
东 南 大 学 考 试 卷(A 、B 卷)(答案附后)课程名称 信号与线性系统 考试学期 03-04-3得分适用专业 四系,十一系考试形式闭卷考试时间长度 120分钟一、简单计算题(每题8分):1、 已知某连续信号()f t 的傅里叶变换为21()23F j j ωωω=-+,按照取样间隔1T =对其进行取样得到离散时间序列()f k ,序列()f k 的Z 变换。
2、 求序列{}10()1,2,1k f k ==和2()1cos ()2f k k k πε⎡⎤⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦的卷积和。
3、 已知某双边序列的Z 变换为21()1092F z z z =++,求该序列的时域表达式()f k 。
4、 已知某连续系统的特征多项式为:269111063)(234567+++++++=s s s s s s s s D试判断该系统的稳定情况,并指出系统含有负实部、零实部和正实部的根各有几个?5、 已知某连续时间系统的系统函数为:3232642()21s s s H s s s s +++=+++。
6、 求出下面框图所示离散时间系统的系统函数。
)(k二、(12分)已知系统框图如图(a ),输入信号e(t)的时域波形如图(b ),子系统h(t)的冲激响应波形如图(c)所示,信号()f t 的频谱为()jn n F j eπωω+∞=-∞=∑。
图(a)y(t))(t fe(t)图(b)h(t)图(c)试:1) 分别画出)(t f 的频谱图和时域波形;2) 求输出响应y(t)并画出时域波形。
3) 子系统h(t)是否是物理可实现的?为什么?请叙述理由;三(12分)、已知电路如下图所示,激励信号为)()(t t e ε=,在t=0和t=1时测得系统的输出为1)0(=y ,5.0)1(-=e y 。
L=2HC=1F+_四(12分)、已知某离散系统的差分方程为)1()()1(3)2(2+=++-+k e k y k y k y 其初始状态为6)2(,2)1(-=--=-zi zi y y ,激励)()(k k e ε=;求:1) 零输入响应)(k y zi 、零状态响应)(k y zs 及全响应)(k y ;2) 指出其中的自由响应分量和受迫响应分量; 3) 判断该系统的稳定性。

共 6 页 第 1 页东 南 大 学 考 试 卷( A 卷)(共4页第1页)课程名称高等数学(B )期末考试学期 05-06-3得分适用专业 选学高数(B )的各专业 考试形式 闭卷考试时间长度 150分钟一、 填空题(本题共9小题,每小题4分,满分36分)1.设函数(,)z z x y =由方程e y zz x =确定,则d z = ;2.曲线23,,x t y t z t ===在对应于1t =-的点处的切线方程是 ;3.曲面e 3zz xy ++=在点(2,1,0)M 处的切平面方程为 ; 4.交换积分次序101d (,)d x x f x y y -=⎰ ;5.向量场22223342x yz xy z xyz =++A i j k 在点(2,1,1)处的散度div =A ;6.()221sin d d x y x x y x y +≤+=⎰⎰;7.空间区域Ω为2222x y z R ++≤,则V Ω的值为 ;8.已知曲线积分()()3ecos ()d e sin d xx Ly yf x x x y y ++-⎰与路径无关,则()f x = ; 9.已知()()222d 23d 3d z xy x x x y y =+++,则z = 。
二.计算下列各题(本题共4小题,每小题8分,满分32分) 10.设()20,e d x ytz f t t =⎰,其中f 具有一阶连续偏导数,求zx ∂∂及2z x y∂∂∂。
共 6 页 第 2 页第2页 11.计算二次积分:110d d x yx y ⎰12.问通过两直线223112x y z -+-==-和111121x y z -+-==-能否决定一平面?若能,则求此平面的方程。
13.设半球体:02z Ω≤-≤z μ=,试求半球体Ω的质量。
共 6 页 第 3 页三.(14)(本题满分10分)设三角形的三边长分别为a 、b 、c ,其面积记为S ,试求该三角形内一点到三边距离之乘积的最大值。

共19 页第1 页共 19 页 第 2 页4. 下列结论正确的是 [ ] (A) 若[][]b a d c ,,⊆,则必有()()⎰⎰≤bad cx x f x x f d d .(B) 若()x f 在区间[]b a ,上可积,则()x f 在区间[]b a ,上可积. (C) 若()x f 是周期为T 的连续函数,则对任意常数a 都有()()⎰⎰+=TTa ax x f x x f 0d d .(D) 若()x f 在区间[]b a ,上可积,则()x f 在[]b a ,内必有原函数. 三. (每小题7分,共35分)1. ()()3020d cos ln lim x tt t xx ⎰+→. 2. 判断级数∑∞=-1354n n n n的敛散性. 3. x x x x d cos cos 042⎰-π. 4. ⎰∞+13d arctan x xx . 5. 求初值问题 ()()⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧-='=+=+''210,10sin y y xx y y 的解.四.(8分) 在区间[]e ,1上求一点ξ,使得图中所示阴影部分绕x 轴旋转所得旋转体的体积最小五.(7分) 设 b a <<0,求证 ()ba ab a b +->2ln. 六.(7分) 设当1->x 时,可微函数()x f 满足条件()()()0d 110=+-+'⎰xt t f x x f x f且()10=f ,试证:当0≥x 时,有 ()1e≤≤-x f x成立.七.(7分) 设()x f 在区间[]1,1-上连续,且()()0d tan d 1111==⎰⎰--x x x f x x f ,证明在区间()1,1-内至少存在互异的两点21,ξξ,使()()021==ξξf f .xln共 19 页 第 3 页04-05-2高等数学(非电)期末试卷答案及评分标准 05.1.14一. 填空题(每小题4分,共20分) 1. 0,一; 2.21x Cx +; 3. 1e 4-; 4. 1; 5. 343. 二. 单项选择题(每小题4分,共16分) 1. A; 2.B; 3. D; 4.C. 三. (每小题7分,共35分) 1. 原式=()分分分261)2(1cos lim 3131)3(3cos ln lim 20220 =-+=+→→x x x x x x x2. 分515453153154lim 354354lim lim11111 <=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⋅=--=+∞→+++∞→+∞→n nn nn n n n n n nn n a a由比值法知原级数收敛. 分23. 原式 =()()分分分222d cos sin 3d cos sin 220πππππ==⎰⎰x x x x x x4. 原式()分31d arctan 2112212⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+--=⎰∞+∞+x x x x x=()分分2212d 111218122 =⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+-+⎰∞+x x xπ5. 对应的齐次方程的通解为 分2sin cos 21 xC x C y +=非齐次方程x y y =+''的一个特解为()分11 x y =,非齐次方程x y y sin =+''的一个特解为()分1cos 22 x x y -=,原方程的通解为 x xx x C x C y cos 2sin cos 21-++=)1(分 ,利用初值条件可求得 1,121-==C C , 原问题的解为分2cos 2sin cos xxx x x y -+-=共 19 页 第 4 页四.(8分)()()()()()()()()()[]()()()()()0e),1(e2,01ln 223ln 4ln 2e 2ln 2ln 2ln 2ln 2)d ln 1(2d ln 212122e212e212>⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛''==-='-+-=-++--+-=-+=⎰⎰V t t t V t t t t t txx x x x x x x x x x x x x t V tttt 且分得分令分分 πππππ因此21e=t 是()t V 在[]e ,1上的唯一的极小值点,再由问题的实际意义知必存在最小体积,故21e=ξ是最小值点.分1五.