1 Mining methodmining method 采矿方法;mining operation 采矿作业;transportation 运输;ventilation 通风;ground control 顶板管理;the cost of per ton of coal 吨煤成本;recovery 回采率;subside v. subsidence n.地表沉陷;subsidence control 地表沉陷控制cover 覆盖层;overburden 上覆地层;immediate roof 直接顶;floor 底板;dip (Pitch)倾角;hardness 硬度;strength 强度;cleavage 解理;gas,methane 瓦斯daily operation 日常工作single operation 单一工序unit operation 单元作业auxiliary operation辅助作业cutting n. 切割,掏槽;blasting n. 爆破loading n. 装煤haul v. 运输,搬运drainage n.排水power n. 动力power Supply 动力供应communication n. 通讯lighting n.照明。
disruption in production 停产;reduction in production 减产;compromise 折衷room and pillar 房柱式by far 到目前为止i n common with … 和…一样underground mining 井工开采outcrop 露头,露出地面的岩层;crosscut 联络巷、石门;drift 平硐;entry 平巷;development stage 开拓阶段;production stage 生产阶段;face 工作面。
continuous miner 连续采煤机;haulage capacity 运输能力;main entry 主巷。
Chapter 3 .1 Mining methodmining method 采矿方法;mining operation 采矿作业;transportation 运输;ventilation 通风;ground control 顶板管理;the cost of per ton of coal 吨煤成本;recovery 回采率;subside v. subsidence n.地表沉陷;subsidence control 地表沉陷控制cover 覆盖层;overburden 上覆地层;immediate roof 直接顶;floor 底板;dip (Pitch)倾角;hardness 硬度;strength 强度;cleavage 解理;gas,methane 瓦斯daily operation 日常工作single operation 单一工序unit operation 单元作业auxiliary operation辅助作业cutting n. 切割,掏槽;blasting n. 爆破loading n. 装煤haul v. 运输,搬运drainage n.排水power n. 动力power Supply 动力供应communication n. 通讯lighting n.照明。
disruption in production 停产;reduction in production 减产;compromise 折衷room and pillar 房柱式by far 到目前为止i n common with … 和…一样underground mining 井工开采outcrop 露头,露出地面的岩层;crosscut 联络巷、石门;drift 平硐;entry 平巷;development stage 开拓阶段;production stage 生产阶段;face 工作面。
continuous miner 连续采煤机;haulage capacity 运输能力;main entry 主巷。
英语材料1采矿专业英语1 概述1 mining 采矿2 underground mining 地下采矿3 open cut mining, open pit mining, surface mining 露天采矿4 mining engineering 采矿工程5 mining technology 采矿工艺6 underground mining 地下矿山7 surface mining 露天矿山8 exploitation 开采scope of exploitation 开采范围;910 exploration 勘探11 mine feasibility study 矿山可行性研究mine capacity 矿山规模1213 mine production capacity 矿山生产能力mining schedule 采矿计划1415 annual mine output 矿山年产量16 mine life 矿山服务年限17mine construction 矿山基本建设18 mine construction period 矿山建设期限arrival at mine full capacity 矿山达产1920 mining intensity 开采强度21 rock mechanics 岩石力学22 rock mass mechanics 岩体力学2 地质1 crust 地壳,外壳mineral deposit 矿床2 mine field 矿田3 mine 矿山4 orebody 矿体blind orebody 盲矿体;buried orebody 隐伏矿体;irregular-shaped orebody 不规则矿体;marginal orebody 边缘矿体5 vein 矿脉6 ore 矿石7 grade 品位geological grade 地质品位;average grade 平均品位;cut-off grade 边界品位;economic grade 经济品位8 industrial ore 工业矿石9 extracted ore 采出矿石10 hanging wall 上盘11 footwall 下盘12 bedrock 基岩13 mineralization 成矿作用14 mining area 矿区15 outcrop 露头16 reserve 储量ore reserve 矿石储量;proved reserve 探明储量17 strike 走向18 dip 倾向2 地质dip angle 倾角;19 lead 铅20 aluminium 铝21 zinc 锌22 tin 锡23 mercury 汞24 antimony 锑25 platinum 铂3 开拓系统1 chamber 硐室2 crosscut 石门,联络巷;3 footrill 平硐4 decline 斜坡道5 entry 平巷main entry 主巷6 inset 马头门loading room 装矿硐室7 pump station 泵站8 orepass 放矿溜井9 portal 井口10 pump station 泵站11 ramp 斜坡道12 shaft 竖井main shaft 主井;auxiliary shaft 副井;ventilation shaft 通风井;intake shaft 进风井;inclined shaft 斜井shaft station 井底车场13 substation 变电所central substation 中央变电所;14 slope 斜井15 sump 水仓16 tunnel 巷道4 采矿方法1 dip 下山2 rise 上山3 drill 钻孔drilling 凿岩;drilling blasting 凿岩爆破;4 mining method 采矿方法5 parallel working 平行作业6 pillar 矿柱safety pillar 安全矿柱;7 stope 采场stoping sequence 回采顺序;stope arrangement 采场布置8 block open stoping 阶段矿房法room and pillar 房柱法shrinkage stope 留矿法9 sublevel open stoping (SLOS) 分段矿房法block caving method 阶段崩落法10 sublevel caving method 分段崩落法top slicing 分层崩落法cut-and-fill stoping 上向分层充填法drill-and-fill method stoping 上向进路充填法long-wall fill stoping 长壁充填法working face 工作面line of least resistance 最小抵抗线5 通风排水系统1 ventilation 通风ventilation system 通风系统;2 drainage 排水drainage pipeline 排水管道;3 return shaft 回风井4 intake shaft 进风井6 机械设备1 air compressor 空气压缩机2 cage 罐笼3 dump track 卸土车4 detonator 雷管5 detonating tube 导爆管6 detonating cord 导爆索7 electronic powered slusher 电耙8 electric excavator 电铲gravel pump 砂泵9 headframe 井架10 hoist house 提升机房11 landing platform 摇台roller-bit rotary rig 牙轮钻机12 skip 箕斗2商务英语2.1词汇1 deficit 赤字,不足额2 commodity 商品,货物3 concentration n. 浓度;集中;浓缩;专心;集合average concentration 平均含量consumption 消耗,消费4 emission 排放物,辐射5 equivalent adj.等价的,相等的;同意义的;n.等价物,相等物6 reclamation 复垦,再利用spot 现货,股票7 sustainability 持续性8 strike 罢工9 ultimate n.终极;根本;基本原则;adj.最终的;极限的;根本的10 versus 对抗,与……相对不常用名词1 phosphate n.[化]磷酸盐;[地]皮膜化成2 potash n.碳酸钾;草碱;苛性钾;钾化合3 uranium n. [化]铀2.2口语Care and diligence bring luck. 谨慎才能带来机遇。
采矿常见术语一、矿井1. 井口:位于地面的矿井入口,用于下井和上井。
2. 井筒:从井口向下延伸的垂直通道,连接井口和矿井底部。
3. 矿井底部:位于井筒的最底部,是矿工进行采矿作业的区域。
二、矿石开采1. 钻探:使用钻机或钻杆在地下开采矿石前进行预先定位和勘探。
2. 爆破:将炸药安置在矿石中,引爆以破碎矿石并方便后续的采集和运输。
3. 矿脉:矿石在地下形成的矿物质富集带,矿工需要找到矿脉才能进行开采。
4. 坑道:连接矿井底部的水平通道,用于运输矿石和矿工。
5. 支护:在坑道或巷道中设置支架和支撑材料,以防止坍塌和保护矿工的安全。
三、矿石处理1. 破碎:将矿石通过破碎机或破碎设备进行粉碎,使其符合后续处理的要求。
2. 磨矿:使用磨机将破碎后的矿石进一步细磨,以获得所需的粒度和浓度。
3. 浮选:利用矿石中不同矿物的物理和化学性质差异,通过浮选机将有用矿物从废石中分离出来。
4. 浓缩:将浮选获得的矿石浓缩,提高有用矿物的含量,减少废石的排放。
四、矿石运输1. 卡车:用于在矿山内部和矿山与加工厂之间运输矿石的车辆。
2. 输送带:将矿石从矿山中的一处运输到另一处的设备,提高运输效率。
3. 铁路:建设在矿山内部的铁路线路,用于长距离的矿石运输。
五、安全与环保1. 通风系统:在矿井中设置通风设备,保持空气流通,排除有害气体和粉尘。
2. 瓦斯抽采:利用瓦斯抽采设备将矿井中的可燃瓦斯抽出,防止矿井爆炸。
3. 尾矿处理:对矿石处理过程中产生的废弃物进行处理和回收利用,减少对环境的影响。
4. 安全检查:定期对矿山设备和施工场所进行安全检查,确保矿工的人身安全。
六、矿石质量与评估1. 矿石品位:矿石中有用矿物的含量,品位越高,矿石价值越高。
2. 矿石储量:矿山地下存储的矿石总量,是矿山开采能力的重要指标。
3. 矿石估价:根据矿石品位、储量和市场需求等因素进行矿石价值的评估。
矿山主要专业术语1. 品位(矿石品位)品位就像是蛋糕里的水果,含量越多越有价值。
2. 采场采场就是我们在矿山里挖矿的地方,这就好比是厨师的厨房。
”3. 矿脉矿脉就像大地母亲藏起来的宝藏脉络。
就拿金矿脉来说,沿着它找下去,说不定就能找到一大片金子呢,那感觉就像找到了传说中的金山,哇塞!4. 顶板顶板就像我们头顶上的保护伞。
”5. 底板底板就如同我们脚下的大地根基。
6. 开拓巷道开拓巷道就像是在矿山里修的一条条高速公路。
7. 回采巷道回采巷道呢,它更像是通往宝藏仓库的小通道。
”8. 充填体充填体就像是给矿山做的补丁。
bed, deposit, field 书馆矿床outcrop 露头fault 断层vein, sean, lode 矿脉gold reef 金矿矿脉pocket 矿穴reservoir 储藏water table 潜水面,地下水面mine 矿stratum, layer 矿层quarry 露天采石clay pit 粘土矿坑peat bog 泥炭沼gold nugget 块金gangue 脉石,矿石,尾矿prospector 探矿者prospecting 探矿boring, drilling 钻探auger, drill 钻excavation 发掘quarrying, extraction 采石borer, drill, drilling machine 钻机stonemason 石工锤stonecutter 切石机miner 矿工mining engineer 采矿工程师pan 淘金盘氨基三乙酸(NTA) || aminotriacetic acid 胺基 || amino铵基 || ammonium安全地层 || safe formation安全试破 || safe destruction安全钻井 || safe drilling坳陷 || down warping region螯合 || chelation凹陷 || sag凹陷地层 || subsidence formation奥陶系 || Ordovician systemAPI模拟法 || API recommened methodB多靶点 || multiple target point白沥青 || white asphalt白油 || mineral oil白云母 || white mica半透膜 || semipermeable membrane包被絮凝剂 || flocculant包被 || envelop包被抑制性 || encapsulating ability 饱和度 || saturation饱和度剖面图 || pro of degree of saturation饱和盐水 || saturated salt water背斜 || anticlinal钡 || barium苯环 || benzene ring苯酚 || phenyl hydroxide本质区别 || essential difference泵压过高 || overhigh pumping pressure 比表面积 || specific surface area比吸水量 || specific absorption比重瓶法 || density bottle method避免 || avoid蓖麻油 || ricinus oil边界摩擦 || boundary friction扁藻(浮游植物) || algae变化趋势 || variation trend标准化 || standardization标准粘度测量 || standard visicosity measure表面粗糙度 || roughness of the surface 表面电位 || surface electric potential 表面活性剂 || surfactant ,surface active agent表面能 || interface energy表面粘度 || surface viscosity表面抛光 || sample surfaceAibbs表面弹性 || Aibbs surface elasticity表面张力 || surface tension表明 || verify /reveal表皮系数(S) || skin coefficient憋钻 || bit bouncing宾汉方程 || bingham equation丙三醇 || glycerine丙烯情 || acrylonitrile丙烯酸 || acrylic acid丙烯酸盐 || acrylate丙烯酰胺 || acrylamide薄而韧的泥饼 || thin,plastic and compacted mud-cake ||薄片 || flake薄弱地层 || weak formation泊松比|| poisson’s ratio剥离 || peel off补救 || remediation不分散泥浆 || nondispersed mud不干扰地质录井 || play no role in geological logging不均质储层 || heterogeneous reservoir 不均匀 || uneven不可逆 || irreversible不同程度 || inordinately部分水解聚丙烯酰胺(PHPA) || partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamideC参数优选 || parametric optimization 残酸 || reacted acid残余饱和度 || residual staturation残渣 || gel residue , solid residue测量 || measure侧链 || side chain侧钻水平井 || sidetrack horizontal well 层间 || interlayer层间距 || the distance between the two crystal layer, layer distance层理 || bedding层流 || layer flow差减法 || minusing尝试 || trial柴油 || diesel oil长连缔合物 || long chain associated matter操作方法 || operation method超伸井 || high deep well超深预探井 || ultradeep prospecting well超声波 || ultrasonography超高密度泥浆 || extremely high density mud超细碳酸钙 || super-fine calcium carbonate产层 || production/pay zone产层亏空 || reservoir voidage产量 || production ,output沉淀 || precipitation沉降 || subside沉降速度 || settling rate沉砂 || sand setting衬套 || sleeve程序 || program采矿mining地下采矿underground mining露天采矿open cut mining, open pit mining , surface mining采矿工程mining engineering选矿(学)mineral dressing, ore beneficiatio n, mineral processing矿物工程mineral engineering冶金(学)metallurgy过程冶金(学)process metallurgy提取冶金(学)extractive metallurgy 化学冶金(学)chemical metallurgy 物理冶金(学)physical metallurgy 金属学Metallkunde冶金过程物理化学physical chemistry of process met allurgy冶金反应工程学metallurgical reaction engineering 冶金工程metallurgical engineering 钢铁冶金(学)ferrous metallurgy, metallurgy of iron and steel有色冶金(学)nonferrous metallurgy 真空冶金(学)vacuum metallurgy等离子冶金(学)plasma metallurgy微生物冶金(学)microbial metallurgy 喷射冶金(学)injection metallurgy钢包冶金(学)ladle metallurgy二次冶金(学)secondary metallurgy机械冶金(学)mechanical metallurgy 焊接冶金(学)welding metallurgy粉末冶金(学)powder metallurgy铸造学foundry火法冶金(学)pyrometallurgy湿法冶金(学)hydrometallurgy电冶金(学)electrometallurgy氯冶金(学)chlorine metallurgy矿物资源综合利用engineering of comprehensive utili zation of mineral resources中国金属学会The Chinese Society for Metals 中国有色金属学会The Nonferrous Metals Society of China采矿采矿工艺mining technology有用矿物valuable