PBT 4815物性表
玻纤增强型PC PBT混合物物性表
PBT+GF 物性表
PBT,30%glass fibres,injection moulding,flame retardantISO Shortname:ISO 7792-1-PBT,GFHMR,09-110,GF30;ISO 1043-PBT GF FR(17)PropertyTest ConditionUnitStandardguide valueRheological properties C Melt volume-flow rate 260°C;5kgcm³/(10min)ISO 1133-137C Molding shrinkage,parallel 60x60x2;250°C /WZ 80°C;600bar%ISO 294-40.3C Molding shrinkage,transverse 60x60x2;250°C /WZ 80°C;600bar%ISO 294-40.9Post-shrinkage,parallel 60x60x2;120°C;4h %ISO 294-40.1Post-shrinkage,transverse60x60x2;120°C;4h%ISO 294-40.1Mechanical properties (23°C/50%r.h.)C Tensile modulus 1mm/min MPa ISO 527-1,-211500C Tensile Stress at break 5mm/min MPa ISO 527-1,-2125C Tensile Strain at break 5mm/min %ISO 527-1,-2 2.1C Charpy impact strength 23°C kJ/m²ISO 179-1eU 50C Charpy impact strength -30°C kJ/m²ISO 179-1eU 50C Charpy notched impact strength 23°C kJ/m²ISO 179-1eA <10C Charpy notched impact strength -30°C kJ/m²ISO 179-1eA <10Izod impact strength 23°C kJ/m²ISO 180-1U 45Izod impact strength -30°C kJ/m²ISO 180-1U 45Izod notched impact strength 23°C kJ/m²ISO 180-1A <10Izod notched impact strength -30°C kJ/m²ISO 180-1A <10Flexural modulus 2mm/min MPa ISO 178-A 10500Flexural strength2mm/min MPa ISO 178-A 200Flexural strain at flexural strength 2mm/min%ISO 178-A 2.6Ball indentation hardness N/mm²ISO 2039-1186C Puncture energy 23°C J ISO 6603-2 2.3C Puncture energy -30°C J ISO 6603-2 2.1C Puncture maximum force 23°C N ISO 6603-2669C Puncture maximum force -30°C NISO 6603-2649Thermal properties C Melting temperature10°C/min °C ISO 11357-1,-3225C Temperature of deflection under load 1.80MPa °C ISO 75-1,-2200C Temperature of deflection under load 0.45MPa °C ISO 75-1,-2220Vicat softening temperature50N;120°C/h °C ISO 306205C Coefficient of linear thermal expansion,parallel 23to 55°C 10-4/K ISO 11359-1,-20.2C Coefficient of linear thermal expansion,transverse 23to 55°C 10-4/K ISO 11359-1,-20.9C Burning behavior UL 940.38mm Class UL 94V-0C Burning behavior UL 940.8mm Class UL 94V-0C Oxygen indexMethod A%ISO 4589-232Pocan B 4239000000Page 1of 3PropertyTest Condition Unit Standard guide valueThermal conductivity23°CW/(m·K)ISO 83020.24Resistance to heat (ball pressure test)°C IEC 60695-10-2213Temperature index (Tensile strength)20000h °C IEC 60216-1155Halving interval (Tensile strength)°C IEC 60216-19.3Relative temperature index (Tensile strength)°C UL 746B 140Temperature index (Tensile impact strength)20000h °C IEC 60216-1130Halving interval (Tensile impact strength)°C IEC 60216-18.4Relative temperature index (Tensile impact strength)°C UL 746B 110Temperature index (Electric strength)20000h °C IEC 60216-1145Halving interval (Electric strength)°C IEC 60216-112Relative temperature index (Electric strength)°C UL 746B 125Glow wire test (GWFI)0.8mm °C IEC 60695-2-12960Glow wire test (GWIT)0.8mm °C IEC 60695-2-13725Glow wire test (GWIT) 1.6mm °C IEC 60695-2-13725Glow wire test (GWIT)3.0mm °CIEC 60695-2-13725Electrical properties (23°C/50%r.h.)C Relative permittivity 100Hz -IEC 60250 3.9C Relative permittivity 1MHz -IEC 60250 3.8C Electric strength1mm kV/mm IEC 60243-135C Comparative tracking index CTI Solution AV IEC 60112275Electrolytic corrosion RatingIEC 60426A/B 1Other properties (23°C)C Density kg/m³ISO 11831670Bulk densitykg/m³ISO 60800Processing conditions for test specimens C Injection molding-Melt temperature °C ISO 294250C Injection molding-Mold temperature °CISO 29480Processing recommendations Drying time circulating air dryer h -4-8Drying temperature circulating air dryer °C -120Residual moisture content %Acc.to Karl Fischer 0-0.02Melt temperature (Tmin -Tmax)°C -240-260Mold temperature°C-80-100C These property