(7分) 设t a b =,原不等式等价于()1,112ln >+->t t t t , 即等价于 ()()()分31,012ln 1 >>--+=t t t t t f()()()分101,11ln ,01 ='-+='=f tt t f f()1,0112≥≥-=''t t t t f ,且等号当且仅当1=t 时成立 分1因此()t f '单增,()()1,01>='>'t f t f 从而()t f 单增,()()1,01>=>t f t f ,原不等式得证.分2六.(7分)由题设知()10-='f , 分1 所给方程可变形()()()()()⎰=-++'+xt t f x f x x f x 00d 11两端对x 求导并整理得 ()()()()分1021 ='++''+x f x x f x这是一个可降阶的二阶微分方程,可用分离变量法求得 ()分21e xC x f x+='-由于()10-='f ,得()()x f xx f C x,01e ,1<+-='-=-单减,而(),10=f 所以当0≥x 时,())1(1分 ≤x f ,对()01e <+-='-xx f x在[]x ,0上进行积分共 19 页 第 5 页()()分2e d e 1d 1e 00-0 xx t xtt t t f x f --=-≥+-=⎰⎰七.(7分) 记()()⎰-=xt t f x F 1d ,则()x F 在[]1,1-上可导,且()()分2011 ==-F F若()x F 在()1,1-内无零点,不妨设()()1,1,0-∈>x x F()()()()0d sec d sec tan )(d tan d tan 0112112111111<-=-===⎰⎰⎰⎰-----x x x F x x x F x x F x F x x x x f 此矛盾说明()x F 在()1,1-内至少存在一个零点分2,0 x对()x F 在[][]1,,,100x x -上分别使用Rolle 定理知存在()()1,,,10201x x ∈-∈ξξ,使得()(),021='='ξξF F 即 ()()分3021 ==ξξf f共 19 页 第 6 页东 南 大 学 考 试 卷(A 卷)课程名称 工科数学分析 考试学期 04-05-2(期末) 得分适用专业 上课各专业 考试形式闭 考试时间长度 150分钟4.下列结论正确的是 [ ]3.下列反常积分发散的是 [ ](A)⎰-11sin 1dx x (B)⎰--11211dx x(C)⎰∞+-02dx e x (D) ⎰∞+22ln 1dx x x共 19 页 第 7 页(A) 若],[],[d c b a ⊇,则必有⎰⎰≥badcdx x f dx x f )()((B) 若|)(|x f 在区间],[b a 上可积,则)(x f 在区间],[b a 上可积 (C)若)(x f 是周期为T 的连续函数,则对任意常数a 都有⎰⎰+=TTa adx x f dx x f 0)()((D)若)(x f 在区间],[b a 上可积,则)(x f 在),(b a 内必定有原函数. 三.(每小题7分,共35分) 1. 设)(x y y =满足222=-+xyye y x ,求曲线)(x y y =在点)2,0(处的切线方程.2. 计算积分⎰-⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-++116|)2ln(|1sin dx x x x 3.计算积分⎰-dx xx 222 4.计算反常积分⎰∞+13arctan dx x x5.设⎰-=221)(x t dt e x f ,求⎰10)(dx x xf .四.(7分) 求微分方程初值问题⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧-='=+=+''21)0(,1)0(sin y y x x y y 的解.五.(8分)在区间],1[e 上求一点ξ,使得图中所示阴影部分 绕x 轴旋转所得旋转体的体积最小。

1 / 3doc 格式 可编辑 东南大学信号与系统期中考卷东 南 大 学 考 试 卷( 期中)课程名称 信号与线性系统 考试学期 05-06-3 得分 适用专业 四系、六系、健雄学院 考试形式 闭卷 考试时间长度 90分钟 1、请判断下面描述的系统是否为线性时不变系统; 1)()()(+=+t e t tr t r dt d 2、判断如下周期信号(T=2)的三角函数形式的傅里叶级数所包含的分量;3、已知某系统在输入信号为()t ε时全响应为()2()t t e e t ε--+,输入信号为2()t ε时全响应为()242()t t e e t ε--+。
求该系统的冲激响应()h t 。
4、求门信号()22G t t t τττεε⎛⎫⎛⎫=+-- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭的单边拉普拉斯变换及其收敛区间。
5、已知某因果系统的系统函数为1()1H s s =+,求其对信号()()cos e t t = []t -∞<<+∞的响应。
6、已知()f t 的波形如下图所示。
请画出f(-2t+1)的图形7、已知某信号()f t 的拉普拉斯变换为1()(3)(5)F s s s =++,收敛区间为5Re()3s -<<-。
求()f t2 / 3doc 格式 可编辑8、已知1()f t 和2()f t 的波形如下图所示,画出)()()(21t f t f t f *=的的波形图t9、已知系统的框图如下图所示,设子系统的冲激响应分别为)1()(1-=t t h δ,)()(22t e t h t ε-=。
求整个系统的冲激响应h (t )。
10、若已知)()]([ωj F t f F =,利用傅里叶变换的性质求)24(t f -的傅里叶变换。
11、已知系统转移算子231)(2+++=p p p p H ,初始条件为:(0)1(0)2r r '==,。
12、一系统如下图,信号e(t )=ε(t +1)-ε(t -1),滤波器的频率响应⎩⎨⎧><=πωπωω||,0||,1)(j H 。

东南大学高数(上)至年期末考试(附答案)作者:日期:x 3.一、单项选择题 1.设函数03〜10级高等数学 2003级高等数学( (每小题 4分,共16分) y (x )由方程1"dt (A )(上册)期末试卷A )(上)期末试卷x 确定,则 (C)e-1(A)e 1;(B)1-e;(D)2e .(A ) y (C ) y * 二、填空题 Acos2x;Ax cos2x Bxsin2x;(B) (D)1. x m 0(e x2.(每小题 1X)x 2arcta n— x 3分,共18 分)e f 仏x),其中f 可导,则dydx .1 、八 一、 x sin-, 设 f(x) x0, Axcos2x; Asi n2x若导函数f (X )在x 0处连续,则 的取值范围是4.若 f (x)x 2t 4_ 3 dt,则f (x)的单增区间为,单减区间为5•曲线y xe X 的拐点是6.微分方程 y 4y 4y 0的通解为y三、计算下列各题(每小题 6分,共36 分)dx计算积分一dx一2 cosx5.设f(x)连续,在x 0处可导,且f (0)x 0(t t f(u)du)dt0, f (0) 4,求 lim —一 ------------x 0x sinx1计算积分arcta n x . —dxx 2)2 (1.计算积分5COS x寸223.计算积分x 3e x dx4.6.求微分方程2xydy (x22y2)dx 0的通解四.(8分)求微分方程3y 2y 2xe x满足条件y0的特解xo 0,y五.(8分)设平面图形x2y22x与y x所确定,试求D绕直线x 2旋转一周所生成的旋转体的体积。
x5t 2 (7分)设质量均匀分布的平面薄板由曲线 C::y t2a[a, a],使得 a f (x)dx七.(7分)设函数f (X )在[a,a ]上有连续的二阶导数,且 f (0) 0,证明:至少存在一t与X 轴所围成,试求其质量m2t1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .填空题 函数f 已知F 设函数2004级高等数学(A )(上)期末试卷(每小题4分,共20分)1X ——1—的间断点 X 是第 类间断点.x 是f X 的一个原函数,且f X 0,则 f X 1 X 2X 2005 e x e x dxSint/—U 4du dt ,则 f 0 2xdt 。

河海大学: 2006 年材料力学试题,试题解析 2006 年水力学试题,试题解析
南京邮电大学: 2005 年通信系统原理试题,试题解析
2005 年分析化学试题,试题分析 2005 年机械原理试题,试题分析 2006 年无机化学试题,试题分析 2006 年电子技术基础试题,试题分析
图 14
4、图 14 所示三相电路中,UAN、UBN、UCN 为对称三相电源,设 UAN=220<0°V,计算电流 iLO. u2 u>0
5、图 15 所示电路中,电压控制型非线性电阻的伏安关系为 i1=g1(u)= 0 u<0
LS=8A,i(t)=0.5Sin(t)A,用小信号分析法计算 u, i1,i2.
