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Passage 1



InBeijing,thereare manyHutongs, which me an small lanes、The lifeof ordinary people in the selanescontributesgreatly to the cha

rm of Beijing, the ancient capital、Usal

ly,there is a courtyardplex inside t

he Hutong, with roomsfor anaverage of 4 to10 familiesofabout 20 members、So lifeat the Hutongis that of a friendly and interperso

nal munication、Hutong is the living environment o

f ordinary Bejin

g natives、It isalso an artof ar chitecture、Itreflects thechanges ofth

esociety、With the rapid developmentofthesociety and economy,many Hutongswilllive onl

yin people’s memory、ﻫ

Passage 2

端午节,又称龙舟节,为每年农历五月初五。端午节起源于中国,最初就是我国以祛病防疫得节日,后来传说爱国诗人屈原在这一天死去,也同时成了中国汉族人民纪念屈原得传统节日.端午节有吃粽子,赛龙舟等主要习俗。特别就是赛龙舟得习俗受到普遍得欢迎,因为它不仅就是一种体育娱乐活动,更体现出人们心中得爱国主义与集体主义精神。ﻫDuanwu Festival,als

o called The Dragon-boat Festival, iscelebratedo

nthe fifthday of the fifthmonth according to t heChinese lunar calendar、It originated in Chin

a as a festival forthe Chinesepeople to prevent a nd get rid of diseases、Later on, it wassaid tha tQuyuan,the patrioticpoet,die

d on this day and it becam

e a traditional festiva

l in memory of Quyuan for the Chinese Han peopl

e、Eating zongzi andracing dragon boats are t

he main customsof DuanwuFestival、Especially, dragonb oatracing isvery popular,for itis notonl

yan activityof sportsand recreation,butalso embodies people'spatriotism and collectivism、

Passage 3ﻫ中医就是我国得传统医学,起源于大约6000年前得神农氏时代。中医学在长期得发展过程中,逐渐形成了一套医学原则与观点.中医认为“万物人为贵”。中医师通过了解人与自然以及人体各部位之间得种种关系来诊断与治疗人得疾病.中医有完整得理论体系与临床治疗办法,其独特得疗效与科学体系赢得了全世界得广泛赞誉。

The Chinese medicine,known as “traditiona

l Chinese medicine”in China,originated about 6000 ye ars ago, in the eraof Shennong, a famou

sherbal medicine master in ancient China、During th elong-termdevelopment,the traditional Chinese m edicine has gradually formed a setof medical principles and concepts、Traditional Chinese medicineh olds thatnothing pares to ahuman life、Traditio nal Chinese medical doctorsdiagnose and t

reat the patients’diseases through findin

gout the relationshipbetween manand natur

e,and amongthe variousparts of thehumanbody、Traditional Chinesemedicine has develop

ed a plete theoretical system andplete clinical tre atment approaches、And it wins widespreadpraises al lovertheworld because of its unique effectiveness and its scientific nature、

Passage 4ﻫ文化就是一个国家得面孔。在中国文化输出得过程中,中华民族这个巨人给世界带去了物质与精神文化大餐.在中国文化对外传播得历史道路上,丝绸、瓷器、茶叶、科技发明这些物质文明符号,带动了世界得进步,而“四书”、“五经"等典籍所倡导得中庸、守信、谦与、善治等精神则在世界上树立了中国得精神符号。ﻫCultureis a countr

y’s face、During the courseof Chineseculture output,the giant of the Chinese nation has taken tot he worldthe cultural feastof both material

sand spirit、On the historical path of theforeig nmunication of theChineseculture, such signs o

f material civilizationas silk,chi

na, tea, and scientific andtechnological invention

s ledthe world’sprogress、Meanwhile,suchspiri tasthe golden mean,faith keeping, modesty and g entleness and good governance initiated in the classicworks of the Four Books,the Five Classics,etc, e stablished thesigns of the Chinese spirit in th

e world、

Passage5ﻫ我们将大力促进亚洲与世界发展繁荣。新世纪以来,中国已成为众多周边国家得最大贸易伙伴、最大出口市场、重要投资来源地。中国同亚洲与世界得利益融合达到前所未有得广度(scope)与深度.当前与今后一个时期,中国经济将继续保持健康发展得势头,国内需求特别就是消费需求将持续扩大,对外投资也将大幅增加。中国越发展,越能给亚洲与世界带来发展机遇。ﻫChinawill strongly promote developmentandpr osperityin bothAsia and the world、Since the be ginning of thisnew century,China has bee the largest trading partner, the biggest export market an
