



Page 28
Unit 2
Resurgent and Text A
Emergent Diseases
Critical reading andFra bibliotekthinking
Knowledge of the subject matter
• a change in virulence, reflecting mutation in the exterior of the bacterium
• multi-drug-resistant strain of TB
• TB also hitched a ride on the HIV wagon by attacking the immunocompromised—an emerging disease thus helping reignite an old one.
• Issues to be covered • Task
Unit 2
Resurgent and Lead-in
Emergent Diseases
Issues to be covered
• Reasons for emerging and re-emerging diseases • Updated information about some most common
Page 28
Unit 2 Resurgent and Emergent Diseases
Text A
Critical reading and thinking Knowledge of the subject matter
• drug resistance
– incomplete courses of antibiotic therapy >>>>>> the hardiest >>>>>>>>> new, more powerful lineages



目录1 Unit1 (2)1.1 中翻英 (2)1.2 英翻中 (2)2 Unit2 (2)2.1 中翻英 (2)2.2 英翻中 (3)3 Unit3 (3)3.1 中翻英 (3)3.2 英翻中 (3)4 Unit4 (4)4.1 中翻英 (4)4.2 中翻英 (4)5 Unit5 (4)5.1 中翻英 (4)5.2 英翻中 (5)6 Unit6 (5)6.1 中翻英 (5)6.2 英翻中 (5)7 Unit7 (5)7.1 中翻英 (5)7.2 英翻中 (6)8 Unit8 (6)8.1 中翻英 (6)8.2 英翻中 (6)9 Unit9 (7)9.1 中翻英 (7)9.2 英翻中 (7)10 Unit10 (7)10.1 中翻英 (7)10.2 英翻中 (8)11 Unit11 (8)11.1 中翻英 (8)11.2 英翻中 (9)12 Unit12 (9)12.1 中翻英 (9)12.2 英翻中 (9)13 Unit13 (10)13.1 中翻英 (10)13.2 英翻中 (10)14 Unit14 (10)14.1 中翻英 (10)14.2 英翻中 (11)1Unit11.1中翻英1.干预intervention2.预测因素predictions3.极度疲惫burnout4.队列cohort5.主要结果评估指标main outcome measures6.线性回归linear regression7.随访follow-up8.基线base line9.代表性样本representative sample10.工作时间的减少the reduce of work time1.2英翻中1. in dimensions of 在某方面2. Maslach burnout inventory Maslach疲惫量表3. emotional exhaustion 情绪性疲惫4. linear regression 线性回归5. be independently associated with 和。


Speak clearly and patiently
Use simple language to explain procedures, risks, and treatment options to patients. Avoid medical jargon that may confuse or intimidate them.
Make connections with other healthcare professionals to exchange ideas, collaborate on projects, and expand your professional development opportunities.
Unit2 Clinical Medical English
目录 Contents
• Clinical Medical English Vocabulary • Clinical Medical English Sentence
Patterns • Clinical Medical English Literature
Share knowledge
Contribute to discussions by sharing your expertise and experiences, and seek opportunities to learn from others.
Build professional network
建议您保持充足的休息, 避免过度劳累。
建议您按时服药,并定期 回诊复查。
请注意观察病情变化,如 有任何不适,请及时就医。








































结核病- 它从来没有真正离开,但高档的歌剧爱好者可能会认为这是仅限于“波希米亚人”的生产- 再一次在城市中心,包括纽约市的威胁。









疾病预防控制中心提出了1994年预防策略虽然美国国会在1995年,不到达斯汀·霍夫曼的工资主演如“爆发”的感染战斗机资助的疾病预防控制中心的努力,只有$ 670万调- 他们都提出了数字至$ 26日万元用于感染性疾病1997年公众意识,或许是部分原因是由于这样的电影,可能影响国会的前景。