图 15
图 16
6、作出图 16 所示电路的复频域电路模型,计算其零状态响应 u(t)。
1,_ 9 ×10−5 J
2,50W 3,20V 4,u=2i
5, 3Ω
_ 5Ω
6, 3 + 251.25 3W
2005 年真题解析
2005 年文学试题,试题解析 2005 年法理学试题,试题解析 2005 年政治学试题,试题解析 2005 年经济学试题,试题解析 2005 年新闻传播史论试题,试题解析 2005 年行政管理学试题,试题解析
东南大学: 2005 年机械原理试题,试题解析 2005 年电工基础试题,试题解析 2005 年现代管理学试题,试题解析 2005 年工程力学试题,试题解析 2005 年结构力学试题,试题解析

东南大学二00四年攻读硕士研究生学位入学考试试题高等代数一、 方程系数矩阵行列式为)(11∑=-+n k k n a b b ,由克拉默法则,当0)(11≠+∑=-n k k n a b b 时,方程组仅有零解;0)(11=+∑=-nk k n a b b时,方程组有非零解。
当0=b 时,n n n x a a x a a x a a x x x ⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-++⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-+⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-=⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡1001001131321221 当0)(1=+∑=n k k ab 时,方程系数矩阵可化为⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡++-1,1,0,0,00,0,1,1,000,0,1,1,),(232 n n a a a a a 秩为,1-n 基础解系只有一个解(1,1,1,1,。
,1) 二、 设二次型的相伴矩阵为A ,经计算特征多项式为)2()1()(2+---=a a f λλλ,⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-=31,21,031,0,2131,21,21Q (2)当2=a 时,二次型的秩为2,三、(1)证明:若),()()(x h x f x g =则1)()()(-==i i i a h a f a g ,则)(),(i i a h a f 必为整数,所以),,2,1(0)()(n i a g a f i i ==+则)()(x g x f +有n 个不同的整数根,又)()(x g x f +的次数小于n ,矛盾。
(2)四、由)(),(x q x p 互素,存在1)()()()(=+x q x v x p x u对任意的=∈αα,V ))](()()()([αf q f v f p f u +))(()())(()(ααf q f v f p f u += 令))(()(),)(()(21ααααf q f v f p f u ==则0))((,0))((21==ααf p f q ,所以S W V W S +=∈∈,,21αα对任意的,S W ⋂∈α0))(())((==ααf p f q ,=α0))](()()()([=+αf q f v f p f u , 所以是直和。
04-05-3非电类期中试卷答案 东南大学高等数学试卷

xyx fy 2 x y e f
东南大学学生会 Students' Union of Southeast University
止 于 至 善
2z yx
exy xf2
x2 yexy
x2 yexy
x2 yexy f21 x2 ye2xy f22
2xf1 (2xexy x2 yexy ) f2 x2 yf11 2x2 yexy f12 x2 ye2xy f22
止 于 至 善
dx 3
(x) cos nxdx
[1 (1)n ]
f (x)sin nxdx 1 [1 (1)n ]
f (x)
3 2
3 2
x ( , 0) (0, )
z f x
y 2x fx y e
1. 设平面束方程为 (2x 3y 9z 5) (x y z 1) 0 即 (2 )x (3 ) y (9 )z (5 ) 0
该平面与直线平行即: (2 )2 (3 ) (9 ) 0
解得 1。故所求平面为 3x 4y 10z 6 0
东南大学学生会 Students' Union of Southeast University
东南大学学生会 Students' Union of Southeast University
05-06-3高等数学B期中试卷答案 东南大学高等数学试卷

1 xn ln(1 x) (2 分+2 分) n1 n
n2 1 xn n
x (1 x)2
(| x | 1) (1 分)
13.解: 12 5x 6 5x x2
1 1
(2 分) 1n
1 x
xn 6n
xn , (2 分+2 分)
12 5x
6 5x x2
(1 分), a1 a2 AB 0 , a1不平行于a2 , 两直线相交(2 分)
n=a1 a2 0, 2, 1 (2 分) 得平面方程为 2y z 4 0 (2 分)
五.(16)(本题满分 8 分)方程两边对 x 求偏导: 5z4 z z4 4xz3 z 3yz2 z 0 (1)
an A
Sn有界 (4 分)
an1 an
七.(18)(本题满分 7 分)
fn (x)
e n
fn (x)
xnex n
(3 分)
fn (x)
xnex n
xn n
ex ln(1 x) ,
x [1,1) (3 分+1 分)
6 yz
z y
z x
2z xy
2z xy
(| 0,0)
3 25
(4 分)
六.(17)(本题满分 7 分)
单调递减,an 0

历年高数期中试卷汇总02-03非电下期中试卷一、 单项选择题(2143'=⨯')在以下级数或反常积分后的括号内填入适当的字母,各字母的含义是: (A )绝对收敛;(B )条件收敛;(C )发散;(D )可能收敛,可能发散。
1.∑∞=-2ln )1(n n nn( ); 2.设∑∞=1n n u 条件收敛,则∑∞=12n nu ( ); 3.3sin313π∑∞=n n n n( ); 4.设为任意实数 P ,则⎰∞+0p xdx( )。
二、单项选择题(6144'=⨯')1.设平面01472 =-++z y x :π及直线32 ,1 ,31-=+==t z t y t x L :, 332111 2--=+=--z y x L :,则( )(A )π∥1L ; (B )1L ⊥π; (C )π∥2L ; (D )2L ⊥π。
2.曲线12222=+by ax ,0=z 绕x 轴旋转而成的曲面方程为( )(A )122222=++b z y a x ; (B )122222=++b y a z x ; (C )2222b y a x z +=; (D )12222-+=by a x z 。
3.设}1 ,2 ,1{--=a ,}2 ,1 ,1{-=b ,}5 ,4 ,3{-=c,则( ) (A )b a ⊥; (B )c b ⊥; (C )a c ⊥; (D )共面 , ,c b a。
4.两非零向量a 及b 的方向角分别为 , ,γβα及γβα''' , ,,则=) ,cos(b a( )(A)γβαγβα'''+cos cos cos cos cos cos ; (B )γγββαα'+'+'cos cos cos cos cos cos ;(C))cos()cos()cos(γγββαα'++'++'+;(D ))cos()cos()cos(γγββαα'-+'-+'-。

