牛津译林高中英语模块九Unit 4教学课件:Reading

—《论语 ·为政》
Confucian Analects
“The punishment is to be a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand and a foot for a foot.”
Biblical idioms in English
Lead-in Reading Discussion Homework
Do you understand the following quotes?
—《论语 ·公治长》
In ancient times, a king had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it.
Even though it was written more than 2,000 years ago, the Bible continues to influence people today.
Let’s enjoy a story in it.
The Obstacle In Our Path
Many loudly blamed the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the big stone out of the way. Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. On approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road.

1. Go over what you’ve learned today.
2. Finish the passage according to the language points.
The article describes some of the cases of damage done to the Acropolis. List what being done to solve each problem.
Chemical Biological
Natural Mechanical Human
The 2004 Olympics
The Parthenon 帕台农神庙
The Temple of Athena Nike (雅典娜胜利女神庙)
The Erechtheum 厄瑞克修姆神庙
What do you think of when you see the Acropolis in Greece?
acid rain from air pollution plant roots and bird droppings
bad reconstruction
deliberate damage walking around the Acropolis stealing stones
In 1975,the Greek government established a committee to help7__p_r_e_s_e_rv_ehistory. Before the 2004 Athens Olympic Games,great progress had made in 8_r_e_c_o_n_s_tr_u_c_ti_n_g the monument.

5. government 6. undertake
7. ignorance 8. conservation 9. monument 10. sculptures
Language points:
1. have an impact on: have an effect on 2. be responsible for: to be in chare of,
The Acropolis in Greece What do you think of when you see the Acropolis in Greece?
Fast reading
Read the article as quickly as you can and answer the following questions about it:
to be cause of 3. associate …with….: 4. to combine …with… 5.4. in honour of: in memory of,
showing respect
5. occur: to take place or happen, to come into mind
6. 他的自行车在车祸中坏了,不能再修了。
His bike was destroyed in the accident, and can’t be repaired. 7. 中国队去年打败了日本队。 2 Chinese team defeated Japanese team last year. 8. 为了能减少污染,政府想尽了各种方法。
Causes Details
Chemical acid rain from air pollution
牛津译林版高中英语Module 9 Unit 3 Reading教学课件

Words and expressions
The teacher will ask students to read the text carefully and find out
new words and expressions, and then ask them to guess their meanings.
Deliver new information and explain key vocabulary and
grammar in detail.
Interactive Activities
Encourage students to actively participate in activities
Ability goals
学生应能够提高阅读速度 ,在有限的时间内快速获 取文章的主要信息。
学生应能够分析文章的观 点、论据和论证过程,形 成自己的判断和评价。
学生应能够从文章中筛选 关键信息,并将其与已有 知识进行整合,形成新的 认知结构。
Emotional goals
The teacher will ask students to compare their analysis results with other students and find out the differences and similarities, and then ask them to sum up the structure of the whole text.
such as discussions, role-plays, or group work.
牛津译林高中英语模块九Unit 3教学课件:Reading

New Zealand
Hale Waihona Puke the USACanada
India 返回目录
II. Reading Strategy
Before reading an article: • Read the title and the first paragraph to
get an idea of the theme or topic of the article. • Think about the topic and what you already know.
What is our national flag like? Can you describe it?
The national flag of China is the five-star red flag. The flag is red. It is rectangle in shape.
What do colours and the starts on the national flag of China symbolize?
3. What colour is the Indonesian flag?
Red and white.
Read the Internet article again to find out:
Each country’s national flag is made up of different colours. Have you ever wondered why?
Read the Internet article carefully and answer the following questions:
牛津高中英语模块九 M9 U4 reading

31.A still tongue makes a wise head.寡言者智
32.A single flower does not make a spring. 一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园
33.All good things come to an end.天下没有不散的筵席 34.All that glitters is not gold.会发光的不一定是金子。 35.Friends are thieves of time 朋友是时间盗贼。 36.Friends agree best at distance朋友之间也会保持距离。 37.Friends must part 天下无不散的宴席
of competence in our
of learning and communication skills.
understanding We can better appreciate
the history and cultures of
English-speaking countries
studying and
understanding idioms We can develop a high level of competence in our
communication skills.
We can better appreciate the history and cultures
of English-speaking countries because idioms
9_______________ history and culture.
Para 1

