
高二英语上册全册教案2halloweenthe ancient druids 督伊德教(古代高卢人与不列颠人的一种宗教)的教徒who inhabited what we now call great britain placed great importance on the passing of one season to the next, holding "fire festivals" which were celebrated for three days (two days on either side of the day itself). one of these festivals was called samhain (pronounced sha-von) and it took place on october 31 through to november 1. during this period, it was believed that the boundaries between our world and the world of the dead were weakened, allowing spirits of the recently dead to cross over and possess the living. in order to make themselves and their homes less inviting to these wayward spirits, the ancient celts (凯尔特人)would douse (插入水中, 把弄熄, 弄湿)all their fires. there was also a secondary purpose to this, after extinguishing all their fires, they would re-light them from a common source, the druidic fire that was kept burning at usinach, in the middle of ireland.samhain was considered to be a gateway not only from the land of thedead to the land of the living, but also between summer and fall/winter. for the druids, this was the last gasp (喘息, 气喘)of summer (it was also the celtic new year), so therefore they made sure it went out with a bang before they had to button down (把...弄清楚)for the winter ahead.they would dress up in bizarre costumes and parade through their villages causing destruction in order to scare off any recently departed souls who might be prowling (巡游)for bodies to inhabit, in addition to burning animals and other offerings to the druidic deities(神, 神性). it is also a popular belief that they would burn people who they believed to be possessed, but this has largely been debunked (揭穿, 拆穿假面具, 暴露)as myth.this tradition was later brought to the north american continent by irish immigrants who were escaping the potato famine in their homeland. in addition to the festival itself, the immigrants brought several customs with them, including one of the symbols most commonly associated with halloween -- the jack 'o lantern.according to irish folklore, there once lived a man named jack who wasknown for being a drunk and a prankster(顽皮的人, 爱开玩笑的人). one night jack tricked the devil into climbing a tree, and quickly carved an image of a cross on the trunk, trapping the devil. jack then made him promise that, in exchange for letting him out of the tree, the devil would never tempt him to sin again. he reluctantly agreed, but was able to exact his revenge upon jack's death. because of his mischievous ways in life, jack was barred from entering heaven and because of his earlier trick, he was also barred from hell. so he was doomed to wander the earth until the end of time, with only a single ember(灰烬, 余烬)(carried in a hollowed out turnip.[植]芜箐, 芜箐甘蓝) to warm him and light his way. in ireland, they originally also used turnips for their "jack lanterns", but upon arriving in the new world, they discovered that pumpkins were abundant and easier to carve out.共8页,当前第1页12345678 easteron good friday, jesus christ was executed by crucifixion. his body was taken down from the cross, and buried in a cave. the tomb was guarded and an enormous stone was put over the entrance, so that no-one could steal the body. on the following sunday, some womenvisited the grave and found that the stone had been moved, and that the tomb was empty. jesus himself was seen that day, and for days afterwards by many people. his followers realised that god had raised jesus from the dead.hot cross bunshot cross buns are still made all over england around easter time. at one time, buns with a cross on them were made all through lent. they were banned by oliver cromwell and brought back again at the time of the restoration. for a time they were only available on good friday but now they can be bought during the month leading up to easter. whole meal hot cross buns are becoming more popular each year.the easter eggas with the easter bunny and the holiday itself, the easter egg predates the christian holiday of easter. the exchange of eggs in the springtime is a custom that was centuries old when easter was first celebrated by christians.from the earliest times, the egg was a symbol of rebirth in most cultures. eggs were often wrapped in gold leaf or, if you were a peasant, coloredbrightly by boiling them with the leaves or petals of certain flowers. today, children hunt colored eggs and place them in easter baskets along with the modern version of real easter eggs -- those made of plastic or chocolate candy.o-bon festivalbon danceduring o-bon, bon odori (folk dances) are held all over japan. the kind of dance varies from area to area. people wearing yukata (summer kimono) go to the neighborhood shrine, temple, or park and dance around a yagura (stage) set up there. anyone can participate in the dance. join the circle and imitate what others are doing. awa odori of tokushima and bon odori at yasukuni shrine, tokyo are very famous.also, toro nagashi (floating paper lanterns) are held in some areas. on the evening of the 15th, people send off ancestor's spirits with a paper lantern, lit by a candle inside and floated down a river to the ocean. fireworks displays (hanabi-taikai) are often held during o-bon. it is a typical japanese summer scene to see hanabi.since o-bon is an important family gathering time, many people return totheir hometowns during o-bon. most businesses are closed during this time. although it is crowded everywhere, it is common for many people take trips during o-bon, too. the beginning and end of o-bon are marked with terrible traffic jams. airports, train stations, and highways are jammed with travelers. i recommend you do not travel around o-bon!共8页,当前第2页12345678unit2 healthy eatingteaching aims of this unit1.talk about healthy eating2.making suggestions or giving advice on diet3.distinguish the meanings of modal verbs4.make a balanced menu5.vocabulary:6.fiber,digestion,bean,slim,curiosity,lie,debt,glare,limit,benefit,item,prot ective get rid of, throw away, get away with, tell lies, earn one’s living in debt ,set out run one’s business ,carry on7.speaking: practice talking about your ideas; practice giving suggestions and advice, practiceseeing the doctor.8. the use o f ought tothe first period warming up and readingstep ⅰwarming upreview the words of foods by showing their pictures. first, ask students to list the foods they like best. then tick off 3 of them they eat most often. second, show the three groups of foods and see which group their foods belong to. third, ask the students to tell us in what ways their foods help them grow.step ⅱpre-readingget the students to discuss the questions with their partners in this part. then ask them to report their work. this part will help the students understand the text.t: please look at the slide show and discuss the questions with your partners. then i’ll ask you to report your work. are you clear?which food contains more…examples of foodsanswer sugarchocolate or grapescakes or bananaschocolatecakesfatcream or ricechocolate or chickencreamchocolatefiberpeas or nutspork or cabbagenutscabbageproteinpotato crisps or hameggs or creamhameggsstep ⅲreadingget the students to comprehend the passage quickly and accurately and meanwhile help the students to form a good habit of reading. give the students a couple o f minutes to look through the whole passage. tell the students to read the text silently and then ask for the main idea of the text on the slide show with their partners. encourage the students to express their ideas.1.fast readingin this part ask the students to read the text quickly for the first time and find out the main idea of the text. then ask them to read the text again carefully to obtain some details. before reading show the tasks and let the students read the tasks first. this text will help them have a good understanding of the text.a.the two restaurants supplied the healthy diet.b.the reason why yong hui’s restaurant was so popular with customers.c.wang pengwei found out why he had lost his customers and decided to win them back共8页,当前第3页123456782.careful readingt: now it is time for us to read the text carefully and decide which sentences are true. then correct the false ones. first read the sentences.ually wang pengwei’s restaurant was full of people. (t )b.yong hui served a balanced diet. ( f)c.yong hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet. (f)d.wang pengwei’s customers often became fat after eating in his reataurant. (t)e.yong hui’s menu gives them energy foods. (f )f.wang pengwei’s menu gives tem foods containing fiber. (f )g.wang pengwei admired yong hui’s restaurant when he saw the menu.(f )h.wang pengwei decided to copy yong hui’s menu. (f )step ⅳcomprehendingby now, the students have had a further understanding of the text. let the students read the text again and find out the differences between the two restaurant.t: now please read the text again and fill in the chart together with your partner.disadvantagesadvantageswang pengwei’s restaurantnot giving enough foods containing fiberprovide plenty of energy foodsyong hui’s restaurantnot giving enough energy foodsproviding plenty of fiber foodst: until now we have known what’s wrong with both restaurant. what does it matter if you only eat at one of the restaurant?s1:…s2:…s3:…t: you all have a point here. but what will they do? we will see it next period. facing the serious competiton wang wasn’t lost in sadness and he didn’t quarrel with his competitor either. he went to the library to learn more about healthy eating and made his menu better than yong hui’s menu. do you think we should follow his example?ss: yes.t: now let’s deal with some language points. turn to page 10, let’s look at the sentences:a.wang pengwei sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.this sentence means that the second action “feeling very frustrated”happened together with the main action “sat”. pay attention to the form (v-ing) of the second action.b. nothing could have been better.this sentence tells us that everything has worked out the way you would like. it’s a sentence that we can use in any situation.c. he couldn’t have yong hui getting away with telling people lies!this sentence means that he will punish yong hui for her telling lies.step ⅴhomework1.try to retell the text.2.prepare for the language learning and do using words and expressions on wb (page 49-50) 共8页,当前第4页12345678the second period language studystep ⅰrevision1.check the students’homework.2.ask some of the students to retell the text.step ⅱword studythis part is a consolidation of the words in the text. ask the students to do the exercise individually.t: now please open your books and turn to page 11. fill in the chart using the correct forms of the words which have the same root. next activity is to match the definitions with the words we have learnt form the text. i necessary, you can discuss with your partners.…step ⅲgrammarthe students will learn the usage of modal verbs. first try to make the students clear the functions of modal verbs, with the help of the practice 1on page 12. then give them some examples.t: please pick out all the sentences containing modal verbs in the text.a.by lunchtime they would have all be sold---it indicates possibility.b.his restaurant ought to be full of people.---it indicates possibility.c.what could have happened?--- it indicates possibility.d.nothing could have been better.--- it indicates possibility.e.something terrible must have happened if maochang was not coming to eat with him as he always did.---it indicates guessing.f.he could not believe his eyes. ---it indicates intension.g.he wonder if he should go to the library to find out ---it indicates duty.h.he wouldn’t have yong hui getting away with telling people lies!---it indicates intension.…step ⅳhomework1.review the rules of word formation and the meanings of modal verbs.2.prepare the using structure on page 50 by making a dialogue in pairs.the third period listeningstep ⅰrevision1.check the using structure on page 50.2.ask the students to make a short dialogue in pairs.step ⅱlistening( using language)the students will hear what wang pengwei did after leaving yonghui’s restaurant. ask the students to finish the chart and answer the questions.t: ok. we have studied the text and know neither of the restaurant supplied a balanced diet. let’s listen to the tape and see how the story went on. go through the text quickly on page 14.