


The charge e on one electron is negative and equal in magnitude to 1.602 10-19 C which is called as electronic charge. The charges that occur in nature are integral multiples of the electronic charge.
Electric current i = dq/dt. The unit of current is the ampere (A),
and it can be derived as 1 A = 1C/s. • A direct current (dc) is a current that
remains constant with time. • An alternating current (ac) is a
Basic unit meter
kilogram second ampere kelvin
mole candela
Symbol m Kg s A K
mol cd
The derived units commonly used in electric circuit theory
Decimal multiples and submultiples of SI units 4
We should pay close attention to that the arrow is a fundamental part of the definition of the current! Thus, to talk about the value of a current i (t) without specifying the arrow is to discuss an undefined entity. For example, Fig. 1.3a is the proper definitive, whereas Fig. 1.3b apresentation of i(t) symbology.



© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000
FU N DAM E 8.8 A source-free series RLC circuit
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000
Fig. 8.13 A source-free parallel RLC circuit
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000
Fig. 8.22 Parallel RLC circuit with an applied current
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000
Fig. 8.36 Schematic for the circuit in Fig. 8.35



电路基础英文版精编版第六版课程设计1. IntroductionElectricity is an essential component of modern life, powering homes, businesses, and industries around the globe. Understanding the basics of electric circuits is therefore a critical skill for anyone interested in pursuing a career in the electrical or electronics fields. The Circuits Fundamentals course is designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of electric circuits.This document outlines a course design for the sixth edition of the Electric Circuits Fundamentals textbook, a well-known and widely-used resource for undergraduate students studying electrical and electronics engineering.2. Course ObjectivesThe primary objective of this course is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles of electric circuits. By the end of the course, learners will be able to:•Design, analyze, and interpret electric circuits using standard tools and techniques.•Understand the physical principles that underpin electric circuits, and how these principles relate toreal-world applications.•Effectively communicate their understanding of electric circuits to others, both in written and oralformats.3. Course OutlineThe Circuits Fundamentals course comprises 14 chapters, covering a wide range of topics related to electric circuits. The following table provides an overview of the course structure:Chapter Topic Learning Objectives1 Basic Concepts To introduce the fundamentalconcepts of electric circuits2 Resistance andOhm’s Law To understand the resistance and its relationship with Ohm’s Law3 Energy and Power inCircuits Get to know energy concepts and power dissipation in circuits4 Series Circuits Understand the properties andanalyze the behavior of seriescircuits5 Parallel Circuits Understand the properties andanalyze the behavior of parallelcircuits6 Series-ParallelCircuits Understand the properties and analyze the behavior of series-parallel circuits7 Circuits withCapacitors Get to know the properties and behavior of circuits with capacitors8 Circuits withInductors Get to know the properties and behavior of circuits with inductors9 Circuits withCapacitors andInductors Understand the behavior of circuits with capacitors and inductors10 Frequency Response Understand the frequency and itsresponse in circuit elements11 AC Power Understand the properties ofalternating current power12 Three-PhaseCircuits Understand the principles and usage of three-phase circuits13 Transformers Understand the behavior andprinciples of transformers14 Circuit Analysisusing SPICESoftware Understand the usage and implementation of SPICE software4. Course Materials4.1 Required TextbookThe required textbook for this course is the sixth edition of the Electric Circuits Fundamentals textbook. This resource provides a comprehensive overview of the topics covered in the course and includes a range of helpful examples, exercises, and review questions to support learning.4.2 Required HardwareStudents will also need access to the following hardware: • A computer or laptop with appropriate software for circuit simulation, such as the SPICE software.•Basic tools for building and testing circuits, including multimeters, signal generators, andoscilloscopes.5. Course AssessmentStudent learning in this course will be assessed through a combination of homework assignments, quizzes, and exams.Homework assignments will be given regularly to reinforce key concepts introduced in each chapter. Quizzes will be given throughout the course to assess student understanding of specific topics, while exams will be given at the end of the course to evaluate overall knowledge and understanding.6. ConclusionThe Circuits Fundamentals course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of electric circuits and their applications. By completing this course, learners will develop a deep understanding of the fundamental principles of electric circuits, as well as the ability to apply this knowledge to real-world situations.。

电路基础英文版Chapter 11

电路基础英文版Chapter 11

Average power delivered to load is :
V 2 th ( Rth RL ) 2 ( X th X L ) 2
Our objective is to adjust the load parameters RL and XL so that P is maximum. To do this we set P/ RL and P/ XL equal to zero. We obtain
Thus, average power is P 1 V I cos VI cos m m
3. Average Power absorbed by R,L,C.
v i 0
Voltage and current is in phase
1 1 1 2 0 2 PR Vm I m cos 0 Vm I m I m R VI I R 0 2 2 2
V 2th ( Rth RL ) 2 ( X th X L ) 2
V th RL 4Rth
In a situation in which the load is purely real, the condition for maximum power transfer is obtained from Eq. (2) by setting XL = 0; that is,
By the passive linear network of Fig.11.1.
Solution: The instantaneous power is given by p=vi=1200cos(377t+450)cos(377t-100) Applying the trigonometric identity 1 cos A cos B [cos( A B) cos( A B)] 2 p(t)=600[cos(754t+350)+cos550] Or p(t)=344.2+600cos(754t+350)W