characteristics are taken from the CAMPUS plastics data bank and are based on the international catalogue of basic data for plastics according to ISO10350.Pocan B 4239000000Page 2of 3DisclaimerDisclaimer for sales productsThis information and our technical advice -whether verbal,in writing or by way of trials -are given in good faith but without warranty,and this also applies whereproprietary rights of third parties are involved.Our advice does not release you from the obligation to verify the information currently provided -especially that contained in our safety data and technical information sheets -and to test our products as to their suitability for the intended processes and uses.The application,use and processing of our products and the products manufactured by you on the basis of our technical advice are beyond our control and,therefore,entirely your own responsibility.Our products are sold in accordance with the current version of our General Conditions of Sale and Delivery.Test valuesUnless specified to the contrary,the values given have been established on standardized test specimens at room temperature.The figures should be regarded as guide values only and not as binding minimum values.Kindly note that,under certain conditions,the properties can be affected to a considerable extent by the design of the mould/die,the processing conditions and the coloring.Processing noteUnder the recommended processing conditions small quantities of decomposition product may be given off during processing.To preclude any risk to the health and well-being of the machine operatives,tolerance limits for the work environment must be ensured by the provision of efficient exhaust ventilation and fresh air at theworkplace in accordance with the Safety Data Sheet.In order to prevent the partial decomposition of the polymer and the generation of volatile decomposition products,the prescribed processing temperatures should not be substantially exceeded.Since excessively high temperatures are generally the result of operator error or defects in the heating system,special care and controls are essential in these areas.LANXESS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH |D -51369LEVERKUSEN ©LANXESS DeutschlandGmbHPocan B 4239000000Page 3of 3。
PBT 4815物性表
PBT 4815物性表数据资料特性:含有玻纤15%,强度大,成型容易,难燃等级达1/8inch,UL 94V-0用途:连接器、冷却风扇、插座、线圈轴、汽机车零件、开关、电视机零件、整流器。
PBT 4815 台湾长春物性表资料由长城塑胶提供PBT 1100 高粘度,超韧性,成型表面光滑。
PBT 1200 高流动,表面光泽度良好。
PBT 2000 流动性佳,阻燃UL94V-0级。
PBT 2100 流动性佳,阻燃UL94V-0级。
PBT 3015 玻纤增强15%,低粘度,耐热性佳。
PBT 3020 玻纤增强20%,中粘度。
PBT 3030 玻纤增强30%,高强度,耐热。
PBT 4115 含玻璃15%,高强度,阻燃。
PBT 4120 含玻璃20%,强韧耐热性佳。
PBT 4130 含玻璃30%,强韧耐热性佳。
PBT 4140 含玻璃40%,高强度,低翘曲。
PBT 4815 玻纤增强15%,强度大,阻燃。
PBT 4830 玻纤增强30%,强度大,阻燃。
PBT 5630 玻纤增强30%,无卤阻燃。
PBT 5115 玻纤增强15%,无卤阻燃,黑色规格。
PBT 5130 玻纤增强30%,无卤阻燃,黑色规格。
长春 PBT
阻燃级PBT 6530工程塑胶
台湾长春PBT 3015 添加15%玻璃纤维低粘度耐热性佳
台湾长春PBT 3020 添加20%玻璃纤维中粘度成型性和强度都好
台湾长春PBT 3030 添加30%玻璃纤维强度坚韧耐热性佳
台湾长春PBT 4115 添加15%玻璃纤维1/32 UL94V-0 易成型台湾长春PBT 4120 添加20%玻璃纤维1/32 UL94V-0 坚韧耐热佳可长期使用于高温环境
台湾长春PBT 4130 添加30%玻璃纤维1/32 UL94V-0 坚韧耐热佳可长期使用于高温环境
台湾长春PBT 4140 添加40%玻璃纤维阻燃等级为1/32 UL94V-0 高强度低翘曲
台湾长春PBT 4815 添加15%玻璃纤维阻燃等级为1/8 UL94V-0 易成型
台湾长春PBT 4830 添加30%玻璃纤维阻燃等级为1/8 UL94V-0 强度大耐热性佳
台湾长春PBT 5615 添加15%玻璃纤维阻燃等级为1/32 UL94V-0 无卤阻燃耐热性佳
台湾长春PBT 5630 添加30%玻璃纤维阻燃等级为1/32 UL94V-0 无卤阻燃耐热性佳。
PBT 材料介绍
1. PBT材料的分子结构:
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
化学名称:聚对苯二甲酸丁二酯 玻璃转移温度(Tg) :20度 ; 熔点(Tm):222 密度:1.31g/cm3 吸水率:0.34%(23度平衡) 成型收缩率:1.7~2.3%
一.玻璃纤维对PBT力学性能的影响 1.热变形温度得到很大的提高 2.机械性能的各种强度都得到成倍增长,比同样条件下的 MPPO,POM,PC的各种强度都好. 二.温度对PBT力学性能的影响 1.温度升高PBT的拉伸强度及弯曲强度及无缺口冲击强度都 有所下降,但其缺口冲击强度却有所上升. 三.PBT树脂的缺口冲击强度较低,对缺口敏感性大 四.PBT材料具有突出的动态力学性能,具有优异的耐蠕变性.