mineral冶金矿产原料metallurgical mineral raw material s矿床mineral deposit特殊采矿specialized mining海洋采矿oceanic mining, marine mining矿田mine field矿山mine露天矿山surface mine地下矿山underground mine矿井shaft矿床勘探mineral deposit exploration 矿山可行性研究mine feasibility study矿山规模mine capacity矿山生产能力mine production capacity矿山年产量annual mine output矿山服务年限mine life矿山基本建设mine construction矿山建设期限mine construction period矿山达产arrival at mine full capacity开采强度mining intensity矿石回收率ore recovery ratio矿石损失率ore loss ratio工业矿石industrial ore采出矿石extracted ore矿体orebody矿脉vein海洋矿产资源oceanic mineral resources矿石ore矿石品位ore grade岩石力学rock mechanics岩体力学rock mass mechanics选矿选矿厂concentrator, mineral processing p lant工艺矿物学process mineralogy开路open circuit闭路closed circuit流程flowsheet方框流程block flowsheet产率yield回收率recovery矿物mineral粒度particle size粗颗粒coarse particle细颗粒fine particle超微颗粒ultrafine particle 粗粒级coarse fraction细粒级fine fraction网目mesh原矿run of mine, crude 精矿concentrate粗精矿rough concentrate混合精矿bulk concentrate 最终精矿final concentrate 尾矿tailings粉碎comminution破碎crushing磨碎grinding团聚agglomeration筛分screening, sieving分级classification富集concentration分选separation手选hand sorting重选gravity separation, gravity concen tration磁选magnetic separation电选electrostatic separation浮选flotation化学选矿chemical mineral processing 自然铜native copper铝土矿bauxite冰晶石cryolite磁铁矿magnetite赤铁矿hematite假象赤铁矿martite钒钛磁铁矿vanadium titano-magnetite 铁燧石taconite褐铁矿limonite菱铁矿siderite镜铁矿specularite硬锰矿psilomelane软锰矿pyrolusite铬铁矿chromite黄铁矿pyrite钛铁矿ilmennite金红石rutile萤石fluorite高岭石kaolinite菱镁矿magnesite重晶石barite石墨graphite石英quartz方解石calcite石灰石limestone白云石dolomite云母mica石膏gypsum硼砂borax石棉asbestos蛇纹石serpentine阶段破碎stage crushing 粗碎primary crushing中碎secondary crushing细碎fine crushing对辊破碎机roll crusher粉磨机pulverizer震动筛vibrating screen筛网screen cloth筛孔screen opening筛上料oversize筛下料undersize粗磨coarse grinding细磨fine grinding球磨机ball mill衬板liner分级机classifier自由沉降free setting沉积sedimentation石灰lime松油pine oil硫化钠sodium sulfide硅酸钠(水玻璃)sodium silicate, water glass 过滤filtration过滤机filter给矿,给料feeding给矿机feeder在线分析仪on line analyzer在线粒度分析仪on line size analyzer超声粒度计ultrasonic particle sizer, superso nic particle sizer。
1、美国长壁开采Aggressive 积极的gateroad回采巷道abutment pressure支承压力Sophisticated精致natural roof caving自然冒顶longwall mining 长壁开采Panel layout 盘区布置underground coal mining 地下开采Single longwall mining 单一走向长壁开采infrastructure 基础设施radical根本的In term of用...(术语)来routinely日常的norm准则、规范、标准rigid严格的Depreciate 贬值,跌价state-of-the-art最先进的continue miner 连续采煤机Frame supports 节式支架multi-slicing 多分层incentive刺激,鼓励Fully-mechanized综合机械化plow刨煤机shearer采煤机room-pillar 房柱开采2、Design consideration盘区设计Dedicate奉献complimentary赞美(依赖、依存)dictate支配(决定)amortize分期偿还contiguous邻近的isolate孤立的fiscal财政的handle操纵、处理(开采)overhaul彻底检修、详细检查attitude态度、看法、概念anomaly异常、反常prevail优于、盛行bleeder放血者、泄水孔边界回风巷suppression抑制、阻止。
生长susceptible易受影响的impede阻碍,妨碍,阻止Everything being equal 其它条件完全相同(1)Armored face conveyor(AFC):刮板输送机(2)stage loader:转载机(3)belt conveyor:胶带输送机(4)ground control:岩层控制(5)determination:决心(6)gob:采空区(7)shield(s):支架(8)fracture:裂隙(9)perpendicular(to):垂直3、strata mechanics岩石力学Slice切片,分层void(gob)空洞convergence集中,收敛platy阔、宽、扁平Crack裂缝adjacent邻接intact未收接触、原封不动roof control 顶板控制Abutment pressure支承压力portion部分、一份surface subsidence地表沉陷Immediate roof直接顶caved zone冒落带overburden上覆岩层gateroad回采巷道Expansion ratio膨胀比bulking factor膨胀系数continuous deformation zone 弯曲下沉带Soil zone土壤带(表土层)coal seam煤层main roof老顶face area 采场(stope)回采(工作面)headgate 运输平巷tailgate回风平巷4、panel development盘区巷道掘进/发展Impromptu临时的quote引用,印证revenue税收tolerate忍受,容忍strategy战略Amend修正,改正stipulate规定,约定neutral中立的,空当位置accordingly因此Scope范围incompliance不顺从,不服从prevail优于(+ing)占优的downside下侧5、shield support-general 掩护支架概述Prerequisite(for)先决条件,必要条件tandem串联(的),前后排(的),纵列(的)Rear后面(的)destinctive独特的,区别的cease(to)停止,中止Underuse为充分利用的(受拉)lemniscate双纽线assembly装置,装配,使用Kinematical运动学的spherical球形的caving shield掩护梁debris碎片,岩屑Top coal caving mining放顶煤开采frame 节式chock支撑式chock shield支撑掩护式Shield掩护式6、支架设计/选择shield supports-design/selectionDevote致力于,努力,贡献restriction限制,约束asymmetric不对称的,不均匀的Shield盾牌,掩护体,掩护支架ergonomically从人体工学角度prior(to)先前,优先Compatible适应torsional扭转的,扭曲的overrate估计过高,定额高Positive 积极地,确定的,绝对的roof load顶板载荷paramount最高的,首要的Structural结构的stationary固定的,禁止的impact影响in this respect 在这方面For one thing举一例子in addition to除。
绪论☐☐mine n. 矿山,矿井。
v. 采矿☐mining n.采矿,采矿业,采掘行业☐mineral n. 矿物☐mine development 矿井开拓☐mine planning 矿井设计☐mine operation 矿井作业☐mine closure 矿井关闭☐mine reclamation 矿区恢复治理☐ore n. 矿石☐gangue n. [ɡæŋ] 夹石,夹矸 n. 脉石☐waste n. 废石☐mineral deposit 矿床☐metallic ore 金属矿石☐nonmetallic mineral 非金属矿物☐coal 煤☐petroleum 石油☐natural gas 天然气☐ground control 岩层控制☐ventilation 通风☐haulage 运输☐hoisting 提升☐rock breakage 破岩☐surrounding rock mass 围岩,周围岩层☐Dynamite 炸药☐Dark Ages 黑暗时代(欧洲史上约公元476-1000年),欧洲中世纪☐prospecting 勘探,探矿☐exploration 勘探,探测☐development 开拓☐exploitation 开采☐reclamation [﹑reklə′meɪʃən] 恢复治理,复垦☐colliery [′kɔljəri] n. 矿井,煤矿☐surface mining 露天开采☐shaft 井筒,立井☐slope 斜井☐adit 平硐☐open pit mining 基坑式露天开采井,煤矿☐open cast mining (strip mining) 倒堆式露天开采☐stripe 条带☐stripe mining 条带开采☐aqueous mining method [′eikwiəs] 水采方法☐underground mining 地下开采☐unsupported mining 空场法/无支护法☐supported mining 有支护法☐caving mining 垮落法/崩落法☐unit operations 单元作业;工序☐production operation 生产工序,主要工序☐materials handling 物料搬运☐drill 钻眼☐blast 爆破☐load 装载☐unload,dump,卸载☐haul 运输☐auxiliary operation 辅助工序☐roof support 顶板支护☐ventilation and air-conditioning 通风和空气调节☐power supply 供电☐pumping;drainage 排水☐maintenance 设备维护☐communication 通讯☐lighting 照明☐delivery of compressed air, water 供水和压缩空气☐supplies to the working sections 其它材料供应☐provide slope stability 保持边坡稳定☐waste disposal 废物处理☐supply of material 材料供应1.1 Earth crust and strata☐heavenly body 天体☐atmosphere 大气层☐hydrosphere 水圈☐lithosphere岩石圈☐earth core地核☐earth mantle地幔☐crust地壳☐geologic function; geologic process地质作用☐geologic process from the external force外力地质作用☐geologic process from the internal force内力地质作用☐metamorphic process变质作用☐weathering风化作用☐mechanical weathering物理风化☐chemical weathering化学风化☐disintegration剥蚀,剥蚀作用☐decay 侵蚀、腐蚀☐侵蚀 erosion☐搬运作用 transportation☐沉积作用 deposition, sedimentation ☐成岩作用lithogenesis☐岩石 rock☐土 soil☐矿物 mineral☐火成岩igneous rock☐沉积岩sedimentary rock☐变质岩metamorphic rock☐喷出岩 extruded rock☐侵入岩intrusive rock☐花岗岩 granite☐玄武岩basalt☐斑岩porphyry☐石英 quartz☐长石feldspar☐云母 mica☐砂岩 sandstone☐粉砂岩 siltstone☐细砂岩 packsand☐粗砂岩 gritrock☐砂质泥岩 sandy mudstone☐页岩 shale☐石灰岩limestone☐泥 mudstone☐地层、岩层 stratum (pl) Strata☐大理marble☐板岩 slate☐石英岩quartzite☐gneiss1.2 Origin of Coal☐fossil n. 化石。
采矿工程专业常用英语词汇★采矿工程专业常用英语词汇★①geologic structure 地质构造geologic age geologic term coalfield 煤田 take 井田reserve of the take 井田储量 geologic reservecoal exploration 煤层勘探 explore②sedimentary rock 沉积岩metamorphose rock 变质岩igneous rock 火成岩 alluvium 冲积层coal seam mineral deposit 矿床③epoch 纪元、纪、代 Permian 二叠纪(系)Carboniferous 石炭纪 Cretaceous 白垩纪Tertiary 第三纪④fold 褶曲 fault 断层 normal~ reverse~ faulting 断层作用⑤strike 走向 along the strikedip 倾向、倾角 dip angle of coal seam煤层倾角⑥weathered 风化的bituminous coal 烟煤[bi’tjuminэs] anthracite 无烟煤 lignite 褐煤limestone 石灰岩 sandstone 砂岩 shale 页岩⑦fully mechanized coal face 综采 conventional mining 普采Semi-mechanized coal face blasting mining 炮采fully mechanized sublevel caving mining 综放⑧colliery (coal mine) colliery undertaking ~企业Longwall mining 长壁开采 Room and pillar 房柱式开采pillar and stall Panel, district, mining area 盘区采区⑨Shaft (vertical) 井筒adit 平硐shaft sinking 井筒掘进opencast open pit 露天矿 surface mining strip mining ⑩strata(stratum) 岩层stimulated caving 强制放顶longwall advancing retreatingroof (floor) 顶(底)板 main ~ immediate ~ false ~11pit bottom shaft station 井底车场 up cast downcast 进回风井ventilate ventilation borehole 钻孔 drill bunker(coal bin) 煤仓12Skip 箕斗 cage 罐笼 conveyor 运输机 belt conveyor 胶带运输机AFC(Armored Face Conveyer) 刮板输送机 coal preparation 选煤Powered roof support 液压支架 (shield)13drift entry roadway gateroad巷道 crosscut 石门,横贯,捷径methane 甲烷瓦斯 gas ~ drainagegob,goaf (mined out area) 采空区14airway 风道 intake ~ return ~ 进风巷回风巷stress-strain 应力-应变 stress relief zone de-stressed 应力解除15 room dispatcher’s ~ pump ~泵房dispatcher’s room 调度室waiting room 候车室 winch engine room first-aid room16 tale air 乏风 fresh intake ~ tail entry head entry 顺槽heading 掘进头 rise ~ 上山 opening ~开切眼17 timber 木支柱 prop, jack 支柱 individual jacks (prop)单体支柱convergence 顶底板移近、会合 smooth ~ 缓慢下沉(巷道)free subsidence method (采场)18 waste heap /spoil tip 矸石山 spontaneous combustion 自燃hoist 提升 gate road/drift/entry 巷道 incline gate 斜巷incline shaft19 tectonic 构造的~stress mining regulations safety regulations rock/ underground pressure 矿山压力Behavior of rock/ underground pressure 矿山压力显现20 floor heave 底鼓 thin or medium-thick seam 中厚incline seam 倾向煤层 sloping ~steep coal seam 急倾向煤层 gently slopping ~ 缓倾斜煤层21 cracked roof 破碎顶板 fractured roof crush, crackspacing of main falls 放顶步距 distance of roof fallwinch 小绞车 caving ~22 eaker props/breaker support 切顶支柱withdrawal of support回柱prop withdrawer 回柱绞车 shield-type support 掩护式支架chock support 垛式支架常用专业英语词汇23 survey(ing) 测量 ~ station 观测站 elevation标高 elevator,lifttransit 经纬仪 full caving method 全部跨落法partial caving partial backfilling (packing)24 subsidence 下沉 ~ trough ~basin 下沉盆地surface structure(building)地表建筑物surface movement and deformation 地表移动和变形Contour 等值线下沉(Subsidence)、倾斜(Slope)、曲率(Curvature)、水平移动(Displacement)、水平变形(Horizontal strain)25 aquifer 含水层 coal mining above a confined aquifer承压水上采煤protective pillar 保护煤柱 barrier pillar 隔离煤柱26 angle of draw 移动角边界角 draw angle of strata 边界角surface cracks 地表裂缝 Surface slope (incline) 地表倾斜curvature 曲率27 Overburden strata 上覆岩层 overlying strata 上覆岩层structure damage 建筑物损害 recovery ratio 采出率、回采率28 backfilling mining method filling mining stowing miningmethod充填回采建筑物下开采(Mining