Cardiac surgery:a brief history心脏外科简史Possibly some of the greatest achievements in medical science have been those made in cardiac surgery.The first successful example was carried out in 1896 by Dr Ludwig Rehn(Germany),who repaired a stab wound to the right ventricle,Open-heart surgery itself dates form the 1950s,while bypass operations began in the mid-60s. By the 1980s,two-thirds of those receiving heart transplants survived five years or more.Today,heart surgery is robotized:incisions to the heart have been reduced to a minimum and patient recovery time is down from six months to a few weeks.也许医学上最伟大的成就是在心脏外科。

第一个成功的例子是Ludwig Rehn博士(德国)在1896年修补了右心室的刀伤,心脏手术本身始于上世纪50年代,而旁路手术开始于60年代中期。



One of the first pioneers in the field of cardiac surgery was Dr Dwight Harken,a US army medic serving during World WAR 2.Initially,he operated on animals to improve his skills,moving on to soldiers arriving from the European front with bullets lodged in their hearts.Dislodging them almost always proved fatal,but Harken developed a technique that enable him to cut into the wall of a still beating heart and successfully remove it.With time,more and more of his patients began to survive,proving it was indeed possible to operate on the human heart.其中一个在心脏外科领域的鼻祖是Dwight Harken博士,在2次世界大战期间的一个美国陆军军医。



Unit 2 Text A再现疾病:今天遁形无踪,明日卷土重来?桑塔亚纳有句格言:“不能铭记过去的人注定要重蹈覆辙”,这句话用在生物学上就有这样一个推论:人们相信我们已经征服了古老的微生物这个敌人,这种信念让我们惊人地脆弱,很易受他们的攻击。



按照第一种选择去做,10 年之后头条新闻要么报道国会里你死我活的争吵,要么报道哪位运动员签了几百万的合约。

而另一方面,第二种选择的结果是出现这样的标题:“新型流感变种在蔓延:死亡人数已达五十万”1969 年,美国卫生局局长威廉·斯图尔特在国会听证时说,我们可以“给传染病画上句号了。





”就在这期特刊中,有个报告对日益严重的传染病构成的威胁进行了量化:1980 年到 1992 年间,美国传染病的死亡率增加了 58%,其中艾滋病占了一半略多一点,而其他一些疾病,特别是呼吸道感染,也有显著贡献。






