第一次模拟国际会议资料The First Simulated International Conference
一、会议准备一会议资料准备1、初步调研在确定本队所要模拟的国家之后;就可以开始正式准备会议所用的实质性数据了;首先就是要通过报刊、书籍、网络资源获取一个国家对某一个问题的立场观点..联合国网站和模拟国家政府的官方网站最为重要;因为在这些网站上不仅可以了解到该国家对某一问题的原则立场;而且可以查阅到该国的发言、表态和投票记录..通过研究这些数据;可以了解该国的最新表态;掌握其政策沿革和变化的过程;从而更好的模仿该国的立场..若要了解该国对重大国际问题的基本看法;还可以阅读该国家领导人在最近的联合国大会上的发言..初步调研主要有以下几个方面的内容:1了解议题相关背景其主要目的是要了解相关议题的背景情况;掌握模拟联合国会议所要讨论问题的来龙去脉;最新情况和发展趋势..深入的了解有利于形成针对性的意见和建议;从而在会议中占据主导地位..2了解议事规则要学会运用规则和技巧;利用议事规则中关于发言时间限制、休会、终止辩论、结束辩论等相关规定;这样才能在会议的讨论过程中保持主动..3了解联合国的相关各个机构主要了解相关各机构的职能与作用;以便更好地利用各机构的职权进行决策讨论;解决冲突和问题..2、实质性调研1模拟国家的情况调研①立场调研—该国在某一国际问题是那个所持的观点、立场;是整个模拟联合国会议的核心内容..②国情调研—掌握一国的基本国情有助于更好的理解该国在某一国际问题上的基本立场;基本国情包括历史、地理、人口、风俗习惯、自然资源、政治经济情况、对外关系等..③其它情况—简单了解该国在联合国会议上的发言风格、语气和技巧;对相关议题的关注程度等..发展中国家与发达国家所关注的问题通常是不同的..2相关其它国家情况的调研国际会议中;不仅要了解自己的关切和所持的立场;还有要了解其它国家的立场;只有这样;才能更好的形成自己国家的立场和观点;同时可以更加有利于结盟游说形成同盟;为会议的成功奠定基础..了解国家情况;不仅仅是局限于国与国之间的政治关系;还有民族;宗教;文化;历史;经济上的联系等等..同时;国际关系是时刻都在变化中;在这个过程中;所要了解的国家也要有所侧重;重点了解在某一观点上;主要大国及主要支持国和反对国的立场..3国际形势调研任何国际问题都是在某种国际形势下产生的;受到当时国际格局的影响..各国的立场也随着国际格局的变化而变化;因此;与会代表应当及时关注国际形势发展状况;以及各国的立场原则;做到知识储备丰富..3、确定与会立场1确定与会基本方针会议之前;一定要先了解此次会议的目的;该次会议可能达到的成果和与本国利益相关的利害关系..在模拟联合国会议中;代表队的重要目标之一是在某一国际问题上;通过谈判、磋商和妥协等手段;协调其它国家的立场;力图在这一问题上通过对本国有力的决议或阻止有关决议中出现不利于己的内容..为做到这一点;事先确定与会方针是非常重要的..2拟定谈判策略谈判策略有多种形式;在模拟联合国会议中要灵活使用;适时调整..有的国家习惯采用主动进取型策略;在谈判中先声夺人;声东击西;有的国家则往往采取低姿态;习惯悄悄搞外交..3确定政策底线对于某个问题;各方的立场开始时往往相距甚远..为缩小分歧;各方就会在磋商中寻找立场的最大公约数;在不断要求对方让步时自己也作出相应的松动..但是;各国的立场松动都有一个限度;超出这个限度;就不能达到扞卫本国利益的目的..如果最后的文件内容超出了本国的政策底线;就要勇于投反对票..4寻找结盟对象一个国家通常会有盟友和敌人;掌握一国在相关问题上的基本立场;了解该国与其它国家的双边关系等;对于在会议中协调立场;组成联盟很有帮助..二会议现场准备1、设备准备——笔记本电脑;U 盘..2、服装准备——白色衬衣;黑色西服;西裤;黑色皮鞋..3、会场准备——所有代表要佩戴代表证..二、会议流程与规则一正式辩论1、点名主席助理将按照国家字母顺序依次点出国家名;被点到的国家举起国家牌;并回答“到”..完成“点名”后;主席助理将计算简单多数、绝对多数和百分之二十数..简单多数、绝对多数和百分之二十数分别为:1 简单多数:所有出席代表数乘以百分之五十之后加一;并取整;2 绝对多数:所有出席代表数乘以二除以三之后加一;并取整;3百分之二十数:所有出席代表数乘以百分之二十之后加一;并取整..在主席助理点名时未被点到的代表需通过意向条向主席表示已出席会议;主席助理将在当前发言结束后宣布该代表之出席并修改简单多数、绝对多数和百分之二十数..2、确定议题当一个委员会讨论的议题多于一个;代表们必须通过讨论;投票;确定出首先讨论的议题..议题已经确定;代表们讨论的内容只能在这一议题范围内..确定议题阶段;主席分别在赞成首先讨论议题A 和赞成首先讨论议题B 的国家中;随机点出3 名代表进行发言;发言时间为90 秒..6 名代表全部发言完毕之后;将进行投票;投票原则为简单多数;即超过半数..3、发言及让渡时间1产生发言名单A 主席宣布;下面进入国家代表发言阶段;请需要发言的国家举起国家牌..主席会随机点名;点名的顺序即为代表国发言的顺序发言名单会显示在大屏幕上;当代表听到自己国家被点到后;放下国家牌..每个被点到的代表国拥有2 分钟的发言时间..B 如果需要追加发言机会国家名未在发言名单上或已经完成发言;则在发言的间隙向主席团递交意向条要求在发言名单上添加其代表国家;主席会将国家会将该国家名加在发言名单最后..如果代表已经在发言名单上;并且还没有发言;则不能在其发言之前追加发言机会..一旦发言名单上所有国家已发言;并没有任何代表追加发言;会议直接进入会议下一阶段..注意:国家发言并不是单纯的阐述立场文件中的内容..2主席规定两个原则:.未在发言名单上的国家有优先追加发言的权利.已经发言过的国家最多拥有一次追加发言的机会3让渡时间若某代表国的发言时间剩余;可以选择让渡时间;让渡的方式共四种;分别为:①让渡给问题主席请需要发言的国家举牌;并由主席随机点代表对刚才发言的国家进行提问;提问内容必须根据发言者的意思来问发言代表在剩余时间内可以回答任何问题这种让渡方式可以体现发言代表的思辨、反应及口语表达能力..②让渡给他国代表让渡国A 代表和被让渡国B 代表私下协商一致后;B 代表可以在A 代表剩余的时间内发言;B 不能再将时间让渡给其它国家..③让渡给评论主席请需要评论的国家举起国家牌;并随机点出代表进行评论;此时让渡代表无权再次陈述观点或者反驳..④让渡给主席自动放弃剩余时间;主席将继续主持会议..4、问题与动议每位代表发言完毕之后主席都会询问场下有无问题或动议A 每次发言之后只有一次动议或问题的机会..即使提出的动议没有通过也不会在这次发言之后再次询问是否有动议或问题..B 动议或问题的方式:主席询问场下有无问题或动议;如台下有多于一个的国家举国家牌要求问题或动议;主席将随机从中点名;请代表国提出问题或动议..1 问题:①程序性问题即组织性问题当代表认为主席在主持会议过程中产生某种错误时;可提出组织性问题;以纠正主席错误..可以打断进程提出..②咨询性问题当代表对于会议程序有不明白地方时;可以举牌向主席咨询③个人特权问题当代表觉得在会场上个人有任何不适时;可以提出个人特权问题;以求得主席团的帮助和解决2 动议:①动议更改发言时间——如果代表认为发言时间过长或过短;可动议更改发言时间;然后进行投票表决要求代表国投票;50%+1 的国家同意即可以更改即超过半数..②动议中断辩论即动议进入非正式辩论阶段进行核心磋商或者自由磋商;要求代表国投票;50%+1 的国家同意即可..③动议结束辩论——结束辩论动议生效后;进入投票阶段..此议一般在代表认为立场已经得到充分阐述;且决议草案较为完善的情况下提出..代表动议结束辩论;主席会请出1名代表陈述赞成此动议的理由;1位代表陈述反对此动议的理由..然后全体代表进行投票表决 ;2/3以上代表国同意即结束动议..需要提醒的是;希望各位代表通过清晰地观察会场形势和会议进程;提出富有讨论价值的动议..提出动议的过程不应该成为会议时间消耗的主要原因..这也是衡量一位代表是否出色的、一次会议是否成功的重要标准..注:代表有任何问题;或者需要进行游说、沟通;都可以通过传意向条的方式向其他代表或主席表达..会场有工作人员负责传递..二非正式辩论1、有主持的核心磋商在主席的主持下按照主席随机点名的顺序发言..核心内容、总时间、各代表发言的时间都由提出此动议的代表规定;并且需要全体代表投票表决..一旦动议通过;在规定时间内代表发言的顺序与正式辩论中的顺序无关..在这一过程中提出动议的代表及其盟友阐明立场观点;并反驳不合理观点;以获得更多支持..2、自由磋商提出动议的代表要规定总时间;规定时间之内可以离开座位;与盟友们交换意见..非正式辩论阶段代表国之间会形成多个集团;大国要避免独断专行;小国要积极投入此阶段内各代表国应注意决议草案的编写..第一天总时间上限5 分钟;第二天6 分钟三决议草案商讨阶段1、注意事项:1起草决议草案的代表国——发起国;需要征集到与会代表的20%的代表国即附议国的签名;共同起草一份决议草案;才可以向主席团递交决议草案;草案的内容有逐项条款组成..附议国与起草国之间通过意向条进行沟通2 一个代表国只能起草一份决议草案;但是可以签署附议不止一份..3 签署不代表赞同;只是同意讨论..2、决议草案讨论过程:1 决议草案形成并且收集到足够的签署国;同时经过主席团审核主席团有权决定不讨论内容重复、空洞的决议草案..2 草案发起国介绍决议草案的主要内容和意义时间控制在两分钟之内.. 3动议讨论草案:各国投票决定是否同意讨论此份决议草案50%+1 的国家同意即可..4 各代表国对决议草案进行磋商形式与动议环节相同;时间上限为6 分钟..5休会40 分钟;提交修正案;讨论修正案..注意:1修正案将对决议草案的个别条款进行删改;增减等..2决议草案将按照编号逐份讨论;逐份投票..编号按提交顺序制定注:决议草案讨论结束之后会有40 分钟的休息时间;在休息时间结束之前;所有需要上交修正案的国家要将修正案交至大会秘书处..3、修正案讨论步骤:1 讨论决议草案的过程中有修正案的生成..2收集到足够的签署国20%的国家以上..3修正案发起国介绍修正案原起草国不能签署修正案;附议国可以..原起草国可以签署其他国家起草的决议草案的修正案..时间控制在一分钟之内4、主席询问决议草案的的起草国是否都同意..决议草案发起国同意该修正案——友好修正案决议草案发起国不同意该修正案——非友好修正案友好修正案——不需要讨论;直接加入决议草案..非友好修正案:1新的发言名单将被建立;主席将分别请赞同和反对的国家举牌;主席点名2 个支持;2 个反对发言..代表发言时间为一分半钟2非修正案的讨论结束之后;大会进行修正案表决;如果至少2/3 的代表国同意则此修正案会正式引入成为决议草案的一部分..四投票表决1、先确定决议草案的表决顺序..动议更改表决顺序2、主席建议进行点名投票;国家动议进行点名投票..50%+1 的国家同意即可2、一个支持和一个反对某一个决议草案的国家各自进行陈述..时间限制60 秒3、主席点国家名;代表回答“是”;“否”或“弃权”..投票结束之后;主席会询问是否需要更改投票;确认现场投票无误之后;现场2/3 以上的代表国同意即决议草案通过..注:一份决议草案通过后;会议自动结束;其他决议草案将不再讨论..主席团审核起草国介绍决议草案内容主席团询问有无动议或问题先解决无有组织的核心磋商自由磋商是否还有决议草案未讨论是否休息十分钟各国代表提交修正案主席询问决议草案的起草国是否都同意友好修正案及非友好修正案建立发言名单支持和反对的国家分别发言对修正案进行投票通过的修正案添加到决议草案中提交决议草案修正案的起草国介绍修正案三、规则表决说明规则表决说明个人特权问题无需表决随时提出;当代表感觉在会议中有所不适时;组织性问题无需表决随时提出;当发言本身不符合程序时可打断;咨询性问题无需表决;仅在发言权处于开放状态下允许对规则提问..四、文件写作指导一立场文件1、定义与功能:立场文件是表达某个国家或组织在某个特定议题上的立场概要的文件..它在会议进行前就需要提交;以供代表互相了解立场;更有针对性地准备会议..在会议中;它也可作为代表正式发言的主要的参照材料..2、写作指导:●一般来讲;立场文件分为四个段落比较合理;分别为基本立场、国际行动、国内行动、解决方案..采取这样的“四段式”文章结构;能够使立场文件观点明确、内容全面、环环相扣、逻辑清楚..●需要注意的是;立场文件没有固定的内容要求;以上只是推荐一种最为常用的写作立场文件的形式..无论形式如何;立场文件的核心都是要完整、清晰、明确地表达出本国在某一特定议题中的立场..此外;立场文件没有必要一定分成四个段落;如果其中某一部分的内容较多;可以分成两个段落来写;每一个段落五至六个句子最佳..二决议草案1、定义与功能:决议草案是“决议案”的草案;一旦通过即成为合法的国际条例或约定;各会员国或当事国必须执行或受此影响;因此决议草案具有非常重要的地位..决议草案是基于“工作文件”的文件;是对工作文件在格式上和内容上的加工和完善..需2/3多数才可以通过..2、要素:A. 起草国:即参与撰写该决议草案的国家..可以由一国或多国组成一国一旦成为一份决议草案的起草国;不可起草或附议其它决议草案..B. 附议国:即同意讨论该决议草案的非起草国..起草国和附议国的总数不得低于与会国总数的20%附议国可以附议多份决议草案..3、主席团审批:起草国在上交决议草案前请确保格式和语法的正确无误..主席团有权拒绝内容大量重复或者过于空洞的决议草案..4、写作要求:A. 决议草案正文分为2个部分:“序言性条款+行动性条款”B.序言性条款主要阐述该问题基本情况和影响;阐明问题的重要性和解决的必要性;回顾国际社会已经做出的行动;界定必要的概念..C.行动性条款主要列举具体举措建议每一个举措一句话D. 要有逻辑顺序内在逻辑顺序以1;2;3;A;B;C;a;b;c ..分清主次E. 最后条款以句号结尾三修正案1、定义与功能:当一份决议草案被提交后;如果某国或某利益集团认为该草案未能维护其利益;或未能解决其问题时;可撰写修正案;希望将补充或修改条款补充进决议草案..实际上;一份修正案就是一份对于决议草案的“修改补充清单”..修正案可以让某国或某利益集团的某些利益得到体现;是争取利益的重要手段和途径..2、要素:A.起草国:即参与撰写该修正案的国家..可以由一国或多国组成..B.附议国:即同意讨论该修正案的非起草国..起草国和附议国的总数不得低于与会国总数的20%..3、主席团审批:起草国在上交修正案前请确保格式、语法正确无误..主席团有权拒绝不合规范的修正案..4、写作要求:A. 请用清晰的语言表示需要修改的内容..如“删除..”;“增加..”;等等..B. 修改序言性条款及行动性条款时具体条款格式遵从决议草案要求..。
【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】Distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, thanks for giving me the privilege to be the firs t speaker. I cannot begin today’s speech without reflecting on the criminal challenge so brutally thrown in our faces 28 days ago and on the severe threat of the Kilo virus to Germany and to the whole world.尊敬的代表,女士们先生们,非常感谢得此机会成为第一位讲者。
Today, 1167 Germans are dead or dying; infected people are estimated to be more than half a million.Today, the whole Germany has fallen into the desperation of fighting against the virus.Today is the 28th day after the Braunschweig crisis.今天,1167为德国公民丧命或病危,染病人数预估超过超过50万。
Twenty-eight days ago, more than 500 terrorists attacked Brauschweig. 37 policemen and 51 citizens died in this riot; thousands of people were wounded; buildings were burnt down; and the city was packed with tears, sadness and sorrows. Thanks to the brave men and women, it was their dedication and sacrifices that defended against the attack and protected the city. However, the situation became even worse after the attack. On that day, the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research also fell into ruins. Important experiments were disturbed and valuable documents were damaged. In the center, one of the most significant experiments was to modify the RNA sequence of the Kilo virus, which was designed to produce the vaccine. Nevertheless, our first experiment failed. What we got was merely a virus with longer incubation (5 days) and more aggressive behaviors of the patients.What’s worse, receptors of the new Kilo virus, namely 3 chimpanzees, which were supposed to be killed on the crisis day, disappeared in the fire. 35% of the research materials were burnt. It was believed that it was these chimpanzees that spread the virus to wounded citizens via blood. Since the Kilo carrier behaved absolutely normal during the incubation period, it was too late when we realized the situation and took corresponding measures.28天前,逾500名恐怖分子袭击了布伦瑞克,37名警员及51位市民在暴动中丧命,数千名民众受伤,建筑物被烧毁:整个城市都充斥着泪水与悲伤。
模拟联合国(Model United Nations)简称MUN是模仿联合国及相关的国际机构,依据其运作方式和议事原则,围绕国际上热点问题召开的会议。
模拟联合国活动中主要涉及的话题: 和平与安全/恐怖主义/人权/ 环境/贫穷与发展/全球化/公共卫生等激发英语热情与培养学习能力。
第一章关于模联1.1模联的成立在1947年的联合国大会上,成员国一致宣誓:(原文如下)...encourage the teaching of the United Nations Charter and the purposes and principles,the structure,background and activities of the United Nations in the schools and institutes of higher learning of their countries,with particular emphasis on such instruction in elementary and secondary schools.而模联即为响应这一提议而创生。
1.2什么是模联?模联(MUN),即模拟联合国(Mode United States)的缩写,是组织学生模拟联合国某些工作的活动。
会议发言模板第一天上午正式辩论发言模板Secretary-general: Good morning, distinguished delegates. Welcome to the Forth Committee. My name is --- the Secretary-general for today’s session .The chair ’s name is ---and he will be chairing in today’s session.Chair: Good morning, distinguished delegates. The topic of the conference is “The Background of The Impact of Global Financial Crisis on the Universal Realization and Effective Enjoyment of Human Rights ”. Hopefully, this conference will be fruitful.Secretary-general:Now the chair suggests we do the roll call.(如下:点名的程序及发言模板)Secretary-general: Australia.Delegate of Australia: Present.Secretary-general: Australia is present. Bangladesh.Delegate of Bangladesh: Present.Secretary-general: Bangladesh is present. Brazil.Delegate of Brazil: Present.Secretary-general: Brazil is present. Cyprus.Delegate of Cyprus: Present.… … …Secretary-general: The total number of delegates is 17. The simple majority will be 9; the absolute majority will be 12.(如下:动议开启发言名单的程序及发言模板)Chair: Now the chair suggests delegate motion to open the speakers’ list. Are there any motions?(Raising placards)Chair: UK.Delegate of UK: The delegate of UK motions to open the speakers’ list with 2 minutes speaking time.Chair: Now we have a motion on the floor. Those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placard.(Raising placards)Chair: With* in favor, this motion passes. All those who want to be added to the speakers’ list, please raise your placard.Chair: Marshall Islands, USA, China, UK, Cyprus, Fiji, France, Australia, Russia, Tuvalu, Germany, Japan, Canada, India, Netherland,Bangladesh, Brazil, South Africa.Chair:Now, delegate of Marshall Islands, you have 2 minutes to address the body.Delegate of Marshall Islands: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, Marshall Islands… …(如下:让渡时间给主席的程序及发言模板)Chair:Delegate of Marshall Islands, you still have … seconds. How would like to be yielding your time?Delegate of Marshall Islands: Yield the time to Chair.(如下:动议更改发言时间的程序及发言模板)Chair: Thank you, Marshall Islands. Now the floor is open, any motions or points?(Raising placards)Chair: China.Delegate of China: China motions to change the speaking time from 120 seconds to 150 seconds.Chair:Those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placard.Chair: With* in favor, this motion fails. The speaking time is still 2 minutes. OK, now delegate of USA, you have 2 minutes to address the committee.Delegate of USA: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, USA… …(如下:让渡时间给另一代表国的程序及发言模板)Chair: Thank you, USA, you still have … seconds. How would like to be yielding your time?Delegate of USA: Yield the time to Japan.Chair: OK, delegate of Japan, you have … seconds.Delegate of Japan: Thank you, USA. Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates …(如下:动议进行有组织的核心磋商的程序及发言模板)Chair: OK. The floor is open. Are there any points or motions? Fiji. Delegate of Fiji: Fiji motions for a 3 minutes moderated consultation on delegate of USA’s speech, with speaking time 60 seconds. Chair:Those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placard.Chair: With* in favor, this motion passes. Those who want to speak, please raise your placard. Fiji, you have 60 minutes.Delegate of Fiji: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, … … Chair: Those who also want to speak, please raise your placard. Canada, you have the stage.Delegate of Canada: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates … Chair: Those who also want to speak, please raise your placard. Tuvalu, you have 1 minutes.Delegate of Tuvalu: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates … Chair: OK, this motion is over. Now, China, please come to the stage to deliver your speech.Delegate of China: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, China… …(如下:让渡时间给评论的程序及发言模板)Chair: Thank you, China. You still have … seconds. How would like to be yielding your time?Delegate of China: Yield time to Comments.Chair:Those who want to make comments on China’s delegate’s speech, please raise your placard. Netherland.Delegate of Netherland: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, Netherland… …(如下:动议进行无组织的自由协商的程序及发言模板)Chair: Now the floor is open. Are there any motions or points? India. Delegate of India:India motions for a 5-minute unmoderated consultation on China’s delegate’s speech.Chair:Those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placard.Chair: With* in favor, this motion passes. Delegates, make full use of the following 5 minutes.(After 5 minutes)Chair: Time is up. Please be seated. Now, we will continue with our Speakers’ List. Delegate of UK, you have 2 minutes to address the committee.Delegate of UK: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, UK… … (如下:让渡时间给问题的程序及发言模板)Chair: Thank you, UK. You still have … seconds. How would like to be yielding your time?Delegate of UK: Yield Time to Questions.Chair: Those who want to ask UK delegate questions, please raise your placard. Bangladesh.Delegate of Bangladesh: Thank you, honorable Chair. Bangladesh is wondering how UK government can guarantee efficient fund on slowing down sea level rise.Delegate of UK: Delegate of Bangladesh, thanks for your questions. UK government will… …Chair: Ok. The floor is open now. Any motions or points? … … … … …追加发言部分Chair: Now that each country has delivered speech to the committee, we will move on to additional speaking time. Based on the order the country submitted its page, the following 3 countries will have an addition speaking time of 2 minutes: USA, Australia, and Tuvalu. The procedure is the same as before. There will be yielding time and motions after each speech. Now, delegate of USA, you have 2 minutes.Delegate of USA: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates… … … … … … …主席结束语部分Chair:Ladies and gentlemen, today’s session is over by now. All delegates need to negotiate with others to write draft resolutions and submit them to the Secretariat on time. Tomorrow morning we will discuss these draft resolutions, make amendments and vote on the draft resolutions. All delegates, see you tomorrow morning.第二天上午决议草案的讨论阶段(如下:决议草案的讨论程序及发言模板)Chair:Now we will continue our conference. The committee has * draft resolutions, which are, according to the time they are submitted to the Secretariat, No.1 Draft Resolution sponsored by ***, ***, ***, No.2 Draft Resolution sponsored by ***, ***, ***, No.3 Draft Resolution sponsored by ***, ***, ***… … First, the main sponsor of No.1 Draft Resolution comes to the stage to introduce No.1 Draft Resolution.(After the introduction)Chair: Now the floor is open. Are there any points or motions? Chair: USA.Delegate of USA: USA motions for 3 minutes moderated consultationto discuss No.1 Draft Resolution. The speaking time will be 60 seconds.Chair: Thank you. Those who are in favor of this motion please raise your placard.Chair: This motion passes with* in favor. Those who want to speak, please raise your placard. USA, you have 60 seconds.Delegate of USA: Thank you, Chair. Dear all … …Chair: Thank you, USA. Those who also want to speak, please raise your placard. China, you now have 60 seconds.Delegate of China: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates … … Chair: Thank you, China. Those who also want to speak, please raise your placard. Now UK, please deliver your speech.Delegate of UK: Thank you Chair. Dear delegates… …Chair: Now the motion is over by now. And discussion on No.1 Draft Resolution is over. It is waited to be amended. Then we will invite the main sponsor of No.2 Draft Resolution to introduce this draft resolution.(After the introduction)Chair: Now the floor is open. Are there any points or motions? Chair: Netherland.Delegate of Netherland: Netherland motions for a 5-minute unmoderated consultation.Chair: Thank you Netherland. All those who are in favor of this motion please raise your placard.Chair: With* in favor, this motion passes. Now delegates, make full use of your 5 minutes.(After 5 minutes)Chair: Delegates, time is up, please be seated. Discussion on No.2 Draft Resolution is over. It is waited to be amended. Now, the main sponsor of No.3 Draft Resolution, please come to the stage to introduce your draft resolution… … … … …(如下:40分钟的休会阶段——写修正案)Chair:Now we have fully discussed all draft resolutions. Then the conference will come into a 40-minute period for delegates to discuss with others to make amendments to draft resolutions. You can walk away from your seat and negotiate with other delegates. Please be reminded that all amendments should be submitted to the secretariat in 30 minutes. Ok, delegates, make full use of the following 40 minutes.… … …修正案的讨论、表决阶段Chair: Ladies and gentlemen, time is up. Please be seated. Now we have 3 amendments, which are Amendment 1.1 sponsored by ***, Amendment 1.2 sponsored by *** and Amendment 3.1 sponsored by ***. First, the sponsor of Amendment 1.1, please come to the stage to introduce your amendment.(如下:友好修正案的表决程序及发言模板)(After the introduction)Chair:The sponsors of No.1 Draft Resolution, those who agree to incorporate Amendment 1.1 into No.1 Draft Resolution, please raise your placard.Chair: Since all sponsors of No.1 Draft Resolution agree to incorporate Amendment 1.1, this amendment is a friendly amendment, so it will be incorporated into No.1 Draft Resolution without any vote. Now the sponsor of Amendment 1.2, please come to the stage to introduce it. (如下:非友好修正案的表决程序及发言模板)(After the introduction)Chair:The sponsors of No.1 Draft Resolution, those who agree to incorporate Amendment 1.2 into No.1 Draft Resolution, please raise your placard.Chair: Since not all sponsors agree to incorporate Amendment 1.2, this amendment is an unfriendly amendment. Now the chair will establish a new speakers’ list. The chair will call 2 delegates who are in favor of this amendment and 2 delegates who are against this amendment to illustrate their reasons. Each delegate has 60 seconds. Those who are in favor of Amendment 1.2,please raise your placard. Canada, you have the stage.Delegate of Canada: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates… … Chair:Thank you, Canada. Now, those who are also in favor of Amendment 1.2,please raise your placard. Brazil, you have 60 seconds.Delegate of Brazil: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates… … Chair:Thank you, Brazil. Now, Those who are against Amendment 1.2,please raise your placard. India, you have 60 seconds. Delegate of India: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates… … Chair: Thank you, India. Now, those who are also against Amendment 1.2,please raise your placard. Tuvalu, you have 60 seconds. Delegate of Tuvalu: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates… … Chair: Thank you, Tuvalu. Since we have fully debated on Amendment 1.2, now we are going to vote on this amendment. Please note that an unfriendly amendment requires a two thirds majority to pass. OK now, those who are in favor of this amendment, please raise your placard.Chair:with*in favor, Amendment 1.2 fails. Now let us discuss Amendment 3.1 … …… … …决议草案表决阶段(如下:动议对决议草案进行重新排序的程序及发言模板)Chair: Since we have voted on all amendments, now we will move on to the voting procedure of three draft resolutions. Are there any motions for reordering draft resolutions?Chair: China.Delegate of China: China motions for reordering draft resolutions. The voting order should be No.3 Draft Resolution, No.1 Draft Resolution, and No.2 Draft Resolution.Chair: Those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placard. Chair: With* in favor, this motion fails. Now the floor is still open. Any motions for reordering draft resolutions?Chair: UK.Delegate of UK: UK motions to change the original voting order to No.2 Draft Resolution, No.3 Draft Resolution, and No.1 Draft Resolution.Chair: Those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placard. Chair: With* in favor, this motion fails. Now the floor is still open. Any motions or points?Chair: Fiji.Delegate of Fiji: Fiji motions to change the original voting order to No.3 Draft Resolution, No.2 Draft Resolution, and No.1 Draft Resolution.Chair: Those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placard. Chair: With* in favor, this motion passes. And the draft resolutions will be voted in this order.(This process of reordering draft resolutions will end if one motion passes or all motions fail. If no such motion gets passed, the draft resolutions will be voted in their original order)(如下:动议进行点名投票roll call voting的程序及发言模板)Chair: Now the chair suggests that the voting procedure be roll call vote. So, any motions? Australia.Delegate of Australia: Australia motions that the voting procedure should be roll call vote.Chair: Those who are in favor this motion, please raise your placard. With* in favor, this motion passes. The voting procedure will be roll call vote.(如下:决议草案的表决程序及发言模板)Chair: Now first we are going to vote on No.3 Draft Resolution. Before the voting, the chair will call one delegate who is in favor of No.3 draft resolution and one delegate who is against this draft resolution to clarify their reasons. The speaking time is 60 seconds. OK, those who are in favor of No.3 draft resolution, please raise your placard. Cyprus. Delegate of Cyprus: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, Cyprus is in favor of No.3 Draft Resolution because… …Chair:Thank you, Cyprus. Then those who are against No.3 Draft Resolution, please raise your placard. USA.Delegate of USA: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, USA is against No.3 Draft Resolution, for… …Chair: Thank you, USA. OK, now we are going to vote on No.3 Draft Resolution. The voting procedure will be roll call vote. When your country is called, you should say Yes, No, or Abstain. Let’s start the procedure.Secretary-general: Australia.Delegate of Australia: Abstain.Secretary-general: Bangladesh.Delegate of Bangladesh: No.… … …Chair: ** vote for Yes, ** vote for No, ** vote for Abstain. So No.3 Draft Resolution fails. Now we are going to vote on No.2 Draft Resolution. Before the voting, the chair will also call one delegate who is in favor of No.2 draft resolution and one delegate who is against this draft resolution to clarify their reasons. The speaking time is still 60 seconds. OK, those who are in favor of No.2 draft resolution, please raise your placard. France.Delegate of France: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, France is in favor of No.2 Draft Resolution because… …Chair: Thank you, France. Then those who are against No.2 Draft Resolution, please raise your placard. Japan.Delegate of Japan: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, Japan is against No.3 Draft Resolution because… …Chair: Thank you, Japan. OK, now we are going to vote on No.2 Draft Resolution.Secretary-general: Australia.Delegate of Australia: Yes.Secretary-general: Bangladesh.Delegate of Bangladesh: No.… … …Chair: ** vote for Yes, ** vote for No, ** vote for Abstain. So No.2 Draft Resolution has been passed! Congratulations to all the delegates! Now applause is in order! Ladies and gentlemen, this conference is over by now! Thanks for your efforts!。