《牛津高中英语》(模块九·高三上学期)Unit 4 Reading Biblical idioms in English一、Teaching goals1. Target language: new words and sentence structure2. Ability goals: Enable students to gain some knowledge about idioms, understand their original meanings and learn about their practical usage in English.3. Learning ability goals: Students are expected to practice and reinforce their reading comprehension and improve their overall ability.二、Teaching important and difficult pointsGain some knowledge about idioms, and improve their overall ability三、Teaching aidsA tape recorder and a computer.四、Teaching procedures and waysStep I Lead-in1. Show pictures to students, and introduce something about the Bible.The Bible is often described as "the greatest book ever written." This is because of its unending significance and influence on people throughout the ages. No other book in history has impacted peoples and cultures like the Bible.Many basic concepts and principles of Western culture have come down from the Bible. Many common English phrases and expressions have their origin in the Bible well.Even though it was written more than 2,000 years ago, the Bible continues to influence people today.2. Enjoy a story in it.The Obstacle In Our PathIn ancient times, a king had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it.Many loudly blamed the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the big stone out of the way. Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. On approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded.As the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the king indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many others never understand. Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve one's condition.Step II Fast readingscan the Internet article on page 50 quickly and find the answers to the Knowledge questions(细节复述型问题)which elicit factual answers and recognition of information, words, phrases or sentences in the passage as answers.1). What is an idiom?---An idiom is a group of words or an expression whose meaning often cannot be understood by looking at the meanings of the separate words in it.2). Which languages was the Bible first written in?---In Hebrew.3). Which idiom is often used to describe children?---Apple of their parents’ eyeStep III Careful reading1. Listen to the recording and follow, then read it carefully and answer the following questions in Part C1. These questions interpret some information in the passage, so finish them and try to improve the students’ ability to find specific information. 1). Why does the Bible have a lot of idioms?---Because the Bible was first written in Hebrew and then translated into Greek, and many idioms are used in both of them. Because the Bible was translated into English hundreds of years ago, many Hebrew or Greek idioms have become part of the English language.2). What did ‘by and by’originally mean in the Bible?---Immediately.3). What does ‘by and by’mean today?---Before long.4). How many years ago was the Bible translated into English?---Hundreds of years ago.5). What does ‘feet of clay’mean?---There is a hidden weakness in somebody whom we admire or respect.6). Which animals are featured in the idioms in the articles?---Bird and clay.7). Which foods are included in the idioms in the article?---Apple and salt.8). How is studying idioms useful in language learning?---You can improve your comprehension and develop a high level of competence in level of competence in communication skills.2. Complete Part C2, and it serves as a strengthening activity.Step IV Reading strategy: understanding analogies●When trying to understand idiom, it is often helpful to consider the use of analogy, which is a particular type of comparison.●Although analogy can be very hard to guess, clues can often be found in the context.●You should first look at the idiom and create an image in your mind.●Then look at the context to find out the context to find out the analogy and the message.Step V Usage of reading strategy1. I took my mother’s car without asking for permission. She is angry at me. I am in hot water now!2. Don’t tell anyone else that I am looking for a new job. Please keep it under your hat.3. We were not expecting to see Joan. When she suddenly arrived out of the blue, wewere all surprised.Answers: 1. (in trouble) 2. (not tell anybody the secret)3. (suddenly; unexpected)Step VI consolidation3. Finish Part D. Guess the meanings of new words from the context.Answers: 8. h 9. g4 Finish Part E to review and consolidate knowledge in the text.Answers: (1) group (2) idioms (3) translated (4) Green (5) before long (6) underline (7) concept (8) weakness (9) bird (10) hiddenStep VII Discussion●What do you think about English idioms that come from the Bible?●Do you know the origins of any Chinese idioms? What are they?●Do you think understanding idioms is an important part of language learning? Why or why not?Step VIII Language points:1. (Lines 1-2) An idiom is a group of words or an expression whose meaning often cannot be understood by looking at the meanings of the separate words in it.1) Separate here is use d as an adjective with the meaning ‘each or individual (word in the group of words or the expression)’ or ‘ not together’..●The twins share one room, but they sleep in separate beds.●Germany is one nation, but it used to be two separate countries for more than 30 years after World War Ⅱ.2) Separate can also be used as a verb, which means ‘to become apart’or ‘to be not together’..●It is extremely hard to separate two fighting oxen.●The mountain range separates the two countries.Have a try:●As we joined the big crowd I got _____ from my friends.A. separatedB. sparedC. lostD. missed●Students should always remember theory and should not at all be _____ from practice.A.dividedB. stoppedC. separatedD. operated2. (Lines 5-6) …, and unless you recognize when an idiom is being used, you can easily misunderstand what you read or hear spoken.◆The word unless is a conjunction, which means ‘ if not’ or ‘except if’ and is used to introduce an adverbial clause of condition..●Un less I’m mistaken, she was at work yesterday.●You won’t get paid for time off unless you have a doctor’s note.●_______ invited, you should keep silent.A. WhenB. IfC. UnlessD. Since3. (Lines 33-35) For instance, children are often re ferred to as the ‘apple of their parents’ eye’, meaning that their parents love them very much and are very proud of them.1) The preposition as is something used with the phrase refer to, which means ‘to call somebody as’.. He is referred to as the naughtiest student in his class.2) Refer to◆‘Refer to sb/sth’ means to mention or speak about sb/sth.I promised not to refer to the matter again.◆‘Refer to sb/sth’ means to describe or be connected to sb/sth..This paragraph refers to the events of last year.◆‘Refer to sb/sth’ means to look at sth or ask a person for information.You may refer to your note if you want.◆Have a try:The incident ____ took place last Monday.A. referredB. referringC. referred toD. referring toHomework:1. Read the article again.2. Note the important knowledge in the text.Part A1 and A 2 on page 124 in Workbook so they will have more chances to use some useful words and phrases leant in this section.。
牛津高中英语Book 9_U2_Reading

