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1.It’s _________(cl oud)today. It seems that it is going to rain.

2.Lisa is my _________(ol d)sister and she is two years ol der than me.

3.It is quite important for both of us to have proper _________(communicate)when we feel angry.

4.I can’t see any _________(relate)between the two probl ems.

5.Firstly, I don’t have enough money. _________(second), I don’t have free time.

6.Don’t give me too much _________ (press). I’m stressed out/

7.So far about forty students have entered for the singing _________(compete).

8.I had an _________(usual) experience last night. I didn’t believe it at all.

9.With the _________(devel op)of science and technol ogy , life is becoming much easier.



I hope you can _________ _________the probl em.


I often _________ _________with my friends on weekends.


Yesterday my brother _________ _________ _________with Tony .


My mother is _________ _________the newspaper at the moment.


My brother _________ _________ _________with me, so I was angry.


The boy _________ _________to bed _________his mother came back.


My mother all ows _________ _________ _________the things _________ _________.


1.---We can’t enter the room. I can’t find my key.

---Is it possibl e that you _________it at home?

A l eft

B fixed

C managed

D designed 2.They spoke _________quickly _________I coul d hardly hear them

A such, that

B so , that

C neither, nor

D both, and

3.Xiong’an New Area will help _________big probl ems in Beijing, such as traffic jams.

A set out

B check out

C work out

D give out

4.Jenny is afraid to travel by plane . She always feels _________when getting on it.

A nervous

B interested

C relaxed

D happy

5.If you want to know more about space , pl ease _________the book A Brief History of Time.

A l ook through

B l ook around

C l ook after

D l ook down upon

6.after having a rest , he _________working .

A continued

B hated

C forgot

D imagined

7”A white el ephant “means something that is usel ess, _________it may cost a l ot of money.

A unl ess

B until

C since

D although

7.I l earned _________ a horse last year, and now I’m good at it.

A ride

B rod e

C to ride

D riding

8.---What do you think of talk show.

---- _________. They’re boring.

A I can’t stand them

B I l ove them

C I’m not sure

D No probl em


1.老师要我删去第一段。(asked , cut)

___________________________________________________________ 2.我妈妈总是拿我和萨利作比较。(always , comparing)

___________________________________________________________ 3.让我们做运动吧。(play)

___________________________________________________________ 4.他花太多时间玩电脑游戏。(spent, on)

___________________________________________________________ 5.我们应该互相帮助。(shoul d)

___________________________________________________________ 6.公园里有各种各样的花。(kinds)

___________________________________________________________ 7.他努力学习,为的是能够通过考试。(studies ,so that)

