
例如:严禁拍照 (No Photography)、禁止通行 (Don’t
Walk)、严禁超车(Overtaking Prohibited)、禁扔废弃 物(No Littering)
6. 宣传性公示语(Public Slogans)
宣传,如新北京,新奥运(New Beijing, Great
1. 正在检修,请绕行 2. 正在检修,请您稍候 3. 电梯维修,暂停使用 4. 禁止鸣笛 5. 服务区 6. 服务监督电话 7. 检票处 8. 售票处
去繁从简 遵从习惯 程式化套译 使用祈使句 使用一般现在时
“青岛是我家,清洁靠大家” Qingdao is my home, its cleanness depends on all of us. Keep Our City Clean.
No Stopping(请勿停留),No Spitting(禁止吐痰) Keep Silence(保持安静),Slow Down(减速慢行),
Sold Out(售完)
VIP Lounge
(Very Important Person Lounge, 贵宾休息室)
(Bus Rapid Transit, 快速公交系统)
“前方修路,请慢驾驶” Road Work Ahead
“该段路为单行道” One Way
由于标识语的结构日益国际化,而文字的表述比较固 定,因此翻译时可以采用程式化的方式来进行套译。 禁止做某事:No + 名词或动名词 禁止掉头:No Turn 禁止停车:No Parking
项目三 公示语翻译1

Classification of Public Signs
1. 指示性公示语(Directive Public Signs)
Classification of Public Signs
2. 提示性公示语(Informatory Public Signs)
正在维修 Under Repair 此货暂缺 Out of Stock 请右侧站立 Please stand on the right 请此处交款 Please pay here
通常使 用一般 现在时
Criteria of translating public signs
1. 翻译下列英语公示语:
1) Attention: Swimming is not advised at this time. 2) Buckle up: it’s the law. 3) Winding Road Ahead 4) Do not extinguish with water 5) This sign has sharp edges. Do not touch the edges of this sign. 忠实性原则 1)注意:此时请勿游泳。 2)法律规定:请系安全带。 3)前方弯道 4)勿用火浇灭 5)本告示牌边缘锋利,请勿用手触摸。
Translation of Public Signs
Teaching Objectives
Understand the definition and components of public signs; Learn the linguistic features of public signs; Master the translation skills of public signs; Word-formation used in business English translation

■ 指示性Directing (static)
❏ 票务与旅游中心Ticket & Travel Centre ❏ 地 铁 Underground ❏ 行 人 Pedestrians ❏ 公共厕所Public Toilet ❏ 问询服务Information ❏ 婴儿换巾处Baby Change
Steel and Iron Factory
Iron and Steel Factory
海尔整体 Haier Unit
Haier Kitchen Unit
e.g. 9 Misspelled English Words
e.g.10 Misunderstanding the Source or Target Language
❏ 共同努力,世界更精彩Working together, we can make a world of difference.
■ 防范犯罪
❏ 警示他人,迅速撤离Warn others. Move away. ❏ 盗贼当心Thieves Beware
■ Shopping Signs
■ 强制性Compelling (dynamic)
❏ 警戒线勿超越Police Line Do Not Cross ❏ 严禁拍照No Photography ❏ 禁止通行Don’t Walk ❏ 禁酒区Alcohol Free Zone ❏ 禁止导游讲解NO BRIEFING OF GROUPS
11. Omitting
■ 患心脏病、高血压、酗酒者忌座”. ■ Anyone who with heart disease, high blood, please