Academic Standard Handbookof Peking University National Model United Nations Conference for High School Students 20162016年北京大学全国中学生模拟联合国大会学术标准手册编订人员:刘欣羽(秘书长,北京大学经济学院2013级本科)樊仁敬(副秘书长,北京大学社会学系2013级本科)何雨辰(学术总监,北京大学元培学院2014级本科)王星程(学术总监,北京大学元培学院2014级本科)杨泽毅(学术总监,北京大学哲学系2014级本科)特别说明:“北京大学全国中学生模拟联合国大会”,会议名称、活动标志由北京大学所有,未经允许,不得用于与本会议无关的活动或其他商业性目的的组织或活动。
目录前言 学术标准手册使用说明 ............................................................5 第一部分 会议规则与流程 ...............................................................6 •会议流程参考标准 .....................................................................6 •北京大学全国中学生模拟联合国大会常规委员会(中文)议事规则 ......8 总 则 (8)第一章 会场和人员 (8)第二章 会议 (9)第三章 代表权利与义务 ...............................................................18 快速规则流程参考 ........................................................................20 •北京大学全国中学生模拟联合国大会常规委员会(中文)议事规则示意图 ......21 •北京大学全国中学生模拟联合国大会常规委员会(中文)用语范例 ......22 •北京大学全国中学生模拟联合国大会常规委员会(英文)议事规则 ......24 Rules and Procedures ..................................................................24 Introduction to the Staff ...............................................................24 The Process: Committee Session ......................................................26 Quick Reference Guide ..................................................................33 •北京大学全国中学生模拟联合国大会常规委员会(英文)议事规则示意图 ......34 •北京大学全国中学生模拟联合国大会常规委员会(英文)用语范例 ......35 •北京大学全国中学生模拟联合国大会特殊委员会学术标准 (36)一、联合国经济社会理事会(ECOSOC ) (36)二、联合国志愿人员组织伙伴关系论坛(UNV Partnership Forum ) (38)三、世界卫生组织非洲地区委员会(WHO-RCA ) (40)四、欧洲经济区理事会(EEA Council ) (43)五、国际法庭(ICJ ) ... (47)六、联合国国际组织会议(UNCIO ) (54)第二部分会议文件 (57)一、立场文件Position Paper (57)二、工作文件Working Paper (61)三、决议草案Draft Resolution (63)四、指令草案Draft Directive (71)五、修正案Amendment (71)第三部分模拟联合国会议学术准备指南 (73)第一节准备阶段 (73)一.背景指导文件阅读指导 (73)二.资料检索指导 (76)第二节会议阶段 (86)前言 学术标准手册使用说明亲爱的各位代表:大家好!大会的《学术标准手册》(Academic Standard Handbook )继续着自己每年一次更新的步伐。
Session Chair: ZhangfanOpening Remarks:Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to The simulated international conference! first, Let me introduce myself. I’m Zhangfangrong . I’m glad and honored to chair the first session.I am more than happy to see so many talented peers from different department gathering here to share the cutting edge of knowledge.I would like to ask you for your kind cooperation so that our session turns out to be truly successful. However, before inviting our first speaker to deliver his presentation, I would like to remind each of the speaker of our agreed time limit, that is,15minutes for panelists of three and five minutes for each speaker and two more minutes for discussion after presentation by the panelists . I hope all of you can stay within this time limit. five minutes is not a long time ,careful planning and practice will be needed to cover the important points in a coherent manner. I will flash time card for one minute warnings and you will have to stop at five minute,sorry for the rigidity,but it is necessary to make sure every group has adequate time.Now let’s call the session to order and invite our first panelists Zeng Maojun Yuan Shan Ouyang Zhicui to deliver their speech ‘Complicated Community Acquired Pneumonia in Childhood: Different Types, Clinical Course, and Outcome’.Thank you ...for giving us such an illuminating report, i am sure from this report ,every one of us has got a better understanding of Acquired Pneumonia in Childhood .we are now ready for questions or comments about the speech, any questions?Our next speaker is zhangafangrong xiaoting and xiaolijun. They will talk about “Integrating clinical features and genetic lesions in the risk assessment of patients with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia”Now our presentation is finished,we are going to have 2minute for question.We have had 2 reports ,let us have a 5 minute tea break. Take your time and have a rest.Okay ,welcome back ! ladies and gentleman,we will now going on with our fascinating conference, i now have the great honor to introduce liuxianyang to give us a speech,the topic is “SmokeHaz: Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses of the Effects of Smoking on Respiratory Health”Thank you Liu for his informative speech,now we still have 2 minutes to go,may i ask if there are any questions?Our next speaker is Ling Changsong Chen Jiahong .They will talk about Prevalence of depression in patients with type 2 diabetesattended in primary care in Spain ,please!Thank you for their speech ,i would like to invite questions or comments.Our next panelists are Zhang Yadan Yuan Qing Xia Hui. Their topic is Blood cadmium levels and Alzheimer’s disease mortality risk in older US adultsThank you for your wonderful speech ,i believe we have learn a lot from their speech .now i would like to invite questions,Okay,now i would like to invite todays last panelists,they are Zheng WeiLi Shuang Dai Qing their speech is Idiopathic Adult Nephrotic Syndrome: A Clinicopathological Study and Response to Steroid in a Sub-Saharan African CountryThank you for your speech ,is there any qustions?Closing Remarks:We have now come to the end of the first session. We have had 6 reports presented. Thank you for your informative talks, and thank you for your interesting questions and answers during the Q & A Session. We have shared much experience and knowledge. All of us have learned a lot about the recent achievements and up-to-date information in our research field. I believe this is a very successful meeting. I hope we can go on with our stimulated international conference tomorrow. Let us meet again here in the same room at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon.As a spesker:Since my partner have talked about the details about the methods and results of our experiment ,now ,i would like to some disadvantage in the process of expeiment ,i have 6 points to cover in the discussion part.first ,regression models showed that driver mutations are able to explain a limited fraction of the total variation of the most relevant clinical variables.second,However, we also found that recurrent somatic mutations were able to explain only a fraction of the total variation of the most relevant clinical variables, including hemoglobin, WBC count and BM blasts.then,Although the integration of cytogenetic abnormalities resulted in a better risk stratification, only a minority of CMML patients carry recurrentkaryotypic abnormalities. Several genes were reported to have prognostic value in CMML.It must be acknowledged that our sample size did not allow to assess possible interactions between co-occurring mutations, which may potentially influence the resulting compounded prognostic effect.As previously observed for the original CPSS, comparable results were obtained when the scoring system was calculated using hemoglobin thresholds instead of RBC transfusion-dependency.13 This alternative model could be useful, especially in those patients deserving urgent therapy and in whom RBC transfusion-dependency is still not established.In conclusion, although current understanding of the pathophysiology of CMML at present does not allow to move toward entirely molecular-based classification and risk assessment, the results of this study suggest that the integration of somatic mutations significantly improve prognostic stratification of patients with this neoplasm, and may provide a basis for improving clinical decision-making.。
The First Simulated International Conference on Mining Engineering, Rock Mechanism and Safety TechnologyConference ProgramSpon sor by: Cen tral South Uni versity, Chi naSupported by: Graduate School of Cen tral South Uni versityDoctor En glish Class D3Hosted by:November, 04, 2013Chan gsha, ChinaThe First Simulated International ConferenceConference Theme: Mining Engineering, Rock Mechanism andSafety TechnologyConference Time:8:00-12:00, Monday, November,04,2013Conference Address: Room 229, Mining BuildingSpecially Invited Adviser: ShenJinhuaSession Chair: Wu QiuhongHostess: Ma LiSecretariat: XieXiaofengOrganizing Committee: Xiexiaofeng, Ma Li, Wu QiuhongNotes for the conference program :1.The time limit for oral presentations is set as follows:It will be better if the reporting time is controlled within 5 minutes, but there are 1 minutes for the reporter answering the attendees questions. The total time for each speaker is no more than 7 minutes. When the report runs overtime, the session chair will interrupt the speaker.2.Everyone should be punctual and leave conference only after it comes to anend.3.All participants please set your cell phone to silent mode during conference.AgendaStudy on model experiment and design method of the anti-slidingmicro-pilesMa Li135501002Abstract : This paper which is supported by tran sportatio n scie nee and tech no logy developme nt and innovati on project of Hunan provin ce, has completed a large collecti on of anti-sliding micro-pile research information at home and abroad, and design a large-scale physical model experiment about the anti-sliding micro-pile to study the anti-sliding characteristics in Differe nt composite structure. The n the article proposes a new method of the anti-sliding micro-pile about internal force calculation and design with the experiment results. Fin ally, the applicable en vir onment of the an ti-slid ing micro-pile composite structure is discussed.Study on Dyn amic Effects of Existi ng Tunnel Caused by Blasti ngExcavatio n of Un dercross ing New TunnelXieXiaofen g135501003Abstract: Cross tunnel with small interval is a new kind of structure emerged in recentyears. The adoption of cross tunnel with small interval is not only to meet the special requireme nts of unu sual geological con diti on and overall li near route, but also con ducive to the overall program ming and optimizati on, with sig ni fica nt econo mic, social and en vir onmen tal ben efits. However the desig n and con structi on of this kind of tunnel rema ins many technical questions to be solved. For instanee, when the new tunnel is close to existing tunnel , the seismic wave induced by blasting endangers the safety and stabilization of the surrounding rock and the