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Oscillating Plate with Two-Way Fluid-Structure Interaction



This tutorial includes:

« Features

*Overview of the Problem to Solve

«Setti ng up the Solid Physics in Simulatio n (ANSYS Workbe nch)

«Setti ng up the Fluid Physics and ANSYS Multi-field Setti ngs in ANSYS CFX-Pre

«Obta ining a Solution using ANSYS CFX-Solver Ma nager

« Viewi ng Results in ANSYS CFX-Post

If this is the first tutorial you are working with, it is important to review the following topics before begi nning:

*Sett ing the Worki ng Directory

*Cha nging the Display Colors

Uni ess you pla n on running a sessi on file, you should copy the sample files used in this tutorial from the in stallati on folder for your software (/examples/) to your work ing directory. This preve nts you from overwriti ng source files provided with your in stallatio n. If you pla n to use a sessi on file, please refer to Play ing a Sessi on File.

Sample files refere need by this tutorial in clude:

*Oscillati ngPlate.pre

*Oscillati ngPlate.agdb

*Oscillat in gPlate.gtm

*Oscillati ngPlate.i np


In this tutorial you will lear n about:

*Moving mesh

*Fluid-solid in teract ion (in cludi ng modeli ng solid deformati on using ANSYS)

*Running an ANSYS Multi-field (MFX) simulatio n

*Post-process ing two results files simulta neously.

2.Overview of the Problem to Solve

This tutorial uses a simple oscillat ing plate example to dem on strate how to set up and run a simulation involving two-way Fluid-Structure Interaction, where the fluid physics is solved in ANSYS CFX and the solid physics is solved in the FEA package ANSYS. Coupling between the two solvers is required throughout the soluti on to model the in teract ion betwee n fluid and solid as time progresses, and the framework for the coupli ng is provided by the ANSYS Multi-field solver, using the MFX setup.

The geometry con sists of a 2D closed cavity. A thin plate is an chored to the bottom of the cavity as show n below:

An in itial pressure of 100 Pa is applied to one side of the thin plate for 0.5 sec onds in order to

distort it. Once this pressure is released, the plate oscillates backwards and forwards as it attempts to regain its equilibrium (vertical) position. The surrounding fluid damps the oscillations, which therefore have an amplitude that decreases in time. The CFX Solver calculates how the fluid resp onds to the moti on of the plate, and the ANSYS Solver calculates how the plate deforms as a result of both the in itial applied pressure and the pressure result ing from the prese nee of the fluid. Coupli ng betwee n the two solvers is required si nee the solid deformati on affects the fluid soluti on, and the fluid solution affects the solid deformation.

The tutorial describes the setup and execution of the calculation including the setup of the solid physics in Simulati on (withi n ANSYS Workbe nch) and the setup of the fluid physics and

ANSYS Multi-field sett ings in ANSYS CFX-Pre. If you do n ot have ANSYS Workbe nch, the n you can use the provided ANSYS in put file to avoid the n eed for Simulatio n.

3.Setting up the Solid Physics in Simulation (ANSYS Workbench)

This secti on describes the step-by-step defi niti on of the solid physics in Simulati on with in ANSYS Workbe nch that will result in the creation of an ANSYS in put file Oscillati ngPlate.i np. If you prefer, you can in stead use the provided Oscillati ngPlate.i np file and continue from Sett ing up the Fluid Physics and ANSYS Multi-field Setti ngs in ANSYS CFX-Pre.

Creating a New Simulatio n

1.If required, lau nch ANSYS Workbe nch.

2.Click Empty Project. The Project page appears displaying an unsaved project.

3.Select File > Save or click Save butt on.