( play the tape. students write down the answers and check the answers with their partners.)t: now listen to it again and try to make sure your answers are right.energy-givingbody-buildingprotectivericemeatfruitnoodlesfishvegetablesnutstofubutter共8页,当前第5页12345678step ⅲlistening (wb p48)the students will heat a conversation between hong mei and the doctor. they are asked to do exercise according to the tape.t: doctor know that there are illnesses you may get if you do not eat properly. in the following part, we are going to listen to a dialogue. hong mei is going to see the doctor. let’s see how the doctor gives her some advice. listen carefully and do the exercises.red foods: stop (only a little)orange foods: be careful( some every day)green foods: go( more every day)butter, cream, nuts, cakes, foods fried in fatbread, noodles, rice, neat, cheese, egg, tofuall vegetables( potato, cabbage, carrots..)step ⅳhomework1.pre-view the reading(2) and reading task on page 52. see how the story ended.2.find some information about healthy eating on the internet.the fourth period extensive readingstep ⅰrevision1.check the homework2.share the information the students have got form the internet.step ⅱpre-readingask the students to read some proverbs and translate them into chinese. t: today we are going to see the end of the story. first, please look at the blackboard and try to translate the proverbs into chinese.a.you are what you eat.b.an apple a day keeps the doctor away.c.first wealth is health.the students discuss with their partners.a.人如其食.b.一天一个苹果,医生不来找我.c.健康是人生的第一财富.step ⅲreadingthe purpose of this reading is to complete the story of wang pengweiand yong hui and show the students that it is never too late to change bad eating habits and begin afresh. after the fast reading, let the students do the exercises on page 15. then let them match the words with their definitions.t: eating healthily means that no food in itself is good or bad. eating properly depends on eating the right variety of foods in the right amount. let’s read the passage quickly and say what they did with their menu. ask the students to report their work.what did they do?resultcombine their menu and provide a balanced one1.raw vegetables with hamburgers2.the boiled potatoes, not fried3.fresh fruit with ice cream1.cut down the fat2.increase the fibre3.a big successthen find the words from the text to match the definitions. definitionswordsstare angrily or fiercelyglaretake a long deep breathsighkeep alive in a certain styleearn one’s living 共8页,当前第6页12345678advantage or profitbenefitjoin or mix together to form a wholecombineowe a lot of moneyin debtstep ⅳhomework1.collect eating attitudes from the internet2.practice presenting reasons to support your ideas.the fifth period speakingstep ⅰrevisioncheck the students’homework.step ⅱwarming upt: work in pairs to act out the dialogue on page 13. one plays as the role of jane and the other plays the role of susan. you are shopping in a supermarket.first let the students make a good preparation themselves. then ask several pairs to act out the dialogue before the class. in this part the, tryto make the class get active.step ⅲtalkingif young people are too thin or too fat, it shows that they are not eating a balanced diet. so this exercise is to encourage the students to discuss how their diets may affect their quality of life.( divide the class into two groups: team a and team b.)t: now team a will take the role o f the patient who is worried about being too fat and has gone to the doctor for advice. team b will take the role of the doctor and advise the patient how to change his or her diet. here are some useful expressions. imagine what you will say to the doctor or patient. discuss with your group members.doctorpatientwhat’s the matter?what should i do ?how long have you been like this?what seem to be the trouble?i think you ought to..do you think you could give me some advice? perhaps you should…i suppose you had better…step ⅳspeaking taskthis is the opportunity for the students to discuss their reaction to the information they have received. it allows students to have their own point of view and to practice explaining why they think as they do.t: in the reading task we have read two speakers’arguments. now it is your turn to discuss what you have heard at the meeting in groups of four. two of ou argue for and two against building the restaurant. the following is useful to you. please look at the table.i don’t agreethat’s a good idea.i’m afraid notcertainly/ sure.of course not.all right.i don’t think so.no problem.yes, i think so.step ⅴhomework1.review the sentence structures, new words and expressions.2.imagine the old local restaurant has gone. what do you think should be built there. present the advantages of your idea.the sixth period writing and re-viewingstep ⅰrevisioncheck the homework and take a dictation.共8页,当前第7页12345678 step ⅱwritingthis is an opportunity for students to practice their persuasive writing skills and try to encourage others to support their point of view. the idea of a new library is chosen because it would be very useful in a town.t: you know, we have mad ea decision that we won’t build a mcdonal’s. but what do you think should be built on the land? can you write an article to support your idea? give you 20 minutes and finish your articles. pay attention to the orders.1.describe the new design2.draw a plan3.explain the advantages of your ideasunit three the million pound bank-noteteaching aims:1.talk about short stories and dramas.2.learn how to act out a play3.learn how to request and order food4.learn noun clauses as the object and predicative21————来源网络整理,仅供供参考the first period intensive readingstep i.warming up1.mark twain is probably one of the few american writers with whom students are already familiar. this exercise makes the teacher find out how much the students know about this writer and decide how much they need to know about the author before they read the play.t: do you know something about the american writer mark twain?ss: a little.t: today we will learn something about this great writer in the american history. now please read “about mark twain”on page 23 so that you can know more about him.3.students read the passage about mark twain and answer the questions given in the form on page 23.a.what’s the real name of mark twain?b.when was he born and when did he die?c.do you know all the places where he lived?d.can you name three of his famous stories?t: as we know, mark twain is known as a humorist during his life. and this————来源网络整理,仅供供参考22is reflected in the million pound bank-note. so, today we will learn some parts of this famous play.step ⅱpre-readingget the students to discuss the question with their partners and then ask them to report their work. encourage to express their opinions freely.t: if a rich person gives you a large amount of money to use as you like, for example, one million pound, what will you do? why?( students have a discussion on this question. whatever choice students make here, they should be ready to offer their classmates a good reason for it.)…t: i think all of you have a good idea. do you want to know what happened to henry adams in the million pound bank-note written by mark twain? have you ever read the story? so this class we will learn the story together.23————来源网络整理,仅供供参考。

作者高二频道为你整理了《高二上册英语教案范例》期望对你的学习有所帮助!1.高二上册英语教案范例教学目标Teaching Aims1. Language KnowledgeWords: theme, fantasy, swing, attraction, unique, carpenter, engine, preserve, knight, cartoon, bald, craftsman, fairy tale, sword, pirate, whichever, wherever, tournamentPhrases: be famous for be modelled after no wonder2. Language Skills⑴.To help Ss with the skills of remembering words.⑵ .To help the students develop their reading abil ity.⑶. To help the students learn about Theme parks.3. Affection and Attitude⑴. Let the students to understand what a theme park is.⑵ .Enable the students to learn about the various theme parks all over the world⑶.Develop student’s reading ability and let them learn different reading skills.教学重难点Key Points and Difficulties1. The main idea of each paragraph and a summary of the text.2. How to help the students develop their reading ability.教学进程Teaching ProceduresStep Ⅰ: GreetingsStep Ⅱ: Warming up by discussing1. Discussion (Cooperative discussion)Q1: Have you ever been to a park?Q2: What is a park? What is a park for?Q3: Can you describe them? What about the old ones?Q4: Have you ever been to a theme park?Q5: What do you think a theme park is?Q6: Do you know the differences between a theme park anda common park?(Then ask the students to look at the pictures on the screen and lead them to the topic of this module.)2. Vocabulary study(1). Learn the new words on page99 and give Ss some explanation of the difficult words.(2). Read the new words by themselves, and then ask the students to do some exercises about the new words.2.高二上册英语教案范例高中英语浏览课文具有题材广泛、文体各样、语言知识丰富等特点,是各单元教学的核心部分,也是培养学生浏览能力的主要渠道。

高二英语上册教案教案主题:高二英语上册教案教学目标:1. 通过本教案的教学活动,学生将能够理解和运用高级英语词汇、语法和句型,提高英语听说读写能力。
2. 帮助学生培养批判性思维、合作学习和自主学习的能力,以及跨文化交际和全球意识。
教学重点:1. 解读课文:通过阅读和理解课文,学生能够获取关键信息。
2. 词汇、语法和句型:通过学习和运用高级词汇、语法和句型,学生能够提高语言运用能力。
教学准备:1. 教材:高二英语上册教材,包括课文、词汇、语法和句型部分。
2. 音频材料:课文的录音和相关听力材料。
3. 多媒体设备:投影仪或电脑,用于呈现教案所需的图片、视频等辅助材料。
4. 学生练习册:提供给学生进行练习和巩固所学内容。
教学过程:一、导入(5分钟)1. 通过展示一张图片或播放一段与话题相关的视频,引起学生的兴趣和注意力。
2. 导入相关话题,鼓励学生进行讨论和思考,引出本课的主题。
二、课文阅读与理解(20分钟)1. 学生独立阅读课文,并回答与课文内容相关的问题。
2. 学生进行小组讨论,分享他们的答案和理解。
3. 教师与学生一起回顾、讨论和总结课文的关键信息。
三、词汇、语法和句型讲解(15分钟)1. 教师通过逐个解释和示范的方式,讲解本课所涉及的高级词汇、语法和句型。
2. 学生进行个别或小组练习,巩固所学的词汇、语法和句型。
四、听力训练(15分钟)1. 学生听取与课文内容相关的听力材料,并回答相关问题。
2. 学生与同伴进行听力对练,提高听力和口语表达能力。
五、任务型活动(20分钟)1. 学生根据所学的知识和技巧,完成一个任务,如写一篇短文、制作海报等。
2. 学生展示和交流他们的作品,通过合作学习和互动,提高表达能力和批判性思维。
六、作业布置(5分钟)1. 教师布置课后作业,包括阅读、写作或其他相关练习,巩固所学的知识和技能。
2. 学生提问和教师解答学生的疑问。

二、阅读技能目标1. 能获取和处理文章中的主要信息。
2. 能够掌握文中出现的重要的语言知识三、学习策略目标掌握速读、略读、猜测词义等阅读策略。
教学过程Step 1 Daily reportOne student comes to the front and gives a report about advantages and disadvantages of science and technology.Step 2 leading-inThe teacher shows some pictures and starts a discussion about cloning.Step 3 SkimmingTask 1: What’s the main idea of the passage?Task 2: Match the main idea with each paragraphPara 1: A. People’s attitude towards cloning.Para 2: B. The problems of Dolly.Para 3: C. The impact of Dolly.Para 4: D. Two major uses and the procedure of cloning.Para 5: E. The definition(定义)of cloning.Step 4 ScanningTask 1. Look through Para 2 and answer the following questions.(1) What are the two major uses of cloning?(2) Which one is easier, to make plant clones or animal clones?Task 2. Look through Para 3 and fill in the chart.Task 3. Do the following translation and word guessing.(1). Translation:On the other hand, Dolly’s appearance raised a storm of objections and had a great impact on the media and public imagination.(2). The word “controversial” in paragraph 4 probably means_________.A. complicatedB. arguableC. importantD. valuableTask4. Do the following Tor F questions based on Paragraph 5.1. People feared some evil leaders might use cloning to reach their goal.2. All the research into cloning will be forbidden.3. Religious leaders are in favor of human cloning.Step 5 Enjoy beautiful sentences1. Cloning plants is straightforward while cloning animals is very complicated.2. At last the determination and patience of thescientists paid off.3. The fact that she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging.Step 6 Question and answerThis part is for students to find if they still have questions. If there is any, they can ask their classmates to help them.Step 7 QuizNote: This part is very challenging. In the picture there are five numbers. Students can choose their lucky number and answer questions. Most of the questions are based on what they have learned in class.Step 8. Test yourselfFill in the blank with proper words.Cloning is a way of _______ (make) an exact copy of another animal or plant. It has two major uses. One is _______ gardeners use it to produce plants. The ______ is that it is valuable for medical research on animals. ________, the process of cloning is difficult ___________ (undertake).The first successful clone, Dolly the sheep, made the whole _________ (science) world follow its progress, though it had ________ problems than the normal sheep. On the otherhand, Dolly’s appearance _______ (raise) a storm of objections and had a great impact ______ the media and public imagination. Different people have different opinions on it. However, scientists still wonder ______ cloning will help or harm us and where it is leading us.Step 9 DebateTopic: Are you for or against cloning?课后小结HomeworkWrite a passage entitled My view on cloning.课后习题评测练习主要有两个。

