
北京大学2004年博士研究生入学考试试题Part One Listening Comprehension (略)Part Two Structure and Written ExpressionDirections: In each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. (20%)41. The beauty of the reflected images in the limpid pool was the poignant beauty of things that are__________, existing only until the sunset.A. equitableB. ephemeralC. euphoniousD. evasive42. Brooding and hopelessness are the__________of Indians in the prairie reservations most of the time.A. occupationsB. promisesC. frustrationsD. transactions43. What__________about that article in the newspaper was that its writer showed an attitude cool enough, professional enough and, therefore, cruel enough when facing that disaster-stricken family.A. worked me outB. knocked me outC. brought me upD. put me forward44. __________considered the human body aesthetically satisfactory.A. Neither prehistoric cave man nor late-industrial urban manB. Nor prehistoric cave man or late-industrial urban manC. No prehistoric cave man nor late-industrial urban manD. Neither prehistoric cave man or late-industrial urban man45. Not until the 1980's__________in Beijing start to find ways to preserve historic buildings from destruction.A. some concerned citizensB. some concerning citizensC. did some concerning citizensD. did some concerned citizens46. The buttocks are__________most other parts in the body.A. likely less to cause fatal damage thanB. likely less causing fatal damage toC. less likely to cause fatal damage thanD. less likey to cause fatal damage to47. The concept of internet,__________has intrigued scientists since the mid-20th century.A. the transmission of images, sounds and messages over distancesB. transmitting of images, sounds and messages along distancesC. to transmit images, sounds and messages on distanceD. the transmissibility of images, sounds and messages for distances48. Because of difficulties in getting a visa, the students had to__________the idea of applying for study in the United States.A. reduce B. yield C.relinquish D. waver49. His request for a day off__________by the manager of the company.A. was turned offB. was turned downC. was put downD. was put away50. The index of industrial production__________last year.A. raised up by 4 per centB. rose up with 4 per centC.arose up with 4 per centD. went up by 4 per cent51. Please__________if you ever come to Sydney.A. look at meB. look me upC. look me outD. look to me52. British hopes of a gold medal in the Olympic Games suffered__________yesterday, when Hunter failed to qualify during the preliminary heats.A. a sharp set-backB. severe set-backC. a severe blown-upD. sharp blown-up53. By the end of the year 2004, he__________in the army for 40 years.A. will have servedB. will serveC. will be servingD. will be served54. __________there was an epidemic approaching, Mr. Smith__________the invitation to visit that area.A. If he knew, would have declinedB. If he had known, would declineC. Had he known, would declineD. Had he known, would have declined55. In the dark they could not see anything clear, but could__________.A. hear somebody mournB. hear somebody mourningC. hear somebody mournedD. hear somebody had been mourning56. The team leader of mountain climbers marked out__________.A. that seemed to be the best routeB. what seemed to be the best routeC. which seemed to be the best routeD. something that to be the best route57. The scheme was so impracticable that I refused even__________.A. to consider supporting itB. considering to support itC. to considering to support itD. considering supporting it58. Among the first to come and live in North America__________, who later prospered mainly in New England.A. had been Dutch settlersB. Dutch settlers were thereC. were Dutch settlersD. Dutch settlers had been there59. The cargo box has a label__________on it. Please handle it with care.A. “flexible”B. “break”C.“fragile” D. “stiff”60. __________we wish him prosperous, we have objections to his ways of obtaining wealth.A. Much asB. As muchC. More asD. As well asPart Three Reading ComprehensionⅠ. Directions: Each of the passages is followed by some questions. For each question four answers are given. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question. Put your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (10%)Passage OneWhat Makes a “Millennial Mind”?Since 1000 AD, around 30 billion people have been born on our planet. The vast majority have come and gone unknown to all but their friends and family. A few have left some trace on history: a discovery made, perhaps, or a record broken. Of those, fewer still are remembered long after their death. Yet of all the people who have lived their lives during the last 1, 000 years, just 38 have achieved the status of “Millennial Minds” -that's barely one in a billion. Those whose lives Focus has chronicled have thus become members of possibly the most exclusive list of all time. And choosing who should be included was not easy.From the beginning, the single most important criterion was that the “Millennial Minds” are those who did more than merely achieve greatness in their own time, or in one field. Thus mere winners of Nobel Prizes had no automatic right to inclusion, nor artists who gained fame in their own era, but whose reputation has faded with changing fashion. The achievements of the genuine “Millennial Mind” affect our lives even now, often in ways so fundamental that it is hard to imagine what the world was like before.Not even transcendent genius was enough to guarantee a place in the Focus list. To rate as a “Millennial Mind”, the life and achievements also had to cast light on the complex nature of creativity: its origins, nature, and its personal cost.61. The first paragraph tells us that__________.A. Focus had a list of “Millennial Minds” worked out in secretB. Focus had compiled a biographical book of the lives of “Millennial Minds”C. Focus's list of the “Millennial Minds” consists of a strictly selected fewD. Focus tried hard to exclude most of the famous lives from the list of the “Millennial Minds”62. According to the second paragraph, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Nobel Prize winners are not qualified for the “Millennial Minds”.B. A “Millennial Mind” needs only to have a great influence on the lives of the people of his time.C. Only those whose achievements still greatly affect our lives today can be included in the list of the “Millennial Minds”.D. The “Millennial Minds” are those who have changed human lives so much that people of later generations can not remember what things were likein the past.63. In the first sentence of the third paragraph, “transcendent genius” means__________.A. people who are exceptionally superior and great in talentB. people whose achievements are not forgotten by later generationsC. people whose genius has been passed down to the present timeD. people who have guaranteed themselves a place in the Focus list64. In the third paragraph, t he phrase “cast light on” can be replaced by__________.A. shine overB. light upC. shed light onD. brighten upPassage TwoTribute to Dr. Carlo Urbani, Identifier of SARSOn the 29th of March, 2003, the World Health Organization doctor Carol Urbani died of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, the fast-spreading pneumonia that had killed 54 people worldwide.http:The 46-year-old Italian doctor was the first WHO officer to identify the outbreak of this new disease in an American businessman. Dr. Urbani first saw the US businessman on Feb. 28, two days after the patient had been admitted to a hospital in Hanoi. Although Urbani had worn a mask, he lacked goggles and other protective clothing. He began demanding that Hanoi hospitals stock up on protective gear and tighten up infection control procedures. But he was frustrated at how long it was taking to teach infection-control procedures to people in hospitals. There were shortages of supplies, like disposable masks, gowns, gloves.After three weeks of round-the-clock effort, Urbani's superior urged him to take a few days off to attend a medical meeting in Bangkok, where he was to talk on childhood parasites. The day after he arrived, he began feeling ill-with symptoms of the new disease. He called his wife, now living in Hanoi with their three children. He said:“Go back to Italy and take the children, because this will be the end for me.” Dr. Urbani developed a fever and was put into isolation where he remained until his death. The WHO representative in Hanoi said:“He was very much a doctor, his first goal was to help people.”He was buried on April 2, 2003 in Castelplanio, central Italy, leaving behind his wife and children. The measures he helped put in place before his death appear to have doused the SARS wildfire in Vietnam.65. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A. Dr. Urbani caught SARS from an American businessman who was hospitalized in Hanoi.B. There were not enough disposable masks, gowns, gloves and protective equipment.C. He knew he had little hope to survive after he was found infected.D. Dr. Urbani had helped combating the new disease by putting in place a series of infection-control measures.66. In the third paragraph, “three weeks of round-clock effort”means__________.A. for three weeks the hospital was taking in SARS patients without stoppingB. Dr Urbani worked day and night for three weeks, trying to get SARS under controlC. for three weeks Dr. Urbani did not have any time to sleep, trying hard to fight the new diseaseD. After three weeks hard work to control SARS, the hospital superior thought it was time to stop the clock67. According to the context, the word “doused” in the last sentence of this passage could be best replaced with__________.A. extinguishedB. eliminatedC. solvedD. delugedPassage ThreeGlassSince the Bronze Age, about 3000 B. C., glass has been used for making various kinds of objects. It was first made from a mixture of silica, lime, and an alkali such as soda or potash, and these remained the basic ingredients of glass until the development of lead glass in the seventeenth century.When heated the mixture becomes soft and moldable and can be formed by various techniques into a vast array of shapes and sizes. The homogeneous mass thus formed by melting then cools to create glass, but in contrast to most materials formed in this way (metals, for instance), glass lacks the crystalline structure normally associated with solids, and instead retains the random molecular structure of a liquid. In effect, as molten glass cools, it progressively stiffens until rigid, but does so without setting up a network of interlocking crystals customarily associated with that process. This is why glass shatters so easily when dealt a blow.Another unusual feature of glass is the manner in which its viscosity changes as it turns from a cold substance into a hot, ductile liquid. Unlike metals that flow or “freeze” at specific temperatures, glass progressively softens as the temperature rises, going through varying moldable stages until it flows like a thick syrup. Each of these stages allows the glass to be manipulated into various forms, by different techniques, and if suddenly cooled the object retains the shape achieved at that point. Glass is thus open to a greater number of heat-forming techniques than most other materials.68. According to the passage glass cools and becomes rigid differently from metalsbecause__________.A. it has an unusually low melting temperatrueB. it does not set up a network of interlocking crystalsC. it has a random molecular structure of a liquidD. it is made from a mixture of silica, lime, and soda69. In the phrase “without setting up a network of interlocking crystals customarily associated with that process” in the second paragraph, a substitute for the word “customarily” may be__________.A. continuouslyB. certainlyC. eventuallyD. usually70. Glass can be easily molded into all kinds of forms because__________.A. it melts like liquid when heatedB. it softens gradually through varying stages when heatedC. it retains the shape at the point when it is suddenly cooledD. various heating techniques can be used in making glassⅡ. Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then explain in your own English the exact meaning of the numbered and underlined parts. Put your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (15%)No one gets out of this world alive, and few people come through life without at least one serious illness. (71) If we are given a serious diagnosis, it is useful to try to remain free of panic and depression. Panic can constrict blood vessels and impose an additional burden on the heart.(72) Depression, as medical researchers way back to Galen, an ancient Greek doctor, have observed, can set the stage for other illnesses or intensify existing ones. It is no surprise that so many patients who learn that they have cancer or heart disease-or any other catastrophic disease-becomeworse at the time of diagnosis. (73) The moment they have a label to attach to their symptoms, the illness deepens. All the terrible things they have heard about disease produce the kind of despair that in turn complicates the underlying condition. (74) It is not unnatural to be severely apprehensive about a serious diagnosis, but a reasonable confidence is justified. Cancer today, for example, is largely a treatable disease. A heavily damaged heart can be reconditioned. (75) Even a positive HIV diagnosis does not necessarily mean that the illness will move into the active stage.Part Four Cloze TestDirections: Fill in each numbered blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word to complete the passage. Put your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10%)Flowers for the DeadSince flowers symbolize new life, it may seem inappropriate to have them at funerals. Yet people in many cultures top coffins or caskets with wreaths and garlands and put blossoms on the graves of the (76) __________. This custom is part of a widespread, long-lived pattern. Edwin Daniel Wolff speculated that floral tributes to the dead are an outgrowth of the grave goods of ancient (77)__________. In cultures that firmly believed in an (78)__________, and believed further that thedeparted could enter that afterlife only (79) __________they took with them indications of their worldly status, it was a necessity to bury the dead with material goods: hence the wives and animals that were killed to accompany (80)__________rulers, the riches (81)__________with Egyptian pharaohs, and the coins that Europeans used to place on the departed person's eyes as payment for the Stygian ferryman. In time, as economy modified tradition, the actual (82)__________goods were replaced (83)__________symbolic representations. In China, for example, gold and silver paper became a stand-in (84)__________real money. Eventually even the symbolic significance became obscured. Thus, Wolff said, flowers may be the (85)__________step in “three well-marked stages of offerings to the dead: the actual object, its substitute in various forms, and —finally —me re tributes of respect.”Part Five ProofreadingDirections: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each underlined sentence or part of a sentence. You may have to change a word, add a word or just delete a word. If you change a word, cross it out with a slash (\) and write the correct word near it. If you add a word, write the missing word between the words (in brackets) immediately before and after it. If you delete a word, cross it out with a slash (\). Put your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10%)Examples:e.g.1 (86) The meeting begun 2 hours ago.Correction in the ANSWER SHEET: (86) begun begane.g.2 (87) Scarcely they settled themselves in their seats in the theatre when the curtains went up.Correction in the ANSWER SHEET: (87) (Scarcely) had (they)e.g.3 (88) Never will I not do it again.Correction in the ANSWER SHEET: (88) not(86) Homes could start been connected to the Internet through electrical outlets. (87) In this way, consumers and business may find easier to make cheaper telephone calls under new rules that the Federal Communications Commission began preparing on Thursday. (88) Taking together, the new rules could profoundly affect the architecture of the Internet and the services it provides. (89) They also have enormous implications for consumers, the telephone and energy industries, equipment manufacturers. Michael K. Powell, the F. C. C. chairman, and his two Republican colleagues on the five-member commission said that (90) a 4-to-1 vote on Thursday to allow a small company providing computer-to-computer phone connections to operate in different rules from ordinary phone companies, would ultimately transform the telecommunications industry and the Internet.(91) “This is a reflecting of the commission's commitment to bring tomorrow's technology to consumers today,” said Mr. Powell. He added that (92)the rules governing the new phone services sought to make them as wide available as e-mail, (93) and possibly much less expensive than traditional phones, and given their lower regulatory costs. At the same time, (94) once while the rules allowing delivery of the Internet through power lines are completed, (95) companies could provide consumers with the ability to plug their modems directly into wall sockets, just like they do with a toaster, or a desk lamp.Part Six WritingDirections: Write a short composition of about 250 to 300 words on the topic given below. And write the composition on the ANSWER SHEET. (15%)Topic: Epidemic Diseases and Public Health Crises试题详解Part One Listening Comprehension(略)Part Two Structure and Written Expression41. B 42. A 43. B 44. A 45. D 46. C 47. A 48. C 49. B 50. D51. B 52. A 53. A 54. D 55. B 56. B 57. A 58. C 59. C 60. APart Three Reading ComprehensionⅠ. Passage One61. C 62. C 63. A 64. CPassage Two65. D 66. B 67. APassage Three68. B 69. D 70. BⅡ. (71) If you are seriously ill, it's good for you not to be panic and depressed.(72) Medical researchers, among whom Galen, an ancient Greek doctor, is the first one, have found out that depression can not only result in other illness but also aggravate existing ones.(73) Once they know what illness they've got, they get worse.(74) For most people, it's difficult to accept the terrible fact and remain sensible, but we should at least have confidence in ourselves.(75) Even if you get a HIV diagnosis, it is still possible for you to avoid the outbreak.Part Four Cloze Test(76) dead (77) traditions (78) afterlife (79) if (80) the(81) or(82) grave (83) by (84) for (85)lastPart Five Proofreading(86) been being (87) (finD. it (easier) (88) taking Taken(89) (industries), and (equipment) (90) in under (91) reflecting reflection(92) wide widely (93) and given given (94) while (95) like asPart Six WritingEpidemic Diseases and Public Health CrisesWhen SARS epidemic swept across China and stirred up even the entire globe last year, people finally came to realize the concept of public health crises, which in reality have already affected our life in various ways. Why didn't we recognize this until our life has been endangered? Surely, epidemic diseases as a kind of public health crises, have contributed to people's perception of public health crises.Public health itself is not new, but the term ”public health crises “has been fresh for most people in China. It includes not only outbreaks of diseases, but also water erosion, deforestation, desertification and many other problems which mankind as a whole must face. Ever since the industrial revolution and great economic expansion, people's life has been challenged in one way or another due to lots of irresponsible behaviors of mankind. Most of the time, people have accustomed to their ordinary way of life and do not spare time in comprehending the imminent crises.On the other hand, epidemic outbreaks always take on a very severe outlook and thus pose direct dangers to common people. They affect people's daily activities and even their lives, and that is why they can successfully arouse people's concerns about their own health. To some extent, our awareness of our dining habits and carelessness in protecting the environment can be attributed to the outbreak of some epidemics, like SARS and bird flu.We should all be gratitude for this awareness brought about by some epidemics. As China and the world's economy continue to expand, governments and people are fully aware that some measures have to be taken to fend off any possible danger to public health.A. is to send them to clinicsB. offers recapture of earlier experiencesC. is in the provision of clockwork toys and trainsD. is to capture them before they are sufficiently experienced47. The child in the nursery__________.A. quickly learns to wait for foodB. doesn't initially sleep and wake at regular intervalsC. always accepts the rhythm of the world around themD. always feels the world around him is warm and friendly48. The encouragement of children to achieve new skills__________.A. can never be taken too farB. should be left to school teachersC. will always assist their developmentD. should be balanced between two extremes49. Jigsaw puzzles are__________.A. too difficult for childrenB. a kind of building-block toyC. not very entertaining for adultsD. suitable exercises for parent-child cooperation50. Parental controls and discipline__________.A. serve a dual purposeB. should be avoided as much as possibleC. reflect the values of the communityD. are designed to promote the child's happinessQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage:More than half of all Jews married in U. S. since 1990 have wed people who aren't Jewish. Nearly 480, 000 Americanhildren under the age of ten have one Jewish and one non-Jewish parent. And, if a survey compiled by researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles is any indication, it's almost certain that most of these children will not identify themselves as “Jewish” when they get older.That survey asked college freshmen, who are usually around age 18, about their own and their parents' religious identities. Ninety-three percent of those with two Jewish parents said they thought of themselves as Jewish. But when the father wasn't Jewish, the number dropped to 38 percent, and when the mother wasn't Jew, just 15 percent of the students said they were Jewish, too.“I think what was surprising was just how low the Jewish identification was in these mixed marriage families.” Linda Sax is a professor of education at UCLA. She directed the survey which was conducted over the course of more than a decade and wasn't actually about religious identity specifically. But Professor Sax says the answers to questions about religion were particularly striking, and deserve a more detailed study. She says it's obvious that interfaith marriage works against the development of Jewish identity among children, but says it's not clear at this point why that's the case. “This new study is necessary to get more in-depth about their feelings about their religion. That's something that the study that I completed was not able to do. We didn't have information on how they feel about their religion, whether they have any concern about their issues of identification, how comfortable they feel about their lifelong goals. I think the new study's going to cover some of that,” she says.Jay Rubin is executive director of Hilel, a national organization that works with Jewish college students. Mr. Rubin says Judaism is more than a religion, it's an experience. And with that in mind, Hillel has commissioned a study of Jewish attitudes towards Judaism. Researchers will concentrate primarily on young adults, and those with two Jewish parents, and those with just one, those who see themselves as Jewish and those who do not. Jay Rubin says Hillel will then use this study to formulate a strategy for making Judaism more relevant to the next generation of American Jews.51. The best title of this passage is__________.A. Jewish and Non-Jewish in AmericanB. Jewish Identity in AmericaC. Judaism-a Religion?D. College Jewish Students52. Among the freshmen at UCLA__________thought themselves as Jewish.A. mostB. 93% of those whose parents were both JewishC. 62% of those only whose father were JewishD. 15% of those only whose mother were Jewish53. The ph rase “interfaith marriage” in the Paragraph 3 refers to the__________.A. marriage of people based on mutual beliefB. marriage of people for the common faithC. marriage of people of different religious faithsD. marriage of people who have faith in each other54. Which of the following statements is NOT true about professor Sax's research?A. The research indicates that most students with only one Jewish parent will not think themselves as Jewish.B. The survey was carried out among Jewish Freshmen.C. The research survey didn't find out what and how these Jewish students think about their religion.D. The research presents a new perspective for the future study.55. Which of the following is true according to the last paragraph?A. Mr. Rubin is the founder of Hillel.B. Mr. Rubin thinks that Judaism is not a religion and it's an experience.C. Hillel is an organization concerned with Jewish college students in the world.D. Hillel has asked certain people to carry out a study about Jewish attitudes towards Judaism.Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage:Governments that want their people to prosper in the burgeoning world economy should guarantee two basic rights: the right to private property and the right to enforceable contracts, says Mancur Olson in his book Power and Prosperity. Olson was an economics professor at the University of Maryland until his death in 1998.Some have argued that such rights are merely luxuries that wealthy societies bestow, but Olson turns that argument around and asserts that such rights are essential to creating wealth. “In comes are low in most of the countries of the world, in short, because the people in those countries do not have secure in dividual rights,” he says.Certain simple economic activities, such as food gathering and making handicrafts, rely mostly on individual labor; property is not necessary. But more advanced activities, such as the massproduction of goods, require machines and factories and offices. This production is often called capital-intensive, but it is really property-intensive, Olson observes.“No one would normally engage in capital-intensive production if he or she did not have rights that kept the valuable capital from being taken by bandits, whether roving or stationary,”he argues. “There is no private property without government—individuals may have possessions, the way a dog possesses a bone, but there is private property only if the society protects and defends a private right to that possession against other private parties and against the government as well.”Would-be entrepreneurs, no matter how small, also need a government and court system that will make sure people honor their contracts. In fact, the banking systems relied on by developed nations are based on just such an enforceable contract system. “We would not deposit our money in banks...if we could not rely on the bank having to honor its contract with us, and the bank would not be able to make the profits it needs to stay in business if it could not enforce its loan contracts with borrowers,” Olson writes.Other economists have argued that the poor economies of Third World and communist countries are the result of governments setting both prices and the quantities of goods produced rather than letting a free market determine them. Olson agrees there is some merit to this point of view, but he argues that government intervention is not enough to explain the poverty of these countries. Rather, the real problem is lack of individual rights that give people incentive to generate wealth. “If a society has clear and secure individual rights, there are strong incentives (刺激,动力)to produce, invest, and engage in mutually advantageous trade, and therefore at least some economic advance,” Olson conc ludes.56. Which of the following is true about Olson?A. He was a fiction writer.B. He edited the book Power and Prosperity.C. He taught economics at the University of Maryland.D. He was against the ownership of private property.57. Which of the following represents Olson's point or view?A. Protecting individual property rights encourages wealth building.B. Only in wealthy societies do people have secure individual rights.C. Secure individual rights are brought about by the wealth of the society.D. In some countries, people don't have secure individual rights because they're poor.58. What does Olson think about mass production?A. It's capital intensive.B. It's property intensive.C. It relies on individual labor.D. It relies on individual skills.59. What is the basis for the banking system?。