“战争胜利了,” 最近有位科学家嘲弄道,“是对方(传染病)获胜。



第一单元 A History of TCMText A A History of TCMThe history of traditional Chinese medicine can be traced through archaeological excavations extending back millions of years.Primitive people spent most of their time on basic survival: hunting, locating and preparing plants for food, building shelters, and defending themselves. It's easy to imagine that over time, they'd have sampled most of the local plants in their search for food. In time, an oral record evolved that identified those plants that made good food, those that were useful for building, those that had an effect on illness, and those that were poisonous. Through trial and error, a primitive form of herbal medicine and dietary therapy was taking shape in China.Fire also played a central role in their lives as a source of warmth, fuel, and light. As they huddled around fires, it was only natural that our ancestors would discover the healing powers of heat. Those powers would have been especially evident for cold, damp ailments such as arthritis, for which heat provides immediate relief. This was the origin of the art of moxibustion, the therapeutic application of heat to treat a wide variety of conditions.These ancient people must have experienced a variety of injuries during their rugged lives. A natural reaction to pain is to rub or press on the affected area. This hands-on therapy gradually evolved into a system of therapeutic manipulation. People discovered that pressing on certain points on the body had wide-ranging effects. They began to use pieces of sharpened bone or stone to enhance the sensation, and acupuncture was born.Written History of Traditional Chinese MedicineThe written history of traditional Chinese medicine has evolved mostly over the last 3,000 years. Archaeological digs from the Shang Dynasty (1,000 b.c.) have revealed medical writings inscribed on divination bones: early shamans, mostly women, used scapula bones to perform divination rites; later these bones were also used for writing.The discovery in 1973 of 11 medical texts written on silk has shed some light on the sophisticated practices of that early period of Chinese history. Dated to 168 B.C., the texts discuss diet, exercise, moxibustion, and herbal therapy.Liberally mixed with shamanistic magic, an extensive text,Prescriptions for Fifty-two Ailments, describes the pharmacological effects of herbs and foods.Also dating from about this time is the legend of Shen Nong, the Emperor of Agriculture, who tasted 100 herbs daily to assess their qualities. (He is said to have been poisoned many times in the course of his investigations.)By A.D. 400, the basic foundations of traditional Chinese medicine had been put into written form. By this time, most of the magical aspects of medicine had been left behind; there was an increasing belief in the powers of nature to heal disease.The most important book compiledbetween 300 B.C. and A.D. 400 is Huang Di Nei Jing (Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine).The work is divided into two books: Simple Questions and Spiritual Axis.The first book deals with general theoretical principles, while the second more specifically describes the principles of acupuncture and the treatment of disease. Remarkably, this ancient work is still valid; it forms the foundation for the contemporary practice of traditional Chinese medicine. For example, the Nei Jing states that cold diseases should be treated with hot herbs, and hot diseases should be treated with cold herbs. This principle is still followed today in clinical practice.Hot, inflammatory infections are treated with cold herbs such as honeysuckle flowers or Coptis root; cold, debilitating conditions suchas chronic fatigue are treated with warm, stimulating herbs such as ginseng or Astragalus roots.Modern research has confirmed that these plants contain constituents with strong pharmacological effects on these specific conditions. By the second century A.D., physicians all over China were compiling writings of the latest discoveries in acupuncture and herbal medicine. It was during this time that the famous physician Hua Tuo wrote about herbal anesthesia.Although his formula for the anesthetic has been lost, his unique system of acupuncture points is still in use. He was also a pioneer in recommending exercise as a method of maintaining wellness. He is quoted as saying "a running stream never goes bad," meaning exercise moves qi and prevents the stagnation that leads to disease.Another pioneer of the time was Zhang Zhongjing, who wrote Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases after witnessing an epidemic that ravaged his city and killed most of his relatives. This highly regarded physician developed a system of diagnosis so sophisticated that it is used by practitioners in modern hospitals 1,700 years after his death.Progress of Medicine in ChinaThe progress of medicine in China runs parallel to the nation's political history. Between the second and fifth centuries A.D., China experienced a period marked by war and political turmoil.One of the ironies of war is that it has a tendency to lead to advances in medicine. The periodic times of unrest in Chinese history, such as this, were no exception, as the increased need for practical, convenient, effective remedies led to further developments in medical treatment.During this time, Ge Hong wrote Prescriptions for Emergencies in order to spread the knowledge of acupuncture and moxibustion to the masses.Around A.D. 650, Sun Simiao compiled Prescriptions Worth A Thousand Gold, which integrated the clinical experiences of the different schools of acupuncture at that time.During the Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.), China's Imperial Medical Bureau established departments of Acupuncture, Pharmacology, and Medical Specialties. Numerous additional treatises and compilations of medical knowledge and experience were prepared.In the Five Dynasties period (907-1368 A.D.), advancements in printing techniques led to a dramatic increase in the publication of medical texts.One of the important books of the period was Canon on the Origin of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, in which Wang Zhizhong incorporated the clinical experiences of the practitioners of folk medicine.During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), many medical specialists compiled the works of their forebears, further expanding the extensive base of medical knowledge.The most famous physician of the period was Li Shi Zheng (1518-1593), a kind and generous healer who did not accept payment for his services. After reviving the son of a prince from a coma, he was appointed court physician and served in the Imperial Academy of Medicine.His most incredible achievement was his 40-year effort in writing the Ben Cao Gong Mu (General Catalog of Herbs), a monumental work published after his death. Consisting of 52 volumes at the time of its printing, the Ben Cao Gong Mu remains an important reference for traditional Chinese herbalists.The recent history of traditional Chinese medicine saw the integration of new techniques with ancient understanding. This integration process continued until the 19th century, when the Opium War of 1840 turned China into a semi-colonial society. Western colonial powers derided traditional medicine as primitive and outdated.The Communist party came to power in themid-20th century, bringing much turmoil to China; however, the Communists saw the need to promote traditional Chinese medicine to avoid dependence on the West.A great need for traditional doctors arose since there were far too few Western-trained physicians to serve the huge population: only 10,000 Western-trained doctors were available to serve 400 millionpeople.Traditional Chinese medicine began a course of revival that continues today. Many Western-trained physicians and scientists in China started to conduct research on acupuncture, moxibustion, and herbal medicine, and a gradual integration of the two systems began.In 1945, an acupuncture clinic opened in a Western hospital in China for the first time. Since then, traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine have been practiced side-by-side in Chinese hospitals, sometimes by a physician who has been trained in both fields.For example,a cancer patient might receive radiation to treat a tumor then be sent to the herbal department for formulas to strengthen his immune system and normalize his blood count.Since the 1970s, Chinese hospitals have trained students from more than 100 countries in the principles of traditional medicine.Interest in traditional Chinese medicine was sparked in the United States in the early 1970s when New York Times reporter James Reston experienced an acute appendicitis attack while in China.His report of receiving acupuncture to relieve hispost-operative abdominal pain brought an awareness of this system of healing to the general public.Since then, acupuncture and herbal medicine have gradually taken hold in North America. With more than 10,000 practitioners and an increasing number of schools of traditional Chinese medicine, this ancient system has taken its well-deserved place in the Western world.Text A A History of TCM通过考古发掘,中医药的历史可以追溯到数百万年前。



