

ACCUSPIN系统-Histopaque 1077产品说明书

ACCUSPIN系统-Histopaque 1077产品说明书

Technical BulletinACCUSPIN™ System – Histopaque ® 1077Catalog Numbers A6929, A7054, and A0561Product DescriptionACCUSPIN System-Histopaque -1077products are intended for use in the isolation of lymphocytes and other mononuclear cells. The separation medium, Histopaque-1077, is a sterile-filtered, endotoxin tested solution of polysucrose and sodium diatrizoate, adjusted to a density of 1.077 g/mL. The ACCUSPIN tube is specially designed with two chambers separated by a porous high density polyethylene barrier (frit).Separation of lymphocytes and other mononuclear cells from whole blood and bone marrow using density gradientseparation media is based on a published method.1 Histopaque-1077 is suitable for human lymphocyte antigen (HLA) typing 2 and as the initial isolation step prior toenumeration of T, B, and ‘null’ lymphocytes.3 It may also be employed in the preparation of pure lymphocyte suspensions for cell culture and cytotoxicity assays.4ACCUSPIN System-Histopaque-1077 products consist of radiation sterilized polypropylene tubes fitted with a highdensity polyethylene frit and aseptically filled with Histopaque-1077.Histopaque-1077 is a sterile-filtered solution of polysucrose, 57 g/L, and sodium diatrizoate, 90 g/L.Density: 1.076–1.078 g/mL Endotoxin: 0.3 EU/mL pH: 8.8–9.0ACCUSPIN System-Histopaque-1077Catalog No. A692940 × 3 mLEach tube contains 3 mL ofHistopaque 1077-1 and will separate 3-6 mL of anticoagulated blood Catalog No. A7054 12 × 15 mLCatalog No. A0561100 × 15 mLEach tube contains 15 mL ofHistopaque 1077-1 and will separate 15-30 mL of anticoagulated bloodReagents and Equipment Required but Not ProvidedCentrifuge (swinging bucket rotor)capable of generating 100 to 1,000 g Centrifuge tubes for washing mononuclear cellsIsotonic phosphate buffered saline solution or appropriate cell culture mediumPrecautions and DisclaimerFor R&D use only. Not for drug, household, or other uses. Please consult the Safety Data Sheet for information regarding hazards and safe handling practices.Preparation InstructionsSpecimen Collection - Collect blood in preservative-free anticoagulant (EDTA or heparin) or use defibrinated blood. For best results, blood should be processed within 2 hours.On occasion, it may be necessary to dilute the blood sample 3 to 5-fold, depending on absolute cell numbers. A similar volume of prediluted blood may be used or the blood sample may be diluted directly in upper chamber of the ACCUSPIN tube (seeProcedure, step 3). This is appropriate for specimens with hematocrits above normal.Storage/StabilityStore the products at 2–8 C.Histopaque-1077 has an expiration period of 3 years. Reagent label bears expiration date.ProcedureAnticoagulated blood can be added to the top chamber of the tube without risk of mixing with the Histopaque-1077 in the lowerchamber under the frit. On centrifugation the whole blood migrates through the frit to contact with the Histopaque-1077. The elements of greater density displace a volume of Histopaque-1077 above the frit giving a clear separation of the bloodcomponents. The erythrocytes aggregate and the granulocytes become slightly hypertonic, increasing their sedimentation rate, resulting in pelleting at the bottom of the ACCUSPIN Tube. Lymphocytes and other mononuclear cells, e.g., monocytes, remain at the plasma/Histopaque-1077 interface. This dense band of mononuclear cells may be collected by pouring off the contents of the upper chamber or by means of a pipette. Erythrocyte contamination is avoided due to the barrier between the chambers.Most extraneous platelets are removed by low speed centrifugation during the washing steps.1. Bring desired number of tubes to roomtemperature. If Histopaque-1077 isabove the frit prior to use, centrifuge at 1,000 g for 30 seconds at room temperature.Note: Failure to bring ACCUSPIN System-Histopaque-1077 to room temperature may cause limited recovery of mononuclear cells. 2. Label tube(s).3. Freely pour the blood sample into theupper chamber of each ACCUSPIN System-Histopaque-1077 tube.a. Use 3–6 mL of whole blood withACCUSPIN System-Histopaque-1077 tubes, Catalog No. A6929. b. Use 15–30 mL of whole blood withACCUSPIN System-Histopaque-1077 tubes, Catalog Nos. A7054 or A0561. Note: Use of volumes of prediluted or whole blood other than those recommended may result in decreased recovery.4. Centrifuge at 1,000 g for 10 minutes atroom temperature or centrifuge at 800 g for 15 minutes at roomtemperature. Centrifugation at lower temperatures, such as 4 C, may result in cell clumping and poor recovery.Note: If platelet contamination is a concern, add the mononuclear cells to a 4-20% sucrose gradient that has been layered over Histopaque-1077.Centrifuge at 1,000 × g for 10 minutes at room temperature. The platelets will pellet at the bottom, while themononuclear cells will migrate to the Histopaque-1077 layer.5. After centrifugation, carefully aspiratethe plasma layer with a Pasteur pipette to within 0.5 cm of the opaque interface containing mononuclear cells. Properly dispose of the plasma layer.Note: Failure to remove the excesssupernatant may result in contamination of the mononuclear band with plasma proteins.6. Carefully transfer the opaque interfacewith a Pasteur pipette into a clean conical centrifuge tube.Note: Removal of Histopaque-1077 with the mononuclear band increasesgranulocyte contamination from residual granulocytes, which may remain at the mononuclear interface.7. Wash the cells by adding 10 mL ofisotonic phosphate buffered saline solution or appropriate cell culture medium and mix by gently drawing in and out of a Pasteur pipette. 8. Centrifuge at 250 g for 10 minutes. 9. Aspirate the supernatant and discard. 10. Resuspend cell pellet with 5 mL ofisotonic phosphate buffered saline solution or appropriate cell culture medium and mix by gently drawing in and out of a Pasteur pipette.11. Centrifuge at 250 g for 10 minutes. 12. Repeat steps 9, 10, and 11, discardsupernatant and resuspend cell pellet in 0.5 mL of isotonic phosphate buffered saline solution or appropriate cell culture medium. Erythrocytes and granulocytes should pellet to the bottom of the ACCUSPIN tube. Mononuclear cells should band at the interface between the Histopaque-1077 and the plasma. If observed results vary from expected results, please contact Sigma-Aldrich Technical Service for assistance.References1. Boyum, A., Separation of leukocytesfrom blood and bone marrow. Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest ., 21 (Suppl 97), 77 (1968).2. Amos, D.B., and Pool, P., “HLA typing” inManual of Clinical Immunology, Rose, N.R., and Friedman, H., eds., American Society for Microbiology, (Washington, DC: 1976) pp. 797-804.3. Winchester, R.J., and Ross, G., “Methodsfor enumerating lymphocyte populations” in Manual of Clinical Immunology, Rose, N.R., and Friedman, H. eds., American Society for Microbiology, (Washington, DC: 1976) pp. 64-76.4. Thorsby, E., and Bratlie, A., “A rapidmethod for preparation of pure lymphocyte suspensions.”Histocompatibility Testing, Terasaki, P.I., ed., 665-666 (1970).The life science business of Merck operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada.Merck, Sigma-Aldrich, ACCUSPIN, and Histopaque are trademarks of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Detailed information on trademarks is available via publicly accessible resources.© 2022 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.NoticeWe provide information and advice to our customers on application technologies and regulatory matters to the best of our knowledge and ability, but without obligation or liability. Existing laws and regulations are to be observed in all cases by our customers. This also applies in respect to any rights of third parties. Our information and advice do not relieve our customers of their own responsibility for checking the suitability of our products for the envisaged purpose.The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by the manufacturing or selling entity, or an affiliate. We assume no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.Contact InformationFor the location of the office nearest you, go to /offices .Technical ServiceVisit the tech service page on our web site at /techservice .Standard WarrantyThe applicable warranty for the products listed in this publication may be found at /terms .A0561 Technical Bulletin Rev 06/2022。

Ansaldo Energia Group 6B 产品和服务手册说明书

Ansaldo Energia Group 6B 产品和服务手册说明书

6B Product and Service PortfolioT h e P r ov en A l t erna tiveAnsaldo Energia GroupTogether, PSM and Ansaldo Thomassen, as part of the Ansaldo Energia Group, now offer complete solutions for the Frame 6B, providing our customers with innovative products and services to lower emissions, extend life, and much more.PSM’s Complete 6B Service OfferingPSM’s complete single source solution brings together engineering capabilities from our OEM background with the innovative solutions of the independent service providers of PSM and Ansaldo Thomassen. With an extensive portfolio of field service, repair capabilities, spare parts supply, innovative upgrades, training and long-term service agreements, our goal is to serve the energy industry with a broad range of power generation equipment worldwide.Optimizing Maintenance & Operations for Your 6B UnitOur mission is to lead the way in developing technology solutions, delivered with a wide range of services to help GT owners and operators decrease life cycle costs and improve the overall performance of their turbines and plants. As your partner, our Service teams bring you a wealth of expertise and years of experience. We’re constantly searching for better ways to help you meet your goals, with an agile entrepreneurial spirit combined with a multifaceted engineering team. This combination has created unique equipment solutions, upgrade options and patented inventions that have improved the reliability and performance of power plants worldwide.02PSM and Ansaldo Thomassen under the Ansaldo Energia umbrella provide Frame 6B hot gas path buckets, nozzles, shrouds and compressor hardware. mproved durability and lower life cycle cost is achieved using our component and system product modeling and data evaluation tools, to identify the issues and failure modes in current OEM designs.We manufacture all buckets, nozzles and shroud blocks to be compatible with the latest 1140C (2084F) firing temperature machines and are also backwards compatible. In normal operation the entire hot gas path has a minimum service interval of 24,000 FFH, which can be increased to 32,000 FFH on a unit by unit basis, with consultation from our experts.I nstallation hardware and optional alternative coatings are available based on specific operating conditions such as a heavy corrosion environment.NEW HOT GAS PATH PARTS SOLUTIONSBuckets1st Stage: • I nterchangeable with GE P/N 314B7162G015• B ase Alloy-111-DS• M CrAlY airfoil coating plus internal aluminide coating• 16-cooling hole design to allow for increased inlet temperatures.2nd Stage: • I nterchangeable with GE P/N 314B7163G021• B ase Alloy-738-LC•6 turbulated cooling hole design with cobalt base hardface material on the z-notches.3rd Stage: • A dvanced aero design interchangeable with GE P/N 314B7164G019 or standard configuration 314B7164G014• B ase Alloy-738-LCNozzles1st Stage:• I nterchangeable with GE P/N 112E6044G001• B ase Alloy-414• C hordal hinge design to minimize cooling airleakage with optional TBC/MCrAlY coating depending on operating conditions2nd Stage: •I nterchangeable with GE P/N 119E2434G044 or 119E2434G036 (brush seal)• O ption available for brush seal design • N ozzle - Base Alloy-939-mod • D iaphragm – AISI 410• B rush seal configuration will generate an increased power output and improved heat rate. Standard configuration nozzles are coated with Al-Si diffusion coating to enhance oxidation resistance 3rd Stage: • A dvanced aero design interchangeable with GE P/N 201E1231G002 or standard configuration 112E6642G003• B ase Alloy-738-LCBefore delivery a harmonic analysis is conducted on all nozzles to verify the assembly sequence. Nozzles are fully interchangeable with other GEgroup numbers without any modification to the gas turbine.Ansaldo Energia Group03Rotor Lifetime Extension Rotor Management ProgramCustomer Rotor Inspec6onsEvalua6ons and Reworks Rotor Life6me Assessment• P E R F O R M A N C E • R E L I A B I L I T YC O M B U S T I O N T U N I N G•F U E L F L E X I B I L I T Y 04Ansaldo Energia GroupThree key design features in the LEC III™ combustion system enable thisimproved process and fundamentally differentiate the LEC III™ from theOEM design: the forward flowing venturi, effusion cooling technology, and mixture via the premixer dilution holes, resultingNOx better mixing and a leaner combustionmixture which reduces NOx generation.066B CONTROL SOLUTIONSfety-related turbine functions. This control system also offers the rdware and software flexibility your power plant needs to remain relevant, iable – and, above all – profitable.e TC-7 can be easily exchanged with a Mark I , Mark I , Mark I V or ark V and no mechanical support change is needed. Electrical and strumentation changes are minimized. The cable entrance is at the ttom so no additional marshalling boxes are needed for cable extension. strumentation can be adapted to fulfill SIL requirements. Approved flame tectors and the gas nozzle start pressure switch are common instruments be adapted.+ A ddition of AutoTune provides fuel flexibility, extended turndown, elimination of annual or seasonal tuning, fast transfer and start-up optimization to respond to fluctuating market demandsAnsaldo Energia Group •R E L I A B I L I T Y•P E R F O R M A N C E08Customized Tooling Emergency Response Team Control/Combustion Tuning Instrumentation Support Valve CalibrationCustomized Work Instructions & Quality Plan Foreign Material Exclusion Procedures Field Inspection & AssessmentsDetailed Lessons Learned & Improvement Plans+ F ull Metallurgical Laboratory with Engineering Services + Brazing + FIC Cleaning+ Qualified fixture check for all components +R obotically controlled coating+ F low testing, gas and liquid, including F-class and DLN + H eat treat+ 24 hour engineering and shop support + L atest Qualified Procedures/Process + S tate-of-the-Art Equipment+ W arehouse for Spare & Emergency Parts + L ifetime assessment of components and rotorsAnsaldo Energia Group09Monitoring & Diagnostics CenterPSM provides engineering and operational support in troubleshooting issues outside of the normal inspection periods. The support includes staff located in Florida, USA and Genoa, Italy supporting the monitoring function on a 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-per-week basis. The monitoring center personnel have the capability to perform an analysis of the cause of issues and recommendations on how to solve the issues in the short term and, if applicable, a recommendation for a longer term improvement. The data collected from the Monitoring & Diagnostics Center is essential in tracking the history of parts and providing the essential functions required for Long-Term Planning. The Monitoring Center function includes data analysis and trending for the following Gas Turbine Points:+ C ombustor Dynamics + B lade Path Spread+ E xhaust Gas Temperature Spreads + F uel Gas/Oil Temperature + B earing Temperature & Vibration+ C ompressor Discharge Temperature & Pressure + I nlet Guide Vane Position + T urbine Speed+ C ompressor Inlet Temperature + A larm Displays in the DCS + R -0 Vibration MonitoringCustomer TrainingOur courses combine theoretical knowledge with practical training toensure maximum value and relevance. The GE-type heavy-duty gas turbine program trains operators and maintenance personnel on this type of gas turbine and its associated systems. The Speedtronic™ Mark V & Mark VI control program familiarizes electrical and instrumental staff with the hardware and software of the control system and enhances their ability to find viable solutions.These programs include:– gas turbine basics – major components – auxiliary systems – turbine maintenance – turbine operations – a n introduction to turbine controls – a n introduction to Speedtronic™ controls – panel hardware– operating instructions – i ntroduction to software configurations – u ser manuals, maintenance and application manuals – control systemsWhen we conduct training at a client’s location, we combine classroom sessions and visual presentations with practical instruction close to the machinery. This gives trainees the opportunity to apply theoreticalknowledge to their own machines.10Long Term Agreements and Structured Maintenance ContractsPSM can bring in all of our services and product lines specifically engineered for the 6B, to structure specific maintenance programs to provide our customers with significant life cycle cost reduction in order to maximize ROI. In summary, the various agreement offerings are structured to optimize your maintenance budget by offering competitive parts life guarantees, minimal parts fallout, coverage during unscheduled inspections, control of inventory, and proactive contract management to ensure total coverage.Scope of Supply — based on the customer requirementsThe customer determines the level of scope for the Long Term Agreements, ranging from full service offerings to a pricing agreement. Service offered by PSM within a Long Term Agreement include, but are not limited to, the following:+ P arts Supply + R econditioning+ F ield Services — including craft labor+ M onitoring & Diagnostics (e.g. Remote Monitoring)+ C ontract Management + I nventory Management + P arts Tracking+ E ngineering Assessments + System Technical SupportAnsaldo Energia Group11Plant Assessment for Combined Cycle Power PlantsThe competitive power generation market drives power plant operators to increase output, improve heat rate and lower operational costs. Enhancements and upgrades of the original design equipment are typically implemented to accomplish these goals. Consideration of the power plant as a system is critical when making decisions to invest in performance upgrades.BenefitsA PSM Plant Assessment provides the knowledge to:+E nsure equipment and systems are compatible with proposed upgrades +M aximize asset potential+A ssess real-time condition & performance +I ncrease operational flexibility +F orecast life expectancy +M anage emissions profileComponent EvaluationGas Turbine+ P SM upgrade applications + O utput and efficiency gains + E xhaust flow and temperature Heat Recovery Steam Generator + P ressure part design limits + F low accelerated corrosion areas + C apacity of attemperators Steam Turbine + S team path analysis+ T hermal and mechanical stress limits + O utput and efficiency gainsGenerator+ O peration during maximum output + C apability curves and cooling limitations + M agnetic saturation limits Balance of Plant+ P erformance of environmental controls+C apacity of control valves, pumps, heat exchangers & safety valvesModeling & AnalysisPSM can perform a detailed analysis of the power plant for multiple operational and ambient conditions. The following considerations are taken into account:+ O riginal design and upgraded heat balances + M odel calibration to as-is equipment condition+ O EM and model-based upgrade potential formajor equipment+ B alance of plant systems and components capabilityPlant Assessment ReportThe plant assessment report provides thefollowing evaluations:+ C urrent vs. upgraded plant thermal performance+ E missions summary and environmental impact+ E quipment and operational limitations/recommendations+ Business case development supportAnsaldo Energia GroupRevision 9/2019Contact your PSM Sales Representative for more information.Call: 561.354.1100 or email: ************************.com© 2019 Power Systems Mfg., LLC (PSM). PSM is not an authorized distributor or representative of GE, Siemens, Mitsubishi, or Westinghouse. The data contained herein is provided for information purposes only. PSM makes no representation, warranty or guarantee (whether expressed or implied) as to the accuracy or completeness of such data or any projected performance criteria.Ansaldo Energia GroupLEC III ™ and T-DLN offerings are available and can be specifically tailored to customers’ needs by incorporating our FlexSuite products, whether there are ultra low emissions, single or dual fuel needs.Hot Gas Path1st, 2nd, 3rd stage buckets, nozzles, and shrouds with the latest design improvementsRotorRotor components from bolting to new compressor and turbine discsCombustion System Engine Tuning including Monitoring & DiagnosticsSupport for all rotating equipment (e.g. remote monitoring) of gas turbines worldwide.Rotor Lifetime Extension (LTE)PSM’s Rotor LTE program can extend the useful lifetime of your rotor. With the advancements in computing power, material properties, fracture mechanic methodologies, and inspection techniques, it is now possible to assess the potential to run rotors beyond their original published limits.Field Services and Outage ManagementDeveloped globally and executed regionally, PSM offers complete field service solutions including on-staff bladers and supply of labor for gas turbines, steam turbines and generators worldwidePSM’s robust repair facility located in Florida, USA has partnered with Ansaldo Thomassen and their network of facilities in The Netherlands and Abu Dhabi, UAE in order to provide a true global network of component repair facilities.Conversions, Modifications and UpgradesAs needs change, PSM brings the ability to upgrade aging equipment back to life to compete against a changing power grid allowing customers to reduce emissions, extend life, and much moreFlexible Long-Term Parts and Service AgreementsCombining all of our services into one robust package tailored to fit the needs of your 6B units from full LTAs to rotor or component management programs.Company Headquarters and Sales for Gas Turbines 1440 West Indiantown Road Jupiter, Florida 33458 USA Phone: +1 561 354 1100Sales for Gas Turbines Phone : +41 585 058 593Sales for Gas Turbines Phone : +31 26 497 5941+ Americas+ Europe/Africa+ Middle East。



