新编英语教程第2册workbook 听力与翻译答案

新编英语教程第2册workbook 听力与翻译答案Unit 1Dictation AEver since the modern Olympic Games began in 1896, they’ve had their critics. Every form of competitive activity attracts trouble. But part of the aim of the Games, when they were first held in Ancient Greece, was to discourage war between states by engaging them in a friendlier kind of competition.The spirit of competition in the Games does a lot of good, getting people to forget their differences in a communal activity. Any competitor or spectator at the Games or in the Olympic Village will tell you that the atmosphere of friendship there is unforgettable, as if the world were one big family.These Games are the biggest international gathering of any kind in the world. Not only do they bring sportsmen together, but they unite a world public. Isn’t this a sufficient reason for continuing them? As long as the majority wants it, these Games will continue.B: Association football, also known as soccer, is an 11-a-side team game played on a grass field. At each end of the field is a goal net. The object is to move the ball around the field, with the feet or head, until a player is in a position to put the ball into the net and score a goal. The goalkeeper defends the goal, and he is the only person allowed to touch the ball with his hands while it is in play. The ancient Greeks, Chinese, Egyptians and Romans all played a form of football. In the early 19th century it became an organized game in Britain, and was played in most universities and public schools. In 1863 the Football Association was formed. The first FA Cup final was played in 1872. The first World Cup was organized in Uruguay in 1930. The European Governing body, the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), was formed in 1954, and it controls the major European club competitions.Listening comprehensionAn American Sightseeing in AthensOne Sunday, Nick Tyler went with his aunt and uncle to see the Acropolis, the famous hill in the city of Athens. On their way they stopped at a large white marble stadium that the Greeks had built in 330 B.C.. The Greek nation had rebuilt it in 143 A.D., and then again in 1896 for the first modern Olympic Games. How thrilled the athletes must have been, Nick thought, to perform in such a stadium!Soon the Tylers arrived at the Acropolis itself. They climbed many steps to reach the top, and there they stood before the ruins of the beautiful Parthenon. Nick had seen pictures of the temple before, but the actual sight of the structure gave him an unexpected pleasure. Its design and proportion were perfect.The Greeks had built the Parthenon during their Golden Age, and it should have lasted fro thousands of years, but it didn’t. According to one of the guides near the gate, an army had once used the temple as a store house for ammunition; then, during a battle, it had exploded and left the building in ruins. Nick thought the soldiers ought not to have put the ammunition there; surely they could have kept it in another place. However, they probably never imagined that there would be such an explosion. Or perhaps they might not have appreciated the beautiful design of the fine structure.Nick and his relatives also visited one of the smaller structures on the Acropolis, and then theywent down to the marketplace of old Athens. The early Greeks must have liked to buy things in the shops there; they could always look up and see the beautiful temple on the hill. Afterwards, the Tylers stopped at a place which some people believe is the actual building where Socrates spent his last days. Nick felt sad when he thought of the death of that great teacher. Socrates, however, would have been very happy to know that many of his ideas still live today. When they returned home, Nick thanked his aunt and uncle for the interesting afternoon. They had been glad to show him the most famous monuments in their city. They had wanted to take him to other places that day, but there was not enough time. However, Nick would be in Athens for a whole year, and he would have many more Sundays for sightseeing and such experiences. TranslationThe transport problem in Lavenport has been growing because in this cosmopolitan city there are too many people but there is not enough space. The population has been increasing very quickly in recent years and now Lavenport has become very crowded. Hardly any city/ Very few cities in the world is/ are as crowded ad Lavenport. Since 1851 the people in this port city have been claiming land from the sea and today it is difficult to imagine what the original shoreline looked like. But over the years, reclamation schemes have been growing more and more expensive and today there is hardly any place left where reclamation is possible. The streets are becoming more and more crowded with buses, trams, cars and taxis. The harbor is one of the busiest in the world. Each day about five million passengers make use of some kind of public transport or other in Lavenport.Unit 2DictationA.The motion picture is a highly complex art form which combines many other arts.The filmmaker is a writer using language, a musician using music. He is a painter concerned with composition, light, and color. He is a sculptor molding (or moulding) forms in space, a choreographer shaping human movement. With the camera as the major tool, the filmmaker recreates the external world. Using the camera and putting pieces of film together or separating them in the editing process, the filmmaker powerfully controls time and space. A gunfight can become a ballet in slow motion. The act of climbing a short flight of stairs can be extended to seem like an endless journey, and an airplane can be made to cross continents in seconds. In the theatrical film, the filmmaker uses these and many other artistic techniques to tell a story.B.An opera is a play with music. The actors sing some of the words instead ofspeaking them. In grand opera, they sing all the words. The music and singing portray the moods of the story and the feelings of the characters in it.To appreciate an opera, you should go and see one. Listening to opera on the radio or on records does not give much idea of what it is really like. Going to an opera can be very exciting. There is usually a large orchestra, and a chorus of singers as well as the leading singer. The scenery is colorful and the stage lighting often very dramatic. Although parts of an opera are treated in such detail that the action is rather slow, the beauty of the songs compensates for the breaks in the action.However, it is not always easy to appreciate opera. Sometimes the words are in aforeign language, often Italian. Even if the opera is sung in English, it is sometimes difficult to make out the words. It helps if you get to know the story first. The programme always contains an outline of the story, so make sure you buy one at the opera house or theatre and read it before the curtain goes up. Translation B (Pay attention to the underlined parts)Where did movies begin? It’s often said they are American invention, but this is not entirely true. The motion picture has always been the most international of arts. At the end of the 19th century, inventors in France, England, and the United States were among the dozens of men who were trying to develop ways of using photographs to create the effect of motion.Soon after 1889, when the famous American inventor Thomas Edison first show motion pictures through a device called Kinetoscope, other devices for the same purposes appeared all over the world. Edison had solved certain problem, making it possible for other inventors to develop their own devices. One other important contribution by Edison was the introduction of 35mm. as the international standard film width. When it became possible to use any 35mm. machine for showing movies from any parts of the world, the international trading of films began to take place. Samples of retelling Retelling of dialogue I in unit 1Grandpa is emotional when he sees Chinese athletes doing well at the Olympic Games. He tells Linlin about the Chinese athletes’ experience at the thr ee Olympics before 1949 (what happened to the Chinese athletes when he was young, and china’s participation in the 1932, 1936 and 1948 Olympic Games) and attributes the sad experience to the then government.Retelling of reading I in unit 1This is an introduction to two kinds of football in the United States, namely American football and football, which is known to the Americans as “soccer”. The former is introduced by the first three paragraphs and the latter the fourth and the fifth paragraphs.•The first paragraph introduces the origin of American football and illustrates the enthusiasm the national sport inspires across the United States.•The second paragraph introduces the scoring method of American football as similar to that of rugby,•and the third shows the difference between the two games in terms of the physical protection offered to their players.•The fourth paragraph illustrates how soccer gains in popularity among the American public •and the fifth, as a conclusion of the fourth paragraph, points out the fact that soccer beats baseball in terms of the size of the audience and the brilliant promotion of the game.Retelling of dialogue I in unit 2A andB are talking about a four-act English play to celebrate Hong Kong’s return to the motherlan d. Since it’s the first time for the college to stage such a grand performance, a lot of students are involved in the rehearsal, and they have to sacrifice Friday evening for the rehearsal.B is eventually persuaded to play a role in the drama.Retelling of reading I in unit 2•The article is an informative analysis of the various stunts usually employed by filmmakers in shooting to make the actions more thrilling and lifelike. The stuntmen and stunts are involved infights, bullet firing, air rifles and other dangerous stunts like explosives, fire stunts, horse-riding, hand falls, climbing on aeroplanes and speeding motor vehicles.•The paragraphs are organized into a clear-cut three parts: the introduction in the first paragraph, the conclusion in the last paragraph and the body specifying different stunts.Retelling of dialogue I in unit 3A comes to school every day by bus so he tellsB that sometimes it is a very horrible experience. In the rush hour, too many people want to get on the bus, and A describes to B a terrible scene on a bus terminal. B also recalls a similar scene he saw the other day on bus where the seat for the aged is occupied by young guy. Then they talk about other rude manners they have seen in public. At last, they agree that it is time to quit those rude behaviors.Retelling of reading I in unit 3This article describes a story of the bad treatment the writer has received in a store. The writer came to a store to exchange a jumper, which was given by his friend as a gift, for a larger one. But the store didn’t have a larger size. When he was about to leave, two detectives mistakenly took him as a shoplifter. Under the writer’s continuous and strong protest, the manager and the two detectives in the store were reluctant to find out the truth after a long period of insensitivity. Although he proved his innocence at last with the one shop assistance as his witness, the ruthless treatment he had received made him very uncomfortable.Unit 3DictationA: Specialists in marketing have studied how to make people buy more food in a supermarket. They do all kinds of things that you do not even notice. For example, the simple, ordinary food that everybody must buy, like bread, milk, flour and vegetable oil, is spread all over the store. You have to walk by all the more interesting things in order to find what you need. The more expensive food is in packages with bright-colored pictures. This food is placed at eye level so you see it and want to buy it. The things that you have to buy anyway are usually located on a higher or lower shelf. However, candy and other things that children like are on lower shelves. The store has a comfortable temperature in summer and winter, and it plays soft music. It is a pleasant place for people to stay and spend more money.So be careful in the supermarket. You may go home with a bag of food you were not planning to buy. The supermarket, not you, decided you should buy it.B: While I was shopping in a large department store, I stopped in the book department. I spent at least 30 minutes there because I was looking for a number of books which I wanted to give to people as presents. I found quite a few of them so I put them in a pile beside me. I was standing there and reading the books quietly, choosing some and putting some others back, when an elderly lady came up to me, pushed a book at me and said, “I’ll take this.” I replied to her, “Go ahead, madam, but you had better pay for it first.” Then I realized that because I was standing by a great pile of books, she thought I was a shop assistant. I was starting to explain when she interrupted me and complained about the service in the shop. I said nothing and walked away.TranslationA. 