电路基础理论英文版课件Chapter 9

电路基础理论英文版课件Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Sinusoids and PhasorsSinusoidsA sinusoid is a signal that has the form of the sine or cosine function.anglephase um ent t frequencyangular am plitudeVm where t V v m ==+==+=φφϖϖφϖarg )cos()cos(φϖ+=t V v m φωtfTππω22==radians/second (rad/s)f is in hertz(Hz))cos()()cos()(222111φωφω+=+=t V t v t V t v m m Phase difference:φθφθθθφφφωφωθby v lags v by v leads v phase in are v and v phaseof out are v and v if t t 210210210210)()(2121<>=≠-=+-+=Complex Numberforml exponentia form sinusoidal formpolar form r rectangula φφφφj rez jrsin rcos z r z jy x z =+=∠=+=φPhasora phasor is a complex number representing the amplitude and phase angle of a sinusoidal voltage or current.Eq.(8-1)and Eq. (8-2) Eq.(8-3)When Eq.(8-2) is applied to the general sinusoid we obtainE q.(8-4)The phasor V is written asEq.(8-5)Fig. 8-1 shows a graphical representation commonly calleda phasor diagram.Fig. 8-1: Phasor diagram Two features of the phasor concept need emphasis:1.Phasors are written in boldfacetype like V or I1 to distinguishthem from signal waveformssuch as v(t)and i1(t).2. A phasor is determined byamplitude and phase angle anddoes not contain anyinformation about the frequencyof the sinusoid.In summary, given a sinusoidal signal , the corresponding phasor representation is . Conversely, given the phasor , the corresponding sinusoid is found by multiplying the phasor by and reversing the steps in Eq.(8-4) as follows:E q.(8-6))cos()(φϖ+=t V t v m φ∠=Vm V Time domainrepresentationPhase-domain representationProperties of Phasors•additive propertyEq.(8-7)Eq.(8-8)Eq.(8-9)•derivative propertyEq.(8-10)Vj dtdv ω⇔∴Time domain representationPhase-domain representation•Integral propertyTime domain representationPhase-domainrepresentation⎰⇔ωj Vvdt The differences between v(t) and V:V(t) is the instantaneous or time-domain representation, while V is the frequency or phasor-domain representation.2.V(t) is a real signal which is time dependent, while V is just a supposed value to simplify the analysisThe complex exponential is sometimes called a rotating phasor, and the phasor V is viewed as a snapshot of the situation at t=0.Fig. 8-2: Complex exponential+ j + real-real-j ωtV mθ= 0θ= 90 or π/2θ= -90 or -π/2θ= 180 or π151050510151513.51210.597.564.531.5010V r ms ac signal at 0.5 Hzvoltage in voltsa n g u l a r f r e q u e n c y t i m e s t i m e i n r a d i a n s12.566-ω-t n⋅14.14214.142-v rea l t ()n5101515129630369121510V rms ac signal at 0.5 Hzangular frequency times time in radiansV o l t a g e i n v o l t s14.14214.142-v im a g t n ()12.5660ωt ⋅()n)sin(is axis )(imaginary j on the phasor rotating the of projection The t V v m ima g ω⋅=)cos(is axis real on the phasor rotating the of projection The t V v m rea l ω⋅=()()caseparticular In this 5.02cos 102cos t t f V v m ⋅⋅=⋅⋅=ππEXAMPLE 8-1(a)Construct the phasors for the following signals:(b) Use the additive property of phasors and the phasorsfound in (a) to find v(t)=v1(t)+v2(t).SOLUTION(a) The phasor representations of v(t)=v1(t)+ v2(t) are(b) The two sinusoids have the same frequent so the additive property of phasors can be used to obtain their sum:The waveform corresponding to this phasor sum isV1V21jVEXAMPLE 8-2(a)Construct the phasors representing the following signals:(b) Use the additive property of phasors and the phasors foundin (a) to find the sum of these waveforms.SOLUTION:(a) The phasor representation of the three sinusoidal currents are(b) The currents have the same frequency, so the additive property of phasors applies. The phasor representing the sum of these current isFig. 8-4EXAMPLE 8-3Use the derivative property of phasors to find the time derivative of v(t)=15cos(200t-30°).The phasor for the sinusoid is V=15∠-30 °.According tothe derivative property, the phasor representing the dv/dt isfound by multiplying V by jω.SOLUTION:The sinusoid corresponding to the phasor jωV isDevice Constraints in Phasor FormV oltage-current relations for a resistor in the: (a) time domain, (b) frequency domain.Resistor:RejImI VIV m m RI Vφφ==Device Constraints in Phasor FormInductor:V oltage-current relations for an inductor in the: (a) time domain, (b) frequency domain.ω︒+==90I V mm LI V φφωDevice Constraints in Phasor Form Capacitor:ωV oltage-current relations for a capacitor in the: (a) time domain, (b) frequency domain.︒+==90VImmCVIφφωConnection Constraints in Phasor Form KVL in time domainKirchhoff's laws in phasor form (in frequency domain)KVL: The algebraic sum of phasor voltages around a loop iszero.KCL: The algebraic sum of phasor currents at a node is zero.The IV constraints are all of the formV=ZI or Z= V/IEq.(8-16)where Z is called the impedance of the elementThe impedance Z of a circuit is the ratio of the phasor voltage V to the phasor current I, measured in ohms(Ω)reactance. the is Z Im X and resistance the is Z Re R where ==+=jXR Z The impedance is inductive when X is positiveis capacitive when X is negativeθθθθsin,cos tan, where 122Z X Z R and RXX R Z Z Z ===+=∠=-EXAMPLE 8-5Fig. 8-5The circuit in Fig. 8-5 is operating in the sinusoidal steady state with and . Find the impedance of the elements in the rectangular box.SOLUTION:︒VI0.278/R=37.9-∠=3L2The Admittance ConceptThe admittance Y is the reciprocal of impedance, measured in siemens (S)VI Z Y ==1Y=G+jBWhere G=Re Y is called conductance and B=Im Y is called the susceptance 2222,1XR XB X R R G jX R jB G +-=+=+=+How get Y=G+jB from Z=R+jX ?Cj Y capacitor Lj Y inductor GR Y resistor C L R ωω====:1:1:Basic Circuit Analysis with PhasorsStep 1: The circuit is transformed intothe phasor domain by representing theinput and response sinusoids as phasorand the passive circuit elements bytheir impedances.Step 2: Standard algebraic circuittechniques are applied to solve thephasor domain circuit for the desiredunknown phasor responses.Step 3: The phasor responses areinverse transformed back into time-domain sinusoids to obtain theresponse waveforms.Series Equivalence And Voltage Divisionwhere R is the real part and X is the imaginary partEXAMPLE 8-6Fig. 8-8The circuit in Fig. 8 -8 is operating in the sinusoidal steady state with(a) Transform the circuit into the phasor domain.(b) Solve for the phasor current I.(c) Solve for the phasor voltage across each element.(d) Construct the waveforms corresponding to the phasors found in (b) and (c)SOLUTION:PARALLEL EQUIVALENCE AND CURRENT DIVISIONRest ofthecircuitY1Y1Y2Y NIVI1I2I3 phasor version of the current division principleEXAMPLE 8-9Fig. 8-13The circuit in Fig. 8-13 is operating in the sinusoidal steady state with i S(t)=50cos2000t mA.(a) Transform the circuit into the phasor domain.(b) Solve for the phasor voltage V.(c) Solve for the phasor current through each element.(d) Construct the waveforms corresponding to the phasors found in (b) and (c).SOLUTION:(a) The phasor representing the input source current isIs=0.05∠0°A. The impedances of the three passive elements areFig. 8-14And the voltage across the parallel circuit isThe sinusoidal steady-state waveforms corresponding to thephasors in (b) and (c) areThe current through each parallel branch isEXAMPLE 8-10Fig. 8-15Find the steady-state currents i(t), and i C(t)in the circuit of Fig. 8-15 (for Vs=100cos2000t V, L=250mH, C=0.5 μF, and R=3kΩ).SOLUTION:Vs=100∠0°Y←→△TRANSFORMATIONSThe equations for the △to Ytransformation areThe equations for a Y-to-△transformation arewhen Z1=Z2=Z3=Z Y or Z A=Z B=Z C=Z N.Z Y=Z N/3 and Z N=3Z Y balanced conditionsEXAMPLE 8-12Use a △to Y transformation to solve for the phasor current I X in Fig. 8-18.Fig. 8-18SOLUTION:ABC△to Y。


