳光下 Keep out of the sun 勿露于阳光下 Keep cool 保持阴凉 Fire gate 火灾太平门 *****Safety ( 安全用语 )***** extinguisher 灭火器 fire hose 消防水带 fine 罚款 gas-mask 防毒面具 respirator 呼吸器 venerations 中毒 suffocation 窒息 oxygen depletion (lack of oxygen ) 缺氧 explosion 爆炸 receiving an electric shock 触电 accident 事故 safety standards 安全标准 general safety rules 安全通则life saving and fire fighting equipments enclosed spaces 密闭空间oxygen deficiency 缺氧 toxic vapors 毒气1. Good morning. 早上好2. Good afternoon. 下午好3. Good evening. 晚上好4. How are you? 你好吗?5. Fine, thank you. 好,谢谢。
一、船舶类型常用英语ship, vessel 船,船舶boat, craft 艇sampan 舢板, 小船manpowered boat 人力船sailor; sailing boat 帆船motor sailor 机帆船power-driven ship 机动船paddle steamer, paddle wheel vessel 明轮船screw ship; propeller vessel 螺旋桨船airscrew ship; aerial propeller vessel 空气螺旋桨船hovercraft; aircushion craft 气垫船hydrofoil 水翼船hydrojet propelled boat, water jet boat 喷水船steamship; steamer 蒸汽机船motor ship 内燃机船diesel ship 柴油机船electrically-propelled ship 电力推进船steam turbine ship 汽轮机船gas turbine ship 燃气轮机船nuclear-power ship 核动力船deck ship 甲板船flush deck ship 平甲板船raised quarter-deck ship 尾升高甲板船well-deck ship 半舱船single side ship 单舷长大舱口船three-island ship 三岛式船double shell ship 双壳船riveted ship 铆接船welded ship 焊接船transversely framed ship 横骨架式船longitudinally framed ship 纵骨架式船combined framed ship 混合骨架式船sea-going vessel 海船ocean-going vessel 远洋船coaster 沿海船channel ship 海峡船inland waterway vessel 内河船civil ship; merchant ship 民用船;商船transport ship 运输船pleasure yacht 游艇passenger ship 客船coasting passenger and cargo ship沿海客货船passenger and auto-car carrier 旅客及汽车运输船tourist ship; passenger carrier 旅游船cargo ship; freighter 货船cargo liner 定期货船tramp ship 不定期货船container ship 集装箱船full-container ship 全集装箱船semi-container ship 半集装箱船multi-purpose container ship 多用途集装箱船general cargo ship/vessel/carrier 杂货船bulk (cargo) carrier 散货船ore carrier 矿砂船grain carrier 运粮船coal carrier; coaler 运煤船lumber(timber) carrier 运木船cattle carrier 运牲畜船multi-purpose ship 多用途船liquid cargo ship 液体货货船chemical tank 化学品液货船liquid chemical tanker 液体化学品船liquefied gas carrier 液化气体船liquefied petroleum gas tanker (LPG) 液化石油气运输船liquefied natural gas tanker (LNG) 液化天然气运输船tanker; oil tanker 油轮super tanker 超级油轮VLCC (very large crude carrier) (吨位在20万至30 万吨之间的) 巨型油轮ULCC (ultra-large crude carrier) (吨位在30万至50万吨之间的) 超巨型油船refrigerated ship; cold storage ship 冷藏船roll-on/roll-off ship (RO/RO ship) 滚装船ferry 渡船passenger ferry 旅客渡船freight ferry 货物渡船fishing vessel(boat) 渔轮trawler 拖网渔轮barge carrier; lighter aboard ship(LASH)载驳船barge; lighter 驳船deck barge 甲板驳well-deck barge 半舱驳double shell barge 双壳驳single side barge 单舷长大舱口驳oil barge 油驳container barge 集装箱驳船RO/RO barge 滚装驳船liquefied gas barge 液化气体驳hopper barge 开底泥驳split hopper barge 对开泥驳pusher; pushboat 顶推船;推船working ship 工程船tug; tugboat; towboat 拖船harbor tug 港作拖船rescue tug 救助拖轮salvage ship 救捞船dredger 挖泥船trailing suction dredge 耙吸挖泥船cutter suction dredger 绞吸挖泥船bucket wheel dredger 斗轮挖泥船bucket dredger 链斗挖泥船reclamation craft 吹泥船grab dredger 抓斗挖泥船dipper dredger 铲斗挖泥船floating pitter; drive pitter 打桩船floating crane; derrick boat 起重船floating dock 浮船坞cable layer; cable ship 布缆船scientific surveying ship 科学考察船research ship 科学调查船oceanographic research vessel 海洋调查船surveying ship 测量船ice-breaker 破冰船pontoon 浮舟; 浮桥; 趸船, 浮码头high speed craft 高速船passenger catamaran 双体客船vehicle ferry catamaran 双体车辆渡船vehicle-passenger ferry catamaran 双体车客渡船pontoon catamaran 双体趸船二、船舶结构常用英语center line 中心线,中线athwartships 横对船体(与船首尾线直交)bevel 斜角;斜面base line 基线amidships 在船中部;在纵中线上designed waterline breadth 设计水线宽designed waterline length 设计水线长draft 吃水former/aft draft 首/尾吃水draft figures 吃水尺度intersection 交点;交叉;横断面knuckle 折角线length between perpendicular 垂线间长length overall 总长load waterline length 满载水线长register length (breadth; depth) 登记长度(宽度、深度)freeboard 干舷rise of floor (dead; rise) 舭高;船底loadline mark 载重水线标记fresh water load line (F.) 淡水载重线fresh water timber load line (L.F.) 淡水木材载重线tropical fresh water load line (TF) 热带淡水载重线tropical load line (T) 热带载重线summer load line(S) 夏季载重线summer freshwater load line(F) 夏季淡水载重线winter load line(W) 冬季载重线winter North Atlantic load line(WNA) 冬季北大西洋载重线even keel (首尾)等吃水,平载extreme breadth 最大宽度floatable length 可浸长度sheer at forward (after) perpendicular 首尾舷弧sheer line 舷弧线accommodation 居住舱室accommodation deck 起居舱室;旅客甲板accommodation ladder 舷梯accommodation ladder platform 舷梯平台accommodation ladder manrope 舷梯扶索after body 后(部船)体after peak bulkhead 艉尖舱舱壁after peak tank 艉尖舱air hole 空气孔air pipe 空气管appendage (船体水线下的)附体;附件auxiliary machinery 辅助机械;辅机balanced rudder 平衡舵ballast 压载(物)ballast line 压载水管系ballast pump 压载水泵ballast pumping system 压载水系统ballast tank(water) 压载舱(水)batten 板条;压条(封仓用)batten-ceiling (货舱内)护舱条,护板beam 横梁beam bracket 梁肘板bearding 交合线,榫(艏柱或艉柱上)bending moment 弯矩bilge 舭部;舱底;(船底)污水沟bilge bracket 舭肘板bilge keel(chock, piece) 舭龙骨bilge knee 舭肘板bilge line 舭水管系bilge main 舭水总管bilge pipe (suction) 舭吸水管bilge pump 舭水泵bilge strake(plate) 舭列板bilge well 污水井bitt 系缆桩bollard 系缆桩;系船柱;双系柱bolster 枕垫bonnet 烟囱帽;机罩boom 杆;吊杆;桁;叉架boom crutch(support; rest) 吊杆支架bossing 尾管突出部;轴包套bottom frame 船底横骨bottom longitudinal 船底纵骨bottom plate 船底板bow 船首,船头bow fender 艏护垫bow flare 艏部外飘bow thruster 首侧推器bracket 肘板;(三角)拖架breakwater 挡浪板bridge 桥;桥楼;驾驶台bulb angle 圆头角材bulbous bow 球形船首,球鼻首bulb stern 球形船尾bulkhead 舱壁bulkhead plating 舱壁板bulkhead stiffener 舱壁扶强材bulwark 舷墙bulwark plating 舷墙板bulwark stay 舷墙扶强材bunker tank 燃料舱bushing 衬套butt 端接;残片butt joint(seam) 平接缝butt riveting 对接铆butt welding 对接焊butterfly clip 蝴蝶夹bypass valve 旁通阀cable stopper 止链器camber 翘曲camber of beam 梁拱cant beam 斜梁cant bracket 斜角板cant frame 斜肋骨cantilever 悬臂梁capstan 绞盘;绞缆机cargo batten 货舱护板cargo block 吊货滑车cargo port 装货舷梯,舷门cat walk (油轮上的)天桥,步桥center girder 中底桁center strake 中央内底板chafing plate 防擦板chafing ring 防擦环chain lock(well) 锚链舱chain pipe 锚链管chain stopper 止链器chock 导缆器;垫木clamp plate 夹板,压板cleat 羊角;系绳铁栓;防滑条coaming 围板;舱口围板cofferdam 隔离舱collar plate 封板collision bulkhead 船首舱壁;防撞舱壁companion way(hatch) 升降口corrugated bulkhead 槽形舱壁corrugation 皱;槽形;波形cross deck structure 舱间甲板结构crossing strength member 交叉强力构件cruiser stern 巡洋舰型船尾curtain plate 幕板cut out 开口;切davit 吊艇架;吊艇柱deck 甲板deck beam 甲板横梁deckhouse 甲板室deck line 甲板线deck longitudinal 甲板纵骨deck stringer(plate) 甲板边板deep tank 深舱derrick 吊杆diaphragm 隔板double bottom 双层底doubling plate 双层焊合板drain hole 排水孔duct keel 箱形龙骨dunnage 垫舱(物料);衬垫dunnage wood 垫木dynamic load 动载荷end bracket 端肘板escape trunk (船内)应急通道engine bed 机座engine casing 机舱围壁escape scuttle (船内)应急出口escape vent 脱险口expansion joint 伸缩接头expansion trunk(tank) (油船)膨胀深井extension bracket 延伸肘板face plate 面板fender 碰垫;护舷材fender bar 护舷条fair lead 导缆器flame screen 防焰罩flange 折边flanged bracket 折边肘板flat keel 平板龙骨floor 肋板folding door 折门forecastle deck 艏楼甲板fore peak tank (船的)首舱;前尖舱forward perpendicular 首垂线foundation 底座frame 肋骨frame number 肋骨跨数frame space 肋距freeing port 甲板排水孔;放水孔gangway (gang ladder or gang board) 舷梯gasket 垫圈,垫料(集)密封垫general service pipe (G.S pump) 通用泵,总用泵girder 桁材gooseneck(parity iron) 鹅颈头;吊杆弯头grating 格子板;滑铁板ground tackle 锚泊索具gunwale 舷缘;舷边gunwale angle 舷边角钢gunwale bar 舷边角材gunwale railing 舷边栏杆gunwale tank 舷侧水柜(甲板下)gusset 角板;扣板gutter (甲板)水沟;槽沟gutter angle; waterway angle (舷侧)排水沟角钢gypsy 绞筒(锚机绞车上的)handrail 舷墙扶手hanging rudder; hinged rudder 吊舵;悬舵hatch; hatchway; hatch opening 舱口hatch bar 封舱压条hatch batten 舱口边压条hatch beam (web) 舱口大梁hatch booby 活动舱口盖hatch coaming 舱口板hatch cover 舱口盖hatch end beam 舱口端梁hatch moulding 舱口椽材hatch side girder 舱口纵桁hatch tarpaulin 盖舱布hatch trunk 舱口围阱hawse pipe 锚链管hawser 绳索;大缆heel 踵材;横倾hinged cover(door) 铰链盖(门)hold 货舱hold beam 舱内梁hold frame 舱内肋骨hold ladder 舱内梯hold stanchion(pillar) 舱内支柱hold stringer 舱内纵桁hopper 漏斗;开舱泥驳hopper tank 底边舱hopper tank sloping plating 底边舱斜板horizontal margin plate 水平内底板horizontal girder 水平桁horizontal stiffener 水平扶强材(防挠材)hull 船壳,船体hull construction 船体结构hull plating 船壳板hull strength 船体强度inner bottom 内底inner bottom plating 内底板insert plate 嵌板;衬板jack 千斤顶jack ladder 绳梯Jacob's ladder 软梯;绳梯Joggled joint 折接;弯合joggling machine 折曲机keel 龙骨keelblock 龙骨墩keel line 龙骨线;艏艉线keel plate 龙骨板keel rail (救生艇)艇底把手keelson 内龙骨kingpost 起重柱;将军柱knee 肘板;弯头knee of the deck 甲板梁肘板lightening hole 减轻孔lignum vitae 铁梨木local strength 局部强度local stress 局部应力longitudinal 纵骨;纵材;纵桁longitudinal bulkhead 纵舱壁longitudinal bending 纵向弯曲longitudinal framing system 纵骨架式longitudinal strength 纵向强度lug 耳板main deck 主甲板main frame 主肋骨manhole 人孔man hole door 人孔盖man hole coaming 人孔围板moment of inertia 惯性矩margin plate 内底边板molded breadth 型宽molded depth 型深mooring hole 导缆孔mooring post 系缆柱;岸柱mud box 泥箱non-return valve 止回阀non-watertight bulkhead 非水密舱壁notch 切口;槽口;刻痕oscillating load 振动负荷parallel middle body 平行中体panel stiffener 板格扶强材panting arrangement 防挠振结构panting beam 防挠振梁panting stringer 防挠振纵桁pillar 支柱;墩pintle 舵销plane bulkhead 平面舱壁plane keel 平板龙骨pump room 泵舱helm(rudder) pintle 舵销horizontal margin plate 水平内底边板out bottom plating 外底板platform 平台plating 壳板plimsoll mark 载重线标志poop 艉楼;船尾poop deck 艉楼甲板port 舷门;舱门;(装货)口;窗;门;孔porthole 舷窗;(装货)舷门propeller; propellor 推进器;螺旋桨propeller aperture 螺旋桨空间propeller boss(bub) 螺旋桨毂propeller shaft 艉轴racking (船体)横向挠度rail 扶手;栏杆rolling 横摇round of beam 梁拱round stern 圆(船)尾rudder 舵rudder carrier 舵托rudder casing 舵杆管rudder pintle 舵针;舵栓rudder plate; rudder blade 舵叶;舵板rudder post 舵柱rudder stock 舵杆rudder trunk 舵杆围壁;舵杆管rung (梯子)踏步;横档scallop 扇形开孔scantling 构件尺寸scantling of the structure 结构尺寸scarf; scarph 嵌接处;斜面;斜接scarf joint 斜(嵌)接scarf weld (斜面)焊接scarfing bracket 嵌接肘板scupper 排水孔scupper pipe 排水管scuttle 舷窗;人孔(盖);小舱口盖seam 焊缝;接缝section 剖面section modulus 剖面模数semi-balanced rudder 半平衡舵shaft 轴shaft bracket 轴架shaft tube; stern tube 艉轴管shaft tunnel(alley; passage; trunk) 轴隧;地轴弄shedder plate 泄板;斜板sheer 舷弧;偏航sheer strake 舷顶列板shell 船壳;壳shell frame 舷侧肋骨shell plating 船壳板;外板shell strake; outside plating 船体外板shelter deck 遮蔽甲板shifting beam 活动舱口梁shifting board (or plank) 止移板(散装谷类);防动板side girder 旁桁材side longitudinal 舷侧纵骨side plating 舷侧外板side strake 舷侧列板single bottom 单层底skid 护舷木;垫板skylight 天窗slanting plate 斜板slop tank 污油水舱sloping plate 斜板sloping plate longitudinal 斜板纵骨slot 槽;开缝sluice 水密门;水闸sluice valve 闸阀sniped end 削斜端soft toe 软趾solid floor 实肋板sounding pipe 测量管;测深管stabilizer 减摇装置stabilizing tank 减摇水舱staging 构架;台架;脚手架stanchion 支柱;栏杆柱static load 静载荷stay 支柱;撑条;支索stay bar(or rod) 撑杆stay plate 撑板stem 艏;艏柱;艏材stem post 艏柱stern 船尾,艉部stern counter 船尾突出体stern shaft; propeller shaft 艉轴stern poop 艉楼stern post 尾柱stiffener 防挠材;扶强材;加固物stool 托架,座,凳strake 列板strength calculation 强度计算strength deck 强力甲板stringer 纵桁stringer plate 甲板边板structural member 构件structural strength 结构强度strum box (舱底水)过滤箱strut 撑材,支柱,轴架stuffing box 填料箱superstructure 上层建筑tail (end) shaft 艉轴tarpaulin 防水油布,帆布,舱盖布thrust bearing(block) 推力轴承thrust shaft collars 推力环tieplate 带板,牵板,连接板topside tank 顶边舱;上边柜topside tank sloping plating 顶边舱斜板torsion 扭转torsion strength 扭转强度transom stern 方形船尾transverse 横梁,横材transverse bulkhead 横舱壁transverse frame 横肋骨,横框transverse framing system 横骨架式transverse ring 横环transverse strength 横向强度tripping bracket 防倾肘板tween deck 中间甲板tween deck frame 甲板间肋骨twisting distortion 扭转变形twisting moment 扭转力矩tunnel 轴隧,隧道,风筒tunnel escape 轴隧应急出口tunnel shaft bearing 中间轴支撑轴承ullage pipe (port) 油位测定管(孔)ullage space 空挡空间upper deck 上甲板upper (reverse) frame 内底横骨upper (lower) shelf plate 上(下)支架板upper (lower) stool 上(下)托架ventilator 通风筒vertical ballast trunk 竖向压载通道vertical girder 竖桁warping chocks 滚轮导缆钳wash bulkhead 可荡舱壁,挡水舱壁watertight bulkhead 水密舱壁watertight deck 水密门weather deck 露天甲板web beam 强横梁,桁板横梁web frame 加强肋骨,框架肋骨,桁板肋骨web plate 腹板wedge 楔木,楔子winch 起货机winch-head 绞车卷筒windlass 起锚机wing tank 翼舱,翼柜wire clip 钢缆夹wire reel 卷缆车,钢丝滚筒三、船舶材料及工艺常用英语A.Shipbuilding material (造船材料)T-bar T型钢Z-bar Z型钢I-B ar 工字钢channel bar 槽钢angle steel 角钢equal angle steel 等边角钢unequal angle steel 不等边角钢offset bulb plate 球扁钢flat plate 钢板round steel 圆钢half round steel 半圆钢steel pipe 钢管alloy steel 合金钢special steel 特种钢tempering steel 回火钢材low carbon steel 低碳钢high tensile steel 高强度钢copper 紫铜brass 黄铜aluminum alloy 铝合金stainless steel 不锈钢mechanical property 机械性能tensile test 拉伸试验bend test 弯曲试验impact test 冲击试验torsion test 扭转试验torsion strength 抗扭强度torsional deflection 扭转;扭转变形tensile strength 拉伸强度yield strength 屈服强度yield point 屈服点yield stress 屈服应力elastic limit 弹性极限ultimate strength 极限强度ultimate tensile stress 极限拉伸应力elasticity 弹性ductility 延展性,可塑(锻)性flexibility 挠性,柔性,易弯性toughness 韧性brittleness 脆性friability 易碎性hardness 硬度rigidity 刚性,稳定性heat treatment 热处理quench 淬火normalising 正火annealing 退火hardening 硬化,淬火tempering 回火casting 铸件,铸造forging 锻件,锻造pickling 酸洗ship timber 船用木材lignumvitae 铁梨木three-plywood 三夹板asbestos 石棉asbestos cloth 石棉布asbestos board 石棉板asbestos sheet 石棉纸asbestos cord 石棉绳asbestos paint 石棉涂料fiberglass 玻璃丝plastics 塑料resin 树脂rubber 橡皮painting 油漆cladding 镀层,表面处理coating 涂层,敷料corrosion 腐蚀,侵蚀wastage 损耗,蚀耗wear and tear 蚀损,磨损fracture 裂纹fatigue fracture 疲劳裂纹hairline fracture 发式裂纹buckling 皱折deformation 变形deflection, deflexion 挠曲flexion 弯曲lamellar tearing 层间撕裂rust 铁锈scale 锈皮pitting 点蚀,锈斑indent 凹痕,凹陷groove 槽沟detachment 脱开,脱焊rupture 断裂,破裂cropping 割掉renewal 换新descale 除锈grind 磨平be veed out 刨除alignment 对准,校直snip 剪断,剪片taper 削斜,斜度B.Shipbuilding workmanship (造船工艺)Working drawing 施工图end elevation 后面图front elevation 正面图side elevation 侧面图plane 平面图lines plan 型线图plan of waterlines 水线图general arrangement plan 总布置图construction plan 结构图damage plan 损坏示意图shell expansion plan 外板展开图docking plan 进坞图framing plan 船体构架图inboard pro 纵剖面图midship section plan 舯剖面图loaded waterline plane 满载水线图half breadth plan 半宽水线图stowage plan 配载图laying off lofting 放样mold loft floor 放样台mold loft 放样间template 样板mold loft batten, template batten 木样条evolute 展开线allowance 余量assembly 装配subassembly 分段装配subdivision length 分段长度shipbuilding tolerance 造船公差building berth 船台building dock 干坞slip dock 湿坞marine slipway, railway dry dock 船排marine slipway cradle 船排支架building block, stocks 枕木launch 下水launching ways 下水滑道launching grade 下水坡度launching cradle 下水架end launching 纵向下水side way launching 横向下水hydraulic press 水压机flanging machine 折边机plate bending machine 弯板机angle cutter 角钢切断机planing machine 刨边机shearing machine 剪床guillotine shear 龙门剪床oxy-acetylene welding 氧-乙炔焊co2 gas welding 二氧化碳气体焊arc welding 电弧焊unionmelt welding 埋弧自动焊fusion welding 熔焊fillet welding 角焊flat seam 对接缝butt joint welding 对接焊intermittent welding 间断焊;断续焊staggered intermittent welding 交错断续焊缝lap weld 搭接焊slot weld 槽焊;长孔焊plug weld 塞焊;圆孔焊run of welding 焊道welding torch 焊炬welding rod 焊条flux 焊药filler metal; deposited metal 熔敷金属welding stress 焊接应力welding procedure 焊接方法welding throat 焊喉cutting torch 割炬acetylene generator 乙炔发生器slag 熔渣undercut (焊接)咬边;根切hydraulic test 水压试验pressure test 压力试验flooding test 灌水试验hose test 冲水试验oil tight test 油密试验purchase trial 交船试验四、船舶性能常用英语angle of vanishing stability 稳性消失角buoyancy 浮性buoyancy curve 浮力曲线capsizing lever, upsetting lever 倾覆力臂capsizing moment, upsetting moment 倾覆力矩center of buoyancy 浮心center of floatation 漂心center of gravity 重心curve of areas of waterplanes 水线面积曲线curve of section areas 横剖面面积曲线curve of volumes of displacement 排水量曲线dynamical stability(curve)动稳性(曲线)entrance angle 进水角floodable length 可浸长度force of buoyancy, buoyant force 浮力free surface 自由液面heaving 垂荡heeling angle 横倾角heeling moment 横倾力矩hogging 中拱hogging condition 中拱状态hogging moment(stress) 中拱力矩(应力)hydrostatic curves 静水力曲线initial metacenter 初稳心initial stability 初稳性insubmersibility 抗沉性longitudinal inclination; list; heel 纵倾longitudinal stability 纵稳性panting (波浪对船体的)冲击period of rolling 横摇周期pitching 纵摇pounding 波浪冲击maneuverability 操纵性margin line 限界线metacenter 稳心moment to change trim one centimeter 每厘米纵倾力矩permissible length 许可长度potential head 势头pressure head 压头restoring moment, righting moment 复原力矩restoring lever, righting lever 复原力臂rolling 横摇sagging 中垂sagging condition 中垂状态sagging moment(stress) 中垂力矩(应力)seaworthiness 适航性stability 稳性stability at large angles 大倾角稳性stability criterion numeral 稳性横准数static head 静压头(力)statical stability (curve) 静稳性(曲线)surging 纵荡swaying 横荡tons per centimeter of immersion 每厘米吃水吨数total head (pressure) 总压头(力)transverse inclination, trim 纵倾transverse (longitudinal) metacenter 横(纵)稳心transverse (longitudinal) stability 横(纵)稳性trim by the bow (stern) 首(尾)倾turning quality (circle) 回转性(圈)velocity head 速头weigh curve 重力曲线yawing 艏摇五、船体检验常用英语THE DESCRIPTION OF DAMAGEA.General descriptions1.in good condition 情况良好2.in poor condition 情况欠佳3.in bad condition 情况不佳,情况不良4.in a neglected condition 缺乏保养5.not properly serviced 未经正常保养6.not properly cleaned 未经正常清洁7.not properly protected未经正常保护8.not properly insulated未经正常隔热(或电气绝缘)9.not properly adjusted 未经正常校正10.defective 有缺陷的(失效)11.damaged 损坏damaged beyond repair 损坏了无法修复12.failed (in failure) 失效13.cut of order (in trouble) 故障out of action 停止工作(作用),不是指故障14.in disorder 零乱(船属具零乱了)15.not working 不能工作16.inoperative 不能工作(失效)unworkable, inoperable 指本身不能工作,在损坏状况判断中不能使用17.out of function 不能工作,失去作用,不起作用18.unserviceable (useless) 不能使用(指必须换新的损坏部件)19.could not be started(failed to start) 不能启动20.empty 空的21.fitted incorrectly 安装不正确(指小型的装置设备)installed incorrectly 安装不正确(指较大的装置设备)22.dangerous accumulation of inflammablevapors 可燃气体危险集积it was obvious that this state had existed for a considerable time (损坏)状况是长期存在的23.sluggish in (action, answering) (动作、应答)迟钝B.Deficiencies1.no…fitted, no…provided 未装2.no…available未备有3.missing 遗失4.incomplete 不齐全,不完整5.deficient 不足,缺少6.insufficient 不足7.neglected 遗漏8.omitted 遗漏,省去9.removed 移开,拆走10.washed overboard 冲走11.dropped 跌落12.fitted with wrong ….