1. The stuntman’s breathtaking performance left the audience panic-stricken (in panic).2. Since his health is deteriorating (worsen), I think it is time he got out of the bad habit of smoking.3. When Bill is preoccupied with his experiment, he has no idea of what is going on around him.4. Tom proposed to exchange this stamp of his for tha t book of John’s, but John refused.5. He accused his neighbor of playing the records too loudly at night.6. He is not such a fool as you assume him to be.B. On many occasions we may hear people say that men are superior to women. Actually this is a manifestation of chauvinism.Admittedly (Truly/ Of course/ Certainly), men are doing (performing/behaving/ achieving) better than women in most fields, but this is not women’s fault. The old (outmoded) traditions (conventions/ or The conventional ideas) which prevent women from enjoying equal opportunities with men have a lot to do with the problem (phenomenon).There is yet another invisible (unobvious/intangible) form of discrimination. That is the deep-rooted (deep-seated) prejudice that sees ignorance as a woman’s virtue. But of course it is true (can not be denied) that in our country women’s status has been greatly raised in the past fifty years.A main obstacle that often holds women back is fear (cowardliness), which results from social prejudice and keeps women from doing anything significant. To root out (break down/eliminate/eradicate) the conventional prejudices, women should hold to the belief that they can catch up with and surpass men. This belief will build up women’s confidence, overcome their fear, and shatter the myth that men are superior to women.Unit 4DictationA: The price of gasoline should have been set at ten dollars a gallon in 1918 when Henry Ford introduced the Model T. Consider what would have happened. If the price of gas had been too expensive for the average person, then there never would have been such serious pollution problems in every major American city. Moreover, there would be no need to rehabilitate our cities, because large numbers of people would never have left them for the suburbs. Finally, if the price had been set at ten dollars a gallon, there would have been enough gasoline reserves to last for centuries. Instead, the low price of gas helped to exhaust the supply and create over-dependence upon foreign sources of oil.B: People used to think that the Mississippi was too big to be polluted. But today it is in trouble. In the past half century or so hundreds of factories have been built on the banks of the river. As pollution has increased, so has the amount of harmful waste been discharged into the river. In many places the water can no longer be safely used for drinking or irrigation. Birds and fish have been killed off in large numbers by water pollution. A New York paper reported on February 8, 1972, “The Missis sippi has now been made so dirty that swimming and fishing in it are almost out of the question.”unit 5New and key words: LS (giggle, decay, up and down, stiff, bristle, silicon); Dia. I(it’s time since, upset, it feels good to, vague, deposit, rate, slot, run out of, hang up); (Dia. II(hitch, hike, polytechnic, rucksack, draught); Reading I(priority, preservation, conservation, appeal, fringe, glide, graze, devastate, nuisance)DictationA: A national Park is an area where natural scenery and wildlife is protected by law to preserve them for future generations. It is only recently that man has realized that he must make a positive effort if many species of wildlife and areas of great beauty are not to disappear forever.There are many kinds of areas of conservation and their central priorities may differ slightly. In the U.S.A., a national park such as Yellowstone safeguards natural features and wildlife in a way that will contribute to public enjoyment. In Africa generally, the chief purpose is the preservation of the remnants of the great herds of animals which once wandered around the country.National Parks depend on tourists for income but the animals must remain unharmed. National Parks may be small or large, privately or government owned.B: We’re trying to decide where to go on our vacation this summer. We usually go to Lake Arrowhead for a couple of weeks, but we’d like to go somewhere else this year. We’re tired ofdoing the same thing summer after summer. Some friends of ours suggested that we go to Hawaii. That would be wonderful! I’m sure we’d enjoy a trip like that, but of course it’s out of the question. In the first place, it would be terribly expensive, and in the second place, there wouldn’t be enough time. As a matter of a fact, if we wanted to plan a trip like that, it might be advisable to stay home this summer and not go any place. That’s one way we could begin to save money for next year’s trip. Also, if we were to stay here, I could offer to work instead of taking two weeks off; then maybe my boss would recommend that I be given four weeks’ vacation next summer instead of two weeks.Guided writing of Unit 6I do not quite recall what my grandma was like as she died when I was not yet ten. I only know that she was quite a scholar. The impression she left me was that of a frail, pale and smiling old lady. However, there is one thing that I remember very well. She always ate sparingly, and no meat at all, not even milk or eggs, which always surprised me. She was a vegetarian, my father told me, and a very thorough one, too. The result was disastrous: she was highly weakened by not absorbing proteins, the body-building elements, which are found much more abundantly in animal meat, milk and eggs than in vegetables. It is evident that without meat, milk and eggs, a human being cannot live a full and active life. It was really a pity that my grandma chose to be a vegetarian; otherwise I would have learned more of her and from her.Dictation of unit 6A: there are three main kinds of food. Sugar and starch are grouped together as carbohydrates: they are found in bread, potatoes and rice. These are mainly energy-giving food which the muscles and other tissues use. Fats are also energy-giving foods but do not give it as quickly as the sugars and starches as they have to be broken up in the liver and made into sugar before they can be burnt by the body. The other class known as proteins are the main solid part in all living cells. They are found in milk, meat and fish, and are necessary to the body to enable it to build new cells and repair old ones. For this reason growing children need more proteins than adults. As children are much more active than adults and use more energy for their size they need a lot of energy-giving foods, the carbohydrates. Children cannot get much of their energy from fat because it makes them unwell if they eat too much of it. A specially fine thing about the body is that it uses the things you like better than the things you do not like, so giving truth to the old saying “A little of what you fancy does you good.”B: As the number of people in the world increases, people face more and more serious problems. Food, clothing and shelter are what we need most, but we will not have enough materials to provide people with all the necessaries.How are we trying to avoid these problems? One solution is that we should have smaller families and lower the birth rate. Many nations have plans to limit their population. Another solution is that we should improve our food supply. Farmers are experimenting with ways to increase the amount of food that they grow on each piece of land. Another solution that may help is to plan places for people to live. Many countries are limiting the size of their large cities and trying to make people live in small towns and in the countryside.Translation in unit 6China has long been looked upon as a land of many famous craftsmen whose artistic works are treasured to this day. The most famous of all was a man called Lu Ban. He lived many centuries ago, but people still remember the marvelous houses and palaces he planned and built even thoughthe buildings themselves have long disappeared. Lu Ban’s skill was so remarkable that people even used to wonder if he was immortal. Although it is a long time since Lu Ban left this world, old men in Beijing say that Lu still has the welfare of all craftsmen in his heart. Whenever craftsmen find themselves in difficulty, they pray to Lu Ban for help. There are many stories in Beijing about the occasions on which Lu Ban gave his help to ordinary craftsmen.Unit 7DictationA. What is communication? The dictionary defines it: “giving or explaining information by speaking or writing.” Animals can’t read or write or speak a human language but they do communicate. Animals exchange information about food, about territory, about danger and safety. They express fear, hunger, anger, pleasure and recognition.Animals messages are not always expressed in sounds. Animals mark their territory in different ways. The scratches on the trees or the smell that remains on the stones tell other animals that the territory is occupied. Some animals communicate by touching. Lions, tigers, and other members of the cat family show friendliness by rubbing their heads or necks together. Color is sometimes very important in animal communication. Some kinds of fish change color when they are angry or frightened. A peacock displays the beautifully colored feathers in his tail when he wants to attract a female.The next time you are walking in a forest or a field, look and listen for animal signals.B. Training a dog to be a watchdog often produces unexpected results. Some dogs quickly learn the difference between unwanted people and friends. This is because their masters welcome friends and invite them into their houses. However, some dogs will always attack the postman who comes to deliver letters. One explanation for this behavior is that, although the postman comes to the house often, he never enters the house. Therefore, the dog thinks the postman is someone who is not wanted, but keeps coming back anyway.Masters of dogs who attack postmen can easily show the dog that the postman is a friend and that the dog does not need to treat him as an unwanted person. A dog is quite ready to do what his master wishes. And a dog is always happy when he is praised for understanding correctly.Unit 8DictationA. Imagine sitting on the smooth floor of a dark room. There are no windows or doors. The walls are so thick that no noise from outside can reach you. At first, you might enjoy the restfulness. There would be nothing for you to do. If you were tired, you might fall asleep after a while. But how would you feel when you woke up?If you couldn’t see or hear or smell anything, you wouldn’t know where you were. You wouldn’t know what time it was. Soon, you might start to see things which are not there. You might see flashing lights, hear dog barking, or smell a cake baking. You might imagine that the floor or the walls were moving. You might feel very warm or very cold. You might even shout to the people outside the room, asking them to let you out.What has been happening? The human mind is deprived of external stimuli it’s used to. It manufactures its own.B. Most people rarely think about how or why they sleep. We need to sleep to rest our bodies and our minds. Both are important in order for us to be healthy. It seems there are two purposes ofsleep: physical rest and emotional rest.Each night we alternate between two kinds of sleep: active sleep and passive sleep. Passive sleep gives our body the rest that is needed, and prepares us for active sleep, in which dreaming occurs. In passive sleep, the body is at rest, and the brain becomes very inactive. If we continue to sleep, we will enter a more active stage, in which the brain goes from being very inactive and being active and the eyes begin to move rapidly. The eye movement signals that the person is dreaming. This alternating cycle is repeated several times throughout the night. During eight hours of sleep, we dream for a total of one and a half hours, on the average.Many people say that they do not dream, or that rarely dream. This is not what actually happens, because everyone dreams and in fact, everyone needs to dream in order to stay healthy. The truth is we need both kinds of sleep: we need passive sleep to rest our bodies, and active sleep in order to dream. Dreaming helps us to rest our minds.Unit 9DictationA. Vending machines sell many different types of items. Some of them sell cold drinks like soda, or hot drinks like coffee or hot chocolate. Others sell candy, stamps, tickets, newspapers, and other types of small things.These machines have been successful for two reasons. They save time and they are convenient. Besides, they need no salesclarks or cashiers. In many places the customer can use the machines at any time of day or night.Although there are many different sizes and types of vending machines, they all work in basically the same way. The customer puts a coin into the machine and then pushes a button, pulls a lever, or opens a door to receive the merchandise. Some machines will also return change to the customer, and a few will make change for paper money. But the basic idea is the same. Customers like to save time and are usually willing to pay a higher price for this.B. The robot is with us already. Robot devices have appeared quite innocently and we are so familiar with them that we no longer even notice their existence. We drive along the road and we obey the signals given to us by the robot traffic signals which replace the policeman waving his arms. One thing that amuses foreigners is that the Englishman still obeys the signals given by these robots even if it is two o’clock in the morning when there is little or no traffic on the ro ads. In the kitchen the housewife passes on some of her chores to her robot washing machine and to her robot dish-washer. We make a telephone call to Europe, and the switching is completely handled by robots. In some cases programmes produced by a computer are being used to control the operation of machine tools in the factory.。

