
Traditional Chinese Medicine
traditional Chinese medicine is unique (独特的).
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese
medicine is mainly
composed of medicinal
Since the founding of new China, the government has repeatedly (反复的) organized resources to carry out a large-scale survey and data collection. The total number of Chinese traditional medicine resources is known to have 12807 kinds, 11146 kinds of plants with medicinal animal, 1581 species, 80 kinds of medicinal minerals. On the basis of traditional Chinese medicine resources survey, development and utilization(利用,使用) of some imported materials domestic resources has made remarkable achievements.
• Because in ancient words do not rise,these knowledge can only rely on anyone dictate, then the text, then gradually recording, The medical books.
traditional Chinese medicine is unique (独特的).
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese
medicine is mainly
composed of medicinal
Since the founding of new China, the government has repeatedly (反复的) organized resources to carry out a large-scale survey and data collection. The total number of Chinese traditional medicine resources is known to have 12807 kinds, 11146 kinds of plants with medicinal animal, 1581 species, 80 kinds of medicinal minerals. On the basis of traditional Chinese medicine resources survey, development and utilization(利用,使用) of some imported materials domestic resources has made remarkable achievements.
• Because in ancient words do not rise,these knowledge can only rely on anyone dictate, then the text, then gradually recording, The medical books.

❖ Throughout the formation and development of the China nation, there has been an evolution and continuing integration of blends of materia medicas.
Part 1 The history of CMM
❖ Today, there are still some food to be used as drugs .
❖ For example :Chinese Yam Rhizome
❖ It is not only a delicious food material but also is a Chinese herbal medicine .
Fructus Jujubae
❖ Usage and Dosage: 6~15g Cleave first and then place into the decoction
❖ So most of the CMM has originated from natural products; however, some of them are a result of chemical and biological products.
Part 1 The history of CMM
Part 1 The history of CMM
❖ In finding food, the ancient Chinese soon understood that some food could relieve or even eliminate some diseases.
❖ Thus, this was the origin of development and application of Chinese herbal medicine.
Part 1 The history of CMM
❖ Today, there are still some food to be used as drugs .
❖ For example :Chinese Yam Rhizome
❖ It is not only a delicious food material but also is a Chinese herbal medicine .
Fructus Jujubae
❖ Usage and Dosage: 6~15g Cleave first and then place into the decoction
❖ So most of the CMM has originated from natural products; however, some of them are a result of chemical and biological products.
Part 1 The history of CMM
Part 1 The history of CMM
❖ In finding food, the ancient Chinese soon understood that some food could relieve or even eliminate some diseases.
❖ Thus, this was the origin of development and application of Chinese herbal medicine.

第八章 体液蛋白质检验
概述 体液蛋白质测定
第一节 概 述
(一)血浆蛋白质的组成 血浆蛋白 质是血浆固体成份中含量最多、组成复 杂、功能广泛的一类化合物。占血浆固 体成份90%左右,目前已经研究的血浆 蛋白质有500多种,分离出的纯品物200 来种,除免疫球蛋白外,主要由肝细胞 合成。
【临床意义】主要作为急必时相反应的指 标,风湿病、恶性肿瘤、心肌梗塞患者上升, 营养不良、严重肝病下降。
(五)甲胎蛋白(AFP)分子量6.5~7万, pI4.75,含糖量4%,主要在胎儿肝合成,妊 娠13~15周血清AFP含量最高,以后逐渐下 降,出生时仅为高峰期的1%,周岁时接近成 人水平,仅10~30μg/L,功能不详。
【临床意义】急性炎症,恶性肿瘤,肝硬 化或肾炎时下降。
(二)白蛋白(allumim, ALb)分子量 66458,由肝实质细胞合成,半寿期15~19天, 是血浆中含量最多的蛋白质,占40%~60%, 主要功能,维持血浆胶体渗透性,缓冲作用, 运输作用,营养作用,调节某些激素或药物 活性。
白蛋白可微量地通过肾小球,约0.04%, 但大部分被血小管重吸收。白蛋白的测定方 法目前主要是溴甲酚绿(BCG)法。
The five flavors
The Five Flavors(五味)
It contains five basic herbal(adj 药草的,草本的) medicines
in a prescription(药味)—pungent [‘pʌndʒənt](adj 辛 的 ),sweet, sour, bitter, and salty .
AFP测定方法 火箭电泳放射自显影; 放 射 免 疫 法 ( RIA ) ; 酶 联 免 疫 吸 附 法 (ELISA)灵敏度接近放免,且操作简便, 无放射污染,便于推广。