北京大学博士英语试题及答案一、词汇与语法(共20分,每题2分)1. The company has been ________ for over a century.A. establishedB. establishingC. to establishD. being established答案:A2. Despite the heavy rain, the match will be held as ________.A. planB. plannedC. planningD. to plan答案:B3. The professor suggested that we ________ a meeting to discuss the issue.A. arrangeB. arrangedC. arrangingD. will arrange答案:A4. The book is worth ________.A. to readB. readC. readingD. being read答案:C5. The problem is too difficult for us ________.A. to solveB. solvingC. solvedD. being solved答案:A二、阅读理解(共30分,每题3分)阅读以下短文,然后回答问题。
The rise of artificial intelligence has brought about significant changes in various industries. Companies are now using AI to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer experiences. However, with the rapid advancement of technology, there are concerns about job displacement and privacy issues.6. What is the main focus of the passage?A. The impact of AI on industriesB. The benefits of AIC. The concerns about AID. The advancement of technology答案:A7. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a benefit of AI?A. Improved efficiencyB. Reduced costsC. Enhanced customer experiencesD. Increased job opportunities答案:D8. What is the concern associated with AI?A. Job displacementB. Increased efficiencyC. Reduced costsD. Enhanced customer experiences答案:A9. What can be inferred from the passage?A. AI is only used in certain industries.B. AI is a threat to privacy.C. AI is being embraced by companies.D. AI has no benefits.答案:C10. What is the purpose of the passage?A. To promote AIB. To criticize AIC. To inform about AID. To encourage debate about AI答案:C三、完形填空(共20分,每题2分)In the past, people used to believe that the world was flat. However, with the discovery of new lands and the development of navigational tools, this belief was gradually __11__.11. A. changedB. alteredC. modifiedD. transformed答案:A12. The explorers' voyages led to a __12__ understanding of the world.A. clearB. distinctC. preciseD. accurate答案:D13. As a result, the concept of a spherical Earth became__13__.A. acceptedB. acknowledgedC. recognizedD. known答案:A14. Today, we take for granted the fact that the Earth is round, but in the past, it was a __14__ idea.A. revolutionaryB. radicalC. groundbreakingD. innovative答案:A15. The __15__ of the Earth's shape has had a profound impact on science and exploration.A. realizationB. perceptionC. understandingD. comprehension答案:A四、翻译(共30分,每题10分)16. 随着互联网的普及,人们获取信息的方式发生了巨大变化。

