



Good morning教案教学设计一、教学目标:1. 让学生掌握Good morning问候语的使用场合和意义。

2. 培养学生积极主动与他人问候的习惯。

3. 提高学生英语口语表达能力。

二、教学内容:1. 单词:Good morning2. 句型:Good morning, how are you? I'm fine, thank you. And you?3. 情景对话:在早晨相遇时进行问候。

三、教学重点与难点:1. 教学重点:单词Good morning的掌握和运用。

2. 教学难点:句型Good morning, how are you? I'm fine, thank you. And you?的熟练运用。

四、教学方法:1. 情境教学法:通过设置早晨相遇的情景,让学生在实际语境中学习与应用Good morning问候语。

2. 互动教学法:引导学生积极参与课堂互动,提高口语表达能力。

五、教学步骤:1. 导入:教师以Good morning问候学生,引导学生回答,并讲解Good morning的意义和用法。

2. 新课内容:讲解Good morning单词和句型Good morning, how are you? I'm fine, thank you. And you?3. 情景模拟:教师创设早晨相遇的情景,让学生分组进行角色扮演,练习Good morning问候语。

4. 课堂练习:教师提出问题,引导学生用Good morning句型进行回答,如:“When do we use Good morning?”“How do we say Good morning in English?”6. 作业布置:让学生课后用Good morning句型与家人、朋友进行互动,提高口语表达能力。

7. 课后反思:教师对本节课教学进行反思,针对学生的掌握情况,调整教学策略,以提高教学效果。

幼儿园小班英语教案《Good morning》

幼儿园小班英语教案《Good morning》

幼儿园小班英语教案《Good morning》一、教案主题《Good morning》二、教学目标1.学会打招呼语句“Good morning”的正确发音和用法;2.通过活动和游戏,让幼儿初步了解英语的重要性和乐趣,培养幼儿的英语学习兴趣,并增强自信心。


三、教学内容1. 打招呼语句《Good morning》Good morning是英语中早上问候语。


2. 单词和短语•Good morning•How are you?•I’m fine.3. 课堂活动1.首先,老师会播放一个关于Good morning的短视频,幼儿们边看边模仿视频中的表演。


3.老师会为幼儿们呈现一些简单的对话,并通过问答的方式来鼓励幼儿们使用Good morning 等词汇。

4.最后,老师会与幼儿们一起唱一首有关于Good morning的歌曲。


五、教学流程1.观看视频,学习Good morning的发音和用法(5分钟)–播放视频–教师对发音进行解说–学生模仿视频中的发音和动作。

2.单词和短语教学(5分钟)–Good morning–How are you?–I’m fine.3.课堂活动(25分钟)–图片辨识和模仿–情景教学和问答练习–集体学习唱歌4.课堂总结(5分钟)–教师引导幼儿总结本节英语学习的内容及收获。


人教七上英语 Starter Unit 1 Good morning 教案

人教七上英语 Starter Unit 1 Good morning 教案

in 4b in pairs and encourage them to
express more.
Step 29
鼓励学生展示他们的对话。教师选择几 Listen and try to find others’ useful
组学生表演对话,关注目标语的表达并 expressions in their conversations.
3 students read aloud individually. 3 位学生分别读一遍。
Step 25 播放听力 4b 听力音频, 让学生听后给图 Listen and number the pictures.
Play the tape and ask students to number
Starter Unit 1 Good morning!
Section A 学前活动
Step 1
利用动画资源,播放字母歌,让学生 边听边看。
Watch and listen. 看、听字母歌。
Plash the flash and ask students to follow.
Ask students to watch the flash and read 观看动画,齐声朗读对话。
aloud the conversations in the right order.
Step 28
按书上 4c 要求布置目标语的口头表达 Practice the conversations in 4b in 练习,并鼓励学生进行适当的扩展。 pairs. Ask students to practice the conversations 两人一组练习 4b 中的对话。


2.自我介绍:I'm.../My name is.../What's your name?/Nice to meet you./How do you do?
3.课堂常用语:Stand up./Sit down./Be quiet./Listen to me./Look at me.
4.基本词汇:teacher, student, desk, chair, school, classroom等。