lining of existing tunnel. With the rapid urbanization process and the further utilization of underground space, the cross tunnel with small interval will be an increasing number. The research of its design and construction tech no logies, impacts on existi ng structure, have high sig nifica nee on both academic study and engin eeri ng practice.The developme nt trend of mining tech no logyXieYousheng 135501004Abstract: There are more tha n 10 000 pits in our coun try, which refer to coal min es, metal mi ne, and others. The shallow resources are drying up, our pay more and more atte ntio n to deep resources. In the mean time, the problems caused by the deep mining engin eeri ng n eed for better tech no logies or kno wledge to solve. The digital mining is an adva need tech no logy, the tech no logy is composed of mining scie nee and tech no logy, in formatics, artificial intelligenee, computing Scienee.The Caving Mining Safe Control Technology on The Multi-Mined-Out-Areas Con diti ons of the Shizhuyua nPolymetallic MineZoupi ng 135501005ABSTRACT: The Shizhuyuanploymetallic mine was mining by room-and-pillar open stope method for more 10 years. After 36 designed rooms are mined out, left 2,600,000m3 mined-out areas with 8000m2 of the maximum continued exposed face of roof without filli ng for some reas ons. For the mine susta in able developme nt and the safe mining, one mainly issues is how to management of mined-out-areas and the pillar mining. So some study was carried out:1)After the engin eeri ng geological evaluati on, the mecha nics parameters of rock mass was derived by generalized Hoek-Brown failure criterion.2)Cavability (i.e. caving areas) of the Shizhuyuanploymetallic mine was worked out by Laubscher and exte nded Mathews methods.3)For the purpose of safety mining, the ground pressure monitoring system such as Acoustic Emissi on( AE), displaceme nt and pressure method that suit for the hard rock were desig ned and in stalled. The tech no logical routes of the ground mon itori ng and an early warni ng case are listed.STATUS AND PROSPECT OF DIGITAL MINE TECHNOLOG YAbstractWu Shulia ng 135501006:With the scie ntific and tech no logical progress and econo mic developme ntrece ntly , the con cepti on ofdigital mine is widely accepted. The basic tech no logy of digitalmine can not only improve the production efficiencyand reduce the accident rate , but alsothe digital mine is the ultimate objective of the mining industry. This paperintroducesthe application status of digital mine. In the future , the research of high-tech digital min etech no logy should be emphasized and mine in tellige nt tech no logy should be popularized , which will enhance thesustained and healthy development of mining industry in our country .Abstract:How to select a proper mining methodHua ng Zhiguo 135501007To select a mining method is vitally importa nt for the desig n of mining. Ino rderto selecta optimalmining method, some main factors should be considered carefully, and some proper approach should be followed accord in gly. My report briefly in troduced the main factors affecting the selection of an mining method, and a proper approach to select an mining method.Abstract:Ground Con trolWu Weiwei135501008The terms ground control and strata control, which here are usedin tercha ngeably , date back some 60 years to the early 1930s whe n the use of rock bolts was pioneered in the United Stated. The first international conference on rock pressure and ground con trol was held in Liege, Belgium, in 1951. In esse nee, ground con trol means mai ntai ning rock mass stability by con troll ing the moveme nt of excavati ons in the ground, which can be either rock and soil. This is a specialty engineering field that is important because the design of underground excavation is, to large extent, the design of un dergro und support systems such as pillars and rock rein forceme nt.Although today, ground con trol is no Ion ger solely a mining art since much of it can qualify as an engin eeri ng scie nee, the applicati on of rock and soil mecha nics prin ciples and tech niq ues in day-to-day mine pla nning and desig n is still not com mon. It is hoped that the up-to-date kno wledge digest contained in this chapter will con tribute to betterdissemination and application of ground-control concepts and techniques, some of which have been available for many years but which mining engineers have not availed themselves fully.Theoretical study of equal stress load-bearing-arch strength in deepsoft rock roadwayWan gPi ng135501009Abstract : For the difficult support characteristics of deep-soft rock roadway, accord in gtothe stress distribution law and the bolt support properties, deep-soft rock roadway equal stress bearing arch strength theory by bolt was proposed. The theory is based on the roadwaystress en vir onment, through match the len gth of an chor bolts, it could be formed a more uniform stress distribution of bearing structure in the surrounding rock.This bearing structurewith betterbeari ng ability that will main tai n the stability of roadwa y」n additi on ,the formula of beari ng capacity of circle-beari ng arch has obta in ed, it has a certa in refere nee value for the project of soft rock engin eeri ng in deep.Numerical Simulatio n on Mecha nism of Pre-splitt ing crack un derFilli ng-Mi ningKe Bo 135501010Abstract: In underground mining, especially in reconstructed mining environment, thestudy on con trolli ng blast disturba nee effect and pillar extracti on clamp ing acti on is much lacked. Accord ing to the characteristics of rock mecha nics and explosives, using JWL state equatio n of high explosive and explicit dyn amical an alysis software package LS-DYNA, the mechanism of pre-splitting near backfill was simulated on the basis of study on fragmentation ore block ' s mining in GaoFeng mine, China Tin group Co. Ltd.Study of Mecha ni cal Property of Limest one Specime nswith Natural Con ti nu ous Pla neWu Qiuho ng135501012Abstract: Rock is made of min eral grains with fissures, bedd ings and cracks, heteroge neity and anisotropy of rock can occur at micro and macro scales , and it is not nonlinear elastic at all. On basis of granite and limestone with natural single continuous weak plane, heteroge neity, ani sotropy and mecha ni cal parameters of rock were studied.BASED ON MICRO-SEISMIC MONITORING TECHNOLOG Y IN MINESAFET Y MANAGEMENT RESEARCHHua ng Weix in 135501013Abstract: As the superficial resource in mine is beening exhausted, mining-inducedseismicity is becoming an serious economic and secure problem in deep mining.lt ' s necessary for secure produce and people' s life and property to research the response lower and fataless for forecast of mining-induced seismicity. This paper deeply studied theresp onse lower of minin g-i nduced seismicity in Don gguasha n copper mine」t in eluded space-time lower,related characteristics of magnitude-frequency and energy-seismicmome nt,stress-strain lower and relati ons betwee n seismicity and exploitatio n,and get some perfect results.The Typical Applicatio n of Room and Pillar Methodin Erlihe Lead-z inc Mi neWang Chu n135501014Abstract : The form of ore body in Erlihe Lead-zinc Mine is irregular , which looks like a saddle. The ore body is so hick and large that it is very difficult to exploit . The mine adopt open stope method with footwall chute used to be appliedfor mining , but the effect is not ideal. According to the mining technical condition of ore body ,the room and pillar method is recommended . The research results show that loss ratio,dilution ratio and mining-cut ratio are all sig nifica nt fall . At the same time , the roof of goaf was con trolled effectivelyby using the an chor to support.The room and pillar method is an ideal mining method for mining the saddle of ore body by syn thesiz ing all kinds of factors .The applicati on of the Dimine in ope n-pit mineXiao Yin gcai135501015Abstract : Establishi ng product ion pla n of ope n-pit mine is ain dispe nsable link in miningengin eeri ngno wadays, In this paper, testablishi ngthe orebody model and the surface model based on the original geological data by DIMINE software,with the actual data, optimize the desig n of the ope n-pit, and on the basis, the system can automatically optimize the order of stripp ing, mea nwhile tech ni cal staff can participate in the preparati on of stripp ingpla n. The results show thatus ing the three-dime nsional visualizati on can obtai n satisfactory state of shell open.can effectively guide the design ofmining stage or mid -long term producti on pla n On Open-pit sta nding on the actual product ion data, it can provide new workable way for stripp ing pla noptimizati on, mean while ,it improves the product ionefficie ncy and achieve the goal of quick work in ope n-pit mine .Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Fracturing in Coal BedSun Gangzhong135501016Abstract: The gas extraction is an effective means in dealing with the gas, Hydraulic fracturi ng for in creas ing permeability is an effective tech no logical approach in low- permeability coal seam , to get the cracks of rock mass in Hydraulic fracturing , using Flac3d to simulate. Set the criterion of crack development.A computing algorithm with moving boundary condition was developed on the basis of discontinuum mechanics and implemented in FLAC3D.FLAC3D offers the advantage to integrate all fractures in one sin gle comput ing model.Predictio n and Safety An alysis for Ground Subside nee ofTran siti on from Ope n Pit to Un dergr ound Mi ningKeY uxian 135501017Abstract : In order to maximize mining the underground resources and ensure the safetyof the buildi ngs and structures located at ground, the ground subside nee and moveme nt induced by transition from openpit to underground mining of Xinqiao Mine was studied based on a three-dime nsional model established by MIDAS/GTS. The results showed that the largest value of surface tilt( i), curvature( K) and horizontal deformation ( 9 are-30.640mm/m, 0.012 W /m and 0.503mm/m, which lower than the structures and buildings objects protection level and the allowable deformation value corresponding. The groundsubside nee and moveme nt in duced by tran siti on from ope n pit to un dergro und mining will don ' t endanger the buildings and structures located at ground, which provide a theoretical basis for predicti on and safety an alysis of Xinq iao Mine ' s ground subside nee.Ceme nted backfilli ng performa nee of yellow phosphorus slagYang Li 135501018Abstract: Laboratory experiments about feasibility of cemented backfilling with yellowphosphorus slag, including physical-mechanical properties and chemical compositions, optimized proporti on, ceme nted mecha ni sm, was carried out to make good use of yellow phosphorus slag, tackling with the environment and safety problems of those piled outdoors as well as geological hazards and high cost issues during the mining processof Kaiyang Phosphorus Mine Group, Guizhou. The results show that, yellow phosphorus slag, possessing a certain potential cemented properties, can be used as Portland cement substitute. Adding quicklime, hydrated lime and other alkaline substances can deal with the high residual phosphorus of yellow phosphorus slag and phosphorousgypsum, improving the initial strength of cemented backfilling body of yellow phosphorus slag and