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【典型例题】She had a great ___ for the town where she grew up.

A. affection

B. affectation

C. infection

D. affectionate 【试题详解】答案A 她热爱她长大的那座小镇

have an affection for 对……有感情

affectation n. 矫揉造作

infection n. 传染,感染

affectionate adj. 深情的

【常用短语】have an affection for sb\sth

【词汇补充】affect v. 喜爱

affectionate adj. 深爱的

【典型例题】How to talk to Martin is rather an____ question.

A. advanced

B. absolute

C. accurate

D. academic

【试题详解】答案D 如何让与火星人交谈是一个学术性很强的问题。

academic question 学术问题;

advanced 高级的

accurate 准确的

absolute 绝对的

【词汇补充】academicals 博士服,硕士服

academic year 学年

academician 院士

academy 私立中学

academicism 墨守成规

【典型例题】When you __ big , believe big , and pray big , big things happen!








The _____ of the past week had left her exhausted.

A anxieties

B concerns

C expectations

D anticipation

解析:由同意词辨析可知此题答案选A 意为过去一个星期的担忧使她筋疲力尽。

【典型考题】: Now,let us come to item No.5 on the __.

A. plan

B. program






Age affects the range of a person’s ______

A capacities

B capabilities

C capacious

D capable

解析:答案选B 此题考查易错词辨析。句意为年龄影响一个人能力的大小。Capacity 表示



He’s had no end of bad luck but he just seems to ______ every time.

A. bounce back

B. recover

C. reverse

D. come to

解析:答案选A 句意:他总是遇到不如意的事,但是好像每次都能恢复过来。bounce back 指失意后恢复过来。


Everyone is encouraged to ____ food and clothing for the refugees.

A attribute

B contribute

C stimulate

D distribute

解析:答案为 B ,此题考查对形近词的区分。句意:鼓励每个人为难民捐助食品和衣物。contribute 表示“捐赠,出钱(力)”,因为本题是鼓励每个人,所以不可能是“分发”食品和衣物,只会是“捐赠”


contributor n.捐助者,投稿者;contribution n.贡献,捐献物

contributive adj.有助的,促成的;contributory adj.促成的,捐助性的。


Everyone is encouraged to ____ food and clothing for the refugees.

A attribute

B contribute

C stimulate

D distribute

解析:答案为 B ,此题考查对形近词的区分。句意:鼓励每个人为难民捐助食品和衣物。contribute 表示“捐赠,出钱(力)”,因为本题是鼓励每个人,所以不可能是“分发”食品和衣物,只会是“捐赠”


/ noun, verb

⏹Noun 1.(formal) advice, especially given by older people or experts; a peiece of advice (尤指老年人或专家的)劝告,忠告,建议:Listen to the counsel of your elders. 2 a lawyer or group of lawyers representing sb in a court of law 律师:the counsel for the defence/prosecution.

⏹Verb 1 to listen to and give support or professional advice to sb who needs help. 为某人提供帮助:Therapists were brought in to counsel the bereaved. 2 to advise sb to do sth 建议,劝告(做某事)Most experts counsel caution in such cases.

【Common phrases】

a counsel of despair 知难而退的建议;a counsel of perfection 听上去完美却难以实行的建议;keep your own counsel 保留自己的意见。


counseling noun 咨询,辅导;counselor noun 顾问,辅导顾问


Council ; noun a group of people who are elected to govern an area such as a city or county.


The court then heard_____ for the dead woman’s father .

A council

B councilor

C counsel

D counselor