初中英语七年级上册Starter Unit 1 Good morning 教学设计

初中英语七年级上册Starter Unit 1 Good morning 教学设计

Starter Unit 1 Good morning 1a-2e教学设计Ⅰ.教学准备1.教师:多媒体课件、字母卡片,搜集一些表现不同国家初次见面的礼仪形式的图片以及标示字母笔顺的flash。



2.学习本课的知识点:(1)词汇:good,morning,hi,hello(2)字母:Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd,Ee,Ff,Gg,Hh(3)句型:Good morning!Hello/Hi!3.会读英文名字;将英语字母打乱顺序进行认读和书写。



Ⅲ.教学重点(1)词汇:good,morning,hi,hello(2)字母:Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd,Ee,Ff,Gg,Hh(3)句型:Good morning!Hello/Hi!Ⅳ.教学难点让学生会读英文名字;将英语字母打乱顺序进行认读和书写。

Ⅴ.教学步骤Step 1:Warm-up1.教师向学生播放英国人说英语的视频,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。





例如:T:Do you like English?Is English very interesting?So from today,let's learn English. And I'm your English teacher. Let me introduce myself. My name is ... I'm from ... I have taught in this school for ten years. During these years,I have got...建议2:播放一段中国人说英语非常流利的视频,然后用英语介绍,告诉学生如果认真学习,也一定能把英语学好。