高二英语上册全册教案3step ⅳpost-readingdo comprehending exercises and explain :a.a large amount of: a large quantity of; a great deal ofe.g. they bought a large amount of furniture before they moved their new house.b.make a bet: make an arrangement to risk money, etc. on an event of which the result is doubtful.e.g. we made a bet on the result of the match.c.permit sb to do something: allow somebody to do somethinge.g. my mother doesn’t permit me to ride in the street after it rained.d.by accident: as a result of chancee.g. i only found it by accident.e.stare at: look at somebody or something with the eyes wide open in a fixed gaze( in astonishment, wonder, fear, etc)f.to be honest: to tell you the truth; to be franke.g. to be honest, i don’t think we have a chance ofwinning.step ⅴhomework1.review the key sentences in this part2.preview the words in the second period.3.act out the play in groupsthe second period: actingstep i actingt: are you ready to act out the play now class?ss: yes.t: good. let’s welcome the first group and the second group please get prepared.…t: class, we should pay attention to some examples of mark twain’s humor in this scene, which will help us better understand the play and act it out more appropriately. do you agree with me?ss: yes, of course.step ii homeworkreview what we learned in this unitthe third period watching the movie the million pound banknoteunit 4 astronomy: the science of starsteaching aims:1. talk about the science of stars2. practise giving instructions4.learn to use noun clauses as the subject5.learn to write an essay to show your problems and the way to overcome them.。

【高二】高二英语上册全册教案2HalloweenThe ancient Druids 督伊德教(古代高卢人与不列颠人的一种宗教)的教徒 who inhabited what we now call Great Britain placed great importance on thepassing of one season to the next, holding "Fire Festivals" which were celebrated for three days (two days on either side of the day itself). One of these festivals was called Samhain (pronounced Sha-Von) and it took place on October 31 through to November 1. During this period, it was believed that the boundaries between our world and the world of the dead were weakened, allowing spirits of the recently dead to cross over and possess the living. In order to make themselves and their homes less inviting to these wayward spirits, the ancient Celts(凯尔特人)would douse (插入水中, 把弄熄, 弄湿)all their fires. There was also a secondary purpose to this, after extinguishing all theirfires, they would re-light them from a common source, the Druidic fire thatwas kept burning at Usinach, in the Middle of Ireland.Samhain was considered to be a gateway not only from the land of the deadto the land of the living, but also between Summer and Fall/Winter. For the Druids, this was the last gasp (喘息, 气喘)of summer (it was also the Celtic New Year), so therefore they made sure it went out with a bang before they had to button down (把...弄清楚)for the winter ahead.They would dress up in bizarre costumes and parade through their villages causing destruction in order to scare off any recently departed souls whomight be prowling (巡游)for bodies to inhabit, in addition to burninganimals and other offerings to the Druidic deities(神, 神性). It is also a popular belief that they would burn people who they believed to be possessed, but this has largely been debunked (揭穿, 拆穿假面具, 暴露)as myth.This tradition was later brought to the North American continent by Irish immigrants who were escaping the Potato Famine in their homeland. In additionto the festival itself, the immigrants brought several customs with them, including one of the symbols most commonly associated with Halloween -- the Jack 'O Lantern.According to Irish folklore, there once lived a man named Jack who was known for being a drunk and a prankster(顽皮的人, 爱开玩笑的人). One night Jack tricked the devil into climbing a tree, and quickly carved an image of a cross on the trunk, trapping the devil. Jack then made him promise that, inexchange for letting him out of the tree, the Devil would never tempt him tosin again. He reluctantly agreed, but was able to exact his revenge uponJack's death. Because of his mischievous ways in life, Jack was barred from entering heaven and because of his earlier trick, he was also barred from hell. So he was doomed to wander the earth until the end of time, with only a single ember(灰烬, 余烬) (carried in a hollowed out turnip.[植]芜箐, 芜箐甘蓝) to warm him and light his way. In Ireland, they originally also used turnips for their "Jack Lanterns", but upon arriving in the new world, they discoveredthat pumpkins were abundant and easier to carve out.EasterOn Good Friday, Jesus Christ was executed by crucifixion. His body was taken down from the cross, and buried in a cave. The tomb was guarded and an enormous stone was put over the entrance, so that no-one could steal the body. On the following Sunday, some women visited the grave and found that the stone had been moved, and that the tomb was empty. Jesus himself was seen that day, and for days afterwards by many people. His followers realised that God had raised Jesus from the dead.Hot Cross BunsHot Cross buns are still made all over England around Easter time. At one time, buns with a cross on them were made all through Lent. They were bannedby Oliver Cromwell and brought back again at the time of the Restoration. Fora time they were only available on Good Friday but now they can be boughtduring the month leading up to Easter. Whole meal hot cross buns are becoming more popular each year.The Easter EggAs with the Easter Bunny and the holiday itself, the Easter Egg predatesthe Christian holiday of Easter. The exchange of eggs in the springtime is a custom that was centuries old when Easter was first celebrated by Christians.From the earliest times, the egg was a symbol of rebirth in most cultures. Eggs were often wrapped in gold leaf or, if you were a peasant, coloredbrightly by boiling them with the leaves or petals of certain flowers.Today, children hunt colored eggs and place them in Easter baskets along with the modern version of real Easter eggs -- those made of plastic or chocolate candy.O-bon FestivalBon DanceDuring o-bon, bon odori (folk dances) are held all over Japan. The kind of dance varies from area to area. People wearing yukata (summer kimono) go tothe neighborhood shrine, temple, or park and dance around a yagura (stage) set up there. Anyone can participate in the dance. Join the circle and imitatewhat others are doing. Awa odori of Tokushima and bon odori at Yasukuni Shrine, Tokyo are very famous.Also, Toro Nagashi (floating paper lanterns) are held in some areas. Onthe evening of the 15th, people send off ancestor's spirits with a paper lantern, lit by a candle inside and floated down a river to the ocean. Fireworks displays (Hanabi-taikai) are often held during o-bon. It is atypical Japanese summer scene to see hanabi.Since o-bon is an important family gathering time, many people return to their hometowns during o-bon. Most businesses are closed during this time. Although it is crowded everywhere, it is common for many people take trips during o-bon, too. The beginning and end of o-bon are marked with terrible traffic jams. Airports, train stations, and highways are jammed with travelers.I recommend you do not travel around o-bon!Unit2 Healthy eatingTeaching Aims of this unit1.Talk about healthy eating2.Making suggestions or giving advice on diet3.Distinguish the meanings of Modal verbs4.Make a balanced menu5.Vocabulary:6.fiber,digestion,bean,slim,curiosity,lie,debt,glare,limit,benefit,item,protec tive get rid of, throw away, get away with, tell lies, earn one’s livin g in debt ,set out run one’s business ,carry on7.Speaking: Practice talking about your ideas; practice giving suggestions and advice, practiceseeing the doctor.8. The use o f ought toThe first period Warming up and readingStep Ⅰ Warming upReview the words of foods by showing their pictures. First, ask studentsto list the foods they like best. Then tick off 3 of them they eat most often. Second, show the three groups of foods and see which group their foods belong to. Third, ask the students to tell us in what ways their foods help them grow.Step Ⅱ Pre-readingGet the students to discuss the questions with their partners in this part. Then ask them to report their work. This part will help the studentsunderstand the text.T: Please look at the slide show and discuss the questions with your partners. Then I’ll ask you to report your work. Are you clear?Which food contains more…Examples of foodsAnswerSugarChocolate or grapesCakes or bananasChocolateCakesFatCream or riceChocolate or chickenCreamChocolateFiberPeas or nutsPork or cabbageNutsCabbageproteinPotato crisps or hamEggs or creamHameggsStep Ⅲ ReadingGet the students to comprehend the passage quickly and accurately and meanwhile help the students to form a good habit of reading. Give the students a couple o f minutes to look through the whole passage. Tell the students to read the text silently and then ask for the main idea of the text on the slide show with their partners. Encourage the students to express their ideas.1.Fast readingIn this part ask the students to read the text quickly for the first time and find out the main idea of the text. Then ask them to read the text again carefully to obtain some details. Before reading show the tasks and let the students read the tasks first. This text will help them have a good understanding of the text.a.The two restaurants supplied the healthy diet.b.The reason why Yong Hui’s restaurant was so popular with customers.c.Wang Pengwei found out why he had lost his customers and decided to win them back2.Careful readingT: Now it is time for us to read the text carefully and decide which sentences are true. Then correct the false ones. First read the sentences.ually Wang Pengwei’s restaurant was full of people. (T )b.Yong Hui served a balanced diet. ( F)c.Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet.(F)d.Wang Pengwei’s customers often became fat after eating in his reataurant. (T)e.Yong Hui’s menu gives them energy foods. (F )f.Wang Pengwei’s menu gives tem foods containing fiber. (F )g.Wang Pengwei admired Yong Hui’s restaurant when he saw the menu. (F )h.Wang Pengwei decided to copy Yong Hui’s menu. (F )Step Ⅳ ComprehendingBy now, the students have had a further understanding of the text. Let the students read the text again and find out the differences between the two restaurant.T: Now please read the text again and fill in the chart together with your partner.disadvantagesadvantagesWang Pengwei’s restaurantNot giving enou gh foods containing fiberProvide plenty of energy foodsYong Hui’s restaurantNot giving enough energy foodsProviding plenty of fiber foodsT: Until now we have known what’s wrong with both restaurant. What doesit matter if you only eat at one of the restaurant?S1:…S2:…S3:…T: You all have a point here. But what will they do? We will see it next period. Facing the serious competiton Wang wasn’t lost in sadness and he didn’t quarrel with his competitor either. He went to the librar y to learn more about healthy eating and made his menu better than Yong Hui’s menu. Do you think we should follow his example?Ss: Yes.T: Now let’s deal with some language points. Turn to page 10, let’s look at the sentences:a.Wang Pengwei sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.This sentence means that the second action “ feeling very frustrated” happened together with the main action “sat”. Pay attention to the form (v-ing) of the second action.b. Nothing could have been better.This sentence tells us that everything has worked out the way you would like. It’s a sentence that we can use in any situation.c. He couldn’t have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!This sentence means that he will punish Yong Hui for her telling lies.Step Ⅴ Homework1.Try to retell the text.2.Prepare for the language learning and do Using words and Expressions on WB (Page 49-50)The second period Language studyStep ⅠRevision1.Check the students’ homework.2.Ask some of the students to retell the text.Step Ⅱ Word studyThis part is a consolidation of the words in the text. Ask the students to do the exercise individually.T: Now please open your books and turn to page 11. Fill in the chart using the correct forms of the words which have the same root. Next activity is to match the definitions with the words we have learnt form the text. I necessary, you can discuss with your partners.