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Translation method (1)Causal relation(因果)
• Puzzled frown • Delighted smile • Terrified despair • Thoughtful silence • • Ignorant nonsense
• 因困惑而皱眉 • 因高兴而微笑
• Before them there are still three weary miles. • 他们还得辛苦跋涉三英里。 • The big man crashed down on a protesting chair. • 这个大个子一屁股坐了下来,椅子吱嘎噶地响,就像发
• The sailors swarmed into a laughing and cheering ring around the two man. • 水手们簇拥着,围在这两人四周欢呼雀跃。 • These were the last drunken words he uttered to me. • 这是他跟我说的最后几句胡话
• 参考书目 • 《实用翻译教程》 冯庆华 • 英汉修辞与翻译 陈定安 • 实用英语修辞 范祖民
transferred epithet
知错犯错 别具一格
• Definition • Classification • Translation methods
• epithet • An epithet is an adjective or short phrase that is used as a way of criticizing or praising someone. 修饰词,专指用以批评或表扬某人的形容词或短语 • transferred epithet A figure of speech in which an epithet grammatically modifies a noun that is not the person or thing it actually describes,also known in rhetoric as hypallage. • A transferred epithet often involves shifting a modifier from the animate to the inanimate.
1.移人于物 (用来修饰人的修饰词移于修饰事物)
• 我报的账目是良心账,我干的活是良心活。
• The Grapes of Wrath 《愤怒的葡萄》 • 美国作家 John Steinbeck写的一部著名小说,叙述 被骗到西部充当葡萄采摘移民的艰难困苦。
2.移物于人(即把说明事物的属性移用来说明人或人 的行为)
• William Shakespeare is a very hard English writer. • 威廉▪莎士比亚的英语作品很难读懂。 • (an easy writer)
• In the examination, the boy threw a nervous glance at
the teacher, who was obviously suspicious of his cheating. • 在考场上那个男孩用紧张的眼光瞥了老师一眼,老师显然 怀疑到他在作弊。
• Darrow walked slowly round the baking court. • 达罗绕着那气氛紧张、异常闷热的法庭慢慢地踱步着。
• 由于恐惧而感到绝望
• 因沉思而沉默
• 由于无知而胡说
(2)Coordinate or parallel relation(平行 或并列关系)
• • • • She sat there with embarrassed delight. 她坐在那里,即尴尬又高兴。 We listened with smiling attention. 我们一边笑一边注意地听着。
(3)disjunctive relation(纯修饰关系)
• • • • • • Laughing eyes 笑眼 Sleepy corner 沉静的角落 understanding smile 会心的微笑
• 1、My host handed me a hospitable glass of wine. solitary • 2、He spent a few years of despair. reassuring • 3、He threw a arm round my shouldHale Waihona Puke Baidur as we were waiting for the court to open. • conservative 4、This new tendency has raised many a eyebrow. • solitary conservative • hospitable reassuring