幼儿园大班英语教案《Good morning》

幼儿园大班英语教案《Good morning》

幼儿园大班英语教案《Good morning》一、教学目标1.学会问候语“Good morning”。


3.能够用短语“Good morning”开始日常对话。



三、教学过程1. 导入1.教师可以用PPT或者视频导入本节课的内容。


2. 学习目标1.教师向学生介绍本节课的学习目标。


3. 输入1.教师向学生介绍“Good morning”这个问候语的用法和意义。


4. 实践1.教师示范问候语,并引导学生跟读。


5. 总结1.教师帮助学生总结本节课所学内容。


6. 作业1.练习带着学过的问候语问好,并写下在家里问候的人名和时间。



五、教学反思本课程通过图片、视频、角色扮演等多种形式,让学生更好地理解“Good morning”这个问候语的用法和意义。





Starter Unit 1 Good morning!教课目的 Teaching Aims【知识能力与技术】【Knowledge and skills】Learn to greet people with hello, hi, Good morning/afternoon/evening. How are you? And their answers; Learn the pronunciation and the writing of letters Aa-Hh; Know something about familiar boy names and girl names; Understand some abbreviations HB, CD、BBC.【过程与方法】【Processes and methods】With the studying strategies of Imitating and Drilling, get the students to do Pair work to learn how to say hello to and greet people in English by using the teaching courseware, pictures, flashcards; Catch the others ’ information by practicing conversations; Know the greetings well by singing English song.【感情、态度与价值观】【Emotion, attitudes and value】This content is easy to understand and the basic greetings in English, and it ’ s the easiest to imitate and use. It can not only make the students fall interest in English, but also make them learn how to communicate with others politely; At the same time, it can make the students learn how to call the westerners and know something about the western cultures.教课重点难点Difficulties and focus1 、Learn the pronunciation and writing of letters Aa~Hh and consolidate the pronouncing rules of the vowel letters A, E in English words.2 、Learn to say hello to people with hello, hi, Good morning/afternoon/evening and their answers.3、Learn to greet people with How are you? and their answers.教与学互动设计Teaching and studying design of mutual actionsSection A创建情境,导入新课 Create plots and scenes to guide the new lesson The main content of Section A is to learn to say hello to and greet to people by acting out the conversations and imitating them; Learn the pronunciation and writing of letters Aa~Hh; Know something about familiar boy names and girl names. We can adopt the Situation Guiding Method and the Audiovisual Guiding Method: The teacher can make a teaching courseware (about greeting) for the teaching, or prepare some cartoons to imitates the different voices of the people in the Cartoons to say hello to and greet each other, so the target sentences are guided Goodmorning/afternoon/evening, Helen! Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice! Hi/Hello, Bob! Hi/Hello, Eric!; And then the teacher communicates with the students; At last get the students to communicate with each other.自读感知,整体掌握Pre-read to apperceive and grasp the wholeSection A is designed by three steps. In 1a-1b, get the students to learn to say hello to and greet others by practicing conversations and know some cartoons well; In 2a-3, get the students to learn the pronunciation and writing of letters Aa-Hh and pay attention to the orders of strokes and formats, and get them to apperceive the pronouncing characters of letters A and E and conclude their pronouncing rules; In 4a-4c, get them to grasp the familiar English names and consolidate the greetings.合作沟通,解研究 Cooperate and intercourse to unscramble and researchThe main content in Section A is to learn the target language:Hi/Hello, Bob!Hi/Hello, Eric!Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen!Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice!【Intercourse】The teacher communicates with the students in class first:( Say hello to the students)Hello,⋯!( Get the students to answer)Hello,⋯.!( Say hello to the students)Hi,⋯!( Get the students to answer)Hi,⋯.!( Say hello to the students)Good morning/afternoon/evening,⋯!( Get the students to answer)Good morning/afternoon/evening,⋯!【Experiences】After the students grasp the target sentences, the teacher projects the courseware (about greeting) or shows some cartoons and imitates different voices of the people in the cartoons (or play the tape) to say hello to and greet each other: Goodmorning/afternoon/evening, Helen! Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice! Hi/Hello, Bob! Hi/Hello, Eric!; The students listen carefully while watching and grasp the pronunciation of some familiar English names, finish the teaching task of Activity 1b.【Activities 】 Get the students to practice conversations and communicate with each other. Get them to imitate the conversationsthey hear and say hello to and greet each other, finish the teaching taskof Activity 1b.Hi/Hello, Bob!Hi/Hello, Eric!Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen!Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice!【Demonstration】 Learn the pronunciation and writing of Englishletters Aa—Hh. The teacher can draw four-line grids on the blackboard and teach the students the correct writing orders and structures. The students imitate what the teacher have taught and pay attention to the varieties of capital and small English letters, finish the teaching task ofActivities 2a and 2b.【Experiences】Play the tape of Activity 2c and get the students to listen and distinguish the right letters and mark the orders, finish the teaching task of Activities 2c.【Practice】Get the students to write the corresponding small letters according to the capital letters, finish the hearing teaching task of Activities 2d.【Discussion】Get the students to observe the abbreviations in Activity 3 and guess their meanings according to the pictures. Tell the students these abbreviations are common in English and also important, finish the teaching task of Activities 3.【Experiences】1)Play the tape of Activity 4a and get the students to listen and circle the names they hear according to the conversations, finish the hearing teaching task of Activities 4a.2)Play the tape of Activity 4a again and get the students to listen and match the conversations they hear with the pictures and mark the orders, finish the hearing teaching task of Activities 4b.【Activities 】Get the students to drill the conversations in Activity4b and grasp the target sentences: Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen! Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice!,finish the teaching task of Activity 4c.【重点直击】【English notes】中西方平时社交差别:中国人会面喜爱问 : “你吃过了吗?”老外听了,认为你要请客;“你去哪儿?”老外认为你是干预他的隐私。

英语人教版七年级上册 Starter Unit 1 Good morning! 第一课时教案

英语人教版七年级上册 Starter Unit 1 Good morning! 第一课时教案
课题:1.Starter Unit 1Good morning!_教学设计
Hale Waihona Puke 七年级上课时间第1周
(一)知识与技能good,morning,hi,hello,HB,CD,BBC,afternoon,evening,how,are,you,I,am,fine,thanks,OK Good morning!Good afternoon!Good evening!How are you? I'm fine, thanks. / I'm OK
(二)过程与方法Grasp letters A-H and learn to greet people
(三)情感态度与价值观Learn to be friendly to others.
good,morning,hi,hello,HB,CD,BBC Good morning!
Grasp the letters Aa-Hh and learn to recognize the English names.
Self-study guide 2:
Try reading the sentences in 1a and try to tell boys' names from girls' names.
Self-study guide 3:
Self-study 2c and learn to write the eight letters.
a computer and some cards

七年级英语上册《Starter Unit1 Good morning!》全单元教学设计 (新版)人教新目标版

七年级英语上册《Starter Unit1 Good morning!》全单元教学设计 (新版)人教新目标版

Unit 1 Good morning!Unit 1 是五四制初一上的第一单元。



本单元的教学内容为:1.学习Aa --- Hh八个字母。


Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen3.学习打招呼的用语:Hello!/ Good morning!/ Good afternoon!/ Good evening!4.学会问候熟识的朋友和应答:-- How are you?-- I’m fine, thanks. How are you?-- I’m OK.一.教学设计思路Unit 1是该教材的第一单元,又是为初学者准备的入门单元,总体内容不多,也不是很难,关键是做好一个衔接工作,根据学生的认知特点和心理特点,通过多样化的、趣味性的学习活动,让没基础的同学克服心里的畏难情绪,感觉到英语不难又很有趣;让有基础的同学更进一步培养起对英语学习的兴趣和自信。

