Apple did very poorly in the early and mid 90’s, brought on by poor leadership and stagnating computer design. • NeXT’s a great success with it beautiful design • The late Mac OX operating system is based on NeXT
Reform In Apple
• • • •
Management Structure Rebuilding Cutting The Unneccessary Business Innovation And Design Oriedtal Concern On The User Experience
Leave Apple
1981, IBM finally entered the personal computer market, and in just two years began to outsell Apple.
After the failure of the Apple III and Lisa, Jobs built The Macintosh to compete with the IBM PC.
Soul Of Apple
• 1984: National Medal of Technology • 1987: Jefferson Award for Public Service • 2007:the most powerful person in business by Fortune Magazine • 2009: CEO of the decade by Fortune Magazine • 2010: Financial Times named Jobs its person of the year for 2010 • ......
First project as CEO was the G4 Cube
Was too expensive and didn’t satisfy a certain market
Lasted only twelve months in Apple’s line-up
The New Beginning (Cont.)
The Life of Steve Jobs
Young Steven Jobs
Born on February 24th, 1955 in San Francisco, California Put up for adoption a week after birth Adoption was finalized under the condition that Steven would attend college
The Beginning of A Career
Returned to California in 1974 and was hired as a technician for Atari
Attended meetings at Wozniak’s “Homebrew Computer Club”
The New Beginning (Cont.)
Although his salary was low, the company granted him ten million shares of Apple stock worth hundreds of millions
The New Beginning (Cont.)
More Successful Changes
In 1996, Apple Corp managed to get into trouble. Jobs came back and began to develop new products iMac and OS X operating system.
In June 29, 2007, Apple Corp launched its own iPhone mobile phone, using the iOS system.
The fourth generation product iPhone 4 was released in June 8, 2010.
In August 25, 2011, Apple announced that he had resigned and entered into force immediately, and appointed Steve Jobs as chairman of the company
Jobs died at the age of 56 in Beijing on October 6, 2011.
He knew how to make amuation)
The Jobs memorial is located in the technical park of a university in St Petersburg.
This single - page cover letter written in 1973, Jobs was just a college drop out
• 1977年,乔布斯和他的苹果2电脑。这还不是乔布斯想象中的“酷毙了”的 电脑,可它已经是首批最成功的个人电脑了。
Introducing the first Macintosh in 1984. The now-legendary computer was announced to the wider public by a television commercial, aired during the Super Bowl in January of that year. It was the first computer
Large queues formed at Apple Stores around the world, sometimes days in advance.
• 2007年7月,乔布斯在帕洛阿尔托的苹果专卖店现身,为iPhone的推出造势。 全世界的苹果专卖店都排起了长龙,有的甚至会提前几天就开始排队。
• 1991年,在发布会上推广NeXT的ata计算机。尽管这款计算机得到普遍的认 可,销量却不如人意。于是,1993年NeXT成了一家只做软件的电脑公司。
At a press conference in San Francisco. In late 1996 Apple bought NeXT for $429m. a few months later, Gil Amelio, Apple’s boss, was
do not use DOS.
• 1984年推出首款麦金塔计算机。这款大名鼎鼎的计算机在当时通过在橄榄球 超级杯大赛中插播广告而广为人知。 它是第一款不用DOS指令的电脑。
Mr. Jobs at the NeXT headquarters in Palo Alto. After an internal power struggle, he was fired from Apple in 1985 and later
Introducing the first Macintosh in 1984. The now-legendary computer was announced to the wider public by a television commercial, aired during the Super Bowl in January of that year. It was the first computer
Large queues formed at Apple Stores around the world, sometimes days in advance.
• 2007年7月,乔布斯在帕洛阿尔托的苹果专卖店现身,为iPhone的推出造势。 全世界的苹果专卖店都排起了长龙,有的甚至会提前几天就开始排队。
• 1991年,在发布会上推广NeXT的ata计算机。尽管这款计算机得到普遍的认 可,销量却不如人意。于是,1993年NeXT成了一家只做软件的电脑公司。
At a press conference in San Francisco. In late 1996 Apple bought NeXT for $429m. a few months later, Gil Amelio, Apple’s boss, was
do not use DOS.