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NORDAC FLEX SK 200E 电机驱动器说明书

NORDAC FLEX SK 200E 电机驱动器说明书

Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KGGetriebebau-Nord-Straße 1 • 22941 Bargteheide, Germany • NORDAC FLEX – SK 200E (22 kW, Size 4)SK 200E-222-340-A-C-DC1 with connection unitPublisherGetriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KGGetriebebau-Nord-Straße 1 • 22941 Bargteheide, Germany • / Fon +49 (0) 45 32 / 289-0 • Fax +49 (0) 45 32 / 289-2253Member of the NORD DRIVESYSTEMS GroupDocumentation – Additional Information SK 200E-222-340A-C-DC1 2 / 7TI 70_1901 - 0221Validity of documentThe following information applies for the following types of NORDAC FLEX series frequency inverters. • Frequency inverterSK 200E-222-340-A-C-DC1 (part number: 275137817)• Connection unitSK TI4-4-2xx-4-C-DC1 (part number: 275279914)Destruction of the frequency inverter through use of an incorrect connection unitIf the frequency inverter is not operated with the corresponding connection unit, this will result in overload of electrical components and thus to the destruction of the device.• Only operate the frequency inverter with the corresponding connection unit.The devices differ from standard devices basically in the permissible supply voltage and the connection terminals to be used for this purpose. The devices are based on the standard firmware of the NORDAC PRO SK 200E series.• The frequency inverter is to be used exclusively with the corresponding connection unit.• The connection unit is to be used exclusively with the corresponding frequency inverter.The following documents are therefore the basis for the device:1. BU 0200, edition 4920 (Part no.: 6072001)Safety information, hardware description, installation notes and software description for the basic device2. BU 0210, edition 1620 (Part no.: 6072101)Description of the POSICON function3. BU 0550, edition 1919 (Part no.: 6075501)for the description of PLC functionality4. and the following information identifying the differences of the device in comparison with BU 0200with regard to the hardware description and installation information.Documentation – Additional Information SK 200E-222-340A-C-DC1TI 70_1901 - 02213 / 71 GeneralThe following deviations from the manual apply.Chapter 1.6 Standards and approvalsThere is no approval according to UL, CSA, RCM or EAC as well as CE EX or EAC Ex !2 Assembly and installationThe following deviations from the manual apply.Chapter 2.3 Braking resistor (BR) Chapter removed.No braking resistor can be connected.Chapter 2.4.2 Electrical connection of the power unit Paragraph3. Mains cable connection: to terminals L1-L2/N-L3 and PE (depending on the device)is replaced by3. Mains cable connection: to terminals DC+ / DC- and PEDocumentation – Additional Information SK 200E-222-340A-C-DC14 / 7TI 70_1901 - 0221Chapter Mains connection (L1, L2(/N), L3, PE) This chapter is replaced byChapter Mains connection (DC+, DC-, PE)WARNINGElectric shockDangerous voltages can be present at the mains input and the motor connection terminals, even when the device is not in operation.• Before starting work, check that all relevant components (voltage source, connection cables, connection terminals of the device) are free of voltage using suitable measuring equipment. • Use insulated tools (e.g. screwdrivers). • DEVICES MUST BE EARTHED.Supply voltage connectionIncorrect DC supply connection results in destruction of the frequency inverter. • Observe correct polarityFuse protection must be provided by a suitable DC fuse (see technical data). For connection to or isolation from the mains, components (main switch or contactor) with suitable DC rating must be used. Isolation from or connection to the mains must always be carried out for all poles.InformationInput chokeFor improved EMC characteristics and in order to minimise the back-flowing current, an input choke can be incorporated into the mains supply cables. • Inductance: 0.3 to 0.5 mH • Nominal current: ≥ 50 AJumper positionThe jumpers for the line filters (2) must be set according to the figure (only jumpers on the right are set).CY = ONDocumentation – Additional Information SK 200E-222-340A-C-DC1TI 70_1901 - 02215 / 7Connection schemeChapter Brake resistor (+B, -B) Chapter removed.3 Display, operation and optionsNo deviations4 CommissioningNo deviations5 ParametersNo deviations6 Operating status messagesNo deviationsDocumentation – Additional Information SK 200E-222-340A-C-DC1 6 / 7TI 70_1901 - 02217 Technical DataThe following deviations from the manual apply.Chapter 7.1 General dataFunction SpecificationPulse frequency 3.0 … 16.0 kHz, factory setting = 6 kHzPower reduction > 6 kHzAmbient conditions 3K4 IP66Hardware status EAAFirmware status V2.2 R0All other specifications remain unchanged.Chapter 7.2.2 Electrical data 400 V2) FLA – Full Load Current, maximum current for the entire mains voltage range as stated above3) FLA (S1-40°C)4) Fan cooling, temperature controlled ON= 55°C, OFF= 50°C,Run-on time if the 50°C limit is undershot and with the removal of the enable: 2 minutesDocumentation – Additional Information SK 200E-222-340A-C-DC1TI 70_1901 - 02217 / 78 Additional informationThe following deviations from the manual apply.Chapter 8.3.3 EMC of the deviceFigure 33, The wiring recommendation is to be applied analogously. • Mains connection: Instead of L1, L2/N, L3, now use DC+, DC- according to the labelling on the terminal strip • Braking resistor n/aChapter 8.4.4 Reduced output current due to low voltage Chapter removed.Chapter 8.5 Operation on the RCD Chapter removed.9 Maintenance and service informationNo deviations。

维斯曼VITOCROSSAL 100 燃气冷凝锅炉 80到318千瓦 240到636千瓦 CI1型号

维斯曼VITOCROSSAL 100 燃气冷凝锅炉 80到318千瓦 240到636千瓦 CI1型号

VIESMANNVITOCROSSAL 100Gas condensing boiler80 to 318 kW240 to 636 kWVITOCROSSAL 100 Type CI1Gas condensing boiler for natural gas E and LLWith modulating MatriX cylinder burner and Lambda Pro Control5795 843 GB 3/2017DatasheetPart no. and prices: See pricelist■Condensing unit with MatriX cylinder burner and Lambda Pro Con-trol, also available as a twin cascade 240 to 636 kW in a single casing■Boiler available as pre-wired and pre-assembled unit or as individ-ual components■Standard seasonal efficiency [to DIN] up to 98 % (Hs) [gross cv] / 109 % (Hi) [net cv]■Stainless steel, corrosion-resistant Integral-Spalt heat exchanger ensures high operational reliability and a long service life■Clean combustion through self-calibrating gas-adaptive combus-tion controller and highly efficient stainless steel heat exchanger ■Low-wear operation through wide modulation range and long burner runtime without frequent switching■MatriX cylinder burner with Lambda Pro Control for environmen-tally responsible operation, with a modulation range of 20 to 100 %■Exceptionally quiet operation■Space efficient and compact, ideal in conditions where handling is difficult■Easy handling with integrated castors and tailored packaging.■Either room sealed or open flue operation■Easy to operate Vitotronic control unit with plain text and graphicdisplayA Highly effective thermal insulationB Vitotronic boiler control unitC High grade casingD Modulating MatriX cylinder burner with Lambda Pro ControlE Stainless steel Integral-Spalt heat exchangerF Inspection cover for easy maintenanceG Integrated castors for easy handlingH Height-adjustable feetBenefits at a glance2VIESMANN VITOCROSSAL 1005795843GBRated heating output rangeTF/TR = 50/30kW 16 - 8032 - 12032 - 16048 - 20048 - 24064 - 28064 - 318TF/TR = 80/60kW 15 - 7429 - 11029 - 14644 - 18444 - 22058 - 25858 - 291Rated heat input kW76113151189226264300Product IDCE-0085CR0391Permiss. operating temperature °C 95Permiss. flow temperature (= safety temperature)°C 110Max. permiss. operating pressure bar 6MPa 0.6Min. permiss. operating pressure bar 0.5MPa 0.05Test pressure bar 7.8MPa 0.78Boiler body dimensionsLength/handling dimension *1mm 660/450780/570780/57090090010101010Width mm 680680680680680680680Heightmm 1459145914591459145914591459Overall dimensions without boiler flue connectionLength g mm 74587587598098010901090Width c mm 750750750750750750750Height amm 1500150015001500150015001500Foundation dimensions Length mm 7508508501000100011001100Width mm 800800800800800800800Height mm 100100100100100100100WeightOverall unit weight kg 238295295340340385385Packed unit kg 288345345390390435435Boiler bodykg 183230230265265300300Boiler body with transport pallet kg 210260260295295330330Burnerkg 10111115151515Water capacity l 65103103145145180180ConnectionsBoiler flow PN 6 DN 50505065656565Boiler returnPN 6 DN 50505065656565Safety connection R 1¼1¼1¼1¼1¼1¼1¼DrainR 1¼1¼1¼1¼1¼1¼1¼Trap with condensate drainmm 20202020202020Flue gas parameters *2Temperature (at a return temperature of 30 °C)–At rated heating output °C 45454545454545–At partial load °C 35353535353535Temperature (at a return temperature of 60 °C)°C 65656565656565Mass flow rate (for natural gas) –At rated heating output kg/h 120180240300360420477–At partial load kg/h 36547290108126143Flue gas connection DN 200200200200200200200Draught at mbar outlet Pa 70707070707070Product parameters according to EnEVStandard seasonal efficiency [to DIN]For heating system temperature 40/30 °C%Up to 98 (Hs) [gross cv] / 109 (Hi) [net cv]For heating system temperature 75/60 °C%Up to 96 (Hs) [gross cv] / 106 (Hi) [net cv]*1With unassembled base rail*2Values for calculating the size of the flue system to EN 13384, based on 10 % CO 2 for natural gas Flue gas temperatures as actual gross values at 20 °C combustion air temperature.The details for partial load refer to an output of 30 % of the rated heating output. If the partial load differs (subject to burner operating mode), calculate the flue gas mass flow rate accordingly.Boiler specificationVITOCROSSAL 100VIESMANN35795 843 G BRated heating output rangeTF/TR = 50/30kW16 - 8032 - 12032 - 16048 - 20048 - 24064 - 28064 - 318 TF/TR = 80/60kW15 - 7429 - 11029 - 14644 - 18444 - 22058 - 25858 - 291 Standby loss qB,70% NOx NOx class 6, < 56 mg/kWhTwin boiler specificationRated heating output kW240320400480560636 Twin boiler comprises 2 boilers, each with kW120160200240280318 Overall dimensions without boiler flue con-nectionLength mm87587598098010901090 Width mm150015001500150015001500 Height mm150015001500150015001500 Total weight kg590590680680770770 Water capacity l206206290290360360SpecificationAGS Flue gas temperature sensor R ⅛AGA Flue outlet DN 200E DrainKOA Condensate drainKR Boiler returnKTS Boiler water temperature sensor R ⅛KV Boiler flowMA Pressure gauge R ½SA Safety connection (safety valve)Rated heating output kW Up to 80120 and 160200 and 240280 and 318a mm1500b mm1450c mm750d mm674e mm1024114812511370f mm235235241245g mm7458759801090h mm570682798910i mm83927780j mm6607809001010k mm1380l mm168198166117 Boiler specification (cont.)4VIESMANN VITOCROSSAL 1005795843GBRated heating output kW Up to 80120 and 160200 and 240280 and 318m mm 491500486892n mm 250360485588o mm 213209183181q mm 90r mm 337331325319s mm 1240123412281223t mm 1249124212361230u mm 80v mm 80wmm80794788783Transport dimensionsB AA Base railB Retaining bracket with castorHandling dimension a kW Up to 80120 and 160From 200mm 450570680NoteFor boilers of up to 160 kW, the base rail of the boiler body can be separated for easier handling.Boiler specification (cont.)VITOCROSSAL 100VIESMANN55795 843 G BSitingMinimum clearancesa = 750Siting■Prevent air contamination by halogenated hydrocarbons (e.g. as contained in sprays, paints, solvents and cleaning agents)■Prevent very dusty conditions■Prevent high levels of humidity■Prevent frost and ensure good ventilationOtherwise the system may suffer faults and damage.In rooms where air contamination from halogenated hydrocarbons is to be expected, operate the boiler only in room sealed mode.Boiler specification (cont.)6VIESMANN VITOCROSSAL 1005 7 9 5 8 4 3 G BPressure drop on the heating water sidek P aFlow rate in m³/h807087123456102030405060100m b a rP r e s s u r e d r o p The Vitocrossal 100 is only suitable for fully pumped hot water heat-ing systems.MatriX cylinder burner specificationSpecificationRated boiler heating output T F /T R 50/30 °C kW 80120160200240280318Twin boiler240320400480560636Burner heating output, lower/upper output *3kW 15.1/75.530.2/113.230.2/150.945.3/188.745.3/226.460/264.260/300Burner typeCI175/80 kWCI1120/160 kWCI1120/160 kWCI1200/240 kW CI1200/240 kWCI1280/318 kWCI1280/318 kWProduct ID See boiler Voltage V 230FrequencyHz 50Power consumption At upper heating output W 140.5130268171279260393At lower heating output W 19.52828292926.526.5TypeModulatingDimensions Width a mm 463426426463463463463Length b mm 442481481655655731731Height c mm 400273273356356356356WeightBurner with combination valve kg 10111115151515Gas supply pressure G20/G25mbar 20/25kPa 2/2.5Gas connectionR 11½1½1½1½1½1½Supply values relative to the max. load with–Natural gas E (G20) Partial load/Full loadm 3/h 1.6/7.99 3.19/11.98 3.19/15.97 4.79/19.97 4.79/23.56 6.35/27.95 6.35/31.75–Natural gas LL (G25) Partial load/Full loadm 3/h1.86/9.283.71/13.923.71/18.575.57/23.215.57/27.857.38/32.497.38/36.9*3Corresponds to the rated heat input of the boiler.Boiler specification (cont.)VITOCROSSAL 100VIESMANN75795 843 G BABCDEFGKL MatriX cylinder burner 80 kWA Boiler doorB Ignition electrodesC Ignition moduleD Ionisation electrodeE FanF Gas trainG Gas supply pipeH Flame tubeK Ventilation air connection LCombustion chamber pressure limiterABCDEFGKLMatriX cylinder burner 280/318 kWA Boiler doorB Ignition electrodesCIgnition unitD Ionisation electrodeE FanF Gas trainG Gas supply pipeH Flame tubeK Venturi mixing pipeL Combustion chamber pressure limiterDelivered conditionDelivered condition of Vitocrossal fully assembled as a unit:■Complete boiler with wheels and adjustable feet on transportationpallet■Boiler flue connection and trap enclosed.■Box with programming unit■Technical documentationDelivered condition of Vitocrossal as individual components forassembly on site■Boiler body with transport wheels, adjustable feet and caps (con-nectors) on transportation pallet; boiler flue connection and trapenclosed.■Box with thermal insulationMatriX cylinder burner specification (cont.)8VIESMANN VITOCROSSAL 1005795843GB■Box with burner and coding card ■Box with control unit ■Box with cable kit■Box with programming unit bracket ■Box with programming unit ■Technical documentationEquipment - control unit versionFor single boiler systems:■Without Vitocontrol control panel Vitotronic 100 (type GC7B)For constant boiler water temperature Vitotronic 200 (type GW7B)For modulating boiler water temperature Without mixer controlVitotronic 200 (type GW7B)For modulating boiler water temperatureWith mixer control, for up to 2 heating circuits with mixerFor multi boiler systems:(up to 4 boilers)■Vitotronic 100 (type GC7B) and LON communication module For modulating boiler water temperature For each boiler in a multi boiler system andVitotronic 300-K (type MW1B) for multi boiler system, weather-compensated operation and mixer control for up to 2 heating cir-cuits with mixer and additional Vitotronic 200-H, type HK1B or HK3B for 1 or up to 3 heating circuits with mixerBoiler accessoriesStainless steel flue gas header for two-boiler systemConnection to the flue system; outlet either on the left or rightA Boiler flue connection with test ports (standard delivery withboiler)B Motor-controlled flue gas damperC Sliding partDelivered condition (cont.)VITOCROSSAL 100VIESMANN95795 843 G BA Adaptor 200 mm to 150 mm (boiler 240 to 320 kW)B Motor-controlled flue gas damperC Sliding partD Tee connectorE Sliding partF Inspection coverG Flue pipe with condensate drainH Flue systemL Condensate drainNote■Order the flue gas damper from the accessories range if an on-siteflue gas header is used.■The flue gas damper is included in the Viessmann flue gas head-ers for two-boiler systems.DimensionsBoiler kW240 to 320400 to 480560 to 640 Nominal diameter mm150/200200/250200/300a mm200250300b mm150200200 c*4mm752 to 958752 to 1018752 to 1018 d mm842 to 912715 to 835765 to 845Length of flue for max. draught 70 PaRated heating output Flue length max. 30 m with diameter of:2 x 120 kW2 x 160 kW7 200 mm2 x 200 kW2 x 240 kW7 250 mm2 x 280 kW 2 x 318 kW 7 300 mmUse a flue pipe with the same diameter as that of the flue gasheader.*4Adjustable range if used as a flue gas header for 2 single boilers positioned next to each otherBoiler accessories (cont.)10VIESMANN VITOCROSSAL 1005 7 9 5 8 4 3 G BBoiler accessories (cont.)Hydraulic system pipework for two-boiler systemA FlowB ReturnC ServomotorRated heating output in kW Nominal diameterSingle boiler Twin boiler120240DN 50/80160320DN 50/80200400DN 65/100240480DN 65/100280560DN 65/100318636DN 65/100Further accessoriesSee pricelist and "Boiler accessories" datasheet.Operating conditionsFor water quality requirements, see technical guide.Requirements1. Heating water flow rate None2. Boiler return temperature (minimum value)None3. Low end boiler water temperature None4. Low end boiler water temperature with frost protection10 °C – ensured through the Viessmann control unit5. Modulating burner operation None6. Reduced mode None – total reduction is possible7. Weekend setback None – total reduction is possibleBG3485975VITOCROSSAL 100VIESMANN11Siting for room sealed operationAs a type C 13, C 33, C 53, C 63, C 93 appliance to TRGI 2008, theVitocrossal can be operated in room sealed mode. (C 63 not in Bel-gium)Siting for open flue operationB 23, B 23P (only in France)For open flue combustion equipment with a total rated output in excess of 50 kW, the fresh ventilation is deemed to have been veri-fied if the combustion equipment is located in areas which provide an aperture or duct leading outdoors.The cross-section of the aperture must be at least 150 cm 2 and must be 2 cm 2 larger for each additional kW above 50 kW rated output.Pipes must be sized to provide equivalent flow rates. The required cross-section may be split over a maximum of two apertures or pipes.NeutralisationDuring condensation, acidic condensate is formed with a pH value of between 3 and 4. The condensate can be neutralised in a neutralis-ing system with the aid of a neutralising medium.For further information, see the technical guide and price sheet.Burner adjustmentThe MatriX cylinder burner is tested at operating temperature and preset at the factory.Efficiency (Hi) [net cv] in relation to combustion output Efficiency curves at different system design temperaturesE f f i c i e n c y H i [n e t c v ] [%]1001101081061041021009896Combustion output [%]A FL/RT spread 40/20 °CB FL/RT spread 50/30 °C C FL/RT spread 60/40 °CD FL/RT spread 70/50 °CE FL/RT spread 80/60 °CDesign information12VIESMANNVITOCROSSAL 1005795 843 G BRated heating outputRated heating output, conversion factors for various system design temperaturesC o n v e r s i o n f a c t o r605550454035301.000.990.980.970.960.950.940.930.920.91Return temperature [ °C]Tested qualityCE designation according to current EC DirectivesÖVGW Applied forDesign information (cont.)VITOCROSSAL 100VIESMANN135795 843 G B14VIESMANNVITOCROSSAL 1005795 843 G BSubject to technical modifications.Viessmann Limited Hortonwood 30, Telford Shropshire, TF1 7YP , GB Telephone: +44 1952 675000Fax: +44 1952 675040E-mail:*********************Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co. KG D-35107 AllendorfTelephone: +49 6452 70-0Fax: +49 6452 。