教学重点:Aa --- Hh的字母教学。

Hello! Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.-- How are you? -- I’m fine, thanks. How are you? -- I’m OK.教学难点:课本中英语人名的学习和大、小写字母的学习及书写。


第一课时:完成Section A 1a, 1b第二课时;完成Section A 2a, 2b,2c, 2d, 3, 4a第三课时:完成 Section A 4b, 4c, Section B 1, 2a, 2b第四课时:完成 Section B 3a, 3b, 4, 5第五课时:完成 Self Check and Just for Fun二.教学目标A.语言知识目标1.词汇: Letters Aa --- Hh八个人名 Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 2.句型:Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.-- Ho w are you? -- I’m fine, thanks. How are you? -- I’m OK.B. 情感目标1. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,发挥学生学习英语的积极性和主动性。


针对人教版英语七年级上册Starter Unit 1 "Good morning" 1a-2e的教学内容,学情分析如下:
2.学会介绍自己,如“I'm...”,“My name is...”等表达方式,并能正确使用名字和姓氏。
3.识别并运用基本的礼貌用语,例如“Hello”,“Hi”,“How are you?”等。

新牛津上海版深圳英语二年级上册unit 1《good morning》教学设计1(精品).doc

新牛津上海版深圳英语二年级上册unit 1《good morning》教学设计1(精品).doc

Module 1 Unit 1 Good morning教案Teaching aims:1.识别和掌握单词morning, afternoon, evening, night.2.学会早中晚见面打招呼的用语。

Language points:1.词汇:morning,afternoon,evening,night。

2.句型:Good morning./Good afternoon./ ...Analysis of key items and difficulties of teaching:21.Important Points: morning, afternoon, evening, night.2.Difficult Points:早中晚见面打招呼的用语。

Teaching steps1. Warming-up and revision(1) Watch the video “Never give up” and encourage Ss to get through English.(2) Warm greetings to the students: Explain the target of learning English and the importance of studying English.(3) Divide the Ss into four groups.Step 1:Greeting and Introduction1. Begin by greeting the class with a smile and good morning!T: Good morning, class.S: Good morning, teacher.T: Class, please stand up. / Class, please sit down. (They can practice this several times.)2. Shout: “What pains us trains us”!3. Point to myself and say I’m Miss…Have them repeatRepeat this a few times with rows and individuals or try a “back-chain”.Drill:Miss/Mr… (Ss repeat)Morning, Miss/Mr… (Ss repeat)Good morning, Miss / Mr… (Ss repeat)Step 2: PracticeSay: Stand up, please! (Ss stand up) (Leave the classroom, return)T: Good morning, class!S: Good morning, Miss / Mr…T: Sit down, plea se. Now let’s start the lesson.Step3:Play a game.Each two students in a group to pracitse the dialogues:2“Good morning, Ling Ming!”“Good morning, Zhang Hong!”“Good afternoon, Mr. Zhao!”“Good afternoon!”“Good evening!”“Good evening!”“Good night,Dad!”“Good night!”Step4. Presentation.Show a picture with Eric, let Ss guess what Eric wants to say to usThe answer is “Hello!” or “Good morning.” Then help them to say: “Hello, Eric!” or “Good morning, Eric.”Homework:Please say “Good morning/afternoon/evening/night.” to your parents.。