Resistance is measured in ohms (Ω) using a ohmmeter.
Capacitance is the ability of a capacitor to store electrical energy. It is measured by the capacity of the capacitor to hold a charge.
Analysis methods for circuits
单击此处添加正文,文字是您思想的提炼,为了最终呈现发布的良好效果,请尽量言简意赅的阐述观点;单击此处添加正文,文字是您思想的提炼,为了最终呈现发布的良好效果,请尽量言简意赅的阐述观点;单击此处添加正文,文字是您思想的提炼,为了最终呈现发布的良好效果,请尽量言简意赅的阐述观点;单击此处添加正文 10*16
A circuit that allows the flow of AC current, typically used in household and industrial applications.
பைடு நூலகம்
Definition of Circuit
Circuit components include resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, transistors, and power sources. These components are connected to form a complete circuit.
目 录



Fundamentals of circuit theoryCourse Code:Course Name:Fundamentals of circuit theoryCredit point::3 Teaching Semester:the 3 semesterStudents type:undergraduate students of specialities of automationPre-course:"Higher Mathematics" 、"Linear Algebra",and "Physics", and so on. Course Leader:Zheng Heng-qiu,Professional Title:Professor,Degree:BAchelorCourse Introduction:Circuit theory is an introductory core course of various electric specialties . This course teaches basic concepts, basic theorems and basic analysis methods of circuit theory. The principal contents are included KIRCHHOFF’S law and its equations, circuit elements, linear DC circuits, sine current circuits, non-sine period Circuits, resonance of circuits,three-phase circuits, time field analysis of the dynamic circuits and frequency field analysis of the dynamic circuits.Practice Teaching:According to the arrangement of course teaching,the course totally has 20experimental hours(ten experiments).Course Assessment:Final score=(usually result)*20%+(final exam result)*80%;Usually result is determined by the attendance rate and goodness ofassignments;The final exam takes closed book examination.Prescribed Textbook:[1]Chen xi-you .《Fundamentals of circuit theory》.Beijing: Higher EducationPress,2004.1,Third Edition.Reference Books:1.Qiu Guan-yuan,《Circuit》, Beijing: Higher Education Press,2006.5,Fifth Edition..2.Zhou shou-chang ,《Circuit Principle》Beijing: Higher Education Press,2005.9,Second Edition.。



Prof. C.K. Tse: Basic Circuit
Star-to-delta conversion
Y (star)
For the Y circuit, we consider summing up all currents into the centre node: I1+I2+I3=0, where
Power and energy
Work done in moving a charge dq from A to B having a potential difference of V is
W = V dq
Power is work done per unit time, i.e.,
Prof. C.K. Tse: Basic Circuit
Example (something that can be done with series/parallel reduction)
Consider this circuit, which is created deliberately so that you can solve it using series/parallel reduction technique. Find V2. Solution: Resistance seen by the voltage source is
Is there some ad hoc solution?
Prof. C.K. Tse: Basic Circuit
Equivalence of star and delta

