



新起点大学‎基础英语教‎程-读写教程2‎:课后翻译1~8单元UNIT 11. His work has somet‎h ing to do with anima‎l s.2. In order‎to arriv‎e befor‎e dark, we start‎e d early‎.3. Judgi‎n g by her accen‎t, she must be from the North‎.4. If you want her to come, infor‎m her in advan‎c e.5. I don't know why he chang‎e d his mind.6. Most peopl‎e like to swim once they have learn‎e d how (to swim).7. The more prepa‎r atio‎n s you make now, the more confi‎d ence‎you'll have in the exam.8. If you learn‎Engli‎s h wll, you will use it often‎. The frequ‎e nt use, in turn, will make you learn‎bette‎r.UNIT 21. I am takin‎g care of a worke‎r from a neigh‎o ring‎facto‎r y.2. After‎going‎to bed last night‎, I turne‎d the matte‎r over and over in my mind and still‎could‎'t finda solut‎i on.3. No matte‎r how cold or hot it is, I keep pract‎i cing‎every‎day.4. To achie‎v e what yo haope‎for, you shoul‎d start‎worki‎n g hard from today‎.5. Altho‎u gh we have been apart‎from each other‎for three‎years‎, we still‎keep our frien‎d ship‎going‎.6. It raine‎d. As a resul‎t, none of us could‎go to the conce‎r t.7. Like many colle‎g e stude‎n ts, stude‎n ts of our unive‎r stit‎y love to read the novel‎s of this autho‎r.8. My healt‎h is to a large‎exten‎t due to the care by the docto‎r s and nurse‎s.UNIT 31. An estim‎a ted 200 peopl‎e atten‎d ed yeste‎r day's meeti‎n g.2. I like theho‎u se with two large‎windo‎w s facin‎g the sea, but just can't affor‎d it.3. Accor‎i ng to the new regul‎a tion‎,posti‎n g ads witho‎u t permi‎s sion‎can be fined‎for as much as 10,000 yuan.4. To a great‎exten‎t, we are respo‎n sibl‎e for what we say and (what you) do.5. We shoul‎d make the most of all kinds‎of resou‎r ces on the Inter‎n et.6. If you are conte‎n t to make such a small‎amoun‎t of money‎every‎month‎, selli‎n g newsp‎a pers‎is a prett‎y good job for you.7. Obser‎v atio‎n and explo‎r atio‎n are commo‎n means‎in scien‎t ific‎resea‎r ch that could‎bring‎major‎disco‎v erie‎s.8. You can't under‎s tand‎the relat‎i onsh‎i ps until‎l you analy‎z e the situa‎t ion in great‎depth‎.UNIT 41. Nowad‎a ys we are incre‎a sing‎l y relyi‎n g on infor‎m atio‎n and compu‎t er techn‎o logy‎.2. This means‎the new regul‎a tion‎is of great‎benef‎i t to both the state‎-owned‎and the priva‎t e busin‎e sses‎.3. He is slowl‎y adapt‎i ng to the life of a laid-off worke‎r.4. The perso‎n nel manag‎e r said, "First‎, you must focus‎on the follo‎w ing probl‎e ms."5. A dream‎will never‎becom‎e a reali‎t y unles‎s one under‎s tand‎s what it will take to achie‎v e the dream‎.6. As busin‎e ss is bad, the compa‎n y laid off twent‎y worke‎r s.7. The produ‎c ts manuf‎a ctur‎e ed by this compa‎n y are for speci‎f ic purpo‎s es.8. Peter‎is hunti‎n g for a job now, as his money‎will only last him one month‎.UNIT 51. We have decid‎e d to settl‎e the matte‎r once and for all.2. I feel happy‎that my young‎e r broth‎e r has passe‎d the entra‎n ce exami‎n atio‎n of that famou‎s unive‎r sity‎.3. The love affai‎r betwe‎e n the two began‎with that stran‎g e quarr‎e l.4. As we expec‎t, they have made great‎progr‎e ss in their‎resea‎r ch on the cause‎s of SARS.5. He accom‎p anie‎d his speec‎h with a lot of gestu‎r es.6. So far, there‎has been a lot of discu‎s sion‎on wheth‎e r destr‎o ying‎the envir‎o nmen‎t is again‎s t law.7. Gaspi‎n g for breat‎h, he ran out of the offic‎e, and took a taxi to the city libra‎r y.8. I don't think‎you shoul‎d worry‎about‎your compa‎n y's curre‎n t troub‎l es.UNIT 61. I remem‎b er the whole‎thing‎clear‎l y as if it happe‎n ed yeste‎r day.2. I regar‎d that movie‎as one of the worst‎I've ever seen.3. The new Five-Year-Plan is being‎carri‎e d out in all field‎s.4. In spite‎of all his effor‎t s, he faile‎d in the end.5. When the right‎oppor‎t unit‎y comes‎along‎, he'll take it.6. The plane‎t was named‎after‎its disco‎v erer‎.7. It took them one year to build‎the house‎.8. I'm sure her knowl‎e dge of Engli‎s h is adequ‎a te for the job.UNIT 71. She is very caref‎u l. She won't take a risk when drivi‎n g.2. Those‎who have a passi‎o n for footb‎a ll can exper‎i ence‎great‎enjoy‎m ent.3. In addit‎i on to teena‎g ers, males‎and femal‎e s of other‎ages also enjoy‎mount‎a inee‎r ing.4. His stude‎n ts looke‎d upon him with respe‎c t.5. It was Dr. Smith‎that/ whom we invit‎e d/ who was invit‎e d to give us a lectu‎r e.6. One of the advan‎t ages‎of e-mail over regul‎a r mail is that it is fast.7. Only with good healt‎h, can we study‎well and work well.8. If you compa‎r e Tom with his class‎m ates‎, you will find he works‎hard and knows‎how to relax‎. UNIT 81. The mothe‎r went out to work, so the fathe‎r took respo‎n sibi‎l ity for looki‎n g after‎the child‎r en at home.2. Resea‎r ch shows‎that smoki‎n g is direc‎t ly relat‎e d to lung cance‎r.3. Paren‎t s shoul‎d be conce‎r ned about‎their‎child‎r en's perfo‎r manc‎e at schoo‎l.4. Your too much worry‎over your healt‎h may reall‎y make you sick.5. The head of the villa‎g e point‎e d out that the tree had becom‎e a sourc‎e of incom‎e, as touri‎s ts had been comin‎g from all parts‎of the count‎r y to see it.6. Mothe‎r said, "Choco‎l ate is okay, but only if you have one bar a day."7. Wheth‎e r peopl‎e are satis‎f ied with this polic‎y outwe‎i ghs all other‎consi‎d erat‎i ons.8. We shoul‎d take less greas‎y food such as butte‎r and eat as much fruit‎and veget‎a bles‎as possi‎b le to keep a balan‎c e diet.。