…Step Ⅲ GrammarThe students will learn the usage of modal verbs. First try to make the students clear the functions of modal verbs, with the help of the practice 1on page 12. Then give them some examples.T: Please pick out all the sentences containing modal verbs in the text.a.By lunchtime they would have all be sold---It indicates possibility.b.His restaurant ought to be full of people.---It indicates possibility.c.What could have happened?--- It indicates possibility.d.Nothing could have been better.--- It indicates possibility.e.Something terrible must have happened if Maochang was not coming to eat with him as he always did.---It indicates guessing.f.He could not believe his eyes. ---It indicates intension.g.He wonder if he should go to the library to find out ---It indicates duty.h.He wouldn’t have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!---It indicates intension.…Step Ⅳ Homework1.Review the rules of word formation and the meanings of modal verbs.2.Prepare the Using Structure on page 50 by making a dialogue in pairs.The third period ListeningStep Ⅰ Revision1.Check the using structure on page 50.2.Ask the students to make a short dialogue in pairs.Step Ⅱ Listening( using language)The students will hear what Wang Pengwei did after leaving YongHui’s restaurant. Ask the students to finish the chart and answer the questions.T: OK. We have studied the text and know neither of the restaurant supplied a balanced diet. Let’s listen to the tape and see how the story went on. Go through the text quickly on page 14.( Play the tape. Students write down the answers and check the answers with their partners.)T: Now listen to it again and try to make sure your answers are right.Energy-givingBody-buildingProtectiveRiceMeatFruitNoodlesFishvegetablesNutsTofubutterStep Ⅲ Listening (WB P48)The students will heat a conversation between Hong Mei and the doctor. They are asked to do exercise according to the tape.T: Doctor know that there are illnesses you may get if you do not eat properly. In the following part, we are going to listen to a dialogue. Hong Mei is going to see the doctor. Let’s see how the doctor gives her some advice. Listen carefully and do the exercises.Red foods: stop (Only a little)Orange foods: be careful( some everyday)Green foods: go( more every day)Butter, cream, nuts, cakes, foods fried in fatBread, noodles, rice, neat, cheese, egg, tofuAll vegetables( potato, cabbage, carrots..)Step Ⅳ Homework1.Pre-view the reading(2) and reading task on Page 52. See how the story ended.2.Find some information about healthy eating on the Internet.The fourth period Extensive readingStep ⅠRevision1.Check the homework2.Share the information the students have got form the Internet.Step Ⅱ Pre-readingAsk the students to read some proverbs and translate them into Chinese.T: Today we are going to see the end of the story. First, please look at the blackboard and try to translate the proverbs into Chinese.a.You are what you eat.b.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.c.First wealth is health.The students discuss with their partners.a.人如其食.b.一天一个苹果,医生不来找我.c.健康是人生的第一财富.Step Ⅲ ReadingThe purpose of this reading is to complete the story of Wang Pengwei and Yong Hui and show the students that it is never too late to change bad eating habits and begin afresh. After the fast reading, let the students do the exercises on page 15. Then let them match the words with their definitions.T: Eating healthily means that no food in itself is good or bad. Eating properly depends on eating the right variety of foods in the right amount. Let’s read the passage quickly and say what they did with their menu.Ask the students to report their work.What did they do?ResultCombine their menu and provide a balanced one1.raw vegetables with hamburgers2.the boiled potatoes, not fried3.fresh fruit with ice cream1.cut down the fat2.increase the fibre3.a big successThen find the words from the text to match the definitions.DefinitionswordsStare angrily or fiercelyGlareTake a long deep breathSighKeep alive in a certain styleEarn one’s livingAdvantage or profitBenefitJoin or mix together to form a wholeCombineOwe a lot of moneyIn debtSt ep Ⅳ Homework1.Collect eating attitudes from the Internet2.Practice presenting reasons to support your ideas.The fifth period SpeakingStep ⅠRevisionCheck the students’homework.Step Ⅱ Warming upT: Work in pairs to act out the dialogue on page 13. One plays as the role of Jane and the other plays the role of Susan. You are shopping in a supermarket.First let the students make a good preparation themselves. Then ask several pairs to act out the dialogue before the class. In this part the, try to make the class get active.Step Ⅲ TalkingIf young people are too thin or too fat, it shows that they are not eating a balanced diet. So this exercise is to encourage the students to discuss how their diets may affect their quality of life.( Divide the class into two groups: team A and team B.)T: Now team A will take the role o f the patient who is worried about being too fat and has gone to the doctor for advice. Team B will take the role of the doctor and advise the patient how to change his or her diet. Here aresome useful expressions. Imagine what you will say to the doctor or patient. Discuss with your group members.DoctorPatientWhat’s the matter?What should I do ?How long have you been like this?What seem to be the trouble?I think you ought to..Do you think you could give me some advice?Perhaps you should…I suppose you had better…Step Ⅳ Speaking taskThis is the opportunity for the students to discuss their reaction to the information they have received. It allows students to have their own point of view and to practice explaining why they think as they do.T: In the reading task we have read two speakers’arguments. Now it is your turn to discuss what you have heard at the meeting in groups of four. Two of ou argue for and two against building the restaurant. The following is useful to you. Please look at the table.I don’t agreeThat’s a good idea.I’m afraid notCertainly/ Sure.Of course not.All right.I don’t think so.No problem.Yes, I think so.Step Ⅴ Homework1.Review the sentence structures, new words and expressions.2.Imagine the old local restaurant has gone. What do you think should be built there. Present the advantages of your idea.The sixth period Writing and re-viewingStep ⅠRevisionCheck the homework and take a dictation.Step Ⅱ WritingThis is an opportunity for students to practice their persuasive writing skills and try to encourage others to support their point of view. The idea of a new library is chosen because it would be very useful in a town.T: You know, we have mad ea d ecision that we won’t build a Mcdonal’s. But what do you think should be built on the land? Can you write an article to support your idea? Give you 20 minutes and finish your articles. Pay attention to the orders.1.Describe the new design2.Draw a plan3.explain the advantages of your ideasUnit Three The Million Pound Bank-NoteTeaching aims:1.Talk about short stories and dramas.2.Learn how to act out a play3.Learn how to request and order food4.Learn noun clauses as the object and predicativeThe first period Intensive readingStep I.Warming up1.Mark Twain is probably one of the few American writers with whom students are already familiar. This exercise makes the teacher find out how much the students know about this writer and decide how much they need to know about the author before they read the play.T: Do you know something about the American writer Mark Twain?Ss: A little.T: Today we will learn something about this great writer in the American history. Now please read “About Mark Twain” on page 23 so that you can know more about him.3.Students read the passage about Mark Twain and answer the questions given in the form on page 23.a.What’s the real name of Mark Twain?b.When was he born and when did he die?c.Do you know all the places where he lived?d.Can you name three of his famous stories?T: As we know, Mark Twain is known as a humorist during his life. And this is reflected in THE MILLION POUND BANK-NOTE. So, today we will learn some parts of this famous play.Step ⅡPre-readingGet the students to discuss the question with their partners and then ask them to report their work. Encourage to express their opinions freely.T: If a rich person gives you a large amount of money to use as you like, for example, one million pound, what will you do? Why?( Students have a discussion on this question. Whatever choice students make here, they should be ready to offer their classmates a good reason for it.)…感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

Unit 1 Making a differenceTeaching Goals:1. Talk about science and Scientists2. Learn more about the Infinitive3. Practise describing people and debatingTeaching Time: 6 periodsThe First PeriodTeaching Aims:1. Learn and master the following words:Inspiration, perspiration, undertake, analysis, obvious, within, quote2. Talk about science and scientists.3. Listen to the description of some scientists.4. Do some speaking, describing people and debating.Teaching Important Points:1. Train the students’ listening ability by listening practice.2. Train the students’ speaking ability by talking about science and scientists, describing people and debating.Teaching Difficult Points:1. How to improve the students’ listening ability.2. How to help students finish the task of speaking.Teaching Methods:1. Warming up to arouse the students’ interest in science.2. Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through the listening material.3. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids: 1. a multimedia 2.a tape recorder 3.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step I Warming up1.T: There are many outstanding scientists in the world, who made great contributions to society and science. Now look at the pictures on page 1, tell me what are these scientists famous for? (Bb) Scientists ContributionsMaria Curie Radium /PoloniumAlbert Einstein The Theory of Relativity…2.T: Well done. I think you are all interested in science and scientists. What do you think makes a successful scientist? Have a discussion in pairs or groups of four. Then report the results of your discussion.(It is the way he uses his tools that makes a successful scientist.A successful scientist must have much imagination and intelligence and he must be creative and hard-working.A successful scientist must be confident, curious and careful. But what I like to know is whatmade him/her interested in science…)T: Now look at the quotes on page 1.do you know what they mean? And do you agree?天才就是百分之九十九的汗水加上百分之一的灵感。

高二英语上册全册优秀教案高二英语上册全册优秀教案Unit 1 Festivals arund the DiscussStep Ⅲ Useful StructuresStep Ⅲ Discussin and writingAdded aterial:Thansgiving DaFurth Thursda in Nveber is celebrated as ‘Thansgiving Da’ Peple than Gd fr his blessings. Peple can ‘Than’ friends, fes and anne fr the experiences, happiness and sunshine the bring int their lives. Pilgris celebrated the first Thansgiving Da in Aerica during the sed winter in the new wrld. The first winter had been bad as nearl half f the peple had perished due t lac f fd and bad weather. But the fllwing ear, with the help f Indians wh shwed the hw t plant Indian crn, the pilgris had suessful harvest. Gvernr Willia Bradfrd decided that Deceber 13, 1621 be set asidefr feasting and praer. The Indians were invited t share the festival. Since than, Thansgiving Da is been celebrated in Aerica. Hwever, it was nl in 1941, the Cngress in a int reslutin naed the furth Sunda in Nveber as the fficial Thansgiving Da.Dating bac, it is nwn that the Cuncil thught t appint and set apart the 29th da f une, as a da f Slen Thansgiving and praise t Gd fr his Gdness and Favur. The FirstThansgiving Prclaatin was hwever n une 20, 1676. The gverning cuncil f Charlestwn, Massachusetts, held a eetingt deterine hw best t express thans fr the gd frtune thathad seen their cunit securel established. B unanius vte the instructed Edward Rawsn, the cler, t prclai une 29 as a daf thansgiving, It is als nwn that the Pilgris set grund at Pluth Rc n Deceber 11, 1620. Their first winter was devastating. At the beginning f the fllwing fall, the hadlst 46 f the riginal 102 wh sailed n the Maflwer. But the harvest f 1621 was a buntiful ne. And the reaining clnists decided t celebrate with a feast -- including 91 Indians wh had helped the Pilgris survive their first ear. It is believed that the Pilgris wuld nt have ade it thrugh theear withut the help f the natives The feast was re f a traditinal English harvest festival than a true "thansgiving" bservance. It lasted three das.Thansgiving, as we nw it tda, has ce a lng wa fr the Pilgri's harvest festival in 1621. It is an event that sees, as each ear ges b, t reinvent itself and t expand itseaning t larger vistas. Mabe this is the real significancef the asin; fr as we tinue t change and grw as a peple, there are an increasing nuber f things fr which we can be thanful.。