七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 1 Good morning!教学设计

七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 1 Good morning!教学设计

Starter Unit 1 Good morning!单元教材分析本单元是《英语(新目标)》七年级上册预备篇的第一单元。


Section A部份的活动设计偏重本单元大体目口号的学习和操练。



Activity 3的活动设计为了让学生通过生活中的实例来熟悉和练习字母。

Activity 4部份的设计是一组对话,目的是让学生在实际生活场景对话中巩固与提升以上部份所学习的内容。

Section B部份的活动设计偏重本单元目口号的进一步学习和运用。

Activity 1 的设计是让学生通过看图读图片和听对话,练习Section A学过的目口号言。


2b的活动是通过让学生互致问候,练习Activity 1和2a中的内容,在实践中应用目口号言。


Activity 4的设计是通过听力练习让学生总结字母A、E及其在单词中的发音规律。

Activity 5是通过学唱歌曲巩固目口号言。

2.语言技术:1) 听:能听懂本课学习活动中的情景对话。

2) 说:能正确朗读字母A—H;能正确朗诵经常使用的英文名字;能利用本单元的问候语进行简单的问候。

3) 读:能完本钱单元中的活动任务。

4) 写:能正确写出大小写字母A—H。

3.学习策略:1) 资源策略,个性化学习(搜集与话题相关的资料)。

2) 交际策略,合作化学习,启发学生思维。


单元知识重点难点1.教学重点:1) 字母:学会以下字母的大小写:Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh2) 问候语:能运用以下句子互致问候:Good morning / afternoon / evening, Alice!Hi, Bob. / Hello, Bob.How are you? Fine, thanks.2.教学难点:1) 大小写字母A—H的书写2) 问候语单元课时安排课时安排上建议如下:课时安排学习内容第一课时Section A:由字母歌导入本单元主题,学习字母A—H的发音和书写;学会问候语。



Good Morning 教案一、教学目标:1. 让学生掌握日常问候语“Good morning”及其应答语。

2. 培养学生用英语进行简单的日常交流。

3. 提高学生对英语学习的兴趣和积极性。

二、教学内容:1. 单词:Good morning(美好早晨)三、教学重点与难点:1. 重点:单词“Good morning”及其应用。

2. 难点:句型“How are you? I'm fine, thank you. And you?”的运用。

四、教学方法:1. 情境教学法:通过设置早晨见面场景,让学生在实际情境中学习与应用单词和句型。

2. 互动教学法:引导学生进行小组讨论和角色扮演,提高学生的口语表达能力。

五、教学步骤:1. 导入:教师以生动有趣的方式引入主题,如讲述一个早晨的故事,引导学生关注早晨的美好。

2. 新课呈现:教师展示与早晨相关的图片,如太阳、鸟儿、花朵等,引导学生说出“Good morning”。

3. 单词学习:教师讲解单词“Good morning”的用法,让学生跟读并模仿。

4. 句型学习:教师示范句型“How are you? I'm fine, thank you. And you?”的用法,让学生进行角色扮演,练习对话。

5. 小组活动:学生分成小组,用英语进行自我介绍,练习使用“Good morning”和句型“How are you? I'm fine, thank you. And you?”。

6. 课堂游戏:教师组织一个简单的游戏,如“Simon says”,让学生在游戏中运用所学知识。

7. 总结与作业:教师对本节课的内容进行总结,布置作业,要求学生复习单词和句型。

六、教学评估:1. 观察学生在课堂活动中的参与程度,掌握他们对单词“Good morning”和句型“How are you? I'm fine, thank you. And you?”的掌握情况。



Starter Unit 1 Good morning!课程目标一、知识和能力目标本单元要求学生掌握英文字母A—H,能认读其印刷体和手写体字母的大小写等四种形式.书写(大写和小写,笔顺,笔画)基本合乎要求.能看,听,说本单元所列的日常交际用语,重点学会打招呼,并做到语音语调正确。

注意一些字母及日常交际用语的发音,提醒学生不要将C/si:/发成/sei:/;H /eʧ/发成/eʧ/,也不要将Good morning/'说成/'/等.二、过程和方法目标教师要尽量用英语组织教学。



1.Good morning /afternoon /evening:适用于比较正式客气的场合,双方都应说Good morning /afternoon /evening!例如:A:Good morning,Miss Zhao.早晨好,赵老师。