under buildings) 铁路下开采(Mining under railways)水体下开采(Mining under water bodies)29 simultaneous extraction 同时开采limited thickness extraction 限厚开采selected extraction 选择开采 continuous extraction 连续开采land reclaimation technology 土地复垦技术30 compressed air drill 风钻 electric ~ 电钻yielding support 可缩支架 rigid ~ 刚性支架roof bolting 顶板锚杆 resin ~31 auxiliary fans 局扇 auxiliary shaft 副井 subsidiary shaft 副井Main shaft 主井 mine water drainage 矿井排水haulage hoisting lighting 运输、提升、照明32 seam subject to rock burst 易突出煤层~spontaneous combustion易自然煤层rock burst 岩爆冲击矿压 surrounding rock 围岩 first cost 初期投资33 multiple coal seam 多煤层 subsoil 下层基岩quarry 采场、采矿场、采石场horizon 区段、水平 horizontal34 washery 洗煤=coal preparation plantdevelopment,Preparation, production systemhigh-productive&high efficient coal mine 高产高效矿井35ascending order descending mining coalification 煤化作用repairing shift development shift productive capacity,output36 standby equipment deplete 枯竭采完extract/mine/exploit/win/work 开采cantilever 悬臂梁 water-bearing ground 含水地层37 run-of-mine coal 原煤 raw washed coal ,clean coal fossil fuel 化石燃料rock mechanics岩石力学 dummy road 盲巷 safety pillar安全煤柱38 tensile stress field( zone )拉应力区Compressive stress field rock mass 岩体rock mechanics in coal mining 煤矿岩石力学 Rock pressure 岩石压力39 behavior of rock pressure 矿山压力显现 Stress 应力;Strain 应变rock strata control (ground control) 岩层控制elastic deformation 弹性变形 plastic deformation 塑性变形40 rheology of rock 岩石(体)流变性 virgin rock[mass]/initial rock[mass]原岩(体)virgin stress of rock[mass] 原岩应力 initial stress of rock[mass]原岩应力virgin stress field of rock[mass] initial stress field of rock[mass] 原岩应力场41 stress in surrounding rock围岩应力stress-concentrated zone 应力增高区virgin stress zone(field) initial stress zone 原岩应力区coefficient of stress concentration 应力集中系数42 Support 支架,支撑 partial caving method 局部跨落法pillar support method 煤柱支撑法43 weak ( soft) strata 松软岩层 hard strata 坚硬岩层unstable roof 不稳定顶板 load of support 支架载荷44 medium stable roof 中等稳定顶板 stable roof 稳定顶板hard roof; strong roof 坚硬顶板 classification of roof 顶板分类classify45 setting load 初撑力 yield load 额定工作阻力support load 支护阻力 prop density 支柱密度46 load density; supporting intensity支护强度rib spalling 片帮 impact load 冲击载荷47 first weighting初次来压 periodic weighting (of main roof)周期来压coal and gas bump; coal and gas outburst煤与瓦斯突出48 aved zone 冒落带 fractured zone 裂隙带sagging (continuous deformation) zone 弯曲下沉带natural arch; ~ of natural equilibrium 自然平衡拱49 Soil zone Continuous deformation zone Fractured zone Caved zone50 Initial supporting 一次支护 first supportingPermanent supporting二次支护 second supporting road side supporting 巷旁支护 non-pillar roadway protection无煤柱护巷protective seam 保护层51 abutment pressure 支承压力 method of roof control 顶板管理方法roof-to-floor convergence 顶底板移近量rib sides convergence 两帮移近量52 Cross section 剖面 Sectional(plan) view 剖(平)面图softening factor of rock 岩石软化系数 roof caving angle 顶板跨落角。
采矿工程专业英语1.主要建设方案the main construction scheme[:kən'strʌkʃən] [:ski:m]2.开采对象mining object [:'ɔbdʒikt]3.开采方式recovery method[:ri'kʌvəri] 或exploration pattern[:,eksplə'reiʃən] [:'pætən]4.最低开采标高the lowest elevation of mining[:,elə'veiʃən]5.设计利用储量design using reserves [:ri'zə:vs]6.可采储量workable reserves7.占压资源储量tying up reserves8.矿产资源储量mineral resources reserves [:'minərəl]9.建设规模scale of construction [:kən'strʌkʃən]10.产品方案product scheme[:'prɔdʌkt] [:ski:m]11.矿山生产规模mine production scale [:prə'dʌkʃən]12.矿山工作制度mine working system13.矿山服务年限mine life14.矿山年产量annual output of mine [:'ænjuəl]15.矿山生产能力mine production capacity[:kə'pæsiti]16.生产能力验证capacity verification[:kə'pæsiti][:,verəfi'keiʃən]17.矿石贫化率ore dilution ratio [:dai'lu:ʃən, di-] [:'reiʃiəu]18.损失率loss rate 或loss ratio19.回采率recovery [:ri'kʌvəri]20.开拓运输方案transportation scheme[:,trænspɔ:'teiʃən]21.公路开拓highway development22.汽车运输automobile transportation[:'ɔ:təməbi:l]23.运输道路haulage road[:'hɔ:lidʒ]24.最小转弯半径minimum turning radius[:'miniməm] [:'reidjəs] 或minimal curve radius[:'miniməl] [:kə:v]25.最大纵坡maximum longitudinal slope [:'mæksiməm] [:lɔndʒi'tju:dinl]26.平均纵坡average gradient [:'ævəridʒ] [:'greidi:ənt]27.路面宽road width28.路基宽width of subgrade [:'sʌbɡreid]29.线路设计track design30.防治水方案water-proof and water-control scheme31.截水沟intercepting ditch[,intə'septiŋ] [:ditʃ]32.排水沟drainage ditch [:'dreinidʒ] [:ditʃ]33.矿床开采deposit mining [:di'pɔzit]34.露天开采境界open pit mining limit35.地表境界线surface boundary line [:'baundəri]36.底部境界线floor boundary line37.水文地质条件hydrogeologic condition [haidrəudʒi'ɔlədʒi,]38.走向strike [:straik]39.倾向dip40.倾角dip angle41.开采顺序mining sequence[:'si:kwəns]42.爆破警戒blasting warning43.爆破安全规程blasting safety regulations [:,reɡju'leiʃəns]44.安全距离safe distance 或safety distance45.二次破碎recrushing46.最低开采标高the lowest elevation of mining [:,elə'veiʃən]47.采矿场要素elements of stope [:'elimənt] [:stəup]48.台阶高度bench height [:bentʃ]49.台阶坡面角bench angle50.工作帮坡角working slope angle51.清扫平台cleaning platform [:'plætfɔ:m]52.安全平台safety platform53.最小工作平台宽度minimum working platform width54.开段沟pioneer cut [:,paiə'niə]55.出入沟main access [:'ækses]56.联络道taxiway57.采矿方法mining methods58.剥采比stripping ratio ['stripiŋ] [:'reiʃiəu]59.开拓阶段development stage60.生产阶段production stage61.上行式开采upward mining62.下行式开采downward mining63.横向采掘transverse mining [:træns'vɜ:s]64.采矿工艺流程mining process [:'prəuses]65.穿孔作业perforation work [:'pɜ:fə,reit]66.潜孔钻机downhole drill ['daun,həul] [:dril]67.液压破碎锤hydraulic hammer [:hai'drɔ:lik] [:'hæmə]68.爆破作业blasting operation [:,ɔpə'reiʃən]69.多排孔微差爆破the multiple row holes millisecond blasting[:'mʌltipl] [:'mili,sekənd]70.液压挖掘机hydraulic excavator [:hai'drɔ:lik] [:'ekskə,ve i tə]71.矿用自卸汽车mining dump truck72.轮式装载机wheel loader73.胶带输送机belt conveyor [:belt] [:kən'veiə]74.剥离stripping['stripiŋ]75.露天采场坑底pit bottom [:'bɔtəm]76.顶板roof77.底板bottom78.劳动定员labor force quota [:'kwəutə]79.基建工程capital construction engineering 或capital constructionprojects [:'kæpitl]80.基建工程量capital construction volume81.采准工作firstworking82.总平面布置general layout [:'dʒenərəl] [:'leiaut]83.破碎车间crushing plant ['krʌʃiŋ] [:plɑ:nt]84.进料粒度feed size85.出料粒度discharging-material size [dis'tʃɑ:dʒiŋ] [:mə'tiəriəl]86.矿山工业场地mine industrial site [:in'dʌstriəl]87.爆炸材料库blasting material database [:mə'tiəriəl] [:'deitəbeis]88.油库oil depot [:'depəu]89.排土场dump90.供电power supply91.供水water supply92.设计依据design basis93.进度计划schedule [:'ʃedju:əl]94.基建费用capital cost [:'kæpitl] 或capital outlay95.初步设计preliminary design [:pri'liminəri]96.可行性研究报告feasibility study report [:,fi:zə'biləti]97.连续生产continuous production [:kən'tinjuəs]98.环境保护environmental protection [:en,vaiərən'mentl, -,vaiən]99.边坡稳定性slope stability [:sləup] [:stə'biliti]100.矿山复垦mine reclamation [:,reklə'meiʃən]101.水泥灰岩cement-limestone [:si'ment] [:'laim,stəʊn] 102.投资估算investment estimate [:in'vestmənt] [:'estimeit] 103.上覆岩层overlying strata [:'streitə]104.剖面图section map [:'sekʃən]105.平面图plan 或planar graph。
Introduction (绪论)mine n. 矿山,矿井。
v. 采矿colliery n. 矿井coal mining 采煤underground mining 地下开采surface mining 露天开采reserve n. 储量coal-bearing adj. 含煤的high production and high efficiency 高产高效development n. 开拓preparation n. 准备mining method 采煤方法subside v. 下沉,沉陷subsidence n. 沉降,沉陷mining subsidence n. 开采沉陷mechanize v. 使…机械化mechanization n. 机械化Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Mine (矿井基本概念) coalfield n. 煤田mining area n. 矿区mine field n. 井田divide v. 划分division n. 划分mine production capacity (MPC)矿井生产能力mine service life 矿井服务年限production scale of mine 井型small mine 小型矿井middle mine 中型矿井large mine 大型矿井huge mine 特大型矿井strike n. 走向dip n. 倾向dip angle 倾角workable adj. 可采的workable reserve n. 可采储量opening n. 通道,开口mine opening n. 矿山井巷passageway n. 通道shaft n. 立井roadway n. 巷道chamber n. 硐室main shaft 主立井auxiliary shaft 副立井air shaft 风井blind shaft 暗立井drawn shaft 溜井chute n. 溜煤眼adit n. 平硐drift n. 平硐crosscut n. 联络巷;石门coal crosscut煤门entry n. 平巷haulage n. 运输main haulage roadway 主要运输平巷main return-air roadway 主要回风平巷head entry 区段运输平巷tail entry 区段回风平巷slope n. 斜井rise n. 上山dip n. 下山rock rise 岩石上山coal rise 煤层上山coal haulage rise 运煤上山material transporting rise 运料上山return-air rise 回风上山men-walking rise 行人上山inclined roadway of a strip 分带斜巷inclined coal haulage roadway of a strip 分带运煤斜巷inclined material haulage roadway of a strip 分带运料斜巷development roadway 开拓巷道preparation roadway 准备巷道gateway 回采巷道pit bottom 井底车场shaft bottom 井底车场station n. 车场,车站mining district station 采区车场horizon n. 阶段level n. 水平haulage level 运输水平return-air level 回风水平mining level 开采水平interval between levels 阶段垂高mining district 采区panel n. 盘区sublevel n. 分段strip district n. 带区inclined length 斜长strike length 走向长度district sublevel区段Open-off cut n. 切眼coalface n. 采煤面working face工作面production n. 生产;产量production system 生产系统coal haulage system 运煤系统ventilation n. 通风ventilation system通风系统fresh air 新鲜风dirty air 乏风,污风refuse n. 矸石material and refuse transportation system 运料排矸系统drain v. 排水drainage system 排水系统power supply system (electric power, compressed air) 动力供应(电、压风)communication and monitoring system 通讯、监测系统drive v. 掘进excavate v. 开挖,开掘hoist v. 提升winch n. 绞车Chapter 2 Coal Mining methods (采煤方法)stope 采场mining works/units 回采工作basic operation 基本工序break v. 破碎load v. 装载haul v. 运输auxiliary operations 辅助工序roof support 顶板支护gob treatment 采空区处理auxiliary transportation 辅助运输ventilation 通风drainage 排水power supply 供电,emulsion supply 供液(乳化液)等。
汉英煤炭科技名词开采沉陷:mining subsidence; 又称“矿山岩层及地表移动”。
开采程序:mining sequence; 露天采场内剥采工程在时间和空间上的发展顺序。
开采水平垂高:lift, level interval; 又称“水平高度”。
开采损害:mining-induced enviromental damage; 因煤炭开采造成的对自然资源及人工建筑物或构筑物的损害。
开段沟:pioneer cut; 为建立台阶工作线开挖的沟道。
开孔率:percentage of open area; 曾称“筛网有效面积”、“活面积”。
开路供水:open-circuit water supply; 水力采煤生产用水不循环复用的供水方式。
开切眼:open-off cut; 曾称“切割眼”。