Part Two:Structure and Written Expression(20%)Directions:For each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Mark your choices on the Answer Sheet.11.Whether the extension of consciousness is a “good thing”for human being is a question thata wide solution.A.admits of B. requires of C. needs of D.seeks for12.In a culture like ours, long all things as a means of control, it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that the medium is the message.A.accustomed to split and dividedB.accustomed to splitting and dividingC.accustomed to split and dividingD.accustomed to splitting and divided13.Apple pie is neither good nor bad; it is the way it is used that determines its value.A. at itselfB. as itselfC. on itselfD. in itself14.us earlier, your request to the full.A.You have contacted…we could comply withB.Had you contacted…we could have complied withC.You had contacted…could we have complied withD.Have you contacted…we could comply with15.The American Revolution had no medieval legal institutions to or to root out, apart from monarchy.A. discardB. discreetC. discordD. disgorge16. Living constantly in the atmosphere of slave, he became infected the unconscious theirpsychology. No one can shield himself such an influence.A. on…by…atB. by…for…inC. from…in…onD. through…with…from17. The effect of electric technology had at first been anxiety. Now it appears to create.A. boreB. boredC. boredomD. bordom18. Jazz tends to be a casual dialogue form of dance quite in the receptive and mechanical forms of the waltz.A. lackedB. lackingC. for lack ofD. lack of19. There are too many complains about society move too fast to keep up with the machine.A. that have toB. have toC. having toD. has to20. The poor girl spent over half a year in the hospital but she is now for it.A. none the worseB. none the betterC. never worseD. never better21. As the silent film sound, so did the sound film color.A. cried out for…cried out forB. cry out for…cry out forC. had cried out for…cried out forD. had cried out for…cry out for22. While his efforts were tremendous the results appeared to be very .A. triggerB. meagerC. vigorD. linger23. Western man is himself being de-Westernized by his own speed-up, by industrial technology.A. as much the Africans are detribalizedB. the Africans are much being detribalizedC. as much as the Africans are being detribalizedD. as much as the Africans are detribalized24. We admire his courage and self-confidence.A. can butB. cannot onlyC. cannot butD. can only but25. In the 1930’s, when millions of comic books were the young with fighting and killing, nobody seemed tonotice that the violence of cars in the streets was more hysterical.A. inundatingB. imitatingC. immolatingD. insulating26. you promise you will work hard, support you to college.A. If only…will IB. Only…I willC. Only if…will ID. Only if…I will27. It is one of the ironies of Western man that he has never felt invention as a threat to his way of life.A. any concern withB. any concern aboutC. any concern inD. any concern at28. One room schools, with all subjects being taught to all grades at the same time, simplywhen better transportation permits specialized spaces and specialized teaching.A. resolvedB. absolvedC. dissolvedD. solved29. People are living longer and not saving enough, which means they will either have to worklonger, live less in retirement or bailed by the government.A. in…for…upB. for…on…outC. by…in…onD. on…for…out30. The country s deficit that year to a record 1698 billion dollarsA. soaredB. souredC. soredD. sourcedPart Three: Close Test (10%)Directions: Read the following passage carefully and choose ONE best word for each numbered blank. Mark your answers on the Answer Sheet.2023 was the worst year for the record labels in a decade31 was 2023, and before that 2023 and 2023. In fact,industry revenues have been 32 for the past 10 years. Digital sales are growing, but not as fast as traditional sales are falling.Maybe that’s because illegal downloads are so easy. People have been 33 intellectual property for centuries, but it used to be a time-consuming way to generate markedly 34 copies. These days, high-quality copies are 35. According to the Pew Internet project, people use file-sharing software more often than they do iTunes and other legal shops.I’d like to believe, as many of my friends seem to, that this practice won’t do much harm. But even as I’ve heard over the past decade that things weren’t 36 bad, that the music industry was moving to a new, better business model, each year’s numbers have been worse. Maybe it’s time to admit that we may never find a way to 37 consumers who want free entertainment with creators who want to get paid.38 on this problem, the computational neuroscientist Anders Sandberg recently noted that although we have strong instinctive feelings about ownership, intellectual property doesn’t always 39 that framework. The harm done by individual acts of piracy is too small and too abstract.“The nature of intellectual property,”he wrote, “makes it hard to maintain the social and empathic 40 that keep(s) us from taking each other’s things.”31. A. As B. Same C. Thus D. So32. A. stagnating B. declining C. increasing D. stultifying33. A. taking B. robbing C. stealing D. pirating34. A. upgraded B. inferior C. ineffective D. preferable35. A. numerous B. ubiquitous C. accessible D. effortless36. A. so B. this C. that D. much37. A. satisfy B. help C. reconcile D. equate38. A. Based B. Capitalizing C. Reflecting D. Drawing39. A. match up with B. fill in C. fit into D. set up40. A. constraints B. consciousness C. norm D. etiquettePart IV: Reading Comprehension(20%)Directions: Each of the following four passages is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each question or unfinished statement, four answers are given. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question. Mark your choices on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneCancer has always been with us, but not always in the same way. Its care and management have differed over time, of course, but so, too, have its identity, visibility, and meanings. Pick up the thread of history at its most distant end and you have cancer the crab—so named either because of the ramifying venous processes spreading out from a tumor or because its pain is like the pinch of a crab’s claw. Premodern cancer is a lump, a swelling that sometimes breaks through the skin in ulcerations producing foul-smelling discharges. The ancient Egyptians knew about many tumors that had a bad outcome, and the Greeks made a distinction between benign tumors (oncos) and malignant ones (carcinos). In the second century A.D., Galen reckoned that the cause was systemic, an excess of melancholy or black bile, one of the body’s four “humors,”brought on by bad diet and environmental circumstances. Ancient medical practitioners sometimes cut tumors out, but the prognosis was known to be grim. Describing tumors of the breast, an Egyptian papyrus from about 1600 B.C.concluded: “There is no treatment.”The experience of cancer has always been terrible, but, until modern times, its mark on the culture has been light. In the past, fear coagulated around other ways of dying: infectious and epidemic diseases (plague, smallpox, cholera, typhus, typhoid fever); “apoplexies”(what we now call strokes and heart attacks); and, most notably in the nineteenth century, “consumption”(tuberculosis). The agonizing manner of cancer death was dreaded, but that fear was not centrally situated in the public mind—as it now is. This is one reason that the medical historian Roy Porter wrote that cancer is “the modern disease par excellence,”and that Mukherjee calls it “the quintessential product of modernity.”At one time, it was thought that cancer was a “disease of civilization,” belonging to much the same causal domain as “neurasthenia” and diabetes, the former a nervous weakness belie ved to be brought about by the stress of modern life and the latter a condition produced by bad diet and indolence. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, some physicians attributedcancer—notably of the breast and the ovaries—to psychological and behavioral causes. William Buchan’s wildly popular eighteenth-century text “Domestic Medicine”judged that cancers might be caused by “excessive fear, grief, religious melancholy.”In the nineteenth century, reference was repeatedly made to a “cancer personality,”and, in some versions, specifically to sexual repression. As Susan Sontag observed, cancer was considered shameful, not to be mentioned, even obscene. Among the Romantics and the Victorians, suffering and dying from tuberculosis might be considered a badge of refinement; cancer death was nothing of the sort. “It seems unimaginable,”Sontag wrote, “to aestheticize”cancer.41. According to the passage, the ancient Egyptians .A. called cancer the crabB. were able to distinguish benign tumors and malignant onesC. found out the cause of cancerD. knew about a lot of malignant tumors42. Which of the following statements about the cancers of the past is best supported by the passage?A. Ancient people did not live long enough to become prone to cancerB. In the past, people did not fear cancerC. Cancer death might be considered a badge of refinementD. Some physicians believed that one s own behavioral mode could lead to cancer43. Which of the following is the reason for cancer to be called “the modern disease”?A. Modern cancer care is very effectiveB. There is a lot more cancer nowC. People understand cancer in radically new ways nowD. There is a sharp increase in mortality in modern cancer world44.“Neurasthenia”and diabetes are mentioned because .A. they are as fatal as cancerB. they were considered to be “disease of civilization”C. people dread them very muchD.they are brought by the high pressure of modern life45. As suggested by the passage, with which of the following statements would the author most likely agree?A. The care and management of cancer have development over timeB. The cultural significance of cancer shifts in different timesC. Cancer s identity has never changedD. Cancer is the price paid for modern lifePassage TwoIf you happened to be watching NBC on the first Sunday morning in August last summer, you would have seen something curious. There, on the set of Meet the Press, the host, David Gregory, was interviewing a guest who made a forceful case that the U.S.economy had become “very distorted.”In the wake of the recession, this guest explained, high-income individuals, large banks, and major corporations had experienced a “significant recovery”; the rest of the economy, by contrast—including small businesses and “a very significant amount of the labor force”—was stuck and still struggling. What we were seeing, he argued, was not a single economy at all, but rather “fundamentally two separate types of economy,”increasingly distinct and divergent.This diagnosis, though alarming, was hardly unique: drawing attention to the divide between the wealthy and everyone else has long been standard fare on the left. (The idea of “two Americas”was a central theme of John Edwards’s 2023 and 2023 presidential runs.) What made the argument striking in this instance was that it was being offered by none other than the former five-term Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan: iconic libertarian, preeminent defender of the free market, and (at least until recently) the nation’s foremost devotee of Ayn Rand. When the high priest of capitalism himself is declaring the growth in economic inequality a national crisis, something has gone very, very wrong.This widening gap between the rich and non-rich has been evident for years. In a 2023 report to investors, for instance,three analysts at Citigroup advised that “the World is dividing into two blocs—the Plutonomy and the rest”.In a plutonomy there is no such animal as “the U.S.consumer”or “the UK consumer”, or indeed “the Russian consumer”. There are rich consumers, few in number, but disproportionate in the gigantic slice of income and consumption they take. There are the rest, the “non-rich”, the multitudinous many, but only accounting for surprisingly small bites of the national pie.Before the recession, it was relatively easy to ignore this concentration of wealth among an elite few. The wondrous inventions of the modern economy—Google, Amazon, the iPhone broadly improved the lives of middle-class consumers, even as they made a tiny subset of entrepreneurs hugely wealthy. And the less-wondrous inventions—particularly the explosion of subprime credit—helped mask the rise of income inequality for many of those whose earnings were stagnant.But the financial crisis and its long, dismal aftermath have changed all that. A multi-billion-dollar bailout and Wall Street’s swift, subsequent reinstatement of gargantuan bonuses have inspired a narrative of parasitic bankers and other elites rigging the game for their own benefit.And this, in turn, has led to wider-and not unreasonable-fears that we are living in not merely a plutonomy, but a plutocracy, in which the rich display outsize political influence, narrowly self interested motives, and a casual indifference to anyone outside their own rarefied economic bubble.46. According to the passage, the U.S.economy .A. fares quite wellB. has completely recovered from the economic recessionC. has its own problemsD. is lagging behind other industrial economies47. Which of the following statement about today’s super-elite would the passage support?A. Today’s plutocrats are the hereditary eliteB. Today’s super-rich are increasingly a nation unto themselvesC. They are the deserving winners of a tough economic competitionD. They are worried about the social and political consequences of rising income inequality48. What can be said of modern technological innovations?A. They have lifted many people into the middle class.B. They have narrowed the gap between the rich and the non-rich.C. They have led to a rise of income inequality.D. They have benefited the general public.49. The author seems to suggest that the financial crisis and its aftermath .A. have compromised the rich with the non-richB. have enriched the plutocratic eliteC. have put Americans on the alert for too much power the rich possessD. have enlarged the gap between the rich and non-rich50. The primary purpose of the passage is to .A. present the financial imbalance in the U.S.B. display sympathy for the working classC. criticize the super elite of the Unite StatesD. appreciate the merits of the super rich in the U.S.Passage ThreeCharles Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”is credited with sparking evolution’s revolution in scientific thought, but many observers had pondered evolution before him. It was understanding the idea’s significance and selling it to the public that made Darwin great, according to the Arnold Arboretum’s new director.William Friedman, the Arnold Professor of Organism and Evolutionary Biology who took over as arboretum director Ja n.1, has studied Darwin’s writings as well as those of his predecessors and contemporaries. While Darwin is widely credited as the father of evolution, Friedman said the “historical sketch”that Darwin attached to later printings of his masterpiece wasintended to mollify those who demanded credit for their own earlier ideas.The historical sketch grew with each subsequent printing, Friedman told an audience Monday (Ja n.10), until, by the 6th edition, 34 authors were mentioned in it. Scholars now believe that somewhere between 50 and 60 authors had beaten Darwin in their writings about evolution Included was Darwin’s grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, a physician who irritated clergymen with his insistence that life arose from lower forms, specifically mollusks.Friedman’s talk, “A Darwinian Look at Darwin’s Evolutionist Ancestors,”took place at the arboretum’s Hunnewell Building and was the first in a new Director’s Lecture Series.Though others had clearly pondered evolution before Darwin, he wasn’t without originality.Friedman said that Darwin’s thinking on natural selection as the mechanism of evolution was shared by few, most prominently Alfred Wallace, whose writing on the subject after years in the field spurred Darwin’s writing of “On the Origin of Species.”Although the book runs more than 400 pages, Friedman said it was never the book on evolution and natural selection that Darwin intended. In 1856, three years before the book was published, he began work on a detailed tome on natural selection that wouldn’t see publication until 1975.The seminal event in creating “On the Origin of Species”occurred in 1858, when Wallace wrote Darwin detailing Wallace’s ideas of evolution by natural selection. The arrival of Wallace’s ideas galvanized Darwin into writing “On the Origin of Species”as an “abstract”of the ideas he was painstakingly laying out in the larger work.This was a lucky break for Darwin, because it forced him to write his ideas in plain language, which led to a book that was not only revolutionary, despite those who’d tread similar ground before, but that was also very readable.Though others thought about evolution before Darwin, scientific discovery requires more than just an idea. In addition to the concept, discovery requires the understanding of the significance of the idea, something some of the earlier authors clearly did not have—such as the arborist who buried his thoughts on natural selection in the appendix of a book on naval timber. Lastly, scientific discovery demands the ability to convince others of the correctness of an idea.Darwin, through “On the Origin of Species,”was the only thinker of the time who had all three of those traits, Friedman said.“Darwin had the ability to convince others of the correctness of the idea,” Friedman said, adding that even Wallace, whose claim to new thinking on evolution and natural selection was stronger than all the others, paid homage to Darwin by titling his 1889 book on the subject, “Darwinism.”51. According to William Friedman, Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”is great in that.A. it was the most studied by later scientistsB. it had significant ideas about evolutionC. it was the first to talk about evolutionD. it was well received by the public52. Friedman believes that Darwin attached a “historical sketch”to later printings of his book in an attempt to .A. credit the ideas about evolution before hisB. claim himself as the father of evolutionC. introduce his grandfather to the readerD. summarize his predecessors work53. In Friedman s view, Darwin s originality lies in .A. his thinking on natural selection as the mechanism of evolutionB. his sharing ideas about evolution with his contemporariesC. the way he wrote “On the Origin of Species”D. the way he lectured on the ideas of evolution54. We have learned that at first Darwin intended to write his idea in .A. a much larger bookB. a 400page bookC. scientific termsD. plain language55. Scientific discovery requires all the following Expect .A. coming up with a new ideaB. understanding the significance of the ideaC. making claims to the idea by writing booksD. convincing others of the correctness of the idesPassage FourMany adults may think they are getting enough shut-eye, but in a major sleep study almost 80 percent of respondents admitted to not getting their prescribed amount of nightly rest. So, what exactly is the right amount of sleep? Research shows that adults need an average of seven to nine hours of sleep a night for optimal functionality. Read on to see just how much of an impact moderate sleep deprivation can have on your mind and body.By getting less than six hours of sleep a night, you could be putting yourself at risk of high blood pressure. When you sleep, your heart gets a break and is able to slow down for a significant period of time. But cutting back on sleep means your heart has to work overtime without its allotted break. In constantly doing so, your body must accommodate to its new conditions and elevate your overall daily blood pressure. And the heart isn’t the only organ that is overtaxed by a lack of sleeps. The less sleep you get, the less time the brain has to regulate stress hormones, and over time, sleep deprivation could permanently hinder the brain’s ability to regulate these hormones, leading to elevated blood pressure.We all hang around in bed during our bouts of illness. But did you know that skipping out on the bed rest can increase your risk of getting sick? Prolonged sleep deprivation has long been associated with diminished immune functions, but researchers have also found a direct correlation between “modest”sleep deprivation—less than six hours—and reduced immune response. So try to toughen up your immune system by getting at least seven hours of sleep a night, and maintaining a healthy diet. You’ll be glad you got that extra hour of sleep the next time that bug comes around and leaves everyone else bedridden with a fever for three days.During deep REM sleep, your muscles (except those in the eyes) are essentially immobilized in order to keep you from acting out on your dreams. Unfortunately, this effort your body makes to keep you safe while dreaming can sometimes backfire,resulting in sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis occurs when the brain is aroused from its REM cycle, but the body remains in its immobilizing state. This can be quite a frightening sensation because, while your mind is slowly regaining consciousness, it has no control over your body, leaving some with a feeling of powerlessness, fear and panic. Most people experience this eerie phenomena at least once in their lives, but those who are sleep deprived are more likely to have panicked episodes of sleep paralysis that are usually accompanied by hallucinations, as well.For a second, imagine all of your memories are erased; every birthday, summer vacation, even what you did yesterday afternoon is completely lost, because you have no recollection of them.It’s a chilling thought, but that is what a life without sleep would be like. Sleep is essential to the cognitive functions of the brain, and without it, our ability to consolidate memories, learn daily tasks, and make decisions is impaired by a large degree. Research has revealed that REM sleep, or dream-sleep, helps solidify the “fragile”memories the brain creates throughout the day to that they can be easily organized and stored in the mind’s long-term cache.56. According to the passage, what is the meaning of “sleep deprivation”?A. To sleep for an average period of time.B. To sleep deeply without dreaming.C. To sleep less than needed.D. To sleep modestly.57. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Paragraph 3?A. When everyone else gets a fever, those with sleep deprivation will be abele to sleep longer.B. When everyone else gets a fever, those who usually have adequate sleep will be alright.C. Only modest sleep deprivation could weaken the immune system.D. Prolonged sleep deprivation will not have impact on the immune system.58. Why is there the so-called “sleep paralysis”?A. It occurs when you are unable to wake up from dreams while you are sleeping.B. It occurs when you brain immobilizes your body in order to keep you from dreaming.C. Because you are usually too frightened to move your body when waking up from deep REM sleep.D. Because your body, immobilized when dreaming, may still be unable to move even when your brain is waking up.59.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the last paragraph?A. Memories are part of the cognitive function of the brain.B. Memories created during the daytime are usually fragile and impaired.C. You are likely to lose your memories of yesterday after a night’s sleep.D. Long term memory cannot be formed without dream-sleep.60. What effects of sleep deprivation on human mind and body are discussed in this passage?A. High blood pressure, a toughened immune system, sleep paralysis, and memory loss.B. Blood pressure, immune system, sleep paralysis, and long term memory.C. Blood pressure, immune system, the brain and the body, and memory.D. High blood pressure, a weakened immune system, sleep paralysis, and memory loss.Part V: Proofreading (15%)Directions: In the following passage, there are altogether 15 mistakes, ONE in each numbered and underlined part. You may have to change a word, add a word, or just delete a word. If you change a word, cross it with a slash (/) and write the correct word beside it. If you add a word, write the missing word between the words ( in brackets )immediately before and after it. If you delete a word, cross it out with a slash (/). Put your answer on the Answer Sheet (2).Examples:eg. 1(61) The meeting begun 2 hours ago.Correction put on the Answer Sheet (2): (61) begun beganeg. 2(62) Scarcely they settled themselves in their seats in the theatre when the curtain went up .Correction put on the Answer Sheet (2): (62) (Scarcely) had (they)eg. 3(63) Never will I not do it again.Correction put on the Answer Sheet (2): (63)notWal-Mart announced Thursday afternoon that it would introduce a program nationwide called (61) “Pick Up Today”that allows customers to submit orders online and pick up their items few hours later in their local store. (62) The move is not revolutionary—Sears and Nordstrom, as instance, already have similar programs.(63) Retailers say that tying online and in-store inventory together lets them to sell more products. (64) Nordstrom recently combined its inventory so that if the online stockroom is out of a jacket, a store that has it can ship to the Web customer. (65) Encourage customers to retrieve items they have ordered online in a store increases visits to the stores, which usually increases sales. (66) Best Buy offers both store pickup and “ship to store,”where items are shipped free from a local store. Ace Hardware, J.C.Penney and Wal-Mart itself are among the others offering “ship to store”programs.In Wal-Mart’s program, (67) that is expected to be nationwide by June, customers can select from among 40,000 items online. (68) They will send a text message or e-mail alerting them when the order is ready, which usually takes about four hours.(69) “Not only we see it as a nice convenience for customers, but we also saw it as a way to drive incremental traffic to the stores, and incremental sales,”said Steve Nave, senior vice president and general manager of Walmar t.Com.(70) The program will include about 40000 items likewise electronics, toys, home décor and sporting goods. (71) As of now, it does not include groceries, though M r.Nave did dismiss that possibility.(72) “We’re not ready to talk today about everything that’s going on in grocery,”he said“What we’ve tried to do is (73) focus on those categories where customers are most likely to be willing to make the purchase after they touch it or look at it.(74) This is a convenient play, trying to figure out what are the things that are going to drive more customers into the stores.”Wal-Mart also announced that (75) it was shortened the time customers would have to wait for ship-to-store items, to four to seven days, from seven to 10 days.Part VI: Writing (15%)。