Jinli Group Holdings Limited(Cayman)(以下簡稱:本集團或本公司)於2010年12月15日設立於英屬開曼群島,並於2011年4月完成集團架構之重組,本集團之重要轉投資事業有Jinli Group Holdings Limited(百慕達)、Topoint Group Limited、Dragon Flair Limited(龍輝有限公司)、Gold Apple (HK) Int’l Trading Co. Limited(金蘋果(香港)國際貿易有限公司)、Million Win Creation Limited (萬盛創建有限公司)、Aiqi (Fujian) Shoes Model Co.,Ltd(愛奇(福建)鞋塑有限公司)及Gold Apple (China) Co., Ltd (金蘋果(中國)有限公司);愛奇(福建)鞋塑有限公司係本集團之創始公司,金蘋果(中國)有限公司則為本集團之主要營收及獲利來源,其餘轉投資則均為投資控股公司。



最新额度(亿美元) 5.0000 3.0000 1.2000 3.0000 3.7500 2.0000 3.0000 1.5000 0.2000 2.0000 1.0000 1.5000 4.5000 3.0000 1.0000 3.5000 0.5000 3.0000 3.5000 2.5000 3.5000 7.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.7500 2.1000 1.5000 0.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 3.0000 2.0000 2.0000 1.5000 1.5000 2.5000 1.2000 2.0000 0.0000 1.1000 2.0000 0.0000 0.5000 2.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.7000 0.5000 2.0000
额度变动记录 2005-05-09:资格获批;2009-05-12:增加额度(3.00亿美元);2005-11-16:首批额度2亿美元(2.00亿美元); 2005-10-25:资格获批;2008-12-19:增加额度(2.00亿美元);2005-11-16:首批额度1亿美元(1.00亿美元); 2005-10-25:资格获批;2005-11-24:首次获批额度1.2亿美元(1.20亿美元); 2005-11-15:资格获批;2009-09-16:增加额度(2.00亿美元);2005-12-12:首批额度1亿美元(1.00亿美元); 05-12-28:资格获批;2011-10-19:增加额度(1.00亿美元);2009-02-27:增加额度(1.25亿美元);2006-04-12:首次获得额度1.5亿美元(1.50亿美元 2005-12-28:资格获批;2008-07-28:增加额度(1.00亿美元);2006-02-22:首批额度1亿美元(1.00亿美元); 2006-04-11:资格获批;2008-04-16:增加额度(1.00亿美元);2006-08-01:首批额度2亿美元(2.00亿美元); 2006-04-10:资格获批;2006-06-09:首批额度1.5亿美元(1.50亿美元); 2006-04-10:资格获批;2011-01-07:削减投资额度0.8亿美元(-0.80亿美元);2006-06-09:首批额度1亿美元(1.00亿美元); 2006-04-10:资格获批;2012-01-20:增加额度1亿元(1.00亿美元);2006-07-19:首次获得额度1亿美元(1.00亿美元); 2006-02-13:资格获批;2006-04-12:首批额度1亿美元(1.00亿美元); 2006-04-14:资格获批;2008-05-19:增加额度(1.00亿美元);2006-08-01:首批额度5000万美元(0.50亿美元); 2006-07-07:资格获批;2010-04-22:增加额度(2.50亿美元);2006-09-05:首批额度2亿美元(2.00亿美元); 2006-07-07:资格获批;2008-10-20:增加额度(1.00亿美元);2006-10-12:首批额度2亿美元(2.00亿美元); 2006-08-05:资格获批;2008-12-17:增加额度(0.50亿美元);2006-11-07:首批额度5000万美元(0.50亿美元); 获批;2010-07-22:增加额度(1.50亿美元);2009-04-14:增加额度(0.12亿美元);2008-11-13:削减额度(-0.12亿美元);2007-01-11:首批额度2亿美 2006-08-05:资格获批;2006-11-07:首批额度5000万美元(0.50亿美元); 2006-08-29:资格获批;2011-05-05:增加投资额度1亿美元(1.00亿美元);2006-12-11:首批额度2亿美元7年2月13日,国家外汇管理局核准汇丰投资管理(香港)有限公司[HSBC Investment (Hong Kong) Limited]合格境外 2006-09-25:资格获批;2011-11-28:增加额度0.5亿美元(0.50亿美元);2007-01-11:首批额度2亿美元(2.00亿美元); 度(1.00亿美元);2007-02-13:2007年2月13日,国家外汇管理局核准三井住友资产管理株式会社(Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management Co 2006-10-24:资格获批;2010-09-01:增加额度(2.00亿美元);2008-12-05:增加额度(3.00亿美元);2008-01-24:首批额度(2.00亿美元); 2006-10-25:资格获批;2008-04-01:首批额度(1.00亿美元); 2009-12-23:资格获批;2010-08-19:首批额度(1.00亿美元); 2008-03-12:资格获批;2008-04-07:首批额度(1.00亿美元); 2008-04-07:资格获批;2008-05-04:首批额度(0.75亿美元); 2008-06-02:资格获批;2011-01-07:增加投资额度0.6亿美元(0.60亿美元);2008-07-31:首批额度(1.50亿美元); 2008-06-02:资格获批;2008-09-10:首批额度(1.50亿美元); 2008-05-16:资格获批;2008-11-03:首批额度(0.50亿美元); 2008-05-05:资格获批;2008-06-20:首批额度(1.50亿美元); 2008-08-28:资格获批;2010-05-31:增加额度(1.00亿美元);2008-11-12:首批额度(0.50亿美元); 2008-08-28:资格获批;2008-11-12:首批额度(1.50亿美元); 2008-08-25:资格获批;2010-09-01:增加投资额度1.5亿美元(1.50亿美元);2008-11-07:首批额度(1.50亿美元); 2008-08-22:资格获批;2008-11-14:首批额度(2.00亿美元); 2008-08-22:资格获批;2008-11-03:首批额度(2.00亿美元); 2008-08-22:资格获批;2008-11-03:首批额度(1.50亿美元); 2008-08-05:资格获批;2008-11-13:首批额度(1.50亿美元); 2008-07-25:资格获批;2010-07-22:增加额度(1.00亿美元);2008-09-02:首批额度(1.50亿美元); 2008-09-11:资格获批;2009-06-16:首批额度(1.20亿美元); 2008-09-11:资格获批;2010-11-26:增加投资额度1亿美元(1.00亿美元);2008-12-26:首批额度(1.00亿美元); 2008-09-12:资格获批;2011-02-01:削减投资额度1亿美元(-1.00亿美元);2009-12-08:首批额度(1.00亿美元); 2008-09-12:资格获批;2008-12-03:首批额度(1.10亿美元); 2008-10-14:资格获批;2009-05-22:首批额度(2.00亿美元); 2008-10-14:资格获批;2010-06-13:削减额度(-1.00亿美元);2010-01-19:资格取消;2009-03-23:首批额度(1.00亿美元); 2008-11-28:资格获批;2009-08-25:首批额度(0.50亿美元); 2008-12-03:资格获批;2009-01-17:首批额度(2.00亿美元); 2008-12-16:资格获批;2009-03-04:首批额度(1.00亿美元); 2008-12-18:资格获批;2009-03-31:首批额度(1.00亿美元); 2008-12-29:资格获批;2009-03-25:首批额度(1.00亿美元); 2009-02-05:资格获批;2009-08-10:首批额度(0.70亿美元); 2009-02-10:资格获批;2009-06-03:首批额度(0.50亿美元); 2009-02-24:资格获批;2009-09-09:首批额度(2.00亿美元);