1. 2. 3. 4. 注射压力的选用原则为:最好选用能满足性能,外观和模塑循环的最低压力. PBT材料属易流动材料,通常选用中等压力, 对于充填构造复杂或薄壁的制品时,需要中等至较高的注射压力. 对非增强规格通常压力为55~70Mpa,对增强规格通常压力为 65~120Mpa. 正常的情况下,合适的保压压力为注射压力的60~80% 对小浇口的薄壁制品只需中等的保压压力,对大浇口厚壁产品需要高保压压力 和更长的保压时间.
5. 6.
1. 循环时间主要取决于零件的厚度.
2. 对于壁厚为0.76~1.52mm的薄壁产品,总循环时间 通常为10~18秒. 3. 对于壁厚达到3.8mm的厚壁产品,总循环时间通常 约为40秒.
W ww. P 概述材料为聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯(PBT),挤出级
类别:聚合物,热塑性聚酯,TP ; 聚对苯二甲酸丁二酯(PBT),聚对苯二甲酸丁二酯(PBT),挤出级
PBT 4815
Engineering PlasticsPBT 4815Polyethylene Terephthalate Technical DataCCP P B TPBT glass fiber 15% reinforced injection moulding grade.(15% 玻纤强化聚丁稀对苯二甲酸酯)Characteristics特性1)结晶快速,易成型;2)融点高达225℃,耐热性(耐热裂化)佳;3)玻璃纤维强化,机械强度大;4)吸水率低,尺寸安定性佳;5)摩擦系数低,耐磨耗;6)耐化学品、溶剂、耐候性好;7)弯曲蠕变性质佳;8)介电强度高,电气性质佳;9)可超音波熔接,组立加工容易。
Injection Moulding Condition射出成型条件烘料温度:120℃ 4- 6小时/ 140℃ 2 - 4小时Cylinder temperatures (料管温度)后段:230-245℃中段:240-260℃:前段:255-265℃喷嘴:255-270℃Mould temperature(模温):80-120℃, suitable temperature 90-120℃Injection rate(射速) :middle – fast(中——快)Screw speed(螺杆转速) :60-100 rpm, to be chosen in such a way thatplasticizing time is just within cooling time.Injection pressure(射压) :500-1200㎏/㎝2Pressure(压力)Holding pressure(保压) :300-800㎏/㎝2Back pressure(背压) :0-3㎏/㎝2Packaging(包装)25㎏/ paper bag(25公斤纸袋装) .Material handingMoisture pick-up from ambient air should be avoided. Keep hopper properly closed.CCP PBT 4815Property (物性) Value(规格值)Unit(单位)Test method(测试方法)ASTMGlass Fiber Content(玻纤含量)15 % CCP Specific gravity(比重) 1.46-1.52 - D792 Melting point(熔点) 225 ℃DSCHDT(热变形温度)--- 18.6㎏/㎝2205 ℃D648--- 4.6Kg/㎝2220 ℃D648Coef.of linear thermal expansion热膨胀系数 5.5 10 -5㎝/㎝℃D696Moisture absorption (24h)(吸湿率) 0.03 %D570 Flammability acc. to UL94V0 - UL94 (耐燃性)Tensile strength(引张强度) 850-1100 ㎏/㎝2D638Tensile elongation(引张伸长率) 3.0-4.5 %D638Flexural strength(挠曲强度) 1400-1800 ㎏/㎝2D790Flexural modulus(挠曲模数) 40000 ㎏/㎝2D790Izod impact strength - notched 1/4”(冲击强度)4.5-6.5㎏.㎝/㎝D256Hardness-Rockwell(洛氏硬度) 93 M-Scale D785 Dielectric strength, 2㎜thickness(绝缘破坏强度)〉20 KV/㎜D149Volume resistivity(体积抵抗率) 〉1015Ω-㎝D257Surface resistivity(表面抵抗率) 〉1013ΩD257Dielectric constant(介电常数) 5.5 60Hz D150 Dielectric dissipation factor(诱电正接) 0.001 60Hz D150※表中测试数据仅作参考用,非制定之规格值。
PBT+GF 物性表
PBT,30%glass fibres,injection moulding,flame retardantISO Shortname:ISO 7792-1-PBT,GFHMR,09-110,GF30;ISO 1043-PBT GF FR(17)PropertyTest ConditionUnitStandardguide valueRheological properties C Melt volume-flow rate 260°C;5kgcm³/(10min)ISO 1133-137C Molding shrinkage,parallel 60x60x2;250°C /WZ 80°C;600bar%ISO 294-40.3C Molding shrinkage,transverse 60x60x2;250°C /WZ 80°C;600bar%ISO 294-40.9Post-shrinkage,parallel 60x60x2;120°C;4h %ISO 294-40.1Post-shrinkage,transverse60x60x2;120°C;4h%ISO 294-40.1Mechanical properties (23°C/50%r.h.)C Tensile modulus 1mm/min MPa ISO 527-1,-211500C Tensile Stress at break 5mm/min MPa ISO 527-1,-2125C Tensile Strain at break 5mm/min %ISO 527-1,-2 2.1C Charpy impact strength 23°C kJ/m²ISO 179-1eU 50C Charpy impact strength -30°C kJ/m²ISO 179-1eU 50C Charpy notched impact strength 23°C kJ/m²ISO 179-1eA <10C Charpy notched impact strength -30°C kJ/m²ISO 179-1eA <10Izod impact strength 23°C kJ/m²ISO 180-1U 45Izod impact strength -30°C kJ/m²ISO 180-1U 45Izod notched impact strength 23°C kJ/m²ISO 180-1A <10Izod notched impact strength -30°C kJ/m²ISO 180-1A <10Flexural modulus 2mm/min MPa ISO 178-A 10500Flexural strength2mm/min MPa ISO 178-A 200Flexural strain at flexural strength 2mm/min%ISO 178-A 2.6Ball indentation hardness N/mm²ISO 2039-1186C Puncture energy 23°C J ISO 6603-2 2.3C Puncture energy -30°C J ISO 6603-2 2.1C Puncture maximum force 23°C N ISO 6603-2669C Puncture maximum force -30°C NISO 6603-2649Thermal properties C Melting temperature10°C/min °C ISO 11357-1,-3225C Temperature of deflection under load 1.80MPa °C ISO 75-1,-2200C Temperature of deflection under load 0.45MPa °C ISO 75-1,-2220Vicat softening temperature50N;120°C/h °C ISO 306205C Coefficient of linear thermal expansion,parallel 23to 55°C 10-4/K ISO 11359-1,-20.2C Coefficient of linear thermal expansion,transverse 23to 55°C 10-4/K ISO 11359-1,-20.9C Burning behavior UL 940.38mm Class UL 94V-0C Burning behavior UL 940.8mm Class UL 94V-0C Oxygen indexMethod A%ISO 4589-232Pocan B 4239000000Page 1of 3PropertyTest Condition Unit Standard guide valueThermal conductivity23°CW/(m·K)ISO 83020.24Resistance to heat (ball pressure test)°C IEC 60695-10-2213Temperature index (Tensile strength)20000h °C IEC 60216-1155Halving interval (Tensile strength)°C IEC 60216-19.3Relative temperature index (Tensile strength)°C UL 746B 140Temperature