acupuncture and herbal medicine.
2 Chinese massage was developed over 2,000 years ago and was popular in the Tang, Ming, and Qing dynasties.
The Chinese call this therapeutic bodywork tui na(推拿), 3 which literally means "push" and "pull".
Thank you!
Acupuncture is the insertion of needles (针) into the skin at specific points in order to affect the flow of energy.
2 TCM is based on a belief in yin and yang, defined as opposing energies, such as earth and heaven, winter and summer, and happiness and sadness.
3 The ultimate goal of TCM treatment is to balance the yin and yang in our lives by promoting the natural flow of qi.
2 Chinese massage was developed over 2,000 years ago and was popular in the Tang, Ming, and Qing dynasties.
The Chinese call this therapeutic bodywork tui na(推拿), 3 which literally means "push" and "pull".
Thank you!
Acupuncture is the insertion of needles (针) into the skin at specific points in order to affect the flow of energy.
2 TCM is based on a belief in yin and yang, defined as opposing energies, such as earth and heaven, winter and summer, and happiness and sadness.
3 The ultimate goal of TCM treatment is to balance the yin and yang in our lives by promoting the natural flow of qi.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory developed and expanded mainly from practice and experience.
As early as 4000 years ago, the ancient Chinese created primitive medicine in their struggle with nature and diseases.
Throughout the formation and development of the China nation, there has been an evolution and continuing integration of blends of materia medicas.
Part 1 The history of CMM
常用中药介绍 英文
Content summary
Part 1 The history of Chinese Materia Medica Part 2 The use of common Chinese Medical
Part 1 The history of CMM
The Chinese Materia Medica (CMM) is used, under the guidance of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theories, for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the human body and mind, and for health protection and keeping in good health.
As early as 4000 years ago, the ancient Chinese created primitive medicine in their struggle with nature and diseases.
Throughout the formation and development of the China nation, there has been an evolution and continuing integration of blends of materia medicas.
Part 1 The history of CMM
常用中药介绍 英文
Content summary
Part 1 The history of Chinese Materia Medica Part 2 The use of common Chinese Medical
Part 1 The history of CMM
The Chinese Materia Medica (CMM) is used, under the guidance of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theories, for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the human body and mind, and for health protection and keeping in good health.
中药【英文版】 ppt课件

没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……” • “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……”
• Which herbs of Herbs that Clear Heat
and Dry Dampness are assigned to which Jiāo?
• What are the properties of Lóng Dăn
SìFèn - Four Layers
They all manifest with fever
The pathogenic factor enters through the nose and mouth
They are infectious
Formulated before
The pathological rapid
All Warm Diseases are by definition caused by invasion of Fēng-Rè But not every invasion of Fēng-Rè is a Warm Disease. Warm Diseases are more virulent, more infectious, characterized by more intense heat, develop rapidly, injure Yīn
The pathogenic factor of Warm
Diseases has a strong tendency to
injure Yīn
SìFèn - Four Layers
• Which herbs of Herbs that Clear Heat
and Dry Dampness are assigned to which Jiāo?
• What are the properties of Lóng Dăn
SìFèn - Four Layers
They all manifest with fever
The pathogenic factor enters through the nose and mouth
They are infectious
Formulated before
The pathological rapid
All Warm Diseases are by definition caused by invasion of Fēng-Rè But not every invasion of Fēng-Rè is a Warm Disease. Warm Diseases are more virulent, more infectious, characterized by more intense heat, develop rapidly, injure Yīn
The pathogenic factor of Warm
Diseases has a strong tendency to
injure Yīn
SìFèn - Four Layers
Traditional Chinese Medicine中药英语介绍.ppt