• 1984年推出首款麦金塔计算机。这款大名鼎鼎的计算机在当时通过在橄榄球 超级杯大赛中插播广告而广为人知。 它是第一款不用DOS指令的电脑。
Mr. Jobs at the NeXT headquarters in Palo Alto. After an internal power struggle, he was fired from Apple in 1985 and later
Do you like these?
Jobs created the Macintosh computer has led, ipad, iPod, iTunes Store, iPhone and many other well-known digital product. 乔布斯先后领导缔造了麦 金塔计算机、ipad、iPod、 iTunes Store、iPhone等诸多 知名数字产品。
The evaluation of jobs
Chinese version
他追求细节——“要把图标做到让 我想用舌头去舔一下”;他追求完 美——“为了能在晚上睡个好觉,要在 审美和质量上自始至终争取做到最 好”;他敢于创新——“不要让他人意 见的噪音淹没你内心深处的声音,要 有勇气听从内心和直觉的召唤”。— —他就是苹果“教父”乔布斯。“一 个海盗,一个偏执狂,一个将艺术和 科技完美结合的IT领袖,一个改变了 世界的人”
Jobs' say
English Version
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. You’ve got to find what you love. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Soul Of Apple
• 1984: National Medal of Technology • 1987: Jefferson Award for Public Service • 2007:the most powerful person in business by Fortune Magazine • 2009: CEO of the decade by Fortune Magazine • 2010: Financial Times named Jobs its person of the year for 2010 • ......
The Present Apple
Become the second largest company of the World The largest Cellphone Provider The highest net fit income The most innovative company Running the Online content store
Love For Electronic
•Jobs met Steve Wozniak shortly after they both left school while working for Hewlett-Packard(惠普) •“Woz” was an incredibly talented engineer, especially in electronic gadgets •While developing a “blue box” device, Jobs convinced Woz to sell it to Berkeley students.
New Beginning Of Apple
Inventor, icon, genius. Steve Jobs gave Silicon Valley its identity.
1976 Jobs, a college dropout, teams up with a friend to build the world‘s first Apple computer in his California garage.
Steve Jobs
——A Legend as God
Steve Jobs
Preface Personal resume
Apple--------a very familiar name that is always brought up in our ear sides ,is a sign of times.
In this Sept. 18, 1990, file photo, Steve Jobs, president and CEO of NeXT Computer Inc., shows off his company's new NeXTstation after an introduction to the public in San Francisco
Apple Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs holds the new " iPad" during the launch of Apple's new tablet computing device in San Francisco, California, in this January 27, 2010
Inventor, icon, genius. Steve Jobs gave Silicon Valley its identity.
1976 Jobs, a college dropout, teams up with a friend to build the world‘s first Apple computer in his California garage.
Steve Jobs
——A Legend as God
Steve Jobs
Preface Personal resume
Apple--------a very familiar name that is always brought up in our ear sides ,is a sign of times.
In this Sept. 18, 1990, file photo, Steve Jobs, president and CEO of NeXT Computer Inc., shows off his company's new NeXTstation after an introduction to the public in San Francisco
Apple Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs holds the new " iPad" during the launch of Apple's new tablet computing device in San Francisco, California, in this January 27, 2010
• 乔布斯是改变世界的天才,他凭敏锐的 触觉和过人的智慧,勇于变革,不断创 新,引领全球资讯科技和电子产品的潮 流,把电脑和电子产品变得简约化、平 民化,让曾经是昂贵稀罕的电子产品变 为现代人生活的一部分。 • Jobs is to change the world of genius, he had a keen sense of touch and great wisdom, the courage to change, continuous innovation, leading the global information technology and the trend of the electronic products, computer and electronic product becomes simplified, popular, let was expensive rare electronic products into modern part of life.