以下是一道典型的北大考博英语阅读理解题:Passage 1It is tempting, but misleading, to picture the history of African-Ameri-cans hid-den, waiting passively for progress to come. In fact, what we find over and over again in black history is the story of black people shaping their own lives and destinies. At the heart of this struggle has been the quest for education, knowledge, and just treatment— issues that have defined a people fighting for dignity and opportunity.Which of the fol-lowing would be the best title for the passage?A. The Struggles of African-AmericansB. The Importance of EducationC. African-American HistoryD. Resilience and Progress解析:本题是一道主旨题,要求找出这篇文章的最佳标题。

Part Two:Structure and Written Expression(20%)Directions:For each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Mark your choices on the Answer Sheet.11.Whether the extension of consciousness is a “good thing”for human being is a question thata wide solution.A.admits of B. requires of C. needs of D.seeks for12.In a culture like ours, long all things as a means of control, it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that the medium is the message.A.accustomed to split and dividedB.accustomed to splitting and dividingC.accustomed to split and dividingD.accustomed to splitting and divided13.Apple pie is neither good nor bad; it is the way it is used that determines its value.A. at itselfB. as itselfC. on itselfD. in itself14.us earlier, your request to the full.A.You have contacted…we could comply withB.Had you contacted…we could have complied withC.You had contacted…could we have complied withD.Have you contacted…we could comply with15.The American Revolution had no medieval legal institutions to or to root out, apart from monarchy.A. discardB. discreetC. discordD. disgorge16. Living constantly in the atmosphere of slave, he became infected the unconscious theirpsychology. No one can shield himself such an influence.A. on…by…atB. by…for…inC. from…in…onD. through…with…from17. The effect of electric technology had at first been anxiety. Now it appears to create.A. boreB. boredC. boredomD. bordom18. Jazz tends to be a casual dialogue form of dance quite in the receptive and mechanical forms of the waltz.A. lackedB. lackingC. for lack ofD. lack of19. There are too many complains about society move too fast to keep up with the machine.A. that have toB. have toC. having toD. has to20. The poor girl spent over half a year in the hospital but she is now for it.A. none the worseB. none the betterC. never worseD. never better21. As the silent film sound, so did the sound film color.A. cried out for…cried out forB. cry out for…cry out forC. had cried out for…cried out forD. had cried out for…cry out for22. While his efforts were tremendous the results appeared to be very .A. triggerB. meagerC. vigorD. linger23. Western man is himself being de-Westernized by his own speed-up, by industrial technology.A. as much the Africans are detribalizedB. the Africans are much being detribalizedC. as much as the Africans are being detribalizedD. as much as the Africans are detribalized24. We admire his courage and self-confidence.A. can butB. cannot onlyC. cannot butD. can only but25. In the 1930’s, when millions of comic books were the young with fighting and killing, nobody seemed tonotice that the violence of cars in the streets was more hysterical.A. inundatingB. imitatingC. immolatingD. insulating26. you promise you will work hard, support you to college.A. If only…will IB. Only…I willC. Only if…will ID. Only if…I will27. It is one of the ironies of Western man that he has never felt invention as a threat to his way of life.A. any concern withB. any concern aboutC. any concern inD. any concern at28. One room schools, with all subjects being taught to all grades at the same time, simplywhen better transportation permits specialized spaces and specialized teaching.A. resolvedB. absolvedC. dissolvedD. solved29. People are living longer and not saving enough, which means they will either have to worklonger, live less in retirement or bailed by the government.A. in…for…upB. for…on…outC. by…in…onD. on…for…out30. The country s deficit that year to a record 1698 billion dollarsA. soaredB. souredC. soredD. sourcedPart Three: Close Test (10%)Directions: Read the following passage carefully and choose ONE best word for each numbered blank. Mark your answers on the Answer Sheet.2009 was the worst year for the record labels in a decade31 was 2008, and before that 2007 and 2006. In fact, industry revenues have been 32 for the past 10 years. Digital sales are growing, but not as fast as traditional sales are falling.Maybe that’s because illegal downloads are so easy. People have been 33 intellectual property for centuries, but it used to be a time-consuming way to generate markedly 34 copies. These days, high-quality copies are 35 . According to the Pew Internet project, people use file-sharing software more often than they do iTunes and other legal shops.I’d like to believe, as many of my friends seem to, that this practice won’t do much harm. But even as I’ve heard over the past decade that things weren’t 36 bad, that the music industry was moving to a new, better business model, each year’s numbers have been worse. Maybe it’s time to admit that we may never find a way to 37 consumers who want free entertainment with creators who want to get paid.38 on this problem, the computational neuroscientist Anders Sandberg recently noted that although we have strong instinctive feelings about ownership, intellectual property doesn’t always 39 that framework. The harm done by individual acts of piracy is too small and too abstract.“The nature of intellectual property,”he wrote, “makes it hard to maintain the social and empathic 40 that keep(s) us from taking each other’s things.”31. A. As B. Same C. Thus D. So32. A. stagnating B. declining C. increasing D. stultifying33. A. taking B. robbing C. stealing D. pirating34. A. upgraded B. inferior C. ineffective D. preferable35. A. numerous B. ubiquitous C. accessible D. effortless36. A. so B. this C. that D. much37. A. satisfy B. help C. reconcile D. equate38. A. Based B. Capitalizing C. Reflecting D. Drawing39. A. match up with B. fill in C. fit into D. set up40. A. constraints B. consciousness C. norm D. etiquettePart IV: Reading Comprehension(20%)Directions: Each of the following four passages is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each question or unfinished statement, four answers are given. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question. Mark your choices on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneCancer has always been with us, but not always in the same way. Its care and management have differed over time, of course, but so, too, have its identity, visibility, and meanings. Pick up the thread of history at its most distant end and you have cancer the crab—so named either because of the ramifying venous processes spreading out from a tumor or because its pain is like the pinch of a crab’s claw. Premodern cancer is a lump, a swelling that sometimes breaks through the skin in ulcerations producing foul-smelling discharges. The ancient Egyptians knew about many tumors that had a bad outcome, and the Greeks made a distinction between benign tumors (oncos) and malignant ones (carcinos). In the second century A.D., Galen reckoned that the cause was systemic, an excess of melancholy or black bile, one of the body’s four “humors,”brought on by bad diet and environmental circumstances. Ancient medical practitioners sometimes cut tumors out, but the prognosis was known to be grim. Describing tumors of the breast, an Egyptian papyrus from about 1600 B.C.concluded: “There is no treatment.”The experience of cancer has always been terrible, but, until modern times, its mark on the culture has been light. In the past, fear coagulated around other ways of dying: infectious and epidemic diseases (plague, smallpox, cholera, typhus, typhoid fever); “apoplexies”(what we now call strokes and heart attacks); and, most notably in the nineteenth century, “consumption”(tuberculosis). The agonizing manner of cancer death was dreaded, but that fear was not centrally situated in the public mind—as it now is. This is one reason that the medical historian Roy Porter wrote that cancer is “the modern disease par excellence,”and that Mukherjee calls it “the quintessential product of modernity.”At one time, it was thought that cancer was a “disease of civilization,” belonging to much the same causal domain as “neurasthenia” and diabetes, the former a nervous weakness belie ved to be brought about by the stress of modern life and the latter a condition produced by bad diet and indolence. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, some physicians attributed cancer—notably of the breast and the ovaries—to psychological and behavioral causes. William Buchan’s wildly popular eighteenth-century text “Domestic Medicine”judged that cancers might be caused by “excessive fear, grief, religious melancholy.”In the nineteenth century, reference was repeatedly made to a “cancer personality,”and, in some versions, specifically to sexual repression. As Susan Sontag observed, cancer was considered shameful, not to be mentioned, even obscene. Among the Romantics and the Victorians, suffering and dying from tuberculosis might be considered a badge of refinement; cancer death was nothing of the sort. “It seems unimaginable,”Sontag wrote, “to aestheticize”cancer.41. According to the passage, the ancient Egyptians .A. called cancer the crabB. were able to distinguish benign tumors and malignant onesC. found out the cause of cancerD. knew about a lot of malignant tumors42. Which of the following statements about the cancers of the past is best supported by the passage?A. Ancient people did not live long enough to become prone to cancerB. In the past, people did not fear cancerC. Cancer death might be considered a badge of refinementD. Some physicians believed that one s own behavioral mode could lead to cancer43. Which of the following is the reason for cancer to be called “the modern disease”?A. Modern cancer care is very effectiveB. There is a lot more cancer nowC. People understand cancer in radically new ways nowD. There is a sharp increase in mortality in modern cancer world44.“Neurasthenia”and diabetes are mentioned because .A. they are as fatal as cancerB. they were considered to be “disease of civilization”C. people dread them very muchD.they are brought by the high pressure of modern life45. As suggested by the passage, with which of the following statements would the author most likely agree?A. The care and management of cancer have development over timeB. The cultural significance of cancer shifts in different timesC. Cancer s identity has never changedD. Cancer is the price paid for modern lifePassage TwoIf you happened to be watching NBC on the first Sunday morning in August last summer, you would have seen something curious. There, on the set of Meet the Press, the host, David Gregory, was interviewing a guest who made a forceful case that the U.S.economy had become “very distorted.”In the wake of the recession, this guest explained, high-income individuals, large banks, and major corporations had experienced a “significant recovery”; the rest of the economy, by contrast—including small businesses and “a very significant amount of the labor force”—was stuck and still struggling. What we were seeing, he argued, was not a single economy at all, but rather “fundamentally two separate types of economy,”increasingly distinct and divergent.This diagnosis, though alarming, was hardly unique: drawing attention to the divide between the wealthy and everyone else has long been standard fare on the left. (The idea of “two Americas”was a central theme of John Edwards’s 2004 and 2008 presidential runs.) What made the argument striking in this instance was that it was being offered by none other than the former five-term Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan: iconic libertarian, preeminent defender of the free market, and (at least until recently) the nation’s foremost devotee of Ayn Rand. When the high priest of capitalism himself is declaring the growth in economic inequality a national crisis, something has gone very, very wrong.This widening gap between the rich and non-rich has been evident for years. In a 2005 report to investors, for instance, three analysts at Citigroup advised that “the World is dividing into two blocs—the Plutonomy and the rest”.In a plutonomy there is no such animal as “the U.S.consumer”or “the UK consumer”, or indeed “the Russian consumer”. There are rich consumers, few in number, but disproportionate in the gigantic slice of income and consumption they take. There are the rest, the “non-rich”, the multitudinous many, but only accounting for surprisingly small bites of the national pie.Before the recession, it was relatively easy to ignore this concentration of wealth among an elite few. The wondrous inventions of the modern economy—Google, Amazon, the iPhone broadly improved the lives of middle-class consumers, even as they made a tiny subset of entrepreneurs hugely wealthy. And the less-wondrous inventions—particularly the explosion of subprime credit—helped mask the rise of income inequality for many of those whose earnings were stagnant.But the financial crisis and its long, dismal aftermath have changed all that. A multi-billion-dollar bailout and Wall Street’s swift, subsequent reinstatement of gargantuan bonuses have inspired a narrative of parasitic bankers and other elites rigging the game for their own benefit. And this, in turn, has led to wider-and not unreasonable-fears that we are living in not merely a plutonomy, but a plutocracy, in which the rich display outsize political influence, narrowly self interested motives, and a casual indifference to anyone outside their own rarefied economic bubble.46. According to the passage, the U.S.economy .A. fares quite wellB. has completely recovered from the economic recessionC. has its own problemsD. is lagging behind other industrial economies47. Which of the following statement about today’s super-elite would the passage support?A. Today’s plutocrats are the hereditary eliteB. Today’s super-rich are increasingly a nation unto themselvesC. They are the deserving winners of a tough economic competitionD. They are worried about the social and political consequences of rising income inequality48. What can be said of modern technological innovations?A. They have lifted many people into the middle class.B. They have narrowed the gap between the rich and the non-rich.C. They have led to a rise of income inequality.D. They have benefited the general public.49. The author seems to suggest that the financial crisis and its aftermath .A. have compromised the rich with the non-richB. have enriched the plutocratic eliteC. have put Americans on the alert for too much power the rich possessD. have enlarged the gap between the rich and non-rich50. The primary purpose of the passage is to .A. present the financial imbalance in the U.S.B. display sympathy for the working classC. criticize the super elite of the Unite StatesD. appreciate the merits of the super rich in the U.S.Passage ThreeCharles Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”is credited with sparking evolution’s revolution in scientific thought, but many observers had pondered evolution before him. It was understanding the idea’s significance and selling it to the public that made Darwin great, according to the Arnold Arboretum’s new director.William Friedman, the Arnold Professor of Organism and Evolutionary Biology who took over as arboretum director Ja n.1, has studied Darwin’s writings as well as those of his predecessors and contemporaries. While Darwin is widely credited as the father of evolution, Friedman said the “historical sketch”that Darwin attached to later printings of his masterpiece was intended to mollify those who demanded credit for their own earlier ideas.The historical sketch grew with each subsequent printing, Friedman told an audience Monday (Ja n.10), until, by the 6th edition, 34 authors were mentioned in it. Scholars now believe that somewhere between 50 and 60 authors had beaten Darwin in their writings about evolution Included was Darwin’s grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, a physician who irritated clergymen with his insistence that life arose from lower forms, specifically mollusks.Friedman’s talk, “A Darwinian Look at Darwin’s Evolutionist Ancestors,”took place at the arboretum’s Hunnewell Building and was the first in a new Director’s Lecture Series.Though others had clearly pondered evolution before Darwin, he wasn’t without originality. Friedman said that Darwin’s thinking on natural selection as the mechanism of evolution was shared by few, most prominently Alfred Wallace, whose writing on the subject after years in the field spurred Darwin’s writing of “On the Origin of Species.”Although the book runs more than 400 pages, Friedman said it was never the book on evolution and natural selection that Darwin intended. In 1856, three years before the book was published, he began work on a detailed tome on natural selection that wouldn’t see publication until 1975.The seminal event in creating “On the Origin of Species”occurred in 1858, when Wallace wrote Darwin detailing Wallace’s ideas of evolution by natural selection. The arrival of Wallace’s ideas galvanized Darwin into writing “On the Origin of Species”as an “abstract”of the ideas he was painstakingly laying out in the larger work.This was a lucky break for Darwin, because it forced him to write his ideas in plain language, which led to a book that was not only revolutionary, despite those who’d tread similar ground before, but that was also very readable.Though others thought about evolution before Darwin, scientific discovery requires more than just an idea. In addition to the concept, discovery requires the understanding of the significance of the idea, something some of the earlier authors clearly did not have—such as the arborist who buried his thoughts on natural selection in the appendix of a book on naval timber. Lastly, scientific discovery demands the ability to convince others of the correctness of an idea. Darwin, through “On the Origin of Species,”was the only thinker of the time who had all three of those traits, Friedman said.“Darwin had the ability to convince others of the correctness of the idea,” Friedman said, adding that even Wallace, whose claim to new thinking on evolution and natural selection was stronger than all the others, paid homage to Darwin by titling his 1889 book on the subject, “Darwinism.”51. According to William Friedman, Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”is great in that.A. it was the most studied by later scientistsB. it had significant ideas about evolutionC. it was the first to talk about evolutionD. it was well received by the public52. Friedman believes that Darwin attached a “historical sketch”to later printings of his book in an attempt to .A. credit the ideas about evolution before hisB. claim himself as the father of evolutionC. introduce his grandfather to the readerD. summarize his predecessors work53. In Friedman s view, Darwin s originality lies in .A. his thinking on natural selection as the mechanism of evolutionB. his sharing ideas about evolution with his contemporariesC. the way he wrote “On the Origin of Species”D. the way he lectured on the ideas of evolution54. We have learned that at first Darwin intended to write his idea in .A. a much larger bookB. a 400page bookC. scientific termsD. plain language55. Scientific discovery requires all the following Expect .A. coming up with a new ideaB. understanding the significance of the ideaC. making claims to the idea by writing booksD. convincing others of the correctness of the idesPassage FourMany adults may think they are getting enough shut-eye, but in a major sleep study almost 80 percent of respondents admitted to not getting their prescribed amount of nightly rest. So, what exactly is the right amount of sleep? Research shows that adults need an average of seven to nine hours of sleep a night for optimal functionality. Read on to see just how much of an impact moderate sleep deprivation can have on your mind and body.By getting less than six hours of sleep a night, you could be putting yourself at risk of high blood pressure. When you sleep, your heart gets a break and is able to slow down for a significant period of time. But cutting back on sleep means your heart has to work overtime without its allotted break. In constantly doing so, your body must accommodate to its new conditions and elevate your overall daily blood pressure. And the heart isn’t the only organ that is overtaxed by a lack of sleeps. The less sleep you get, the less time the brain has to regulate stress hormones, and over time, sleep deprivation could permanently hinder the brain’s ability to regulate these hormones, leading to elevated blood pressure.We all hang around in bed during our bouts of illness. But did you know that skipping out on the bed rest can increase your risk of getting sick? Prolonged sleep deprivation has long been associated with diminished immune functions, but researchers have also found a direct correlation between “modest”sleep deprivation—less than six hours—and reduced immune response. So try to toughen up your immune system by getting at least seven hours of sleep a night, and maintaining a healthy diet. You’ll be glad you got that extra hour of sleep the next time that bug comes around and leaves everyone else bedridden with a fever for three days.During deep REM sleep, your muscles (except those in the eyes) are essentially immobilized in order to keep you from acting out on your dreams. Unfortunately, this effort your body makes to keep you safe while dreaming can sometimes backfire,resulting in sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis occurs when the brain is aroused from its REM cycle, but the body remains in its immobilizing state. This can be quite a frightening sensation because, while your mind is slowly regaining consciousness, it has no control over your body, leaving some with a feeling of powerlessness, fear and panic. Most people experience this eerie phenomena at least once in their lives, but those who are sleep deprived are more likely to have panicked episodes of sleep paralysis that are usually accompanied by hallucinations, as well.For a second, imagine all of your memories are erased; every birthday, summer vacation, even what you did yesterday afternoon is completely lost, because you have no recollection of them. It’s a chilling thought, but that is what a life without sleep would be like. Sleep is essential to the cognitive functions of the brain, and without it, our ability to consolidate memories, learn daily tasks, and make decisions is impaired by a large degree. Research has revealed that REM sleep, or dream-sleep, helps solidify the “fragile”memories the brain creates throughout the day to that they can be easily organized and stored in the mind’s long-term cache.56. According to the passage, what is the meaning of “sleep deprivation”?A. To sleep for an average period of time.B. To sleep deeply without dreaming.C. To sleep less than needed.D. To sleep modestly.57. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Paragraph 3?A. When everyone else gets a fever, those with sleep deprivation will be abele to sleep longer.B. When everyone else gets a fever, those who usually have adequate sleep will be alright.C. Only modest sleep deprivation could weaken the immune system.D. Prolonged sleep deprivation will not have impact on the immune system.58. Why is there the so-called “sleep paralysis”?A. It occurs when you are unable to wake up from dreams while you are sleeping.B. It occurs when you brain immobilizes your body in order to keep you from dreaming.C. Because you are usually too frightened to move your body when waking up from deep REM sleep.D. Because your body, immobilized when dreaming, may still be unable to move even when your brain is waking up.59.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the last paragraph?A. Memories are part of the cognitive function of the brain.B. Memories created during the daytime are usually fragile and impaired.C. You are likely to lose your memories of yesterday after a night’s sleep.D. Long term memory cannot be formed without dream-sleep.60. What effects of sleep deprivation on human mind and body are discussed in this passage?A. High blood pressure, a toughened immune system, sleep paralysis, and memory loss.B. Blood pressure, immune system, sleep paralysis, and long term memory.C. Blood pressure, immune system, the brain and the body, and memory.D. High blood pressure, a weakened immune system, sleep paralysis, and memory loss.Part V: Proofreading (15%)Directions: In the following passage, there are altogether 15 mistakes, ONE in each numbered and underlined part. You may have to change a word, add a word, or just delete a word. If you change a word, cross it with a slash (/) and write the correct word beside it. If you add a word, write the missing word between the words ( in brackets )immediately before and after it. If you delete a word, cross it out with a slash (/). Put your answer on the Answer Sheet (2).Examples:eg. 1(61) The meeting begun 2 hours ago.Correction put on the Answer Sheet (2): (61) begun beganeg. 2(62) Scarcely they settled themselves in their seats in the theatre when the curtain went up .Correction put on the Answer Sheet (2): (62) (Scarcely) had (they)eg. 3(63) Never will I not do it again.Correction put on the Answer Sheet (2): (63)notWal-Mart announced Thursday afternoon that it would introduce a program nationwide called (61) “Pick Up Today”that allows customers to submit orders online and pick up their items few hours later in their local store. (62) The move is not revolutionary—Sears and Nordstrom, as instance, already have similar programs.(63) Retailers say that tying online and in-store inventory together lets them to sell more products. (64) Nordstrom recently combined its inventory so that if the online stockroom is out of a jacket, a store that has it can ship to the Web customer. (65) Encourage customers to retrieve items they have ordered online in a store increases visits to the stores, which usually increases sales. (66) Best Buy offers both store pickup and “ship to store,”where items are shipped free from a local store. Ace Hardware, J.C.Penney and Wal-Mart itself are among the others offering “ship to store”programs.In Wal-Mart’s program, (67) that is expected to be nationwide by June, customers can select from among 40,000 items online. (68) They will send a text message or e-mail alerting them when the order is ready, which usually takes about four hours.(69) “Not only we see it as a nice convenience for customers, but we also saw it as a way to drive incremental traffic to the stores, and incremental sales,”said Steve Nave, senior vice president and general manager of Walmar t.Com.(70) The program will include about 40000 items likewise electronics, toys, home décor and sporting goods. (71) As of now, it does not include groceries, though M r.Nave did dismiss that possibility.(72) “We’re not ready to talk today about everything that’s going on in grocery,”he said“What we’ve tried to do is (73) focus on those categories where customers are most likely to be willing to make the purchase after they touch it or look at it.(74) This is a convenient play, trying to figure out what are the things that are going to drive more customers into the stores.”Wal-Mart also announced that (75) it was shortened the time customers would have to wait for ship-to-store items, to four to seven days, from seven to 10 days.Part VI: Writing (15%)Directions: Read the following paragraph and then write a response paper of about 250 to 300 words. Write it nearly on the Answer Sheet (2).In China, minimum wage becomes higher in many places. But people disagree over its benefits and drawbacks. Supporters say it increases the worker’s standard of living, while opponents say it increase unemployment. What do you think?Part II Structure and Written Expression(20%)11.【A】A项admits of“容许,有……的可能”;B项requires of“要求,要求得到”;C项needs of“满足需要”;D项seeks for“寻找,追求,探索”。