(2)(1) 自称,声称+to do/that…e.g. He claimed to be hurt.(2) (疾病,意外)夺去生命e.g. The earthquake claimed thousands of lives.(3) (根据权利)索取,要求e.g. The man claimed the land.12. victim n. 牺牲者,受害者,祭品+ of…13. vicar n. 教区牧师14. source n.来源翻译:你是我快乐的来源。
You are the source of my happiness.He is the source of all other patients.他是传染源。
15. income n. 收入16. trunk n. 树干课文解析1. The tiny village of Frinley is said to possess a ‘cursed tree’.●∙语法:the tiny village of Frinley 弗林利这个小村庄,其中介词of表示同位关系the city of Beijing 名叫北京的城市at the age of twenty 在20岁时●∙句式:be said to do sth. 据说…… = It is said that…翻译:据说他要学一门新的语言。
It is said that he want to learn a new language.= He is said to learn a new language. (详见语法重点)2. Because the tree was mentioned in a newspaper, the numberof visitors to Frinley has now increased.●∙辨析:in a newspaper 强调报纸里面的内容on the newspaper 与报纸内容无关, 如在报纸上记了什么东西时用“on”●∙辨析:a number of… = lots of…许多……the number of………的数量/总数运用:a number of students 许多学生+复数谓语the number of students 学生的数量+单数谓语3. The tree was planted near the church fifty years ago, but it is only in recent years that it has gained an evil reputation.●∙语法:it is only in recent years that it has gained an evil reputation强调句(详见重点语法)试把此强调句还原成原句:…i t has gained an evil reputation only in recent years.●∙单词:gain = get/obtain/earn 获得,但不能用于钱and he didn’t want to lose a useful source of income made by the tree.【思考5】这里的定语从句连接词that 是否可以换成which?不可以,因为先行词是all。

新标准大学英语综合教程2课后题翻译答案(英译汉,汉译英)题目答案新标准大学英语综合教程2课后翻译答案 Unit 11 政府采取的一系列措施不但没有化解矛盾,反倒激起更多的暴力冲突。
( give rise to; form an alliance with; launch; bring about)Instead of resolving contradictions, the series of measures taken by the government gave rise to more violent clashes. The Opposition formed analliance with the trade unions and launched a general strike, which ultimately brought about the downfall of the government.2 如今,大学与现实世界的距离越来越小,学生也变得越来越实际。
( shrink; gone are the days; a means to an end)Nowadays, the gap between the university and the real world is shrinking and the students are becoming more and more practical. Gone are the days when the university was an ivory tower in which scholars pursued knowledge as anend rather than a means to an end.3 我从未指望靠上课来学好这门课。

英语第二册课后翻译Unit 1一.汉译英:1.房子着火了,里面的人面临着死亡的危险。
(in danger of)答:The house was on fire and the people inside were in danger of losing their lives.2.他买不起这么好的房子。
(afford to do)答:He can’t afford to buy such a fine house. 3.这个主意听起来也许有些怪,不过还真有点意思。
(make sense)答:Although this idea may sound strange,it does make sense.4.约翰看起来是个好人。
(even so)答:John seems (to be)a nice so,I don’t trust him.二.英译汉:1.Even though the first McDonald’s r estaurant sold only hamburgers and French fries,it still became a cultural symbol.答:虽说第一家麦当劳餐馆只售汉堡包和薯条,它还是成了一种文化象征。
2.These people are angry that the building is now in danger of being destroyed ,along with their memories.答:这些人想到餐馆连同他们美好的回忆一起被摧毁,感到非常愤怒。
3.They are using the earthquake as an excuse.答:他们在利用那次地震作借口。
4.Some think thatMcDonald’s real reasonfor wanting to close downthe restaurant hasnothing to do with money.答:有人认为麦当劳想关闭这家餐馆的真正原因与金钱无关。