(size, material, devices…)错用(尺寸,材料,仪器)C.Tightness, stains, loss of etc.1.Leaking 漏2.infiltrating (seeping) 渗漏3.weeping 泪滴4.sweating 汗滴5.not watertight 不水密6.loss of watertightness 失去水密性(比5好)7.loss of airtightness 失去气密性8.loss of oiltightness 失去油密性9.escaping of cool 逃冷10.loss of lub-oil pressure 滑油压力降低11.loss of water pressure 水压力降低12.oil polluted 油污染13.oil soaked 油浸14.water soaked 水浸15.water stained 水渍16.oil stained 油渍17.rust in patches 锈斑18.verdigris in patches 铜绿斑19.water marks 水渍D.Crack, score, break etc.1.scuffed 拉毛(仅从反光上可观察到)2.chafed 擦痕3.scored 拉痕(痕较chafed深)4.scratched 抓痕(硬拉过的痕)5.scraped 刮痕(长期运行刮的痕)6.grooved 槽痕(比pitting深)7.ridged 凸起雷治痕(环状的痕)8.cracked 裂痕hair crack 发痕surface crack 表面裂痕through crack 穿透裂痕non-through crack 未穿透裂痕9.chapped 龟裂,折裂10.fractured 折裂11.broken off 破掉(破裂后跌落)broken 破裂,破碎12.holed 穿洞13.holed & flooded 破洞浸水14.opened 开口15.bent 弯曲16.canted 倾斜17.buckled 皱折18.warped 翘起,翘曲19.indented (dented) 凹痕,凹陷(指船壳板在两档肋位间的凹陷)20.set in 凹陷(指船壳板较大面积的凹陷)21.waved 波曲22.curled 卷曲(指绳索)23.rumpled 褶皱(指垫片)24.bulged 鼓起,凸出25.collapsed 倾陷,倾倒26.ruptured 毁损27.torn off 撕破torn 拉脱28.pierced 刺破29.peeled 剥皮(油漆剥落)30.burst 爆破(指高压管路)31.blown off (packing) 吹脱32.distorted 扭曲,歪扭33.engine break-down 因故障机器突然停车E.Corrosion, seizing, choking etc.1.corrosion 腐蚀2.wasted 耗油3.deteriorated 蚀薄4.thinned 变薄5.pitted 麻点6.eroded 侵蚀7.rusted 生锈8.rotten (木、橡胶)腐烂、腐坏9.decayed (电缆)腐烂、腐坏10. aerated(橡胶、电缆)腐烂、腐坏11. aged 老化12. seized 咬住13. seized by corrosion 锈死14. stuck (粘)咬住15. rust-jammed 锈轧16. fouled 拥塞17. clogged堵塞(常指管子的堵塞)18. blocked 阻塞19. gagged 塞口20. foul & dirty 闭塞21. blanked 封没22. plugged 闭塞23. choked 卡住,阻塞F.Wear, loose, clearance etc.1.Loose 松动2.starting (铆钉)松动3.slack 松动slack back 松出4.worn 磨损5.worn cut evenly 均匀磨损6.worn cut unevenly 不均匀磨损7.worn on one side 单边磨损8.worn out symmetrically 对称磨损9.distorted (轴线弯曲并扭转)扭曲10.sprung (铆钉)扭歪11.twisted (轴线未弯、纯扭转)扭转12.excess clearance 间隙过大13.excess backlash 齿隙过大14.excess vibration 振动过大15.excess noise level 噪音过大16.loose engagement 啮合太松17.loose connection 接头松动18.tooth 齿worn out 磨损chopped off 崩缺fractured 折断19.knocking 敲击knocking cylinder 敲缸knocking valve gear 伐件敲缸knocking bearing 轴承敲缸20.bearing metal 轴承合金detached 脱壳cracked 开裂wiped 铺铅belted 熔化oil groove blocked 油槽堵塞21.out off roundness 失圆22.out off alignment 拉线不直23.off-centering 偏心24.deflected 偏斜G.Burning, heating, etc.1.Sparking 火花2.arcking (arcing) 电弧mutator 整流器scored 拉痕burnt 烧坏worn 磨耗,磨损uneven 不平sparking 火花blackened 发黑rough 粗糙mica undercut 弧坑4.brush set incorrectly 碳刷安装不正确5.scorched 烤焦6.coked 结焦7.charred 结碳8.overheated 过热9.broken down 击穿10. short-circuit 短路11. setting incorrect 整定值不正确12. tripped incorrect 脱扣不正常13. batteriescompletely discharged(电)完全发光undercharged 未充满overcharged 充电过量dry water 水干A. Remove, crop etc.1.Removed 拆下2.removed & replaced 拆装3.removed, faired & replaced拆装拷平4.cropped & renewed 割换(管、板、栏杆)5.partly renewed 部分换新6.partly cropped & renewed 部分割换7.cut off 割除8.faired 拷平9.faired on 原地拷平10.faired in place 原地拷平11.straightened 拷直、校直12.dismantle 拆卸(某一零件)13.disassembled 拆散(解体)14.stripped 拆除(某一部件)15.unshipped 拆下16.disconnected 断开(线、管接头)17.opened 打开18.lifted 抬升、举起19.jacked 顶起(用千斤顶顶起)20.replaced (by, with) 换用21.patch 贴补B.Fit, scrape, grind etc.1.fitted & scraped 拂刮2.fitted & ground 拂磨3.scraped & ground 刮磨4.made to fit 拂合(装配好)5.run to fit 跑合(运动磨合)6.ground round 磨圆7.ground smooth 磨光8.ground & reamed 磨绞9.bored round 镗圆10.planed smooth 刨光11.polished 抛光12.machined 光车13.skimmed 光刀14.finish machined 精加工15.rough machine 粗加工C.Re-metal, adjust, check etc1.Remetalled 重浇白合金2.re-babbitted 重浇白合金(专指巴氏合金)3.pulled out 拉出4.drawn out 抽出5.taken out 取出6.adjusted 调整,校正adjusted for alignment 校正拉线adjusted true 校正拉线adjusted for clearance 校正间隙adjusted for centering 校中adjusted for deflection 校偏7.checked 检查checked for roundness 检查圆度checked for insulation resistance 检查绝缘电阻checked for centering检查中心位置checked for alignment 检查拉线checked for clearance 检查间隙8.cleaned 清洁9.wire-scrubbed 钢丝刷(除锈)10.chipped & scraped 拷锈(油漆)11.measured & recorded 测量并记录12.logged (hourly) 记录(小时)D.weld, rivet, wind etc.1.r epaired by welding 电焊修理2.w elded 补焊、焊接3.c losed up by welds (面积、深度、高度较大)焊补4.b uilt up by welds 堆焊5.p lug welded 塞焊6.s pot welded 点焊7.b utt welded 对接焊8 tackweld 点焊、平头焊、定位焊。
1 .2.配电柜Distribution box3.散货船 Bulk carrier货船 Cargo Ship杂货船 General cargo ship干货船 Dry cargo shipι集装箱船 Container shipι油船Oil tanker化学品液货船Chemical tanker液化气体船Liquefied gas carrier 矿沙船 Ore carrierι运煤船 Coal carrier滚装货船 Ro/Roι ship 冷藏船 Refrigerated shipι排水量Displacement载货量Cargo (dead)weight吃水(首、尾、平均) Draft ( fwd, aft, mean)稳性Stability干舷:Freeboard载重线:Load line载重线标志Loadline marks航海日志Deck log book维修计划Maintenance plan电压V oltage电压降V oltage drop电流Current频率Frequency驾驶室wheel house海图室chart room报务室radio room雷达室radar room声纳室sonar room主机舱main engine room主机操纵室main engine control room辅机舱auxiliary engine room锅炉舱boiler room机炉舱engine and boiler room减速器舱reduction gear room舵机舱steering gear room通风机室fan room变流机室commutator room空调室air-conditioner room应急发电机室emergency generator room冷冻机室refrigerator room灭火装置室fire control room蓄电池室battery room电工间electrician’s store船员舱室crew’s cabin货舱cargo hol集装箱舱container hold储藏室store, store room淡水舱fresh water tank住所Cabin医务室Hospital厨房Galley休息室Lounge餐室Dining room餐厅Mess room工作间Workshop电机长Chief electrician电机员Electrician(船舶电机员) Electrical crew/staff of ship 电助Assistant electrician水手(original) seaman实习生Apprentice见习生Cadet甲板部Deck department轮机部Machinery department船首、首柱stem首柱板stem plate船首部bow球鼻首bulb(ous) bow船尾stern尾柱stern frame(post)船尾部quarter吊杆derrick boom岸吊shore crane4.柴油机Diesel Engine柴油柜Diesel oil tank6.负极Negative7.分配器Distributor10..动力系统发电机Generator原动机Prime mover 发电机组Generating set 主发电机Main generator辅助发电机Auxiliary generator应急发电机Emergency generator备用发电机Reserve (stand-by) generator直流发电机 D.C. (Direct current) generator交流发电机 A.C. (Alternating current) generator无刷发电机Brushless generator轴带发电机Shaft-driven generator柴油(机驱动)发电机Diesel (-driven) generator燃气轮机(驱动)发电机Gas turbine (driven) generator防滴式发电机Drip-proof generator电动发电机Electric motor generator感应电动机Induction motor伺服电动机Servo motor控制电动机Control motor主配电板Main switchboard应急配电板Emergency switchboard应急蓄电池充放电板Emergency accumulator battery charging and discharging board 应急蓄电池组Emergency accumulator battery重要用途电气设备Electrical equipment for essential services照明系统Lighting system主照明系统Main lighting system应急照明系统Emergency lighting system临时应急照明系统Temporary emergency lighting system船内通讯系统Internal communication system广播系统Command broadcasting system传令钟系统Telegraph system电话系统Commanding telephone system轮机员呼叫系统Engineer’s alarm system船内报警系统Internal alarm system探火和失火报警系统Fire detection and fire alarm systems灭火剂施放预告报警Pre-warnings for the release of extinguishing media通用应急报警系统General emergency alarm system水密门关闭报警Watertight doors closing alarm舵机Steering gear锚机Windlass11. GMDSS全球海险呼救安全系统Global Maritime Distress and Safety System主电源Main source of power应急电源Emergency source of power蓄电池Accumulator蓄电池组Accumulator battery应急蓄电池组Emergency accumulator battery临时应急蓄电池组Temporary accumulator battery电池Battery干电池Dry battery充电/放电Charge/discharge电网Electrical network接线箱connection box岸电箱shore (power) connection box配电箱distribution box汇流排Busbar主汇流排Main busbar分区配电板汇流排Sub-switchboard busbar裸主汇流排Bare main busbar均压汇流排Phase (pole) busbar中性线汇流排Equalizer busbar相(极)汇流排Neutral busbar直流汇流排D.C. busbar交流汇流排A.C. busbar裸线Bare conductor接地线Earth connection中性线Neutral wire正极Positive pole负极Negative pole配电板Switchboard主配电板Main switchboard电力推进装置配电板Switchboard for electric propulsion installation 应急配电板Emergency switchboard蓄电池充放电板Battery charging and discharging board (panel)分配电板Distribution switchboard区配电板Section switchboard控制屏Control panel12. 触电shocked除锈derusted遇险in distress徒劳in vain13. 左舷port side右舷starboard side船长captain。
E drop 电压降E heavy decker 重甲板船E limber kentledge 压载铁块E shaped iron core E型铁心E wave E型波e eccentricitye electro-typee Napierian logarithm basee wet with raine 废气锅炉E-layer E层E-mail 电子邮箱E.L.Oldendorff & Co.G.m.b.H. v. Tradax Export S.AE.L 奥丹多福公司G.m.b.H诉特达克斯出口公司SA案E1 Nath =β Tauri 五车五each and every accident 每次事故each and every accident 每个事故each and every loss 每个损失each and every occurrence 每个事件each or every round voyage 每一往返航次each 每each 每个each 每每个eading hand队长eager 江河口)怒潮eager 怒潮eagle nose pliers 鹰鼻钳eagle nose pliers 鹰嘴钳eagor pororoca 江河口)怒潮eagor 江河口)怒潮eagre 江河口)怒潮ear drops 甘油滴耳液ear muffs 护耳套ear piece 耳机ear plug 耳塞ear protector 护耳器ear receiver 头载式听筒ear 耳ear 耳朵;听觉;耳状物ear 耳耳状物ear-nut 蝶形螺帽ear-nut 蝶形螺母eared-screw 蝶形螺钉earing cringle 帆耳眼环earing 耳索earliest arrival time 最早到达时间earliest posible time of arrival 可能最早到达时间earlist arrival time 最早到达时间early break 提前断开early failure period 调试时间early fialure period 调试时间early gate 前闸门early ignition 提前点火early make break 提前闭合断开early shipment 早装运Early Termination Clause 提前终止条款early timing 提前定时early timing 提前正时early warning system 提前报警系统early warning 提前报警early 提前的early-failure period 早期损坏时间early-warning equipment 预警设备earned hire 应得租金earned premium income 保费收入earnest money 定金earning capacity 生产能力earning capacity 运输量earning life of the vessel 船舶营运年限earning 获得earphone 耳机earphone 受话机earphone 听筒earpiece plug 耳机插塞earpiece 耳机耳承earring cringle 帆耳眼环earth bar 接地棒earth based coordinate system 地球坐标系earth based coordinate system 地球座标系earth based coordinates 地球坐标earth based coordinates 地球座标earth bus 接地母线earth capacity 对地电容earth centered ellipsoid 地心椭圆体earth circuit 接地电路earth clamp 接地夹子earth clamp 接地夹子接地端子earth clip 接地夹earth coil 地磁感应线圈earth conductivity 大地电导率earth connection measurement plant 接地测量装置earth connection 地线接头earth connection 接地线接地earth connector 接地器earth current breaker 接地电流断路器earth current 接地电流earth current 接地电流;大地电流earth current 接地电流大地电流earth detector 接地测试器earth detector 接地指示器earth equatorial plane 地球赤道面earth equatorial plane 地球赤道平面earth equatorial plane 地球赤道平面地球赤道面earth fault protection 接地故障防护earth fault 接地故障earth fixed Cartesian coordinates 固地笛卡尔坐标earth fixed Cartesian coordinates 固地笛卡尔座标earth fixed coordinate system 地球定点坐标系统earth free 不接地的earth grid 抑制栅极earth ionosphere waveguide 地—电离层波导earth lamp switch 接地指示灯开关earth lamp 检漏灯earth lamp 检漏灯接地指示灯earth lamp 接地指示灯earth lead 接地导线earth leakage current 漏地电流earth leakage indicator 漏地电流指示器earth leakage protection 对地漏泄保earth leakage protection 对地漏泄保装置earth leakage 接地泄漏earth leakage 漏电earth leakage 通地漏电earth light 大地光earth magnetic field jamming 地磁干扰earth magnetic field 地磁场earth magnetic field 地磁场地球磁场earth magnetic field 地球磁场earth magnetism navigation 地磁导航earth magnetism 地磁earth measurement 大地测量earth nut oil 花生油earth oil 石油earth path indicator 航迹钟earth physics 地球物理earth pin 接地棒earth pipe 接地管earth plate 接地板earth plug 带接地触点的插头earth point 接地点earth potential difference 对地电位差earth potential 地电位earth quake wave 地震海浪earth radius 地球半径earth rate correction 地转速改正earth rate 地球转速earth resistance 接地电阻earth resources satellite 地球资源卫星earth resources technology satellite 地球资源技术卫星earth return circuit 地回电路earth return circuit 接地回路earth return 地回路earth revolution 地球公转earth rotation 地球自转Earth Satellite Corporation 地球卫星公司earth satellite vehicle 人造地球卫星earth screen 接地屏蔽earth shielded 接地屏蔽的earth shine 大地光earth station in the fixedsatellite service 固定卫星业务地面站earth station in the meteorological-satellite service 气象卫星业务地面站earth station in the radio navigation-satellite service 无线电导航卫星业务的地面站earth station 地面电台earth station 地球站Earth Station-Ecuador 厄瓜多尔地面站Earth Station-Egypt 埃及地面站Earth Station-Greece 希腊地面站Earth Station-Hongkong 香港地面站Earth Station-Iran 伊朗地面站Earth Station-Israel 以色列地面站Earth Station-Ivory Coast 象牙海岸地面站Earth Station-Jordan 约旦地面站Earth Station-Kenya 肯尼亚地面站Earth Station-Libya 利比亚地面站Earth Station-Mexico 墨西哥地面站Earth Station-Morocco 摩洛哥地面站Earth Station-Scandinavia 斯堪的纳维亚半岛地面站Earth Station-Senegal 塞内加尔地面站Earth Station-South Africa 南非地面站Earth Station-Sudan 苏旦地面站Earth Station-Syria 叙利亚地面站Earth Station-Turkey 土耳其地面站Earth Station-Venezuela 委内瑞拉地面站Earth Station-Yugoslavia 南斯拉夫地面站earth stud 接地双头螺栓earth switch 接地开关earth system 地线装置earth tap 接地抽头earth terminal 接地端子earth tester 接地测试器earth tester 接地测试器高阻表earth wire 地线earth wire 接地线earth 把…接地地球earth 地earth 地球earth 地球;地earth's axes 地面坐标系earth's axis 地轴earth's magnetic field 地磁场earth's surface 地面earth's 大地的earth-fault protection 接地故障保装置earth-fault relay 接地故障信号继电器earth-free 不接地的earth-ionosphere waveguide 地—电离层波导earth-shielded 接地屏蔽的earthed circuit 接地电路earthed conductor 接地导线earthed distribution system 接地配电系统earthed netural conductor 接地中线earthed neutral 接地中线earthed neutral 接地中线接地中点earthed system 单制线earthed system 接地装置earthed system 接地装置接地系统单制线earthed 接地的earthed-neutral distribution system 中点接地配电系统earthen 陶制的earthenware or glass carboy 陶质酸坛或玻璃酸瓶earthenware or glass carboy 陶质酸坛或玻璃酸瓶earthenware pipe 陶瓷管earthenware porcelain receptacle 陶瓷容器earthenware ship 水泥船earthenware 陶器earthenware 陶器陶器earthing clamp 接地夹具earthing conductor 接地线earthing connection 接地装置earthing device 接地装置earthing of casing 外壳接地earthing of frame 接机座earthing resistor 接地电阻earthing switch 接地开关earthing terminal 接地端子earthing 接地earthlight 灰光earthometer 接地测量仪earthometer 兆欧计earthquake fault 地震断层earthquake wave 地震海浪earthquake wave 地震海浪;海啸earthquake 地震earthquake-proof 抗震的earthwards 向地球方向easamatic 简易自动式Ease helm! 回舵Ease wheel! 回舵ease ahead 低速前进Ease all! 慢划!ease astern 低速后退Ease away! 慢慢松出ease away 有控制地漫漫溜出突然停止ease grade 平缓坡度;拧松ease grade 平缓坡度拧松Ease her ahead! 低速前进低速前进Ease her astern! 低速后退Ease her! 回舵Ease in! 慢慢进去Ease off! 松些Ease out! 松出Ease the helm! 回舵ease the helm 回舵Ease the rudder! 回舵ease the rudder 回舵Ease the wheel! 回舵Ease to fifteen! 回到15度Ease to five! 回到5度Ease to ten! 回舵到10°回舵到10度Ease to twenty! 回到20度Ease up! 慢慢升起ease 放宽ease 简铁ease 轻便Easehelm! 回舵Easewheel! 回舵easily vulnerable 易受损伤的easily 容易地easing gear 减压装置easing gear 释放装置easing gear 卸载装置easing lever 开启杆easing out line 吊钩绳easing out line 送出缆easing out line 引链索easing 释放easings 肠衣类East Africa 东非East African Airways Corp. 东非航空公司East African Airways 东非航空公司East African Harbours Corporation 东非港口公司East Australia current 东澳洋流east by north 东偏北east by north 东偏北东偏北East by South 东偏南east by south 东偏南东偏南East Caribbean Common Market 东加勒比海共同市场East China Sea 中国东海east coast coal port 东海岸煤港East Coast Coal Port 东海岸煤码头(租船用语East Coast of Africa 非洲东海岸East Coast of Great Britain 大不列颠东海岸(租船用语East Coast of Ireland 爱尔兰东海岸East Coast of North America 北美东海岸East Coast of South Africa 南非东海岸East Coast of South America 南美东海岸East Coast of the United Kingdom 联合王国东海岸(租船用语East Coast of the United States of America 美国东海岸East Coast of the United States 美国东海岸East Coast 东海岸east dilution of precision 东向精度系数East European Time 东欧时间East Greenland current 沿格陵兰东及东南岸向南及向西南的北冰洋洋流East India Docks 东印度码头East Indies 东印度群岛east longitude 东经east magnetic component 东向磁力east marks 东方标East South East 东南东East West 东西向east zone 东区east 东east 东东东向east-north-east 东北东east-south-east 东南东eastbound 向东航行的easterlies 东风带easterly dilution of position 位置精度东向分量easterly hour angle 东时角easterly hour angle 东时角(曾用名easterly motion of vessel 船速东向分量easterly wave 东风波easterly weather 东风气候easterly 东的easterly 东方的向东方的Eastern Atlantic Area 东大西洋航区Eastern Australian Standard Time 东澳大利亚标准时eastern celestial hemisphere 东半天球Eastern Daylight Saving Time 东部夏令时Eastern Daylight Time 东部夏令时eastern hemisphere 东半球Eastern Hemisphere 东半球(气象传真用语eastern hemisphere 东半球东半球(气象传真用语eastern longitude 东经Eastern North America 北美东部eastern standard time 东部标准时间eastern standard time 东部标准时间Eastern Standard Time 美国东部标准时间Eastern Winter Time 东部冬季时间eastern 东的eastern 东方的eastern 东方的东部的easting 东向分量向东航程eastly 东方的eastnortheast 东北东eastsoutheast 东南东eastsoutheast 东南东东南东eastward 向东;东方的eastward 向东东方的Easy helm! 