Chapter 1Passage 1 Human BodyIn this passage you will learn:1. Classification of organ systems2. Structure and function of each organ system3.Associated medical termsTo understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are puttogether and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; thestudy of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc.了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。



Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductivesystem and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in thisarticle.解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。



Smallpox vaccination①smallpox is caused by the variola virus and is most often transmitted by inhaling the virus.天花是由天花病毒引起的,通常是通过吸入病毒传播it has an incubation period of between 7 and 17 days,after which symptoms begin to appear.the inital symptoms are flu-like.A significant feature of the disease is the development of blisters on the upper part of the boby,which eventually scab over and leave scars when the scabs fall off. around 30 per cent of those infected with smallpox die,usually within two weeks of symptoms appearing.它有7至17天的潜伏期,之后开始出现症状。



②The first attempts to control the disease used a technique know as variolation. dried scab tissue from victims of smallpox was used to deliberately infect young people. of those infected by variolation, one per cent died,far fewer than the 30 per cent killed by infection in the normal way.despite the risks, variolation was still used in some remote communities until relatively recently. 第一个试图控制这种疾病使用天花接种的技术知道。

研究生医学英语Unit 2翻译

研究生医学英语Unit 2翻译

3 Unit 2Definition and Classification of Pneumonia 肺炎的定义和分类When the word pneumonia is used in medical practice, it almost always refers to a syndrome caused by acute infection, usually bacterial, that is characterized by clinical and/or radiographic /ˌreɪdɪəʊˈgræfɪk/放射影像学signs of consolidation/kənˌsɒlɪˈdeɪʃ(ə)n/ 实质、实变of a part or parts of one or both lungs. The use of the term has however been greatly extended to include non-bacterial infection of the lungs caused by a wide variety of microorganisms. Pneumonitis /ˌnjuːməʊˈnaɪtɪs/ is occasionally used as a synonym /ˈsɪnənɪm/同义词for pneumonia, particularly when inflammation炎症/ˌɪnfləˈmeɪʃ(ə)n/ of the lung has resulted from a non-infectious cause such as in chemical or radiation injury.当肺炎这个词在医疗实践中使用时,它几乎总是指由急性感染引起的综合征,通常是细菌感染,临床上和/或放射学上的以肺部分或单肺弥漫性或双肺弥漫性实变为特征。



Unit2 AAmerica is experiencing a major epidemictoday.现今美国正在经历一场重要的流行病。

Unlike epidemics of the past, it is not a disease transmitted by bacteria or viruses. 不同于过去的流行病,它不是由细菌或病毒传染的疾病。