电路基础理论英文版课件Chapter 18

电路基础理论英文版课件Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Two-port Networksfour-terminal network the four terminals havebeen paired into ports two-portnetworkAt all times, the instantaneous current flowing into one terminal is equal to the instantaneouscurrent flowing out the other.KCLi1i2i3i4i1i4i1+i2+i3+i4=0(KCL)i1=-i2 ; i3=-i42221212212111122212122121111V y V y I V y V y I I z I z V I z I z V +=+=+=+=2221212212111122212122121111I g V g V I g V g I V h I h I V h I h V +=+=+=+=112112221221dI cV I bI aV V DI CV I BI AV V -=-=-=-=The network is linear(without independent sources).Impedance ParametersImpedance or z parameters are defined byimpedance matrix Z22212122121111I z I z V I z I z V +=+=022021012011122212121211========I I V I I V I I V I I V z z z z Open-circuit input impedance.Open-circuit transfer impedance from port 1 to port 2Open-circuit transfer impedance from port 2 to port 1Open-circuit output impedance.2222121212121111oc oc V I z I z V V I z I z V ++=++=Determining of the z parameters: (a) finding z11and z21, (b) finding z12and z22Examples(a) T equivalent circuit (for reciprocal case only), (b) general equivalent circuitAdmittance ParametersAdmittance or y parameters are defined by⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛212221121121V V y y y y I I 22212122121111V y V y I V y V y I +=+=admittance matrix Y22021012011122212121211========V V I V V I V V I V V I y y y y Short-circuit input admittance.Short-circuit transfer admittance from port 1 to port 2Short-circuit transfer admittance from port 2 to port 1Short-circuit output admittance.2222121212121111sc sc I V y V y I I V y V y I ++=++=Determination of the y parameters: (a) finding y11and y21, (b) finding y12and y22.(a) -equivalent circuit (for reciprocal case only), (b) general equivalent circuit.Hybrid ParametersHybrid or h parameters are defined by22212122121111V h I h I V h I h V +=+=hybrid matrixZ22021012011122212121211========I V I V I I I V V V I V h h h h Short-circuit input impedance.Open-circuit reverse voltage gain Short-circuit forward current gain Open-circuit output admittance.The h-parameter equivalent network of a two-port networkInverse hybrid parameters (g parameters)22212122121111I g V g V I g V g I +=+=The g-parameter model of a two-port networkTransmission ParametersTransmission or T parameters are defined by⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛2211I V D C B A I V 22222112122111I a V a I I a V a V -=-=Transmission matrix T221221221221====-==-==V I I I V I V I V I V V D C B A Open-circuit voltage ratioNegative short-circuit transfer impedance Open-circuit transfer admittanceNegative short-circuit current ratioInverse transmission parameters112112dI cV I bI aV V -=-=-------------linear and has no dependent source If a two-port circuit is reciprocal, the following relationships exist among the port parameters:112112211221122112=-='∆=-=∆-=-===bc ad T BC AD T g g h h y y z z Reciprocal Two-Port CircuitsSymmetric Two-Port CircuitA reciprocal two-port circuit is symmetric if its ports can be interchanged without disturbing the values of the terminal currents and voltages.If a two-port circuit is symmetric, the followingrelationships exist among the port parameters: (besides those exist in reciprocal)da D A g g g g g h h h h h y y z z ===-=∆=-=∆==11211222112112221122112211Question: How many calculations or measurements are needed to determine a set of parameters of a two-port circuit?For a general two-port with sources: 6For a general linear two-port:4For a reciprocal two-port:3For a symmetric two-port:2Relationships betweenparametersExample:z parametersyparameters22212122121111I z I z V I z I z V +=+=22212122121111V y V y I V y V y I +=+=zz y z z y z z y z z y ∆=∆-=∆-=∆=∴1122,2121,1212,221121122211z z z z z where-=∆Interconnection of networksSeries connection of two two-port networks[][][]b a Z Z Z +=Parallel connection of two two-port networks[][][]b a Y Y Y +=Cascade connection of two two-port networks[][][]baTTT=Transistor amplifier with source and load resistance。



Circuit symbols for capacitors a) fixed capacitor b) variable capacitor
Basic Theory of Circuits, SJTU
VAR of Capacitor
Positive sign convention
A capacitor is an open circuit to dc
The voltage on the capacitor cannot change abruptly (in condition that i is limited)
Basic Theory of Circuits, SJTU
Stored Energy in Capacitor
Is capacitor active?
equivalent circuit for the parallel capacitors
Basic Theory of Circuits, SJTU
Equivalent circuit for the series capacitors
Basic Theory of Байду номын сангаасircuits, SJTU
Chapter 6
Capacitors and Inductors
Basic Theory of Circuits, SJTU
A capacitor consists of two conducting plates separated by an insulator (or dielectric).
C: capacitance Unit: farad(F) A typical capacitor



② If use Non-Passive sign convention, the relation will be minus;
③Indicate the resistor have no memory,and symmetrical at two terminal。 i R
Ohm’s law
Practise Calculate the power of every part.
i iS 2A
5V u
u 5V
P A iS u 2 5 10 W 2
P V uS i 5 (2) 10 W 5
release release
2. Fuel Cell(燃料电池)
电池电动势1.23V。以氢、氧作为燃料。约40-45%的化学能 转变为电能。实验阶段加燃料可继续工作。
3. Solar Cell (太阳能电池)
一块太阳能电池电动势0.6V。太阳光照射到P-N结上, 形成一个从N区流向P区的电流。约 11%的光能转变为电 能,故常用太阳能电池板。 一个50cm2太阳能电池的电动势0.6V,电流0.1A
0 i

Direct Current
u RiS
( R 0)
u ( R )
Current source can’t be opend!
返 回
上 页
下 页
Actual Current soruce: 可由稳流电子设备产生,如晶体管的集电极 电流与负载无关;光电池在一定光线照射下光电 子被激发产生一定值的电流等。