开式落煤顺序:open-type winning sequence; 采垛内暂不留煤柱的破煤顺序。
开拓煤量:developed reserves; 通向采区的全部开拓巷道均已掘完,并可开始掘进采区准备巷道时所构成的可采储量。
开拓巷道:development roadway; 为井田开拓而开掘的基本巷道。
勘探程度:degree of exploration; 对勘探区地质条件研究和查明的程度。
勘探方法:method of exploration; 煤田勘探所采取的各种手段、工程布置和技术措施的总称。
勘探工程:exploration engineering; 地质勘探所采用的钻探、物探、坑探等各种工程的总称。
勘探工程分布图:layout sheet of exploratory engineering; 表示勘探区各勘探工程分布位置的图件。
综(放)采工作面full-mechanized (caving) mining face 炮采工作面blasting mining face机采工作面mechanized mining face(急)倾斜煤层(steeply) inclined coal seam走向strike倾向direction dip,dip,inclination矿山压力underground pressure支承压力abutment pressure上覆岩层overlying rock strata薄、中厚、厚煤层thin,medium thick,thick coal seam (松散)含水层(loose) aquifer裂缝带crack zone垮落带caving zone顶、底板roof,floor顶煤top coal(掩护式)液压支架(shield) powered support割煤机coal cutter刮板机scrapper胶带输送机belt conveyor片帮coal slide冒顶roof fall岩爆(矿震、冲积矿压)rock burst自燃spontaneous combustion防水(砂)煤柱water(sand)-proof coal pillar陷落柱collapse column煤(岩)巷coal(rock) roadway沿空巷道roadway along gob围岩surrounding rock突水water bursting"三软" soft roof,soft coal,soft floor地应力ground stress(开采)地表沉陷(mining) surface subsidence高产高效high production and high efficiency回风巷ventilation roadway运输巷transportation roadway火成岩(岩浆岩)igneous rock厚冲积层thick alluvium条带开采strip mining移动、变形movement,distortion极限平衡区limit equilibrium area可靠性,可行性,合理性,适应性reliability, feasibility, rationality,adaptability 采出率、回收率mining rate,recovery rate埋管注氮nitrogen injection with buried pipe复合顶板combined roof断层fault喷浆grouting动压dynamic pressure地质灾害geological disasterEH-4电导率成像系统EH-4 electro-conducibility imaging system透气性(渗透性)permeability倾向性liability井下underground设备配套equipment match选型设计lectotype design撤架dismantling supports加固reinforcing安全阀safety valve积水seeper柔性支架flexible support伪斜apparent dip绞车房hoist room(winder chamber)暗立(斜)井blind (slope) shaft底臌floor heave破碎顶板cracked roof解放层protective coal seam电阻应变仪resistance strain instument坑口电厂pithead power plant煤柱尺寸pillar dimension灰色关联分析gray relationship analysis地质构造geological tectonic水文地质hydrogeology极不规则煤层extremely anomalistic coal seam预紧力、预应力pre-tightening force, pre-stress 含水的hydrous水力采煤hydraulic cutting coal主(副)井main (auxiliary) shaft敏感性sensitivity国内外at home and abroad瓦斯抽放gas drainage机电一体化mechanical-electrical integration稳定性stability微地震micro-seism动载dynamic loading流变特征rheological characteristic蠕变creep人工神经网络artificial neural network定位orientation保水开采mining without detroying water resource 高压注水water injection with high pressure中硬煤层medium hard coal seam层次分析法hierarchy anallysis proceeding煤与瓦斯突出coal and gas bursting模糊综合评判fuzzy comprehensive evaluationgoaf,old waste 老塘(采空区) gob water,waste water 老塘水 Continuous Miner 连续采煤机coking coal 炼焦煤 outcrop 露头 Roof collaspe 冒顶 mining concession 煤矿开采(特许)权mine field 煤田 mudstone 泥岩 gob bleeder 排气孔(采空区) spalling rib 片帮 drill bit 钻头side falling accident 片帮事故 easy grade, gentle slope 平缓坡度 paralell operation 平行作业proctor method 葡式压实法 protodyakonov scale of hardness 普氏硬度指数 front canopy 前探梁inclined angle 倾斜的角度 slope pillar 倾斜矿柱 Global Positioning System(GPS)全球卫星定位系统heat sensor 热传感器 sandstone 砂岩 overlying strata 上覆地层 respirator 自救器rise heading drivage, rise driving 上山开采法 equipment amortization 设备折旧 drill rig 钻机,凿岩机level workings 水平巷道 hydrologic observation 水文观测 room crosscut 通风联络小巷 legend 图例erodibility 土壤流失性 fltting speed 推进速度 mandate 托管 profile 纵切面 roof bolt 顶锚methane discharge volume 瓦斯排放(涌出)量 gas outburst potential 瓦斯突出 hole month 钻孔口部heading stope 巷道回采工作面 roadway head 巷道掘进工作面 heading chain pillar 巷道矿柱excavated section of road 巷道毛断面 small-sized lumps 小块煤 oblique fault 斜断层slope collar/mouth 斜井井口 slope invert 斜井仰拱 inclined hole 斜孔 slope 斜坡,斜面,斜井leave allowances 休假期 lithological characters 岩性 hydrolic shield 液压掩护式支架possible ore 远景储量 haulage track 运输路线 full face mining 整个工作面采煤 feeder 破碎机normal fault 正常断层 duty room 值班室 medium-sized lumps 中块 front entry 主平巷mainline conveyor 主线输送机 main inclined shaft 主斜井main slope, main slant 主斜井 host rock 主岩leading coal producing province 主要产煤省 fitting allowance 装配余量 preparatory workings 准备巷道Dump Truck 自动倾卸卡车 spontaneous combustion 自燃 line brattice 纵向隔风墙 pin timberingscoop & blast crew 炮采队 Continuous Miner crew 连采队 crew leader 带班长 expanding rib 扩帮cut bottom 割底 auger drilling 螺旋钻空 dump valve 倾泄阀(安全阀) electrical system 电气系统exhaust/emission control 排风/散热控制 water supply & sprays 用水供给/喷淋 cable reeler 电缆摆动架feeder breaker cable 破碎机断路器电缆 enlarged entry width 扩帮巷道宽度 hand drill 煤电钻gathering system 煤炭收集系统 load out conveyor 卸载传输装置 dust extraction 吸尘装置 outcrop 露头distribution control box 控制配电箱 trapped equipment 塌陷设备coal preparation plant 选煤厂service car, SMV car 服务车 roof bolter 锚杆机 speedy drivage 快速掘进 coking coal 炼焦煤methane electrical generation 瓦斯发电 electromagnetic valve 电磁阀 roadheader 综掘机(巷道掘进机)goaf,old waste 老塘(采空区) gob water,waste water 老塘水 Continuous Miner 连续采煤机Roof collaspe 冒顶 mining concession 煤矿开采(特许)权 mine field 煤田 mudstone 泥岩gob bleeder 排气孔(采空区) spalling rib 片帮 side falling accident 片帮事故 sandstone 砂岩easy grade, gentle slope 平缓坡度 paralell operation 平行作业 proctor method 葡式压实法protodyakonov scale of hardness 普氏硬度指数 front canopy 前探梁 inclined angle 倾斜的角度slope pillar 倾斜矿柱 Global Positioning System(GPS)全球卫星定位系统 heat sensor 热传感器overlying strata 上覆地层 rise heading drivage, rise driving 上山开采法 equipment amortization 设备折旧level workings 水平巷道 hydrologic observation 水文观测 room crosscut 通风联络小巷 legend 图例erodibility 土壤流失性 fltting speed 推进速度 excavated section of road 巷道毛断面 host rock 主岩mandate 托管methane discharge volume 瓦斯排放(涌出)量 gas outburst potential 瓦斯突出heading stope 巷道回采工作面 roadway head 巷道掘进工作面 heading chain pillar 巷道矿柱small-sized lumps 小块煤 oblique fault 斜断层 slope collar/mouth 斜井井口 slope invert 斜井仰拱inclined hole 斜孔 slope 斜坡,斜面,斜井 leave allowances 休假期 lithological characters 岩性hydrolic shield 液压掩护式支架 possible ore 远景储量 haulage track 运输路线 normal fault 正常断层full face mining 整个工作面采煤 duty room 值班室 medium-sized lumps 中块 front entry 主平巷mainline conveyor 主线输送机 main inclined shaft 主斜井 main slope, main slant 主斜井 profile 纵切面leading coal producing province 主要产煤省 fitting allowance 装配余量 preparatory workings 准备巷道Dump Truck 自动倾卸卡车 respirator 自救器 spontaneous combustion 自燃 line brattice 纵向隔风墙drill rig 钻机,凿岩机 hole month 钻孔口部 drill bit 钻头 pin timbering scoop blast crew 炮采队Continuous Miner crew 连采队 crew leader 带班长 expanding rib 扩帮 cut bottom 割底 feeder 破碎机auger bit 螺旋钻头 auger drilling 螺旋钻空 dump valve 倾泄阀(安全阀) electrical system 电气系统exhaust/emission control 排风/散热控制 water supply sprays 用水供给/喷淋 cable reeler 电缆摆动架feeder breaker cable 破碎机断路器电缆 enlarged entry width 扩帮巷道宽度 roof bolt 顶锚gathering system 煤炭收集系统 load out conveyor 卸载传输装置 dust extraction 吸尘装置distribution control box 控制配电箱 trapped equipment 塌陷设备 coal preparation plant 选煤厂service car, SMV car 服务车 hand drill 煤电钻 roof bolter 锚杆机 speedy drivage 快速掘进methane electrical generation 瓦斯发电 electromagnetic valve 电磁阀 roadheader 综掘机(巷道掘进机大气 ATMOSPHERE 大气组成 Atmospheric composition 空气质量 Air quality 氧气 Oxygen雾 Fog大气化学 Atmospheric chemistry 大气成分 Atmospheric components 大气颗粒物 Atmospheric particulates二氧化碳 Carbon dioxide 温室气体 Greenhouse gases 臭氧层 Ozone layer降雨 Rainfall 风 Winds大气过程 Atmospheric processes 空气-水相互作用 Air-water interaction大气环流 Atmospheric circulation大气降水 Atmospheric precipitation碳循环 Carbon cycle蒸发作用Evaporation 酸雨 Acid rain烟雾 Smog降水增加 Precipitation enhancement 太阳辐射 Solar radiation蒸腾作用 Transpiration空气污染 Air pollution空气污染物 Air pollutants氯氟碳 Chlorofluorocarbons沉降的颗粒物 Deposited particulate matter薄烟Haze飞灰 Fly ash空内空气污染 Indoor air pollution湿度 Humidity岩石圈LITHOSPHERE固态地球 Solid Earth洞穴 Caves地震活动 Seismic activity地震监测 Seismic monitoring火山 Volcanoes风蚀 Wind erosion陆地生态系统 TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS土壤 Soils农用土地Agricultural land碱地 Alkali lands冰 Ice污染的土地 Contaminated land污染的土壤 Contaminated soil沙坑Gravel pits荒地 Heath lands湖泊 Lakes土地承载能力 Land carrying capacity土地污染 Land pollution土地开垦 Land reclamation水坝 Dams土地恢复 Land restoration土地使用分类 Land use classification边缘土地 Marginal lands树木 Trees沙石开采 Sand extraction沉积 Sedimentation土壤潜力 Soil capabilities土壤保持 Soil conservation土壤污染 Soil contamination土壤退化 Soil degradation土壤侵蚀 Soil erosion土壤改良 Soil improvement土壤盐碱化 Soil salination水蚀 Water erosion干旱地区生态系统 Arid land ecosystems干旱土地 Arid lands沙漠化 Desertification抗旱 Drought control旱作 Dry farming沙丘固定 Sand dune fixation沙丘 Sand dunes半干旱地区生态系统 Semi-arid land ecosystems森林生态系统 Forest ecosystems植树造林 Afforestation针叶林 Coniferous forests森林砍伐 Deforestation森林保护 Forest conservation森林火灾 Forest fires草地火灾 Grass fires绿化带 Greenbelts本地森林 Indigenous forests 再造林 Reafforestation雪 Snow植被恢复 Revegetation亚热带生态系统 Sub-tropical ecosystems温带森林 Temperate forests温带林地 Temperate woodlands 热带生态系统 Tropical ecosystems热带森林 Tropical forests热带森林生态系统 Tropical forest ecosystems林地生态系统 Woodland ecosystems河流 Rivers温带生态系统和寒带生态系统 Temperate ecosystems and cold zone ecosystems淡水 FRESHWATER淡水资源 Freshwater resources谈水保护 Conservation of freshwater 自然排水系统 Natural drainage systems河流流域开发 River basin development 地下水 Subterranean water地表水 Surface waters水资源保护 Water resources conservation水资源开发 Water resources development径流 Run-off淡水生态系统 Freshwater ecosystems集水区 Catchment areas国际河流流域 International river basins湖泊流域 Lake basins池塘尾渣 Ponds tailings河流流域 River basins 淡水恶化 Freshwater degradation河流污染 River pollution 沉积物移动 Sediment mobilization沉积物运移 Sediment transport沉积盆地 Sedimentary basins渗漏 Seepage凤眼蓝 Water hyacinth水污染 Water pollution鱼类 Fish水的盐化 Water salination水处理 Water treatment水井 Water wells 海洋环境 MARINE ENVIRONMENTS海洋生态系统 Marine ecosystems藻花 Algal bloom海底生态系统Benthic ecosystems矿床 Ore deposits海洋污染 Marine pollution污染沉积物 Marinesediments erosion 疏浚 Dredging河口生态系统 Estuarine ecosystems岛屿生态系统 Island