回舵Easy ahead! 缓进easy ahead 慢进Easy all! 停桨easy area 可航区easy area 易航区easy astern) 口令)低速后退easy bilge 平顺底边easy bilge 圆舭easy bilge 圆舭平顺底边easy device 轻便仪表easy device 轻便装置easy fit 轻转配合easy load 易装卸的货物easy motion 平稳运动easy push fit 轻推配合easy roll 轻度横摇easy running fit 轻转配合easy service 简易检修easy serving 简易检修easy slide fit 轻滑配合Easy Starbord! 向右缓转! 右舵慢easy starter 简易起动装置easy 容易;慢些easy 容易的easy 容易慢些Easyhelm! 回舵eat 吃;喝;腐蚀eat 吃喝腐蚀eat-back 蔓延eating house 餐馆ebb anchor 落潮锚ebb anchor 退潮锚ebb and flood tides 潮汐ebb and flow gate 涨落潮闸门ebb axis 落潮流的平均方向ebb channel 落潮水道ebb current 落潮ebb current 落潮流ebb current 退潮流ebb dry 干出ebb interval 落潮流间隙ebb interval 最大)落潮流间隙最大)落潮流间隙ebb stream 落潮流ebb strength 落潮流ebb strength 最大)落潮流速ebb tide gate 落潮闸门ebb tide gate 内坞闸ebb tide stream 落潮流ebb tide 落潮ebb 低潮落潮ebb 落潮ebbstream 落潮流Ebel type 一种吊货方式Eble type 埃贝尔方式ebonite cell 硬胶壳电池ebonite ring 胶木活塞环ebonite bush 硬橡胶衬套ebonite cell 硬胶壳电池ebonite driver 胶柄螺丝刀ebonite packing 硬橡胶填料ebonite seal 胶木环密封ebonite sleeve 硬橡胶套管ebonite tube 硬橡胶管ebonite 胶木ebonite 硬橡胶ebonitecell 硬胶壳电池ebonitering 胶木活塞环ebony 黑檀木ebony 乌木ebulliometer 沸点测定器ebullioscope 沸点计ebullition 沸腾ebullition 起泡eccentric action 偏心作用eccentric adjustment 偏心调节eccentric adjustment 偏心调整eccentric angle 偏心角eccentric anomaly 偏心像差eccentric anomaly 偏心象差eccentric arm 偏心半径eccentric bar 偏心杆eccentric bushing 偏心轮轴衬eccentric cam 偏心凸轮eccentric circle 偏心圆eccentric clip 偏心夹环eccentric disc 偏心盘eccentric disk 偏心盘eccentric drive 偏心轮传动eccentric drive 偏心轮传动偏心轮传动装置eccentric drum 偏心轮鼓eccentric error 六分仪)偏心差六分仪的)偏心差eccentric error 偏心差eccentric for fuel regulation 燃油调节偏心轮eccentric force 偏心力eccentric gear 偏心齿轮偏心轮传动装置eccentric gear 偏心轮eccentric governor 偏心调节器eccentric governor 偏心调速器eccentric governor 偏心调速器偏心调节器eccentric groove 偏心槽eccentric link 偏心机构月牙板eccentric link 偏心连杆eccentric load 偏心负载eccentric load 偏心负载偏心载荷eccentric load 偏心载荷eccentric loading 偏心荷载eccentric motion 偏心运动eccentric orifice plate 偏心孔板eccentric pin 偏心销eccentric pulley 偏心轮eccentric radius 偏心半径eccentric reducer 偏心异径管节eccentric reduction gear 偏心式减速齿轮eccentric ring 偏心环eccentric rod 偏心杆eccentric roller jacking device 偏心起升滚轮装置eccentric roller 偏心滚轮eccentric shaft 偏心轴eccentric sheave 偏心内轮偏心皮带轮eccentric shoe 偏心滑块eccentric sleeve 偏心衬套eccentric sleeve 偏心套筒eccentric strap 偏心环eccentric throw 偏心距eccentric throw 偏心轮行程eccentric wear 偏心磨损eccentric wheel 偏心轮eccentric 不同圆心的;偏角的;偏心轮;偏心圆eccentric 不同圆心的偏角的偏心轮偏心圆eccentric 偏心的eccentric 偏心轮eccentric 偏心轮偏心的eccentrical angle 偏心角eccentrical 偏心的eccentricity component 偏心分量eccentricity of the earth 地球偏心率eccentricity ratio 偏心率eccentricity 离心率eccentricity 偏心距;偏心率eccentricity 偏心距偏心率eccentricity 偏心率Eccles-Jordan circuit 双稳态触发电路echelette 红外光栅echelon design 分组设计echelon 梯队echo acquisition 回波捕捉echo acquisition 回波捕捉echo amplifier 反射信号放大器echo area 反射面积echo bearing 回波方位echo board 回波显示屏echo box performance monitor 雷达空腔监控器echo box 回波箱echo depth finder 回声测深仪echo depth sounder 回声测深仪echo distortion 回波失真echo Doppler indicator 多普勒回波指示器echo effect 回波效应echo excess 回声余量echo following 回声信号跟踪echo integrator 回声积分器echo intensity 回波强度echo killer 回波抑制器echo locator 回声定位仪echo loss 回声损耗echo meter 回声测试器回声测深仪echo meter=echometer 回声测试器回声测深仪echo microphone 回波换能器echo pip 反射脉冲echo pulse 回波脉冲echo ranging indicator 回声测距指示器echo ranging sonar 回声定位声纳echo ranging 回波测距法回声测距echo ranging 回声测距echo resonator 回波箱echo resonator 回波谐振器echo signal 回波信号echo signal 回波信号反射信号echo sounder system 回声测深系统echo sounder 回声测深仪echo sounder 回声探测仪回声测深仪echo sounding apparatus 回声测深仪echo sounding device 回声测深仪echo sounding launch 回声测深艇echo sounding machine 回声测深仪echo sounding room 回声测深仪室echo sounding 回声测深echo sounding 回声测深回声测深法echo sounding 回声探测回声测深echo sounding-machine 回声测深仪echo strength 回波强度echo suppression circuit 回波抑制电路echo suppression 回声抑制echo suppressor 回波抑制器echo technique 回波技术echo wave 回波echo 回声echo 回声;回波echo-peak 回波峰值echo-pulses 回波脉冲echo-ranging detection 回声测距echo-ranging equipment 回声测距设备echo-sounding apparatus 回声测深仪echo-sounding device 回声测深仪echo-sounding gear 回声测深仪echo-sounding instrument 回声测深仪echogram 回声测深仪的深度记录图echograph 回声测深记录仪echometer 回声测深仪;水声测距仪echometer 回声测试器回声测深仪echometer 回声测试器回声测深仪水声测距仪eclipse of the moon 月食eclipse of the sun 日食eclipse ofthe sun 日食eclipse year 食年eclipse year 食年eclipse 灯光的消逝eclipse 灯光的消逝食eclipse 食eclipse 食;掩蔽;消逝eclipse 食掩蔽消逝ecliptic coordinates 黄道坐标ecliptic diagram 黄道带图ecliptic latitude 黄纬ecliptic longitude 黄经ecliptic pole 黄极ecliptic system of coordinates 黄道坐标系ecliptic 黄道;黄道的ecliptic 黄道黄道的ecnephias 地中海的飑或雷暴ecological surveillance 生态监管ecology 生态学econometer 营运经济程序economic activity 经济活动economic aid 经济援助Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 亚洲和太平洋地区经济和社会问题委员会Economic and Social Council 经济及社会理事委员会Economic and Social Council 经济及社会理事委员会经济与社会理事会Economic and Social Council 经济与社会理事会economic channel 经济航道Economic Co-operation Administration 经济协作委员会Economic Co-operation among Developing Countries 发展中国家经济合作Economic Commission for Africa 非洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East 亚洲及远东经济委员会Economic Commission for Europe 欧洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Latin America 拉丁美洲经济委员会Economic Commission for the Middle East 中东经济委员会Economic Community of West African States 西非国家经济共同体economic crisis 经济危Economic Development Committee 经济发展委员会economic loss 经济损失economic policy 经济政策economic principle 经济主义economic recession 经济衰退economic requirements 技术经济指标Economic Sanction 经济制裁economic speed 经济航速economic zone 经济区economic 经济的economical burden 经济负担economical cruising speed range 经济巡航速度续航力economical efficiency 经济效率economical life 经济寿命economical load 经济负担economical load 经济负载economical load 经济装载量economical operation 经济运行economical power 经济功率economical service life 经济使用期限economical speed 经济航速economical turbine stages 汽轮机经济级组economical 节约的经济上的economiclife 经济使用寿命economics of shipbuilding 造船经济学economics of shipping 航运经济学economics 经济学economicspeed 经济航速economill 便携钻头economiser tube 经济器管economiser economizer surface经济器受热面economiser economizer tube经济器管economiser economizereconomiser 经济器economizer 节煤器;节油器;炉水预热器economizer 节煤器节油器炉水预热器经济器economizer 经济器economy stern 经济式船尾economy class passenger 经济舱旅客economy contactor 经济接触器economy load 经济负载economy rates 经济费率economy resistance 经济电阻economy stern 经济式船尾economy trial 经济航速试航economy 经济节约economystern 经济式船尾ectropometer 哑罗经Ecuador 厄瓜多尔eczema 湿疹eddies 旋涡eddy resistance 旋涡阻力eddy behind the stern 尾涡eddy current braking 涡流制动eddy current clutch 涡流离合器eddy current coupling 涡流联轴节eddy current coupling 涡流联轴器eddy current dynamometer 涡流测功器eddy current loss 涡流损耗eddy current loss 涡流损失eddy current loss 涡流损失涡电流损耗eddy current magnetism 涡流磁场eddy current resistance 涡流阻力eddy current tachometer 感应式转速表eddy current techometer 感应式转速表eddy current 涡流eddy current 涡旋流eddy diffusion 涡流扩散eddy diffusivity 涡流扩散系数eddy effect 涡流作用eddy field 涡旋场eddy flow 涡流eddy flow 旋流eddy frequency 涡旋频率eddy generation 涡流形成eddy kinetic energy 涡流动能eddy making 涡流形成eddy noise 涡流噪声eddy plate 抗涡流板eddy plate 抗涡流板整流板eddy resistance 涡流阻力eddy resistance 旋涡阻力eddy testing 涡流检验eddy viscosity 涡流粘度eddy wake 涡流伴流eddy water 旋涡水eddy water 旋涡旋涡水eddy wind 小旋风eddy zone 涡流区eddy 起旋涡eddy 涡漩eddy 旋涡eddy-current brake 涡流闸制动器eddy-making damping 旋涡阻尼eddy-making resistance 涡流阻力eddy-velocity component 涡旋分速eddying current 旋涡水eddying drag 涡流阻力eddying flow 旋流eddying flow 旋流涡流eddying 涡流的旋转的eddyloss 涡损失eddymotion 涡动eddyresistance 旋涡阻力edeger 刨边机弯边机edegewise instrument 边缘读数式仪表edegewise needle 刀刃形指针edegewise 刀刃向外edeuce 引出演泽出edge away 擦边而过;略偏航向下风edge away 擦边而过略偏航向下风edge beam 边梁edge broken 边破edge calking 搭边捻缝edge cam 端面凸轮edge conditions 边界条件edge connector 边缘联结器edge connector 边缘连接器edge correction 边缘校正edge current 边缘电流edge effect 边缘效应edge folded 卷边edge frequency 截止频率edge glass 棱镜edge grain 直木纹;中心板材;半径面edge grain 直木纹中心板材半径面edge in with 逼近所追赶的船edge in with 向……侧入edge in 侧入;渐渐逼进edge in 侧入渐渐逼进edge joint 边缘联结edge joint 边缘连接edge joint 端接接头edge lap 边搭接edge light 边缘照明edge line 边线edge load 边载edge of a dihedral angle 二面角的棱edge of tool 刀刃edge patch 边衬edge patch 边覆条edge planer 刨边机edge scarf 板边嵌接edge scarf 板边嵌接竖式嵌接edge scarf 竖式嵌接edge scarl 板边嵌接edge sealing 封边edge stress 边缘应力edge strip 边接贴板edge strip 复缘条edge torn 包皮破损edge weld 边缘焊缝edge weld 端焊接edge 边缘edge 边缘刀刃棱边edge 刀口;边;棱;界限;渐渐移近edge-planing machine 削缘刨床edge-wise 刀刃向外edgeload 边载edger 刨边机弯边机edgewise 刀刃向外edging machine 折边机edging 边缘;缘饰;轧边;磨边edging 边缘缘饰轧边磨边edging 镶边折边磨边edible fats and oils 食用油脂edible oil cargo 食用油货edible oil cleaner 食油清洁剂edible oil 食油edible oils carrier 食用油运输船edible 食和的Edison base 螺口灯座Edison battery 碱性蓄电池Edison cap 螺口灯座Edison effect 爱迪生效应Edison Electric Institute 爱迪生电气协会Edison lamp holder 螺口灯座Edison screw holder 螺口灯座Edison screw thread 圆螺纹Edison socket 螺口插座Edison thread 圆螺比方Edison 爱迪生edit key 编辑键edit 编辑editing mode 编辑方式editing procedure 编辑程序editing system for video display terminal 视频显示终端的编辑系统edition No. 版次edition year 出版年份edition 版edition 版版edition 版版本版次editor 编辑程序editor 编辑者编辑机EDO empty container delivery order空箱提交单EDP program 电子数据处理程序educational television 教育电视educe 引出演泽出eduction gear 排泄装置eduction gear 排泄装置排气装置eduction pipe 排气管eduction pipe 排气管道排泄管eduction pipe 排汽管eduction pipe 排泄管eduction pipe 排泄管排气管eduction port 排气口eduction port 排泄孔eduction valve 排气阀eduction valve 排泄阀eduction 抽引出离析出引出eduction 排泄出eduction 引出eductionpipe 排气管eductor 排泄器eductor 喷射器Edwards air pump 循环水泵的一种Edwards pump 爱德华式空气泵Eell's anchor 无档、长掌、大冠锚的一种ef- 词首用在f前表示出自、向外、向上、超过、离开、免除、全部的意思effcient 效率高的effeciency testing machine 效率测定机effect of cargo shifting on stability 货物移动对稳性的影响Effect of Contract 合同效力effect of creep 蠕变效应effect of immersion 浸深影响effect of rudder 舵效effect of salvage 救助效果effect of screw and rudder 车舵效应effect of ultrasound 超声效应effect per unit of swept volume 单位容积产冷量effect 结果效应effect 效果effect 效果效应effect 效应effective slope 有效波斜度effective actuation time 有效激励时间effective alignment 有效对准effective antenna height 天线有效高度effective aperture 有效孔径effective area 有效区域effective attenuation factor 有效衰减系数effective breadth 有效宽度effective capacity 有效容量effective cavitation number 有效空泡数effective collector 有效集电极effective compression ratio 有效压缩比effective conductance 有效电导effective current 有效电流effective date 生效日期effective date 实施期effective deck area 有效甲板面积effective delivery stroke 有效供油行程effective diameter 有效直径Effective Dimentions of Lock 船闸有效尺度effective distance 有效距离effective distance 有效距离作用距离effective efficiency 有效效率effective electromotive force 有效电动势effective elongation 实际伸长effective figure 有效数字effective freeboard 有效干舷effective gain 有效放大系数effective head 有效落差effective head 有效压力effective height of antenna 天线有效高度effective horse power 有效马力effective horse-power 有效马力effective horse-power 有效马力(曾用符号effective horsepower 有效马力effective incidence 实效迎角effective inetia mass 有效惯量effective inpedance 有效阻抗effective isotropic radiated power 全向有效辐射功率effective length of antenna 天线有效长度effective length 有效长度effective life 使用期限effective life 有效使用期限effective lifetime 有效期effective lift 有效升力effective mass 有效质量effective mean pressure 平均有效压力effective means pressure 平均有效压力effective monopole radiated power 有效单极辐射功率effective multiplication factor 有效增值系数effective number 有效数effective offset 有效偏移effective output of heat engine 热机的有效功率effective output 有效功率effective output 有效输出量effective output 有效输出量有效功率effective overload output 有效超载功率effective passage throat 有效喉部截面Effective Period of Insurance 保单有效期Effective Period of Recovery 追偿时效effective picture size 有效幅面effective pitch ratio 有效螺距比effective pitch 有效螺距effective porosity 有效空隙度effective power 有效功率effective power 有效功率拖曳功率effective precipitation 有效降水量effective pressure 有效压力effective procedure 有效程序effective radiated power 有效辐射功率effective radius of the earth 地球有效半径effective rainfall 有效降水量effective rake 有效臂长effective range 标度尺的工作部分有效测量范围有效距离effective range 有效范围effective range 有效距离effective reactance 有效电抗effective resistance 有效电阻effective resistance 有效阻力有效电阻effective rudder angle 实效舵角effective rudder angle 有效舵角effective section modulus 有效剖面模数effective section 有效剖面effective sectional area 有效剖面面积effective shell thickness 壳板有效厚度effective skew 有效侧斜effective slip ratio 有效滑距比effective slip 有效滑距effective sound pressure 有效声压effective span 有效跨度effective storage capacity 有效存储量effective stress 有效应力effective stroke 有效冲程effective stroke 有效行程effective summed horse-power 总有效马力effective summed horsepower 总有效马力effective temperature 有效温度effective thermal efficiency 有效热效率effective throat thickness 焊缝有效厚度effective throat thickness 有效焊缝厚度effective throat 焊缝有效厚度effective thrust 有效推力effective time constant 有效时间常数effective tosional moment 有效扭矩effective transmission band of channel 通路有效传输频带effective transmission 有效传输effective value of alternating current 交变电流的有效值effective value 有效值effective velocity ratio 有效流速与船速比effective velocity 有效速度effective voltage 有效电压effective volume 有效容积effective wake 有效伴流effective waterplane area 剩余水线面面积effective watt 有效瓦特effective wave length 有效波长effective wave profile 有效波型effective 有效的effectiveness of shielding 屏蔽效能effectiveness test of fire fighting installation 消防效能试验装置effectiveness 效力effectiveslope 有效波斜度effects of confined waters 限制水域效应effects 动产effervescence 有效性effervescing 泡腾effervesence 沸腾efficiency curve 效率曲线efficiency diode 高效率二极管efficiency for charge-discharge 充放电效率efficiency half life 效率半衰期efficiency lf illumination 照明效率efficiency of AC line 交流输电线路效率efficiency of cargo-handling 装卸效率efficiency of combustion 燃料效率efficiency of combustion 燃烧效率efficiency of control 操纵效率efficiency of DC line 直流输电线路效率efficiency of heat cycle 热循环效率efficiency of navigation 航行效率efficiency of propulsion 推进效率efficiency of rectification 整流效率efficiency test 效率试验efficiency 功率efficiency 效率efficiency 效率功率实效efficient deck hand 二级水手efficient deck hand 二级水手二级水手efficient deck hand 二级水手二级水手二级水手efficient sounding apparatus 有效响器Efficient Stripping 有效扫舱efficient 有效的efflorescence 晶化风化effluent concentration 排放浓度effluent standard 排放标准effluent 流出的;流出物;流出的水流effluent 流出的流出物流出的水流effluent 排放的effluent 支流流出物流出的efflux angle 射流角efflux coefficient 射流系数efflux 流出efflux 射流effort 作用力effort 作用力作用effuser 喷管扩散器扬声器纸盆effusion 流出EFI computer diagnostic system 电子燃油喷射计算机诊断系统eger 刨边机弯边机egewise instrument 边缘读数式仪表egewise needle 刀刃形指针egewise 刀刃向外egg albumen 蛋白egg green 蛋青色egg yolk powder 蛋黄粉egg 鸡蛋eggbeater 艇尾挂机egress channel from a harbor 出港水道egress of heat 放热egress 出口排出egress 终切;外出权;外出;排出(空气Egypt 埃及Egyptian General Organization for Maritime Transport 埃及海运总局Egyptian Maritime Transport Academy 埃及海运学院EI characteristic 伏安特性eigen function 本征函数eigen value 固有值eigenfrequency 本征频率eigenperiod 固有周期eigenvalue 本征值eigenvalue 特征值eigenvector 本征向量eigenvector 特征向量eight principal points 八个主点(四个基点eight rope 穿插编缆eight num. 八eight-channel oscillograph 八线示波器eight-point mooring system 八点系泊系统eight-point mooring 八点系泊法eiking 削接杆棒;接长eiking 削接杆棒接长eiland 岛eilanden island 群)岛eilean 岛eileanan 岛eingetragener Verein 协会Einstein's law 爱因斯坦定律either-or 异;按位加;二者择一either-or 异按位加二者择一eject 抽除出eject 喷射出ejection of oil 油喷射ejection pipe 喷射管ejection 弹射ejection 喷射ejector condenser 抽除式冷凝器ejector condenser 和喷射式冷凝器ejector condenser 喷射冷凝器ejector nozzle 喷口ejector pipe 喷射管ejector priming 喷射器ejector pump 抽气泵ejector pump 喷射泵ejector water air pump 喷水式抽气泵ejector 喷射泵ejector 喷射器ejector 喷射器;喷射泵;顶推器ejector 喷射器喷射泵顶推器Ejusdem generis 同类ejusdem generis 同类规则ejusdem generis 同类规则同类规则Ekman-merz current meter 海流表的一种表) ekt) 投影ektropometer 哑罗经elapsed time totalizer 使用时间累加器elapsed time 经过的时间elapsed time 经过时间elastance 倒电容elastic aftereffect 弹性后效elastic air chamber 弹性气室elastic axis 弹性轴elastic axis 减震轴elastic backbone model 弹性主骨架模型elastic beam 弹性梁elastic bearing 弹性轴承elastic body 弹性体elastic breakdown 弹性断裂elastic buckling pressure 弹性失稳压力elastic clutch 弹性离合器elastic coefficient 弹性系数elastic collision 弹性碰撞elastic constant 弹性常数elastic contact 弹性触头elastic control 弹性控制elastic coupling 弹性联轴节elastic coupling 弹性联轴器elastic cup washer 弹性杯形垫圈elastic curve 弹性曲线elastic deformation 弹性变形elastic diaphragm switch 弹性薄膜开关elastic element 弹性元件elastic energy 弹性能elastic equilibrium 弹性平衡elastic expansion 弹性膨胀elastic extension 弹性延伸elastic failure 弹性破坏elastic fatigue 弹性疲劳elastic fiber 弹性纤维elastic force 弹力elastic fracture toughness limit 弹性断裂韧度极限elastic hysteresis 弹性滞后elastic impact 弹性冲击elastic instability 弹性失稳elastic joint 弹性接合elastic joint 弹性接头elastic limit in bending 弯曲弹性极限elastic limit in compression 压缩弹性极限elastic limit in shear 剪切弹性极限elastic limit in tension 拉伸弹性极限elastic limit in torsion 扭曲弹性极限elastic limit under compression 抗压弹性极限elastic limit 弹性极限elastic medium 弹性介质elastic memberance 弹性膜片elastic modulus 弹性模数elastic mounting of superstructures 上层建筑弹性安装elastic mountings for all systems 各种装置用弹性座elastic packing 弹性填料弹性垫elastic parts 弹性组件elastic quadrant 弹簧舵柄弧elastic quadrant 弹性舵扇elastic recovery 弹性恢复elastic recovery 弹性回复elastic removal 弹性消除elastic resilience 弹性回复能力elastic resilience 回弹性elastic resistnace 弹性阻力elastic response 弹性反应弹性特性。