index (Tensile impact strength)20000h °C IEC 60216-1130Halving interval (Tensile impact strength)°C IEC 60216-18.4Relative temperature index (Tensile impact strength)°C UL 746B 110Temperature index (Electric strength)20000h °C IEC 60216-1145Halving interval (Electric strength)°C IEC 60216-112Relative temperature index (Electric strength)°C UL 746B 125Glow wire test (GWFI)0.8mm °C IEC 60695-2-12960Glow wire test (GWIT)0.8mm °C IEC 60695-2-13725Glow wire test (GWIT) 1.6mm °C IEC 60695-2-13725Glow wire test (GWIT)3.0mm °CIEC 60695-2-13725Electrical properties (23°C/50%r.h.)C Relative permittivity 100Hz -IEC 60250 3.9C Relative permittivity 1MHz -IEC 60250 3.8C Electric strength1mm kV/mm IEC 60243-135C Comparative tracking index CTI Solution AV IEC 60112275Electrolytic corrosion RatingIEC 60426A/B 1Other properties (23°C)C Density kg/m³ISO 11831670Bulk densitykg/m³ISO 60800Processing conditions for test specimens C Injection molding-Melt temperature °C ISO 294250C Injection molding-Mold temperature °CISO 29480Processing recommendations Drying time circulating air dryer h -4-8Drying temperature circulating air dryer °C -120Residual moisture content %Acc.to Karl Fischer 0-0.02Melt temperature (Tmin -Tmax)°C -240-260Mold temperature°C-80-100C These property characteristics are taken from the CAMPUS plastics data bank and are based on the international catalogue of basic data for plastics according to ISO10350.Pocan B 4239000000Page 2of 3DisclaimerDisclaimer for sales productsThis information and our technical advice -whether verbal,in writing or by way of trials -are given in good faith but without warranty,and this also applies whereproprietary rights of third parties are involved.Our advice does not release you from the obligation to verify the information currently provided -especially that contained in our safety data and technical information sheets -and to test our products as to their suitability for the intended processes and uses.The application,use and processing of our products and the products manufactured by you on the basis of our technical advice are beyond our control and,therefore,entirely your own responsibility.Our products are sold in accordance with the current version of our General Conditions of Sale and Delivery.Test valuesUnless specified to the contrary,the values given have been established on standardized test specimens at room temperature.The figures should be regarded as guide values only and not as binding minimum values.Kindly note that,under certain conditions,the properties can be affected to a considerable extent by the design of the mould/die,the processing conditions and the coloring.Processing noteUnder the recommended processing conditions small quantities of decomposition product may be given off during processing.To preclude any risk to the health and well-being of the machine operatives,tolerance limits for the work environment must be ensured by the provision of efficient exhaust ventilation and fresh air at theworkplace in accordance with the Safety Data Sheet.In order to prevent the partial decomposition of the polymer and the generation of volatile decomposition products,the prescribed processing temperatures should not be substantially exceeded.Since excessively high temperatures are generally the result of operator error or defects in the heating system,special care and controls are essential in these areas.LANXESS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH |D -51369LEVERKUSEN ©LANXESS DeutschlandGmbHPocan B 4239000000Page 3of 3。
PBT 357物性表
V alox* Resin 357A sia Pacific: COMMERCIALPBT + PC, Unreinforced, impact modified, UL94V-0 rated. Applications like bobbins, switches and enclosures.T YPICAL PROPERTIES ¹TYPICAL VALUEUNITSTANDARDM ECHANICALT ensile Stress, yld, Type I, 50 mm/min 48M Pa A STM D 638T ensile Stress, brk, Type I, 50 mm/min 48M Pa A STM D 638T ensile Strain, yld, Type I, 50 mm/min 5%A STM D 638T ensile Strain, brk, Type I, 50 mm/min 110%A STM D 638T ensile Modulus, 5 mm/min2020M Pa A STM D 638F lexural Stress, yld, 1.3 mm/min, 50 mm span 83M Pa A STM D 790F lexural Stress, brk, 1.3 mm/min, 50 mm span 83M Pa A STM D 790F lexural Modulus, 1.3 mm/min, 50 mm span 2060M Pa A STM D 790H ardness, Rockwell R117-A STM D 785I MPACTIzod Impact, unnotched, 23°C 3204J /m A STM D 4812 Izod Impact, notched, 23°C 534J /m A STM D 256 Izod Impact, notched, -30°C 153J /m A STM D 256 Gardner, 23°C43J A STM D 3029 Modified Gardner, 23°C43J A STM D 3029 Instrumented Impact Total Energy, 23°C 35J A STM D 3763 Izod Impact, notched 