The Inner Canon of Huangdi
• Qin and Han: Shen Nong s Materia Medica,
Treatise on Cold Pathogenic and Miscellaneous Diseases ,华佗 Pulse Classic
• Wei and Jin: compiled and edited 《伤》, • Sui : Treatise on the Causes and Symptoms of Diseases《诸病源候论》巢元方 • Tang: proposed the doctrine of the motion of the Five Phases and Six Natural Factors • Song: combined the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches with it. • From this, the principles and methods of therapy could be worked out.
耳 骨
Theory of yin and yang
The concept of yin and yang is also applicable to the human body; for example, the upper part of the body and the back are assigned to yang, while the lower part of the body are believed to have the yin character. Yin and yang characterization also extends to the various body functions, and - more importantly - to disease symptoms. Thus, yin and yang of the body are seen as phenomena whose lack (or overabundance) comes with characteristic symptom combinations:

❖ 1.Sources and collection of Chinese materia medica
❖ Today, there are still some food to be used as drugs .
❖ For example :Chinese Yam Rhizome
❖ It is not only a delicious food material but also is a Chinese herbal medicine .
❖ Throughout the formation and development of the China nation, there has been an evolution and continuing integration of blends of materia medicas.
Part 1 The history of CMM
From the Tang dynasty, the Chinese Materia Medica has spread beyond China’s boundaries into Japan, Korea, Vietnam and other countries and they have received and utilized it; so the Chinese Materia Medica not only belongs to the Chinese nation, but also is shared by other nations.
Part 1 The history of CMM
❖ Most of the CMM being comprised of plants ,historically there has been such a saying that “plants are the root of the CMM.”
❖ Today, there are still some food to be used as drugs .
❖ For example :Chinese Yam Rhizome
❖ It is not only a delicious food material but also is a Chinese herbal medicine .
❖ Throughout the formation and development of the China nation, there has been an evolution and continuing integration of blends of materia medicas.
Part 1 The history of CMM
From the Tang dynasty, the Chinese Materia Medica has spread beyond China’s boundaries into Japan, Korea, Vietnam and other countries and they have received and utilized it; so the Chinese Materia Medica not only belongs to the Chinese nation, but also is shared by other nations.
Part 1 The history of CMM
❖ Most of the CMM being comprised of plants ,historically there has been such a saying that “plants are the root of the CMM.”

Part 1 The history of CMM
Most of the CMM being comprised of plants ,historically there has been such a saying that “plants are the root of the CMM.”
From the Tang dynasty, the Chinese Materia Medica has spread beyond China’s boundaries into Japan, Korea, Vietnam and other countries and they have received and utilized it; so the Chinese Materia Medica not only belongs to the Chinese nation, but also is shared by other nations.
So most of the CMM has originated from natural products; however, some of them are a result of chemical and biological products.
Part 1 The history of CMM
Part 1 The history of CMM
In finding food, the ancient Chinese soon understood that some food could relieve or even eliminate some diseases.
Thus, this was the origin of development and application of Chinese herbal medicine.

