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例如:严禁拍照 (No Photography)、禁止通行 (Don’t
Walk)、严禁超车(Overtaking Prohibited)、禁扔废弃 物(No Littering)
6. 宣传性公示语(Public Slogans)
宣传,如新北京,新奥运(New Beijing, Great
7. Escape Route
F. 禁止停车
G. 观光梯
8. Fire Engine Access
H. 自行车停放处
1. Detour. Maintenance in Progress. 2. Wait. Maintenance in Progress. 3. Escalator Out of Service 4. Horn Prohibited 5. Service Area 6. Service & Complaint Hotline 7. Ticket Check 8. Ticket Office/Tickets
1. 禁止吸烟
2源自文库 严禁烟火 3. 行人勿近
4. 勿用水浇灭 5. 非饮用水 6. 未经许可,不能入内
1. 2. 3. 4.
前方行驶减速 限载重10吨 车辆严禁掉头 右侧通行
Ingleside 20th June 1916 壁炉山庄,1916年6月20日
We have been so busy, and day after day has brought such exciting news, good and bad, that I haven't had time and composure to write in my diary for weeks. I like to keep it up regularly, for father says a diary of the years of the war should be a very interesting thing to hand down to one's children. The trouble is, I like to write a few personal things in this blessed old book that might not be exactly what I'd want my children to read. I feel that I shall be a far greater stickler for propriety in regard to them than I am for myself! The first week in June was another dreadful one. The Austrians seemed just on the point of overrunning Italy: and then came the first awful news of the Battle of Jutland, which the Germans claimed as a great victory. Susan was the only one who carried on. 'You need never tell me that the Kaiser has defeated the British Navy,' she said, with a contemptuous sniff. 'It is all a German lie and that you may tie to.' And when a couple of days later we found out that she was right and that it had been a British victory instead of a British defeat, we had to put up with a great many 'I told you so's,' but we endured them very comfortably.
Olympics)、激情盛会,和谐亚洲(Thrilling Games,
Harmonious Asia)以及上海申办世界博览会的申报口号 “城市,让生活更美好(Better City, Better Life)”, 2004年雅典奥运会的宣传口号“Welcome Home(欢迎 回家)”,这是因为1896年首届现代奥运会就是在希腊

公示语:公开和面对公众,告示、指示、提示、显示、 警示、标示与其生活、生产、生命、生态、生业休戚相 关的文字及图形信息。 ——《汉英公示语词典》,

A board or other notice giving information, warning,
direction, and etc. -- Longman Dictionary of
We have been so busy, and day after day has brought such exciting news, good and bad, that I haven't had time and composure to write in my diary for weeks. I like to keep it up regularly, for father says a diary of the years of the war should be a very interesting thing to hand down to one's children. The trouble is, I like to write a few personal things in this blessed old book that might not be exactly what I'd want my children to read. I feel that I shall be a far greater stickler for propriety in regard to them than I am for myself!
1. 正在检修,请绕行 2. 正在检修,请您稍候 3. 电梯维修,暂停使用 4. 禁止鸣笛 5. 服务区 6. 服务监督电话 7. 检票处 8. 售票处

去繁从简 遵从习惯 程式化套译 使用祈使句 使用一般现在时
“青岛是我家,清洁靠大家” Qingdao is my home, its cleanness depends on all of us. Keep Our City Clean.
Contemporary English (1978)
1. 指示性公示语( Directive Public Signs ) 指示性公示语体现了公共场所对公众的信息服务水平, 对公众没有限制、警示和强制意义,主要起到为公众指 示方位、地点、服务等作用,比如:急救(First Aid)、 旅游服务(Travel Service)、售票处(Ticket Office)等。

No Stopping(请勿停留),No Spitting(禁止吐痰) Keep Silence(保持安静),Slow Down(减速慢行),
Sold Out(售完)

VIP Lounge
(Very Important Person Lounge, 贵宾休息室)

(Bus Rapid Transit, 快速公交系统)

“前方修路,请慢驾驶” Road Work Ahead

“该段路为单行道” One Way
由于标识语的结构日益国际化,而文字的表述比较固 定,因此翻译时可以采用程式化的方式来进行套译。 禁止做某事:No + 名词或动名词 禁止掉头:No Turn 禁止停车:No Parking
Please Keep off the Grass.
Stuff Only
No Littering
Take Care of Your Belongings
Construction ahead, Safety first.
Caution! Wet Floor.

表示“专用”:名词 + Only 员工专用:Staff Only 贵宾专用:VIP Only 请勿做某事:Do not + 动词 请勿触摸:Do not touch 请勿扔垃圾:Do not litter


Please use handrail. 请站好扶稳。 Please queue here. 请在此排队。

“注意安全,请勿攀爬单边墙” Pay attention to your safety. Don’t climb the single wall. No Climbing!


Conference Center(会议中心),Registration(注册 登记),Information(咨询服务)
1. Staff Only
2. No Parking 3. Bicycle Parking 4. Cargo Lift 5. Sightseeing Elevator/Lift
A. 消防通道
B. 非公莫入/员工通道 C. 疏散通道 D. 加油站 E. 货梯
6. Filling/Gas Station
4. 限制性公示语( Restrictive Public Signs ) 限制性公示语限制、约束公众的有关行为,特别强调公 众应当注意的事项,起告知和提醒的双重作用。例如:残 疾人设施(Disabled Only)、限高3米(Restricted Height 3M)
5. 强制性公示语(Mandatory Public Signs) 强制性公示语要求公众必须采取或者不能采取某种行为, 语言应用直白、强硬,毫无商量余地,起警示、强制作用; 违反者往往受到一定的处罚或者制裁,这类公示语旨在约、 束公众行为、维护社会正常秩序与公众安全方面起作用。
2. 提示性公示语( Informatory Public Signs )
提示性公示语为公众提供有关告知性信息,比如: 油漆未干(Wet Paint)、此货暂缺(Out of Stock)、正 在维修(Under Repair)、保留车位(Reserved)等。
3. 警示性公示语(Cautionary Public Signs) 警示性公示语起警示作用,提醒公众需要注意的问题, 如:小心轻放(Handle With Care)、小心地滑 (Caution! Wet Floor!)、前方有学校(School Ahead)、当心滚石(Falling Rocks)等。
Translation of Signs
随着中国国际地位的提升和中国经济的快速持续发展,中国加入世 界贸易组织以及其他国际组织,同中国及中国人民打交道的国家和国 际组织越来越多,到中国经商、旅游、学习的外国人与日俱增。近年 来,中国先后成功举办了奥运会、世博会和亚运会,世界了解了中国, 中国也走向了世界。公示语不仅为公众提供信息服务,也是外国人了 解中国的一种重要途径,已经得到了空前的重视,公示语研究成果也 非常丰富。遗憾的是,有些论文和研究成果限于纸上谈兵,在各种场 所如商场、饭店、景点等地充斥了五花八门的错误。因此,讨论公示 语翻译具有重要的现实意义。公示语涉及到人们的食、宿、行、游、 娱、购等行为,应用范围非常广泛,其翻译事关城市和国家形象,事 关中国的文明水平,事关中国语言环境的改善,因此,探讨公示语翻 译有助于提升城市形象,同时也有助于语言教育,本单元主要讲述公 示语的语言特征和翻译技巧。