80*10*4 +23°C 45k J/m²I SO 180/1A Izod Impact, notched 80*10*4 -30°C10k J/m²I SO 180/1A Charpy 23°C, V-notch Edgew 80*10*4 sp=62mm45k J/m²I SO 179/1eA T HERMALV icat Softening Temp, Rate B/50134°C A STM D 1525H DT, 0.45 MPa, 6.4 mm, unannealed 138°C A STM D 648H DT, 1.82 MPa, 6.4 mm, unannealed 99°C A STM D 648 CTE, -40°C to 40°C, flow 9.18E-051/°C A STM E 831 CTE, -40°C to 40°C, xflow 8.4E-051/°C A STM E 831 CTE, 60°C to 138°C, flow 1.24E-041/°C A STM E 831 CTE, -40°C to 40°C, flow7.2E-051/°CI SO 11359-2PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SALES OFFICE FOR AVAILABILITY IN YOUR AREA DISCLAIMER : THE MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS OF THE BUSINESSES MAKING UP THE SABIC INNOVATIVE PLASTICS 1) T ypical values only. Variations within normal tolerances are possible for variose colours.All values are measured at least after 48 hours s torage at 230C/50% relative humidity.All properties, except the melt volume rate are measured on injection m oulded samples.All samples are prepared according to ISO 294.2) O nly typical data for material selection purpose.Not to be used for p art or tool design.3) T his rating is not intended to reflect hazards presented by this or any o ther material under actual fire conditions.4) O wn measurement according to UL.5) Measurements made from laboratory test coupon. Actual shrinkage may vary outside of range due todifferences in processing conditions, equipment, part geometry and tool design. It is recommended that mold shrinkage studies be performed with surrogate or legacy tooling prior to cutting tools for new molded article.Source, GMD, Last Update:11/09/2009COMPANY, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES ("SABIC IP"), ARE SOLD SUBJECT TO SABIC IP' S STANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE, WHICH ARE INCLUDED IN THE APPLICABLE DISTRIBUTOR OR OTHER SALES AGREEMENT, PRINTED ON THE BACK OF ORDER ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND INVOICES, AND AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. ALTHOUGH ANY INFORMATION, RECOMMENDATIONS, OR ADVICECONTAINED HEREIN IS GIVEN IN GOOD FAITH, SABIC IP MAKES NO WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, (I) THAT THE RESULTS DESCRIBED HEREIN WILL BE OBTAINED UNDER END-USE CONDITIONS, OR (II) AS TO THE EFFECTIVENESS OR SAFETY OF ANY DESIGN INCORPORATING SABIC IP MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, RECOMMENDATIONS OR ADVICE. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SABIC IP' S STANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE, SABIC IP AND ITS REPRESENTATIVES SHALL IN NO EVENT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS RESULTING FROM ANY USE OF ITS MATERIALS OR PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN.Each user bears full responsibility for making its own determination as to the suitability of SABIC IP' s materials, products, recommendations, or advice for its own particular use. Each user must identify and perform all tests and analyses necessary to assure that its finished parts incorporating SABIC IP materials or products will be safe and suitable for use under end-use conditions. Nothing in this or any other document, nor any oralrecommendation or advice, shall be deemed to alter, vary, supersede, or waive any provision of SABIC IP' s Standard Conditions of Sale or this Disclaimer, unless any such modification is specifically agreed to in a writing signed by SABIC IP. No statement contained herein concerning a possible or suggested use of any material, product or design is intended, or should be construed, to grant any license under any patent or other intellectual property right of SABIC Innovative Plastics Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates covering such use or design, or as a recommendation for the use of such material, product or design in the infringement of any patent or otherV alox* Resin 357A sia Pacific: COMMERCIALT YPICAL PROPERTIES ¹TYPICAL VALUE UNIT STANDARDT HERMALCTE, -40°C to 40°C, xflow8.4E-051/°C I SO 11359-2V icat Softening Temp, Rate B/50145°C I SO 306V icat Softening Temp, Rate B/120150°C I SO 306H DT/Af, 1.8 MPa Flatw 80*10*4 sp=64mm 84°C I SO 75/Af R elative Temp Index, Elec120°C U L 746B R elative Temp Index, Mech w/impact 120°C U L 746B R elative Temp Index, Mech w/o impact140°C U L 746B P HYSICALS pecific Gravity 1.34-A STM D 792S pecific Volume0.75c m³/g A STM D 792W ater Absorption, 24 hours0.08%A STM D 570M old Shrinkage, flow, 3.2 mm (5)1 - 1.4%S ABIC Method M old Shrinkage, flow, 