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Lessen 10 The loss of the Titanic

一、单词讲解New words and expressions

Southampton [sauθ'æmptən] n. 南安普敦

colossal [kə'lɔsl] adj. 庞大的

watertight ['wɔ:tətait] adj. 不漏水的

compartment [kəm'pɑ:tmənt] n. (轮船的)密封舱

flood [flʌd] v. 充满水

float [fləut] v. 漂浮,飘浮

tragic ['trædʒik] adj. 悲惨的

liner ['lainə] n. 班船

voyage ['vɔiidʒ] n. 航行

iceberg ['aisbə:g] n. 冰山

lookout ['luk'aut] n. 晾望员

collision [kə'liʒən] n. 碰撞

narrowly ['nærəuli] adv. 刚刚,勉强地

miss [mis] v. 避开

slight [slait] adj. 轻微的

tremble ['trembl] v. 震颤

faint [feint] adj. 微弱的

horror ['hɔrə] n. 恐俱

abandon [ə'bændən] v. 抛弃

plunge [plʌndʒ] v. 投入,跳入

lifeboat ['laifbəut] n. 救生船

titanic adj. 巨大的

gigantic adj. 巨大的 a gigantic skyscraper 一座摩天大楼

colossal adj. 庞大的 a colossal ship

immense adj. 宏大的(褒义) an immense hall

compartment n. (船)船舱;车厢

hold n. (船底)货舱capsule n. 太空舱, 胶囊状的药

flood n./v.

n. a flood of refugees 一群难民 a flood of curses 一连串恶毒的诅咒a flood of letters a flood of blessings 一串美好的祝福

a flood of anger 怒发冲冠

v. flood into Eg: A lot of refugees flooded into Pakistan. 大批难民洪水般涌入巴基斯坦

pour into 涌入Eg: Many people poured into South Africa for gold rush in the 19th century.

snow in 雪片般飞来Eg: Letters and presents snowed in on her birthday. float v. (to move in the air or on the surface of water)

Eg: He is floating on air. / He is walking on air. 兴高采烈,洋洋得意

tragic adj. 悲剧的

tragedy n. 悲剧comic adj. 喜剧的comedy n. 喜剧

William Shakespeare was a famous English writer of plays and poems.

His famous tragedies include: Romeo and Juliet; Julius Caesar; Hamlet; Macbeth; Othello; King Lear

the comedies includes: Midsummer Night's Dream; Twelfth Night; Merchant of Venice

Look out!小心啊!留神啊!

Mind your head! 当心你的头! Watch your step! 看着你的脚底下! collide v. (to hit in a different direction) (正面)相撞

collide with a car bump into a car 追尾run into an acquaintance 碰到熟人come across a word 遇到生词

voyage n.海上航行

first voyage 首航,处女航navigation 航海navy 海军trip 短途旅行journey 长途旅行tour 巡回访问,巡回比赛

Eg: The president now is on a 6-nation tour.

trek: a long and difficult journey esp. on foot 长途艰辛的跋涉

the long trek to the South Pole

reluctant adj.勉强的be slow and unwilling (主观上)

reluctance n. 勉强

Eg: He answered my question with reluctance. 他极不情愿的回答了我的问题narrowly : only by a small amount narrowly escape 勉强逃离

Eg: The family narrowly escaped the clutches of Nazis. 这个家庭勉强逃过德国纳粹的魔掌

narrowly miss 险些碰到,勉强躲开,差一点就

Eg: The brick narrowly missed his head.

survive sth. 侥幸,大难不死Eg: The cat survived the falls.

all but 差一点,险些Eg: I all but stumbled over the step.

force a smile 勉强笑了笑

horror n. 恐怖

horrid/horrible adj. fright n. 害怕stage fright 怯场

dread: a fear of sth. in the future

Eg;She is filled with dread of meeting the VIP. 她为即将见到贵宾而不安

dreadful : extremely unpleasant 令人不悦的dreadful weather 坏天气terror n.恐怖terrorist 恐怖分子terrible 糟糕的terrific 太棒了Eg: What do you think of Titanic? -----It was terrific.

Eg: I'm scared to death of snake.

phobia n. 恐怖症acrophobia n. 恐高症

abandon v. (to leave sb. you are responsible for) 抛弃

abandon family 抛弃家庭

forsake v. to leave when you should stay because they need you (雅) 离开,放弃forsake hope 放弃希望

desert v. (you never have a feeling) 丧失

Samul Erman 《Youth》

Eg: We grew old by deserting our ideas. 当我们不思进取时,我们就变得衰老了abdicate: give up the position of being a king or queen 弃位


The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912. sail for 驶向row for 划向drive for 开向speed for 飞速的驶向fly for 飞往leave for 启程spin for (摩托车或小汽车)急速驶向

for + destination from + departure

Eg: sail for New York from Southampton
