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almost!差不多了! a piece of cake 小事一桩

a cat nap 打个盹儿! a pain in the neck 苦事anytime!随时吩咐! a nut 疯子

a headache!头痛事! a couch potato 懒鬼=lazy bone a few 有一些 amazing!神了!

a pig 猪猡(粗鲁,不作蠢猪解。) a cake walk 好办!

a blank slate 新的开始 absolutely!绝对正确!

about when? 大约何时? after you. 你请先。

all set? 一切搞定? after all 毕竟,终究

any discount? 打折吗? allow me. 让我来。

anything else? 还要什么? any seat? 有空座吗?

anything wrong? 怎么了? anything new? 近况如何?

ace 得满分(he aced it.)

a weight off my shoulders 放下肩头重担

all thumbs 笨手笨脚 all ears 洗耳恭听

ants in one's pants 坐立不安 an ace up my sleeve 袖里的王牌 at last. 终于好了!

are you? 你是吗?

a short fuse 脾气大

a shot in the dark 瞎猜

a slap in the face 挨了一巴(意:当众受辱) awful! 好可怕!

a social butterfly 交际花

a smoke screen 烟雾弹(假象)

a turn coat 叛徒

a thick skin 厚脸皮 are your free? 有空吗?

a knock out 美得让人倾倒。(She's a knock out)(人)美极了

a sinking ship 正在下沉的船(my company is a sinking ship)

a bone to pick 争端。(I have a bone to pick with you.)

a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林

a chip on one's shoulder! a.自卑,爱找麻烦;b.喜爱挑衅

a load off my mind 心头大石放下

a little over three weeks 三个多星期 Act of God 天意;天灾

Ace in the hole (from stud poker) 王牌;秘密的法宝 Adam's apple 喉结all in all... 总而言之…… all the best! 一切顺利!

anything will do! 什么都行! anything you say! 悉听尊便!

are you sleepy? 你困了吗?


Bingo!中了! bad idea. 坏主意!

Boring! 无聊! bad news. 坏消息,真抱歉!Bullshit!胡说! be calm. 保持冷静。Baloney!荒谬! be good. 乖点儿!

Behave!(behave yourself) 放尊重点! be honest. 老实说。

Bravo!太棒了! be patient! 忍着点。

be up to sb. 由某人决定。 be quiet! 安静!

be in charge of 负责管理 be serious. 说真的。

back off! 滚! beautiful job! 绝妙佳作。better not! 最好不要! beautiful day. 好天气。

big deal. 有啥了不起? bless you! 祝福你!

bless me! 天啊! buck up! 快点

be on the phone 正在通话。 bury one's head in the sand 把头埋进沙堆里BYOB(Bring your own bottle)老外请客时,为了减少负担或因个人爱好酒的品种不同,在请贴上注明“请自己带酒”

By doing nothing we learn to do ill. 闲逸是万恶之源。

be my guest 我请客;请便! business is business! 公事公办!

by no mean! 绝不可能!


Check!买单! Choose!随便挑!

Come on!拜托!(别这样!) Cheers! 干杯!

Congratulations!恭喜! cut is out! 够了!

count on something(count on doing something) 这事儿靠得住

come down in sheets(buckets) 倾盆大雨 cool your jets!冷静!

chicken 胆小鬼 cost someone an arm and a leg 代价昂贵check if out! 查查看 come off it! 别胡说!

come what way! 不管怎样! count me in! 算我一份!


dead center 正当中

days are numbered 来日无多

dead-end street 死路,死胡同

drop the ball 失职

downhill from here 从此每况愈下

down to the wire 最后关头

dog 丑八怪

daily grind 每日必干的苦工