He is the manager’ son, but that alone doesn’t qualify him to criticize our work.2Smith先生从教学岗位上退休下来之后,开始从事摄影这一兴趣爱好After Mr Smith retired from teaching, Mr Smith took up photography as a hobby.3相比起来,这幢房子的优点是价格低,而那幢房子的优点是交通便利By comparison, this house has the advantage of low price and that one has the advantage of convenient transportation. 4他似乎正在使出全身解数,试图提高这一新产品的销售量Tt seems that he is making every effort to promote the sale of this new product.5那些热切的学生们纷纷挤进了讲堂,以聆听来自剑桥大学的那位著名教授讲课Those eager students crowded into the lecture hull to hear the famous professor from Cambridge University6正如成千上万的其他人一样,她被这件艺术品深深地迷住了She like thousands of others, is greatly fascinated by this work of art7直到我结婚的时候,我才有钱买了自己的房子It was not until I got married that I could afford the house of my own二)1你能拿出那天晚上不在家的证据吗Can you show the evidence that he wasn’t aat home that night2刚才在这儿说的所有话都必须保密Whatever we said here just now must be kept a secret3如果这次旅行的花费不超过一百元,那你把我也算上吧If the expense of this journey is not over 100 yuan , you count me in4每天晚上上床之前,Smith先生都要巡视一下房子以确保所有的门窗都上锁了所有灯都关了Before he goes to bed every night, Mr Smith will always inspect the house to make sure all the doors and windows are locked up and all the lights are turned off5他确实吧真相告诉你了但你就是不相信He did tell you the truth, but you just didn’t believe him6我延误了给他回信,这使他如此担忧,他竟然乘了直达航班来看我I delayed writing him back, which worried him so much that he took a no-stop flight to see me7当我告诉他他父亲心脏病发作被送进医院时,他看上去似乎并不在意When I told him that his father had had a heart attack and had been sent to hospital, he looked as if he didn’t car about it.8公共汽车突然刹车,一只沉重的皮包从他头顶上的行李架上落下来正好落在他的头上When the bus stopped suddenly, a heavy leather bag fell off the shelf over his head and it landed right on his head三)1特技演员的惊险表演使得观众惊恐万分The breathtaking performance of the stuntmen left the audience panic-strickened2由于他的健康越来越差,我想现在该是他去掉吸烟恶习的时候了I think it’s time that he got rid of his bad habit of smoking because of the weakness of his health3当Bill 全神贯注地做他的实验时,他全然不知周围发生的事情When Bill was preoccupied with his experiments, he know nothing about what happened around him4Tom提议用他的这张邮票换John的那本书,但是John拒绝了Tom proposed to exchange this stamp of his for that book of John’s but John refused5他指控他的邻居晚上唱片放得太响了He accused his neighbour of playing the CD records loudly in the evening6他并不是你所认为的那种笨蛋He is not such a fool as you assume him to be四)1Linda不可能已去美国因为我昨天在街上看见他了Linda can’t have gone to the USA, for I saw her in the street yesterday2这些国家的政府必须采取有力措施以完全控制人口增长The governments of these countries must take effective measures to completely control the growth of their population3这对老夫妇其实申请几张旅游支票,这样他们在周游世界时就不用随身携带那么多现金了The old couple should have applied for several travellous checks so that they needn’t have taken so much cash with them when they travelled around the world4他是如此著名的一位艺术家,他的画全应保存在诸如美术馆或博物馆之类的地方He is so famous an artist that all his paintings should be preserved in such place as galleries or museums5由于缺乏经验,那个青年医生没有立即采取行动,这导致了病人的死亡Due to lack of experience, the young doctor didn’t take action immediately, which led to the death of the patient 6她想以某种方式表示一下她是多么关心他的幸福She wants to show in some way that how much she cares about him and his happiness7总统发表了一次演讲,其意思是国家将保护野生动物The president made a speech to the effect that the country would protect the wildlife\8教师应该发挥他们的想象力增加教学的艺术性Teachers should exercise their imagination and add the art to their teaching五)1要管理好一所学校,校长起着很重要的作用To manage a school well, the headmaster plays a very important role in the administration of the school2在家庭事务中具有最后决定权的是我母亲It is my mother who has the final say in the household affairs3生物学特别是微生物学,从他最早的学生时代起就令他着迷Biology, microbiology in particular has been fascinating him since his earliest school day4她有没有说什么令你感兴趣的东西Did she say anything that particularly appealed to you5在这么复杂的情况下,没有人能揣测出谁将赢得下一次竞选Under such complicated circumstances, no one can tell who will win the next election6这是100英镑,它够支付你所有的花费了Here is 100 pounds and it can cover all of your expenses7工程室的工作需要智力以及经验The work of an engineer needs intelligence plus experience六)1不管雨下得多大,昨天你也应该来机场接我们的No matter how heavily it rained, you should have come to the airport to meet us yesterday2他越想这件事越生气The more he thought of the matter, the angrier he was3这个农夫情愿以半价出售这些蔬菜,也不愿意听任它们烂掉The farmer would sell these vegetable at half the price rather than let them decay4那本小册子里的全部信息仅限于高级军官知道All the messages in this booklet are restricted only to the senior officers5通常医生要求病人彻底戒烟As a role, doctors require their patients to give up smoking completely6直到火车开走了我才赶到车站It was not until the train had left that I arrived at the station7昨晚有20名学生发高烧病倒了,医生们现在正在忙于调查这件事,希望能找到病因Last night, 20 students were down with a high fever and the doctors are busy in looking into these case in the hope of finding the cause of the disease8父母有权干涉他们子女的个人生活吗?Do parents have the right to interfere with their children’s private lives?七)1肯定会有人反对在下个月举办歌唱比赛的There is bound to be someone who will object to holding a singing contest next month2事故发生后,John很沮丧地发现他那辆崭新的汽车已被损坏得无修复的希望了After the accident, John was discouraged to find that his brand-new car was damaged beyond hope of repair 3如果我开价,比如说100美元来买你那台旧电视,你会接受吗?If I give an offer, say, $100 to buy your old TV Set, will you accept my offer?4除了Dick以外,Tom没有跟任何人说起他很想去当一名特技演员的事Tom didn’t tell anyone than Dick that he would like very much to be a stuntman5这份工作从现金收益的角度来看不是很盈利的,但我正从中获取很有价值的经验This job is not very profitable in terms of cash earnings, but I’m getting valuable experience from it6缺乏营养价值的饮食使人保持健康A diet lacking in nutrition value will not keep a person healthy。

Unit 11.He walks slowly because of his bad leg.2.He came to the meeting despite his serious illness.3.He saw to it that the same mistake didn’t happen again.4.Now that they’ve got to know each other a little better, the get alongjust fine.5.Then I found myself surrounded by half a dozen boys.6.I send you my best wishes on this happy occasion.Unit 21.I went to the dentist yesterday to have a bad/decayed tooth pulled out.2.The development of things depends fundamentally on internal causes.3.All roads lead to Rome.4.I meant/intended to give you that book today, but I forgot to bring itwith me.5.I was on the verge of accepting his advice.6.Divorce is not a matter you can afford to take lightly.Unit 31. Lack of confidence contributed to his failure.2. She has shown great courage in the face of her serious illness.1.We came to the conclusion that she was telling the truth.2.His secretary failed to tell him about the meeting.3.Learning languages isn’t just a matter of memorizing words.4.Once she has made her decision, no one can hold her back.5.It’ll be difficult to live up to the standards set by our captain.6.The scientist referred to this discovery as the most exciting newdevelopment in this field.Unit 41)All I can say is that we are extremely sorry.2)In many cases regulations alone will not work.3)He is highly likely to succeed because of his intelligence anddiligence.4)She stared at me as if I were a stranger.5)It is reported that three people were injured in the traffic accidentyesterday.6)I feel angry at the way he (has) treated me.7)The patient is much the same this morning as he was yesterday.8)I’d like to stay (at) home this evening rather than go out.Unit51 You will see that what I am saying now will come true.2 The lecture was so boring that half (of) the students fell asleep.3 The problem of unemployment is tied up with the development of new technology.4 His appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize him.5 The castle dates back to the 14th century.6 She has never done anything for them, whereas they have done everything they can for him.Unit61.We regard him as one of the best players in the game.2.The scientist picked up those little pieces of rock and carefully putthem into a box.3.The population of China is almost five times as large as that of theUnited States.4.The reason why grass is green was once a mystery to the little boy.5.She was standing by the window, apparently quite calm and relaxed.6.Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales.7.She put on dark glasses as a protection against the strong light.8.He could no longer be trusted after that incident.Unit 71.If you sing the song several times, your children will (begin to) pickup the words.2.We tried to assure the nervous old man that flying/air travel was safe.3.An inadequate supply of vitamin A may lead to night blindness.4.I can use a computer, but when it comes to computer repairing, Iknow nothing about it.5.Many a mother tries to have her dreams realized by her daughter.6.The bad weather discouraged people from attending the parade.7.I gave him some pills to ease his pain.8.The job involves traveling/working abroad three months each year. Unit 81.I feel I should point out how dangerous it is.2.Their opinion will not affect my decision.3.When it comes to modern art, few people know more than Tom does.4.When asked, she confirmed that she was going to retire.5.The cough medicine tastes nice, but it doesn’t do me much good.6.If we can’t sell more goods, we’ll have to cut back on the production.7.The film is all but three hours long.8.I assure you that it is true, lest anyone (should) think my story strange. Unit 91. All the arrangements should be completed prior to your departure.2. Such behavior may result in the executive being fired/asked to leave.3. Our products compete with those of other factories in terms of quality, reliability and above all, variety.4. The team's performance was greatly affected by the heavy rain.5. I appreciate your reasons for objecting to the proposal.6. To some extent, she should be responsible for the accident.7. I'm uneasy at/deeply troubled by the thought that life is just toocomfortable.8. Women tend to live longer than men.Unit101. We can go to the seven o'clock performance or the eight—whichever suits you best.2. Men are generally supposed to be strong, but most women know that the reverse is often true.3. He was released from prison after serving two years of a five-year sentence.4. You look equally nice in both dresses—I don't know which one to advise you to buy.5. This candidate has an impressively diverse range of interests and experience.6. The child suddenly let go of her hand and ran across the street.7. The result of the competition will depend largely on the opinions of the judges.8. I'm tired of you telling me what to do all the time.。

基础英语第二册课后翻译题参考答案综合教程第二册(Book 2)各单元课后翻译题参考答案Unit 11.动物保护主义者强烈反对用动物做实验。
(disapprove of)Key: Animal conservationists strongly disapprove of experimenting on animals.2.在馆长的严厉的注视下,莎莉走进了博物馆。
(stern)Key: Shelly walked into the museum under the stern gaze of the curator.3.在广告行业干了一阵之后,吉姆去了一家大保险公司。
(spell)Key: After a spell in the advertising business, Jim began to work for a large insurance firm.4.周末期间估计有50000人涌向伦敦观摩英联邦运动会的开幕式。
(flood) Key: It was estimated that 50000 people flooded into London over the weekend for the opening of the Commonwealth Games.5.他冲进了热闹的大街,混入人群中,希望那样警察就认不出他了。
(mingle with) Key: He rushed into the busy street and mingled with the crowd, hoping in that way the police would not spot him.6.他蹑手蹑脚地从房间里走出去,以免吵醒她。
(tiptoe)Key: He tiptoed quietly out of the room so as not to wake her up.7.他买那幅油画是作为一种地位的象征,而并非对艺术有特别的兴趣。