This epidemic is an increase in diseases and problems related to stress, and it touches all of our lives. 这个流行病的增加是与压力有关的疾病和问题引起的,它涉及我们生活的方方面面。

In 1900 t he average life expectancy in this country was 47, and the major killer diseases included tuberculosis pneumonia,influenza, cholera, typhoid, and smallpox ——infectious diseases which struck people of all ages, regardless of their lifestyle. 1900年,这个国家的平均预期寿命为47岁,其主要致命疾病包括肺结核肺炎,流行性感冒,霍乱,伤寒,天花-这些传染性疾病袭击了所有年龄层的人,不管他们的生活方式怎样。

Today,on the other hand,life expectancyhas been extended to 74, thanks in large part to the conquest of the acute infectious disease through improved sanitation, better distribution and storage of foods, and the introduction of immunization and antibiotics. 如今,在另一方面,预期寿命已延长至74岁,这在很大程度上是由于对于急性传染病的征服,通过改善卫生条件,更好地分配和储存食物,以及引进免疫方法和抗生素。



1. 生理学是研究生物体正常功能的一门科学。






Physiology is the study of thefunctions of living matter. It is concerned with how an organism performs its varied activities: how it feeds, how it moves, how it adapts to changing circumstances, how it spawns new generations . The subject is vast and embraces the whole of life. The success of physiology in explaining how organisms perform their daily tasks is based on the notion that they are intricate and exquisite mac hines whose operation is governed by the laws of physics and chemistry. Although some processes are similar across the whole spectrum of biology—the replication of the genetic code for example —many are specific to particular groups of organisms. For this reason it is necessary to divide the subject into various parts such as bacterial physiology, plant physiology, and animal physiology. 2. 正如要了解一个动物如何活动,首先需要了解它的构成,要充分了解一个生物体的生理学活动就必须掌握全面的解剖学知识。

医学英语 Unit 2 3-3

医学英语 Unit 2 3-3
genotype ['ʤenətaip] n. 基因型 geno-: gene type: category phenotype ['fi:nəutaip] n. 表型
homozygote [,hɔməu'zaiɡəut] n. 纯合子 homo-: same; zygote: the cell produced by the union of two gametes 合子 heterozygote [,hetərə'zaiɡəut] n. 杂合子
9) develops into
13) genetic 15) gives rise to
Biology IV. Describe the following figure according to the information in Passage II.
Each generation, the doubling of chromosome number that results from fertilization is offset by the halving of chromosome number that results from meiosis. For humans, the number of chromosomes in a haploid cell is 23(n=23); the number of chromosomes in the diploid zygote and all somatic cells arising from itbrid 单基因杂种 mono-: one; hybrid ['haibrid] n. an animal or plant with parents of different species 杂种动物;杂交植物 dihybrid [dai'haibrid] 双基因杂种 hybridize [‘haibridaiz] v. (使)产生杂交品种,杂交 hybridization [,haibridai'zeiʃən] n. 杂交=cross



The skeletal systemThe skeletal systemis composed of various types of connective tissue, including bone and cartilage.Bone and cartilage comprise cells embedded in an extracellular matrix (细胞外基质) . This matrix consists of an amorphous ground substance (非晶质的细胞透明质)permeated by a system of collagen and elastic fibres. These fibres differ from general connective tissue because their matrices are solid, although they do share the same origin from embryonic cellular connective tissue, the mesenchyme.硬骨和软骨是由嵌入在细胞外基质内的细胞组成。


尽管这些纤维组织同样是来自于胚胎细胞结缔组织-间叶细胞,但是它们不同于普通的结缔组织,它们的基质很结实Components of the SkeletonBoneBone is rigid and forms most of the skeleton. It is the main supporting tissue of the body and provides a framework for most of the body’s tissues.硬骨硬骨是肢体中坚硬的组织,骨骼的大部分是由硬骨组成。