船电英语crew 船员captain(master) 船长chief officer / chief mate(first mate) 大副second officer / second mate 二副third officer / third mate 三副cadet 见习生boatswain / bosun 水手长seaman 普通水手,海员engineer 轮机员,工程师chief engineer 轮机长(俗称大车,老轨) second engineer 大管轮(俗称二车,二轨) third engineer 二管轮(俗称三车,三轨)fourth engineer 三管轮(俗称四车,四轨) Surveyor 验船师Shipowner 船东Representative 代表electrician 电工fitter 铁工、钳工Plumber 铜工Welder 焊工carpenter 木匠、木工safe inspect 安全员Pilot 引水员Foreman 领班Dockmaster 坞长Supervisor 主管Superintendent 总管engineering department 工程部hull workshop 船体车间machinery & electric workshop 机电车间dock workshop 坞修车间bulk—carrier 散货船diesel boat 柴油机船freighter 货船oil barge 油驳passenger ship 客船combination ship 混合装运船semi-container ship 半集装箱船multi-purpose ship 多种用途船container ship 集装箱船;货箱船tug 拖轮(拖船)LNG carrier(liquefied natural gas carrier) 液化天然气船VLCC(very large crude carrier) 大型油船ULCC(ultra large crude carrier) 超大型油船dockyard 船厂ship/vessel 船舶voyage repair 航修annual repair 年修、岁修wharf/berth 码头anchorage 锚地floating dock 浮船坞repair list 修理单additional item 加帐hull 船体stem 船首bow 船头stern 船尾port side(beam) 左舷starboard side(beam) 右舷cabin 船舱deck 甲板rudder 舵propeller 螺旋桨tailshaft 尾轴anchor chain 锚链pulley 滑轮pump 泵hold 货舱life boat 救生艇life jacket 救生衣radar 雷达main engine 主机auxiliary engine/generator engine 辅机block 滑轮;葫芦boiler 锅炉baggage room 行李房crane 起重机;吊车main deck 主甲板diesel engine 柴油机;内燃机engine room 机舱;引擎间escape trunk/escape route 逃出口;救生道corridor , passage 走廊galley (船上)厨房double bottom 双层底lavatory , toilet, water closet(wc) 盥洗室厕所mess(mess room) 餐厅turbine 透平机;涡轮机out of order 不正常in duplicate(two copies) 一式两份in triplicate(three copies) 一式三份in the presence of sb.某人在场的情况下in position 就位in sites 原地*****船级社*****ABS 美国船级社BV 法国船级社CCS 中国船级社DNV 挪威船级社GL 德国船级社IACS 国际船级社协会HR 希腊船级社KR 韩国船级社LR 英国劳氏船级社NK 日本海事协会PRS 波兰船级社RI 意大利船级社RS 俄罗斯船舶登记局IRS 印度船级社IMO 国际海事组织**** 专业单词****air grinders 气动砂轮机air drill 气动钻appers 攻螺纹机air millers 气动刨铣机air wrenches 气动扳手air hoists 气动葫芦boat deck 救生艇甲板break 甲板台阶brake 刹车装置brake lining 刹车带bunker 燃料舱bedplate 机座capstan 绞盘centrifuge 离心分油机crank 曲柄crank shaft 曲轴crank pin 曲柄销crank web 曲柄臂connecting rod 连杆cylinder 气缸cylinder liner 气缸套cylinder jacket 气缸体cylinder bore 气缸直径crosshead 十字头crosshead pin 十字头销davit 挂艇架;吊艇杆derrick 吊杆exhaust valve 排气阀faulty 故障files,saws 锉、锯forecastle 艏楼甲板fuel tank 燃油舱frame 机架gauge 仪表,量规governor 调速器hawse hole 锚链孔hawse pipe 锚链筒hydraulic hand pumps 手动油压泵hydraulic jacks 油压千斤顶hydraulic press frame 液压顶支架inspection 检查inlet valve 进气阀injection pump 喷油泵jumbo(derrick) 重吊(杆) lubrication 润滑油lubricator 注油器lower deck 下甲板lower tween deck 下二层柜mainmast 主桅nozzle 喷油嘴piston 活塞piston rod 活塞杆piston ring 活塞环piston sroke 活塞行程poop deck 船尾上面的甲板promenade deck 保护甲板之上甲板shelter deck 遮蔽甲板tackle 滑车;吊具tonaage deck 量吨甲板tween screw 双推进器tarpaulin 盖舱油布telescope pipe 伸缩套管turbine 透平机;涡轮机turbine tube 透平管scupper 甲板落水管、排水管scanner 雷达扫描设备sextant 六分仪shaft tunnel 轴隧shackle 卸扣shifting board 防动板;隔舱板signaling lamp 信号灯single screw 单推进器sling 吊索steering gear 舵机spanner 扳手upper deck 上甲板valve 阀门ventilator 通风筒;风筒winch 绞车winch house 绞车楼windlass 起锚机****Troubles(表示故障的词语)****beyond repair 已无法修复over-sized 尺寸过大slow function 反应缓慢out of order 不正常not up to standard 不合标准inaccurate 不准确ineffective 失效out of function 失去作用seized 粘着stuck fast by icing 冰冻结住over heated 过热excessive wear 过度磨损excessively worn out (worn away ) 过度磨掉a little bit inclined 有一点倾斜abnormal 不正常destroyed by overheating 因过热而毁坏chapped 龟裂collapse 塌陷out of operation 运转失灵oval 呈椭圆形scored 拉痕scuffed about 6 mm×7mm in area 拉毛面积约6mm×7 mm deformed 变形deformed over a length of 3 mm 变形超过3 mmloose 松动greasy 油污dirty 肮脏stuck 卡住squeezed 挤压bent 弯曲frosted 结霜damaged 损坏broken into pieces 破裂成片partly detached 部分剥离partly blocked 部分阻塞violent vibration 剧烈振动low efficiency 效率不高twisted 挠曲burnt 烧坏choked 堵塞fractured 断裂earthed 接地knocking 敲缸leaking(leaky) 漏泄melted away 溶化reduced about 12 mm 缩减约12 mmjammed up in the cylinder 在气缸内卡住****Dismantling(表示拆卸的相关词语)****to be taken out from ring groove 从环槽中取出to be opened up for inspection 打开检查to be softened (shrunk)with dry ice 用干冰拧松(红套)to be untightened by heating 用加热松开to be lifted out 吊出to be turned out 转出to be dismantled 拆除to be withdrawn 退出、抽出to be loosened 拧松to be unscrewed 拧开to be drawn out 拔出to be pulled out for inspection 拔出检查to be dismounted 卸下to be pulled off 拉去to be taken off 拆下to be turned(rolled) out 转出to be extracted by drilling 钻孔拔出to be removed 移开to be disconnected 脱开to be disengaged 解脱to be disassembled 解体to be overhauled 解体检修to be ranged out 解开排好to be turned over 翻转****Assembling(表示安装的相关词语)****to be tightened up to the proper tension 上紧至一定的紧度to be covered with asbestos wrapping 包以石棉to be reassembled with new packings 用新的填料重新安装to be refitted with new packings 用新的填料重新装复to be retightened by hydraulic pressure 用液压重新上紧to be reinforced by adding a support 加装支柱以加强to be pressed into 压入all removals to be refitted as original 所有拆下部件按原样安装to be re-expanded 重新扩管to be refastened 重新搞紧to be reassembled 重新组装to be rethreaded 重车螺纹to be restored 重新堆装to be fitted back according to instruction 按说明书装复to be preserved with cement wash 涂水泥浆保护to be connected 接好to be dressed up 装饰to be inserted with good contact 嵌入至良好接触to be installed in position 装至原位to be installed and proved workable 装好并能使用to be mounted 装上to be fixed up 装好to be boxed up in good working order 组装至良好工况to be repacked after fitting back 装复后重新填料to be fastened 搞紧to be easy going 需易于拆装to be closed up in good order 需封闭完好to be closed up in the presence of C/E 需轮机长在场时封闭to be sealed in the presence of C/E and surveyor 需轮机长和验船师在场时封闭****Inspecting(表示检查的相关词语)****to be opened up for inspection 打开检查to be checked completely 彻底检查to be examined 检查to be detected for leakage 查漏to be checked according to the instruction book 按说明书核查to be re-checked 重新核查to be re-inspected 重新检查to be checked for alignment 检查对中to be checked after assemblage 装配后检查****Testing(试验相关用语)****to be tested in running condition 在运转情况下试车to be tested under pressure of 6 atmospheres 在六个大气压下进行试验to be tested by means of blue oil 做蓝油试验to be tested hydraulically(to be hydraulic-tested) 做液压试验to be pressure-tested 做压力试验to do magnetic powder testing 做磁粉探伤run-in test to be applied(carried out) 做磨合试验dye test to be applied 做着色探伤color test to be carried out 做着色试验load trial to be carried out 试航to be dynamically balanced (to be subjected to dynamic balance test ) 做动平衡试验to be statically balanced (to be subjected to static balance ) 做静平衡试验blue oil test to be carried out 进行蓝油试验pressure test to be applied for leakage 进行压力试验查漏operation test to be carried out(performed) 进行操作试验smoke test to be carried out 进行烟熏试验load test to be carried out 进行负载试验to be verified 证实to be tested for leakage 试验漏泄to be tested to prove tightness 试验紧固度to be tested according to the specifications 按规范进行试车to be retested after necessary repair 修理后重新试车to be surveyed 检验to be subjected to hydraulic test according to the requirements of the instruction book 根据说明书要求做液压试验to be subjected to running test after reassembling 装复后做运转试车to be tested by sighting 照光试验to be tested in order 需试验完好****Measuring(表示测量的相关词语)****measurement to be taken with bridge gauge 用桥规测量to be measured with calliper 用卡尺测量to be measured by means of ultrasonic instrument 用超声波仪器测量clearance to be measured by means of lead wire 用压铅丝测量间隙to be gauged by means of micrometer 用千分卡测试to be measured for elongation 测取延伸率to be measured for thickness 测量厚度to be calibrated 校正to be recalibrated 重新测校crank shaft deflections to be measured before and after repair 修理前后测量拐挡差****Adjusting(表示调整的相关词语)****to be adjusted by means of lead wire 用压铅丝方法调整to be rectified on the lathe 在车床上矫正to be adjusted according to the instruction book 按说明书调整to be re-adjusted within the limit of 0.2 mm 重新调整至0.2mmto be rebalanced 重新找平to be aligned up 对中to be re-aligned 重新对中to be adjusted to 300 N/mm2 to open and 310 N/mm2 to close调整至300 N/mm2开启,310 N /mm2关闭PART 23 Useful prepositional phrase(常用介词短语)about 35 mm in length 长度约35 mmabout 80 mm×90 mm in area 面积约80 mm×90 mmaccording to the instruction book 根据说明书according to the C/E’s instruction 根据轮机长指示after being annealed 退火后after being ground 研磨后after being machined 精加工后after being welded 焊接后after completion 完工以后after repair 修理以后as follows 如下as necessary 按需要as per sample 按样品as required 按要求as spare 作备件before repair 修理以前before test 试验以前between fly wheel and generator 在飞轮和发电机之间by means of metal-lock 用金属扣合的方法by means of lead wire 用压铅丝方法for inspection (为了)检查for examination (为了)仔细检查for repair (为了)修理for perfect cleanness (为了)彻底清洁if found 如果发现if necessary 如果必要in(good)order 妥善in good working order(condition) 至良好工况in running condition 至运行工况in normal order 至正常****Cleaning(表示清洗的相关词语)****to be cleaned internally 内部清洗to be cleaned with chemical compounds 化学清洗to be cleaned with soda solution 用苏打溶液清沽to be washed with fresh water 用淡水清洗to be flushed with sea water 用海水冲洗to be blown with compressed air 用压缩空气吹洗slops to be disposed of 处理掉废油污水to be air-blown 用空气吹通to be cleaned away thoroughly 彻底清除to be derusted by chipping 敲铲除锈to be descaled 除垢oil sludge and sediment to be dug and removed 挖掏油渣沉淀to be scraped and repainted 铲刮并重新油漆loose cement to be scraped out 铲除脱落水泥ashes(sludge)to be cleaned off 清除灰(油渣)垃圾****Machining(切削加工相关词语)****to be faired up on the lathe 上车床校平to be machined to roundness 车成圆度to be skinned(skimmed)up 车光洁to be smoothed 车光洁to be machined(faced up) 光车to be machined to size 光车至规定尺寸to be machined to order 光车至所需要求to be polished to mirror surface 抛光至镜面度to be surface-finished 表面光洁处理to be finished to roundness on spot 原地车圆to be lathed and slotted 光车开槽to be drilled and taped 钻孔攻丝to be drilled out 钻出to be milled and chamfered 铣槽倒角to be tapered before fitting back 装复前车成锥形to be honed and polished 镗磨并抛光to be bored to roundness 镗圆****Fitting(钳工用语)****to be ground to the seat 与阀座磨合to be ground with lapping compound 用研磨剂研磨to be smoothed with a file 锉光滑ridges to be filed off 凸起部分需锉掉to be faired up in way of fracture 平顺断裂部位to be fitted and scraped 拂刮to be ground smoothly 研磨光滑to be ground to bare metal 研磨出白to be reground 重新研磨to be chipped to bare metal 敲铲出白to be freed up 除掉to be brushed 刷to be ground in sites 原地研磨to be hardened up 调质、硬化处理to be sand-blasted to bare metal 喷砂出白to be gouged out 刨削to be ground in 磨合Caution(告诫用语)Caution/Look out 注意No smoking 禁止吸烟Danger 危险Poison 有毒Exit/Way out 出口Entrance 进口No admittance 禁止入内Keep off 切勿靠近Keep out 切勿入内Road closed 止步(此路不通)Push 推Pull 拉Hands off 勿动手Wet paint 油漆未干Keep dry 防止潮湿Keep in the sun 置于阳光下Keep out of the sun 勿露于阳光下Keep cool 保持阴凉Fire gate 火灾太平门Safety(安全用语)extinguisher 灭火器fire hose 消防水带fine 罚款gas-mask 防毒面具respirator 呼吸器venerations 中毒suffocation 窒息oxygen depletion(lack of oxygen) 缺氧explosion 爆炸receiving an electric shock 触电accident 事故safety standards 安全标准general safety rules 安全通则life saving and fire fighting equipments 救生和灭火设备enclosed spaces 密闭空间oxygen deficiency 缺氧toxic vapors 毒气Electricity(电气相关用语)mica to be undercut 云母拉槽to be wrapped in insulator 包以绝缘物drop test of all windings to be carried out 对所有绕组进行冲击试验to be megger-tested 进行高阻抗试验、绝缘测试balancing test of armature to be carried 进行电枢平衡试验high voltage test to be performed 进行高压试验over-current test to be performed 进行过电流试验trial to be carried out as follows 进行如下试车run in full load 4 hours 满载运行4小时run in half load 2 hours 半载运行2小时run in over load(10%)1 hours 过载l0%运行1小时to be rewound 重绕to be varnished 浸凡立水to be revarnished 重浸凡立水to be re-insulated 重新绝缘to be insulated 绝缘处理to be dipped with insulation paint 浸绝缘漆to be immersed with insulation paint 浸绝缘漆to be impregnated with insulation paint 浸绝缘漆to be baked and dried 烘干to be routed 排线heavy current 强电light current 弱电monitor 监视器generator 发电机alternator 交流发电机prime mover 原动机battery 电池illumination 照明main switchboard 主配电板distribution panel 分配电板shore power box 岸电箱overload 过载reverse power 逆功率under voltage 欠电压preference trip 优先卸载switch over 转换remote control 遥控switch on 合闸switch off 分闸unload 卸载out of service 解列退出电constant voltage 恒压in parallel 并联phase sequence(angle) 相序(角) regulator 调整器load test 负荷试验control unit(component) 控制装置(元件) contactor 接触器relay(pressure,temperature,level) (压力、温度、液位)继电器thermostat 恒温器master controller 主令控制器sensor 传感器dynamic-pressure type 水压式indicator 显示器magnifier 放大器converter 变化器,换能器rectify 整流,滤波level gauge 液位计thermometer 温度计solenoid 电磁阀interlock 互锁printed wiring board 印刷电路板led-light emitting diode 发光二极管potentiometer 电位计,分压计servomotor 伺服电动机self excitation 自励compound excitation 复励resistor 电阻器capacitor 电容器reactor 电抗器transformer 变压器heat-resisting cable 耐热电缆armored cable 铠装电缆shielded cable 屏蔽电缆cabtyre cable 橡胶绝缘软电缆anti-explosion lamp 防爆灯arc shield 灭弧罩ACB(automatic circuit breaker) 自动空气断路器ballast 镇流器alkaline battery 碱性蓄电池electrolyte 电解液evaporator 造水机explosion proof motor 防爆电机earth-fault protection 接地保护bearing pedestal 轴承座blinker lamp 闪光信号灯bus bar 汇流排buzzer 蜂鸣器cable conduit 电缆管道,导线管cable laying 电缆敷设cathode protection unit 阴极保护装置centrifugal switch 离心式开关change-over switch 转换开关chip 芯片,集成电路converter 变流机counter 计数器cowl 通风罩current transformer 电流互感器neutrals 中性点float switch 浮动(子)开关fog horn(whistle) 雾笛fuse base 熔丝座gangway lamp 舷梯灯germicidal lamp 杀菌灯glow-starter 辉光启动器governor 调速器effective power 有效功率ignition coil 点火线圈integrating circuit 积分电路lead-acid battery 铅酸蓄电池keyway(key slot) 键槽load transfer 功率转移,负荷转移magslip 旋转变压器main-frame 总配线架,主机架,底盘maintenance 维修保养mercury vapour lamp 水银灯(汞气灯) movable(static)contact 动(静)触头operating system 操作系统PCB=printed circuit board 印刷电路板periodic repair 定期维修photoswitch 光控开关,光控继电器plug 插头socket 插座potential 电势pre-exciting switch 充磁开关probe 探头,探测器rated capacity 额定容量reactive current 无功功率reduced-voltage starting 降压起动resilient coupling 弹性连接resonance 谐振rewire 重新接线shaft-turning gear motor 盘车装置电动机thermocouple 热电偶thermo-switch 温度开关winding overheat 绕组过热compensator 补偿器relative permeability 介电常数screened 有屏蔽unscreened 无屏蔽Motor and alternator(电机和发电机) arcing (电弧)击穿bake 烘烤bearing cap(cover) 轴承盖bearing housing 轴承座brazing 铜焊brush gear 电刷装置cleaning agent 清洁剂clearance 间隙coil 线圈commutator 换向器,转接器core 铁心electric cleanser 电气清洁剂heater 加热器insulator 绝缘子interpole 换向极metal plating 金属涂镀rotor 转子self-cooling 自冷series coil 串激线圈shaft sealing ring 轴封sleeve 套,筒stator 定子varnish 浸漆winding 绕组****Illumination(照明)****searching light 探照灯projector 投光灯navigational light 航行灯signal light 信号灯portable light 手提灯fluorescent light 荧光灯cabin ceiling light 舱顶灯anchor light 锚灯mast light 桅灯stern light 尾灯side light 舷灯flash signal light 闪光信号灯emergency lighting 应急照明Navigation and communication equipment(导航及通讯设备)compass(magnetic~) 罗经(磁罗经) gyro 电罗经steadiness 稳定性radio wave 无线电波anemoscoper 风速仪antenna 天线accelerometer 加速计speed log 计程仪speed servo system 速度随动系统range display 航程显示器calculator 计数器sensibility 灵敏度transmitter 发射机receiver 接收机sounder 测深仪fathometer 测深仪echo sounder 回声测深仪impulsator 脉冲发生器dial 刻度盘medium wave(short-) 中波(短波)radio station 电台transceiver 收发报机teleprinter 电传打字机intercommunication 内通sound power telephone 声力电话automatic telephone 自动电话acoustics 音响效果direct telephone 直通电话,对讲电通。