• 学生时代 的乔布斯聪明、顽皮,肆无忌惮 ,常常喜欢别 出心裁地搞出一些令人啼笑皆非 的恶作剧。 • Student age of jobs smart, naughty, unbridled , often like to try to be unique to make out some wry chronicling of tricks. • 不过,他的学习成绩倒是十分出众。 • However, his study result is very outstanding. • 当时,乔布斯就生活在后来著名的“硅谷 附近,邻居都 是“硅谷”元老——惠普公司的职员。 • At that time, jobs will live in later known as the "silicon valley" "nearby, neighbors are" silicon valley "patriarch hewlett-packard company staff.
苹果公司和乔布斯 ppt演讲稿
![苹果公司和乔布斯 ppt演讲稿](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6295afcd2cc58bd63086bd00.png)
Apple iPhone Marketing Plan
1.苹果公司就采用了严密的保密制度,这样就控制了饥饿 的强度。苹果让消费者和媒体对其信息极度渴望——从对 于新产品外观工业设计的臆想和猜想到其商业模式的实施。 2.当新品推出后,由于用户的饥饿感被引爆,iPhone在开 始销售的一周内已启用了100万部。这是苹果公司计划年 度内的销售计划,实际上只用了6天时间就实现了在这个 目标。 3.在销售渠道上也“饥饿”不堪,而用户一次次上演了排队 等待的盛况。没有哪一个品牌﹑哪一个型号的电子产品会 得到如此高密度的关注。
Apple iPhone Marketing Plan
1985年,苹果公司赖以发展的 apple II在持续畅销8年之后开始呈现 下滑趋势。当时的苹果总裁卡利斯认 为,控制成本为第一要务,主张开源 节流。而乔布斯是个技术狂热者,导 致公司陷入了一种完全的崇尚科技革 新的企业文化,却忽略了成本和用户 的需求。 85年9月16日,乔布斯打算通过 “政变”促使卡利斯下台,不想到被 人告发,最终被董事会扫地出门.
2008年10月,在公布了2008Q3 期财报,苹果CEO乔布斯宣布, 苹果已经成为世界第三大手机供 应商,46亿美元的销售收入仅 次于诺基亚和三星。 如果以利润和利润率等指标 来计算,苹果iPhone的表现更 加出色。iPhone的营业利润超 过20亿美元,名列第一。而诺 基亚仅为19亿美元,索爱和摩 托罗拉则分别亏损8.41亿美元和 7.62亿美元。 按照利润率排名,iPhone 的运营利润率高达40%,也把其 他手机企业远远抛到身后。排名 第二的RIM利润率接近20%,诺 基亚、三星和LG的利润率均接 近10%。
Steve Jobs乔布斯PPT课件
![Steve Jobs乔布斯PPT课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/42b34489360cba1aa911da1a.png)
frustrated upse faith
jsut smile and fight again
He came back again and pulled out the iPod media player which saved Apple.
He holds up an iPhone and told us Jobs was back,Apple was back,innovation was back!
He developed the new MacBook
He took out iPad and astonished the world again
When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The End
It'S An Honor To Walk With You All The Way
演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
• from left, Steve Jobs, chairman of Apple Computers, John Sculley, president and CEO, and Steve Wozniak
• Steve Jobs leans on the new "Macintosh" personal computer in a shareholder's meeting in California
As president and CEO of NeXT Computer . He shows off his company's new NeXT station after an introduction to the public in San Francisco
frustrated upse faith
jsut smile and fight again
He came back again and pulled out the iPod media player which saved Apple.
He holds up an iPhone and told us Jobs was back,Apple was back,innovation was back!
He developed the new MacBook
He took out iPad and astonished the world again
When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The End
It'S An Honor To Walk With You All The Way
演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
• from left, Steve Jobs, chairman of Apple Computers, John Sculley, president and CEO, and Steve Wozniak
• Steve Jobs leans on the new "Macintosh" personal computer in a shareholder's meeting in California
As president and CEO of NeXT Computer . He shows off his company's new NeXT station after an introduction to the public in San Francisco
In 1996, after Apple had failed to deliver its operating system, Copland, Gil Amelio turned to NeXT Computer, and the NeXTSTEP platform became the foundation for the Mac OS X. Jobs returned to Apple as an advisor, and took control of the company as an interim CEO. Jobs brought Apple from near bankruptcy to profitability by 1998.