The Tem编辑ppplt e of Nike
Detailed reading
Activity 3: Read part 3, and fill in the form in pairs.
Natural forces
earthquake plant roots bird droppings
__E__s_ta_b_l2is_h_m__e_n_t__ of a committee
__F_ix3in_g__the poor restoration Restoration Cleaning …
R_e_m_o4v_i_n_g_ its statues…
Education Teaching the__c_o_n6s_e_n_s_u_s of avoiding…
its/it/they… ---refere编n辑cppet markers
The Last reading
Read the text again, trying to find out
four words to summary the whole
war explosion, warehouse
Deliberately:theft Stole stones,marbles
Stole the best sculptures
acid rain polluted air
Unintentionally: bad reconstruction
高中英语 Module 9 Unit 3 reading课件 牛津版选修9

3. What are the different explanations for the meaning of the Indonesian national flag? The most common explanation is that red stand for blood, or things that are physical, while white represents the spiritual.
2.What do the colors on a national flag symbolize? They often symbolize the origin of the country, along with its values, beliefs and culture.
Part 2 France 1. What is the French national flag sometimes called? 2. What was the motto of the French Revolution? 3. Why was the Revolution such an important time in France’s history?
14. be outspoken about 15. have a say in
16. split from
Canada England Germany South Korea Japan Brazil
What is our national flag ?
Can you describe it?
The USA 1. How many stars are there on the national flag of

4. The best city for skiing and fishing is _V_a_n_c_o_u_v_e_r__.
It has one of the largest Chinese populations in North America
Home to the West Edmonton Mall Edmonton
Niagara Falls
5. What is the national animal of Canada?
5. If you want to do shopping and visit art galleries or play in a water park all in one place, you should go to _E_d_m__o_n_t_o_n_.
6. To experience many different cultures, you could go to _T_o_r_o_n_t_o_.
Beaver C.
Grizzly bear D.
Polar bear
Penguin 返回目录
True or False
1. The border between Canada and the United States is the longest border in the world which is not protected. T
Rayon ranks second only to cotton as the most widely used fiber. 人造丝是仅次于棉花的使用得最广泛的 织物。
高中英语 reading说课稿 牛津版选修9