世界润滑油品牌大全(RC) Squared3DSymSam - Geophysical Advice3M Electrical Products5 Star Auto Body Products76 LUBRICANTS COMPANY/A DIVISION OF TOSCO CORPA. SILOGRAM LUBRICANTS CORPORA TIONA.G. Morgan & AssociatesA.P.S., INC.A2D TechnologiesAangstromAbu-Dhabi National Oil CompanyACCOR LUBRIFIANTS SAACE HARDW ARE CORPORA TIONACEITES PRODUCTOS Y SERVICIOS, S.A. DE C.V.ACEITES Y PARAFINAS INDUSTRIALESAcheson Colloids Co.ACIAACME AUTO INC.Acme RefiningAcmosAD PARTS, S.L.Additiv HerstellerADMIRAL PETROLEUM COMPANYADV ANCE AUTO PARTSADV ANCED CHEMICAL CO., LTD.ADV ANCED LUBRICA TION SPECIALTIES, INC.AdventAerospace Lubricants Inc.African Lubricants IndustryAGIP BENELUX B.V.AgipPetroliAGIPPETROLI S.P.A.Agway Petroleum CorporationAir-X-ChangersAkzo Nobel Inc.ALBERTSONS INC.AlbinaAlbright & WilsonALEXANDER DUCKHAM & CO. LTD C/O MOBIL RESEARCH & TECH. LAB ALL AMERICAN AUTO LUBE AND PARTSALL PRO / BUMPER TO BUMPER, INC.Allegheny Petroleum ProductsALLIANCE PETROLEUM CORPORA TION ALLSUPS STORESAlpha EarthAlpha Grease & Oil Inc.ALPHA GREASE & OIL, INC.Alpha Oil ToolsAmalieAMALIE MOTOR OIL, INCAMALIE PETROQUIMICA, S.A. AMERADA HESS CORPORA TION AmerCableAMERICAN AGIP COMPANY, INC. American Gas & ChemicalAMERICAN HONDA MOTOR CO., INC. American Lubricating Co.American Oil & Supply Co.AMERICAN PETROLEUM CO., INC. American Polywater Co.American ProductsAMERICAN REFINING GROUP American SuppliersAmericrin Lubricants Inc (NY) Amerikanische FirmenAmgasAmocoAmoco ChemicalAmoco Oil Co.AMOCO OIL COMPANYAMOCO OIL DE MEXICOAmref (American Refining Co.)Amrep lnc.AMSOILAmsoil 2AMW AY CORPORA TIONAnadarko PetroleumANCAPAnderolAnderol / RobecoAnTechAOKI SCIENCE INSTITUTEApacheAPEX CO., LTDAPMC Oil Co AP LubesAPMC OIL COMPANY, INC.Apollo America Corp.APS TechnologyARAL LUBRICANTS GMBHArch PetroleumARCHER PETROLEUM (DIV. OF SUN CO.)ARCOArgus InterwareArgus lubricontsArpol PetroleumArtesia Data SystemsAsbury Graphite Inc.Asbury Wilkinson Graphite &Asea Brown BovariAshia DenkaASHLAND BRANDED MARKETING INC.Ashland ChemicalASHLAND OIL NEDERLAND B.V.Asianol Lubricants Ltd.ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT OIL DISTRIBUTORS Atec OilTool/Energy ServicesAtec OilTool/Energy ServicesAthena EnergyAUCHAN (SAMU)Ausimont 2 Ausimount USAAUTO CLUB OIL AND CHEMICAL CORPORATION AUTO V ALUE ASSOCIATES INC.AUTOMOTIVE PARTS ASSOCIATES, INC.AUTO-SENSE (DIV. OF MODERN SALES LTD.)Avatar CorporationA VIA FRANCEAvia Kl?ckerAviaton ConsumablesAxel Christiernsson Innovation CenterB.F. GoodrichBadgwell & AssociatesBaker & AssociatesBallistic EnergyBALMER LAWRIE - FUCHS LIMITEDBARDAHL - OCD NEDERLAND B.V.BARDAHL DE MEXICOBASF Corp.BASF CorporationBattenfeldBattenfeld Grease & OilBaum's Castorine Co. Inc.Bay State GasBay State GasBechemBehnke Lubricants/JAXBeicip-FranlabBell Geospace, Inc.Belray 2Belray LubricantsBengal Sales & ServiceBENNYS INC.Benz OilBEST BUY DISTRIBUTORSBHARA T PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED BHP Petroleum (Australia)Bird Seismic ServicesBlack Bear Co. Inc.BLACK BEAR COMPANY INC.Blackstone LaboratoriesBlaser 2Blue Dolphin EnergyBlue Ridge Oil Corp.Bluewater Offshore Production Systems Ltd.BOB SMITH OILS, INCORPORA TEDBoc EdwardsBODIE-HOOVER PETROLEUM CORP.Bommer Engineering Co.BOSS LUBRICANTSBostikBowen ToolsBowler Petrophysics - MacLogBPBP - AlaskaBP - AmocoBP oil Co.Brachth?userBremer und LeguilBrenntagBritish GasBritish PetroleumBrooklyn UnionBrooks Technology Co.Brothers Marketing CompanyBrugarolas 2 3BRUGAROLAS, S.A.BST Lift SystemsBuchen ChemietechnikBUCHER AG, SCHMIERTECHNIK / MOTOREX AGBuckman Laboratories Inc.Burke OilBurlington ResourcesBURMAH CASTROL CARIBBEAN AND CENTRAL AMERICA INC.C.A. Service Station Supply Ltd.Cabot Oil & GasCadillac Oil Co.Caesar Petroleum SystemsCal Dive InternationalCaltexCALTEX PETROLEUM CORPORATIONCalumetCAM2CAM2 Oil Products CompanyCambrian GroupCamie CampbellCamie LubricantsCANADA SAFEWAY LTD.CANADIAN TIRE CORPORA TION, LIMITEDCANADIAN TURBO (1993) INC.CAPITOL SUPPL Y COMPANYCarambaCardinal Surveys CompanyCARIBBEAN PETROLEUM CORPORATIONCARPORT, INCORPORA TEDCARQUEST CORPORA TION C/O THE V ALVOLINE COMPANY CAR-REX AUTOPFLEGE GMBH & CO. KGCascade Scientific SoftwareCASE CORPORATION C/O VISCOSITY OILCasey PetroleumCASEYS GENERAL STORES, INC.Castrol Castrol International Castrol Industrial Castrol Industrial CASTROL (CHINA) LIMITEDCASTROL (MALAYSIA) SDN BHDCASTROL (SWITZERLAND) A.G.CASTROL (THAILAND) LIMITEDCASTROL (UK) LIMITEDCASTROL AUSTRIA GES.M.B.H.CASTROL BRAZIL LTDACASTROL CANADA, INCORPORATEDCASTROL CHILE SACASTROL ESPANA, S.A.CASTROL FRANCE S.A.CASTROL HELLAS S.A.Castrol Industrial North AmericaCASTROL K.K.CASTROL KOREA LIMITEDCASTROL MADENI YAGLAR SANAYI VE TICARET AS CASTROL MIDDLE EAST LIMITEDCastrol N. AmericaCASTROL N.V. (BELGIUM)Castrol North AmericaCASTROL NORTH AMERICA AUTOMOTIVE INC. CASTROL PORTUGUESA LDACASTROL SINGAPORE PTE, LTDCASTROL SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LIMITED CASTROL TAIWAN LIMITEDCastrol/Performance LubricantsCaterpillarCA TERPILLAR INC.CATO OIL & GREASE CORPORATIONCato Oil and Grease Co.Cawley, Gillespie & AssociatesCB ChemieCC Industrial lubricantsCCT CorporationCenexCENEX, INC.Central-OilCentury Lubricants Co.CENTURY LUBRICANTS COMPANYCentury Olis (Canada) Inc.CepsaCEPSA LUBRICANTES, S.A.Certified Lab ProductsCertified LaboratoriesChallenger International, Inc.CHAMPION AUTO STORES INC.Chandler EngineeringCHART AUTOMOTIVE GROUP, INC.Chauvco ResourcesChem Arrow Corp. Int'lChem-A-LubeCHEMOLEUMS LIMITEDChemsol (MIL-Spec Chemicals)ChestertonChevronCHEVRON CANADA LIMITEDChevron Oil CompanyChevron USA Products Co.CHEVRON USA PRODUCTS CO. INC.CHIEF AUTO PARTS INC.China National Petroleum Corporation(CNPC) Chinese Petroleum Corp.Chinese Petroleum CorporationCHINLEAD INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION CHRYSLER CANADA LIMITED CHRYSLER CORPORA TIONCHUGOKU KOGYO K.K.CHUKYO KASEI KOGYO CO., LTD.CIA BRASILEIRA DE PETROLEO IPIRANGA Ciba Specialty ChemicalsCIC Canola Industries/CanadaCIM INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY, INC.Citadel Oil & Chemical Co.Citco Citco MSDSCitgo Petroleum Corp.CITGO Petroleum CorporationClariantCLARK MATERIAL HANDLING CO.CLC Lubricants Co.CLI InternationalCMS EnergyCMW TribolgieCOAST OIL COMPANYCoastal Corp.COASTAL UNILUBE, INC.Coatings LaboratoryCoherence Technology CompanyCOLONIAL OIL INDUSTRIESCOLORADO PETROLEUMColorado Steel SashColumbia Oil CompanyCOMERCIAL ROSHFRANS, S.A. DE C.V. Compagnie Generale de Geophysique (CGG)Computational MechanicsCONIBOConklinCONKLIN COMPANY INC.ConocoConoco Inc.CONOCO INC.Control Arts Inc.CookeCook's lndustrial LubricantsCooper Cameron CorporationCoostal Unilube Inc.Core LaboratoriesCoretest Systems, Inc.CORPORATE BRANDS PROCUREMENT Cosmo OilCOSMO OIL COMPANY, LTD.COTTER & COMPANYCOTTER CANADACotton Valley ResourcesCOUNTRY CUPBOARD STORES, INC. COUNTRY GENERALCPI Engineering ServicesCPI Engineering Services Synthetic Lubricants CRACrack WaxCRC Industries, Inc.CRC NeuseelandCreanova Inc.Credimex / MolykoteCrescent Oil Co. Inc.CREST OIL AND CHEMICAL INC. Crestar EnergyCross Timbers Oil CompanyCROWN CENTRAL PETROLEUM CORP. Cruthfieild DatCT FARM AND COUNTRYCUB CADET C/O VISCOSITY OIL Cummings-Moore Graphite Co. CURACAO OIL (CUROIL) N.V.D. A. Stuart CompanyD.A. Stuart Co.D-A Lubricant Co.D-A Lubricant CompanyDanoil EnergyDanoil EnergyDarmex lndustrial Corp.Data Storage TechnologiesDatalogDatasurgeDA VID WEBER OIL CODA VIS PETROLEUM COMPANY, INC.Davison Oil Co. lnc.DA VISON OIL COMPANY, INC.DAYCO, INC.DEADeepseaDEERE & CO.DelkolDelta Logistics International Inc.Delta OilDELTA ROCKY MOUNTAIN PETROLEUM CO.DELTA VEN, S.A.Dennis K. Burke, IncDENNIS K. BURKE, INC.DENNIS OIL COMPANYDETROIT DIESEL CORPORA TIONDEUTSCHE CASTROL VERTRIEBSGESELLSCHAFT MBH DEUTSCHE VEEDOL GMBHDGM Mineral?leDGSIDHV International Inc.Diamond GeophysicalDiamond ShamrockDIAMOND SHAMROCK REFINING AND MARKETING CO., INC DIATOR DE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V.DiermeierDigi-RuleDigitran Simulation SystemsDirect GeochemicalDISCOUNT AUTO PARTSDISTRIBUTEUR D ACCESSOIRES DISTAC INC.Diversey Corp., Dubois DivDixon TiconderogaDOW ChemicalDow Chemical Co.Dow Corning Corp.Dr. B?hme Chemie & ServiceDr. TillwichDrew MarineDrilling Systems (UK) Ltd.Dryden Oil Co.DRYDEN OIL COMPANYDU PONT - CONOCO HUNGARY KFT Dubois Division, Diversey Corp.DupontDuPont KrytoxDuPont Performance LubricantsDuPont Performance LubricantsDupréSupplyDylon Industries Inc.Dynamic GraphicsE.L.H. CORPORATIONE/M Corp.EarthView AssociatesEarthWatchEastern OilEastern Oil Co.EasylubeEasySolve Software LlcEaton IndustriesEberhart Mobil SchmierstoffeEckelEconoMattersEcosynEDCON, Inc.Eden Exploration Ltd.Edgehill ExplorationEdrichElco CorporationEldorado ChemicalElectric Refining Co.Electrochem Lithium BatteriesElement Anlaysis CorporationElf AquitaineElf Aquitaine Elf LubricantsElf Atochem North America, Inc.ELF LUBRICANTES MEXICO S.A. DE C.V. Elf Lubricants N. America Inc.ELF LUBRIFIANTSEMIRATES LUBE OIL COMPANY LIMITEDEMPIRE MOTOR COMPANY, LTD.Empresa Colombiana de PetroleosEnerCom IncorporatedEnergie-Versorgung Schwaben AGEnergy Innovations GroupEnertech ComputingEnexEngineered ComponentsEngineered Lubricants Co.ENGLEFIELD OIL COMPANYEni S.p.A. (AGIP)Enron Oil & Gas CompanyEnsign GeophysicsEnterprise Oil Co.Environmental Drilling ServiceEPL JAPAN, INC.Eppert Oil Co.Equilon Enterprises LLCEran TechnologiesERICKSON OIL PRODUCTS, INC.ErtoilESPANOLA DE PRODUCTOS QUIMICOS INDUSTRIALES, S.A. ESSO A.G.ET ProductsEthyl Corp.etiGATEETS A. MAURAN & FILS S.A.ETS AustraliaEureka Fluid FilmEurolExaExxonExxon Co., U.S.A.EXXON COMPANY, U.S.A.Exxon MSDS ExxonExxon USAF&L Fuels & LubricantsFairfield Resources Corp.Falcon LubricantsFALCON OIL COMPANY INC.FannFAR EAST TRADING CO., LTD.Farm and Home OilFARM OYL COMPANYFarmland Industries Inc.FARMLAND INDUSTRIES INC.FA VORITE MARKETSFEASTER OIL COMPANYFEDERAL CHILE PETROLERA LTDA.FEDERA TED AUTO PARTS DISTRIBUTORS FEDERA TED CO-OPERATIVES LIMITED FenstermakerFerndale LubricantsFerro Corp.Filter KingFinaFINA EUROPE S.A.Fina Oil & Gas Co.FINA OIL AND CHEMICAL COMPANYFindettFinish Line Technologies Inc.FINNING (CANADA), DIV. OF FINNING INTL. INC. Fionn IndustriesFIRST BRANDS CORPORATIONFiske Brother'sFKG OIL COMPANYFlagship Geosciences LLCFlamingo Oil Co.FLAMINGO OIL COMPANYFleet FuelsFLEET WHOLESALE SUPPL Y COMPANY INC. Fletcher Challenge EnergyFlexwareFluent IncorporatedFluid-FilmFMCFMC Corp.FMC CorporationFoamseal / NovagardFORD MOTOR COMPANYForest LubricantsForm Oyl Co.ForsytheForsythe Lubrication Asso.Foster FindlayFrank's Casing Inc.FRED MEYERFreelance Geophysical ConsultantsFTI Inc.Fuchs Fuchs Lubricants Fuchs Lubritech FUCHS LABO S.A.Fuchs LubricantsFUCHS LUBRICANTS (UK) PLCFuchs Lubricants Co.Fuelman of North Louisiana & East Texas FUJI HEA VY INDUSTRIES LTD. FUJITSUBO GIKEN CO., LTD.Full ServG & G OilG S UK Ltd.G&G Oil Co. of Indiana lnc.G. Whitfield Richard Co.G.I. JOES, INC.G?hringerGallagher Research and DevelopomentGard Corp.GARD CORPORATIONGardner Denver MachineryGAS AMERICA SERVICES, INC.GAS CITYGas Pro AlaskaG-C Lubricants Co.GC Quality LubricantsGE SiliconesGECORUSAGenalco IncGENERAL MOTORSGENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA LIMITED General Oil Co.GENERAL SEKIYU K. K.Genetek Earth ResearchGeo&SoftGeoDigital Services, Inc.Geodynamic SolutionsGeofizyka Torun Ltd.GeoformGeoGraphixGeoKnowledge ASGeolink (UK) LtdgeoLOGIC systems ltd.GeomathGeoprobeGeorge tecoilGeoScience LimitedGeoservicesGeotech Computer SystemsGETTY PETROLEUM MARKETING INCGilbert Laustsen Jung AssociatesGILL (BERMUDA) C/O GULF OIL INTERNA TIONALGimo DeutschlandGleitmoGlobal MarineGlu GuruGO MART INC.GOA Co. (North Coast Oil Inc.)GOA COMPANYGolden Star, Inc.GONHER DE MEXICO S.A. DE C.V.GOTEBORGS SMORJMEDELS FABRIK AB (SCANLUBE AB) GoulstonGrant GeophyiscalGreat Plains LubriccintsGREAT WALL HIGH QUALITY LUBRICATING OIL COMPANY Green, TweedGrenley Stewart ResourcesGrenley Stewart ResourcesGROWMARK, INC.GUANG DONG REWIN LUBRICANTS COMPANY LTDGulf OilGULF OIL LIMITED PARTNERSHIPGulf Oil Ltd. PartnershipGulf Stream ResourcesGulf Stream ResourcesGX