1、Business Hours 营业时间2、Office Hours 办公时间3、Entrance 入口4、Exit 出口5、Push 推6、Pull 拉7、Shut 此路不通8、On 打开(放)9、Off 关10、Open 营业11、Pause 暂停12、Stop 关闭13、Closed 下班14、Menu 菜单15、Fragile 易碎16、This Side Up 此面向上17、Introductions 说明18、One Street 单行道19、Keep Right/Left 靠左/右20、Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过21、Wet Paint 油漆未干22、Danger 危险23、Lost and Found 失物招领处24、Give Way 快车先行25、Safety First 安全第一26、Filling Station 加油站27、No Smoking 禁止吸烟28、No Photos 请勿拍照29、No Visitors 游人止步30、No Entry 禁止入内31、No Admittance 闲人免进32、No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭33、Parting 停车处34、Toll Free 免费通行35、F.F. 快进36、Rew. 倒带37、EMS (邮政)特快专递38、Insert Here 此处插入39、Open Here 此处开启40、Split Here 此处撕开41、Mechanical Help 车辆修理42、“AA”Film十四岁以下禁看电影43、Do Not Pass 禁止超车44、No U Turn 禁止掉头45、U Turn Ok 可以U形转弯46、No Cycling in the School校内禁止骑车47、SOS 紧急求救信号48、Hands Wanted 招聘49、Staff Only 本处职工专用50、No Litter 勿乱扔杂物51、Hands Off 请勿用手摸52、Keep Silence 保持安静53、On Sale 削价出售54、No Bills 不准张贴55、Not for Sale 恕不出售56、Pub 酒店57、Cafe 咖啡馆、小餐馆58、Bar 酒巴59、Laundry 洗衣店60、Travel Agency 旅行社61、In Shade 置于阴凉处62、Keep in Dark Place 避光保存63、Poison 有毒/毒品64、Guard against Damp 防潮65、Beware of Pickpocket 谨防扒手66、Complaint Box 意见箱67、For Use Only in Case of Fire 灭火专用68、Bakery 面包店69、Keep Dry 保持干燥70、Information 问讯处71、No Passing 禁止通行72、No Angling 不准垂钓73、Shooting Prohibited 禁止打猎74、Seat by Number 对号入座75、Protect Public Propety 爱护公共财物76、Ticket Office(or :Booking Office)售票处77、Visitors Please Register 来宾登记78、Wipe Your Shoes And Boots请擦去鞋上的泥土79、Men“s/Gentlemen/Gents Room男厕所80、Women“s/Ladies/Ladies” Room女厕所81、Occupied (厕所)有人82、Vacant (厕所)无人83、Commit No Nuisance 禁止小便84、Net(Weight)净重85、MAN:25032002 生产日期:2002年3月25日86、EXP:25032002 失效期:2002年3月25日87、Admission Free免费入场88、Bike Park(ing)自行车存车处89、Children and Women First 妇女、儿童优先90、Save Food 节约粮食91、Save Energy 节约能源92、Handle with Care 小心轻放93、Dogs Not Allowed 禁止携犬入内94、Keep Away From Fire 切勿近火95、Reduced Speed Now 减速行驶96、Road Up. Detour 马路施工,请绕行97、Keep Top Side Up 请勿倒立98、Take Care Not to Leave Things Behind 当心不要丢失东西99、Please Return the Back After Use 用毕放回架上100、Luggage Depository 行李存放处。

1. 买一赠一 2. 请勿投喂山羊 3. 禁止掉头 4. 前方修路 5. 礼品包装 6. 除危险情况,
7. 注意行人 8. 严禁穿行 9. 收费处 10. 失物招领处
3) No Littering
4) Please Don’t Get Lipstick Stain on the Dress
5) Night Bell
Criteria of translating public signs
3. 翻译下列公示语,说明汉语相同而译文不同的原因。
I. Definition
A notice that is publicly displayed giving information or instruction in a written or symbolic form.-- New Oxford Dictionary of English (2001).
11. 同一个世界,同一个梦想
One World, One Dream
12. 禁止排放污水
No Waste Water Discharge/Don’g Discharge Waste Water
13. 殿内请勿烧香
Don’t Burn Incense in the Hall
Classification of Public Signs
5. 强制性公示语( Mandatory Public Signs)
警戒线 勿超越Police Line Do Not Cross 严禁拍照 No Photography 禁止通行 Don’t Walk 禁酒区 Alcohol Free Zone 禁止导游讲解 NO BRIEFING OF GROUPS