基础(jīchǔ)英语4 课本(kèběn)翻译(fānyì)参考答案Unit 2(Page37)1.Mary saw a shifty-eyed man walking into a neighbor’s house.2.Bob always sneers at my taste in clothes.3.It is impolite to pry into other’s secrets.4.I think Chris is after my job.5.She trailed off,silenced by the look Chris gave her.6.The branches were dry and brittle.7.The radio cracked so much that we could hardly hear what was said.8.The land slopes down to the sea.9.His pockets were bulging with money.10.I had to haggle with the taxi driver over the fare.Unit3(Page 58)1.An opportunity as good as this arises/occurs only once in a blue moon.2.The boy felt guilty for taking money from his mother’s handbagwithout permission.3.She did not give credence to a single word of his story.4.Generally speaking,teachers are tolerant of their students’mistakes.5.I took it for granted that you’d want to come with us ,so I bought youa ticket.6.Thanks to the manager’s repeated counseling ,the staff soon broke thebad habit of coming late to work.7.He’s furious with her now,but he’ll forgive her soon.It is just/only amatter of a few hours,that’s all.Unit 5(Page 100)1.If you can’t afford to pay in cash,you can buy the car on credit.2.I said I’d help him and that’s what I’m going to do .I shall keep myword.3.I ’ve a stake in this company and don’t wish to see it go bankrupt.4.With the development of industrial production ,the old feudal systembegan to fall apart.5.He is very competent and keeps everything straight on the farm.6.The new educational system aims to give the students the initiative tolearn more subjects.7.Before starting on our trip we should tune the car up.Unit6(Page 118)1.They are to have their wedding next month.2.He is to be congratulated on his brilliant discovery.3.If it were to rain tomorrow,the match would be postponed.4.Do not despair .The best is yet to come.5.That was in 1550.He was to sail to the New World of America in thefollowing year.6.You are not to talk in the reading room.7.The new traffic regulation are to be observed.8.The route is to be planned before the expedition.(Page120)1.The landlady told me that the rent must be paid in advance.2. Although this company boasts that its products are superior to those of other companies, they are actually inferior in quality.3. What lies at the root of the problem is their lack of interest.4. The police interviewed several witnesses, but none of them could tell how the accident came about.5. The new building of the department store does not conform to the safety regulations.6. She derived great satisfaction from her stamp collection.7. Colorful balloons and flags added to the festive atmosphere of the small town.8. Money is very important, but happiness is not always associated with wealth.Unit7(Page 137)1. It is a disgrace that he (should) lie in public.2. It is a pity that he should be so upset.3. It is a nuisance that I should have forgotten my ticket.4. It is a shame that our picnic should be spoiled by the rain.5. It is essential that you should attend the meeting.6.It is important that we should keep up with the most recent development in the world.7. It is desirable that university students should know how to work with computers.8. It is strange that he should have gone away without letting us know. (Page138)1. There is a Greek art collection on display at the museum at the moment.2. Lost in the forest and out of food, he was reduced to eating wild herbs and fruit to keep himself alive.3. This area has been marked off as a future playground.4. There was no choice but to wade through the muddy water.5. The congressman appealed to the government to set up more schools.6. They were in a dreadful plight when their money and passports were stolen while they were on holiday in a foreign country.7. At the urging of her friends, I arranged for a doctor to see her.8. He tried to keep up a calm appearance, but his trembling voice gave him away.Unit9(Page 187)1.She seems to take little pleasure in doing such things.2.The professor told us that the tradition of landscape painting coulddate from the prehistoric age.3.After attending the lecture of the famous writer ,he decided to give upmedicine and take to literature.4.Let’s dispense with the formalities and go directly into the discussion.5.These animals run extraordinarily fast and in consequence theirhunting methods are very efficient indeed.6.The police searched every house in the district for the escapedcriminal,but to no avail.7.Parents tend to take very great pride in the achievements of theirchildren.Unit 10(Page 206)1.Many developing countries,after independence,were afflicted witheconomic problems to begin with.2.In order to protect domestic industries,the government decided toimpose anti-dumping tariff on imported products.3.Knowledge without practical experience counts for little.4.Thousands of people were forced to abandon their homes to theinvading enemy troops.5.I’ve lived in Shanghai so long that I’ve looked upon/on the city as mysecond hometown.6.The roof will have to be propped up while repairs are being carried out.7.In (the) face of great hardship,he managed to keep his sense of humor.Unit 14(Page 289)1.The people in the flooded area are hungry for provisions,clothes andmedicine.2.As he sat up late watching TV,(It’s) no wonder that he looks so tired.3.If I were you,I wouldn’t get involved with/in those complicated affairs.4.Her skills are so excellent that the cakes she makes are simply worksof art.5.I know it was my fault but there is no need to rub it in.6.This sort of work calls for a lot of patience.7.The government declared that its foreign currency reserve is strongenough to resist the financial crisis.Unit15(Page 309)1.The tourists cheered with excitement when they saw water cascadingdown the mountainside.2.Owing to the policy of reform,the small town is thriving day by day.3.Could you read through this for me and highlight the important points?4.At times I wonder if rote lerning is worthwhile.5.The superstitions that used to prevail in Old China are disappearinggradually.6.Thanks to the improvement in export sales,the company hassuccessfully fulfilled its marketing plan.7.内容总结8.。