高二年级英语上册教案1.高二年级英语上册教案Teaching AimsKnowledge a nd Skills:1. Ge t to know about Canada.2.Grasp some reading skills.3.Stimulate the Ss’ interest and love for learning about foreign countries.Strategy and Method:1.Train the students’fastreading ability.2.Train the students’ ability to co operate with others.教学重难点Main points:1. Introduce the information of Canada to the students.2.Train the students’reading ability —skimming,and listening abilityDifficult point:Learn different reading skil ls for different reading purposes.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程Step1. Readin g&GreetingStep2. Leading in and Warming Up1.Free talk: Do you like to go sightseeing?Which country do you like to visit?What can you see in these countries?2.QuizStep3. Fast reading1.what is“the true north”?It refers to “the crossCanada train.”2.Draw the route of the two girls’ traveling across CanadaStep4. Careful reading(T&F)Step5. Consoli dationListening & SummaryFill in the blank and retell the story2.高二年级英语上册教案一、教材分析本课是高二英语第四模块的第一课时,主要内容包括了与话题相关的词汇拓展,对新词汇的学习和运用,和与学生生活贴近的相关信息的阅读和讨论,采用任务型教学法和小组合作探究学习法,从而扩大课堂的语料输入量及学生的语言输出量。

高二英语上册全册教案1 Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld.Teachingaimsofthisunit Talkaboutfestivalsandcelebrations Talkaboutthewaystoexpressrequestandthanks Learntousemodalverbs writeasimilarstorywithadifferentending 2.Sentencepatterns:Request:could/wouldyouplease…?couldIhave…?couldwelookat…?Ilookforwardto…mayIsee…?Thanks:It’sverykindofyou…Thankyouverymuch/Thanksalot.I’dloveto.Itwasapleasure…Don’tmentionit.youaremostwelcome.3.modalverbs:maymight,cancouldwillwouldshallshouldmustcanThefirstperiodSpeaking.Teachingaims:Vocabulary:takeplace,lunar,festival,ArmyDay,christm as,dressupPhrases:wouldyoulike…couldIhave…?mightIofferhelp…?mayIsee…?youshouldtry…couldwelikeat…?canyousuggest…?wemighttake…TeachingProceduresStepILeadinginT:Hello,everybody!welcomebacktoschool!Didyouhaveago odtimeinyourwinterholidays?Ss.yes.ofcourse!T:whendidyoufeelmosthappyandexcited?Ss:AttheSpringFestival.T:whocantelluswhy?Anyvolunteers?S1:Becauseitisthemostimportantfestivalinourcountry.S2:BecauseIgotalotofluckymoneyfrommyparents.S3:BecauseIneedn’tstudyatfestivalsandtherewasalotofdeliciousfoodtoea t.Howgreat.S4:BecauseImetmycousinsandfriendswhoIhadn’tseenforalongtime.T.Veryfood!Iamgladtohearthat.Todaywewilltalkaboutfe stivals,whicharemeanttocelebrateimportantevents.Ple asethinkaboutsomeotherfestivals.canyounamejustafew?Ss:Newyear,yuanxiaofestival…:T:Quiteright.That’scalledtheLantern’sFestival.Howaboutsomeotherfestivals?Ss:TheArmyDay,InternationalLabour’sDay,NationalDay,TombSweepingFestival,DragonBoatFes tival,mid-autumnDay…T:youhavedoneagoodjob,boysandgirls!.StepⅡwarming–upFestivalsaremeanttocelebrateimportantevents.Differe ntcountrieshavedifferentfestivals.workingroupsandlo stfivechinesefestivalsthatyouknow.Discusswhentheyta keplace,whattheycelebrateandonethingthatpeopledoatt hattime.Thefirstoneisgiventoyouasanexample.FestivalsTimeofyear/datewhatdoesitcelebratewhatdopeopledomid-AutumnFestivalAutumn/FallThebeautyofthefullmoon,harvest,timewithfamilyandfriendsGive/Eatmooncakesandwatchthefullmoonwithfamilyandfr iendsStepⅢPre-readingDiscussingroupsoffour.what’syourfavouriteholidayoftheyear?why?2.whatfestivalsorcelebrationsdoyouenjoyinyourcityorto wn?Doyoulikespendingfestivalswithyourfamilyorwithfr iends?whatpartofafestivaldoyoulikebest---themusic,t hethingstosee,thevisitsorthefood?StepⅣAssignment.consolidation2.Listeningtothematerialagainafterclasstobefamiliarwi thit.3.Homework:collectasmuchinformationaboutfestivalsaspo ssible.ThesecondperiodReadingTeachingAims.Vocabulary:starve,starvation,plenty,satisfyanc estorlampsleadfeastboneorigininmemoryofdressuptrick poetarrivalnationalgainindependencegatheragriculturalEuropeancustomawa rdswatermelonhandsomeroosteradmirelookforwardtoreli giousasthoughhavefunwithdaily2.Toenablethestudentstoknowtheearliestfestivalswith reasonsforthemandfourdifferentkindsoffestivalsthatoccurinmostpartsofthew orld3.ToenablethestudentstomastersomeEnglishexpressions andphrasesaboutfestivals.4.Teachthebasicreadingskills:skimmingandscanning.5.Trytocompareandmakeconclusionsofdifferentfestivals.StepⅠRevision.Greetings.2.Reviewthenewwordsofthispart.3.checkthestudents’homework---festivalsStepⅡReading1.ScanningT:openyourbooksandturntopageone.I’dlikeyoutodothescanning.Readthetextquicklyandaccura telytogetthemainideaandanswerthe6questionsonPage3.2.IntensivereadingT:Readthetextloudlyforasecondtimeandthemtrytotellif thesesentencesareTrueorFalse.1.Theancientpeopleneedn’tworryabouttheirfood.2.Halloweenusedtobeafestivalintendedtohonorthedead.3.Quyuanwasagreatpoetwhopeoplehonoralotinchina.4.mid-autumnFestivalisheldtocelebratetheendotautumn5.Eastercelebratesthebirthofjesus.3.ReadinganddiscussionT:ReadthetextathirdtimeandthenworkimpairstodoExerci se2onPage3.4.ExplanationT:NowIwilldiscusssomeimportantsentencesandphrasesin thepassage.a.Somefestivalsareheldtohonorthedead,orsatisfyandplea setheancestors,whocouldreturneithertohelportodoharm.b.Inmemoryofc.InIndiathereisanationalfestivalonoctober2tohonormah atmaGandhi,theleaderwhohelpedgainIndia’sindependencefromBritain.d.Peoplearegratefulbecausetheirfoodisgatheredforthewi nter,andbecauseaseasonofagriculturalworkisover.e.Themostenergeticandimportantfestivalsaretheonesthat lookforwardtotheendofwinterandtothecomingofspring.f.Thecountryiscoveredwithcherryflowerssothatitlooksas thoughitmightbecoveredwithpinksnow.Thesuggestedexplanation:a.Anattributiveclause.Thesentencemeanspeopleholdsomefestivalseithertoshow respecttothedeadortomaketheirancestorshappyincaseth eymightcomebacktodoharm.b.inmemoryof…servingtorecallsb,tokeephimfreshinpeople’minds.Hewroteapoeminmemoryofhisdearestwife,whodiedinanacc ident.inhonorofinhopes/thehopeofindefenceofc.anounphrasefollowedbyanattributiveclauseastheapposi tived.twoclausesforreasone.energy→energeticadj.lookforwardtodevoteto,be/getusedto,getdownto,sticktoe.g.I’mlookingforwardtohearingfromyou.StepⅢListeningT:NowIwillplaythetapeforyou.youcanjustlistenwithyou rbooksclosedorlookatyourbooksorreadinalowvoicetoget herwiththetape.It’suptoyou.Afterlistening,pleasewritedownthreethingst hatmostfestivalsseemtohaveincommon..ThethirdperiodLearningaboutlanguageTeachingaims:.Letthestudentsknowtheusageofmodalverbs.2.Enablethestudentstorecognizethewordsandexpressionsi nthereadingpassageaccordingtowhatmeanthesameasthem.StepⅠGreetingandRevisionStepⅡ.PracticingtheusefulwordsandexpressionsT:Asweknow,therearetwoimportantkindsofverbs---trans itiveverbsandintransitiveverbs.Butmanyintransitivev erbshavethestructure“verb+preposition+objects”canyougivemesomeexamples?Ss:Sure.Suchaslookatthepicture,hearfrommyfriends,li stentotheradioandsoon.T:ok.Nowturntopage4,Ex.4.youaretomakesomesentenceso fyourown,usingthewordsgiven.S1.I’mlookingforwardtohearingformmyfriendS2:wearetalkingaboutverbs.S3:wouldyouliketotalkwithme?S4:whocanthinkofaneffectivesolutiontotheproblem?S5:Pleasethinkaboutmyproposal.StepⅢUsefulStructuresT:Let’scometothenextpart.Thispartisaboutmodalverbs.youare toreadthesentencesinEx.1andthentofindoutandwritedow ndifferentsentenceswithmodalverbsformthereadingpass ageandtrytoexplaintheirmeanings.Ifyouhaveanydifficu ltyinunderstandingthemyoucanrefertoGrammarinPages92StepⅣSummingupandhomeworkT:Boysandgirls,todaywehavepracticedusefulwordsandph rasesofthisunitandtheusageofmodalverbs.Ithinkitisno teasyforyoutomasterthem,afterclassyoushouldreviewth em.Homework.PracticeofwBP42EX.1,2,3.2.Pleasefindout10sentenceswithmodalverbs,andtrytogett heirmeanings.ThefourthperiodListeningTeachingaims:.Vocabulary:gowith,thebigbands,musicians,overandover again,forsale,getusedto,thewinnersofthisyear’sawardsforthebestcostumesEnablethestudentstoknowhowtogetthekeywordstounderst andtheconversationaboutthecarnivalparade,totalkabou tsthhappenedandexpressrequestandthanks.StepⅠRevisionAftercheckingthewBEx.1,2,3theteacheraskthestudentst ogiveexamplesaboutmodalverbsandtrytoexplainthem.StepⅡwarmingupT:Bytheway,what’sthetopicofthisunit?Ss:Festivalsaroundtheworld.T:wouldyouliketoknowsomethingmoreaboutfestivalsarou ndtheworld?Ss:ofcourse.T:NowIwillshowyouseveralpictures.what’sthefestivalcalled?Ss:carnival.T:yes.Thisclasswewilllistentoadialogueaboutcarnival s.Firstlookthroughthefourquestionsinlisteningparttofindoutthelisteningpoints.StepⅢListeningT:Iwillplaythetapeforyoutwice.Pleaselistencarefully andpaymuchattentiontotheimportantpoints.Forthefirst timeyouaretomakenotesbesidethequestions.Forthesecon dtime,youshouldwritedowntheanswersandthencheckthemw ithyourpartners.StepⅣSpeakingThispartisintendedtogivethestudentstheopportunityto practiceatelephoneconversationusingthefunctionalite msforrequestsandthanks.ThepoliteformofEnglishareimp ortantandshouldbepracticedinavarietyofsituations.StepⅤListeningtaskT:Thereareabout10minutesleft.Let’scometolisteningtask.Turntopage43andlookatthepictures.Theyhavesomethingincommon.cany oufinditout?Ss:Theyareallaboutfestivalsboutthedead.T:That’sright.Iwillplaythetapeforyou.Forthefirsttimeyousho uldtrytowritedownthenameofthecountrywherethefestivalareheld .ForthenexttwotimesyoushoulddoEx2.youcanmakeabriefn otefirstandthencompletethechart,accordingtowhichyou canmakeareport.ThefifthperiodExtensivereadingTeachingaims:.Vocabulary:heart-broken,turnup,keepone’sword,holdone’sbreath,drownone’ssadnessincoffee,setofffor,remindsomebodyofsomethin g,2.Learntocomparethefestivalsinchinaandinwesterncountr ies.StepⅠRevisioncheckhomeworkStepⅡReadingT:Asweknow,thereareallkindsoffestivalsaroundtheworl d.wehavetalkedabouttwochinesefestivalsforthedead.To daywearegoingtireadasadstory,whichistointroduceacro ssculturalviewoflovers’festival—QiQiaoandValentine’sDay.Nowpleasereaditquicklyandfindoutthesentencebel owaretrueorfalse.ThegirlLiFanglovedandwaitedbutshedidn’tturnup.Buthedidn’tloseheart.Becausehermostlovelydaughtergotmarriedtoahumansecre tly,theGoddessgotveryangry..ZhinvwasmadetoreturntoHeavenwithoutherhusband.Theyw ereallowedtomeetonceayearontheseventhdayofthetenthl unarmonth,.HujinhadbeenwaitingforLiFangforalongtimewithagiftfo rhim..T:Ithinkyouhavegotthegeneralideaofthepassage.Nowple asereadthepassageoncemoreandanswerthequestionsonPag e8.Somelanguagepoints:.turnup:appear2.keepherword:keepherpromise3.holdhisbreath:waitwithoutmuchhope4.drownone’ssadness/sorrowincoffee:drinkcoffeeinordertoforgett hesadness/sorrow5.remindsbofsth:makesbthinkofsthStepⅢDiscussionandwritingT:That’sforthereadingpartofthepassage.Pleasethinkaboutthee ndingofthestory.Areyousatisfiedwiththeending?Differ entpeoplehavedifferentopinionstoamatter.Nowanyoneof youhaveanopportunitytomakeupanendingtothestory.Plea seengageimaginativelyinthestoryanduseyourownideas.T rytousethevocabularyandstructuresyouhavelearnedofyo ulike.StepⅣReadingT:Let’scometoanotherpassageaboutcarnivalinQuebec.Pleasetu rntoPage44,readitquicklyandanswerthequestionsinPage 45.Fiveminutesforyou.Addedmaterial:ThanksgivingDayFourthThursdayinNovemberiscelebratedas ‘ThanksgivingDay’PeoplethankGodforhisblessings.Peoplecan‘Thank’friends,foesandanyonefortheexperiences,happinessand sunshinetheybringintotheirlives.Pilgrimscelebratedt hefirstThanksgivingDayinAmericaduringthesecondwinte rinthenewworld.Thefirstwinterhadbeenbadasnearlyhalf ofthepeoplehadperishedduetolackoffoodandbadweather. Butthefollowingyear,withthehelpofIndianswhoshowedth emhowtoplantIndiancorn,thepilgrimshadsuccessfulharv ernorwilliamBradforddecidedthatDecember13,16 21besetasideforfeastingandprayer.TheIndianswereinvi tedtosharethefestival.Sincethan,ThanksgivingDayisbe encelebratedinAmerica.However,itwasonlyin1941,theco ngressinajointresolutionnamedthefourthSundayinNovem berastheofficialThanksgivingDay.Datingback,itisknownthatthecouncilthoughttoappointa ndsetapartthe29thdayofjune,asadayofSolemnThanksgivi ngandpraisetoGodforhisGoodnessandFavour.TheFirstTha nksgivingProclamationwashoweveronjune20,1676.Thegov erningcouncilofcharlestown,massachusetts,heldameeti ngtodeterminehowbesttoexpressthanksforthegoodfortun ethathadseentheircommunitysecurelyestablished.Byuna nimousvotetheyinstructedEdwardRawson,theclerk,topro claimjune29asadayofthanksgiving,Itisalsoknownthatth ePilgrimssetgroundatPlymouthRockonDecember11,1620.T heirfirstwinterwasdevastating.Atthebeginningofthefo llowingfall,theyhadlost46oftheoriginal102whosailedo nthemayflower.Buttheharvestof1621wasabountifulone.A ndtheremainingcolonistsdecidedtocelebratewithafeast --including91IndianswhohadhelpedthePilgrimssurvivet heirfirstyear.ItisbelievedthatthePilgrimswouldnotha vemadeitthroughtheyearwithoutthehelpofthenativesThe feastwasmoreofatraditionalEnglishharvestfestivaltha natrue"thanksgiving"observance.Itlastedthreedays.Thanksgiving,asweknowittoday,hascomealongwayfromthe学习永无止境Pilgrim'sharvestfestivalin1621.Itisaneventthatseems ,aseachyeargoesby,toreinventitselfandtoexpanditsmea ningtolargervistas.maybethisistherealsignificanceof theoccasion;foraswecontinuetochangeandgrowasapeople ,thereareanincreasingnumberofthingsforwhichwecanbet hankful.专业的学习。