2004年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学(三)试卷答案和评分参考2004年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学(三)试卷答案和评分参考一、填空题(本题共6小题,每小题4分,满分24分.把答案填写在题中横线上.)(1)若0sin lim(cos )5xx x x b e a→-=-,则a = 1 ,b = -4 .(2)函数(,)f u v 由关系式[(),]()f xg y y x g y =+确定,其中函数()g y 可微,且()0g y ≠,则2f u v=??2()[()]g v g v '-.(3)设21,2,()21,2,x xe x f x x ?-≤-≥?则212(1)f x dx -=?12-.(4)二次型222123122313(,,)()()()f x x x x x x x x x =++-++的秩为 2 . (5)设随机变量X 服从参数为λ的指数分布,则{P X >=1e.(6)设总体X 服从正态分布21(,)N μσ,总体Y 从正态分布2 2(,)N μσ,112,,,n X X X 和212,,,n Y Y Y 分别是来自总体X 和Y 的简单随机样本,则12221112()()2n n i j i j X X Y Y E n n ==??-+-??+-∑∑= 2σ . 二、选择题(本题共8小题,每小题4分,满分32分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是符合题目要求的,把所选项前的字母填在题后面的括号内.)(7)函数2sin(2)()(1)(2)x x f x x x x -=--在下列哪个区间内有界.(A)(1,0)-. (B)(0,1). (C)(1,2). (D)(2,3). 【 A 】(8)设()f x 在(,)-∞+∞内有定义,且lim ()x f x a →+∞=,1(),0,()0,0,f xg x xx ?≠?=??=?则(A)0x =必是()g x 的第一类间断点. (B )0x =必是()g x 的第二类间断点. (C )0x =必是()g x 的连续点.(D )()g x 在点0x =处的连续性与a 的取值有关. 【 D 】(9)设()(1),f x x x =-则(A)0x =是()f x 的极值点,但(0,0)不是曲线()y f x =的拐点. (B)0x =不是()f x 的极值点,但(0,0)是曲线()y f x =的拐点. (C)0x =是()f x 的极值点,且(0,0)是曲线()y f x =的拐点.(D)0x =不是()f x 的极值点,(0,0)也不是曲线()y f x =的拐点. 【 C 】(10)设有以下命题:①若()2121n n n u u ∞-=+∑收敛,则1n n u ∞=∑收敛.②若1n n u ∞=∑收敛,则10001n n u ∞+=∑收敛.③若1lim1n n nu u +→+∞>收敛,则1n n u ∞=∑发散.④若()1n n n u v ∞=+∑收敛,则11,n n n n u v ∞∞==∑∑都收敛. 【 B 】(11)设()f x '在[,]a b 上连续,且()0,()0f a f b ''><,则下列结论中错误..的是 (A)至少存在一点0(,)x a b ∈,使得0()()f x f a >. (B)至少存在一点0(,)x a b ∈,使得0()()f x f b >. (C)至少存在一点0(,)x a b ∈,使得0()0f x '=.(D)至少存在一点0(,)x a b ∈,使得0()0f x = 【 D 】(12)设n 阶矩阵A 与B 等价,则必有(A)当(0)A a a =≠时,B a =.(B)当(0)A a a =≠时,B a =-. (C)当0A ≠时,0B =.(D)当0A =时,0B =. 【 D 】 (13)设n 阶矩阵A 的伴随矩阵*0A ≠,若1234,,,ξξξξ是非齐次线性方程组Ax b =的互不相等的解,则对应的齐次线性方程0Ax =的基础解系(A)不存在. (B)仅含一个非零解向量.(C)含有两个线性无关的解向量. (D)含有三个线性无关的解向量. 【 B 】 (14)设随机变量X 服从正态分布(0,1)N ,对给定的(01)αα<<,数a u 满足{}a P X u α>=.若{}P X x α<=,则x 等于(A )2a u . (B )12-. (C )12a u -. (D )1a u - 【 C 】三、解答题(本题共9小题,满分94分,解答题应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.)(15)(本题满分8分)求 22201cos lim sin x x x x →??-解 22201cos lim sin x x x x →??-22222sin cos limsin x x x xx x→-=22401sin 24limx x xx→-= ……2分01sin 44lim2x x xx→-= ……4分 201cos 4lim 6x x x→-= ……6分0sin 4lim 3x x x →= 4 3= ……8分 (16)(本题满分8分) 求)Dy d σ??,其中D 是由圆224x y +=和22 (1)1x y ++=所围成的平面区域(如图).解法1)))DD D y d y d y d σσσ=-大圆小圆……2分)D y d σ+??大圆D D yd σσ=+大大(根据对称性)2220d r dr πθ=+?=163π ……4分)D y d σ+??小圆D D yd σσ=+小小32cos 2220d r dr πθπθ-=+??329=,……7分所以)16(32)9Dy d σπ=-??……8分解法 2 由积分区域对称性和被积函数的奇偶性0Dyd σ=?? ……1分原式0Dσ=+??12D D σσ??=+上上2……2分22222002cos 22d r dr d r dr πππθθθ-??=+……5分4462()339ππ??=+- 16(32)9π=- ……8分[注]:1D σ??上定限1分,计算1分.D σ??上2定限1分,计算1分.(17)(本题满分8分)设(),()f x g x 在[,]a b 上连续,且满足()(),[,)x x a a f t dt g t dt x a b ≥∈??, ()(),b b a af t dtg t dt =证明:()().bb a axf x dx xg x dx ≤证令()()(),()(),x aF x f x g xG x F t dt =-=?由题设知()0,[,]G x x a b ≥∈()()0,()(),G a G b G x F x '=== ……2分从而()(),b b aaxF x dx xdG x =()(),b baaxG x G x dx =-(),baG x dx =-? ……4分由于()0,[,]G x x a b ≥∈,故有()0,ba G x dx -≤? ……6分即 ()0baxF x dx ≤?.因此 ()()bb aaxf x dx xg x dx ≤……8分(18)(本题满分9分)设某商品的需求函数为1005Q P =-,其中价格(0,20)P ∈,Q 为需求量. (I )求需求量对价格的弹性(0);d d E E > (II )推导(1)d dR Q E dP=-(其中R 为收益),并用弹性d E 说明价格在何范围内变化时,降低价格反而使收益增加.解 (I) 20d P P E Q Q P'==-. ……2分(II )由,R PQ =得dR Q P Q dP'=+(1)P Q Q Q'=+(1)d Q E =-. ……4分又由 120d P E P==-,得10P =. ……5分当1020P <<时,1d E >,于是0dR dP<. ……7分故当1020P <<时,降低价格反而使收益增加. ……9分(19)(本题满分9分)设级数468()242462468xxxx +++-∞<<+∞的和函数为()S x .求:(I )()S x 所满足的一阶微分方程;(II )()S x 的表达式. 解(I ) 468(),242462468xxxS x =+++易见(0)0.S = ……1分357()224246xxS x '=+++246224246x x xx ??=+++……2分 2().2x x S x ??=+……4分因此()S x 是初值问题3,(0)02xy xy y '=+=的解. ……4分(II )方程32xy xy '=+的通解为32xdx xdx x y e e dx c -=+222xxC e=--+, ……7分由初始条件(0)0y =,求的1C =. ……8分故22212xxy e=-+-,因此和函数222()12xxS x e=-+- ……9分(20)(本题满分13分)设123(1,2,0),(1,2,3),(1,2,2),(1,3,3)TTTTa ab a b αααβ==+-=---+=-. 试讨论当,a b 为何值时,(I )β不能够由123,,ααα线性表示;(II )β可由123,,ααα惟一线性表示,并求出表示式;(III )β可由123,,ααα惟一线性表示,但表示式不惟一,并求出表达式. 解设有数123,,k k k ,使得112233k k k αααβ++= (*)……1分记123(,,)A ααα=.对矩阵()A β施以初等行变换,有111122230323A a b aa b β?-?+-- ? ?-+-?()=010001a b ?→- ? ?-?……3分(I )当0a b =,为任意常数时,有111101000A a b a b β?-?→- ? ?-?()可知()()r A r A β≠,故方程组(*)无解,β不能由123,,ααα线性表示.