ecosystems小岛屿 Small islands海洋生物资源 Living marine resources水生哺乳动物 Aquatic mammals 水生微生物 Aquatic microorganisms水生植物 Aquatic plants珊瑚礁 Coral reefs甲壳纲动物 Crustaceans 软体动物 Molluscs海洋资源保护 Marine resources conservation水生贝壳类动物Shellfish森林政府 Forest policy环境管理 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT资源管理 Resources management深海矿藏 Deep sea deposits森林管理 Forest management 资源的地埋分布 Geographic distribution of resources土地价值 Land value s矿产资源 Mineral resources国家保护计划 National conservation programmes自然资源 Natural resources自然保护 Nature conservation不可再生资源 Non-renewable resources 资源净损耗 Net resource depletion石油资源保护 Petroleum resources conservation可再生资源 Renewable resources资源估价 Resource appraisal资源保护 Resource conservation海底开发 Sea bed exploitation海底采矿 Sea bed mining本地资源的利用 Utilization of local resources环境规划Environmental planning试验项目 Pilot projects发展合作 Development cooperation发展计划 Development planning生态发展 Ecodevelopment经济发展 Economic development经济计划 Economic planning环境核算Environmental accounting环境审计 Environmental auditing环境健康影响评价 Environmental health impact assessment环境影响 Environmental impact环境影响评价 Environmental impact assessment社会调查 Social surveys环境影响状报告书 Environmental impact statement环境指标Environmental indicators外部 Externalities环境政策 Environmental policy环境风险评估 Environmental risk assessment财政资助 Financial assistance土地利用规划 Land use planning环境管理指标 Environmental management indicators工业 INDUSTRY环境质量指标 Environmental quality indicators 政策规划 Policy planning施压集团 Pressure groups区域规划 Regional planning自助计划 Self-help programmes工农业选址Siting of industry采石 Quarrying发展状况 Status of development可持续发展 Sustainable development 运输计划 Transport planning可持续发展指标 Sustainable development indicators技术评价Technology assessment营养物 Nutrients环境经济问题 Environmental economic issues环境定价 Environmental valuation亚硝胺 Nitrosamines环境成本 Environmental costs重置成本 Replacement costs贸易对环境的影响 Trade impact on environment已定价值的生态系统组成部分value d ecosystem components成本-效益分析 Cost-benefit analysis经济管理手段 Economic management instruments 发展中国家债务Developing countries debt环境股票交易 Environmental stock exchange政府环境开支 Government environmental expenditures绿色财政手段 Green fiscal instruments环境成本内在化Internalisation of environmental costs涂料 Paints以绿色标志促销 Marketing with green labelling资源的定价政策Pricing policies of resources采矿 Mining结构调整计划 Structural adjustment programs税收差别 Tax differentiation作物保护 Crop protection可交易的许可证 Tradeable permits用火安全要求 Fire safety requirements亚硝酸盐 Nitrites工业区 Industrial areas受控燃烧 Controlled burning蒸馏业Distilling industry硝酸盐 Nitrates工业生产过程 Industrial processes制铝工业 Aluminium industry适用技术 Appropriate technology高炉 Blast furnaces纤维素 Cellulose化学工业 Chemical industry清洁技术 Clean technologies服装工业 Clothing industry脱盐工厂 Desalination plants干洗 Dry cleaning炼铁工业 Iron industry洗烫衣服 Laundering皮革工业 Leather industry金属加工 Metal finishing金属电镀 Metal plating金属冶炼 Metal smelting矿产业 Mineral industry天然气开采 Natural gas extraction原油开采 Oil extraction石油提炼 Petroleum refining印刷工业 Printing industry纸浆工业Pulp industry橡胶加工 Rubber processing炼钢工业 Steel industry露天剥采 Strip mining焦油生产 Tar production焦油使用 Tar use木材保存 Wood preservation工业产品 Industrial products消费品Consumer goods危险品 Dangerous goods工业材料 Industrial materials天然纤维 Natural fibres包装Packaging 产品标签 Product labelling可再用容器 Reusable containers合成洗涤剂 Synthetic detergents合成纺织纤维 Synthetic textile fibres漆 Varnishes木产品 Wood products运输 TRANSPORTATION内燃机Combustion engines道路 Roads铁路运输 Railway transport道路安全 Road safety道路交通工程 Road traffic engineering渔轮 Fishing vessels道路运输 Road transport城市交通 Urban traffic车辆检验 Vehicle inspection水上运输 Water transportation内河运输 Inland water transport 内陆水道 Inland waterways国际水道 International watercourses港口Ports海运 Maritime transport航运的危害 Navigational hazards油轮 Oil tankers潜水艇 Submarines能 ENERGY能源 Energy sources动物粪便作燃料 Animal dung as fuel沼气 Biogas 生物量 Biomass煤 Coal木炭 Charcoal生物质能 Biomass energy 原油 Crude oil能源资源 Energy resources浓缩铀 Enriched uranium矿物燃料 Fossil fuels燃料酒精 Fuel alcohol薪柴 Fuel wood地热能Geothermal energy天然气 Natural gas碳氢化合物 Hydrocarbon compounds烃 Hydrocarbons水电 Hydroelectric power液化气 Liquefied gas甲烷 Methane可再生能源 Renewable energy sources不可再生能源Non-renewable energy resources无污染能源 Non-polluting energy sources核能 Nuclear energy核燃料Nuclear fuels油类 Oils汽油 Petrols油页岩 Oil shales泥炭、泥煤 Peat从废料中提取的燃料 Refuse derived fuels太阳能 Solar energy焦油砂 Tar sands海洋热能 Thermal sea power潮汐能 Tidal energy铀Uranium波浪能 Wave energy风能 Wind energy能源过程 Energy processes煤气化 Coal gasification 煤液化 Coal liquefaction电力 Electric power发电厂 Electric power plants蓄电装置 Electrical storage devices照明 Lighting能源保护 Energy conservation能源转换 Energy conversion能源效率Energy efficiency酸 Acids能源政策 Energy policy能源生产 Energy production能源利用 Energy use氯 Chlorine酚 Phenols能源利用方式 Energy utilization patterns气体液化 Gas liquefaction 氧化铝 Alumina天然气勘探 Natural gas exploration核能利用 Nuclear energy uses核电站 Nuclear power plants近海石油钻探 Offshore oil drilling石油勘探 Oil exploration日照加热 Solar heating硫酸盐 Sulphates环境化学 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY无机物质 Inorganic substances 盐酸 Hydrochloric acid硫化氢 Hydrogen sulphide硫酸 Sulphuric acid光化学试剂Photochemical agents毒性 Toxicity光化学效应 Photochemical effects有机物质 Organic substances有机硅化合物 Organosilicon compounds外激素,信息素 Pheromones植物油 Vegetable oils生物化学过程Biochemical processes酸化 Acidification需氧过程 Aerobic processes厌氧过程 Anaerobic processes生物降解 Biodegradation脱氮作用 Denitrification富营氧化 Eutrophication杀虫剂的相互作用Interaction of pesticides电离辐射 Ionizing radiation代谢(作用),新陈代谢(作用) Metabolism 固氮 Nitrogen fixation非电离辐射 Non-ionizing radiation光合作用 Photosynthesis物理-化学过程 Physico-chemical processes放射性 Radioactivity污染 POLLUTION污染物 Pollutants气溶胶,气雾剂 Aerosols石棉 Asbestos农业废物 Agricultural wastes 商业噪音 Commercial noise混合污染Composite pollution二恶英 Dioxin作物废物 Crop waste s农家场院废物 Farmyard waste火、火灾 Fire危险物质 Hazardous substances危险废物 Hazardous wastes重金属 Heavy metals医院废物 Hospital wastes工业废水 Industrial effluents工业排放物 Industrial emissions工业烟尘 Industrial fumes工业噪声Industrial noise氡 Radon无机污染物 Inorganic pollutants铅污染 Lead contamination液体废物Liquid wastes丢弃物,废气物 Litter汞污染 Mercury contamination微污染物 Micropollutants采矿废物Mining wastes锯屑 Sawdust机动车辆排放物 Motor vehicle emissions城市废物 Municipal waste氮氧化物 Nitrogen oxides噪声污染 Noise pollution恶臭公害 Odour nuisance有机物污染 Organic pollutants污水 Sewage难降解有机污染物 Persistent organic pollutants有机溶剂 Organic solvents毒素 Toxins有机卤化物 Organohalogen compounds医药废物 Pharmaceutical wastes 塑料废物 Plastic wastes多氯联苯 Polychlorinated biphenyls聚合物废物 Polymer wastes放射性物质 Radioactive substances橡胶废物 Rubber waste 屠宰场废物 Slaughterhouse waste固体废物Solid wastes热污染 Thermal pollution有毒物质 Toxic substances有毒废物 Toxic waste 痕量元素 Trace elements痕量物质 Trace materials交通噪音 Traffic noise废物,垃圾 Trash废热 Waste heat木材废料 Wood waste烟囱 Chimneys对流层臭氧 Tropospheric ozone污染源 Pollution sources生物武器Biological weapons过滤器 Filters水泥工业 Cement industry化学武器 Chemical weapons冷却水 Cooling waters机动车辆 Motor vehicles摩托车 Motorcycles核武器 Nuclear weapons海洋倾倒 Ocean dumping石油泄漏 Oil spills废物 Wastes废金属 Scrap metals挖掘堆积 Excavation heaps污染治理 Pollution abatement隔音 Acoustic insulation化学污染清除 Chemical decontamination燃料脱硫 Desulphurization of fuels噪音治理 Noise abatement污染治理设备 Pollution abatement equipment污染控制技术 Pollution control technology回收 Recycling辐射防护 Radiation protection洗涤器 Scrubbers分离器 Separators防烟 Smoke prevention释放 Release废物最少化 Waste minimization 电池处理 Battery disposal废物的化学处理 Chemical treatment of waste处置场所 Disposal sites废物焚烧 Incineration of waste矿山回填 Mine filling废物利用 Waste use残油回收 Oil residue recuperation放射性废物管理 Radioactive waste management核安全 Nuclear safety回收的材料 Recycled materials 材料再利用 Reuse of materials卫生填埋 Sanitary landfills山崩 Landslides海洋排泄口 Sea outfall化粪池 Septic tanks污水处置 Sewage disposal 废物回收 Waste recovery污水处理系统 Sewage treatment systems固体废物处置 Solid waste disposal水的再利用 Water reuse废物同化处置 Waste assimilation capacities废物转化技术 Waste conversion techniques振动 Vibration废物处置 Waste disposal废物土地处置 Waste disposal in the ground 废物处置税 Waste disposal taxes人体健康 HUMAN HEALTH污染物的危害 Hazards of pollutants污染风险Pollution ris地震 Earthquakes在人体组织中的积累 Accumulation in body tissues镉污染 Cadmium contamination灾难 DISASTERS环境健康危害 Environmental health hazards人体接触污染物 Human exposure to pollutants飓风 Hurricanes污染物的长期效应 Long-term effects of pollutants 污染物的影响Pollutant effects辐射效应 Radiation effects药物的副作用 Side effects of pharmaceutical drugs有毒物质的协同效应 Synergistic effects of toxic substances与环境有关的疾病 Environmentally related diseases工作环境 Working environment人机工程学 Ergonomics职业健康 Occupational health职业安全 Occupational safety卫生设施Health facilities监测 MONITORING传统保健 Traditional health care灾难现象 Catastrophic phenomena人为灾难 Human-made disasters生物体的意外释放 Accidental release of organisms环境事故Environmental accidents生态标志 Ecolabelling地震海浪 Seismic sea waves应急减灾措施 Emergency relief measures 防灾准备 Disaster preparedness灾难清理作业 Disaster clean-up operations 防灾 Disaster prevention 灾难救援 Disaster relief生境破坏 Habitat destruction陆地活动 Land-based activities自然改变 Physical alterations环境监测 Environmental monitoring生物指标 Biological indicators 污染物鉴别 Identification of pollutants噪声监制 Noise monitoring污染物分析 Pollutant analysis污染物分布Pollutant distribution污染物浓度 Pollutant levels污染物监测 Pollutant monitoring污染物路径 Pollutant pathways污染物来源鉴别 Pollutant source identification污染监测 Pollution monitoring辐射监测 Radiation monitoring交通监测 Traffic monitoring监测数据 Monitoring data空气质量管理Air quality management大气监测 Atmospheric monitoring本底监测 Baseline monitoring环境标准 Environmental criteria环境评价 Environmental assessment部门评价 Sectoral assessment环境统计 Environmental statistics森林资源评估 Forest resource assessment洪水监测 Freshwater monitoring污染基准 Pollution criteria工业生产统计 Industrial production statistics长期预报 Long-term forecasting长期趋势 Long-term trends海洋监测 