电路原理课件讲义英文版 Chapter_4

电路原理课件讲义英文版 Chapter_4

2. 3.
1. Solve the problems 4.7, 4.19, 4.34 in pages 155-158
Steps to Apply Superposition Principle:
1. Turn off all independent sources except one source. Find the output (voltage or current) due to that active source using nodal or mesh analysis. Repeat step 1 for each of the other independent sources. Find the total contribution by adding algebraically all the contributions due to the independent sources.
4.3 Superposition (迭加)
Superposition is based on linearity
The superposition principle states that the voltage across (or current through) an element in a linear circuit is the algebraic sum of the voltages across (or currents through) that element due to each independent source acting alone
Chapter 4 Circuit Theorems

电路基础英文版CHAPTER 4

电路基础英文版CHAPTER 4

( 3)

( 3) I1
1 I 2
( 2)
( 3)
1 9 3 I 2 2
I 1A I1
(1) I1

( 2) I1

( 3) I1
1 3 3 I 5A 2 2
Linearity Property 线性定理 A linear circuit is one whose output is linearly related to its input.
iS 11 iS 22
... ...
11 21 u n1 iS 11 iS 22 ... ... ... ... uS 3 11 21 u S 2 u S 3 (i S 1 ) ( ) R3 R2 R3 11 21 11 21 iS1 uS 2 uS3 R2 R3 a1iS 1 b1u S 2 c1u S 3
un1(2)=b1uS2 We set iS1=uS2=0 un1(3)=c1uS3
(4) uS3≠0 ,and consider Eq.(1) as un1(3) (5)
∴ un1= un1(1)+ un1(2) +un1(3)
u n1 i R1
The superposition principle states that the voltage across (or current through) an element in a linear circuit is the algebraic sum of the voltages across (or currents through) that element due to each independent source acting alone.

电路基础理论英文版课件Chapter 10

电路基础理论英文版课件Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Sinusoidal steady-stateanalysisSteps to analyze ac circuit1.Transform the circuit to the phasor orfrequency domain2.Solve the problem using circuittechniques(nodal analysis, mesh analysis, superposition,etc)3.Transform the resulting phasor to the timedomainNodal analysisFig. 8-28: An example nodeMesh analysisplanar circuits:Circuits that can be drawn on a flatsurface with no crossoversFig. 8-29: An example mesh the sum of voltages around meshA isEXAMPLE 8-21Use node analysis to find the current I X in Fig. 8-31.Fig. 8-31SOLUTION:︒∠=075VC:CNodeorEXAMPLE 8-24The circuit in Fig. 8-32 is an equivalent circuit of an ac induction motor. The current I S is called the stator current, I R the rotor current, and I M the magnetizing current. Use the mesh-current method to solve for the branch currents I S, I R and I M.EXAMPLE 8-25Use the mesh-current method to solve for output voltage V2and input impedance Z IN of the circuit below.SOLUTION:ExampleFrequency domain equivalent of the circuitExampleFind V o/Vi, ZiSee F page417Circuit Theorems with Phasors PROPORTIONALITYThe proportionality property states that phasor output responses are proportional to the input phasorwhere X is the input phasor, Y is the output phasor, and K is the proportionality constant.EXAMPLE 8-13Use the unit output method to find the input impedance, current I1, output voltage V C, and current I3of the circuit in Fig. 8-20 for Vs= 10∠0°SOLUTION: 1.Assume a unit output voltage .2.By Ohm's law, .3.By KVL,4.By Ohm's law,5.By KCL,6.By KCL,Given K and Z IN, we can now calculate the required responses for an inputSUPERPOSITIONTwo cases:1.With same frequency sources.2.With different frequency sourcesEXAMPLE 8-14Use superposition to find the steady-state voltage v R(t) in Fig. 8 -21for R=20Ω, L1 = 2mH, L2 = 6mH,C = 20 μF, V s1= 100cos 5000t V ,and Vs2=120cos (5000t +30 )V.SOLUTION:Fig. 8-22EXAMPLE 8-15Fig. 8-23Use superposition to find the steady-state current i(t)in Fig. 8-23 for R=10k , L=200mH, v S1=24cos20000t V, andv S2=8cos(60000t+30 °).SOLUTION:With source no. 2 off and no.1 onWith source no.1 off and no.2 onThe two input sources operate at different frequencies, so that phasors responses I1 and I2 cannot be added to obtain the overall response. In this case the overall response is obtained by adding the corresponding time-domain functions.More examplesSee F page403THEVENIN AND NORTON EQUIVALENT CIRCUITSThe thevenin and Norton circuitsare equivalent to each other, sotheir circuit parameters are relatedas follows:Source transformationEXAMPLE 8-17Both sources in Fig. 8-25(a) operate at a frequency of =5000 rad/s. Find the steady-state voltage v R(t) using source transformations.SOLUTION:+EXAMPLE 8-18Use Thevenin's theorem to find the current I x in the bridge circuit shown in Fig. 8-26.Fig. 8-26SOLUTION:。



Basic Theory of Circuits, SJTU
Fig. 3.24 For Example 3.7
Basic Theory of Circuits, SJTU
Fig. 3.31 For Example 3.10
Basic Theory of Circuits, SJTU
Fig. 3.32 For Example 3.10; the schematic of the circuit in Fig. 3.31.
Basic Theory of Circuits, SJTU
Nodal Analysis with Voltage Sources(3)
Case 3 a voltage source (dependent or independent) is connected with a resistor in series
Basic Theory of Circuits, SJTU 12
Fig. 3.17 A circuit with two meshes
Basic Theory of Circuits, SJTU
In matrix form:
Basic Theory of Circuits, SJTU
Fig. 3.18 For Example 3.5
Basic Theory of Circuits, SJTU
In terms of the conductance, equations become
Can also be cast in matrix form as
Some examples
Basic Theory of Circuits, SJTU