Unit 11、我不知道是否把我的意思讲清楚了。

I don’t know if I (have) made myself understood.2、你在课堂上应该更加积极主动一些,努力与同学练习口语。

You should take a more active part in class and try to practice speaking English.3、在学习英语的过程中,我们克服了许多困难。

In the process of English learning ,we have overcome many difficulties.4、你到国外上大学会有很多花费的。

Attending a university abroad can cost you a lot of money.5、朗读可以改进你的发音。

Reading aloud can improve your pronunciation.6、听音乐是一种极好的放松方式。

Listening to music is an excellent means of relaxation.7、做一个好学生不一定要放弃休息和体育活动。

You don’t have to give up rest and sports to be a good student.8、你就应该不时地给父母写写信。

Every now and then, you should write to your parents.Unit 21、他穿着雨衣,带上手电,加入了抗洪的战斗。

Armed with raincoat and flashlight he joined in the fight against the flood2、有人选择在超市购物,而有人喜欢光顾旧货店。

Some people choose to shop in the supermarket while others like to hint foe goods in the second –hand shop3、有些人淘旧货只是为了省钱。



第一册Unit 1//****************************************** 3. Paraphrase(1) Until now, basic economic forces have gone beyond political efforts to make this trend slow. Efforts to oppose economic globalization have extended from anti globalization protests to Congressional law making to prevent American companies from building subsidiary business in foreign countries.(2) Some nations are treating tax competition as a useless and disadvantageous thing. High tax countries have urged international organizations, such as the organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), to ease tax competition.(3) And many nations are formulating a series of complex rules on businesses so as to try to keep them from investing abroad, instead of reducing tax burdens so that businesses are willing to invest at home.(4) The U.S. is divided into this group because it has one of the highest corporate tax rates. Nevertheless, America continues to put off reforming tax policies, which is expected for a long time.(5) International investors have been affected easily by changes and differences between national tax rates as their investment choices have increased.(6) Another noticeable issue is that many businesses used to invest in foreign country only want to take the opportunity for fixed resources, such as oil deposits. Today, many industries-such as finance and services-are free to invest and can set up new firms anywhere.(7) For example, in recent year Canadian policymakers have to consider an important issue that a group of skilled and talented people from technology industries in Canada have emigrate to its lower tax southern neighbor, the U.S. (8) For many years, young Irish people went to America and other foreign countries, and tried to find a way to live a better life. But after Ireland reduced individual tax and then quickly cut corporate tax, the pattern of out migration was changed around completely in this country.(9) To keep the skilled labor from leaving their own country to other countries, governments had to direct spending and tax levels to satisfy local residents. In which country Individuals chose to reside according to their demand for public goods relative to local tax levels. (10) If the U.S. makes progress in tax reform, other nations would probably reform their taxes in the same way, as they did when the U.S. reduced rates in the 1980s.5. TranslationA. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.由于殖民地与许多海外地区的大量贸易,所有欧洲重要商业国以及它们在西半球领地的金银铸币在北美东海岸都可以自由交换。



基础英语2部分课后翻译————————————————————————————————作者: ————————————————————————————————日期:ﻩUnit1:1)我们像在暖房里种花那样养孩子是错误的。


It is wrong to raise our children the waywe grow flowers in the greenhouse. We must expose them to all social problems because very soon they will be dealingwith them asresponsible citizens.2)随着时间的推移,我们不可避免地会越来越多地卷入国际事务。


As time goes on we are inevitably goingto get moreand more involvedin international affairs. And conflicts are sure to occur because therealwaysexistdifferent viewsand interests between nations.3)我们为我们的成就而骄傲,我们有理由感到骄傲。


We are proud of our accomplishments, and we have reasonto be. Butwe must neve r become arrogant. Otherwise we will lose our friends.4)信息现在唾手可得。


Information is now easily available.An average computer canstore the informationof a small library5)那家建筑公司没有资格操作这个项目。

基础英语3 UNIT 1-14 课后中译英,短文翻译及完形答案

基础英语3 UNIT 1-14 课后中译英,短文翻译及完形答案

1.It distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failures.2. He assumed an air of cheerfulness, even though he lost favor with his boss.3. Gulliver met with extraordinary adventures and saw a strange assortment of people.4. He will be furious with you if you repeat the same mistake.5. We were all greatly drawn by his frank views, humorous words and genial manner.6. After the thunderous applause died down, the Nobel Prize winner began his speech.7. He is gifted with a sort of insight and foresight, so he rarely runs with the crowd.8. I feel realities are after all very harsh, so one can hardly live up entirely to his ideas.我上大学的最初几天是难以忘怀的。









I have a pen.答案解析:这是一个简单的陈述句。

“我”是主语“I”,“有”是谓语动词“have”,“一支钢笔”是宾语“a pen”。


He is my friend.答案解析:“他”是主语“He”,“是”用“is”,“我的朋友”是“my friend”。


This is a book.答案解析:“这”用“This”,“是”是“is”,“一本书”是“a book”。


Her name is Lucy.答案解析:“她的”是“Her”,“名字”是“name”,“是”用“is”,“露西”是“Lucy”。


I am at school.答案解析:“我”是“I”,“在”用“am”,“学校”是“school”,“在学校”用“at school”。


He has a basketball.答案解析:“他”是“He”,“有”是“has”,“一个篮球”是“a basketball”。


This is my schoolbag.答案解析:“这”是“This”,“是”是“is”,“我的书包”是“my schoolbag”。


She is a student.答案解析:“她”是“She”,“是”用“is”,“一名学生”是“a student”。


I like English.答案解析:“我”是“I”,“喜欢”是“like”,“英语”是“English”。

10.他的铅笔在哪里?Where is his pencil?答案解析:“他的”是“His”,“铅笔”是“pencil”,“在哪里”用“Where is”。

11.There are many books on the desk.(中文翻译:桌子上有许多书。

)答案解析:这是一个there be 句型,表示“有”。

英译汉教程课后练习题含答案 (2)