1. 了解公示语的含义及背景知识 2. 了解公示语的语言特点 3. 掌握公示语的翻译技巧 4. 掌握商务翻译中的词类转换技巧
公示语是为公众提供各种告示、提示、指示、 显示、警示灯信息的图形、文字、标识的综合 体。 公示语又称标志语、标识语等 A board giving information, warning, etc.
The use of nouns: Caution: pedestrians Short & concise: Passengers only (送客止步) Footpath closed(边道封闭)
Shopping Signs
Iron and Steel Factory Haier Kitchen Unit
海尔整体 厨房
e.g. 9
Misspelled English Words
患心脏病、高血压、酗酒者忌座”. Anyone who with heart disease, high blood, please don’t get on. No recommendation for people suffering from heart diseases, high blood pressure or the effects of over drinking. 肇庆市公安局报警中心 Zhaoqing City Center of Reporting to the Police Police Report Center (of Zhaoqing City)
公示语数字 英文翻译

Version 2: The grass so fair, needs your care!小草微微笑,请您走便道。
Version 2: If you stay off my ground, I’ll be green all the year round.为了您和他人的身体健康,请不要吸烟!Version 1: For the sake of your health and other’s, don’t smoke,please!严禁携带易燃易爆等危险品进站!Version: Dangerous Articles Are Strictly Forbidden!禁止向凶猛动物投掷杂物!Version 1: Throwing Things to Fierce Animals Is Forbidden!Version 2: Let Sleeping Animals Lie!武汉是我家,清洁靠大家。
Version 1: Wuhan is our home, and its cleanness depends on all.半斤八两 —— six of one and half a dozen of the other, six and two threes 一而再 —— once and again乱七八糟 —— at sixes and sevens百里挑一 —— one in a thousand一箭双雕 —— kill two birds with one stone一个巴掌拍不响 —— It takes two to make a quarrel三三两两——in twos and threes, in ones and twos两面三刀——play a double game说三道四——spread idle talk挑三拣四——pick and choose四邻八舍——all the neighbours, whole neighbourhood四通八达——extend in all directions; be accessible from all directions四面楚歌——exposed to attack on all sides; being utterly isolated五冬六夏——all the year round过五关,斩六将——surmount numerous difficulties or obstacles六六大顺——good fortune and prosperity六亲不认——to disown all one’s relatives and friends眼观六路,耳听八方——all eyes and ears一目十行——read rapidly七窍通了六窍—— 一窍不通:know nothing about; be completely ignorant 五个人住两地—— 三心二意:be half hearted; be of two minds。

Please do not litter.3.禁止吸烟。
No smoking.4.为确保您的安全,请遵守规定。
To ensure your safety, please follow the regulations.5.请保持安静。
Please keep quiet.6.请勿触摸展品。
Please do not touch the exhibits.7.请勿攀爬树木或其他设施。
Please do not climb trees or other facilities.8.注意保管好您的贵重物品。
Please keep your valuables safe.9.请勿擅自进入私人区域。
Please do not enter private areas without permission.10.请勿摄影。
No photography.11.请勿违规使用无人机。
Please do not use drones without permission.12.请勿喂食动物。
Please do not feed the animals.13.请尊重动植物,爱护环境。
Please respect the animals and plants, and protect the environment.14.穿高跟鞋进入部分区域需谨慎。
Please be cautious when entering certain areas wearing high heels.15.请不要随意碰动或更改展示布置。
Please do not touch or alter the exhibition layout.16.禁止带宠物入内。
No pets allowed.17.禁止骑行。
No cycling.18.请遵守交通规则,保持公共秩序。
Please abide by traffic rules and maintain public order.19.请勿在景区内乱扔烟蒂。