To help foreign inventors get a better understanding of Shanghai, they've compiled this little guide from the various sources they could find.2.他是那种在计划实现之后才让大家知道的那种人。
He’s the sort of person who prefers to kee p his plans to himself until they’re realized.3.我千里迢迢的来纽约看他,结果却发现他两天前出国了。
I came to New York from far away to see him, only to find he had gone abroad two days before.4.现在很难想象没有电、没有电视、没有电话,我们是如何生存了如此之久的。
It is difficult to imagine now how we’ve survived for so long without electricity, television or telephone.5.只要钱是老老实实赚来的,新政策鼓励人们变得富有。
The new policy encourages people to become wealthy if the money has been acquiredhonestly.6.如果我负责这个项目,我会更好的利用现有的资金。
If I were in charge of the project, I’d make better use of the money that’s available.7.他们拒绝给他进入这个国家的签证,理由是他是个危险分子。
新编研究生英语教材 Unit 2课文翻译及课后习题答案

新编研究生英语教材 Unit 2课文翻译及课后习题答案Unit 2 LanguageText A Learn by TouchII. Word Study1) hearth2) repent3) tussle4) in the light of5) intercourse6) verbatim7) take the initiative8) gamut9) augmentation10) tactfulIII. Cloze1. B.2. A.3. A.4. C.5. D.6. B.7. A.8. C.9. C.10. D.11. C.12. A.13. D.14. C.15. A.16. C.17. D.18. C.19. A.20. B.IV. Translation1. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.博物馆和艺术品商店也是带给我快乐和灵感的源泉。
2. Translate the following paragraphs into English.English is attached great importance in China where English training market is in full swing with so many training centers appearing. Many Chinese, old and young, have made learning English an important part of their daily life. Even preschoolers can remember hundreds of English words. However, behind this globalization is people’s deep concern for Chinese traditional culture.Fortunately, recent years have witnessed a surge of “back-to-the-ancients schools”. It’s said that “knowledge makes a gentleman’. The study of Chinese traditional culture and the reading of Chinese classics exposes students to a wide range of information and makes them well rounded. However, some people are still on the fence, and are ambivalent towards “back-to-the-ancients schools” because they consider this ancient wisdom to be out of tune with the times. In contrast, the Confucius Institute --- that promotes Chinese language and culture, supports local Chinese teaching internationally, and facilitates culture exchange --- has been popular worldwide. By the end of 2012, 400 Confucius Institutes and 535 Confucius Classrooms had been established in 108 countries and regions.课文翻译倚触而学海伦·凯勒1 我生命中最重要的日子是我的老师安妮·曼斯菲尔德·莎莉文到来的那一天。
新编2 翻译句子 答案版

新编2 Unit 11.我能认出这块表是我的,因为表的背面有划痕。
I can identify this watch as mine by the scratches on the back.2.他嗜巧克力如命,吃得停不下来。
He was so addicted to chocolate that he couldn’t stop taking it.3.史密斯先生从教学岗位上退休下来之后,开始从事摄影这一兴趣爱好。
Mr. Smith took up photography as a hobby after he retired from teaching.4.相比较起来,这幢房子的优点是价格低,而那幢房子的优点是交通便利。
By comparison, this house has the advantage of low price, but that house has the advantage of convenient transportation.5.他似乎正在使出全身解数,试图提高这一新产品的销售量。
It seems that he is making every effort to promote the sale of this new product.6.热切的学生们纷纷挤进了讲堂,聆听来自剑桥大学的那位著名教授讲课。
The eager students crowded into the lecture hall to hear the famous professor from Cambridge University.7.他们责怪他向队友发出的信号混乱不清。
They blamed him for sending confusing signals to the teammates.8.我们的产品仍然远远领先于我们竞争对手的产品。
Our product still has a good lead over that of our competitor.Unit 31.这对老夫妇其实应该申请几张旅游支票,这样他们在周游世界时就不用随身携带那么多现金了。

lesson 58blessing n 福⽓,福分disguise n 伪装tiny adj 极⼩的possess v 拥有cursed adj 可恨的increase v 增加plant v 种植chruch n 教堂evil adj 坏的reputation n 名⾝claim v 以...为其后果victim n 受害者,牺牲品vicar n 教区牧师source n 来源income n 收⼊trunk n 树⼲bless 保佑God bless youBless youbless my countryin disguise穿着伪装的a blessing in disguise因祸得福a curse in disguisea wolf in disguise披着⽺⽪的狼,被伪装的狼possessionin one's possessionsb possess sth如果有ed构成形容词,做为形容词读⾳要读/id/ addgrow不及物动词plant:强调把东西给种下去grow⽣长grow sthplant treechurch + the :地点不+the和功能有关go to the church:去教堂玩go to church去教堂做礼拜i am at church做礼拜i am at the church:在教堂玩good reputationbad reputationfame⼀定是好名⾝famousresource re-⼜rereadbonus奖⾦DINK-丁克家族D-doubleI-incomeN-noK-kidstextThe tiny village of Frinley is said topossess a 'cursed tree'. Because the tree was mentioned in a newspaper, the num-ber of visitors to Frinley has now in-creased. The tree was planted near achurch fifty years ago, but it is only inrecent years that it has gained an evilreputation. It is said that if anyone touchesthe tree, he will have bad luck; if he picksa leaf, he will die. Many villagers believethat the tree has already claimed a num-ber of victims. The vicar has been askedto have the tree cut down, but so far hehas refused. He has pointed out that thetree is a useful source of income as tour-ists have been coming from all parts ofthe country to see it. In spite of all that has been said, the tourists-have been picking leaves and cutting their names on the tree-trunk. So far, not one of them has been struck down by sudden death!被动语态-》据说it is said that...called sth called ... 和地点相连的词的名字:of,跟城市,村庄连the city of Beijing:名叫北京的城市the village is said to+动词+。
新概念英语课后练习题答案第二册:Lesson 58

新概念英语课后练习题答案第二册:Lesson 58新概念英语第二册课后习题lesson 581. b根据课文第8-9行…but so far he has refused. he has pointed out that the tree is a useful source of income 能够判断只有c. it earns money 与课文的实际内容相符,是牧师拒绝把树砍掉的原因,其他3个选择都与课文的实际情况不符,所以选b.2. d根据课文最后两句…the tourists have been picking leaves and… so far, not one of them has been struck down by sudden death, 能够看出只有d. tourists who have picked leaves haven’t died (摘树叶的游客们没有死)是真实的,与课文的内容相符,其他3个选择都与课文的事实不符。
3. a该句缺少主语和谓语,只有一个that引导的从句。
只有a. they say (他们说,人们说),最适合这个句子,也合乎语法和习惯用法。
其他3个选择b. it said (它说)意思不对,应该是it is said 才准确;c. said 缺少主语;d. it is saving 不合乎习惯用法,应该是it is said 才对。
所以选a.4. a该句中的if 从句是过去时,那么主句就应该是过去将来时,即用would 加动词原形,表示与现在事实相反,所以只有选a. would才能使主句he would die 与if 从句相配,构成虚拟语气。
5. c该句是现在完成时否定式,句尾需要添一个合适的副词.a. still, b. even, d. more 都不能用在句尾,只有c. yet常用于完成时态否定句的句尾,表示"还没",所以只能选c.6. b该句中的…all that has been said 为名词性短语,前面只能有介词引导。

相信有了新概念英语,你也可以成为“⼤神”级别的⼈物!还在等什么?快来加⼊学习吧!⼩编与您⼀起学习进步! 课⽂详注 Further notes on the text 1.The tiny village of Frinley is said to possess a‘cursed tree’.据说弗林利这个⼩村⾥有⼀棵“该诅咒的树”。
(1)主语+ be said+…这种结构通常译为“据说……”,是对不太 有把握的事发表看法时⼀种谨慎的说法。
(cf.本课语法) (2)of在这⾥表⽰同位关系,如 the city of London/New York(伦 敦/纽约市);at the age of twenty(20岁时); a height of three feet(3英尺的⾼度)。
2.…the number of visitors to Frinley has now increased.……现在来弗林利参观的⼈越来越多。
the number of表⽰“……的数量/总数”,它作主语时谓语动词要⽤单数,虽然visitors是复数。
注意它与a number of(许多,若⼲)的区别: The number of patients in this hospital has increased. 这家医院的病⼈越来越多。
A number of patients have asked to see you. 许多病⼈要求见您。
(动词⽤复数形式) 3.…it is only in recent years that it has gained an evil reputation.……只是近⼏年才得到了⼀个坏名声。
句中的 it is…that是个强调句型。
如果我们想要强调某个词或某个短语,我们可以⽤ it is/was+被强调的成分+that/ who(m)结构。

evil adj. 坏的 good and evil Money is the root of all evil. n. 罪恶,邪恶 speak evil of sb 说某人坏话
reputation n. 名声,名望
enjoy a good reputation build up one’s reputation ruin one’s reputation
2、Because the tree was mentioned in a newspaper, the number of visitors to Frinley has now increased.
mention vt. 提到, 提及 • My father often mentions you. • in a newspaper 强调报纸里面的内容 • on the newspaper 与报纸内容无关, 如你 自己在报纸上记了什么东西时用 “on”
1、The tiny village of Frinley is said to possess a 'cursed tree'.
• There/名词主语/代词主语 +be said to do sth. 据说……(是对不太有把握的事发 表看法时一种谨慎的说法) • It’s not as old as it’s said to be. 它并不像 人们所说的那么古老。 • it is said that… 据说…… • It is said that he is very good. = He is said to be very good. 据说他人非常好
evil claim vicar income disguise possess increase church