TechnologyH&W PETROLEUM COMPANY, INC.HAJ, INC.HALCO INDUSTRIES INC.Halliburton Energy ServicesHalocarbonHalocarbon Products Corp.Hampton Data ServicesHangsterfer's LaboratoriesHANKOOK SHELL OIL CO. LTD.HANV AL, INC.HARC GeotechnologyHARRIS LUBRICANTS MFG.Hart Bath FluidsHatco Corp.Havoline (Texaco)Hegyi GeoTechnologies International Inc.Henkel CorporationHEXOL LUBRICANTSHI LO AUTO SUPPL Y, L.P.HICKS OIL INDUSTRIALHILLS DEPARTMENT STORE COMPANYHindustan Petroleum Corporation LimitedHINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION, LTD.HOKUREN FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVESHoman Corp.HOME HARDWARE STORES LIMITEDHoosier Penn Oil Co. Inc.HoughtonHS ResourcesHuls America lnc.Huskey Specialty LubricantsHY VEE FOOD STORES DBA GENERAL MERCHANDISE DISTRIBUTION Hyde EngineeringHydro Petroleum CanadaHydro Safe Oil Division Inc.HydrotexHydrotex Inc.HYDROTEX, INC.HypermediaHyprotechHyvac Products, Inc.ICC Parts (Independent Components Corp.)Iceland OilIdemitsu Kosan Co. Ltd.IDEMITSU KOSAN CO., LTDIEDS Ltd.IGOL FRANCEIHS Energy GroupIKODAIllinois Oil Products Inc.ImperatorImperial IncorporatedIMPERIAL OIL COMPANY, INCImperial Oil LimitedIMPERIAL OIL LTDImperial Oil/Products DivisionIMPULSORA IBERLUB, S.A.Imsco Inc.INDEPENDENT W AREHOUSE DISTRIBUTORS, INC. Indian Oil CorporationINDIAN OIL CORPORA TION LIMITEDIndustria Quimica AutomotrizINDUSTRIA QUIMICA AUTOMOTRIZ, S.A. DE C.V. Industrial ProductsIndustrial Vehicles International, Inc.INOX LubricantINTECIntegrated GeophysicsIntelliGISINTERCONTINENTAL LUBRICANTS CORP Intercontinental Lubricants Corp.InterflonInterline ResourcesInterlube Corp.International Resource CompanyInterpexIntershipIntertechIntevepIntevepIP ITALIANA PETROLI, S.P.A.IRDCIRVING OIL LIMITED - LUBRICANTS DIVISION Irving Oil Ltd.J. D. STREETT & COMPANY INC.J. M. Huber CorporationJ.B. MARKETING, INC.J.D. Streett & Co. Inc.J.J.Crewe & Son, IncJAMES PETROLEUMJapan EnergyJAPAN ENERGY CORPORATIONJAPAN SUN OIL COMPANY LIMITEDJason Geosystems BVJB ChemicalsJCB INC.Jenkin Guerin Inc.Jesco Resources Inc.Jet-Lube Inc.JFT SystemsJOHN DEERE LIMITEDJohn SharryJOHNSON OIL COMPANYJOIL DISTRIBUTIONJP OilJunell Corp.K.K. AUTOBACS SEVENKABUSHIKI KAISHA AUTO RKandle Oilfield ProductsKANEMATSU CORPORATIONKarl Thompson & Associates, Inc.Kelsan Lubricants USA LLCKendallKENDALL MOTOR OIL, A DIVISION OF SUN COMPANY INC (R&M) Kent Oil Co.Kernel Technologies Ltd.KerniteKettlitzKeystone LubricantsKIEL BROS. OIL COMPANY, INC.Kimes Petrotech Associates IncKing IndustriesKINKI OIL COMPANY, LIMITEDKluber LubricationKlüber Lubrication & Summit Industrial Klüber - Extribo BrnoKN EnergyKOCOLENE OIL CORP.KOI AUTO PARTS INC.Kontakt ChemieKORAMO KOLIN, A.S.Korea National Oil COmpanyKOSTAS AUTO INCKR AndersonKRAFFT, S.A.KRAUSE GENTLE CORPORATIONKUBOTA TRACTOR CORPORA TIONKuhbierKuwait National Petroleum CompanyKuwait PetroleumKWIK KINGKWIKTRIP, INCKYGNUS SEKIYU K.K.Kyodo YushiKYUSHU OIL CO. LTDL & L OilLafayette Association of Petroleum LandmenLAIDLAW ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES dba VINOCO OIL INC. Landmark GraphicsLandproLaser Oil Co.LASMO plcLasser Inc.Leahy-Wolf Co.LenoxLexam ExplorationsLG EngineeringLG-Caltex (Korea)LG-Caltex OilLG-CALTEX OIL CORPORATIONLilyblad PetroleumLIL YBLAD PETROLEUM INC.LINK BELT CONSTRUCTION EQUIP CO.Lion OilLiqui MolyLIQUI MOL Y GMBHLIQUIDOS ESPECIALIZADOS S.A. DE C.V. (LIQESA) LLANTAS Y VEHICULOS, SALoctite CorporationLogTech Canada Ltd.Logtek ASLONDON DRUGS LIMITEDLouis Dreyfus Natural GasLOVES COUNTRY STORES, INC.Lowe Oil Co.LOWE OIL COMPANYLPSLPS Laboratories,Inc.LubeConLubeCon Systems Inc.LubeGredientsLubemaster Div. ofLubeservLUBRICANTES DE AMERICA S.A. DE C.V. LUBRICANTES DELTA S.A.LUBRICANTES INTERNACIONALES VITESS, S.A. LUBRICANTES VENOCO INTERNACIONAL C.A. LUBRICANTES ZETA, S.A. DE C.V.Lubricating Specialities Co.Lubrication Engineers 2 3LUBRICATION ENGINEERS INC.Lubrication Engineers, Inc.Lubrication Systems CompanyLubrication Technology Inc,LUBRIFIANT SAINT-LAURENT INC.Lubriplate LubricantsLubriplate LubricantsLubritec InternationalLUBRITECH INCLubrizolLUGESA MONTERREY, S.A. DE C.V.LukOil (Russian Oil Company)Lyondell LubricantsL YONDELL-CITGO REFINING CO. LIMITEDM & A OIL CO. DE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V.M.S.I., Ltd.MACH 4, INCMacro OilMacro Specialty Industries Inc.MagnafluxMAGNETI MARELLI IBERICA S.A.MAGNETI MARELLI S.P.A.Magnetic PulseMamco SpacefillerMammoth GeophysicalMap Oil ToolsMAPCO Inc.MAPCO PETROLEUM INC.MarathonMARA THON ASHLAND PETROLEUM LLC Marathon Oil CompanyMaraven (Venezula)Marschall Acoustics GroupMARTIN & BAYLEY, INC.Maryn Lubricants Inc.Mathtech PakistanMaurer Engineering Inc.MA VERIK COUNTRY STORES, INC. Maxwell LaboratoriesMay LubricationMAZDA MOTOR CORPORA TIONMAZDA MOTOR OF AMERICA, INC.MBDHMcCollister & Co.MCCOLLISTER & COMPANYMcGee Industries lnc.McLube & SailkoteMcPhail Fuel CompanyMeguinMEIJER, INC.MELROE COMPANY - (PARTS OPERATIONS) MemolubMerak ProjectsMercatMERIT OIL CORPORATIONMetafluxMetal Lubricants Co.Metalcote/Chemtool Inc.Metalworking Lubricants Inc.MEXICANA DE LUBRICANTES, S.A. DE C.V. Meyer & AssociatesMFA OIL COMPANYMichael HarveyMicrolonMid Town PetroleumMID TOWN PETROLEUMMidland Southwest SoftwareMid-Town Petroleum Inc.MIDWEST OIL COMPANYMighty Lube SystematicLubrication, Inc. MIKADO OIL COMPANY, LTD.Milacron MilacronMillennium PetrochemicalsMILLER ENTERPRISESMillers OilMiller-StephensonMiltec IncorporatedMincomMind & Vision Computer SystemsMINERV A-OIL SARLMINIT MART FOODS, INCORPORATEDMinuteman Lubricants Inc.MiracleCoverMITSUBISHI OIL CO. LTDMITSUI OIL & GAS CO. LTD.Mobil OilMOBIL SEKIYU KABUSHIKI KAISHAModern Log Analysis Company Pty LtdModricaMOHAWK LUBRICANTS LIMITEDMOL HUNGARIAN OIL AND GAS COMPANYMolub AlloyMolybdenum TrioxideMOLYDUV ALMolykote / CredimexMolyslip Molyslip UKMonroe Fluid TechnologyMonsanto CompanyMontedisonMoraine Oil Sales lnc.MORRIS & COMPANY LTD. (MORRIS LUBRICANTS) Morris Environmental/SpillNetMorris Lubricants Morris Lubricants 2Mosaic OilMosilMotorkoteMOTOROL (INDIA) LIMITEDMotorol (India) Ltd.MotulMotul / TransmotoMOTUL S.A.MSDSMueller ExplorationMullen Circle Brand Inc.Multiphase SolutionsMultiTherm CorporationMurphy Oil CorporationMURRAYS DISCOUNT AUTO STORESMuscle ProductsMustang EngineeringMUSTANG LUBRICANTS C/O PETRO-CANADA MWD ManagementNA TIONAL AUTOMOTIVE PARTS ASSOCIATION National Injection Services, Inc.National Oil Products Inc.NA TIONAL PRONTO ASSOCIATIONNational-OilwellND IndustriesNeatsfoot Oil RefineriesNeo Synthetic Oil Co.Neo Synthetic Oil Co. Inc.NeotecNeovalNesteNeutecNEW HOLLAND NORTH AMERICA, INC. Niagara LubricantNiagara Lubricant Co. Inc.NIHON KOJUN COMPANY, LIMITEDNIKKO SANGYO CO., LTD.Nippon Oil (Nihon Sekiyu)NIPPON OIL COMPANY, LTD.NISSAN CANADA,INC.NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.Nitz OilNocoNoco Energy Corp.NOCO ENERGY CORPORATIONNoco LubricantsNorandaNorris Industrial LubricantsNorsk HydroNORTHEAST PRODUCTS CO. INC.Northern PetroSearchNorthland Products Co.NORTHLAND PRODUCTS COMPANY Northwest Geophysical AssociatesNorton Petroleum Corp.NovagardNuCalgon ProductsNuevo EnergyNUTECH SERVICES, INC.Nye LubricantsNynasOak International Inc.Occidental Chemical CorporationOceandril Inc.OCS (Outer Continental Shelf) BBSOel-BrackOEL-BRACK AGOemetaOhio lndustrial Lubricants Inc.Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.Oil Center Research Inc.Oil SpotOilfield Equipment ManagerOilfield Production Consultants (OPC) LimitedOilfield SystemsOiltownOilwareOKSOLCOOLD WORLD INDUSTRIES, INC.Olin CorporationOLIPES, S.L.OmegaOMEGA MANUFACTURING DIVISIONOmnes?MVONE STOP AUTO PARTS, INCOnsyr IncOolithica GeoscienceOptimolO'REILL Y AUTO PARTSOrelube Corp.Orion CoatingsOTECO, Inc.Ovation Data ServicesOVERW AITEA FOOD GROUP, DIV. OF GREAT PACIFIC INDUSTRIES INC. OY ESSO ABOY TEBOIL AB / SUOMEN PETROOLI OYOZAW A & COMPANY LTDPACCAR AUTOMOTIVE INC.Pacer LubricantsPACIFIC RIM ASSOCIATES K.K.PACTOR GMBHPal ProductsPAM OIL, INC.PanCanadian Petroleum LimitedPanTerra Geoconsultants BVPanther SoftwareParadigm GeophysicalParaminsParker DrillingParker Laboratories, Inc.PARTS DEPOT, INC.PARTS PLUS HEADQUARTERSPathfinder LubricantsPennzoil - Quaker State MSDSPENNZOIL BOLIVIA S.A.Pennzoil Products Co.PENNZOIL PRODUCTS COMPANYPEP BOYS, MANNY, MOE & JACK, INCPerez Companac S.A.Performance Sciences, Inc.Perkins Products Inc.PermaPerma USAPermabondPERTAMINAPetris TechnologyPETRO CANADAPetro CapitalPetro LogPetrobrasPETROBRAS DISTRIBUIDORA S.A. (BR)Petro-Canada 2Petro-Canada LubricantsPetrochemPetroconsultantsPetroDynamicsPetroExpoPetroferm, Inc.PETROL TRGOVINA, R.O.Petroleos de VenezuelaPetroleum Information (ERICO) LimitedPETROLEUM PACKERS, INC.Petrolink ServicesPetrologicPETROLON EUROPE LTD., C/O PETROLON INTERNATIONAL S.A.M. PETROLUB INTERNATIONAL CO. LTD.PetromapPETROMIN LUBRICA TING OIL COPetromolyPetron Corp.Petron International lnc.PetrophysicsPetrosys Pty. Ltd.PetrotechPetrovePetrowayPFS Performance Fuel SpecialistsPhillips 66PHILLIPS 66 COMPANYPhillips 66 LubricantsPhillips PetroleumPhillips Petroleum CompanyPico Chemical Corp.PINNACLE OIL INC.PIRA Energy GroupPITT PENN OIL CO.Place ResourcesPlatt, Sparks & Associates Consulting Petroleum Engineers, Inc. Platte River AssociatesPlatt'sPolartechPolartech Ltd.POLONIA NEDERLAND IM-EXPORT B.V.POLOTHINK PETROLEUM PRODUCTS CO. LTD.Power Up LubricantsPREMIER FARMTECHPremier OilPremium Industrial SalesPrimrose Oil Co. Inc.Prism TechnologiesProcess Support ASProChemTechProdePRODUCTOS TEXACO, S.A. DE C.V.PRODUITS LUBRI-DELTA INC.Progressive ProductsProject Team Geoscience ConsultantsPro-LabPronolPROPYL, S.A.Pro-Tech International Inc.ProTechnics InternationaPSI Parts Service InternationalPSP JAPAN LTD.PulsarlubePURE POWER! INCORPORA TEDQ8Qatar General Petroleum CorporationQatar Lubricants Company LTDQC DataQMIQSP MARKETING, INC.Quaker State Corp.QUAKER STATE CORPORATIONQUIKTRIP CORPORATIONQuipBrokers International ASQUIV ACOLOR, S.L.R&S STRAUSS, INC., DBA STRAUSS DISCOUNT AUTO R&W InternationalR.S. CLare & Co., Ltd.R.T. Vanderbilt Co. Inc.Raffineries ImperatorRALOY LUBRICANTES, S.A. DE C.VRaycoRebsRed Line OilReeves Wireline Technologies LimitedReltonRemington EnergyRenewabie LubricantsREPSOL DISTRIBUCION S.A.RevolRhenusRhone-Poulenc Inc.Richard Mozley LimitedRidge and AssociatesRidgidRivoltaRobishaw EngineeringRock V alley Oil & Chemical Co.RockWareRohloffRohm and HaasRohMaxROOT COMPANY, LIMITEDRosco Laboratories,Inc.ROSEMEAD OIL PRODUCTS INC.Royal Lubricants Co. lnc.Royal Manufacturing Co.ROY AL PURPLE, INC.RPM GROUPRuwco Oil and Gas CorporationRWE DISTRIBUTORS INCRWE-DEAS.A. Holditch and AssociatesS.A. TEXACO BELGIUM N.V.SA ADDIXSA CARBUROLSAE DatabaseSAFETY KLEEN CANADA INC., LUBRICANTS DIV. Safety-KleenSAFETY-KLEEN, LUBRICANTS DIV.SAFEWAY STORES INC.Saf-T-EzeSaga Petroleum ASASAH PETROLEUMS LIMITEDSahara Oil Co.SahlbergSAKURA SEIYUJO CO., LTD.SALADO SALESSalem ServicesSANKYO YUKA KOGYO K.K.SantotracSantovacSANW A CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. SANYU KAGAKU KOGYO K.K.SasolSatecmaSATURN CORPORA TIONSavalon lnc.Schaeffer Mfg. Co.SCHAEFFER MFG. COMPANYSchaeffer's Specialized LubricantsSchwaben AGScience Applications International Corporation (SAIC)SCOT LUBRICANTS OF PENNSYLV ANIAScotia GroupSeaboard Industries Inc.SEABOARD INDUSTRIES, INC.Seafarer MarineSea-Land Chemical CompanySEARS CANADA INC.SeascapeSecurity DBSSeis Pros International, Inc.SeiScan GeoDataSeisNavSelco Synthetic LubricantsSensor Highway Ltd.Sentinel ProductsSetralSF SERVICES INC.SFR Co.SHANGHAI OIL REFINERYSHANXI JAPAN ENERGY LUBRICANTS CO., LTD. SHARJAH NATIONAL LUBE OIL COMPANY LIMITED SHEETZ, INC.ShellSherwin Williams Paints (SearchEngine)SHINNIHON YUSHI KOUGYO COMPANY, LTD SHOW A SHELL SEKIYU K.K.Sidekick Tools IncSilicones UnlimitedSIMON XPRESSSIMPSON PERRY OIL COMPANYSimulation SciencesSINCLAIR OIL COMPANYSINGAPORE PETROLEUM COMPANY LIMITEDSipsSky Mart LubricantsSlick 50 Corp.SLOVNAFT JOINT STOCK COMPANYSMITHS FOOD & DRUG CENTERS, INC.SOBEY'S, INC.SOFRA (HAFA LUBRIFIANTS FRANCE)Soilvision Systems Ltd.Solene Industrial LubricantsSonatSonoco。