今天小编在这给大家整理了高二英语教案大全,接下来随着小编一起来看看吧!高二英语教案(一)UNIT4 ENGLISH POETRY县三中覃巧Time: October 21 ,2010Class: Class 1,Grade 2Teaching Aims:1. Train the students’ reading ability2. Learn more about English poetry through the passageTeaching important and difficult point:How to help the students improve their reading ability and understand the text better.Teaching methods:1. Discussion2.Fast reading3. Careful readingTeaching aid: ComputerTeaching Procedures:StepI Greetings and Duty reportStepII Lead—in1. Play a Chinese poem for students and then ask students to think aboutthe Chinese poets who the students have known.2. Use five minutes to discuss them with students together.StepIII Read the new words of this unitStep IV Reading1. Play the Mp3 of the text and ask students to read the textquickly .Then find out how many English poets arementioned in the passage? Who are they ?2. Read the passage again carefully and then do the exercises on thescreen.3. Ask some students to give their answers.Step V SummeryStep VI Homework1. Ask the students to the text as much as possible and then payattention to the new words in the text.2. Find out the answers what do the words in bold refer to in thepassage.高二英语教案(二)【本课学习目标】:阅读课文“A short story of western painting”,帮助学生认识国画和西洋画的不同特征、代表性作品及画家。

Unit 1 Making a differenceTeaching Goals:1. Talk about science and Scientists2. Learn more about the Infinitive3. Practise describing people and debatingTeaching Time: 6 periodsThe First PeriodTeaching Aims:1. Learn and master the following words:Inspiration, perspiration, undertake, analysis, obvious, within, quote2. Talk about science and scientists.3. Listen to the description of some scientists.4. Do some speaking, describing people and debating.Teaching Important Points:1. Train the students‘ listening ability by listening practice.2. Train the students‘ speaking ability by talking about science and scientists, describing people and debating.Teaching Difficult Points:1. How to improve the students‘ listening ability.2. How to help students finish the task of speaking.Teaching Methods:1. Warming up to arouse the students‘ interest in science.2. Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through the listening material.3. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids: 1. a multimedia 2.a tape recorder 3.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step I Warming up1.T: There are many outstanding scientists in the world, who made great contributions to society and science. Now look at the pictures on page 1, tell me what are these scientists famous for? (Bb) Scientists ContributionsMaria Curie Radium /PoloniumAlbert Einstein The Theory of Relativity…2.T: Well done. I think you are all interested in science and scientists. What do you think makes a successful scientist? Have a discussion in pairs or groups of four. Then report the results of your discussion.(It is the way he uses his tools that makes a successful scientist.A successful scientist must have much imagination and intelligence and he must be creative and hard-working.A successful scientist must be confident, curious and careful. But what I like to know is whatmade him/her interested in science…)T: Now look at the quotes on page 1.do you know what they mean? And do you agree?天才就是百分之九十九的汗水加上百分之一的灵感。

高二英语上册全册教案3高二英语上册全册教案3Step Ⅲhile reading1SanningGet the students t prehend the hle sene quil and auratel and eanhile help the fr a gd habit f reading Give the students se tie t read thrugh the senes and then anser se questinsaH did Henr Adas e t England?bhere did Henr r befre? H uh did he have?hat did the t gentleen give Henr?dhen an Henr pen the letter2After the students disuss the questins and then he the ansers ith the hle lassT: Listen t the tape and tr t find ut the harateristis f the hle passageSs: This is part f a pla S, the narratin is ritten in the present tenseT: All f u have dne a gd b Next, let’s read the sene again and d se exerises Step ⅣPst-readingD prehending exerises and explain :aa large aunt f: a large quantit f; a great deal feg The bught a large aunt f furniture befre the ved their ne husebae a bet: ae an arrangeent t ris ne, et n an event f hih the result is dubtful eg e ade a bet n the result f the athperit sb t d sething: all sebd t d sethingeg ther desn’t perit e t ride in the street after it raineddb aident: as a result f haneeg I nl fund it b aidentestare at: l at sebd r sething ith the ees ide pen in a fixed gaze( in astnishent, nder, fear, et)ft be hnest: t tell u the truth; t be franeg T be hnest, I dn’t thin e have a hane f inningStep ⅤHer1Revie the e sentenes in this part2Previe the rds in the send perid3At ut the pla in grupsThe send perid: AtingStep I AtingT: Are u read t at ut the pla n< lass?Ss: esT: Gd Let’s ele the first grup and the send grup please get prepared…T: lass, e shuld pa attentin t se exaples f ar Tain’s hur in this sene, hih ill help us better understand the pla and at it ut re apprpriatel D u agree ith e? Ss: es, f urseStep II HerRevie hat e learned in this unitThe Third perid athing the vie The illin Pund BannteUnit 4 Astrn: the siene f starsTeahing ais:1 Tal abut the siene f stars2 Pratise giving instrutins4Learn t use nun lauses as the subetLearn t rite an essa t sh ur prbles and the a t vere the6Vabular: astrn, atsphere, vilent, explde, surfae, disappinted, graduall, heer, ass, harful, presene, in tie, prevent …fr… depend n, n that, get thehang f, brea utThe first perid Intensive readingStep ⅠPresentatinT: Hell, everne! Tda e ill e t Unit 4, Astrn Befre that I have a questin: here d e e fr? r e an sa: h are ur anestrs?S1: nes!S2: Beiing Ren h lived an ears agS3: dinsaurs…T: Ver gd! D u n hat it as lie befre life appeared n earth?S4: Full f ater…Bs: I dn’t nT: D u ant t get re infratin?Ss: es, e dT: Tda e ill learn sething abut h life began n earth Turn t page 2 Let’s e t aring up firstStep Ⅱaring upRead the three questins, hile the students listen and fll6Give the students several inutes t disuss the questins7llet ansers fr the lass8he ansers hile disussingStep ⅢPre-readingGet the students t disuss the questins n page 2 ith their partners Then as the students t tell their stries Enurage the t tell different stries, If the dn’t n an, tell the seT: N disuss these questins ith ur partners Then I ill as se f u t tell us ur stries Are u lear?Ss: esaD u n eah religin r ulture has its n ideas abut the beginning f the universe? Give an exaple if u nbD u n hat a sientifi idea is?Read se stries t the studentsPangu separates the s fr the earth;The Biblial Aunt;India;apan;Eurpe;Step ⅣReading1SanningGet the students t read the passage quil and auratel and eanhile help the students t fr a gd habit f reading Give the students a uple f inutes t l thruth the hle passage Tell the t read silentl and then as se detailed questins abut the text Enurage the t express their ideasT: e are ging t learn a passage abut h life began n the earth N read the text quil and then anser questinsahat as there n the earth befre life began?bh d sientist thin there has never been life n the n?h d anials first appear in the sea?dh d green plants help life t develp?eh ere aals different fr ther anials?Disuss the ansers ith the hle lass2SiingIn this part, students ill read the text again and finish part 1,2,3T: N si the passage fast t finish part1,2,3,4 Then e ill he the ansers tgether e t part 1: DBIGEHAFDisuss the rest ith the studentsStep ⅤListeningListen t the tape fr the students t fll and have further understanding f the passageT: Read after the tape, then anser e se questins ith ur b lsedaH did ater e int being n the earth?bh is ater iprtant n earth?Step ⅥLanguage pintsT: Turn t page 2 Let’s l at the sentenes:aIt explded ludl ith fire and r, hih ere in tie t prdue the ater vapurhih leads nn-restritive attributive lausein tie: sner r later; eventuallI ill see hi in tieIn tie ( fr sth/t d sth): nt lateShe ill be ba in tie t prepare dinnerIn/ut f tie: in/nt in the rret tieThe audiene lapped in tie t the usibNbd ne that it as ging t be different fr ther planets ging arund the sunBe different fr: nt lie sene r sething else in ne r re asit life is quite different fr untr lifehether life ill ntinue n the earth fr illins f ears t e ill depend n hether this prble an be slvedT e: serves as attributiveShe is the last persn t d suh a thingDepend n: sething ight nl happen r be true if the irustanes are right fr it ur suess depends n hether everne rs hard r ntdaling des need a bit f pratie n that gravit has hangedN that: beause f the fat thatN that I a free, I an en usi fr a hileN that u have grn up, u an deide it b urselfStep ⅦHer1Retell the passage2Reeber iprtant language pintsThe send perid Language studStep ⅠRevisin1he retelling f the passage2Translate the flling sentenesa你迟早会成功的b我的车与你的不一样站在门旁边的那个人是谁?d他总是第一个,最后一个走e既然你已经长大了,你自己决定吧Suggested ansers:au ill sueed in tieb ar is different fr ursh is the persn standing b the dr?dHe is alas the first t e and the last t geN that u have grn up u an deide it urselfStep Ⅱrd studThis part is a nslidatin f the rds learnt in this unit As the students t d the exerises individuallaPage 27 First let students finish part 1,2bhe the ansers ith the hle lassGive students 3inutes t finish part 3dLet the students read part 4 fr a hile and finish iteTurn t page 63 First let the students finish 1and 2 and he the ansersStep ⅢPreparatinSh se sentenes n the blabardaA tree has fallen arss the radbu are a studentT find ur a an be a prbledSing is bad fr ue“H d u d?” is a greetingfhat she said is nt et nngThat e shall be late is ertainhIt’s ertain that e shall be lateT: hat part des the underlined part serve as in eah sentene? r find its subet in eah senteneStep ⅣGraar1Give the students se tie t find the sentenes in the passage The llet ansers fr the lass2Sh tpial exaples f h t ae a subet lause Guide the Ss t find ut hat hanges e have t ae hen e ae a sentene r bine t sentenes using subet lause Teaher shs the exaple and Ss rite dn the sentenes3Turn t page 64 Read the flling passage quil and finish the eight sentenes 4Have a disussin in pairs The tpi is drea ne tals abut the prbles in his stud r life, anther gives se advie Reind the students t use the flling struturesa prble is…b truble is…The questin is…d advie is…ehat I thin abut it is…fThe fat is…g suggestin is…Step ⅤHer1Finish part 3(P23)2Finish part 3(P64)Added aterial:什么是黑洞?就是在宇宙中有那么一些点,这些点的体积趋向于零而密度变得无穷大,由于具有强大的吸引力,物体只要进入离这个点一定距离的范围内,就会被这个强大的引力吸收掉,连光线也不例外。