……5分(II )当0,a ≠且a b ≠时,()()3r A r A β==,故方程组(*)有惟一解123111,,0k k k a a=-==,则β可由123,,ααα惟一地线性表示,其表示式为12111a aβαα?=-+ ……7分(III )当0a b =≠时,对A β()施以初等行变换,有110011011000a A a β??-→- ?(). ……9分可知()()2r A r A β==,故方程组(*)有无穷多解,其全部解为123111,,k k c k c a a ??=-=+=,其中c 为任意常数. β可由123,,ααα线性表示,但表示式不惟一,其表示式为……11分123111c c a a βααα?=-+++ ? ??. ……13分(21)(本题满分13分)设n 阶矩阵11b b A b b= ? ? ??(I )求A 的特征值和特征向量;(II )求可逆矩阵P ,使得1P AP -为对角矩阵. 解(I )1? 当0b ≠时,111bb b b E A bbλλλλ-------=---1[1(1)][(1)]n n b b λλ-=----- ……3分故A 的特征值为121(1),1.n n b b λλλ=+-===-对于11(1)n b λ=+-,设A 的属于特征值1λ的一个特征向量为1ξ,则1111[1(1)]1b b b bn b b bξξ?? ? ?=+- ? ? ??解得 1(1,1,,1)Tξ= ,所以全部特征向量为1(1,1,,1)Tk k ξ= (k 为任意非零常数)……5分对于21n b λλ===- ,解齐次线性方程组[(1)]0b E A x --=,由111000(1)000b b b b b b b E A b bb ----- ?--=→ ? ? ? ? ? ?---?,解得基础解系2(1,1,0,,0)Tξ=-3(1,0,1,,0)Tξ=-2(1,0,0,,1)Tξ=-故全部特征向量为2233n n k k k ξξξ+++ (2,,n k k 是不全为零的常数). ......7分2?当0b =时,特征11n λλ=== ,任意非零列向量均为特征向量. (9)分(II )1?当0b ≠时,A 有n 个线性无关的特征向量,令12(,,,)n P ξξξ= ,则{}11(1),1,,1.P AP diag n b b b -=+--- ……11分2?当0b =时,A E =,对任意可逆矩阵P ,均有1P AP E -= ……13分[注]: 1(1,1,,1)Tξ= 也可由求解齐次线性方程组1()0E A x λ-=得出.(22)(本题满分13分)设A B 、为两个随机事件,且111432PP P (A)=,(B A)=,(A B)=,令1,0,A X A ?=?发生,不发生; 1,0,B Y B ?=??,发生不发生. 求:(I )二维随机变量(,)X Y 的概率分布;(II )X 与Y 的相关系数X Y ρ;(III )22Z X Y =+的概率分布.解(I )()()()1,12P A B P A P B A ==()()()1,6P A B P B P B A == ……2分则{}(){}()()(){}()()(){}()11,1,1211,0,610,1,120,0P X Y P A B P X Y P A B P A P A B P X Y P AB P B P A B P X Y P A B========-=====-====()()()()211[]3P A B P A P B P AB =-=-+-= ,(或{}11120,01126123P X Y ===---=),……6分即 (,)X Y 的概率分布为(II )方法 1111(),(),(),4612EX P A EY P B E XY =====则1(,)()24C ov X Y E X Y E X E Y =-= 22222211(),4635(),(),1636E X P A E YP B D X E X E X D Y E Y E Y == ===-==-=(,)1XY C ov X Y ρ==……9分方法 2 ,X Y 的概率分布分别为X 01,Y 01.P3414P 5616则 111,,(),4612E X E Y E X Y ==而故 1(,)(),24C ov X Y E XY EX EY =-= 22222211,,4635(),(),1636E XE YD XE X E X D Y E Y E Y ===-==-=XY ρ==……9分(III )Z 的可能取值为012,,,{}{}{}{}{}200,0,3110,11,04P Z P X Y P Z P X Y P X Y =========+===,{}{}121,1,12P Z P X Y =====……13分即Z 的概率分布为Z 012.P2314112(23)(本题满分13分)设总体X 的分布函数为1,(;;)0,x F x x x βαααβα->? ?=≤?其中参数0,1,αβ>>设12,,,n X X X 为来自总体X 的简单随机样本.(I )当1α=时,求未知参数β的矩估计量;(II )当1α=时,求未知参数β的最大似然估计量;(III )当2β=时,求未知参数α的最大似然估计量. 解当1α=时,X 的概率密度为111,1,(;)0,1,x F x xx ββ+?->?=??≤?……1分(I )由于11(;),1EX xf x dx x dx xβββββ+∞+∞+-∞===-?……2分令1X ββ=-,解得1X X β=-,所以参数β的矩估计量为1X X β=- ……4分(II )对于总体X 的样本值12,,,n x x x ,似然函数为1121,1(1,2,,)()(;)()0,nni n i x i n L f x x x x βββα+=?>=?==??∏其他……6分当1(1,2,,)i x i n >= 时,()L β>0,取对数得1ln ()ln (1)ln ,ni i L n x βββ==-+∑两边对β求导,得1ln ()ln ,nii d L nx d βββ==-∑1ln ()0,ln nid xβββ===∑令,解得故β的最大似然估计量为1.ln nii nXβ==∑ ……9分(III )当2β=时,X 的概率密度为232,(;)0,x f x x x αααα>?=??≤?对于总体X 的样本值12,,,n x x x ,似然函数为31212,(1,2,,)()(;)()0,n nni n i x i n L f x x x x αααα=?>=?==??∏,……11分当(1,2,,)i x i n α>= 时,α越大,()L α越大,因而的最大似然估计值为{}12m in ,,,n x x x α= 则的最大似然估计量为{}12m in ,,,n X X X α= ……13分。
05东南大学高等数学试卷 期中试卷

14. 计算 x2 d s ,其中 L 是曲面 x2 y2 z2 9 与平面 z 5 的交线。
四(15).(本题满分 7 分)求由曲面 z x2 y2 与 z 2 x2 y2 所围成的立体的表
五(16).(本题满分 9 分)在曲面 x2 y2 z2 1 (x 0, y 0, z 0) 上求一点 P ,
东南大学学生会 Students' Union of Southeast University
一. 填空题(本题共 5 小题,每小题 4 分,满分 20 分)
1. 设 z z(x, y) 由方程 x cos y y cos z z cos x 2 所确定,则 dz
2. 设 z i1i ,则 Im z
6. 设 I1
1 x2 0
xy 2
x2 y2 dy ,I2
2 d
1 f ( 2 ) d ,其中 f (t) 是连
(A) I1 I2
(B) I1 I2
(C) I1 2I2
(D) I1 I2
6 在点 (1, 2,1) 处的切线必定平行于平面
东南大学学生会 Students' Union of Southeast University
止 于 至 善
三. 计算下列各题(本题共 5 小题,每小题 7 分,满分 35 分)
x y
具有二阶连续偏导数,求 2 z xy

课程名称 适用专业
高等数学 A(期中) 考 试 学 期 0 9 - 1 0 - 3 得分 选学高数 A 的各专业 考试形式 闭卷 考试时间长度 120 分钟
一.填空题(本题共 5 小题,每小题 4 分,满分 20 分)
1.由方程 xyz + sin(π z) = 0 确定的隐函数 z = z(x, y) 在点 (1, 0,1) 处的全微分 dz = ;
∫∫∫ 13. 求极限 lim 1
sin(x2 + y2 →0+
5 x2 + y2 +z2 ≤t2
∫∫ 14.计算 xdy ∧ dz + z2dx ∧ dy ,其中 S 为 z = x2 + y2 与 z = 1所围成的立体的表面, S
四(15)(本题满分 8 分)求密度为1,半径为 R 的上半球面对球心处单位质量质点的
(1, 1, 1)
4. I =
|y − x2| max{x, y}dxdy.