英译汉教程课后练习题含答案 (2)



初级1.He is a teacher. 答案:他是一名教师。

2.She likes to play soccer. 答案:她喜欢踢足球。

3.They are brothers. 答案:他们是兄弟。

4.I have a black cat. 答案:我有一只黑猫。

5.We are students. 答案:我们是学生。

中级1.She is a talented singer and songwriter. 答案:她是一位有才华的歌手和词曲创作人。

2.The company is planning to launch a new product next year.答案:公司计划明年推出一款新产品。

3.He graduated from a prestigious university with a degree incomputer science. 答案:他从一所名牌大学毕业,拥有计算机科学学位。

4.The hotel offers a wide range of amenities and services toits guests. 答案:该酒店为客人提供了各种设施和服务。

5.The movie won several awards at international film festivals.答案:该电影在国际电影节上获得了几个奖项。

高级1.The scientific research project ms to explore the underlyingmechanisms of human cognition and perception. 答案:该科学研究项目旨在探索人类认知和知觉的基本机制。

2.The new policy proposes a comprehensive overhaul of theexisting health care system. 答案:新政策提出了对现有医疗保健系统进行全面改革。




(illusion)Thanks to modern technology, the film about that ancient battle gives the audience the illusion of being on the battlefield themselves.2.在那场大火中,整个古城毁于一旦,但是这块石碑却幸运地保存了下来。

(devastate)That ancient city was devastated by the fire, but fortunately the stone tablet survived.3.他们看了那段录像,听了那位妇女的讲述,心里充满了对那位地震孤儿的同情。

(fillwith)The videotape and the story by the woman filled them with sympathy for the child who had become an orphan in the earthquake.4.那场大地震中,我们听到过太多太多教师的事迹,他们拒绝离开学生自己逃生,献出了自己的生命。

(leave behind)In that earthquake, we heard many stories of teachers who had refused to leave their students behind and laid down their lives.5.豫园的建造始于1558年,但由于资金短缺时建时停,1578年才建成。

(off and on)The construction of the Yu Yuan Garden began in 1558, but it was not completed until 1578 because building went off and on for lack of money.6.1980年我遇到她时,她刚从国外读完硕士回来。



Unit1V ocabulary41.他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。

They took advantage of our hopeless situation and took over our company.2.虽然我们前面仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。

Although there are still difficulties lay ahead of us, I’m sure that we Chinese people have the wisdom to bring about the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3.只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重的问题。

It is wrong to stress/emphasize/put emphasis on GDP. It will bring about/give rise to many serious problems.4.他喜欢炫耀他的财富,但这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲他。

He loves to show off his wealth, but that is all in vain. People still avoid him as he were poison.5.他不久就爱上了这个村子。


He soon fell in love with the village and was determined to make it a beautiful garden together with the villagers.6.我们必须花更多的钱来和全球气温上升作斗争。



We must spend much more money fighting against global warming. In addition, we must resort to tough laws. It is not just a matter of money.7.当警察到达学校的时候,学生和教师还在一种茫然不知所措的状态。



Unit 11.Our youngest,a word-class charmer,did little to develop his intellectual talents but always got by Unti l Mrs.Stifer.我们的小儿子是个世界级的万人迷,学习不怎么动脑筋,但是总是能蒙混过关,直到Mrs.Stifer成为他的老师,这种局面才得以改变.2.No one seems to stop to think that ----no matter what environment they come from---most kids don’t put school first on their list unless they perceive something is at stake.似乎没有人停下来想想看,无论还在来自何种环境,他们当中大多数若不是发现情况到了危机关头,才不会把功课当成头等大事呢。

3.Of average intelligence or above ,they eventually quit school,concluding they were too dumb to finish这些学生智力水平至少也算中等,但是最终都退学,他们总结说自己太笨,学不下去了.4.Young people generally don’t have the maturity to value education in the same way my adult students value it年轻人往往不够成熟,不会像我的成年学生那样重视教育5.It is an expression of confidence by both teachers and parents that student have the ability to learn the material presented to them.这表明老师和家长都对学生有信心,相信他们能够学好发给他们的学习资料.6.This means no more doing Scott’s assignments for him because he might fail . No more passing Jodi because she’s such a nice kid.这意味着再也不要因为担心斯科特会不及格而替他做作业,再也不要因为朱迪是个乖孩子而放她过关.Unit 21.I had always dreamed of being proposed to in a Parisian cafe , under dazzling stars , like the one in a Van Gogh knockoff that hangs in my studio apartment .Instead , my boyfriend asked me to marry him while I was Windexing the bathroom mirror.我一直有这样的梦想,星光灿烂的晚上,在一家巴黎咖啡馆就像梵高所画的“一夜的咖啡馆”我的工作室墙上就有一幅此画的翻本,然而我男朋友却在我用的“稳得新”擦洗卫生间镜子的时候叫我嫁给他。



基础英语第二册课后翻译题参考答案综合教程第二册(Book 2)各单元课后翻译题参考答案Unit 11.动物保护主义者强烈反对用动物做实验。

(disapprove of)Key: Animal conservationists strongly disapprove of experimenting on animals.2.在馆长的严厉的注视下,莎莉走进了博物馆。

(stern)Key: Shelly walked into the museum under the stern gaze of the curator.3.在广告行业干了一阵之后,吉姆去了一家大保险公司。

(spell)Key: After a spell in the advertising business, Jim began to work for a large insurance firm.4.周末期间估计有50000人涌向伦敦观摩英联邦运动会的开幕式。

(flood) Key: It was estimated that 50000 people flooded into London over the weekend for the opening of the Commonwealth Games.5.他冲进了热闹的大街,混入人群中,希望那样警察就认不出他了。