电路原理课件讲义英文版 Chapter_2

电路原理课件讲义英文版 Chapter_2
Resistor: the circuit element used to model the current-resisting behavior of a material (Simplest passive element)
Ohm’s Law:
Ohm’s Law states that the voltage v across a resistor is directly proportional to the current i flowing through the resistor
2.4 Kirchhoff’s Laws
KCL: Kirchhoff’s Current Law (based on the law of
conservation of charge)
KVL: Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (based on the principle of
conservation of energy)
i1 i2 (i3 ) (i4 ) (i5 ) 0 or i1 i2 i3 i4 i5
i1 i5
Closed Boundary
i3 i2
Application of KCL
Series of current sources : a circuit cannot contain two different currents, I1 and I2, in series, unless I1= I2; otherwise, KCL will be violated Parallel of current sources: the combined current is the algebraic sum of the current supplied by the individual sources.

电路理论英文版课件Chapter 1

电路理论英文版课件Chapter 1

Preface•Place of Electrical Circuits in Modern Technology IntroductionThe design of the circuits has 2 main objectives:1)To gather,store,process,transport,and present information.2)To distribute and convert energy between various forms.The study of circuits provides a foundation for areas of electrical engineering such as:•Communication system •Computer system •Control system •Electronics •Electromagnetic •Power systems •Signal processing•Motivation for doing this course •About the courseCircuit TheoryCircuit AnalysisCircuit Synthesis Circuits(given)Excitation (given)Response(unknown)Circuit AnalysisWhat we emphasize on,Since it provides the foundation forunderstanding the interaction of signalsolution.Circuits(unknown)Excitation (given)Response(given)Circuit synthesis(design)In contrast to analysis,a design problem may have nosolution or several solutions,Resistance circuits analysisDynamic circuits analysisSinusoidal steady stateThe course includes3parts:•Reference Books1)Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Charles K Alexander,Matthew N O Sadiku清华大学出版社2)The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits Roland E.Thomas,Albert J.Rosa—2nd ed3)Electrical Engineering Principles and Applications Allan R.Hambley---2nd ed4)电路分析基础李瀚荪第三版5)电路邱关源第四版6)Electric Circuits Joseph Edminister,Mahmood Nahvi-----3rd edChapter 1 Fundamental KnowledgeCircuit and circuit model•Actual electrical component:a battery or a lightbulbActual electrical componentIdeal circuitcomponentEmphasize the main characterNeglect the left character•Ideal circuit component: amathematical model of an actualelectric component.R1VsRsCircuit model:A commonly used mathematical model for electric system.Lumped elements Lumped circuiti2-V+i1i1=i2V is certain Actual scale of the circuit is much smaller than the wavelength relating to the running frequency of the circuit.Circuit Type:•Linear----Nonlinear•Time invariant----Time variant •Passive----Active•Lumped----DistributiveCircuit Variablesdtdq i n Electric current is the time rate of change of charge, measured in amperes (A).A direct current (DC)is a current thatremains constant with time. (I)An alternating current (AC)is a current that varies sinusoidally with time.SortReference directioni >0 means the real direction isisame to the reference directioni <0 means the real direction isopposite to the reference directionCircuit VariablesVoltage (or potential difference) is the energy required to move a unit charge through an element, measured in volts(V). dqdw v Reference direction or voltage polarity -V +V>0 means the real polarity is sameto the reference polarity V<0 means the real polarity isopposite to the reference polaritypassive sign convention -V +iPassive sign convention is satisfied when current enters through the positive polarity of the voltage.Unless otherwise stated, we will follow thepassive sign convention throughout this course.Circuit VariablesPower is the time rate of expending or absorbing energy. Measured in watts(W)dtdw p =vi dtdq v dt dw p vdq dw ===∴= P=VI in a DC circuitusing passive signconvention Power absorbed = -Power suppliedReference polarities for power using passive sign conventionP > 0 absorbing powerP < 0 releasing or supplyingpowerExamplesLaw of conservation of energy must be obeyed in any electric circuit.∑=0p Power absorbed = -Power suppliedEnergy is the capacity to do work, measured in joules(J) ⎰⎰==t t tt vidt pdt w 00The energy absorbed or supplied by an element from time t0 to time t isCircuit ElementsPassive elements:resistors,capacitors,and inductorsActive elements:source,operational amplifiersVoltage and Current SourcesThe most important active elements are voltage or current sources that generally deliver power to the circuit connected to them. There are two kinds of sources: independent and dependent sources.An ideal independent source is an active element that provides a specified voltage or current that is completely independent of other circuit variables.Symbols for independent voltage source Symbols for independent voltage sourceNote:▪ 2 or more voltage sources with different value are not permissible to be connected in parallel▪ 2 or more current sources with different value are not permissible to be connected in series▪V oltage sources connected in series is equivalent to one voltage source▪Current sources connected in parallel is equivalent to one current source▪ A voltage source connected to any branch in parallel is equivalent to itself▪ A current source connected to any branch in series is equivalent to itselfAn ideal dependent(or controlled)source is an active element in which the source quantity is controlled by another voltage or current.Symbols for a) dependent voltage sources b) dependent current sources There are a total of fourvariations, namely:1.A voltage –controlled voltagesource (VCVS)2. A current –controlled voltagesource (CCVS)3. A voltage –controlled currentsource (VCCS)4. A current –controlled currentsource (CCCS)V1V1μVCVSV1V1g VCCS I1I1αCCCS I1V1γI1CCVSWhat is the difference between independent and dependent sources?ResistorsThe circuit element used to model the current –resisting behavior of a material is the resistor.Resistance is the capacity of materials to impede the flow of current.The resistance R of an element denotes its ability to resist the flowof electric current;it is measured in ohms(Ω)Symbol: R11ki u i ut1t2ui i u i ut1t2uiLinear Time InvariantLinear Time variant Nonlinear Time Invariant Nonlinear Time Variant Open Circuit Short CircuitLinear Resistor:The resistance of the idea resistor is constant and its value doesnot vary over time.The relation between voltage and current.(V AR)vV=Ri(passive sign convention)i-------Ohm’s LawSince the value of R can range from zero to infinity,it is important that we consider the two extreme possible value of R:R=0-------is called a short circuit;V=0;R=∞------is called an open circuit,I=0;Conductance G is the reciprocal of the resistance, measured in siemens (s)Power : P=vi (passive sign convention) always absorbs power from the circuit Other methods of expressing :G i G v vi p Rv R i vi p 2222======RG 1=About nonlinear resistor。