0.75-2.3 mm (5)0.8 - 1.1%S ABIC Method M old Shrinkage, flow, 2.3-4.6 mm (5)1 - 1.4%S ABIC Method M old Shrinkage, xflow, 0.75-2.3 mm (5)0.9 - 1.3%S ABIC Method M old Shrinkage, xflow, 2.3-4.6 mm (5)1.2 - 1.6%S ABIC Method Melt Flow Rate, 250°C/5.0 kgf 9.6g /10 min A STM D 1238D ensity1.34g /cm³I SO 1183 Water Absorption, (23°C/sat)0.5%I SO 62 Moisture Absorption (23°C / 50% RH)0.15%I SO 62 Melt Volume Rate, MVR at 250°C/5.0 kg8c m³/10 min I SO 1133E LECTRICALV olume Resistivity>1.2E+16O hm-cm A STM D 257D ielectric Strength, in air, 3.2 mm18.5k V/mmA STM D 149Source, GMD, Last Update:11/09/2009PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SALES OFFICE FOR AVAILABILITY IN YOUR AREA DISCLAIMER : THE MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS OF THE BUSINESSES MAKING UP THE SABIC INNOVATIVE PLASTICS COMPANY, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES ("SABIC IP"), ARE SOLD SUBJECT TO SABIC IP' S STANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE, WHICH ARE INCLUDED IN THE APPLICABLE DISTRIBUTOR OR OTHER SALES AGREEMENT, PRINTED ON THE BACK OF ORDER ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND INVOICES, AND AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. ALTHOUGH ANY INFORMATION, RECOMMENDATIONS, OR ADVICECONTAINED HEREIN IS GIVEN IN GOOD FAITH, SABIC IP MAKES NO WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, (I) THAT THE RESULTS DESCRIBED HEREIN WILL BE OBTAINED UNDER END-USE CONDITIONS, OR (II) AS TO THE EFFECTIVENESS OR SAFETY OF ANY DESIGN INCORPORATING SABIC IP MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, RECOMMENDATIONS OR ADVICE. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SABIC IP' S STANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE, SABIC IP AND ITS REPRESENTATIVES SHALL IN NO EVENT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS RESULTING FROM ANY USE OF ITS MATERIALS OR PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN.Each user bears full responsibility for making its own determination as to the suitability of SABIC IP' s materials, products, recommendations, or advice for its own particular use. Each user must identify and perform all tests and analyses necessary to assure that its finished parts incorporating SABIC IP materials or products will be safe and suitable for use under end-use conditions. Nothing in this or any other document, nor any oralrecommendation or advice, shall be deemed to alter, vary, supersede, or waive any provision of SABIC IP' s Standard Conditions of Sale or this Disclaimer, unless any such modification is specifically agreed to in a writing signed by SABIC IP. No statement contained herein concerning a possible or suggested use of any material, product or design is intended, or should be construed, to grant any license under any patent or other intellectual property right of SABIC Innovative Plastics Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates covering such use or design, or as a recommendation for the use of such material, product or design in the infringement of any patent or other 1) T ypical values only. Variations within normal tolerances are possible for variose colours.All values are measured at least after 48 hours s torage at 230C/50% relative humidity.All properties, except the melt volume rate are measured on injection m oulded samples.All samples are prepared according to ISO 294.2) O nly typical data for material selection purpose.Not to be used for p art or tool design.3) T his rating is not intended to reflect hazards presented by this or any o ther material under actual fire conditions.4) O wn measurement according to UL.5) Measurements made from laboratory test coupon. Actual shrinkage may vary outside of range due todifferences in processing conditions, equipment, part geometry and tool design. It is recommended that mold shrinkage studies be performed with surrogate or legacy tooling prior to cutting tools for new molded article.V alox* Resin 357A sia Pacific: COMMERCIALT YPICAL PROPERTIES ¹TYPICAL VALUE UNIT STANDARDE LECTRICALD ielectric Strength, in oil, 1.6 mm 25.2k V/mm A STM D 149D ielectric Strength, in oil, 3.2 mm 18.5k V/mm A STM D 149R elative Permittivity, 100 Hz 3.2-A STM D 150R elative Permittivity, 1 MHz 3.2-A STM D 150D issipation Factor, 100 Hz 0.003-A STM D 150D issipation Factor, 1 MHz0.03-A STM D 150A rc Resistance, Tungsten {PLC}6P LC Code A STM D 495H ot Wire Ignition {PLC)2P LC Code U L 746A H igh Voltage Arc Track Rate {PLC}3P LC Code U L 746A H igh Ampere Arc Ign, surface {PLC}3P LC Code U L 746A C omparative Tracking Index (UL) {PLC}2P LC Code U L 746A F LAME CHARACTERISTICSU L Recognized, 94HB Flame Class Rating (3)0.46m m U L 94U L Recognized, 94V-0 Flame Class Rating (3)0.63m m U L 94U L Recognized, 94-5VA Rating (3)3m m U L 94O xygen Index (LOI)30%A STM D 2863U V-light, water exposure/immersionF 2-U L 746CSource, GMD, Last Update:11/09/2009PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SALES OFFICE FOR AVAILABILITY IN YOUR AREA DISCLAIMER : THE MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS OF THE BUSINESSES MAKING UP THE SABIC INNOVATIVE PLASTICS COMPANY, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES ("SABIC IP"), ARE SOLD SUBJECT TO SABIC IP' S STANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE, WHICH ARE INCLUDED IN THE APPLICABLE DISTRIBUTOR OR OTHER SALES AGREEMENT, PRINTED ON THE BACK OF ORDER ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND INVOICES, AND AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. ALTHOUGH ANY INFORMATION, RECOMMENDATIONS, OR ADVICECONTAINED HEREIN IS GIVEN IN GOOD FAITH, SABIC IP MAKES NO WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, (I) THAT THE RESULTS DESCRIBED HEREIN WILL BE OBTAINED UNDER END-USE CONDITIONS, OR (II) AS TO THE EFFECTIVENESS OR SAFETY OF ANY DESIGN INCORPORATING SABIC IP MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, RECOMMENDATIONS OR ADVICE. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SABIC IP' S STANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE, SABIC IP AND ITS REPRESENTATIVES SHALL IN NO EVENT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS RESULTING FROM ANY USE OF ITS MATERIALS OR PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN.Each user bears full responsibility for making its own determination as to the suitability of SABIC IP' s materials, products, recommendations, or advice for its own particular use. Each user must identify and perform all tests and analyses necessary to assure that its finished parts incorporating SABIC IP materials or products will be safe and suitable for use under end-use conditions. Nothing in this or any other document, nor any oralrecommendation or advice, shall be deemed to alter, vary, supersede, or waive any provision of SABIC IP' s Standard Conditions of Sale or this Disclaimer, unless any such modification is specifically agreed to in a writing signed by SABIC IP. No statement contained herein concerning a possible or suggested use of any material, product or design is intended, or should be construed, to grant any license under any patent or other intellectual property right of SABIC Innovative Plastics Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates covering such use or design, or as a recommendation for the use of such material, product or design in the infringement of any patent or other 1) T ypical values only. Variations within normal tolerances are possible for variose colours.All values are measured at least after 48 hours s torage at 230C/50% relative humidity.All properties, except the melt volume rate are measured on injection m oulded samples.All samples are prepared according to ISO 294.2) O nly typical data for material selection purpose.Not to be used for p art or tool design.3) T his rating is not intended to reflect hazards presented by this or any o ther material under actual fire conditions.4) O wn measurement according to UL.5) Measurements made from laboratory test coupon. Actual shrinkage may vary outside of range due todifferences in processing conditions, equipment, part geometry and tool design. It is recommended that mold shrinkage studies be performed with surrogate or legacy tooling prior to cutting tools for new molded article.V alox* Resin 357A sia Pacific: COMMERCIALP ROCESSING PARAMETERSTYPICAL VALUE UNITI njection MoldingD rying Temperature 120°C D rying Time3 - 4h rs D rying Time (Cumulative)12h rs M aximum Moisture Content 0.02%M elt Temperature 250 - 265°C N ozzle Temperature245 - 260°C F ront - Zone 3 Temperature 250 - 265°C M iddle - Zone 2 Temperature 245 - 260°C R ear - Zone 1 Temperature 240 - 255°C M old Temperature 50 - 75°C B ack Pressure 0.3 - 0.7M Pa S crew Speed50 - 100r pm S hot to Cylinder Size 40 - 80%V ent Depth0.025 - 0.038m mSource, GMD, Last Update:11/09/2009PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SALES OFFICE FOR AVAILABILITY IN YOUR AREA DISCLAIMER : THE MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS OF THE BUSINESSES MAKING UP THE SABIC INNOVATIVE PLASTICS