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2512 陈雨桐
All there is a gleam of sunshine to the floor, the cat will find and bathed them
但凡有一线阳光洒向地板,猫咪都会发 现并沐浴其中
• An animal with tail. • Have sharp claws. • It can climb the trees. • Be fond of sleep. • Have unusual ability to collect the light. • (有异乎寻常收集光线的能力) • Like eat fish
Cartoon in China
大脸猫 黑猫警长 阿笨猫 笨笨猫 蓝猫 星猫 神探威威猫 拽猫 沪江猫CC 罗小黑
Cartoon in other countries
Hello Kitty《凯蒂猫》 哆啦A梦《机器猫》 柴郡猫《爱丽丝梦游仙境》《爱丽斯漫游 仙境》 菲力猫 加菲猫 甜甜起司猫 霹雳酷乐猫 猫和老鼠 猫的报恩 穿靴子的猫 嘟嘟猫观察日记 肖格拉 吸血猫 月咏几斗《守护甜心》 笑脸猫《潘朵拉之心》 哈比《妖精的尾巴》 猫咪老师《夏目友人帐》
years. The cat can be trained to obey simple
英国短毛猫 异国短毛猫
Cat’s age 1个月 2个月 3个月 8个月 1岁 1岁3个月 6岁 11岁 16岁 20岁 21岁
man’s age 1 3 5 11 13 18 40 60 80 96 100
In ours eyes ,We generally think they are…..
Lazy 懒惰
Wayward 任性
Clean 爱干净
Mysterious 神秘
Cute 可爱
Байду номын сангаас
Elegant 优雅
The cat is a small carnivorous mammal that is often valued by human for its companionship .It has been associated with humans for at least 9,500