Unit 11.It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.2.Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.3.Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.4.Assuming that this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy it?5.If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.Unit 21.The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.2.Whenever he was angry, he would stammer slightly.cation is the most cherished tradition in our family. That’s why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurant, but sent me to the best private school.4.Shortly after he recovered, he lost his job and thus had to go through a difficult period of time.5. In contrast to our affluent neighbors, our parents are poor, but theyhave always tried hard to meet our minimal needs.Unit 41.Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.2.A slow Internet connection speed is really annoying.3.As the law stands, helping someone commit suicide is a crime.4.In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data from a completely different angle.5.Sue is a girl of great talent. Her amazing memory sets her apart from her classmates.Unit 51.It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executives that turned the company into a profitable business.2.The prices of food and medicine have soared in the past three months.3.We plan to repaint the upper floors of the office building.4.His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimes coincide.5.I don’t want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groaning painfully.Unit 61.He is a man of few words, but when it comes to playing computer games, he is too clever for his classmates.2.Children who don’t know any better may think these animals are pretty cute and start playing with them.3.There is no way to obtain a loan, so to buy the new equipment, I’ll just have to grit my teeth and sell my hybrid car.4.The hunter would have fired the shots if he had not seen a herd of elephants coming towards his campsite.5.I find it ironic that Tom has a selective memory--he does not seem to remember painful experiences in the past, particularly those of his own doing.Unit 7Part II. Translation1.M any small business have sprung up in the city since the new policy went into effect.2.O n hearing the news, she smiled briefly, and then returned to her habitual frown.3.H e paused for effect,then said: “We can reach these markets through new channels.”4.T he addition of a concert hall to the school will help it nourish young musical talents.5.W e can’t protect our personal liberties unless we, first of all, establish a sovereign state.6.Y ou must be mistaken. __________(就我所知),Steve did not make those document.7.______________(我们没有实现目标)。

1、伦敦是个非常国际化的大城市.London is a very cosmopolitan city.2、她的母亲是在一个喧嚣的都市环境中长大的。
Her mother grew up in a hectic urban environment.3、纽约被认为是一个充满旅游特色的城市。
New York is thought of as a touristy city.4、我几年前住过的那个城市是一个充满活力的城市。
The city where I lived a few years ago was a dynamic one.5、那班火车非常拥挤。
The train was very crowded.6、英国人经常喝茶。
The English / British often drink tea.7、地球围绕太阳转。
The earth moves round the sun.8、去年我常去那些大学的图书馆。
Last year,I often went to the library of that university.9、他十分钟前离开了。
He left ten minute ago. 10、昨晚你去哪里了?Where did you go last night?11、昨晚是谁打的电话?Who phoned / called last night?12、昨晚发生了什么事情?What happened last night?13、你的哥哥是做什么的?What does your brotherdo?14、他正在与谁说话?Who is he talking with?15、他们是什么时候离开的?When did they leave?16、现在的年轻人都喜欢上网冲浪,获取各种信息。
Nowadays,young peoplelike to surf the net to getall kinds of information.17、网络是一个大家可以聊天交流的好地方。