船舶电气单词transducer 换向器,传感器filter 滤波器feedback braking 反馈制动auxiliary contact 辅触点thermal relay 热继电器contactor继电器electromagnet电磁铁voltage rating 额定电压prime mover 源动机excitation 激励photodiode 光电二极管substrate 衬底tachometer 转速计thyristor 晶闸管vacuum tude 真空管digital communication数字通信contactor 接触器insulation resistor绝缘电阻in parallel 并联sparking 火花in series串联autotransformer starting 自耦变压器启动alternating current交流ACsource交流源DC source直流源voltage 电压resistance 电阻wire 导线conductor 导体semiconductor 半导体inductor电感器tramegger兆欧表rectifier converter 整流器anode 阳极cathode 阴极cell|battery 电池bias voltage 偏置电压reverse-biased 反向偏置的forward-biased 正向偏置的transistor 晶体管charge 电荷discharge 放电digital gate 数字门电路bipolar 双极性schematic diagram 原理图constant 常量crystal 晶体structure 结构amplifying device 放大元件emitter 发射极base 基极collector 集电极given valve 给定值modulate调节in contrast with 相反drain 漏极gate 栅极source 源极open | closed loop 开|闭路multimeter万用表ammeter 电流表voltmeter电压表ohmmeter 欧姆表capacitor 电容器resistive 呈阻性的conductive 导电性transformer 变压器insulation class 绝缘等级positive 正极的negative 负极的linear 线性的non-linear 非线性的power plant 电站over-voltage 过压over-current 过流majority carrier 多子minority carrier 少子current carrier 载流子operational amplifier 运算放大differential amplifier 差动放大器single phase 单相squirrel cage induction motor 鼠笼式感应电动机inverter 逆变器electronic calculator 计算器chip 芯片instrument 仪表,设备prototype 样机processer 处理器high-gain 高增益inverting input 反相输入noninverting input 同相输入impedance 阻抗external load 外部负载dual-polarity双极性complementary互补complementary-symmetry互补对称intermediate 中间的couple 耦合,结合triangle 三角形single-ended 单端的constant-current source 恒流源oscillation frequency 晶振频率binary 二进制power dissipated 功耗interconnection 互相连接pin 管脚active component 有源元件passive component 无源元件information storage 信息存储medical instrumentation 医疗仪器process control 过程控制pulse train 脉冲序列diverse field 各种领域bistable circuit 双稳态电路truth table 真值表electrical machinary电机synchro 同步asynchro 异步driving machine 驱动电机servo 伺服rotate 旋转electromechanical 机电的generator 发电机ME | main engine 主机AE| auxiliary engine 辅机mechanical 机械的magnetic field 磁场eletromagnetic interaction 电磁感应winding 绕组stator 定子rotor 转子field pole 磁极coil 线圈steel 钢铁reluctance磁阻armature 电枢contact 触点comutator换向器slip ring 滑环split ring集电环brush 电刷bearing 轴承shaft 转轴three-phase induction motor 三相感应电机synchronous machine 同步电机air gap 空隙clearance 间隙wound-rotor 绕线式转子core 铁心electic|electrical machine 电机magnetizing current 励磁电流manual switch 手动开关starting current 启动电流reenergize 失电mechanical interlock 机械互锁latch-in 自锁interlock 互锁normally-open 常开normally-closed 常闭main contact 主触点consume 功耗wye-delta starting 星三角启动dynamic braking 能耗制动static contact 静触点dynamic contact 动触点main contact 主触点flow sensor 流速传感器manual control 手动控制automatic control 自动控制stroke switch 行程开关regenerative braking 反馈制动the safety valve 安全阀node 结点tachometer generator 测速发电机servomechanism 伺服机构regulator 调节器voltage regulator 调压器lagging 滞后frictional 摩擦overshoot 超调量align调节vector control 矢量控制IGBT 绝缘栅双极性晶体管。
1 .2.配电柜Distribution box3.散货船 Bulk carrier货船 Cargo Ship杂货船 General cargo ship干货船 Dry cargo shipι集装箱船 Container shipι油船Oil tanker化学品液货船Chemical tanker液化气体船Liquefied gas carrier 矿沙船 Ore carrierι运煤船 Coal carrier滚装货船 Ro/Roι ship 冷藏船 Refrigerated shipι排水量Displacement载货量Cargo (dead)weight吃水(首、尾、平均) Draft ( fwd, aft, mean)稳性Stability干舷:Freeboard载重线:Load line载重线标志Loadline marks航海日志Deck log book维修计划Maintenance plan电压V oltage电压降V oltage drop电流Current频率Frequency驾驶室wheel house海图室chart room报务室radio room雷达室radar room声纳室sonar room主机舱main engine room主机操纵室main engine control room辅机舱auxiliary engine room锅炉舱boiler room机炉舱engine and boiler room减速器舱reduction gear room舵机舱steering gear room通风机室fan room变流机室commutator room空调室air-conditioner room应急发电机室emergency generator room冷冻机室refrigerator room灭火装置室fire control room蓄电池室battery room电工间electrician’s store船员舱室crew’s cabin货舱cargo hol集装箱舱container hold储藏室store, store room淡水舱fresh water tank住所Cabin医务室Hospital厨房Galley休息室Lounge餐室Dining room餐厅Mess room工作间Workshop电机长Chief electrician电机员Electrician(船舶电机员) Electrical crew/staff of ship 电助Assistant electrician水手(original) seaman实习生Apprentice见习生Cadet甲板部Deck department轮机部Machinery department船首、首柱stem首柱板stem plate船首部bow球鼻首bulb(ous) bow船尾stern尾柱stern frame(post)船尾部quarter吊杆derrick boom岸吊shore crane4.柴油机Diesel Engine柴油柜Diesel oil tank6.负极Negative7.分配器Distributor10..动力系统发电机Generator原动机Prime mover 发电机组Generating set 主发电机Main generator辅助发电机Auxiliary generator应急发电机Emergency generator备用发电机Reserve (stand-by) generator直流发电机 D.C. (Direct current) generator交流发电机 A.C. (Alternating current) generator无刷发电机Brushless generator轴带发电机Shaft-driven generator柴油(机驱动)发电机Diesel (-driven) generator燃气轮机(驱动)发电机Gas turbine (driven) generator防滴式发电机Drip-proof generator电动发电机Electric motor generator感应电动机Induction motor伺服电动机Servo motor控制电动机Control motor主配电板Main switchboard应急配电板Emergency switchboard应急蓄电池充放电板Emergency accumulator battery charging and discharging board 应急蓄电池组Emergency accumulator battery重要用途电气设备Electrical equipment for essential services照明系统Lighting system主照明系统Main lighting system应急照明系统Emergency lighting system临时应急照明系统Temporary emergency lighting system船内通讯系统Internal communication system广播系统Command broadcasting system传令钟系统Telegraph system电话系统Commanding telephone system轮机员呼叫系统Engineer’s alarm system船内报警系统Internal alarm system探火和失火报警系统Fire detection and fire alarm systems灭火剂施放预告报警Pre-warnings for the release of extinguishing media通用应急报警系统General emergency alarm system水密门关闭报警Watertight doors closing alarm舵机Steering gear锚机Windlass11. GMDSS全球海险呼救安全系统Global Maritime Distress and Safety System主电源Main source of power应急电源Emergency source of power蓄电池Accumulator蓄电池组Accumulator battery应急蓄电池组Emergency accumulator battery临时应急蓄电池组Temporary accumulator battery电池Battery干电池Dry battery充电/放电Charge/discharge电网Electrical network接线箱connection box岸电箱shore (power) connection box配电箱distribution box汇流排Busbar主汇流排Main busbar分区配电板汇流排Sub-switchboard busbar裸主汇流排Bare main busbar均压汇流排Phase (pole) busbar中性线汇流排Equalizer busbar相(极)汇流排Neutral busbar直流汇流排D.C. busbar交流汇流排A.C. busbar裸线Bare conductor接地线Earth connection中性线Neutral wire正极Positive pole负极Negative pole配电板Switchboard主配电板Main switchboard电力推进装置配电板Switchboard for electric propulsion installation 应急配电板Emergency switchboard蓄电池充放电板Battery charging and discharging board (panel)分配电板Distribution switchboard区配电板Section switchboard控制屏Control panel12. 触电shocked除锈derusted遇险in distress徒劳in vain13. 左舷port side右舷starboard side船长captain。
船舶专业英文词汇船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(一)a faired set of lines 经过光顺处理的一套型线a stereo pair of photographs 一对立体投影相片abaft 朝向船体abandonment cost 船舶废置成本费用accommodation 居住(舱室)accommodation ladder 舷梯adjust valve 调节阀adjustable-pitch 可调螺距式admiralty 海军部advance coefficient 进速系数aerostatic 空气静力学的aft peak bulkhead 艉尖舱壁aft peak tank 艉尖舱aileron 副鳍air cushion vehicle 气垫船air diffuser 空气扩散器air intake 进气口aircraft carrier 航空母舰air-driven water pump 气动水泵airfoil 气翼,翼剖面,机面,方向舵alignment chock 组装校准用垫楔aluminum alloy structure 铝合金结构American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级社amidships 舯amphibious 两栖的anchor arm 锚臂anchor chain 锚链anchor crown 锚冠anchor fluke 锚爪anchor mouth 锚唇anchor recess 锚穴anchor shackle 锚卸扣anchor stock 锚杆angle bar 角钢angle of attack 攻角angle plate 角钢angled deck 斜角甲板anticipated loads encountered at sea 在波浪中遭遇到的预期载荷anti-pitching fins 减纵摇鳍antiroll fins 减摇鳍anti-rolling tank 减摇水舱appendage 附体artisan 技工assembly line 装配流水线at-sea replenishment 海上补给augment of resistance 阻力增额auxiliary systems 辅机系统auxiliary tank 调节水舱axial advance 轴向进速backing structure 垫衬结构back-up member 焊接垫板balance weight 平衡锤ball bearing 滚珠轴承ball valve 球阀ballast tank 压载水舱bar 型材bar keel 棒龙骨,方龙骨,矩形龙骨barge 驳船baseline 基线basic design 基本设计batten 压条,板条beam 船宽,梁beam bracket 横梁肘板beam knee 横梁肘板bed-plate girder 基座纵桁bending-moment curves 弯矩曲线Benoulli’s law 伯努利定律berth term 停泊期bevel 折角bidder 投标人bilge 舭,舱底bilge bracket 舭肘板bilge radius 舭半径bilge sounding pipe 舭部边舱水深探管bitt 单柱系缆桩blade root 叶跟blade section 叶元剖面blast 喷丸block coefficient 方形系数blue peter 出航旗boarding deck 登艇甲板boat davit 吊艇架boat fall 吊艇索boat guy 稳艇索bobstay 首斜尾拉索body plan 横剖面图bolt 螺栓,上螺栓固定Bonjean curve 邦戎曲线boom 吊杆boss 螺旋桨轴榖bottom side girder 旁底桁bottom side tank 底边舱bottom transverse 底列板boundary layer 边界层bow line 前体纵剖线bow wave 艏波bowsprit 艏斜桅bow-thruster 艏侧推器box girder 箱桁bracket floor 框架肋板brake 制动装置brake band 制动带brake crank arm 制动曲柄brake drum 刹车卷筒brake hydraulic cylinder 制动液压缸brake hydraulic pipe 刹车液压管breadth extreme 最大宽,计算宽度breadth moulded 型宽breakbulk 件杂货breasthook 艏肘板bridge 桥楼,驾驶台bridge console stand 驾驶室集中操作台BSRA 英国船舶研究协会buckle 屈曲buffer spring 缓冲弹簧built-up plate section 组合型材bulb plate 球头扁钢bulbous bow 球状船艏,球鼻首bulk carrier 散货船bulk oil carrier 散装油轮bulkhead 舱壁bulwark 舷墙bulwark plate 舷墙板bulwark stay 舷墙支撑buoy tender 航标船buoyant 浮力的buoyant box 浮箱Bureau Veritas 法国船级社butt weld 对缝焊接butterfly screw cap 蝶形螺帽buttock 后体纵剖线by convention 按照惯例,按约定船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(二)cable ship 布缆船cable winch 钢索绞车CAD(computer-aided design) 计算机辅助设计CAE(computer-aided manufacturing) 计算机辅助制造CAM(computer-aided engineering) 计算机辅助工程camber 梁拱cant beam 斜横梁cant frame 斜肋骨cantilever beam 悬臂梁capacity plan 舱容图CAPP(computer –aided process planning) 计算机辅助施工计划制定capsize 倾覆capsizing moment 倾覆力臂captain 船长captured-air-bubble vehicle 束缚气泡减阻船cargo cubic 货舱舱容,载货容积cargo handling 货物装卸carriage 拖车,拖架cast steel stem post 铸钢艏柱catamaran 高速双体船catamaran 双体的cavitation 空泡cavitation number 空泡数cavitation tunnel 空泡水筒center keelson 中内龙骨centerline bulkhead 中纵舱壁centroid 型心,重心,质心,矩心chain cable stopper 制链器chart 海图charterer 租船人chief engineer 轮机长chine 舭,舷,脊chock 导览钳CIM(computer integrated manufacturing) 计算机集成组合制造circulation theory 环流理论classification society 船级社cleat 系缆扣clipper bow 飞剪型船首clutch 离合器coastal cargo 沿海客货轮cofferdam 防撞舱壁combined cast and rolled stem 混合型艏柱commercial ship 营利用船commissary spaces 补给库舱室,粮食库common carrier 通用运输船commuter 交通船compartment 舱室compass 罗经concept design 概念设计connecting tank 连接水柜constant-pitch propeller 定螺距螺旋桨constraint condition 约束条件container 集装箱containerized 集装箱化contract design 合同设计contra-rotating propellers 对转桨controllable-pitch 可控螺距式corrosion 锈蚀,腐蚀couple 力矩,力偶crane 克令吊,起重机crank 曲柄crest (of wave) 波峰crew quarters 船员居住舱criterion 判据,准则Critical ath Method 关键路径法cross-channel automobile ferries 横越海峡车客渡轮cross-sectional area 横剖面面积crow’s nest 桅杆瞭望台cruiser stern 巡洋舰尾crussing range 航程cup and ball joint 球窝关节curvature 曲率curves of form 各船形曲线cushion of air 气垫damage stability 破损稳性damper 缓冲器damping 阻尼davit arm 吊臂deadweight 总载重量de-ballast 卸除压载deck line at side 甲板边线deck longitudinal 甲板纵骨deck stringer 甲板边板deck transverse 强横梁deckhouse 舱面室,甲板室deep v hull 深v型船体delivery 交船depth 船深derrick 起重机,吊杆design margin 设计余量design spiral 设计螺旋循环方式destroyer 驱逐舰detachable shackle 散合式连接卸扣detail design 详细设计diagonal stiffener 斜置加强筋diagram 图,原理图,设计图diesel engine 柴油机dimensionless ratio 无量纲比值displacement 排水量displacement type vessel 排水型船distributed load 分布载荷division 站,划分,分隔do work 做功dock 泊靠double hook 山字钩double iteration procedure 双重迭代法double roller chock 双滚轮式导览钳double-acting steam cylinder 双向作用的蒸汽气缸down halyard 降帆索draft 吃水drag 阻力,拖拽力drainage 排水draught 吃水,草图,设计图,牵引力dredge 挖泥船drift 漂移,偏航drilling rig 钻架drillship 钻井船drive shaft 驱动器轴driving gear box 传动齿轮箱driving shaft system 传动轴系dry dock 干船坞ducted propeller 导管螺旋桨dynamic supported craft 动力支撑型船舶dynamometer 测力计,功率计船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(三)e.h.p 有效马力eccentric wheel 偏心轮echo-sounder 回声探深仪eddy 漩涡eddy-making resistance 漩涡阻力efficiency 供给能力,供给量electrohydraulic 电动液压的electroplater 电镀工elevations 高度,高程,船型线图的侧面图,立视图,纵剖线图,海拔empirical formula 经验公式enclosed fabrication shop 封闭式装配车间enclosed lifeboat 封闭式救生艇end open link 末端链环end shackle 末端卸扣endurance 续航力endurance 续航力,全功率工作时间engine room frame 机舱肋骨engine room hatch end beam 机舱口端梁ensign staff 船尾旗杆entrance 进流段erection 装配,安装exhaust valve 排气阀expanded bracket 延伸肘板expansion joint 伸缩接头extrapolate 外插fair 光顺faised floor 升高肋板fan 鼓风机fatigue 疲劳feasibility study 可行性研究feathering blade 顺流变距桨叶fender 护舷ferry 渡轮,渡运航线fillet weld connection 贴角焊连接fin angle feedback set 鳍角反馈装置fine fast ship 纤细高速船fine form 瘦长船型finite element 有限元fire tube boiler 水火管锅炉fixed-pitch 固定螺距式flange 突边,法兰盘flanking rudders 侧翼舵flap-type rudder 襟翼舵flare 外飘,外张flat of keel 平板龙骨fleets of vessels 船队flexural 挠曲的floating crane 起重船floodable length curve 可进长度曲线flow of materials 物流flow pattern 流型,流线谱flush deck vessel 平甲板型船flying bridge 游艇驾驶台flying jib 艏三角帆folding batch cover 折叠式舱口盖folding retractable fin stabilizer 折叠收放式减摇鳍following edge 随边following ship 后续船foot brake 脚踏刹车fore peak 艏尖舱forged steel stem 锻钢艏柱forging 锻件,锻造forward draft mark 船首水尺forward/afer perpendicular 艏艉柱forward/after shoulder 前/后肩foundry casting 翻砂铸造frame 船肋骨,框架,桁架freeboard 干舷freeboard deck 干舷甲板freight rate 运费率fresh water loadline 淡水载重线frictional resistance 摩擦阻力Froude number 傅汝德数fuel/water supply vessel 油水供给船full form 丰满船型full scale 全尺度fullness 丰满度funnel 烟囱furnishings 内装修gaff 纵帆斜桁gaff foresail 前桅主帆gangway 舷梯gantt chart 甘特图gasketed openings 装以密封垫的开口general arrangement 总布置general cargo ship 杂货船generatrix 母线geometrically similar form 外形相似船型girder 桁梁,桁架girder of foundation 基座纵桁governmental authorities 政府当局,管理机构gradient 梯度graving dock 槽式船坞Green Book 绿皮书,19世纪英国另一船级社的船名录,现合并与劳埃德船级社,用于登录快速远洋船gross ton 长吨(1.016公吨)group technology 成祖建造技术GT 成组建造技术guided-missile cruiser 导弹巡洋舰gunwale 船舷上缘gunwale angle 舷边角钢gunwale rounded thick strake 舷边圆弧厚板guyline 定位索gypsy 链轮gyro-pilot steering indicator 自动操舵操纵台gyroscope 回转仪船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(四)half breadth plan 半宽图half depth girder 半深纵骨half rounded flat plate 半圆扁钢hard chine 尖舭hatch beam sockets 舱口梁座hatch coaming 舱口围板hatch cover 舱口盖hatch cover 舱口盖板hatch cover rack 舱口盖板隔架hatch side cantilever 舱口悬臂梁hawse pipe 锚链桶hawsehole 锚链孔heave 垂荡heel 横倾heel piece 艉柱根helicoidal 螺旋面的,螺旋状的hinge 铰链hinged stern door 艉部吊门HMS 英国皇家海军舰艇hog 中拱hold 船舱homogeneous cylinder 均质柱状体hopper barge 倾卸驳horizontal stiffener 水平扶强材hub 桨毂,轴毂,套筒hull form 船型,船体外形hull girder stress 船体桁应力HVAC(heating ventilating and cooling) 取暖,通风与冷却hydraulic mechanism 液压机构hydrodynamic 水动力学的hydrofoil 水翼hydrostatic 水静力的IAGG(interactive computer graphics) 交互式计算机图像技术icebreaker 破冰船icebreaker 破冰船IMCO(Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization) 国际海事质询组织immerse 浸水,浸没impact load 冲击载荷imperial unit 英制单位in strake 内列板inboard profile 纵剖面图incremental plasticity 增量塑性independent tank 独立舱柜initial stability at small angle of inclination 小倾角初稳性inland waterways vessel 内河船inner bottom 内底in-plane load 面内载荷intact stability 完整稳性intercostals 肋间的,加强的International Association of Classification Society (IACS) 国际船级社联合会International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) 国际船模试验水池会议intersection 交点,交*,横断(切)inventory control 存货管理iterative process 迭代过程jack 船首旗jack 千斤顶joinery 细木工keel 龙骨keel laying 开始船舶建造kenter shackle 双半式连接链环Kristen-Boeing propeller 正摆线推进器landing craft 登陆艇launch 发射,下水launch 汽艇launching equipmeng (向水中)投放设备LCC 大型原油轮leading edge 导缘,导边ledge 副梁材length overall 总长leveler 调平器,矫平机life saving appliance 救生设备lifebuoy 救生圈lifejacket 救生衣lift fan 升力风扇lift offsets 量取型值light load draft 空载吃水lightening hole 减轻孔light-ship 空船limbers board 舭部污水道顶板liner trade 定期班轮营运业lines 型线lines plan 型线图Linnean hierarchical taxonomy 林式等级式分类学liquefied gas carrier 液化气运输船liquefied natural gas carrier 液化天然气船liquefied petroleum gas carrier 液化石油气船liquid bulk cargo carrier 液体散货船liquid chemical tanker 液体化学品船list 倾斜living and utility spaces 居住与公用舱室Lloyd’s Register of shipping 劳埃德船级社Lloyd’s Rules 劳埃德规范Load Line Convention 载重线公约load line regulations 载重线公约,规范load waterplane 载重水线面loft floor 放样台longitudinal (transverse) 纵(横)稳心高longitudinal bending 纵总弯曲longitudinal prismatic coefficient 纵向菱形系数longitudinal strength 纵总强度longitudinally framed system 纵骨架式结构luffing winch 变幅绞车machinery vendor 机械(主机)卖方magnet gantry 磁力式龙门吊maiden voyage 处女航main impeller 主推叶轮main shafting 主轴系major ship 大型船舶maneuverability 操纵性manhole 人孔margin plate 边板maritime 海事的,海运的,靠海的mark disk of speed adjusting 速度调整标度盘mast 桅杆mast clutch 桅座matrix 矩阵merchant ship 商船Merchant Shipbuilding Return 商船建造统计表metacenter 稳心metacentric height 稳心高metal plate path 金属板电镀槽metal worker 金属工metric unit 公制单位middle line plane 中线面midship section 舯横剖面midship section coefficient 中横剖面系数ML 物资清单,物料表model tank 船模试验水池monitoring desk of main engine operation 主机操作监视台monitoring screen of screw