Since the founding of new China, the government has repeatedly (反复的) organized resources to carry out a large-scale survey and data collection. The total number of Chinese traditional medicine resources is known to have 12807 kinds, 11146 kinds of plants with medicinal animal, 1581 species, 80 kinds of medicinal minerals. On the basis of traditional Chinese medicine resources survey, development and utilization(利用,使用) of some imported materials domestic resources has made remarkable achievements.
animal medicine 【动物药】 (viscera, skin, bones, organs)
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine according to the machining process is divided into traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese herbal medicine.
The development of traditional Chinese Medicine

ⅰ) vomiting due to
coldness in stomach
ⅱ)cold cough(风寒咳 嗽)
ⅲ)common cold due to wind-cold(风寒感冒)
Wind-heat dispersing medicine
• Example: Folium Mori
• Salt: functions of softening hardness to dissipate stagnation(软 坚散结) and defecation.
Ascending and Descending, Floating and Sinking (升降浮 沉)
• It refers to the drugs’ four different function trend (up ,down, inside and ouside)to the body.
preparation (制剂)
The Performance of the TCM
• It can also called drug properties(药性), and it mainly conclude “four natures of drugs(四气)”,“the five flavors(五味)”, “channel tropism [‘trəupizəm] (归经)”,“ascending and descending, floating and sinking (升降浮沉)”,“toxicity(毒 性)”,and etc.
ⅰ) vomiting due to
coldness in stomach
ⅱ)cold cough(风寒咳 嗽)
ⅲ)common cold due to wind-cold(风寒感冒)
Wind-heat dispersing medicine
• Example: Folium Mori
• Salt: functions of softening hardness to dissipate stagnation(软 坚散结) and defecation.
Ascending and Descending, Floating and Sinking (升降浮 沉)
• It refers to the drugs’ four different function trend (up ,down, inside and ouside)to the body.
preparation (制剂)
The Performance of the TCM
• It can also called drug properties(药性), and it mainly conclude “four natures of drugs(四气)”,“the five flavors(五味)”, “channel tropism [‘trəupizəm] (归经)”,“ascending and descending, floating and sinking (升降浮沉)”,“toxicity(毒 性)”,and etc.
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• Because in ancient words do not rise,these knowledge can only rely on anyone dictate, then the text, then gradually recording, The medical books.
The development of traditional Chinese Medicine
animal medicine 【动物药】 (viscera, skin, bones, organs)
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine according to the machining process is divided into traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese herbal medicine.
Since the founding of new China, the government has repeatedly (反复的) organized resources to carry out a large-scale survey and data collection. The total number of Chinese traditional medicine resources is known to have 12807 kinds, 11146 kinds of plants with medicinal animal, 1581 species, 80 kinds of medicinal minerals. On the basis of traditional Chinese medicine resources survey, development and utilization(利用,使用) of some imported materials domestic resources has made remarkable achievements.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
traditional Chinese
medicine is unique (独特的).
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine is mainly composed of medicinal plants 【植物药】(root, stem, leaf, fruit)
2.Relying on different objects
Western medicine for people to find disease. Chinese medicine to people looking for health .western medicine with medicine rely on the object. The self rehabilitation ability of traditional Chinese medicine is to rely on patient.
The development of traditional Chinese Medicine
The labourer(体力劳动者) in China for thousands of years in the fight with the disease process, through practice, we understand, gradually accumulated a wealth of medical knowledge. Chinese medicine has several thousand years of history, is our country people's long struggle against disease with extremely rich experience, has a great contribution to the Chinese nation's thriving and prosperous. Because the drug in the herbage accounted for the majority of the books and records drugs, so called "compendium of Materia medica".
medicined diet
fruit vegetable
Medicinal food
Thanks for watching
3.Toxicity problem
Western medicine because of the effects of single , local resistance large side effect. As long as the syndrome differentiation and trecotment of traditional Chinese medicine , appropriate compatibility almost no side effects.for thousands of years , no Chinese medicine because of side effects to be eliminated.
1.Look at the problem from different angles
traditional Chinese medicine to look at the problem from a macro perspective ,the as aorganic whole.each part of the body interaction .While the western medicine is from the macro perspective ,using the analysis method,not thepeople when the adult,and is regarded as a combination of various parts