phosphorousgypsum. Based on the in itial stre ngth requireme nts, the recomme nd proportions of mass ratio are 1:1 (yellow phosphorus slag: phosphor gypsum), 1:4:10 (Portland cement: yellow phosphorus slag: phosphor gypsum) and 1:4:10 (ultrafine powder: yellow phosphorus slag: phosphor gypsum), with 5% of hydrated lime addition, 60% of mass fractio n of solid and good rheological properties.Ca(OH) 2 is the activati ng age nt of hydrati on reacti on of yellow phosphorus slag and the ceme nted process invo Ives hydrati on stage, solidifyi ng stage and stre ngth stage. The hydrati on react ion velocity of yellow phosphorus slag, Portland cement and ultra-fine powder speeds up, with the stability of ceme nted microstructure and in itial stre ngth also in creas ing.Wear mecha nism and serious wear positi on of cas ing pipein vertical backfill drill-holeLiu Enyan 135501019Abstract: Vertical backfill drill-hole is usually a key project in an underground mine withbackfill method and can be easily damaged by impact of backfill slurry. Observation of the damaged vertical backfill drill-holes in Jin chua n Non ferrous Metal Corporati on (JNMC), Gansu Province, China, given by a digital drill-hole video camera, indicated that there usually exist serious wear zones in casing pipe in vertical backfill drill-hole (CVBH). It was suggested that serious wear positi on of CVBH should be located at an in terface betwee n air and solid-liquid mixture within CVBH. Backfill slurry falls freely and impacts the wall of CVBH n ear the in terface with great mome ntum and en ergy coming from high speed free fall of backfill slurry. The depth of serious wear position of CVBH, i.e., free fall height of backfill slurry in CVBH, can be estimated by the height of vertical backfill drill-hole, the length of horizontal pipeline, the density of slurry and the hydraulic gradient of pipeline system. A case study indicated that the estimation equation of serious damage depth of CVBH was of eno ugh accuracy and was helpful for daily maintenance and man ageme nt of vertical backfill drill-hole.Risk Assessme nt on Block ing of Filli ng Pipeli ne Based on Un certai ntyMeasureme nt TheoryWANG Shi135501020Abstract : In order to forecast the difficult degree on filling pipeline blocking of filling system in deep mine, the assessment model of filling pipeline blocking was established on the basis of the un certa inty measureme nt theory. Ten evaluati on in dexes were selected as the discrim inant ones of the un certa inty measureme nt model. The un certa inty measurement function of each index was obtained based on the in-situ data. The in formati on en tropy theory was used to calculate the weight of each discrim inant in dex, and the predictive value of filli ng pipeli ne block ing was fin ally achieved using the rules of credible recog niti on criteria. The results show that the four evaluati on objects are Lon gshou mine of Jinchuan company, Dahongshan copper mine, Hedong gold mine, and Xincheng gold mine, and the risk grades of them are respectively n ,川,IV , and 川.The in flue nee of evaluatio n system versus the evaluati on in dexes can be comprehe nsively con sidered by the un certa inty measureme nt theory, which is qua ntitatively calculated.Stability an alysis and comprehe nsive treatme nt methods ofIan dslides un der complex mining en vir onment —a case study of DahuIan dslide from Lin bao HenanDai Bing 135501021ABSTRACT : A case study of Dahu Iandslide from Linbao Henan in China was discussed inthis paper. Based on various kinds of basic data, the 3D nu merical model of a geological structure which possesses all kinds of in formatio n in cludi ng the mecha ni cal characteristics and the geometrical parameters of geological disc on ti nu ities were known from previous works. Thus, both the whole geological structure and all kinds of geological components involved in a slope can be visualized on computer, the complicated analysis and calculation can be the n carried out easily and effectively. Firstly, the comb in ati on of 3D nu merical model with some classical theories in slope stabilization can easily provide the present stability factor. Then according to monitoring data of the total station, the potential sliding trends are analyzed if Iandslides do not occur. Secondly, there are a number of un certa in ties on the factors of coupled disaster formi ng, such as, rai nfall, earthquake, and mined-out area. The unascertained mathematics theory is applied to the stability comprehensive analysis. It shows four Iandslide bodies get to be at unstable state if there are some inducements. Thirdly, sliding distanee and movement scope were predicted if Ian dslides occur. On the basis of the analysis above, the treatme nts of the Ian dslide body called isolated method of culvert are proposed. It has solved the con tradict ion of Ian dslide and mining radically, and provides importa nt tech ni cal assura nee for safety and susta in able developme nt of mine.Simple discussi on on filli ng theory and tech no logyGuoHongquan135501022Abstract : The development situation of the cutand fillmethod athome and abroad isprese nted an dits adva ntages are also described such ashigh safety, high recovery ratio and smalldestruction to ecologicenvironmenton ground surface. Applicable condition anddevelopmentorientation of the dry fillingmethod, hydraulic sand fillingmethod, cemented fillingmethod and fillingmethod arediscussed.It thinksthatwith progress ofscienee and tech no logy, the cuta nd fillmethodwillbecome a foremostmi nin gmethod inun dergro undmining ofdeposit.Establishme nt of Comprehe nsive Emerge ncy Man ageme nt Systemfor Campus Emerge nciesSong Qin g-hua 135501024Abstract: Because of social transformation, expansion of university enrollment and in troduct ion of other service in dustries made campus pote ntial safety hazard more complex. Campus emerge ncies are in creas ing in freque ncy and ofte n occur in differe nt forms, which have aroused widely public attention. Campus emergency has the features of social sensitivity, subject activeness, loss additive, as well as showing the characteristics of general emergency, thus abruptness, uncertainty, destructiveness, derivative, diffusivity, sociality. Appare ntly, traditi onal safety con trol system is far from meet ing the requireme nts of curre nt campus security situati on, deep reformatio ns for campussecurity are n eeded. China s policy for emergency management is called “ one plan and three systems(representing emergency response plan and organizational system, mechanism system, legal system) had bee n made in to practice in many doma ins and helped improve their security. It is found that emergency management will be effective and efficient only by: firstly, bringing into play the effort of the whole society (including not only school, educati onal system, family, stude nts that have direct correlati on with emerge ncy, but also media, transport agency, hospital, public security and other social organizations that arein directly associatedwith emerge ncy) and sec on dly, con sideri ng the whole life cycle of emerge ncy (in clud ing four time periods, thus no emerge ncy, before the emerge ncy, duri ng the emergency and after the emergency) to minimize the resulted loss.Based on the “ onepla n and three systems policya nd with the inten ti on of con trolli ng emerge ncy from a timespace perspective, the idea of establishing the Comprehensive Emergency Management System (CEMS) for campus emergencies is put forward. It is rational to expect that there will be resista nee to the system ' s implemathi n for econo mical restrictio n or lack of safety awareness, so more detailed consideration is necessary for the system s eventual accomplishme nt.3-D Numerical Analysis On The RightOpportunity Of Support In SoftRock RoadwayGUI Rong 135501025Abstract : An analysis was made on the soft rock of Yunling tunnel by using the finite eleme nt software ABAQUS.The cha nges of the displaceme nt, stress and plastic zone duri ng the process of con structi on was an alyzed.A nd using the wayto get the right opport un ity of support in the soft rock. It is validated that the method is correctusing the monitoring data and the method will be significant for engineering practicability.Features of pipe transportation of paste-likebackfilling in deep mineYang Jia ng 135501027Abstract : Based on the pipe transportation of paste-like backfilling system of a certaindeep coal mine, dyn amics process was simulated and an alyzed. A two-dime nsion dyn amic model of extraordinary deep and lone pipe was built by GAMBIT, on the base of which, simulation was done by implicit solver of FLUENT 2ddp. The results show that hydraulic loss of pipe transportation is less than the pressure produced by gravity which means backfilli ng material can flow by itself; whe n the in let velocity is 3.2m/s, the maximumvelocity of 4.10m/s isat the elbow and the maximum velocity in the horiz on tai pipe is 3.91m/s, which are both sensible to meet the stability requirement. Results of the simulatio n were proved reliable by the residual mon itor plotti ng of related parameter, so it 'con cluded that the system of pipe tran sportatio n is safe and reliable.Research on heavy metals pollution in soil along the ortransportationroadsideLi Xiaoya n 135501028ABSTRACT : This paper introduces the main sources and transmission of heavy metalpolluti on in the ore tran sportati ons roadside soil and the detect ion methods of heavy metals in the soil, and an alysis the in flue nee degree of the soil polluted by heavy metals accord ing to the main evaluatio n sta ndards at this stage. But the prese nt study lack of qua ntitative impact of heavy metals and can not highlight the defect effects of heavy metals on the biological activity of certa in proporti on evaluati on sta ndard.Experime ntal inv estigati on on the en ergy-sav ing diffuser of a mainfanLi Gang 135501029Abstract: The main fan diffuser in a coal mine is an energy-recycling equipment with adyn amic en ergy loss for the mai n fan. Engin eeri ng practices and related researches show that the body structures of three types of diffusers are irrati on al. To solve the problem, an energy-saving diffuser is designed on the basis of the velocity potential theory. Under con diti ons of in let velocity from 7 m/s to 32 m/s, 7 con diti on experime nts using the en ergy- sav ing diffuser of 2.31 AER (area-enlarging ratio) and 5 condition experiments using the en ergy-sav ing diffuser of 2.00 AER were con ducted. Through a comparative an alysis of the experiments, the results show that the COP (coefficient of performanee) of the energy- savi ng diffuser of 2.31 AER is better than that of the en ergy-sav ing diffuser of 2.00 AER.Research of the relati on of Campus En vir onment Desig n toIdeological educati onCao Zhiwei 135501031Abstract: Campus en vir onment is not optimistic in our coun try, outsta nding performa neein many ways. Among all of these, the spiritual emptiness is behaved most obvious, in conclusion , there is lack ofcultural connotation.The subject that how to educate and govern the inferior students is facing for the ideological workers in college.In this paper, through the study of ideological and political education interaction relati on ship betwee n the campus en vir onment , clarify the meaning and value of the campus