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一、Basic DefinitionsElectron: an indivisible particle of negative charge. The amount of charge is measured in coulombs (C). The magnitude of the charge associated with an electron is 1.602x10-l9 C.Current: charge in motion (electrons). Current is measured in units of amperes, or more simply amp.Voltage: an electric potential difference that causes electron flow. It is also called electromotive force (EMF). An analogy often used to describe current and voltage is water in a pipe. Current is analogous to the flow of water, while voltage is analogous to the pressure.Conductor: a material that allows a continuous current to pass through it under the action of a fixed voltage. An example of a good conductor is copper or aluminum which is used in homes and offices for all electrical connections.Insulator: the opposite of a conductor, it does not allow a continuous current to pass though it under the action of a fixed voltage. An example of an insulator is the plastic on electrical cords. Using our water analogy, a conductor can be envisioned as the region inside a pipe, while an insulator can be envisioned as the actual material of the pipe which contains the water flow.Switch: used to control the flow of electrons, or current as it is commonly called. Ideally, a switch turns on or off instantly, and has no voltage across it while it is conducting. In our water analogy, an ideal switch would cut the flow immediately, from completely on to completely off in an instant.Common Passive Circuit ElementsAll circuit elements can be separated into two groups: active and passive. The electrical definition is very similar to the common definition: active circuit elements are capable of delivering power, while passive elements are capable of receiving, and possibly storing, power. In our water analogy, a pump would be an active element. A narrow section of pipe that restricts the flow, a tank, and a water wheel would all be examples of passive elements.Resistors: circuit elements that literally "resist" current flow. Voltage is higher on the end of the resistor that sees the current first. Figure 1 shows two schematic representations of a resistor. In our water analogy, a resistor would be a narrow section of pipe that restricts the flow.Figure 1. Schematic representations of a resistorThe on-resistance (R DS(on)) of our HEXFET® power MOSFETs is usually one of two parameters critical to the designer. The other is breakdown voltage (V(BR)DSS) or how much voltage the device can block when it is off. On-resistance is merely the resistance from drain to source of the power MOSFET in the "on" state. In the "off" state, the resistance is extremely high, but instead of R DS(off), we measure it as leakage current, or I DSS.Capacitors: circuit elements that store electrons. In many instances, they are used as a rechargeable battery, providing a stable voltage reference far from the input power point. They have many different uses in electrical circuits in addition to simply storing electrons. There are many different types of capacitors, including aluminum electrolytic, tantalum electrolytic, ceramic disk, mica, polycarbonate, polypropylene, and polystyrene.Two important considerations in the selection of capacitors are equivalent series inductance (ESL), and equivalent series resistance (ESR). Ideally, these two parameters should be as close to zero as possible, especially as frequency increases. The capacitors above are mentioned approximately in order of decreasing ESL and ESR. Aluminum electrolytic capacitors have extremely high capacitive values, but also high ESL and ESR. This makes them good for dc applications, such as the capacitors on the output of a bridge rectifier, to provide the dc supply to the rest of the circuit. Polypropylene and polystyrene capacitors have very low capacitive values, but also extremely low ESR and ESL values making them good for extremely high frequency applications.Stray capacitance exists in all circuits to some extent. While usually to ground, it can occur between any two points with different potentials. All semiconductor devices have capacitance between their external terminals, and are specified on the data sheets. Figure 2 shows several different schematic representations of capacitors. In our water analogy, a capacitor would be a tank storing water for later use.Figure 2.Schematic Representations of CapacitorsStray capacitance is also responsible for electro-static discharge (ESD). ESD is responsible for the shock you receive in the winter after walking across a carpeted room and touching the doorknob. ESD is particularly dangerous to MOS-gated semiconductors. The amount of static required to cause damage is so small, that a person can damage a device without knowing it. This is why anyone who handles MOS-gated semiconductors must follow strict ESD prevention procedures. Following proper procedures is essential as devices can be damaged, reducing their lifetime, with no perceivable effects at the time of damage.Figure 3. Schematic representations of inductorsInductors: circuit elements that resist change. If, after a period of current flow, an attempt is made to interrupt the current flow, the inductor will continue to force current. Figure 3 shows the schematic representations of two different inductors. In our water analogy, an inductor would be a water wheel - it is difficult to start spinning, but once it is spinning, it is difficult to stop.Figure 4.Toroidal InductorInductors are typically manufactured by winding wire in a toroidal (donut) shape shown in Figure 4. If the inductor is wound around a non-ferromagnetic material such as plastic, ceramic, cardboard, or merely air, the inductance per unit volume is considerably less than if the inductor is wound on a ferromagnetic core. The upper inductor in Figure 4 depicts an air-cored inductor, while the lower inductor depicts a ferromagnetic cored inductor. Ferromagnetic refers to magnetic materials, whose characteristics greatly vary.Figure 5. B-H Characteristics for a Magnetic Material.Figure 5 shows the B-H characteristics for a ferromagnetic material where B is the magnetic flux density, and H is the magnetic field. Operation follows the line, in the direction indicated by the arrow. Although the explanation of this figure is beyond the scope of this module, some important concepts can be observed without a thorough understanding of the plot. During