(mingle with) Key: He rushed into the busy street and mingled with the crowd, hoping in that way the police would not spot him.6.他蹑手蹑脚地从房间里走出去,以免吵醒她。

(tiptoe)Key: He tiptoed quietly out of the room so as not to wake her up.7.他买那幅油画是作为一种地位的象征,而并非对艺术有特别的兴趣。



基础英语-单元课后习题答案————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:基础英语(一)课后释义及翻译答案Unit 1Paraphrase:1.Our big old house was touched with the laughter and tears of four generations.Our big old house had seen the joys and sorrows of four generations of our family.2.I planted these roses a long, long time ago—before your mother was even adream.I planted these roses a long, long time ago, before your mother was born.3.Many sons went away to fight a great evil.Many sons left home to fight against the fascists.4.Take that special hello and lock it away within you.Take the first friendly greeting and always keep it deep in your heart.Translation:1.他对这次面试中可能提到的问题作好了准备。

(confront)He has prepared answers to the questions that he expects to confront during the interview.2.他悲惨的遭遇深深打动了我们,使我们几乎哭出声来。



1. 我们的左侧有条路直通山脚。

(lead to)1. There is a road on our left leading straight to the foot of the mountains.2. 为了减肥,她只吃蔬菜,其它一概不吃。

(nothing but)2. In order to lose weight, she eats nothing but vegetables.3. 很抱歉,我们现在不能聘用你。


(vacant)3. We are sorry to inform you that we cannot employ you now. If there is a position vacant / a vacancy in the future, we will contact you.4. 我们无法按时完成这项任务,因为我们人手不足。

(short of)4. We cannot complete the project as scheduled because we are short of staff.5. 孩子们将来一定会意识到,父母的唠叨是为了他们好。

(for one's good)5. Children will understand one day that parents' nagging is for their good.6. 当她得知女儿被找到了时,禁不住放声大哭了起来。

(burst out)6. She burst out crying when she heard that her lost daughter had been found.7. 如果你有困难,可以随时来找我。

(hesitate to do)7. If you have any difficulties, don’t hesitate to come to see me.1. 我们都被这小孩的话搞糊涂了。



Unit One :EducationText :In Praise of the F Word 对F 的赞美Tens of thousands of 18-year-olds will graduate this year and be handed meaningless diplomas. These diplomas won’t look any different from those awarded their luckier classmates.Their validity will be questioned only when their employers discover that these graduates are semiliterate. 今年,将有成千上万的18岁学生毕业并被授于毫无意义的文凭。

这些文凭对每个人都是一样的 ,没有一点差别, 而不管学生的成绩如何.但当雇主发现他们没有实际能力时,文凭的有效性就会被质疑。

Eventually a fortunate few will find their way into educational repair shops-adult-literacy programs, such as the one where I teach basic grammar and writing. There, high school graduates and high school dropouts pursuing graduate-equivalency certificates will learn the skills they should have learned in school . They will also discover they have been cheated by our educational system.即使少数幸运的人找到了成人进修的地方,像我教语法和写作的地方。



新编大学基础英语综合教程4课后翻译答案UNIT 1Page104. 1.I have offered her a wide range of choices。

我给了她很大的选择范围2.We can’t identify fortune with happiness.幸福和财富不能混为一谈3.People constantly search for better career prospect。


Teaching is not a highly rewarding job。

教书酬劳不太高5.Busy work can take one’s mind off family issues。


I want to apply for a visa。


It is difficult to speak in public。

当众演讲是很难的3.The old man wishes to go back to his hometown。


She covers her face with her hands to conceal her excitement。

或She buries her face in her hands to conceal her excitement.她用手捂着脸来掩饰她的激动情绪5.It would be good to see him again。

能再见到他该多好啊Page125. 1.The police appealed to the crowd not to panic.警方向人群呼吁不要惊慌2.We should assume that he is innocent until he is proven guilty。

要是还没有证实他有罪,我们就得认为他无罪3.His wife's death made him feel vulnerable and depressed.妻子的去世使他感到十分脆弱和消沉4。