北京大学考博英语模拟试卷8(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Structure and V ocabulary 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Cloze 4. Proofreading 5. WritingStructure and V ocabulary1.This book will show the readers_____can be used in other contexts.A.how that they have observedB.how what they have observedC.that how they have observedD.that they have observed正确答案:B解析:how what they have observed can be used in other contexts“如何将他们所观察到的应用于其它情况”,what they have observed作宾语从句的主语,how 引出宾语从句,其它三个答案不合句型。
2.Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it_____in Cuba.A.being cultivatedB.been cultivatedC.having cultivatedD.cultivating正确答案:A解析:find后面可以跟现在分词或过去分词的复合结构。
本题中的found it being cultivated是跟现在分词的被动态。
3.One of the requirements for a fire is that the material_____to its burning temperature.A.heatedB.be heatedC.to be heatedD.being heated正确答案:B解析:本题测试虚拟语气。

北京大学考博英语模拟试卷20(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Structure and V ocabulary 2. Cloze 3. Reading Comprehension 4. Proofreading 5. WritingStructure and V ocabulary1.During the nineteen years of this career, France Battiate has won the ______of a wide audience outside Italy.A.enjoymentB.appreciationC.evaluationD.reputation正确答案:B解析:名词词义辨析。
enjoyment“乐事”;appreciation“欣赏,赏识”;evaluation “评价,估价”;reputation“名誉,名声”。
2.He quickly______behind the building to avoid being hurt by the stones thrown in his direction.A.duckedB.evadedC.escapedD.dodged正确答案:D解析:近义词辨析。
duck“急忙低头或弯下身”,尤指为避开某物时做此动作;evade强调“用心机或狡猾的手段逃避或回避对自己不利的东西”;escape做不及物动词时,意为“逃跑,逃脱”;dodge “闪身躲开”,常与about,behind,round连用。
3.These photos of my family______happy memories of my early childhood.A.refreshed meB.brought to mindC.stimulatedD.reminded himself正确答案:C解析:动词用法。

北京大学考博英语试题结构分析及考核要点北京大学考博英语的测试时间为3个小时,试卷分为听力(outline和spot dictation)、词汇、阅读、完型(有时无选项)、改错(无选项)、作文六个部分。

北京大学考博英语模拟试卷15(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Structure and V ocabulary 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Cloze 4. Proofreading 5. WritingStructure and V ocabulary1.Food is to the blood____reading is to the mind.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.so正确答案:C解析:本题考查的句型是:A is to B what X is to Y=A is to B just as X is to Y “A对于B正如X对于Y—样”。
2.____rich or poor, I will marry him all the same.A.Were heB.Be heC.May he beD.No matter he is正确答案:B解析:be he rich or poor“不论他家财万贯还是清贫如洗”,这是带有古风的让步状语从句,实际上是“Lethim be rich or poor”的省略句形式,省略let,把,宾格him变为主格,be动词提到句首。
3.He had more dictionaries than_____for his work.A.they are neededB.it was neededC.were necessaryD.necessary were they正确答案:C解析:than后的从句主语若是主句中提到的名词,谓语是动词be时,可以省略从句的主语,有时be也略而不用。
此句实际上是省略了主语they(the dictionaries)。
4.____yelling at me like this’? It’s you who are to blame for this affair.A.Where is the point ofB.What is the point forC.Where is the point as toD.What is the point of正确答案:D解析:What is the point of yelling at me?“冲着我嚷嚷有什么用?”(注意:What is the point of后面要求跟-ing形式。

北京大学考博英语模拟试卷4(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Structure and V ocabulary 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Cloze 4. Proofreading 5. WritingStructure and V ocabulary1.The bus moved slowly in the thick fog. We arrived at our______almost two hours later.A.designationB.destinyC.destinationD.dignity正确答案:C解析:designation意为“指示,指定”;destiny意为“命运”;destination意为“目的地”;dignity意为“尊严”。
2.The negotiations which______the signing of the treaty took place over a number of years.A.precededB.prescribedC.proceededD.processed正确答案:C解析:preceded意为“领先”;prescribed意为“规定,开处方”;proceeded 意为“进行”;processed意为“加工,处理”。
C项符合题意,如:The work is proceeding briskly.(工作很有生气地进展着)。
3.Americans are highly______, and therefore may find it difficult to become deeply involved with others.A.movingB.mobileC.movableD.motional正确答案:B解析:moving意为“移动”;mobile意为“易动的”;movable意为“活动的”;motional意为“运动的”。

北京大学考博英语模拟试卷18(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Structure and V ocabulary 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Cloze 4. Proofreading 5. WritingStructure and V ocabulary1.There seemed little hope that the explorer,_____in the tropical forest, would find bis way out.A.having been desertedB.having desertedC.to have been desertedD.to be deserted正确答案:A解析:having been deserted in the tropical forest“独自处在热带雨林之中”,是完成式现在分词短语作状语,表示原因。
2.By signing an application, I asked that an account_____for me and a credit card issued as I requested.A.openedB.to be openedC.be openedD.was opened正确答案:C解析:ask的宾语从句谓语动词需用虚拟语气。
3._____does he know that the police are about to arrest him.A.SeldomB.LittleC.OnlyD.Never正确答案:B解析:半否定词little放在句首时,句子要用倒装语序。
4.The school board listened quietly as John read the demands that his followers_____for.A.demonstrateB.demonstratedC.be demonstratingD.had been demonstrating正确答案:D解析:demands后面的that从句为限制性定语从句,因此从句谓语用陈述语气。