它是身体的主要支撑组织,并为大部分身体组织提供框架Cartilage is a resilient tissue and provides a semirigid support for certain parts of skeleton, e.g. the costal cartilages, respiratory airways and external ear.软骨软骨是一种弹性组织,它为骨骼中的某些部位提供了半刚性的支撑力。



医学专业英语词汇翻译(二)小编为大家整理了一些医学专业英语词汇翻译,一起来学习吧! 医学专业英语词汇翻译:肌电图 electromyogram;多发性硬化 multiple sclerosis;心电图 electrocardiograph;疾病的后遗症 sequelea of disease;光纤技术 fiber optic technology;造血系统 hematopoietic system;致命的疾病 fatal disease;体液 body fluid;无副作用的治疗 hazard-free therapy;无侵犯的实验检查 non-invasive laboratory test;核磁共振 nuclear magnetic resonance;葡萄糖耐糖实验 the glucose-tolerance test;乐观的预后 optimistic prognosis;超声波检测法 ultrasonography;病史 medical history;随访活动 follow-up visit;营养不良 nutritional deficiency;使细节显著 highlight detail;脑电图 electroencephalogram;缺血的组织 blood-starved tissue;肌纤维 muscle fiber;随意肌 voluntary muscle;消化道 alimentary canal;肌腹 fleshy belly of muscle;横纹肌 striated muscle;肌肉痉挛 cramps of muscle;肌肉收缩 muscle contraction;肌肉附着点 attachment of the muscle;肌肉放松 relaxation of muscle;动脉出血arterial hemorrhage;止端 insertion;起端 origion;供血 blood supply;屈肌 flexor;蛋白分子 protein molecule;纤维结缔组织 fibrous connective tissue;伸肌 extensor;意志力 willpower;横切面 transverse section;起搏器 pacemaker;AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome获得性免疫缺陷综合症.ALS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis肌萎缩侧索硬化症.CT computed tomography calcitonin计算机断层扫描.DNA deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸.ECG electrocardiograph 心电图.EEG electroencephalogram 脑电图.EMG electromyogram 肌电图.MRI.Magnetic Resonance Imaging磁共振成像RNA.ribonucleic acid 核糖核酸SLE systemic lupus erythematosus 系统性红斑狼疮GI gastrointestinal 胃肠道GH growth hormone 生长激素PTH parathormone 甲状旁腺激素CT ealcitonin 降钙素SARS Severe Acute Respiratory SyndromesIg immunoglobulinERT estrogen replacement therapy 雌激素替代疗医学专业英语词汇翻译(二)小编为大家整理了一些医学专业英语词汇翻译,一起来学习吧! 医学专业英语词汇翻译:肌电图electromyogram; 多发性硬化multiple sclerosis; 心电图electrocardiograph; 疾病的后遗症sequelea of disease; 光纤技术fiber optic tech 推荐度:点击下载文档文档为doc格式。