B:Good morning,Mr.Wang.早晨好,王校长。



例如:A:Hello,Kate.你好,凯特.B:Hero,Li Lei.你好,李雷.4.Hi:在现代英语中,Hi比Hello用得更多,显得更随和。

例如:A:Hi,Han Meimei.你好,韩梅梅。


教学准备tape—recorder,multi—medium.课时参考四课时Period 1Step 1:IntroductionBegin by greeting the class with a smile and good morning!Now,introduce the words “teacher" and “class".by using gestures.Repeatthis several times and have the class repeat after you.Students Can answer as a whole group.As rows and as individuals.Repeat “I am your teacher and you are the class" several times.Now,introduce the class to the instructions:Class,please sit down and class,please stand up by using actions and gestures.They can practice this several times.Step 2:Lead-inYou may want t0 leave the class again to introduce the usual Good morning routine.Say Good morning class.Help students respond with Good morning.Point to yourself and say I’m Miss/,Mr.…Have them repeat.Explain the terms Miss and Mr.in Chinese.Repeat this a few times with rows and individuals or try a “back—chain” drill:Miss,Mr.… (Ss repeat)Morning,Miss/M r.… (S s repeat)Good morning,Miss,Mr.… (Ss repeat)Step 3:PracticeSay:Stand up,please! (Ss stand up)Leave the classroom,return and say Good morning,class! Help the students respond with Good morning,Miss/,Mr.…Say Sit down,please.Now let's start the lesson.Step 4:Presentation and activityNow point to yourself and say My name is Miss/Mr。



教学准备1.教学目标1.语言知识目标:1)能掌握以下词汇:字母 Aa ~ Hh, good, morning, Good morning!, hi, hello2)能掌握以下句型:①Good morning, Helen!②Hello, Frank!③Hi, Bob!3)能理解用英语打招呼的不同说法,并能灵活运用。

4)能掌握字母Aa ~ Hh 的字母顺序,读音及书写。



2.教学重点 /难点1.教学重点:1)认识一些简单的英文名字,并为自己取一个英文名字。


3)学习掌握字母 Aa ~ Hh 的字母顺序,读音及书写。

2.教学难点:1)学习掌握字母 Aa ~ Hh 的字母顺序,读音及书写。


3.教学用具多媒体设备4.标签教学过程Ⅰ. Lead inListen to a“ ABCDEF!” song. Then Ss learn tosing this song.Ⅱ. Presentation1. Come into the classroom and greet the class with asmile and say Good morning! Now,introduce the words “ teacher ” and “ class ” byusing gestures. Repeat this several times and have the class repeat after you.Students can answer as a whole group, as rows and as individuals.T: (By gestures) "Teacher; Class"Ss: (Repeat after teacher) "Teacher; Class"2. Point to yourself and say I/Mr’. m⋯MissHave them repeat.Explain the terms Miss andMr. in Chinese. Ss repeat this a few times with rowsand individuals.Ss: Miss/ Ms.⋯(Ss repeat)Ss: Morning, Miss / Ms.⋯(Ss repeat)Ss: Good morning, Ms., Mr.⋯(Ss repeat)3. Leave the classroom, return and say Good morning,class! Help the students respond withGood morning, Miss / Mr.⋯Say "Sit down,please. Now let’ s start the lesson."(Practice itseveral times.)Ⅲ. Game (Choose an English name.)1.T: We have many new friends in our class this year. They are from theU.S.A.andEngland.Who are they? Do you wantto know them? Now please look at the screen.(大屏幕展示第一上的彩,然后再展示片,并分与名字相。


4.家庭作业:完成课本Starter Unit 1的相关练习题,特别是那些涉及问候语和自我介绍的问题,确保学生对这些表达方式有扎实的掌握。

初中七上Unit1Goodmorning -完整版教学设计

初中七上Unit1Goodmorning -完整版教学设计

初中七上Unit 1 Good morning!教案Period One教学目标:1. 学会打招呼的用语:Hello! / Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening!2. 识别和掌握八个人名: Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen教学重点、难点:1.词汇:Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen2.句型:Hello! Good morning!教学过程:Step 1. Warming-up1. 课前—上课铃响教师就播放Good morning歌曲。

2. 师生初次见面,教师通过自我介绍和问候学生,让学生放轻松,消除与教师间的陌生感,开始亲近教师。

教师自我介绍并用Hello! / Good morning! 问候学生。

帮助学生用Hello! / Good morning! 作回应。

Step 2. Play a game.绝大多数学生都会背诵26个字母表,因此学生参与这个游戏会相当积极。


Play the game like this: Teacher says a letter, for example C, then let the Students tell the letters which is before and after C. The one who says B, D first is the winner. The winner can get a chance to choose an English name first.Step 3. Presentation1.用预先制作的图片或挂图介绍八个人物和姓名。