kistler maXYmos bl 基本型 xy 监控器 工业过程和产品测试应用手册说明书

kistler maXYmos bl 基本型  xy 监控器 工业过程和产品测试应用手册说明书

Page 1/4Electronics & SoftwaremaXYmos BL (Basic Level)XY Monitor for Industrial Processes and Product Test Applications5867A _000-863a -10.11Type 5867A...The maXYmos BL provides maximum value in high perfor-mance XY signature monitoring. Two measurands are moni-tored, interrelationship curve analyzed and immediate results reported for Good / Bad compon en t iden tification. Simple intuitive menu guided setup with pass code level protection. Nonintrusive compact enclosure provides ease of integration with workstations and automated lines.• Press fit of components such as bearings, pins, caps, plugs…• F un ction tests in clude pivot of head rests, seat reclin ers, shift systems…• A ssembly mo itori g of riveted, stacked or cli ched components • P roduct validation and device effort testing of linear seat rail and rotary switches… plus moreIn the case of press fitting, for example the typical measure-ment curves are recorded using force and displacement sen-sors, or torque an d rotation al an gle sen sors for swivelin g or rotation. The maXYmos BL can be used to record, monitor and display the interrelation of basically any measurands that can be measured with piezoelectric, strain gage and potentiometric sensors.The quality of an individual manufacturing step, an assembly or the entire product can be determined on the basis of such measurement curves. The earlier in the production chain such monitoring is started, the more certain the finished product will subsequently pass final inspection. It is then also possible to divert and rework the part at an early stage, rather than scrap-ping it anyway after a whole series of further manufacturing operations.DescriptionThe functional modern case design, clear menus and practical functions add up to an impressive monitor. The high-contrast color touch screen display allows smooth operation of the maXYmos BL and shows the process information clearly.This is achieved through a particularly sophisticated menu con-cept that is con text sen sitive on ly showin g what is actually needed for the particular function. The maXYmos BL provides functions that allow many standard XY monitoring tasks to be solved.• M easurement functions Y=f(X), Y=f(t), Y=f(X, t), X=f(t)• H igh speed monitoring, up to 10 parts per second • 16 measuremen t programs are available for part chan ge over • 2 switching signals provide real-time monitoring to channels X and Y • E valuation objects include Box, Line and Envelope for analy-sis • U p to 4 evaluation objects per signature curve • 3.5” color touch screen provides high resolution with 8000 points per curve • S ensor channel X interfaces for Potentiometric and + 10 V • S ensor channel Y interfaces for Piezo, Strain Gage and 10 Volt • D igital I/O (24 V) for control and evaluation results• Numerous PLC fieldbus options, including Ethernet/IP , Pro-fiBus DP • E thern et TCP/IP con n ection for data export an d remote maintenance • U SB co ectio for computer laptop (maXYmos PC software)• I nfo pages provide means for diagnosis of NOK root cause • O nboard internal serial generator offers selectable format • O perates from standard 24 VDC power supplyVisit for more informationSUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************Page 2/45867A _000-863a -10.11Technical DataMeasuring Channels Number 2Max. X/Y sampling rate S/s 5000Resolution on each channel bit 24Accuracy class% 0.3Cut-off frequency for each channel Hz 2000Low-pass filter for each channel Hz stepped 5 (1000)Channel XSensor type 1 potentiometerTrack resistance kΩ 1 ... 5 Supply voltageV 4 (4.16) Connection system 3-Leiter Wiper current uA <0.1 Sensor type 2* process signal ±10 V Channel YSensor type 1 piezoelectric Measuring rangepC ±100 ... ±500000At 4 pC/N corresponds to kN 0 ... ±125DriftpC/s 0.05Low-pass filter Hz 5, 10, ... ,2000Sensor type 2 strain gageMeasuring range mV/V 0 ... ±6Supply voltage V 5 Co n n ectio n system 6-wire Bridge resistanceΩ100 (1000)Start – Stop CycleStart – stop Dig.-In / X-threshold / Y-threshold Measuring FunctionsMeasurement curve based onY=f(X), Y=f(t), Y=f(X,t), X=f(t)Curve Memory Current curve pairs of XY-values max. 8000Historical curves (for NOK diagnosis) the last 20 Evaluation Objects (EOs)EO-Typen BOX/LINE/ ENVELOPE/NO-PASS Reference points absolute, block or trigger-Y Editing numerical entry, drawing with stylus Evaluation time m s <50 (for 4 EOs)Data Export Format csv Desti atio n Server Medium Ethern et Serial Interfaces Ethernet 1 x TCP/IP* 100 Base-TX USB * 1 x USB Device 1.1*BUS Profibus DP , 12 MBaud EtherNet/IPDig-In/Out Stan dardDIN EN61131Level of "0" state V 0 ... 5Level of "1" state V 15 (30)Number of inputs 11Input current, max. mA 8 (at 24 V)Number of outputs 8Output current, max. mA 100 (at 24 V)Measurement Programs Number 16Switching by means of Menu/Dig.-In/BUSSwitching time ms <5Switching Signals Number2 (S1 and S2)Channel allocation X or Y (selectable)Switching point when X-threshold reached w hen Y-threshold reached Output Dig.-Out or SPS Moduscontinuous or latch Effect on evaluation noReal-time Responses S1/S2 switching signals ms <1EO-Type "NO-PASS"ms <1Power SupplyVoltage VDC 24 (18 … 30)Power consumption VA 5Connection terminal screws, 1 piece in scope of deliveryWago, Ordering no. 734-103/037-000 Housing: Ordering no. 734-603EnvironmentalOperating temperature range °C 0 (50)Storage temperature range °C 0 ... 50Degree of protection front/Connection sideIP65/IP40General DataFront panel versionWeight g 700Dime n sio n s see drawi n gDesktop/wall versionWeight g 840Dimensions see drawing* from 2012Page 3/45867A _000-863a -10.11Functional Principle The measurement curve of a process is recorded, written to the MAC (Memory Actual Curve) and then evaluated. In the pro-cess the maXYmos checks whether the curve passes through the evaluation object (EOs), for example en velope curve or box, as prescribed. If it does, an OK (and otherwise an NOK) is generated.DimensionsFront panel version Type 5867AXX0XXDesktop/wall version Type 5867AXX1XTARE Y (strain gage)RESET (piezoelectric)C h a n n e l -XS 1S 2S T A R TR E A D YS -T E S TN O -P A SI ON I O T A R A Z E R O C h a n n e l -YC y c l ec o n t r o lE t h e r n e tU S BMP-01MP-02MP-03MP-16Measurement programMP-01Scaling YY XXCurrent meas- urement curveScaling Area related to MP1 of 164Fieldbus Digital IO 1) Scaling and cycle control specific to MP here. Can also be obtained from GLOBAL2) Only the most important signals are shownControl by means of Dig-IO (24 V) or fieldbusZERO XGlobal area1122Page 4/45867A _000-863a -10.11Accessories T ype • Desktop/wall case for converting 5867AZ000a front panel version into a desktop/ wall version, compl. with mounting kit• Set of connectors, strain gage version, 5867AZ010compl. for sensors, dig. IO and supply (1 set in included accessories)• Connector set, piezoelectric version for 5867AZ011sensors dig. IO and supply (1 set in included accessories)Channal Y Piezo 0Strain gage1Channal XPotentiometer, ±10 V*Housing Front 0Desktop/wall1BUSProfibus DP 0EtherNet/IP1Ordering Key forXY Monitor maXYmos BL T ConnectionsBack panel piezoelectric versionBack panel strain gage version• Windows ® software: maXYmos PC 5867AZ001(Basic version) for maXYmos BLfor firmware update, backup and setup.Included in accessories of the particular monitor• Windows ® software: maXYmos PC Plus 5867AZ002*for maXYmos BLIncludes Basic version, features, plus additional functions for searching and processing archived measurement curves and results, generating Excel ® files for statistical –conditioning of measured process values, producing test records for particular parts, etc.• Power supply, 230 VAC/24 VDC, 5867AZ012ready to be connected* in 2012Windows ® and Microsoft Excel ® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.。

CONTEC 8010A 便携式心电监护仪 使用手册说明书

CONTEC 8010A 便携式心电监护仪 使用手册说明书

CONTEC MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO., LTDNo.112 Qinhuang West Street, Economic & Technical Development Zone, Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Made in P.R.C.Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (Europe)Eiffestrasse 80, 20537 Hamburg, GermanyENGLISHForewordThankyou very much for purchasing the Portable ECG Monitor.This user manual introduces detail product information about its character, requirement, structure, performance, specification, appropriate methods of transportation, installation, usage, operation, repair, maintenance and storage, and safety measures of how to protect the operator and product. Please read details in the following chapters.Please read the user manual carefully before using the product and strictly follow its regulations to operate. the user manual indicates the operations that users need to pay much attention to, that may lead to abnormality, or may danger to the device or human body during using. Our company will not response the security, reliability and performance for any abnormality or device and human body damage causedby not following this user manual to use, maintain and store, not provide free service for any situations above. We apologize for the ccontent in the manual is subject to change according to product upgrades without notice.The product is reusable as a medical instrument.Warning:•The product is not a examination device apllied in clinical medicine, and its results can not serve as the basis for diagnosis, but cn be used as a reference for patient to take further medical treatment and reference for doctor to diagnose.•The reliability depends on whether users are following the operation and maintenance in the user manual or not.•All servicing and future upgrade to the device must be carried out by personnel trained and authorized by our company, and using the original fitting for maintenance.This iser manual contains proprietary information, wich is protected by copyright. All rightsreserved. Reproduction, adaption or translation, for any part of the manual without prior written permission, is prohibited.Our company takes the responsabilities as follows:1. To provide qualifield products according to enterprise standard for users;2. To provide services of installation, debugging and training according to the contract;3. To provide one year warranty and product maintenance after warranty period according to the contract;4. To respond user’s requests in time.Chapter 1 Notice1.1 Generic notice1) Do not use the device in locations subject to high temperatures or humidity. Use in the temperaturewithin 5 to 40°C and humidity within 25% to 80% RH.2) Do not wash the device with water.3) Do not use or store the device in the following ambient conditions:•Near fires or open flames•Locations exposed to strong vibration•Locations exposed to strong electromagnetic fields4) Do not sterilize the device in autoclave or gas sterilizer.5) The device service life is 3 years. Do not throw away the device and accessories when they can’t work.If the device needs to dispose, it should meet the local laws and regulations requirement.1.2 Measurement noticeIf your skin is dry, wipe them with disinfectant alcohol or electric salve to strengthen the electric capability You are better to confortably sit, draw yourself up, begin to measure when the waveform level off.When measuring, the finger and chest electrodes should touch your skin exactly, roundly and well.1.3 Safety notice1) No sampling in the battery-charging.2) Lay the device in shady and cool environment when you are not going to use it for a long period oftime, and electrify per three months.3) Do not use the device in the environment placed inflammable objects, such as anesthetic.1.4 EMC noticePlease note the effect from EMC when using the device, because it can ben influenced by portableor movable high electromagnetic compatibility RF devices.Chapter 2 IntroductionThe portable ECG monitor is designed for family and individual users. It is a good helper for family members to prevent from cardiovascular disease, as it can monitor patients ECG anytime at anyplace with easy operation. The devic e can record, analize and display user’s ECG waveform, capture the pathological ECG waveform when user happen to heart attack or other unpleasant symptoms. The ECG monitor can be conducted not limited in the hospital, which saves money from the physical check-up for users. After connected with a computer, users can print their ECG waveform, which provides data reference for doctors.2.1 Characteristics1) Handsome shape, handy operation, convenient tote.2) Monitor and record real-time ECG waveform and HR anytime and anywhere.3) Built-in large capability rechargeable lithium battery, continuously sample 200 ECG waveform aftercharged once.2.2 Application1) Occaasion: family, medical clinic and hospital. The device can’t be used as a generalelectrocardiogram for clinical examination.2) Object: people under high pressure and workload for long time, heart disease patients, middle agedand aged poeple, sub-health people.3) Purpose: the device is only used for ECG monitoring and data storage. It is not a therapy equipment.Operation method is simple and less requirement for the operating personnel.Chapter 3 Primary Technical Orders3.1 normal work environment1) Operation environment•Temperature: +5°C~+40°C•Relative humidity: 25%~80%•Power supply: built-in rechargeable lithium battery, voltage: 3.7V2) Transportation and storage environment• Temperature: -40°C~+55°C• Relative humidity:3.2 Basic parameters1) Calibration voltage: 1mV±5%.2) Standard sensitivity: 10mm/mV±5%.3) Amplitude frequency characteristic: standard: 10Hz; 1Hz-20Hz; (+0.4dB, -3dB). 4) Noise level: <30μV.5) CMRR: >60dB.6) Scanning speed: 25mm/s+5%.7) Sampling rate: 250 dots/s.8) HR measurement range: 30bpm-300bpm, error: ±1bpm or 1%.9) Type of protection against electric shock: Internal power device.Figure 4.1 Pre-sample InterfaceWhen the waveform becomes stable, the device will start formal sampling automatically, the color of waveform turns to green, sample time countdown on the bottom right corner begins until finished one sample. See figure 4.2:Figure 4.2 Formal Sample InterfaceThe device will enter into case review interface after completed sampling.Case review interface displays the sampling start time, heart rate and diagnosis (including normaland different kinds of arrhythmia), shown as Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4.Figure 4.3 Case Review Interface (Normal)Figure 4.4 Case Review InterfaceWhen the device enters into case review interface, it will display the latest sampled case. Click the button to review other cases information. The device can store 99 pieces of cases at most. If reaches to the limit, new stored case will cover the original case, the one that stored at the esrliest, piece by piece.The device will automatically turn to sampling interface to continue if the user holds the electrode at both ends again when the device is under the case review interface. 3) ChargeTwo method for charging:a) Connect the device with a computer by using Micro USB cable, charging completedafterabout 2~4 hours.b) Use a Micro USB to connect the device with a power adapter (output current > 500mA, 5V),Charging completed after about 2 hours.4) Auto power offThe device will automatically shut down after no operations within 2 minutes.4.3 Sync software operationsSome operations can be done (including sample mode and time setting, case upload, review, measureand print, etc.) in the PC sync software. Please refer to operation direction of PC sync software for details. Chapter 5 Trouble Shooting and SolutionIf the device has a problem account, please look up the following sheet for solutions first, it not included in6.1 Cleaning and sterilizingTurn off the device before cleaning. Medical alcohol is available for the device sterilization, then air dry. Or just wipe it with a dry and clean cloth for cleaning. Do not allow any liquid to enter the device.6.2 Maintenance1) Non - maintenance personnel designated by our company, do not open the device case so as to avoiddamage to internal components.2) Any equipment maintenance and upgrades must be carried out by the professionals who are trainedand authorized of the company.3) Prevent any liquid from seeping into the device as it will affect the safety and performance of thedevice.4) The device should avoid violent shaking or impact.5) Do not place objects on the device. This could damage the touch screen.6.3 Transport and storage1) The device transportation adopts general transportation means or follows the contract requirements.Avoid violent shock, vibration, rain and snow splash during the process of transportation.2) Store the packaged device in an environment with temperature -40°C~+55°C, relative humidity no morethan 95%, atmospheric pressure 500hPa~1060hPa, no corrosion gas and well-ventilated room.Instructions to use the applicationYou can download the APP by scan the QR code (for Android device),Search PHMS on APP store (for iOS device)Before you use this APP, please follow the steps to register first.Please use your phone number to register. You will receive a verification, type it on the blank, and finish the register. Your password is the last 6bit of TEL NUM.Now you can login in and start using.Turn on your PM10 device, and push the “new device” button, you will see your device, please notice, every device has a number (RED), please see it on you device.Add it and it will upload the data auto, and cancel the data on your device.。

FLIR Systems FLIRE60 体温检测器产品说明书

FLIR Systems FLIRE60 体温检测器产品说明书

Technical Data FLIR E60Part number:49001-1602Copyright©2012,FLIR Systems,Inc.All rights reserved s and marks appearing herein are either registered trademarks or trademarks of FLIR Systems and/or its subsidiaries.All other trademarks,trade names or company names referenced herein are used for identification only and are the property of their respective owners.February 14,2012,07:12AM Corporate Headquarters FLIR Systems,Inc.27700SW Parkway Ave.Wilsonville,OR 97070USATelephone:+1-503-498-3547Website Customer support Imaging and optical data Legal disclaimerIR resolution320×240pixelsSpecifications subject to change without further notice.Camera models and accessories subject to regional Thermal sensitivity/NETD<0.05°C @+30°C (+86°F)/50mK market considerations.License procedures may apply.Field of view (FOV)/Minimum focus distance 25°×19°/0.4m (1.31ft.)Information and equipment described herein may require US Government authorization for exportSpatial resolution (IFOV) 1.36mrad purposes.Diversion contrary to US law is prohibited.Image frequency 60Hz Focus ManualZoom1–4×continuous,digital zoom,including panning Focal Plane Array (FPA)/Spectral range Uncooled microbolometer /7.5–13µmImage presentation Display Touch screen,3.5in.LCD,320×240pixelsImage modes IR image,visual image,thermal fusion,picture in picture,thumbnail galleryThermal fusion IR image shown above,below or within temp interval on visual imagePicture in Picture Scalable IR area on visual image MeasurementObject temperature range –20°C to +120°C (–4°F to +248°F)0°C to +650°C (+32°F to +1202°F)Accuracy±2°C (±3.6°F)or ±2%of reading,for ambient temperature 10°C to 35°C (+50°F to 95°F)Measurement analysis Spotmeter 3Area3boxes with max./min./averageAutomatic hot/cold detection Auto hot or cold spotmeter markers within area IsothermDetect high/low temperature/intervalDifference temperature Delta temperature between measurement functions or refer-ence temperatureEmissivity correctionVariable from 0.01to 1.0or selected from materials list External optics/windows correction Automatic,based on inputs of optics/window transmission and temperatureMeasurement correctionsReflected temperature,optics transmission and atmospher-ic transmissionSet-upColor palettes Arctic,Gray,Iron,Lava,Rainbow and Rainbow HC Set-up commandsLocal adaptation of units,language,date and time formatsm l ,v e r .1.09Set-up P/N:49001-1602Languages 21©2012,FLIR Systems,Inc.All rights reserved worldwide.Storage of images Image storage Standard JPEG,including measurement data,on memory cardImage storage modeIR/visual images;simultaneous storage of IR and visual images Image annotations TextText from predefined list or soft keyboard on touch screen Report generation•Instant Report (*.pdf file)in camera including IR and visual images•Separate PC software with extensive report generationVideo recording in camera Non-radiometric IR-video recording MPEG-4to memory cardVideo streamingRadiometric IR-video streaming Full dynamic to PC using USBNon-radiometric IR-video streaming Uncompressed colorized video using USB Digital camera Built-in digital camera 3.1Mpixel (2048×1536pixels),and one LED light Built-in digital lens data FOV 53°×41°Laser pointer LaserActivated by dedicated buttonLaser alignmentPosition is automatic displayed on the IR image Data communication interfaces Interfaces USB-mini,USB-A,composite video USB•USB-A:Connect external USB device•USB Mini-B:Data transfer to and from PC /Uncom-pressed colorized video Video out CompositePower system BatteryLi Ion,4hours operating timeCharging system In camera (AC adapter or 12V from a vehicle)or 2-bay chargerCharging temperature 0°C to +45°C (+32°F to +113°F)Power management Automatic shutdown and sleep mode (user selectable)Environmental data Operating temperature range –15°C to +50°C (+5°F to +122°F)Storage temperature range –40°C to +70°C (–40°F to +158°F)Humidity (operating and storage)IEC 60068-2-30/24h 95%relative humidity +25°C to +40°C (+77°F to +104°F)/2cycles EMC•EN 61000-6-2(Immunity)•EN 61000-6-3(Emission)•FCC 47CFR Part 15B (Emission)Encapsulation IP 54(IEC 60529)Bump 25g (IEC 60068-2-29)Vibration 2g (IEC 60068-2-6)SafetyPower supply:CE/PSE/EN/UL/CSA 60950-1Physical dataCamera weight,incl.battery0.825kg (1.82lb.)m l ,v e r .1.09Physical dataP/N:49001-1602Camera size (L ×W ×H)246×97×184mm (9.7×3.8×7.2in.)©2012,FLIR Systems,Inc.All rights reserved worldwide.Tripod mounting UNC ¼"-20(adapter needed)Scope of delivery •Hard transport case•Infrared camera with lens •Battery (2ea.)•Battery Charger•Calibration certificate •Camera lens cap •Downloads brochure•FLIR Tools software CD-ROM •Handstrap •Memory card•Power supply,incl.multi-plugs •Printed Getting Started Guide•Printed Important Information Guide •Service &training brochure •USB cable•User documentation CD-ROM •Video cable•Warranty extension cardm l ,v e r .1.09All rights reserved worldwide.All rights reserved worldwide.All rights reserved worldwide.All rights reserved worldwide.All rights reserved worldwide.。