2014—2016年北京大学博士研究生入学考试英语真题及参考答案高清版2014真题02年部分II. Reading Comprehension (25 points)Directions: There are five passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.1There is a new type of small advertisement becoming increasingly common in newspaper classified columns. It is sometimes placed among “situations vacant”, although it does not offer anyone a job; and sometimes it appears among “situations wanted”, although it is not placed by someone looking for a job either. What it does is to offer help in applying for a job. “Contact us before writing application”, or “Make use of our long experience in preparing your curriculum vitae, or job history”, is how it is usually expressed. The growth and apparent success of such a specialized service is , of course, a reflection on the current high levels of unemployment. It is also, an indication of growing importance of the curriculum vitae.(or job history), with the suggestion that it may now qualify as an art form in its own right.There was a time when job seekers simply wrote letters of application. “JustA. there is lack of jobs available for artistic peopleB. there are so many top-level jobs availableC. there are so many people out of workD. the job history is considered to be a work of art .18. In the past it was expected that first-job hunters would .A. write an initial letter giving their life historyB. pass some exams before applying for a jobC. have no qualifications other than being able to read and writeD. keep any detailed information until they obtained an interview19. Later, as one went on to apply more important jobs, one was advised to include in the letter.something that would attract attention to one’s applicationa personal opinion about the organization one was trying to join something that would offered that person reading ita lie that one could easily get with telling20. The job history has become such an important document because .A. there has been a decrease in the number of jobs advertisedB. there has been an increase in the number of “qualified” job huntersC. jobs are becoming much more complicated nowadaysD. the other processes of applying for jobs are more complicated2Pity those who aspire to put the initials PhD after their names. After 16 years of closely supervised education, prospective doctors of philosophyare left more or less alone to write the equivalent of a large book. Most social-science postgraduates have still not completed their theses by the time their grant runs out after three years. They must then get a job and finish in their spare time, which can often take a further three years. By then , most new doctors are sick to death of the narrowly defined subject which has blighted their holidays and ruined their evenings.The Economic and Social Research Council, which gives grants to postgraduate social scientists, wants to get better value for money by cutting short this agony. It would like to see faster completion rates: until recently, only about 25% of PhD candidates were finishing within four years. The ESRC’s response has been to stop PhD grants to all institutions where the proportion taking less than four years is below 10%; in the first year of this policy the national average shot up to 39%. The ESRC feels vindicated in its toughness, and will progressively raise the threshold to 40% in two years. Unless completion rates improve further, this would exclude 55 out of 73 universities and polytechnics-including Oxford University, the London School of Economics and the London Business School.Predictably, howls of protest have come from the universities, who view the blacklisting of whole institutions as arbitrary and negative. They point out that many of the best students go quickly into jobs where they can apply their research skills, but consequently take longer to finis their theses. Polytechnics with as few as two PhD candidates complain that they are penalized by random fluctuations in student performance. The colleges say there is no hard evidence to prove that faster completion rates result fromgreater efficiency rather than lower standards or less ambitious doctoral topics.The ESRC thinks it might not be a bad thing if PhD students were more modest in their aims. It would prefer to see more systematic teaching of research skills and fewer unrealistic expectations placed on young men and women who are undertaking their first piece of serious research. So in future its grants will be given only where it is convinced that students are being trained as researchers, rather than carrying out purely knowledge-based studies.The ESRC can not dictate the standard of thesis required by external examiners, or force departments to give graduates more teaching time. The most it can do is to try to persuade universities to change their ways. Recalcitrant professors should note that students want more research training and a less elaborate style of thesis, too.21. By time new doctors get a job and try to finish their theses in spare time, .A. most of them died of some sicknessB. their holidays and evenings have been ruined by their jobsC. most of them are completely tired of the narrowly defined subjectD. most of their grants run out22. Oxford University would be excluded out of those universities that receive PhD grants from ESRC, because the completion rate of its PhD students’ theses within four years is lower than.A. 25%B. 40%C. 39%D. 10%23. All the following statements are the arguments against ESRC’s policy except .A. all the institutions on the blacklist are arbitrary and negativeB. there is no hard evidence to prove that faster completion rates result from greater efficiency rather than lower standards or less ambitious doctoral topics.C. many of the best students go quickly into jobs where they can apply their research skills, but consequently take longer to finish their theses.D. some polytechnics are penalized by random fluctuations in student performance24. The ESRC would prefer .A. that the students were carrying out purely knowledge-based studies rather than being trained as researchers.B. to see higher standards of PhD students’ theses and more ambitious doctoral topicsC. more systematic teaching of research skills to fewer unrealistic expectations placed on inexperienced young PhD students.D. that PhD students were less modest in their aims25. what the ESRC can do is to .A. force departments to give graduates more teaching timeB. try to persuade universities to change their waysC. dictate the standard of thesis required by external examinersD. note that students want more research training and less elaborate styleof thesis3Influenza should not be dismissed as a trivial disease. It kills thousands of people every year at a very high cost to the economy, hits hardest the young and the elderly, and is most dangerous for people over the age of 65. influenza is mainly a seasonal illness of the winter months, though in tropical and subtropical areas of Asia and the Pacific it can occur all the year round.The damaging effects of influenza can be prevented by immunization, but constant changes of antigenic specificity of the virus necessitate a different composition of the vaccine from one year to another. The network of WHO Collaborating Centers for Influenza and national institutes carries out influenza surveillance activities to monitor the evaluation of influenza virus strains, and WHO hold an annual consultation at the end of February to recommend the composition of the vaccine for the forthcoming epidemiological season. These recommendations are published immediately in the Weekly epidemiological record.Vaccination each year against influenza is recommended for certain high-risk populations. In closed or semi-closed settings, maximum benefit from immunization is likely to be achieved when more than three-quarters of the population are vaccinated so that the benefit of “herd immunity” can be exploited. Special care should be taken of the following groups:--adults and children with chronic disorders of the pulmonary or cardiovascular systems requiring regular medical follow-up or who had beenhospitalized during the previous year, including children with asthma; --residents of nursing homes and other establishments for patients of any age with chronic medical conditions;--all people over the age of 65.Physicians, nurses, and other personal in primary and intensive care units, who are potentially capable of transmitting influenza to high risk persons, should be immunized; visiting nurses and volunteer workers providing home care to high-risk persons should also be included.26. This passage .A. concerns the damaging effects of influenzaB. mentions the steps of fighting against the harmful effects of influenzaC. emphasizes the worry expressed by all age groupsD. both A and B27. That a different component part of the vaccine is necessary is principally due to the variable change of .A. virusB. strainC. antigenD. immunization28. Which has been done by World Health Organization in combating the bad effects of influenza?A. supervising the assessment of influenza virus strains.B. Holding meetings twice a year to provide the latest data concerning the composition of the vaccines.C. Publishing the related information in a WHO almanac.D. Stressing the importance of preventing influenza for people living in tropical areas of Asia.29. According to the passage, high-risk persons exclude which of thefollowing kinds of people ?A. Children suffering from asthma.B. The elderly with chronic pulmonary diseases.C. Middle aged people with chronic heart diseases.D. Nurses taking special care of the sick.30. In which of the following publications would this passage most likely be printed?A. A surgery book.B. A psychology bookC. An epidemiology book.D. An obstetrics book4In science the meaning of the word “explain”suffers with civilization’s every step in search of reality. Science can not really explain electricity, magnetism, and gravitation; their effects can be measured and predicted, but of their nature no more is known to the modern scientist than to Thales who first speculated on the electrification of amber. Most contemporary physicists reject the notion that man can ever discover what these mysterious forces “really”are. Electricity, Bertrand Russell says, “is not a thing, like St. Paul’s Cathedral; it is a way in which things behave. When we have told how things behave when they are electrified, we have told all thee is to tell.”Until recently scientists would have disapproved of such an idea. Aristotle, for example, whose natural science dominated Western thought for two thousand years, believed that man could arrive at an understanding of reality by reasoning from self-evident principles. He felt, for example, that it is a self-evident principle that everything in the universe has itsproper place, hence one can conclude that objects fall to the ground because that is where they belong, and smoking goes up because that is where it belongs. The goal of Aristotelian science was to explain why things happen. Modern science was born when Galileo began trying to explain how things happen and thus originated the method of controlled experiment which now forms the basis of scientific investigation.31. The aim of controlled scientific experiments is .A. to explain why things happenB. to explain how things happenC. to describe self-evident principlesD. to support Aristotelian science32. what principles most influenced scientific thought for two thousand years?A. The speculations of ThalesB. The forces of electricity, magnetism, and gravityC. Aristotle’s natural scienceD. Galileo’s discoveries33. Bertrand Russell’s notion about electricity is .A. disapproved of by most modern scientistsB. in agreement with Aristotle’s theory of self-evident principlesC. in agreement with scientific investigation directed toward “how”things happenD. in agreement with scientific investigation directed toward “why ”things happen34. The passage says that until recently scientists disagreed with the idea .A. that there are mysterious forces in the universeB. that man can not discover what forces “really” areC. that there are self-evident principlesD. that we can discover why things behave as they do35. Which of the following is the topic most likely to be discussed right after the passage?A. The most recent definition of “explain”B. The relationship between science and religionC. The limitations of scienceD. Galileo and the birth of modern science. 5Some weeks ago, riding in a cab from Boston to Cambridge, my driver turned and asked me what I did for a living . “Teach English”, I said. “Is that so? ”The young man continued. “I was an English major”But then, instead of chatting idly about Joyce or dropping the subject altogether, this driver caught me short. “You guys,”he said, turning back so that his furry face pressed into the glass partition, “ought to be shot”I think he meant it . The guilty party in this present state of affairs is not really the academic discipline. It is not the fault of English and philosophy and biology that engineering and accounting and computer science afford students better job opportunities and increased flexibility in career choice. Literature and an understanding of, say, man’s evolutionary past are as important as ever. They simply are no longer perceived in today’s market as salable. That is a harsh economic fact. And it is not only true in the United States. Employment prospects for liberal arts graduates in Canada, for example, aresaid to be the worst since the 1930s.What to do? I think it would be shortsighted for colleges and universities to advise students against majoring in certain subjects that do not appear linked (at least directly) to careers. Where our energies should be directed instead is toward the development of educational programs that combine course sequences in the liberal arts with course in the viable professions. Double majors---one for enrichment, one for earning one’s bread---have never been promoted very seriously in our institutions of higher learning, mainly because liberal arts and professional-vocational faculties have long been suspicious or contemptuous of one another. Thus students have been directed to one path or the other, to the disadvantage of both students and faculty.A hopeful cue could be taken, it seems to me, from new attempts in the health profession(nursing and pharmacy, for example), where jobs are still plentiful, to give the humanities and social sciences a greater share of the curriculum. Why could not the traditional history major in the college of arts and sciences be pointed toward additional courses in the business school, or to engineering, or to physical therapy? This strategy requires a new commitment from both the institution and the student and demands a much harder look at the allocation of time and resources. But in an age of adversity, double majors are one way liberal arts students can more effectively prepare for the world outside.36. What is the chief purpose of double majors?A. To help graduates of history major become successful businessmen.B. To provide liberal arts graduates with a method of meeting effectively the challenge in employment.C. To extend their knowledge learnt in the college.D. To moderate the tension between liberal arts and vocational faculties.37. In paragraph 1, the sentence “You guys ought to be shot” shows that at heart the driver .A. felt greatly regretted about the major he had chosenB. felt a deep hatred for all the English teachers in his former collegeC. complained that his teachers hadn’t taught him how to survive in this competitive society.D. held a deep contempt in the author because of his scholastic manner38. It can be inferred from the passage that the blame for the present state of affairs lies in the fact that .A. the course sequences themselves are unreliable.B. more and more students start to select science majorsC. almost none of the specialties the students major in might be salable in today’s marketD. the opportunities of employment are scarce for graduates of non-science majors39. The obstacles in course sequences in academic schooling are indicated in all of the following EXCEPT .A. the misguidance of major-selection in some of the institutions of higher learningB. the current curriculum couldn’t keep up with the development of thesocietyC. the inharmonious relation among the teaching facultiesD. the authorities of higher learning attach only little importance to course sequences40. This passage can best be titled as .A. Harsh Economic FactB. Double Majors, a Way OutC. Careers, Schooling fro BetterD. Market for Graduates6Does an unborn baby know his mother’s voice? psychology professor Anthony DeCasper advised an ingenious experiment to find out. He placed padded earphones over a newborn’s ears and gave him a bottle nipple attached to a closed rubber tube. Changes in pressure in the tube switched channels on a tape recorder. If the baby paused extra long between bursts of sucking, he heard on channel; if he paused shorter than average, he heard the other. The baby now had the ability, in effect to change channels.DeCasper found that newborns choose the recording of their mother’s voice over that of another woman’s. The baby, however, has no innate interest in his father’s voice, which is heard in the womb only from time to time, while the mother’s voice is ever present. Within two weeks after birth, however, the baby can recognize Dad’s voice too.A newborn is even attuned to the cadence and rhythm of his native language. In a French study using a setup similar to DeCasper’s, French babies given the choice between French and Russian words responded more to the sound of French.Brian Satt, a research specialist in clinical psychology, has parents sing a lullaby-like “womb song”to their babies. The unborn baby often develops a specific, consistent movement pattern when its song is sung. According to Satt, most parents can calm a fussy newborn with the song most of the time, which is a prize worth more than rubies to a new parent.He is roused by a heavy jolt. His mother has tripped and fallen heavily on one hip. He is much too well cushioned to experience any injury, but her pain and the fear that she may have hurt him floods both their bodies with adrenaline and other stress-related hormones. He cries and kicks vigorously, a cry never heard because there is no air to make sound. As she recovers the stress hormones ebb away, and he calms down too.41. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the unborn baby in the passage?A. An unborn baby can occasionally hear his father’s voice.B. Dc. Casper’s approach proved absolutely effective in a French experiment.C. An unborn baby is able to identify the tone and rhythm of his native language.D. Parents are able to soothe a fussy newly-born baby.42. According to the author, an unborn baby .A. is unable to identify his mother’s lullaby after birthB. is able to identify his mother’s voice rather than that of others’C. is able to help release adrenaline and other stress-related hormonesD. is able to distinguish French accent from Russian accent43. It is known from the passage that .A. mother’s stress, anger, shock or grief might not hurt the unborn baby in the wombB. an unborn baby’s cry might never be heard because of the particular condition of the womb.C. lullabies are the most precious means to young parentsD. an unborn baby has to move at intervals in the womb44. The author believes that the reaction of an unborn baby to his mother’s voice .A. belongs to one of the natural tendenciesB. is an indication which shows an unborn baby can use all his senses after birthC. is but a physiological circulation of any human beingD. is the most important factor which leads an unborn baby to the survival in the womb45. It can be assumed that the paragraph preceding the passage most probably discussed .A. the development of the baby in his mother’ s wombB. the well-developed taste buds of the babyC. the fact that the baby remains motionless just as what he performs in the first month of his mother’s pregnancyD. the fact that the baby can start to use some of his senses by the last few weeks of pregnancyⅢ. Translation and Writing (55 points)Part A TranslationTranslate the following into Chinese (30 points):Engineering is the professional art of applying science to the optimum conversion of the resources of nature to the uses of humankind. Engineering has been defined as the creative application of “scientific principles to design or develop structures, machines, apparatus, or manufacturing processes, or works utilizing them singly or in combination.” The term engineering is sometimes more loosely defined, especially in Great Britain, as the manufacture or assembly of engines, machine tools, and machine parts. Associated with engineering is a great body of special knowledge; preparation for professional practice involves extensive training in the application of that knowledge. The function of the scientist is to know, while that of the engineer is to do. The scientist adds to the store of verified, systematized knowledge of the physical world; the engineer brings this knowledge to bear on practical problems. Engineering is based principally on physics, chemistry, and mathematics and their extensions into materials science, solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and systems analysis.2Although for the purpose of this article English literature is treated as being confined to writings in English by natives or inhabitants of the British Isles, it is to a certain extent the case that literature---and this is particularly true of the literature written in English---knows nofrontiers. Thus, English literature can be regarded as a cultural whole of which the mainstream literatures of the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada and important elements in the literatures of other commonwealth countries are parts. It can be argued that no single English novel attains the universality of the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace. Yet in the Middle ages the Old English literature was influenced and gradually changed by the Latin and French writings, eminently foreign in origin in which the churchmen and the Norman conquerors expressed themselves. From this combination emerged a flexible and subtle linguistic instrument exploited by Geoffrey Chaucer and brought to supreme application by William Shakespeare.Translate the following into English (10 points):从二十世纪中叶起,名国政府对科学技术的重视引起了各级教育机构的响应,理论科学和应用科学的巨大进步也激起了人们学习自然科学的兴趣,科学技术因此有了飞速的发展。