environment design.Analysis the function of ideology education to the campus en vir onment desig n.Campus environment design research is based on the function of the ideological education helps to promote campus environment.We should make the ideological work become a new magic weap on which can better educatestude nts.The Research of Hospital Logistics Man ageme nt Evaluati on System Based on MORTTeng Yun 135501032Abstract: This article tries to apply the MORT (Management Oversight and Risk Tree)method into the evaluatio n of Hospital logistics man ageme nt,c on struct hospital logistics man ageme nt evaluati on system with the con siderati on of the practice ofXia ngya hospital, Cen tral South Un iversity in the process of actual situatio n, and eve ntually puts forward anew method of hospital logistics management, which will provide a new idea of hospital logistics man ageme nt evaluati on and quality supervisi on and man ageme nt.Study on the Early Warni ng System of Coal and Gas OutburstPen gHuaide 135501035Abstract: Based on the mecha nism of coal and gas outburst, Comprehe nsively an alyz ingcharacteristics of coal and gas outburst, accordi ng to collecti on, summarizati on and an alysis of affecting factors of coal and gas outburst, the principles of selecting early warning indicators were explored. The early warning model of coal and gas outburst was established by SPSS statistical analysis, based on the indicators of the gas density, gas desorption and the initial velocity of drilling gas emission. The early warning system of coal and gas outburst was simulated by Logistic regression analysis. Summarizing the data of coal and gas outburst factors in Lu' agroup Tunliu mine, a query database was created in SQL Server to achieve in formatio n data query functions of coal and gas outburst. The multivariate in formatio n coupled warni ng was con ducted accordi ng to the selecti ng early warning indicator system, and the early warning level was divided with the result of early warning. Based on the visualization capability of ArcGIS, the corresponding warning level was displayed in the area of the drawing of Lu 'nTunliu mine to realize the role of visualization of early warning. The establishment of the early warning system is a new technical way to the early warning management of coal and gas outburst, and can provide guara ntee to the coal and gas outburst preve nti on.Research on in tri nsic safety method for ope n-pit mi ningZhe ngKaihuan 135501036Abstract : Open-pit mining is a complicated system engineering which has many unsafe factors like large amount ofworkers,dispersive workplaces,bad natural condition and involute working environment.It is necessary to seek an effective way to realize intrinsic safety for open-pit mining. In order to promoteintrinsic safety of open-pit mining system, in tri nsic safety method out of safety theory and practical mining product ion are comb ined to form a fullimpleme ntatio n system of in tri nsic safety method for ope n-pit mining. The n the mai n impleme ntati on contents are systematicallya nalyzed. It is thought that in tri nsicsafety method can help system designers and administrators to take appropriatetreatme nts aga inst accide nts. The dan gerof ope n-pit mining system can be reduced to a set target or an acceptablelevel by means of reducing probability and severity of accidents. Its applicati on in ope n-pit mine will help to man age un safe factors, reduce dan ger, establish。
1.IntroductionThank you very much.Mr.Jiao,for your kind dies and gentlemen,Good afternoon!My name is Lijia,came from Harbin Engineering University.I am honored to have been invited to speak at this conference.Before I start my speech,let me ask a question.Do you know what can affect the properties of foam concrete?Do you think how to reinforced the properties of foam concrete?Most of the investigations on foam concrete in the past have been confined(被限于)to neat cement paste,cement paste with partial replacement with admixtures and to cement–sand mixes.Today,my topic is about Influence offiller type on the properties of foam concrete.I want to share our interesting research result on reinforced concrete frame with you.The content of this presentation is divided into4parts:In section1,I will introduce what is the foam concrete.In section2,I will talk about Parameters investigated and mix compositions.In section3,I will give Effect of water–solids ratio on design density.And finally,I will make a conclusion.2.BodySection1:the foam concreteNow,I will introduce the foam concrete.Pre-formed(成型的)foam concrete is manufactured(加工)by adding foam,prepared by aerating(充气)a foaming agent solution,to cement paste or cementmortar(灰浆).The composition(合成物),physical properties(性能)and uses of foam concrete were discussed in detail(详细的)by Valore,Short and Kinniburgh,Rudnai and Taylor.Although several investigations have been conducted on the properties of foam concrete, most of them deal with cement–sand mixes,neat cement paste with or without partial replacement(局部替换)using admixtures(掺合料). Few studies report on the influence offiller type on the properties of foam concrete.By usingfly ash(粉煤灰)asfiller(fine aggregate细骨料) instead of sand,the high volume(体积)utilization(利用)offly ash becomes possible可能,thus providing a means of eco-nomic(经济)and safe disposal(处理)of this waste parison(比较)of strength of air-cured foam concrete made with cement-sand and cement–fly ash for masonry(砌体结构)by Durack and Weiqing show that for products of comparable density(比较密度),mixes withfly ash asfine aggregate in place of sand gave relatively higher strength.Section2:Parameters(参数)investigated and mix compositions(组成成分)So much for the foam concrete,now I will move on to Parameters(参数)investigated and mix compositions.As the experimental programme(实验程序)was aimed at studying the effect of thefillers on the properties like density(密度),flow behaviour(流动特性),water absorption(吸水率)and strength of foam concrete,the following mixeswere investigated by keeping the basicfiller–cement ratio constant(恒定不变)at1:1by weight.The foam required for three densities(密度)of foam concrete viz.1000,1250,1500kg/m3were arrived at as per ASTMC796-97.In the cement–sand–fly ash mixes50%of the sand is replaced withfly ash and in the cement–fly ash mixes all the sand is replaced withfly ash.Section3:Effect of water–solids ratio(水砂比率)on design density That bring me to Effect of water–solids ratio(水砂比率)on design density.I think this part is the most important in my presentation,I will explain in detail.As the foam is added to the wet foam concrete mix,the consistency(稠度)of the wet mix is very important to get the design density.Fig.2(a)and(b)show the variation of density ratio(密度变化率)(measured fresh density divided(分离)by design density)with water–solids ratio for mixes with differentfiller type for each of the design densities,viz.,1000and1500kg/m3,respectively(分别地).It is observed that at lower water–solids ratios,i.e.,at lower consistency,the density ratio is higher than unity(个体).The mix is too stiff(严格地)to mix properly thus causing the bubbles(气泡)to break during mixing resulting in increased density.At higher water–solids ratios there is also an increase in density ratio as higher water contents make the slurry(泥浆)too thin to hold the bubbles resulting in segregation(分离)of the foam from the mix along with segregation of the mix itself thus causingan increase in measured density.Therefore,as shown in Fig.2(a)and(b), a density ratio of unity or nearly unity is achieved only at a particular consistency.This consistency requirement for the mix before adding foam to it can be expressed in terms of water–solids ratio.It is also observed that the water–solids ratio required to obtain a density ratio value of one,depends on thefiller type.Section4:ConclusionThe conclusions drawn from this study and summarized below are applicable(合适的)to the characteristics of the materials(材料特性)used and the range of parameters(参数范围)investigated:(i)the consistency of pre-formed foam concrete mixtures(defined as the water–solids ratio for achieving the target(目标)density)mainly depends on thefiller type,i.e.,relatively higher for mixes withfly ash asfiller compared to mixes with sand;(ii)theflow behaviour mainly depends on the foam volume and as the foam volume increases theflow decreases. For a given density,foam concrete withfly ash asfiller showed relatively(相当的)higherflow values;(iii)for a given density,an increase infly ash content of the mix results in increased strength.In comparison(比较)to cement–sand mixes,cement–fly ash mixes showed relatively higher water absorption(吸收).That’s all.Thank you!Are there any questions?The picture on this slide isSo much for......,now I will move on to......This slide shows the calculation resultAs we know,the target user usually has taken a list of courses rather than a course,so we need to extent our probability calculation formulars.For example,suppose T={a,b},Pr[x﹁T]the probability x occurs without either an a or b preceding it;Pr[x﹁T]the probability x occurs without either an a or b following it.This probability can be calculated exactly. So how to calculate it?That bring me to Recommendation Algorithms.I think this part is the most important in my presentation,I will explain in detail.In conclusion,we proposed a novel precedence mining model,developedTo sum up,first,I introduced the motivation and the outline of work; second,I gave the definition of precedence mining model;third,I described some new recommendation algorithms using precedence information;forth,I showed our experimental results to compare the new algorithms with traditional ones.Finally,I made a conclusion of our work..That’s all.Thank you!Are there any questions?。
模拟联合国模拟联合国(Model United Nations)简称MUN是模仿联合国及相关的国际机构,依据其运作方式和议事原则,围绕国际上的热点问题召开的会议。
时间预估:3mins*n(展示)+5mins(统计)会间休息1 5mins第二阶段a综述:本阶段由各个代表队更具第一阶段中其他各个代表队的议案展示效果与理念,结合所代表国家的特殊政治背景展开斡旋。
16:00 - 17:00 17:00 - 18:00 18:00 - 19:00 19:00 - 20:00 20:00 - 21:00
SS 我们邀请的发言者: 陈健 先生,联合国原副秘书长,中国联合国协会会长。 Jeppe Tranholm-Mikkelsen 先生 ,丹麦驻中国大使。 金灿荣 教授,任职于中国人民大学国际关系学院。 Robert Swan 先生, 最有名的极地探险家之一,环保方面的领军人 物。
目标: o 媒体的参与能引起公众的关注,并提高公众对气候变化的认识。
大会之前: o 提前对大会进行宣传。
大会期间: o 写关于大会的报道和新闻稿。 o 聚焦大会讨论的问题,并积极报道详细情况。
大会之后: o 报道大会带来的社会影响力以及大会带来的变化。
保证高层次的接触和曝光率。 独家采访发言者。 横幅、传单和海报上的媒体标志,可作为一种宣传方式。
气候变化 讨论专题三
气候变化 讨论专题四
主题演讲 小组:气候变化和 公司 气候变化 讨论专题五
我们的 2060
第三天 星期天
气候变化 讨论专题六
主题演讲 小组:气候变化和青年领 袖 GCCYC 青年之声报告 闭幕式
9:00 - 10:00 10:00 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 12:00 - 13:00 13:00 - 14:00 14:30 - 15:00
Global Climate Change Youth Congress’09
"模拟联合国"是世界各国官方和民间团体特意为青年人组织的活动。青年学生们扮演各个国家的 外交官,以联合国大会的形式,通过阐述观点、政策辩论、投票表决、做出决议等亲身经历,熟悉联 合国的运作方式,了解世界发生大事对他们未来的影响,了解自身在未来可以发挥的作用。"模拟联 合国"也是当今世界上个名牌大学的一项历史悠久,开展广泛的学生活动。不仅许多名牌大学有自己 的"模拟联合国"组织,而且此项活动还得到很多国家的官方支助,联合国组织也予以积极的鼓励和支 持。
Dedinition of MUN
模拟联合国(Model United Nations,简称 MUN)是对联合国以及其它国际组织和机构的会议 流程进行模拟的一种活动,简称模联。在模拟联合 国会议中,参与者主要是青年学子们,他们扮演各 国的外交官,依据联合国及其它国际组织的议事规 则,讨论当今国际上的热点问题。作为各国代表, 参与者在会议中代表的是一个“国家”,在会议主席 团的主持和引导下,他们通过演讲阐述“自己国家”的 立场和观点,为了“自己国家”的利益进行辩论、游 说,同时与其它国家的代表沟通与协作,共同解决 矛盾与冲突。
<1> Speaker’s List 主席宣布正式辩论开始后,欲发 言的国家举国家牌,主席随机点出发言国国名,大会发言 依点名顺序进行。发言时间初始设定为1分钟30秒。主席 会在时间剩余30秒的时候提醒代表,代表可以提出 motion延长或缩短发言时间。 代表发言完毕剩余时间 可以让渡: A.给主席(Yield Time to the Chair) ,等同于放弃 时间。策略:一般剩余时间小于10 sec时建议此法 B.给其他国家(yield time to XXX),该国不可二次让 渡时间。策略:盟友还是敌国? C.给评论(yield time to comments),主席会随机点 愿意来评论的国家。 策略:事先准备,锦上添花。
Thank You!