2024年第3期(总第536期)金融理论与实践摘要:ESG 表现会通过影响公司融资约束和代理问题而影响公司的现金持有行为。

基于我国沪深两市A 股2017—2022年上市公司面板数据,实证检验了ESG 表现与公司现金持有的关系。

研究发现,良好的ESG 表现能够缓解公司的融资约束、降低管理层的在职消费与大股东的资金占用,进而降低公司的现金持有水平,并且这种影响在市场发育相对不完善和分析师跟踪较少的子样本中更加显著。

进一步研究发现,良好的ESG 表现在降低公司现金持有水平的同时还可以提高公司现金持有价值,增加公司的创新投资支出,优化公司的现金配置。

研究揭示了ESG 表现影响公司现金持有的具体效应和内在逻辑,有助于为公司进一步加强ESG 建设、优化现金管理提供经验证据。

关键词:ESG 表现;现金持有;代理成本;融资约束文章编号:1003-4625(2024)03-0072-10中图分类号:F 832.51文献标识码:A Abstract Abstract::ESG performance affects a company ’s cash holdings by influencing financing constraints and agency issues.Based on the empirical data of China ’s A-share listed companies from 2017to 2022,this paper studies the relationship between ESG performance and cash holdings.It is found that good ESG performance of enterprises can reduce the cash holding level of enterprises by easing the financing constraints of enterprises,reducing the on-the-job consumption of management and the capital occupation of major shareholders.This effect is more pronounced in sub-samples charac⁃terized by less developed markets and limited analyst coverage.Further research finds that good ESG performance can improve the cash holding value of enterprises while reducing the cash holding level,and increase the innovation investment expenditure of enterprises,which greatly optimizes the cash allocation of enterprises.The study reveals the specific effects and inherent logic of the impact of ESG performance on cash holdings in enterprises,which helps to provide empirical evidence for further strengthening ESG construction and optimizing cash management for enterprises.words Key words::ESG performance;cash holdings;agency costs;financing constraints曾春华,李玉滢(海南大学国际商学院,海南海口570228)收稿日期:2023-12-24基金项目:本文为国家自然科学基金项目“我国资本市场注册制改革的微观经济影响研究”(72062012)、海南省自然科学基金项目“非国有股东治理与国企创新效率研究”(720RC571)的阶段性成果。

罗克威自动化有限公司 GuardLogix 5580 控制器和 ControlLogix 安全 I

罗克威自动化有限公司 GuardLogix 5580 控制器和 ControlLogix 安全 I

Confirmation of Product Type ApprovalCompany Name:ROCKWELL AUTOMATION,INC.Address:1ALLEN-BRADLEY DR.OH44124United StatesProduct:Computers and Programmable Logic Controllers(PLCS)Model(s):GuardLogix5580Controllers and ControlLogix Safety I/O ModulesCertificate Type Certificate Number Issue Date Expiry DateProduct Design Assessment(PDA) Manufacturing Assessment(MA) Product Quality Assurance(PQA)20-2006633-PDA17-C3320064NA23-JUN-202024-APR-2017NA22-JUN-202523-APR-2022NATier3Intended ServiceMarine and Offshore Applications-Programmable Logic Controllers and I/O Modules for Monitoring and Control Systems(acceptable for vessels with DPS,ACC&ACCU Notation vessels)DescriptionComponents comprise of programmable logic controllers and I/O Modules.The GuardLogix controller is made up of a primary controller and a safety partner,for SIL3applications, that function together in a1oo2architecture.Controllers Catalog numbers:1756-L81ES,1756-L82ES,1756-L83ES,1756-L84ESSafety Partner Catalog number:1756-L8SPControlLogix Safety I/O Modules:1756-IB16S:This module is a16-point sinking safety input module.1756-OBV8S:This module is an8-point,non-isolated digital safety output module that provides sourcing outputs and bipolar type outputs.Products listed above may also include suffix"K"which denotes conformal coating.Firmware Rev.1.XXXRatingsGuardlLogix5580Controllers:Power Supply:1.2A@5.1VDC,5mA@1.2VDCOperating Temperature:0°C to60°C(for Series C Chassis)Note:If operating above+55°C(+131°F),modules greater than6.2W shall not be installed in slots adjacent to the controller.ControlLogix Safety I/O Modules:Power Supply:1756-IB16S-Back Plane:280mA,5.1VDC;Field:18-32VDC,1.8A SELV;In:10-32VDC,2.5mA;To:18-32VDC,200mA1756-OBV8S-Back Plane:280mA,5.1VDC;Field:18-32VDC,1.8A SELV;Out:18-32V DC,1A; Operating Temperature:0°C to60°CService RestrictionsA.Where the product is used in a Category II or III Computer Based Systems as described in Section4-9-3/Table1of the Marine Vessel Rules,the complete assembly unit or subassembly unit is to be tested at the manufacturer’s shop in the presence of the Surveyor to verify the tests in4-9-9/15.7Table 2.Otherwise,unit certification is not required.B.If the manufacturer or purchaser request an ABS Certificate for compliance with a specification or standard,the specification or standard,including inspection standards and tolerances,must be clearly defined.C.Tests and approvals are for hardware only.D.Each particular application is to be specifically approved.E.An external enclosure of suitable ingress protection rating is to provided in accordanace with ABS MVR4-8-3/Table2.F.The products have not been tested for installation in weather exposed areas(Salt mist test as per ABS Marine Vessels Rules4-9-9/Table1:Test no.10has not been conducted).G.The subject controllers and I/O modules are powered by a dedicated and regulated power supply unit (not in the scope of this certifcate)via a proprietary backplane.The power supply variation test as per ABS Marine Vessels Rules4-9-9/Table1,Test no.1has not been conducted on the subject products. This test is to be witnessed by the attending surveyor as per Service restriction"A".CommentsA.The Manufacturer has provided a declaration about the control of,or the lack of Asbestos in this product.B.Duplicate PDA resides with Rockwell Automation-Twinsburg,OHC.The Conducted Low Frequency test per ABS Marine Vessels Rules4-9-9/Table1:Test no.13has not been performed on the subject controllers and I/O modules based on IEC61131-2standard,as this test is applicable to power ports.D.The Conducted Emission test per ABS Marine Vessels Rules4-9-9/Table1:Test no.18,has not been performed on the subject I/O modules as these modules donot have user accessible ports and power ports.Notes,Drawings and DocumentationRockwell Automation Publication1756-IN048B-EN-P-Feb2018,Installation Manual-GuardLogix5580 Controllers,Pgs:10;Rockwell Automation Publication1756-IN079B-EN-P-Oct2019,Installation Manual-1756ControlLogix 16-point Sinking Safety Input Module,Pgs:12;Rockwell Automation Publication1756-IN081B-EN-P-Oct2019,Installation Manual-1756ControlLogix 8-point Safety Bipolar/Sourcing Output Module,Pgs:12;Rockwell Automation Publication1756-UM543J-EN-P-Oct2019,User Manual-ControlLogix5580and GuardLogix5580Controllers Bulletin1756,Pgs:278;Rockwell Automation Publication1756-UM013B-EN-P-Oct2019,User Manual-1756ControlLogix Digital Safety I/O Modules,Pgs:136;Rockwell Automation Test Report no.951047,Technical Report-EMC Evaluation,date:26May2020, Pgs:29;Rockwell Automation Test Report no.MAY18-12M,rev.0,Technical Report-Environmental Test1756-IB16S,date:10-4-2018,Pgs:10;Rockwell Automation Test Report no.MAY18-13M,rev.0,Technical Report-Environmental Test1756-OBV8S/A,date:7Jan2019,Pgs:10;Rockwell Automation Test Report no.4009921,Technical Report-Environmental Test1756-OBV8S/A, date:10Oct2019,Pgs:73;Rockwell Automation Test Report no.74094,Technical Report-Environmental Test1756-L8zS,date:14 Oct2019,Pgs:115;Rockwell Automation Test Report no.902381,Technical Report-Environmental Test1756-IB16S,date:3 Dec2019,Pgs:83;Report No.F2LQ10272-02E,F2Labs EMC Test Report for GuardLogix5580Safety Controller,Issue date:17Nov2017,Pgs:55;Report No.F2P21798E-02E,F2Labs EMC Test Report for ControlLogix Safety I/O module,Issue date: 13Sep2019,Pgs:22;Report No.F2P21798E-01E,F2Labs EMC Test Report for ControlLogix Controller,Issue date:13Sep 2019,Pgs:32;Report No.F2P21798E-02E,F2Labs EMC Test Report for ControlLogix Controller,Issue date:13Sep 2019,Pgs:45;Ref.Email Correspondence regarding Multiple Unit Testing,Pgs:5;Ref.Response to comments in ABS Letter dated18Feb2020,Ref.Task no.T1951381,Pgs:4;Dwg.10001621409,ver.02,1756-L8zE5Schematic Drawing,pgs:18;Doc.1756Construction Overview,Pgs:6;Dwg.10001621417,ver.04,PCB ASM,1756-L8z E5PCB Assembly Drawing,Pgs:4;Dwg.10002950966,ver.04,PCB-SCH,1756-OBV8SI/O BRD E4.0Schematic Drawing,Pgs:27;Dwg.10002950988,ver.03,PCB ASM,1756-OBV8SI/O BRD3.0PCB Assembly Drawing,Pgs:2;Dwg.10003071310,ver.05,PCB SCH,1756-OBV8S MBE2Schematic Drawing,Pgs:42;Dwg.10003071319,ver.02,PCB ASM,1756-OBV8S MBE2PCB Assembly Drawing,Pgs:2;Dwg.10003323584,Assembly Readiness Checklist Safety IO,Pgs:2;Dwg.10003632086,Assembly Readiness Checklist L8zS,Pgs:2;Dwg.10003938061,1756-IB16S Main Board E1Schematic Drawing,ver.01,Pgs:47;Dwg.10003938063,PCB Documentation1756-IB16S Main Board E1PCB Assembly Drawing,ver.01, Pgs:2;Dwg.10003938069,ver.01,1756-IB16S I/O Board E1Schematic Drawing,Pgs:38;Dwg.10003938072,ver.01,PCB Documentation1756-IB16S E1I/O PCB Assembly Drawing,Pgs:1;Marine Test Plan1756-L84ES and L8SP,Pgs:1;GuardLogix Marine Test Plan20200204,Pgs:1;Doc.1756-L8z Master list20200204,Master list,pgs:1;A2LA Cert no.0793.02,F2Labs Scope of Accreditation to ISO/IEC17025:2017,, Pgs:5;UL File E65584,Letter Report for12mm Flame testing of Type1756case material,date:3Feb2020, Pgs:1;UL File E65584,Laboratory Data Package,Pgs:13;NVLAP Certificate of Accreditation to ISO/IEC17025:2017,Rockwell Automation-Mayfield Heights, Pgs:1;NVLAP Scope of Accreditation to ISO/IEC17025:2017,Rockwell Automation EMC TestLaboratory-Mayfield Heights,Pgs:4;IECEE Certificate of Acceptance to UL Northbrook,date of issue:2019-01-21,Pgs:2;Term of ValidityThis Product Design Assessment(PDA)Certificate remains valid until22/Jun/2025or until the Rules and/or Standards used in the assessment are revised or until there is a design modification warranting design reassessment(whichever occurs first).Acceptance of product is limited to the"Intended Service"details prescribed in the certificate and as per applicable Rules and Standards.This Certificate is valid for installation of the listed product on ABS units which exist or are under contract for construction on or previous to the effective date of the ABS Rules and standards applied at the time of PDA e of the Product for non-ABS units is subject to agreement between the manufacturer and intended client.ABS RulesRules for Conditions of Classification,Part1-2020Marine Vessels1-1-4/7.7,1-1-A3,1-1-A4,which covers the following:Marine Vessel Rules2020:4-9-9/3,4-9-9/15.7(Table1,Table2)International StandardsNAEU-MED StandardsNANational StandardsNAGovernment StandardsNAOther StandardsEU RO Mutual Recognition Technical Requirements for Computers and Programmable logic Controllers (PLCS)Version0.6,May2020.Corporate ABS ProgramsAmerican Bureau of ShippingPrint Date and Time:15-Sep-20201:40 ABS has used due diligence in the preparation of this certificate,and it represents the information on the product in the ABS Records as of the date and time the certificate is printed.If the Rules and/or standards used in the PDA evaluation are revised or if there is a design modification(whichever occurs first), a PDA revalidation may be necessary.The continued validity of the MA is dependent on completion of satisfactory audits as required by the ABS Rules.The validity of both PDA and MA entitles the product to receive a Confirmation of Product Type Approval.Acceptance of product is limited to the“Intended Service”details prescribed in the certificate and as per applicable Rules and Standards.This Certificate is valid for installation of the listed product on ABS units which exist or are under contract for construction on or prior to the effective date of the ABS Rules and standards applied at the time of PDA issuance.ABS makes no representations regarding Type Approval of the Product for use on vessels,MODUs or facilities built after the date of the ABS Rules used for this evaluation.Type Approval requires Drawing Assessment,Prototype Testing and assessment of the manufacturer's quality assurance and quality control arrangements.The manufacturer is responsible to maintain compliance with all specifications applicable to the product design assessment.Unless specifically indicated in the description of the product,certification under type approval does not waive requirements for witnessed inspection or additional survey for product use on a vessel,MODU or facility intended to be ABS classed or that is presently in class with ABS.Due to wide variety of specifications used in the products ABS has evaluated for Type Approval,it is part of our contract that; whether the standard is an ABS Rule or a non-ABS Rule,the Client has full responsibility for continued compliance with the standard.Questions regarding the validity of ABS Rules or the need for supplemental testing or inspection of such products should,in all cases,be addressed to ABS.。

