上海牛津英语8B Unit 2 Water

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8B Unit 2 Water 语法知识点讲解

1.valuable (a .) 值钱的

*Thanks for your ___________________(有价值的建议).

value (n .) 价值

*Telephone is the invention of great value to human bergs.

2.daily (adv./adj. /n .)

*We clean our classroom ________(每天)。

*Science and technology changes _____________________________(人们日常的生活)`

*_______________(中国日报) is his farourite newspaper.

每周weekly / 每月_____________ / 每年_______________

3.increase (v .)—become greater in number or size.增加

*The population in this country has increased quickly in the last three years.

反义: decrease ---become smaller in or size.

4.remain (keep)保持(系动词)

*This problem was remained unsolved.

5.1/2 ______________ 1/4 _______________ 3/4 __________________


1/4 of the land ____ (be) polluted. 1/4 of the students______ (be) can play computer.

6.be … covered with 被。。。覆盖


7. the symbol for ….符号/the symbol of ….象征

Pigeon is known as the symbol of peace .

for 强调名词所指的对象 a bill for water .

a ticket _____the film .

to 强调唯一对应的方向the key to the door .

the answer_____the question

the way _____the park .

of 强调与名词所属关系the students of the school .

the name _____the book .

8.be on 1)家用电器:the light ______ ___(是亮着的)



9.vanish (v)—— disappear completely and suddenly

*The thief vanished into the crowd _______________________

*My hope of success _____________(已经消失了))

10.turn that tap off = turn off that tap=____________________(用代词it)

* Pick the litter up = Pick the litter up= pick it up

Look the new word up in the dictionary=look up the new word in the dictionary=look it up….

11.loud (adj.) 响亮的The music is too loud.

(adv.) 响亮地,大声地(常与talk,sing taugh等连用)

*Action speak _________ than words事实胜于雄辩

12.freeze ( v.) —— make aperson stop suddenly or walk to more because of fear or surprise

Freezing ( a.)极冷的frozen(a.)结冰的

*There are few people outside ______________________________(在如此寒冷的天) *Don’t wash your face with that_________________(冷水)

*They don’t like eating ____________(冻鱼)

*The weather was __________(如此寒冷)that the river became frozen

13.waste (v.n) 浪费

*I don’t want to waste any more words on the subject

______________________(别浪费时间) in arguing with him

14.patient(adj/n) 耐心的,病人请对那些病人耐心点!______________________________

patience(n.)耐心I began to lose my patience with him

patiently (adv.) 耐心地you’d better listen to him patiently

15.obey(v.)——do what one is told 服从


disobey (v.) 不服从

16.faint (a.) 微弱的

*The sound of music grew ____________更加微弱

*He said it_______________用很微弱的声音

fortable(a.) 舒服的

*The couple worked hard to make their children____________________.舒服的生活

comfortably(adv.) 舒服地

18.joy(n.)愉快to one’s great joy


使人快乐的(adj)____________ e.g. 快乐的校园生活。____________________________ enjoy oneself =enjoy one’s time =have a good time

view(v.)仔细看review=go over 复习

19.speed(v.n) 加速,速度

Speed up 加速at a speed of 以…速度


*The pipe carries gas to the town

*The old bridge can’t carry so much traffic


*A holiday will help you relax after an exam

relaxed(a.) 放松的relaxing (a.)放松的

*He seem to be relaxed but not inside

*It’s relaxing to listen to music

22.it’s time for+n./it’s time +to do sth

*It’s time for lunch=____________________________

*I t’s time to go to bed =__________________________

23.puzzled(a .) 困惑puzzing (a.) 令人困惑的

24.treat(v.) 对待,医治,处理

*We’ve grown up. Don’t treat us a child

*The doctors are trying a new way to treat the cancer

*The workers treated the metal with some chemicals

*Treatment(n.) 对待

*They’re _________________(抱怨见考纲词组) the unfair treatment they’re got

*A new treatment for cancer is under research

26.thorough(a.) 完全=comoletely

词形词义辨析:Thorough ( )_____________

Thought ( )____________

Though ( )_____________

Through ( )______________