- Notice: 通知
- Announcement: 告示
- Warning: 警示
- Reminder: 提醒
- Important Information: 重要信息
- Attention: 注意
- Request: 请求
- Opening Hours: 营业时间
- Maintenance Notice: 维护通知
- Emergency Exit: 紧急出口
- No Smoking: 禁止吸烟
- Keep Clean: 保持清洁
- Lost and Found: 失物招领
- Closed for Renovation: 关闭装修
- Pardon Our Dust: 不便之处,敬请谅解
- Parking Lot Full: 停车场已满
- Meeting Announcement: 会议通知
- In Case of Emergency: 紧急情况下

Inspection Declined Road Closed Toilet Engaged Parking Permitted Smoking Strictly Prohibited
Hands Off Safety First Staff Only Stairs Up Working Overhead
Recycling bin to your right! Please use it. 回收桶在您右侧!请使用。 If this lift is out of order, please call 020-736397 for assistance, we apologize for any inconvenience caused. 如果电梯出现故障,请拨打020-736397求助。我们 为由此造成的任何不便深感歉意。 No food is to be consumed in this area. 此处不准饮食。 ATTENTION: OUR MERCHANDISE HAS A HIDDEN SECUITY DEVICE UPON PURCHASE IT WILL BE DEACTIVATED 本店商品内置特殊报警装置,付费后即行失效。
句式特点: 3. 多用祈使句 因为受众多是行色匆匆,且公示语所针对 的目标受众是明确的,所以祈使句在公 示语中得到了大量的应用。
See Reverse for Full Rules and Condition 详细规则条款见背页 Lower window for ventilation 调低车窗通风(通风请开车窗) Please do not help yourself to books from this shelf. 请不要随意从架子上取书。 Hold the Hand Rail. 抓紧扶手

Deep water! Beware、2、珍惜文物古迹,勿乱刻乱涂。
No graffiti!3、购票中请当面清点票款,门票售出,恕不退款。
Check the change before you leave、No refund for tickets sold、4、游客必须每人持票入内,废票、伪造票不得入内。
Admission by valid tickets only、5、爱护草坪,足下留情。
Keep off the grass、6、心触一片净土,爱博一片蓝天。
Keep the environment clean、7、禁止摆卖。
No venders、8、六点停止入园。
Last admission: 6:009、请按门票所示线路参观Please follow the visitor route indicated on your guide ticket、10、请勿在本区域堆弃垃圾Please refrain from dumpling rubbish in this area、乘车的标识语翻译11、请沿站台过往Pass along the platform please、12、请在乘车前购买好车票Please buy your ticket before you board the train、13、请将机票或登机牌准备好接受安检Please have your ticket or boarding card ready for inspection、14、请协助确保列车准点运行Please help to run trains on time15、请将此座位留给老年人、残疾人与抱孩子的人。
Please offer this seat to elderly or disabled people or those carrying children、16、请仅在紧急情况下使用Please only use in an emergency、17、请您在返回车前先付费Please pay before returning to your car、18、需要帮助请按按钮Please press for assistance、19、请系好安全带Please wear the seatbelt provided、20、存放时请务必索取行李票。
文明如厕 全靠大家英语公示语

文明如厕全靠大家英语公示语1.Close to civilization and convenience.2.Please go one step further and leave the cleaning to others.3.Click here,and you will have a surprise.4,love is not cut,it is intimate.There is not much "paper", just enough.5.Water conservation starts from dribs and drabs.6.A small piece of paper spreads germs thousands of miles.7.Pay attention to toilet hygiene and keep it clean.8,flush the toilet without trace,and the moral standard is successful.9.One small step forward,one big step for civilization.10.Please be sure to:brush,brush,brush after convenience.翻译1、贴近文明,靠近方便。