0≤x≤1 0≤y≤1
(x2 + y)dS,
x2 + y2 ≤ z ≤ 1
f (z) = u+iv
f (0) = −3i , f (z) . (
u(x, y) = x2−y2+4x,
z = 2(x2 + y2) z = 3 − x2 − y2
fx, fy, z = f (x, y)

东南大学考试卷(A卷)课程名称 数 字 通 信 考试学期 04-05-2得分适用专业无线电工程系 考试形式闭 卷 考试时间长度120分钟共 页Section A:True or False (15%)1. 1.When the period is exactly 2m, the PN sequence is called amaximal-length-sequence or simply m-sequence.2. 2.For a period of the maximal-length sequence, the autocorrelationfunction is similar to that of a random binary wave.3. 3.For slow-frequency hopping,symbol rate R s of MFSK signal is aninteger multiple of the hop rate R h. That is, the carrier frequency will change or hop several times during the transmission of one symbol. 4. 4.Frequency diversity can be done by choosing a frequency spacingequal to or less than the coherence bandwidth of the channel.5. 5.The mutual information of a channel therefore depends not only onthe channel but also on the way in which the channel used.6. 6.Shannon’s second theorem specifies the channel capacity C as afundamental limit on the rate at which the transmission of reliable error-free messages can take place over a discrete memoryless channel and how to construct a good code.7.7.The syndrome depends not only on the error pattern, but also onthe transmitted code word.8.8.Any pair of primitive polynomials of degree m whose correspondingshift registers generate m-sequences of period 2m-1 can be used to generate a Gold sequence.9.9.Any source code satisfies the Kraft-McMillan inequality can be aprefix code.10.10.Let a discrete memoryless source with an alphabet ϕ have entropyHϕ and produce symbols once every s T seconds. Let a discrete ()memoryless channel have capacity and be used once everyC c Tseconds. Then , if()ϕ≥s cH CT T , there exists a coding scheme for whichthe source output can be transmitted over the channel and be reconstructed with an arbitrarily small probability of error. Section B:Fill in the blanks (35%)1. 1.The two commonly used types of spread-spectrum modulation:and .2. 2. A pseudo-noise (PN) sequence is a periodic binary sequence with awaveform that is usually generated by means of a.3. 3.Due to , wireless communication is no longeridealized AWGN channel model.4. 4.There are the following diversity techniques in our discussion ,diversity, diversity, diversity.5. 5.Three major sources of degradation in wireless communicationsare, , and ; the latter two are byproducts of multipath.6. 6.The information capacity of a continuous channel of bandwidth Bhertz, perturbed by additive white Gaussian noise of power spectral density N0/2 and limited in bandwidth to B, is given by.7.7.The or syndrome) is definedas: .8.8.For Linear Block Codes ,Correct all error patterns of Hammingweight w(e)≤t2 ,if and only if .9.9.TCM Combine and as a single entity toattain a more effective utilization of the availableand .10.10.In a DS/BPSK system, the feedback shift register used togenerate the PN sequence has length m=19, than the processing gain is .11.11.Let X represent the outcome of a single roll of a fair die(骰子).The entropy of X is .12.12. A voice-grade channel of the telephone network has a bandwidthof 3.4kHz,the information capacity of the telephone channel for a signal-to-noise ratio of 30dB is , the minimum signal-to-noise ratio required to support informationtransmission through the telephone channel at the rate of 9,600b/s is .13. 13. For a m-sequence generated by a linear feedback shift register oflength 5, the total number of runs is , number of length-two runs is , the autocorrelation R(j)= (j ≠0).14. 14. If the coherent bandwidth of the channel is small compared to themessage bandwidth, the fading is said to be . If the coherence time of the channel is large compared to the duration of the signal duration, the fading is said to be .15. 15. A source emits one of five symbols with probabilities 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/16, respectively. The successive symbols emitted by the source are statistically independent. The entropy of the source is 01234,,s and s s s s . The average code-word length for any distortionless source encoding scheme for this source is bounded as .16. 16. For a finite variance σ2, the random variable has the largest differential entropy attainable by any random variable, and the entropy is uniquely determined by the .17. 17. Set partitioning design partitions the M-ary constellation ofinterest successively and has progressively larger increasingbetween their respective signal points. 18. 18. code and code have an errorperformance within a hair’s breadth of Shannon’s theoretical limit on channel capacity in a physically realizable fashion.19. 19. When an infinite number of decoding errors are caused by a finitenumber of transmission errors, the convolutional code is called a .Section C :Problems (50%)1.A radio link uses a pair of 2m dish antennas with an efficiency of 70 percent each, as transmitting and receiving antennas. Other specifications of the link are:Transmitted power = 2 dBW (not include the power gain of antenna ) Carrier frequency = 12 GHzDistance of the receiver form the transmitter = 200 m Calculate (a) the free-space loss,(b) the power gain of each antenna,(c)the received power in dBW.2. A computer executes four instructions that are designated by the code words (00,01,10,11). Assuming that the instructions are used independently with probabilities(1/2,1/8,1/8,1/4).(a) (a) Construct a Huffman code for the instructions.(b) (b) Calculate the percentage by which the number of bits used for the instructions may be reduced by the use of a Huffman code.3. Consider the (15,8) cyclic code defined by the generator polynomial37()1g X X X X =+++(a) (a) Develop the encoder for this code.(b) (b) Get the generator matrix and the parity-check matrix.(c) (c) Construct a systematic code word for the message sequence 10110011.(d) (d) The received word is 110001000000001, determine the syndrome polynomial s(X) for this received word.4. Consider the rate r = 1/3, constraint length K = 3 convolutional encoder. The generator sequences the encoder are as follows:(1)(1,0,0)g = ,, (2)(1,0,1)g =(3)(1,1,1)g =(a) (a) Draw the block diagram of the encoder. (b) (b) Construct the code tree(c) (c) Construct the signal-flow graph and obtain the input-output state equations.(d) (d) Determine the encoder output produced by the message sequence 10111….(e) (e) The received sequence is 110,001,101,110,000,011. Use the Viterbialgorithm to compute the decoded sequence. 