Marine monitoring监测基准 Monitoring criteria 污染标准Pollution norms水盾 Water quality质量控制 Quality control天气监测 Weather monitoring天气预报Weather prediction模拟 Simulation野生生物种群统计 Wildlife population statistics监测技术Monitoring techniques分析设备 Analytical equipment大气模型 Atmospheric models自动检测Automatic detection测量仪器的标定 Calibration of measuring equipment色谱分析Chromatographic analysis气象色谱法 Gas chromatography模型制作,模型设计 Modelling监测仪器Monitoring equipment放射性示踪技术 Radioactive tracer techniques采样技术 Sampling techniques河道观测 Stream measurement毒理测定 Toxicological testing报警系统 Warning systems监测系统Monitoring systems环境法 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW国内立法 National legislation农业立法Agricultural legislation污染防治激励措施 Antipollution incentives环境犯罪 Environmental crimes技术转让 Technology transfer环境激励措施 Environmental incentives环境责任 Environmental liability环境过失 Environmental misconduct环境质量标准 Environmental quality standards环境补贴Environmental subsidies林业立法 Forestry legislation健康立法 Health legislation住房立法Housing legislation工业立法 Industrial legislation对破坏环境的惩罚 Penalties for environmental damage污染者付费原则 Polluter-pays principle污染控制法规 Pollution control regulations污染责任 Pollution liabilities公众对土地的获取 Public access to land法规控制 Regulatory control国际环境关系 International environmental relations入海通道 Access to the sea双边协定 Bilateral conventions环境安全 Environmental security环境破坏行为 Environmental vandalism环境冲突 Environmental warfare危险废物的出口 Export of hazardous wastes全球性公约 Global conventions国际标准化 International standardization国际贸易 International trade国际性重要的失态系统 Internationally important ecosystems海洋事故的责任 Liability for marine accidents事先知情同意 Prior informed consent区域性公约 Regional conventions危险物质的运输 Transport of hazardous materialsgoaf,old waste 老塘(采空区)gob water,waste water 老塘水Continuous Miner 连续采煤机coking coal 炼焦煤outcrop 露头Roof collaspe 冒顶mining concession 煤矿开采(特许)权mine field 煤田mudstone 泥岩gob bleeder 排气孔(采空区)spalling rib 片帮legend 图例side falling accident 片帮事故easy grade, gentle slope 平缓坡度paralell operation 平行作业mandate 托管proctor method 葡式压实法protodyakonov scale of hardness 普氏硬度指数front canopy 前探梁inclined angle 倾斜的角度slope pillar 倾斜矿柱legend 图例erodibility 土壤流失性sandstone 砂岩Global Positioning System(GPS)全球卫星定位系统heat sensor 热传感器sandstone 砂岩overlying strata 上覆地层rise heading drivage, rise driving 上山开采法gob bleeder 排气孔(采空区)equipment amortization 设备折旧level workings 水平巷道hydrologic observation 水文观测room crosscut 通风联络小巷fltting speed 推进速度mandate 托管goaf,old waste 老塘(采空区)gob water,waste water 老塘水Continuous Miner 连续采煤机coking coal 炼焦煤outcrop 露头Roof collaspe 冒顶mining concession 煤矿开采(特许)权mine field 煤田mudstone 泥岩spalling rib 片帮side falling accident 片帮事故easy grade, gentle slope 平缓坡度paralell operation 平行作业drill bit 钻头proctor method 葡式压实法protodyakonov scale of hardness 普氏硬度指数front canopy 前探梁inclined angle 倾斜的角度slope pillar 倾斜矿柱Global Positioning System(GPS)全球卫星定位系统heat sensor 热传感器overlying strata 上覆地层rise heading drivage, rise driving 上山开采法host rock 主岩equipment amortization 设备折旧level workings 水平巷道hydrologic observation 水文观测room crosscut 通风联络小巷erodibility 土壤流失性fltting speed 推进速度oblique fault 斜断层methane discharge volume 瓦斯排放(涌出)量gas outburst potential 瓦斯突出slope invert 斜井仰拱heading stope 巷道回采工作面roadway head 巷道掘进工作面heading chain pillar 巷道矿柱excavated section of road 巷道毛断面small-sized lumps 小块煤slope collar/mouth 斜井井口inclined hole 斜孔slope 斜坡,斜面,斜井leave allowances 休假期lithological characters 岩性hydrolic shield 液压掩护式支架possible ore 远景储量haulage track 运输路线front entry 主平巷full face mining 整个工作面采煤normal fault 正常断层duty room 值班室medium-sized lumps 中块mainline conveyor 主线输送机main inclined shaft 主斜井main slope, main slant 主斜井leading coal producing province 主要产煤省fitting allowance 装配余量preparatory workings 准备巷道Dump Truck 自动倾卸卡车respirator 自救器spontaneous combustion 自燃profile 纵切面line brattice 纵向隔风墙drill rig 钻机,凿岩机hole month 钻孔口部pin timberingscoop & blast crew 炮采队Continuous Miner crew 连采队crew leader 带班长expanding rib 扩帮cut bottom 割底feeder 破碎机auger bit 螺旋钻头auger drilling 螺旋钻空dump valve 倾泄阀(安全阀)electrical system 电气系统exhaust/emission control 排风/散热控制water supply & sprays 用水供给/喷淋cable reeler 电缆摆动架feeder breaker cable 破碎机断路器电缆enlarged entry width 扩帮巷道宽度gathering system 煤炭收集系统load out conveyor 卸载传输装置dust extraction 吸尘装置distribution control box 控制配电箱trapped equipment 塌陷设备coal preparation plant 选煤厂service car, SMV car 服务车hand drill 煤电钻roof bolt 顶锚roof bolter 锚杆机speedy drivage 快速掘进methane electrical generation 瓦斯发电electromagnetic valve 电磁阀roadheader 综掘机(巷道掘进机auger bit 螺旋钻头auger drilling 螺旋钻空cable reeler 电缆摆动架coal preparation plant 选煤厂coking coal 炼焦煤Continuous Miner crew 连采队Continuous Miner 连续采煤机crew leader 带班长cut bottom 割底distribution control box 控制配电箱drill bit 钻头drill rig 钻机,凿岩机Dump Truck 自动倾卸卡车dump valve 倾泄阀(安全阀)dust extraction 吸尘装置duty room 值班室easy grade, gentle slope 平缓坡度electrical system 电气系统electromagnetic valve 电磁阀enlarged entry width 扩帮巷道宽度equipment amortization 设备折旧erodibility 土壤流失性excavated section of road 巷道毛断面exhaust/emission control 排风/散热控制expanding rib 扩帮feeder breaker cable 破碎机断路器电缆feeder 破碎机fitting allowance 装配余量fltting speed 推进速度front canopy 前探梁front entry 主平巷full face mining 整个工作面采煤gas outburst potential 瓦斯突出gathering system 煤炭收集系统Global Positioning System(GPS)全球卫星定位系统goaf,old waste 老塘(采空区)gob bleeder 排气孔(采空区)gob water,waste water 老塘水hand drill 煤电钻haulage track 运输路线heading chain pillar 巷道矿柱heading stope 巷道回采工作面heat sensor 热传感器hole month 钻孔口部host rock 主岩hydrolic shield 液压掩护式支架hydrologic observation 水文观测inclined angle 倾斜的角度inclined hole 斜孔leading coal producing province 主要产煤省leave allowances 休假期legend 图例level workings 水平巷道line brattice 纵向隔风墙lithological characters 岩性load out conveyor 卸载传输装置main inclined shaft 主斜井main slope, main slant 主斜井mainline conveyor 主线输送机mandate 托管medium-sized lumps 中块methane discharge volume 瓦斯排放(涌出)量methane electrical generation 瓦斯发电outcrop 露头mine field 煤田mining concession 煤矿开采(特许)权mudstone 泥岩normal fault 正常断层oblique fault 斜断层overlying strata 上覆地层paralell operation 平行作业pin timberingpossible ore 远景储量preparatory workings 准备巷道proctor method 葡式压实法profile 纵切面protodyakonov scale of hardness 普氏硬度指数respirator 自救器rise heading drivage, rise driving 上山开采法roadheader 综掘机(巷道掘进机)roof bolter 锚杆机roadway head 巷道掘进工作面roof bolt 顶锚Roof collaspe 冒顶room crosscut 通风联络小巷sandstone 砂岩scoop & blast crew 炮采队service car, SMV car 服务车side falling accident 片帮事故slope collar/mouth 斜井井口slope invert 斜井仰拱slope pillar 倾斜矿柱slope 斜坡,斜面,斜井small-sized lumps 小块煤spalling rib 片帮speedy drivage 快速掘进spontaneous combustion 自燃trapped equipment 塌陷设备water supply & sprays 用水供给/喷淋goaf,old waste 老塘(采空区)gob water,waste water 老塘水Continuous Miner 连续采煤机coking coal 炼焦煤outcrop 露头Roof collaspe 冒顶mining concession 煤矿开采(特许)权mine field 煤田mudstone 泥岩gob bleeder 排气孔(采空区)spalling rib 片帮side falling accident 片帮事故sandstone 砂岩easy grade, gentle slope 平缓坡度paralell operation 平行作业proctor method 葡式压实法protodyakonov scale of hardness 普氏硬度指数front canopy 前探梁inclined angle 倾斜的角度slope pillar 倾斜矿柱Global Positioning System(GPS)全球卫星定位系统heat sensor 热传感器overlying strata 上覆地层rise heading drivage, rise driving 上山开采法mandate 托管front entry 主平巷equipment amortization 设备折旧level workings 水平巷道hydrologic observation 水文观测profile 纵切面room crosscut 通风联络小巷legend 图例erodibility 土壤流失性fltting speed 推进速度host rock 主岩methane discharge volume 瓦斯排放(涌出)量gas outburst potential 瓦斯突出inclined hole 斜孔heading stope 巷道回采工作面roadway head 巷道掘进工作面heading chain pillar 巷道矿柱excavated section of road 巷道毛断面small-sized lumps 小块煤oblique fault 斜断层duty room 值班室slope collar/mouth 斜井井口slope invert 斜井仰拱slope 斜坡,斜面,斜井leave allowances 休假期lithological characters 岩性hydrolic shield 液压掩护式支架possible ore 远景储量haulage track 运输路线full face mining 整个工作面采煤normal fault 正常断层medium-sized lumps 中块respirator 自救器mainline conveyor 主线输送机main inclined shaft 主斜井main slope, main slant 主斜井roof bolter 锚杆机leading coal producing province 主要产煤省fitting allowance 装配余量preparatory workings 准备巷道Dump Truck 自动倾卸卡车spontaneous combustion 自燃line brattice 纵向隔风墙roof bolt 顶锚。
Aabandoned pillar 残柱abandoned coal pillar 残留煤柱abandoned support 损失的支架absolutely stress 绝对应力absolutely horizontal 绝对水平的(front/back) abutment pressure (前/后)支承压力abutment zone 支承压力区accelerator 加速器accelerometer 加速度计,加速度检波器acceptance of load 载荷承受accepted load 承受的载荷accumulation of stress 应力的积聚accumulation of water 水的积聚accuracy of measurement 测量精度acoustic emission 声发射acoustic investigation 声学研究,声学试验active earth pressure 主动地压,活动地压actual setting frequency 实际安装频率adit 平硐adjacent 相邻的,邻接的alabaster 雪花石膏Amonton’s law阿曼顿定律amphibolite 闪岩anglie of break 冒落角anhydrite 硬石膏anisotropic media 各向异性介质anisotropy 各向异性anisotropy of rock(mass) 岩石(体)各向异性anticlinal 背斜的anticlinal fault 背斜断层argillaceous rocks 泥质岩argillaceous sandstone 泥质砂岩argillaceous marl 泥质泥灰岩argillaceous shale 泥质页岩argillaceous slate 泥质板岩ascensional ventation 上行通风aspect ratio of cracks 裂隙的尺寸比articulated beam 铰接梁axial cleavage fracture 轴向劈裂Bbasalt 玄武岩back-fill 回填,充填Becker shear criterion 贝克剪切试验behavior of rock pressure 矿山压力显现belt conveyor 胶带输送机biaxial tests 双轴试验birefringence of shear wave 剪切波的双折射blow-in system 压入式通风系统boundary pillar 边界煤柱boundary porosity 边界孔隙度brattice 风帘,风障Brazilian test 巴西试验brittle-ductile transition 脆性-延性转变brittle failure theories 脆性破坏理论brittle fracture stress 脆性破裂应力brittleness of rock(mass) 岩石(体)脆性brush platens 刷式台板Ccalcite 方解石cataclastic flow 碎裂流动capillary effects 毛细效应cast iron 铸铁caved goaf 冒落带,冒落区caving zone 垮落带classification of roof 顶板分类classification of floor 底板分类chlorite 绿泥岩clay models 粘土模型coal harden coefficient煤的坚固性系数coal and gas bump;coal and gas outburst 煤与瓦斯突出coal/rock reinforment 煤岩固化coal seam of rock burst prone 冲击矿压煤层coefficient of friction 