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- No external piping 没有外部冲洗
Limitations 局限性
- Changing flow rate required dismantling of pump 改变流量需要拆泵 - For clean pumpages only 只能是适用干净的介质
Integral (internal) recirculation from pump discharge to seal 内部循环从泵的出口到密封
Seal Flushing By-Pass from Discharge 单密封通过出口进行冲洗
API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案
Points to Note for API Plan 13: API 冲洗方案 13 应注意的事项 - Use an orifice to restrict the flow rate if the seal chamber pressure is 3 bar higher than suction pressure.如果密封腔压力高于入口压力 3bar,需要用一个孔限制流量 - handle abrasives duty better than API plan 11 处理含有磨粒的工况13方案好于11方案 - higher seal chamber pressure to suppress vaporisation较高的密封腔压力可抑制它的汽化
Recirculation from seal chamber through a flow control orifice and back to pump suction从密封 腔里出,通过一个孔板返回到泵的入口
API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案
Points to Note for API Plan 14: API 冲洗 方案 14 应注意的事项: - Flow back to suction side will evacuate vapours that may collect in seal chamber. 可以将密封腔中聚集的气 体回送到泵进口 - Recommended for light hydrocaຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidubon service. 推荐使用在轻烃工况
API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案
Points to Note for API Plan 02: API 02 冲洗方案应注意的事项: - The injection tapping is used for venting prior to start–up. -在开车前 ,注入口用来进行放空 - API plan 02 is often used together with plan 62, especially on high temperature bellows seals.冲洗方案 02经常与62一起用,特别是用在高温 波纹管密封
Seal Environment 密封环境
API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案
JC Tianjin Training Module 4.3
November 2004
API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案
API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案
Advantage 优点
API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案
Points to note for API Plan 23: API 23方案的注意点

Thermosyphon design热虹吸设计 * heat exchanger 换热器 18 to 24“ above pump centre line. 在泵中心线以上 18 to 24" * Prevent overheating in standby and start–up. 在泵启动和备用时,要防止过热。 Install close fitting neck bushing at the bottom of seal chamber to isolate the heat from the impeller end. 在密封腔底部安装喉部衬套用来隔离从叶轮端传出的热量 Used on high temperature applications to minimise heat load on the cooler by cooling only small amount of liquid that is recirculated.用于高温 工况,通过冷却密封腔的小部分的循环流体来使冷却器的热负荷降至最低. For high temperature boiler feed pump applications用于高温锅炉给水泵上 Other applications其他应用 * high temperature liquid close to bubble point. * 接近沸点的高温液体.
API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案
Discharge出 口
Vent at highest point of the piping排 起在管线 的最高点 Cooling Water Inlet冷 水入口 Cooling Water Outlet冷 水出口
Heat exchanger 换热器
Suction 入口
Throat bushing mechanical seal with pumping ring
18 - 24"
Recirculation from a pumping ring in the seal chamber through cooler and back to seal Closed Loop Cooling Circuit 冲洗液通过密封 腔中的泵效环从密封腔中流出经过换热器,再返回到密封中,形成自封闭 循环。闭环冷却回路
API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案
Cooling Water Inlet冷水 入口 Cooling Water Outlet冷 水出口
Recirculation from pump discharge through a flow control orifice and cooler to seal Open Loop Cooling Circuit 开环冷却
No flushing to the mechanical seal (‘dead-ended’) 机械密封里没有冲洗
API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案
Points to Note for API Plan 11: API 冲洗方案11 应注意的事项 - Use an orifice to restrict the flow rate if the discharge pressure is 3 bar higher than seal chamber pressure.如出口压力高于密封腔压 力3bar,需要用一个孔板限制流量 - Use on clean and low abrasives duties用在干净,含磨蚀性颗粒少 的工况