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Passage Two Diagnosis and prognosis诊断和预后 Diagnosis 诊断 In most clinical encounters, the patient presents basic questions to the doctor: what’s wrong with me? What is causing my illness? These questions set the stage for making a diagnosis, i.e. determine the cause of an illness and a diagnosis is accomplished with history, physical examination and laboratory testing. The process of diagnosing a disease begins with the person’s health history. The physician asks the patient questions on both present and past illnesses, family history of disease, habits and so on. The following table presents typical contents of a standard medical history.诊断在大多数的就诊过程中,病人会向医生提出一些很基础的问题,例如:“我是不是生了病?”“我的病是什么原因引起的?”这些问题促使医生去做出一个诊断,即确立生病的原因,而一个完整的诊断由病人的病史、身体检查和实验室检查所组成。 诊断的过程是由采集病人的病史开始。医生向病人询问当前和过去所患过的疾病、家庭病史、生活习惯等等。下表展示了一个标准病史里所包含的典型内容。 Description of patient病人的一般情况 Age, gender, race, occupation and parity (for woman ). 年龄、性别、民族、职业、生育情况(女性) Chief complaint主诉 Four or five words, preferably quoting the patient, stating the purpose of the visit and the duration of the complaint. Occasionally the patient states a request instead of a complaint such as I need a flu shot.用四到五个字,最好是引用患者的自述,陈述就诊的目的和病痛的持续时间。偶尔,也可将患者的要求作为主诉,如:“我需要注射流感疫苗”。 Other physicians involved in the patient’s care患者的其他保健医生续表 Name, address, telephone number, and relationship to the patient 姓名、地址、电话号码、与患者的关系 History of the present illness现病史 For each of the major symptom, what, where, when, how much, chronological course, what makes the symptom better or worse, past medical care, questions to narrow diagnostic possibilities. 每一种主要症状,包括什么症状、发生部位、发生时间、轻重程度、时间经过、症状好转或加重的影响因素、既往诊治情况及可能缩小诊断范围相关的问题 Past medical history既往史 Previous illnesses and hospitalizations, immunizations, medications the patient takes, allergies, and alcohol, tobacco, and drug habits. 既往所患疾病及住院治疗情况、计划免疫、用药情况、过敏史、吸烟、饮酒及有无药物成瘾等 Social and occupational history社会及职业史 Description of a typical day in the patient’s life and how the present illness affects it, social supports ( family, friends, and colleagues ) available to the patient, and occupational history.描述患者日常生活中典型的一天以及目前疾病对其的影响;患者可获得的社会支持(来自家庭、朋友或同事)及职业史 Family history家族史 History of genetically related diseases in the patient’s family and longevity and cause of death of family members.家族中的遗传病史,家族成员的寿命及死亡原因 Review of systems系统回顾 Systematic review of major organ systems: skin, hematopoietic system ( including lymph nodes), head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, throat, neck, breasts, and respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, musculoskeletal, nervous, endocrine, and psychiatric systems. 主要器官系统回顾:皮肤、造血系统(包括淋巴结),头、眼、耳、鼻、口、喉、 颈、乳房及呼吸系统、心血管系统、胃肠道系统、泌尿系统、肌肉骨骼系统、神经系统、内分泌和精神系统 Asking the patient’s medical history is followed by the general physical examination which includes measuring height and weight, and taking blood pressure; listening to the heart and lungs with a stethoscope; and examining eyes, ears, and mouth. Tests of hearing and vision are sometimes performed in routine physical examinations. Reflex tests are simple tests of nerve conduction that involve, among several other tests, tapping with a rubber hammer in areas such as the knee. 询问病史之后的第二步就是全面的身体检查,其内容包括测量身高和体重、血压,对心肺进行听诊,检查眼、耳和口。测试听力和视力有时候在常规身体检查中进行。反射检查是简单的神经传导检查,其项目有好几项,包括用橡皮锤在一些部位(如膝盖)的敲打 Since the body fluids often reveal important information about the nature of the disorder, laboratory testing plays an important role in determining the patient’s disease. Blood tests can determine whether the person has anemia---that is, an insufficient amount of healthy red blood cells---infection, or a blood disease, such as leukemia. Blood analysis can also uncover nutritional deficiencies and other disorders. The glucose-tolerance test, which is used to diagnose diabetes, measures insulin activity by monitoring the level of glucose, or sugar, in the blood. 因为体液常常揭示了关于疾病的重要信息,所以在确诊病情上,实验室检查起着非常重要的作用。血液检查能判断出病人是否贫血,即正常红血细胞不足,是否有感染或患有血液病,如白血病。血液分析能显示营养不良和其它的疾病。葡萄糖耐糖实验是用来检查糖尿病的,它通过检测血液里的糖份水平来测量胰岛素的活性。 Urine is also tested for glucose as well as for bacteria, protein, and other materials. Glucose in the urine is sometimes caused by diabetes. Bacteria in the urine can indicate a kidney or bladder infection, and the presence of protein may result from a kidney disorder. A stool sample is tested for disease-causing microorganisms and for blood, which is often a symptom of intestinal disease. 尿样检验是用来探测小便里是否