working condition 螺旋桨运转监视屏more shape to the shell 船壳板的形状复杂mould loft 放样间multihull vessel 多体船multi-purpose carrier 多用途船multi-ship program 多种船型建造规划mushroom ventilator 蘑菇形通风桶mutually exclusive attribute 相互排它性的属性船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(五)N/C 数值控制nautical mile 海里naval architecture 造船学navigation area 航区navigation deck 航海甲板near-universal gear 准万向舵机,准万向齿轮net-load curve 静载荷曲线neutral axis 中性轴,中和轴neutral equilibrium 中性平衡non-retractable fin stabilizer 不可收放式减摇鳍normal 法向的,正交的normal operating condition 常规运作状况nose cone 螺旋桨整流帽notch 开槽,开凹口oar 橹,桨oblique bitts 斜式双柱系缆桩ocean going ship 远洋船off-center loading 偏离中心的装载offsets 型值offshore drilling 离岸钻井offshore structure 离岸工程结构物oil filler 加油点oil skimmer 浮油回收船oil-rig 钻油架on-deck girder 甲板上桁架open water 敞水optimality criterion 最优性准则ore carrier 矿砂船orthogonal 矩形的orthogonal 正交的out strake 外列板outboard motor 舷外机outboard profile 侧视图outer jib 外首帆outfit 舾装outfitter 舾装工outrigger 舷外吊杆*头overall stability 总体稳性overhang 外悬paddle 桨paddle-wheel-propelled 明轮推进的Panama Canal 巴拿马运河panting arrangement 强胸结构,抗拍击结构panting beam 强胸横梁panting stringer 抗拍击纵材parallel middle body 平行中体partial bulkhead 局部舱壁payload 有效载荷perpendicular 柱,垂直的,正交的photogrammetry 投影照相测量法pile driving barge 打桩船pillar 支柱pin jig 限位胎架pintle 销,枢轴pipe fitter 管装工pipe laying barge 铺管驳船piston 活塞pitch 螺距pitch 纵摇plan views 设计图planning hull 滑行船体Plimsoll line 普林索尔载重线polar-exploration craft 极地考察船poop 尾楼port 左舷port call 沿途到港停靠positive righting moment 正扶正力矩power and lighting system 动力与照明系统precept 技术规则preliminary design 初步设计pressure coaming 阻力式舱口防水挡板principal dimensions 主尺度Program Evaluation and Review Technique 规划评估与复核法progressive flooding 累进进水project 探照灯propeller shaft bracket 尾轴架propeller type log 螺旋桨推进器测程仪PVC foamed plastic PVC泡沫塑料quadrant 舵柄quality assurance 质量保证quarter 居住区quarter pillar 舱内侧梁柱quartering sea 尾斜浪quasi-steady wave 准定长波quay 码头,停泊所quotation 报价单船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(六)racking 倾斜,变形,船体扭转变形radiography X射线探伤rake 倾斜raked bow 前倾式船首raster 光栅refrigerated cargo ship 冷藏货物运输船Register (船舶)登录簿,船名录Registo Italiano Navade 意大利船级社regulating knob of fuel pressure 燃油压力调节钮reserve buoyancy 储备浮力residuary resistance 剩余阻力resultant 合力reverse frame 内底横骨Reynolds number 雷诺数right-handed propeller 右旋进桨righting arm 扶正力臂,恢复力臂rigid side walls 刚性侧壁rise of floor 底升riverine warfare vessel 内河舰艇rivet 铆接,铆钉roll 横摇roll-on/roll-off (Ro/Ro) 滚装rotary screw propeller 回转式螺旋推进器rounded gunwale 修圆的舷边rounded sheer strake 圆弧舷板rubber tile 橡皮瓦rudder 舵rudder bearing 舵承rudder blade 舵叶rudder control rod 操舵杆rudder gudgeon 舵钮rudder pintle 舵销rudder post 舵柱rudder spindle 舵轴rudder stock 舵杆rudder trunk 舵杆围井run 去流段sag 中垂salvage lifting vessel 救捞船scale 缩尺,尺度schedule coordination 生产规程协调schedule reviews 施工生产进度审核screen bulkhead 轻型舱壁Sea keeping performance 耐波性能sea spectra 海浪谱sea state 海况seakeeping 适航性seasickness 晕船seaworthness 适航性seaworthness 适航性section moulus 剖面模数sectiongs 剖面,横剖面self-induced 自身诱导的self-propulsion 自航semi-balanced rudder 半平衡舵semi-submersible drilling rig 半潜式钻井架shaft bossing 轴榖shaft bracket 轴支架shear 剪切,剪力shear buckling 剪切性屈曲shear curve 剪力曲线sheer 舷弧sheer aft 艉舷弧sheer drawing 剖面图sheer forward 艏舷弧sheer plane 纵剖面sheer profile 总剖线sheer profile 纵剖图shell plating 船壳板ship fitter 船舶装配工ship hydrodynamics 船舶水动力学shipway 船台shipyard 船厂shrouded screw 有套罩螺旋桨,导管螺旋桨side frame 舷边肋骨side keelson 旁内龙骨side plate 舷侧外板side stringer 甲板边板single-cylinder engine 单缸引擎sinkage 升沉six degrees of freedom 六自由度skin friction 表面摩擦力skirt (气垫船)围裙slamming 砰击sleeve 套管,套筒,套环slewing hydraulic motor 回转液压马达slice 一部分,薄片sloping shipway 有坡度船台sloping top plate of bottom side tank 底边舱斜顶板slopint bottom plate of topside tank 定边舱斜底板soft chine 圆舭sonar 声纳spade rudder 悬挂舵spectacle frame 眼睛型骨架speed-to-length ratio 速长比sponson deck 舷伸甲板springing 颤振stability 稳性stable equilibrium 稳定平衡starboard 右舷static equilibrium 静平衡steamer 汽轮船steering gear 操纵装置,舵机stem 船艏stem contour 艏柱型线stern 船艉stern barrel 尾拖网滚筒stern counter 尾突体stern ramp 尾滑道,尾跳板stern transom plate 尾封板stern wave 艉波stiffen 加劲,加强stiffener 扶强材,加劲杆straddle 跨立,外包式叶片strain 应变strake 船体列板streamline 流线streamlined casing 流线型套管strength curves 强度曲线strength deck 强力甲板stress concentration 应力集中structural instability 结构不稳定性strut 支柱,支撑构型subassembly 分部装配subdivision 分舱submerged nozzle 浸没式喷口submersible 潜期suction back of a blade 桨叶片抽吸叶背Suez Canal tonnage 苏伊士运河吨位限制summer load water line 夏季载重水线superintendent 监督管理人,总段长,车间主任superstructure 上层建筑Supervision of the Society’s surveyor 船级社验船师的监造书supper cavitating propeller 超空泡螺旋桨surface nozzle 水面式喷口surface piercing 穿透水面的surface preparation and coating 表面加工处理与喷涂surge 纵荡surmount 顶上覆盖,越过swage plate 压筋板swash bulkhead 止荡舱壁SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) 小水线面双体船sway 横荡船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(七)tail-stabilizer anchor 尾翼式锚talking paper 讨论文件tangential 切向的,正切的tangential viscous force 切向粘性力tanker 油船tee T型构件,三通管tender 交通小艇tensile stress 拉(张)应力thermal effect 热效应throttle valve 节流阀throughput 物料流量thrust 推力thruster 推力器,助推器timber carrier 木材运输船tip of a blade 桨叶叶梢tip vortex 梢涡toed towards amidships 趾部朝向船舯tonnage 吨位torpedo 鱼雷torque 扭矩torque 扭矩trailing edge 随边transom stern 方尾transverse bulkhead plating 横隔舱壁板transverse section 横剖面transverse stability 横稳性trawling 拖网trial 实船试验trim 纵倾trim by the stern/bow 艉艏倾trimaran 三体的tripping bracket 防倾肘板trough 波谷tugboat 拖船tumble home (船侧)内倾tunnel wall effect 水桶壁面效应turnable blade 可转动式桨叶turnable shrouded screw 转动导管螺旋桨tweendeck cargo space 甲板间舱tweendedk frame 甲板间肋骨two nodded frequency 双节点频率ULCC 超级大型原油轮ultrasonic 超声波的underwriter (海运)保险商unsymmetrical 非对称的upright position 正浮位置vapor pocket 气化阱ventilation and air conditioning diagram 通风与空调铺设设计图Venturi section 文丘里试验段vertical prismatic coefficient 横剖面系数vertical-axis(cycloidal)propeller 直叶(摆线)推进器vessel component vender 造船部件销售商viscosity 粘性VLCC 巨型原油轮Voith-Schneider propeller 外摆线直翼式推进器v-section v型剖面wake current 伴流,尾流water jet 喷水(推进)管water plane 水线面watertight integrity 水密完整性wave pattern 波形wave suppressor 消波器,消波板wave-making resistance 兴波阻力weather deck 露天甲板web 腹板web beam 强横梁web frame 腹肋板welder 焊工wetted surface 湿表面积winch 绞车windlass 起锚机wing shaft 侧轴wing-keel 翅龙骨(游艇)working allowance 有效使用修正量worm gear 蜗轮,蜗杆yacht 快艇yard issue 船厂开工任务发布书yards 帆桁yaw 首摇。
2006-8-11 16:321、1结构 Structure船厂 dockyard/shipyard 船坞 dock/boatyard船东 ship-owner 船舷 Ship's side船舱 hold 甲板 Deck船籍 Ship's registry 住舱甲板 accommodation deck 船首 bow 梁拱甲板 arch deck船尾 stern 首楼甲板 Forecastle deck2船坞 dock/boatyard船舷 Ship's side船的栏杆 Ship's rail甲板Deckeck梁拱甲板 arch deck载货甲板 cargo deck首楼甲板 Forecastle deck上甲板 Upper deck下甲板 Lower deck货舱甲板 Hold deck桥楼甲板 Bridge deck水密甲板 Watertight deck3艇甲板 Boat deck罗经甲板 Compass deck板 Plate舭板 Bilge plate船首外板 Bow plate肘板 Bracket plate舱壁板 Bulkhead plate槽形舱壁板 Corrugated bulkhead plate铜-钢复合板 Copper sheathing steel plate 甲板边板 Deck stringer plate斜板 Sloping plate加强板 Reinforcement plate平台 platform机舱平台 Engine-room platform分段 Block首段 Bow block中段 Midship block5尾段 Stern block左舷 port右舷 Starboard甲板纵桁 Deck girder横桁 Cross girder水平桁 Horizontal girder舱口边梁 Hatch coaming girder机座纵桁 Engine girder6甲板下纵桁 Underdeck girderframe船底肋骨 Bottom frame首肋骨 Bow frame肘板框架肋骨 Bracket frame球鼻首肋骨 Bulbous bow frame球曲型肋骨 Bulbous frame主肋骨 Chief frame首肋骨 Fore frame7桁架梁 me 甲板纵桁 Deck longitudinal横框架肋骨 Transverse frame 内底纵桁/纵骨 Inner bottom longitudinal肋距 F.S.(frame space) 舷侧纵桁/纵骨 Shell side longitudinal纵桁/纵骨/纵向构件 longitudinal 双层底顶纵骨 Top longitudinal of doublebottom8斜舱壁纵骨 Slopping-bulkhead longitudinal 舱 Tank结构 Structure 尾尖舱 after peak tank附属结构 Accessory structure 尾部水舱 after water tank全焊结构 All-welded structure 辅助水柜 Auxiliary water tank structure 底舱 Bottom tank船首部结构 Bow structure 底边舱 Bottom side tank支撑结构 Braced structure 货油压载舱 Cargo and ballast tank桥楼结构 Bridge structure 循环水槽 Circulating flow water tank首楼结构 Foreca人孔 manhole 干舱 Dry tank9舱 Tank尾尖舱 after peak tank尾部水舱 after water tank辅助水柜 Auxiliary water tank辅助压载水舱 Auxiliary water ballast tank污and ballast tank循环水槽 Circulating flow water tank循环滑油舱 Circulating lubricating oil tank构架结构 Framed structure纵桁结构 Girder structure人孔 manhole10k应急淡水柜 Emergency fresh water tank首舱 Fore tank首尖舱 Fore peak tank斜边舱 Hopper side tank液舱 Liquid tank龙骨舱 Keel tank右舷舱 Starboard tank顶边水舱 Topside tank顶边翼舱 Topside wing tank小舱口盖 Small hatch cover水密舱口盖 Water-tight small hatch cover风雨密舱口盖 Weather-tight small hatch cover页面功能【字体:大中小】【打印】【关闭】dugout独木舟barge驳船kayak(爱斯基摩人的)木排outrigger桨叉架船rowing boat划艇(美作:rowboat)gondola(意大利的)长平底船whale mother ship捕鲸母船hydrofoil水翼船catamarans双体船dredger挖泥船boat船brig, brigantine双桅船canoe小船,独木舟caravel快帆船cargo boat货船coaster近海贸易货船cod-fishing boat捕鳕鱼船whaler捕鲸船collier运煤船battleship战船shallop小型战船coastguard cutter, coastguard vessel巡逻艇,缉私艇revenue cutter缉私船patrol boat巡逻艇minelayer布雷艇minesweeper扫雷艇torpedo boat鱼雷艇frigate轻护航舰gunboat炮舰submarine潜水艇destroyer驱逐舰corvette轻巡洋舰cruiser巡洋舰aircraft carrier航空母舰ferry, ferryboat渡船,渡轮fishing boat渔船freighter货船galleon大型帆船galley大划桨船hovercraft气垫船icebreaker破冰船launch艇lifeboat救生艇lighter驳船liner, ocean liner远洋班轮merchant ship, merchantman商船motorboat摩托艇outboard尾部装有马达的小艇paddle steamer, paddle boat明轮船passenger boat客船piragua, pirogue独木舟raft木筏rowing boat划艇sailing boat, sailing ship帆船schooner纵帆船ship船skiff小艇sloop单桅船steamer, steamship汽轮tanker油轮trawler拖网渔船tug, tugboat拖轮vessel船yacht游艇yawl船载小艇船舶英语自动雷达标绘仪Automatic radar plotting aid 自动电话Automatic telephone电压自动调节器Automatic voltage regulator 自动化系统Automation system压载控制台Ballast control console镇流器Ballast底座Base电池Battery铃Bell弯曲Bend床头灯Berth light失电Black out刹车Brake电刷Brush船舶英语3球鼻首警告灯Bulbous bow warning light 汇流排Bus(-)bar汇流排Bus –tie –in蜂鸣器BuzzerC、电缆Cable电缆填料函Cable gland敷设电缆Cable laying电缆管Cable pipe (conduit)电缆扎带Cable strap电缆托架Cable tray校准器Calibrator电容capacitor阴板Cathode警告牌Caution plate船舶英语4顶灯Ceiling light中央处理器Central processing unit通道Channel充电器Charger充放电板Charging&discharging board 海图灯Chart table light检查Check芯片Chip清洁Clean雨雪清除器Clear view screen二氧化碳释放报警CO2 release alarm 同轴电缆Coaxial cable线圈Coil冷库呼叫Cold store calling船舶英语5通讯Communication计算机Computer接头Connector恒电流Constant current消耗Consumption触头Contact接触器Contactor控制箱Control box控制箱Controller芯线Core角灯Corner light计算器Counter电流CurrentD、损坏Damage船舶英语6危险气体报警箱Dangerous gas detecting &alarm box 白昼信号灯Daylight signal light去耦Decoupling set台灯Desk light控测器Detector拨号Dial数字选择呼叫收信机Digital select –call receiver调光器dimmer直流电Direct current直接起动Direct –on –line starting磁盘Disk显示Display遇险信息控制器Distress message controller多普勒记程仪Doppler speed log船舶英语7双极单刀开关Double pole single way switch双极双刀开关Double pole two way switch天线收发转换开关Duplexer值班水手呼叫Duty sailor calling接地Earth接地排Earth bar测深仪Echo sounder电工试验板Electric test panel电机员Electrical engineer电极Electrode应急照明分电箱Emergence lighting distribution box应急示位标Emergence position indicating radio beacon 应急停Emergence stop船舶英语8应急配电板Emergency switch board机舱报警Engine alarm集控台Engine control console机舱监测报警Engine room monitoring &alarm system 轮机员呼叫Engineer calling panel轮机员安全Engineer safety system增强群呼叫收讯机Enhance group call receiver交换机Exchanger防爆灯Explosion proof light延伸报警板Extension alarm panel故障Failure故障Fault反馈Feed back船舶英语9馈电品Feeder panel滤波器Filter火警复显器Fire alarm repeater防火风闸控制单元Fire damper control unit火警检测箱Fire detecting box火焰探头Flame detector闪光灯Flash light浮充电Float charge强光灯Flood light流程图Flow chart流量开关Flow switch荧光灯Fluorescent light雾笛Fog horn频率Frequency船舶英语10熔丝Fuse填料Gasket通用报警General alarm发电机Generator发电机屏Generator panel(铜)锣、钟Gong全球卫星定位导航GPS navigator 组合灯板Group alarm light pillar 组合起动屏Group starter panel 电罗经Gyro compass卤素灯Halogen light听筒Handset硬件Hardware航向Headingcontinue很好,支持一下!汇流排Bus –tie –in 最好有图片Double pole single way switchvery usefull.very usefull.study itwhy do not you send in one note?very usefull.study it general alarm.通用报警very usefull.study Filter=滤波器and flow chart=流程图交换机=Exchanger ,studywhat is word to describe the ”显示器“?use display or not?页: [1] 2船舶英语手册10请给我看一下电站负荷平衡表。
船舶电工英语目录第一部分Part one日常用语(Daily English)常用句型(Common Patterns)第二部分Part TwoⅠ.有关船用电力电气设备(Marine Electric Equipment)Ⅱ.有关电流电压(Current & V oltage)Ⅲ.有关接线(Lines)Ⅳ.有关船用照明及仪表(Illumination and Meter)Ⅴ.有关船用电源(Power Supply)Ⅵ.有关绝缘(Insulation)Ⅶ.有关船用发电机(Generator)Ⅷ.有关船用电动机(Motor)Ⅸ.有关测试验收(Test & Check)Ⅹ.有关监测与报警点(Checking & Alarming)附录1 Appendix 1通用词汇(V ocabulary for General Purpose)附录2 Appendix 2船舶电工英语词汇(V ocabulary for Electrician )第一部分Part One日常用语(Daily English)Ⅰ.问候、介绍、告别(Greetings. Introductions and Farewells)1.你好!Hello(Hi)2.早上好!Good morning (Morning!)3.下午(晚上)好!Good afternoon (evening!)4.晚安!Good night!5.你好!How do you do!6.很高兴见到你。
Nice to meet you.7.我是管系工(钳工、电工)I’m a piper (fitter , electrician)8.这是工程师。
This is an engineer.9.他是检验员。
He is an inspector.(QC)10.欢迎您到我们船厂来。
Welcome to our shipyard.欢迎你到我们(国家)来。
Welcome to our country.11.请坐。
船舶专业英语 词汇
vi. 一致;记分
7, changing ['tʃeindʒiŋ]
v. 改变(change的ing形式);交换;兑换
n. 改变;转换;替换
adj. 变化的;发展的
8, gym [dʒim]
n. 健身房;体育;体育馆
9, electric [i'lektrik]
n. 阀门;瓣膜(valve的复数);真空管
v. 装阀于…;以活门调节(valve的三单形式)
72, gas freeing
73, undertaken
v. 从事;开始进行(undertake的过去分词)
74, outer hull
outer hull: 外壳 | 外部壳体
66, occupied ['ɔkjupaid]
adj. 已占用的;使用中的;无空闲的
v. 占有(occupy的过去分词)
67, emergency [i'mə:dʒənsi]
n. 紧急情况;突发事件;非常时刻
adj. 紧急的;备用的
68, escape [i'skeip]
vt. 逃避,避免;被忘掉
adj. 老练的,熟练的;富有经验的
93, bulwark ['bulwək]
n. 壁垒;保障;防波堤
vt. 保护;筑垒保卫
94, freeing port
95, funnel ['fʌnl]
n. 漏斗;烟囱
vt. 通过漏斗或烟囱等;使成漏斗形
vi. 通过漏斗等;成漏斗形
船舶电气英语单词词汇总结一、参考方向(reference direction)电流(current):People regulate the direction of the positivecharges moving as the actual direction ofcurrent.电压(voltage):The direction of the high potential point to thelow potential.电动势(electromotive force = e.m.f) :The direction of the lowpotential point to thehigh potential.电功率(electric power):absorbed power (load) and developed power(source) 二、定律欧姆定律(ohm’s law): I=U/R . (conductance=1/resistance(inverse)基尔霍夫电流定律( Kirchhoff’Current Law =KCL):∑i=0基尔霍夫电压定律( Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law =KVL): ∑u=0 三、定理叠加定理(superposition theorem )替代定理(substitution theorem )戴维宁定理( Thevenin’s theorem )诺顿定理(Norton’s theorem )四:电路分析方法2b方程法(2 b equation method )支路(电流)法(branch current method )节点电压法(node voltage method )网孔法(mesh current method)回路法(loop current method )五、正弦(sine)交流电路正弦量三要素:振幅(amplitude)、角频率(angular frequency )、初相位(initial phase )相位差(phase difference):滞后(lag)、超前(lead)星形联接(Y):star connection三角形联接(△):Triangle connection线电压:line voltage线电流:line current相电压:phase voltage相电流:phase current(Y):line voltage=3phase voltageline current= phase current(△): line current=3phase currentline voltage=phase voltage模拟电子一、二极管(diode)单向导电性:In the operation of a single PN diode junction ,forward biasing causes conduction and reverse biasing causes non-conduction .二.三极管(triode)A bipolar transistor is primarily used as amplifying device that regulates the amount of current that passes through it.When a transistor is used as a switch ,it usually operates in the saturation region .