Unit 1Part two post-reading Reading Comprehension1.1—4-c 5—7-a 8—11-b 12—13-d 2. 1)People would stare at them 2)He felt embarrassed and ashamed. 3)He never let on. 4)He would walk to the subway station under the help of his son. 5)His children would put him on the sleigh and pull him to the subway station. 6)His hobbies included baseball, dances and parties. 7)He asked others to sit down and fight with him. 8)He was pround of his son. 9)He felt sorry for what he used to do. 10)He learned from his father the importance of having a good heart. 3.1)CACBD 6)ABCDA 4. 1)the difficulty in coordinating the steps 2)whether a person has a good heart 3)a good heart 4)the basketball team 5)sat down to fight 6)what the son has achieved 7)sensed 8)the reluctance to walk with him Vocabulary1. 1)urged 2)halted 3)bother 4)embarrassed 5)adjusted 6)complain 7)kid 8)engage 9)subject 10)saw to it that 11)coordinate 12)participate 2.patience entrance bitterness complaint fortune envious knowledgeable memorable reluctant frustration 1)bitter 2)fortunate 3)patience 4)memorable 5)reluctant 6)entrance 7)complaints 8)envious 9)knowledgeable 10)frustration Translation1)He walk slowly because of the problem on his leg. 2)He attended the meeting despite his server illness. 3)He saw to it that the same kind of mistake wouldn't happen again. 4)Now that they knew more about each other,they got along with each other better. 5)Then I found myself surrounded by five to six boys. 6)I'd like to give my best withes to you on this happy occasion. Part ThreeFURTHER Development3.1)causes 2)offers 3)to 4)not 5)tell 6)calls 7)attracted 8)discovers 9)weak 10)disappointed 11)distance 12)out Unit 2Part onepreparation1.CADB Part twopost-readingReading Comprehension1.1)different 2)problems 3)communication 4)translator 5)trust 6)acceptance 7)exaggerate 8)superlatives 9)metaphors 10)generalizations 11)unsupportive 12)literally 13)rethink 14)translate 2. 1)FTFTT 6)FTTTT Vocabulary1. 1)mess 2)repeat 3)mislead 4)intends 5)tend 6)exaggerates 7)frustrating 8)misinterpreted 9)acceptance 10)trust 2.Step One 1)f c a k i 6)e h j g b 11)d Step Two 1)conveyed 2)assistance 3)encounter 4)conflict 5)emphasis 6)reacted 7)recognize 8)manner 9)assume 10)emerges 11)ignore 3.1)out 2)on 3)with 4)of 5)In 6)in 7)to 8)on 9)At 10)of Translation1)I went to the dentist yesterday to have my bad tooth pulled out. 2)The development of a matter in nature depended on the internal cause. 3)Every road leads to Rome. 4)I intended to bring you the book today,but I forget. 5)I am on the verge of accepting his suggestion. 6)Divorce shouldn't be taken lightly.Unit 3Part twopost-readingReading Comprehension1.1)Each person has the potential to win in his own way. 2)responds genuinely by being trustworthy and responsive. fails to respond genuinely.4)B.A winner is not afraid to do his own thinking and to use his own knowledge. C.A winner is flexible. E.A winner cares about the world and its people. 5)Poor nutrition,cruelty,unhappy relationships,disease,continuing disappointment,and inadequate physical care. A.A loser lacks an ability to appropriately express himself through a full range of possible behavior. B.A loser has difficulty giving and receiving love. 2. CDABC Vocabulary1. 1)A.感谢能力 3)A.频道频道 B.引导到……赏识 2)A.容积感谢 B.赏识容积 B.能力4)A.出力,作出贡献出力,作出贡献 B.起作用,有助于,促成起作用,有助于,促成5)A.(身体)灵活的罪行 B.内疚,自责内疚,自责(身体)灵活的 B.(处事)灵活的(处事)灵活的 6)A.罪行7)A.潜在的,可能的坚硬的 B.严格的严格的潜能 8)A.坚硬的潜在的,可能的 B.潜能2.achievement expectation dependence limitation/limit cruelty uniqueness genuineness response awareness disappointment capability behavior 1)expectations 2)limitations 3)capability 4)achievement 5)response 6)awareness 7)behavior 8)disappointment 9)cruelty 10)dependence 3.1)entered into 2)channeled...into 3)holds/held back 4)unaware of 5)separate...from 6)referred to...as 7)lived up to 8)calls for 9)contributes to 10)sees/saw...as Translation1)Lack of confidence contributed to his failure. 2)In the face of the serious illness,she showed great courage. 3)We came to an conclusion that she told the truth. 4)His secretary failed to tell him of the meeting. 5)Language learning is not a matter of memorizing words. 6)Once she decided on something,no one can hold her back. 7)It's different to live up to our captain's standard. 8)The scientist referred to this discovery as the most exciting new development in this area. Unit 4Part twopost-readingReading Comprehension1.1)placebo 2)i)The placebo works because the human mind fools itself ii)The placebo makes the wish to get better become reality iii)the doctor 70 percent of the people only 25 percent of the people 3)seasickness,coughs,colds,pain after an operation nothing at all The first group showed no changes from the way old people in that village had always been. placebo The second group had much better health and a lower death rate. a real drug which was intended to help with the problem of old age. The third group showed much the same results as the group that took the placebo. 4)if the placebo can have bad effects it should never be used. 5)It is suggested that human mind is stronger than we think it is. 2. 1)Y es 2)No 3)Maybe 4)Y es 5)Y es 6)No 7)Y es 8)Maybe Vocabulary1. 1)A药,药物宇宙飞船座舱 B.胶囊胶囊皮下注射 3)A.宇宙飞船座舱射击 B.皮下注射药,药物 B.医学医学 2)A.射击4)A.恢复健康,治疗对待 B.处理,治疗处理,治疗恢复健康,治疗 B.使(某人)精神恢复健康使(某人)精神恢复健康 5)A.对待6)A.外科手术间接地表明 B.建议事例 8)A.间接地表明建议操作 7)A.病例病例 B.事例外科手术 B.操作2. 1)a e f d g 6)h c b Translation. 1)All I say is that we are very sorry2)In many case,rules alone can't work. 3)He is likely to succeed because of his intelligence and diligence. 4)She stares at me as if she didn't know me. 5)It is reported that three people were injured in yesterday's traffic accident. 6)The way he treated me made me angry. 7)The condition of the patient this morning is much the same as yesterday. 8)Tonight I'd like to say at home rather than go out. Unit 5Part twopost-readingReading Comprehension1.II)i)When we are in REM sleep. ii)To give us rest and to allow us to dream. III)i)Physiological. ii)inner fears. IV)i)drinking wine to indicate a short life,drinking water to indicate a long life ii)right hand(father),left hand(mother),dolphin(a good omen)iii)treat with care 2. 1)TTTTF 6)TTTFF Vocabulary1. 1)explanation 2)enthusiasts 3)frustrating 4)popularity 5)unconscious 6)electrical 7)movements 8)recognizable 9)interpretation 10)countless 2.Task A 1)asleep 2)sleepless 3)sleep 4)sleepy 5)asleep 6)slept 7)sleeping,sleep 8)sleeper Task B 1)submerged 2)subculture 3)submarine 4)subway 5)subzero 6)Subtropical 7)subspecies 8)subnormal 3.1)progressed 2)puzzled 3)process 4)reflected 5)predict 6)advances 7)symbol 8)ancient 9)error 10)conscious 11)analysis 12)inner Translation1)Y ou may see that what I said will come true. 2)This lecture was so boring that half of the students fell asleep.3)The problem of unemployment is closely tied up with the development of the new technology. 4)His appearance changed so greatly that you might well not recognize him. 5)The history of the castle can date back to the 14th century. 6)She never did anything for them,whereas they did all that can be done. Part ThreeFURTHER Development1.1)A.natural B.neutral C.natural D.neutral 2)A.shattered B.crashing C.cracked D. crash E.crack 3)A.ancient B.early C.previous 4)A.sign B.symbol C.signal D.signs/symbols 5)A.view B.vision C.visions D.outlook E.view 6)A.errors/mistakes B.fault C.error D.fault E.mistake 7)A.confused B.confusing 8)A.conscious B.unconscious C.subconscious D.consciousness Unit 6Part onepreparation1.V egetable:cabbage、carrot、pepper、lettuce、pea、onion、spinach、turnip、broccoli、mushroom、garlic、cucumber、tomato、potato、etc. Fruit:apple、orange、pear、banana、mango、watermelon、lemon、grape、strawberry、cherry、peach、apricot、lychee、etc. Meat:pork、beef、lamb、mutton、bacon、chicken、duck、turkey、fish、shrimp、lobster、crab、clam、etc. Cereal:rice、wheat、corn、barley、noodles、dumpling、pizza、etc. Other:egg、cake、cookie、biscuit、nut、etc. Drink:tea、beer、coffee、wine、whiskey、brandy、milk、juice、lemonade、mineral、water、etc. 2.1)ABCCB 6)ACBCA Part twopost-readingReading Comprehension1. T aboo Reasoncow 1)Cows can help people plow the fields. 2)Cow manure can be used as fertilizer. 3)Cow manure can be dried and burned to make a cooking fire. dog 1)Dogs can be as companions for people. 2)Dogs serve as protection against thieves. pork 1)Pork cooked insufficiently may spread disease. 2)Nomadic people did not want to stay in one place to raise pigs. 2. 1)nutrition ,religion ,the ways of life of different people 2)butterflies ,rats ,termites 3)calories ,protein 4)there is plenty of land for raising cattle and the meat can be shipped for long distances by railway road 5)they can go anywhere they want to in the streets ;they can eat anything from the supplies of the food sellers in the streets Vocabulary1. 1)common 2)appropriate 3)forbidden 4)supplies 5)related 6)evidence 7)requires 8)raise 9)spread 10)sufficiently 2. 1)disgusting 2)habit 3)insects 4)reasonable 5)relatively 6)animals 7)harvested 8)grow 9)nearly 10)other 11)altogether 12)consumed 13)avoid 14)popular 15)offers 16)served 17)would 18)enjoyed 19)considered 20)reject 3.1)g f b c h 6)e i d a j Translation1)We all regard him as one of the best players in this match. 2)The scientist picked up those small pieces of stones and put them into a box carefully. 3)The population of China is almost five times as large as that of the United States. 4)The reason why grass is green was once a mystery to that little boy. 5)She is standing by the window ,apparently quite calm and relaxed. 6)Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales. 7)She put on her dark glasses as a protection against the strong light. 8)After that people no longer trust him. Part ThreeFURTHER Development1.STEP ONE 1)Pear 2)Mushroom 2.d e b f g c a Unit 7Part onepreparation1. ChineseAmerican to show anger to show impatience or anger normal/acceptable immodest to express one's respect to express one's respect irrelevant practice irrelevant practice insulting to show sympathy ,affection or encouragement Part twopost-readingReading Comprehension1.B.1)i)smooth over the visitors' leaving;they will be welcome to come again;tongue-tied;the words and phrases ii)those less important or younger visitors discourage the host and hostess from seeing her off accept the inevitable 2)i)giving “nothing”even slightly edible not showing enough honor by providing proper dishes Oh,I'm so glad that you like it. I cooked it especially for you ii)always so “naughty”,never studying,never listening to their elders achievement iii)the first time “no”C. cultural differences 2. 1)TTFFF 6)TTT Vocabulary1. 1)A.免除,省去B.储存,储蓄代表团 3)A.得体B.生产,制造生产,制造储存,储蓄 2)A.任务B.代表团4)A.使暴露B.揭露庆祝简朴 6)A.观测B.庆祝揭露 5)A.谦逊,谦虚B.简朴7)A.一段楼梯B.航程蝴蝶结 9)A.捡起B.(偶尔、无意间)学会(偶尔、无意间)学会航程 8)A.压弯B.蝴蝶结10)A.所需B.接受,相信接受,相信2. 1)reveal 2)sudden 3)achieve 4)exceed 5)workable 6)convince 7)dissuade 8)unavoidable 9)goodbye 10)warning 11)praise 12)respect 13)suggestion 14)change 15)disappointment 3.1)with 2)arranged 3)majority 4)proportion/percentage 5)similar 6)reaches 7)including 8)background 9)parents 10)if/whether 11)who 12)both 13)meeting 14)families 15)dating 16)before 17)decision 18)parents 19)marriage 20)rate Translation1)If you sing this song several times,children will then pick up the words. 2)We tried our best to assure the nervous old man that flying travel was safe. will cause night blindness. 3)An inadequate supply of vitamin A4)I can use a computer,but when it comes to repairing it,I have no idea about it. 5)Many a mother tries to have her dreams realized by her daughter. 6)The nasty weather discouraged people from attending the parade. 7)I gave him some pills to ease his pain. 8)This job involves working abroad three months per year. Unit 8Part onepreparation1.Money Part twopost-readingReading Comprehension1.1)We are a people consumed by financial stress. 2)A.Money is a raw material to be used rather than amassed. B.Earn all you can,save all you can,give all you can 3)root of a evil The couple in “Elias”lived a simple but happy life when they become poor 4)A.can panic,hoard B.a raw material to be plowed back into something else 2. 1)FFFOO 6)FOO Vocabulary1. 1)at the top 2)cut back on 3)free from 4)all but 5)in light of 6)do us/her any good 7)keep...up 8)rather than 9)adds...to 10)pointed out 11)plowed back into 12)has much to do with 2. 1)A.存货B.股票消费订货 3)A.使全神贯注B.消费股票 2)A.发布命令B.订货4)A.养育B.种类,类型原始的,未处理的种类,类型 5)A.生疏的,无经验的B.原始的,未处理的6)A.重音B.压力叫回人生观,价值观 8)A.回想,回忆B.叫回压力 7)A.哲学B.人生观,价值观9)A.纯的B.网10)A.写B.表达,陈述真实 12)A.快速旋转B.纺表达,陈述 11)A.确认B.真实Translation1)I think I should point out how dangerous it is. 2)Their opinion will not affect my decision. 3)When it comes to talking about modern art,few people know more than Tom does. 4)When being asked,she confirmed that she was going to retire. 5)The cough medicine tastes not bad,but it doesn't do me mush good. 6)If we can't sell more goods,we'll have to cut back on the production. 7)The film is all but three hours long. 8)I assure you that it is true,lest anymore should think my story strange. Part ThreeFURTHER Development1.1)A.nothing but B.all but C.anything but 2)A.rare B.scarce C.rare 3)A.assume B.consumes C.consumed 4)A.conscious B.conscience C. conscious 5)A.breed B.breeds C.breeding 6)A.factor B.facts C.factor 7)A.excessive B.excess C.excess 8)A.resolution B.solution C.resolution Unit 9Part onepreparation1.1)basement 2)first floor 3)third floor 4)ground floor 5)ground floor 6)ground floor 7)basement 8)second floor 9)third floor 10)second floor 11)ground floor 12)third floor 2.STEP ONE ①d ②a ③b ④c Part twopost-readingReading Comprehension1.market importance(para.1)primary purchasers of certain items(para.2-3)products and brand choices of their parents(para.4-6)brand loyalties(para.7)e.g.clothes,CDs,stereo equipment,entertainment,travel Example:Apple,Kraft e.g.Thirty percent 2. 1)personal sources 2)media 3)(relatively low influence from)parents and peers 4)(more from)friends and (less from)parents 3.1)FTFTT 6)TFT Vocabulary1. 1)b a a a b 6)b b a 2. 1)survey 2)consideration 3)perceive 4)tend 5)campaign 6)relatively 7)primary 8)criteria 3. 1)A.bands B.band 2)A.economy B.economics 3)A.adolescents B.Adults 4)A.campaign B.movement 5)A.contemporary B.modern 6)A.ripe B.mature Translation1)All the arrangements should be finished prior to your departure. 2)Such kind of behavior may result in the manager's being fired. 3)Our products can compete with those of other companies in terms of quality,liability and especially for variety. 4)The heavy rain affected the performance of the team greatly. 5)I can appreciate the reasons why you opposed the suggestion. 6)To some extent,she should be responsible for the accident. 7)I feel very uncomfortable at the very thought that life is just too comfortable. 8)Women tend to live longer than men. Part ThreeFURTHER Development2.e d f a c b Unit 10Part onepreparation1.Man 1—Picture C Man 2—Picture A Man 3—Picture B Part twoPost-readingReading Comprehension1.1)Peace of mind 2)A. poor health i. newlywed couples ii. immunecells,produce fewer B. fighting disease i.certain mind-body techniques relaxation therapies,other behavioral techniquesii.blood pressure,heat rate,respiration sense of well-being 3)i.negative,unpleasant events ii.a stressful experience iii.support iv.Belly v.a slow walk vi.Dancing 2. 1)TFTTF 6)TTT Vocabulary1. 1)A.公文,文件B.证明反转,扭转使远离,使疏远 3)A.相反B.反转,扭转证明 2)A.距离,间距B.使远离,使疏远4)A.作用,功能B.起作用,行使职责化学品起作用,行使职责 5)A.化学的B.化学品6)A.关键的意义重大的B.关键关键2. 1)ABBAB 6)ABBBB 11)AB 3.1)fit 2)technology 3)efficient 4)chance 5)aspect 6)anxious 7)decreasing 8)depend on Translation1)We can go to the seven o'clock performance or the eight—whichever suits you better. 2)Men are generally considered as being tough,but most women know that the reverse is often true. 3)He was released from the prison soon after serving two years of his five-year sentence. 4)Y ou look equally nice in both clothes,and I don't know which one to advise you to buy. 5)This candidate has an impressively diverse range of interests and experience. 6)The child suddenly let go of her hand and ran across the street. 7)The result of the competition will depend largely on the opinions of the judges. 8)I'm tried of you telling me what to do all the time.。
新 概念第二册第58课时