Caution: Wet Floor 或Caution, slip Mind The/Your Step
其他 请当心脚下 Please mind your step 当心 Caution/Attention! 警告 Warning 注意:自动门 Caution: Automatic Door 小心冰雪滑落 Caution: Falling Ice & Snow 小心岩石滑落 Caution: Falling Rocks 小心高温 Caution: Hot 注意:油漆未干 Caution: Wet Paint ……
应该用supply, 而不应该缩写为 supp
投诉电话 Telephone complaints
改 为
Complaints Hotline Complaining Telephone
Caution, slip 当心滑跌 改为 Warning Slippery Surface 当心滑到 Beware of Wet Floor 小心地滑 Beware of Steps 小心台阶
1、No Fireworks and Crackers禁止燃放烟花爆竹 2、No Kongming Latern禁止燃放孔明灯 3、No burning 禁止烟火 4、No Watering to Put Out the Fire 禁止用水灭火(介词out小写) 5、Non-motorized vehicles Are Prohibit 禁止非机动车通行 6、No Pets禁止携带宠物 7、Carrying Weapons and Emulating Weapons Prohibited 禁止携带武器或方阵武器 8、Carrying Poisonous Materials and Harmful Liquid Prohibited 禁止携带有毒物品及有害液体
第十一讲 公示语的翻译

B. 使用Attention或Notice等具有公告意义的词 1. ATTENTION NO PETS ALLOWED. (注意:请勿携带宠物入内) 2. Attention: Lockers are Not in Service at This Time at the Request of the Federal Aviation Administration. (通告:应联邦航空管理局要求,储物柜此 刻暂停使用。)
第 九 讲
Translation of Signs
一、什么是公示语? 公开和面对公众,告示、指示、 提示、显示、警示、标示与公众生活、 生产、生命、生业等休戚相关的文字及 图形信息。
(王颖 吕和发: 《公示语汉英翻译》)
二、公示语的特点与作用 (一)特点 1、 可认知性 2、 普遍性 3、 公益性 4、 约束性
禁止(严禁、请勿)入内;谢绝参观 No Entry / No Admittance 禁止通行(通过) Access Prohibited / No Passing 免费物品(宾馆客房内免费食品、饮料等) Complimentary 钱款当面点清,离柜概不负责 Please Count your Change Before Leaving 请出示证件 Please Show Your ID
D. 使用一般将来时的被动结构 1. All Unauthorized Vehicles Will Be Towed by Rokaitis Industries Inc. (所有违章停靠车辆将被罗凯提斯工业公 司拖走) 2. This is a Non-Smoking Room. If smoking occurs during your stay a $150 Cleaning Fee will be billed to your account. (此为无烟房。若阁下入住期间抽烟, 您的账单上将会增加150美元的清洁费。)

• • • • • • • • 1,严禁烟火 , Watchful fair Be careful and firing (小心火 别烫着) 小心火,别烫着 小心火 别烫着) No smoking and firing (请勿吸烟,生火) 请勿吸烟, 请勿吸烟 生火) No Burning (禁止燃烧 禁止燃烧) 禁止燃烧 Mind the fires(注意火灾 注意火灾) 注意火灾 Keep from the fire (远离火灾 远离火灾) 远离火灾 No firework (禁止放烟花 禁止放烟花) 禁止放烟花
• Caution, fire (小心烟火 小心烟火) 小心烟火 • Smoking and lighting fires strictly forbidden (prohibited) • No open flames (禁止明火) 禁止明火) 禁止明火
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• • • • • • • • • • • Passengers, stop here! Guest, go no further tourist stop! The visitors stops No moving No visitors Keep out No visitors No Admittance Out Of Bounds Staff only
• • • •
Slippery floor Please slip carefully Caution, slippery Road, slippery
• • • • • • • • Road is slide Caution for sliding Look out, Slip attention Slip, watch out Slippery, when wet Slip and fall down carefully Caution, slip Xiao xin di hua