ReadingGood afternoon, every teacher. I’m very glad to have the opportunity to share my teaching ideas to you here. My topic is from Advance with English Book 9, the reading material of unit 2: XXX. To make my presentation much clearer, I’ll explain it in the following 5 aspects.I.My understanding of the teaching material.II.Teaching aims.III.Teaching methods and learning ways.IV.Teaching procedures.V.Blackboard design.Now, I’ll explain them one by one to you.Part 1. My understanding of the teaching material.In this section, students are provided with (1) a brochure about Canada. It is designed to help them to gain some information about the geography, history and four cities of Canada. (2) a newspaper article about the Acropolis, a famous historic site in Athens, Greece. It is designed to help them to gain some information about the history of the Acropolis, the damage to it and the ways to preserve this historic site.(3) an internet article about national flags, colours and cultures. It is designed to help them to gain some information about the national flag of France, the USA and Indonesia. (4) an internet article about idioms from the Bible that are used in English. It is designed to help them to gain some information about these biblical idioms and understand their original meanings and practical usage in English. What’s more important, students are expected to improve their reading ability by participating in all the designed activities.Part 2, Teaching aimsAccording to these , I set my teaching aims as follows:1. Make students get familiar with the topic, and learn some important words and expressions.2. Develop students’ reading ability, especially the skills of skimming and scanning.3. Cultivate their interest in English study..Among them, I think the teaching focus and difficulties will fall on these points:1. How to organize activities to develop students’ reading ability.2. How to help students finish different tasks by using what they have learnt from the article.Well, how to achieve the teaching aims better? The key is to use proper teaching methods.Part 3. Teaching methods and learning ways.In my class, I’ll adopt the Situational method, group-work method and Task- based method. I’ll try to provide students with livelysituations and create a relaxing class atmosphere and then they can gain the knowledge by self work and group work. What’s more, I’ll take good advantage of the recorder and the multi-media to make the class lively and relaxing.Part 4. Teaching procedures.Now, I’d like to ta lk about my teaching procedures. I want to carry them out in the following steps:Step 1. Lead-in. ( 6 minutes )1-2, show students some pictures about Canada /Greece on the slides, let them guess which country the things in the pictures belong to. Ask students what they will think of when talking of Canada / Greece.3-4, show students some pictures about different national flags / religious people on the slide and ask them to match the flags with their countries / the people with their religions. Ask students what they will think of when seeing our national flag / talking of Buddism?By doing this, I hope to arouse students’ interest and prepare them for the following study.Step 2. ListeningListen to the tape of the article and answer the questions about T orF on the slides.The purpose of this step is to practice Ss’ listening ability by gaining a general idea of the article.Step 3. Study the reading strategyAsk students read the reading strategy aloud and make sure they fully understand it. If necessary, I will explain it.This step is designed to help Ss clear away some obstacles in reading. Step 4. Reading1.Ask students to scan the article to grasp the main idea and finishPart C1.2.Ask students to read the article carefully and search for therelated details to finish Part C2.The purpose of this step is to develop Ss’ reading ability and the ability to use the information they have gained to finish different tasks. Step 5. Consolidation1. Ask Ss to read the instructions for Part F and continue the dialogue in pairs after the example. Choose some pairs to act out their dialogues.2. Choose one topic of the 3 questions to make a discussion in group of 4 students; Encourage every student to express their opinions freely.I will walk around the classroom to offer necessary help. Choose some students to make the presentation.This step is designed to deepen Ss’ understanding of the article, practice their oral English and develop their ability in working cooperatively.Step 6. HomeworkFinish Part A and Part B in workbook.Part 5. Blackboard design.In the upper side of the blackboard is the title of this lesson: XXX. On the right side is the reading strategy. On the left side. I will write down some wonderful answers to the questions in the duscussion.That’s all for my teaching ideas. Thank you for listening.。

Revolution Strength Strength Bravery Blood
Blood, things that are physical Color of sugar Brave nature Fire from volcanoes
White Honesty
Blue Liberty
the French flag
• Red bravery, revolution, strength and blood of the French
• Blue liberty and justice
• White peace and honesty
Three colours—liberty, equality and fraternity the motto of the French Revolution
to get an idea of the theme or topic of the article. • Think about the topic and what you already know.
Practice: Read this article with the above method.
What does our national flag mean to us?
What do colours and the starts on the national flag of China symbolize? The red colour of the flag represents the revolution, the blood and lives of the revolutionary martyrs. The colour of five stars is yellow, which symbolizes the bright future.

Feedback will be provided on your performance, including areas for improvement and suggestions for further study.
Oxford English Module Nine Unit 3 Reading Comprehe
Course Introduction Analysis of Reading Materials Explanation of knowledge points Classroom interaction and discussion After class homework and requirements Course Summary and Evaluation
Course objectives
Reading comprehension
Students are required to read a variety of texts, including fiction, non-fiction, and newspapers, and answer comprehension questions based on the content.
Question asking
牛津高中英语Module 9 Unit 1 Reading (II)课件(25张PPT)

