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特别忠告: 特别忠告:有心约会要主动约时间地点
(1).I'd like to make an appointment with you. When will you be free/available? (2). Let's get together some time next week. What date do you suggest? (3). How about coming to my place for dinner this Saturday? (4). I'd like to… What time would be convenient for you? (5). I wonder if we could arrange a meeting… (6). Have you got any plan for this weekend? How about…? (7). I am having some friends around during the weekend. Would you like to join us?
angry(表达愤怒的方式) (表达愤怒的方式)
Westerners:show on the face
Chinese:hide in the heart
Bathing time (沐浴时间) 沐浴时间)
Westerners:bathing in the daytime Chinese:bathing in the night
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
Introduce new western teacher Show your concern to westerner Invite foreigners The different meaning of “yes” The different meaning of “no”
第一幕: 第一幕:一位学校领导向教师们介绍新来的 美国老师
In western culture, it’s very punctual ['pʌŋktjuəl] whatever they do. ʌ Whereas it’s contrary in China. 备注:蓝色代表西方,红色代表中国
The way of dealing with difficulties (处理困难的方式) 处理困难的方式)
文化差异:中国亲朋好友和同事之间的串门很随便, 邀请别人来访无需让对方确定时间,自己去探访别人 也无需郑重其事征得同意。西方人则没有串门的习惯。 一年内遇到大节日,亲朋好友才到家里聚一聚。平时 如果有事上门,事先要有时间确切的预约。没有得到 对方的应允,随时随地随便上门是不礼貌的行为。因 此,外国同事对“有空来坐坐”这句话只当作客套话, 不当作正式邀请。无事打电话闲聊也是外国人视为打 乱别人私人时间和活动安排的不礼貌行为。若想邀请 外国人上门,应当诚意的与对方商定一个互相都方便 的时间。
There exists many basic differences between China and Western culture, such as time conscious, way of dealing with difficulties,human relations, , , lifestyles,diet habits and so on. , 中西文化方面存在着很多本质的差异,比如时间观念、 中西文化方面存在着很多本质的差异,比如时间观念、 处理困难的方式、人际关系、生活方式、饮食习惯等等。 处理困难的方式、人际关系、生活方式、饮食习惯等等。
第三幕: 第三幕:有空来坐坐
一位美国教师在中国任教,中国同事总是对她 说:"有空来坐坐"。可是,半年过去了,美国 同事从来没有上过门。中国同事又对她说:" 我真的欢迎你来家里坐坐。如果没空的话,随 时打电话来聊聊也行。"一年下来,美国同事 既没有来电话,也没有来访。奇怪的事,这位 美国人常为没人邀请她而苦恼。
Recently, westerners are using chopsticks at meals , and Chinese like eating western food.
The noise in the public 公共场所的声音分贝) (公共场所的声音分贝)
Westerners: silence
Westerners are not afraid of difficulties. They are dealing with difficulties directly. In China, people are often avoiding them.
Human relations(人际关系) (人际关系)
Leader position(领导地位) (领导地位)
Way of Education(教育方式) (教育方式)
Westerners:grow up freely
Chinese:surrounded with adults
Vehicle(交通工具) (交通工具)
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm delighted to introduce to you a new teacher from the USA., Miss Ann Brown. She is a doctor of American Literature with experience of teaching English as a Foreign Language. 特别忠告:介绍客人要介绍客观事 实,不要主观评论。要注重身份, 不要着眼外貌。
第二幕:一位美国同事感冒了, 第二幕:一位美国同事感冒了, 中国同事表示关心
Chinese: You look pale. What's the matter? American: I'm feeling sick. A cold, maybe. Chinese: Go and see the doctor. Drink more water. Did you take any pills? Chinese medicine works wonderful. Would you like to try? Put on more clothes. Have a good rest. American: You are not my mother, are you? 文化差异:美国人比较看中个人的独立性。受人照顾 往往被视为弱者。给对方出主意或提建议时,不能使 对方认为自己小看他的能力。美国人对上面第一句话 的反应通常是"Take care of yourself. I hope you'll be better soon."不必教人怎么做。中国人则以出主意提 建议表示关心,而且以兄弟姐妹或父母亲人的口吻, 或以过来人的口气,这对美国人行不通。
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm delighted to introduce to you a very pretty girl, Miss Brown. She is a very good teacher from the USA.对这番话,美国女教师 一脸难堪的样子。 文化差异:中国人介绍来宾,喜欢用褒扬的话语言辞。 但美国人认为,初次结识,相互介绍,不必评头论足。 凡是主观性的评论,尽管是美言,也会给人唐突、强 加的感觉。对以上那番话,美国女教师感到难堪的是 pretty和good两个词。在那种场合,介绍应该突出背 介绍人的身份、学历、职务等,而不应该是外貌和抽 象的评论。相比之下,如果把pretty和good改成实际 教育背景和经历,这样的介绍句比较客观,令人容易 接受。
Time conscious(时间观念) way of dealing with difficulties(处理困难的方式) Human relations(人际关系) lifestyles(生活方式) diet habits(饮食习惯) others(其它方面)
Time conscious(时间观念) (时间观念)
Chinese: noise
party(聚会) (聚会)
Westerners: little groups
advice(意见) (意见)
Chinese:beat around the bush(拐弯抹角的)
Queue up(排队) (排队)
Cultural differences between Western and China 中西文化的差异
Knowing little about the cultural differences between western and China, it would encounter many problems in communication process ,and cause misunderstandings or in an embarrassing position. So it’s very necessary to understand the cultural differences. In order to avoid the cultural conflicts, we should learn something about the cultural differences between western and China. Therefore, this is what I want to talk about —— “cultural differences between western and China”. 对中西文化差异知之甚少, 对中西文化差异知之甚少,会使我们在交际过程中遇到许多问 造成误解或陷入尴尬境地。 题,造成误解或陷入尴尬境地。 为了避免文化冲突, 为了避免文化冲突,了解中西文化差异对我们来说是非常有必 要的。因此,今天我给大家介绍的是“中西文化的差异” 要的。因此,今天我给大家介绍的是“中西文化的差异”。
特别忠告:对病人表示关心,不必尽提建议。 适用例句: (1)I'm sorry to hear that (you've got a bad cold). (2)I hope you'll be all right very soon. (3)Take extra care of yourself. (4)That's too bad. What's the matter? (5)How are you feeling now?
Lifestyles(生活方式) (生活方式)
Diet habits(饮食习惯 饮食习惯) 饮食习惯
Westerners like drinking cold beverages. Whereas Chinese like having a tea.
Westerners Past : cars Now: bicycle
Chinese Past: bicycle Now: cars
the life of old age(晚年生活) (晚年生活)
Westerners: living with pets
Chinese: living with children
第四幕: 第四幕:Yes三用 三用
A: Mr. Smith. B: Yes? A: May I ask you a question? B: Yes, sure. A: Don’t you like pop music? B: Yes, I do. 对话中所出现的三个yes分别是什么意思?