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Distress n. 悲痛;危难,不幸;贫困;[法]扣押财物 vt. 使痛苦,使忧伤;[法]扣押(财物);使贫困;clutched; v. [klʌtʃt] 抓住,紧紧抓住( clutch的过去式和过去分词 );(因害怕或痛苦)突然抓住pose vt.& vi. 使摆姿势;以…身份出现;招摇;炫耀 vt. 提出;造成(威胁、问题等);引起;产生 n. 姿势;姿态;装腔作势;伪装;sneaked v. 潜行( sneak的过去式和过去分词 );偷偷溜走;(儿童向成人)打小报告;告状;preoccupation n. 全神贯注,入神;当务之急;使人全神贯注的事物;偏见,成见; shackles n. 'ʃæklz]手铐( shackle的名词复数 );脚镣;束缚;羁绊 v. 给(某人)带上手铐或脚镣( shackle的第三人称单数 );curse vt.& vi. 诅咒;咒骂;使苦恼,使困苦;把(某人)逐出教门 n. 诅咒;咒语;祸害,祸因;咒逐,逐出教门;deliberation n. [dɪˌlɪbəˈreʃən]考虑,深思熟虑;评议,审议;(言语、行动等的)从容;沉着,慎重Assure; vt. 向…保证;使…确信;<英>给…保险discretion; n. [dɪˈskrɛʃən]慎重,慎重;考虑周到;判断力,辨别力;自行决定的自由relaxation; n. 消遣,放松;松懈,松弛;放宽;[生理]驰松humiliate; vt. 使蒙羞,使丢脸,使出丑;屈辱,羞辱strategy; n. 策略,战略;战略学embarrassment; n. 窘迫;难堪;令人难堪或耻辱的事maneuverable; adj. 容易操作的,有机动性的maturity n. 成熟;完备;(票据等的)到期;[地]壮年期Survived; v. 幸存,活下来( survive的过去式和过去分词 );比…活得长,经历…之后还存在;幸免于难;挺过grabs; n. 试图抓取,有意抢夺( grab的名词复数 ) v. 抢先,抢占( grab的第三人称单数 );(尤指匆忙地)取;攫取;(尤指自私、贪婪地)捞取discreetly; adv. 谨慎地,小心地deceased; adj. <法,正>已故的,已死的 n. 死者 v. 死,死亡(decease的过去式和过去分词)obituary; n. 讣告;讣闻 adj. 讣告的;死亡的;有关死者的conceivably; adv. 令人信服地board; n. 板;董事会;甲板;膳食 vt. 上(船、车或飞机);收费供…膳宿;使搭伙,使寄宿;强行登(船) vi. (火车、轮船、飞机等)接受乘客;搭伙,寄宿classics; n. 文豪( classic的名词复数 );文学名著;优秀的典范;古希腊与古罗马的文化研究(尤指对其语言与文学的研究)executives n. (公司或机构的)经理( executive的名词复数 );(统称公司或机构的)行政领导;(政府的)行政部门;[the Executive][美国英语](美国政府的)行政当局windowed; 有窗的nerves; n. 神经质,神经紧张;神经( nerve的名词复数 );勇气;神经过敏;鲁莽precisionist; n. 修正主义者,修正的社会主义者;修订者competitiveness; [经] 竞争;竞争性execution; n. 实行,履行,执行,贯彻;作成,完成,签名盖印使法律文件生效,执行法律;执行死刑,强制执行,执行命令;成功,奏效,效果presided; v. 主持,主管( preside的过去式和过去分词 )marital; adj. 婚姻的,夫妻(间)的accompanied v. 陪伴( accompany的过去式和过去分词 );陪同;伴随…同时发生;伴奏Negotiated; v. [niˈɡəuʃieitid 谈判,协商,议定( negotiate的过去式和过去分词 );兑现(支票等);通过,越过(险要路段)debonair; adj. ˌdebə'neə(r)] (通常指男人)愉快而自信的dodging; n. 'dɒdʒɪŋ避开,闪过,音调改变 v. 闪躲( dodge的现在分词 );回避contortion; n. [kənˈtɔ:ʃn] 扭曲,弄歪,歪曲thrive; vi. θraɪv 兴盛,兴隆;长得健壮;茁壮成长undertaking n. 企业;事业;殡仪事业;保证 v. 担任( undertake的现在分词);着手作disagreeable; adj. <正> 不合意的;令人不快的;讨厌的;(人)不友善的eccentricity; mjukye3eksen'trɪsətɪ n. 古怪;反常,怪癖;[物]偏心距;[数]离心率acquainted; [əˈkwentɪd] adj. 了解;知晓(某事);熟悉;交游甚广的 v. 使熟悉( acquaint的过去式和过去分词 );使了解;通知;告知ridicule; [ˈrɪdɪˌkjul] n. 嘲笑;奚落;嘲弄;戏弄 vt. 嘲笑,嘲弄,奚落;使…受嘲笑;取笑triumphal; [traɪˈʌmfəl] adj. 胜利的,用于胜利的,庆祝胜利的deficiencies; [diˈfiʃənsiz] n. 缺乏( deficiency的名词复数 );不足;缺点;缺陷woefully; adv. ['woʊfəlɪ]忧愁地,可怜地contorted [kənˈtɔrtɪd] adj. 扭曲的,弯曲的 v. 扭曲,扭弯( contort的过去式 ) overshadow; [ˌovɚˈʃædo] vt. 使失色;使阴暗;夺去…的光辉;遮阴traipse; [treps] v. 漫步;拖曳;在…游荡;走过 n. 闲逛,长途跋涉fetish; [ˈfɛtɪʃ, ˈfitɪʃ] n. <心>恋物;偶像,迷信;物神,崇拜物flunk; [flʌŋk] vt.& vi. <美><口>;(使)(考试、某学科的成绩等)不及格 vt. 评定(某人)不及格;(因不及格而)退学swilling; v. 冲洗( swill的现在分词 );猛喝;大口喝;(使)液体流动flicked; 轻弹轻抚epitome; [ɪˈpɪtəmi] n. 缩影;典型的人或事物;(书、演讲等的)摘要licentiousness [laɪˈsɛnʃəs]无法无天;坚持道德的;放肆,无法无天;有节制者Insured; [ɪnˈʃʊr] vt. 保证;确保;为…保险;投保 vi. 买卖或卖保险underserved; [ˌʌndɪˈzɚvd] adj. 不恰当的,不应得的generosity; [ˌdʒɛnəˈrɑsɪti] n. 慷慨,大方;宽容或慷慨的行为;丰富benefits; n. 津贴费;利益( benefit的名词复数 );(给职工的)奖金;救济金;益处regrettable; adj. 令人遗憾的;可惜的;可悲的;抱歉的mirthful; ['mɜ:θfəl] adj. 愉快的,高兴的blasphemy; vt.& vi. 亵渎,辱骂,中伤reverence [ˈrɛvərəns] n. 尊敬,敬畏;敬礼;受尊敬;尊严 vt. 尊敬;崇敬;敬畏supportive; adj. 支持的,拥护的,赞助的perceived; v. [pəˈsi:vd]感觉( perceive的过去式和过去分词 );视为;认为;理解为prevarication; n. [prɪˌværɪ'keɪʃn]支吾;搪塞;说谎;有枝有叶astounded; [əˈstaʊndɪd] v. 使震惊(astound的过去式和过去分词);愕然;愕;惊讶undermine; vt. 破坏;侵蚀…的基础;暗中破坏;冲蚀,削弱faltered; [ˈfɔ:ltəd] v. (嗓音)颤抖( falter的过去式和过去分词 );支吾其词;蹒跚;摇晃fibs; n. 小谎,无关紧要的谎话( fib的名词复数 );惯撒小谎的人 v. 撒小谎( fib的第三人称单数volunteered. v. 加油润滑( lubricate的过去式和过去分词 )unethical; adj. 不道德的feigned; [feɪnd] adj. 虚假的,想象的,假装的 v. 假装,伪装( feign的过去式和过去分词 );捏造(借口、理由等)unsparing; [ʌnˈspɛrɪŋ] adj. 不宽恕的,不留情的cynical; adj. [ˈsɪnɪkəl] 怀疑的;愤世嫉俗的;冷嘲的;见利忘义的confoundedly; [kən'faʊndɪdlɪ] adv. 非常地,十分地,恼人地lubricated; ['lu:brɪkeɪtɪd] v. 加油润滑( lubricate的过去式和过去分词 ) entangled; [ɪnˈtæŋɡld] adj. 卷入的;陷入的;被缠住的;缠在一起的 v. 使某人(某物/自己)缠绕,纠缠于(某物中),使某人(自己)陷入(困难或复杂的环境中)( entangle 的过去式和过去分词 )willful [ˈwɪlfəl] adj. 任性的;固执的;故意的;存心的Creaky; adj. 嘎吱作响的;老朽的;破旧的peered; v. 凝视( peer的过去式和过去分词 );盯着看;同等;比得上acquaintance; n. 相识的人,熟人;相识;对…有了解;知识,心得detachment; [dɪ'tætʃmənt] n. 分离,分开;派遣;分遣队raptures; n. [ˈræptʃəz]极度欢喜( rapture的名词复数giddy; [ˈɡɪdi] [ˈɡɪdi]overwhelmed; [ˌəuvəˈhwelmd] v. 淹没( overwhelm的过去式和过去分词 );压倒;覆盖;压垮obliged [əˈblaɪdʒd] adj. 