seek one’s fortune 6. 是…的所在地 a handful of people 7. 面积为…
turn a beautiful red
9.令人惊叹的白色水幕飞流直下56米 10.寻找发财的机会 11.少数人
12. 变成美丽的红色
13.与…相协调 14. 只不过是部队营地
15. 建农场和养牲口 16.有着相同的边界精神 go well with … 17.冷极了 little more than an army camp 18.让某人大吃一惊
Language points
I. Key words and phrases
1. Canada is one of the largest countries in the world,
(无人能比.) Next to 2._________________music, he loves tennis best. (除了音乐,他最喜欢网球。). superior to 3.This employee is ______________ the former in ability. (这个雇员比上个强。) Junior to me by two years as he is, he is__________. senior to 4._____________ me in the department.(他比我小两岁。)(地位比我高) next to 5.Charles knew _________nothing about architecture, and so he came next to last in the competition. (对建筑几乎 倒数第二 一无所知)
second Originally, Quebec was little more than a settlement (7)_________ set up by the French and was (8)______ taken over by the British in1763. So, Montreal has a wonderful mix (9)_____ of Old World and New World architecture and as/though culture. Small (10)_________ it is, Vancouver is equally

Translation exercises
Developing English Chinese Translation Skills
Detailed description
Translation exercises provide sentences or paragraphs in both Chinese and English, requiring students to translate English into Chinese or Chinese into English, in order to cultivate their English Chinese translation skills and familiarity with Englisial Sentence Patterns
Summary words
Detailed description
Analyzing complex sentence patterns and long sentence structures
Provide a detailed analysis and explanation of the complex sentence patterns and long sentence structures that appear in the text, helping students understand sentence structures and meanings, and improving their reading and writing abilities.
Introduction to the text
高中英语 模块9 Unit 3 Reading I (市级公开课)课件 牛津

高考英语阅读理解主旨 大意题的阅读技巧
在高考英语阅读理解中常见到这样的提 问形式:
honesty innocence purity
Blue liberty and hard work
justice and justice
III. Reading and Comprehension
Divide the article into several parts:
Main idea of Each Part
strength and
brave and considerate
and blood bravery nature of Indonesian
of the
people; fire; the fact
that the equator goes
through the country
White peace and purity and the spiritual; rice;
eign cars has not cast American autoworkers their
jobs as some experts predicted. Ford operates as
far as Asia, and General Motors is considered
Australian’s biggest employer. Yet General Motors
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4. The best city for skiing and fishing is _V_a_n_c_o_u_v_e_r__.
2. Canada is a good place for those who love natural recreation such as walking and sailing. T
3. Most Canadians live in the countryside. F
4. Montreal is the second largest Frenchspeaking city in Canada. F
It has one of the largest Chinese populations in North America
Home to the West Edmonton Mall Edmonton
Niagara Falls
5. What is the national animal of Canada?
Complete the following blanks.
1. If you want to see historic churches built 300 years ago, you should go to _M__o_n_t_re_a_l_.
2. For the best entertainment in the evenings, I would recommend _M__o_n_tr_e_a_l_.
5. If you want to do shopping and visit art galleries or play in a water park all in one place, you should go to _E_d_m__o_n_t_o_n_.
6. To experience many different cultures, you could go to _T_o_r_o_n_t_o_.
Beaver C.
Grizzly bear D.
Polar bear
Penguin 返回目录
True or False
1. The border between Canada and the United States is the longest border in the world which is not protected. T
3. What language(s) do Canadians speak? A. English B. English and German C. English and French D. English and Spanish
Official languages: English and French the French-speaking province — Quebec
L1: Canada is one of the largest countries in the world, second only to Russia, and
has ... second only to 仅次于 我们的城市占地2万平方公里,仅次于我 省最大的城市。
Our city has an area of 20,000 square kilometers, second only to the largest city in our province.
5. There are many Chinese living in Vancouver. T
6. The West Edmonton Mall is an underground city. F
7. The UN awarded Canada the honour of being one of the best countries in the world to live in. T
Listen, watch & read!
1. Which is the national flag of Canada?
C. Q
2. Which is the national flower of Canada?
daffodil (水仙花)
Rayon ranks second only to cotton as the most widely used fiber. 人造丝是仅次于棉花的使用得最广泛的 织物。
Canada — land of the maple trees
Read the brochure and answer the following questions.
What is the population of Canada? About 30 million people. Which Canadian cities are mentioned? Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Edmonton.
Why is Canada referred to as a ‘land of maple tree’? Because there are many maple trees in Canada, and the maple leaf, which is on the Canadian flag, is considered Canada’s national symbol.
4. What is the capital of Canada?
Capital city Ottawa
The largest city in Canada Toronto
A port city in Quebec