Thermo King 系列货运冷藏车辆系统说明书

Thermo King 系列货运冷藏车辆系统说明书

Semplice da SelezionareFunzione di blocco alta velocitàSemplice da azionareAlimentazione elettrica di riserva SmartPower™ (OPZIONE)Per maggiori informazioni o perle sessioni di tutorial, contattareil proprio responsabile delservizio assistenza Thermo KingLa funzione di blocco alta velocitàviene generalmente utilizzata nelle areesensibili ai rumori per ridurre il rumore delmotore diesel. Questa funzione non haalcun effetto quando l’unità funziona inmodalità elettrica di riserva.1. Premere il tasto Blocco alta velocità.• Il LED color ambra si illuminerà perindicare che l’unità è in modalità diblocco alta velocità.2. Se si preme di nuovo il tasto BLOCCOALTA VELOCITÀ, la funzione verràdisattivata.1. Collegare l’alimentazione con latensione corretta alla presa dialimentazione dell’unità.2. Premere il tasto ON per accenderel’unità.• Prima dell’avviamento delmotore elettrico, il cicalino dipreriscaldamento emetterà unsegnale per 20 secondi.visualizzazione dei codici di allarme1. Contemporaneamente tenere premuti i tasti ON e PREPARTENZA.• Verrà visualizzata la schermata Allarme.TK 61004-8-PC-IT (Vers. 0, 01/13) ©Thermo King Corporationpassaggio automatico dalla modalità elettrica a dieselSe la funzione pass. autom. da elettrico a diesel attivato è impostata su SÌ,l’unità passerà automaticamente dalla modalità elettrica di riserva a diesel quandol’alimentazione elettrica di riserva viene rimossa o non funziona.passaggio automatico dalla modalità diesel a elettricaSe la funzione pass. autom. da diesel a elettrico attivato è impostata su SÌ,l’unità passerà automaticamente dalla modalità diesel a elettrica di riserva quandol’alimentazione elettrica di riserva viene rilevata o collegata.tutti gli allarmi sono stati cancellati,sul display verranno visualizzati deglizero per indicare che non esistonocodici di allarme.• È necessario visualizzare tutti gli allarmi prima che sia possibile cancellarne uno.• Se un allarme non si cancella, la condizione di allarme potrebbe essere ancorapresente. Se il problema che ha generato l’allarme non viene risolto, l’allarmenon verrà cancellato o verrà immediatamente reimpostato.• Alcuni allarmi non possono essere cancellati utilizzando l’interfaccia HMI.per ulteriori informazioni sui codice di allarme, vedere il manuale per l’operatore.1. Premere il tasto ON per accendere l’unità.• Verranno visualizzati dei trattini nella parte superiore e inferiore del display quando si accende.• Vengono quindi brevemente visualizzati i contatore di funzionamento.• Verrà visualizzato il display standard in cui viene riportata la temperatura della cella e del punto di riferimento.• Il motore diesel si preriscalderà e si avvierà, se necessario, quando l’unità viene accesa. Nelle unità dotate di SmartPower, verrà avviato il motore con alimentazione elettrica di riserva se l’unità è collegata all’alimentazione di riserva.1. Premere il tasto CYCLE-SENTRY/MODALITÀ CONTINUA per passare da CYCLE- SENTRY a MODALITÀ CONTINUA.• Il LED color ambra indica chel’unità sta funzionando in modalità CYCLE-SENTRY.• Nessun LED illuminato indica che l’unità sta funzionando in modalità Continua.1. Premere il tasto SBRINAMENTO per avviare uno sbrinamento manuale.• Il LED color ambra accanto al tasto SBRINAMENTO indica che l’unità è in modalità di sbrinamento.NOTA: Il ciclo di sbrinamento termina automaticamente quando la serpentinadell’evaporatore raggiunge una temperatura predeterminata o quando scade il timer dello sbrinamento. Il ciclo di sbrinamento può essere concluso anche spegnendo e riavviando l’unità.veriFica completa prima della partenzaNOTA: La verifica completa prima della partenza deve essere eseguita quando l’unità non è in funzione.2. Premere il tasto OFF per spegnere l’unità.• L’unità si spegnerà immediatamente e il display resterà vuoto.1. Premere le frecce SU o GIÙ fino a quando non viene visualizzato il punto di riferimento desiderato.2. Premere il tasto INVIO per confermare il nuovo punto di riferimento.1. Accendere l’unità, cancellare tutti i codici di allarme e spegnere l’unità.2. Accendere nuovamente l’unità e attendere che vengano visualizzati i contaore di funzionamento dell’unità. Una volta visualizzati i contaore, tenere premuto il tasto PREPARTENZA per 5 secondi.• Il LED lampeggiante indica che sta per essere avviata la verifica prima della partenza.• Il LED color ambra fisso indica che è in corso la verifica prima della partenza.• La verifica completa prima della partenza in genere dura 20-30 minuti.• Quando la verifica è completata o se viene visualizzato un allarme di arresto, il LED color ambra si spegnerà.veriFica prima della partenza con l’unitÀ in FunzioneNOTA: La verifica prima della partenza con l’unità in funzione deve essere eseguita quando l’unità è operativa.1. Accendere l’unità, cancellare tutti i codici di allarme e consentire all’unità di avviarsi.2. Quando l’unità è in funzione, tenere premuto il tasto PREPARTENZA per 5 secondi.• Il LED lampeggiante indica che sta per essere avviata la verifica prima della partenza.• Il LED color ambra fisso indica che è in corso la verifica prima della partenza.• La verifica completa prima della partenza in genere dura 20-25 minuti.• Quando la verifica è completata o se viene visualizzato un allarme di arresto, il LED color ambra si spegnerà.Per interrompere in un qualsiasi momento una verifica prima della partenza, premere il tasto OFF per spegnere l’unità. Verrà generato il codice di allarme 28 Verifica prepartenza interrotta.riSultati della veriFica prima della partenza Verifica prima della partenza superata• Se l’unità supera la verifica prima della partenza, il LED corrispondente color ambra si spegnerà al termine della verifica e l’unità continuerà a funzionare come desiderato.Mancato superamento della verifica prima della partenza con allarmi di controllo• Se l’unità non supera la verifica prima della partenza con allarmi di controllo, l’icona di allarme verrà visualizzata quando si verifica la condizione di allarme. La verifica prima della partenza continuerà ad eccezione del caso in cui si verifichi un allarme di arresto.per ulteriori informazioni sui codice di allarme, vedere il manuale per l’operatore.。



APPLICATION: Forklifts: Hyster H165,H170,H180,H190,H200,H210,H225,H250,H280,H300,H320,H350,H360 (YG70403); Forklifts: Taylor Unknown (YH70406); THD280S (YH70393); Industrial Engines: 1006-60TW (YK36023);(10)Used When Taper Press Tooling Is Not Available (Machine Taper After Boring To Size) (11)Used With Proper Taper Press ToolingPK-365-4 4/6/2011QTY ITEM # DESCRIPTION LETTERED ITEMSINCLUDED IN KIT1 974481 In-Frame Kit I1 975481 Out-of-Frame Kit O1 976481 Major Kit M6 6 6 6 6 171374 171376 171367 171366 171468 Sleeve & Piston Assembly Piston AssemblyCylinder Liner (Flange/Finished/Fire Dam/4.1035" OD) (1)Cylinder Liner (Flange/Semi-Finished/FD/4.1055" OD) (2)005 Liner ShimM O I6 171377 Piston Ring Set (2-2.5MM 1-4MM)6 6 6 6 271261 271262 271263 271264 STD Rod Bearing (Locating Tangs For Notched R ods) .010 Rod Bearing (Locating Tangs For Notched Rods).020 Rod Bearing (Locating Tangs For Notched Rods).030 Rod Bearing (Locating Tangs For Notched Rods)M O I1 1 1 1 271311 271312 271313 271314 STD Main Set, wo/Thrust Washers .010 Main Set, wo/Thrust Washers.020 Main Set, wo/Thrust Washers.030 Main Set, wo/Thrust WashersM O I1 1 1 271119 271125 271126 STD Thrust Washer Set (Offset Lug) .007 Thrust Washer Set (Offset Lug).010 Thrust Washer Set (Offset Lug)M O I1 1 6 6 371448 371376 371191 371188 Head Gasket Set "Head Gasket - 371324" Valve Cover GasketExhaust Valve Seal (Brown Umbrella Type)Intake Valve Seal (Green Umbrella Type)M O I1 1 1 371455 371364 371181 Lower Gasket Set wo/Seals Timing Cover Gasket (Compressor Gear Case) Pan Gasket Set (.032" Composite) "Pan Gkt Only - 371182" M OI1 1 1 371146 371145 371297 Front Crank Seal (Viton Lip Type) (7) Rear Crank Seal, Thru U764751H (Viton Lip Type) (8) Rear Crank Seal & Housing, After U764751H (9) M M M O OO6 6 1 271198 271289 271127 Pin Bushing (Straight / 1.563" Pin) (10) Pin Bushing (Tapered / 1.563" Pin) (11) Cam Bearing (Finished ID) MM6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 1 771351 771352 771353 771354 771151 771148 771368 771323 771343 Conn Rod (6.5211-6.5224 / Grade H / White Mark) Conn Rod (6.5193-6.5206 / Grade J / Green Mark) Conn Rod (6.5175-6.5188 / Grade K / Purple Mark) Conn Rod (6.5157-6.5170 / Grade L / Blue Mark) Connecting Rod Bolt (Serrated Split) Connecting Rod Nut (Serrated S plit) Conn Rod Capscrew (Doweled Flat Butt Split / 1/2 x 2.766)Conn Rod Capscrew (Fractured Split / 7/16 x 2.580 12Pt)Head Bolt Kit (32 Bolts)MM(1).010 OS Finished Liner - 171368 (2).020 OS Semi-Finished Liner - 171511 (7)Wear Sleeve - 301115(8)Lip Seal Housing Gasket - 371187 / Wear Sleeve - 301143 (9)Wear Sleeve - 371366Forklifts: Taylor Unknown (YH70406); THD280S (YH70393); Industrial Engines: 1006-60TW (YK36023);(12)Adjusting Screw-471226 / Lock Nut - 571139(13)Rocker Arm Shaft Snap Ring - 471228PK-365-4(14)Includes 2 Bushings - 5711444/6/2011QTY ITEM # DESCRIPTION LETTERED ITEMSINCLUDED IN KIT1 979529 Camshaft Kit C1 979167 Valve Train KitV1 571244 Camshaft C1 771363 Cam Bolt (M12 x 45MM)1 271249 Thrust Washer12 571123 Tappet C6 6 471157 471155 Exhaust Valve (30º / 41.0MM Hd Dia) Intake Valve (30º / 43.0MM Hd Dia) V V6 471279 Exhaust Guide V6 471237 Intake Guide V12 471161 Valve Spring (1.860" Free Length) V12 471295 Valve Spring Retainer24 471241 Keeper (Half) V6 471293 Exhaust Seat (1.717" OD)6 471294 Intake Seat (1.796" OD)6 471283 LH Rocker Arm (Screw & Nut Not Incl) (12)6 471284 RH Rocker Arm (Screw & Nut Not Incl) (12)1 471285 Rocker Arm Shaft (13) "Incls 471176 Plugs"1 571171 Cam Gear (Steel / 56 Teeth)1 571131 Crank Gear (28 Teeth / 1.632" Wide)1 571163 Idler Gear (Steel / 63 Teeth) (14)12 571117 Push Rod1 671153 Oil Pump1 671195 Oil Pump Idler Gear "Includes Bush - 571124"1 671196 Relief Valve Assembly6 671157 Piston Cooling Jet6 671158 Check Valve1 671198 Oil Cooler, Early (7 Plate/Vertical Studs)1 671173 Oil Cooler, Late (8 Plate/Angled Studs)1 771139 Crank Kit: Except Below (Notched Rods / Tuffrided)1 771175 Crank Kit: YK36023 (Notched Rods / Nitrided)1 771448 Damper: YH70393, YH70406, YK360231 771445 Cylinder Head Assembly (Includes 30º Valves & Springs)1 771444 Expansion Plug Kit (19 Head & Block Plugs)1 871263 Thermostat, Thru U654243C1 871252 Thermostat, After U654243C1 871224 Water Pump1 871296 Bypass Hose Kit: YG70403, YH703931 871272 Bypass Hose Kit: YH70406, YK360231 871182 Manifold Heater Plug (Blade Terminal) "Some Appl Use Two"1 871293 Fuel Pump。

Milestone AV Technologies 产品说明书

Milestone AV Technologies 产品说明书

Milestone AV Technologies6436 City West ParkwayEden Prairie, MN 55344 USACustomer ServiceAmericas:800-359-5520•651-484-7988•**************Europe,MiddleEast,andAfrica:+31(0)495580852•************************** Asia Pacific:8675589969226•**********************©2012 Milestone AV Technologies, a Duchossois Group Company.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS – SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS – PLEASE READ ENTIRE MANUAL PRIOR TO USESpecifi cationsÙW e ight ca p acity-DO NOT EXCEED : 22.6 kg (50 lb) includ es TV and any acc ess ori es ÙTilt: ±12°CAUTION: Avoid p ot e ntial pe r s onal injuri es and p ro pe rty damag e !ÙDo not u se thi s p roduct for any p ur p o se not e x p licitly spe cifi e d by manufactur e r . ÙTh e wall mu s t b e ca p abl e of s u pp orting fi v e tim es th e w e ight of th e monitor and mount combin e d . ÙThi s p roduct i s d es ign e d for u se in wood fram e wall s only!ÙIf you do not und e r s tand th ese in s truction s , or hav e doubt s about th e s af e ty of th e in s tallation, a sse mbly or u se of thi s p roduct, contact Cu s tom e r S e rvic e or call a qualifi e d contractor .ÙManufactur e r i s not r esp on s ibl e for damag e or injury cau se d by incorr e ct a sse mbly or u se.3mmWARNING: This productcontains small items that could be a choking hazard if swallowed. B e for e s tarting a sse mbly, v e rify all p art s ar e includ e d and undamag e d . If any p art s ar e mi ss ing or damag e d, do not r e turn th e damag e d it e m to your d e al e r; contact Cu s tom e r S e rvic e. N e v e r u se damag e d p art s !NOTE: M4, M6, or M8 d es crib es th e diam e t e r, mm d es crib es th e l e ngth of s cr e w s that ar e lab e l e d M# X ##mm . Not all hardwar e includ e d will b e u se d .[01] x 1[02] x 1[03] x 2[05] x 4[06] x 4[07] x 4[08] x 4[09] x 4[10] x 4[11] x 4[12] x 4[13] x 4[14] x 4[15] x 4[17] x 4[16] x 8M4M6/M8M4M6/M8M8 x 16mm M8 x 35mmM6 x 12mm M6 x 20mm M6 x 35mmM4 x 12mm M4 x 30mmSupplied Parts and HardwareIn s tall brack e t e xt e n s ion s[03] ONLY if your TV ha s a 200 x 200 mm (79⁄10 x 79⁄10 in.) hol e p att e rn.M4/M6/M8En s ur e th e brack e t i s l e v e l on th e back of th e TV .NOTE: If th e hol e p att e rn on your TV i s 75mm x 75mm th e wa s h e r s [16, 17] will not b e u se d .If you r e quir e additional sp ac e for cabl es , r e c esses , or p rotru s ion s , choo se confi guration B .[01]Your TV ty pe will h e l p you d e t e rmin e which hardwar e confi guration to u se.A. In s tallation o p tion without sp ac e r s (TV s with fl at back s )B. In s tallation o p tion u s ing sp ac e r s (TV s with irr e gularback s )Hand thr e ad s cr e w s into th e thr e ad e d in se rt s on th e back of your TV to d e t e rmin e th e corr e ct s cr e w diam e t e r (M4, M6, or M8).CAUTION: Avoid p ot e ntial pe r s onal injuri es and p ro pe rty damag e ! V e rify that th e r e ar e ad e quat e thr e ad s to se cur e th e brack e t s to th e monitor . If you e ncount e r r es i s tanc e , s to p imm e diat e ly and contact cu s tom e r se rvic e. U se th e s hort es t s cr e w and sp ac e r combination to accommodat e your n ee d s. U s ing hardwar e that i s too long may damag e your TV .B1-1 Select the hardware diameter and length1 Select TV Hardware and Mount TV BracketEn s ur e th e brack e t i s l e v e l on th e back of th e TV. Standard confi guration s ar e s hown.NOTE: If th e hol e p att e rn on your TV i s75mm x 75mm th e wa s h e r s[16,17] will not b e u se d.For spe cial a pp lication s, or if you ar e unc e rtain about your hardwar e se l e ction, contact Cu s tom e r S e rvic e.L e v e l th e wall p lat e [02] and mark th e hol e location s.CAUTION: Avoid p ot e ntial injuri es or p ro pe rty damag e !Im p ro pe r u se could r e duc e th e holding p ow e r of th e lag bolt . To avoidp ot e ntial injuri es or p ro pe rty damag eÙDO NOT ov e r-tight e n th e lag bolt s [04].ÙTight e n th e lag bolt s [04] only until th e y ar e p ull e d firmly again s t th e wall p lat e [02].V e rify th e c e nt e r of th e s tud u s ing an awl, a thin nail, or an e dg e to e dg e s tud fi nd e r . CAUTION: Avoid p ot e ntial pe r s onal injuri es and p ro pe rtydamag e !ÙAny mat e rial cov e ring th e wall mu s t not e xc ee d 16 mm (5/8 in .). ÙMinimum wood s tud s iz e : common 51 x 102 mm (2 x 4 in .)(nominal 38 x 89 mm (1½ x 3½ in .)).CAUTION: Avoid p ot e ntial injuri es or p ro pe rty damag e ! Pilothol es MUST b e drill e d to a d ep th of 63½ mm (2½ in .), u s ing a 3 mm (1⁄8 in .) diam e t e r drill bit .[02][01]A34.92 mm(13⁄8 in.)[01][02]BS e cur e th e TV to th e wall p lat e u s ing th e locking tab (T). NOTE: If you n ee d to r e mov e th e TV from th e wall p lat e, un se cur e th e locking tab (T).5 Adjust Up / Down Tilt TensionLoo se n th e tilt t e n s ion nut to adju s t th e tilt of your TV. Tight e nth e tilt t e n s ion nut wh e n your TV i s se t to th e d es ir e d tilt.Mil es ton e AV T e chnologi es and it s affi liat e d cor p oration s and s ub s idiari es (coll e ctiv e ly, “Mil es ton e”), int e nd to mak e thi s manual accurat e and com p l e t e. How e v e r, Mil es ton e mak es no claim that th e information contain e d h e r e in cov e r s all d e tail s, condition s, or variation s. Nor do es it p rovid e for e v e ry p o ss ibl e conting e ncy in conn e ction with th e in s tallation or u se of thi s p roduct. Th e information contain e d in thi s docum e nt i s s ubj e ct to chang e without notic e or obligation of any kind. Mil es ton e mak es no r ep r ese ntation of warranty, e x p r esse d or im p li e d, r e garding th e information contain e d h e r e in. Mil es ton e a ss um es no r esp on s ibility for accuracy, com p l e t e n ess or s uffi ci e ncy of th e information contain e d in thi s docum e nt.。



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关于收购KLG Europe Holding B.V.下属物流公司100%
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