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Auricular acupuncture 耳针
Principal points 主穴: Gan(CO12)、 Shen(CO10)、 Xin(CO15)、 Naogan(AT3,4i).
Auricular acupuncture 耳针
Supplementary points (配穴): Mainly with language
主穴:神庭 ,前顶,百会 , 智力情感区 ,双感觉区上 1/ 5 , 双听理解区 ,小脑蚓区
Scalp acupuncture 头针
Supplementary points(配穴) Add Left motor area , the area before
the next 2/5 movement and bilateral cerebellar hemisphere area for speech disorder . 语言发声障碍者选左侧运动区及运动前 区下2/5下部、双侧小脑半球区。
from 0.5 cun above down toward Yangbai (GB 14) subcutaneously perpendicular to the transverse plane. 操作:定神Ⅰ针向印堂穴方向沿皮平刺达鼻部,定神Ⅱ 针、定神Ⅲ针向阳白穴沿皮平刺。
The 3-Point in the Temporal Area 颞三针
The Stabilizing the Shen Points: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Stabilizing the Shen points. 定神针(定神 Ⅰ针、定神Ⅱ针、定神Ⅲ针)
Location: the 1st acupoint is 0.5 cun above Yintang (EX-HN 3), and the 2nd and 3rd are both 0.5cun above Yangbai (GB 14). 定位:定神Ⅰ针位于印堂穴上0.5寸,定神Ⅱ针、 定神Ⅲ针位于左右阳白穴上0.5寸。 (图)
Scalp acupuncture 头针
Add the left feeling under the areas after 2/5 and sound memory area for the language understanding disorder. 语言理解障碍者加左侧感觉后区下2/5和声记 忆区。
The 3-Point in the Temporal Area 颞三针
Performance: needle all three needles perpendicular to the transverse plane subcutaneously down to a depth of 0.8cun.
The Four Spirit Points 四神针
Needle all four needles subcutaneously toward the outside, away from Baihui. 操作:四针均向外平 刺。
The Stabilizing the Shen Points 定神针
The 3-Point in the Temporal Area: 1st, 2nd and 3rd acupoints in the Temporal Area. 颞三针(颞Ⅰ针、颞Ⅱ针、颞Ⅲ针)
Location: the 1st acupoint is 1.5 cun superior to the apex of the ear beyond the bord of the hairline.At the same level, the 2nd and 3rd are needled 1 cun to either side. 定位:颞Ⅰ针位于耳尖直上入发际1.5寸处,颞 Ⅱ针、颞Ⅲ针位于第一针水平向前、后各旁开 1寸处。
自闭症 焦虑症 抑郁症 老年痴呆 失眠 儿童多动症
Acupuncture Treatment For Infantile Autism 关于儿童自闭症的针灸治疗
Scalp acupuncture 头针
principal points: shenting(GV24),qianding(GV21), baihui(GV 20) ,Intelligence emotional area,Double feeling district of 1/5, Double listen to understand area, Cerebellar vermis area。
处方:四神针、定神针、颞三针、颞上三针、脑三针、 智三针、醒神针、手智针、足智针、舌三针。
The Four Spirit Points 四神针
The Four Spirit Points: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th of the Spirit Points. 四神针(四神Ⅰ针、四神Ⅱ针、四神Ⅲ针、四 神Ⅳ针)。
Location: located on the right and left of Baihui (DU 20) lateral to the midsagittal plane, and anterior and posterior to Baihui in line with midsagittal plane. 定位:位于百会穴前、后、左、右各旁开1.5寸 处。
barriers:Add Kou(CO1) , She(LO2) 以语言障碍为主者加:口、舌. Mainly in stereotyped behaviors:add Neifenmi(CO18) , Jiaogan (AH6a), Shenmen (TF3) 以刻板行为为主者加:内分泌、 交感、神门。
The Stabilizing the Shen Points 定神针
The Stabilizing the Shen Points 定神针
Performance: the 1st needle is needled from 0.5 cun above down toward Yintang (EXHN3)subcutaneously perpendicular to the transverse plane. This point is needled with the tip of needle reaching down to the cranial suture between the upper frontal bone and the nasal bone.The 2nd and 3rd needles are needled
将磁珠用胶布贴敷于耳穴上,嘱患儿自行按压,每日 不少于3 次。每次贴压单耳,隔日交替贴压双耳,以 10 次为一疗程。
Jin's 3-Needle Therapy靳三针
Therapy: the Four Spirit Points, the Stabilizing the Shen Points, the 3-Point in the Temporal Area, the 3Point in the Upper Temporal Area,The 3-Occipital Points, The 3-Point for Intelligence, the Resuscitate the Shen Points, the 3-Intellect Points on the Hand, the 3-Intellect Points on the Foot, the 3-Tongue Points.
Add Bilateral motor area and the premotor area in 2 / 5 for poor in fine movement with both hands. 双手精细动作较差加双侧运动区及运动前区的 中2/5。
Scalp acupuncture 头针
Performance: select the filiform needle of 1 cun and insert quickly into the subcutaneous region with an angle of about 15-30° and along the stimulating area to a correspongding depth followed by rapid twirling and rotation. Retain the needle for 1-2 hours, and once or twice a week. 操作手法:选用1 寸长的毫针,针与头皮呈15-30°夹 角快速将针刺入头皮下,沿刺激区进针到相应深度后, 进行快速捻转。每次留针1 ~2h,每周1~2次。
Auricular acupuncture 耳针
Performance: fix the magnetic bead onto the ear acupoints with adhesive tape; advise the patient to press the acupoints at least three times a day; each time select one ear, change the other side every other day and ten times for one course of treatment.
The 3-Point for Intelligence 智三针
The 3-Point for Intelligence: Shenting (DU 17), both Benshen (GB 19) points.
Performance: needle all three needles subcutaneouslyfrom thefront toward the Back of the cranium parallel to the midsagittal plane to a depth of 0.8 cun. 操作:由前向后平刺0.8寸。(图)
操作:三针均垂直向 下沿皮平刺0.8寸。
The 3-Occipital Points 脑三针
The 3-Occipital Points: Naohu (DU 17), both Naokong (GB 19) points. 脑三针(脑户、左右脑空)
Performance: needle all three needles subcutaneously down to a depth of 0.8 cun. 操作:三针均向下沿皮平刺0.8寸。
Add the emotional intelligence of lateral anterior area for inattention. 注意力不集中者加右侧智力情感区外侧 前部。
Scalp acupuncture 头针
Add Bilateral abdominal area and the feet are area at the back for people who Can‘t control the urine. 大小便不能控制者加双侧腹腔区、双足运感区 后部。
Add visual areas and double depending on the contact area for the visual identity disorder. 视觉识别障碍者加视区和双视联络区。
Scalp acupuncture 头针
Add worry area for emotional anxiety. 情绪焦虑者则加忧虑区。