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第一部分框架结构 起始/淘金段 图表描述段, (一)INTRODUCTION:引言 起始 淘金段,图画 图表描述段,3 句。 :引言/起始 淘金段,图画/图表描述段 1. General description:总体描述,1 句。 2. Details 1、2、3:挖掘细节词、联结成句,1-2 句。 3. Caption:文字说明,1 句。 拓展段, (二)BODY:主体 拓展段,意义阐释段,5 句。 :主体/拓展段 意义阐释段, 1. TOPIC SENTENCE:主题句,即 SYMBOLICMEANINGS(象征寓意), 句。 ),1 :主题句, (象征寓意), 2. ARGUMENT:论证,3 句。 :论证, 1)五大角度:Background, facts, others’ opinions, reasons, consequence 2)六种手段:Cause and effect, Classification, Definition and explanation, Statistics and facts, Exemplification, Compare and contrast 3)联系现实 (三)CONCLUSION:结论段,建议措施段,4 句。 :结论段,建议措施段, 1. Concluding sentence:结论句,1 句。 2. Suggestions 1、2:针对双方提建议,2 句。 3. 包装结尾,展望未来:1 句。 第二部分框架详解 起始段, 表描述段, (一)INTRODUCTION:引言 起始段,图画 表描述段,3 句。 :引言/起始段 图画/表描述段 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION:总体描述,1 句,第一段主题句。 :总体描述, 第一段主题句。 人物/动物/事物+动作+环境,或人物+服装+表情。图画作文第一段 一般是图画或图表描述,不应发表太多议论,第一段发表议论属于跑题。请 考生牢记,考研是提纲作文。 下面以考过的图画作文为例: 1)1998:这幅图画生动地描述了一只母鸡正在做出承诺(并非下蛋)。 As is vividly revealed in the cartoon, a hen is making promises. 2)2000:这些图画生动地描述了鱼和渔船在过去一百年内数量的变化。 The drawings vividly illustrate the changes of numbers of fishes and fishing-boats in the past 100 years. 3)2001:这幅图画生动地描述了一盏灯在黑暗中闪光(一支火苗在黑暗 中微笑)。 It is vividly described in the picture that a lamp is lightening in the darkness/a spark is smiling in the darkness.

4)2002:这幅图画生动地描述了一位可爱的美国小女孩身穿传统中国服 装,面带甜美的微笑。 The photo vividly shows a lovely American girl in traditional Chinese costume with a sweet smile on her face. 5)2003:这些图画生动地描述了一朵娇弱的鲜花在不同环境中的命运。 This set of drawings vividly reflects the destiny of a delicate flower under different circumstances. 6) 2004: 这幅图画生动地描述了一个小男孩在操场上跑步 (跑道上冲刺) 。 It is vividly illustrated in the cartoon that a boy is running on the playground/making the final spurt along the race track. 7)2005:这幅图画生动地描述了四个孩子在球场上打一场养老“足球赛”。 As is vividly depicted in the drawing, four young people are playing a "football match” of caring their helpless father on the playground. 8)2006:这些图画生动地描述了贝克汉姆目前在中国很受欢迎。 The pictures vividly reveal that Beckham is extremely popular in China at present. 2. DETAILS 1、2、3:挖掘细节词,联结成句,1-2 句。 、 、 :挖掘细节词,联结成句, 1)1998:While laying eggs, she is proudly promises that her eggs are all round and oval-shaped rather than twisted. In addition, they are all composed of eggshells, egg whites and yolks. 在下蛋的同时,母鸡骄傲地承诺她下蛋不见棱见角。此外,保证有蛋皮、 蛋清、蛋黄。 2) 2000:In one picture, there were various kinds of fishes and only one fishing-boat in 1900. On the contrary, in 1995 there was only one fish, but a great many fishing-boats. 在一幅图中,1900 年时有很多种鱼,但只有一艘捕鱼船。相反,在 1995 年只有一条鱼,但是有很多捕鱼船。 3)2001:An oil lamp is designed with a flame showing a child’ s smile. It looks so pure and innocent that we can almost feel the care and warmth from the symbol of love. 一盏油灯的火苗露出孩子的微笑。它看起来如此天真无邪,以至于我们几 乎可以感受到来自这个爱心象征的关爱和温暖。 4)2002:She wears ribbons, earrings, necklaces and other accessories that are characteristic of the clothes of a certain Chinese minority group. Besides, the costume has added oriental charm to her beautiful appearances. 她戴着具有中国某个少数民族特征的发带、耳环、项链和其他装饰品。此 外,这套服装为她美丽的外表增添了东方的魅力。 5)2003:In the first drawing, the flower is placed in a comfortable greenhouse which protects it from the threatening storm. By contrast, when it is exposed to the driving rain, the fragrant flower soon fades and withers, with petals cast about on the ground. 在第一幅图中,这朵鲜花被放在舒适的温室中,免于可怕的风雨侵袭。相 反,当它暴露在暴雨之下时,这朵芳香的花朵迅速凋谢枯萎,花瓣散落一 地。 6)2004:After a long journey, he is making the final spurt toward the finishing line, sweat pouring down his face. Straight ahead
