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金川区第一小学骨干教师献课英语教案科目:PEP PRIMARY ENGLISH STUDENTS’ BOOK 年级:Grade Four 教学内容UNIT4 WHAT ARE YOU DOING? PART A1.Let’s learn: plate fork knife spoon chopsticks2.Let’s do: Give me a spoon. Pass me a fork. Wash the plates. Use the chopsticks. Cut with the knife.课型New lesson话题Tableware 执教者姚兴瑞班级四年一班时间XX.04.20教学目标1.Objective of knowledge: Enable students to understand, say and recognize five three-skilled words and understand some orders about passing and using the of ability: Enable students to use the language points in real situation; To develop students’ ability of using the of emotion: Enable students to be helpful at home;To cultivate students’interests in of culture: Enable students to know people use the different tableware between China and western countries. 教学重点难点

1.Key points: Be able to understand, say and recognize the points: Be able to understand some orders about passing and using the tableware and master the pronunciation of the word “chopsticks”.教学方法情景教学法小组合作互动交流全身反应法教学准备单词卡多媒体课件餐具食品词卡快板教学过程设计意图一、Warming up.(About 5 minutes)Activity 1. Greeting.Activity

2. Free-talk.Try to get my good food.Activity

3. RevisionLet’s read the words as loudly as possible.

二、Presentation(About 15 minutes)Activity

1. Present the topic and learning aims.T: Show the picture of noodles and ask how to eat.Ss: Think and try to answer.Activity

2. Watch the video and feel. Activity

3. Look and say new words. Activity

4. Let’s read. Activity

5. Play a game----Guessing.

三、Practice. (About 10 minutes)Activity

1.I want to eat.Activity

2.I need help. Activity

3.Who can help me?Activity


learn .Activity 5.Let’s read.Activity 6.Let’s listen and do.Activity 7.Let’s do. Activity

8.Ask , answer and match in pairs. Activity

9.Check and report.

四、Production(About 5 minutes)Activity

1.Look and say.Activity

2.Let’s learn and set.


六、SummyActivity: Let’s chant. 情感准备。借题发挥,构建情景,复习旧知,激发兴趣。激活原有知识,为新课准备语言材料。明确本课学习内容及目标,点明本课讨论话题。激发兴趣,感知语言功能,初步认识单词的音、形及义。展示实物,引导学习,进一步建立学生认识中单词的音义联系。全班整体自由试读,利用学生个体差异,制造互学条件。全班整体齐读,给部分胆小内向的学生张口的机会。个别自由试读,为会者提供展示的机会,为不会者提供学习的机会。看书自读,自查、自测、自评。听音指读,强化巩固,正音正调。大量机械训练之后的激趣、放松与巩固强化。创设情境,学习句型,置单词于句子情境之中,注入生命力。制造信息差,让学生主动参与学习活动。


金川区第一小学骨干教师献课英语教案科目:PEP PRIMARY ENGLISH STUDENTS’ BOOK 年级:Grade Four 教学内容UNIT4 WHAT ARE YOU DOING? PART A1.Let’s learn: plate fork knife spoon chopsticks2.Let’s do: Give me a spoon. Pass me a fork. Wash the plates. Use the chopsticks. Cut with the knife.课型New lesson话题Tableware