感激,感谢 v. 迫使做( oblige的过去式和过去分词 );使负义务;满足请求;施惠obscurity; [ɑbˈskjʊrɪti, əb-]acquainted; n. 朦胧;晦涩;默默无闻;费解perceptible; [pɚˈsɛptəbəl] adj. 可感觉[感受]到的,可理解的,可认识的apprehension; [ˌæprɪˈhɛnʃən] n. 不安,忧虑,忧惧;理解(力),领悟,了解;拘捕indifferent; [inˈdifrənt] 漠不关心的;无关紧要的;中立的;中等的rapt; [ræpt] adj. 全神贯注的,入迷的overwhelmingly; [ˌovɚˈhwɛlmɪŋlɪ] adv. 压倒地,无法抵抗地disobliging [ˌdɪsəˈblaɪdʒɪŋ] adj. 不亲切的,薄情的,不体贴的pursue, [pɚˈsu] vt.继续;追求;进行;追捕vi.追,追赶;继续进行ceased; ['si:st]attainable; v. 停止,终止,结束( cease的过去式 )enmity; [ˈɛnmɪti] n. 仇恨;敌意;敌视;敌对的状态populous; [ˈpɑpjələs] adj. 人口众多的;人口稠密的surpassed; [səˈpɑ:st] v. 超过( surpass的过去式和过去分词 );优于;多于;非…所能办到adj. 不偏不倚的;公平的,公正的;无私的;持平impartial; [ɪmˈpɑrʃəl] adj.不偏不倚的;公平的,公正的;无私的;持平appallingly [ə'pɔ:lɪŋlɪ] adv. 令人毛骨悚然地beneficiaries; [ˌbenəˈfɪʃi:ˌeri:z] n. 受益人(beneficiary的复数形式)undesirable; [ˌʌndɪˈzaɪrəbəl] adj. 不受欢迎的,讨厌的;不合需要的;不方便的;不良的 n. 不受欢迎的人;不良分子horizontally; [ˌhɑrɪˈzɑntəlɪ] adv. 水平地,横地descendants; [dɪˈsɛndənt] n. 后代;后裔;(由过去类似物发展来的)派生物;弟子 adj. 下降的;祖传的increasingly; [ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli] adv.越来越多地;日益,格外;越来越…;愈philosophical; [ˌfɪləˈsɑfɪkəl] adj. 哲学上的,哲学(家)的;冷静的,沉着的;明达的;达观的unduly; [ʌnˈduli, -ˈdju-] adv. 不适当地;过分地;过度地;不相称地standardization [ˌstændədaɪ'zeɪʃn]fastidious; n. 标准化;标定;规格化;规范化ecstasies; [ˈekstəsiz] n. 狂喜( ecstasy的名词复数 );出神;入迷;迷幻药lavish; adj. 过分慷慨的;非常浪费的;过分丰富的;大量生产的 vt. 过分给予,滥施;浪费,挥霍;慷慨地给与elusive; [ɪˈlusɪv] adj. 难以捉摸的;不易记住的;逃避的;难以找到的phenomenal; [fɪˈnɑmənəl] adj. 现象的;显著的;异常的;能知觉的proceeding; n. 进行,进程;行动;诉讼;会议记录 v. 进行( proceed的现在分词);前进;(沿特定路线)行进;(尤指打断后)继续说enterprise; [ˈɛntɚˌpraɪz] n. 企(事)业单位;事业,计划;事业心,进取心contrived [kənˈtraɪvd] adj. 不自然的;勉强的;人为的;非天然的disregard; [ˌdɪsrɪˈɡɑrd] vt. 不顾;不理会;漠视,忽视;蔑视,轻视 n. 漠视,忽视;不理,不顾;不尊重authoritative; adj. 权威的;有权力的;当局的;命令式的ubiquity; [juˈbɪkwɪti] n. 到处存在,(同时的)普遍存在desirable; [dɪˈzaɪrəbəl] adj. 令人满意的;值得拥有的;可取的;性感的 n. 称心如意的人[东西]piquancy; [ˈpiːkənsi] n. 辛辣,辣味,痛快ceremonially; [ˌserɪ'moʊnɪrlɪ] adv. 礼仪地;仪式地;仪式上;礼仪上gluttonous; [ˈɡlʌtnəs] adj. 暴食的,饕餮的,贪吃的;馋derivation [ˌdɛrəˈveʃən] n. 引出,导出;衍生,衍生物;[语]词源,派生;出处,由来,起源come off; <非正>成功;举行;表现;能被去掉(或除去)conform to; v. 符合,遵照;顺应;相合;入derived/derives … from;attend to; 处理;注意;听取;致力于sprung up ;came about;proceed with;lavishing...onrequired of;sought to;descended to;put first;contributed to;engage in;conferred..upon;bound up withSave up;care about;indulges in;reached for;peered about;deals in;was substituted;better offCover up;blurted out;set up;died of; 死于(疾病、过度悲伤等);强烈地感受到…stay up;cares for;straightened out;picked out;given up;grabbed at; 突然想抓住considered for考虑find out;wear/wore down; v. 磨损;损耗;使疲劳;使厌烦specializes in; 专攻,精通,以…为专业;专修professes to;complimented...onLived up to; 达到高标准;不辜负;实行;履行headed for; 前往seek out; 找出;物色;找到has broken out; vt.& vi. (战争、打斗等不愉快事件)突然发生,爆发;突然发生,爆发;向外砸开grope for; v. 探索trying …on;go out to;tipped off因倾斜而使掉下来;暗示,警告turn into; (使)变成;译成;成为occurred to; …发生在;被想起[到]end up; <非正>(以…)结束;最终成为[变得];最后处于step up; 走上;(使)增加;(使)加快速度;走上前去pay …back; 偿还;报复;报答;偿付look forward to;look for; 寻找(某人或某物);<口>找(麻烦);找(苦头)吃;希望得到managed to达成,设法1. It distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failures.2. He assumed an air of cheerfulness, even though he lost favor with his boss.3. Gulliver met with extraordinary adventures and saw a strange assortment of people.4. He will be furious with you if you repeat the same mistake.5. We were all greatly drawn by his frank views, humorous words and genial manner.6. After the thunderous applause die down, the Nobel Prize winner began his speech.7. He is gifted with a sort of insight and foresight, so he rarely runs with the crowed.8. I feel realities are after all very harsh, so one can hardly live up entirely to his ideals.1.My immediate boss is a typical workaholic, for he works for over ten hours each day all the year round.2. The principal attaches much importance to extracurricular activities and he believes that they will help to cultivate students’ tremendous interest in the external world.3. He always grabs a shower, a sandwich and then a taxi to go to work every Monday morning.4. Since you are learning the company, you should straighten out the accounts within the week.5. He often stays up late at night in order to finish writing his Ph. D dissertation on time.6. Nothing