COMPANY, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES ("SABIC IP"), ARE SOLD SUBJECT TO SABIC IP' S STANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE, WHICH ARE INCLUDED IN THE APPLICABLE DISTRIBUTOR OR OTHER SALES AGREEMENT, PRINTED ON THE BACK OF ORDER ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND INVOICES, AND AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. ALTHOUGH ANY INFORMATION, RECOMMENDATIONS, OR ADVICECONTAINED HEREIN IS GIVEN IN GOOD FAITH, SABIC IP MAKES NO WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, (I) THAT THE RESULTS DESCRIBED HEREIN WILL BE OBTAINED UNDER END-USE CONDITIONS, OR (II) AS TO THE EFFECTIVENESS OR SAFETY OF ANY DESIGN INCORPORATING SABIC IP MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, RECOMMENDATIONS OR ADVICE. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SABIC IP' S STANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE, SABIC IP AND ITS REPRESENTATIVES SHALL IN NO EVENT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS RESULTING FROM ANY USE OF ITS MATERIALS OR PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN.Each user bears full responsibility for making its own determination as to the suitability of SABIC IP' s materials, products, recommendations, or advice for its own particular use. Each user must identify and perform all tests and analyses necessary to assure that its finished parts incorporating SABIC IP materials or products will be safe and suitable for use under end-use conditions. Nothing in this or any other document, nor any oralrecommendation or advice, shall be deemed to alter, vary, supersede, or waive any provision of SABIC IP' s Standard Conditions of Sale or this Disclaimer, unless any such modification is specifically agreed to in a writing signed by SABIC IP. No statement contained herein concerning a possible or suggested use of any material, product or design is intended, or should be construed, to grant any license under any patent or other intellectual property right of SABIC Innovative Plastics Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates covering such use or design, or as a recommendation for the use of such material, product or design in the infringement of any patent or other 1) T ypical values only. Variations within normal tolerances are possible for variose colours.All values are measured at least after 48 hours s torage at 230C/50% relative humidity.All properties, except the melt volume rate are measured on injection m oulded samples.All samples are prepared according to ISO 294.2) O nly typical data for material selection purpose.Not to be used for p art or tool design.3) T his rating is not intended to reflect hazards presented by this or any o ther material under actual fire conditions.4) O wn measurement according to UL.5) Measurements made from laboratory test coupon. Actual shrinkage may vary outside of range due todifferences in processing conditions, equipment, part geometry and tool design. It is recommended that mold shrinkage studies be performed with surrogate or legacy tooling prior to cutting tools for new molded article.。
项目 密度 拉伸强度 断裂伸长率 弯曲强度 弯曲模量 IZOD缺口 冲击强度热变形温度 (1.82MPa) 模塑收缩率 阻燃等级 材质说明 测试方法 ASTM D792 D638 D638 D790 D790 D256 D648 D955 GB 1033 1040 1040 9341 9341 1834 1634 15585 UL94 单位 g/cm % MPa MPa J/M ℃ %
性ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ PBT-VG10 1.48 85 3 130 4200 95 195 0.5-1.2 V-0 PBT-VG20 1.55 110 3 150 5700 105 205 0.4-0.8 V-0 PBT-VG30 1.62 125 2 160 7300 122 215 0.3-0.6 V-0 PET-VG10 PET-VG20 PET-VG30 PBT-V0 1.5 95 3 155 5200 106 215 0.6-1.2 V-0 1.58 123 3 170 6700 112 235 0.5-1.0 V-0 1.67 140 2 183 8300 128 250 0.3-0.6 V-0 1.47 55 30 95 2700 63 70 1.2-1.7 V-0 PET-V0 1.49 58 15 92 2800 60 75 1.2-1.7 V-0 阻燃PET 15%玻纤 30%玻纤 15%玻纤增 30%玻纤增 增强PBT 增强PBT 强PET 强PET PBT-G15 1.42 67 3 105 3350 90 197 0.6-1.5 PBT-G30 1.55 98 2 140 6100 117 217 0.3-0.7 PET-G15 1.44 101 3 140 5800 105 225 0.6-1.5 PET-G30 1.56 132 2 167 7700 123 255 0.3-1.5
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PBT 4815物性表数据资料
特性:含有玻纤15%,强度大,成型容易,难燃等级达1/8inch,UL 94V-0
PBT 4815 台湾长春物性表
PBT 1100 高粘度,超韧性,成型表面光滑。
PBT 1200 高流动,表面光泽度良好。
PBT 2000 流动性佳,阻燃UL94V-0级。
PBT 2100 流动性佳,阻燃UL94V-0级。
PBT 3015 玻纤增强15%,低粘度,耐热性佳。
PBT 3020 玻纤增强20%,中粘度。
PBT 3030 玻纤增强30%,高强度,耐热。
PBT 4115 含玻璃15%,高强度,阻燃。
PBT 4120 含玻璃20%,强韧耐热性佳。
PBT 4130 含玻璃30%,强韧耐热性佳。
PBT 4140 含玻璃40%,高强度,低翘曲。
PBT 4815 玻纤增强15%,强度大,阻燃。
PBT 4830 玻纤增强30%,强度大,阻燃。
PBT 5630 玻纤增强30%,无卤阻燃。
PBT 5115 玻纤增强15%,无卤阻燃,黑色规格。
PBT 5130 玻纤增强30%,无卤阻燃,黑色规格。
PBT 6730 玻纤增强30%,阻燃,低翘曲。