摩擦系数coefficient of internal friction,tanφ内摩擦系数,tanφcoefficient of roof weighting 顶板来压强度系数coefficient of stress concentration 应力集中系数cohesion 内聚力combined supporting 联合支护comprehensive type of rock burst 综合型冲击地压compactibility of rock (mass) 岩石(体)压实性compressibility 可压缩性compressive strength 抗压强度concrete 混凝土confining pressure 围压conjugate shear fractures 共轭剪切破裂connectivity 连通性consolidation of soils 土的固结contact pressure 接触压力core sample 岩芯样本,岩芯试样Coulomb criterion of failure 库伦破坏准则conventional effective stress 惯用的有效应力critical stress intensity factor 临界应力强度因子crack 裂隙cracking 裂隙作用crack closure 裂隙闭合度crack density parameter 裂隙密度参数crack extension force 裂隙扩展力crack opening displacement 裂隙张开位移crack propagation 裂隙扩展crack tip 裂隙尖端creep 蠕动cross-slip 交叉滑移crystal plasticity 晶体塑性Ddamping coefficient 阻尼系数dehydration reactions 脱水反应deformation mechanisms 变形机理designing load 设计荷载diametral compression test(Brazilian)径向压缩试验(巴西)diffusional flow 扩散流动digital recording 数字记录dilatancy 扩容dilatancy hardening 扩容硬化dilatometer 膨胀计discontinuity of rock(mass) 岩石(体)非连续性displacement transducers 位移传感器displacement (convergence)of surrounding rock巷道围岩移动量displacement (convergence)rate of surrounding rock巷道围岩移动速度distance of first roof fall 初次垮落距distance of first weighting 老顶初次来压步距dogbone specimens 骨棒形试件dolerite 粗玄岩dolomite 白云岩double shear test 双剪切试验drained tests 排水试验drying of specimens 试件的干燥ductile fault 延性断层ductility 延性ductileness of rock(mass) 岩石(体)延性dynamic cracking phenomena 动态裂隙现象dynamic friction 动摩擦dynamics 动力学dyanmic stress intensity factor 动态应力强度因子dynamic failure duration动态破坏时间Eearthquake mechanisms 地震机制effective confining stress 有效围压effective shear strain energy 有效剪切应变能effective stiffness 有效劲度effective stress 有效应力effects of freezing 冷却效应elastic deformation 弹性变形elastic energy index 弹性能量指数elastic properties 弹性性质elastic wave attenuation 弹性波衰减elastic zone 弹性变形区electrical conductivity 电导率electron microscope 电子显微镜electromagnetic radiation index 电磁辐射指数embrittlement 脆变、脆化end effects 端部效应engineering fracture mechanics 工程断裂力学episodic sliding 偶发滑动expansion of rock(mass) 岩石(体)膨胀性extension fracture 张破裂extension tests 拉伸试验Ffabric 组构face end 工作面端头face width 控顶距failed rock supporting load 破裂岩石支撑载荷fatigue 疲劳fault 断层feather fractures 羽状破裂first caving 初次放顶first caving distance 初次放顶距first roof fail 初次垮落first weighting 老顶初次来压floor heave 底鼓floor 1oad intensity 底板载荷强度fluid inclusions 流态包体fluid pressure medium 流体压力介质forced caving 强制放顶forepoling;advance timbering 超前支护fracture hardening 破裂硬化fracture mechanism 破裂机理fracture types 破裂类型fracture toughness 破裂韧度fractured zone 裂隙带friction 摩擦front abutment pressure 前支承压力Ggabbro 辉长岩geologic structure 地质构造Gibbs potential 吉布斯位势gneiss 片麻岩goaf 采空区,老塘goaf stowing 采空区充填gob 矿内废石,充填废石,采空区grain-boundary crack 颗粒边界裂隙作用grain-boundary sliding 颗粒边界滑动grain size influence 粒度影响grain-sliding flow 粒面滑动流动granite 花岗岩granodiorite 花岗闪长岩gravity stress岩重应力granular media 粒状介质Griffith locus 格里菲斯轨迹线Griffith crack theory 格里菲斯裂隙理论gypsum 石膏Hhard roof; strong roof 坚硬顶板height of floor heave 底鼓量Hertzian fracture 赫兹破裂hornblende 角闪岩hydraulic chock 液压支架hydraulic fracturing of rock mass 岩体水力压裂hydraulic leg 液压支柱hydrolytic weakening 水解软化hydrophysical properties of rock(mass) 岩石(体)水理性hysteresis in elastic wave velocity 弹性波速度的滞后Iimmediate roof 直接顶immediate support 及时支护impact load 冲击载荷index of roof fracture 顶板破碎指数index of roof strength 顶板强度指数index of roof—to—floor convergence 顶底板移近量指数individual prop 单体支柱inertia force 惯性力inflow rate 涌水量inhomogeneity of rock(mass) 岩石(体)不均匀性initial supporting; first supporting 巷道一次支护initial stress zone 原岩应力区irregular caving zone 不规则垮落带internal stress 内应力interval of periodic weighting 周期来压步距intragranular strain compatibility 颗粒间的应变相容性intrusion fractures 侵入破裂irradiation colouration 扩散着色Jjacketing of specimens 试件的套筒joist steel 工字钢joints 节理Kkinetic energy 动能Llarge deformation 围岩大变形level development 水平开拓limestone 石灰岩linear elastic fracture mechanics 线弹性断裂力学load-deformation characteristics 载荷-形变特性local compression failures 局部压缩破坏longwall advancing method 长壁前进式开采法longwall mining 长壁开采法Lüder’s bands 吕德线lubrication of specimen ends 试件端部润滑Mmarble 大理石macroscopic stress 宏观应力medium stable roof 中等稳定顶板microcracks 微裂隙microfissures 微裂隙microseismic activity 微震活动mine shock 矿震mine tremor 矿震mining-induced fissure 采动裂隙mining-induced fissure field 采动裂隙场mining-inducedstress 采动应力mining-pressure field 采动应力场modified Griggith theory 修正的格里菲斯理论modulus of compression 压缩模量modulus of deformation 变形模量Mohr envelope 莫尔包络线Mohr criterion of failure 莫尔破坏准则montmorillonite 蒙脱石NNabarro-Herring creep 纳巴罗-赫林蠕变natural arch;dome of natural equilibrium 自然平衡拱non-pillar roadway protection 无煤柱护巷OO-ring seals 圆环密封overlying strata 覆岩,覆盖层Ppartial stowing 部分充填partial stress 偏应力peak stress 峰应力permanent supporting 永久支护periodic weighting(of main roof) 周期来压prestressed anchoring 预应力锚固permeability 渗透率permeability of rock(mass) 岩石(体)渗透性permeable stratum 透水层penny-shaped crack 币形裂隙photoelastic coating 光弹涂层pinching-off failure 夹断破坏plane-of-weakness theories 弱平面理论plaster 熟石膏plastic deformation 塑性变形plastic microstrain 塑性微应变polyaxial test 多轴试验porosity 孔隙度pore collapse 孔隙塌陷pore pressure 孔隙压力porosity of rock(mass) 岩石(体)孔隙性post-failure behaviour 破坏后性态post-peak behaviour 峰后性态pre-failure behaviour 破坏前性态pressure arch 压力拱pressure bump 冲击地压pressure gauges 压力计pressure release effects 压力释放效应pressure-sensitivity of flow stress 流动应力的压力灵敏度pressure solution 压力溶液pressure vessel design 压力容器设计protective seam 保护层prop 支柱,柱腿punching test 冲击试验pyroxenite 辉岩Qquartz 石英quartzite 石英岩Rradioactive tracer 放射示踪物rear abutment pressure 后支承压力recovery rate 回收率redistributed stress 采动应力reduction ratio of roadway section 巷道断面缩小率reduction of roadway section 巷道断面缩小量Rehbinder effect 雷宾德效应regenerated roof 再生顶板regular caving zone 规则垮落带relaxation oscillation 松弛振荡remanent magnetization 剩余磁化作用residual strength 残余强度resistance to flow 流动阻力return airway 回风巷rheology of rock(mass) 岩石(体)流变性rib 煤壁ribline 煤壁线rib sides convergence 巷道两帮移近量rib spalling 片帮roadhead 巷道端部road side packing 巷旁充填road side supporting 巷旁支护roadway subject ed to static pressure 静压巷道roadway subject ed to dynamic pressure 动压巷道rock bulking/swelling 岩石(体)碎胀性rock comminution 岩石磨碎rock mechanics in coal mining 煤矿岩石力学rock mechanics 岩层力学rock pressure 矿山压力roof caving 顶板垮落roof caving angle 顶板垮落角roof collapse of large area 区域性切冒roof fall 冒顶roof fracture rate; roof flaking rate 顶板破碎度roof—to—floor convergence 顶底板移近量roof subsidence 顶板下沉量roof stability 顶板稳定性roof rebound 顶板回弹Ssafe coefficient 安全系数sagging zone 弯曲下沉带sandstone 砂岩saturation of specimens 试件的饱和sawcut 锯切面schist 片岩seals 密封seismic efficiency 地震效率seismicity 地震活动性servo-control 伺服控制shaft 矿井,井筒shaft saftety pillar 井筒安全煤柱,井筒安全矿柱shale 页岩shape effects 形状效应shear-dilatancy 剪切-扩容现象shear stress 剪切应力shear zones 剪切带silicone fluid 硅酮流体siltstone 粉砂岩size effects 尺寸效应slate 板岩slickenside 擦痕面slicing mining methods 分层开采法slit diffraction technique 缝隙衍射法snapping instability 突然不稳定性soapstone 皂石softening factor of rock 岩石软化系soil 土壤stability 稳定性stability classification of roadway surrounding rock巷道围岩稳定性分类stability of surrounding rock 围岩稳定性stable roof 稳定顶板stages of brittle-failure 脆性破坏阶段static friction 静摩擦static strain measurement 静态应变测量stowing 充填strain compatibility between grains 颗粒间的应变相容性strain hardening 应变硬化strata control 岩层控制stress-concentrated zone 应力增高区stress corrosion 应力侵蚀stress in surrounding rock 围岩应力stress-released zone 应力降低区stress-relieved seam;protected seam 被保护层stick-slip 粘滑striations and grooves 擦纹和沟痕stiff testing machine 硬试验机superimposed stress;superpose d stress 叠加应力support backfilling 架后充填surface energy 表面能surrounding rock 围岩Ttalc 滑石tectonic fissure 构造裂隙tectonic stress 构造应力tectonic stress type of rock burst 构造型冲击地压temporary supporting 临时支护tensile strength 抗拉强度thermal activation 热激化thermal conductivity 导热率threshold stress for dilatancy 扩容阀(临界)应力time-dependent cracking 时间相关的裂隙作用tip—to—face distance 端面距torque 力矩,扭矩torsion test 扭转试验Tresca yield criterion 特雷斯卡屈服准则triaxial test 三轴试验triaxial testing apparatus 三轴试验机true triaxial test 真三轴试验tuff(lava)凝灰岩(熔岩)twinning 孪(双)晶作用Uultimate load holding capacity 极限承载力ultimate strength(peak stress)极限强度峰应力undrained test 不排水试验uniaxial compression test 单轴压缩试验uniaxial compressive strength 单轴抗压强度uinform load 均布荷载unstable roof不稳定顶板Vvelosity 速度virgin fissure 原生裂隙virgin rock(mass);initial rock(mass) 原岩(体)virgin stress zone 原岩应力区virgin stress field of rock(mass);initial stress field of rock(mass) 原岩(体)应力场virgin stress of rock (mass);initial stress of rock(mass) 原岩(体)应力viscosity 粘滞性von karmana’s apparatus 翁克芒试验机von Mises failure criterion 冯米泽斯破裂准则von Mises ductility criterion 冯米泽斯延性准则Wwater softening of rock mass 岩体水力软化weakest-link theories 极弱链准则wear 磨损work hardening 工作硬化work softening 工作软化XYyield criterion 屈服准则yield of inner prop 活柱下缩量yield zone 塑性变形区Zzeta-potential z 位势。
a function of是…的函数,随…而变。
a master plan of operation 总体生产计划。
a multitude(n. 多数,多量)of大量adjacent to 邻近的adva ncing support 超前支护:air bridge 风桥:air door 风门:air pipe 风筒air shaft 风井air-jack leg drill 气腿式钻机air-jackleg 气动轻型钻机,风钻alig nment n.定线,准线,校正,定位ample 充足的,丰富的an chored cablet 锚索:angle of attack 冲角arched大巷area 盘区armored chain conveyor 铠装运输机as well as 即…又… auger mining 螺旋钻开采auger mining 螺旋钻开采法auxiliary drives/units 附属装置auxiliary hole 辅助眼:auxiliary operation 辅助作业auxiliary shaft 副立井auxiliary shaft 副井auxiliary transportation 辅助运输available 有效的,可用的axial flow fan 轴流式风机barrier pillar 隔离煤柱;basic map 底图,基本地图basis 基础,根据,依据battery locomotive 蓄电池机车be faced with 面临be of + n.具有…(性质)bed separation 离层bedplate 底盘、底座belt stage-loader mechanism 皮带输送机:belt 皮带bit 截齿blast mining technology 爆破采煤工艺blasti ng excavatio n 炮掘,爆破掘进:blasting n. 爆破blasting 爆破blasting 爆破explosives are loaded into each borehole and det on ated n起爆bleeder entry区段回风巷bolting and injecting 锚注:bolt ing and metal mesh 锚网:bolt ing and shotcreti ng 锚喷:bolting support 锚杆支护borehole mining 钻井采矿法borehole 钻孑L bottom hole 底眼:bottom-dump wag on 底卸式矿车brak ing devices 制动装置breaking 破岩bridge stage loader#式转载机butt entry 区段平巷;by far 到目前为止Ccage 罐笼cage --- hoist container 罐笼canopy 顶梁canvas stopping 帆布风帘capital cost 基建费用capital investment 基本建设投资。