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Unit 1 Festivals around the world1.Teaching aims of this unitTalk about festivals and celebrationsTalk about the ways to express request and thanksLearn to use Modal verbsWrite a similar story with a different ending2.Sentence patterns:Request:Could/ Would you please…?Could I have…?Could we look at…?I look forward to…May I see…?Thanks:It‟s very kind of you…Thank you very much/ Thanks a lot.I‟d love to.It was a pleasure…Don‟t mention it.You are most welcome.3.Modal verbs:May might, can could will would shall should must canThe first period Speaking1.Teaching aims:V ocabulary: take place, lunar, festival, Army Day, Christmas, dress upPhrases: Would you like … Could I have…?Might I offer help…? May I see…?You should try…Could we like at…?Can you suggest…? We might take…Teaching ProceduresStep I Leading inT: Hello, everybody! Welcome back to school! Did you have a good time in your winter holidays?Ss. Yes. Of course!T: When did you feel most happy and excited?Ss: At the Spring Festival.T: Who can tell us why? Any volunteers?S1: Because it is the most important festival in our country.S2: Because I got a lot of lucky money from my parents.S3: Because I needn‟t study at fe stivals and there was a lot of delicious food to eat.How great.S4: Because I met my cousins and friends who I hadn‟t seen for a long time.T. Very food! I am glad to hear that. Today we will talk about festivals, which are meant to celebrate important events. Please think about some other festivals. Can you name just a few?Ss: New year, Yuan xiao festival…:T: Quite right. That‟s called the Lantern‟s Festival. How about some other festivals?Ss: The Army Day, International Labour‟s Day, National Day, T omb Sweeping Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-autumn Day…T: You have done a good job, boys and girls! .Step ⅡWarming –upFestivals are meant to celebrate important events. Different countries have different festivals. Work in groups and lost five Chinese festivals that you know.Discuss when they take place, what they celebrate and one thing that people do at that time. The first one is given to you as an example.Step ⅢPre- readingDiscuss in groups of four1.What‟s your favourite holiday of the year? Why?2.What festivals or celebrations do you enjoy in your city or town? Do you likespending festivals with your family or with friends? What part of a festival do you like best---the music, the things to see, the visits or the food?Step ⅣAssignment1.Consolidation2.Listening to the material again after class to be familiar with it.3.Homework: Collect as much information about festivals as possible.The second period ReadingTeaching Aims1.V ocabulary: starve, starvation, plenty, satisfy ancestor lamps lead feast bone originin memory of dress up trick poet arrival national gain independencegather agricultural European custom awards watermelon handsomerooster admire look forward to religious as though have fun with daily 2.To enable the students to know the earliest festivals with reasons for them and fourdifferent kinds of festivals that occur in most parts of the world3.To enable the students to master some English expressions and phrases about festivals.4.Teach the basic reading skills: skimming and scanning.5.Try to compare and make conclusion s of different festivals.Step ⅠRevision1.Greetings.2.Review the new words of this part.3.Check the students‟ home work---festivalsStep ⅡReading1.ScanningT: Open your books and turn to page one. I‟d like you to do the scanning. Read the text quickly and accurately to get the main idea and answer the 6 questions on Page3. ( Ask the student to look through the questions and then read the text silently.)( Four minutes later, check the answers with the whole class. Show the suggested answers on the screen.)2.Intensive reading( Allow the students to read aloud and carefully this time to understand the main ideas of each paragraph and the important details)T: Read the text loudly for a second time and them try to tell if these sentences are True or False.3.Reading and discussionT: Read the text a third time and then work impairs to do Exercise 2 on Page 3.( Let the students have enough time to read the passage carefully and discuss the chart with their partners. Encourage them to expand their answers according to their ownexperiences.)4.Explanation(In this part try to help the students analyse the difficult, long and complex sentences and guess the meaning of the new words; ask them to deal with the language points in the context.)T: Now I will discuss some important sentences and phrases in the passage.a.Some festivals are held to honor the dead, or satisfy and please the ancestors,who could return either to help or to do harm.b.In memory ofc.In India there is a national festival on October 2 to honor Mahatma Gandhi,the leader who helped ga in India‟s independence from Britain.d.People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter, and becausea season of agricultural work is over.e.The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward tothe end of winter and to the coming of spring.f.The country is covered with cherry flowers so that it looks as though it mightbe covered with pink snow.The suggested explanation:a.An attributive clause.The sentence means people hold some festivals either to show respect to the dead or to make their ancestors happy in case they might come back to do harm.b.in memory of … serving to recall sb, to keep him fresh in people‟ minds.He wrote a poem in memory of his dearest wife, who died in an accident.in honor of ( showing great respect or high public regard)in hopes/the hope of (hoping)in defence of (defending)c. a noun phrase followed by an attributive clause as the appositived.two clauses for reasone.energy→energetic adj. ( full of or done with energy)look forward to ( to is a preposition here.)devote to, be/get used to, get down to , stick toe.g. I‟m looking forward to hearing from you.Step ⅢListeningT: Now I will play the tape for you. You can just listen with your books closed or look at your books or read in a low voice together with the tape. It‟s up to you. After listening, please write down three things that most festivals seem to have in common.( Comprehending Ex.3 on Page 3).The third period Learning about languageTeaching aims:1.Let the students know the usage of modal verbs.2.Enable the students to recognize the words and expressions in the reading passageaccording to what mean the same as them.Step ⅠGreeting and Revision( Ask some students to retell the text we learned .)StepⅡ. Practicing the useful words and expressionsT: As we know, there are two important kinds of verbs---transitive verbs and intransitive verbs. But many intransitive verbs have the structure “verb+preposition+objects ” Can you give me some examples?Ss: Sure. Such as look at the picture, hear from my friends, listen to the radio and so on.T: Ok. Now turn to page 4, Ex. 4. You are to make some sentences of your own, using the words given.S1. I‟m looking forward to hearing form my friendS2: We are talking about verbs.S3: Would you like to talk with me?S4: Who can think of an effective solution to the problem?S5: Please think about my proposal.Step ⅢUseful StructuresT: Let‟s come to the next part. This part is about modal verbs. You are to read the sentences in Ex. 1 and then to find out and write down different sentences with modal verbs form the reading passage and try to explain their meanings. If you have any difficulty in understanding them you can refer to Grammar in Pages 92---94Step ⅣSumming up and home workT: Boys and girls, today we have practiced useful words and phrases of this unit and the usage of modal verbs. I think it is not easy for you to master them, after class you should review them.Homework1.Practice of WBP42EX.1,2,3.2.Please find out10 sentences with modal verbs, and try to get their meanings.The fourth period ListeningTeaching aims:1.V ocabulary: go with, the big bands, musicians, over and over again, for sale, getused to, the winners of this year‟s awards for the best costumes2.Enable the students to know how to get the key words to understand theconversation about the carnival parade, to talk about sth happened and express request and thanks.Step ⅠRevisionAfter checking the WB Ex. 1,2,3 the teacher ask the students to give examples about modal verbs and try to explain them.Step ⅡWarming upT: By the way, what‟s the topic of this unit?Ss: Festivals around the world.T: Would you like to know something more about festivals around the world?Ss: Of course.T: Now I will show you several pictures. What‟s the festival called?Ss: Carnival.T: Yes. This class we will listen to a dialogue about carnivals. First look through the four questions in listening part to find out the listening points.Step ⅢListeningT: I will play the tape for you twice. Please listen carefully and pay much attention to the important points. For the first time you are to make notes beside thequestions. For the second time, you should write down the answers andthen check them with your partners.( It‟s important to encourage the students to adapt their present knowledge anyskill to a variety of situations wherever they can. Make sure to allow various expressions of the answers. Do not demand the same words form all students.)Step ⅣSpeakingThis part is intended to give the students the opportunity to practice a telephone conversation using the functional items for requests and thanks. Thepolite form of English are important and should be practiced in a varietyof situations.Step ⅤListening taskT: There are about 10 minutes left. Let‟s come to listening task. Turn to page 43and look at the pictures. They have something in common. Can you find it out?Ss: They are all about festivals bout the dead.T: That‟s right. I will p lay the tape for you. For the first time you should try towrite down the name of the country where the festival are held. For the next two times you should do Ex2. You can make a brief note first and then complete the chart,according to which you can make a report.The fifth period Extensive readingTeaching aims:1.V ocabulary: heart-broken, turn up, keep one‟s word, hold one‟s breath, drownone‟s sadness in coffee, set off for, remind somebody of something,2.Learn to compare the festivals in China and in western countries.Step ⅠRevisionCheck homeworkStep ⅡReading (1)T: As we know, there are all kinds of festivals around the world. We have talked about two Chinese festivals for the dead. Today we are going ti read a sad story, which is to introduce a cross cultural view of lovers‟ festival—Qi Qiao and Valentine‟s Day. NowT: I think you have got the general idea of the passage. Now please read the passage once more and answer the questions on Page 8.Step ⅢDiscussion and writingT: That‟s for the reading part of the passage. Please think about the ending of the story. Are you satisfied with the ending? Different people have different opinions to a matter. Now any one of you have an opportunity to make up an ending to the story. Please engage imaginatively in the story and use your own ideas. Try to use the vocabulary and structures you have learned of you like.Step ⅣReading(2)T: Let‟s come to another passage about carnival in Quebec. Please turn to Pa ge 44, read it quickly and answer the questions in Page 45. Five minutes for you.Added material:Thanksgiving DayFourth Thursday in November is celebrated as …Thanksgiving Day‟ People thank God for his blessings. People can …Thank‟ friends, foes and a nyone for the experiences, happiness and sunshine they bring into their lives. Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in America during the second winter in the new world. The first winter had been bad as nearly half of the people had perished due to lack of food and bad weather. But the following year, with the help of Indians who showed them how to plant Indian corn, the pilgrims had successful harvest. Governor William Bradford decided that December 13, 1621 be set aside for feasting and prayer. The Indians were invited to share the festival. Since than, Thanksgiving Day is been celebrated in America. However, it was only in 1941, the Congress in a joint resolution named the fourth Sunday in November as the official Thanksgiving Day.Dating back, it is known that the Council thought to appoint and set apart the 29th day of June, as a day of Solemn Thanksgiving and praise to God for his Goodness and Favour. The First Thanksgiving Proclamation was however on June 20, 1676. The governing council of Charlestown, Massachusetts, held a meeting to determine how best to express thanks for the good fortune that had seen their community securely established. By unanimous vote they instructed Edward Rawson, the clerk, to proclaim June 29 as a day of thanksgiving, It is also known that the Pilgrims set ground at Plymouth Rock on December 11, 1620. Their first winter was devastating. At the beginning of the following fall, they had lost 46 of the original 102 who sailed on the Mayflower. But the harvest of 1621 was a bountiful one. And the remaining colonists decided to celebrate with a feast -- including 91 Indians who had helped the Pilgrims survive their first year. It is believed that the Pilgrims would not have made it through the year without the help of the natives The feast was more of a traditional English harvest festival than a true "thanksgiving" observance. It lasted three days.Thanksgiving, as we know it today, has come a long way from the Pilgrim's harvest festival in 1621. It is an event that seems, as each year goes by, to reinvent itself and to expand its meaning to larger vistas. Maybe this is the real significance of the occasion; for as we continue to change and grow as a people, there are an increasing number of things for which we can be thankful.HalloweenThe ancient Druids 督伊德教(古代高卢人与不列颠人的一种宗教)的教徒who inhabited what we now call Great Britain placed great importance on the passingof one season to the next, holding "Fire Festivals" which were celebrated for three days (two days on either side of the day itself). One of these festivals was called Samhain (pronounced Sha-Von) and it took place on October 31 through to November 1. During this period, it was believed that the boundaries between our world and the world of the dead were weakened, allowing spirits of the recently dead to cross over and possess the living. In order to make themselves and their homes less inviting to these wayward spirits, the ancient Celts(凯尔特人)would douse (插入水中, 把弄熄, 弄湿)all their fires. There was also a secondary purpose to this, after extinguishing all their fires, they would re-light them from a common source, the Druidic fire that was kept burning at Usinach, in the Middle of Ireland.Samhain was considered to be a gateway not only from the land of the dead to the land of the living, but also between Summer and Fall/Winter. For the Druids, this was the last gasp (喘息, 气喘)of summer (it was also the Celtic New Year), so therefore they made sure it went out with a bang before they had to button down (把...