三、晶闸管(thyristor)As long as the anode and cathode with a positive voltage, the control and cathode with a positive trigger pulse,the thyristor will conduction . Even remove the trigger pulse, still maintain conduction四、运算放大器(operational amplifier)词汇总结:source电源storage battery蓄电池alternating current (AC)交流电wire线voltage电压voltmeter电压表current电流ammeter电流表resistance 电阻ohmmeter 欧姆表megger meter 兆欧表,摇表potential电势potentiometer电位计multimeter万用表kilowatt-hour meter 电度表tachometer测速表thermocouple 热电偶capacitor电容器capacity容量captance容抗inductor电感器inductance感抗impedance阻抗resistor电阻器reactor电抗器relay继电器contactor接触器contact触头coil线圈winding绕组rectifier整流器inverter逆变器amplifier放大器sensor /transducer 传感器transmitter变送器circuit breaker断路器switch开关change-over switch 转换开关shunt分流器transformer 变压器auto-transformer自耦变压器current transformer电流互感器voltage transformer电压互感器rheostat变阻器frequency converter 变频器overcurrent relay过电流继电器reverse power relay逆功率继电器time relay时间继电器time-lag relay 延时继电器pressure relay压力继电器indicator 指示器monitor 监视器regulator 调节器governor 调速器conductor导体semiconductor 半导体generator发电机motor 电动机bearing 轴承self-induction 自感mutual-induction互感electromotive force 电动势unidirectional current 单方向电流circuit diagram 电路图voltage drop 电压降conductance 电导volt-ampere characteristics 伏-安特性linear characteristics 线性特性non-linear characteristics 非线性特性ideal source 理想电源ideal voltage source理想电压源ideal current source 理想电流源internal resistance 内阻series 串联in series with 和······串联parallel 并联in parallel with 和······并联parallel series 混联leakage current 漏电流active circuit elements 有源电路元件passive circuit elements 无源电路元件reference point 参考点P.D. =potential drop 电压降circuit branch 支路single-loop network(circuit)单回路网络(电路)r.m.s.values = root of mean square均方根值effective value 有效值peak value 峰值maximum value 最大值minimum value 最小值average value 平均值absolute value 绝对值instantaneous value 瞬时值vector 矢量vector diagram 矢量图complex number 复数real part 实部imaginary part 虚部modulus 模counter-clockwise 逆时针方向clockwise 顺时针方向phase displacement 相位差biopolar junction transistor (BJT)双极型晶体管field effect transistor (FET)场效应管polarity 极性gain 增益insulator 绝缘体insulation 绝缘isolation 隔离,绝缘,隔振input resistance 输入电阻output resistance 输出电阻common base 共基极common collector 共集电极common emitter 共射极common ground lead公共接地端common source 共源极common drain 共栅极emitter follower 射极跟随器operational amplifier 运算放大器equivalent circuit 等效电路,等值电路phase shift 相位移capacitance effect 电容效应rate of change of voltage 电压变化率power功率effective power 有效功率active power 有功功率available power有用功率reactive power 无功功率apparent power 视在功率complex power 复功率power factor 功率因数power dissipation/loss功率损耗resonant circuit 谐振电路power station 发电厂frequency 频率amplitude 振幅phase相位charge 充电discharge 放电connect接线disconnect 断开接线anode 阳极cathode 阴极diode 二极管zener diode 稳压二极管triode 三极管transistor 晶体管thyristor 晶闸管nameplate 铭牌current rating额定电流rated current 额定电流voltage rating 额定电压rated voltage 额定电压rated load 额定负载over load过载no load 空载no voltage 失压under voltage 欠压over current 过流short circuit 短路open circuit 开路open phase protection 断相保护arc extinguishing 灭弧knife switch 刀开关fuse 熔丝,熔断器thermal relay 热继电器voltage contactor 电压接触器ground insulation 对地绝缘interlock contact 互锁触头self-locking contact 自锁触头maintained-contact 自保触头main contact 主触头auxiliary contact 副触头normally closed contact 常闭触头normally open contact 常开触头fixed/ stationary contact静触头movable contact动触头earth 接地neutral 中性点main s withboard 主配电板emergency power supply 应急电源emergency panel 应急配电盘lamp socket 灯座trip 跳闸button 按钮stand by 备用shore power 岸电overhaul 大修,彻底检修repair修理srew driver 螺丝刀long nose pliers 尖嘴钳hack saw 钢锯scissors 剪刀torch 手电筒hammer 铁锤file 锉刀thread tap 丝攻spanner 扳手ring spanner 梅花扳手socket spanner 套筒扳手puller 拉马pipe spanner 管钳measuring tape 卷尺vernier caliper 游标卡尺electric bulb 电灯泡plug 插头socket 插座electrician knife 电工刀test pen 电笔wire stripping pliers 剥线钳thermometer 温度计utility vise 老虎钳fuse 保险丝江苏海院电气工程系船电101305班2012年6月。
1117 truck 127 624 627 634 738 bulk carrier liquid cargo carrier LNG carrier lpg carrier ore carrier
[ɔ : ˈkæri ] [ɔ r ˈ ə kæriɚ ]
[dɒ k] [dɑk]
314 604
shaft alignment
560 504
inevitably graphitization
[ɪ nˈev təbli] [ɪ nˈev təbli] ɪ ɪ [græfɪ taɪ 'zeɪ ʃ ən] [græfɪ taɪ 'zeɪ ʃ ən]
157 158 287 499 916 326
[brɪ dʒ ] [brɪ dʒ ]
n.(船的)吃水线,水线 船舷 n.桥;桥牌;鼻梁;起联 系作用的东西 vt.在…建 桥,架桥于…之上;通过 桥横跨 1. 泄流量 2. 放电容量 v.扣除,减去( deduct 的现 在分词 ) vt.推进;推动;驱动;驱 使 n.舱底;无聊的想法,废 话 n.容器;船,飞船;血管, 管束;…的化身 n.原动力,发动者 超前工祖 尾部,后端 adj.模具的,模制的 v.用 模子做( mould 的过去式 和过去分词 );对…影响 重大;将…塑造成; (使) 紧贴于 n.宽度;宽容; (知识、兴 趣等的)广泛 n.球场最高记录; [体]球路 最高记录 n.旋转罗盘,回转罗盘 n.自动驾驶仪 n.船舵;[航]方向舵;[动] 尾羽;指导人
774 918 919 921 620 635 203 289
piston scraper scraper ring seal liner lube combustion chamber cylinder liners
停泊期 折角 投标人 舭,舱底 舭肘板 舭半径 舭部边舱水深探管 单柱系缆桩 叶跟 叶元剖面 喷丸 方形系数 出航旗 登艇甲板 吊艇架 吊艇索 稳艇索 首斜尾拉索 横剖面图 螺栓,上螺栓固定 邦戎曲线 吊杆
boss bottom side girder bottom side tank bottom transverse boundary layer bow line bow wave bowsprit bow-thruster box girder bracket floor brake brake band brake crank arm brake drum brake hydraulic cylinder brake hydraulic pipe breadth extreme breadth moulded breakbulk breasthook bridge
螺旋桨轴榖 旁底桁 底边舱 底列板 边界层 前体纵剖线 艏波 艏斜桅 艏侧推器 箱桁 框架肋板 制动装置 制动带 制动曲柄 刹车卷筒 制动液压缸 刹车液压管 最大宽,计算宽度 型宽 件杂货 艏肘板 桥楼,驾驶台
bridge console stand BSRA buckle buffer spring built-up plate section bulb plate bulbous bow bulk carrier bulk oil carrier bulkhead bulwark bulwark plate bulwark stay buoy tender buoyant buoyant box Bureau Veritas butt weld butterfly screw cap buttock by convention cable ship
【知识】船舶轮机英语:船电部分第五部分:船电部分调试、提交用语 Expressions for testing and submissionⅠ.谈论接线 Talking about wire connecting1、芯线是按图纸接的。
(按规范、标准、X船级社)The core wire was connected according to the drawing (spec, standard, classification society rules ) .2、线没有接 The wire hasn’t been connected.3、线接错了 The wire was connected in wrong way.4、现在就接 You must connect the wire at once.5、没有芯线套管吗?(你们现在就套)Is there the core wire sleeve? (You must put on the sleeve at once.)6、芯线太粗(细 / 长 / 短) The core wire is thick (thin / long / short) .7、芯线没有拧紧(太松) The core wire hasn’t been tightened enough.(It’s too loose.)8、芯线没有压销桩铜接头(你们马上就压)The core wire hasn’t been fixed with a pin copper connection.(You must fix it at once.)9、铜接头没有压紧 The copper connection hasn’t been tightened.10、接线桩不牢 The terminal isn’t firm.11、芯线和接线柱接触不好The core wire doesn’t connect the terminal well.12、你有没有铜接头(或销状铜接头) Do you have any pin copper connections?13、你要多少尺寸的接头? What’s the size of the connection?14、芯线断了(破损了) The core wire is broken(damaged).15、线接得(不美观)不规范,重接(返工)The wire wasn’t connected according to the rules. You must reconnect it.16、是否就这一根重接?I only need to reconnect this wire . Am I right?17、这一根电缆要换 This piece of cable should be replaced.18、是否可以不换 Is it necessary to replace it?19、这种接法我们不能接受(不符合规范)We can’t agree with this connection method.(It’s not up to the rules.)20、如何接才是正确得? What’s the right connection method?21、检验接线是否正确 Please check the wire connecting method!22、接线柱上怎么没有弹簧垫圈(或锁紧螺母)?Where’s the spring ring (lock nut) on the terminal?23、接线号码不对(号码没错) The number of the connection wire is wrong.(The number is right.)24、你看接线还有什么问题吗?Is there anything wrong with wire-connection?25、你看这样接是否可以?Do you think it okay to connect the wire in this way?26、把这几根线拆下来(全部拆下来)Please disconnect these pieces of wire.27、我认为线多拆不是最好I don’t think it proper to disconnect the wire frequently.28、接线工艺应该没问题 There isn’t anything wrong with the connecting process.Ⅱ:谈论绝缘 Talking about insulation.1、兆欧表准备好了(请看表头读数) The megohmmeter is ready. Please look at thedials(readings).2、现在测量绝缘电阻吗? May I measure the insulation resistance now?3、1兆欧以上(绝缘值不低于1兆欧)(Megohm) Over 106 ohm. (The insulation value shall be ≥106 ohm.)4、绝缘老化了(绝缘不好或绝缘故障) The insulation is aged (poor). The insulation has broken down.5、绝缘电阻太低 The insulation resistance is too low.6、可能是湿度得问题Maybe the problem comes from humidity.7、也许是设备得问题 Maybe the problem is from equipment.8、线都检查过了,没有问题We have checked all the wires and found no problem.9、绝缘再检查一下Please check the insulation once more.10、绝缘材料有问题There must be some problem about the insulation material.11、我们会想办法提高绝缘We’ll try our best to improve upon the insulation.Ⅲ.谈论调试 Talking about testing1、请你检查一下好吗?Will you please have a check?2、调试(或安装)好了吗?Have you finished testing (installation)?3、是的,调试(或安装)好了Yes, the testing (installation) is over.4、已经检查过了,工作正常We have checked and found it normal (okay).5、我们将按你得建议(要求)去做We’ll follow your suggestion (request).6、这是由于设计(或安装)问题造成得 It is due to the mistake of design (installation).7、已经试验过,情况正常 It has been tested and everything is okay.8、验收报告明天可以给你吗?Shall we present you the acceptance report tomorrow?9、我们是遵守(X船级社)得规范和规则做的We have followed the rules and regulations of the classification society.10、(安装)没有问题No problem (in installation).11、毛病还没有找到We haven’t found out the trouble yet.12、等一等,我现在就去找Just a moment, I’ll have a look.13、已经准备好了 It’s ready.14、这样行吗? Is it okay?15、现在可以起动了吗?Can I start it now?16、我想是这样得(我想不是得) I think so. (I don’t think so.)17、(你们)准备什么时候试车?When will you begin the testing?18、你能告诉我是什么原因吗? Can I tell me why?19、还不太清楚,等检查完再说 It’s not clear yet. Let’s wait for the check report.20、那一定是有问题了 There must be something wrong.21、让我们看看是否有问题 Let’s have a check to see if there is anything wrong.22、这样做可以吗? Is this the right way to do it?23、(试验)时间已经到了 It’s time to have the test.(指试验可以开始了)The testing time is up.(指试验结束了)Ⅳ.设备调试中专业“术语” Technical terms for equipment testing.1、有故障(不正常) There’s some failure.(It’s abnormal.)2、失灵了 It doesn’t work . (It’s out of order.)3、不能起动 It can’t start4、不能跳闸 Fail to trip.5、没有指示(指示误差) There’s no sign.(indication error.)6、不准确 incorrect7、不动作(动作迟钝)no function8、不平稳(不稳定) unstable9、振动厉害 serious vibration10、噪音太大 too much noise11、接触不良 poor contact12、断路 open (broken) circuit13、短路 short circuit 14、接地 ground15、接错 Connection in a wrong way16、卡死(变形)block (deformation)17、间隙太大 too much clearance18、电流太高 too high current19、电压太低 too low voltage20、相序不对 wrong phase sequence21、频率不对 wrong frequency22、压力太低(太高)too low (high) pressure23、温度太高 too high temperature24、负荷太重 overload (too heavy load)25、速度太快(太慢)(突然停下) too fast (slow) speed (sudden stop)26、位置不对 wrong position27、数据不准 inaccurate data28、功能不同 different functions29、设备损坏 damaged equipment30、接头松动 loose connection31、绝缘不良 poor insulation32、保险丝熔断 fuse was melted33、元件问题(电阻、电容、集成块)component trouble (e.g. resistance、capacitance、integrated unit)34、图纸问题 drawing mistake35、操作不当 improper operation主机自动化专用术语 Technical Terms for M.E. Automation1、主机 Main Engine (M.E.)2、主机遥控 M.E. remote control3、螺旋桨 propeller4、可调螺旋桨 CPP (Controllable pitch propeller)5、齿轮箱 gearbox6、轴承 bearing7、推力(中间)轴承 thrust (intermediate) bearing8、凸轮轴 camshaft9、活塞 piston10、主起动阀 main starting valve11、调速器governor12、气缸cylinder13、高压油泵 high-pressure oil pump14、调油杆 oil-adjusting lever15、油排齿条格数 tooth sector16、起动(停止)电磁阀starting (stopping) electric-magnetic valve17、盘车机 turning gear18、扫气空气 scanvage air19、泵(马达) pump(motor)20、鼓风机 blower21、转速 rpm22、流量 flow23、手动 manual24、自动 automatic25、应急 emergency26、限制 limit27、指示 indicate28、故障 abnormal/trouble29、工况(负荷) working condition (load)30、确认(应答)confirm (response)31、平稳 steady (smooth)32、调节 adjust33、复位 reset34、自检 self-check35、备用 stand-by36、啮合 gear37、脱开 detach38、减速 slow-down39、失败 failure40、零位 nil position41、反馈信号 feed signal42、转换信号 change-over signal44、换向信号 reverse signal45、接通 connect46、断开 cut-off47、切断 cut48、正常 normal49、无异常现象 no abnormal50、闭锁 lock51、试验 test & trial52、电源 power supply (source)53、交流电源 AC 220V SOURCE54、直流电源 DC 24V SOURCE1、主机推进系统 M/E propulsion system2、主机遥控装置 M/E remote control unit3、机旁 local (by engine side)4、集控室 ECR (centralized control room)5、驾驶室 W/H (wheel-house)5、桥楼bridge6、遥控主车钟 remote control main telegraph7、微速 dead slow8、半速 half8、全速 full9、完车 finish10、辅车钟 aux. telegraph11、应急车钟 emergency telegraph12、车钟记录仪 telegraph recorder13、设定速度 rated speed14、定速 constant speed15、模拟试验 simulation test16、测速装置 speed-measuring unit17、转速传感器 rpm sensor18、起动空气压力表 starting air pressure gauge1、程序(换向/起动/慢转起动/转速/转速自动)控制program (change-over / starting / slow starting / rpm / rpm automatic) control2、三次自动重复起动 automatic restarting for three times3、重起动 restart4、错向报警 wrong-way alarm5、临界转速(最小转速/最大倒车转速/热负荷/手动转速/燃油/扫气压力/手动燃油)限制critical rpm (Min. rpm / Max. astern rpm / hot load / manual rpm / F.O. / scanvage pressure /manual F.O.) limit6、应急操纵(运行)emergency maneuvering (running)7、应急(自动)停车 emergency(automatic)stop8、安全保护装置 safety protection unit9、盘车机未脱开 Turning gear is still geared10、滑油压力低 The pressure of L.O. is too low.11、气缸(活塞)冷却水压力低The pressure of cooling water for cylinder (piston) is too low.12、超速 overspeed13、活塞冷却水流量低 The flow cooling water for piston is too low.14、扫气空气(推力轴承)温度高 The temperature of scanvage air (thrust bearing) is too high.15、起动时间过长The starting time is too long.16、三次起动失败 starting failure for a third time17、起动(控制)空气压力低 The pressure of starting(control)air is too low.18、主起动阀未打开 The main starting valve isn’t opened.19、机旁操纵(调油)手柄位置The local handle position for maneuvering.20、系统故障 system failure21、内部电源故障 inside power source failure22、故障显示 failure display23、气缸油断流 cylinder oil non-flow24、越空 skip25、油雾探油装置 oil mist detector26、鼓风机接通(断开) The blower is powered (out down).27、调速器 governor28、报警器消音按钮 The silencer push button for alarm unit.29、试灯按钮 push button for lighting30、凸轮轴位置检测器 detector for camshaft position31、电气转换 I/P32、故障指示灯 failure indicator33、调光器旋钮 snob for light regulator34、执行机构 actuator35、燃油刻度指示表 fuel oil dial indicator电站自动化 Automation of power StationⅠ.1、柴油发电机起动失败 D/G start failure.2、柴油发电机超速停车D/G overspeed stop.3、柴油发电机滑油低压停车D/G Lub. oil low press. stop.4、柴油发电机淡水高温停车 D/G F.W. high temp. stop.5、柴油发电机起动空气低压 D/G starting air low press.6、柴油发电机停车电磁阀故障 D/G auto-stop magnetic valve failure.7、柴油发电机测速装置故障 D/G speed measurement failure.8、柴油发电机空气低压 D/G control air low press.9、柴油发电机电源故障 D/G power source failure.10、柴油发电机增压器滑油低压 D/G turbocharger Lub. Oil low press.11、柴油发电机燃油泄漏柜液位高 D/G F.O. drain tank high level12、柴油发电机预滑油故障 D/G L.O. preheatment failure.13、柴油发电机报警闭锁D/G alarm lock.14、柴油发电机功率管理故障 D/G power control failure.15、柴油发电机公共报警 D/G common alarm.16、柴油发电机燃油模块故障 D/G F.O. module failure.17、柴油发电机测速传感器D/G speed sensor.18、柴油发电机预供油泵马达D/G presupply oil pump motor.19、主配电板调速马达 Main switchboard speed-governing motor.20、遥控和自动起动(控制) Remote control and auto start (control)21、就地控制 local control22、遥控(手动)停车 stop by remote (hand) control23、发电机运行 D/G operation24、发电机温度及压力显示 Temperature & pressure display of D/G25、发电机燃油进口压力 D/G F.O. inlet press.26、发电机高温淡水(滑油)进口压力D/G high-temp. F.W. (Lub.Oil.) intlet press.27、发电机燃油(滑油)进口温度 D/G F.O. (L.O.) inlet temp.28、发电机高温淡水出口温度 D/G high-temp. F.W. outlet temp.29、发电机1-3缸排气温度 Exhaust temp. from the first to the third cylinder.30、发电机R相(S相、TS相)绕组温度 D/G R (S、TS)-phase coil temp.31、主空气断路器 main air breaker32、电压表(电流表、功率表、同步表、功率因素表、频率表)Voltmeter (Ammeter / powermeter / synchronoscope / power factor meter / frequency meter)33、转换开关 change-over switch34、发电机加热器开关 D/G heater switch35、调频转换开关frequency-regulating switch36、充磁(消音/复位)按钮 magnetic push button (silencer / reset)37、岸电供电(同步)指示灯 shore electricity-supply (synchronous) indicator38、绝缘监视仪 insulation monitor39、熔断器 fuseⅡ.谈论发电机调试 Talking about D/G1、发电机试车准备就序The starting test of D/G is ready.2、测试仪表已准备好 The measuring meters are ready.3、冷态绝缘电阻测试是否可以开始? Shall we start the testing of cold insulation resistance?4、先做报警点试验 Begin with the alarm points testing , please.5、这些传感器是开关(模拟)量的These sensors are of digital (analogue) type.6、你看先做哪一个传感器? Which sensor shall we begin with?7、可以做超速实效试验 We can make the effect test for overspeed.8、这些传感器我们再综合试验室都校正过了We have calibrated these sensors in lab.9、你是否抽空去综合试验室看看? Would you like to have a visit to our lab?10、温度(压力)传感器的数值都在允许范围内The values of temp.