初中英语七年级上册Starter Unit 1 Good morning 教学设计

初中英语七年级上册Starter Unit 1 Good morning 教学设计

Starter Unit 1 Good morning 3a-4d教学设计Ⅰ.教学准备1.教师:多媒体课件、字母卡片,一些关于见面打招呼的flash。







4.学习本课的知识点:(1) 词汇:afternoon,evening,how,are,you,I,am,I'm=I am,fine,thanks,OK(2) 字母:元音字母A,E在单词中的发音。

(3) 句型:Good afternoon!Good evening!How are you?I'm fine,thanks. I'm OK.5.训练学生听懂日常见面问候语以及辨别英语字母发音的能力。


Ⅲ.教学重点(1) 词汇:afternoon,evening,how,are,you,I,am,fine,thanks,OK(2) 字母:元音字母A,E在单词中的发音。

(3) 句型:Good afternoon/evening!How are you?及其回答。


Ⅴ.教学步骤Step 1:Warm-up1.利用复习字母营造活跃的英语学习氛围。








幼儿园英语教案:Good morning

幼儿园英语教案:Good morning

幼儿园英语教案:Good morning教学主题:Good morning一、教学目标:1. 让孩子们理解和掌握英语问候语"Good morning"的发音和使用情境。

2. 培养孩子们的英语听说能力,提高他们的语言表达自信。

3. 通过互动活动,培养孩子们的团队协作能力和社交技巧。

二、教学内容:1. 学习和练习"Good morning"的发音和回应方式。

2. 学习在日常生活中如何使用"Good morning"进行问候。

3. 通过歌曲和游戏,让孩子们在愉快的氛围中学习和使用"Good morning"。

三、教学准备:1. "Good morning"的教学卡片和挂图。

2. 英语儿歌"Good Morning to You"的音频和歌词。

3. 一些角色扮演的道具,如帽子、眼镜等。

4. 学生评估表。

四、教学过程:1. 开场活动:教师带领孩子们唱"Good Morning to You"的歌曲,引导他们理解和熟悉"Good morning"的发音和意义。

2. 教学演示:教师展示"Good morning"的教学卡片和挂图,示范正确的发音和使用情境。

3. 互动实践:教师邀请孩子们模仿并练习说"Good morning",然后互相问候,增强口语实践。

4. 角色扮演:教师组织孩子们进行角色扮演活动,如模拟早上在学校遇到老师和同学的情境,使用"Good morning"进行问候。

5. 回顾总结:教师引导孩子们回顾今天学习的内容,强调"Good morning"的使用场合和重要性。

五、教学延伸:鼓励孩子们在家中和父母、兄弟姐妹使用"Good morning"进行问候,将英语学习融入日常生活。

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教学准备1. 教学目标1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下词汇:字母Aa ~ Hh, good, morning, Good morning!, hi, hello2) 能掌握以下句型:① Good morning, Helen!② Hello, Frank!③ Hi, Bob!3) 能理解用英语打招呼的不同说法,并能灵活运用。

4)能掌握字母Aa ~ Hh的字母顺序,读音及书写。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:让学生们在相互问候的过程中,学会礼貌待人,与同学之间友好相处。