D.给问题欲提问的国家举牌(Yield Time to Questions) ,让大会主席决定发言国家(提问时间不 计入代表发言时间) 策略:展示个人能力的时机。
<2>提出问题或动议(区别在于是否需要表决) 在每位 代表发言结束后,主席会问场内有无问题或动议,代表此 时可以提出问题或动议。问题:不需要表决,由主席直接 解决 A、程序问题Point of Order——当大会进程与既定规 则不符时,代表可以提出程序性问题,该问题可在大会任 何时候提出,发言的代表将被打断,主席首先解决该问题。
英语模拟国际会议主持人:王×会议出席人:朱××会议中提问者两人:董×、赵××休会中途与嘉宾交谈两人:张×、唐××会议结束提问者:余×、龚×主持人王×:Ladies and Gentleman:May I have your attention please? Our conference will begin in a few minutes. All the presenters are requested to be seated. Let me introduce myself,i am wang yuan from SCNU,it’s a privilege for me to chair this session.Once the ceremony has started,you are refrained from taking pictures, using flashbulbs or leaving your seats. 3Q.Distinguished guests, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends:At this special time of wonderful June, in this grand hall of the beautiful city, our respectable guests are here getting together. Academic Seminars of CAS are organized by the Bureau of Personnel and Education of CAS, and held by the CAS research institutes. Now, first of all, please allow me to give our hearty welcome to all of you present, and thank you, for your friendly coming. We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event.For this conference, we are following the agenda here. The meeting is supposed to last for five days,it is the first congress which covers the true sense of psychological education、moral education,basic educationand higher education, application education fields. And it to be separated into two parts, to begin with, we’ll invite some representatives from our guests to give lectures about their latest researches and reports on the issue, and then we will have some symposiums. And finally I wish you an unforgettable and prefect experience here.Firstl,i’d like to introduce our first presenter,Professor Jan. She is the author of “cooperation and competition”.for the past six years,JAN has been honored many awards--a Pulitzer Prize winner, a national Medal of the economy and a National book award and so on.Now, please join me in welcoming our guest speaker today---JAN.,whose topic is “cooperation can improve our competitive”.发言人朱××:Good morning! Mr. Chairman, your excellencies , fellow colleagues ,Ladies and Gentlemen! Firstly, i would like to thank zhu xiaoli for her gracious introduction. I am very glad to have this opportunity of sharing with you our view on cooperation.My topic of today is " cooperation can improve our competitive ".As we all know, competition is a common phenomenon in our society. It occurs in almost every field of our life, such as playing games, doing our study, hunting for jobs .As I stand in here with other Participants ,it’s also a fierce competition. Working hard at something and competing against others can inspire us to push ourselves further than we otherwise might. In other words, competition is required to prompt us to excel and to help us reach our fullest potential. Last of all, competition is seen as an open and fair race where success goes to the swiftest person regardless of his or her social backgrounds. We can say, in this sense, competition stimulates people's interest in work and helps society to go forword.However, as the wave of globalization has come and the development of society, we face more competitions from the outside world. Are we going to face the challenge all by ourselves alone? The answer is clear,Human beings are social beings and no one can exist alone in the society. If you want to play the game well, you have to play with others. You cannot play single-handed and win.You’ll always have to cooperate with your partners, who may make the social ladder for you to climb to the top. From cooperation, you build up trust and understanding, which does good to your future. And also it’s said that we get together to do something larger than one single person, that is to say ,cooperation can turn a small business into a big and strong one. You see,after the cooperation with IBM. Lenovo could challenge theDell computer company as the world NO.2 PC maker, BenQ and SIMENS mobile, Sony and Ericssons, the two groups of companies are collaborating together to win more market. Everyday, there are over 10 thousand companies annexed because of the crucial competition,but there are collaborating together in order to acquire more competitive ability.From a whole nation’s aspect, all the nations should take the nati onal interest as a common goal. Take China and India for example. India, along with Japan, is a main rival of China in Asia. For the history’s sake, India and China have already competed with each other for a long period of time. With the globalization’s steps getting faster, both China and India realize the importance of cooperation. Now they have already started collaborating in the field of IT and mineral exploitation, and the two countries have benefited a lot. As American previous president Bill Clint on ever said:“ There are no forever friends nor rivals, but interest.” So, if situation changes, competition also could turn into cooperation.To sum up, competition and cooperation prevail throughout the world. We should, however, take advantage of the competition as a chance to promote the cooperation and finally be the winner in the competition.we should seek cooperation boardly to improve our competitive. That’s of my speech.. Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.主持人王×:3Q, Dr. Jan.I think all the participants present here this morning will agree with me that your presentation is very informative and enlightening. Now, do anybody have some questions?提问1号赵××:(麻烦想个问题,关于竞争与合作的)提问2号:董×:(麻烦想个问题,关于竞争与合作的)主持人王×:上半段时间到了,请大家休息10分钟,10分钟后会议继续。
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The First Simulated International Conference on Mining Engineering, Rock Mechanism and Safety TechnologyConference ProgramSponsor by: Central South University, China Supported by: Graduate School of Central South University Hosted by: Doctor English Class D3November, 04, 2013Changsha, ChinaThe First Simulated International Conference Conference Theme: Mining Engineering, Rock Mechanism andSafety TechnologyConference Time: 8:00-12:00, Monday, November,04, 2013Conference Address: Room 229, Mining BuildingSpecially Invited Adviser:ShenJinhuaSession Chair:Wu QiuhongHostess: Ma LiSecretariat:XieXiaofengOrganizing Committee:Xiexiaofeng, Ma Li, Wu QiuhongNotes for the conference program:1.The time limit for oral presentations is set as follows:It will be better if the reporting time is controlled within 5 minutes, but there are 1 minutes for the reporter answering the attendees’questions. The total time for each speaker is no more than 7 minutes. When the report runs overtime, the session chair will interrupt the speaker.2.Everyone should be punctual and leave conference only after it comes to an end.3.All participants please set your cell phone to silent mode during conference.AgendaStudy on model experiment and design method of the anti-slidingmicro-pilesMa Li135501002Abstract:This paper which is supported by transportation science and technology development and innovation project of Hunan province, has completed a large collection of anti-sliding micro-pile research information at home and abroad, and design a large-scale physical model experiment about the anti-sliding micro-pile to study the anti-sliding characteristics in Different composite structure. Then the article proposes a new method of the anti-sliding micro-pile about internal force calculation and design with the experiment results. Finally, the applicable environment of the anti-sliding micro-pile composite structure is discussed.Study on Dynamic Effects of Existing Tunnel Caused by Blasting Excavation of Undercrossing New TunnelXieXiaofeng135501003Abstract: Cross tunnel with small interval is a new kind of structure emerged in recent years. The adoption of cross tunnel with small interval is not only to meet the special requirements of unusual geological condition and overall linear route, but also conducive to the overall programming and optimization, with significant economic, social and environmental benefits. However the design and construction of this kind of tunnel remains many technical questions to be solved. For instance, when the new tunnel is close to existing tunnel,the seismic wave induced by blasting endangers the safety and stabilization of the surrounding rock and the lining of existing tunnel. With the rapid urbanization process and the further utilization of underground space, the cross tunnel with small interval will be an increasing number. The research of its design and construction technologies, impacts on existing structure, have high significance on both academic study and engineering practice.The development trend of mining technologyXieYousheng 135501004Abstract: There are more than 10 000 pits in our country, which refer to coal mines, metal mine, and others. The shallow resources are drying up, our pay more and more attention to deep resources. In the meantime, the problems caused by the deep mining engineering need for better technologies or knowledge to solve. The digital mining is an advanced technology, the technology is composed of mining science and technology, informatics, artificial intelligence, computing Science.The Caving Mining Safe Control Technology on The Multi-Mined-Out-Areas Conditions of the ShizhuyuanPolymetallic MineZouping 135501005ABSTRACT: The Shizhuyuanploymetallic mine was mining by room-and-pillar open stope method for more 10 years. After 36 designed rooms are mined out, left 2,600,000m3 mined-out areas with 8000m2 of the maximum continued exposed face of roof without filling for some reasons. For the mine sustainable development and the safe mining, one mainly issues is how to management of mined-out-areas and the pillar mining. So some study was carried out:1) After the engineering geological evaluation, the mechanics parameters of rock mass was derived by generalized Hoek-Brown failure criterion.2) Cavability (i.e. caving areas) of the Shizhuyuanploymetallic mine was worked out by Laubscher and extended Mathews methods.3) For the purpose of safety mining, the ground pressure monitoring system such as Acoustic Emission(AE), displacement and pressure method that suit for the hard rock were designed and installed. The technological routes of the ground monitoring and an early warning case are listed.STATUS AND PROSPECT OF DIGITAL MINE TECHNOLOGYWu Shuliang 135501006Abstract:With the scientific and technological progress and economic development recently,the conception ofdigital mine is widely accepted. The basic technology of digital mine can not only improve the production efficiencyand reduce the accident rate,but also the digital mine is the ultimate objective of the mining industry. This paperintroducesthe application status of digital mine. In the future,the research of high-tech digital minetechnology should be emphasized and mine intelligent technology should be popularized,which will enhance thesustained and healthy development of mining industry in our country .How to select a proper mining methodHuang Zhiguo 135501007Abstract: To select a mining method is vitally important for the design of mining. Inorder to selecta optimalmining method, some main factors should be considered carefully, and some proper approach should be followed accordingly. My report briefly introduced the main factors affecting the selection of an mining method, and a proper approach to select an mining method.Ground ControlWu Weiwei135501008Abstract: The terms ground control and strata control, which here are used interchangeably , date back some 60 years to the early 1930s when the use of rock bolts was pioneered in the United Stated. The first international conference on rock pressure andground control was held in Liege, Belgium, in 1951. In essence, ground control means maintaining rock mass stability by controlling the movement of excavations in the ground, which can be either rock and soil. This is a specialty engineering field that is important because the design of underground excavation is, to large extent, the design of underground support systems such as pillars and rock reinforcement.Although today, ground control is no longer solely a mining art since much of it can qualify as an engineering science, the application of rock and soil mechanics principles and techniques in day-to-day mine planning and design is still not common. It is hoped that the up-to-date knowledge digest contained in this chapter will contribute to better dissemination and application of ground-control concepts and techniques, some of which have been available for many years but which mining engineers have not availed themselves fully.Theoretical study of equal stress load-bearing-arch strength in deepsoft rock roadwayWangPing135501009Abstract:For the difficult support characteristics of deep-soft rock roadway, accordingto the stress distribution law and the bolt support properties, deep-soft rock roadway equal stress bearing arch strength theory by bolt was proposed. The theory is based on the roadwaystress environment, through match the length of anchor bolts, it could be formed a more uniform stress distribution of bearing structure in the surrounding rock.This bearing structurewith betterbearing ability that will maintain the stability of roadway.In addition,the formula of bearing capacity of circle-bearing arch has obtained, it has a certain reference value for the project of soft rock engineering in deep.Numerical Simulation on Mechanism of Pre-splitting crack underFilling-MiningKe Bo 135501010Abstract: In underground mining, especially in reconstructed mining environment, the study on controlling blast disturbance effect and pillar extractionclamping action is much lacked. According to the characteristics of rock mechanics and explosives, using JWL state equation of high explosive and explicit dynamical analysis software package LS-DYNA, the mechanism of pre-splitting near backfill was simulated on the basis of study on fragmentation ore block’s mining in GaoFeng mine, China Tin group Co. Ltd.Study of Mechanical Property of Limestone Specimenswith Natural Continuous PlaneWu Qiuhong135501012Abstract:Rock is made of mineral grains with fissures, beddings and cracks, heterogeneity and anisotropy of rock can occur at micro and macro scales,and it is not nonlinear elastic at all. On basis of granite and limestone with natural single continuous weak plane, heterogeneity, anisotropy and mechanical parameters of rock were studied.BASED ON MICRO-SEISMIC MONITORING TECHNOLOGY IN MINESAFETY MANAGEMENT RESEARCHHuang Weixin 135501013Abstract: As the superficial resource in mine is beening exhausted, mining-induced seismicity is becoming an serious economic and secure problem in deep mining.It’s necessary for secure produce and people’s life and property to research the response lower and fataless for forecast of mining-induced seismicity. This paper deeply studied theresponse lower of mining-induced seismicity in Dongguashan copper mine.It included space-time lower,related characteristics of magnitude-frequency and energy-seismic moment,stress-strain lower and relations between seismicity and exploitation,and get some perfect results.The Typical Application of Room and Pillar MethodinErlihe Lead-zinc MineWang Chun135501014Abstract:The form of ore body in Erlihe Lead-zinc Mine is irregular,which looks like a saddle. The ore body is so hick and large that it is very difficult to exploit.The mine adopt open stope method with footwall chute used to be applied for mining,but the effect is not ideal.According to the mining technical condition of ore body ,the room and pillar method is recommended.The research results show that loss ratio,dilution ratio and mining-cut ratio are all significant fall.At the same time,the roof of goaf was controlled effectively by using the anchor to support.The room and pillar method is an ideal mining method for mining the saddle of ore body by synthesizing all kinds of factors.The application of the Dimine in open-pit mineXiao Yingcai135501015Abstract: Establishing production plan of open-pit mine is aindispensable link in mining engineeringnowadays, In this paper, testablishingthe orebody model and the surface model based on the original geological data by DIMINE software,with the actual data, optimize the design of the open-pit, and on the basis, the system can automatically optimize the order of stripping, meanwhile technical staff canparticipatein the preparation of strippingplan.The results show thatusing the three-dimensional visualization can obtain satisfactory state of shell open.can effectively guide the design ofmining stage or mid -long term production plan On Open-pit standing on the actual production data, it can provide new workable way for stripping planoptimization, meanwhile ,it improves the production efficiency and achieve the goal of quick work in open-pit mine .Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Fracturing in Coal BedSun Gangzhong135501016Abstract: The gas extraction is an effective means in dealing with the gas,Hydraulic fracturing for increasing permeability is an effective technological approach in low-permeability coal seam,to get the cracks of rock mass in Hydraulic fracturing , using Flac3d to simulate. Set the criterion of crack development.A computing algorithm with moving boundary condition was developed on the basis of discontinuum mechanics and implemented in FLAC3D.FLAC3D offers the advantage to integrate all fractures in one single computing model.Prediction and Safety Analysis for Ground Subsidence of Transition from Open Pit to Underground MiningKeYuxian 135501017Abstract:In order to maximize mining the underground resources and ensure the safety of the buildings and structures located at ground, the ground subsidence and movement induced by transition from open pit to underground mining of Xinqiao Mine was studied based on a three-dimensional model established by MIDAS/GTS. The results showed that the largest value of surface tilt(i), curvature(K) and horizontal deformation (ε) are 0.640mm/m, 0.012×10-3/m and 0.503mm/m, which lower than the structures and buildings objects protection level and the allowable deformation value corresponding. The groundsubsidence and movement induced by transition from open pit to underground mining will don’t endanger the buildings and structures located at ground, which provide a theoretical basis for prediction and safety analysis of Xinqiao Mine’s ground subsidence.Cemented backfilling performance of yellow phosphorus slagYang Li 135501018Abstract: Laboratory experiments about feasibility of cemented backfilling with yellow phosphorus slag, including physical-mechanical properties and chemical compositions, optimized proportion, cemented mechanism, was carried out to make good use of yellow phosphorus slag, tackling with the environment and safety problems of those piled outdoors as well as geological hazards and high cost issues during the mining processof Kaiyang Phosphorus Mine Group, Guizhou. The results show that, yellow phosphorus slag, possessing a certain potential cemented properties, can be used as Portland cement substitute. Adding quicklime, hydrated lime and other alkaline substances can deal with the high residual phosphorus of yellow phosphorus slag and phosphorousgypsum, improving the initial strength of cemented backfilling body of yellow phosphorus slag and phosphorousgypsum. Based on the initial strength requirements, the recommend proportions of mass ratio are 1:1 (yellow phosphorus slag: phosphor gypsum), 1:4:10 (Portland cement: yellow phosphorus slag: phosphor gypsum) and 1:4:10 (ultrafine powder: yellow phosphorus slag: phosphor gypsum), with 5% of hydrated lime addition, 60% of mass fraction of solid and good rheological properties.Ca(OH)2is the activating agent of hydration reaction of yellow phosphorus slag and the cemented process involves hydration stage, solidifying stage and strength stage. The hydration reaction velocity of yellow phosphorus slag, Portland cement and ultra-fine powder speeds up, with the stability of cemented microstructure and initial strength also increasing.Wear mechanism and serious wear position of casing pipein vertical backfill drill-holeLiu Enyan135501019Abstract: Vertical backfill drill-hole is usually a key project in an underground mine with backfill method and can be easily damaged by impact of backfill slurry. Observation of the damaged vertical backfill drill-holes in Jinchuan Nonferrous Metal Corporation (JNMC), Gansu Province, China, given by a digital drill-hole video camera, indicated that there usually exist serious wear zones in casing pipe in vertical backfill drill-hole (CVBH). It was suggested that serious wear position of CVBH should be located at an interface between air and solid−liquid mixture within CVBH. Backfill slurry falls freely and impacts the wall of CVBH near the interface with great momentum and energy coming from high speed free fall of backfill slurry. The depth of serious wear position of CVBH, i.e., free fall height of backfill slurry in CVBH, can be estimated by the height of vertical backfill drill-hole, the length of horizontal pipeline, the density of slurry and the hydraulic gradient of pipeline system. A case study indicated that the estimation equation of serious damage depth of CVBH was of enough accuracy and was helpful for daily maintenance and management of vertical backfill drill-hole.Risk Assessment on Blocking of Filling Pipeline Based on UncertaintyMeasurement TheoryWANG Shi135501020Abstract:In order to forecast the difficult degree on filling pipeline blocking of filling system in deep mine, the assessment model of filling pipeline blocking was established on the basis of the uncertainty measurement theory. Ten evaluation indexes were selected as the discriminant ones of the uncertainty measurement model. The uncertainty measurement function of each index was obtained based on the in-situ data. The information entropy theory was used to calculate the weight of each discriminant index,and the predictive value of filling pipeline blocking was finally achieved using the rules of credible recognition criteria. The results show that the four evaluation objects are Longshou mine of Jinchuan company, Dahongshan copper mine, Hedong gold mine, and Xincheng gold mine, and the risk grades of them are respectively Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, and Ⅲ. The influence of evaluation system versus the evaluation indexes can be comprehensively considered by the uncertainty measurement theory, which is quantitatively calculated.Stability analysis and comprehensive treatment methods of landslides under complex mining environment—a case study of Dahulandslide from Linbao HenanDai Bing 135501021ABSTRACT:A case study of Dahu landslide from Linbao Henan in China was discussed in this paper. Based on various kinds of basic data, the 3D numerical model of a geological structure which possesses all kinds of information including the mechanical characteristics and the geometrical parameters of geological discontinuities were known from previous works. Thus, both the whole geological structure and all kinds of geological components involved in a slope can be visualized on computer, the complicated analysis and calculation can be then carried out easily and effectively. Firstly, the combination of 3D numerical model with some classical theories in slope stabilization can easily provide the present stability factor. Then according to monitoring data of the total station, the potential sliding trends are analyzed if landslides do not occur. Secondly, there are a number of uncertainties on the factors of coupled disaster forming, such as, rainfall, earthquake, and mined-out area. The unascertained mathematics theory is applied to the stability comprehensive analysis. It shows four landslide bodies get to be at unstable state if there are some inducements. Thirdly, sliding distance and movement scope were predicted if landslides occur. On the basis of the analysis above, the treatments of the landslide body called isolated method of culvert are proposed. It has solved the contradiction of landslide and mining radically, and provides important technical assurance for safety and sustainable development of mine.Simple discussion on filling theory and technologyGuoHongquan135501022Abstract:The development situation of the cutand fillmethod athome and abroad is presented andits advantages are also described such ashigh safety, high recovery ratio and smalldestruction to ecologicenvironmenton ground surface. Applicable condition and developmentorientation of the dry fillingmethod, hydraulic sand fillingmethod, cemented fillingmethod and fillingmethod arediscussed.It thinksthatwith progress ofscience and technology, the cutand fillmethodwillbecome a foremostminingmethod in undergroundmining ofdeposit.Establishment of Comprehensive Emergency Management Systemfor Campus EmergenciesSong Qing-hua 135501024Abstract:Because of social transformation, expansion of university enrollment and introduction of other service industries made campus potential safety hazard more complex. Campus emergencies are increasing in frequency and often occur in different forms, which have aroused widely public attention. Campus emergency has the features of social sensitivity, subject activeness, loss additive, as well as showing the characteristics of general emergency, thus abruptness, uncertainty, destructiveness, derivative, diffusivity, sociality. Apparently, traditional safety control system is far from meeting the requirements of current campus security situation, deep reformations for campus security are needed. China’s policy for emergency management is called “one plan and three systems” (representing emergency response plan and organizational system, mechanism system, legal system) had been made into practice in many domains and helped improve their security. It is found that emergency management will be effective and efficient only by: firstly, bringing into play the effort of the whole society (including not only school, educational system, family, students that have direct correlation with emergency, but also media, transport agency, hospital, public security and other social organizations that areindirectly associatedwith emergency) and secondly, considering the whole life cycle of emergency (including four time periods, thus no emergency, before the emergency, during the emergency and after the emergency) to minimize the resulted loss.Based on the “one plan and three systems” policy and with the intention of controlling emergency from a time-space perspective, the idea of establishing the Comprehensive Emergency Management System (CEMS) for campus emergencies is put forward. It is rational to expect that there will be resistance to the system’s implement ation for economical restriction or lack of safety awareness, so more detailed consideration is necessary for the system’s eventual accomplishment.3-D Numerical Analysis On The RightOpportunity Of Support In SoftRock RoadwayGUI Rong 135501025Abstract: An analysis was made on the soft rock of Yunling tunnel by using the finite element software ABAQUS.The changes of the displacement, stress and plastic zone during the process of construction was analyzed.And using the way to get the right opportunity of support in the soft rock. It is validated that the method is correctusing the monitoring data and the method will be significant for engineering practicability.Features of pipe transportation of paste-likebackfilling in deep mineYang Jiang 135501027Abstract:Based on the pipe transportation of paste-like backfilling system of a certain deep coal mine, dynamics process was simulated and analyzed. A two-dimension dynamic model of extraordinary deep and lone pipe was built by GAMBIT, on the base of which, simulation was done by implicit solver of FLUENT 2ddp. The results show that hydraulic loss of pipe transportation is less than the pressure produced by gravity which means backfilling material can flow by itself; when the inlet velocity is 3.2m/s, the maximumvelocity of 4.10m/s isat the elbow and the maximum velocity in the horizontal pipe is 3.91m/s, which are both sensible to meet the stability requirement. Results of the simulation were proved reliable by the residual monitor plotting of related parameter, so it’s concluded that the system of pipe transportation is safe and reliable.Research on heavy metals pollution in soil along the ortransportationroadsideLi Xiaoyan 135501028ABSTRACT:This paper introduces the main sources and transmission of heavy metal pollution in the ore transportations roadside soil and the detection methods of heavy metals in the soil, and analysis the influence degree of the soil polluted by heavy metals according to the main evaluation standards at this stage. But the present study lack of quantitative impact of heavy metals and can not highlight the defect effects of heavy metals on the biological activity of certain proportion evaluation standard.Experimental investigation on the energy-saving diffuser of a mainfanLi Gang 135501029Abstract: The main fan diffuser in a coal mine is an energy-recycling equipment with a dynamic energy loss for the main fan. Engineering practices and related researches show that the body structures of three types of diffusers are irrational. To solve the problem, an energy-saving diffuser is designed on the basis of the velocity potential theory. Under conditions of inlet velocity from 7 m/s to 32 m/s, 7 condition experiments using the energy-saving diffuser of 2.31 AER (area-enlarging ratio) and 5 condition experiments using the energy-saving diffuser of 2.00 AER were conducted. Through a comparative analysis of the experiments, the results show that the COP (coefficient of performance) of the energy-saving diffuser of 2.31 AER is better than that of the energy-saving diffuser of 2.00 AER.Research of the relation of Campus Environment Design toIdeological educationCao Zhiwei 135501031Abstract: Campus environment is not optimistic in our country, outstanding performance in many ways. Among all of these, the spiritual emptiness is behaved most obvious, in conclusion,there is lack of cultural connotation.The subject that how to educate and govern the inferior students is facing for the ideological workers in college.In this paper, through the study of ideological and political education interaction relationship between the campus environment,clarify the meaning and value of the campus environment design.Analysis the function of ideology education to the campus environment design.Campus environment design research is based on the function of the ideological education helps to promote campus environment.We should make the ideological work become a new magic weapon which can better educatestudents.The Research of Hospital Logistics Management Evaluation SystemBased on MORTTeng Yun 135501032Abstract: This article tries to apply the MORT(Management Oversight and Risk Tree)method into the evaluation of Hospital logistics management,construct hospital logistics management evaluation system with the consideration of the practice ofXiangya hospital, Central South University in the process of actual situation, and eventually puts forward a new method of hospital logistics management, which will provide a new idea of hospital logistics management evaluation and quality supervision and management.Study on the Early Warning System of Coal and Gas OutburstPengHuaide 135501035Abstract: Based on the mechanism of coal and gas outburst, Comprehensively analyzing characteristics of coal and gas outburst, according to collection, summarization and analysis of affecting factors of coal and gas outburst, the principles of selecting early warning indicators were explored. The early warning model of coal and gas outburst was established by SPSS statistical analysis, based on the indicators of the gas density, gas desorption and the initial velocity of drilling gas emission. The early warning system of coal and gas outburst was simulated by Logistic regression analysis. Summarizing the data of coal and gas outburst factors in Lu’an group Tunliu mine, a query database was created inSQL Server to achieve information data query functions of coal and gas outburst. The multivariate information coupled warning was conducted according to the selecting early warning indicator system, and the early warning level was divided with the result of early warning. Based on the visualization capability of ArcGIS, the corresponding warning level was displayed in the area of the drawing of Lu’anTunliu mine to realize the role of visualization of early warning. The establishment of the early warning system is a new technical way to the early warning management of coal and gas outburst, and can provide guarantee to the coal and gas outburst prevention.Research on intrinsic safety method for open-pit miningZhengKaihuan 135501036Abstract:Open-pit mining is a complicated system engineering which has many unsafe factors like large amount of workers,dispersive workplaces,bad natural condition and involute working environment.It is necessary to seek an effective way to realize intrinsic safety for open-pit mining. In order to promoteintrinsic safety of open-pit mining system, intrinsic safety method out of safety theory and practical mining production are combined to form a fullimplementation system of intrinsic safety method for open-pit mining. Then the main implementation contents are systematicallyanalyzed. It is thought that intrinsic。