弄清楚)for the winter ahead.They would dress up in bizarre costumes and parade through their villages causing destruction in order to scare off any recently departed souls who might be prowling (巡游)for bodies to inhabit, in addition to burning animals and otherofferings to the Druidic deities(神, 神性). It is also a popular belief that they would burn people who they believed to be possessed, but this has largely been debunked (揭穿, 拆穿假面具, 暴露)as myth.This tradition was later brought to the North American continent by Irish immigrants who were escaping the Potato Famine in their homeland. In addition to the festival itself, the immigrants brought several customs with them, including one of the symbols most commonly associated with Halloween -- the Jack 'O Lantern. According to Irish folklore, there once lived a man named Jack who was known for being a drunk and a prankster(顽皮的人, 爱开玩笑的人). One night Jack tricked thedevil into climbing a tree, and quickly carved an image of a cross on the trunk, trapping the devil. Jack then made him promise that, in exchange for letting him out of the tree, the Devil would never tempt him to sin again. He reluctantly agreed, but was able to exact his revenge upon Jack's death. Because of his mischievous ways in life, Jack was barred from entering heaven and because of his earlier trick, he was also barred from hell. So he was doomed to wander the earth until the end of time, with only a single ember(灰烬, 余烬)(carried in a hollowed out turnip.[植]芜箐,芜箐甘蓝) to warm him and light his way.In Ireland, they originally also used turnips for their "Jack Lanterns", but upon arriving in the new world, they discovered that pumpkins were abundant and easier to carve out.EasterOn Good Friday, Jesus Christ was executed by crucifixion. His body was taken down from the cross, and buried in a cave.The tomb was guarded and an enormous stone was put over the entrance, so that no-one could steal the body. On the following Sunday, some women visited the grave and found that the stone had been moved, and that the tomb was empty. Jesus himself was seen that day, and for days afterwards by many people. His followers realised that God had raised Jesus from the dead.Hot Cross BunsHot Cross buns are still made all over England around Easter time. At one time, buns with a cross on them were made all through Lent. They were banned by Oliver Cromwell and brought back again at the time of the Restoration. For a time they were only available on Good Friday but now they can be bought during the month leading up to Easter. Whole meal hot cross buns are becoming more popular each year.The Easter EggAs with the Easter Bunny and the holiday itself, the Easter Egg predates the Christian holiday of Easter. The exchange of eggs in the springtime is a custom that was centuries old when Easter was first celebrated by Christians.From the earliest times, the egg was a symbol of rebirth in most cultures. Eggs were often wrapped in gold leaf or, if you were a peasant, colored brightly by boiling them with the leaves or petals of certain flowers.Today, children hunt colored eggs and place them in Easter baskets along with the modern version of real Easter eggs -- those made of plastic or chocolate candy.O-bon FestivalBon DanceDuring o-bon, bon odori (folk dances) are held all over Japan. The kind of dance varies from area to area. People wearing yukata (summer kimono) go to the neighborhood shrine, temple, or park and dance around a yagura (stage) set up there.Anyone can participate in the dance. Join the circle and imitate what others are doing. Awa odori of Tokushima and bon odori at Yasukuni Shrine, Tokyo are very famous.Also, Toro Nagashi (floating paper lanterns) are held in some areas. On the evening of the 15th, people send off ancestor's spirits with a paper lantern, lit by a candle inside and floated down a river to the ocean. Fireworks displays (Hanabi-taikai) are often held during o-bon. It is a typical Japanese summer scene to see hanabi. Since o-bon is an important family gathering time, many people return to their hometowns during o-bon. Most businesses are closed during this time. Although it is crowded everywhere, it is common for many people take trips during o-bon, too. The beginning and end of o-bon are marked with terrible traffic jams. Airports, train stations, and highways are jammed with travelers. I recommend you do not travel around o-bon!Unit2 Healthy eatingTeaching Aims of this unit1.Talk about healthy eating2.Making suggestions or giving advice on diet3.Distinguish the meanings of Modal verbs4.Make a balanced menu5.V ocabulary:6.fiber,digestion,bean,slim,curiosity,lie,debt,glare,limit,benefit,item,protective getrid of, throw away, get away with, tell lies, earn one‟s living in debt ,set out run one‟s business ,carry on7.Speaking: Practice talking about your ideas; practice giving suggestions andadvice, practiceseeing the doctor.8. The use o f ought toThe first period Warming up and readingStep ⅠWarming upReview the words of foods by showing their pictures. First, ask students to list the foods they like best. Then tick off 3 of them they eat most often. Second, show the three groups of foods and see which group their foods belong to. Third, ask the students to tell us in what ways their foods help them grow.Step ⅡPre-readingGet the students to discuss the questions with their partners in this part. Then ask them to report their work. This part will help the students understand the text.T: Please look at the slide show and discuss the questions with your partners. Then I‟ll ask you to report your work. Are you clear?Step ⅢReadingGet the students to comprehend the passage quickly and accurately and meanwhile help the students to form a good habit of reading. Give the students a couple o f minutes to look through the whole passage. Tell the students to read the text silently and then ask for the main idea of the text on the slide show with their partners. Encourage the students to express their ideas.1.Fast readingIn this part ask the students to read the text quickly for the first time and find out the main idea of the text. Then ask them to read the text again carefully to obtain some details. Before reading show the tasks and let the students read the tasks first. This text will help them have a good understanding of the text.a.The two restaurants supplied the healthy diet.b.The reason why Yong Hui’s restaurant was so popular withcustomers.c.Wang Pengwei found out why he had lost his customers and decidedto win them back2.Careful readingT: Now it is time for us to read the text carefully and decide which sentences are true. Then correct the false ones. First read the sentences.ually Wang Pengwei’s restaurant was full of people. (T )b.Yong Hui served a balanced diet. ( F)c.Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a gooddiet. (F)d.Wang Pengwei’s customers often became fat after eating in hisreataurant. (T)e.Yong Hui’s menu gives them energy foods. (F )f.Wang Pengwei’s menu gives tem foods containing fiber. (F )g.Wang Pengwei admired Yong Hui’s restaurant when he saw the menu.(F )h.Wang Pengwei decided to copy Yong Hui’s menu. (F )Step ⅣComprehendingBy now, the students have had a further understanding of the text.Let the students read the text again and find out the differences between the two restaurant.T: Now please read the text again and fill in the chart together with your partner.T: Until now we have known what‟s wrong with both restaurant. What does it matter if you only eat at one of the restaurant?S1:…S2:…S3:…T: You all have a point here. But what will they do? We will see it next period.Facing the serious competiton Wang wasn‟t lost in sadness and he didn‟t quarrel with his competitor either. He went to the library to learn more about healthy eating and made his menu better than Yong Hui‟s menu. Do you think we should follow his example?Ss: Yes.T: Now let‟s deal with some language points. Turn to page 10, let‟s look at the sentences:a.Wang Pengwei sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.This sentence means that the second action “feeling very frustrated”happened together with the main action “sat”. Pay attention to the form (v-ing) of the second action.b. Nothing could have been better.This sentence tells us that everything has worked out the way you would like. It‟s a sentence that we can use in any situation.c. He couldn‟t have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!This sentence means that he will punish Yong Hui for her telling lies.Step ⅤHomework1.Try to retell the text.2.Prepare for the language learning and do Using words and Expressionson WB (Page 49-50)The second period Language studyStep ⅠRevision1.Check the students’ homework.2.Ask some of the students to retell the text.Step ⅡWord studyThis part is a consolidation of the words in the text. Ask the students to do the exercise individually.T: Now please open your books and turn to page 11. Fill in the chart using the correct forms of the words which have the same root. Next activity is to match the definitions with the words we have learnt form the text.I necessary, you can discuss with your partners.…Step ⅢGrammarThe students will learn the usage of modal verbs. First try to make the students clear the functions of modal verbs, with the help of the practice 1on page 12. Then give them some examples.T: Please pick out all the sentences containing modal verbs in the text.a.By lunchtime they would have all be sold---It indicates possibility.b.His restaurant ought to be full of people.---It indicates possibility.c.What could have happened?--- It indicates possibility.d.Nothing could have been better.--- It indicates possibility.e.Something terrible must have happened if Maochang was not coming toeat with him as he always did.---It indicates guessing.f.He could not believe his eyes. ---It indicates intension.g.He wonder if he should go to the library to find out ---It indicates duty.h.He wouldn‟t have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!---It indicatesintension.…Step ⅣHomework1.Review the rules of word formation and the meanings of modal verbs.2.Prepare the Using Structure on page 50 by making a dialogue in pairs.The third period ListeningStep ⅠRevision1.Check the using structure on page 50.2.Ask the students to make a short dialogue in pairs.Step ⅡListening( using language)The students will hear what Wang Pengwei did after leaving Yong Hui’s restaurant. Ask the students to finish the chart and answer thequestions.T: OK. We have studied the text and know neither of the restaurant supplied a balanced diet. Let’s listen to the tape and see how the story went on. Go through the text quickly on page 14.( Play the tape. Students write down the answers and check the answers with their partners.)T: Now listen to it again and try to make sure your answers are right.Step ⅢListening (WB P48)The students will heat a conversation between Hong Mei and the doctor. They are asked to do exercise according to the tape.T: Doctor know that there are illnesses you may get if you do not eat properly. In the following part, we are going to listen to a dialogue. Hong Mei is going to see the doctor. Let’s see how the doctor gives her some advice. Listen carefully and do the exercises.Step ⅣHomework1.Pre-view the reading(2) and reading task on Page 52. See how the storyended.2.Find some information about healthy eating on the Internet.The fourth period Extensive readingStep ⅠRevision1.Check the homework2.Share the information the students have got form the Internet.Step ⅡPre-reading。