答案Section A :True or False (每题1.5分,共15分)11. 1. When the period is exactly 2m, the PN sequence is called amaximal-length-sequence or simply m-sequence. (F )12. 2. For a period of the maximal-length sequence, the autocorrelationfunction is similar to that of a random binary wave. (T )13. 3. For slow-frequency hopping ,symbol rate R s of MFSK signal is aninteger multiple of the hop rate R h . That is, the carrier frequency will change or hop several times during the transmission of one symbol . (F ) 14. 4. Frequency diversity can be done by choosing a frequency spacingequal to or less than the coherence bandwidth of the channel. (F ) 15. 5. The mutual information of a channel therefore depends not only onthe channel but also on the way in which the channel used. (T ) 16. 6. Shannon’s second theorem specifies the channel capacity C as afundamental limit on the rate at which the transmission of reliable error-free messages can take place over a discrete memoryless channel and how to construct a good code. (F )17. 7. The syndrome depends not only on the error pattern, but also onthe transmitted code word. (F )18. 8. Any pair of primitive polynomials of degree m whose correspondingshift registers generate m-sequences of period 2m -1 can be used to generate a Gold sequence. (F )19. 9. Any source code satisfies the Kraft-McMillan inequality can be aprefix code. (F )20. 10. Let a discrete memoryless source with an alphabet ϕ haveentropy ()H ϕ and produce symbols once every s T seconds. Let a discrete memoryless channel have capacity and be used once every seconds. Then , ifC c T ()s cH T T Cϕ≥ , there exists a coding scheme for which the source output can be transmitted over the channel and be reconstructed with an arbitrarily small probability of error. (F )Section B :Fill in the blanks (每空1分,共35分)20. 1. The two commonly used types of spread-spectrum modulation:direct sequence and frequency hopping.21. 2. A pseudo-noise (PN) sequence is a periodic binary sequence with anoiselike waveform that is usually generated by means of a feedback shift register .22. 3. Due to multipath , wireless communication is no longer idealizedAWGN channel model.23. 4. There are the following diversity techniques in our discussion ,Frequency diversity ,Time diversity ,Space diversity.24. 5. Three major sources of degradation in wireless communicationsare co-channel interference , fading , and delay spread ; the latter two are byproducts of multipath .25. 6. The information capacity of a continuous channel of bandwidth Bhertz, perturbed by additive white Gaussian noise of power spectral density N 0/2 and limited in bandwidth to B, is given by20log (1) bits per second =+PC B N B .26. 7. The error-syndrome vector (or syndrome) is defined as: s = rH T27. 8. For Linear Block Codes ,Correct all error patterns of Hammingweight w (e )≤t 2 ,if and only if d min ≥ 2 t 2 + 1.28. 9. TCM Combine coding and modulation as a single entity to attain amore effective utilization of the available bandwidth and power .29. 10. In a DS/BPSK system, the feedback shift register used togenerate the PN sequence has length m=19, than the processing gain is 57dB .30. 11. Let X represent the outcome of a single roll of a fair die(骰子).The entropy of X is log 2(6) = 2.586 bits/symbol.31. 12. A voice-grade channel of the telephone network has a bandwidthof 3.4kHz,the information capacity of the telephone channel for a signal-to-noise ratio of 30dB is 33.9 kbits/second ,the minimum signal-to-noise ratio required to support information transmission through the telephone channel at the rate of 9,600b/s is 7.8dB . 32. 13. For a m-sequence generated by a linear feedback shift register oflength 5, the total number of runs is 16 , number of length-two runs is 4 , the autocorrelation R(j)= -1/31 (j ≠0).33. 14. If the coherent bandwidth of the channel is small compared to themessage bandwidth, the fading is said to be frequency selective . If the coherence time of the channel is large compared to the duration of the signal duration, the fading is said to be time nonselective or time flat. 34. 15. A source emits one of five symbols with probabilities 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/16, respectively. The successivesymbols emitted by the source are statistically independent. The entropy of the source is 15/8=1.875bits/symbol 01234,, s ands s s s . The average code-word length for any distortionless source encoding scheme for this source is bounded as ϕ≥()L H .35. 16. For a finite variance σ2, the Guassian random variable has thelargest differential entropy attainable by any random variable, and the entropy is uniquely determined by the variance of X .36. 17. Set partitioning design partitions the M-ary constellation ofinterest successively and has progressively larger increasing minimum Euclidean distance between their respective signal points.37. 18. Turbo codes and Low-density parity-check codes have an errorperformance within a hair’s breadth of Shannon’s theoretical limit on channel capacity in a physically realizable fashion.38. 19. When an infinite number of decoding errors are caused by a finitenumber of transmission errors, the convolutional code is called a catastrophic code.Section C :Problems1.A radio link uses a pair of 2m dish antennas with an efficiency of 70 percent each, as transmitting and receiving antennas. Other specifications of the link are:Transmitted power = 2 dBW (not include the power gain of antenna ) Carrier frequency = 12 GHzDistance of the receiver form the transmitter = 200 m Calculate (a)the free-space loss,(b) the power gain of each antenna,(c)the received power in dBW. (本题10分)Solution:(a) Free-space loss 21010log 4λπ⎛⎞=⎜⎟⎝⎠freespace L d8910310/12/1020log 1004200π⎛⎞×==⎜⎟××⎝⎠dB −(b) The power gain of each antenna is 1010102410log 10log 10log πλ××⎛⎞==⎜⎟⎝⎠t r A G G ()1028940.710log 310/12/1046.46ππ⎛⎞×××⎜⎟=⎜⎟×⎝⎠=dB(c) The received power = transmitted power + G t +G r + free-space loss = 2 + 46.46 + 46.46 + (-100) = -5.08dBW2. A computer executes four instructions that are designated by the codewords (00,01,10,11). Assuming that the instructions are used independently with probabilities(1/2,1/8,1/8,1/4).(c)(a)Construct a Huffman code for the instructions.(d)(b)Calculate the percentage by which the number of bits used for theinstructions may be reduced by the use of a Huffman code.