北京大学考博英语模拟试卷7(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Structure and V ocabulary 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Cloze 4. Proofreading 5. WritingStructure and V ocabulary1.I don’t mind____the decision as long as it is not too late.A.you delay to makeB.your delaying to makeC.you to delay makingD.your delaying making正确答案:D解析:动词mind“介意,在乎”,主要用于疑问句和否定句,后面要求跟动词-ing形式,表示这个一ing的动作是由句子主语发出的;如果-ing的施动者不是句子主语而是另一人,就需用物主代词my/your/his/her等修饰;如果这个另一人以其名字出现(如John/Ann)或以普通名词出现(如the boy/the child),就以这个名字或名词的主格-ing复合结构作mind的宾语。
2.The speed of communications today, as opposed to____, has greatly altered the manner in which business is conducted.A.one of yesterdayB.those of yesterdayC.that of yesterdayD.the ones of yesterday正确答案:C解析:as opposed to that of yesterday“与昨天的相对比”,that是代词,代替前面刚提到过的名词(特指),相当于the+名词,以避免重复,此处的that代表前面的the speed of communications,如.My seat was nextto that(=the seat)of the mayor.如果前面的名词是复数,后面就要用those代替,如:The objects of thisgroup were nearly so drastic as those(=the objects)of the republicans.如果前面提到的是可数名词,后面再出现表示泛指意义的这个可数名词单数时可用泛指代词one代替;如果是特指可用the ones代替。

北京大学考博英语模拟试卷14(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Structure and V ocabulary 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Cloze 4. Proofreading 5. WritingStructure and V ocabulary1.Only by shouting at the top of her voice_____.A.she was able to make herself hearB.was she able to make herself hearC.she was able to make herself heardD.was she able to make herself heard正确答案:D解析:以only引导的状语放在句首时,句子谓语需用倒装语序。
make oneself heard“让别人听清自己讲的话”。
2.The dying soldier had the message_____straight to the headquarters.A.be sentB.being sentC.sentD.to be sent正确答案:C解析:have sth done表示“别人做某事”,有时也表示自己参与做,甚至还可以表示某事完全由自己做。
3.“You must always obey your parents. “Oh, I must,_____.A.mustn’t IB.must IC.shouldn’t ID.should I正确答案:B解析:这种附加疑问句用于两人对话之间,表示对对方所说的话不赞成、不满、惊讶、反感或反驳等情绪。
4.A suitcase with shirt, trousers and shoes_____stolen from the car.A.have beenB.has beenC.areD.was正确答案:D解析:主语为a suitcase,谓语动词用第三人称单数,不受介语with的影响。

北京大学考博英语模拟试卷1(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Structure and V ocabulary 2. Reading Comprehension 3. English-Chinese Translation 4. Cloze 5. Proofreading 6. WritingStructure and V ocabulary1.on the first day when a pupil enters school, he is asked to ______ to the school rules.A.concedeB.conformC.complyD.confront正确答案:B2.once the ______ contradiction is grasped, all problems will be readily solved.A.principleB.principalC.potentialD.primitive正确答案:B解析:principle意为“原则”;principal意为“主要的,首要的”;potential 意为“潜在的”;primitive意为“原始的”。
B项符合题意,如:the principal rivers of a country(一个国家的主要河流)。
3.If you want to go to the concert, you’ll have to make a ______ ,or there will be no tickets.A.reservationB.punctualityC.complimentD.clarity正确答案:A解析:reservation意为“预约,预定”;punctuality意为“准时”;compliment 意为“恭维”;clarity意为“清楚”。

The rise of digital technology has transformed the way welive and work. It has also changed the way we communicate. In the past, people mainly relied on face-to-face communicationor letters to convey messages. However, with the advent ofthe internet and smartphones, instant messaging and social media have become the primary means of communication for many.1. What is the main topic of the passage? (4分)A. The impact of digital technology on communication.B. The history of communication methods.C. The importance of face-to-face communication.D. The disadvantages of social media.2. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a communication method mentioned? (4分)A. Face-to-face communication.B. Letters.C. Instant messaging.D. Radio broadcasts.3. What does the passage imply about the future of communication? (4分)A. It will become more personal.B. It will rely more on digital technology.C. It will return to traditional methods.D. It will become less frequent.4. What is the purpose of the passage? (4分)A. To inform readers about new communication technologies.B. To persuade readers to use traditional communication methods.C. To describe the history of communication methods.D. To analyze the effects of digital technology on communication.5. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? (4分)A. The passage argues that digital technology has had a negative impact on communication.B. The passage suggests that digital technology has made communication more efficient.C. The passage states that people no longer use face-to-face communication.D. The passage claims that the internet and smartphones have replaced all other communication methods.二、词汇与语法(共30分)Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence. Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank.6. The company has decided to ________ its employees with the latest technology.A. equipB. qualifyC. supplyD. provide7. Despite the heavy rain, they ________ the mountain successfully.A. climbedB. ascendedC. roseD. lifted8. The new policy will ________ a significant impact on the economy.A. haveB. takeC. makeD. get9. She is ________ to be the best candidate for the job.A. likelyB. probableC. possibleD. potential10. The book is ________ interesting that I can hardly put it down.A. soB. veryC. tooD. quite三、翻译(共20分)Translate the following sentence into English.11. 随着人工智能的发展,许多传统行业正在经历转型。