operation, the operating point slides along the curve inthe direction of the arrows. If the positive magnetic flux density (B) is not offset by an equal negative magnetic flux density, the operation curve will slowly creep up, until the material saturates (magnetic flux density (B) is at a maximum and cannot further increase).At saturation the inductance drops to the value of an equivalent air-cored inductor, and the current through it is merely limited by the core's internal resistance which is usually quite low. This is seen at the top of the above curve where the lines flatten, and further increases in flux density (B) are not allowed. Saturation can be caused by one of two mechanisms. First, if the magnetic material is underdesigned, and the flux generated by the current in the winding is greater than the core can handle, the material will saturate. In the above figure, this would place the operating point at the top of the B-H curve.The second method applies if the magnetic material is not allowed to reset between consecutive pulses. Sufficient time between pulses is necessary to allow the energy stored in the magnetic element to go to zero, or reset. If the design does not allow this to occur, the flux in the magnetic element will build up, or staircase, with each consecutive pulse until the device saturates. This results in a large current which usually destroys the semiconductors in its path. This phenomenon also affects transformers which are merely special cases of the inductor.Figure 6. Schematic Representation of a TransformerThe final circuit element is the transformer. Figure 6 shows the schematic representation of a transformer. A transformer could be thought of as a ferromagnetic-cored inductor with two or more sets of wires wound on it. Saturation is also a problem in transformers. Thus transformers and inductors are sometimes lumped together and simply called magnetics.Transformers are most commonly used for one of two purposes. The first is isolation, which is typically needed between two sections of a system which have different ground levels. The second is to change voltage levels. A familiar example is the large ac adapter wall plug supplied with most portable equipment for home use. The adaptor box containsa transformer which steps the voltage down from the line voltage, usually to around 12V, which is then further conditioned by two diodes, and finally supplied to the equipment.Leakage inductance is a critical parameter for transformers, generators, and motors. Leakage inductance is the difference between the self-inductance and the mutual inductance of the primary and secondary windings. Its value is typically quite small, but very important in determining the characteristics and operation of the circuit. It is of particular interest as the switching device may be asked to dissipate the energy stored in the leakage inductance. The leakage inductance contributes to a turn-off voltage spike seen by the switching device. If the energy and/or voltage is sufficient, a snubber may need to be added to the circuit to protect the switching device from damage due to this spike. IR specifies the amount of energy HEXFET® power MOSFETs can dissipate in this mode and are tested as shown in Figure 7, the unclamped inductive test circuit.Figure 7. Unclamped Inductive Test CircuitBasic Electrical DefinitionsPower is defined as current multiplied by voltage:P=V* Iwhere P is the power measured in watts (W) (also joules per second), V is the steady state voltage measured in volts (V), and I is the steady state current measured in amps (A).Energy is defined as current multiplied by voltage, multiplied by time:E=I*V*Twhere "E" is the energy measured in joules (also watt-seconds), "V" is the instantaneous voltage measured in volts, "i" is the instantaneous current measured in amps, and "T" is the time period measured in seconds.To calculate power, given energy and frequency, multiply energy by the frequency. For example, if an IGBT has a total switching energy loss of 1.4mJ under a given set of operating conditions, and is operated at 20kHz, the total power loss due to switching will be 28W.E (1.4mJ) * f (20kHz) = P (28W)二、ac versus dcDirect current (dc) has a constant magnitude. In contrast, alternating current (ac) has a magnitude dependent on time. it follows a sinusoidal waveform, shown below. ac is generated by moving a copper winding through a magnetic field. This causes a voltage to be developed on the winding. Generators in the United States operate at 60Hz, but many places in the world, 50Hz is the standard. Hz is the abbreviation for Hertz, which is the unit of measure for frequency. Frequency is only defined for regular waveforms that repeat indefinitely. Frequency is how many times per second the same position on the waveform occurs. Thus, in the figure below, sixty peaks will pass in one second if the frequency is 60Hz. T is the period, while 1/T is the frequency.Figure 8. 60Hz Sine Wave.Nearly all current starts off as ac, which is generated through an electromechanical process, and is then converted to dc. It is difficult to generate dc directly, as it requires either a dynamo or a chemical reaction such as the one within in a solar cell which converts sunlight into dc voltage. In applications where dc is present, there is usually a nearby ac source. For example, in your automobile the battery that drives the lights, all theelectronics, and all the motors are typically 12 volts dc. This battery is charged by the alternator which is basically a small generator driven by the engine. A three-phase diode bridge is responsible for converting the ac output of the alternator to be compatible with the dc battery.The last important concept is the role of frequency on magnetics. It is beyond the scope of this training module to explain why, but as the operating frequency of a circuit increases, the physical size of the magnetics (remember this means both inductors and transformers) shrinks. This is one of the reasons designers are constantly increasing the frequency of their designs. In the power supply world, one of the benchmarks of a design is how many watts per cubic inch the power supply delivers. One way to substantially increase this number is by moving to higher frequency, and hence, physically smaller magnetic components. The tradeoff of higher frequency operation is increased switching losses in the semiconductor devices, whether it be a diode, IGBT, or power MOSFET.。