采煤工作面:workface工作面、面face巷道:roadway上覆岩层overburden strata顶底板:roof and floor老顶,基本顶:main roof直接顶:immediate roof煤矿开采:Coal mining矿山压力:Underground pressure 煤矿:coal mine煤田,产煤区coalfield采区:Section采区working area支护:support巷旁支护:Lane offshoot Care锚杆:bolt锚索:anchor采空区:gob =mined-out gob煤层coal bed矿山压力underground pressure 支承压力abutment pressure地质条件geological conditions巷道围岩roadway surrounding rock围岩控制surrounding rock control巷帮、煤帮、两帮coal rib沿空留巷the gob-side entry retaining碎片,岩屑,碎石,尾矿,废石:debris沿空巷道gob-side entry roadway retained 极限平衡区:Limit equilibrium area切顶:cut the roof无煤柱:no pillar石门:crosscut断面:cross section断面section采出率:recovery全部跨落:full caving长壁开采:Longwall mining房柱开采法room-and-pillar mining房柱式:Room and pillar method煤田:Coalfield露天开采:Surface mining=open-cut mining=strip mining=stripping 矿物矿石矿产:Mineral竖井井筒:Shaft断层:Fault下沉下降:Subsidence (工作面上下)平巷:Gate水平巷道、平硐drift平巷、掘进头heading掘进工作面driving face结合点、节理joint内聚力cohesion开切眼:Interconnection 深部开采:deep mining工作面推进face advance变形deformation运输巷haulway工作面运输巷(下顺槽)headentry回风巷air-roadway工作面回风巷(下顺槽)tailentry矿压显现、顶板活动规律strata behavior 液压支架power support 顶板控制、顶板管理roof control矿区mining area注浆锚杆bolt-grouting 保护层protective seam 关键层key strataas(is are)shown in fig.1单体支柱individual jacks底鼓floor heaving额定工作阻力yield loads初撑力setting loading大巷main heading永久支架permanent supports临时支架temporary supports薄煤层low coal变形deformation全部垮落full caving煤层群、多煤层multiple seam煤层间距seam interbals矸石spoil钻孔boring破煤,切割,开掘,挖掘Cutting打眼Drilling放炮blasting运输hauling矿井开拓mine development井工开采underground mining井巷工程shaft sinking and tunneling。
汉英煤炭科技名词开采沉陷:mining subsidence; 又称“矿山岩层及地表移动”。
开采程序:mining sequence; 露天采场内剥采工程在时间和空间上的发展顺序。
开采水平垂高:lift, level interval; 又称“水平高度”。
开采损害:mining-induced enviromental damage; 因煤炭开采造成的对自然资源及人工建筑物或构筑物的损害。
开段沟:pioneer cut; 为建立台阶工作线开挖的沟道。
开孔率:percentage of open area; 曾称“筛网有效面积”、“活面积”。
开路供水:open-circuit water supply; 水力采煤生产用水不循环复用的供水方式。
开切眼:open-off cut; 曾称“切割眼”。
开式落煤顺序:open-type winning sequence; 采垛内暂不留煤柱的破煤顺序。
开拓煤量:developed reserves; 通向采区的全部开拓巷道均已掘完,并可开始掘进采区准备巷道时所构成的可采储量。
开拓巷道:development roadway; 为井田开拓而开掘的基本巷道。
勘探程度:degree of exploration; 对勘探区地质条件研究和查明的程度。
勘探方法:method of exploration; 煤田勘探所采取的各种手段、工程布置和技术措施的总称。
勘探工程:exploration engineering; 地质勘探所采用的钻探、物探、坑探等各种工程的总称。
勘探工程分布图:layout sheet of exploratory engineering; 表示勘探区各勘探工程分布位置的图件。
采矿英语词汇采矿工程专业英语词汇手册(Glossary of Special English in Mining Engineering )mining method 采矿方法;mining operation 采矿作业;transportation 运输;ventilation 通风;ground control 顶板管理;the cost of per ton of coal 吨煤成本;recovery 回采率;subside v. subsidence n.地表沉陷;subsidence control 地表沉陷控制cover 覆盖层;overburden 上覆地层;immediate roof 直接顶;floor 底板;dip (Pitch)倾角;hardness 硬度;strength 强度;cleavage 解理;gas,methane 瓦斯daily operation 日常工作single operation 单一工序unit operation 单元作业auxiliary operation辅助作业cutting n. 切割,掏槽;blasting n. 爆破loading n. 装煤haul v. 运输,搬运drainage n.排水power n. 动力power Supply 动力供应communication n. 通讯lighting n.照明。
disruption in production 停产;reduction in production 减产;compromise 折衷room and pillar 房柱式by far 到目前为止in common with …和…一样underground mining 井工开采outcrop 露头,露出地面的岩层;crosscut 联络巷、石门;drift 平硐;entry 平巷;development stage 开拓阶段;production stage 生产阶段;face 工作面。
New words
• • • • • • • • • 煤层分叉 split coal 冲刷、冲蚀 washout 矿脉 vein 岩墙 rock dike = rock dyke clastic dike 碎屑状岩墙 roll 顶底板凸出 cleat 层理 concretion 结核 igneous intrusion 火成岩侵入体
• 地质作用 geologic function; geologic process • 外力地质作用 geologic process from the external force • 内力地质作用 geologic process from the internal force • 变质作用 metamorphic process • 风化作用 weathering
2 Preplanning and design
New words and expression
• • • • • • • • • cover n. 覆盖层。 impurity n. 杂质,夹矸。 cleavage n. 节理 strength n. 强度 hardness n. 硬度 immediate roof 直接顶 methane n. 甲烷,瓦斯 blasting mining method 炮采 conventional mechanized mining method 普采 • fully mechanized mining method 综采
New words and expression
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采矿工程专业英语词汇手册(Glossary of Special English in Mining Engineering )采矿工程专业内部讲义二零零七年三月ContentChapter 3 .1 Mining method (1)Chapter 3 .2 Mine Preplanning (1)Chapter 3.3 Mine development (3)Chapter 4.1 W alling system introduction (3)Chapter 4.2 Ground control (4)Chapter 4 .3 Roof support system (5)Chapter 4.4 Longwall coal-getting machine (5)Chapter 4.5 Conveying system (6)Chapter 4.6 V entilation system (7)Chapter 5 Pillar system (8)Chapter 6 Roadway excavation and support (9)Chapter 7 Novel mining methods (13)Chapter 3 .1 Mining methodmining method 采矿方法;mining operation 采矿作业;transportation 运输;ventilation 通风;ground control 顶板管理;the cost of per ton of coal 吨煤成本;recovery 回采率;subside v. subsidence n.地表沉陷;subsidence control 地表沉陷控制cover 覆盖层;overburden 上覆地层;immediate roof 直接顶;floor 底板;dip (Pitch)倾角;hardness 硬度;strength 强度;cleavage 解理;gas,methane 瓦斯daily operation 日常工作single operation 单一工序unit operation 单元作业auxiliary operation辅助作业cutting n. 切割,掏槽;blasting n. 爆破loading n. 装煤haul v. 运输,搬运drainage n.排水power n. 动力power Supply 动力供应communication n. 通讯lighting n.照明。
disruption in production 停产;reduction in production 减产;compromise 折衷room and pillar 房柱式by far 到目前为止i n common with … 和…一样underground mining 井工开采outcrop 露头,露出地面的岩层;crosscut 联络巷、石门;drift 平硐;entry 平巷;development stage 开拓阶段;production stage 生产阶段;face 工作面。
continuous miner 连续采煤机;haulage capacity 运输能力;main entry 主巷。
barrier pillar 隔离煤柱;butt entry 区段平巷;property line 矿井边界线。
shearer 滚筒采煤机planer,Plow 刨煤机surface mining 露天开采auger mining 螺旋钻开采rapid excavation 快速掘进hydraulic mining 水力采矿underground gasification 地下气化ocean mining 海洋采矿Chapter 3 .2 Mine PreplanningHercules【希、罗神】赫尔克里斯, 大力神--> Herculean, adj. 力气极大的;需要大力气的。
herculean effort 巨大的努力inadequacy n.不足,缺乏。
transportation facility 运输设备inflationary adj. 通货膨胀的,通货膨胀引起的<--inflation n.胀大, 通货膨胀, (物价)暴涨<--inflate v 膨胀,充气。
inflationary process 通货膨胀过程drive up 抬高,提高drive into 掘进到…be faced with 面临monumental adj. [用以加强语气]非常的, 极端的<--monument n.纪念碑coal reserve 煤炭储量electromechanical adj. 机电的←electro(电子的)+mechanical(机械的) electromechanical mine operation 矿井机电作业staff v. 雇用,聘用season v 适用,适应coordinate n. 坐标。
v. (使)互相配合,(使)协调,调整。
a multitude(n. 多数,多量)of 大量capital investment 基本建设投资。
foremost 最主要的,最重要的,1Billion = 1,000,000,000 即10亿。
Mt metric ton 公吨。
453.5Mt = 500 million tons→ 0.907Mt = 1 million tonput into operation 投产,投入使用raise 筹集the life of the property 矿产/井的使用年限。
commercial value 市场价值,商业价值。
for convenience 为了方便其见minability 可采性marketability 适销性,可销性coal reserve 煤矿nominal,名义上的,极小的。
option 买卖选择权,优先购买权enter upon 开始preliminary examination 初步调查operating mine 生产矿井to the extent that 达到这种程度以致... ;就...来说;在...方面来说;adjacent to 邻近的surface topography 地面地形,表面地形coalfield 煤田measure 层组coal-bearing measure含煤地层feature 特征;地貌。
structural feature 构造特征surface improvement 地面上的改造tilled area 耕地reservoir 水库power line 电力线,输电线reservation n.保留地;自然保护区on record n.留有记录的,记录在案的preferred 优先〔选用〕的,首选的traverse 导线。
traverse with compass 罗盘定位。
system surveying 系统测量sampling 采样have a bearing on 对…有影响,与...有关available 有效的,可用的pricing schedule 定价方案preparation treatment 洗选加工selective adj.有选择性的,选择的a master plan of operation 总体生产计划。
serve as 用作,作为,起到…作用。
basis 基础,根据,依据since 引导原因状语从句justify 调整,证明,证明…是正确的,prospecting 勘探drilling pattern 钻孔布置,钻孔图式basic map 底图,基本地图log sheet 钻孔柱状图tabular adj. <==tabletabular record 表格记录operating management经营管理部门,经营管理life expectancy 预期使用年限,使用寿命delivery of supplies 材料供应estimate of the cost 成本估计sales department 销售部门Chapter 3.3 Mine developmentportal 井筒expected life of the mine 矿井的设计使用年限rail haulage 轨道运输as well as 即…又…be of +n. 具有…(性质)drift 平硐shaft 立井,竖井slope 斜井main shaft主立井auxiliary shaft 副立井air shaft风井transfer house 中转煤仓headframe 井架hoist house 提升机房,绞车房skip 箕斗cage 罐笼car dump 卸煤设备storage bin 井底煤仓deplete 耗尽、衰竭whether…or…是…还是…pressure drop 压降net effect 净效应,有效效应,实际结果capital cost 基建费用Chapter 4.1 W alling system introductionworking face 工作面coalface:采煤工作面interconnection:切眼panel entry:区段平巷gate entry:工作面顺槽head gate:区段皮带巷,运输巷tail gate:区段轨道巷,回风巷headentry:工作面运输巷(下顺槽)tailentry:工作面回风巷(上顺槽)bleeder entry:区段回风巷cross-cut:联络巷gob, goaf:采空区end:端头Longwall mining 长壁采矿法Shortwall mining 短壁采矿法pillar system. 柱式系统longwall mining on strike 走向长壁采煤方法mining in advance / wall advancing mining 前进式采煤方法mining in retreat / wall retreating mining 后退式采煤方法inclined longwall mining 倾斜长壁开采underhand mining 俯采overhand mining 仰采Coal mining machine, coal-getting machine 采煤机;Shearer,滚筒采煤机Plow,planer 刨煤机Face conveyor 工作面运输机Pan line,”溜子”Chain conveyor 链式运输机Scraper chain conveyor 刮板输送机Armored chain conveyor 铠装运输机Roof support system:顶板支护系统Friction props:摩擦支柱Friction metal props:摩擦支柱Hydraulic prop:液压支柱Single/Individual hydraulic prop 单体液压支柱Hydraulic powered self-advanced support:液压自移式支架roof support 顶板支架stage loader:转载机panel belt conveyor 区段皮带运输机electrical control 电力控制装置/设备hydraulic pump 液压泵站blast mining technology 爆破采煤工艺conventionally mechanized mining technology 普通机械化采煤fully mechanized mining technology 综合机械化采煤fully mechanized mining with sublevel caving technology 综采放顶煤方法Chapter 4.2 Ground control工作面周围地层:Overlying strata 上覆地层:Main roof 老顶,基本顶Immediate roof 直接顶Gob采空区--Face—rib(煤壁)Floor 底板Underlying strata下伏地层Ground control顶板处理方式:(1)Caving;(2)Pack。