北京大学考博英语模拟试卷21(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Structure and V ocabulary 2. Cloze 3. Reading Comprehension 4. Proofreading 5. WritingStructure and V ocabulary1.The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and______him of speeding.A.chargedB.accusedC.blamedD.deprived正确答案:B解析:A、B、C三项都有控告、归咎的意思,但是搭配各不相同。
accuse sb.of…控告某人犯有……;warn sb.of…警告、告诫某人有……;deprive sb.of sth.剥夺某人某事:charge sb.with murder(指控某人犯有杀人罪)。
2.Mr. Smith gradually______a knowledge of the subject.A.attainedB.achievedC.requiredD.acquired正确答案:D解析:acquired(由技术、能力、努力或行为)获得;得到;achieve,vt.取得(胜利、成功等),实现(目标、目的等);attain,vt.达到(目的等),取得(成就等);require,vt.要求,与其他三个词汇意义相差较远。
3.This is the______piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.A.actualB.genuineC.realD.original正确答案:A解析:actual,real,genuine是同义词,有时可以互换,如an actual(or real)event inhistory,(历史上的真实事件),real(or genuine)banknotes(真钞票),其反义词是false(假的)。
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P a r t T w o:S t r u c t u r e a n d W r i t t e n E x p r e s s i o n(20%)Directions:For each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Mark your choices on the Answer Sheet.11.Whether the extension of consciousness is a “good thing”for human being is a question thata wide solution.A.admits of B. requires of C. needs of D.seeks for12.In a culture like ours, long all things as a means of control, it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that the medium is the message.A.accustomed to split and dividedB.accustomed to splitting and dividingC.accustomed to split and dividingD.accustomed to splitting and divided13.Apple pie is neither good nor bad; it is the way it is used that determines its value.A. at itselfB. as itselfC. on itselfD. in itself14.us earlier, your request to the full.A.You have contacted…we could comply withB.Had you contacted…we could have complied withC.You had contacted…could we have complied withD.Have you contacted…we could comply with15.The American Revolution had no medieval legal institutions to or to root out, apart from monarchy.A. discardB. discreetC. discordD. disgorge16. Living constantly in the atmosphere of slave, he became infected the unconscious theirpsychology. No one can shield himself such an influence.A. on…by…atB. by…for…inC. from…in…onD. through…with…from17. The effect of electric technology had at first been anxiety. Now it appears to create.A. boreB. boredC. boredomD. bordom18. Jazz tends to be a casual dialogue form of dance quite in the receptive and mechanical forms of the waltz.A. lackedB. lackingC. for lack ofD. lack of19. There are too many complains about society move too fast to keep up with the machine.A. that have toB. have toC. having toD. has to20. The poor girl spent over half a year in the hospital but she is now for it.A. none the worseB. none the betterC. never worseD. never better21. As the silent film sound, so did the sound film color.A. cried out for…cried out forB. cry out for…cry out forC. had cried out for…cried out forD. had cried out for…cry out for22. While his efforts were tremendous the results appeared to be very .A. triggerB. meagerC. vigorD. linger23. Western man is himself being de-Westernized by his own speed-up, by industrial technology.A. as much the Africans are detribalizedB. the Africans are much being detribalizedC. as much as the Africans are being detribalizedD. as much as the Africans are detribalized24. We admire his courage and self-confidence.A. can butB. cannot onlyC. cannot butD. can only but25. In the 1930’s, when millions of comic books were the young with fighting and killing, nobody seemed to notice thatthe violence of cars in the streets was more hysterical.A. inundatingB. imitatingC. immolatingD. insulating26. you promise you will work hard, support you to college.A. If only…will IB. Only…I willC. Only if…will ID. Only if…I will27. It is one of the ironies of Western man that he has never felt invention as a threat to his way of life.A. any concern withB. any concern aboutC. any concern inD. any concern at28. One room schools, with all subjects being taught to all grades at the same time, simplywhen better transportation permits specialized spaces and specialized teaching.A. resolvedB. absolvedC. dissolvedD. solved29. People are living longer and not saving enough, which means they will either have to worklonger, live less in retirement or bailed by the government.A. in…for…upB. for…on…outC. by…in…onD. on…for…out30. The country s deficit that year to a record 1698 billion dollarsA. soaredB. souredC. soredD. sourcedPart Three: Close Test (10%)Directions: Read the following passage carefully and choose ONE best word for each numbered blank. Mark your answers on the Answer Sheet.2009 was the worst year for the record labels in a decade31 was 2008, and before that 2007 and 2006. In fact, industry revenues have been 32 for the past 10 years. Digital sales are growing, but not as fast as traditional sales are falling.Maybe that’s because illegal downloads are so easy. People have been 33 intellectual property for centuries, but it used to be a time-consuming way to generate markedly 34 copies. These days, high-quality copies are 35. According to the Pew Internet project, people use file-sharing software more often than they do iTunes and other legal shops.I’d like to believe, as many of my friends seem to, that this practice won’t do much harm. But even as I’ve heard over the past decade that things weren’t 36 bad, that the music industry was moving to a new, better business model, each year’s numbers have been worse. Maybe it’s time to admit that we may never find a way to 37 consumers who want free entertainment with creators who want to get paid.38 on this problem, the computational neuroscientist Anders Sandberg recently noted that although we have strong instinctive feelings about ownership, intellectual property doesn’t always 39 that framework. The harm done by individual acts of piracy is too small and too abstract.“The nature of intellectual property,”he wrote, “makes it hard to maintain the social and empathic 40 that keep(s) us from taking each other’s things.”31. A. As B. Same C. Thus D. So32. A. stagnating B. declining C. increasing D. stultifying33. A. taking B. robbing C. stealing D. pirating34. A. upgraded B. inferior C. ineffective D. preferable35. A. numerous B. ubiquitous C. accessible D. effortless36. A. so B. this C. that D. much37. A. satisfy B. help C. reconcile D. equate38. A. Based B. Capitalizing C. Reflecting D. Drawing39. A. match up with B. fill in C. fit into D. set up40. A. constraints B. consciousness C. norm D. etiquettePart IV: Reading Comprehension(20%)Directions: Each of the following four passages is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each question or unfinished statement, four answers are given. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question. Mark your choices on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneCancer has always been with us, but not always in the same way. Its care and management have differed over time, of course, but so, too, have its identity, visibility, and meanings. Pick up the thread of history at its most distant end and you have cancer the crab—so named either because of the ramifying venous processes spreading out from a tumor or because its pain is like the pinch of a crab’s claw. Premodern cancer is a lump, a swelling that sometimes breaks through the skin in ulcerations producing foul-smelling discharges. The ancient Egyptians knew about many tumors that had a bad outcome, and the Greeks made a distinction between benign tumors (oncos) and malignant ones (carcinos). In the second century A.D., Galen reckoned that the cause was systemic, an excess of melancholy or black bile, one of the body’s four “humors,”brought on by bad diet and environmental circumstances. Ancient medical practitioners sometimes cut tumors out, but the prognosis was known to be grim. Describing tumors of the breast, an Egyptian papyrus from about 1600 B.C.concluded: “There is no treatment.”The experience of cancer has always been terrible, but, until modern times, its mark on the culture has been light. In the past, fear coagulated around other ways of dying: infectious and epidemic diseases (plague, smallpox, cholera, typhus, typhoid fever); “apoplexies”(what we now call strokes and heart attacks); and, most notably in the nineteenth century, “consumption”(tuberculosis). The agonizing manner of cancer death was dreaded, but that fear was not centrally situated in the public mind—as it now is. This is one reason that the medical historian Roy Porter wrote that cancer is “the modern disease par excellence,”and that Mukherjee calls it “the quintessential product of modernity.”At one time, it was thought that cancer was a “disease of civilization,” belonging to much the same causal domain as “neurasthenia” and diabetes, the former a nervous weakness believed to be brought about by the stress of modern life and the latter a condition produced by bad diet and indolence. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, some physicians attributed cancer—notably of the breast and the ovaries—to psychological and behavioral causes. William Buchan’s wildly popular eighteenth-century text “Domestic Medicine”judged that cancers might be caused by “excessive fear, grief, religious melancholy.”In the nineteenth century, reference was repeatedly made to a “cancer personality,”and, in some versions, specifically to sexual repression. As Susan Sontag observed, cancer was considered shameful, not to be mentioned, even obscene. Among the Romantics and the Victorians, suffering and dying from tuberculosis might be considered a badge of refinement; cancer death was nothing of the sort. “It seems unimaginable,”Sontag wrote, “to aestheticize”cancer.41. According to the passage, the ancient Egyptians .A. called cancer the crabB. were able to distinguish benign tumors and malignant onesC. found out the cause of cancerD. knew about a lot of malignant tumors42. Which of the following statements about the cancers of the past is best supported by the passage?A. Ancient people did not live long enough to become prone to cancerB. In the past, people did not fear cancerC. Cancer death might be considered a badge of refinementD. Some physicians believed that one s own behavioral mode could lead to cancer43. Which of the following is the reason for cancer to be called “the modern disease”?A. Modern cancer care is very effectiveB. There is a lot more cancer nowC. People understand cancer in radically new ways nowD. There is a sharp increase in mortality in modern cancer world44.“Neurasthenia”and diabetes are mentioned because .A. they are as fatal as cancerB. they were considered to be “disease of civilization”C. people dread them very muchD.they are brought by the high pressure of modern life45. As suggested by the passage, with which of the following statements would the author most likely agree?A. The care and management of cancer have development over timeB. The cultural significance of cancer shifts in different timesC. Cancer s identity has never changedD. Cancer is the price paid for modern lifePassage TwoIf you happened to be watching NBC on the first Sunday morning in August last summer, you would have seen something curious. There, on the set of Meet the Press, the host, David Gregory, was interviewing a guest who made a forceful case that the U.S.economy had become “very distorted.”In the wake of the recession, this guest explained, high-income individuals, large banks, and major corporations had experienced a “significant recovery”; the rest of the economy, by contrast—including small businesses and “a very significant amount of the labor force”—was stuck and still struggling. What we were seeing, he argued, was not a single economy at all, but rather “fundamentally two separate types of economy,”increasingly distinct and divergent.This diagnosis, though alarming, was hardly unique: drawing attention to the divide between the wealthy and everyone else has long been standard fare on the left. (The idea of “two Americas”was a central theme of John Edwards’s 2004 and 2008 presidential runs.) What made the argument striking in this instance was that it was being offered by none other than the former five-term Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan: iconic libertarian, preeminent defender of the free market, and (at least until recently) the nation’s foremost devotee of Ayn Rand. When the high priest of capitalism himself is declaring the growth in economic inequality a national crisis, something has gone very, very wrong.This widening gap between the rich and non-rich has been evident for years. In a 2005 report to investors, for instance, three analysts at Citigroup advised that “the World is dividing into two blocs—the Plutonomy and the rest”.In a plutonomy there is no such animal as “the U.S.consumer”or “the UK consumer”, or indeed “the Russian consumer”. There are rich consumers, few in number, but disproportionate in the gigantic slice of income and consumption they take. There are the rest, the “non-rich”, the multitudinous many, but only accounting for surprisingly small bites of the national pie.Before the recession, it was relatively easy to ignore this concentration of wealth among an elite few. The wondrous inventions of the modern economy—Google, Amazon, the iPhone broadly improved the lives of middle-class consumers, even as they made a tiny subset of entrepreneurs hugely wealthy. And the less-wondrous inventions—particularly the explosion of subprime credit—helped mask the rise of income inequality for many of those whose earnings were stagnant.But the financial crisis and its long, dismal aftermath have changed all that. A multi-billion-dollar bailout and Wall Street’s swift, subsequent reinstatement of gargantuan bonuses have inspired a narrative of parasitic bankers and other elites rigging the game for their own benefit.And this, in turn, has led to wider-and not unreasonable-fears that we are living in not merely a plutonomy, but a plutocracy, in which the rich display outsize political influence, narrowly self interested motives, and a casual indifference to anyone outside their own rarefied economic bubble.46. According to the passage, the U.S.economy .A. fares quite wellB. has completely recovered from the economic recessionC. has its own problemsD. is lagging behind other industrial economies47. Which of the following statement about today’s super-elite would the passage support?A. Today’s plutocrats are the hereditary eliteB. Today’s super-rich are increasingly a nation unto themselvesC. They are the deserving winners of a tough economic competitionD. They are worried about the social and political consequences of rising income inequality48. What can be said of modern technological innovations?A. They have lifted many people into the middle class.B. They have narrowed the gap between the rich and the non-rich.C. They have led to a rise of income inequality.D. They have benefited the general public.49. The author seems to suggest that the financial crisis and its aftermath .A. have compromised the rich with the non-richB. have enriched the plutocratic eliteC. have put Americans on the alert for too much power the rich possessD. have enlarged the gap between the rich and non-rich50. The primary purpose of the passage is to .A. present the financial imbalance in the U.S.B. display sympathy for the working classC. criticize the super elite of the Unite StatesD. appreciate the merits of the super rich in the U.S.Passage ThreeCharles Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”is credited with sparking evolution’s revolution in scientific thought, but many observers had pondered evolution before him. It was understanding the idea’s significance and selling it to the public that made Darwin great, according to the Arnold Arboretum’s new director.William Friedman, the Arnold Professor of Organism and Evolutionary Biology who took over as arboretum director Ja n.1, has studied Darwin’s writings as well as those of his predecessors and contemporaries. While Darwin is widely credited as the father of evolution, Friedman said the “historical sketch”that Darwin attached to later printings of his masterpiece was intended to mollify those who demanded credit for their own earlier ideas.The historical sketch grew with each subsequent printing, Friedman told an audience Monday (Ja n.10), until, by the 6th edition, 34 authors were mentioned in it. Scholars now believe that somewhere between 50 and 60 authors had beaten Darwin in their writings about evolution Included was Darwin’s grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, a physician who irritated clergymen with his insistence that life arose from lower forms, specifically mollusks.Friedman’s talk, “A Darwinian Look at Darwin’s Evolutionist Ancestors,”took place at the arboretum’s Hunnewell Building and was the first in a new Director’s Lecture Series.Though others had clearly pondered evolution before Darwin, he wasn’t without originality.Friedman said that Darwin’s thinking on natural selection as the mechanism of evolution was shared by few, most prominently Alfred Wallace, whose writing on the subject after years in the field spurred Darwin’s writing of “On the Origin of Species.”Although the book runs more than 400 pages, Friedman said it was never the book on evolution and natural selection that Darwin intended. In 1856, three years before the book was published, he began work on a detailed tome on natural selection that wouldn’t see publication until 1975.The seminal event in creating “On the Origin of Species”occurred in 1858, when Wallace wrote Darwin detailing Wallace’s ideas of evolution by natural selection. The arrival of Wallace’s ideas galvanized Darwin into writing “On the Origin of Species”as an “abstract”of the ideas he was painstakingly laying out in the larger work.This was a lucky break for Darwin, because it forced him to write his ideas in plain language, which led to a book that was not only revolutionary, despite those who’d tread similar ground before, but that was also very readable.Though others thought about evolution before Darwin, scientific discovery requires more than just an idea. In addition to the concept, discovery requires the understanding of the significance of the idea, something some of the earlier authors clearly did not have—such as the arborist who buried his thoughts on natural selection in the appendix of a book on naval timber. Lastly, scientific discovery demands the ability to convince others of the correctness of an idea.Darwin, through “On the Origin of Species,”was the only thinker of the time who had all three of those traits, Friedman said.“Darwin had the ability to convince others of the correctness of the idea,” Friedman said, adding that even Wallace, whose cla im to new thinking on evolution and natural selection was stronger than all the others, paid homage to Darwin by titling his 1889 book on the subject, “Darwinism.”51. According to William Friedman, Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”is great in that.A. it was the most studied by later scientistsB. it had significant ideas about evolutionC. it was the first to talk about evolutionD. it was well received by the public52. Friedman believes that Darwin attached a “historical sketch”to later printings of his book in an attempt to .A. credit the ideas about evolution before hisB. claim himself as the father of evolutionC. introduce his grandfather to the readerD. summarize his predecessors work53. In Friedman s view, Darwin s originality lies in .A. his thinking on natural selection as the mechanism of evolutionB. his sharing ideas about evolution with his contemporariesC. the way he wrote “On the Origin of Species”D. the way he lectured on the ideas of evolution54. We have learned that at first Darwin intended to write his idea in .A. a much larger bookB. a 400page bookC. scientific termsD. plain language55. Scientific discovery requires all the following Expect .A. coming up with a new ideaB. understanding the significance of the ideaC. making claims to the idea by writing booksD. convincing others of the correctness of the idesPassage FourMany adults may think they are getting enough shut-eye, but in a major sleep study almost 80 percent of respondents admitted to not getting their prescribed amount of nightly rest. So, what exactly is the right amount of sleep? Research shows that adults need an average of seven to nine hours of sleep a night for optimal functionality. Read on to see just how much of an impact moderate sleep deprivation can have on your mind and body.By getting less than six hours of sleep a night, you could be putting yourself at risk of high blood pressure. When you sleep, your heart gets a break and is able to slow down for a significant period of time. But cutting back on sleep means your heart has to work overtime without its allotted break. In constantly doing so, your body must accommodate to its new conditions and elevate your overall daily blood pressure. And the heart isn’t the only organ that is overtaxed by a lack of sleeps. The less sleep you get, the less time the brain has to regulate stress hormones, and over time, sleep deprivation could permanently hinder the brain’s ability to regulate these hormones, leading to elevated blood pressure.We all hang around in bed during our bouts of illness. But did you know that skipping out on the bed rest can increase your risk of getting sick? Prolonged sleep deprivation has long been associated with diminished immune functions, but researchers have also found a direct correlation between “modest”sleep deprivation—less than six hours—and reduced immune response. So try to toughen up your immune system by getting at least seven hours of sleep a night, and maintaining a healthy diet. You’ll be glad you got that extra hour of sleep the next time that bug comes around and leaves everyone else bedridden with a fever for three days.During deep REM sleep, your muscles (except those in the eyes) are essentially immobilized in order to keep you from acting out on your dreams. Unfortunately, this effort your body makes to keep you safe while dreaming can sometimes backfire, resulting in sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis occurs when the brain is aroused from its REM cycle, but the body remains in its immobilizing state. This can be quite a frightening sensation because, while your mind is slowly regaining consciousness, it has no control over your body, leaving some with a feeling of powerlessness, fear and panic. Most people experience this eerie phenomena at least once in their lives, but those who are sleep deprived are more likely to have panicked episodes of sleep paralysis that are usually accompanied by hallucinations, as well.For a second, imagine all of your memories are erased; every birthday, summer vacation, even what you did yesterday afternoon is completely lost, because you have no recollection of them.It’s a chilling thought, but that is what a life without sleep would be like. Sleep is essential to the cognitive functions of the brain, and without it, our ability to consolidate memories, learn daily tasks, and make decisions is impaired by a large degree. Research has revealed that REM sleep, or dream-sleep, helps solidify the “fragile”memories the brain creates throughout the day to that they can be easily organized and stored in the mind’s long-term cache.56. According to the passage, what is the meaning of “sleep deprivation”?A. To sleep for an average period of time.B. To sleep deeply without dreaming.C. To sleep less than needed.D. To sleep modestly.57. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Paragraph 3?A. When everyone else gets a fever, those with sleep deprivation will be abele to sleep longer.B. When everyone else gets a fever, those who usually have adequate sleep will be alright.C. Only modest sleep deprivation could weaken the immune system.D. Prolonged sleep deprivation will not have impact on the immune system.58. Why is there the so-called “sleep paralysis”?A. It occurs when you are unable to wake up from dreams while you are sleeping.B. It occurs when you brain immobilizes your body in order to keep you from dreaming.C. Because you are usually too frightened to move your body when waking up from deep REM sleep.D. Because your body, immobilized when dreaming, may still be unable to move even when your brain is waking up.59.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the last paragraph?A. Memories are part of the cognitive function of the brain.B. Memories created during the daytime are usually fragile and impaired.C. You are likely to lose your memories of yesterday after a night’s sleep.D. Long term memory cannot be formed without dream-sleep.60. What effects of sleep deprivation on human mind and body are discussed in this passage?A. High blood pressure, a toughened immune system, sleep paralysis, and memory loss.B. Blood pressure, immune system, sleep paralysis, and long term memory.C. Blood pressure, immune system, the brain and the body, and memory.D. High blood pressure, a weakened immune system, sleep paralysis, and memory loss.Part V: Proofreading (15%)Directions: In the following passage, there are altogether 15 mistakes, ONE in each numbered and underlined part. You may have to change a word, add a word, or just delete a word. If you change a word, cross it with a slash (/) and write the correct word beside it. If you add a word, write the missing word between the words ( in brackets )immediately before and after it. If you delete a word, cross it out with a slash (/). Put your answer on the Answer Sheet (2).Examples:eg. 1(61) The meeting begun 2 hours ago.Correction put on the Answer Sheet (2): (61) begun beganeg. 2(62) Scarcely they settled themselves in their seats in the theatre when the curtain went up .Correction put on the Answer Sheet (2): (62) (Scarcely) had (they)eg. 3(63) Never will I not do it again.Correction put on the Answer Sheet (2): (63)notWal-Mart announced Thursday afternoon that it would introduce a program nationwide called (61) “Pick Up Today”that allows customers to submit orders online and pick up their items few hours later in their local store. (62) The move is not revolutionary—Sears and Nordstrom, as instance, already have similar programs.(63) Retailers say that tying online and in-store inventory together lets them to sell more products. (64) Nordstrom recently combined its inventory so that if the online stockroom is out of a jacket, a store that has it can ship to the Web customer. (65) Encourage customers to retrieve items they have ordered online in a store increases visits to the stores, which usually increases sales.(66) Best Buy offers both store pickup and “ship to store,”where items are shipped free from a local store. Ace Hardware, J.C.Penney and Wal-Mart itself are among the others offering “ship to store”programs.In Wal-Mart’s program, (67) that is expected to be nationwide by June, customers can select from among 40,000 items online. (68) They will send a text message or e-mail alerting them when the order is ready, which usually takes about four hours.(69) “Not only we see it as a nice convenience for customers, but we also saw it as a way to drive incremental traffic to the stores, and incremental sales,”said Steve Nave, senior vice president and general manager of Walmar t.Com.(70) The program will include about 40000 items likewise electronics, toys, home décor and sporting goods. (71) As of now, it does not include groceries, though M r.Nave did dismiss that possibility.(72) “We’re not ready to talk today about everything that’s going on in grocery,”he said“What we’ve tried to do is (73) focus on those categories where customers are most likely to be willing to make the purchase after they touch it or look at it. (74) This is a convenient play, trying to figure out what are the things that are going to drive more customers into the stores.”Wal-Mart also announced that (75) it was shortened the time customers would have to wait for ship-to-store items, to four to seven days, from seven to 10 days.Part VI: Writing (15%)Directions: Read the following paragraph and then write a response paper of about 250 to 300 words. Write it nearly on the Answer Sheet (2).In China, minimum wage becomes higher in many places. But people disagree over its benefits and drawbacks. Supporters say it increases the worker’s standard of living, while opponents say it increase unemployment. What do you think?Part II Structure and Written Expression(20%)11.【A】A项admits of“容许,有……的可能”;B项requires of“要求,要求得到”;C项needs of“满足需要”;D项seeks for“寻找,追求,探索”。