与董事会在1985年的权力斗争之后, 乔布斯离开苹果并创办NeXT后,电脑平台 开发公司,专门在高等教育和商业市场。 1986年,他收购了卢卡斯电影公司,这是 分拆为皮克斯的计算机图形部门。他被记在 玩具总动员(1995)担任执行制片人。他 担任CEO和大股东,直至迪士尼公司在 2006年收购皮克斯
To change the world alive!
Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) was an American entrepreneur, marketer,and inventor, who was the cofounder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc. Through Apple, he is widely recognized as a charismatic and design-driven pioneer of the personal computer revolution 史蒂芬保罗“史蒂夫”乔布斯(1955年2月24日 - 2011年 10月5日)是美国企业家,营销者,和发明家,创始人,主席, 苹果公司通过苹果公司的首席执行官,他被广泛地认为是个人 电脑革命的魅力和设计驱动的先锋。
Jobs died at the age of 56 in Beijing on October 6, 2011.
character Evaluation
He knew how to make amazingly great
products.(Paul Allen evaluation)
announces resignation
In August 25, 2011, Apple announced that he had resigned and entered into force immediately, and appointed Steve Jobs as chairman of the company
Early experiences
On 1 April 1976, Jobs, Wozniak and Jobs of Long friend Wayne signed a contract, decided to establish a computer company.
early development
the person commemorated
The Jobs memorial is located in the technical park of a university in St Petersburg.
auction letter
This single - page cover letter written in 1973, Jobs was just a college drop out
Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs , was born in the U.S.CaliforniaSan Francisco, the U.S.inventor, the entrepreneur, the U.S.Apple Inc.Co - founder.
Laurene Powell married Steve Jobs on March 18, 1991 .
Children/Family Life
•Jobs and his then girlfriend had a daughter. •three more children with his wife , Laurene. •Steve Jobs has a sister named Mona Simpson
Important People
Steve's father Paul helped turn him into a perfectionist
Bill Gates was Jobs's ultimate rival
Robert Noyce was a father figure early to Jobs as Apple was getting off the ground
• • • • In 1985, received a grant from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Medal of National Technology. In 2007,was the greatest businessman of the year Jobs IPad, IPod, ITunes store, IPhone, and many other wellknown digital products ......
Jobs continued to innovate in recent years even as he battled severe health problems that prompted leaves of absence from Apple. In 2004, he beat back an unusual form of pancreatic cancer, and in 2009 he was forced to get a liver transplant. After several years of failing health, Jobs announced on Aug. 24, 2011 that he was stepping down as Apple's chief executive
苹果公司前CEO、创始人,1997年成为《时 代周刊》的封面人物
1985年,乔布斯获得了由里根总统授予的国 家级技术勋章
2007年,史蒂夫·乔布斯被《财富》杂志评为 了年度最伟大商人。
2009年被财富杂志评选为这十年美国最佳 CEO,同年当选时代周刊年度风云人物之一
先后领导缔造了 Mac、iPad、iPod、iTunes Store、iPhone 等诸多知名数字产品
乔布斯没有使用关注焦点人群的方案,相反,他告诉 消费者,让消费者说出他们的需求。对此,市场研究 机构Yankee Group的消费者研究部门负责人卡尔·霍 威(Carl Howe)表示:苹果在了解用户需求方面表 现很好。
乔布斯让人们对苹果公司产生了这样的印象,即苹果打动消费者的不是其生产的产品本身,而 是这些产品所代表的具体涵义。
introduction of apple co-founder introduction of apple founder of apple introduction
创业 (1976 - 1983)
1976年,21岁的乔布斯与26岁的斯蒂 夫·沃兹尼亚克在自家的车库里成立了苹 果公司。他们制造了世界上首台个人电 脑,并称为Apple I,售价666.66美元
乔布斯是个完美主义者。他认为,完美的质量没有捷径,必须将优秀的质量定位给自己的承诺 并坚定不移的坚持下去。当对自己要求更高,并关注所有的细节后,产品就会和别人不一样。
introduction of apple co-founder introduction of apple founder of apple introduction
By 2005, cellphones were everywhere. Steve had a cellphone, but he didn’t like it. It didn’t work well or look good. None of his friends seemed to like their cellphones, either. Steve decided to make a phone that people could fall in love with.