2. 教学重点/难点1. 教学重点:1) 认识一些简单的英文名字,并为自己取一个英文名字。

2) 学习用英语进行见面打招呼,并能体会不同的打招呼用语的奥妙所在,做到灵活运用。

3) 学习掌握字母Aa ~ Hh的字母顺序,读音及书写。

2. 教学难点:1) 学习掌握字母Aa ~ Hh的字母顺序,读音及书写。

2) 认识一些简单的英文名字,并为自己取一个英文名字。

3. 教学用具多媒体设备4. 标签教学过程Ⅰ. Lead inListen to a “ABCDEF!” song. Then Ss learn tosing this song.Ⅱ. Presentation1. Come into the classroom and greet the class with asmile and say Good morning! Now, introduce the words “teacher” and “class” byusing gestures. Repeat this several times and have the class repeat after you.Students can answer as a whole group, as rows and as individuals.T: (By gestures) "Teacher; Class"Ss: (Repeat after teacher) "Teacher; Class"2. Point to yourself and say I’m Miss/Mr. … Have them repeat.Explain the terms Miss and Mr. in Chinese. Ss repeat this a few times with rowsand individuals.Ss: Miss/ Ms. … (Ss repeat)Ss: Morning, Miss/Ms. … (Ss repeat)Ss: Good morning, Ms., Mr. … (Ss repeat)3. Leave the classroom, return and say Good morning,class! Help the students respond with Good morning, Miss/Mr. … Say "Sit down,please. Now let’s start the lesson."(Practice itseveral times.)Ⅲ. Game (Choose an English name.)1. T: We have many new friends in our class this year. They are from theU.S.A.andEngland. Who are they? Do you wantto know them? Now please look at the screen.(过大屏幕展示第一页上的彩图,然后再展示单张图片,并分别与名字相对应。

)(Show the picture of Bob.)T: This is Bob. (Teach Ss "Bob")Ss: Bob (Ss read after the teacher.)(Then teach the name: Dale, Frank and Eric in the sameway. Tell Ss they're boys.)(Show the picture of Grace.)T: This is Grace. (Teach Ss "Grace")Ss: Grace (Ss read after the teacher.)(Then teach the name: Helen, Cindy and Alice in thesame way. Tell Ss they're girls.)2. Ss read the names aloud. Then let some Ss read thenames to the class.3. T: Now let's work on 1a.Look at the picture in 1aand write down the names in the picture. Attention: Which are boys' names and whichare girls' names?4. Choose a name for yourself in a group. Then practice saying: "I'm…” (用汉语说明I'm… 意为“我叫……名字。

”)S1: I'm Alice.S2:I'm Bob.…Ⅳ. Listening1. Tell Ss that our new friendsare greeting each other. Please keep quite and listen to the recording.(教师播放录音三次,第一次学生们仅听,第二次和第三次学生们跟读。


)2.Ss listen and repeat after the recording.Ⅴ. Pair work1.(让学生们看1a图画中的人物的对话,告诉学生图画中有三组对话,分别是Bob与Helen的对话;Dale与Eric及Frank的对话;Cindy与Alice的对话。

)T: You are Bob, your partner isHelen. You are Dale, your partner is Eric. Then you are Cindy, your partner is Alice. Practice the conversations.Ss practice the conversations in pairs.T: Exchange the roles. And practice theconversations again.Ss exchangethe roles and practice the conversations again.2. 运用刚学的句型,并用刚才自己所选择的英文名字来相互问候。

S1: Goodmorning, Cindy!S2: Hello,Frank!S3: Goodmorning, Grace!S4: Hi, Bob!Ⅵ. Listening1. (告诉学生们英语中有26个英语字母,它们就像我们汉语的笔画一样是构成单词的要素。

下面我们先来学习字母Aa ~ Hh。


)2. 教师播放录音三次,第一次学生们仅听,第二次和第三次学生们跟读。


3. Let some Ss read out the letters Aa ~ Hh. (注意纠正学生们不准确的读音)4. Let Ss try to remember the letters Aa ~ Hh.5. Now let's work on 2b. Listen and number the lettersyou hear [1-8].(教师播放录音三次,第一次学生们仅听,第二次听录音填编号、第三次听录音校对答案。

)Ⅶ. Writing1. T: Now let's learn howto write these letters. First look at the picture carefully in 2c. Thentell us how to write these Englishletters.2.Ss read and find out the writing rules of the letters Aa ~ Hh.S1:大字字母都是占上两格。





3.Ss try to copy the letters by themselves. T goes around the classroom to giveany help.4. Let some Ss come to theBb, and write down the letters on the Bb. Check with the whole class.Ⅷ. Practice1. Tell Ss to look at the picturein 2d. First, read the letters aloud. Then let some Ss read the letters to theclass aloud.2. Let Ss tryto write down the missing letters. Check the answers with your partner.3. Let some Sscome the Bb and write missing letters on the Bb.(注意看学生们的字母笔顺是否正确,纠正不正确的笔顺,并让其他学生引起注意。

) Ⅸ. Read and Talk1. Let Ss look at the pictures in 2e. Let some Ss readthe letters below each picture.2. Let some Ss talk about the meaning of each picture.S1: HB (铅笔芯)硬黑S2: CD 光盘;激光唱片S3: BBC 英国广播公司Ⅹ. Explanation问候他人1. good morning,常用于早晨或上午(中午12点之前)向他人问候。