(press.) sensors are within the allowance.11、如果你觉得不满意,我们可以拆下检查We can dismantle it and have a check if you are not satisfied.12、接线是按图纸施工的,应该没有问题 The wire is connected by the drawing. It should be O.K.13、现在有点小问题,请你稍等There is something wrong. Please wait a moment.14、这个传感器我们打算换新的 We’ll replace this sensor with a new one.15、这些问题我们一定解决,你是否可以继续看下去We’re sure to solve these problems. Would you please go on with the inspection?16、数值可以调整The values can be adjusted.17、这个传感器是刚刚换的 This sensor was renewed just now.18、传感器的型号是跟图纸一致的The model of this sensor agrees with the drawing.19、传感器安装的位置是符合要求的The installation positions of sensors are up to the requirement.20、传感器和荧光屏上显示的数值是一致的 The value of sensor meets with that on the screen.21、报警点的显示有问题,我查查图纸There is something wrong with the display of alarm points. Let me check the drawing.22、传感器的线接错了,现在已经好了The wire of sensor was connected improperly. We have reconnected it.23、现在请再试一试 Please try again.24、报警点全部试验过了We have tested all the alarm points.25、有个别的问题我们准备马上修补,你看如何?We’ll make the remedy for the few defects soon. What’s your idea?26、现在是否可以进行发电机动车试验Shall we begin the starting test for the generator now?27、试车设备都检查过了We have checked all the equipment for testing.28、负载桶里的水已加满 The load tank is full of water.29、遥控操作没有问题 There is no problem about the remote control operation.30、发电机已经起动完毕,一切正常The generator has been started and every thing is okay.31、请你看看主配电板上电压、频率的数值是准确Please look at the readings of voltage and frequency on the main switchboard to see if they are normal.32、现在开始做负载试验 Let’s have the load test now.33、加负载25% Add 25% load.34、运行时间10分钟(15分钟、2小时) The running time is 10 minutes (15min, two hours) .35、测量温升X度 Please measure the temperature rise.36、发电机的温升没有超过允许值 The temperature rise for D/G is within the allowance37、现在做电压特性试验 Let’s have the test of voltage characteristic.38、发电机负荷充满载至空载(空载至满载)的电压变化率≤±2.5%NnThe voltage variation rate from full load to no load is within 2.5%Nn.39、现在做转速变化试验Let’s have the rpm test now.40、稳态(瞬态)频率(±50%FN)Steady(instantaneous)frequency (±50%FN).41、恢复时间(≤7sec) restore time(≤7sec)42、突加(减)负载 Sudden load t.ake-on (Instant unload) test43、现在做柴油机起动试验 Let’s have the starting test of diesel engine.44、主空气瓶总压缩空气已经充满 The main air reservoir has been filled with compressed air.45、柴油机连续起动6次应该没有问题There should be no problem to start the diesel engine for six times continuously.46、现在做并联运行试验 Let’s do the parallel running test now.47、每种工况各运行5分钟 Make it run for 5 minutes under each working condition.48、每一并联运行方式运行约30分钟 Run for 30 minutes under each parallel condition.49、现在做负载转换试验 Let’s do the load-shifting test.50、现在手动准同步(自动同步)降第3台发电机组并网Please parallel No.3 generator by manual synchro (auto synchro) .51、现在降第1台发电机组减载至零后退网Please unload No.1 generator to nil and make it out of service.52、你觉得转换负载的稳定性是否有问题 How do you think of the steadiness of shifting load?53、现在做绝缘电阻试验 Let’s do insulation resistance test now.54、三相定子绕组对地绝缘为5mΩ The ground insulation value for 3-phase stator coil is 5mΩ.55、空间加热对地绝缘为3mΩ The ground insulation value for heater is 3mΩ.56、现在做发电机机旁控制板试验 Let’s do the control panel test of generator by engine side.57、滑油预供泵(手动、自动)工作正常The manual & auto control for L.O. presupply pump is in order (okay).58、预热装置的电源已经接通 The preheat unit is powered.59、柴油机安全保护功能进行模拟试验 Let’s do the simulation test for the safety function of D/G.60、请你检查应急停机电磁阀Please check the electric-magnetic valve for emergency shut-down function.61、机组报警具有声光报警功能 The generating set alarm is of audible visual type.62、现在做主配电板试验 Let’s do the main switchboard test.63、发电机保护 D/G protection trip.A)过载保护 overload tripB)短路保护 short circuit tripC)瞬动保护 instant start tripD)热保护 thermal tripE)欠电压保护 under voltage tripF)逆功率保护 reverse power trip64、优先脱扣电路试验 Circuit testing of priority trip.A)第一(二)级优先脱扣电流设定值The set value of current for the first-stage (second-stage) priority trip.65、现在做主配电板联锁试验 Let’s do the locking test of main switchboard.66、主配电板与应急配电板自检联锁试验 Locking test between the main switchboard and emergency switchboard.67、主配电板与岸电自检联锁试验Locking test between the main switchboard and shore power.68、现在做电站管理系统功能试验Let’s do the function test of power station control system.69、现在做应急切断试验Let’s do the emergency cut-down test.70、全船风机、空调和油泵已被紧急切断The blowers, air conditioners and oil pumps on board have been cut down in an emergency.监测与报警点表册MONITORING & ALARM POINTS LIST.Ⅰ.MAIN ENGINE (M/E)1.M/E HIGH PRESSURE FUEL OIL LEAKAGE.2.M/E MAIN LUB.OIL INLET PRESSURE3.M/E PIOTON COOL OIL INLET PRESSURE.4.M/E THRUST BEARING TEMP HIGH & SLD.主机推力块高温测量及减速。
初一英语词汇总结(湘教版)同音词1、aren’t不是----aunt姨母2、be在、是---bee蜜蜂3、buy买---by乘(车、船等)---bye再会,再见4、deer鹿---dear亲爱的5、four四---for为,给6、here这儿,这里---hear听见7、hi喂---high高的8、I我---eye眼睛9、no不---know知道10、mea t肉---meet遇见,会见11、one一---won赢得12、our我们的---hour小时13、see看见---sea海14、son儿子---sun太阳15、there那儿---their他们(她们)的16、to动词不定式符号---too也,太---two二17、wear穿---where在哪里反义词1、big大的---small小的2、black黑色(的)---white白色(的)3、bring带来---take带去4、bad坏的---good好的5、behind在……后面---before在……前面6、come来---go去7、dark深色的---light浅色的8、day白天---night 晚上9、down向下---up向上10、easy容易的---difficult困难的11、early早的---late晚的12、end结束---begin开始13、expensive昂贵的---cheap便宜的14、far远的---near近的15、fast快的---slow慢的16、fat胖的---thin瘦的17、first第一---last最后的18、forget忘记---remember记得19、hot热的---cold 冷的20、heavy重的---light轻的21、laugh大笑---cry哭22、left左边---right右边23、long长的---short短的24、lose失去---get得到t25、narrow窄的---wide宽的26、new新的---old旧的27、noisy嘈杂的---silent无声的28、old年老的---young年轻的29、on在……上面---under在……下面30、open开---close关31、same同样的---different不同的32、short-矮的—tall高的33、wrong错的—right对的34、warm暖和的---cool凉爽的复合词1、afternoon下午2、anyone任何人3、anything任何事情4、anyway无论如何5、basketball篮球6、bathroom浴室7、bedroom卧室8、birthplace出生地9、bookstore 书店10、breakfast早餐11、classroom教室12、classmate同班同学13、countryside农村,乡下14、crosswalk斑马线15、everyone每人,人人16、everything 每件事17、farmhouse 农舍18、fireplace 壁炉19、football 足球20、homework 家庭作业21、kilometer 千米,公里22、mooncake 月饼23、newspaper 报纸24、playground 操场25 policeman (男)警察26、policewoman (女)警察27、raincoat 雨衣28、salesgirl 女售货员29、saleslady 女售货员30、salesman 售货员31、season 季节32、shopkeeper 店主33、sidewalk 人行道34、snowman 雪人35、someone 某人36、supermarket 超级市场37、sometimes 有时38、sunglasses 墨镜39、upstairs 在楼上40、weekday 平日41、weekend 周末42、workbook 练习册相似词1、away离开2、alike 相象的way 道路like喜欢3、age 年龄4、alone 单独的cage 笼子along 沿着page 页5、all 所有的6、bad 坏的ball 球bed 床call 叫喊beg 请求fall 落下,秋季tall 高,高的wall 墙7、bear 熊8、best 最好的dear 鹿rest 休息clear 清楚的west 西方的9、bike 自行车10、book 书like 喜欢,像cook 烹饪look 看,外貌11、boat 船12、boy 男孩coat 外套toy 玩具13、bread 面包14、bus 公共汽车break 小憩busy 忙的breath 呼吸15、but 但是16、cake 蛋糕put 摆,放make 制作take 带到17、camera 照相机18、cap 便帽cinema 电影院map 地图19、car 轿车20、cat 猫card 卡片fat 胖的hard 困难的hat 帽子21、class 班级22、clothes 衣服glass 玻璃clothing 衣物,服装23、chat 聊天24、corn 玉米that 那corner 角落what 什么25、cool 凉爽的26、cost 花费pool 池子lost 丢失的tool 工具post 邮寄27、cold 冷的28、count 点数hold 握住,举行country 国家old 老的countryside 农村,乡下29、cow 奶牛30、day 天how 怎样date 日期now 现在know 知道31、die 死32、different 不同的lie 说谎,躺difficult 困难的33、each每个34、eat吃teach 教tea茶35、east 东方的36、eight. 八easy 容fight 打架right 正确的light 轻的night 晚上37、ever 曾经38、far 远的never 从来不for 对……39、ever 曾经40、fast 快的over 在那边last 最后的41、farm 农场42、few 少的warm 温暖的new 新的43、favor 恩惠44、fine 身体好的favorite 最喜欢的find 发现five 五45、fish 鱼46、fridge 冰箱wish 愿望bridge 桥47、food 食物48、glove 手套foot 脚love 爱49、game 游戏50、hear 听见name 名字near 靠近的51、hair 头发52、here 这里chair 椅子there 那里where 哪里53、hard 困难的54、j am 果酱hardly 几乎不ham 火腿55、hen 母鸡56、joy 快乐then 那么,然enjoy 享受57、house 房子58、jeep 吉普车mouse 老鼠keep 保持s heep 绵羊59、kid 小孩60、king 国王kind 善良的sing 唱歌thing 事物61、leave 离开62、left 左边live 生活lift 梯子63、life 生命64、let 让wife 妻子get 得到net 网络yet 已经wet 湿的65、like 喜欢,像66、lose 丢失life 生命nose 鼻子67、list 目录68、lot 许多listen 听hot 热的not 不69、may 也许70、meat 肉many 许多meet 遇见71、moon 月亮72.、move 移动noon 中午movie 电影soon 很快73、month 月份74、of 属于……的mouth 嘴off 离开75、one 一76、other 其他的once 曾经another 其他的77、pass 通过78、park 公园past 过去的part 部分party 晚79、plan 计划80、pan 平底锅plane 飞机pen 钢笔81、quiet 安82、race 竞赛quite 十分rice 大米83、rain 雨84、river 河流train 列driver 司机85、round 圆的86、say 说around 在……周围stay 停留ground 地面87、sell 卖88、shop 商店tell 告诉stop 停下well 好的89、show 显示90、speed 加速snow 雪spend 花费91、sorry 对不起92、son 儿子worry 担心song 歌曲93、star 星星94、story 故事start 开始history 历史95、supper 晚餐96、sleep 睡觉supermarket 超级市场sheep 绵羊97、talk 交谈98、tent 帐篷walk 步行tenth 第十99、wall 墙100、than 比well 好的then 然后101、then 然后102、till 直到……才them 他(她/它)们still 仍然103、think 想104、tonight 今晚thank 谢谢night 夜晚105、tree 树106、turn 打开three 三return 归还107、white 白色的108、wind 风write 写window 窗户109、wish 希望110、word 词with 与……一起world 世界110、year 年111、clean 打扫wear 穿,戴clear 清澈的短语A. 动词短语1.ask sb to do sth 让/叫某人做某事42.go skating去滑冰2.be born 出生43.go swimming去游泳3.be from 来自44.go to a movie去看电影4.blow … out 把……吹灭45.go to bed睡觉5.borrow sth from sb 向某人借某物46.go to school上学6.bring… to…把……带到……47.go to walk上班7.buy sb sth/buy sth for sb 买某物给某人48.guess riddles猜谜8.clean the house打扫房子49.have a bath洗澡9.climb mountains爬山50.have a good/great/nice time玩得开心e back to life复苏51.have a look at 看一看……e from来自52.have a meeting开会e on过来,加油,继续53.have a party举行晚会13.count sth for sb为某人数……54.have a picnic野炊14.do one's homework做作业55.have a seat坐下15.do sb a favor帮助某人56.have a short break休息一会16.do shopping购物57.have classes上课17.do sth with great interest 带有浓厚的兴趣做……58.have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早晨/午餐/晚餐18.draw pictures画画59.have dinner吃正餐19.eat out在处面吃60.have lessons上课20.enjoy doing …非常喜欢做……61.have sports做运动21.exchange gifts交换礼物62.have/has to不得不22.fall down跌倒63.hear sb do sth听见某人做某事23.fly a kite放风筝64.hear sb doing sth听见某人正在做某事24.forget to do …忘记做……65.help each other相互帮助25.get a letter from sb 收到某人的来信66.help oneself to…自便/随便吃……26.get home到家67.help sb (to) do sth帮某人做某事27.get sb to do sth使某人做某事68.keep money存钱28.get to school到学校69.knock at/on敲(门,窗)29.get together聚会70.learn sth from sb向某人学习某事30.get up起床71.lie to sb向某人撒谎31.get warm变暧72.like … best最喜欢……32.give sb a call打电话给某人73.like doing …喜欢做……33.give sb a surprise给某人惊喜74.listen to music听音乐34.give sb sth/give sth to sb把某物给某人75.look after照顾35.go along沿着……走76.look at 看着……36.go dancing跳舞77.look for寻找……37.go for a holiday去渡假78.look like看起来像38.go hiking去远足79.look the same看起来很像39.go home回家80.look up仰视,查阅40.go out外出81.make a plan订计划41.go shopping去购物82.mail letters寄信83.make a snowman推雪人127.take the subway乘地铁84.make a wish许愿128.talk about谈论……85.make cards制作卡片129.talk to/with (与某人)谈话86.make dumplings做饺子130.tell sb sth向某人讲述某事87.make model planes做模型飞机131.think of认为88.meet friends与朋友会面132.try on试穿89.obey the traffic rules遵守交通规则133.try to do sth试着做某事90.pass sb sth/pass sth to sb递某物给某人134.turn left向左转91.pick up 买,捡起e … for …用……来(做某事)92.plan to do …计划做……136.wait a moment等一会93.plant flowers种花137.wait for等候94.play a trick on sb捉弄某人138.wake up唤醒95.play basketball/football打篮球/踢足球139.wash the dishes洗碟子96.play games玩游戏140.watch TV看电视97.play sports做运动141.work out算出,解决98.play table tennis打乒乓球142.would like想要99.play tennis 打网球100.play the guitar弹吉他 B.名词短语101.play with与……玩耍143.a harvest season丰收的季节102.point to ... 指向……144.a hopeful season希望的季节103.put … away把……收好145.a photo of …一张……的照片104.read a book看书146.a quarter一刻钟105.read novels看小说147.a seven-day holiday七天的假期106.recite a poem背诗148.a story book故事书107.remember to do …记得做某事149.a ticket for ………的票108.rent sth from sb将……租入150.be time to do …是做……的时候了109.rent sth to sb将……租出151.best wishes最好的祝愿110.ride a bike骑自行车152.bus stop 汽车站111.row a boat划船153.cell phone手机112.run after追赶154.changing room更衣室113.sing songs唱歌155.Chinese Kung fu中国功夫114.sit around …围着……坐156.Christmas Day圣诞节115.sit down坐下157.class meeting班会116.speak to sb(与某人)交谈158.clothing shop服装店117.spend one's holidays渡假159.dark/light blue深/浅蓝色118.stand up起立160.English Corner英语角119.start preparing for …开始为……作准备160.everyday science日常科学120.stay up敖夜161.family tree 家谱121.take … to …把……拿到……162.film star电影明星122.take a message捎个口信163.French fries炸薯条123.take off脱下,起飞164.gift money压岁钱124.take one's order点菜165.good idea好主意125.take photos照相166.good luck好运126.take the No.7 bus乘7线车167.hark work辛勤劳动168.high school中学209.at night在深夜169.living room起居室210.at noon在正午170.lost and found失物招领211.at school在学校(学习)171.May Day劳动节212.at the first street在第一个街口172.Mid-autumn Festival中秋节213.at the school gate在校门口173.Mother's Day母亲节214.be like像……174.movie show电影节目215.between … and …在……的中间(两者) 175.new term新学期216.by hand手工176.no problem没问题217.by (subway/bus/car/bike…) 乘(连接交通工具)177.office worker办公室职员218.by the way顺便问一下178.parking lot停车场219.in a bookstore在书店179.Peking University北京大学220.in a hospital在医院180.pen pal笔友221.in a school在学校181.places of interest名胜222.in an office在办公室182.public phone公用电话223.in different …在不同的……(跟名词复数) 183.school building教学楼224.in front of在……的前面(自身以外) 184.school life校园生活225.in green穿着绿色的衣服185.shopping list购物单226.in one breath用一口气186.single room单人房227.in one's home在(某人的)家187.soccer player足球选手228.in one's spare time在空闲时间188.something to eat/drink一些吃/喝的东西229.in the car开着小轿车189.something wrong一些错的东西230.in the front of在……内部的前面190.Spring Festival春节231.in the garden在花园里191.stamp collection show集邮展览232.in the gym在体育馆192.swimming pool游泳池233.in the library在图书馆193.Teachers' Day教师节234.in the same …在相同的……(跟名词单数) 194.telephone number电话号码235.in the suburb在郊区195.Thanksgiving感恩节236.like this 像这样196.the best time to do…做……的最好时候237.next to紧靠……197.the capital of ………的首都238.on a farm在农场198.the Great Wall长城239.on foot步行199.the national flag国旗240.on one's hand一方面200.the Palace Museum故宫241.on sale廉价出售201.the shape of ………的形状242.on Sunday在星期天202.the United States美国243.on that day在那天203.this time everyday每天这个时候244.on the bus在公共汽车上204.traffic lights交通灯245.on the corner of在……的拐角处205.train station火车站246.on the fourth floor在四楼247.on the grass在草地上C. 介词短语248.on the playground在操场上206.across from在……的对面249.on the right/left在右/左边207.after school放学后250.on the shelf在架子上208.at home在家251.on time准时253.on weekdays在工作日量词或数词短语254.on weekends在周末279.a bag of 一袋……280.a bottle of 一瓶……D 副词短语281.a bowl of 一碗……255.a lot非常282.a cup of 一杯……256.all the time一直283.a few 一些……(可数名词复数) 257.at once马上284.a glass of 一杯……258.be out of …用完……285.a kilo of 一千克……259.be over结束286.a kind of 一种……260.nice and非常287.a little 一些……(不可数名词) 261.not … at all一点也不,根本288.a pair of 一双……262.over there在那边289.a short while 一会儿263.right away马上290.hundreds of 数百……264.so on等等291.thousands of 数千……265.very much非常266.very well非常好特殊疑问词292.how about怎么样E 形容词短语293.how long多久267.be busy doing …忙于做……294.how many多少268.be excited to do …做……很兴奋295.how much多少,多少钱269.be far from离……远296.how often多久一次270.be free有空297.how wide多宽271.be friendly to …对……友好298.what about怎么样272.be glad to do …做……很高兴298.what else其他什么273.be good at …擅长于……299.what shape什么形状274.be good to do …做……很好300.why not为什么不275.be helpful to …对……有帮助276.be lost丢失,迷路277.be the same as …与……一样278.be worn out穿破。
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1 .
2.配电柜Distribution box
3.散货船 Bulk carrier
货船 Cargo Ship
杂货船 General cargo ship
干货船 Dry cargo shipι
集装箱船 Container shipι
油船Oil tanker
化学品液货船Chemical tanker
液化气体船Liquefied gas carrier 矿沙船 Ore carrierι
运煤船 Coal carrier滚装货船 Ro/Roι ship 冷藏船 Refrigerated shipι
载货量Cargo (dead)weight
吃水(首、尾、平均) Draft ( fwd, aft, mean)
载重线:Load line
载重线标志Loadline marks
航海日志Deck log book
维修计划Maintenance plan
电压降Voltage drop
驾驶室wheel house
海图室chart room
报务室radio room
雷达室radar room
声纳室sonar room
主机舱main engine room
主机操纵室main engine control room 辅机舱auxiliary engine room
锅炉舱boiler room
机炉舱engine and boiler room
减速器舱reduction gear room
舵机舱steering gear room
通风机室fan room
变流机室commutator room
空调室air-conditioner room
应急发电机室emergency generator room 冷冻机室refrigerator room
灭火装置室fire control room
蓄电池室battery room
电工间electrician’s store
船员舱室crew’s cabin
货舱cargo hol
集装箱舱container hold
储藏室store, store room
淡水舱fresh water tank
餐室Dining room
餐厅Mess room
电机长Chief electrician
(船舶电机员) Electrical crew/staff of ship 电助Assistant electrician
水手(original) seaman
甲板部Deck department
轮机部Machinery department 船首、首柱stem
首柱板stem plate
球鼻首bulb(ous) bow
尾柱stern frame(post)
吊杆derrick boom
岸吊shore crane
4.柴油机Diesel Engine
柴油柜Diesel oil tank
9主配电板the main switch board
10..动力系统Power system
原动机Prime mover
发电机组Generating set
主发电机Main generator
辅助发电机Auxiliary generator 应急发电机Emergency generator
备用发电机Reserve (stand-by) generator
直流发电机 D.C. (Direct current) generator
交流发电机 A.C. (Alternating current) generator
无刷发电机Brushless generator
轴带发电机Shaft-driven generator
柴油(机驱动)发电机Diesel (-driven) generator
燃气轮机(驱动)发电机Gas turbine (driven) generator
防滴式发电机Drip-proof generator
电动发电机Electric motor generator
感应电动机Induction moto
r伺服电动机Servo motor
控制电动机Control motor
主配电板Main switchboard
应急配电板Emergency switchboard
应急蓄电池充放电板Emergency accumulator battery charging and discharging
应急蓄电池组Emergency accumulator battery
重要用途电气设备Electrical equipment for essential services
照明系统Lighting system
主照明系统Main lighting system
应急照明系统Emergency lighting system
临时应急照明系统Temporary emergency lighting system
船内通讯系统Internal communication system
广播系统Command broadcasting system
传令钟系统Telegraph system
电话系统Commanding telephone system
轮机员呼叫系统Engineer’s alarm system
船内报警系统Internal alarm system
探火和失火报警系统Fire detection and fire alarm systems
灭火剂施放预告报警Pre-warnings for the release of extinguishing media 通用应急报警系统General emergency alarm system
水密门关闭报警Watertight doors closing alarm
舵机Steering gear
11. GMDSS全球海险呼救安全系统Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
主电源Main source of power
应急电源Emergency source of power
蓄电池组Accumulator battery
应急蓄电池组Emergency accumulator battery
临时应急蓄电池组Temporary accumulator battery
干电池Dry battery
电网Electrical network
接线箱connection box
岸电箱shore (power) connection box
配电箱distribution box
主汇流排Main busbar
分区配电板汇流排Sub-switchboard busbar
裸主汇流排Bare main busbar
均压汇流排Phase (pole) busbar
中性线汇流排Equalizer busbar
相(极)汇流排Neutral busbar
直流汇流排D.C. busbar
交流汇流排A.C. busbar
裸线Bare conductor
接地线Earth connection
中性线Neutral wire
正极Positive pole
负极Negative pole
主配电板Main switchboard
电力推进装置配电板Switchboard for electric propulsion installation
应急配电板Emergency switchboard
蓄电池充放电板Battery charging and discharging board (panel) 分配电板Distribution switchboard
区配电板Section switchboard
控制屏Control panel
12. 触电shocked
遇险in distress
徒劳in vain
13. 左舷port side
右舷starboard side