can replace the profoundest love in one’s heart of hearts.7. He is considered a natural for the post of the president, for he has been an excellent vice-president for almost ten years.8. He is just too common to be picked out from the crowed1. The university is one of the most venerable institutions of higher education in the world.2. If one is deficient in practical experience, he can hardly make himself a success with only what he has acquired in class.3. I felt exasperated by constant interruptions, for I had to finish writing the monograph by the end of this week.4. He feels that it is ludicrous to write about a contemporary topic in an ancient style.5. The Bund in Shanghai was a place where young couples like to come to coo in the 70’s and 80’s of the last century.6. His daughter is very sedate for a girl of about ten, for she likes reading more than playing.7. The couple strolled hand-in-hand along the country road when the sun in its first splendor steeped the earth.8. The poet was commonly considered as an eccentric romantic genius when alive.1. It goes without saying that Shakespeare overshadows all the other playwrights throughout the ages.2. The Great Gatsby is commonly deemed as the epitome of the Jazz Age of the last century in America.3. It is advisable for you not to put a damper on his enthusiasm to further his studies at Harvard.4.Young people tend to make a fetish of glamorous stars in sports and entertainment circles.5. They traipsed all the way to the People’s Square for the celebrations of the National Day.6.He does not deserve such severe punishment as he has committed neither serious errors nor grave crimes.7. Every time I met him, he would talk a whole lot of nonsense.8.Reputation is a trap into which many people are ready to fall.1. Hamlet feigned madness when he was hesitating what to do.2. Prevarication is one of the techniques this businessman likes to employ.3. Sometimes the light of the truth is just too dazzling, so white lies are ubiquitous.4. Many women in America profess that they are unhappy with their status of second-class citizens.5. On the impulse of the moment, he blurted out the secret.6. You should get rid of any prejudice, resist temptations and let nothing warp your judgment.7. Being over-sensitive and imaginative, he often weaves a tangled web in mind.8. `He is very popular among his peers as he always tries to spare others any trouble.1. The result surpasses their expectations.2. We should take account of the cost of the project.3. The fine weather contributed to the success of the scientific expedition.4. Ronaldo, one of the football stars from Brazil, scored several spectacular goals in the 2002 FIFA World Cup.5. Many honorary degrees from different colleges and universities in America were conferred upon Robert Frost for his remarkable contributions to poetry.6. Patience and perseverance are required in emancipation from bad habits.7. They tried to instill such new ideas into students’ minds.8. You should demonstrate impartiality in your assessment of the employees.1. The result surpasses their expectations.2. We should take account of the cost of the project.3. The fine weather contributed to the success of the scientific expedition.4. Ronaldo, one of the football stars from Brazil, scored several spectacular goals in the 2002 FIFA World Cup.5. Many honorary degrees from different colleges and universities in America were conferred upon Robert Frost for his remarkable contributions to poetry.6. Patience and perseverance are required in emancipation from bad habits.7. They tried to instill such new ideas into students’ minds.8. You should demonstrate impartiality in your assessment of the employees.1.You should have told me in advance that you would further your studies in America.2.He lavished too much care on his grandchildren.3.Various new technology industries have sprung up.4.Many English words derive from Latin, Greek and French words.5.A philosopher holds that contradictory oppositions are ubiquitous.6.His kindness is part and parcel of his nature.7.He is possessed of phenomenal memory and intelligence.8.He is fastidious about food and clothes.。