A few months later, he returned to work. Though he was in poor health, he had a new surprise for the public.
Why didn’t many people like their cellphones? A. They were cheap and big. B. They were very expensive. C. They were not useful at all. D. They looked terrible and worked badly.
答 案 解 析
The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 shows that Steve Jobs ______. A. didn’t like to stay in hospital B. regretted having an operation C. liked everything to be beautiful D. wanted to design medical equipment
By 2005, cellphones were everywhere. Steve had a cellphone, but he didn’t like it. It didn’t work well or look good. None of his friends seemed to like their cellphones, either. Steve decided to make a phone that people could fall in love with.
A few months later, he returned to work. Though he was in poor health, he had a new surprise for the public.
Why didn’t many people like their cellphones? A. They were cheap and big. B. They were very expensive. C. They were not useful at all. D. They looked terrible and worked badly.
答 案 解 析
The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 shows that Steve Jobs ______. A. didn’t like to stay in hospital B. regretted having an operation C. liked everything to be beautiful D. wanted to design medical equipment
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Love For Electronic
•Jobs met Steve Wozniak shortly after they both left school while working for Hewlett-Packard(惠普) •“Woz” was an incredibly talented engineer, especially in electronic gadgets •While developing a “blue box” device, Jobs convinced Woz to sell it to Berkeley students.
After the failure of the Apple III and Lisa, Jobs built The Macintosh to compete with the IBM PC.
As sales of the Macintosh took off, CEO John Sculley thought that Jobs was hurting Apple’s success, and gradually forced Jobs to leave.
Laurene Powell married Steve Jobs on March 18, 1991 .
Children/Family Life
•Jobs and his then girlfriend had a daughter. •three more children with his wife , Laurene. •Steve Jobs has a sister named Mona Simpson
Interesting Facts
• Jobs bought the first set of suit when he was 22 years old.
The company was name apple in part because apples are his favorite fruit.
•Graduated high school in 1972 •Enrolled in Reed College in Oregon, studied Poetry, Literature, and Physics •After one semester, Jobs dropped out of school •Slept on his friends dorm room floor and dropped in on classes of interest
Jobs continued to innovate in recent years even as he battled severe health problems that prompted leaves of absence from Apple. In 2004, he beat back an unusual form of pancreatic cancer, and in 2009 he was forced to get a liver transplant. After several years of failing health, Jobs announced on Aug. 24, 2011 that he was stepping down as Apple's chief executive
• • • • In 1985, received a grant from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Medal of National Technology. In 2007,was the greatest businessman of the year Jobs IPad, IPod, ITunes store, IPhone, and many other wellknown digital products ......
Founded NeXT
• Apple did very poorly in the early and mid 90’s, brought on by poor leadership and stagnating computer design. • NeXT’s a great success with it beautiful design • The late Mac OX operating system is based on NeXT
Important People
Steve's father Paul helped turn him into a perfectionist
Bill Gates was Jobs's ultimate rival
Robert Noyce was a father figure early to Jobs as Apple was getting off the ground
The story of Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs
Childhood Born in 1955 ,in San Francisco
•Put up for adoption a week after birth •Adoption was finalized under the condition that Steven would attend college
ExpeHewlettPackard In 1976, formed Apple computer Company In 1985, left Apple company and founded NeXT
Leave Apple
1981, IBM finally entered the personal computer market, and in just two years began to outsell Apple.