37请勿乱弃Please don’t litter
For your security, please pay attention behind you while putting your secret number!
29夏季新款半价销售HALF PRICE Summer Styles Reduced
31美容化妆品Beauty Products, Fashion Accessories,露营装备Camping Equipment,旅游纪念品souvenirs,
32进门赢大奖COME IN AND WIN厂家特价直销
23请勿践踏草坪Please Keep Off the Grass
24施工现场禁止入内Construction SiteKeep Out
26出售Sample Sale
27开业纪念特卖Anniversary Sale
28最后机会Last Chance to buy
Management not responsible for articles lost or stolen.7
Complete Transaction Before Leaving the Counter.
We care! We want your comments!

4)汉式英语: 欢迎下次再来Welcome you again 小心滑跌 Don’t Fall Down Watch Your Step/ Slippery! 遇到火灾 勿用电梯 When there is a fire, don’t use the elevator! Don’t use the elevator in case of fire! 5)死译: 警务工作站 Police Affairs Station Police Station 眼科医院 Eye Hospital Ophthalmology Hospital 留学生公寓 Foreign students Dormitory Building International Students Building
2、正说反译,反说正译 贵重物品,随身携带 Don’t leave valuables unattended. 3、语态转换 Occupied (车位)已满 /(厕所)有人 Vacant (厕所)无人
1、指令不清: 狮/狒馆 Lion/Baboon 木径鸟语 Footpath Wooden 2、意图歪曲: 出口Export Exit 小心掉到河里Carefully fall down to the River! 3、语气不和谐: 宾客止步 Guest go no further Staffs only 危难时刻 迅速报警 Being Urgent Call 110 Quickly Emergency Call 110 民族园 Racist Park National’ s Park/ Minority’s 息传递、 服务公众的特点。
1、指示性公示语(指路作用) : 进口、 出口、公厕、售票处 2、警示性公示语(提醒作用) : 小心碰头 、小心路滑、水边危险 3、指令公示语(限制作用) : 游人止步、闲人免进、禁止攀爬、不准吐 痰、不许照相 4、劝导性公示语(规劝作用) : 爱护绿草,请勿践踏;保护环境,人人有责
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1. 正在检修,请绕行 2. 正在检修,请您稍候 3. 电梯维修,暂停使用 4. 禁止鸣笛 5. 服务区 6. 服务监督电话 7. 检票处 8. 售票处
去繁从简 遵从习惯 程式化套译 使用祈使句 使用一般现在时
“青岛是我家,清洁靠大家” Qingdao is my home, its cleanness depends on all of us. Keep Our City Clean.
We have been so busy, and day after day has brought such exciting news, good and bad, that I haven't had time and composure to write in my diary for weeks. I like to keep it up regularly, for father says a diary of the years of the war should be a very interesting thing to hand down to one's children. The trouble is, I like to write a few personal things in this blessed old book that might not be exactly what I'd want my children to read. I feel that I shall be a far greater stickler for propriety in regard to them than I am for myself!
“前方修路,请慢驾驶” Road Work Ahead
“该段路为单行道” One Way
由于标识语的结构日益国际化,而文字的表述比较固 定,因此翻译时可以采用程式化的方式来进行套译。 禁止做某事:No + 名词或动名词 禁止掉头:No Turn 禁止停车:No Parking
例如:严禁拍照 (No Photography)、禁止通行 (Don’t
Walk)、严禁超车(Overtaking Prohibited)、禁扔废弃 物(No Littering)
6. 宣传性公示语(Public Slogans)
宣传,如新北京,新奥运(New Beijing, Great
Translation of Signs