ask for God’s blessing 求神保佑 count one’s blessings 知足 say a blessing 做祷告
God bless you!
n.伪装 wear a beard as a disguise He was in disguise, so I couldn’so as to , so that, in order to, & in order that 这 些结构都用于表示目的。
A:to, so as to 及in order to 后面跟动词原形,常 用于非正式英语中;in order to 多用于肯定句中 或句首,而so as to 则多用于否定句中:
• C:否定形式的构成:
I open the door quietly so as not to disturb him. He came in quietly in order that / so that he should not wake his wife. I’m going to start now, in order not to miss the beginning.
1.名声 he has a good ~ as a doctor.
for generosity. for laziness. of being spiteful. 2.信誉 establish, build up, make, ruin
声称 ~ to do 声称做某事 ~ that…
He ran to the station to catch the train. He ran to the station so as to catch the train. He works hard in order to pass his exams.

新概念英语第二册笔记第58课Lesson 58 A blessing in disguise【Text】The tiny village of Frinley is said to possess a 'cursed tree'. Because the tree was mentioned in a newspaper, the number of visitors to Frinley has now increased. The tree was planted near the church fifty years ago, but it is only in recent years that it has gained an evil reputation. It is said that if anyone touches the tree, he will have bad luck; if he picks a leaf, he will die. Many villagers believe that the tree has already claimed a number of victims. The vicar has been asked to have the tree cut down, but so far he has refused. He has pointed out that the tree cut down, but so far he has refused. He has pointed out that the tree is a useful source of income, as tourists have been coming from all parts of the country to see it. In spite of all that has been said, the tourists have been picking leaves and cutting their names on the tree-trunk. So far, not one of them has been struck down by sudden death!【课文翻译】据说弗林利这个小村里有一棵“该诅咒的树”。
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Unit 51) 虽然遇到了很多困难,但在他的带领下,公司产品打开了销路,总体形式也有了好转。
(come across; for the better; in recognition of)Though they came across many difficulties, under his leadership they successfully found a market for their products, and the overall situation was changing for the better. In recognition of his outstanding contributions, the company decided to give him a flat as an award.2) 当约翰向他挑战,要跟他比击剑的时候,他感到非常尴尬,因为他自知剑术不高,不是约翰的对手。
(challenge ... to)When John challenged him to fencing, he was very embarrassed because he knew that he was no match for John at it. If he took the challenge, he would surely lose; but if he didn’t, he would be a coward.3) 他昨天感冒了。
(assume; confine to)He caught a cold yesterday. Assuming that he would get better after a good night’s sleep, we sent him to school this morning. But later in the afternoon, he got back home with a fever and was confined to bed.4) 在过去的几年里,我得了几次重病,一直在贫困状态中生活,但是我没有放弃我的梦想。
(abandon; in spite of; cling to)In the past few years, I have had several severe illnesses and lived in a state of poverty, but I have never abandoned my dreams. In spite of everything I clung to my dreams, which have turned out to be a great support and comfort to me.Unit 61 当他知道自己未能入选校队时,他哭得很伤心,毕竟他经历了几个月的艰苦训练和激烈竞争,也学会了如何熟练地准确投篮。
(cry one’s heart out; go through)He cried his heart out when he heard that he was not in the list of the school team. After all, he had gone through months of hard training and gruelling competition, and had learned how to shoot with great skill and accuracy.2 那位以严格闻名的教练从一开始就要求队员抛弃一切杂念,超越他们的极限,以确保他们能在第29届北京奥林匹克运动会上摘得一枚奖牌。
(mean for sb to do sth; from the start; push … beyond limits)The coach, who was known for his strictness, had meant from the very start for all the players to shut out all the distracting thoughts and push themselves beyond their limits to ensure that they win a medal at the 29th Olympic Games held in Beijing.3 新教练接管了球队后,时时牢记自己的使命,并最终带领球队取得了联赛冠军。
(take over; bear in mind; make it; at a loss for words)Since after he took over the team, the new coach has always borne in mind his mission and finally made it to the championship of the league matches. When interviewed, the coach was at a loss for words because of excitement.4 足球是一项很奇妙的运动。
(flock; remain)Football is an amazing sport. Despite the fact that most finals are 0–0, 1–0 or 2–1, people keep flocking to see football games. For me, it remains a mystery what is so attracting about football.Unit 71) 夜贼们忙着往皮卡里扔赃物,急着想尽快开车逃走。
(just about; watch over)The burglars were throwing the stolen items to the pickup and were just about to drive away when the guards watching over the living quarters found them and called the police.2) 三个士兵在密林深处艰难地行走了一整天,试图走向河的东岸,结果却发现他们只在树林里打转,离目的地仍有几十英里之遥。
(only to find; short of)The three soldiers had walked with difficulty through the woods for a whole day, trying to navigate to the east bank of the river, only to find that they had been circling in the woods and were still dozens of milesshort of their destination.3) 我觉得今天早晨做动物心智报告的那位学者显然高估了动物的智慧,她甚至认为黑猩猩能够用电脑跟人进行交流。
(go so far as to)It seems to me that the scholar who talked about animal intelligence this morning has obviously overestimated the animal intelligence. She went so far as to suggest that chimpanzees can communicate with humans through computers.4) 作为志愿者,我们不仅仅要对前来询问或寻求帮助的人微笑服务,我们还应该具备跨文化交际的技巧,否则我们就干不好这个工作。
(be limited to)As volunteers, what we need to do is not just limited to smiling to those who come to us for information and help. We must also learn skills for cross-cultural communication, without which our performance cannot be satisfactory.Unit 81) 整天把自己埋在书本里是没有用的。
(it’s no use doing sth; take up; atintervals; extracurricular activities)It’s no use burying yourselves in books all day. You’d better take up some hobbies and take part in sports or extracurricular activities at intervals. A healthy study habit is to keep a balance between work and rest.2) 工作选对了,不但是可以维持生计的手段,还可以帮助你摆脱无聊,使你不用担心接受了多年高等教育之后会虚度人生。
(a means of sustenance; banish sth from one’s mind)If your job is rightly chosen, it will not only give you a means of sustenance, but also help you escape from the boredom and banish from your mind the worry about leading a meaningless life after so many years of higher education.3) 手头没有事情可做时,他常常主动帮助社区做些义务劳动。