(本题10分)Solution:(a) As low as possibleAs high as possibleComputer code Probability Huffman Code00 1/2 111 1/4 0100001 1/810 1/8 001(e)(c)The number of bits used for the constructions based on thecomputer code, in a probabilistic sense, is equal to3. Consider the (15,8) cyclic code defined by the generator polynomial37()1g X X X X =+++842()1h X X X X X (++++)=(e) (a) Develop the encoder for this code.(f) (b) Get the generator matrix and the parity-check matrix.(g) (c) Construct a systematic code word for the message sequence 10110011.(h) (d) The received word is 110001000000001, determine the syndrome polynomial s(X) for this received word. (本题15分) Solution: (a)(b) generator matrix3724822353346445755686679177810()1()()()()()()()=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++=+++g X X X X Xg X X X X X 9101112314X g X X X X X X g X X X X X X g X X X X XX g X X X X X X g X X X X X X g X X X X X110100010000000011010001000000001101000100000000110100010000000011010001000000001101000100000000110100010000000011010001⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥′=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦G 11010001000000001101000100000000110100010000000011010001000011011100000100001101110000010011100110000001010100010001⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦G Parity-check matrix8146789157891012689101113791011()1()()()X h X X X X X X h X X X X X X X h X X X X X XX h X X X X X X −−−−=++++=++++=++++=++++121481011121315911121141610121314()()()3X h X X X X X X X h X X X X X X X h X X X X X X −−−=++++=++++=++++100010111000000010001011100000001000101110000'000100010111000000010001011100000001000101110000000100010111⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦H 100000010001011010000011001110001000001100111000100010111000000010001011100000001000101110000000100010111⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦H (c) For the message sequence 10110011, the corresponding message polynomial is236()1=++++m X X X X X 7 Firstly, 79101314()−=++++n k X m X X X X X X Secondly, divide ()−n k X m X by ,()g X 7910131423467637371111++++++++=++++++++++X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XThe remainder is 234()1=++++b X X X X X 64 Hence, the desired code polynomial is234679101314()()()1−=+=+++++++++n k c X b X X m X X X X X X X X X X The systematic code word is 1011101,10110011(d) The code polynomial corresponding to the received word 110001000000001 is51()1+=++r X X X X divide by , we get()r X ()g X 5142567337371+111+++++=++++++++++X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XHence, the syndrome polynomial s(X) for this received word is (0110011) 25()=+++s X X X X X 64. Consider the rate r = 1/3, constraint length K = 3 convolutional encoder. The generator sequences the encoder are as follows:(1)(1,0,0)g = , , (2)(1,0,1)g =(3)(1,1,1)g =(f) (a) Draw the block diagram of the encoder. (g) (b) Construct the code tree(h) (c) Construct the signal-flow graph and obtain the input-output state equations.(i) (d) Determine the encoder output produced by the message sequence 10111….(j) (e) The received sequence is 110,001,101,110,000,011. Use the Viterbialgorithm to compute the decoded sequence. (本题15分) Solution:(a) Encoder diagram (b) Code treea b c d a b c d(f) (d) Encoder output produced by the message sequence 10111 is 111, 001, 100, 110, 101, 010, 011, 000, …(g) (e) The received sequence is 110,001,101,110,000,011. The correct sequence is 111, 001, 100, 110, 010, 011. The decoded sequence is 101100.。

2004级高等数学(A 、B )(上)期中试卷一. 填空题(每小题4分,共20分)1.设时, 与是等价无穷小,则0→x 1e 3sin −x n x =n .2.设()⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤>−=0,e 0,21ln )(x a x x x x f x 在0=x 处连续,则=a . 3.设则 ,cos )(2x x x f =()=)0(10f .4.函数在区间 )1ln(2)(x x x f +−=内单调减少.5.函数在处的带Lagrange 余项的一阶Taylor 公式为 x x x f ln )(=10=x二. 选择题(每小题4分,共16分) 1.设,1arctan 1e 1e )(11x x f xx+−=则是的 [ ] 0=x )(x f (A) 连续点 (B) 第一类(非可去)间断点 (C) 可去间断点 (D) 第二类间断点 2.设),(2)(x g x x f −=且在)(x g 2=x 处连续,0)(≠x g ,则)2(f ′ [ ] (A) = (B) = - (C) )2(g )2(g 0= (D) 不存在 3.函数()1e ln +−=x x x f 在()∞+,0内的零点个数为 [ ] (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3 4.设曲线,121222−+=−−x x y 则该曲线 [ ] (A)有渐近线 (B) 仅有水平渐近(C) 仅有垂直渐近线 (D) 既有水平渐近线, 又有垂直渐近线三. 计算题(每小题7分,共3 5分) 1. ⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛−⋅→x x x x 1sin 1cot lim 0 2. ()⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛+−++→x x x x x x x sin 12202e 31ln 1sin lim 3. 设是由方程确定的隐函数,求.()x y y =0sin e 2=−+y x y x y d止于至善4. 设, 求⎩⎨⎧=+=ty t x arctan 1222d d ,d d x y x y . 5. 设函数且(),0,;0,e 2x ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥++<=x c bx ax x x f ()0f ′′存在,试确定常数 .,,c b a 四.(8分) 证明不等式: 当时, 1≥x ()()211ln 1x x x +<++. 五.(8分) 求曲线的切线,使切线与直线(802≤≤=x xy )0=y 及直线所围成的图形的面积最大. 8=x 六.(7分) 设()(",2,1 414,011=++=>+n x x x x nn n ),证明数列{}n x 收敛,并求. n n x ∞→lim 七.(6分) 设在[上连续,在()x f ]b a ,()b a ,内可导,且证明:,0>ab (b a ,,∈)∃ηξ,使得 ()()ηηξf b ab a f ′++=′2223.止于至善。
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∂v ∂u = 2y = − = −ϕ ′( y ), ϕ ( y ) = − y 2 + C , u = x 2 − y 2 − x + C ∂x ∂y
LL 2分
f ( z ) = x 2 − y 2 − x + C + i (2 xy − y ) 令 y = 0, 得 f ( x) = x 2 − x + C 于是 f ( z ) = z 2 − z + C LL 2分 f (0) = 0 得 C = 0 f ( z) = z 2 − z LL1分
2 2 2 2 2 3. L = x + y + z + λ (( x − y ) − z − 1)
LL 2分
L x = 2 x + 2λ ( x − y ) = 0, L y = 2 y − 2λ ( x − y ) = 0, Lz = 2 z − 2λz = 0, ( x − y ) 2 − z 2 = 1 LL1分
LL 3 分
= − ∫ 0 dt = −2π
LL 2 分
0 ≤ t ≤ 2π LL 3 分
5. x = cos t , 原式= ∫ 0
y = sin t , z = 2 − cos t + sin t
[(2 − cos t )sin t + (2 − 2 cos t + sin t ) cos t + (cos t − sin t )(cos t + sin t )]dt L 2 分
LL 3分
∂2z = 2 xf1 + (2 x + x 2 y )e xy f 2 + x 2 yf 11 + 2 x 2 ye xy f 12 + x 2 ye 2 xy f 22 ∂x∂y
∂v ∂u = 2x −1 = , u = x 2 − x + ϕ ( y) ∂y ∂x
LL 2分
LL 4分
04-05- 高数电(期中) 04-05-3 高数电(期中)考试参考答案及评分标准
填空( 一. 填空(每题 4 分,共 24 分) 1. ln 2 + i (
+ 2kπ ) ; 2.
∫0 dy ∫ y f ( x, y)dy
2− y
; 3.
3 3−2 2 ; 4. dx − 2dy ; 6
1 2
1 ; 2
6. 3
二.选择题(每题 4 分,共 16 分) 选择题( (每题 三. (每题 7 分,共 21 分)
1. B;
2. C;
3. A;
4. A
∂z = f + xyf1 + xye xy f 2 ∂x
1 1 , − ,0 2 2
1 1 − , ,0 2 2
LL 2 分
1 2
由问题的实际意义知原点到曲面存在最短距离,故 d min = 四(第一题 7 分,其余每题 8 分,共 39 分) 1. ∫∫
σ π x+ y 1 dσ = ∫ 02 dϕ ∫ 1 (sin ϕ + cos ϕ )dρ 2 2 x +y sin ϕ + cos ϕ
3 ∫0 dϕ ∫0 ρ dρ = 4 10 2 10 2 10
LL 3 分
3. P =
x− y x+ y , Q= 2 , 2 2 x +y x + y2
∂Q ∂P y 2 − x 2 − 2 xy = = ∂x ∂y (x 2 + y 2 )2 (LL 2分) = −
LL 2 分
1 dx x
(LL 2分) + ∫ 2 dϕ
+ ln
LL 2 分
4. 原式=
1 1 ∫∫ yzdz ∧ dx (LL 2分) = 3 ( ∫∫∫ zdv − ∫∫ 0dz ∧ dx) 3Σ Ω Σ′
LL 2 分
∫ z (9 − z 3 0
(LL 2分) =27 π 41− x 2− 4 y 2LL 2 分
(LL 4分) = 2 −
(LL 3分)
2. 原式= ∫∫∫ zdv(LL 2分) =
∫∫ dσ ∫
2 x 2 + 5 y 2 ≤1
x2 + y2
zdz =
1 2 2 ∫∫ (21 − 2 x − 5 y )dσ LL 3 分 2 2 x 2 +5 y ≤1