随着中国国际地位的提升和中国经济的快速持续发展,中国加入世 界贸易组织以及其他国际组织,同中国及中国人民打交道的国家和国 际组织越来越多,到中国经商、旅游、学习的外国人与日俱增。近年 来,中国先后成功举办了奥运会、世博会和亚运会,世界了解了中国, 中国也走向了世界。公示语不仅为公众提供信息服务,也是外国人了 解中国的一种重要途径,已经得到了空前的重视,公示语研究成果也 非常丰富。遗憾的是,有些论文和研究成果限于纸上谈兵,在各种场 所如商场、饭店、景点等地充斥了五花八门的错误。因此,讨论公示 语翻译具有重要的现实意义。公示语涉及到人们的食、宿、行、游、 娱、购等行为,应用范围非常广泛,其翻译事关城市和国家形象,事 关中国的文明水平,事关中国语言环境的改善,因此,探讨公示语翻 译有助于提升城市形象,同时也有助于语言教育,本单元主要讲述公 示语的语言特征和翻译技巧。
表示“专用”:名词 + Only 员工专用:Staff Only 贵宾专用:VIP Only 请勿做某事:Do not + 动词 请勿触摸:Do not touch 请勿扔垃圾:Do not litter
Please use handrail. 请站好扶稳。 Please queue here. 请在此排队。
1. 禁止吸烟
2. 严禁烟火 3. 行人勿近
4. 勿用水浇灭 5. 非饮用水 6. 未经许可,不能入内
1. 2. 3. 4.
前方行驶减速 限载重10吨 车辆严禁掉头 右侧通行
Ingleside 20th June 1916 壁炉山庄,1916年6月20日
We have been so busy, and day after day has brought such exciting news, good and bad, that I haven't had time and composure to write in my diary for weeks. I like to keep it up regularly, for father says a diary of the years of the war should be a very interesting thing to hand down to one's children. The trouble is, I like to write a few personal things in this blessed old book that might not be exactly what I'd want my children to read. I feel that I shall be a far greater stickler for propriety in regard to them than I am for myself! The first week in June was another dreadful one. The Austrians seemed just on the point of overrunning Italy: and then came the first awful news of the Battle of Jutland, which the Germans claimed as a great victory. Susan was the only one who carried on. 'You need never tell me that the Kaiser has defeated the British Navy,' she said, with a contemptuous sniff. 'It is all a German lie and that you may tie to.' And when a couple of days later we found out that she was right and that it had been a British victory instead of a British defeat, we had to put up with a great many 'I told you so's,' but we endured them very comfortably.
“注意安全,请勿攀爬单边墙” Pay attention to your safety. Don’t climb the single wall. No Climbing!
Conference Center(会议中心),Registration(注册 登记),Information(咨询服务)
No Stopping(请勿停留),No Spitting(禁止吐痰) Keep Silence(保持安静),Slow Down(减速慢行),
Sold Out(售完)
VIP Lounge
(Very Important Person Lounge, 贵宾休息室)
(Bus Rapid Transit, 快速公交系统)
7. Escape Route
F. 禁止停车
G. 观光梯
8. Fire Engine Access
H. 自行车停放处
1. Detour. Maintenance in Progress. 2. Wait. Maintenance in Progress. 3. Escalator Out of Service 4. Horn Prohibited 5. Service Area 6. Service & Complaint Hotline 7. Ticket Check 8. Ticket Office/Tickets
1. Staff Only
2. No Parking 3. Bicycle Parking 4. Cargo Lift 5. Sightseeing Elevator/Lift
A. 消防通道
B. 非公莫入/员工通道 C. 疏散通道 D. 加油站 E. 货梯
6. Filling/Gas Station
2. 提示性公示语( Informatory Public Signs )
提示性公示语为公众提供有关告知性信息,比如: 油漆未干(Wet Paint)、此货暂缺(Out of Stock)、正 在维修(Under Repair)、保留车位(Reserved)等。
3. 警示性公示语(Cautionary Public Signs) 警示性公示语起警示作用,提醒公众需要注意的问题, 如:小心轻放(Handle With Care)、小心地滑 (Caution! Wet Floor!)、前方有学校(School Ahead)、当心滚石(Falling Rocks)等。